Updated on 2025/03/13


KOYAMA Shiyoko
Academic Assembly Institute of Science and Technology Fundamental Sciences Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Science and Technology Fundamental Sciences Assistant Professor
College of Creative Studies Creative Studies Course Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
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  • 博士(理学) ( 2013.9   東京大学 )

Research Interests

  • 高エネルギー天体物理学、電波天文学、活動銀河核、ブラックホール、宇宙ジェット

Research Areas

  • Natural Science / Astronomy

Research History (researchmap)

  • 台湾中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所   Visiting Scholar


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  • Niigata University   Assistant Professor


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  • Academia Sinica Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics   Greenland Telescope group   Postdoc fellow

    2017.4 - 2021.3

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    Country:Taiwan, Province of China


  • Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy   Very Long Baseline Interferometry group   Postdoc Fellow

    2014.4 - 2017.3

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  • The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Science

    2013.10 - 2014.3

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Research History

  • Niigata University   Assistant Professor


  • Niigata University   Fundamental Sciences, Institute of Science and Technology, Academic Assembly   Assistant Professor


  • Niigata University   Creative Studies Course, College of Creative Studies   Assistant Professor


  • Niigata University   Fundamental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Technology   Assistant Professor



  • The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Science Doctoral Program   Astronomy

    2010.4 - 2013.9

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    Country: Japan


  • The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Science   Department of Astronomy

    2008.4 - 2010.3

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    Country: Japan


  • Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering   Physics

    2004.4 - 2008.3

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    Country: Japan


Professional Memberships

Committee Memberships

  • 日本天文学会   天文月報編集委員  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 国立天文台   VLBI科学諮問委員会委員  


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    Committee type:Other


  • Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration   Science Council vice chair  

    2022.9 - 2024.5   

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    Committee type:Other


  • Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration   Science Council member  

    2021.4 - 2024.5   

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    Committee type:Other




  • The persistent shadow of the supermassive black hole of M 87

    The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, Bidisha Bandyopadhyay, John Barrett, Michi Bauböck, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Dominic O. Chang, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Rohan Dahale, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Indu K. Dihingia, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Edward Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Marianna Foschi, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, José L. Gómez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Adam C. Jones, Abhishek V. Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Joana A. Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Amy E. Lowitz, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, Joshua Montgomery, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Wanga Mulaudzi, Cornelia Müller, Hendrik Müller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Chunchong Ni, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Eduardo Ros, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Miguel Sánchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, León David Sosapanta Salas, Kamal Souccar, Joshua S. Stanway, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Teresa Toscano, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jasmin E. Washington, Jonathan Weintroub, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Nitika Yadlapalli, Paul Yamaguchi, Aristomenis Yfantis, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ziri Younsi, Wei Yu, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Alexander Allardi, Shu-Hao Chang, Chih-Cheng Chang, Song-Chu Chang, Chung-Chen Chen, Ryan Chilson, Aaron Faber, David M. Gale, Chih-Chiang Han, Kuo-Chang Han, Yutaka Hasegawa, José Luis Hernández-Rebollar, Yau-De Huang, Homin Jiang, Hao Jinchi, Kimihiro Kimura, Derek Kubo, Chao-Te Li, Lupin C.-C. Lin, Ching-Tang Liu, Kuan-Yu Liu, Li-Ming Lu, Pierre Martin-Cocher, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Alfredo Montaña, Anthony Moraghan, Marcos Emir Moreno-Nolasco, Hiroaki Nishioka, Timothy J. Norton, George Nystrom, Hideo Ogawa, Peter Oshiro, Nicolas Pradel, Giacomo Principe, Philippe Raffin, Iván Rodríguez-Montoya, Paul Shaw, William Snow, Tirupati Kumara Sridharan, Ranjani Srinivasan, Ta-Shun Wei, Chen-Yu Yu

    Astronomy & Astrophysics   681   A79 - A79   2024.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    In April 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration reported the first-ever event-horizon-scale images of a black hole, resolving the central compact radio source in the giant elliptical galaxy M 87. These images reveal a ring with a southerly brightness distribution and a diameter of ∼42 μas, consistent with the predicted size and shape of a shadow produced by the gravitationally lensed emission around a supermassive black hole. These results were obtained as part of the April 2017 EHT observation campaign, using a global very long baseline interferometric radio array operating at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. Here, we present results based on the second EHT observing campaign, taking place in April 2018 with an improved array, wider frequency coverage, and increased bandwidth. In particular, the additional baselines provided by the Greenland telescope improved the coverage of the array. Multiyear EHT observations provide independent snapshots of the horizon-scale emission, allowing us to confirm the persistence, size, and shape of the black hole shadow, and constrain the intrinsic structural variability of the accretion flow. We have confirmed the presence of an asymmetric ring structure, brighter in the southwest, with a median diameter of 43.3<sub>−3.1</sub><sup>+1.5</sup> μas. The diameter of the 2018 ring is remarkably consistent with the diameter obtained from the previous 2017 observations. On the other hand, the position angle of the brightness asymmetry in 2018 is shifted by about 30° relative to 2017. The perennial persistence of the ring and its diameter robustly support the interpretation that the ring is formed by lensed emission surrounding a Kerr black hole with a mass ∼6.5 × 10<sup>9</sup> M<sub>⊙</sub>. The significant change in the ring brightness asymmetry implies a spin axis that is more consistent with the position angle of the large-scale jet.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347932


  • Stable Radio Core of the Blazar Mrk 501 during High-energy Active State in 2012 Reviewed

    Shoko Koyama, Motoki Kino, Akihiro Doi, Kotaro Niinuma, Marcello Giroletti, David Paneque, Kazunori Akiyama, Gabriele Giovannini, Guang-Yao Zhao, Eduardo Ros, Jun Kataoka, Monica Orienti, Kazuhiro Hada, Hiroshi Nagai, Naoki Isobe, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Mareki Honma, Rocco Lico

    The Astrophysical Journal   884 ( 2 )   132 - 132   2019.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab4260


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ab4260

  • First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. IV. Imaging the Central Supermassive Black Hole Reviewed

    The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, José L. Gómez, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Yosuke Mizuno, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Benjamin R. Ryan, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu, Joseph R. Farah, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Daniel Michalik, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroaki Nishioka, Nicolas Pradel, Rurik A. Primiani, Kamal Souccar, Laura Vertatschitsch, Paul Yamaguchi

    The Astrophysical Journal   875 ( 1 )   L4 - L4   2019.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    We present the first Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) images of M87, using observations from April 2017 at 1.3 mm wavelength. These images show a prominent ring with a diameter of similar to 40 mu as, consistent with the size and shape of the lensed photon orbit encircling the "shadow" of a supermassive black hole. The ring is persistent across four observing nights and shows enhanced brightness in the south. To assess the reliability of these results, we implemented a two-stage imaging procedure. In the first stage, four teams, each blind to the others' work, produced images of M87 using both an established method (CLEAN) and a newer technique (regularized maximum likelihood). This stage allowed us to avoid shared human bias and to assess common features among independent reconstructions. In the second stage, we reconstructed synthetic data from a large survey of imaging parameters and then compared the results with the corresponding ground truth images. This stage allowed us to select parameters objectively to use when reconstructing images of M87. Across all tests in both stages, the ring diameter and asymmetry remained stable, insensitive to the choice of imaging technique. We describe the EHT imaging procedures, the primary image features in M87, and the dependence of these features on imaging assumptions.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab0e85

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ab0e85

  • Discovery of off-axis jet structure of TeV blazar Mrk 501 with mm-VLBI Reviewed

    S. Koyama, M. Kino, M. Giroletti, A. Doi, G. Giovannini, M. Orienti, K. Hada, E. Ros, K. Niinuma, H. Nagai, T. Savolainen, T. P. Krichbaum, M. Á. Pérez-Torres

    Astronomy & Astrophysics   586   A113 - A113   2016.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    Context. High-resolution millimeter wave very-long-baseline interferometry (mm-VLBI) is an ideal tool for probing the structure at the base of extragalactic jets in detail. The TeV blazar Mrk 501 is one of the best targets among BL Lac objects for studying the nature of off-axis jet structures because it shows different jet position angles at different scales. Aims. The aim of this study is to investigate the properties of the off-axis jet structure through high-resolution mm-VLBI images at the jet base and physical parameters such as kinematics, flux densities, and spectral indices. Methods. We performed Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations over six epochs from 2012 February to 2013 February at 43 GHz. Quasi-simultaneous Global Millimeter VLBI Array (GMVA) observations at 86 GHz were performed in May 2012. Results. We discover a new jet component at the northeast direction from the core in all the images at 43 and 86 GHz. The new component shows the off-axis location from the persistent jet extending to the southeast. The 43 GHz images reveal that the scattering of the positions of the NE component is within ∼0.2 mas. The 86 GHz data reveals a jet component located 0.75 mas southeast of the radio core. We also discuss the spectral indices between 43 and 86 GHz, where the northeast component has steeper spectral index and the southeast component has comparable or flatter index than the radio core does.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201526541



  • Probing the precise location of the radio core in the TeV blazar Mrk 501 with VERA at 43 GHz Reviewed

    Shoko Koyama, Motoki Kino, Akihiro Doi, Kotaro Niinuma, Kazuhiro Hada, Hiroshi Nagai, Mareki Honma, Kazunori Akiyama, Marcello Giroletti, Gabriele Giovannini, Monica Orienti, Naoki Isobe, Jun Kataoka, David Paneque, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Keiichi Asada

    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan   67 ( 4 )   67 - 67   2015.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    We investigate the position of the radio core in a blazar by multi-epoch astrometric observations at 43 GHz. Using the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA), we have conducted four adjacent observations in 2011 February and another four in 2011 October, and succeeded in measuring the position of the radio core in the TeV blazar Mrk 501 relative to a distant compact quasar NRAO 512. During our observations, we find that (1) there is no positional change within ∼0.2 mas or ∼2.0 pc de-projected with ±1 σ error for the weighted-mean phase-referenced positions of the Mrk 501 core relative to NRAO 512 over four adjacent days, and (2) there is an indication of position change for the 3C 345 core relative to NRAO 512. By applying our results to the standard internal shock model for blazars, we constrain the bulk Lorenz factors of the ejecta.

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psu144



  • The persistent shadow of the supermassive black hole of M87

    Kazunori Akiyama, Ezequiel Albentosa-Ruíz, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, Bidisha Bandyopadhyay, John Barrett, Michi Bauböck, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Dominic O. Chang, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Brandon Curd, Rohan Dahale, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Indu K. Dihingia, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Edward Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Marianna Foschi, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, José L. Gómez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Adam C. Jones, Abhishek V. Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Joana A. Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Amy E. Lowitz, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, Joshua Montgomery, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Wanga Mulaudzi, Cornelia Müller, Hendrik Müller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Dhanya G. Nair, Masanori Nakamura, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Chunchong Ni, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Raúl Olivares Sánchez, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Giacomo Principe, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Eduardo Ros, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Miguel Sánchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, León D. S. Salas, Kamal Souccar, Joshua S. Stanway, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Teresa Toscano, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jasmin E. Washington, Jonathan Weintroub, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Nitika Yadlapalli, Paul Yamaguchi, Aristomenis Yfantis, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ziri Younsi, Wei Yu, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    Astronomy &amp; Astrophysics   693   A265 - A265   2025.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observation of M87<sup>∗</sup> in 2018 has revealed a ring with a diameter that is consistent with the 2017 observation. The brightest part of the ring is shifted to the southwest from the southeast. In this paper, we provide theoretical interpretations for the multi-epoch EHT observations for M87<sup>∗</sup> by comparing a new general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics model image library with the EHT observations for M87<sup>∗</sup> in both 2017 and 2018. The model images include aligned and tilted accretion with parameterized thermal and nonthermal synchrotron emission properties. The 2018 observation again shows that the spin vector of the M87<sup>∗</sup> supermassive black hole is pointed away from Earth. A shift of the brightest part of the ring during the multi-epoch observations can naturally be explained by the turbulent nature of black hole accretion, which is supported by the fact that the more turbulent retrograde models can explain the multi-epoch observations better than the prograde models. The EHT data are inconsistent with the tilted models in our model image library. Assuming that the black hole spin axis and its large-scale jet direction are roughly aligned, we expect the brightest part of the ring to be most commonly observed 90 deg clockwise from the forward jet. This prediction can be statistically tested through future observations.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202451296


  • The putative center in NGC 1052

    Anne-Kathrin Baczko, Matthias Kadler, Eduardo Ros, Christian M. Fromm, Maciek Wielgus, Manel Perucho, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Mislav Baloković, Lindy Blackburn, Chi-kwan Chan, Sara Issaoun, Michael Janssen, Luca Ricci, Kazunori Akiyama, Ezequiel Albentosa-Ruíz, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, David Ball, Bidisha Bandyopadhyay, John Barrett, Michi Bauböck, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Dominic O. Chang, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Rohan Dahale, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Indu K. Dihingia, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Taylor Dougall, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Edward Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Marianna Foschi, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, José L. Gómez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek V. Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Joana A. Kramer, Michael Kramer, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Amy E. Lowitz, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Wanga Mulaudzi, Cornelia Müller, Hendrik Müller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Dhanya G. Nair, Masanori Nakamura, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Raúl Olivares Sánchez, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Giacomo Principe, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Miguel Sánchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, León David Sosapanta Salas, Kamal Souccar, Joshua S. Stanway, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Teresa Toscano, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jasmin E. Washington, Jonathan Weintroub, Robert Wharton, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Nitika Yadlapalli, Paul Yamaguchi, Aristomenis Yfantis, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Wei Yu, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao

    Astronomy &amp; Astrophysics   692   A205 - A205   2024.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    Context. Many active galaxies harbor powerful relativistic jets, however, the detailed mechanisms of their formation and acceleration remain poorly understood.

    Aims. To investigate the area of jet acceleration and collimation with the highest available angular resolution, we study the innermost region of the bipolar jet in the nearby low-ionization nuclear emission-line region (LINER) galaxy NGC 1052.

    Methods. We combined observations of NGC 1052 taken with VLBA, GMVA, and EHT over one week in the spring of 2017. Our study is focused on the size and continuum spectrum of the innermost region containing the central engine and the footpoints of both jets. We employed a synchrotron-self absorption model to fit the continuum radio spectrum and we combined the size measurements from close to the central engine out to ∼1 pc to study the jet collimation.

    Results. For the first time, NGC 1052 was detected with the EHT, providing a size of the central region in-between both jet bases of 43 μas perpendicular to the jet axes, corresponding to just around 250 R<sub>S</sub> (Schwarzschild radii). This size estimate supports previous studies of the jets expansion profile which suggest two breaks of the profile at around 3 × 10<sup>3</sup> R<sub>S</sub> and 1 × 10<sup>4</sup> R<sub>S</sub> distances to the core. Furthermore, we estimated the magnetic field to be 1.25 Gauss at a distance of 22 μas from the central engine by fitting a synchrotron-self absorption spectrum to the innermost emission feature, which shows a spectral turn-over at ∼130 GHz. Assuming a purely poloidal magnetic field, this implies an upper limit on the magnetic field strength at the event horizon of 2.6 × 10<sup>4</sup> Gauss, which is consistent with previous measurements.

    Conclusions. The complex, low-brightness, double-sided jet structure in NGC 1052 makes it a challenge to detect the source at millimeter (mm) wavelengths. However, our first EHT observations have demonstrated that detection is possible up to at least 230 GHz. This study offers a glimpse through the dense surrounding torus and into the innermost central region, where the jets are formed. This has enabled us to finally resolve this region and provide improved constraints on its expansion and magnetic field strength.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202450898


  • Broadband multi-wavelength properties of M87 during the 2018 EHT campaign including a very high energy flaring episode

    J. C. Algaba, M. Baloković, S. Chandra, W.-Y. Cheong, Y.-Z. Cui, F. D’Ammando, A. D. Falcone, N. M. Ford, M. Giroletti, C. Goddi, M. A. Gurwell, K. Hada, D. Haggard, S. Jorstad, A. Kaur, T. Kawashima, S. Kerby, J.-Y. Kim, M. Kino, E. V. Kravchenko, S.-S. Lee, R.-S. Lu, S. Markoff, J. Michail, J. Neilsen, M. A. Nowak, G. Principe, V. Ramakrishnan, B. Ripperda, M. Sasada, S. S. Savchenko, C. Sheridan, K. Akiyama, A. Alberdi, W. Alef, R. Anantua, K. Asada, R. Azulay, U. Bach, A.-K. Baczko, D. Ball, B. Bandyopadhyay, J. Barrett, M. Bauböck, B. A. Benson, D. Bintley, L. lackburn, R. Blundell, K. L. Bouman, G. C. Bower, H. Boyce, M. Bremer, R. Brissenden, S. Britzen, A. E. Broderick, D. Broguiere, T. Bronzwaer, S. Bustamante, J. E. Carlstrom, A. Chael, C.-k. Chan, D. O. Chang, K. Chatterjee, S. Chatterjee, M.-T. Chen, Y. Chen, X. Cheng, I. Cho, P. Christian, N. S. Conroy, J. E. Conway, T. M. Crawford, G. B. Crew, A. Cruz-Osorio, R. Dahale, J. Davelaar, M. De Laurentis, R. Deane, J. Dempsey, G. Desvignes, J. Dexter, V. Dhruv, I. K. Dihingia, S. S. Doeleman, S. A. Dzib, R. P. Eatough, R. Emami, H. Falcke, J. Farah, V. L. Fish, E. Fomalont, H. A. Ford, M. Foschi, R. Fraga-Encinas, W. T. Freeman, P. Friberg, C. M. Fromm, A. Fuentes, P. Galison, C. F. Gammie, R. García, O. Gentaz, B. Georgiev, R. Gold, A. I. Gómez-Ruiz, J. L. Gómez, M. Gu, R. Hesper, D. Heumann, L. C. Ho, P. Ho, M. Honma, C.-W. L. Huang, L. Huang, D. H. Hughes, S. Ikeda, C. M. V. Impellizzeri, M. Inoue, S. Issaoun, D. J. James, B. T. Jannuzi, M. Janssen, B. Jeter, W. Jiang, A. Jiménez-Rosales, M. D. Johnson, A. C. Jones, A. V. Joshi, T. Jung, R. Karuppusamy, G. K. Keating, M. Kettenis, D.-J. Kim, J. Kim, J. Kim, J. Y. Koay, P. Kocherlakota, Y. Kofuji, P. M. Koch, S. Koyama, C. Kramer, J. A. Kramer, M. Kramer, T. P. Krichbaum, C.-Y. Kuo, N. La Bella, A. Levis, Z. Li, R. Lico, G. Lindahl, M. Lindqvist, M. Lisakov, J. Liu, K. Liu, E. Liuzzo, W.-P. Lo, A. P. Lobanov, L. Loinard, C. J. Lonsdale, A. E. Lowitz, N. R. MacDonald, J. Mao, N. Marchili, D. P. Marrone, A. P. Marscher, I. Martí-Vidal, S. Matsushita, L. D. Matthews, L. Medeiros, K. M. Menten, I. Mizuno, Y. Mizuno, J. Montgomery, J. M. Moran, K. Moriyama, M. Moscibrodzka, W. Mulaudzi, C. Müller, H. Müller, A. Mus, G. Musoke, I. Myserlis, H. Nagai, N. M. Nagar, D. G. Nair, M. Nakamura, G. Narayanan, I. Natarajan, A. Nathanail, S. Navarro Fuentes, C. Ni, J. Oh, H. Okino, H. Olivares, T. Oyama, F. Özel, D. C. M. Palumbo, G. Filippos Paraschos, J. Park, H. Parsons, N. Patel, U.-L. Pen, D. W. Pesce, V. Piétu, A. PopStefanija, O. Porth, B. Prather, D. Psaltis, H.-Y. Pu, R. Rao, M. G. Rawlings, A. W. Raymond, L. Rezzolla, A. Ricarte, F. Roelofs, C. Romero-Cañizales, E. Ros, A. Roshanineshat, H. Rottmann, A. L. Roy, I. Ruiz, C. Ruszczyk, K. L. J. Rygl, S. Sánchez, D. Sánchez-Argüelles, M. Sánchez-Portal, K. Satapathy, T. Savolainen, F. P. Schloerb, J. Schonfeld, K.-F. Schuster, L. Shao, Z. Shen, D. Small, B. W. Sohn, J. SooHoo, L. D. Sosapanta Salas, K. Souccar, J. S. Stanway, H. Sun, F. Tazaki, A. J. Tetarenko, P. Tiede, R. P. J. Tilanus, M. Titus, K. Toma, P. Torne, T. Toscano, E. Traianou, T. Trent, S. Trippe, M. Turk, I. van Bemmel, H. J. van Langevelde, D. R. van Rossum, J. Vos, J. Wagner, D. Ward-Thompson, J. Wardle, J. E. Washington, J. Weintroub, R. Wharton, M. Wielgus, K. Wiik, G. Witzel, M. F. Wondrak, G. N. Wong, Q. Wu, N. Yadlapalli, P. Yamaguchi, A. Yfantis, D. Yoon, A. Young, Z. Younsi, W. Yu, F. Yuan, Y.-F. Yuan, J. A. Zensus, S. Zhang, G.-Y. Zhao, S.-S. Zhao, R. Bellazzini, B. Berenji, E. Bissaldi, R. D. Blandford, R. Bonino, P. Bruel, R. A. Cameron, P. A. Caraveo, E. Cavazzuti, C. C. Cheung, S. Ciprini, P. Cristarella Orestano, S. Cutini, N. Di Lalla, A. Dinesh, L. Di Venere, A. Domínguez, S. J. Fegan, A. Franckowiak, Y. Fukazawa, P. Fusco, F. Gargano, C. Gasbarra, S. Germani, M. Giliberti, I. A. Grenier, E. Hays, D. Horan, M. Kuss, S. Larsson, I. Liodakis, F. Longo, F. Loparco, M. N. Lovellette, S. Maldera, M. N. Mazziotta, I. Mereu, P. F. Michelson, N. Mirabal, T. Mizuno, M. E. Monzani, A. Morselli, M. Negro, N. Omodei, E. Orlando, M. Persic, S. Rainò, B. Rani, A. Reimer, O. Reimer, M. Sánchez-Conde, P. M. Saz Parkinson, C. Sgrò, E. J. Siskind, P. Spinelli, D. J. Suson, H. Tajima, D. F. Torres, G. Zaharijas, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, J. Aschersleben, H. Ashkar, M. Backes, V. Barbosa Martins, R. Batzofin, Y. Becherini, D. Berge, M. Böttcher, C. Boisson, J. Bolmont, M. de Bony de Lavergne, J. Borowska, M. Bouyahiaoui, F. Bradascio, R. Brose, A. Brown, B. Bruno, T. Bulik, C. Burger-Scheidlin, S. Casanova, R. Cecil, J. Celic, M. Cerruti, T. Chand, A. Chen, J. Chibueze, O. Chibueze, G. Cotter, J. Damascene Mbarubucyeye, J. Devin, J. Djuvsland, A. Dmytriiev, S. Einecke, J.-P. Ernenwein, K. Feijen, G. Fontaine, S. Funk, S. Gabici, D. Glawion, J. F. Glicenstein, P. Goswami, G. Grolleron, L. Haerer, B. Heß, T. L. Holch, M. Holler, D. Horns, Zhiqiu Huang, M. Jamrozy, F. Jankowsky, I. Jung-Richardt, E. Kasai, K. Katarzyński, R. Khatoon, B. Khélifi, W. Kluźniak, Nu. Komin, K. Kosack, A. Kundu, R. G. Lang, S. Le Stum, F. Leitl, A. Lemière, M. Lemoine-Goumard, J.-P. Lenain, F. Leuschner, A. Luashvili, J. Mackey, D. Malyshev, G. Martí-Devesa, R. Marx, M. Meyer, A. Mitchell, R. Moderski, M. O. Moghadam, L. Mohrmann, A. Montanari, E. Moulin, M. de Naurois, J. Niemiec, P. O’Brien, S. Ohm, E. de Ona Wilhelmi, M. Ostrowski, S. Panny, M. Panter, U. Pensec, S. Pita, G. Pühlhofer, A. Quirrenbach, S. Ravikularaman, A. Reimer, O. Reimer, B. Reville, I. Reis, H. Ren, F. Rieger, G. Roellinghoff, B. Rudak, E. Ruiz-Velasco, K. Sabri, V. Sahakian, H. Salzmann, A. Santangelo, M. Sasaki, J. Schäfer, F. Schüssler, H. M. Schutte, J. N. S. Shapopi, A. Sharma, H. Sol, S. Spencer, Ł. Stawarz, C. Steppa, K. Streil, H. Suzuki, T. Takahashi, T. Tanaka, A. M. Taylor, R. Terrier, M. Tluczykont, M. Tsirou, C. van Eldik, M. Vecchi, T. Wach, S. J. Wagner, A. Wierzcholska, M. Zacharias, A. A. Zdziarski, A. Zech, N. Żywucka, S. Abe, J. Abhir, A. Abhishek, V. A. Acciari, A. Aguasca-Cabot, I. Agudo, T. Aniello, S. Ansoldi, L. A. Antonelli, A. Arbet Engels, C. Arcaro, M. Artero, K. Asano, A. Babić, U. Barres de Almeida, J. A. Barrio, I. Batković, A. Bautista, J. Baxter, J. Becerra González, W. Bednarek, E. Bernardini, J. Bernete, A. Berti, J. Besenrieder, C. Bigongiari, A. Biland, O. Blanch, G. Bonnoli, Ž. Bošnjak, E. Bronzini, I. Burelli, G. Busetto, A. Campoy-Ordaz, A. Carosi, R. Carosi, M. Carretero-Castrillo, A. J. Castro-Tirado, D. Cerasole, G. Ceribella, Y. Chai, A. Cifuentes, E. Colombo, J. L. Contreras, J. Cortina, S. Covino, G. D’Amico, V. D’Elia, P. Da Vela, F. Dazzi, A. De Angelis, B. De Lotto, R. de Menezes, M. Delfino, J. Delgado, C. Delgado Mendez, F. Di Pierro, R. Di Tria, L. Di Venere, D. Dominis Prester, A. Donini, D. Dorner, M. Doro, D. Elsaesser, J. Escudero, L. Fariña, A. Fattorini, L. Foffano, L. Font, S. Fröse, S. Fukami, Y. Fukazawa, R. J. García López, M. Garczarczyk, S. Gasparyan, M. Gaug, J. G. Giesbrecht Paiva, N. Giglietto, F. Giordano, P. Gliwny, N. Godinović, T. Gradetzke, R. Grau, D. Green, J. G. Green, P. Günther, D. Hadasch, A. Hahn, T. Hassan, L. Heckmann, J. Herrera Llorente, D. Hrupec, R. Imazawa, K. Ishio, I. Jiménez Martínez, J. Jormanainen, T. Kayanoki, D. Kerszberg, G. W. Kluge, Y. Kobayashi, P. M. Kouch, H. Kubo, J. Kushida, M. Láinez, A. Lamastra, F. Leone, E. Lindfors, S. Lombardi, R. López-Coto, M. López-Moya, A. López-Oramas, S. Loporchio, A. Lorini, E. Lyard, B. Machado de Oliveira Fraga, P. Majumdar, M. Makariev, G. Maneva, M. Manganaro, S. Mangano, K. Mannheim, M. Mariotti, M. Martínez, M. Martínez-Chicharro, A. Mas-Aguilar, D. Mazin, S. Menchiari, S. Mender, D. Miceli, T. Miener, J. M. Miranda, R. Mirzoyan, M. Molero González, E. Molina, H. A. Mondal, A. Moralejo, D. Morcuende, T. Nakamori, C. Nanci, V. Neustroev, L. Nickel, M. Nievas Rosillo, C. Nigro, L. Nikolić, K. Nilsson, K. Nishijima, T. Njoh Ekoume, K. Noda, S. Nozaki, Y. Ohtani, A. Okumura, J. Otero-Santos, S. Paiano, D. Paneque, R. Paoletti, J. M. Paredes, M. Peresano, M. Persic, M. Pihet, G. Pirola, F. Podobnik, P. G. Prada Moroni, E. Prandini, C. Priyadarshi, M. Ribó, J. Rico, C. Righi, N. Sahakyan, T. Saito, F. G. Saturni, K. Schmidt, F. Schmuckermaier, J. L. Schubert, T. Schweizer, A. Sciaccaluga, G. Silvestri, J. Sitarek, V. Sliusar, D. Sobczynska, A. Spolon, A. Stamerra, J. Strišković, D. Strom, M. Strzys, Y. Suda, S. Suutarinen, H. Tajima, M. Takahashi, R. Takeishi, F. Tavecchio, P. Temnikov, K. Terauchi, T. Terzić, M. Teshima, S. Truzzi, A. Tutone, S. Ubach, J. van Scherpenberg, M. Vazquez Acosta, S. Ventura, G. Verna, I. Viale, C. F. Vigorito, V. Vitale, I. Vovk, R. Walter, M. Will, C. Wunderlich, T. Yamamoto, A. Acharyya, C. B. Adams, P. Bangale, J. T. Bartkoske, W. Benbow, J. L. Christiansen, A. Duerr, M. Errando, Q. Feng, J. Foote, L. Fortson, A. Furniss, W. Hanlon, O. Hervet, C. E. Hinrichs, J. Holder, T. B. Humensky, W. Jin, M. N. Johnson, P. Kaaret, M. Kertzman, D. Kieda, T. K. Kleiner, N. Korzoun, F. Krennrich, S. Kumar, M. J. Lang, M. Lundy, G. Maier, C. E. McGrath, M. J. Millard, C. L. Mooney, P. Moriarty, R. Mukherjee, W. Ning, S. O’Brien, R. A. Ong, M. Pohl, E. Pueschel, J. Quinn, K. Ragan, P. T. Reynolds, D. Ribeiro, E. Roache, J. L. Ryan, I. Sadeh, L. Saha, M. Santander, G. H. Sembroski, R. Shang, M. Splettstoesser, A. K. Talluri, J. V. Tucci, J. Valverde, V. V. Vassiliev, D. A. Williams, S. L. Wong, Z. Chen, L. Cui, T. Hirota, B. Li, G. Li, Q. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Liu, J. Ma, K. Niinuma, H. Ro, N. Sakai, S. Sawada-Satoh, K. Wajima, J. Wang, N. Wang, B. Xia, H. Yan, Y. Yonekura, H. Zhang, R. Zhao, W. Zhong

    Astronomy &amp; Astrophysics   692   A140 - A140   2024.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    Context. The nearby elliptical galaxy M87 contains one of only two supermassive black holes whose emission surrounding the event horizon has been imaged by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). In 2018, more than two dozen multi-wavelength (MWL) facilities (from radio to γ-ray energies) took part in the second M87 EHT campaign.

    Aims. The goal of this extensive MWL campaign was to better understand the physics of the accreting black hole M87*, the relationship between the inflow and inner jets, and the high-energy particle acceleration. Understanding the complex astrophysics is also a necessary first step towards performing further tests of general relativity.

    Methods. The MWL campaign took place in April 2018, overlapping with the EHT M87* observations. We present a new, contemporaneous spectral energy distribution (SED) ranging from radio to very high-energy (VHE) γ-rays as well as details of the individual observations and light curves. We also conducted phenomenological modelling to investigate the basic source properties.

    Results. We present the first VHE γ-ray flare from M87 detected since 2010. The flux above 350 GeV more than doubled within a period of ≈36 hours. We find that the X-ray flux is enhanced by about a factor of two compared to 2017, while the radio and millimetre core fluxes are consistent between 2017 and 2018. We detect evidence for a monotonically increasing jet position angle that corresponds to variations in the bright spot of the EHT image.

    Conclusions. Our results show the value of continued MWL monitoring together with precision imaging for addressing the origins of high-energy particle acceleration. While we cannot currently pinpoint the precise location where such acceleration takes place, the new VHE γ-ray flare already presents a challenge to simple one-zone leptonic emission model approaches, and it emphasises the need for combined image and spectral modelling.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202450497


  • Discovery of Limb Brightening in the Parsec-scale Jet of NGC 315 through Global Very Long Baseline Interferometry Observations and Its Implications for Jet Models

    Jongho Park, Guang-Yao Zhao, Masanori Nakamura, Yosuke Mizuno, Hung-Yi Pu, Keiichi Asada, Kazuya Takahashi, Kenji Toma, Motoki Kino, Ilje Cho, Kazuhiro Hada, Phil G. Edwards, Hyunwook Ro, Minchul Kam, Kunwoo Yi, Yunjeong Lee, Shoko Koyama, Do-Young Byun, Chris Phillips, Cormac Reynolds, Jeffrey A. Hodgson, Sang-Sung Lee

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   973 ( 2 )   L45 - L45   2024.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    We report the first observation of the nearby giant radio galaxy NGC 315 using a global very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) array consisting of 22 radio antennas located across five continents, including high-sensitivity stations, at 22 GHz. Utilizing the extensive u v-coverage provided by the array, coupled with the application of a recently developed superresolution imaging technique based on the regularized maximum-likelihood method, we were able to transversely resolve the NGC 315 jet at parsec scales for the first time. Previously known for its central ridge-brightened morphology at similar scales in former VLBI studies, the jet now clearly exhibits a limb-brightened structure. This finding suggests an inherent limb brightening that was not observable before due to limited angular resolution. Considering that the jet is viewed at an angle of ∼50°, the observed limb brightening is challenging to reconcile with the magnetohydrodynamic models and simulations, which predict that the Doppler-boosted jet edges should dominate over the nonboosted central layer. The conventional jet model that proposes a fast spine and a slow sheath with uniform transverse emissivity may pertain to our observations. However, in this model, the relativistic spine would need to travel at speeds of Γ ≳ 6.0–12.9 along the deprojected jet distance of (2.3–10.8) × 10<sup>3</sup> gravitational radii from the black hole. We propose an alternative scenario that suggests higher emissivity at the jet boundary layer, resulting from more efficient particle acceleration or mass loading onto the jet edges, and consider prospects for future observations with even higher angular resolution.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad7137


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ad7137/pdf

  • First Very Long Baseline Interferometry Detections at 870 μm

    Alexander W. Raymond, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Keiichi Asada, Lindy Blackburn, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Dominique Broguiere, Ming-Tang Chen, Geoffrey B. Crew, Sven Dornbusch, Vincent L. Fish, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Ciriaco Goddi, Chih-Chiang Han, Michael H. Hecht, Yau-De Huang, Michael Janssen, Garrett K. Keating, Jun Yi Koay, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Wen-Ping Lo, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, James M. Moran, Timothy J. Norton, Nimesh Patel, Dominic W. Pesce, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Salvador Sánchez, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Jan Wagner, Jonathan Weintroub, Maciek Wielgus, André Young, Kazunori Akiyama, Ezequiel Albentosa-Ruíz, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, Bidisha Bandyopadhyay, John Barrett, Michi Bauböck, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Hope Boyce, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Dominic O. Chang, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Yongjun 永军 Chen 陈, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, Thomas M. Crawford, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu 玉竹 Cui 崔, Rohan Dahale, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Indu K. Dihingia, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Edward Fomalont, Anne-Laure Fontana, H. Alyson Ford, Marianna Foschi, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Boris Georgiev, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, José L. Gómez, Minfeng 敏峰 Gu 顾, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. 子山 Ho 何, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei 磊 Huang 黄, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Britton Jeter, Wu 悟 Jiang 江, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Adam C. Jones, Abhishek V. Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Joana A. Kramer, Michael Kramer, Derek Kubo, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan 志远 Li 李, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun 俊 Liu 刘, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Amy E. Lowitz, Ru-Sen 如森 Lu 路, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Sylvain Mahieu, Doris Maier, Jirong 基荣 Mao 毛, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, Joshua Montgomery, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Wanga Mulaudzi, Cornelia Müller, Hendrik Müller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Chunchong Ni, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Raúl Olivares Sánchez, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Ue-Li Pen, Vincent Piétu, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Giacomo Principe, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Philippe A. Raffin, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Eduardo Ros, Arash Roshanineshat, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Miguel Sánchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang 志强 Shen 沈, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, León David Sosapanta Salas, Kamal Souccar, Ranjani Srinivasan, Joshua S. Stanway, He 赫 Sun 孙, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Kenji Toma, Teresa Toscano, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jasmin E. Washington, Robert Wharton, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen 庆文 Wu 吴, Nitika Yadlapalli, Paul Yamaguchi, Aristomenis Yfantis, Doosoo Yoon, Ziri Younsi, Wei 威 Yu 于, Feng 峰 Yuan 袁, Ye-Fei 业飞 Yuan 袁, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan 杉杉 Zhao 赵

    The Astronomical Journal   168 ( 3 )   130 - 130   2024.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    The first very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) detections at 870 μm wavelength (345 GHz frequency) are reported, achieving the highest diffraction-limited angular resolution yet obtained from the surface of the Earth and the highest-frequency example of the VLBI technique to date. These include strong detections for multiple sources observed on intercontinental baselines between telescopes in Chile, Hawaii, and Spain, obtained during observations in 2018 October. The longest-baseline detections approach 11 Gλ, corresponding to an angular resolution, or fringe spacing, of 19 μas. The Allan deviation of the visibility phase at 870 μm is comparable to that at 1.3 mm on the relevant integration timescales between 2 and 100 s. The detections confirm that the sensitivity and signal chain stability of stations in the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) array are suitable for VLBI observations at 870 μm. Operation at this short wavelength, combined with anticipated enhancements of the EHT, will lead to a unique high angular resolution instrument for black hole studies, capable of resolving the event horizons of supermassive black holes in both space and time.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/ad5bdb


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-3881/ad5bdb/pdf

  • The Japanese vision for the Black Hole Explorer mission

    Kazunori Akiyama, Kotaro Niinuma, Kazuhiro Hada, Akihiro Doi, Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Aya Higuchi, Mareki Honma, Tomohisa Kawashima, Dimitar Kolev, Shoko Koyama, Sho Masui, Ken Ohsuga, Hidetoshi Sano, Hideki Takami, Yuh Tsunetoe, Yoshinori Uzawa, Takuya Akahori, Yuto Akiyama, Peter Galison, Takayuki J. Hayashi, Tomoya Hirota, Makoto Inoue, Yuhei Iwata, Michael Johnson, Motoki Kino, Yutaro Kofuji, Yosuke Mizuno, Kotaro Moriyama, Hiroshi Nagai, Kenta Nakamura, Shota Notsu, Fumie Ono, Yoko Oya, Tomoaki Oyama, Hannah Rana, Hiromi Saida, Ryo Saito, Yoshihiko Saito, Mahito Sasada, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Mikiya M. Takahashi, Mieko Takamura, Edward Tong, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Shogo Yoshioka, Yoshimasa Watanabe

    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave   91 - 91   2024.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPIE  

    DOI: 10.1117/12.3019968


  • Development of 86 GHz low noise wideband receiver for VERA

    Akira Kameyama, Shoki Kondo, Shuto Dakie, Nozomi Okada, Satoko Sawada-Sato, Hideo Ogawa, Toshikazu Onishi, Yasumasa Yamasaki, Sho Masui, Kazuyoshi Sunada, Tomoaki Oyama, Shunsaku Suzuki, Yuji Ueno, Mareki Honma, Kazuyoshi Yamashita, Kazuhiro Hada, Shoko Koyama, Mieko Takamura

    Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XII   147 - 147   2024.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPIE  

    DOI: 10.1117/12.3019667


  • TELAMON: Effelsberg monitoring of AGN jets with very-high-energy astroparticle emission

    F. Eppel, M. Kadler, J. Heßdörfer, P. Benke, L. Debbrecht, J. Eich, A. Gokus, S. Hämmerich, D. Kirchner, G. F. Paraschos, F. Rösch, W. Schulga, J. Sinapius, P. Weber, U. Bach, D. Dorner, P. G. Edwards, M. Giroletti, A. Kraus, O. Hervet, S. Koyama, T. P. Krichbaum, K. Mannheim, E. Ros, M. Zacharias, J. A. Zensus

    Astronomy &amp; Astrophysics   684   A11 - A11   2024.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    Aims.We introduce the TELAMON program which is using the Effelsberg 100-m telescope to monitor the radio spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN) under scrutiny in astroparticle physics, specifically TeV blazars and candidate neutrino-associated AGN. Here, we present and characterize our main sample of TeV-detected blazars.

    Methods.We analyzed the data sample from the first ∼2.5 yr of observations between August 2020 and February 2023 in the range from 14 GHz to 45 GHz. During this pilot phase, we observed all 59 TeV-detected blazars in the Northern Hemisphere (i.e., Dec &gt; 0°) known at the time of observation. We discuss the basic data reduction and calibration procedures used for all TELAMON data and introduce a sub-band averaging method used to calculate average light curves for the sources in our sample.

    Results.The TeV-selected sources in our sample exhibit a median flux density of 0.12 Jy at 20 mm, 0.20 Jy at 14 mm, and 0.60 Jy at 7 mm. The spectrum for most of the sources is consistent with a flat radio spectrum and we found a median spectral index (S(ν)∝ν<sup>α</sup>) ofα = −0.11. Our results on flux density and spectral index are consistent with previous studies of TeV-selected blazars. Compared to the GeV-selected F-GAMMA sample, TELAMON sources are significantly fainter in the radio band. This is consistent with the double-humped spectrum of blazars being shifted towards higher frequencies for TeV-emitters (in particular for high-synchrotron peaked BL Lac type objects), which results in a lower radio flux density. The spectral index distribution of our TeV-selected blazar sample is not significantly different from the GeV-selected F-GAMMA sample. Moreover, we present a strategy to track the light curve evolution of sources in our sample for future variability and correlation analysis.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202348262


  • First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. VIII. Physical Interpretation of the Polarized Ring

    The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, Bidisha Bandyopadhyay, John Barrett, Michi Bauböck, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Dominic O. Chang, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun 永军 Chen 陈, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu 玉竹 Cui 崔, Rohan Dahale, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Indu K. Dihingia, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougall, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Edward Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Marianna Foschi, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, José L. Gómez, Minfeng 敏峰 Gu 顾, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. 子山 Ho 何, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei 磊 Huang 黄, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu 悟 Jiang 江, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek V. Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Joana A. Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan 志远 Li 李, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun 俊 Liu 刘, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Amy E. Lowitz, Ru-Sen 如森 Lu 路, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong 基荣 Mao 毛, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Wanga Mulaudzi, Cornelia Müller, Hendrik Müller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Eduardo Ros, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Miguel Sánchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang 志强 Shen 沈, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, León David Sosapanta Salas, Kamal Souccar, Joshua S. Stanway, He 赫 Sun 孙, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Teresa Toscano, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jasmin E. Washington, Jonathan Weintroub, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen 庆文 Wu 吴, Nitika Yadlapalli, Paul Yamaguchi, Aristomenis Yfantis, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Wei 威 Yu 于, Feng 峰 Yuan 袁, Ye-Fei 业飞 Yuan 袁, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan 杉 杉 Zhao 赵, Mahdi Najafi-Ziyazi

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   964 ( 2 )   L26 - L26   2024.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    In a companion paper, we present the first spatially resolved polarized image of Sagittarius A* on event horizon scales, captured using the Event Horizon Telescope, a global very long baseline interferometric array operating at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. Here we interpret this image using both simple analytic models and numerical general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations. The large spatially resolved linear polarization fraction (24%–28%, peaking at ∼40%) is the most stringent constraint on parameter space, disfavoring models that are too Faraday depolarized. Similar to our studies of M87*, polarimetric constraints reinforce a preference for GRMHD models with dynamically important magnetic fields. Although the spiral morphology of the polarization pattern is known to constrain the spin and inclination angle, the time-variable rotation measure (RM) of Sgr A* (equivalent to ≈46° ± 12° rotation at 228 GHz) limits its present utility as a constraint. If we attribute the RM to internal Faraday rotation, then the motion of accreting material is inferred to be counterclockwise, contrary to inferences based on historical polarized flares, and no model satisfies all polarimetric and total intensity constraints. On the other hand, if we attribute the mean RM to an external Faraday screen, then the motion of accreting material is inferred to be clockwise, and one model passes all applied total intensity and polarimetric constraints: a model with strong magnetic fields, a spin parameter of 0.94, and an inclination of 150°. We discuss how future 345 GHz and dynamical imaging will mitigate our present uncertainties and provide additional constraints on the black hole and its accretion flow.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad2df1


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ad2df1/pdf

  • First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. VII. Polarization of the Ring

    The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, Bidisha Bandyopadhyay, John Barrett, Michi Bauböck, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Dominic O. Chang, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun 永军 Chen 陈, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu 玉竹 Cui 崔, Rohan Dahale, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Indu K. Dihingia, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Taylor Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Edward Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Marianna Foschi, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, José L. Gómez, Minfeng 敏峰 Gu 顾, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. 子山 Ho 何, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei 磊 Huang 黄, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu 悟 Jiang 江, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek V. Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Joana A. Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan 志远 Li 李, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun 俊 Liu 刘, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Amy E. Lowitz, Ru-Sen 如森 Lu 路, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong 基荣 Mao 毛, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Wanga Mulaudzi, Cornelia Müller, Hendrik Müller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Hèctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Eduardo Ros, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Miguel Sánchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang 志强 Shen 沈, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, León David Sosapanta Salas, Kamal Souccar, Joshua S. Stanway, He 赫 Sun 孙, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Teresa Toscano, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jasmin E. Washington, Jonathan Weintroub, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen 庆文 Wu 吴, Nitika Yadlapalli, Paul Yamaguchi, Aristomenis Yfantis, Doosoo Yoon, Andrè Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Wei 威 Yu 于, Feng 峰 Yuan 袁, Ye-Fei 业飞 Yuan 袁, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan 杉杉 Zhao 赵

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   964 ( 2 )   L25 - L25   2024.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    The Event Horizon Telescope observed the horizon-scale synchrotron emission region around the Galactic center supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), in 2017. These observations revealed a bright, thick ring morphology with a diameter of 51.8 ± 2.3 μas and modest azimuthal brightness asymmetry, consistent with the expected appearance of a black hole with mass M ≈ 4 × 10<sup>6</sup>M<sub>⊙</sub>. From these observations, we present the first resolved linear and circular polarimetric images of Sgr A*. The linear polarization images demonstrate that the emission ring is highly polarized, exhibiting a prominent spiral electric vector polarization angle pattern with a peak fractional polarization of ∼40% in the western portion of the ring. The circular polarization images feature a modestly (∼5%–10%) polarized dipole structure along the emission ring, with negative circular polarization in the western region and positive circular polarization in the eastern region, although our methods exhibit stronger disagreement than for linear polarization. We analyze the data using multiple independent imaging and modeling methods, each of which is validated using a standardized suite of synthetic data sets. While the detailed spatial distribution of the linear polarization along the ring remains uncertain owing to the intrinsic variability of the source, the spiraling polarization structure is robust to methodological choices. The degree and orientation of the linear polarization provide stringent constraints for the black hole and its surrounding magnetic fields, which we discuss in an accompanying publication.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad2df0


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ad2df0/pdf

  • Ordered magnetic fields around the 3C 84 central black hole

    G. F. Paraschos, J.-Y. Kim, M. Wielgus, J. Röder, T. P. Krichbaum, E. Ros, I. Agudo, I. Myserlis, M. Moscibrodzka, E. Traianou, J. A. Zensus, L. Blackburn, C.-K. Chan, S. Issaoun, M. Janssen, M. D. Johnson, V. L. Fish, K. Akiyama, A. Alberdi, W. Alef, J. C. Algaba, R. Anantua, K. Asada, R. Azulay, U. Bach, A.-K. Baczko, D. Ball, M. Baloković, J. Barrett, M. Bauböck, B. A. Benson, D. Bintley, R. Blundell, K. L. Bouman, G. C. Bower, H. Boyce, M. Bremer, C. D. Brinkerink, R. Brissenden, S. Britzen, A. E. Broderick, D. Broguiere, T. Bronzwaer, S. Bustamante, D.-Y. Byun, J. E. Carlstrom, C. Ceccobello, A. Chael, D. O. Chang, K. Chatterjee, S. Chatterjee, M. T. Chen, Y. Chen, X. Cheng, I. Cho, P. Christian, N. S. Conroy, J. E. Conway, J. M. Cordes, T. M. Crawford, G. B. Crew, A. Cruz-Osorio, Y. Cui, R. Dahale, J. Davelaar, M. De Laurentis, R. Deane, J. Dempsey, G. Desvignes, J. Dexter, V. Dhruv, S. S. Doeleman, S. Dougal, S. A. Dzib, R. P. Eatough, R. Emami, H. Falcke, J. Farah, E. Fomalont, H. A. Ford, M. Foschi, R. Fraga-Encinas, W. T. Freeman, P. Friberg, C. M. Fromm, A. Fuentes, P. Galison, C. F. Gammie, R. García, O. Gentaz, B. Georgiev, C. Goddi, R. Gold, A. I. Gómez-Ruiz, J. L. Gómez, M. Gu, M. Gurwell, K. Hada, D. Haggard, K. Haworth, M. H. Hecht, R. Hesper, D. Heumann, L. C. Ho, P. Ho, M. Honma, C. L. Huang, L. Huang, D. H. Hughes, S. Ikeda, C. M. V. Impellizzeri, M. Inoue, D. J. James, B. T. Jannuzi, B. Jeter, W. Jaing, A. Jiménez-Rosales, S. Jorstad, A. V. Joshi, T. Jung, M. Karami, R. Karuppusamy, T. Kawashima, G. K. Keating, M. Kettenis, D.-J. Kim, J. Kim, J. Kim, M. Kino, J. Y. Koay, P. Kocherlakota, Y. Kofuji, P. M. Koch, S. Koyama, C. Kramer, J. A. Kramer, M. Kramer, C.-Y. Kuo, N. La Bella, T. R. Lauer, D. Lee, S.-S. Lee, P. K. Leung, A. Levis, Z. Li, R. Lico, G. Lindahl, M. Lindqvist, M. Lisakov, J. Liu, K. Liu, E. Liuzzo, W.-P. Lo, A. P. Lobanov, L. Loinard, C. J. Lonsdale, A. E. Lowitz, R.-S. Lu, N. R. MacDonald, J. Mao, N. Marchili, S. Markoff, D. P. Marrone, A. P. Marscher, I. Martí-Vidal, S. Matsushita, L. D. Matthews, L. Medeiros, K. M. Menten, D. Michalik, I. Mizuno, Y. Mizuno, J. M. Moran, K. Moriyama, W. Mulaudzi, C. Müller, H. Müller, A. Mus, G. Musoke, A. Nadolski, H. Nagai, N. M. Nagar, M. Nakamura, G. Narayanan, I. Natarajan, A. Nathanail, S. Navarro Fuentes, J. Neilsen, R. Neri, C. Ni, A. Noutsos, M. A. Nowak, J. Oh, H. Okino, H. Olivares, G. N. Ortiz-León, T. Oyama, F. Özel, D. C. M. Palumbo, J. Park, H. Parsons, N. Patel, U.-L. Pen, V. Piétu, R. Plambeck, A. PopStefanija, O. Porth, F. M. Pötzl, B. Prather, J. A. Preciado-López, D. Psaltis, H.-Y. Pu, V. Ramakrishnan, R. Rao, M. G. Rawlings, A. W. Raymond, L. Rezzolla, A. Ricarte, B. Ripperda, F. Roelofs, A. Rogers, C. Romero-Cañizales, A. Roshanineshat, H. Rottmann, A. L. Roy, I. Ruiz, C. Ruszczyk, K. L. J. Rygl, S. Sánchez, D. Sánchez-Argüelles, M. Sánchez-Portal, M. Sasada, K. Satapathy, T. Savolainen, F. P. Schloerb, J. Schonfeld, K. Schuster, L. Shao, Z. Shen, D. Small, B. W. Sohn, J. SooHoo, L. D. Sosapanta Salas, K. Souccar, H. Sun, F. Tazaki, A. J. Tetarenko, P. Tiede, R. P. J. Tilanus, M. Titus, P. Torne, T. Toscano, T. Trent, S. Trippe, M. Turk, I. van Bemmel, H. J. van Langevelde, D. R. van Rossum, J. Vos, J. Wagner, D. Ward-Thompson, J. Wardle, J. E. Washington, J. Weintroub, R. Wharton, K. Wiik, G. Witzel, M. F. Wondrak, G. N. Wong, Q. Wu, N. Yadlapalli, P. Yamaguchi, A. Yfantis, D. Yoon, A. Young, K. Young, Z. Younsi, W. Yu, F. Yuan, Y.-F. Yuan, S. Zhang, G. Y. Zhao, S.-S. Zhao

    Astronomy &amp; Astrophysics   682   L3 - L3   2024.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    Context. 3C 84 is a nearby radio source with a complex total intensity structure, showing linear polarisation and spectral patterns. A detailed investigation of the central engine region necessitates the use of very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) above the hitherto available maximum frequency of 86 GHz.

    Aims. Using ultrahigh resolution VLBI observations at the currently highest available frequency of 228 GHz, we aim to perform a direct detection of compact structures and understand the physical conditions in the compact region of 3C 84.

    Methods. We used Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) 228 GHz observations and, given the limited (u, v)-coverage, applied geometric model fitting to the data. Furthermore, we employed quasi-simultaneously observed, ancillary multi-frequency VLBI data for the source in order to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the core structure.

    Results. We report the detection of a highly ordered, strong magnetic field around the central, supermassive black hole of 3C 84. The brightness temperature analysis suggests that the system is in equipartition. We also determined a turnover frequency of ν<sub>m</sub> = (113 ± 4) GHz, a corresponding synchrotron self-absorbed magnetic field of B<sub>SSA</sub> = (2.9 ± 1.6) G, and an equipartition magnetic field of B<sub>eq</sub> = (5.2 ± 0.6) G. Three components are resolved with the highest fractional polarisation detected for this object (m<sub>net</sub> = (17.0 ± 3.9)%). The positions of the components are compatible with those seen in low-frequency VLBI observations since 2017–2018. We report a steeply negative slope of the spectrum at 228 GHz. We used these findings to test existing models of jet formation, propagation, and Faraday rotation in 3C 84.

    Conclusions. The findings of our investigation into different flow geometries and black hole spins support an advection-dominated accretion flow in a magnetically arrested state around a rapidly rotating supermassive black hole as a model of the jet-launching system in the core of 3C 84. However, systematic uncertainties due to the limited (u, v)-coverage, however, cannot be ignored. Our upcoming work using new EHT data, which offer full imaging capabilities, will shed more light on the compact region of 3C 84.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202348308


  • A Search for Pulsars around Sgr A* in the First Event Horizon Telescope Data Set

    Pablo Torne, Kuo Liu, Ralph P. Eatough, Jompoj Wongphechauxsorn, James M. Cordes, Gregory Desvignes, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Michael Kramer, Scott M. Ransom, Shami Chatterjee, Robert Wharton, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Lindy Blackburn, Michael Janssen, Chi-kwan Chan, Geoffrey, B. Crew, Lynn D. Matthews, Ciriaco Goddi, Helge Rottmann, Jan Wagner, Salvador Sánchez, Ignacio Ruiz, Federico Abbate, Geoffrey C. Bower, Juan J. Salamanca, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Alfredo Herrera-Aguilar, Wu 悟 Jiang 江, Ru-Sen 如森 Lu 路, Ue-Li Pen, Alexander W. Raymond, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang 志强 Shen 沈, Gabriel Paubert, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Carsten Kramer, Manuel Castillo, Santiago Navarro, David John, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Michael D. Johnson, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Michi Bauböck, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Dominic O. Chang, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun 永军 Chen 陈, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, Thomas M. Crawford, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu 玉竹 Cui 崔, Rohan Dahale, Jordy Davelaar, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Marianna Foschi, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Roman Gold, José L. Gómez, Minfeng 敏峰 Gu 顾, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. 子山 Ho 何, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei 磊 Huang 黄, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Britton Jeter, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek V. Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Shoko Koyama, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan 志远 Li 李, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun 俊 Liu 刘, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong 基荣 Mao 毛, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Hendrik Müller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He 赫 Sun 孙, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Teresa Toscano, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen 庆文 Wu 吴, Nitika Yadlapalli, Paul Yamaguchi, Aristomenis Yfantis, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Wei 威 Yu 于, Feng 峰 Yuan 袁, Ye-Fei 业飞 Yuan 袁, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan 杉杉 Zhao 赵

    The Astrophysical Journal   959 ( 1 )   14 - 14   2023.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    In 2017 the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observed the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), at a frequency of 228.1 GHz (λ = 1.3 mm). The fundamental physics tests that even a single pulsar orbiting Sgr A* would enable motivate searching for pulsars in EHT data sets. The high observing frequency means that pulsars—which typically exhibit steep emission spectra—are expected to be very faint. However, it also negates pulse scattering, an effect that could hinder pulsar detections in the Galactic center. Additionally, magnetars or a secondary inverse Compton emission could be stronger at millimeter wavelengths than at lower frequencies. We present a search for pulsars close to Sgr A* using the data from the three most sensitive stations in the EHT 2017 campaign: the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, the Large Millimeter Telescope, and the IRAM 30 m Telescope. We apply three detection methods based on Fourier-domain analysis, the fast folding algorithm, and single-pulse searches targeting both pulsars and burst-like transient emission. We use the simultaneity of the observations to confirm potential candidates. No new pulsars or significant bursts were found. Being the first pulsar search ever carried out at such high radio frequencies, we detail our analysis methods and give a detailed estimation of the sensitivity of the search. We conclude that the EHT 2017 observations are only sensitive to a small fraction (≲2.2%) of the pulsars that may exist close to Sgr A*, motivating further searches for fainter pulsars in the region.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/acf4f2


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/acf4f2/pdf

  • First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. IX. Detection of Near-horizon Circular Polarization

    Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Michi Bauböck, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Dominic O. Chang, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun 永军 Chen 陈, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu 玉竹 Cui 崔, Rohan Dahale, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Marianna Foschi, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, José L. Gómez, Minfeng 敏峰 Gu 顾, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. 子山 Ho 何, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei 磊 Huang 黄, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu 悟 Jiang 江, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek V. Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Joana A. Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan 志远 Li 李, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun 俊 Liu 刘, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Amy E. Lowitz, Ru-Sen 如森 Lu 路, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong 基荣 Mao 毛, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Wanga Mulaudzi, Cornelia Müller, Hendrik Müller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Eduardo Ros, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Miguel Sánchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang 志强 Shen 沈, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, León David Sosapanta Salas, Kamal Souccar, He 赫 Sun 孙, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Teresa Toscano, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jasmin E. Washington, Jonathan Weintroub, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen 庆文 Wu 吴, Nitika Yadlapalli, Paul Yamaguchi, Aristomenis Yfantis, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Wei 威 Yu 于, Feng 峰 Yuan 袁, Ye-Fei 业飞 Yuan 袁, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan 杉杉 Zhao 赵

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   957 ( 2 )   L20 - L20   2023.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations have revealed a bright ring of emission around the supermassive black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy. EHT images in linear polarization have further identified a coherent spiral pattern around the black hole, produced from ordered magnetic fields threading the emitting plasma. Here we present the first analysis of circular polarization using EHT data, acquired in 2017, which can potentially provide additional insights into the magnetic fields and plasma composition near the black hole. Interferometric closure quantities provide convincing evidence for the presence of circularly polarized emission on event-horizon scales. We produce images of the circular polarization using both traditional and newly developed methods. All methods find a moderate level of resolved circular polarization across the image (〈∣v∣〉 &lt; 3.7%), consistent with the low image-integrated circular polarization fraction measured by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (∣v<sub>int</sub>∣ &lt; 1%). Despite this broad agreement, the methods show substantial variation in the morphology of the circularly polarized emission, indicating that our conclusions are strongly dependent on the imaging assumptions because of the limited baseline coverage, uncertain telescope gain calibration, and weakly polarized signal. We include this upper limit in an updated comparison to general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulation models. This analysis reinforces the previously reported preference for magnetically arrested accretion flow models. We find that most simulations naturally produce a low level of circular polarization consistent with our upper limit and that Faraday conversion is likely the dominant production mechanism for circular polarization at 230 GHz in M87*.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/acff70


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/acff70/pdf

  • Polarimetric Geometric Modeling for mm-VLBI Observations of Black Holes

    Freek Roelofs, Michael D. Johnson, Andrew Chael, Michael Janssen, Maciek Wielgus, Avery E. Broderick, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Michi Bauböck, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Chi-kwan Chan, Dominic O. Chang, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun 永军 Chen 陈, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu 玉竹 Cui 崔, Rohan Dahale, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Marianna Foschi, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, José L. Gómez, Minfeng 敏峰 Gu 顾, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. 子山 Ho 何, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei 磊 Huang 黄, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Britton Jeter, Wu 悟 Jiang 江, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek V. Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Joana A. Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan 志远 Li 李, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun 俊 Liu 刘, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Amy E. Lowitz, Ru-Sen 如森 Lu 路, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong 基荣 Mao 毛, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Wanga Mulaudzi, Cornelia Müller, Hendrik Müller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Alan Rogers, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Eduardo Ros, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Miguel Sánchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang 志强 Shen 沈, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, León David Sosapanta Salas, Kamal Souccar, He 赫 Sun 孙, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Teresa Toscano, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jasmin E. Washington, Jonathan Weintroub, Robert Wharton, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen 庆文 Wu 吴, Nitika Yadlapalli, Paul Yamaguchi, Aristomenis Yfantis, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Wei 威 Yu 于, Feng 峰 Yuan 袁, Ye-Fei 业飞 Yuan 袁, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan 杉杉 Zhao 赵

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   957 ( 2 )   L21 - L21   2023.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a millimeter very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) array that has imaged the apparent shadows of the supermassive black holes M87* and Sagittarius A*. Polarimetric data from these observations contain a wealth of information on the black hole and accretion flow properties. In this work, we develop polarimetric geometric modeling methods for mm-VLBI data, focusing on approaches that fit data products with differing degrees of invariance to broad classes of calibration errors. We establish a fitting procedure using a polarimetric “m-ring” model to approximate the image structure near a black hole. By fitting this model to synthetic EHT data from general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic models, we show that the linear and circular polarization structure can be successfully approximated with relatively few model parameters. We then fit this model to EHT observations of M87* taken in 2017. In total intensity and linear polarization, the m-ring fits are consistent with previous results from imaging methods. In circular polarization, the m-ring fits indicate the presence of event-horizon-scale circular polarization structure, with a persistent dipolar asymmetry and orientation across several days. The same structure was recovered independently of observing band, used data products, and model assumptions. Despite this broad agreement, imaging methods do not produce similarly consistent results. Our circular polarization results, which imposed additional assumptions on the source structure, should thus be interpreted with some caution. Polarimetric geometric modeling provides a useful and powerful method to constrain the properties of horizon-scale polarized emission, particularly for sparse arrays like the EHT.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/acff6f


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/acff6f/pdf

  • Comparison of Polarized Radiative Transfer Codes Used by the EHT Collaboration

    Prather, Ben S., Dexter, Jason, Moscibrodzka, Monika, Pu, Hung-Yi, Bronzwaer, Thomas, Davelaar, Jordy, Younsi, Ziri, Gammie, Charles F., Gold, Roman, Wong, George N., Akiyama, Kazunori, Alberdi, Antxon, Alef, Walter, Algaba, Juan Carlos, Anantua, Richard, Asada, Keiichi, Azulay, Rebecca, Bach, Uwe, Baczko, Anne-Kathrin, Ball, David, Baloković, Mislav, Barrett, John, Bauböck, Michi, Benson, Bradford A., Bintley, Dan, Blackburn, Lindy, Blundell, Raymond, Bouman, Katherine L., Bower, Geoffrey C., Boyce, Hope, Bremer, Michael, Brinkerink, Christiaan D., Brissenden, Roger, Britzen, Silke, Broderick, Avery E., Broguiere, Dominique, Bustamante, Sandra, Byun, Do-Young, Carlstrom, John E., Ceccobello, Chiara, Chael, Andrew, Chan, Chi-kwan, Chang, Dominic O., Chatterjee, Koushik, Chatterjee, Shami, Chen, Ming-Tang, Chen, Yongjun, Cheng, Xiaopeng, Cho, Ilje, Christian, Pierre, Conroy, Nicholas S., Conway, John E., Cordes, James M., Crawford, Thomas M., Crew, Geoffrey B., Cruz-Osorio, Alejandro, Cui, Yuzhu, De Laurentis, Mariafelicia, Deane, Roger, Dempsey, Jessica, Desvignes, Gregory, Dhruv, Vedant, Doeleman, Sheperd S., Dougal, Sean, Dzib, Sergio A., Eatough, Ralph P., Emami, Razieh, Falcke, Heino, Farah, Joseph, Fish, Vincent L., Fomalont, Ed, Ford, H. Alyson, Fraga-Encinas, Raquel, Freeman, William T., Friberg, Per, Fromm, Christian M., Fuentes, Antonio, Galison, Peter, Garćıa, Roberto, Gentaz, Olivier, Georgiev, Boris, Goddi, Ciriaco, Gómez-Ruiz, Arturo I., Gómez, José L., Gu, Minfeng, Gurwell, Mark, Hada, Kazuhiro, Haggard, Daryl, Haworth, Kari, Hecht, Michael H., Hesper, Ronald, Heumann, Dirk, Ho, Luis C., Ho, Paul, Honma, Mareki, Huang, Chih-Wei L., Huang, Lei, Hughes, David H., Ikeda, Shiro, Impellizzeri, C.~M. Violette, Inoue, Makoto, Issaoun, Sara, James, David J., Jannuzi, Buell T., Janssen, Michael, Jeter, Britton, Jiang, Wu, Jiménez-Rosales, Alejandra, Johnson, Michael D., Jorstad, Svetlana, Joshi, Abhishek V., Jung, Taehyun, Karami, Mansour, Karuppusamy, Ramesh, Kawashima, Tomohisa, Keating, Garrett K., Kettenis, Mark, Kim, Dong-Jin, Kim, Jae-Young, Kim, Jongsoo, Kim, Junhan, Kino, Motoki, Koay, Jun Yi, Kocherlakota, Prashant, Kofuji, Yutaro, Koyama, Shoko, Kramer, Carsten, Kramer, Michael, Krichbaum, Thomas P., Kuo, Cheng-Yu, La Bella, Noemi, Lauer, Tod R., Lee, Daeyoung, Lee, Sang-Sung, Leung, Po Kin, Levis, Aviad, Li, Zhiyuan, Lico, Rocco, Lindahl, Greg, Lindqvist, Michael, Lisakov, Mikhail, Liu, Jun, Liu, Kuo, Liuzzo, Elisabetta, Lo, Wen-Ping, Lobanov, Andrei P., Loinard, Laurent, Lonsdale, Colin J., Lu, Ru-Sen, MacDonald, Nicholas R., Mao, Jirong, Marchili, Nicola, Markoff, Sera, Marrone, Daniel P., Marscher, Alan P., Mart́ı-Vidal, Iván, Matsushita, Satoki, Matthews, Lynn D., Medeiros, Lia, Menten, Karl M., Michalik, Daniel, Mizuno, Izumi, Mizuno, Yosuke, Moran, James M., Moriyama, Kotaro, Müller, Cornelia, Mus, Alejandro, Musoke, Gibwa, Myserlis, Ioannis, Nadolski, Andrew, Nagai, Hiroshi, Nagar, Neil M., Nakamura, Masanori, Narayan, Ramesh, Narayanan, Gopal, Natarajan, Iniyan, Nathanail, Antonios, Fuentes, Santiago Navarro, Neilsen, Joey, Neri, Roberto, Ni, Chunchong, Noutsos, Aristeidis, Nowak, Michael A., Oh, Junghwan, Okino, Hiroki, Olivares, Héctor, Ortiz-León, Gisela N., Oyama, Tomoaki, Özel, Feryal, Palumbo, Daniel C.~M., Paraschos, Georgios Filippos, Park, Jongho, Parsons, Harriet, Patel, Nimesh, Pen, Ue-Li, Pesce, Dominic W., Piétu, Vincent, Plambeck, Richard, PopStefanija, Aleksandar, Porth, Oliver, Pötzl, Felix M., Preciado-López, Jorge A., Psaltis, Dimitrios, Ramakrishnan, Venkatessh, Rao, Ramprasad, Rawlings, Mark G., Raymond, Alexander W., Rezzolla, Luciano, Ricarte, Angelo, Ripperda, Bart, Roelofs, Freek, Rogers, Alan, Ros, Eduardo, Romero-Cañizales, Cristina, Roshanineshat, Arash, Rottmann, Helge, Roy, Alan L., Ruiz, Ignacio, Ruszczyk, Chet, Rygl, Kazi L.~J., Sánchez, Salvador, Sánchez-Argüelles, David, Sánchez-Portal, Miguel, Sasada, Mahito, Satapathy, Kaushik, Savolainen, Tuomas, Schloerb, F. Peter, Schonfeld, Jonathan, Schuster, Karl-Friedrich, Shao, Lijing, Shen, Zhiqiang, Small, Des, Sohn, Bong Won, SooHoo, Jason, Souccar, Kamal, Sun, He, Tazaki, Fumie, Tetarenko, Alexandra J., Tiede, Paul, Tilanus, Remo P.~J., Titus, Michael, Torne, Pablo, Traianou, Efthalia, Trent, Tyler, Trippe, Sascha, Turk, Matthew, van Bemmel, Ilse, van Langevelde, Huib Jan, van Rossum, Daniel R., Vos, Jesse, Wagner, Jan, Ward-Thompson, Derek, Wardle, John, Weintroub, Jonathan, Wex, Norbert, Wharton, Robert, Wielgus, Maciek, Wiik, Kaj, Witzel, Gunther, Wondrak, Michael F., Wu, Qingwen, Yamaguchi, Paul, Yfantis, Aristomenis, Yoon, Doosoo, Young, André, Young, Ken, Yu, Wei, Yuan, Feng, Yuan, Ye-Fei, Zensus, J. Anton, Zhang, Shuo, Zhao, Guang-Yao, Zhao, Shan-Shan, Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

    \apj   950 ( 1 )   35 - 35   2023.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/acc586


  • Spectral analysis of a parsec-scale jet in M 87: Observational constraint on the magnetic field strengths in the jet

    Hyunwook Ro, Motoki Kino, Bong Won Sohn, Kazuhiro Hada, Jongho Park, Masanori Nakamura, Yuzhu Cui, Kunwoo Yi, Aeree Chung, Jeffrey Hodgson, Tomohisa Kawashima, Tao An, Sascha Trippe, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Jae-Young Kim, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Kiyoaki Wajima, Zhiqiang Shen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Wu Jiang, Taehyun Jung, Jee-Won Lee, Kotaro Niinuma, Junghwan Oh, Fumie Tazaki, Guang-Yao Zhao, Kazunori Akiyama, Mareki Honma, Jeong Ae Lee, Rusen Lu, Yingkang Zhang, Keiichi Asada, Lang Cui, Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Tomoya Hirota, Noriyuki Kawaguchi, Shoko Koyama, Sang-Sung Lee, Se-Jin Oh, Koichiro Sugiyama, Mieko Takamura, Xuezheng Wang, Ju-Yeon Hwang, Dong-Kyu Jung, Hyo-Ryoung Kim, Jeong-Sook Kim, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Chung-Sik Oh, Tomoaki Oyama, Duk-Gyoo Roh, Jae-Hwan Yeom

    Astronomy &amp; Astrophysics   673   A159 - A159   2023.5

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    Context. Because of its proximity and the large size of its black hole, M 87 is one of the best targets for studying the launching mechanism of active galactic nucleus jets. Currently, magnetic fields are considered to be an essential factor in the launching and accelerating of the jet. However, current observational estimates of the magnetic field strength of the M 87 jet are limited to the innermost part of the jet (≲100 r<sub>s</sub>) or to HST-1 (∼10<sup>5</sup> r<sub>s</sub>). No attempt has yet been made to measure the magnetic field strength in between.

    Aims. We aim to infer the magnetic field strength of the M 87 jet out to a distance of several thousand r<sub>s</sub> by tracking the distance-dependent changes in the synchrotron spectrum of the jet from high-resolution very long baseline interferometry observations.

    Methods. In order to obtain high-quality spectral index maps, quasi-simultaneous observations at 22 and 43 GHz were conducted using the KVN and VERA Array (KaVA) and the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). We compared the spectral index distributions obtained from the observations with a model and placed limits on the magnetic field strengths as a function of distance.

    Results. The overall spectral morphology is broadly consistent over the course of these observations. The observed synchrotron spectrum rapidly steepens from α<sub>22 − 43 GHz</sub> ∼ −0.7 at ∼2 mas to α<sub>22 − 43 GHz</sub> ∼ −2.5 at ∼6 mas. In the KaVA observations, the spectral index remains unchanged until ∼10 mas, but this trend is unclear in the VLBA observations. A spectral index model in which nonthermal electron injections inside the jet decrease with distance can adequately reproduce the observed trend. This suggests the magnetic field strength of the jet at a distance of 2−10 mas (∼900 r<sub>s</sub> − ∼4500 r<sub>s</sub> in the deprojected distance) has a range of B = (0.3−1.0 G)(z/2mas)<sup>−0.73</sup>. Extrapolating to the Event Horizon Telescope scale yields consistent results, suggesting that the majority of the magnetic flux of the jet near the black hole is preserved out to ∼4500 r<sub>s</sub> without significant dissipation.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202142988


  • A ring-like accretion structure in M87 connecting its black hole and jet

    Ru-Sen Lu, Keiichi Asada, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Jongho Park, Fumie Tazaki, Hung-Yi Pu, Masanori Nakamura, Andrei Lobanov, Kazuhiro Hada, Kazunori Akiyama, Jae-Young Kim, Ivan Marti-Vidal, José L. Gómez, Tomohisa Kawashima, Feng Yuan, Eduardo Ros, Walter Alef, Silke Britzen, Michael Bremer, Avery E. Broderick, Akihiro Doi, Gabriele Giovannini, Marcello Giroletti, Paul T. P. Ho, Mareki Honma, David H. Hughes, Makoto Inoue, Wu Jiang, Motoki Kino, Shoko Koyama, Michael Lindqvist, Jun Liu, Alan P. Marscher, Satoki Matsushita, Hiroshi Nagai, Helge Rottmann, Tuomas Savolainen, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Zhi-Qiang Shen, Pablo de Vicente, R. Craig Walker, Hai Yang, J. Anton Zensus, Juan Carlos Algaba, Alexander Allardi, Uwe Bach, Ryan Berthold, Dan Bintley, Do-Young Byun, Carolina Casadio, Shu-Hao Chang, Chih-Cheng Chang, Song-Chu Chang, Chung-Chen Chen, Ming-Tang Chen, Ryan Chilson, Tim C. Chuter, John Conway, Geoffrey B. Crew, Jessica T. Dempsey, Sven Dornbusch, Aaron Faber, Per Friberg, Javier González García, Miguel Gómez Garrido, Chih-Chiang Han, Kuo-Chang Han, Yutaka Hasegawa, Ruben Herrero-Illana, Yau-De Huang, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Violette Impellizzeri, Homin Jiang, Hao Jinchi, Taehyun Jung, Juha Kallunki, Petri Kirves, Kimihiro Kimura, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Carsten Kramer, Alex Kraus, Derek Kubo, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Chao-Te Li, Lupin Chun-Che Lin, Ching-Tang Liu, Kuan-Yu Liu, Wen-Ping Lo, Li-Ming Lu, Nicholas MacDonald, Pierre Martin-Cocher, Hugo Messias, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Anthony Minter, Dhanya G. Nair, Hiroaki Nishioka, Timothy J. Norton, George Nystrom, Hideo Ogawa, Peter Oshiro, Nimesh A. Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Yurii Pidopryhora, Nicolas Pradel, Philippe A. Raffin, Ramprasad Rao, Ignacio Ruiz, Salvador Sanchez, Paul Shaw, William Snow, T. K. Sridharan, Ranjani Srinivasan, Belén Tercero, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Jan Wagner, Craig Walther, Ta-Shun Wei, Jun Yang, Chen-Yu Yu

    Nature   616 ( 7958 )   686 - 690   2023.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  


    The nearby radio galaxy M87 is a prime target for studying black hole accretion and jet formation<sup>1,2</sup>. Event Horizon Telescope observations of M87 in 2017, at a wavelength of 1.3 mm, revealed a ring-like structure, which was interpreted as gravitationally lensed emission around a central black hole<sup>3</sup>. Here we report images of M87 obtained in 2018, at a wavelength of 3.5 mm, showing that the compact radio core is spatially resolved. High-resolution imaging shows a ring-like structure of $${8.4}_{-1.1}^{+0.5}$$ Schwarzschild radii in diameter, approximately 50% larger than that seen at 1.3 mm. The outer edge at 3.5 mm is also larger than that at 1.3 mm. This larger and thicker ring indicates a substantial contribution from the accretion flow with absorption effects, in addition to the gravitationally lensed ring-like emission. The images show that the edge-brightened jet connects to the accretion flow of the black hole. Close to the black hole, the emission profile of the jet-launching region is wider than the expected profile of a black-hole-driven jet, suggesting the possible presence of a wind associated with the accretion flow.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05843-w


    Other Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05843-w

  • The Past and Future of East Asia to Italy: Nearly Global VLBI

    Gabriele Giovannini, Yuzhu Cui, Kazuhiro Hada, Kunwoo Yi, Hyunwook Ro, Bong Won Sohn, Mieko Takamura, Salvatore Buttaccio, Filippo D’Ammando, Marcello Giroletti, Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Motoki Kino, Evgeniya Kravchenko, Giuseppe Maccaferri, Alexey Melnikov, Kotaro Niinuma, Monica Orienti, Kiyoaki Wajima, Kazunori Akiyama, Akihiro Doi, Do-Young Byun, Tomoya Hirota, Mareki Honma, Taehyun Jung, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Shoko Koyama, Andrea Melis, Carlo Migoni, Yasuhiro Murata, Hiroshi Nagai, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Matteo Stagni

    Galaxies   11 ( 2 )   49 - 49   2023.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    We present here the East Asia to Italy Nearly Global VLBI (EATING VLBI) project. How this project started and the evolution of the international collaboration between Korean, Japanese, and Italian researchers to study compact sources with VLBI observations is reported. Problems related to the synchronization of the very different arrays and technical details of the telescopes involved are presented and discussed. The relatively high observation frequency (22 and 43 GHz) and the long baselines between Italy and East Asia produced high-resolution images. We present example images to demonstrate the typical performance of the EATING VLBI array. The results attracted international researchers and the collaboration is growing, now including Chinese and Russian stations. New in progress projects are discussed and future possibilities with a larger number of telescopes and a better frequency coverage are briefly discussed herein.

    DOI: 10.3390/galaxies11020049


  • The Event Horizon Telescope Image of the Quasar NRAO 530

    Svetlana Jorstad, Maciek Wielgus, Rocco Lico, Sara Issaoun, Avery E. Broderick, Dominic W. Pesce, Jun Liu, Guang-Yao Zhao, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Lindy Blackburn, Chi-kwan Chan, Michael Janssen, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Juan Carlos Algaba, Katherine L. Bouman, Ilje Cho, Antonio Fuentes, José L. Gómez, Mark Gurwell, Michael D. Johnson, Jae-Young Kim, Ru-Sen Lu, Iván Martí-Vidal, Monika Moscibrodzka, Felix M. Pötzl, Efthalia Traianou, Ilse van Bemmel, Walter Alef, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Michi Bauböck, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Raymond Blundell, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Abhishek V. Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Cornelia Müller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Miguel Sánchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Shan-Shan Zhao

    The Astrophysical Journal   943 ( 2 )   170 - 170   2023.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    We report on the observations of the quasar NRAO 530 with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) on 2017 April 5−7, when NRAO 530 was used as a calibrator for the EHT observations of Sagittarius A*. At z = 0.902, this is the most distant object imaged by the EHT so far. We reconstruct the first images of the source at 230 GHz, at an unprecedented angular resolution of ∼20 μas, both in total intensity and in linear polarization (LP). We do not detect source variability, allowing us to represent the whole data set with static images. The images reveal a bright feature located on the southern end of the jet, which we associate with the core. The feature is linearly polarized, with a fractional polarization of ∼5%–8%, and it has a substructure consisting of two components. Their observed brightness temperature suggests that the energy density of the jet is dominated by the magnetic field. The jet extends over 60 μas along a position angle ∼ −28°. It includes two features with orthogonal directions of polarization (electric vector position angle), parallel and perpendicular to the jet axis, consistent with a helical structure of the magnetic field in the jet. The outermost feature has a particularly high degree of LP, suggestive of a nearly uniform magnetic field. Future EHT observations will probe the variability of the jet structure on microarcsecond scales, while simultaneous multiwavelength monitoring will provide insight into the high-energy emission origin.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/acaea8


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/acaea8/pdf

  • Millimeter/Submillimeter VLBI with a Next Generation Large Radio Telescope in the Atacama Desert

    Kazunori Akiyama, Jens Kauffmann, Lynn D. Matthews, Kotaro Moriyama, Shoko Koyama, Kazuhiro Hada

    GALAXIES   11 ( 1 )   2023.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI  

    The proposed next generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT) concept envisions the imaging of various astronomical sources on scales of microarcseconds in unprecedented detail with at least two orders of magnitude improvement in the image dynamic ranges by extending the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). A key technical component of ngEHT is the utilization of large aperture telescopes to anchor the entire array, allowing the connection of less sensitive stations through highly sensitive fringe detections to form a dense network across the planet. Here, we introduce two projects for planned next generation large radio telescopes in the 2030s on the Chajnantor Plateau in the Atacama desert in northern Chile, the Large Submillimeter Telescope (LST) and the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST). Both are designed to have a 50-meter diameter and operate at the planned ngEHT frequency bands of 86, 230 and 345 GHz. A large aperture of 50 m that is co-located with two existing EHT stations, the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) and the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) Telescope in the excellent observing site of the Chajnantor Plateau, will offer excellent capabilities for highly sensitive, multi-frequency, and time-agile millimeter very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations with accurate data calibration relevant to key science cases of ngEHT. In addition to ngEHT, its unique location in Chile will substantially improve angular resolutions of the planned Next Generation Very Large Array in North America or any future global millimeter VLBI arrays if combined. LST and AtLAST will be a key element enabling transformative science cases with next-generation millimeter/submillimeter VLBI arrays.

    DOI: 10.3390/galaxies11010001

    Web of Science


  • Overview of the Observing System and Initial Scientific Accomplishments of the East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN) Reviewed

    Kazunori Akiyama, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Tao An, Keiichi Asada, Kitiyanee Asanok, Do-Young Byun, Thanapol Chanapote, Wen Chen, Zhong Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, James O. Chibueze, Ilje Cho, Se-Hyung Cho, Hyun-Soo Chung, Lang Cui, Yuzhu Cui, Akihiro Doi, Jian Dong, Kenta Fujisawa, Wei Gou, Wen Guo, Kazuhiro Hada, Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Tomoya Hirota, Jeffrey A. Hodgson, Mareki Honma, Hiroshi Imai, Phrudth Jaroenjittichai, Wu Jiang, Yongbin Jiang, Yongchen Jiang, Takaaki Jike, Dong-Kyu Jung, Taehyun Jung, Noriyuki Kawaguchi, Dong-Jin Kim, Hyo-Ryoung Kim, Jaeheon Kim, Jeong-Sook Kim, Kee-Tae Kim, Soon-Wook Kim, Motoki Kino, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Shoko Koyama, Busaba H. Kramer, Jee-Won Lee, Jeong Ae Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Sang Won Lee, Bin Li, Guanghui Li, Xiaofei Li, Zhixuan Li, Qinghui Liu, Xiang Liu, Ru-Sen Lu, Kazuhito Motogi, Masanori Nakamura, Kotaro Niinuma, Chungsik Oh, Hongjong Oh, Junghwan Oh, Se-Jin Oh, Tomoaki Oyama, Jongho Park, Saran Poshyachinda, Hyunwook Ro, Duk-Gyoo Roh, Wiphu Rujopakarn, Nobuyuki Sakai, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Zhi-Qiang Shen, Katsunori M. Shibata, Bong Won Sohn, Boonrucksar Soonthornthum, Koichiro Sugiyama, Yunxia Sun, Mieko Takamura, Yoshihiro Tanabe, Fumie Tazaki, Sascha Trippe, Kiyoaki Wajima, Jinqing Wang, Na Wang, Shiqiang Wang, Xuezheng Wang, Bo Xia, Shuangjing Xu, Hao Yan, Wenjun Yang, Jae-Hwan Yeom, Kunwoo Yi, Sang-Oh Yi, Yoshinori Yonekura, Hasu Yoon, Linfeng Yu, Jianping Yuan, Youngjoo Yun, Bo Zhang, Hua Zhang, Yingkang Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Rongbing Zhao, Weiye Zhong

    Galaxies   10 ( 6 )   113 - 113   2022.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    The East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN) is an international VLBI facility in East Asia and is operated under mutual collaboration between East Asian countries, as well as part of Southeast Asian and European countries. EAVN currently consists of 16 radio telescopes and three correlators located in China, Japan, and Korea, and is operated mainly at three frequency bands, 6.7, 22, and 43 GHz with the longest baseline length of 5078 km, resulting in the highest angular resolution of 0.28 milliarcseconds at 43 GHz. One of distinct capabilities of EAVN is multi-frequency simultaneous data reception at nine telescopes, which enable us to employ the frequency phase transfer technique to obtain better sensitivity at higher observing frequencies. EAVN started its open-use program in the second half of 2018, providing a total observing time of more than 1100 h in a year. EAVN fills geographical gap in global VLBI array, resulting in enabling us to conduct contiguous high-resolution VLBI observations. EAVN has produced various scientific accomplishments especially in observations toward active galactic nuclei, evolved stars, and star-forming regions. These activities motivate us to initiate launch of the ’Global VLBI Alliance’ to provide an opportunity of VLBI observation with the longest baselines on the earth.

    DOI: 10.3390/galaxies10060113

    Web of Science


  • Collimation of the Relativistic Jet in the Quasar 3C 273

    Hiroki Okino, Kazunori Akiyama, Keiichi Asada, José L. Gómez, Kazuhiro Hada, Mareki Honma, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Motoki Kino, Hiroshi Nagai, Uwe Bach, Lindy Blackburn, Katherine L. Bouman, Andrew Chael, Geoffrey B. Crew, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Vincent L. Fish, Ciriaco Goddi, Sara Issaoun, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Shoko Koyama, Colin J. Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Ivan Martí-Vidal, Lynn D. Matthews, Yosuke Mizuno, Kotaro Moriyama, Masanori Nakamura, Hung-Yi Pu, Eduardo Ros, Tuomas Savolainen, Fumie Tazaki, Jan Wagner, Maciek Wielgus, Anton Zensus

    The Astrophysical Journal   940 ( 1 )   65 - 65   2022.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    The collimation of relativistic jets launched from the vicinity of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the centers of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is one of the key questions to understand the nature of AGN jets. However, little is known about the detailed jet structure for AGN like quasars since very high angular resolutions are required to resolve these objects. We present very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the archetypical quasar 3C 273 at 86 GHz, performed with the Global Millimeter VLBI Array, for the first time including the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. Our observations achieve a high angular resolution down to ∼60 μas, resolving the innermost part of the jet ever on scales of ∼10<sup>5</sup> Schwarzschild radii. Our observations, including close-in-time High Sensitivity Array observations of 3C 273 at 15, 22, and 43 GHz, suggest that the inner jet collimates parabolically, while the outer jet expands conically, similar to jets from other nearby low-luminosity AGNs. We discovered the jet collimation break around 10<sup>7</sup> Schwarzschild radii, providing the first compelling evidence for structural transition in a quasar jet. The location of the collimation break for 3C 273 is farther downstream from the sphere of gravitational influence (SGI) from the central SMBH. With the results for other AGN jets, our results show that the end of the collimation zone in AGN jets is governed not only by the SGI of the SMBH but also by the more diverse properties of the central nuclei.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac97e5


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ac97e5/pdf

  • Resolving the Inner Parsec of the Blazar J1924-2914 with the Event Horizon Telescope

    Sara Issaoun, Maciek Wielgus, Svetlana Jorstad, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Lindy Blackburn, Michael Janssen, Chi-kwan Chan, Dominic W. Pesce, Jose L. Gomez, Kazunori Akiyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Andrew Chael, Rocco Lico, Jun Liu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Mikhail Lisakov, Antonio Fuentes, Guang-Yao Zhao, Kotaro Moriyama, Avery E. Broderick, Paul Tiede, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Yosuke Mizuno, Efthalia Traianou, Laurent Loinard, Jordy Davelaar, Mark Gurwell, Ru-Sen Lu, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislac Balokovic, John Barrett, Michi Baubock, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Vedant Dhruv, Sergio Abraham Dzib Quijano, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto Garcia, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Abhishek Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Colin Lonsdale, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Cornelia Mueller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Hector Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Ozel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Potzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Doosoo Yoon, Andre Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Shan-Shan Zhao

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   934 ( 2 )   2022.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    The blazar J1924-2914 is a primary Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) calibrator for the Galactic center's black hole Sagittarius A*. Here we present the first total and linearly polarized intensity images of this source obtained with the unprecedented 20 mu as resolution of the EHT. J1924-2914 is a very compact flat-spectrum radio source with strong optical variability and polarization. In April 2017 the source was observed quasi-simultaneously with the EHT (April 5-11), the Global Millimeter VLBI Array (April 3), and the Very Long Baseline Array (April 28), giving a novel view of the source at four observing frequencies, 230, 86, 8.7, and 2.3 GHz. These observations probe jet properties from the subparsec to 100 pc scales. We combine the multifrequency images of J1924-2914 to study the source morphology. We find that the jet exhibits a characteristic bending, with a gradual clockwise rotation of the jet projected position angle of about 90 degrees between 2.3 and 230 GHz. Linearly polarized intensity images of J1924-2914 with the extremely fine resolution of the EHT provide evidence for ordered toroidal magnetic fields in the blazar compact core.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac7a40

    Web of Science


  • Millimeter Light Curves of Sagittarius A* Observed during the 2017 Event Horizon Telescope Campaign

    Maciek Wielgus, Nicola Marchili, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Garrett K. Keating, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Paul Tiede, Ed Fomalont, Sara Issaoun, Joey Neilsen, Michael A. Nowak, Lindy Blackburn, Charles F. Gammie, Ciriaco Goddi, Daryl Haggard, Daeyoung Lee, Monika Moscibrodzka, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Geoffrey C. Bower, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Paul M. Chesler, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Boris Georgiev, Mark Gurwell, Michael D. Johnson, Daniel P. Marrone, Alejandro Mus, Dimitrios Psaltis, Bart Ripperda, Gunther Witzel, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, John Barrett, Michi Baubock, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Vedant Dhruv, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Roberto Garcia, Olivier Gentaz, Roman Gold, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Jose L. Gomez, Minfeng Gu, Kazuhiro Hada, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Jirong Mao, Sera Markoff, Alan P. Marscher, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Cornelia Mueller, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Hector Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Ozel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Potzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Hung-Yi Pu, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Kaj Wiik, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Doosoo Yoon, Andre Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   930 ( 2 )   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observed the compact radio source, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), in the Galactic Center on 2017 April 5-11 in the 1.3 mm wavelength band. At the same time, interferometric array data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array and the Submillimeter Array were collected, providing Sgr A* light curves simultaneous with the EHT observations. These data sets, complementing the EHT very long baseline interferometry, are characterized by a cadence and signal-to-noise ratio previously unattainable for Sgr A* at millimeter wavelengths, and they allow for the investigation of source variability on timescales as short as a minute. While most of the light curves correspond to a low variability state of Sgr A*, the April 11 observations follow an X-ray flare and exhibit strongly enhanced variability. All of the light curves are consistent with a red-noise process, with a power spectral density (PSD) slope measured to be between -2 and -3 on timescales between 1 minute and several hours. Our results indicate a steepening of the PSD slope for timescales shorter than 0.3 hr. The spectral energy distribution is flat at 220 GHz, and there are no time lags between the 213 and 229 GHz frequency bands, suggesting low optical depth for the event horizon scale source. We characterize Sgr A*'s variability, highlighting the different behavior observed just after the X-ray flare, and use Gaussian process modeling to extract a decorrelation timescale and a PSD slope. We also investigate the systematic calibration uncertainties by analyzing data from independent data reduction pipelines.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6428

    Web of Science


  • Selective Dynamical Imaging of Interferometric Data

    Joseph Farah, Peter Galison, Kazunori Akiyama, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Andrew Chael, Antonio Fuentes, Jose L. Gomez, Mareki Honma, Michael D. Johnson, Yutaro Kofuji, Daniel P. Marrone, Kotaro Moriyama, Ramesh Narayan, Dominic W. Pesce, Paul Tiede, Maciek Wielgus, Guang-Yao Zhao, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczkovic, David Ball, Mislay Balokovic, John Barrett, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamente, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto Garc'a, Olivier Gentaz, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Alan P. Marscher, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Muller, Alejandro Mus Mejas, Gibwa Musoke, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Hiroki Okino, Hector Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Zel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Potzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Kaj Wiik, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, Andre Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shan-Shan Zhao

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   930 ( 2 )   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    Recent developments in very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) have made it possible for the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) to resolve the innermost accretion flows of the largest supermassive black holes on the sky. The sparse nature of the EHT's (u, v)-coverage presents a challenge when attempting to resolve highly time-variable sources. We demonstrate that the changing (u, v)-coverage of the EHT can contain regions of time over the course of a single observation that facilitate dynamical imaging. These optimal time regions typically have projected baseline distributions that are approximately angularly isotropic and radially homogeneous. We derive a metric of coverage quality based on baseline isotropy and density that is capable of ranking array configurations by their ability to produce accurate dynamical reconstructions. We compare this metric to existing metrics in the literature and investigate their utility by performing dynamical reconstructions on synthetic data from simulated EHT observations of sources with simple orbital variability. We then use these results to make recommendations for imaging the 2017 EHT Sgr A* data set.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6615

    Web of Science


  • Characterizing and Mitigating Intraday Variability: Reconstructing Source Structure in Accreting Black Holes with mm-VLBI

    Avery E. Broderick, Roman Gold, Boris Georgiev, Dominic W. Pesce, Paul Tiede, Chunchong Ni, Kotaro Moriyama, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, John Barrett, Michi Baubock, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto Garcia, Olivier Gentaz, Ciriaco Goddi, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Jose L. Gomez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Muller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Hector Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Potzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Doosoo Yoon, Andre Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shuo Zhang, Shan-Shan Zhao

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   930 ( 2 )   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    The extraordinary physical resolution afforded by the Event Horizon Telescope has opened a window onto the astrophysical phenomena unfolding on horizon scales in two known black holes, M87* and Sgr A*. However, with this leap in resolution has come a new set of practical complications. Sgr A* exhibits intraday variability that violates the assumptions underlying Earth aperture synthesis, limiting traditional image reconstruction methods to short timescales and data sets with very sparse (u, v) coverage. We present a new set of tools to detect and mitigate this variability. We develop a data-driven, model-agnostic procedure to detect and characterize the spatial structure of intraday variability. This method is calibrated against a large set of mock data sets, producing an empirical estimator of the spatial power spectrum of the brightness fluctuations. We present a novel Bayesian noise modeling algorithm that simultaneously reconstructs an average image and statistical measure of the fluctuations about it using a parameterized form for the excess variance in the complex visibilities not otherwise explained by the statistical errors. These methods are validated using a variety of simulated data, including general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations appropriate for Sgr A* and M87*. We find that the reconstructed source structure and variability are robust to changes in the underlying image model. We apply these methods to the 2017 EHT observations of M87*, finding evidence for variability across the EHT observing campaign. The variability mitigation strategies presented are widely applicable to very long baseline interferometry observations of variable sources generally, for which they provide a data-informed averaging procedure and natural characterization of inter-epoch image consistency.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6584

    Web of Science


  • First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. V. Testing Astrophysical Models of the Galactic Center Black Hole

    Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, John Barrett, Michi Baubock, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto Garcia, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Jose L. Gomez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Mueller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Hector Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Ozel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Potzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Doosoo Yoon, Andre Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Tin Lok Chan, Richard Qiu, Sean Ressler, Chris White

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   930 ( 2 )   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    In this paper we provide a first physical interpretation for the Event Horizon Telescope's (EHT) 2017 observations of Sgr A*. Our main approach is to compare resolved EHT data at 230 GHz and unresolved non-EHT observations from radio to X-ray wavelengths to predictions from a library of models based on time-dependent general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations, including aligned, tilted, and stellar-wind-fed simulations; radiative transfer is performed assuming both thermal and nonthermal electron distribution functions. We test the models against 11 constraints drawn from EHT 230 GHz data and observations at 86 GHz, 2.2 mu m, and in the X-ray. All models fail at least one constraint. Light-curve variability provides a particularly severe constraint, failing nearly all strongly magnetized (magnetically arrested disk (MAD)) models and a large fraction of weakly magnetized models. A number of models fail only the variability constraints. We identify a promising cluster of these models, which are MAD and have inclination i <= 30 degrees. They have accretion rate (5.2-9.5) x 10(-9) M (circle dot) yr(-1), bolometric luminosity (6.8-9.2) x 10(35) erg s(-1), and outflow power (1.3-4.8) x 10(38) erg s(-1). We also find that all models with i >= 70 degrees fail at least two constraints, as do all models with equal ion and electron temperature; exploratory, nonthermal model sets tend to have higher 2.2 mu m flux density; and the population of cold electrons is limited by X-ray constraints due to the risk of bremsstrahlung overproduction. Finally, we discuss physical and numerical limitations of the models, highlighting the possible importance of kinetic effects and duration of the simulations.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6672

    Web of Science


  • First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. IV. Variability, Morphology, and Black Hole Mass

    Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, John Barrett, Michi Baubock, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto Garcia, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Jose L. Gomez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Muller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Hector Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Potzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Doosoo Yoon, Andre Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Dominic O. Chang

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   930 ( 2 )   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    In this paper we quantify the temporal variability and image morphology of the horizon-scale emission from Sgr A*, as observed by the EHT in 2017 April at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. We find that the Sgr A* data exhibit variability that exceeds what can be explained by the uncertainties in the data or by the effects of interstellar scattering. The magnitude of this variability can be a substantial fraction of the correlated flux density, reaching similar to 100% on some baselines. Through an exploration of simple geometric source models, we demonstrate that ring-like morphologies provide better fits to the Sgr A* data than do other morphologies with comparable complexity. We develop two strategies for fitting static geometric ring models to the time-variable Sgr A* data; one strategy fits models to short segments of data over which the source is static and averages these independent fits, while the other fits models to the full data set using a parametric model for the structural variability power spectrum around the average source structure. Both geometric modeling and image-domain feature extraction techniques determine the ring diameter to be 51.8 +/- 2.3 mu as (68% credible intervals), with the ring thickness constrained to have an FWHM between similar to 30% and 50% of the ring diameter. To bring the diameter measurements to a common physical scale, we calibrate them using synthetic data generated from GRMHD simulations. This calibration constrains the angular size of the gravitational radius to be 4.8(-0.7)(+1.4) mu as, which we combine with an independent distance measurement from maser parallaxes to determine the mass of Sgr A* to be 4.0(-0.6)(+1.1) x 10(6) M-circle dot.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6736

    Web of Science


  • First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. III. Imaging of the Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole

    Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, John Barrett, Michi Baubock, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto Garcia, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Jose L. Gomez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Mueller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Hector Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Ozel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Potzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Doosoo Yoon, Andre Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   930 ( 2 )   2022.5

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    We present the first event-horizon-scale images and spatiotemporal analysis of Sgr A* taken with the Event Horizon Telescope in 2017 April at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. Imaging of Sgr A* has been conducted through surveys over a wide range of imaging assumptions using the classical CLEAN algorithm, regularized maximum likelihood methods, and a Bayesian posterior sampling method. Different prescriptions have been used to account for scattering effects by the interstellar medium toward the Galactic center. Mitigation of the rapid intraday variability that characterizes Sgr A* has been carried out through the addition of a "variability noise budget" in the observed visibilities, facilitating the reconstruction of static full-track images. Our static reconstructions of Sgr A* can be clustered into four representative morphologies that correspond to ring images with three different azimuthal brightness distributions and a small cluster that contains diverse nonring morphologies. Based on our extensive analysis of the effects of sparse (u, v)-coverage, source variability, and interstellar scattering, as well as studies of simulated visibility data, we conclude that the Event Horizon Telescope Sgr A* data show compelling evidence for an image that is dominated by a bright ring of emission with a ring diameter of similar to 50 mu as, consistent with the expected "shadow" of a 4 x 10(6) M (circle dot) black hole in the Galactic center located at a distance of 8 kpc.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6429

    Web of Science


  • First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. II. EHT and Multiwavelength Observations, Data Processing, and Calibration

    Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, John Barrett, Michi Baubock, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto Garcia, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Jose L. Gomez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Muller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Hector Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Potzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Doosoo Yoon, Andre Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Claudio Agurto, Juan Pablo Araneda, Oriel Arriagada, Alessandra Bertarini, Ryan Berthold, Jay Blanchard, Ken Brown, Mauricio Cardenas, Michael Cantzler, Patricio Caro, Tim C. Chuter, Miroslaw Ciechanowicz, Iain M. Coulson, Joseph Crowley, Nathalie Degenaar, Sven Dornbusch, Carlos A. Duran, Karl Forster, Gertie Geertsema, Edouard Gonzalez, Dave Graham, Frederic Gueth, Chih-Chiang Han, Cristian Herrera, Ruben Herrero-Illana, Stefan Heyminck, James Hoge, Yau-De Huang, Homin Jiang, David John, Thomas Klein, Derek Kubo, John Kuroda, Caleb Kwon, Robert Laing, Ching-Tang Liu, Kuan-Yu Liu, Felipe Mac-Auliffe, Pierre Martin-Cocher, Callie Matulonis, Hugo Messias, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Francisco Montenegro-Montes, William Montgomerie, Dirk Muders, Hiroaki Nishioka, Timothy J. Norton, Rodrigo Olivares, Juan Pablo Perez-Beaupuits, Rodrigo Parra, Michael Poirier, Nicolas Pradel, Philippe A. Raffin, Jorge Ramirez, Mark Reynolds, Alejandro F. Saez-Madain, Jorge Santana, Kevin M. Silva, Don Sousa, William Stahm, Karl Torstensson, Paulina Venegas, Craig Walther, Gundolf Wieching, Rudy Wijnands, Jan G. A. Wouterloot

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   930 ( 2 )   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    We present Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) 1.3 mm measurements of the radio source located at the position of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), collected during the 2017 April 5-11 campaign. The observations were carried out with eight facilities at six locations across the globe. Novel calibration methods are employed to account for Sgr A*'s flux variability. The majority of the 1.3 mm emission arises from horizon scales, where intrinsic structural source variability is detected on timescales of minutes to hours. The effects of interstellar scattering on the image and its variability are found to be subdominant to intrinsic source structure. The calibrated visibility amplitudes, particularly the locations of the visibility minima, are broadly consistent with a blurred ring with a diameter of similar to 50 mu as, as determined in later works in this series. Contemporaneous multiwavelength monitoring of Sgr A* was performed at 22, 43, and 86 GHz and at near-infrared and X-ray wavelengths. Several X-ray flares from Sgr A* are detected by Chandra, one at low significance jointly with Swift on 2017 April 7 and the other at higher significance jointly with NuSTAR on 2017 April 11. The brighter April 11 flare is not observed simultaneously by the EHT but is followed by a significant increase in millimeter flux variability immediately after the X-ray outburst, indicating a likely connection in the emission physics near the event horizon. We compare Sgr A*'s broadband flux during the EHT campaign to its historical spectral energy distribution and find that both the quiescent emission and flare emission are consistent with its long-term behavior.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6675

    Web of Science


  • First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way

    Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, John Barrett, Michi Baubock, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto Garcia, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Jose L. Gomez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Muller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Hector Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Potzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Doosoo Yoon, Andre Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Feryal Ozel, Claudio Agurto, Alexander Allardi, Rodrigo Amestica, Juan Pablo Araneda, Oriel Arriagada, Jennie L. Berghuis, Alessandra Bertarini, Ryan Berthold, Jay Blanchard, Ken Brown, Mauricio Cardenas, Michael Cantzler, Patricio Caro, Edgar Castillo-Dominguez, Tin Lok Chan, Chih-Cheng Chang, Dominic O. Chang, Shu-Hao Chang, Song-Chu Chang, Chung-Chen Chen, Ryan Chilson, Tim C. Chuter, Miroslaw Ciechanowicz, Edgar Colin-Beltran, Iain M. Coulson, Joseph Crowley, Nathalie Degenaar, Sven Dornbusch, Carlos A. Duran, Wendeline B. Everett, Aaron Faber, Karl Forster, Miriam M. Fuchs, David M. Gale, Gertie Geertsema, Edouard Gonzalez, Dave Graham, Frederic Gueth, Nils W. Halverson, Chih-Chiang Han, Kuo-Chang Han, Yutaka Hasegawa, Jose Luis Hernandez-Rebollar, Cristian Herrera, Ruben Herrero-Illana, Stefan Heyminck, Akihiko Hirota, James Hoge, Shelbi R. Hostler Schimpf, Ryan E. Howie, Yau-De Huang, Homin Jiang, Hao Jinchi, David John, Kimihiro Kimura, Thomas Klein, Derek Kubo, John Kuroda, Caleb Kwon, Richard Lacasse, Robert Laing, Erik M. Leitch, Chao-Te Li, Ching-Tang Liu, Kuan-Yu Liu, Lupin C-C Lin, Li-Ming Lu, Felipe Mac-Auliffe, Pierre Martin-Cocher, Callie Matulonis, John K. Maute, Hugo Messias, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Alfredo Montana, Francisco Montenegro-Montes, William Montgomerie, Marcos Emir Moreno Nolasco, Dirk Muders, Hiroaki Nishioka, Timothy J. Norton, George Nystrom, Hideo Ogawa, Rodrigo Olivares, Peter Oshiro, Juan Pablo Perez-Beaupuits, Rodrigo Parra, Neil M. Phillips, Michael Poirier, Nicolas Pradel, Richard Qiu, Philippe A. Raffin, Alexandra S. Rahlin, Jorge Ramirez, Sean Ressler, Mark Reynolds, Ivan Rodriguez-Montoya, Alejandro F. Saez-Madain, Jorge Santana, Paul Shaw, Leslie E. Shirkey, Kevin M. Silva, William Snow, Don Sousa, T. K. Sridharan, William Stahm, Anthony A. Stark, John Test, Karl Torstensson, Paulina Venegas, Craig Walther, Ta-Shun Wei, Chris White, Gundolf Wieching, Rudy Wijnands, Jan G. A. Wouterloot, Chen-Yu Yu, Wei Yu, Milagros Zeballos

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   930 ( 2 )   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    We present the first Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the Galactic center source associated with a supermassive black hole. These observations were conducted in 2017 using a global interferometric array of eight telescopes operating at a wavelength of lambda = 1.3 mm. The EHT data resolve a compact emission region with intrahour variability. A variety of imaging and modeling analyses all support an image that is dominated by a bright, thick ring with a diameter of 51.8 +/- 2.3 mu as (68% credible interval). The ring has modest azimuthal brightness asymmetry and a comparatively dim interior. Using a large suite of numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the EHT images of Sgr A* are consistent with the expected appearance of a Kerr black hole with mass similar to 4 x 10(6) M (circle dot), which is inferred to exist at this location based on previous infrared observations of individual stellar orbits, as well as maser proper-motion studies. Our model comparisons disfavor scenarios where the black hole is viewed at high inclination (i > 50 degrees), as well as nonspinning black holes and those with retrograde accretion disks. Our results provide direct evidence for the presence of a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, and for the first time we connect the predictions from dynamical measurements of stellar orbits on scales of 10(3)-10(5) gravitational radii to event-horizon-scale images and variability. Furthermore, a comparison with the EHT results for the supermassive black hole M87* shows consistency with the predictions of general relativity spanning over three orders of magnitude in central mass.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6674

    Web of Science


  • First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. VI. Testing the Black Hole Metric

    Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, John Barrett, Michi Baubock, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Vedant Dhruv, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Razieh Emami, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto Garcia, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Jose L. Gomez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Abhishek Joshi, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Muller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Hector Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Ozel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Potzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jesse Vos, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Doosoo Yoon, Andre Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   930 ( 2 )   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    Astrophysical black holes are expected to be described by the Kerr metric. This is the only stationary, vacuum, axisymmetric metric, without electromagnetic charge, that satisfies Einstein's equations and does not have pathologies outside of the event horizon. We present new constraints on potential deviations from the Kerr prediction based on 2017 EHT observations of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). We calibrate the relationship between the geometrically defined black hole shadow and the observed size of the ring-like images using a library that includes both Kerr and non-Kerr simulations. We use the exquisite prior constraints on the mass-to-distance ratio for Sgr A* to show that the observed image size is within similar to 10% of the Kerr predictions. We use these bounds to constrain metrics that are parametrically different from Kerr, as well as the charges of several known spacetimes. To consider alternatives to the presence of an event horizon, we explore the possibility that Sgr A* is a compact object with a surface that either absorbs and thermally reemits incident radiation or partially reflects it. Using the observed image size and the broadband spectrum of Sgr A*, we conclude that a thermal surface can be ruled out and a fully reflective one is unlikely. We compare our results to the broader landscape of gravitational tests. Together with the bounds found for stellar-mass black holes and the M87 black hole, our observations provide further support that the external spacetimes of all black holes are described by the Kerr metric, independent of their mass.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6756

    Web of Science


  • A Universal Power-law Prescription for Variability from Synthetic Images of Black Hole Accretion Flows

    Boris Georgiev, Dominic W. Pesce, Avery E. Broderick, George N. Wong, Vedant Dhruv, Maciek Wielgus, Charles F. Gammie, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Razieh Emami, Yosuke Mizuno, Roman Gold, Christian M. Fromm, Angelo Ricarte, Doosoo Yoon, Abhishek Joshi, Ben Prather, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Michael D. Johnson, Oliver Porth, Hector Olivares, Ziri Younsi, Luciano Rezzolla, Jesse Vos, Richard Qiu, Antonios Nathanail, Ramesh Narayan, Andrew Chael, Richard Anantua, Monika Moscibrodzka, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Uwe Bach, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Balokovic, John Barrett, Michi Baubock, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamante, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chiara Ceccobello, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Xiaopeng Cheng, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, Nicholas S. Conroy, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Sean Dougal, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Roberto Garcia, Olivier Gentaz, Ciriaco Goddi, Arturo Gomez-Ruiz, Jose L. Gomez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Kari Haworth, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Dirk Heumann, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Prashant Kocherlakota, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Noemi La Bella, Tod R. Lauer, Daeyoung Lee, Sang-Sung Lee, Luis Lehner, Po Kin Leung, Aviad Levis, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Michael Lindqvist, Mikhail Lisakov, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin J. Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Karl M. Menten, Daniel Michalik, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Cornelia Muller, Alejandro Mus, Gibwa Musoke, Ioannis Myserlis, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Santiago Navarro Fuentes, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Junghwan Oh, Hiroki Okino, Gisela N. Ortiz-Leon, Tomoaki Oyama, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Georgios Filippos Paraschos, Jongho Park, Harriet Parsons, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Vincent Pietu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Felix M. Potzl, Jorge A. Preciado-Lopez, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Ignacio Ruiz, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sanchez, David Sanchez-Arguelles, Miguel Sanchez-Portal, Mahito Sasada, Kaushik Satapathy, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Jonathan Schonfeld, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Kamal Souccar, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Matthew Turk, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Kaj Wiik, Gunther Witzel, Michael F. Wondrak, Qingwen Wu, Paul Yamaguchi, Andre Young, Ken Young, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Shuo Zhang, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   930 ( 2 )   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    We present a framework for characterizing the spatiotemporal power spectrum of the variability expected from the horizon-scale emission structure around supermassive black holes, and we apply this framework to a library of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations and associated general relativistic ray-traced images relevant for Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations of Sgr A*. We find that the variability power spectrum is generically a red-noise process in both the temporal and spatial dimensions, with the peak in power occurring on the longest timescales and largest spatial scales. When both the time-averaged source structure and the spatially integrated light-curve variability are removed, the residual power spectrum exhibits a universal broken power-law behavior. On small spatial frequencies, the residual power spectrum rises as the square of the spatial frequency and is proportional to the variance in the centroid of emission. Beyond some peak in variability power, the residual power spectrum falls as that of the time-averaged source structure, which is similar across simulations; this behavior can be naturally explained if the variability arises from a multiplicative random field that has a steeper high-frequency power-law index than that of the time-averaged source structure. We briefly explore the ability of power spectral variability studies to constrain physical parameters relevant for the GRMHD simulations, which can be scaled to provide predictions for black holes in a range of systems in the optically thin regime. We present specific expectations for the behavior of the M87* and Sgr A* accretion flows as observed by the EHT.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac65eb

    Web of Science


  • Herschel discovery of far-infrared emission from the hotspot D in the radio galaxy Cygnus A

    Yuji Sunada, Naoki Isobe, Makoto S. Tashiro, Motoki Kino, Shoko Koyama, Satomi Nakahara

    MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY   512 ( 4 )   5995 - 6006   2022.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    The far-infrared counterpart of hotspot D, the terminal hotspot of the eastern jet hosted by the radio galaxy Cygnus A, is detected with Herschel Aperture photometry of the source performed in 5 photometric bands covering the wavelength range of 70-350 mu m. After removing the contamination from another nearby hotspot, E, the far-infrared intensity of hotspot D is derived as 83 +/- 13 and 269 +/- 66 mJy at 160 and 350 mu m, respectively. Since the far-infrared spectrum of the object smoothly connects to the radio one, the far-infrared emission is attributed to the synchrotron radiation from the radio-emitting electron population. The radio-to-near-infrared spectrum is confirmed to exhibit a far-infrared break feature at the frequency of nu(br) = 2.0(-0.8)(+1.2) x 10(12) Hz. The change in energy index at the break (Delta alpha = 0.5) is interpreted as the impact of radiative cooling on an electron distribution sustained by continuous injection from diffusive shock acceleration. By ascribing the derived break to this cooling break, the magnetic field, B, in the hotspot is determined as a function of its radius, R within a uniform one-zone model combined with the strong relativistic shock condition. An independent B-R constraint is obtained by assuming the X-ray spectrum is wholly due to synchrotron self-Compton emission. By combining these conditions, the two parameters are tightly determined as B = 120-150 mu G and R = 1.3-1.6 kpc. A further investigation into the two conditions indicates the observed X-ray flux is highly dominated by the synchrotron self-Compton emission.

    DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac826

    Web of Science


  • The Intrinsic Structure of Sagittarius A* at 1.3 cm and 7 mm

    Ilje Cho, Guang-Yao Zhao, Tomohisa Kawashima, Motoki Kino, Kazunori Akiyama, Michael D. Johnson, Sara Issaoun, Kotaro Moriyama, Xiaopeng Cheng, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Taehyun Jung, Bong Won Sohn, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Maciek Wielgus, Kazuhiro Hada, Ru-Sen Lu, Yuzhu Cui, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Zhiqiang Shen, Jongho Park, Wu Jiang, Hyunwook Ro, Kunwoo Yi, Kiyoaki Wajima, Jee Won Lee, Jeffrey Hodgson, Fumie Tazaki, Mareki Honma, Kotaro Niinuma, Sascha Trippe, Tao An, Yingkang Zhang, Jeong Ae Lee, Se-Jin Oh, Do-Young Byun, Sang-Sung Lee, Jae-Young Kim, Junghwan Oh, Shoko Koyama, Keiichi Asada, Xuezheng Wang, Lang Cui, Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Masanori Nakamura, Mieko Takamura, Tomoya Hirota, Koichiro Sugiyama, Noriyuki Kawaguchi, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Tomoaki Oyama, Yoshinori Yonekura, Jongsoo Kim, Ju-Yeon Hwang, Dong-Kyu Jung, Hyo-Ryoung Kim, Jeong-Sook Kim, Chung-Sik Oh, Duk-Gyoo Roh, Jae-Hwan Yeom, Bo Xia, Weiye Zhong, Bin Li, Rongbing Zhao, Jinqing Wang, Qinghui Liu, Zhong Chen

    The Astrophysical Journal   926 ( 2 )   108 - 108   2022.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the Galactic Center supermassive black hole (SMBH), is one of the best targets in which to resolve the innermost region of an SMBH with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI). In this study, we have carried out observations toward Sgr A* at 1.349 cm (22.223 GHz) and 6.950 mm (43.135 GHz) with the East Asian VLBI Network, as a part of the multiwavelength campaign of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) in 2017 April. To mitigate scattering effects, the physically motivated scattering kernel model from Psaltis et al. (2018) and the scattering parameters from Johnson et al. (2018) have been applied. As a result, a single, symmetric Gaussian model well describes the intrinsic structure of Sgr A* at both wavelengths. From closure amplitudes, the major-axis sizes are ∼704 ± 102 μas (axial ratio ∼${1.19}_{-0.19}^{+0.24}$) and ∼300 ± 25 μas (axial ratio ∼1.28 ± 0.2) at 1.349 cm and 6.95 mm, respectively. Together with a quasi-simultaneous observation at 3.5 mm (86 GHz) by Issaoun et al. (2019), we show that the intrinsic size scales with observing wavelength as a power law, with an index ∼1.2 ± 0.2. Our results also provide estimates of the size and compact flux density at 1.3 mm, which can be incorporated into the analysis of the EHT observations. In terms of the origin of radio emission, we have compared the intrinsic structures with the accretion flow scenario, especially the radiatively inefficient accretion flow based on the Keplerian shell model. With this, we show that a nonthermal electron population is necessary to reproduce the source sizes.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac4165


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ac4165/pdf

  • The Variability of the Black Hole Image in M87 at the Dynamical Timescale

    Kaushik Satapathy, Dimitrios Psaltis, Feryal Özel, Lia Medeiros, Sean T. Dougall, Chi-Kwan Chan, Maciek Wielgus, Ben S. Prather, George N. Wong, Charles F. Gammie, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Sandra Bustamente, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, José L. Gómez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Michael Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Alejandro Mus Mejías, Gibwa Musoke, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Kaj Wiik, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    The Astrophysical Journal   925 ( 1 )   13 - 13   2022.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    The black hole images obtained with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) are expected to be variable at the dynamical timescale near their horizons. For the black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy, this timescale (5–61 days) is comparable to the 6 day extent of the 2017 EHT observations. Closure phases along baseline triangles are robust interferometric observables that are sensitive to the expected structural changes of the images but are free of station-based atmospheric and instrumental errors. We explored the day-to-day variability in closure-phase measurements on all six linearly independent nontrivial baseline triangles that can be formed from the 2017 observations. We showed that three triangles exhibit very low day-to-day variability, with a dispersion of ∼3°–5°. The only triangles that exhibit substantially higher variability (∼90°–180°) are the ones with baselines that cross the visibility amplitude minima on the u–v plane, as expected from theoretical modeling. We used two sets of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations to explore the dependence of the predicted variability on various black hole and accretion-flow parameters. We found that changing the magnetic field configuration, electron temperature model, or black hole spin has a marginal effect on the model consistency with the observed level of variability. On the other hand, the most discriminating image characteristic of models is the fractional width of the bright ring of emission. Models that best reproduce the observed small level of variability are characterized by thin ring-like images with structures dominated by gravitational lensing effects and thus least affected by turbulence in the accreting plasmas.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac332e


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ac332e/pdf

  • East Asian VLBI Network observations of active galactic nuclei jets: imaging with KaVA plus Tianma plus Nanshan

    Yu-Zhu Cui, Kazuhiro Hada, Motoki Kino, Bong-Won Sohn, Jongho Park, Hyun-Wook Ro, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Wu Jiang, Lang Cui, Mareki Honma, Zhi-Qiang Shen, Fumie Tazaki, Tao An, Ilje Cho, Guang-Yao Zhao, Xiao-Peng Cheng, Kotaro Niinuma, Kiyoaki Wajima, Ying-Kang Zhang, Noriyuki Kawaguchi, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Shoko Koyama, Tomoya Hirota, Yoshinori Yonekura, Nobuyuki Sakai, Bo Xia, Yong-Bin Jiang, Lin-Feng Yu, Wei Gou, Ju-Yeon Hwang, Yong-Chen Jiang, Yun-Xia Sun, Dong-Kyu Jung, Hyo-Ryoung Kim, Jeong-Sook Kim, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Jee-Won Lee, Jeong-Ae Lee, Hua Zhang, Guang-Hui Li, Zhi-Qiang Xu, Peng Li, Jung-Hwan Oh, Se-Jin Oh, Chung-Sik Oh, Tomoaki Oyama, Duk-Gyoo Roh, Katsunori-M Shibata, Wen Guo, Rong-Bing Zhao, Wei-Ye Zhong, Jin-Qing Wang, Wen-Jun Yang, Hao Yan, Jae-Hwan Yeom, Bin Li, Xiao-Fei Li, Jian-Ping Yuan, Jian Dong, Zhong Chen, Kazunori Akiyama, Keiichi Asada, Do-Young Byun, Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Jeffrey Hodgson, Tae-Hyun Jung, Kee-Tae Kim, Sang-Sung Lee, Kunwoo Yi, Qing-Hui Liu, Xiang Liu, Ru-Sen Lu, Masanori Nakamura, Sascha Trippe, Na Wang, Xue-Zheng Wang, Bo Zhang


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATL ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORIES, CHIN ACAD SCIENCES  

    The East Asian Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Network (EAVN) is a rapidly evolving international VLBI array that is currently promoted under joint efforts among China, Japan and Korea. EAVN aims at forming a joint VLBI Network by combining a large number of radio telescopes distributed over East Asian regions. After the combination of the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) and the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) into KaVA, further expansion with the joint array in East Asia is actively promoted. Here we report the first imaging results (at 22 and 43 GHz) of bright radio sources obtained with KaVA connected to Tianma 65-m and Nanshan 26-m Radio Telescopes in China. To test the EAVN imaging performance for different sources, we observed four active galactic nuclei (AGN) having different brightness and morphology. As a result, we confirmed that the Tianma 65-m Radio Telescope (TMRT) significantly enhances the overall array sensitivity, a factor of 4 improvement in baseline sensitivity and 2 in image dynamic range compared to the case of KaVA only. The addition of the Nanshan 26-m Radio Telescope (NSRT) further doubled the east-west angular resolution. With the resulting high-dynamic-range, high-resolution images with EAVN (KaVA+TMRT+NSRT), various fine-scale structures in our targets, such as the counter-jet in M87, a kink-like morphology of the 3C 273 jet and the weak emission in other sources are successfully detected. This demonstrates the powerful capability of EAVN to study AGN jets and to achieve other science goals in general. Ongoing expansion of EAVN will further enhance the angular resolution, detection sensitivity and frequency coverage of the network.

    DOI: 10.1088/1674-4527/21/8/205

    Web of Science


  • Event Horizon Telescope observations of the jet launching and collimation in Centaurus A

    Michael Janssen, Heino Falcke, Matthias Kadler, Eduardo Ros, Maciek Wielgus, Kazunori Akiyama, Mislav Baloković, Lindy Blackburn, Katherine L. Bouman, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Koushik Chatterjee, Jordy Davelaar, Philip G. Edwards, Christian M. Fromm, José L. Gómez, Ciriaco Goddi, Sara Issaoun, Michael D. Johnson, Junhan Kim, Jun Yi Koay, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Jun Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Sera Markoff, Alex Markowitz, Daniel P. Marrone, Yosuke Mizuno, Cornelia Müller, Chunchong Ni, Dominic W. Pesce, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Freek Roelofs, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Ilse van Bemmel, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, John Barrett, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Paul M. Chesler, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Zachary Gelles, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Elizabeth Himwich, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Yutaro Kofuji, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Kuo Liu, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Gibwa Musoke, Alejandro Mus Mejías, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Alan Rogers, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    Nature Astronomy   5 ( 10 )   1017 - 1028   2021.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    <title>Abstract</title>Very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of active galactic nuclei at millimetre wavelengths have the power to reveal the launching and initial collimation region of extragalactic radio jets, down to 10–100 gravitational radii (<italic>r</italic><sub>g</sub> ≡ <italic>G</italic><italic>M</italic>/<italic>c</italic><sup>2</sup>) scales in nearby sources<sup>1</sup>. Centaurus A is the closest radio-loud source to Earth<sup>2</sup>. It bridges the gap in mass and accretion rate between the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in Messier 87 and our Galactic Centre. A large southern declination of −43° has, however, prevented VLBI imaging of Centaurus A below a wavelength of 1 cm thus far. Here we show the millimetre VLBI image of the source, which we obtained with the Event Horizon Telescope at 228 GHz. Compared with previous observations<sup>3</sup>, we image the jet of Centaurus A at a tenfold higher frequency and sixteen times sharper resolution and thereby probe sub-lightday structures. We reveal a highly collimated, asymmetrically edge-brightened jet as well as the fainter counterjet. We find that the source structure of Centaurus A resembles the jet in Messier 87 on ~500 <italic>r</italic><sub>g</sub> scales remarkably well. Furthermore, we identify the location of Centaurus A’s SMBH with respect to its resolved jet core at a wavelength of 1.3 mm and conclude that the source’s event horizon shadow<sup>4</sup> should be visible at terahertz frequencies. This location further supports the universal scale invariance of black holes over a wide range of masses<sup>5,6</sup>.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41550-021-01417-w


    Other Link: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-021-01417-w

  • Constraints on black-hole charges with the 2017 EHT observations of M87*

    Prashant Kocherlakota, Luciano Rezzolla, Heino Falcke, Christian M. Fromm, Michael Kramer, Yosuke Mizuno, Antonios Nathanail, Héctor Olivares, Ziri Younsi, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Paul M. Chesler, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, H. Alyson Ford, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, José L. Gómez, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Gibwa Musoke, Alejandro Mus Mejías, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Joseph Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Hiroki Okino, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    Physical Review D   103 ( 10 )   2021.5

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Physical Society (APS)  

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.103.104047


    Other Link: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevD.103.104047/fulltext

  • The Polarized Image of a Synchrotron-emitting Ring of Gas Orbiting a Black Hole

    Ramesh Narayan, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Michael D. Johnson, Zachary Gelles, Elizabeth Himwich, Dominic O. Chang, Angelo Ricarte, Jason Dexter, Charles F. Gammie, Andrew A. Chael, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Juan Carlos Algaba, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Paul M. Chesler, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, José L. Gómez, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Gibwa Musoke, Alejandro Mus Mejías, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    The Astrophysical Journal   912 ( 1 )   35 - 35   2021.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    Synchrotron radiation from hot gas near a black hole results in a polarized image. The image polarization is determined by effects including the orientation of the magnetic field in the emitting region, relativistic motion of the gas, strong gravitational lensing by the black hole, and parallel transport in the curved spacetime. We explore these effects using a simple model of an axisymmetric, equatorial accretion disk around a Schwarzschild black hole. By using an approximate expression for the null geodesics derived by Beloborodov and conservation of the Walker-Penrose constant, we provide analytic estimates for the image polarization. We test this model using currently favored general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of M87*, using ring parameters given by the simulations. For a subset of these with modest Faraday effects, we show that the ring model broadly reproduces the polarimetric image morphology. Our model also predicts the polarization evolution for compact flaring regions, such as those observed from Sgr A* with GRAVITY. With suitably chosen parameters, our simple model can reproduce the EVPA pattern and relative polarized intensity in Event Horizon Telescope images of M87*. Under the physically motivated assumption that the magnetic field trails the fluid velocity, this comparison is consistent with the clockwise rotation inferred from total intensity images.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abf117

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/abf117/pdf

  • Constraints on the mass accretion rate onto the supermassive black hole of cygnus a using the submillimeter array

    Wen-Ping Lo, Keiichi Asada, Satoki Matsushita, Masanori Nakamura, Hung-Yi Pu, Chihyin Tseng, Kazunori Akiyama, Juan Carlos Algaba, Geoffrey C. Bower, Ramprasad Rao, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Paul T. P Ho, Makoto Inoue

    Astrophysical Journal   911 ( 1 )   2021.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing Ltd  

    We present the first detailed polarimetric studies of Cygnus A at 230 GHz with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) to constrain the mass accretion rate onto its supermassive black hole. We detected the polarized emission associated with the core at a fractional polarization of 0.73 ± 0.15%. This low fractional polarization suggests that the polarized emission is highly depolarized. One of the possible explanations is due to a significant variance in the Faraday rotation measure within the synthesized beam. By assuming the Faraday depolarization caused by inhomogeneous column density of the magnetized plasma associated with the surrounding radiatively-inefficient accretion flow within the SMA beam, we derived the constraint on the mass accretion rate to be larger than 0.15 M yr-1 at the Bondi radius. The derived constraint indicates that an adiabatic inflow-outflow solution or an advection-dominated accretion flow should be preferable as the accretion flow model in order to explain the jet power of Cygnus A.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abd17b



  • Broadband Multi-wavelength Properties of M87 during the 2017 Event Horizon Telescope Campaign Reviewed

    EHT MWL Science Working Group, J. C. Algaba, J. Anczarski, K. Asada, M. Baloković, S. Chandra, Y.-Z. Cui, A. D. Falcone, M. Giroletti, C. Goddi, K. Hada, D. Haggard, S. Jorstad, A. Kaur, T. Kawashima, G. Keating, J.-Y. Kim, M. Kino, S. Komossa, E. V. Kravchenko, T. P. Krichbaum, S.-S. Lee, R.-S. Lu, M. Lucchini, S. Markoff, J. Neilsen, M. A. Nowak, J. Park, G. Principe, V. Ramakrishnan, M. T. Reynolds, M. Sasada, S. S. Savchenko, K. E. Williamson, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Richard Anantua, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Bradford A. Benson, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Paul M. Chesler, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Roman Gold, José L. Gómez, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Jun Yi Koay, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Aviad Levis, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Gibwa Musoke, Alejandro Mus Mejías, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, G. Principe, M. Giroletti, F. D’Ammando, M. Orienti, H. Abdalla, R. Adam, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, E. O. Angüner, C. Arcaro, C. Armand, T. Armstrong, H. Ashkar, M. Backes, V. Baghmanyan, V. Barbosa Martins, A. Barnacka, M. Barnard, Y. Becherini, D. Berge, K. Bernlöhr, B. Bi, M. Böttcher, C. Boisson, J. Bolmont, M. de Bony de Lavergne, M. Breuhaus, F. Brun, P. Brun, M. Bryan, M. Büchele, T. Bulik, T. Bylund, S. Caroff, A. Carosi, S. Casanova, T. Chand, A. Chen, G. Cotter, M. Curyło, J. Damascene Mbarubucyeye, I. D. Davids, J. Davies, C. Deil, J. Devin, P. deWilt, L. Dirson, A. Djannati-Ataï, A. Dmytriiev, A. Donath, V. Doroshenko, C. Duffy, J. Dyks, K. Egberts, F. Eichhorn, S. Einecke, G. Emery, J.-P. Ernenwein, K. Feijen, S. Fegan, A. Fiasson, G. Fichet de Clairfontaine, G. Fontaine, S. Funk, M. Füßling, S. Gabici, Y. A. Gallant, G. Giavitto, L. Giunti, D. Glawion, J. F. Glicenstein, D. Gottschall, M.-H. Grondin, J. Hahn, M. Haupt, G. Hermann, J. A. Hinton, W. Hofmann, C. Hoischen, T. L. Holch, M. Holler, M. Hörbe, D. Horns, D. Huber, M. Jamrozy, D. Jankowsky, F. Jankowsky, A. Jardin-Blicq, V. Joshi, I. Jung-Richardt, E. Kasai, M. A. Kastendieck, K. Katarzyński, U. Katz, D. Khangulyan, B. Khélifi, S. Klepser, W. Kluźniak, Nu. Komin, R. Konno, K. Kosack, D. Kostunin, M. Kreter, G. Lamanna, A. Lemière, M. Lemoine-Goumard, J.-P. Lenain, C. Levy, T. Lohse, I. Lypova, J. Mackey, J. Majumdar, D. Malyshev, D. Malyshev, V. Marandon, P. Marchegiani, A. Marcowith, A. Mares, G. Martí-Devesa, R. Marx, G. Maurin, P. J. Meintjes, M. Meyer, R. Moderski, M. Mohamed, L. Mohrmann, A. Montanari, C. Moore, P. Morris, E. Moulin, J. Muller, T. Murach, K. Nakashima, A. Nayerhoda, M. de Naurois, H. Ndiyavala, F. Niederwanger, J. Niemiec, L. Oakes, P. O’Brien, H. Odaka, S. Ohm, L. Olivera-Nieto, E. de Ona Wilhelmi, M. Ostrowski, M. Panter, S. Panny, R. D. Parsons, G. Peron, B. Peyaud, Q. Piel, S. Pita, V. Poireau, A. Priyana Noel, D. A. Prokhorov, H. Prokoph, G. Pühlhofer, M. Punch, A. Quirrenbach, R. Rauth, P. Reichherzer, A. Reimer, O. Reimer, Q. Remy, M. Renaud, F. Rieger, L. Rinchiuso, C. Romoli, G. Rowell, B. Rudak, E. Ruiz-Velasco, V. Sahakian, S. Sailer, D. A. Sanchez, A. Santangelo, M. Sasaki, M. Scalici, H. M. Schutte, U. Schwanke, S. Schwemmer, M. Seglar-Arroyo, M. Senniappan, A. S. Seyffert, N. Shafi, K. Shiningayamwe, R. Simoni, A. Sinha, H. Sol, A. Specovius, S. Spencer, M. Spir-Jacob, Ł. Stawarz, L. Sun, R. Steenkamp, C. Stegmann, S. Steinmassl, C. Steppa, T. Takahashi, T. Tavernier, A. M. Taylor, R. Terrier, D. Tiziani, M. Tluczykont, L. Tomankova, C. Trichard, M. Tsirou, R. Tuffs, Y. Uchiyama, D. J. van der Walt, C. van Eldik, C. van Rensburg, B. van Soelen, G. Vasileiadis, J. Veh, C. Venter, P. Vincent, J. Vink, H. J. Völk, T. Vuillaume, Z. Wadiasingh, S. J. Wagner, J. Watson, F. Werner, R. 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Nievas-Rosillo, S. O’Brien, R. A. Ong, A. N. Otte, S. Patel, K. Pfrang, M. Pohl, R. R. Prado, E. Pueschel, J. Quinn, K. Ragan, P. T. Reynolds, D. Ribeiro, G. T. Richards, E. Roache, C. Rulten, J. L. Ryan, M. Santander, G. H. Sembroski, R. Shang, A. Weinstein, D. A. Williams, T. J Williamson, Tomoya Hirota, Lang Cui, Kotaro Niinuma, Hyunwook Ro, Nobuyuki Sakai, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Kiyoaki Wajima, Na Wang, Xiang Liu, Yoshinori Yonekura

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   911 ( 1 )   L11 - L11   2021.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/abef71


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/abef71/pdf

  • First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. VIII. Magnetic Field Structure near The Event Horizon

    Kazunori Akiyama, Juan Carlos Algaba, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Paul M. Chesler, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Zachary Gelles, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, José L. Gómez, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Elizabeth Himwich, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Gibwa Musoke, Alejandro Mus Mejías, Daniel Michalik, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   910 ( 1 )   L13 - L13   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations at 230 GHz have now imaged polarized emission around the supermassive black hole in M87 on event-horizon scales. This polarized synchrotron radiation probes the structure of magnetic fields and the plasma properties near the black hole. Here we compare the resolved polarization structure observed by the EHT, along with simultaneous unresolved observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, to expectations from theoretical models. The low fractional linear polarization in the resolved image suggests that the polarization is scrambled on scales smaller than the EHT beam, which we attribute to Faraday rotation internal to the emission region. We estimate the average density n(e) similar to 10(4-7) cm(-3), magnetic field strength B similar to 1-30 G, and electron temperature T-e similar to (1-12) x 10(10) K of the radiating plasma in a simple one-zone emission model. We show that the net azimuthal linear polarization pattern may result from organized, poloidal magnetic fields in the emission region. In a quantitative comparison with a large library of simulated polarimetric images from general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations, we identify a subset of physical models that can explain critical features of the polarimetric EHT observations while producing a relativistic jet of sufficient power. The consistent GRMHD models are all of magnetically arrested accretion disks, where near-horizon magnetic fields are dynamically important. We use the models to infer a mass accretion rate onto the black hole in M87 of (3-20) x 10(-4) M yr(-1).

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/abe4de

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/abe4de/pdf

  • First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. VII. Polarization of the Ring

    Kazunori Akiyama, Juan Carlos Algaba, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Richard Anantua, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Paul M. Chesler, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Geoffrey B. Crew, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, José L. Gómez, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Greg Lindahl, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Gibwa Musoke, Alejandro Mus Mejías, Daniel Michalik, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Angelo Ricarte, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   910 ( 1 )   L12 - L12   2021.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/abe71d


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/abe71d/pdf

  • Polarimetric Properties of Event Horizon Telescope Targets from ALMA

    Ciriaco Goddi, Iván Martí-Vidal, Hugo Messias, Geoffrey C. Bower, Avery E. Broderick, Jason Dexter, Daniel P. Marrone, Monika Moscibrodzka, Hiroshi Nagai, Juan Carlos Algaba, Keiichi Asada, Geoffrey B. Crew, José L. Gómez, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Michael Janssen, Matthias Kadler, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Rocco Lico, Lynn D. Matthews, Antonios Nathanail, Angelo Ricarte, Eduardo Ros, Ziri Younsi, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Richard Anantua, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Bradford A. Benson, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Raymond Blundell, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Hope Boyce, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Paul M. Chesler, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Thomas M. Crawford, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Joseph Farah, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, H. Alyson Ford, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Antonio Fuentes, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Daryl Haggard, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Dong-Jin Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Junhan Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Yutaro Kofuji, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Aviad Levis, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Greg Lindahl, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Sera Markoff, Alan P. Marscher, Satoki Matsushita, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, Yosuke Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Cornelia Müller, Gibwa Musoke, Alejandro Mus Mejías, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Joey Neilsen, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Michael A. Nowak, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Felix M. Pötzl, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, He Sun, Fumie Tazaki, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, Derek Ward-Thompson, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guang-Yao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Gabriele Bruni, A. Gopakumar, Antonio Hernández-Gómez, Ruben Herrero-Illana, Adam Ingram, S. Komossa, Y. Y. Kovalev, Dirk Muders, Manel Perucho, Florian Rösch, Mauri Valtonen

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   910 ( 1 )   L14 - L14   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    We present the results from a full polarization study carried out with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) during the first Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) campaign, which was conducted in 2017 April in the lambda 3 mm and lambda 1.3 mm bands, in concert with the Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA) and the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), respectively. We determine the polarization and Faraday properties of all VLBI targets, including Sgr A*, M87, and a dozen radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs), in the two bands at several epochs in a time window of 10 days. We detect high linear polarization fractions (2%-15%) and large rotation measures (RM > 10(3.3)-10(5.5) rad m(-2)), confirming the trends of previous AGN studies at millimeter wavelengths. We find that blazars are more strongly polarized than other AGNs in the sample, while exhibiting (on average) order-of-magnitude lower RM values, consistent with the AGN viewing angle unification scheme. For Sgr A* we report a mean RM of (-4.2 0.3) x 10(5) rad m(-2) at 1.3 mm, consistent with measurements over the past decade and, for the first time, an RM of (-2.1 0.1) x 10(5) rad m(-2) at 3 mm, suggesting that about half of the Faraday rotation at 1.3 mm may occur between the 3 mm photosphere and the 1.3 mm source. We also report the first unambiguous measurement of RM toward the M87 nucleus at millimeter wavelengths, which undergoes significant changes in magnitude and sign reversals on a one year timescale, spanning the range from -1.2 to 0.3 x 10(5) rad m(-2) at 3 mm and -4.1 to 1.5 x 10(5) rad m(-2) at 1.3 mm. Given this time variability, we argue that, unlike the case of Sgr A*, the RM in M87 does not provide an accurate estimate of the mass accretion rate onto the black hole. We put forward a two-component model, comprised of a variable compact region and a static extended region, that can simultaneously explain the polarimetric properties observed by both the EHT (on horizon scales) and ALMA (which observes the combined emission from both components). These measurements provide critical constraints for the calibration, analysis, and interpretation of simultaneously obtained VLBI data with the EHT and GMVA.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/abee6a

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/abee6a/pdf

  • Gravitational Test beyond the First Post-Newtonian Order with the Shadow of the M87 Black Hole

    Dimitrios Psaltis, Lia Medeiros, Pierre Christian, Feryal Özel, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Wilfred Boland, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Ciriaco Goddi, José L. Gómez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Jun Liu, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Jirong Mao, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Yosuke Mizuno, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Gibwa Musoke, Alejandro Mus Mejías, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Tomoaki Oyama, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Benjamin R. Ryan, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Derek Ward-Thompson, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, Shan-Shan Zhao

    Physical Review Letters   125 ( 14 )   2020.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Physical Society (APS)  

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.125.141104


    Other Link: http://harvest.aps.org/v2/journals/articles/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.141104/fulltext

  • Monitoring the Morphology of M87* in 2009–2017 with the Event Horizon Telescope Reviewed

    Maciek Wielgus, Kazunori Akiyama, Lindy Blackburn, Chi-kwan Chan, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Vincent L. Fish, Sara Issaoun, Michael D. Johnson, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Ru-Sen Lu, Dominic W. Pesce, George N. Wong, Geoffrey C. Bower, Avery E. Broderick, Andrew Chael, Koushik Chatterjee, Charles F. Gammie, Boris Georgiev, Kazuhiro Hada, Laurent Loinard, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Richard Plambeck, Jonathan Weintroub, Matthew Dexter, David H. E. MacMahon, Melvyn Wright, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, Enrico Barausse, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Sergio A. Dzib, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Peter Galison, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, José L. Gómez, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Makoto Inoue, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Colin Lonsdale, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Nicola Marchili, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Yosuke Mizuno, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Gibwa Musoke, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Antonios Nathanail, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Vincent Piétu, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Benjamin R. Ryan, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Derek Ward-Thompson, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu

    The Astrophysical Journal   901 ( 1 )   67 - 67   2020.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has recently delivered the first resolved images of M87*, the supermassive black hole in the center of the M87 galaxy. These images were produced using 230 GHz observations performed in 2017 April. Additional observations are required to investigate the persistence of the primary image feature-a ring with azimuthal brightness asymmetry-and to quantify the image variability on event horizon scales. To address this need, we analyze M87* data collected with prototype EHT arrays in 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2013. While these observations do not contain enough information to produce images, they are sufficient to constrain simple geometric models. We develop a modeling approach based on the framework utilized for the 2017 EHT data analysis and validate our procedures using synthetic data. Applying the same approach to the observational data sets, we find the M87* morphology in 2009-2017 to be consistent with a persistent asymmetric ring of similar to 40 mu as diameter. The position angle of the peak intensity varies in time. In particular, we find a significant difference between the position angle measured in 2013 and 2017. These variations are in broad agreement with predictions of a subset of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We show that quantifying the variability across multiple observational epochs has the potential to constrain the physical properties of the source, such as the accretion state or the black hole spin.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abac0d

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/abac0d

  • Herschel SPIRE Discovery of Far-infrared Excess Synchrotron Emission from the West Hot Spot of the Radio Galaxy Pictor A Reviewed

    Naoki Isobe, Yuji Sunada, Motoki Kino, Shoko Koyama, Makoto Tashiro, Hiroshi Nagai, Chris Pearson

    The Astrophysical Journal   899 ( 1 )   17 - 17   2020.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab9d1c


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ab9d1c

  • Event Horizon Telescope imaging of the archetypal blazar 3C 279 at an extreme 20 microarcsecond resolution Reviewed

    Jae-Young Kim, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Avery E. Broderick, Maciek Wielgus, Lindy Blackburn, José L. Gómez, Michael D. Johnson, Katherine L. Bouman, Andrew Chael, Kazunori Akiyama, Svetlana Jorstad, Alan P. Marscher, Sara Issaoun, Michael Janssen, Chi-kwan Chan, Tuomas Savolainen, Dominic W. Pesce, Feryal Özel, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Wilfred Boland, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Yosuke Mizuno, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Gibwa Musoke, Cornelia Müller, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Benjamin R. Ryan, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Derek Ward-Thompson, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Alexander Allardi, Rodrigo Amestica, Jadyn Anczarski, Uwe Bach, Frederick K. Baganoff, Christopher Beaudoin, Bradford A. Benson, Ryan Berthold, Jay M. Blanchard, Ray Blundell, Sandra Bustamente, Roger Cappallo, Edgar Castillo-Domínguez, Chih-Cheng Chang, Shu-Hao Chang, Song-Chu Chang, Chung-Chen Chen, Ryan Chilson, Tim C. Chuter, Rodrigo Córdova Rosado, Iain M. Coulson, Joseph Crowley, Mark Derome, Matthew Dexter, Sven Dornbusch, Kevin A. Dudevoir, Sergio A. Dzib, Andreas Eckart, Chris Eckert, Neal R. Erickson, Wendeline B. Everett, Aaron Faber, Joseph R. Farah, Vernon Fath, Thomas W. Folkers, David C. Forbes, Robert Freund, David M. Gale, Feng Gao, Gertie Geertsema, David A. Graham, Christopher H. Greer, Ronald Grosslein, Frédéric Gueth, Daryl Haggard, Nils W. Halverson, Chih-Chiang Han, Kuo-Chang Han, Jinchi Hao, Yutaka Hasegawa, Jason W. Henning, Antonio Hernández-Gómez, Rubén Herrero-Illana, Stefan Heyminck, Akihiko Hirota, James Hoge, Yau-De Huang, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Homin Jiang, David John, Atish Kamble, Ryan Keisler, Kimihiro Kimura, Yusuke Kono, Derek Kubo, John Kuroda, Richard Lacasse, Robert A. Laing, Erik M. Leitch, Chao-Te Li, Lupin C.-C. Lin, Ching-Tang Liu, Kuan-Yu Liu, Li-Ming Lu, Ralph G. Marson, Pierre L. Martin-Cocher, Kyle D. Massingill, Callie Matulonis, Martin P. McColl, Stephen R. McWhirter, Hugo Messias, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Daniel Michalik, Alfredo Montaña, William Montgomerie, Matias Mora-Klein, Dirk Muders, Andrew Nadolski, Santiago Navarro, Joseph Neilsen, Chi H. Nguyen, Hiroaki Nishioka, Timothy Norton, Michael A. Nowak, George Nystrom, Hideo Ogawa, Peter Oshiro, Tomoaki Oyama, Harriet Parsons, Juan Peñalver, Neil M. Phillips, Michael Poirier, Nicolas Pradel, Rurik A. Primiani, Philippe A. Raffin, Alexandra S. Rahlin, George Reiland, Christopher Risacher, Ignacio Ruiz, Alejandro F. Sáez-Madaín, Remi Sassella, Pim Schellart, Paul Shaw, Kevin M. Silva, Hotaka Shiokawa, David R. Smith, William Snow, Kamal Souccar, Don Sousa, Tirupati K. Sridharan, Ranjani Srinivasan, William Stahm, Antony A. Stark, Kyle Story, Sjoerd T. Timmer, Laura Vertatschitsch, Craig Walther, Ta-Shun Wei, Nathan Whitehorn, Alan R. Whitney, David P. Woody, Jan G. A. Wouterloot, Melvin Wright, Paul Yamaguchi, Chen-Yu Yu, Milagros Zeballos, Shuo Zhang, Lucy Ziurys

    Astronomy & Astrophysics   640   A69 - A69   2020.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    3C 279 is an archetypal blazar with a prominent radio jet that show broadband flux density variability across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. We use an ultra-high angular resolution technique – global Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) at 1.3 mm (230 GHz) – to resolve the innermost jet of 3C 279 in order to study its fine-scale morphology close to the jet base where highly variable <italic>γ</italic>-ray emission is thought to originate, according to various models. The source was observed during four days in April 2017 with the Event Horizon Telescope at 230 GHz, including the phased Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), at an angular resolution of ∼20 <italic>μ</italic>as (at a redshift of <italic>z</italic> = 0.536 this corresponds to ∼0.13 pc  ∼ 1700 Schwarzschild radii with a black hole mass <italic>M</italic><sub>BH</sub> = 8 × 10<sup>8</sup> <italic>M</italic><sub>⊙</sub>). Imaging and model-fitting techniques were applied to the data to parameterize the fine-scale source structure and its variation. We find a multicomponent inner jet morphology with the northernmost component elongated perpendicular to the direction of the jet, as imaged at longer wavelengths. The elongated nuclear structure is consistent on all four observing days and across different imaging methods and model-fitting techniques, and therefore appears robust. Owing to its compactness and brightness, we associate the northern nuclear structure as the VLBI “core”. This morphology can be interpreted as either a broad resolved jet base or a spatially bent jet. We also find significant day-to-day variations in the closure phases, which appear most pronounced on the triangles with the longest baselines. Our analysis shows that this variation is related to a systematic change of the source structure. Two inner jet components move non-radially at apparent speeds of ∼15 <italic>c</italic> and ∼20 <italic>c</italic> (∼1.3 and ∼1.7 <italic>μ</italic>as day<sup>−1</sup>, respectively), which more strongly supports the scenario of traveling shocks or instabilities in a bent, possibly rotating jet. The observed apparent speeds are also coincident with the 3C 279 large-scale jet kinematics observed at longer (cm) wavelengths, suggesting no significant jet acceleration between the 1.3 mm core and the outer jet. The intrinsic brightness temperature of the jet components are ≲10<sup>10</sup> K, a magnitude or more lower than typical values seen at ≥7 mm wavelengths. The low brightness temperature and morphological complexity suggest that the core region of 3C 279 becomes optically thin at short (mm) wavelengths.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202037493



  • Verification of Radiative Transfer Schemes for the EHT Reviewed

    Roman Gold, Avery E. Broderick, Ziri Younsi, Christian M. Fromm, Charles F. Gammie, Monika Mościbrodzka, Hung-Yi Pu, Thomas Bronzwaer, Jordy Davelaar, Jason Dexter, David Ball, Chi-kwan Chan, Tomohisa Kawashima, Yosuke Mizuno, Bart Ripperda, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Koushik Chatterjee, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Bill Freeman, Per Friberg, José L. Gómez, Peter Galison, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jimenez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Rocco Lico, Michael Lindqvist, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Sera Markoff, Jirong Mao, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Cornelia Müller, Hiroshi Nagai, Masanori Nakamura, Neil M. Nagar, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Richard Plambeck, Vincent Piétu, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, F. Peter Schloerb, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Paul Tiede, Fumie Tazaki, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Thalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Ilse van Bemmel, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Norbert Wex, Jonathan Weintroub, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, Ken Young, André Young, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu

    The Astrophysical Journal   897 ( 2 )   148 - 148   2020.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab96c6


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ab96c6

  • THEMIS: A Parameter Estimation Framework for the Event Horizon Telescope Reviewed

    Avery E. Broderick, Roman Gold, Mansour Karami, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Paul Tiede, Hung-Yi Pu, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, José L. Gómez, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Alejandra Jiménez-Rosales, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Rocco Lico, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Karl M. Menten, Yosuke Mizuno, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Jongho Park, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Helge Rottmann, Chet Ruszczyk, Benjamin R. Ryan, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Efthalia Traianou, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Doosoo Yoon, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu

    The Astrophysical Journal   897 ( 2 )   139 - 139   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) provides the unprecedented ability to directly resolve the structure and dynamics of black hole emission regions on scales smaller than their horizons. This has the potential to critically probe the mechanisms by which black holes accrete and launch outflows, and the structure of supermassive black hole spacetimes. However, accessing this information is a formidable analysis challenge for two reasons. First, the EHT natively produces a variety of data types that encode information about the image structure in nontrivial ways; these are subject to a variety of systematic effects associated with very long baseline interferometry and are supplemented by a wide variety of auxiliary data on the primary EHT targets from decades of other observations. Second, models of the emission regions and their interaction with the black hole are complex, highly uncertain, and computationally expensive to construct. As a result, the scientific utilization of EHT observations requires a flexible, extensible, and powerful analysis framework. We present such a framework,Themis, which defines a set of interfaces between models, data, and sampling algorithms that facilitates future development. We describe the design and currently existing components ofThemis, howThemishas been validated thus far, and present additional analyses made possible byThemisthat illustrate its capabilities. Importantly, we demonstrate thatThemisis able to reproduce prior EHT analyses, extend these, and do so in a computationally efficient manner that can efficiently exploit modern high-performance computing facilities.Themishas already been used extensively in the scientific analysis and interpretation of the first EHT observations of M87.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab91a4

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ab91a4

  • SYMBA: An end-to-end VLBI synthetic data generation pipeline Reviewed

    F. Roelofs, M. Janssen, I. Natarajan, R. Deane, J. Davelaar, H. Olivares, O. Porth, S. N. Paine, K. L. Bouman, R. P. J. Tilanus, I. M. van Bemmel, H. Falcke, K. Akiyama, A. Alberdi, W. Alef, K. Asada, R. Azulay, A. Baczko, D. Ball, M. Baloković, J. Barrett, D. Bintley, L. Blackburn, W. Boland, G. C. Bower, M. Bremer, C. D. Brinkerink, R. Brissenden, S. Britzen, A. E. Broderick, D. Broguiere, T. Bronzwaer, D. Byun, J. E. Carlstrom, A. Chael, C. Chan, S. Chatterjee, K. Chatterjee, M. Chen, Y. Chen, I. Cho, P. Christian, J. E. Conway, J. M. Cordes, G. B. Crew, Y. Cui, M. De Laurentis, J. Dempsey, G. Desvignes, J. Dexter, S. S. Doeleman, R. P. Eatough, V. L. Fish, E. Fomalont, R. Fraga-Encinas, P. Friberg, C. M. Fromm, J. L. Gómez, P. Galison, C. F. Gammie, R. García, O. Gentaz, B. Georgiev, C. Goddi, R. Gold, M. Gu, M. Gurwell, K. Hada, M. H. Hecht, R. Hesper, L. C. Ho, P. Ho, M. Honma, C. L. Huang, L. Huang, D. H. Hughes, S. Ikeda, M. Inoue, S. Issaoun, D. J. James, B. T. Jannuzi, B. Jeter, W. Jiang, M. D. Johnson, S. Jorstad, T. Jung, M. Karami, R. Karuppusamy, T. Kawashima, G. K. Keating, M. Kettenis, J. Kim, J. Kim, J. Kim, M. Kino, J. Y. Koay, P. M. Koch, S. Koyama, M. Kramer, C. Kramer, T. P. Krichbaum, C. Kuo, T. R. Lauer, S. Lee, Y. Li, Z. Li, M. Lindqvist, R. Lico, K. Liu, E. Liuzzo, W. Lo, A. P. Lobanov, L. Loinard, C. Lonsdale, R. Lu, N. R. MacDonald, J. Mao, S. Markoff, D. P. Marrone, A. P. Marscher, I. Martí-Vidal, S. Matsushita, L. D. Matthews, L. Medeiros, K. M. Menten, Y. Mizuno, I. Mizuno, J. M. Moran, K. Moriyama, M. Moscibrodzka, C. Müller, H. Nagai, N. M. Nagar, M. Nakamura, R. Narayan, G. Narayanan, R. Neri, C. Ni, A. Noutsos, H. Okino, H. Olivares, G. N. Ortiz-León, T. Oyama, F. Özel, D. C. M. Palumbo, N. Patel, U. Pen, D. W. Pesce, V. Piétu, R. Plambeck, A. PopStefanija, B. Prather, J. A. Preciado-López, D. Psaltis, H. Pu, V. Ramakrishnan, R. Rao, M. G. Rawlings, A. W. Raymond, L. Rezzolla, B. Ripperda, A. Rogers, E. Ros, M. Rose, A. Roshanineshat, H. Rottmann, A. L. Roy, C. Ruszczyk, B. R. Ryan, K. L. J. Rygl, S. Sánchez, D. Sánchez-Arguelles, M. Sasada, T. Savolainen, F. P. Schloerb, K. Schuster, L. Shao, Z. Shen, D. Small, B. Won Sohn, J. SooHoo, F. Tazaki, P. Tiede, M. Titus, K. Toma, P. Torne, E. Traianou, T. Trent, S. Trippe, S. Tsuda, H. J. van Langevelde, D. R. van Rossum, J. Wagner, J. Wardle, J. Weintroub, N. Wex, R. Wharton, M. Wielgus, G. N. Wong, Q. Wu, A. Young, K. Young, Z. Younsi, F. Yuan, Y. Yuan, J. A. Zensus, G. Zhao, S. Zhao, Z. Zhu

    Astronomy & Astrophysics   636   A5 - A5   2020.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    <italic>Context.</italic> Realistic synthetic observations of theoretical source models are essential for our understanding of real observational data. In using synthetic data, one can verify the extent to which source parameters can be recovered and evaluate how various data corruption effects can be calibrated. These studies are the most important when proposing observations of new sources, in the characterization of the capabilities of new or upgraded instruments, and when verifying model-based theoretical predictions in a direct comparison with observational data.

    <italic>Aims.</italic> We present the SYnthetic Measurement creator for long Baseline Arrays (<monospace>SYMBA</monospace>), a novel synthetic data generation pipeline for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations. <monospace>SYMBA</monospace> takes into account several realistic atmospheric, instrumental, and calibration effects.

    <italic>Methods.</italic> We used <monospace>SYMBA</monospace> to create synthetic observations for the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a millimetre VLBI array, which has recently captured the first image of a black hole shadow. After testing <monospace>SYMBA</monospace> with simple source and corruption models, we study the importance of including all corruption and calibration effects, compared to the addition of thermal noise only. Using synthetic data based on two example general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) model images of M 87, we performed case studies to assess the image quality that can be obtained with the current and future EHT array for different weather conditions.

    <italic>Results.</italic> Our synthetic observations show that the effects of atmospheric and instrumental corruptions on the measured visibilities are significant. Despite these effects, we demonstrate how the overall structure of our GRMHD source models can be recovered robustly with the EHT2017 array after performing calibration steps, which include fringe fitting, a priori amplitude and network calibration, and self-calibration. With the planned addition of new stations to the EHT array in the coming years, images could be reconstructed with higher angular resolution and dynamic range. In our case study, these improvements allowed for a distinction between a thermal and a non-thermal GRMHD model based on salient features in reconstructed images.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201936622



  • Status of Scientific Commissioning of the Greenland Telescope

    Jun Yi Koay, Satoki Matsushita, Keiichi Asada, Nimesh Patel, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Geoff Bower, Shu-Hao Chang, Ming-Tang Chen, Chung-Cheng Chen, Ryan Chilson, Chih-Chiang Han, Paul T. P. Ho, Yau-De Huang, Makoto Inoue, Homin Jiang, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Derek Y. Kubo, Chao-Te Li, Ching-Tang Liu, Kuan-Yu Liu, Wen-Ping Lo, Pierre L. Martin-Cocher, Masanori Nakamura, Timothy Norton, George Nystrom, Peter Oshiro, Jongho Park, Hung-Yi Pu, Philippe Raffin, Ramprasad Rao, Cristina Romero-Canizales, Paul Shaw, Tirupati Sridharan, Ranjani Srinivasan, Ta-Shun S. Wei, Chen-Yu Yu


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING  

    The Greenland Telescope (GLT), currently located at Thule Air Base, is a 12-m single dish telescope operating at frequencies of 86, 230 and 345 GHz. Since the year 2018, the GLT has regularly participated in (sub-)mm Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of supermassive black holes as part of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and the Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA). In this paper, we present the status of scientific commissioning activities at the GLT, including first light and test observations at 345 GHz. The antenna surface accuracy has been improved to similar to 25 microns via panel adjustments aided by photogrammetry, thereby significantly improving the antenna aperture efficiency. This has enabled the detection of weaker molecular lines and sources during test observations. Through all-sky spectral line pointing observations (SiO masers at 86 GHz and CO at 230 and 345 GHz), we have achieved radio pointing accuracy down to less than or similar to 3 '' at all three frequencies. Focusing of the secondary reflector has also been corrected following the dish surface adjustments. Fringe detections have been successfully obtained for the majority of VLBI experiments conducted to date. Due to the pandemic, we are in the process of transitioning GLT commissioning and observing activities to remote operations.

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2561491

    Web of Science


  • The Event Horizon General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Code Comparison Project Reviewed

    Oliver Porth, Koushik Chatterjee, Ramesh Narayan, Charles F. Gammie, Yosuke Mizuno, Peter Anninos, John G. Baker, Matteo Bugli, Chi-kwan Chan, Jordy Davelaar, Luca Del Zanna, Zachariah B. Etienne, P. Chris Fragile, Bernard J. Kelly, Matthew Liska, Sera Markoff, Jonathan C. McKinney, Bhupendra Mishra, Scott C. Noble, Héctor Olivares, Ben Prather, Luciano Rezzolla, Benjamin R. Ryan, James M. Stone, Niccolò Tomei, Christopher J. White, Ziri Younsi, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Shami Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey, B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Bill Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, José L. Gómez, Peter Galison, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick, M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Ken Young, André Young, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu

    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series   243 ( 2 )   26 - 26   2019.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    Recent developments in compact object astrophysics, especially the discovery of merging neutron stars by LIGO, the imaging of the black hole in M87 by the Event Horizon Telescope, and high- precision astrometry of the Galactic Center at close to the event horizon scale by the GRAVITY experiment motivate the development of numerical source models that solve the equations of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD). Here we compare GRMHD solutions for the evolution of a magnetized accretion flow where turbulence is promoted by the magnetorotational instability from a set of nine GRMHD codes: Athena++, BHAC, Cosmos++, ECHO, H-AMR, iharm3D, HARM-Noble, IllinoisGRMHD, and KORAL. Agreement among the codes improves as resolution increases, as measured by a consistently applied, specially developed set of code performance metrics. We conclude that the community of GRMHD codes is mature, capable, and consistent on these test problems.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/ab29fd

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4365/ab29fd

  • Jet kinematics of the quasar 4C+21.35 from observations with the KaVA very long baseline interferometry array

    Taeseok Lee, Sascha Trippe, Motoki Kino, Bong Won Sohn, Jongho Park, Junghwan Oh, Kazuhiro Hada, Kotaro Niinuma, Hyunwook Ro, Taehyun Jung, Guang-Yao Zhao, Sang-Sung Lee, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Kazunori Akiyama, Kiyoaki Wajima, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Fumie Tazaki, Ilje Cho, Jeffrey Hodgson, Jeong Ae Lee, Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Mareki Honma, Shoko Koyama, Tao An, Yuzhu Cui, Hyemin Yoo, Noriyuki Kawaguchi, Duk-Gyoo Roh, Se-Jin Oh, Jae-Hwan Yeom, Dong-Kyu Jung, Chungsik Oh, Hyo-Ryoung Kim, Ju-Yeon Hwang, Do-Young Byun, Se-Hyung Cho, Hyun-Goo Kim, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Katsunori M. Shibata, Zhiqiang Shen, Wu Jiang, Jee Won Lee

    MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY   486 ( 2 )   2412 - 2421   2019.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    We present the jet kinematics of the flat spectrum radio quasar (FSRQ) 4C+21.35 using time-resolved KaVA very long baseline interferometry array radio maps obtained from 2014 September to 2016 July. During two out of three observing campaigns, observations were performed bi-weekly at 22 and 43 GHz quasi-simultaneously. At 22 GHz, we identified three jet components near the core with apparent speeds up to (14.4 +/- 2.1)c. The timing of the ejection of a new component detected in 2016 is consistent with a gamma-ray flare in 2014 November. At 43 GHz, we found four inner jet (<3 mas) components with speeds from (3.5 +/- 1.4)c to (6.8 +/- 1.5)c. Jet component speeds tend to be higher with increasing distances from the core. We compared our data with archival Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) data from the Boston University (BU) 43 GHz and the Monitoring Of Jets in Active galactic nuclei with VLBA Experiments (MOJAVE) 15.4 GHz monitoring programmes. Whereas MOJAVE data and our data are in good agreement, jet speeds obtained from the BU programme data in the same time period are about twice as high as the ones we obtain from the KaVA data. The discrepancy at 43 GHz indicates that radio arrays with different angular resolution identify and trace different jet features even when the data are obtained at the same frequency and at the same time. The flux densities of jet components decay exponentially, in agreement with a synchrotron cooling time-scale of similar to 1 yr. Using known electron Lorentz factor values (similar to 9000), we estimate the magnetic field strength to be similar to 1-3 mu T. When adopting a jet viewing angle of 5 degrees, the intrinsic jet speed is of order 0.99c.

    DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz970

    Web of Science


  • First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. VI. The Shadow and Mass of the Central Black Hole Reviewed

    The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, José L. Gómez, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Yosuke Mizuno, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Benjamin R. Ryan, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu, Joseph R. Farah, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Daniel Michalik, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroaki Nishioka, Nicolas Pradel, Rurik A. Primiani, Kamal Souccar, Laura Vertatschitsch, Paul Yamaguchi

    The Astrophysical Journal   875 ( 1 )   L6 - L6   2019.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    We present measurements of the properties of the central radio source in M87 using Event Horizon Telescope data obtained during the 2017 campaign. We develop and fit geometric crescent models (asymmetric rings with interior brightness depressions) using two independent sampling algorithms that consider distinct representations of the visibility data. We show that the crescent family of models is statistically preferred over other comparably complex geometric models that we explore. We calibrate the geometric model parameters using general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) models of the emission region and estimate physical properties of the source. We further fit images generated from GRMHD models directly to the data. We compare the derived emission region and black hole parameters from these analyses with those recovered from reconstructed images. There is a remarkable consistency among all methods and data sets. We find that >50% of the total flux at arcsecond scales comes from near the horizon, and that the emission is dramatically suppressed interior to this region by a factor >10, providing direct evidence of the predicted shadow of a black hole. Across all methods, we measure a crescent diameter of 42 +/- 3 mu as and constrain its fractional width to be <0.5. Associating the crescent feature with the emission surrounding the black hole shadow, we infer an angular gravitational radius of GM/Dc(2) = 3.8 +/- 0.4 mu as. Folding in a distance measurement of 16.8(-0.7)(+0.8) gives a black hole mass of M = 6.5. 0.2 vertical bar(stat) +/- 0.7 vertical bar(sys) x 10(9) M-circle dot. This measurement from lensed emission near the event horizon is consistent with the presence of a central Kerr black hole, as predicted by the general theory of relativity.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab1141

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ab1141

  • First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole Reviewed

    The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, William T. Freeman, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, José L. Gómez, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Yosuke Mizuno, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Benjamin R. Ryan, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, Ken Young, André Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Alexander Allardi, Rodrigo Amestica, Jadyn Anczarski, Uwe Bach, Frederick K. Baganoff, Christopher Beaudoin, Bradford A. Benson, Ryan Berthold, Jay M. Blanchard, Ray Blundell, Sandra Bustamente, Roger Cappallo, Edgar Castillo-Domínguez, Chih-Cheng Chang, Shu-Hao Chang, Song-Chu Chang, Chung-Chen Chen, Ryan Chilson, Tim C. Chuter, Rodrigo Córdova Rosado, Iain M. Coulson, Thomas M. Crawford, Joseph Crowley, John David, Mark Derome, Matthew Dexter, Sven Dornbusch, Kevin A. Dudevoir, Sergio A. Dzib, Andreas Eckart, Chris Eckert, Neal R. Erickson, Wendeline B. Everett, Aaron Faber, Joseph R. Farah, Vernon Fath, Thomas W. Folkers, David C. Forbes, Robert Freund, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, David M. Gale, Feng Gao, Gertie Geertsema, David A. Graham, Christopher H. Greer, Ronald Grosslein, Frédéric Gueth, Daryl Haggard, Nils W. Halverson, Chih-Chiang Han, Kuo-Chang Han, Jinchi Hao, Yutaka Hasegawa, Jason W. Henning, Antonio Hernández-Gómez, Rubén Herrero-Illana, Stefan Heyminck, Akihiko Hirota, James Hoge, Yau-De Huang, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Homin Jiang, Atish Kamble, Ryan Keisler, Kimihiro Kimura, Yusuke Kono, Derek Kubo, John Kuroda, Richard Lacasse, Robert A. Laing, Erik M. Leitch, Chao-Te Li, Lupin C.-C. Lin, Ching-Tang Liu, Kuan-Yu Liu, Li-Ming Lu, Ralph G. Marson, Pierre L. Martin-Cocher, Kyle D. Massingill, Callie Matulonis, Martin P. McColl, Stephen R. McWhirter, Hugo Messias, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Daniel Michalik, Alfredo Montaña, William Montgomerie, Matias Mora-Klein, Dirk Muders, Andrew Nadolski, Santiago Navarro, Joseph Neilsen, Chi H. Nguyen, Hiroaki Nishioka, Timothy Norton, Michael A. Nowak, George Nystrom, Hideo Ogawa, Peter Oshiro, Tomoaki Oyama, Harriet Parsons, Scott N. Paine, Juan Peñalver, Neil M. Phillips, Michael Poirier, Nicolas Pradel, Rurik A. Primiani, Philippe A. Raffin, Alexandra S. Rahlin, George Reiland, Christopher Risacher, Ignacio Ruiz, Alejandro F. Sáez-Madaín, Remi Sassella, Pim Schellart, Paul Shaw, Kevin M. Silva, Hotaka Shiokawa, David R. Smith, William Snow, Kamal Souccar, Don Sousa, T. K. Sridharan, Ranjani Srinivasan, William Stahm, Anthony A. Stark, Kyle Story, Sjoerd T. Timmer, Laura Vertatschitsch, Craig Walther, Ta-Shun Wei, Nathan Whitehorn, Alan R. Whitney, David P. Woody, Jan G. A. Wouterloot, Melvin Wright, Paul Yamaguchi, Chen-Yu Yu, Milagros Zeballos, Shuo Zhang, Lucy Ziurys

    The Astrophysical Journal   875 ( 1 )   L1 - L1   2019.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    When surrounded by a transparent emission region, black holes are expected to reveal a dark shadow caused by gravitational light bending and photon capture at the event horizon. To image and study this phenomenon, we have assembled the Event Horizon Telescope, a global very long baseline interferometry array observing at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. This allows us to reconstruct event-horizon-scale images of the supermassive black hole candidate in the center of the giant elliptical galaxy M87. We have resolved the central compact radio source as an asymmetric bright emission ring with a diameter of 42 +/- 3 mu as, which is circular and encompasses a central depression in brightness with a flux ratio greater than or similar to 10: 1. The emission ring is recovered using different calibration and imaging schemes, with its diameter and width remaining stable over four different observations carried out in different days. Overall, the observed image is consistent with expectations for the shadow of a Kerr black hole as predicted by general relativity. The asymmetry in brightness in the ring can be explained in terms of relativistic beaming of the emission from a plasma rotating close to the speed of light around a black hole. We compare our images to an extensive library of ray-traced general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of black holes and derive a central mass of M = (6.5 +/- 0.7) x 10(9) M-circle dot. Our radio-wave observations thus provide powerful evidence for the presence of supermassive black holes in centers of galaxies and as the central engines of active galactic nuclei. They also present a new tool to explore gravity in its most extreme limit and on a mass scale that was so far not accessible.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab0ec7

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ab0ec7

  • First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. II. Array and Instrumentation Reviewed

    Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, José L. Gómez, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Yosuke Mizuno, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Benjamin R. Ryan, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Alexander Allardi, Rodrigo Amestica, Uwe Bach, Christopher Beaudoin, Bradford A. Benson, Ryan Berthold, Jay M. Blanchard, Ray Blundell, Sandra Bustamente, Roger Cappallo, Edgar Castillo-Domínguez, Chih-Cheng Chang, Shu-Hao Chang, Song-Chu Chang, Chung-Chen Chen, Ryan Chilson, Tim C. Chuter, Rodrigo Córdova Rosado, Iain M. Coulson, Thomas M. Crawford, Joseph Crowley, John David, Mark Derome, Matthew Dexter, Sven Dornbusch, Kevin A. Dudevoir, Sergio A. Dzib, Chris Eckert, Neal R. Erickson, Wendeline B. Everett, Aaron Faber, Joseph R. Farah, Vernon Fath, Thomas W. Folkers, David C. Forbes, Robert Freund, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, David M. Gale, Feng Gao, Gertie Geertsema, David A. Graham, Christopher H. Greer, Ronald Grosslein, Frédéric Gueth, Nils W. Halverson, Chih-Chiang Han, Kuo-Chang Han, Jinchi Hao, Yutaka Hasegawa, Jason W. Henning, Antonio Hernández-Gómez, Rubén Herrero-Illana, Stefan Heyminck, Akihiko Hirota, James Hoge, Yau-De Huang, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Homin Jiang, Atish Kamble, Ryan Keisler, Kimihiro Kimura, Yusuke Kono, Derek Kubo, John Kuroda, Richard Lacasse, Robert A. Laing, Erik M. Leitch, Chao-Te Li, Lupin C.-C. Lin, Ching-Tang Liu, Kuan-Yu Liu, Li-Ming Lu, Ralph G. Marson, Pierre L. Martin-Cocher, Kyle D. Massingill, Callie Matulonis, Martin P. McColl, Stephen R. McWhirter, Hugo Messias, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Daniel Michalik, Alfredo Montaña, William Montgomerie, Matias Mora-Klein, Dirk Muders, Andrew Nadolski, Santiago Navarro, Chi H. Nguyen, Hiroaki Nishioka, Timothy Norton, George Nystrom, Hideo Ogawa, Peter Oshiro, Tomoaki Oyama, Stephen Padin, Harriet Parsons, Scott N. Paine, Juan Peñalver, Neil M. Phillips, Michael Poirier, Nicolas Pradel, Rurik A. Primiani, Philippe A. Raffin, Alexandra S. Rahlin, George Reiland, Christopher Risacher, Ignacio Ruiz, Alejandro F. Sáez-Madaín, Remi Sassella, Pim Schellart, Paul Shaw, Kevin M. Silva, Hotaka Shiokawa, David R. Smith, William Snow, Kamal Souccar, Don Sousa, T. K. Sridharan, Ranjani Srinivasan, William Stahm, Antony A. Stark, Kyle Story, Sjoerd T. Timmer, Laura Vertatschitsch, Craig Walther, Ta-Shun Wei, Nathan Whitehorn, Alan R. Whitney, David P. Woody, Jan G. A. Wouterloot, Melvin Wright, Paul Yamaguchi, Chen-Yu Yu, Milagros Zeballos, Lucy Ziurys

    The Astrophysical Journal   875 ( 1 )   L2 - L2   2019.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) array that comprises millimeter- and submillimeter-wavelength telescopes separated by distances comparable to the diameter of the Earth. At a nominal operating wavelength of similar to 1.3 mm, EHT angular resolution (lambda/D) is similar to 25 mu as, which is sufficient to resolve nearby supermassive black hole candidates on spatial and temporal scales that correspond to their event horizons. With this capability, the EHT scientific goals are to probe general relativistic effects in the strong-field regime and to study accretion and relativistic jet formation near the black hole boundary. In this Letter we describe the system design of the EHT, detail the technology and instrumentation that enable observations, and provide measures of its performance. Meeting the EHT science objectives has required several key developments that have facilitated the robust extension of the VLBI technique to EHT observing wavelengths and the production of instrumentation that can be deployed on a heterogeneous array of existing telescopes and facilities. To meet sensitivity requirements, high-bandwidth digital systems were developed that process data at rates of 64. gigabit s(-1), exceeding those of currently operating cm-wavelength VLBI arrays by more than an order of magnitude. Associated improvements include the development of phasing systems at array facilities, new receiver installation at several sites, and the deployment of hydrogen maser frequency standards to ensure coherent data capture across the array. These efforts led to the coordination and execution of the first Global EHT observations in 2017 April, and to event-horizon-scale imaging of the supermassive black hole candidate in M87.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab0c96

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ab0c96

  • First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. III. Data Processing and Calibration Reviewed

    Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, José L. Gómez, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Yosuke Mizuno, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Müller, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Gisela N. Ortiz-León, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Benjamin R. Ryan, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu, Roger Cappallo, Joseph R. Farah, Thomas W. Folkers, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Daniel Michalik, Andrew Nadolski, Hiroaki Nishioka, Nicolas Pradel, Rurik A. Primiani, Kamal Souccar, Laura Vertatschitsch, Paul Yamaguchi

    The Astrophysical Journal   875 ( 1 )   L3 - L3   2019.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    We present the calibration and reduction of Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) 1.3 mm radio wavelength observations of the supermassive black hole candidate at the center of the radio galaxy M87 and the quasar 3C 279, taken during the 2017 April 5-11 observing campaign. These global very long baseline interferometric observations include for the first time the highly sensitive Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA); reaching an angular resolution of 25 mu as, with characteristic sensitivity limits of similar to 1 mJy on baselines to ALMA and similar to 10 mJy on other baselines. The observations present challenges for existing data processing tools, arising from the rapid atmospheric phase fluctuations, wide recording bandwidth, and highly heterogeneous array. In response, we developed three independent pipelines for phase calibration and fringe detection, each tailored to the specific needs of the EHT. The final data products include calibrated total intensity amplitude and phase information. They are validated through a series of quality assurance tests that show consistency across pipelines and set limits on baseline systematic errors of 2% in amplitude and 1 degrees in phase. The M87 data reveal the presence of two nulls in correlated flux density at similar to 3.4 and similar to 8.3 G lambda and temporal evolution in closure quantities, indicating intrinsic variability of compact structure on a. timescale of days, or several light-crossing times for a. few billion solar-mass black hole. These measurements provide the first opportunity to image horizon-scale structure in M87.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab0c57

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ab0c57

  • First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. V. Physical Origin of the Asymmetric Ring Reviewed

    Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, Walter Alef, Keiichi Asada, Rebecca Azulay, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, David Ball, Mislav Baloković, John Barrett, Dan Bintley, Lindy Blackburn, Wilfred Boland, Katherine L. Bouman, Geoffrey C. Bower, Michael Bremer, Christiaan D. Brinkerink, Roger Brissenden, Silke Britzen, Avery E. Broderick, Dominique Broguiere, Thomas Bronzwaer, Do-Young Byun, John E. Carlstrom, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Shami Chatterjee, Koushik Chatterjee, Ming-Tang Chen, Yongjun Chen, Ilje Cho, Pierre Christian, John E. Conway, James M. Cordes, Geoffrey B. Crew, Yuzhu Cui, Jordy Davelaar, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Roger Deane, Jessica Dempsey, Gregory Desvignes, Jason Dexter, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Ralph P. Eatough, Heino Falcke, Vincent L. Fish, Ed Fomalont, Raquel Fraga-Encinas, Per Friberg, Christian M. Fromm, José L. Gómez, Peter Galison, Charles F. Gammie, Roberto García, Olivier Gentaz, Boris Georgiev, Ciriaco Goddi, Roman Gold, Minfeng Gu, Mark Gurwell, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Ronald Hesper, Luis C. Ho, Paul Ho, Mareki Honma, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lei Huang, David H. Hughes, Shiro Ikeda, Makoto Inoue, Sara Issaoun, David J. James, Buell T. Jannuzi, Michael Janssen, Britton Jeter, Wu Jiang, Michael D. Johnson, Svetlana Jorstad, Taehyun Jung, Mansour Karami, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Mark Kettenis, Jae-Young Kim, Junhan Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Motoki Kino, Jun Yi Koay, Patrick M. Koch, Shoko Koyama, Michael Kramer, Carsten Kramer, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Tod R. Lauer, Sang-Sung Lee, Yan-Rong Li, Zhiyuan Li, Michael Lindqvist, Kuo Liu, Elisabetta Liuzzo, Wen-Ping Lo, Andrei P. Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Colin Lonsdale, Ru-Sen Lu, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Jirong Mao, Sera Markoff, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Iván Martí-Vidal, Satoki Matsushita, Lynn D. Matthews, Lia Medeiros, Karl M. Menten, Yosuke Mizuno, Izumi Mizuno, James M. Moran, Kotaro Moriyama, Monika Moscibrodzka, Cornelia Mul̈ler, Hiroshi Nagai, Neil M. Nagar, Masanori Nakamura, Ramesh Narayan, Gopal Narayanan, Iniyan Natarajan, Roberto Neri, Chunchong Ni, Aristeidis Noutsos, Hiroki Okino, Héctor Olivares, Tomoaki Oyama, Feryal Özel, Daniel C. M. Palumbo, Nimesh Patel, Ue-Li Pen, Dominic W. Pesce, Vincent Piétu, Richard Plambeck, Aleksandar PopStefanija, Oliver Porth, Ben Prather, Jorge A. Preciado-López, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Ramprasad Rao, Mark G. Rawlings, Alexander W. Raymond, Luciano Rezzolla, Bart Ripperda, Freek Roelofs, Alan Rogers, Eduardo Ros, Mel Rose, Arash Roshanineshat, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Chet Ruszczyk, Benjamin R. Ryan, Kazi L. J. Rygl, Salvador Sánchez, David Sánchez-Arguelles, Mahito Sasada, Tuomas Savolainen, F. Peter Schloerb, Karl-Friedrich Schuster, Lijing Shao, Zhiqiang Shen, Des Small, Bong Won Sohn, Jason SooHoo, Fumie Tazaki, Paul Tiede, Remo P. J. Tilanus, Michael Titus, Kenji Toma, Pablo Torne, Tyler Trent, Sascha Trippe, Shuichiro Tsuda, Ilse van Bemmel, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Daniel R. van Rossum, Jan Wagner, John Wardle, Jonathan Weintroub, Norbert Wex, Robert Wharton, Maciek Wielgus, George N. Wong, Qingwen Wu, André Young, Ken Young, Ziri Younsi, Feng Yuan, Ye-Fei Yuan, J. Anton Zensus, Guangyao Zhao, Shan-Shan Zhao, Ziyan Zhu, Jadyn Anczarski, Frederick K. Baganoff, Andreas Eckart, Joseph R. Farah, Daryl Haggard, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Daniel Michalik, Andrew Nadolski, Joseph Neilsen, Hiroaki Nishioka, Michael A. Nowak, Nicolas Pradel, Rurik A. Primiani, Kamal Souccar, Laura Vertatschitsch, Paul Yamaguchi, Shuo Zhang

    The Astrophysical Journal   875 ( 1 )   L5 - L5   2019.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has mapped the central compact radio source of the elliptical galaxy M87 at 1.3 mm with unprecedented angular resolution. Here we consider the physical implications of the asymmetric ring seen in the 2017 EHT data. To this end, we construct a large library of models based on general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations and synthetic images produced by general relativistic ray tracing. We compare the observed visibilities with this library and confirm that the asymmetric ring is consistent with earlier predictions of strong gravitational lensing of synchrotron emission from a hot plasma orbiting near the black hole event horizon. The ring radius and ring asymmetry depend on black hole mass and spin, respectively, and both are therefore expected to be stable when observed in future EHT campaigns. Overall, the observed image is consistent with expectations for the shadow of a spinning Kerr black hole as predicted by general relativity. If the black hole spin and M87's large scale jet are aligned, then the black hole spin vector is pointed away from Earth. Models in our library of non-spinning black holes are inconsistent with the observations as they do not produce sufficiently powerful jets. At the same time, in those models that produce a sufficiently powerful jet, the latter is powered by extraction of black hole spin energy through mechanisms akin to the Blandford-Znajek process. We briefly consider alternatives to a black hole for the central compact object. Analysis of existing EHT polarization data and data taken simultaneously at other wavelengths will soon enable new tests of the GRMHD models, as will future EHT campaigns at 230 and 345 GHz.

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab0f43

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    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ab0f43

  • Accretion disk versus jet orientation in H2O megamaser galaxies Reviewed

    F. Kamali, C. Henkel, S. Koyama, C. Y. Kuo, J. J. Condon, A. Brunthaler, M. J. Reid, J. E. Greene, K. M. Menten, C. M. V. Impellizzeri, J. A. Braatz, E. Litzinger, M. Kadler

    Astronomy & Astrophysics   624   A42 - A42   2019.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:EDP Sciences  

    <italic>Context</italic>. An essential part of the paradigm describing active galactic nuclei is the alignment between the radio jet and the associated rotation axis of the sub-pc accretion disks. Because of the small linear and angular scales involved, this alignment has not yet been checked in a sufficient number of low luminosity active galactic nuclei (LLAGNs).

    <italic>Aims</italic>. The project examines the validity of this paradigm by measuring the radio continuum on the same physical scale as the accretion disks to investigate any possible connection between these disks and the radio continuum.

    <italic>Methods</italic>. We observed a sample of 18 LLAGNs in the 4.8 GHz (6 cm) radio continuum using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) with 3.3–6.5 ms resolution. The sources were selected to show both an edge-on accretion disk revealed by 22 GHz H<sub>2</sub>O megamaser emission and signatures of a radio jet. Furthermore, the sources were previously detected in 33 GHz radio continuum observations made with the Very Large Array.

    <italic>Results</italic>. Five out of 18 galaxies observed were detected at 8<italic>σ</italic> or higher levels (Mrk 0001, Mrk 1210, Mrk 1419, NGC 2273, and UGC 3193). While these five sources are known to have maser disks, four of them exhibit a maser disk with known orientation. For all four of these sources, the radio continuum is misaligned relative to the rotation axis of the maser disk, but with a 99.1% confidence level, the orientations are not random and are confined to a cone within 32<sup>°</sup> of the maser disk’s normal. Among the four sources the misalignment of the radio continuum with respect to the normal vector to the maser disk is smaller when the inner radius of the maser disk is larger. Furthermore, a correlation is observed between the 5 GHz VLBA radio continuum and the [OIII] luminosity and also with the H<sub>2</sub>O maser disk’s inner radius.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201834600


  • A balloon-borne very long baseline interferometry experiment in the stratosphere: Systems design and developments Reviewed

    Akihiro Doi, Yusuke Kono, Kimihiro Kimura, Satomi Nakahara, Tomoaki Oyama, Nozomi Okada, Yasutaka Satou, Kazuyoshi Yamashita, Naoko Matsumoto, Mitsuhisa Baba, Daisuke Yasuda, Shunsaku Suzuki, Yutaka Hasegawa, Mareki Honma, Hiroaki Tanaka, Kosei Ishimura, Yasuhiro Murata, Reiho Shimomukai, Tomohiro Tachi, Kazuya Saito, Naohiko Watanabe, Nobutaka Bando, Osamu Kameya, Yoshinori Yonekura, Mamoru Sekido, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Hiraku Sakamoto, Nozomu Kogiso, Yasuhiro Shoji, Hideo Ogawa, Kenta Fujisawa, Masanao Narita, Hiroshi Shibai, Hideyuki Fuke, Kenta Uehara, Shoko Koyama

    Advances in Space Research   63 ( 1 )   779 - 793   2019.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    The balloon-borne very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) experiment is a technical feasibility study for performing radio interferometry in the stratosphere. The flight model has been developed. A balloon-borne VLBI station will be launched to establish interferometric fringes with ground-based VLBI stations distributed over the Japanese islands at an observing frequency of approximately 20 GHz as the first step. This paper describes the system design and development of a series of observing instruments and bus systems. In addition to the advantages of avoiding the atmospheric effects of absorption and fluctuation in high frequency radio observation, the mobility of a station can improve the sampling coverage ("uv-coverage") by increasing the number of baselines by the number of ground-based counterparts for each observation day. This benefit cannot be obtained with conventional arrays that solely comprise ground-based stations. The balloon-borne VLBI can contribute to a future progress of research fields such as black holes by direct imaging. (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of COSPAR.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2018.09.020

    Web of Science


  • Parabolic Jets from the Spinning Black Hole in M87 Reviewed

    Masanori Nakamura, Keiichi Asada, Kazuhiro Hada, Hung-Yi Pu, Scott Noble, Chihyin Tseng, Kenji Toma, Motoki Kino, Hiroshi Nagai, Kazuya Takahashi, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Monica Orienti, Kazunori Akiyama, Akihiro Doi, Gabriele Giovannini, Marcello Giroletti, Mareki Honma, Shoko Koyama, Rocco Lico, Kotaro Niinuma, Fumie Tazaki

    The Astrophysical Journal   868 ( 2 )   146 - 146   2018.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    The M87 jet is extensively examined by utilizing general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations, as well as the steady axisymmetric force-free electrodynamic (FFE) solution. Quasi-steady funnel jets are obtained in GRMHD simulations up to the scale of similar to 100 gravitational radii (r(g)) for various black hole (BH) spins. As is known, the funnel edge is approximately determined by the following equipartitions: (i) the magnetic and rest-mass energy densities and (ii) the gas and magnetic pressures. Our numerical results give an additional factor that they follow the outermost parabolic streamline of the FFE solution, which is anchored to the event horizon on the equatorial plane. We also show that the matter-dominated, nonrelativistic corona/wind plays a dynamical role in shaping the funnel jet into the parabolic geometry. We confirm a quantitative overlap between the outermost parabolic streamline of the FFE jet and the edge of the jet sheath in very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations at similar to(10(1)-10(5))r(g), suggesting that the M87 jet is likely powered by the spinning BH. Our GRMHD simulations also indicate a lateral stratification of the bulk acceleration (i.e., the spine-sheath structure), as well as an emergence of knotty superluminal features. The spin characterizes the location of the jet stagnation surface inside the funnel. We suggest that the limb-brightened feature could be associated with the nature of the BH-driven jet, if the Doppler beaming is a dominant factor. Our findings can be examined with (sub)millimeter VLBI observations, giving a clue for the origin of the M87 jet.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aaeb2d

    Web of Science


    Other Link: http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/868/i=2/a=146?key=crossref.7e86b3adfe79cd9ce3d0c4ab20554ae1

  • VERA monitoring of the radio jet 3C 84 in the period of 2007–2013: Detection of non-linear motion Reviewed

    Koichiro Hiura, Hiroshi Nagai, Motoki Kino, Kotaro Niinuma, Kazuo Sorai, Hikaru Chida, Kazunori Akiyama, Filippo D’Ammando, Gabriele Giovannini, Marcello Giroletti, Kazuhiro Hada, Mareki Honma, Shoko Koyama, Monica Orienti, Gabor Orosz, Satoko Sawada-Satoh

    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan   70 ( 5 )   2018.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    We present a kinematic study of the sub-parsec-scale radio jet of the radio galaxy 3C 84/NGC 1275 with the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) array at 22 GHz for 80 epochs from 2007 October to 2013 December. The averaged radial velocity of the bright component "C3" with reference to the radio core is found to be 0.27 +/- 0.02 c between 2007 October and 2013 December. This constant velocity of C3 is naturally explained by the advancing motion of the head of the mini-radio lobe. We also find a non-linear component in the motion of C3 with respect to the radio core. We briefly discuss possible origins of this non-linear motion.

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psy078

    Web of Science


  • Electronics instrumentation for the Greenland telescope Reviewed

    Derek Y. Kubo, Johnson C. C. Han, Hiroaki Nishioka, Ryan Chilson, Ranjani Srinivasan, Ta-Shun Wei, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Chen-Yu Yu, Peter Oshiro, Philippe Raffin, Yau-De Huang, Keiichi Asada, Shoko Koyama, Daniel Bintley, Craig Walther, Per Friberg, Ming-Tang Chen, Satoki Matsushita, Paul T. P. Ho, Kuan-Yu Liu, Pierre Martin-Cocher, Sheng-Feng Yen, Kuo-Chieh Fu, homin Jiang, Shu-Hao Chang, Chung-Cheng Chen, Makoto Inoue, Patrick Koch, Yang-Tai Shaw, Timothy J. Norton, Nimesh A. Patel, Shepherd S. Doeleman, Jessica Dempsey, Ching-Tang Liu, Kou-Chang Han, Song-Chu Chang, Li-Ming Lu, Hideo Ogawa, Kimihiro Kimura, Yutaka Hasegawa

    Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX   10708   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPIE  

    The Greenland Telescope project has recently participated in an experiment to image the supermassive black hole shadow at the center of M87 using Very Long Baseline Interferometry technique in April of 2018. The antenna consists of the 12-m ALMA North American prototype antenna that was modified to support two auxiliary side containers and to withstand an extremely cold environment. The telescope is currently at Thule Air Base in Greenland with the long-term goal to move the telescope over the Greenland ice sheet to Summit Station. The GLT currently has a single cryostat which houses three dual polarization receivers that cover 84-96 GHz, 213-243 GHz and 271-377 GHz bands. A hydrogen maser frequency source in conjunction with high frequency synthesizers are used to generate the local oscillator references for the receivers. The intermediate frequency outputs of each receiver cover 4-8 GHz and are heterodyned to baseband for digitization within a set of ROACH-2 units then formatted for recording onto Mark-6 data recorders. A separate set of ROACH-2 units operating in parallel provides the function of auto-correlation for real-time spectral analysis. Due to the stringent instrumental stability requirements for interferometry a diagnostic test system was incorporated into the design. Tying all of the above equipment together is the fiber optic system designed to operate in a low temperature environment and scalable to accommodate a larger distance between the control module and telescope for Summit Station. A report on the progress of the above electronics instrumentation system will be provided.

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2312241

    Web of Science


  • GLT receiver commissioning at JCMT and future JCMT instrumentation Reviewed

    Daniel Bintley, Per Friberg, Ryan Berthold, Tim Chuter, Craig Walther, Kuan-Yu Liu, Jessica Dempsey, Paul T. P. Ho, Helen McGregor, Satoki Matsushita, Keiichi Asada, Shoko Koyama, Hiroaki Nishioka, Johnson C. C. Han, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lupin C. C. Lin, Ta-Shun Wei, Ming-Tang Chen, Derek Y. Kubo, Ranjani Srinivasan, Geoff Bower, Peter Oshiro, Ramprasad Rao

    Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX   10708   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPIE  

    The Greenland Telescope (GLT) project and the East Asian Observatory (EAO) successfully commissioned the first light GLT instrument at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) in Hawaii, prior to transferring the instrument to Greenland. The GLT instrument which comprises of a cryostat with three cartridge-type receivers (at 86GHz, 230GHz and 345GHz) was installed into the receiver cabin of JCMT and operated in three modes: - (a) Regular JCMT observing with the GLT instrument, using ACSIS, (JCMT's autocorrelation spectrometer) as the backend and JCMT software for telescope control, data reduction, pointing and antenna focus adjustment. (b) Single dish observations of astronomical spectral line sources, recording data onto mark 6 recorders for offline data reduction. (c) eSMA interferometer array observations at 230GHz in conjunction with the SMA. In this paper, we report on the installation and integration of the GLT instrument at JCMT, present results from commissioning and show how the success of the GLT instrument commissioning fits with our plans for future instrumentation at JCMT.

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2313083

    Web of Science


  • Control and monitoring system for the Greenland telescope: computers, network and software Reviewed

    Hiroaki Nishioka, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Patel A. Patel, Derek Y. Kubo, Pierre Martin-Cocher, Chih-Chiang J. Han, Chen-Yu Yu, Homin Jiang, Ranjani Srinivasan, Satoki Matsushita, Keiichi Asada, Geoffrey C. Bower, Shu-Hao Chang, Ming-Tang Chen, Paul T. P. Ho, Yau-De Huang, Makoto Inoue, Shoko Koyama, Lupin C. C. Lin, Ching-Tang Liu, Timothy J. Norton, George U. Nystrom, Ta-Shun Wei, Ryan M. Berthold, Per Friberg, Tim Chuter, Kuan-Yu Liu, Craig A. Walther, Jun-Yi Koay, Wen-Ping Lo, Patrick M. Koch, Oshiro Peter, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Dan Bintley, Dempsey Jessica, Masanori Nakamura, Sheperd S. Doeleman

    Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII   10700   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPIE  

    We describe the control and monitoring system for the Greenland Telescope (GLT). The GLT is a 12-m radio telescope aiming to carry out the sub-millimeter Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations and image the shadow of the super massive black hole in M87. In November 2017 construction has been finished and commissioning activity has been started. In April 2018 we participated in the VLBI observing campaign for the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration. In this paper we present the entire GLT control/monitoring system in terms of computers, network and software.

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2313104

    Web of Science


  • The Greenland telescope: Thule operations Reviewed

    Ming-Tang Chen, Philippe A. Raffin, Paul T. P. Ho, Keiichi Asada, Satoki Matsushita, Chih-Chiang J. Han, Hiroaki Nishioka, Ta-Shun Wei, Patrick M. Koch, Makoto Inoue, George U. Nystrom, Derek Y. Kubo, Jack C. Chang, Fang-Chia Hsieh, Hung-Yi Pu, Lupin C. Lin, Paul Y. Shaw, Homin Jiang, Ted Y. Huang, Locutus C. Huang, Joshua S. Chang, Timothy J. Norton, Nimesh A. Patel, Bill C. Liu, Pierre Martin-Cocher, Chung-Chen Chen, Ryan Chilson, Ranjani Srinivasan, Kuan-Yu Liu, Chen-Yu Yu, Geoffrey C. Bower, Peter Oshiro, William Snow, Shoko Koyama, Jun Yi Koay, Chao-Te Li, Weng-Ping Lo, Masanori Nakamura, Daniel Bintley, Craig Walther, Per Friberg, Jessica Dempsey, T.K. Sridharan, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Roger Brissenden, Hideo Ogawa, Kimihiro Hasegawa, Hao Jinchi, Kuo-Chang Han, Song-Chu Chang, Li-Ming L. Lu, Juan-Carlos Algaba Marcos, Alex Allardi, Aaron Faber, Wei-Long Chen, Fu-Li Hsu, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Yutaka Hasegawa

    Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII   10700   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPIE  

    The Greenland Telescope Project (GLT) has successfully commissioned its 12-m sub-millimeter. In January 2018, the fringes were detected between the GLT and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) during a very-long-baseline-interferometry (VLBI) exercise. In April 2018, the telescope participated in global VLBI science observations at Thule Air Base (TAB). The telescope has been completely rebuilt, with many new components, from the ALMA NA (North America) Prototype antenna and equipped with a new set of sub-millimeter receivers operating at 86, 230, and 345 GHz, as well as a complete set of instruments and VLBI backends. This paper describes our progress and status of the project and its plan for the coming decade.

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2313378

    Web of Science


  • Commissioning status of the Greenland telescope Reviewed

    Satoki Matsushita, Jun-Yi Koay, Wen-Ping Lo, Aaron Faber, Kou-Chang Han, Song-Chu Chang, Li-Ming Lu, Keiichi Asada, Johnson C. C. Han, Hiroaki Nishioka, Shoko Koyama, Chih-Wei L. Huang, Lupin C. C. Lin, Kuan-Yu Liu, Chen-Yu Yu, Ming-Tang Chen, Paul T. P. Ho, Derek Y. Kubo, Ranjani Srinivasan, Geoffrey C. Bower, Makoto Inoue, Dan Bintley, Per Friberg, Ryan M. Berthold, Craig A. Walther, Jessica T. Dempsey, Jonathan Weintroub, André Young, Ken Young, Nimesh A. Patel, Patrick M. Koch, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Do-Young Byun, Juan-Carlos Algaba Marcos, Shu-Hao Chang, Chung-Chen Chen, Ryan Chilson, Yau-De Huang, Homin Jiang, Ching-Tang Liu, Pierre Martin-Cocher, Masanori Nakamura, George Nystrom, Peter Oshiro, Hung-Yi Pu, Philippe Raffin, Paul Shaw, Williams Snow, Ta-Shun Wei, T. K. Sridharan, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Roger Brissenden, Hideo Ogawa, Kimihiro Kimura, Yutaka Hasegawa, Timothy J. Norton, Alex Allardi, Jinchi Hao

    Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII   10700   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPIE  

    The Greenland Telescope completed its construction, so the commissioning phase has been started since December 2017. Single-dish commissioning has started from the optical pointing, which produced the rst pointing model, followed by the radio pointing and focusing using the Moon for both the 86 GHz and the 230 GHz receivers. After Venus started to rise from the horizon, the focus positions has been improved for both receivers. Once we started the line pointing using the SiO(2-1) maser line and the CO(2-1) line for the 86 GHz and the 230 GHz receivers, respectively, the pointing accuracy also improved, and the nal pointing accuracy turned to be around 3 ''-5 '' for both receivers. In parallel, VLBI commissioning has been performed, with checking the frequency accuracy and the phase stability for all the components that would be used for the VLBI observations. After all the checks, we successfully joined the dress rehearsals and actual observations of the 86 GHz and 230 GHz VLBI observations. The rst dress rehearsal data between GLT and ALMA were correlated, and successfully detected the rst fringe, which con rmed that the GLT commissioning was successfully performed.

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2310046

    Web of Science


  • Mid-infrared Excess from the West Hot Spot of the Radio Galaxy Pictor A Unveiled by WISE Reviewed

    Naoki Isobe, Shoko Koyama, Motoki Kino, Takehiko Wada, Takao Nakagawa, Hideo Matsuhara, Kotaro Niinuma, Makoto Tashiro

    The Astrophysical Journal   850 ( 2 )   193 - 193   2017.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  

    Mid-infrared properties are reported of the west hot spot of the radio galaxy Pictor A with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). The mid-infrared counterpart to the hot spot, WISE J051926.26-454554.1, is listed in the AllWISE source catalog. The source was detected in all four of the WISE photometric bands. A comparison between the WISE and radio images reinforces the physical association of the WISE source to the hot spot. The WISE flux density of the source was carefully evaluated. A close investigation of the multi-wavelength synchrotron spectral energy distribution from the object reveals a mid-infrared excess at the wavelength of λ = μm with a statistical significance of over the simple power-law extrapolation from the synchrotron radio spectrum. The excess is reinforced by single and double cutoff power-law modeling of the radio-to-optical spectral energy distribution. The synchrotron cutoff frequency of the main and excess components was evaluated as 7.1 × 1044 Hz and 5.5 × 1013 Hz, respectively. From the cutoff frequency, the magnetic field of the emission region was constrained as a function of the region size. In order to interpret the excess component, an electron population different from the main one dominating the observed radio spectrum is necessary. The excess emission is proposed to originate in a substructure within the hot spot, in which the magnetic field is a factor of a few stronger than that in the minimum-energy condition. The relation of the mid-infrared excess to the X-ray emission is briefly discussed.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aa94c9



  • Pilot KaVA monitoring on the M 87 jet: Confirming the inner jet structure and superluminal motions at sub-pc scales Reviewed

    Kazuhiro Hada, Jong Ho Park, Motoki Kino, Kotaro Niinuma, Bong Won Sohn, Hyun Wook Ro, Taehyun Jung, Juan-Carlos Algaba, Guang-Yao Zhao, Sang-Sung Lee, Kazunori Akiyama, Sascha Trippe, Kiyoaki Wajima, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Fumie Tazaki, Ilje Cho, Jeffrey Hodgson, Jeong Ae Lee, Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Mareki Honma, Shoko Koyama, Junghwan Oh, Taeseak Lee, Hyemin Yoo, Noriyuki Kawaguchi, Duk-Gyoo Roh, Se-Jin Oh, Jae-Hwan Yeom, Dong-Kyu Jung, Chungsik Oh, Hyo-Ryoung Kim, Ju-Yeon Hwang, Do-Young Byun, Se-Hyung Cho, Hyun-Goo Kim, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Katsunori M. Shibata

    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan   69 ( 4 )   2017.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    We report the initial results of our high-cadence monitoring program on the radio jet in the active galaxy M 87, obtained by the KVN and VERA Array (KaVA) at 22 GHz. This is a pilot study that preceded a larger KaVA–M 87 monitoring program, which is currently ongoing. The pilot monitoring was mostly performed every two to three weeks from 2013 December to 2014 June, at a recording rate of 1 Gbps, obtaining data for a total of ten epochs. We successfully obtained a sequence of good quality radio maps that revealed the rich structure of this jet from 1 mas to 20 mas, corresponding to physical scales (projected) of ∼0.1–2 pc (or ∼140–2800 Schwarzschild radii). We detected superluminal motions at these scales, together with a trend of gradual acceleration. The first evidence for such fast motions and acceleration near the jet base were obtained from recent VLBA studies at 43 GHz, and the fact that very similar kinematics are seen at a different frequency and time with a different instrument suggests that these properties are fundamental characteristics of this jet. This pilot program demonstrates that KaVA is a powerful VLBI array for studying the detailed structural evolution of the M 87 jet and also other relativistic jets.

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psx054



  • Exploring the Magnetic Field Configuration in BL Lac Using GMVA Reviewed

    Bindu Rani, Thomas Krichbaum, Jeff Hodgson, Shoko Koyama, Anton Zensus, Lars Fuhramnn, Alan Marscher, Svetlana Jorstad

    Galaxies   4 ( 3 )   32 - 32   2016.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    DOI: 10.3390/galaxies4030032


  • Millimeter VLBI observations of Sgr A* with KaVA and KVN

    G.-Y. Zhao, M. Kino, I.-J. Cho, K. Akiyama, B. W. Sohn, T. Jung, J. C. Algaba, K. Hada, Y. Hagiwara, J. Hodgson, M. Honma, N. Kawaguchi, S. Koyama, J. A. Lee, T. Lee, K. Niinuma, J. Oh, J.-H. Park, H. Ro, S. Sawada-Satoh, F. Tazaki, S. Trippe, K. Wajima, H. Yoo

    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union   11 ( S322 )   56 - 63   2016.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Cambridge University Press (CUP)  

    <title>Abstract</title>We present recent observation results of Sgr A* at millimeter obtained with VLBI arrays in Korea and Japan.

    7 mm monitoring of Sgr A* is part of our AGN large project. The results at 7 epochs during 2013-2014, including high resolution maps, flux density and two-dimensional size measurements are presented. The source shows no significant variation in flux and structure related to the G2 encounter in 2014. According to recent MHD simulations by kawashima<italic>et al.</italic>, flux and magnetic field energy can be expected to increase several years after the encounter; We will keep our monitoring in order to test this prediction.

    Astrometric observations of Sgr A* were performed in 2015 at 7 and 3.5 millimeter simultaneously. Source-frequency phase referencing was applied and a combined ”core-shift” of Sgr A* and a nearby calibrator was measured. Future observations and analysis are necessary to determine the core-shift in each source.

    DOI: 10.1017/s1743921316012497


  • X-ray measurement of electron and magnetic-field energy densities in the west lobe of the giant radio galaxy 3C 236 Reviewed

    Naoki Isobe, Shoko Koyama

    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan   67 ( 4 )   77 - 77   2015.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    X-ray emission associated with the west lobe of the giant radio galaxy 3C 236 was investigated with the Suzaku observatory to evaluate the energetics in the lobe. After removing contamination from point-like X-ray sources detected with Chandra and subtracting the X-ray and non-X-ray backgrounds, the Suzaku spectrum from the lobe was reproduced by a power-law model with a photon index of $\\Gamma = 2.23-{-0.38-0.12}^{+0.44+0.14}$, where the first and second errors represent the statistical and systematic ones, respectively. Within the errors, the X-ray index was consistent with the radio synchrotron one, Γ&lt
    = 1.74 ± 0.07, estimated in the 326-2695 MHz range. This agreement supports that the X-ray emission is attributed to the inverse-Compton radiation from the synchrotron electrons filling the lobe, where the cosmic microwave background photons are up-scattered. This result made 3C 236 the largest radio galaxy of which the lobe has ever been probed through the inverse-Compton X-ray photons. When the photon index was fixed at Γ&lt
    , the X-ray flux density at 1 keV was measured as S&lt
    = 12.3 ± 2.0 ± 1.9 nJy. A comparison of the X-ray flux to the radio one (S&lt
    = 1.11 ± 0.02 Jy at 608.5 MHz) yields the energy densities of the electrons and magnetic field in the west lobe as $u-{\\rm e} = 3.9-{-0.7 -0.9}^{+0.6 +1.0} \\times 10^{-14}$ erg cm&lt
    and $u-{\\rm m} = 0.92-{-0.15 -0.35}^{+0.21 +0.52}\\times 10^{-14}$ erg cm&lt
    , respectively, indicating a mild electron dominance of $u-{\\rm e}/u-{\\rm m} = 4.2-{-1.3 -2.3}^{+1.6 +4.1}$. The latter corresponds to the magnetic field strength of $B = 0.48-{-0.04 -0.10}^{+0.05 +0.12}\\ \\mu$G. These are typical among the lobes of giant radio galaxies. A summary of the u&lt
    -size relation for the inverse-Compton-detected radio galaxies implies that the west lobe of 3C 236 is still actively energized by its jet.

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psv046




    K. Niinuma, M. Kino, A. Doi, K. Hada, H. Nagai, S. Koyama

    The Astrophysical Journal   807 ( 1 )   2015.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:{IOP} Publishing  

    We investigate the location of the radio jet bases ("radio cores") of blazars in radio images and their stationarity by means of dense very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations. In order to measure the position of a radio core, we conducted a 12 epoch astrometric observation of the blazar Markarian 421 with the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry at 22 GHz immediately after a large X-ray flare, which occurred in the middle of 2011 September. For the first time,we find that the radio core is not stationary but rather changes its location toward 0.5 mas downstream. This angular scale corresponds to the de-projected length of a scale of 105 Schwarzschild radii (Rs) at the distance of Markarian 421. This radio-core wandering may be a new type of manifestation associated with the phenomena of large X-ray flares.

    DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/807/1/L14



  • VLBI observations of bright AGN jets with the KVN and VERA Array (KaVA): Evaluation of imaging capability Reviewed

    Kotaro Niinuma, Sang-Sung Lee, Motoki Kino, Bong Won Sohn, Kazunori Akiyama, Guang-Yao Zhao, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Sascha Trippe, Kazuhiro Hada, Taehyun Jung, Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Richard Dodson, Shoko Koyama, Mareki Honma, Hiroshi Nagai, Aeree Chung, Akihiro Doi, Kenta Fujisawa, Myoung-Hee Han, Joeng-Sook Kim, Jeewon Lee, Jeong Ae Lee, Atsushi Miyazaki, Tomoaki Oyama, Kazuo Sorai, Kiyoaki Wajima, Jaehan Bae, Do-Young Byun, Se-Hyung Cho, Yoon Kyung Choi, Hyunsoo Chung, Moon-Hee Chung, Seog-Tae Han, Tomoya Hirota, Jung-Wook Hwang, Do-Heung Je, Takaaki Jike, Dong-Kyu Jung, Jin-Seung Jung, Ji-Hyun Kang, Jiman Kang, Yong-Woo Kang, Yukitoshi Kan-ya, Masahiro Kanaguchi, Noriyuki Kawaguchi, Bong Gyu Kim, Hyo Ryoung Kim, Hyun-Goo Kim, Jaeheon Kim, Jongsoo Kim, Kee-Tae Kim, Mikyoung Kim, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Yusuke Kono, Tomoharu Kurayama, Changhoon Lee, Jung-Won Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, Young Chol Minh, Naoko Matsumoto, Akiharu Nakagawa, Chung Sik Oh, Se-Jin Oh, Sun-Youp Park, Duk-Gyoo Roh, Tetsuo Sasao, Katsunori M. Shibata, Min-Gyu Song, Yoshiaki Tamura, Seog-Oh Wi, Jae-Hwan Yeom, Young Joo Yun

    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan   66 ( 6 )   103 - 103   2014.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    The Korean very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) network (KVN) and VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) Array (KaVA) is the first international VLBI array dedicated to high-frequency (23-43GHz bands) observations in East Asia. Here, we report the first imaging observations of three bright active galactic nuclei (AGNs) known for their complex morphologies: 4C39.25, 3C273, and M87. This is one of the initial results of KaVA's early operation. Our KaVA images reveal extended outflows with complex substructures such as knots and limb brightening, in agreement with previous Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations. Angular resolutions are better than 1.4 and 0.8 mas at 23 and 43GHz, respectively. KaVA achieves a high dynamic range of ∼1000, more than three times the value achieved by VERA. We conclude that KaVA is a powerful array with a great potential for the study of AGN outflows, at least comparable to the best existing radio interferometric arrays.

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psu104



  • A strong radio brightening at the jet base of M87 during the elevated very-high-energy γ-ray state in 2012

    K. Hada, M. Giroletti, M. Kino, G. Giovannini, F. D' Ammando, C. C. Cheung, M. Beilicke, H. Nagai, A. Doi, K. Akiyama, M. Honma, K. Niinuma, C. Casadio, M. Orienti, H. Krawczynski, J. L. Gómez, S. Sawada-Satoh, S. Koyama, A. Cesarini, S. Nakahara, M. A. Gurwell

    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union   10 ( S313 )   340 - 345   2014.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Cambridge University Press (CUP)  

    <title>Abstract</title>The nearby radio galaxy M87 offers a unique opportunity for exploring the connection between γ-ray production and jet formation at an unprecedented linear resolution. However, the origin and location of the γ-rays in this source is still elusive. Based on previous radio/TeV correlation events, the unresolved jet base (radio core) and the peculiar knot HST-1 at &gt;120 pc from the nucleus are proposed as candidate site(s) of γ-ray production. Here we report our intensive, high-resolution radio monitoring observations of the M87 jet with the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) and the European VLBI Network (EVN) from February 2011 to October 2012. During this period, an elevated level of the M87 flux is reported at TeV with VERITAS. We detected a remarkable flux increase in the radio core with VERA at 22/43 GHz coincident with the VHE activity. Meanwhile, HST-1 remained quiescent in terms of its flux density and structure at radio. These results strongly suggest that the TeV γ-ray activity in 2012 originates in the jet base within 0.03 pc (projected) from the central supermassive black hole.

    DOI: 10.1017/s174392131500246x



    K. Hada, M. Giroletti, M. Kino, G. Giovannini, F. D'Ammando, C. C. Cheung, M. Beilicke, H. Nagai, A. Doi, K. Akiyama, M. Honma, K. Niinuma, C. Casadio, M. Orienti, H. Krawczynski, J. L. Gómez, S. Sawada-Satoh, S. Koyama, A. Cesarini, S. Nakahara, M. A. Gurwell

    The Astrophysical Journal   788 ( 2 )   165 - 165   2014.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing  

    We report our intensive, high angular resolution radio monitoring observations of the jet in M 87 with the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) and the European VLBI Network (EVN) from 2011 February to 2012 October, together with contemporaneous high-energy (100 MeV &lt
    E &lt
    100 GeV) γ-ray light curves obtained by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. During this period (specifically from 2012 February to 2012 March), an elevated level of the M 87 flux is reported at very high energy (VHE
    E &gt
    100 GeV) γ rays by VERITAS. We detected a remarkable (up to ∼70%) increase of the radio flux density from the unresolved jet base (radio core) with VERA at 22 and 43 GHz coincident with the VHE activity. Meanwhile, we confirmed with EVN at 5 GHz that the peculiar knot, HST-1, which is an alternative favored γ-ray production site located at ≳120 pc from the nucleus, remained quiescent in terms of its flux density and structure. These results in the radio bands strongly suggest that the VHE γ-ray activity in 2012 originates in the jet base within 0.03 pc or 56 Schwarzschild radii (the VERA spatial resolution of 0.4 mas at 43 GHz) from the central supermassive black hole. We further conducted VERA astrometry for the M 87 core at six epochs during the flaring period, and detected core shifts between 22 and 43 GHz, a mean value of which is similar to that measured in the previous astrometric measurements. We also discovered a clear frequency-dependent evolution of the radio core flare at 43, 22, and 5 GHz
    the radio flux density increased more rapidly at higher frequencies with a larger amplitude, and the light curves clearly showed a time-lag between the peaks at 22 and 43 GHz, the value of which is constrained to be within ∼35-124 days. This indicates that a new radio-emitting component was created near the black hole in the period of the VHE event, and then propagated outward with progressively decreasing synchrotron opacity. By combining the obtained core shift and time-lag, we estimated an apparent speed of the newborn component propagating through the opaque region between the cores at 22 and 43 GHz. We derived a sub-luminal speed (less than ∼0.2c) for this component. This value is significantly slower than the super-luminal (∼1.1c) features that appeared from the core during the prominent VHE flaring event in 2008, suggesting that stronger VHE activity can be associated with the production of a higher Lorentz factor jet in M 87. © 2014. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved..

    DOI: 10.1088/0004-637x/788/2/165



    Other Link: http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/788/i=2/a=165?key=crossref.16ebed5cf216fd30103363560c724407

  • VERA frequent monitoring of the parsec-scale jet in the BL Lac object OJ 287 simultaneous with gamma-ray flares during 2011-2012

    S. Sawada-Satoh, Y. Ueno, K. Akiyama, K. Niinuma, H. Nagai, K. Hada, M. Honma, K. M. Shibata, M. Kino, F. D'Ammando, M. Orienti, S. Koyama

    Proceedings of Science   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Proceedings of Science (PoS)  

    We present a kinematic study of the parsec-scale radio jet in the most studied BL Lac object OJ 287, during γ-ray flares to explore the relation between parsec-scale radio jet activity and γ-ray emission. VLBI observations were carried out toward OJ 287 from 2010 November to 2012 September at 22 GHz using the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA). The 22-GHz light curve of OJ 287 show three obvious flare events around 2011 May, 2011 October, and 2012 March. The second radio flare occurred during the γ-ray flaring period, and the third radio flare seems to precede the γ-ray flare by one month. One jet component moved outward with respect to the core component with an apparent superluminal speed (∼ 11c) from 2010 November to 2011 November. Then it changed direction, moving apparent inward in 2011 November, when the γ-ray flare occurred. The observed apparent inward motion of the jet at 22 GHz could be caused by the new jet component unresolved at 22 GHz in the innermost region.



  • Multifrequency VLBI Observations of the Broad Absorption Line Quasar J1020 4320: Recently Restarted Jet Activity? Reviewed

    Akihiro Doi, Yasuhiro Murata, Nanako Mochizuki, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Keiichi Asada, Takayuki J. Hayashi, Hiroshi Nagai, Katsunori M. Shibata, Tomoaki Oyama, Takaaki Jike, Kenta Fujisawa, Koichiro Sugiyama, Hideo Ogawa, Kimihiro Kimura, Mareki Honma, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Shoka Koyama

    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan   65 ( 3 )   57 - 57   2013.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    This paper reports on very-long-baseline interferometry observations of the radio-loud broad absorption line (BAL) quasar J1020+4320 at 1.7, 2.3, 6.7, and 8.4 GHz using the Japanese VLBI network (JVN) and European VLBI network (EVN). The radio morphology is compact with a size of -10 pc. The convex radio spectrum has been stable over the last decade; an observed peak frequency of 3.2 GHz is equivalent to 9.5 GHz in the rest frame, suggesting an age on the order of -100 years as a radio source, according to an observed correlation between the linear size and the peak frequency of compact steep spectrum (CSS) and giga-hertz peaked spectrum (GPS) radio sources. A low-frequency radio excess suggests a relic of past jet activity. J1020+4320 may be one of the quasars with recurrent and short-lived jet activity during a BAL-outflowing phase. © 2013. Astronomical Society of Japan.

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/65.3.57



  • VLBI Imagings of a Kilo-Parsec Knot in 3C 380 Reviewed

    Shoko Koyama, Motoki Kino, Hiroshi Nagai, Kazuhiro Hada, Seiji Kameno, Hideyuki Kobayashi

    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan   65 ( 2 )   29 - 29   2013.4

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    We investigated observational properties of a kilo-parsec scale knot in the radio-loud quasar 3C 380 by using two epoch archival data obtained by Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) at 5 GHz on 1998 July and 2001 April. We succeed to obtain the highest spatial resolution image of the bright knot K1 located at 732 mas, or ≥20 kpc deprojected, downstream from the nucleus three-times better than the previously obtained highest-resolution image by Papageorgiou et al. (2006, MNRAS, 373, 449). Our images reveal, with new clarity, an "inverted bow-shock" structure in K1 facing the nucleus
    its morphology resembles a conical shock wave. By comparing the two epoch images directly, we explored the kinematics of K1, and obtained the upper limit of the apparent velocity, 0.25 mas yr-1 or 9.8c of K1 for the first time. The upper limit of the apparent velocity is marginally smaller than superluminal motions seen in the core region. Further new epoch VLBI observations are necessary to measure the proper motion at K1. © 2013 Astronomical Society of Japan.

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/65.2.29



  • The GENJI Programme: Gamma-Ray Emitting Notable AGN Monitoring by Japanese VLBI Reviewed

    Hiroshi Nagai, Motoki Kino, Kotaro Niinuma, Kazunori Akiyama, Kazuhiro Hada, Shoko Koyama, Monica Orienti, Koichiro Hiura, Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Mareki Honma, Gabriele Giovannini, Marcello Giroletti, Katsunori Shibata, Kazuo Sorai

    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan   65 ( 2 )   24 - 24   2013.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    We introduce the gamma-ray emitting notable active galactic nucleus (AGN) monitoring by Japanese VLBI programme, which is the monitoring of gamma-ray bright AGNs with the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) array. This programme aims to conduct dense monitoring at 22 GHz toward the γ-ray emitting AGNs to investigate the time variation of the radio core and possible ejection of a new radio component, the motion of jets, and their relations with the emission at other wavelengths, especially at γ-rays. We are currently monitoring 8 notable γ-ray-emitting AGNs (DA55, 3C 84, M87, PKS 1510089, DA406, NRAO530, BL Lac, and 3C 454.3) about once every two weeks. This programme is promising for tracing the trend of radio time variation on shorter time scale than conventional VLBI monitoring programmes and is complementary to data of other programmes (e.g., MOJAVE
    Boston University Blazar Project). In particular, we successfully carried out quick follow-up observations after the GeV γ-ray flare in NRAO530 and 3C 454.3 reported by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Here, we present the initial results of morphology and light curves for the first 7-month operation. © 2013 Astronomical Society of Japan.

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/65.2.24



  • Radio and γ-ray follow-up of the exceptionally high-activity state of PKS 1510−089 in 2011 Reviewed

    M. Orienti, S. Koyama, F. D'Ammando, M. Giroletti, M. Kino, H. Nagai, T. Venturi, D. Dallacasa, G. Giovannini, E. Angelakis, L. Fuhrmann, T. Hovatta, W. Max-Moerbeck, F. K. Schinzel, K. Akiyama, K. Hada, M. Honma, K. Niinuma, D. Gasparrini, T. P. Krichbaum, I. Nestoras, A. C. S. Readhead, J. L. Richards, D. Riquelme, A. Sievers, H. Ungerechts, J. A. Zensus

    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society   428 ( 3 )   2418 - 2429   2013.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  

    We investigate the radio and γ -ray variability of the flat spectrum radio quasar PKS 1510-089 in the time range between 2010 November and 2012 January. In this period the source showed an intense activity, with two major γ -ray flares detected in 2011 July and October. During the latter episode both the γ -ray and the radio flux density reached their historical peak. Multiwavelength analysis shows a rotation of about 380{ring operator} of the optical polarization angle close in time with the rapid and strong γ -ray flare in 2011 July. An enhancement of the optical emission and an increase of the fractional polarization both in the optical and in radio bands are observed about three weeks later, close in time with another γ -ray outburst. On the other hand, after 2011 September a huge radio outburst has been detected, first in the millimetre regime followed with some time delay at centimetre down to decimetre wavelengths. This radio flare is characterized by a rising and a decaying stage, in agreement with the formation of a shock and its evolution, as a consequence of expansion and radiative cooling. If the γ -ray flare observed in 2011 October is related to this radio outburst, then this strongly indicates that the region responsible for the γ -ray variability is not within the broad line, but a few parsecs downstream along the jet. © 2012 The Authors.

    DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sts201




    K. Niinuma, M. Kino, H. Nagai, N. Isobe, K. E. Gabanyi, K. Hada, S. Koyama, K. Asada, T. Oyama, K. Fujisawa

    The Astrophysical Journal   759 ( 2 )   84 - 84   2012.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing  

    We report on the very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) follow-up observations using the Japanese VLBI Network array at 22GHz for the largest X-ray flare of TeV blazar Mrk 421 that occurred in 2010 mid-February. The total of five epochs of observations were performed at intervals of about 20days between 2010 March 7 and May 31. No newborn component associated with the flare was seen directly in the total intensity images obtained by our multi-epoch VLBI observations. However, one jet component located at ∼1 mas northwest from the core was able to be identified, and its proper motion can be measured as -1.66 ± 0.46 mas yr-1, which corresponds to an apparent velocity of -3.48 ± 0.97c. Here, this negative velocity indicates that the jet component was apparently moving toward the core. As the most plausible explanation, we discuss that the apparent negative velocity was possibly caused by the ejection of a new component, which could not be resolved with our observations. In this case, the obtained Doppler factor of the new component is around 10-20, which is consistent with the ones typically estimated by model fittings of spectral energy distribution for this source. © 2012. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved..

    DOI: 10.1088/0004-637x/759/2/84



  • VLBI follow-up observations for the large X-ray flares of mrk 421

    Kotaro Niinuma, Motoki Kino, Akihiro Doi, Naoki Isobe, Shoko Koyama

    Proceedings of Science   2012-   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Sissa Medialab Srl  

    In February 2010 and September 2011, the large X-ray flares of Mrk 421 were reported by the Astronomer’s Telegram. Mrk 421 is one of the best sources for studying the most compact regions in blazars, because of its proximity. In order to examine the behavior inside the sub-pc region by densely VLBI monitor soon after the large flare, we carried out quick and multi-epoch follow-up observations for these flares using JVN (the Japanese VLBI network) array at an interval of two weeks to three weeks. As results of our VLBI observations for these large X-ray flares, we present the possibility of a structural change that occurred within ∼ 1.2 mas from the core after the large high-energy flares.




    Y. Yaji, M. S. Tashiro, N. Isobe, M. Kino, K. Asada, H. Nagai, S. Koyama, M. Kusunose

    The Astrophysical Journal   714 ( 1 )   37 - 44   2010.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing  

    Using deep Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) observation data for Cygnus A, we report evidence of non-thermal X-ray emission from radio lobes surrounded by a rich intracluster medium (ICM). The diffuse X-ray emission, which is associated with the eastern and western radio lobes, was observed in a 0.7-7 keV Chandra ACIS image. The lobe spectra are reproduced with not only a single-temperature Mekal model, such as that of the surrounding ICM component, but also an additional power-law (PL) model. The X-ray flux densities of PL components for the eastern and western lobes at 1 keV are derived as 77.7+28.9 -31.9 nJy and 52.4+42.9 -42.4 nJy, respectively, and the photon indices are 1.69 +0.07 -0.13 and 1.84+2.90 -0.12, respectively. The non-thermal component is considered to be produced via the inverse Compton (IC) process, as is often seen in the X-ray emission from radio lobes. From a re-analysis of radio observation data, the multiwavelength spectra strongly suggest that the seed photon source of the IC X-rays includes both cosmic microwave background radiation and synchrotron radiation from the lobes. The derived parameters indicate significant dominance of the electron energy density over the magnetic field energy density in the Cygnus A lobes under the rich ICM environment. © 2010. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved..

    DOI: 10.1088/0004-637x/714/1/37



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  • A balloon-borne very long baseline interferometry experiment in the stratosphere: Systems design and developments (vol 63, pg 779, 2019)

    Akihiro Doi, Yusuke Kono, Kimihiro Kimura, Satomi Nakahara, Tomoaki Oyama, Nozomi Okada, Yasutaka Satou, Kazuyoshi Yamashita, Naoko Matsumoto, Mitsuhisa Baba, Daisuke Yasuda, Shunsaku Suzuki, Yutaka Hasegawa, Mareki Honma, Hiroaki Tanaka, Kosei Ishimura, Yasuhiro Murata, Reiho Shimomukai, Tomohiro Tachi, Kazuya Saito, Naohiko Watanabe, Nobutaka Bando, Osamu Kameya, Yoshinori Yonekura, Mamoru Sekido, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Hiraku Sakamoto, Nozomu Kogiso, Yasuhiro Shoji, Hideo Ogawa, Kenta Fujisawa, Masanao Narita, Hiroshi Shibai, Hideyuki Fuke, Kenta Uehara, Shoko Koyama

    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH   66 ( 3 )   751 - 752   2020.8

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    Language:English   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2020.04.044

    Web of Science



  • President's Award

    2023.12   Niigata University   First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. III. Imaging of the Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole, A ring-like accretion structure in M87 connecting its black hole and jet

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  • AAS Bruno Rossi Prize 2020 (EHT Collaboration)

    2020.1   American Astronomical Society  

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  • Einstein Medal 2020 (EHT Collaboration)

    2019.12   Albert Einstein Society  

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  • Smithsonian American Ingenuity Award 2019 (EHT Collaboration)

    2019.11   Smithsonian Institution  

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  • 2020 Breakthrough Prize in the Fundamental Physics (EHT Collaboration)

    2019.11   Breakthrough Foundation  

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  • 2019 Science and Technology Contribution Award (ASIAA Black Hole Research Group)

    2019.10   CTCI Foundation  

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  • NSF Diamond Achievement Award (EHT Collaboration)

    2019.5   National Science Foundation  

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Research Projects

  • Understanding the formation mechanism of high-energy gamma-ray emission with global milimeter VLBI observations

    Grant number:23K03453

    2023.4 - 2026.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )


  • Understanding the formation mechanisms of supermassive black holes jets using high-resolution and high-cadence millimeter VLBI observations

    Grant number:22H00157

    2022.4 - 2026.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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    Grant amount:\44720000 ( Direct Cost: \34400000 、 Indirect Cost:\10320000 )



Teaching Experience

  • リフレクションデザインII

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • データサイエンス概論

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • データサイエンス実践 B

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 学問の扉 知と方法の最前線

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • リフレクションデザイン I

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 宇宙物理学特論I

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • データサイエンス概説演習

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 国際理解リテラシー

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • データサイエンス実践 C

    Institution name:新潟大学

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Media Coverage

  • 初撮像から1年後のM87ブラックホールの姿 Newspaper, magazine

    The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration in Japan  2024.1

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  • Astronomers Reveal First Image of the Black Hole at the Heart of Our Galaxy Internet

    The Event Horizon Telescope  2022.5

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  • Astronomers Capture First Image of a Black Hole Internet

    The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration 世界6箇所同時記者会見登壇(台北)  2019.4

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