2025/03/14 更新


シユウ ケイリヨウ
教育研究院 医歯学系 医学系列 准教授
医歯学総合研究科 分子細胞医学専攻 遺伝子制御 准教授
周 啓亮、周ケイリョウ


  • 博士(医学) ( 2015年3月   新潟大学 )


  • 腫瘍内科学

  • 多能性幹細胞

  • 再生医療


  • ライフサイエンス / 腫瘍生物学

  • ライフサイエンス / 生体材料学

  • ライフサイエンス / 腫瘍診断、治療学

  • ライフサイエンス / 生体医工学


  • 新潟大学   大学院医歯学総合研究科 腫瘍内科学   准教授

    2023年6月 - 現在


  • 新潟大学 医学部医学科   医学部准教授

    2022年5月 - 2023年5月


  • 新潟大学   研究推進機構   研究准教授

    2020年10月 - 2023年5月


  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合研究科 腫瘍内科学   助教

    2016年2月 - 2023年5月


  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合病院 腫瘍センター   特任助教

    2015年4月 - 2016年1月



  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合研究科 分子細胞医学専攻 遺伝子制御   准教授

    2023年6月 - 現在

  • 新潟大学   教育研究院 医歯学系 医学系列   准教授

    2023年6月 - 現在

  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合研究科 分子細胞医学専攻 遺伝子制御   助教

    2016年2月 - 2023年5月

  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合病院 腫瘍センター   特任助教

    2015年4月 - 2016年1月


  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合研究科   分子細胞医学専攻(博士課程)

    2012年4月 - 2015年3月


    国名: 日本国


  • 弘前大学   医学研究科(博士課程)

    2010年4月 - 2012年3月


    国名: 日本国


  • 中国医科大学大学院 修士課程

    2007年9月 - 2010年6月


  • 中国医科大学   医学部   臨床医学日本語クラス

    1998年9月 - 2004年7月


    国名: 中華人民共和国





  • Termination of Palliative Chemotherapy Near the End of Life: A Retrospective Study of Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients. 国際誌

    Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Akito Higuchi, Marika Shiba, Kenta Sasaki, Takuro Saiki, Yujiro Honma, Kazuyoshi Kimura, Qiliang Zhou, Yasuo Saijo

    Palliative medicine reports   4 ( 1 )   169 - 174   2023年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Palliative chemotherapy is commonly used for advanced cancer patients. The timing of chemotherapy termination is crucial for efforts to maintain quality of life. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This retrospective study included gastrointestinal cancer patients who were treated with chemotherapy and died between 2013 and 2022 at Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital. Data were reviewed regarding age, gender, cancer type, reason for chemotherapy termination, cause of death, survival after chemotherapy termination, and place of death. RESULTS: In total, 388 patients were included; the median survival after chemotherapy was 73 days. Patients aged <67 years had shorter survival durations (59 days), compared with patients aged >67 years (82 days). Ten (2.6%) patients began a new chemotherapy regimen, whereas 17 (4.4%) patients received chemotherapy, within 4 weeks before death. The most common reason for chemotherapy termination was disease progression, and most deaths occurred in hospitals. CONCLUSION: The rates of chemotherapy and initiation of new chemotherapeutic regimens near the end of life were lower than previously reported. Most deaths occurred in hospitals, highlighting the need for development of hospices.

    DOI: 10.1089/pmr.2023.0027



  • Efficacy of BRAF inhibitor and anti-EGFR antibody in colorectal neuroendocrine carcinoma.

    Mae Nakano, Yoshifumi Shimada, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Takuro Saiki, Qiliang Zhou, Kenta Sasaki, Masato Moriyama, Kosuke Yoshihara, Manabu Natsumeda, Yoko Kuriyama, Yasumasa Takii, Gen Watanabe, Hajime Umezu, Shujiro Okuda, Takeshi Ikeuchi, Toshifumi Wakai, Yasuo Saijo

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   15 ( 2 )   413 - 418   2022年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the colon and rectum are colorectal epithelial neoplasms with neuroendocrine differentiation. A platinum regimen used for small cell lung cancer is the currently recommended chemotherapy for gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas (GEP-NECs), regardless of the organ. The BRAF V600E mutation has been recently reported as a druggable driver mutation in colorectal NECs. In BRAF V600E mutant colorectal cancer, a combination of BRAF inhibitor and anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) antibody, with or without a MEK inhibitor, is recommended. Here, we report the case of 77-year-old man who had lymph node recurrence after surgery for primary ascending colonic NEC. Two cytotoxic regimens, cisplatin plus irinotecan and modified FOLFOX6, were administered as first- and second-line chemotherapies with no remarkable response observed. At this point, genetic analysis confirmed the tumor harbored a BRAF V600E mutation. Thus, a regimen of BRAF inhibitor plus anti-EGFR antibody was administered. After commencing this regimen, carcinoembryonic antigen levels decreased within normal range, and there was dramatic shrinkage of the lymph node metastases observed by chest and abdominal computed tomography scans. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of a colorectal NEC responding to a BRAF inhibitor and anti-EGFR antibody.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12328-022-01599-4



  • Rapid progression of colonic mucinous adenocarcinoma with immunosuppressive condition: A case report and review of literature. 国際誌

    Youhei Koseki, Kenya Kamimura, Yuto Tanaka, Marina Ohkoshi-Yamada, Qiliang Zhou, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Takeshi Mizusawa, Hiroki Sato, Akira Sakamaki, Hajime Umezu, Junji Yokoyama, Shuji Terai

    World journal of clinical cases   9 ( 30 )   9182 - 9191   2021年10月



    BACKGROUND: Colorectal mucinous adenocarcinoma is a rare subtype of colorectal cancer and is characterized by an abundance of mucin in the tumor. In addition, the colorectal mucinous adenocarcinoma often demonstrates poor differentiation in the histology of tumor cells and poor prognosis compared with those with adenocarcinoma. Here, we present the case of a young woman with colonic mucinous adenocarcinoma showing significantly rapid progression within four months of immunosuppressant therapy for Henoch-Schönlein purpura. CASE SUMMARY: Here we report a rare case of ascending colon mucinous adenocarcinoma with lymph node and liver metastases which developed and progressed rapidly within four months during the treatment of Henoch-Schönlein purpura using corticosteroids. The systemic screening examinations showed no tumors before the immunosuppressant therapy. Fortunately, the patient was successfully treated with chemotherapy. CONCLUSION: While no direct evidence that the immunosuppressants accelerated the tumor development, the case presenta tion and review of the literature demonstrated that surveillance for malignancies before and during treatment with immunosuppressive agents is essential.

    DOI: 10.12998/wjcc.v9.i30.9182



  • Age-Based Comparison of Hematological Toxicity in Patients with Lung Cancer. 国際誌

    Yuki Sakai, Qiliang Zhou, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Takuro Saiki, Masato Moriyama, Akira Toyama, Yasuo Saijo

    Oncology   1 - 8   2020年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    INTRODUCTION: Because of the increasing age of the general population, there is an increasing number of older patients with lung cancer. Cancer chemotherapy often causes severe hematological toxicity in older patients. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore the risk factors affecting the hematological toxicity of cytotoxic anticancer drugs in patients with lung cancer. METHODS: Data were retrospectively collected from 194 patients with lung cancer at Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital, Japan, between April 2011 and March 2016, when the patients underwent their first round of cytotoxic chemotherapy. The patients were divided into three groups on the basis of age: <65, 65-74, and ≥75 years. Physiological functions and laboratory data before treatment, as well as hematological adverse events following chemotherapy, were compared among the groups. RESULTS: Patients aged ≥75 years were significantly more likely to experience grade 3 or 4 neutropenia, compared with patients aged <65 years. However, there were no differences in the incidence of anemia or thrombocytopenia among the age groups. The frequency of febrile neutropenia tended to increase with age. Multivariate analysis showed that age ≥75 years, male sex, and a performance status of ≥2 were independent factors for grade 3 or 4 neutropenia. Patients with 2 or 3 of these factors had a significantly higher frequency of neutropenia, compared with patients who had 0 or 1 of these factors. CONCLUSION: We found that age ≥75 years, male sex, and a performance status of ≥2 were independent risk factors for grade 3 or 4 neutropenia.

    DOI: 10.1159/000507864



  • Generation of Lungs by Blastocyst Complementation in Apneumic Fgf10-Deficient Mice. 査読 国際誌

    Akihiko Kitahara, Qingsong Ran, Kanako Oda, Akihiro Yasue, Manabu Abe, Xulu Ye, Toshikuni Sasaoka, Masanori Tsuchida, Kenji Sakimura, Yoichi Ajioka, Yasuo Saijo, Qiliang Zhou

    Cell reports   31 ( 6 )   107626 - 107626   2020年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The shortage of donor lungs hinders lung transplantation, the only definitive option for patients with end-stage lung disease. Blastocyst complementation enables the generation of transplantable organs from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) in animal models. Pancreases and kidneys have been generated from PSCs by blastocyst complementation in rodent models. Here, we report the generation of lungs using mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in apneumic Fgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mutmice by blastocyst complementation. Complementation with ESCs enables Fgf10-deficient mice to survive to adulthood without abnormalities. Both the generated lung alveolar parenchyma and the interstitial portions, including vascular endothelial cells, vascular and parabronchial smooth muscle cells, and connective tissue, largely originate from the injected ESCs. These data suggest that Fgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mutblastocysts provide an organ niche for lung generation and that blastocyst complementation could be a viable approach for generating whole lungs.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107626



  • Generation of Thyroid Tissues From Embryonic Stem Cells via Blastocyst Complementation In Vivo. 国際誌

    Qingsong Ran, Qiliang Zhou, Kanako Oda, Akihiro Yasue, Manabu Abe, Xulu Ye, Yingchun Li, Toshikuni Sasaoka, Kenji Sakimura, Yoichi Ajioka, Yasuo Saijo

    Frontiers in endocrinology   11   609697 - 609697   2020年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The generation of mature, functional, thyroid follicular cells from pluripotent stem cells would potentially provide a therapeutic benefit for patients with hypothyroidism, but in vitro differentiation remains difficult. We earlier reported the in vivo generation of lung organs via blastocyst complementation in fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10), compound, heterozygous mutant (Fgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mut) mice. Fgf10 also plays an essential role in thyroid development and branching morphogenesis, but any role thereof in thyroid organogenesis remains unclear. Here, we report that the thyroids of Fgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mut mice exhibit severe hypoplasia, and we generate thyroid tissues from mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in Fgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mut mice via blastocyst complementation. The tissues were morphologically normal and physiologically functional. The thyroid follicular cells of Fgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mut chimeric mice were derived largely from GFP-positive mouse ESCs although the recipient cells were mixed. Thyroid generation in vivo via blastocyst complementation will aid functional thyroid regeneration.

    DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2020.609697



  • Treatments and outcomes of older patients with esophageal cancer: Comparison with younger patients. 査読 国際誌

    Matsumoto Y, Kimura K, Zhou Q, Sasaki K, Saiki T, Moriyama M, Saijo Y

    Molecular and clinical oncology   11 ( 4 )   383 - 389   2019年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3892/mco.2019.1909



  • Treatment of Gastric and Gastroesophageal Cancer Patients with Hemodialysis by CapeOX. 査読

    Sasaki K, Zhou Q, Matsumoto Y, Saiki T, Moriyama M, Saijo Y

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   58 ( 19 )   2791 - 2795   2019年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.2718-19



  • MicroRNAs control eyelid development through regulating Wnt signaling. 査読 国際誌

    Takahiro Nagai, Supaluk Trakanant, Maiko Kawasaki, Katsushige Kawasaki, Yurie Yamada, Momoko Watanabe, James Blackburn, Yoko Otsuka-Tanaka, Mitsue Hishinuma, Atsushi Kitatmura, Fumiya Meguro, Akane Yamada, Yasumitsu Kodama, Takeyasu Maeda, Qiliang Zhou, Yasuo Saijo, Akihiro Yasue, Paul T Sharpe, Robert Hindges, Ritsuo Takagi, Atsushi Ohazama

    Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists   248 ( 3 )   201 - 210   2019年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The timing, location, and level of gene expression are crucial for normal organ development, because morphogenesis requires strict genetic control. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are noncoding small single-stranded RNAs that play a critical role in regulating gene expression level. Although miRNAs are known to be involved in many biological events, the role of miRNAs in organogenesis is not fully understood. Mammalian eyelids fuse and separate during development and growth. In mice, failure of this process results in the eye-open at birth (EOB) phenotype. RESULTS: It has been shown that conditional deletion of mesenchymal Dicer (an essential protein for miRNA processing; Dicer fl/fl ;Wnt1Cre) leads to the EOB phenotype with full penetrance. Here, we identified that the up-regulation of Wnt signaling resulted in the EOB phenotype in Dicer mutants. Down-regulation of Fgf signaling observed in Dicer mutants was caused by an inverse relationship between Fgf and Wnt signaling. Shh and Bmp signaling were down-regulated as the secondary effects in Dicer fl/fl ;Wnt1Cre mice. Wnt, Shh, and Fgf signaling were also found to mediate the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in eyelid development. CONCLUSIONS: miRNAs control eyelid development through Wnt. Developmental Dynamics 248:201-210, 2019. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/dvdy.10



  • Cancers among adolescents and young adults at one institution in Japan. 査読

    Kamimura K, Matsumoto Y, Zhou Q, Moriyama M, Saijo Y

    Oncology letters   16 ( 6 )   7212 - 7222   2018年12月

  • Trachea Engineering Using a Centrifugation Method and Mouse-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. 査読

    Zhou Q, Ye X, Ran Q, Kitahara A, Matsumoto Y, Moriyama M, Ajioka Y, Saijo Y

    Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods   24 ( 9 )   524 - 533   2018年9月

  • The Prognostic Nutrition Index Predicts the Development of Hematological Toxicities in and the Prognosis of Esophageal Cancer Patients Treated with Cisplatin Plus 5-Fluorouracil Chemotherapy 査読

    Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Qiliang Zhou, Kensuke Kamimura, Masato Moriyama, Yasuo Saijo

    Nutrition and Cancer   70 ( 3 )   447 - 452   2018年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Routledge  

    The prognostic nutrition index (PNI), calculated based on serum albumin and lymphocyte counts, predicts the prognosis of several cancers, including operated esophageal cancers. In this study, we determined whether PNI could predict the occurrence of severe adverse events by chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy, and overall survival in esophageal cancer. We collected data from 191 patients with esophageal cancer treated with at least one course of cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil from 2005 to 2016. We compared the incidences of severe adverse events and overall survival between a high- and a low-PNI group. The optimal cut-off value of the Onodera PNI was 43.2. Patients with low PNIs suffered more frequent severe adverse events than did those with high PNIs, and the latter patients survived longer. The PNI was independently prognostic of overall survival and stage. The PNI predicted the development of severe adverse events caused by chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy, and overall survival, in esophageal cancer patients.

    DOI: 10.1080/01635581.2018.1445765




  • Inhibition of Glutaminolysis Inhibits Cell Growth via Down-regulating Mtorc1 Signaling in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma 査読

    Xulu Ye, Qiliang Zhou, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Masato Moriyama, Shun Kageyama, Masaaki Komatsu, Seijiro Satoh, Masanori Tsuchida, Yasuo Saijo

    ANTICANCER RESEARCH   36 ( 11 )   6021 - 6029   2016年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:INT INST ANTICANCER RESEARCH  

    Background/Aim: Inhibition of glutaminolysis has been reported as a promising therapeutic strategy to target several solid carcinomas. We aimed to investigate the effects of glutaminolysis on cell proliferation in lung squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and to explore the potential of targeting glutaminolysis as an anticancer strategy. Materials and Methods: Glutamine (Gln) dependence was assessed in six lung squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. Cell proliferation, mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) activity and the induction of autophagy were assessed after inhibition of glutaminolysis via Gln depletion or glutaminase (GLS) inhibition. Results: Five of six lung squamous cell carcinoma cell lines exhibited glutamine- dependence. The extent of dependence was correlated with the mRNA levels of GLS1/GLS2. Inhibition of glutaminolysis inhibited cell proliferation by down-regulating of mTORC1 signaling and inducing autophagy in Gln-dependent lung squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. Conclusion: Targeting glutaminolysis may represent a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of Gln-dependent lung squamous cell carcinomas.

    DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.11191

    Web of Science



  • Myelosuppression by chemotherapy in obese patients with gynecological cancers 査読

    Kensuke Kamimura, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Qiliang Zhou, Masato Moriyama, Yasuo Saijo

    CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY AND PHARMACOLOGY   78 ( 3 )   633 - 641   2016年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    The American Society of Clinical Oncology provides clinical practice guidelines for appropriate cytotoxic chemotherapy dosing for obese adult patients with cancer. The panel recommends that actual body weight should be used when selecting cytotoxic chemotherapy doses regardless of obesity status. However, there have been no reports regarding the appropriate cytotoxic chemotherapy dosing for obese Japanese patients with cancer.
    We collected data from 216 gynecological cancer patients who were treated with at least one course of a paclitaxel and carboplatin (TC) regimen or a docetaxel and carboplatin (DC) regimen at Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital from July 2006 to April 2014. Patients were divided into three groups according to body mass index (BMI): obese (BMI aeyen 25), normal (BMI 18.5-24.9), and underweight (BMI &lt; 18.5), as defined by the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity. We analyzed hematological toxicities by full weight-based chemotherapy in each group.
    The rates of grade 3/4 leukocytopenia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia were not significantly different among the three BMI groups on all patient analyses. For the TC regimen, the obese and normal groups had significantly lower leukocytopenia (grade 3/4) rates than did the underweight group. Also, significant positive correlations between BMI and the nadirs of leukocytes, neutrophils, platelets, and hemoglobin were observed. For the DC regimen, no significant difference was observed among the BMI groups and the rate of grade 3/4 hematological toxicities.
    We did not observe stronger myelosuppression in obese cancer patients compared with non-obese cancer patients. Therefore, the cytotoxic chemotherapy dose should be calculated by the actual body weight and unnecessary dose reduction should be avoided.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00280-016-3119-2

    Web of Science



  • A case of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors 査読 国際誌

    Moriyama Masato, Matsumoto Yoshifumi, Zhou Qiliang, Yamana Kanako, Ikeda Yohei, Ayukawa Fumio, Abe Eisuke, Sato Seijiro, Takano Kabuto, Kaidu Motoki, Aoyama Hidefumi, Saijo Yasuo



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s13691-015-0230-x

    Web of Science



  • Differentiation of Mouse Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Into Alveolar Epithelial Cells In Vitro for Use In Vivo 査読

    Qiliang Zhou, Xulu Ye, Ruowen Sun, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Masato Moriyama, Yoshiya Asano, Yoichi Ajioka, Yasuo Saijo

    STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE   3 ( 6 )   675 - 685   2014年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ALPHAMED PRESS  

    Alveolar epithelial cells (AECs) differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) represent new opportunities in lung tissue engineering and cell therapy. In this study, we modified a two-step protocol for embryonic stem cells that resulted in a yield of similar to 9% surfactant protein C (SPC)(+) alveolar epithelial type II (AEC II) cells from mouse iPSCs in a 12-day period. The differentiated iPSCs showed morphological characteristics similar to those of AEC II cells. When differentiated iPSCs were seeded and cultured in a decellularized mouse lung scaffold, the cells reformed an alveolar structure and expressed SPC or T1 alpha protein (markers of AEC II or AEC I cells, respectively). Finally, the differentiated iPSCs were instilled intratracheally into a bleomycin-induced mouse acute lung injury model. The transplanted cells integrated into the lung alveolar structure and expressed SPC and T1 alpha. Significantly reduced lung inflammation and decreased collagen deposition were observed following differentiated iPSC transplantation. In conclusion, we report a simple and rapid protocol for in vitro differentiation of mouse iPSCs into AECs. Differentiated iPSCs show potential for regenerating three-dimensional alveolar lung structure and can be used to abrogate lung injury.

    DOI: 10.5966/sctm.2013-0142

    Web of Science



  • A change in the number of CCSPpos/SPCpos cells in mouse lung during development, growth, and repair 査読

    Ruowen Sun, Qiliang Zhou, Xulu Ye, Takenori Takahata, Atsushi Ishiguro, Hiroshi Kijima, Toshihiro Nukiwa, Yasuo Saijo

    Respiratory Investigation   51 ( 4 )   229 - 240   2013年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background: Putative resident stem/progenitor cells have been identified in the bronchoalveolar duct junction (BADJ) of the murine lung. However, the contribution of stem cells expressing both Clara cell secretory protein (CCSP) and pro-surfactant protein C (SP-C) to the repair and maintenance of normal homeostasis is still unclear. In this study, we identified and then quantified CD45neg/CCSPpos/SP-Cpos cell numbers in normal and lung-injured mice. Methods: Normal lung tissues of fetal, newborn, and adult mice were used to evaluate lung progenitor cells during development and growth. Mice treated with naphthalene were used for the bronchiolar epithelium injury model, and mice treated with bleomycin were used for the alveolar epithelium injury model. These lung tissues were stained with CD45, CCSP, and SP-C antibodies by immunofluorescence. The number of lung progenitor cells was counted as CD45neg/CCSPpos/SP-Cpos cells by flow cytometry. Results: CCSPpos/SP-Cpos epithelial cells in the BADJ were identified from E18 to 7 months after birth. The percentage of CD45neg/CCSPpos/SP-Cpos cells was relatively stable to 7 months (between 0.3±0.04% and 1.28±0.11%). When lungs were treated with naphthalene, the proliferation of CCSPpos/SP-Cpos cells was observed as patches of double-positive cells and preceded the recovery of bronchioles. In contrast, when lungs were treated with bleomycin, the proliferation of CCSPpos/SP-Cpos cells was observed, but the type II alveolar epithelial cells never recovered to baseline. Conclusions: CCSPpos/SP-Cpos lung cells were stable until 7 months after birth. These cells in the BADJ primarily regenerate bronchiolar epithelial cells and not alveolar epithelial cells. © 2013 The Japanese Respiratory Society.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.resinv.2013.04.006




  • Methylation of the KEAP1 gene promoter region in human colorectal cancer 査読

    Naoyuki Hanada, Takenori Takahata, Qiliang Zhou, Xulu Ye, Ruowen Sun, Jugoh Itoh, Atsushi Ishiguro, Hiroshi Kijima, Junsei Mimura, Ken Itoh, Shinsaku Fukuda, Yasuo Saijo

    BMC CANCER   12   66   2012年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Background: The Keap1-Nrf2 pathway has been reported to be impaired in several cancers. However, the status of Keap1-Nrf2 system in human colorectal cancer (CRC) has not been elucidated.
    Methods: We used colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines and surgical specimens to investigate the methylation status of the KEAP1 promoter region as well as expression of Nrf2 and its downstream antioxidative stress genes, NQO-1 and AKR1C1.
    Results: DNA sequencing analysis indicated that all mutations detected were synonymous, with no amino acid substitutions. We showed by bisulfite genomic sequencing and methylation-specific PCR that eight of 10 CRC cell lines had hypermethylated CpG islands in the KEAP1 promoter region. HT29 cells with a hypermethylated KEAP1 promoter resulted in decreased mRNA and protein expression but unmethylated Colo320DM cells showed higher expression levels. In addition, treatment with the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-Aza-dC combined with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) increased KEAP1 mRNA expression. These result suggested that methylation of the KEAP1 promoter regulates its mRNA level. Time course analysis with the Nrf2-antioxidant response element (ARE) pathway activator t-BHQ treatment showed a rapid response within 24 h. HT29 cells had higher basal expression levels of NQO-1 and AKR1C1 mRNA than Colo320DM cells. Aberrant promoter methylation of KEAP1 was detected in 53% of tumor tissues and 25% of normal mucosae from 40 surgical CRC specimens, indicating that cancerous tissue showed increased methylation of the KEAP1 promoter region, conferring a protective effect against cytotoxic anticancer drugs.
    Conclusion: Hypermethylation of the KEAP1 promoter region suppressed its mRNA expression and increased nuclear Nrf2 and downstream ARE gene expression in CRC cells and tissues.

    DOI: 10.1186/1471-2407-12-66

    Web of Science



▶ 全件表示


  • iPSCs in Tissue Engineering

    Qiliang Zhou, Yasuo Saijo( 担当: 共著 ,  範囲: Chapter 6 - Induced pluripotent stem cells for trachea engineering)

    Academic Press  2021年8月 



  • 胚盤胞補完法とES細胞を用いた甲状腺再生

    冉慶松, 周啓亮, 小田加奈子, 泰江彰浩, 阿部学, 笹岡俊邦, 崎村健司, 味岡洋一, 西條康夫

    日本再生医療学会総会(Web)   20th   2021年


  • 免疫チェックポイント薬が著効したMSI-H原発不明がんの1例

    齊木琢朗, 松本吉史, ZHOU Qiliang, 佐々木健太, 森山雅人, 坂井由紀, 西條康夫

    新潟医学会雑誌   134 ( 6 )   2020年


  • 卵殻膜抽出タンパク質とポリビニルアルコールを複合したゲルの新規足場材料への応用

    吉田剛基, 菅原瑞希, ガムラ リファイ, 周啓亮, 西條康夫, 坪川紀夫, 山内健

    ネットワークポリマー講演討論会講演要旨集   69th   2019年


  • がん関連血栓塞栓症の早期診断と治療効果判定に有用な臨床検査系の確立

    森山雅人, 松田将門, 小宮山豊, 鈴木健史, 末武司, 佐々木健太, 齋木琢郎, 周啓亮, 松本吉史, 西條康夫

    臨床病理   67   2019年


  • 乳癌手術24年後に消化管,リンパ節,皮膚,骨に多発転移をきたした1例

    大脇崇史, 橋本哲, 岩澤貴宏, 水澤健, 五十嵐聡, 上村博輝, 高村昌昭, 周啓亮, 松本吉史, 梅津哉, 寺井崇二

    Endoscopic Forum for Digestive Disease   35 ( 2 )   2019年


  • 胚盤胞補完法とES細胞を用いたマウス生体内における肺臓器再生

    冉慶松, 周啓亮, 北原哲彦, 叶許緑, 佐々木健太, 齋木琢郎, 松本吉史, 森山雅人, 泰江章博, 阿部学, 味岡洋一, 笹岡俊邦, 西條康夫

    日本再生医療学会総会(Web)   18th   2019年


  • シスプラチンの関与が疑われた即時型アレルギー性肝障害の一症例

    八重樫彩花, 吉田謙介, 島田泉, 鈴木直人, ZHOU Qiliang, 松本吉史, 森山雅人, 西條康夫, 外山聡

    日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会(CD-ROM)   16th   ROMBUNNO.P1‐119   2018年





  • 当院における後期高齢者の食道癌診療と治療成績

    ZHOU Qiliang, 木村和義, 佐々木健太, 松本吉史, 森山雅人, 西條康夫

    日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会(CD-ROM)   16th   ROMBUNNO.P3‐202   2018年





  • AYA世代におけるがん診療の実態調査

    上村賢介, 上村賢介, 松本吉史, ZHOU Qiliang, 森山雅人, 西條康夫

    日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会(CD-ROM)   16th   ROMBUNNO.P1‐275   2018年





  • 胚盤胞補完法を利用したマウスES細胞による肺再生

    北原哲彦, 周啓亮, 冉慶松, 叶許緑, 小田佳奈子, 笹岡俊邦, 阿部学, 崎村建司, 味岡洋一, 泰江章博, 土田正則, 西條康夫

    日本外科学会定期学術集会(Web)   118th   2018年


  • 当院における局所進行膵臓癌に対するS‐1併用化学放射線療法の検討

    松本吉史, 森山雅人, ZHOU Qiliang, 西條康夫

    日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会(CD-ROM)   15th   ROMBUNNO.P1‐116   2017年





  • 当科におけるレンバチニブ治療を施行した進行期甲状腺がん5例の検討

    ZHOU Qiliang, 松本吉史, 森山雅人, 西條康夫

    日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会(CD-ROM)   15th   ROMBUNNO.O2‐10‐2   2017年





  • 当院での局所進行膵臓癌に対するS-1併用化学放射線療法について

    松本吉史, 周啓亮, 森山雅人, 滝沢一泰, 若井俊文, 青山英史, 西條康夫

    日本癌治療学会学術集会(Web)   55th   2017年


  • 実体重に基づく細胞障害性抗がん剤投与量が日本人肥満がん患者の血液毒性に与える影響~レジメンによる比較検討~

    上村賢介, 上村賢介, 森山雅人, 松本吉史, 周啓亮, 西條康夫

    日本医療薬学会年会講演要旨集(Web)   26   2016年


  • 日本人肥満がん患者に対する実体重に基づく細胞障害性抗がん剤投与量による血液毒性

    上村賢介, 上村賢介, 森山雅人, 松本吉史, 周啓亮, 西條康夫

    日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会(CD-ROM)   14th   2016年


  • 生体由来気管スキャフォールドとiPS細胞を用いた気管再生の試み

    周啓亮, 叶許緑, 松本吉史, 森山雅人, 味岡洋一, 西條康夫

    再生医療   15   2016年


  • がん薬物療法における肥満患者に対する薬剤適正投与量についての検討

    上村賢介, 上村賢介, 森山雅人, 松本吉史, 周けい亮, 西條康夫

    日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会(CD-ROM)   13th   2015年


  • Erdheim-Chester病に対してIFN-αが効果的であった一例

    森山雅人, 松本吉史, 永橋昌幸, ZHOU Qi Liang, 遠藤麻巳子, 高井千夏, 渡辺博文, 成田一衛, 西條康夫

    日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会(CD-ROM)   13th   2015年


  • 診断に難渋した妊娠時発症甲状腺クリーゼの1例

    鈴木浩史, 周啓亮, 山田貴穂, 鈴木達郎, 北澤勝, 植村靖行, 皆川慎一, 鈴木亜希子, 羽入修, 曽根博仁, 山口雅幸, 本多忠幸, 山谷恵一

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   89 ( 3 )   2013年


  • マウスiPS細胞におけるin vitro肺上皮細胞への分化誘導

    周啓亮, 叶許緑, 孫若文, 石黒敦, 高畑武功, 西條康夫

    日本呼吸器学会誌   1   2012年


▶ 全件表示


  • 学術奨励賞

    2022年12月   新潟県医師会  


  • 優秀論文表彰

    2021年12月   新潟大学  


  • 新潟大学学長賞

    2021年8月   新潟大学  


  • CSCO2018 トラベルグラント賞

    2018年9月   中国臨床腫瘍学会  


  • 新潟大学若手医学研究賞

    2012年10月   新潟大学  



  • 100%多能性幹細胞由来の肺臓器創出


    2021年4月 - 2024年3月

    制度名:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    西條 康夫


    配分額:16250000円 ( 直接経費:12500000円 、 間接経費:3750000円 )


  • 肺臓器移植を目指した異種間胚盤胞補完法による肺臓器創出と肺欠損大型モデルの開発


    2020年4月 - 2024年3月

    制度名:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    周 ケイリョウ, 笹岡 俊邦, 土田 正則, 中務 胞, 小田 佳奈子, 泰江 章博


    配分額:17420000円 ( 直接経費:13400000円 、 間接経費:4020000円 )

    本研究は、異種間胚盤胞補完法を用いて、異種間肺臓器作出方法技術の確立を目指すものである。まずは同種間においてはマウス生体内に肺臓器の作成を検証した。既に、肺臓器を欠損するFgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mut マウスを開発し、胚盤胞補完法にてマウスの生体内にGFP陽性mES細胞に由来する機能的肺臓器の作出に成功した(Cell reports. 31(6):107626, 2020; Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2020 Dec 14;11:609697)。次に、異種間の設定でVenus陽性ラットES細胞を肺や気管が欠損するFgf10 Ex1mut/Ex3mutマウスの胚盤胞に移入し、マウス生体内にラットES細胞由来の肺臓器の作出を試みた。2020年度において、計6回、total500個超のマウス胚盤胞にラットES細胞のマイクロインジェクションを行い、インジェクションするラットES細胞の数や胚盤胞の時期等の条件につき検討した。2-5個程度のラットESを移植した場合のキメラ率がより高いことを示したが、依然として効率は低かった。また、新生児の異種間キメラマウスにおいて、四肢と肺の形成を認め、ラットES細胞によるレスキューを示した。ただし、新生児の組織解析においては、四肢欠損が十分にレスキューされていない場合があった。肺組織を用いて、肺臓器の各種細胞マーカーを使って免疫蛍光染色を行ったところ、一部にVenus陽性ラットES細胞由来組織を認めたが、キメラリズムは高くなかった。詳細な組織解析は進行中である。


  • 胚盤胞補完法と多能性幹細胞を用いたマウス生体内における肺臓器再生技術の研究開発


    2018年4月 - 2020年3月

    制度名:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究



    周 ケイリョウ


    配分額:4160000円 ( 直接経費:3200000円 、 間接経費:960000円 )

    本研究は、胚盤胞補完法を用いて多能性幹細胞に由来する肺臓器をマウス生体内で作成することである。肺や四肢が欠損となるFgf10ノックアウトマウスは出生後に生存できないため、CRISPRA/Cas9システムにてExon1とExon3ヘテロマウスをそれぞれ作成し、系統維持した。得られたヘテロマウス同士を交配し、25%の確率で複合ヘテロ胚を得た。407個のFgf10 Ex1-/+ × Fgf10 Ex3-/+ 胚においてGFP陽性ES細胞(Fgf10 wild)をマイクロインジェクションし、うちの360個の胚盤胞胚を偽妊娠マウス子宮に着床させ、91匹(22.4%)の産仔が得られた。52匹(57.1%)の産仔が出生時にGFP陽性(キメラ)で、うち11匹が離乳まで生存できた。すべてのGFP陽性キメラマウスにおいては四肢形成と肺組織形成が認められ、Fgf10ノックアウトマウスにおいてES細胞の補完作用による肺臓器や四肢の形成ができた可能性を示唆した。surveyor mutation検査及びDNAシーケンス解析により、2匹の離乳したGFP陽性キメラマウスが複合ヘテロ(Fgf10 Ex1-/Ex3-)胚由来であることを証明した。この2匹の複合ヘテロ胚由来キメラマウスを成年まで(それぞれ4ヶ月と6ヶ月)飼育し、殺処分した後に組織学的な解析を行ったところ、肺臓器は強いGFP発現を認め、肉眼的にも、マイクロ的にもFgf10野生型マウスの肺と差がないことを示した。肺臓器の各種細胞マーカーを使って免疫蛍光染色を行ったところ、肺胞Ⅰ型上皮細胞、Ⅱ型上皮細胞、気管上皮のクラブ細胞、血管内皮細胞を含む間質細胞のほとんどがGFP陽性であり、ES細胞由来であることを示唆した。


  • 生体由来気管スキャフォールドとiPS細胞を用いた気管再生技術の研究開発

    2016年4月 - 2018年3月

    制度名:科研費 若手研究(B)






    配分額:3000000円 ( 直接経費:2100000円 、 間接経費:900000円 )




  • 臨床医学講義(集中)


  • 医学序説 II
