Graduate School of Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology Assistant Professor
Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Assistant Professor
Updated on 2025/02/16
Niigata University Environmental Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, Academic Assembly Assistant Professor
Niigata University Environmental Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science and Technology Assistant Professor
Niigata University Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture Assistant Professor
Importance of the interplay between land cover and topography in modeling habitat selection Reviewed
Haruki Natsukawa, Hiroki Yuasa, Masao Fujisaki, Takayuki Kobayashi, Hiroyoshi Maruyama, Katsuji Masukawa, Kouichi Nunokawa, Hitoshi Saito, Ginichi Sato, Luke J. Sutton, Makoto Takahashi, Takeshi Toba, Sumio Washizawa, Masafumi Yanagawa, Kunihiro Yoshida, Fabrizio Sergio
Ecological Indicators 169 112896 2024.12
Utilizing a top predator to prioritize site protection for biodiversity conservation Reviewed
Haruki Natsukawa, Hiroki Yuasa, Luke J. Sutton, Hiroo Amano, Masaru Haga, Hiroo Itaya, Hiroshi Kawashima, Shizuko Komuro, Takeo Konno, Kaname Mori, Michiyuki Onagi, Tomohiro Ichinose, Fabrizio Sergio
Journal of Environmental Management 347 119110 2023.12
Top predators as biodiversity indicators: A meta‐analysis Reviewed
Haruki Natsukawa, Fabrizio Sergio
Ecology Letters 25 2062 - 2075 2022.9
Immigration hides the decline caused by an anthropogenic trap and drives the spectacular increase of a mobile predator Reviewed
Haruki Natsukawa, Giacomo Tavecchia, Óscar Frías, Fabrizio Sergio, Fernando Hiraldo, Guillermo Blanco
Oecologia 207 15 2025.1
Breeding habitat selection of the Daurian Redstart Phoenicurus auroreus at the nest and territory scale Reviewed
Hanaka Ishii, Masanori Yamaji, Haruki Natsukawa, Tomohiro Ichinose
Ornithological Science 21 227 - 234 2022.7
Raptor breeding sites indicate high plant biodiversity in urban ecosystems Reviewed
Haruki Natsukawa, Hiroki Yuasa, Shizuko Komuro, Fabrizio Sergio
Scientific Reports 11 21139 2021.10
Raptor breeding sites indicate high taxonomic and functional diversities of wintering birds in urban ecosystems Reviewed
Haruki Natsukawa
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 60 127066 2021.5
Raptor breeding sites as a surrogate for conserving high avian taxonomic richness and functional diversity in urban ecosystems Reviewed
Haruki Natsukawa
Ecological Indicators 119 106874 2020.12
Use of tail feather traits to determine sex of adult Grey-faced Buzzards (Butastur indicus) Reviewed
Masaki Horita, Tatsuya Imamori, Haruki Natsukawa, Jun Nonaka
Journal of Raptor Research 54 311 - 315 2020.10
Forest cover and open land drive the distribution and dynamics of the breeding sites for urban-dwelling Northern Goshawks Reviewed
Haruki Natsukawa, Kaname Mori, Shizuko Komuro, Takashi Shiokawa, Jun Umetsu, Nobuo Wakita
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 53 126732 2020.5
Environmental factors affecting the reproductive rate of urban Northern Goshawks Reviewed
Haruki Natsukawa, Kaname Mori, Shizuko Komuro, Takashi Shiokawa, Jun Umetsu, Tomohiro Ichinose
Journal of Raptor Research 53 377 - 386 2019.11
Factors affecting breeding-site selection of Northern Goshawks at two spatial scales in urbanized areas Reviewed
Haruki Natsukawa, Tomohiro Ichinose, Hiroyoshi Higuchi
Journal of Raptor Research 51 417 - 427 2017.12
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