2025/03/13 更新


オダ カナコ
小田 佳奈子
ODA Kanako
脳研究所 生命科学リソース研究センター 助教


  • 博士(医学) ( 2014年3月   新潟大学 )


  • ライフサイエンス / 発生生物学


  • 新潟大学   脳研究所附属生命科学リソース研究センター バイオリソース部門動物資源開発研究分野

    2009年4月 - 現在


  • 三菱化学生命科学研究所

    2005年4月 - 2009年3月



  • 新潟大学   脳研究所 生命科学リソース研究センター   助教

    2017年4月 - 現在

  • 新潟大学   脳研究所 生命科学リソース研究センター   特任助教

    2013年4月 - 2017年3月




  • Axonal mRNA binding of hnRNP A/B is crucial for axon targeting and maturation of olfactory sensory neurons 査読

    Nanaho Fukuda, Tomoyuki Fukuda, Piergiorgio Percipalle, Kanako Oda, Nobuyuki Takei, Kevin Czaplinski, Kazushige Touhara, Yoshihiro Yoshihara, Toshikuni Sasaoka

    Cell Reports   42 ( 5 )   112398 - 112398   2023年5月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112398


  • Importance of the Q/N-rich segment for protein stability of endogenous mouse TDP-43. 査読 国際誌

    Toshiya Sato, Kanako Oda, Seiko Sakai, Rika Kato, Saori Yamamori, Makoto Itakura, Yoshio Kodera, Masatoyo Nishizawa, Toshikuni Sasaoka, Osamu Onodera, Minesuke Yokoyama

    Scientific reports   12 ( 1 )   14923 - 14923   2022年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    TAR DNA-binding protein 43 kDa (TDP-43), a nuclear protein, plays an important role in the molecular pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The long-disordered C-terminal region (CTR) of TDP-43 is known to be aggregation-prone and a hotspot for ALS mutations, so elucidation of the physiological function of CTR will provide insights into the pathogenesis of ALS. The CTR has two Gly, aromatic, and Ser-rich (GaroS) segments and an amyloidogenic core divided into a hydrophobic patch (HP) and a Gln/Asn (Q/N)-rich segment. Although TDP-43 lacking the CTR is known to be unstable, as observed in knock-in mice, it is unclear which of these segments contributes to the stability of TDP-43. Here, we generated 12 mouse lines lacking the various sub-regions of CTR by genome editing and compared the embryonic lethality of homozygotes, and protein and mRNA expression levels of TDP-43. We demonstrated the functional diversity of the four segments of CTR, finding that the presence of the Q/N-rich segment greatly restored the protein stability of TDP-43. In addition, we found that the second GaroS deletion did not affect protein stability and mouse development.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-19153-0



  • Brown adipose tissue dysfunction promotes heart failure via a trimethylamine N-oxide-dependent mechanism. 査読 国際誌

    Yohko Yoshida, Ippei Shimizu, Atsuhiro Shimada, Keita Nakahara, Sachiko Yanagisawa, Minoru Kubo, Shinji Fukuda, Chiharu Ishii, Hiromitsu Yamamoto, Takamasa Ishikawa, Kuniyuki Kano, Junken Aoki, Goro Katsuumi, Masayoshi Suda, Kazuyuki Ozaki, Yutaka Yoshida, Shujiro Okuda, Shigeo Ohta, Shiki Okamoto, Yasuhiko Minokoshi, Kanako Oda, Toshikuni Sasaoka, Manabu Abe, Kenji Sakimura, Yoshiaki Kubota, Norihiko Yoshimura, Shingo Kajimura, Maria Zuriaga, Kenneth Walsh, Tomoyoshi Soga, Tohru Minamino

    Scientific reports   12 ( 1 )   14883 - 14883   2022年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Low body temperature predicts a poor outcome in patients with heart failure, but the underlying pathological mechanisms and implications are largely unknown. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) was initially characterised as a thermogenic organ, and recent studies have suggested it plays a crucial role in maintaining systemic metabolic health. While these reports suggest a potential link between BAT and heart failure, the potential role of BAT dysfunction in heart failure has not been investigated. Here, we demonstrate that alteration of BAT function contributes to development of heart failure through disorientation in choline metabolism. Thoracic aortic constriction (TAC) or myocardial infarction (MI) reduced the thermogenic capacity of BAT in mice, leading to significant reduction of body temperature with cold exposure. BAT became hypoxic with TAC or MI, and hypoxic stress induced apoptosis of brown adipocytes. Enhancement of BAT function improved thermogenesis and cardiac function in TAC mice. Conversely, systolic function was impaired in a mouse model of genetic BAT dysfunction, in association with a low survival rate after TAC. Metabolomic analysis showed that reduced BAT thermogenesis was associated with elevation of plasma trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) levels. Administration of TMAO to mice led to significant reduction of phosphocreatine and ATP levels in cardiac tissue via suppression of mitochondrial complex IV activity. Genetic or pharmacological inhibition of flavin-containing monooxygenase reduced the plasma TMAO level in mice, and improved cardiac dysfunction in animals with left ventricular pressure overload. In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, body temperature was low along with elevation of plasma choline and TMAO levels. These results suggest that maintenance of BAT homeostasis and reducing TMAO production could be potential next-generation therapies for heart failure.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-19245-x



  • Generation of Lungs by Blastocyst Complementation in Apneumic Fgf10-Deficient Mice 査読 国際誌

    Akihiko Kitahara, Qingsong Ran, Kanako Oda, Akihiro Yasue, Manabu Abe, Xulu Ye, Toshikuni Sasaoka, Masanori Tsuchida, Kenji Sakimura, Yoichi Ajioka, Yasuo Saijo, Qiliang Zhou

    CELL REPORTS   31 ( 6 )   107626 - 107626   2020年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CELL PRESS  

    The shortage of donor lungs hinders lung transplantation, the only definitive option for patients with endstage lung disease. Blastocyst complementation enables the generation of transplantable organs from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) in animal models. Pancreases and kidneys have been generated from PSCs by blastocyst complementation in rodent models. Here, we report the generation of lungs using mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in apneumic Fgf10 Ex1(mut)/Ex3(mut) mice by blastocyst complementation, Complementation with ESCs enables Fgf10-deficient mice to survive to adulthood without abnormalities, Both the generated lung alveolar parenchyma and the interstitial portions, including vascular endothelial cells, vascular and parabronchial smooth muscle cells, and connective tissue, largely originate from the injected ESCs. These data suggest that Fgf10 Ex1(mut)/Ex3(mut) blastocysts provide an organ niche for lung generation and that blastocyst complementation could be a viable approach for generating whole lungs.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107626

    Web of Science



  • Generation of Thyroid Tissues From Embryonic Stem Cells via Blastocyst Complementation In Vivo. 査読 国際誌

    Qingsong Ran, Qiliang Zhou, Kanako Oda, Akihiro Yasue, Manabu Abe, Xulu Ye, Yingchun Li, Toshikuni Sasaoka, Kenji Sakimura, Yoichi Ajioka, Yasuo Saijo

    Frontiers in endocrinology   11   609697 - 609697   2020年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The generation of mature, functional, thyroid follicular cells from pluripotent stem cells would potentially provide a therapeutic benefit for patients with hypothyroidism, but in vitro differentiation remains difficult. We earlier reported the in vivo generation of lung organs via blastocyst complementation in fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10), compound, heterozygous mutant (Fgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mut) mice. Fgf10 also plays an essential role in thyroid development and branching morphogenesis, but any role thereof in thyroid organogenesis remains unclear. Here, we report that the thyroids of Fgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mut mice exhibit severe hypoplasia, and we generate thyroid tissues from mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in Fgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mut mice via blastocyst complementation. The tissues were morphologically normal and physiologically functional. The thyroid follicular cells of Fgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mut chimeric mice were derived largely from GFP-positive mouse ESCs although the recipient cells were mixed. Thyroid generation in vivo via blastocyst complementation will aid functional thyroid regeneration.

    DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2020.609697



  • Nephrin-Binding Ephrin-B1 at the Slit Diaphragm Controls Podocyte Function through the JNK Pathway 査読 国際誌

    Yoshiyasu Fukusumi, Ying Zhang, Ryohei Yamagishi, Kanako Oda, Toru Watanabe, Katsuyuki Matsui, Hiroshi Kawachi

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY   29 ( 5 )   1462 - 1474   2018年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC NEPHROLOGY  

    Background B-type ephrins are membrane-bound proteins that maintain tissue function in several organs. We previously reported that ephrin-B1 is localized at the slit diaphragm of glomerular podocytes. However, the function of ephrin-B1 at this location is unclear.Methods We analyzed the phenotype of podocyte-specific ephrin-B1 knockout mice and assessed the molecular association of ephrin-B1 and nephrin, a key molecule of the slit diaphragm, in HEK293 cells and rats with anti-nephrin antibody-induced nephropathy.Results Compared with controls, ephrin-B1 conditional knockout mice displayed altered podocyte morphology, disarrangement of the slit diaphragm molecules, and proteinuria. Ephrin-B1 expressed in HEK293 cells immunoprecipitated with nephrin, which required the basal regions of the extracellular domains of both proteins. Treatment of cells with an anti-nephrin antibody promoted the phosphorylation of nephrin and ephrin-B1. However, phosphorylation of ephrin-B1 did not occur in cells expressing a mutant nephrin lacking the ephrin-B1 binding site or in cells treated with an Src kinase inhibitor. The phosphorylation of ephrin-B1 enhanced the phosphorylation of nephrin and promoted the phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), which was required for ephrin-B1-promoted cell motility in wound-healing assays. Notably, phosphorylated JNK was detected in the glomeruli of control mice but not ephrin-B1 conditional knockout mice. In rats, the phosphorylation of ephrin-B1, JNK, and nephrin occurred in the early phase (24 hours) of anti-nephrin antibody-induced nephropathy.Conclusions Through interactions with nephrin, ephrin-B1 maintains the structure and barrier function of the slit diaphragm. Moreover, phosphorylation of ephrin-B1 and, consequently, JNK are involved in the development of podocyte injury.

    DOI: 10.1681/ASN.2017090993

    Web of Science



  • Striatal hypodopamine phenotypes found in transgenic mice that overexpress glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor 査読 国際誌

    Hidekazu Sotoyama, Yuriko Iwakura, Kanako Oda, Toshikuni Sasaoka, Nobuyuki Takei, Akiyoshi Kakita, Hideki Enomoto, Hiroyuki Nawa

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS   654   99 - 106   2017年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) positively regulates the development and maintenance of in vitro dopaminergic neurons. However, the in vivo influences of GDNF signals on the brain dopamine system are controversial and not fully defined. To address this question, we analyzed dopaminergic phenotypes of the transgenic mice that overexpress GDNF under the control of the glial Gfap promoter. Compared with wild-type, the GDNF transgenic mice contained higher levels of GDNF protein and phosphorylated RET receptors in the brain. However, there were reductions in the levels of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine, and its metabolite homovanillic acid in the striatum of transgenic mice. The TH reduction appeared to occur during postnatal development. Immunohistochemistry revealed that striatal TH density was reduced in transgenic mice with no apparent signs of neurodegeneration. In agreement with these neurochemical traits, basal levels of extracellular dopamine and high K+-induced dopamine efflux were decreased in the striatum of transgenic mice. We also explored the influences of GDNF overexpression on lomomotor behavior. GDNF transgenic mice exhibited lower stereotypy and rearing in a novel environment compared with wild-type mice. These results suggest that chronic overexpression of GDNF in brain astrocytes exerts an opposing influence on nigrostriatal dopamine metabolism and neurotransmission. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.06.005

    Web of Science



  • Sirh7/Ldoc1 knockout mice exhibit placental P4 overproduction and delayed parturition 査読 国際誌

    Mie Naruse, Ryuichi Ono, Masahito Irie, Kenji Nakamura, Tamio Furuse, Toshiaki Hino, Kanako Oda, Misho Kashimura, Ikuko Yamada, Shigeharu Wakana, Minesuke Yokoyama, Fumitoshi Ishino, Tomoko Kaneko-Ishino

    DEVELOPMENT   141 ( 24 )   4763 - 4771   2014年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:COMPANY BIOLOGISTS LTD  

    Sirh7/Ldoc1 [sushi-ichi retrotransposon homolog 7/leucine zipper, downregulated in cancer 1, also called mammalian retrotransposonderived 7 (Mart7)] is one of the newly acquired genes from LTR retrotransposons in eutherian mammals. Interestingly, Sirh7/Ldoc1 knockout (KO) mice exhibited abnormal placental cell differentiation/maturation, leading to an overproduction of placental progesterone (P4) and placental lactogen 1 (PL1) from trophoblast giant cells (TGCs). The placenta is an organ that is essential for mammalian viviparity and plays a major endocrinological role during pregnancy in addition to providing nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. P4 is an essential hormone in the preparation and maintenance of pregnancy and the determination of the timing of parturition in mammals; however, the biological significance of placental P4 in rodents is not properly recognized. Here, we demonstrate that mouse placentas do produce P4 in mid-gestation, coincident with a temporal reduction in ovarian P4, suggesting that it plays a role in the protection of the conceptuses specifically in this period. Pregnant Sirh7/Ldoc1 knockout females also displayed delayed parturition associated with a low pup weaning rate. All these results suggest that Sirh7/ Ldoc1 has undergone positive selection during eutherian evolution as a eutherian-specific acquired gene because it impacts reproductive fitness via the regulation of placental endocrine function.

    DOI: 10.1242/dev.114520

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  • Pioneering Axons Regulate Neuronal Polarization in the Developing Cerebral Cortex 査読 国際誌

    Takashi Namba, Yuji Kibe, Yasuhiro Funahashi, Shinichi Nakamuta, Tetsuya Takano, Takuji Ueno, Akiko Shimada, Sachi Kozawa, Mayumi Okamoto, Yasushi Shimoda, Kanako Oda, Yoshino Wada, Tomoyuki Masuda, Akira Sakakibara, Michihiro Igarashi, Takaki Miyata, Catherine Faivre-Sarrailh, Kosei Takeuchi, Kozo Kaibuchi

    NEURON   81 ( 4 )   814 - 829   2014年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CELL PRESS  

    The polarization of neurons, which mainly includes the differentiation of axons and dendrites, is regulated by cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous factors. In the developing central nervous system, neuronal development occurs in a heterogeneous environment that also comprises extracellular matrices, radial glial cells, and neurons. Although many cell-autonomous factors that affect neuronal polarization have been identified, the microenvironmental cues involved in neuronal polarization remain largely unknown. Here, we show that neuronal polarization occurs in a microenvironment in the lower intermediate zone, where the cell adhesion molecule transient axonal glycoprotein-1 (TAG-1) is expressed in cortical efferent axons. The immature neurites of multipolar cells closely contact TAG-1-positive axons and generate axons. Inhibition of TAG-1-mediated cell-to-cell interaction or its downstream kinase Lyn impairs neuronal polarization. These results show that the TAG-1-mediated cell-to-cell interaction between the unpolarized multipolar cells and the pioneering axons regulates the polarization of multipolar cells partly through Lyn kinase and Rac1.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.12.015

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  • Chondroitin sulphate N-acetylgalactosaminyl-transferase-1 inhibits recovery from neural injury 査読 国際誌

    Kosei Takeuchi, Nozomu Yoshioka, Susumu Higa Onaga, Yumi Watanabe, Shinji Miyata, Yoshino Wada, Chika Kudo, Masayasu Okada, Kentaro Ohko, Kanako Oda, Toshiya Sato, Minesuke Yokoyama, Natsuki Matsushita, Masaya Nakamura, Hideyuki Okano, Kenji Sakimura, Hitoshi Kawano, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Michihiro Igarashi

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   4   2740 - 2740   2013年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Extracellular factors that inhibit axon growth and intrinsic factors that promote it affect neural regeneration. Therapies targeting any single gene have not yet simultaneously optimized both types of factors. Chondroitin sulphate (CS), a glycosaminoglycan, is the most abundant extracellular inhibitor of axon growth. Here we show that mice carrying a gene knockout for CS N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-1 (T1), a key enzyme in CS biosynthesis, recover more completely from spinal cord injury than wild-type mice and even chondroitinase ABC-treated mice. Notably, synthesis of heparan sulphate (HS), a glycosaminoglycan promoting axonal growth, is also upregulated in TI knockout mice because HS-synthesis enzymes are induced in the mutant neurons. Moreover, chondroitinase ABC treatment never induces HS upregulation. Taken together, our results indicate that regulation of a single gene, T1, mediates excellent recovery from spinal cord injury by optimizing counteracting effectors of axon regeneration-an extracellular inhibitor of CS and intrinsic promoters, namely, HS-synthesis enzymes.

    DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3740

    Web of Science



  • TAG-1-assisted progenitor elongation streamlines nuclear migration to optimize subapical crowding 査読 国際誌

    Mayumi Okamoto, Takashi Namba, Tomoyasu Shinoda, Takefumi Kondo, Tadashi Watanabe, Yasuhiro Inoue, Kosei Takeuchi, Yukiko Enomoto, Kumiko Ota, Kanako Oda, Yoshino Wada, Ken Sagou, Kanako Saito, Akira Sakakibara, Ayano Kawaguchi, Kazunori Nakajima, Taiji Adachi, Toshihiko Fujimori, Masahiro Ueda, Shigeo Hayashi, Kozo Kaibuchi, Takaki Miyata

    NATURE NEUROSCIENCE   16 ( 11 )   1556 - 1566   2013年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Neural progenitors exhibit cell cycle-dependent interkinetic nuclear migration (INM) along the apicobasal axis. Despite recent advances in understanding its underlying molecular mechanisms, the processes to which INM contributes mechanically and the regulation of INM by the apicobasally elongated morphology of progenitors remain unclear. We found that knockdown of the cell-surface molecule TAG-1 resulted in retraction of neocortical progenitors' basal processes. Highly shortened stem-like progenitors failed to undergo basalward INM and became overcrowded in the periventricular (subapical) space. Surprisingly, the overcrowded progenitors left the apical surface and migrated into basal neuronal territories. These observations, together with the results of in toto imaging and physical tests, suggest that progenitors may sense and respond to excessive mechanical stress. Although, unexpectedly, the heterotopic progenitors remained stem-like and continued to sequentially produce neurons until the late embryonic period, histogenesis was severely disrupted. Thus, INM is essential for preventing overcrowding of nuclei and their somata, thereby ensuring normal brain histogenesis.

    DOI: 10.1038/nn.3525

    Web of Science



  • Point Mutation in Syntaxin-1A Causes Abnormal Vesicle Recycling, Behaviors, and Short Term Plasticity 査読 国際誌

    Yumi Watanabe, Norikazu Katayama, Kosei Takeuchi, Tetsuya Togano, Rieko Itoh, Michiko Sato, Maya Yamazaki, Manabu Abe, Toshiya Sato, Kanako Oda, Minesuke Yokoyama, Keizo Takao, Masahiro Fukaya, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa, Masahiko Watanabe, Kenji Sakimura, Toshiya Manabe, Michihiro Igarashi

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   288 ( 48 )   34906 - 34919   2013年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC  

    Background: Roles of the syntaxin-1ACaMKII interaction are not physiologically understood in vivo.Results: A point mutation in syntaxin-1A caused abnormal plasticity, recycling, and behaviors in mice. Conclusion: The CaMKII/syntaxin-1A interaction is essential for maintenance of neuronal plasticity. Significance: Syntaxin-1A is involved in regulatory pathways in higher brain functions.Syntaxin-1A is a t-SNARE that is involved in vesicle docking and vesicle fusion; it is important in presynaptic exocytosis in neurons because it interacts with many regulatory proteins. Previously, we found the following: 1) that autophosphorylated Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), an important modulator of neural plasticity, interacts with syntaxin-1A to regulate exocytosis, and 2) that a syntaxin missense mutation (R151G) attenuated this interaction. To determine more precisely the physiological importance of this interaction between CaMKII and syntaxin, we generated mice with a knock-in (KI) syntaxin-1A (R151G) mutation. Complexin is a molecular clamp involved in exocytosis, and in the KI mice, recruitment of complexin to the SNARE complex was reduced because of an abnormal CaMKII/syntaxin interaction. Nevertheless, SNARE complex formation was not inhibited, and consequently, basal neurotransmission was normal. However, the KI mice did exhibit more enhanced presynaptic plasticity than wild-type littermates; this enhanced plasticity could be associated with synaptic response than did wild-type littermates; this pronounced response included several behavioral abnormalities. Notably, the R151G phenotypes were generally similar to previously reported CaMKII mutant phenotypes. Additionally, synaptic recycling in these KI mice was delayed, and the density of synaptic vesicles was reduced. Taken together, our results indicated that this single point mutation in syntaxin-1A causes abnormal regulation of neuronal plasticity and vesicle recycling and that the affected syntaxin-1A/CaMKII interaction is essential for normal brain and synaptic functions in vivo.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M113.504050

    Web of Science



  • Accelerated modification of the zona pellucida is the primary cause of decreased fertilizability of oocytes in the 129 inbred mouse strain. 査読 国際誌

    Toshiaki Hino, Kanako Oda, Kenji Nakamura, Hiroyuki Tateno, Yutaka Toyoda, Minesuke Yokoyama

    Zygote (Cambridge, England)   19 ( 4 )   315 - 22   2011年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS  

    We investigated whether the small litter size in the 129 inbred mouse strain results from a reduction in oocyte fertilizability. Sensitivity of the zona pellucida to α-chymotrypsin was examined for oocytes collected at 14 h (shortly after ovulation), 17 h, and 20 h after hCG injection. Passage of spermatozoa through the zona pellucida (using an in vitro fertilization (IVF) technique) and the density of cortical granules were examined for oocytes collected at 14 and 17 h after hCG injection. The capability of the oolemma to fuse with the sperm plasma membrane was also evaluated by IVF using zona-free eggs. The zona pellucida became markedly resistant to the enzyme 17 h after hCG injection. IVF rates significantly decreased at this time. In addition, there was a significant reduction in the density of cortical granules. When zona-free oocytes were inseminated, high fertilization rates were obtained at both 17 and 14 h after hCG injection. These results indicate that accelerated modification of the zona pellucida primarily causes a decreased fertilizability of oocytes in 129 mice, resulting in the low reproductive performance of this strain.

    DOI: 10.1017/S0967199410000481

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  • Low fertility in vivo resulting from female factors causes small litter size in 129 inbred mice. 査読

    Toshiaki Hino, Kanako Oda, Kenji Nakamura, Yutaka Toyoda, Minesuke Yokoyama

    Reproductive medicine and biology   8 ( 4 )   157 - 161   2009年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Purpose: 129 inbred mice show poor reproductive ability, as evidenced by small litters; however, the exact cause of this is unknown. In the present in vivo study we examined fertility and subsequent post-implantation development in an attempt to clarify the cause of small litter size in 129 mice. Methods: 129 or C57BL/6J females that displayed vaginal plugs 1 day after mating with males of the same strain were examined for the presence of fertilized eggs. Reciprocal matings were also performed between 129 and C57BL/6J mice. Subsequent post-implantation development of fertilized eggs was examined by dissecting females 18-19 days after the vaginal plugs were found. Results: Mean numbers of recovered eggs were 7.9 and 8.0 in 129 and C57BL/6J mice, respectively. Half of the recovered eggs were unfertilized in 129 mice, whereas all were fertilized in C57BL/6J mice. Mean numbers of live fetuses 18-19 days after mating were significantly lower in 129 mice (4.7) than in C57BL/6J mice (7.3). In different types of pairings using both strains of mice, the fertility was significantly lower whenever 129 females were used. Conclusions: The small litter size in 129 mice is caused by low fertility resulting from female factors.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12522-009-0024-y



  • Marked Improvement of Fertility of Cryopreserved C57BL/6J Mouse Sperm by Depletion of Ca2+ in Medium 査読

    Rika Suzuki-Migishima, Toshiaki Hino, Miho Takabe, Kanako Oda, Fujio Migishima, Yoshiharu Morimoto, Minesuke Yokoyama

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   55 ( 4 )   386 - 392   2009年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SOCIETY REPRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT-SRD  

    Cryopreservation of mouse sperm is useful for maintaining various strains. However, fertility generally decreases after freezing. In particular, the fertility of cryopreserved C57BL/6J sperm is very low. To improve the fertility of frozen sperm, we examined the efficiencies of various media used for sperm preincubation (SP) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) in frozen C57BL/6J sperm. In this study, SP medium was examined for efficiency of fertility with respect to content, especially calcium (Ca2+), phosphate (PO43-) and lactate. In all media containing no Call, including medium lacking Ca2+, lacking Ca2+ and PO43- lacking Ca2+ and lactate and lacking Ca2+, PO43- and lactate, high IVF rates were obtained (79, 69, 76 and 71%, respectively). On the other hand, the rates for media containing Ca2+ were significantly lower (30-38%, P<0.05). After transfer, 41-50% of newborns were obtained in all media containing no Ca2+. In conclusion, preincubation of thawed sperm in medium containing no Ca2+ markedly improved the fertility of cryopreserved C57BL/6J sperm. These results indicate that the present method of IVF using medium with no Ca2+ is practical for use in cryopreserved C57BL/6J sperm.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.20163

    Web of Science



  • Paternal deletion of Meg1/Grb10 DMR causes maternalization of the Meg1/Grb10 cluster in mouse proximal Chromosome 11 leading to severe pre- and postnatal growth retardation 査読 国際誌

    Hirosuke Shiura, Kenji Nakamura, Takafusa Hikichi, Toshiaki Hino, Kanako Oda, Rika Suzuki-Migishima, Takashi Kohda, Tomoko Kaneko-Ishino, Fumitoshi Ishino

    HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS   18 ( 8 )   1424 - 1438   2009年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Mice with maternal duplication of proximal Chromosome 11 (MatDp(prox11)), where Meg1/Grb10 is located, exhibit pre- and postnatal growth retardation. To elucidate the responsible imprinted gene for the growth abnormality, we examined the precise structure and regulatory mechanism of this imprinted region and generated novel model mice mimicking the pattern of imprinted gene expression observed in the MatDp(prox11) by deleting differentially methylated region of Meg1/Grb10 (Meg1-DMR). It was found that Cobl and Ddc, the neighboring genes of Meg1/Grb10, also comprise the imprinted region. We also found that the mouse-specific repeat sequence consisting of several CTCF-binding motifs in the Meg1-DMR functions as a silencer, suggesting that the Meg1/Grb10 imprinted region adopted a different regulatory mechanism from the H19/Igf2 region. Paternal deletion of the Meg1-DMR (+/Delta DMR) caused both upregulation of the maternally expressed Meg1/Grb10 Type I in the whole body and Cobl in the yolk sac and loss of paternally expressed Meg1/Grb10 Type II and Ddc in the neonatal brain and heart, respectively, demonstrating maternalization of the entire Meg1/Grb10 imprinted region. We confirmed that the +/Delta DMR mice exhibited the same growth abnormalities as the MatDp(prox11) mice. Fetal and neonatal growth was very sensitive to the expression level of Meg1/Grb10 Type I, indicating that the 2-fold increment of the Meg1/Grb10 Type I is one of the major causes of the growth retardation observed in the MatDp(prox11) and +/Delta DMR mice. This suggests that the corresponding human GRB10 Type I plays an important role in the etiology of Silver-Russell syndrome caused by partial trisomy of 7p11-p13.

    DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddp049

    Web of Science



▶ 全件表示


  • 胚盤胞補完法を利用したマウスES細胞による肺再生

    北原 哲彦, 周 啓亮, 冉 慶松, 叶 許緑, 小田 佳奈子, 笹岡 俊邦, 阿部 学, 崎村 建司, 味岡 洋一, 泰江 章博, 土田 正則, 西條 康夫

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集   118回   1340 - 1340   2018年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本外科学会  


  • D1/D2ドーパミン受容体コンディショナル発現マウスによる運動制御機構の解明

    笹岡 俊邦, 佐藤 朝子, 知見 聡美, 大久保 直, 阿部 学, 川村 名子, 中尾 聡宏, 齊藤 奈英, 酒井 清子, 小田 佳奈子, 前田 宜俊, 神保 幸弘, 田中 稔, 山本 美丘, 佐藤 俊哉, 藤澤 信義, 崎村 建司, 南部 篤

    生命科学系学会合同年次大会   2017年度   [4LT08 - 1195)]   2017年12月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:生命科学系学会合同年次大会運営事務局  


  • D1ドーパミン受容体を介するシグナルによる運動量の維持

    笹岡 俊邦, 佐藤 朝子, 知見 聡美, 大久保 直, 前島 純, 新井 慧, 砂山 智子[森田], 小田 佳奈子, 酒井 清子, 前田 宜俊, 神保 幸弘, 馬川 恵梨子, 佐藤 俊哉, 藤澤 信義, 横山 峯介, 南部 篤

    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集   88回・38回   [3P1337] - [3P1337]   2015年12月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本生化学会  


  • 【精神疾患動物モデルの可能性と課題】統合失調症モデルマウスの行動解析方法の試み

    笹岡 俊邦, 佐藤 朝子, 中村 徹, 大久保 直, 佐藤 俊哉, 藤澤 信義, 前田 宜俊, 小田 佳奈子, 酒井 清子, 神保 幸弘, 馬川 恵梨子, 木津川 尚史, 籾山 俊彦, 山森 哲雄

    日本生物学的精神医学会誌   26 ( 2 )   87 - 94   2015年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本生物学的精神医学会  



    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2015&ichushi_jid=J05574&link_issn=&doc_id=20150812470003&doc_link_id=%2Fcy8jbiop%2F2015%2F002602%2F004%2F0087-0094%26dl%3D0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fcy8jbiop%2F2015%2F002602%2F004%2F0087-0094%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • ポドサイト機能維持におけるEphrin B1の役割 KOマウスを用いた解析

    福住 好恭, 小田 佳奈子, 河内 裕

    日本腎臓学会誌   57 ( 3 )   566 - 566   2015年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本腎臓学会  


  • 初期胚の体外培養がマウスの個体発生に及ぼす影響

    小田 佳奈子

    新潟医学会雑誌   128 ( 12 )   635 - 646   2014年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟医学会  

    【目的】生殖工学的操作はマウスの生産に広く活用されているが、私は、生殖工学的操作で欠かせない体外培養が初期胚の発生および個体発生に及ぼす影響を明確にするため、体外培養した初期胚の発生の早さ・細胞数・遺伝子発現の解析、および体外培養胚から生産した個体と自然交配で得た個体の主要な臓器重量の比較等の解析を行った。【方法と結果】マウス胚を組換えヒトアルブミン(r)を加えたrKSOMaa培地またはrMW培地で培養を行ったものを体外培養(In vitro)胚とし、偽妊娠マウスに移植を行ったものを母体内発生(In vivo)胚として解析を行った。In vitro胚とIn vivo胚の形態を比較した結果、胚盤胞期胚の形態の違いが観察され、In vitro rKSOMaa区およびIn vivo区では高率で胚盤胞期胚へと発生することが分かった。胚盤胞期胚への発生時期を解析したところ、In vitro rKSOMaa区はIn vitro rMW区より胚盤胞期胚への発生が早いことが観察され、培養培地の違いによっても発生率に違いが見られた。免疫抗体法を用いて簡便に媒精後96時間における内部細胞塊(ICM)および栄養外胚葉(TE)の細胞数を計数した結果、In vitro rKSOMaa区では、In vivo区に比較して、ICM数は少ない(p<0.05)が、TE数は多く(p<0.05)、総細胞数は同等であった。TUNEL法を用いてアポトーシス細胞数を計数した結果、In vitro rKSOMaa区およびIn vivo区と比較しIn vitro rMW区で多かった(p<0.05)。胚移植を行い、妊娠19.5日目における産仔への発生数と総着床数を計数した。In vitro rKSOMaa区では総着床数が多いにもかかわらず、In vivo区よりも産仔への発生数が低かった。In vitro rMW区は産仔率、総着床率共に低かった(p<0.05)。体重および臓器重量の比較した結果、出生後52週ではIn vitro rKSOMaa区で体重が重く、メスでは内臓以外の重量がオスでは内臓重量が多かった。インプリント遺伝子と分化マーカー遺伝子の発現解析では、In vitro rKSOMaa区ではIn vivo区に対して、インプリント遺伝子であるH19の発現は低かったが、一方、栄養外胚葉の分化マーカーであるCdxと未分化細胞マーカーであるNanogは有意に高い値を示した。【考察】マウス初期胚は体外培養を行うと、母体内培養を行ったものと比較し、胚の形態、発生時期並びに細胞数に差を生じ、産仔率の低下と成熟後の体重の増加という個体への発生に大きく影響を受ける事が示された。また、体外培養下で胚盤胞期におけるインプリント遺伝子の発現低下が確認された。このことは体外培養によりインプリント遺伝子のメチル化状態がリセットされていない部分があることを示唆している。【結論】体外培養胚は、母体内発生胚に比べて胚盤胞期胚へ高効率で早く発生するが、インプリント遺伝子および分化マーカー遺伝子の発現に変化が見られ、産仔率に差があった。また、体外培養胚由来の個体は、自然交配由来の個体に比べ、成熟期の体重・臓器重量が増加していた。本研究により、自然交配と同等の動物生産に向けて体外培養を最適化する指標が明らかとなった。(著者抄録)


    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2014&ichushi_jid=J00990&link_issn=&doc_id=20150512080005&doc_link_id=%2Fdg3nigta%2F2014%2F012812%2F005%2F0635-0646%26dl%3D0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fdg3nigta%2F2014%2F012812%2F005%2F0635-0646%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • 人工制限酵素による内在性TDP-43遺伝子改変と筋萎縮性側索硬化症モデルへの応用

    佐藤 俊哉, 小田 佳奈子, 酒井 清子, 廣川 祥子, 永田 史也, 前田 宜俊, 藤澤 信義, 西澤 正豊, 小野寺 理, 横山 峯介

    臨床神経学   53 ( 12 )   1500 - 1500   2013年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本神経学会  


  • 日本哺乳動物卵子学会によるヒト胚培地の開発 マウス胚による検討

    横山 峯介, 小田 佳奈子

    Journal of Mammalian Ova Research   29 ( 2 )   S8 - S8   2012年4月

  • 129系マウス卵子における受精障害の原因の解明

    日野 敏昭, 小田 佳奈子, 中村 健司, 立野 裕幸, 豊田 裕, 横山 峯介

    Journal of Mammalian Ova Research   27 ( 2 )   S61 - S61   2010年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本卵子学会  


  • 129系マウスにおける少ない産仔数の原因の検討

    日野 敏昭, 小田 佳奈子, 中村 健司, 豊田 裕, 横山 峯介

    Journal of mammalian ova research = 日本哺乳動物卵子学会誌   26 ( 2 )   S78   2009年4月


  • 129系マウスにおける低い体外受精率の検討

    日野 敏昭, 小田 佳奈子, 横山 峯介

    日本生殖医学会雑誌   53 ( 4 )   269 - 269   2008年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本生殖医学会  


  • マウスMeg1/Grb10領域のインプリンティング発現制御と個体成長への影響

    志浦寛相, 引地貴亮, 中村健司, 日野敏昭, 小田佳奈子, 鈴木(右島)理可, 幸田尚, 金児(石野)知子, 石野史敏

    生化学   2008年


  • ブタ顆粒膜細胞は種々の間葉系細胞に分化転換する

    小田 佳奈子, 加野 浩一郎

    日本発生生物学会大会講演要旨集   38回   240 - 240   2005年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本発生生物学会  


  • ブタ顆粒膜細胞は種々の間葉系細胞に分化転換する

    小田 佳奈子, 遠藤 克, 加野 浩一郎

    日本畜産学会大会講演要旨集   104回   204 - 204   2005年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本畜産学会  


▶ 全件表示


  • 気管移植を目指した胚盤胞補完法による生体内気管再生


    2024年4月 - 2027年3月




    周 ケイリョウ, 笹岡 俊邦, 小田 佳奈子


    配分額:4550000円 ( 直接経費:3500000円 、 間接経費:1050000円 )


  • 胚盤胞補完法による臓器再生への応用に向けたナイーブ型脱分化脂肪細胞(DFAT)の樹立


    2024年4月 - 2027年3月




    小田 佳奈子


    配分額:1820000円 ( 直接経費:1400000円 、 間接経費:420000円 )


  • 嗅神経軸索におけるmRNA局所翻訳の機構と生理的意義の解明


    2022年4月 - 2025年3月




    福田 七穂, 小田 佳奈子


    配分額:4160000円 ( 直接経費:3200000円 、 間接経費:960000円 )


  • 100%多能性幹細胞由来の肺臓器創出


    2021年4月 - 2024年3月

    制度名:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    西條 康夫, 周 ケイリョウ, 笹岡 俊邦, 小田 佳奈子, 味岡 洋一, 阿部 学


    配分額:16250000円 ( 直接経費:12500000円 、 間接経費:3750000円 )


  • 肺臓器移植を目指した異種間胚盤胞補完法による肺臓器創出と肺欠損大型モデルの開発


    2020年4月 - 2024年3月

    制度名:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    周 ケイリョウ, 笹岡 俊邦, 土田 正則, 中務 胞, 小田 佳奈子, 泰江 章博


    配分額:17420000円 ( 直接経費:13400000円 、 間接経費:4020000円 )

    本研究は、異種間胚盤胞補完法を用いて、異種間肺臓器作出方法技術の確立を目指すものである。まずは同種間においてはマウス生体内に肺臓器の作成を検証した。既に、肺臓器を欠損するFgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mut マウスを開発し、胚盤胞補完法にてマウスの生体内にGFP陽性mES細胞に由来する機能的肺臓器の作出に成功した(Cell reports. 31(6):107626, 2020; Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2020 Dec 14;11:609697)。次に、異種間の設定でVenus陽性ラットES細胞を肺や気管が欠損するFgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mutマウスの胚盤胞に移入し、マウス生体内にラットES細胞由来の肺臓器の作出を試みた。2020年度において、計6回、total500個超のマウス胚盤胞にラットES細胞のマイクロインジェクションを行い、インジェクションするラットES細胞の数や胚盤胞の時期等の条件につき検討した。2-5個程度のラットESを移植した場合のキメラ率がより高いことを示したが、依然として効率は低かった。また、新生児の異種間キメラマウスにおいて、四肢と肺の形成を認め、ラットES細胞によるレスキューを示した。ただし、新生児の組織解析においては、四肢欠損が十分にレスキューされていない場合があった。肺組織を用いて、肺臓器の各種細胞マーカーを使って免疫蛍光染色を行ったところ、一部にVenus陽性ラットES細胞由来組織を認めたが、キメラリズムは高くなかった。詳細な組織解析は進行中である。


  • 初期胚・多能性幹細胞培養におけるオクタン酸を中心とした脂肪代謝の研究


    2015年4月 - 2018年3月

    制度名:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    久慈 直昭, 伊東 宏絵, 井坂 恵一, 阿久津 英憲, 小田 佳奈子


    配分額:4810000円 ( 直接経費:3700000円 、 間接経費:1110000円 )



  • VWM型白質脳症の病態決定因子の探索


    2015年4月 - 2018年3月

    制度名:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    辻田 実加, Huber Vincent, 小田 佳奈子, 北浦 弘樹


    配分額:5070000円 ( 直接経費:3900000円 、 間接経費:1170000円 )

    Vanishing white matter(VWM)型白質脳症は発症時期や重症度に幅があることが知られているが、分子レベルでの病態決定因子は明らかにされていない。本研究では、VWM型白質脳症の原因遺伝子変異マウス(Toy)を用いて量的形質遺伝子座( Quantitative trait locus、QTL)解析と遺伝子発現解析を用いた影響因子探索を試みた。B6,C3H近交系統間の歩行異常の開始時期の差を指標としたQTL解析で相関の検出された領域ではイオントランスポーターやアポリポタンパク関連因子の発現差が顕著であった。本法はVWM型白質脳症の病態の分子レベル解明に有用だろう。


  • 胚盤胞補完法を用いたin vivo肺再生


    2015年4月 - 2017年3月

    制度名:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究



    西條 康夫, 﨑村 建司, 大内 淑代, 笹岡 俊邦, 小田 佳奈子


    配分額:3510000円 ( 直接経費:2700000円 、 間接経費:810000円 )



  • マウス胎児へのヒトiPS細胞由来肝芽細胞・肝細胞移植方法の確立および安全性の検討


    2014年4月 - 2018年3月

    制度名:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究



    森田 邦恵, 笹岡 俊邦, 小田 佳奈子, 川村 宏樹, 浅井 孝夫


    配分額:3900000円 ( 直接経費:3000000円 、 間接経費:900000円 )

    新潟大学にて、理化学研究所より譲渡を受けたiPS細胞を、肝細胞へ分化誘導を行う実験を行い、免疫染色により肝細胞マーカーALB, SERPINA1, HNF4Aを確認した。研究期間に実験を重ね、安定して肝細胞に分化誘導することに成功した。


  • D1/D2ドーパミン受容体コンディショナル発現マウスによる運動制御機構の解明


    2014年4月 - 2017年3月

    制度名:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    笹岡 俊邦, 藤澤 信義, 前田 宜俊, 小田 佳奈子, 佐藤 俊哉, 大久保 直, 佐藤 朝子, 中尾 聡宏, 南部 篤, 知見 聡美


    配分額:16900000円 ( 直接経費:13000000円 、 間接経費:3900000円 )



▶ 全件表示



  • 医学入門



  • バイオメディカルサイエンス

