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カネタ クニオ
金田 邦雄
教育研究院 人文社会科学系 教育学系列 助教
教育学部 助教


  • 博士(理学) ( 2013年3月   大阪大学 )

  • 修士(理学) ( 2010年3月   信州大学 )

  • 学士(理学) ( 2008年3月   信州大学 )


  • 宇宙論

  • インフレーション

  • 素粒子論

  • 暗黒物質


  • 自然科学一般 / 素粒子、原子核、宇宙線、宇宙物理にする理論


  • 新潟大学   教育研究院 人文社会科学系 教育学系列   助教

    2024年4月 - 現在

  • 新潟大学   教育学部   助教

    2024年4月 - 現在


  • 日本物理学会

    2009年11月 - 現在




  • Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson production from inflaton coupling during reheating

    Kunio Kaneta, Sung Mook Lee, Kin-ya Oda, Tomo Takahashi

    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics   2024年11月



    DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/11/058


  • Parametrically amplified super-radiance towards hot big bang universe

    Motohiko Yoshimura, Kunio Kaneta, Kin-ya Oda

    Physics Letters B   2024年11月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.139133


  • Accelerating universe at early and late times in extended Jordan-Brans-Dicke gravity

    Kunio Kaneta, Kin-ya Oda, Motohiko Yoshimura

    Physical Review D   2024年8月



    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.110.043518


  • Non-gravitational signals of dark energy under a gauge symmetry

    Kunio Kaneta, Hye-Sung Lee, Jiheon Lee, Jaeok Yi

    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics   2023年12月



    We investigate non-gravitational signals of dark energy within the framework
    of gauge symmetry in the dark energy sector. Traditionally, dark energy has
    been primarily studied through gravitational effects within general relativity
    or its extensions. On the other hand, the gauge principles have played a
    central role in the standard model sector and dark matter sector. If the dark
    energy field operates under a gauge symmetry, it introduces the possibility of
    studying all major components of the present universe under the same gauge
    principle. This approach marks a significant shift from conventional
    methodologies, offering a new avenue to explore dark energy.

    DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/03/048



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2312.09717v1

  • The Role of Vectors in Reheating

    Marcos A. G. Garcia, Kunio Kaneta, Wenqi Ke, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive, Sarunas Verner

    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics   2023年11月



    We explore various aspects concerning the role of vector bosons during the
    reheating process. Generally, reheating occurs during the period of
    oscillations of the inflaton condensate and the evolution of the radiation bath
    depends on the inflaton equation of state. For oscillations about a quadratic
    minimum, the equation of state parameter, $w = p/\rho =0$, and the evolution of
    the temperature, $T(a)$ with respect to the scale factor is independent of the
    spin of the inflaton decay products. However, for cases when $w>0$, there is a
    dependence on the spin, and here we consider the evolution when the inflaton
    decays or scatters to vector bosons. We also investigate the gravitational
    production of vector bosons as potential dark matter candidates. Gravitational
    production predominantly occurs through the longitudinal mode. We compare these
    results to the gravitational production of scalars.

    DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/06/014



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.14794v1

  • Gravitational Waves from Particle Decays during Reheating

    Shinya Kanemura, Kunio Kaneta

    Physics Letters B   2023年10月



    Gravitational waves have become an irreplaceable tool for exploring the
    post-inflationary universe. Their cosmological and astrophysical origins have
    been attracting numerous attention. In this Letter, we point out a novel source
    of ultra-high frequency gravitational waves: the decay of particles produced
    during the reheating era. We highlight the decay of the Higgs boson as a
    representative case, showing how it yields a testable gravitational wave
    spectrum by future observations.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138807



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2310.12023v1

  • Gravitational Production of Spin-3/2 Particles During Reheating

    Kunio Kaneta, Wenqi Ke, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive, Sarunas Verner

    Physical Review D   2023年9月



    We compute the density of a spin-$\frac32$ particle, the raritron, produced
    at the end of inflation due to gravitational interactions. We consider a
    background inflaton condensate as the source of this production, mediated by
    the exchange of a graviton. This production greatly exceeds the gravitational
    production from the emergent thermal bath during reheating. The relic abundance
    limit sets an absolute minimum mass for a stable raritron, though there are
    also model dependent constraints imposed by unitarity. We also examine the case
    of gravitational production of a gravitino, taking into account the goldstino
    evolution during reheating. We compare these results with conventional
    gravitino production mechanisms.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.115027



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.15146v1

  • Gravitational and dark wave emission at binary merger

    Kunio Kaneta, Kin-ya Oda, Motohiko Yoshimura



    The recently proposed formalism of extended Jordan-Brans-Dicke gravity makes
    it possible to calculate energy loss rate due to both gravitational wave and
    scalar field (giving the origin of dark energy) wave emission at merger of a
    black hole and a neutron star; a binary system of no scalar hair and a star
    with the scalar charge. The scalar field emission changes orbit parameters of
    the binary system, thereby changes detectable gravitational wave emission. When
    neutron stars carry significantly large scalar charge, significant dark wave
    (namely, scalar field wave) emission occurs at the same time of gravitational
    wave emission. It is found that solutions of coupled differential equations
    predict non-vanishing remnant dark charge after the gravitational collapse.
    This gives two interesting possibilities: (1) the no-hair conjecture of black
    hole is violated, or (2) a bosonic cloud is formed outside the event horizon of
    black hole. The bosonic cloud proposed in the literature is a gigantic atom
    made of gravitationally bound dark energy quanta surrounding a black hole. One
    can either constrain, or even determine, parameters of extended
    Jordan-Brans-Dicke gravity from accumulated gravitational wave observations of
    merging black hole and neutron star.



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.07592v1

  • Misalignment mechanism for a mass-varying vector boson

    Kunio Kaneta, Hye-Sung Lee, Jiheon Lee, Jaeok Yi



    A coherent field over the entire universe is an attractive picture in
    studying the dark sector of the universe. The misalignment mechanism, which
    relies on inflation to achieve homogeneousness of the field, is a popular
    mechanism for producing such a coherent dark matter. Nevertheless, unlike a
    scalar field case, a vector boson field suffers because its energy density is
    exponentially suppressed by the scale factor during the cosmic expansion. We
    show that if the vector field gets a mass from a scalar field, whose value
    increases by orders of magnitude, the suppression can be compensated, and the
    misalignment can produce the coherent vector boson that has a sizable amount of
    energy density in the present universe. Quintessence can be such a scalar



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.01291v1

  • Non-thermal Higgs Spectrum in Reheating Epoch: Primordial Condensate vs. Stochastic Fluctuation

    Kunio Kaneta, Kin-ya Oda



    Since electroweak symmetry is generally broken during inflation, the Standard
    Model Higgs field can become supermassive even after the end of inflation. In
    this paper, we study the non-thermal phase space distribution of the Higgs
    field during reheating, focusing in particular on two different contributions:
    primordial condensate and stochastic fluctuations. We obtain their analytic
    formulae, which agree with the previous numerical result. As a possible
    consequence of the non-thermal Higgs spectrum, we discuss perturbative Higgs
    decay during reheating for the case it is kinematically allowed. We find that
    the soft-relativistic and hard spectra are dominant in the decay rate of the
    stochastic fluctuation and that the primordial condensate and stochastic
    fluctuations decay almost at the same time.



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.12578v1

  • Constraints on extended Jordan-Brans-Dicke gravity

    Kunio Kaneta, Kin-ya Oda, Motohiko Yoshimura



    Cosmological analysis of extended Jordan-Brans-Dicke (eJBD) gravity is
    presented in the Einstein metric frame in which gravitational interaction is
    readily understandable. Our formulation is the first systematic investigation
    of how to introduce lagrangian of standard particle physics in eJBD framework
    consistently with the general principle of spontaneously broken gauge symmetry,
    which makes it possible to confront eJBD-based cosmology with observational and
    laboratory bounds on time variation of parameters, masses, and coupling
    constants, caused by time evolution of eJBD fields. Decomposition of standard
    particle physics lagrangian into independent gauge invariant pieces is proposed
    to avoid serious conflict that may arise from standard lagrangian transformed
    from the Jordan frame. Independent conformal factors are assigned to each of
    five gauge invariant pieces. The formulation is most unambiguously made
    possible by defining fields having canonical kinetic terms that allow us to use
    the canonical quantization rule of field theory. This construction gives as one
    of its consequences the canonical eJBD field $\chi$ that couples to the
    universal fermion current, a linear combination of baryon and lepton number
    currents, $\partial_{\mu} \chi (\frac{1}{3} j_B^{\mu} + j_L^{\mu})$, in
    addition to the conventional trace of the energy-momentum tensor. Field
    equation of eJBD field along with gravitational equation is analyzed by using a
    simplified polynomial class of potential and conformal functions, giving time
    evolution of radiation, matter and dark energy densities consistent with
    observations when an appropriate set of model parameters are used. Finite
    temperature corrections are further calculated to give temperature dependent
    terms in eJBD field potential.



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.08656v1

  • Quantifying Limits on CP Violating Phases from EDMs in Supersymmetry

    Kunio Kaneta, Natsumi Nagata, Keith A. Olive, Maxim Pospelov, Liliana Velasco-Sevilla

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2023年3月



    We revisit the calculation of the electron, neutron, and proton electric
    dipole moments (EDMs) in the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model
    (CMSSM). The relatively large mass of the Higgs boson, $m_H \simeq 125$ GeV
    coupled with the (as yet) lack of discovery of any supersymmetric particle at
    the LHC, has pushed the supersymmetry breaking scale to several TeV or higher.
    Though one might expect this decoupling to have relaxed completely any bounds
    on the two CP violating phases in the CMSSM ($\theta_\mu$ and $\theta_A$), the
    impressive experimental improvements in the limits on the EDMs (particularly
    the electron EDM) still allow us to set constraints of order $(0.01 - 0.1)\pi$
    on $\theta_A$ and $(0.001 - 0.1)\pi$ on $\theta_\mu$. We also discuss the
    impact of future improvements in the experimental limits on supersymmetric

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2023)250



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.02822v1

  • Measuring lepton flavor violation at the LHC

    K. Asai, J. Fujimoto, K. Kaneta, Y. Kurihara, S. Tsuno

    Physical Review D   2022年10月



    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.075014


  • Anomalous and axial Z' contributions to g-2

    Pascal Anastasopoulos, Kunio Kaneta, Elias Kiritsis, Yann Mambrini



    We study the effects of an anomalous Z' boson on the anomalous magnetic
    moment of the muon (g-2), and especially the impact of its axial coupling. We
    mainly evaluate the negative contribution to (g-2) of such couplings at
    one-loop and look at the anomalous couplings generated at two loops. We find
    areas of the parameter space, where the anomalous contribution becomes
    comparable and even dominant compared to the one-loop contribution. We show
    that in such cases, the cutoff of the theory is sufficiently low, so that new
    charged fermions can be found in the next round of collider experiments. We
    comment on the realization of such a context in string theory orientifolds.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2023)051



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.12947v2

  • Gauged Quintessence

    Kunio Kaneta, Hye-Sung Lee, Jiheon Lee, Jaeok Yi



    Despite its dominance in the present universe's energy budget, dark energy is
    the least understood component in the universe. Although there is a popular
    model for the dynamical dark energy, the quintessence scalar, the investigation
    is limited because of its highly elusive character. We present a model where
    the quintessence is gauged by an Abelian gauge symmetry. The quintessence is
    promoted to be a complex scalar whose real part is the dark energy field while
    the imaginary part is the longitudinal component of a new gauge boson. It
    brings interesting characters to dark energy physics. We study the general
    features of the model, including how the quintessence behavior is affected and
    how the solicited dark energy properties constrain its gauge interaction. We
    also note that while the uncoupled quintessence models are suffered greatly
    from the Hubble tension, it can be alleviated if the quintessence is under the
    gauge symmetry.

    DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2023/02/005



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2208.09229v3

  • Boltzmann or Bogoliubov? Approaches Compared in Gravitational Particle Production

    Kunio Kaneta, Sung Mook Lee, Kin-ya Oda



    Gravitational particle production is a minimal contribution to reheating the
    Universe after the end of inflation. To study this production channel, two
    different approaches have commonly been considered, one of which is based on
    the Boltzmann equation, and the other is based on the Bogoliubov
    transformation. Each of these has pros and cons in practice. The collision term
    in the Boltzmann equation can be computed based on quantum field theory in the
    Minkowski spacetime, and thus many techniques have been developed so far. On
    the other hand, the Bogoliubov approach may deal with the particle production
    beyond the perturbation theory and is able to take into account the effect of
    the curved spacetime, whereas in many cases one should rely on numerical
    methods, such as lattice computation. We show by explicit numerical and
    analytical computations of the purely gravitational production of a scalar that
    these two approaches give consistent results for particle production with large
    momenta during reheating, whereas the Boltzmann approach is not capable of
    computing particle production out of vacuum during inflation. We also provide
    analytic approximations of the spectrum of produced scalar with/without mass
    for the low momentum regime obtained from the Bogoliubov approach.

    DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2022/09/018



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.10929v2

  • Freeze-in from Preheating

    Marcos A. G. Garcia, Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive, Sarunas Verner



    We consider the production of dark matter during the process of reheating
    after inflation. The relic density of dark matter from freeze-in depends on
    both the energy density and energy distribution of the inflaton scattering or
    decay products composing the radiation bath. We compare the perturbative and
    non-perturbative calculations of the energy density in radiation. We also
    consider the (likely) possibility that the final state scalar products are
    unstable. Assuming either thermal or non-thermal energy distribution functions,
    we compare the resulting relic density based on these different approaches. We
    show that the present-day cold dark matter density can be obtained through
    freeze-in from preheating for a large range of dark matter masses.

    DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2022/03/016



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2109.13280v1

  • Conformal Portal to Dark Matter

    Kunio Kaneta, Pyungwon Ko, Wan-Il Park

    Physical Review D   104 ( 7 )   2021年6月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

    We propose a new portal coupling to dark matter by taking advantage of the
    nonminimally coupled portal sector to the Ricci scalar. Such a portal sector
    conformally induces couplings to the trace of the energy-momentum tensor of
    matters including highly secluded dark matter particles. The portal coupling is
    so feeble that dark matter is produced by freeze-in processes of scatterings
    and/or the decay of the mediator. We consider two concrete realizations of the
    portal: conformally induced Higgs portal and conformally induced mediator
    portal. The former case is compatible with the Higgs inflation, while the
    latter case can be tested by dark matter direct detection experiments.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.075018



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.01923v2

  • Metastable Conformal Dark Matter

    Philippe Brax, Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini, Mathias Pierre

    Physical Review D   103 ( 11 )   2021年3月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

    We show that a metastable dark matter candidate arises naturally from the
    conformal transformation between the Einstein metric, where gravitons are
    normalised states, and the Jordan metric dictating the coupling between gravity
    and matter. Despite being secluded from the Standard Model by a large scale
    above which the Jordan metric shows modifications to the Einstein frame metric,
    dark matter couples to the energy momentum tensor of the Higgs field in the
    primordial plasma primarily. This allows for the production of dark matter in a
    sufficient amount which complies with observations. The seclusion of dark
    matter makes it long-lived for masses $\lesssim 1$ MeV, with a lifetime much
    above the age of the Universe and the present experimental limits. Such a dark
    matter scenario has clear monochromatic signatures generated by the decay of
    the dark matter candidate into neutrino and/or $\gamma-$rays.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.115016



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.02615v2

  • Inflaton Oscillations and Post-Inflationary Reheating

    Marcos A. G. Garcia, Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive



    We analyze in detail the perturbative decay of the inflaton oscillating about
    a generic form of its potential $V(\phi) = \phi^k$, taking into account the
    effects of non-instantaneous reheating. We show that evolution of the
    temperature as a function of the cosmological scale factor depends on the spin
    statistics of the final state decay products when $k > 2$. We also include the
    inflaton-induced mass of the final states leading to either kinematic
    suppression or enhancement if the final states are fermionic or bosonic
    respectively. We compute the maximum temperature reached after inflation, the
    subsequent evolution of the temperature and the final reheat temperature. We
    apply our results to the computation of the dark matter abundance through
    thermal scattering during reheating. We also provide an example based on
    supersymmetry for the coupling of the inflaton to matter.

    DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2021/04/012



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.10756v2

  • Disformal Dark Matter

    Philippe Brax, Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini, Mathias Pierre

    Physical Review D   103 ( 1 )   2020年11月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

    We generalize dark matter production to a two-metric framework whereby the
    physical metric, which couples to the Standard Model (SM), is conformally
    and/or disformally related to the metric governing the gravitational dynamics.
    We show that this setup is naturally present in many Ultra Violet (UV)
    constructions, from K\"ahler moduli fields to tensor-portal models, and from
    emergent gravity to supergravity models. In this setting we study dark matter
    production in the early Universe resulting from both scatterings off the
    thermal bath and the radiative decay of the inflaton. We also take into account
    non-instantaneous reheating effects at the end of inflation. In this context,
    dark matter emerges from the production of the scalar field mediating the
    conformal/disformal interactions with the SM, i.e. realising a Feebly
    Interacting Matter Particle (FIMP) scenario where the suppression scale of the
    interaction between the scalar and the SM can be taken almost as high as the
    Planck scale in the deep UV.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.015028



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.11647v1

  • Energy-Momentum portal to dark matter and emergent gravity

    Pascal Anastasopoulos, Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini, Mathias Pierre

    Physical Review D   102 ( 5 )   2020年7月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

    We propose a new scenario where dark matter belongs to a secluded sector
    coupled to the Standard Model through energy--momentum tensors. Our model is
    motivated by constructions where gravity {\it emerges} from a hidden sector,
    the graviton being identified by the kinetic term of the fields in the secluded
    sector. Supposing that the lighter particle of the secluded sector is the dark
    component of the Universe, we show that we can produce it in a sufficiently
    large amount despite the suppressed couplings of the theory, thanks to large
    temperatures of the thermal bath in the early stage of the Universe.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.055019



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.06534v2

  • Pair production of dark particles in meson decays

    Matheus Hostert, Kunio Kaneta, Maxim Pospelov

    Physical Review D   102 ( 5 )   2020年5月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

    Rare decays of $K$ and $B$ mesons provide a powerful probe of dark sectors
    with light new particles. We show that the pair production of $O(100\,{\rm
    MeV})$ dark states can be probed with the decays of $K_L$ mesons, owing to the
    enhanced two-body kinematics, $K_L\to X_1X_2$ or $X_2X_2$. If either or these
    two particles is unstable, e.g. $X_2\to X_1\pi^0$, $X_2\to X_1\gamma$ or
    $X_{1,2}\to \gamma\gamma$, such decays could easily mimic $K_L\to \pi^0
    \nu\overline{\nu}$ signatures, while not being ruled out by the decays of
    charged kaons. We construct explicit models that have enhanced $K_L$ decay
    signatures, and are constrained by the results of the KOTO experiment. We note
    that recently reported excess events can also be accommodated while satisfying
    all other constraints ($B$ decays, colliders, beam dumps). These models are
    based on the extensions of the gauge and/or scalar sector of the theory. The
    lightest of $X_{1,2}$ particles, if stable, could constitute the entirety of
    dark matter.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.055016



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.07102v2

  • Reheating and Post-inflationary Production of Dark Matter

    Marcos A. G. Garcia, Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive



    We perform a systematic analysis of dark matter production during
    post-inflationary reheating. Following the period of exponential expansion, the
    inflaton begins a period of damped oscillations as it decays. These
    oscillations and the evolution of temperature of the thermalized decay products
    depend on the shape of the inflaton potential $V(\Phi)$. We consider potentials
    of the form $\Phi^k$. Standard matter-dominated oscillations occur for $k=2$.
    In general, the production of dark matter may depend on either (or both) the
    maximum temperature after inflation, or the reheating temperature, where the
    latter is defined when the Universe becomes radiation dominated. We show that
    dark matter production is sensitive to the inflaton potential and depends
    heavily on the maximum temperature when $k>2$. We also consider the production
    of dark matter with masses larger than the reheating temperature.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.123507



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.08404v2

  • Inflation and Leptogenesis in High-Scale Supersymmetry

    Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive, Sarunas Verner

    Physical Review D   101 ( 1 )   2019年11月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

    No-scale supergravity provides a successful framework for Starobinsky-like
    inflation models. Two classes of models can be distinguished depending on the
    identification of the inflaton with the volume modulus, $T$ (C-models), or a
    matter-like field, $\phi$ (WZ-models). When supersymmetry is broken, the
    inflationary potential may be perturbed, placing restrictions on the form and
    scale of the supersymmetry breaking sector. We consider both types of
    inflationary models in the context of high-scale supersymmetry. We further
    distinguish between models in which the gravitino mass is below and above the
    inflationary scale. We examine the mass spectra of the inflationary sector. We
    also consider in detail mechanisms for leptogenesis for each model when a
    right-handed neutrino sector, used in the seesaw mechanism to generate neutrino
    masses, is employed. In the case of C-models, reheating occurs via inflaton
    decay to two Higgs bosons. However, there is a direct decay channel to the
    lightest right-handed neutrino which leads to non-thermal leptogenesis. In the
    case of WZ-models, in order to achieve reheating, we associate the matter-like
    inflaton with one of the right-handed sneutrinos whose decay to the lightest
    right handed neutrino simultaneously reheats the Universe and generates the
    baryon asymmetry through leptogenesis.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.015002



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.02463v1

  • Limits on $R$-parity Violation in High Scale Supersymmetry

    Emilian Dudas, Tony Gherghetta, Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive

    Physical Review D   100 ( 3 )   2019年5月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

    We revisit the limits on $R$-parity violation in the minimal supersymmetric
    standard model. In particular, we focus on the high-scale supersymmetry
    scenario in which all the sparticles are in excess of the inflationary scale of
    approximately $10^{13}$ GeV, and thus no sparticles ever come into thermal
    equilibrium. In this case the cosmological limits, stemming from the
    preservation of the baryon asymmetry that have been previously applied for weak
    scale supersymmetry, are now relaxed. We argue that even when sparticles are
    never in equilibrium, $R$-parity violation is still constrained via higher
    dimensional operators by neutrino and nucleon experiments and/or insisting on
    the preservation of a non-zero $B-L$ asymmetry.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.035004




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.09243v1

  • Radiative Production of Non-thermal Dark Matter

    Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive

    Physical Review D   99 ( 6 )   2019年1月



    We compare dark matter production from the thermal bath in the early universe
    with its direct production through the decay of the inflaton. We show that even
    if dark matter does not possess a direct coupling with the inflaton, Standard
    Model loop processes may be sufficient to generate the correct relic abundance.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.063508




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.04449v1

  • Hillclimbing inflation in metric and Palatini formulations

    Ryusuke Jinno, Kunio Kaneta, Kin-ya Oda, Seong Chan Park

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics   791   2018年12月



    A new setup of cosmic inflation with a periodic inflaton potential and
    conformal factor is discussed in the metric and Palatini formulations of
    gravity. As a concrete example, we focus on a natural-inflation-like inflaton
    potential, and show that the inflationary predictions fall into the allowed
    region of cosmic microwave background observations in both formulations.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.03.012




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.11077v2

  • New Weak-Scale Physics from SO(10) with High-Scale Supersymmetry

    Sebastian A. R. Ellis, Tony Gherghetta, Kunio Kaneta, Keith A. Olive

    Physical Review D   98 ( 5 )   2018年7月



    Gauge coupling unification and the stability of the Higgs vacuum are among
    two of the cherished features of low-energy supersymmetric models. Putting
    aside questions of naturalness, supersymmetry might only be realised in nature
    at very high energy scales. If this is the case, the preservation of gauge
    coupling unification and the stability of the Higgs vacuum would certainly
    require new physics, but it need not necessarily be at weak scale energies. New
    physics near the unification scale could in principle ensure Grand Unification,
    while new physics below $\mu \sim 10^{10}$ GeV could ensure the stability of
    the Higgs vacuum. Surprisingly however, we find that in the context of a
    supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Theory, gauge coupling unification and the
    Higgs vacuum stability, when taken in conjunction with existing
    phenomenological constraints, require the presence of $\mathcal{O}$(TeV)-scale
    physics. This weak-scale physics takes the form of a complex scalar SU(2)$_L$
    triplet with zero hypercharge, originating from the $\mathbf{210}$ of SO(10).

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.055009




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.06488v1

  • Gravitino Decay in High Scale Supersymmetry with R-parity Violation

    Emilian Dudas, Tony Gherghetta, Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive

    Physical Review D   98 ( 1 )   2018年5月



    We consider the effects of R-parity violation due to the inclusion of a
    bilinear $\mu^\prime L H_u$ superpotential term in high scale supersymmetric
    models with an EeV scale gravitino as dark matter. Although the typical
    phenomenological limits on this coupling (e.g. due to lepton number violation
    and the preservation of the baryon asymmetry) are relaxed when the
    supersymmetric mass spectrum is assumed to be heavy (in excess of the
    inflationary scale of $3 \times 10^{13}$ GeV), the requirement that the
    gravitino be sufficiently long-lived so as to account for the observed dark
    matter density, leads to a relatively strong bound on $\mu^\prime \lesssim 20$
    GeV. The dominant decay channels for the longitudinal component of the
    gravitino are $Z \nu, W^\pm l^\mp$, and $h\nu$. To avoid an excess neutrino
    signal in IceCube, our limit on $\mu'$ is then strengthened to $\mu' \lesssim
    50$ keV. When the bound is saturated, we find that there is a potentially
    detectable flux of mono-chromatic neutrinos with EeV energies.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.015030




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.07342v1

  • Self-interacting dark matter and muon $g-2$ in a gauged U$(1)_{L_μ - L_τ}$ model

    Ayuki Kamada, Kunio Kaneta, Keisuke Yanagi, Hai-Bo Yu

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2018 ( 6 )   2018年5月



    We construct a self-interacting dark matter model that could simultaneously
    explain the observed muon anomalous magnetic moment. It is based on a gauged
    U$(1)_{L_{\mu} - L_{\tau } }$ extension of the standard model, where we introduce
    a vector-like pair of fermions as the dark matter candidate and a new Higgs
    boson to break the symmetry. The new gauge boson has a sizable contribution to
    muon $(g-2)$, while being consistent with other experimental constraints. The
    U$(1)_{L_{\mu} - L_{\tau } }$ Higgs boson acts as a light force carrier,
    mediating dark matter self-interactions with a velocity-dependent cross
    section. It is large enough in galaxies to thermalize the inner halo and
    explain the diverse rotation curves and diminishes towards galaxy clusters.
    Since the light mediator dominantly decays to the U$(1)_{L_{\mu} - L_{\tau } }$
    gauge boson and neutrinos, the astrophysical and cosmological constraints are
    weak. We study the thermal evolution of the model in the early Universe and
    derive a lower bound on the gauge boson mass.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2018)117




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.00651v2

  • Very low scale Coleman-Weinberg inflation with non-minimal coupling

    Kunio Kaneta, Osamu Seto, Ryo Takahashi

    Physical Review D   97 ( 6 )   2017年8月



    We study viable small-field Coleman-Weinberg (CW) inflation models with the
    help of non-minimal coupling to gravity. The simplest small-field CW inflation
    model (with a low-scale potential minimum) is incompatible with the
    cosmological constraint on the scalar spectral index. However, there are
    possibilities to make the model realistic. First, we revisit the CW inflation
    model supplemented with a linear potential term. We next consider the CW
    inflation model with a logarithmic non-minimal coupling and illustrate that the
    model can open a new viable parameter space that includes the model with a
    linear potential term. We also show parameter spaces where the Hubble scale
    during the inflation can be as small as $10^{-4} $ GeV, $1$ GeV, $10^4 $ GeV,
    and $10^8$ GeV for the number of $e$-folds of $40,~45,~50$, and $55$,
    respectively, with other cosmological constraints being satisfied.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.063004




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.06455v2

  • Hillclimbing Higgs inflation

    Ryusuke Jinno, Kunio Kaneta, Kin-ya Oda

    Physical Review D   97 ( 2 )   2017年5月



    We propose a realization of cosmic inflation with the Higgs field when the
    Higgs potential has degenerate vacua by employing the recently proposed idea of
    hillclimbing inflation. The resultant inflationary predictions exhibit a
    sizable deviation from those of the ordinary Higgs inflation.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.023523




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1705.03696v2

  • Dark photon relic dark matter production through the dark axion portal

    Kunio Kaneta, Hye-Sung Lee, Seokhoon Yun

    Physical Review D   95 ( 11 )   2017年4月



    We present a new mechanism to produce the dark photon ($\gamma'$) in the
    early universe with a help of the axion ($a$) using a recently proposed dark
    axion portal. The dark photon, a light gauge boson in the dark sector, can be a
    relic dark matter if its lifetime is long enough. The main process we consider
    is a variant of the Primakoff process $f a \to f \gamma'$ mediated by a photon,
    which is possible with the axion--photon--dark photon coupling. The axion is
    thermalized in the early universe because of the strong interaction and it can
    contribute to the non-thermal dark photon production through the dark axion
    portal coupling. It provides a two-component dark matter sector, and the relic
    density deficit issue of the axion dark matter can be addressed by the
    compensation with the dark photon. The dark photon dark matter can also address
    the reported 3.5 keV $X$-ray excess via the $\gamma' \to \gamma a$ decay.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.115032




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.07542v2

  • Hillclimbing inflation

    Ryusuke Jinno, Kunio Kaneta

    Physical Review D   96 ( 4 )   2017年3月



    We propose a new class of inflationary models in which inflation takes place
    while the inflaton is climbing up a potential hill due to a coupling to
    gravity. We study their attractor behavior, and investigate its relation with
    known attractors. We also discuss a possible realization of this type of models
    with the natural inflation, and show that the inflationary predictions come
    well within the region consistent with the observation of the cosmic microwave

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.96.043518




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.09020v3

  • Sterile neutrino dark matter from right-handed neutrino oscillations

    Kenji Kadota, Kunio Kaneta

    Physical Review D   97 ( 11 )   2017年2月



    We study a scenario where sterile neutrino (either warm or cold) dark matter
    (DM) is produced through (nonresonant) oscillations among right-handed
    neutrinos (RHNs) and can constitute the whole DM in the Universe, in contrast
    to the conventional sterile neutrino production through its mixing with the
    left-handed neutrinos. The lightest RHN can be sterile neutrino DM whose mixing
    with left-handed neutrinos is sufficiently small while heavier RHNs can have
    non-negligible mixings with left-handed neutrinos to explain the neutrino
    masses by the seesaw mechanism. We also demonstrate that, in our scenario, the
    production of sterile RHN DM from the decay of a heavier RHN is subdominant
    compared with the RHN oscillation production due to the X-ray and small-scale
    structure constraints.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.115021




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1702.04526v2

  • Portal Connecting Dark Photons and Axions

    Kunio Kaneta, Hye-Sung Lee, Seokhoon Yun

    Physical Review Letters   118 ( 10 )   2016年11月



    The dark photon and the axion (or axion-like particle) are popular light
    particles of the hidden sector. Each of them has been actively searched for
    through the couplings called the vector portal and the axion portal. We
    introduce a new portal connecting the dark photon and the axion
    (axion--photon--dark photon, axion--dark photon--dark photon), which emerges in
    the presence of the two particles. This dark axion portal is genuinely new
    couplings, not just from a product of the vector portal and the axion portal,
    because of the internal structure of these couplings. We present a simple model
    that realizes the dark axion portal and discuss why it warrants a rich

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.101802




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.01466v3

  • Right-handed neutrino dark matter under the B-L gauge interaction

    Kunio Kaneta, Zhaofeng Kang, Hye-Sung Lee

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2017 ( 2 )   2016年6月



    We study the right-handed neutrino (RHN) dark matter candidate in the minimal
    U(1)_{B-L} gauge extension of the standard model. The U(1)_{B-L} gauge symmetry
    offers three RHNs which can address the origin of the neutrino mass, the relic
    dark matter, and the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. The lightest
    among the three is taken as the dark matter candidate, which is under the B-L
    gauge interaction. We investigate various scenarios for this dark matter
    candidate with the correct relic density by means of the freeze-out or
    freeze-in mechanism. A viable RHN dark matter mass lies in a wide range
    including keV to TeV scale. We emphasize the sub-electroweak scale light B-L
    gauge boson case, and identify the parameter region motivated from the dark
    matter physics, which can be tested with the planned experiments including the
    CERN SHiP experiment.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2017)031




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.09317v3

  • Thermal Relic Dark Matter Beyond the Unitarity Limit

    Keisuke Harigaya, Masahiro Ibe, Kunio Kaneta, Wakutaka Nakano, Motoo Suzuki

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2016 ( 8 )   2016年6月



    We discuss a simple model of thermal relic dark matter whose mass can be much
    larger than the so-called unitarity limit on the mass of point-like particle
    dark matter. The model consists of new strong dynamics with one flavor of
    fermions in the fundamental representation which is much heavier than the
    dynamical scale of the new strong dynamics. Dark matter is identified with the
    lightest baryonic hadron of the new dynamics. The baryonic hadrons annihilate
    into the mesonic hadrons of the new strong dynamics when they have large radii.
    Resultantly, thermal relic dark matter with a mass in the PeV range is

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP08(2016)151




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.00159v1

  • Single and double production of the Higgs boson at hadron and lepton colliders in minimal composite Higgs models

    Shinya Kanemura, Kunio Kaneta, Naoki Machida, Shinya Odori, Tetsuo Shindou

    Physical Review D   94 ( 1 )   2016年3月



    In the composite Higgs models, originally proposed by Georgi and Kaplan, the
    Higgs boson is a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson (pNGB) of spontaneous breaking of
    a global symmetry. In the minimal version of such models, global SO(5) symmetry
    is spontaneously broken to SO(4), and the pNGBs form an isospin doublet field,
    which corresponds to the Higgs doublet in the Standard Model (SM). Predicted
    coupling constants of the Higgs boson can in general deviate from the SM
    predictions, depending on the compositeness parameter. The deviation pattern is
    determined also by the detail of the matter sector. We comprehensively study
    how the model can be tested via measuring single and double production
    processes of the Higgs boson at LHC and future electron-positron colliders. The
    possibility to distinguish the matter sector among the minimal composite Higgs
    models is also discussed. In addition, we point out differences in the cross
    section of double Higgs boson production from the prediction in other new
    physics models.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.94.015028




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.05588v1

  • Diphoton channel at the LHC experiments to find a hint for a new heavy gauge boson

    Kunio Kaneta, Subeom Kang, Hye-Sung Lee

    International Journal of Modern Physics A   31 ( 27 )   2015年12月



    Recently there has been a huge interest in the diphoton excess around 750 GeV
    reported by both ATLAS and CMS collaborations, although the newest analysis
    with more statistics does not seem to support the excess. Nevertheless, the
    diphoton channel at the LHC experiments are a powerful tool to probe a new
    physics. One of the most natural explanations of a diphoton excess, if it
    occurs, could be a new scalar boson with exotic colored particles. In this
    setup, it would be legitimate to ask what is the role of this new scalar in
    nature. A heavy neutral gauge boson ($Z'$) is one of the traditional targets of
    the discovery at the collider experiments with numerous motivations. While the
    Landau-Yang theorem dictates the diphoton excess cannot be this spin-1 gauge
    boson, there is a strong correlation of a new heavy gauge boson and a new
    scalar boson which provides a mass to the gauge boson being at the same mass
    scale. In this paper, we point out a simple fact that a new scalar with a
    property similar to the recently highlighted 750 GeV would suggest an existence
    of a TeV scale $Z'$ gauge boson that might be within the reach of the LHC Run 2
    experiments. We take a scenario of the well-motivated and popular gauged $B-L$
    symmetry and require the gauge coupling unification to predict the mass and
    other properties of the $Z'$ and illustrate the discovery of the $Z'$ would
    occur during the LHC experiments.

    DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X16501591




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.09129v4

  • Probing composite Higgs models by measuring phase shifts at LHC

    Kunio Kaneta



    Composite Higgs models are an attractive scenario, where the discovered Higgs
    boson is regarded as a Nambu-Goldstone boson associated with spontaneous
    breakdown of a global symmetry of more fundamental theory. This class of models
    predicts violation of perturbative unitarity at high energies, and new
    resonances are expected to appear around TeV scale to maintain the unitarity,
    while a sizable phase shift is predicted in certain scattering amplitude. We
    investigate the new resonance scale from the phase shift by drawing analogies
    with pion physics in QCD. The detectability of the phase shift at LHC and the
    ILC is also discussed. This talk was given in {\it HPNP 2015} at University of
    Toyama and based on the work in collaboration with S.~Kanemura, T.~Shindou and
    N.~Machida (arXiv:1410.8413 [hep-ph]).



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.07966v1

  • Spontaneous thermal Leptogenesis via Majoron oscillation

    Masahiro Ibe, Kunio Kaneta

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   92 ( 3 )   2015年4月



    A novel model of spontaneous Leptogenesis is investigated, where it takes
    place in the thermal equilibrium due to a background Nambu-Goldstone field in
    motion. In particular, we identify the Nambu-Goldstone field to be the Majoron
    which associates with spontaneous breakdown of (discrete) $B-L$ symmetry. In
    this scenario sufficient lepton number asymmetry is generated in primordial
    thermal bath without having $CP$-violating out-of-equilibrium decay of the
    heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos. To obtain the observed baryon asymmetry,
    the neutrino masses are predicted in certain ranges, which can be translated
    into the effective mass of the neutrinoless double beta decay.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.035019




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.04125v2

  • Coupling Unification and Dark Matter in a Standard Model Extension with Adjoint Majorana Fermions

    Tasuku Aizawa, Masahiro Ibe, Kunio Kaneta

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   91 ( 7 )   2014年11月



    We revisit an extension of the Standard Model with Majorana fermions in the
    adjoint representations. There, a precise coupling unification and the good
    candidate for dark matter (the $SU(2)_L$ triplet fermion) are achieved
    simultaneously. In particular, we show that the $SU(3)_c$ octet fermion which
    is required for successful unification can be a good non-thermal source of the
    triplet fermion dark matter. We also show that the scenario predicts a rather
    short lifetime of the proton compared with the supersymmetric Standard Model,
    and the most parameter space can be explored by the future experiments such as
    the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.075012




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1411.6044v1

  • New resonance scale and fingerprint identification in minimal composite Higgs models

    Shinya Kanemura, Kunio Kaneta, Naoki Machida, Tetsuo Shindou

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   91 ( 11 )   2014年10月



    Composite Higgs models are an intriguing scenario in which the Higgs particle
    is identified as a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson associated with spontaneous
    breaking of some global symmetry above the electroweak scale. They would
    predict new resonances at high energy scales, some of which can appear at
    multi-TeV scales. In such a case, analogies with pion physics in QCD that a
    sizable phase shift is predicted in pion-pion scattering processes might help
    us to evaluate scales of the resonances.In this paper, we discuss two
    complementary approaches to investigate the compositeness scale in minimal
    composite Higgs models. First, we discuss the bound on vector boson scattering
    from perturbative unitarity, and we evaluate the phase shift of the scattering
    amplitude, assuming that the same fitting function can be applied as the case
    in the pion physics. We then obtain the relation between possible phase shifts
    and promising new resonance scales. We also investigate the possibility to
    measure the phase shift at LHC and the future hadron colliders. Second, we
    classify deviations in Higgs coupling constants from the standard model
    predictions in various kinds of the minimal composite Higgs models. We then
    discuss a possibility to discriminate a specific minimal composite Higgs model
    from the other models with extended Higgs sectors by utilizing deviation
    patterns in the Higgs boson couplings by future precision measurements.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.115016




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1410.8413v2

  • Gravitational effects on vanishing Higgs potential at the Planck scale

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi, Yuya Yamaguchi

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   91 ( 1 )   2014年8月



    We investigate gravitational effects on the so-called multiple point
    criticality principle (MPCP) at the Planck scale. The MPCP requires two
    degenerate vacua, whose necessary conditions are expressed by vanishing Higgs
    quartic coupling $\lambda(M_{\rm Pl})=0$ and vanishing its $\beta$ function
    $\beta_\lambda(M_{\rm Pl})=0$. We discuss a case that a specific form of
    gravitational corrections are assumed to contribute to $\beta$ functions of
    coupling constants although it is accepted that gravitational corrections do
    not alter the running of the standard model (SM) couplings. To satisfy the
    above two boundary conditions at the Planck scale, we find that the top pole
    mass and the Higgs mass should be $170.8\,{\rm GeV} \lesssim M_t\lesssim
    171.7\,{\rm GeV}$ and $M_h=125.7\pm0.4\,{\rm GeV}$, respectively, as well as
    include suitable magnitude of gravitational effects (a coefficient of
    gravitational contribution as $|a_\lambda| > 2$). In this case, however, since
    the Higgs quartic coupling $\lambda$ becomes negative below the Planck scale,
    two vacua are not degenerate. We find that $M_h \gtrsim 131.5\,{\rm GeV}$ with
    $M_t \gtrsim 174\,{\rm GeV}$ is required by the realization of the MPCP.
    Therefore, the MPCP at the Planck scale cannot be realized in the SM and also
    the SM with gravity since $M_h \gtrsim 131.5\,{\rm GeV}$ is experimentally
    ruled out.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.016004




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1408.5548v2

  • CνB absorption line in the neutrino spectrum at IceCube

    Masahiro Ibe, Kunio Kaneta

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   90 ( 5 )   2014年7月



    The observed neutrino flux can be as a whole well fitted by a simple
    power-law of the neutrino energy $E_\nu$, $E_\nu^{-\gamma_\nu}$ ($\gamma_\nu
    \simeq 2$). As a notable feature of the spectrum, however, it has a gap between
    500 TeV and 1 PeV. Although the existence of the gap in the neutrino spectrum
    is not statistically significant at this point, it is very enticing to ask
    whether it might hint some physics beyond the Standard Model. In this paper, we
    investigate a possibility that the gap can be interpreted as an absorption line
    in the power-law spectrum by the cosmic neutrino background through a new
    resonance in the MeV range. We also show that the absorption line has rich
    information about not only the MeV scale new particle but also the neutrino
    masses as well as the distances to the astrophysical sources of the high energy
    neutrinos. Viable models to achieve this possibility are also discussed.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.053011




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1407.2848v3

  • Vanishing Higgs potential at the Planck scale in a singlet extension of the standard model

    Naoyuki Haba, Hiroyuki Ishida, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   90 ( 3 )   2014年6月



    We discuss the realization of a vanishing effective Higgs potential at the
    Planck scale, which is required by the multiple-point criticality principle
    (MPCP), in the standard model with singlet scalar dark matter and a
    right-handed neutrino. We find the scalar dark matter and the right-handed
    neutrino play crucial roles for realization of the MPCP, where a neutrino
    Yukawa becomes effective above the Majorana mass of the right-handed neutrino.
    Once the top mass is fixed, the MPCP at the (reduced) Planck scale and the
    suitable dark matter relic abundance determine the dark matter mass, $m_S$, and
    the Majorana mass of the right-handed neutrino, $M_R$, as
    $8.5~(8.0)\times10^2~{\rm GeV}\leq m_S\leq1.4~(1.2)\times10^3~{\rm GeV}$ and
    $6.3~(5.5)\times10^{13}~{\rm GeV}\leq M_R\leq1.6~(1.2)\times10^{14}~{\rm GeV}$
    within current experimental values of the Higgs and top masses. This scenario
    is consistent with current dark matter direct search experiments, and will be
    checked by future experiments such as LUX with further exposure and/or the

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.036006




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.0158v4

  • High-Scale SUSY Breaking Models in light of the BICEP2 Result

    Keisuke Harigaya, Masahiro Ibe, Koji Ichikawa, Kunio Kaneta, Shigeki Matsumoto

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2014 ( 7 )   2014年3月



    The large value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio in the cosmic microwave
    background radiation reported by the BICEP2 collaboration gives strong impact
    on models of supersymmetry (SUSY). The large ratio indicates inflation with a
    high-energy scale and thus a high reheating temperature in general, and various
    SUSY models suffer from the serious gravitino and Polonyi problems. In this
    article, we discuss a class of the high-scale SUSY breaking models which are
    completely free from those problems. With especially focusing on the dark
    matter relic abundance, we examine how the BICEP2 result narrows down the
    parameter space of the models, assuming the simplest chaotic inflation model.
    We find that the mass of the dark matter is predicted to be less than about 1
    TeV thanks to the non-thermal production in the early universe through the
    decay of abundant gravitinos produced after the reheating process. We also
    discuss implications in some details to dark matter searches at collider and
    indirect dark matter detection experiments.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP07(2014)093




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1403.5880v1

  • Gaugino coannihilations

    Keisuke Harigaya, Kunio Kaneta, Shigeki Matsumoto

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   89 ( 11 )   2014年3月



    The high-scale supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking scenario is now attracting many
    attentions, because it is consistent with almost all experiments of particle
    physics, astrophysics, and cosmology performed so far: e.g. it is possible to
    explain the Higgs mass of about 126GeV and contains WIMP dark matter
    candidates. In the scenario, gauginos are predicted to be around the TeV scale,
    and thus within a kinematically accessible range of near future experiments.
    Calculation of the thermal relic abundance for gaugino (bino or wino) dark
    matter is then of particular importance in order to clarify its mass consistent
    with cosmology and to determine future directions for exploring the high-scale
    SUSY breaking scenario. In this article, we calculate the abundance of the
    gaugino dark matter, with especially focusing on various coannihilations
    between gauginos, which has not been extensively studied so far. Our
    calculation involves the Sommerfeld effect on wino and gluino annihilations,
    which is known to give significant contributions to their cross sections. Based
    on obtained results, we discuss some implications to gaugino searches at
    collider and indirect detection experiments of dark matter.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.115021




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1403.0715v2

  • Accurate renormalization group analyses in neutrino sector

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi, Yuya Yamaguchi

    Nuclear Physics B   885   2014年2月



    We investigate accurate renormalization group analyses in neutrino sector
    between $\nu$-oscillation and seesaw energy scales. We consider decoupling
    effects of top quark and Higgs boson on the renormalization group equations of
    light neutrino mass matrix. Since the decoupling effects are given in the
    standard model scale and independent of high energy physics, our method can
    basically apply to any models beyond the standard model. We find that the
    decoupling effects of Higgs boson are negligible, while those of top quark are
    not. Particularly, the decoupling effects of top quark affect neutrino mass
    eigenvalues, which are important for analyzing predictions such as mass squared
    differences and neutrinoless double beta decay in an underlying theory existing
    at high energy scale.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2014.05.022




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.4126v2

  • Planck scale boundary conditions in the standard model with singlet scalar dark matter

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2014 ( 4 )   2013年12月



    We investigate Planck scale boundary conditions on the Higgs sector of the
    standard model with a gauge singlet scalar dark matter. We will find that
    vanishing self-coupling and Veltman condition at the Planck scale are realized
    with the 126 GeV Higgs mass and top pole mass, 172 GeV $\lesssim M_t\lesssim$
    173.5 GeV, where a correct abundance of scalar dark matter is obtained with
    mass of 300 GeV $\lesssim m_S \lesssim$ 1 TeV. It means that the Higgs
    potential is flat at the Planck scale, and this situation can not be realized
    in the standard model with the top pole mass.

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP04(2014)029




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1312.2089v2

  • Higgs Pair Production at the LHC and ILC from general potential

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Yukihiro Mimura, Enkhbat Tsedenbaljir

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   89 ( 1 )   2013年11月



    Higgs cubic coupling plays a crucial role to probe an origin of electroweak
    symmetry breaking. It is expected that the cubic coupling is measured by Higgs
    pair production at the LHC and ILC, and the deviations from the standard model
    can be extracted from the Higgs pair production process, and those can give us
    a hint of new physics beyond the standard model. We consider a general
    potential that achieves the suitable electroweak symmetry breaking. As one of
    the interesting models, we suggest a non-perturbative Higgs model in which a
    run-away type of potential is used. In the model, the cross sections of pair
    production at the LHC is enlarged compared to the standard model. We also study
    the Higgs pair production induced by a non-canonical kinetic term of Higgs
    fields which will be important to search the pair-production at the ILC.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.015018




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1311.0067v1

  • NNMSM Type-II and III

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    European Physical Journal C   74 ( 1 )   2013年9月



    We suggest two types of extension of the standard model, which are the
    so-called next to new minimal standard model (NNMSM) type-II and -III. They can
    achieve gauge coupling unification as well as suitable dark matter abundance,
    small neutrino masses, baryon asymmetry of the universe, inflation, and dark
    energy. The gauge coupling unification can be realized by introducing extra two
    or three new fields, and could explain the charge quantization. We also show
    that there are regions in which the vacuum stability, coupling perturbativity,
    and correct dark matter abundance can be realized with current experimental
    data at the same time.

    DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2696-z




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1309.3254v2

  • Next to new minimal standard model

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics   734   2013年9月



    We suggest a minimal extension of the standard model, which can explain
    current experimental data of the dark matter, small neutrino masses and baryon
    asymmetry of the universe, inflation, and dark energy, and achieve gauge
    coupling unification. The gauge coupling unification can explain the charge
    quantization, and be realized by introducing six new fields. We investigate the
    vacuum stability, coupling perturbativity, and correct dark matter abundance in
    this model by use of current experimental data.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.05.016




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1309.1231v3

  • QCD parity violation at LHC in warped extra dimension

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Soshi Tsuno

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   87 ( 9 )   2012年11月



    Extra dimension is one of the most attractive candidates beyond the Standard
    Model. In warped extra dimensional space-time, not only gauge hierarchy problem
    but also quark-lepton mass hierarchy can be naturally explained. In this setup,
    a sizable parity violation through Kaluza-Klein gluon exchange appears in QCD
    process such as helicity dependent top pair production. We investigate this QCD
    parity violating process by use of $SO(5) \times U(1)$ gauge-Higgs unification
    model. We evaluate LHC observable quantities, i.e., a charge asymmetry and a
    forward-backward asymmetry of the top pair production, and find that a sizable
    charge asymmetry can be observed with specific model parameters.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.095002




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1211.5411v2

  • Stability of Leptonic Self-complementarity

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Ryo Takahashi

    EPL   101 ( 1 )   2012年9月



    We investigate a stability of leptonic self-complementarity such that sum of
    three mixing angles in lepton sector is 90 degrees. Renormalization group
    equations in a context of minimal supersymmetric standard model for the
    self-complementarity are analyzed. It is seen that one of Majorana phases plays
    an important role for the stability of self-complementarity. We find some
    stable solutions against quantum corrections at a low energy. An effective
    neutrino mass for neutrino-less double beta decay is also evaluated by the use
    of neutrino parameters giving rise to the stable solutions.

    DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/101/11001




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1209.1522v3

  • Enhancement of Higgs to diphoton decay width in non-perturbative Higgs model

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Yukihiro Mimura, Ryo Takahashi

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics   718 ( 4-5 )   2012年7月



    We investigate a possibility if a loop diagram via Higgsino can enhance the
    Higgs to diphoton decay width in supersymmetric models with an extension of
    Higgs sector. A model with an additional non-renormalizable term of Higgs
    fields is firstly analyzed where the higher order term can introduce the Higgs
    coupling to Higgsinos as well as charged Higgs bosons. We point out that a
    choice of the Higgs coupling to obtain a significant size of enhancement of
    diphoton decay width reduces the Higgs mass and/or a size of non-renormalizable
    term needs to be large and a cutoff scale is around the weak scale. Another
    model in which the Higgsino mass term is generated by a non-perturbative
    instanton effect via a strong dynamics in a context of SUSY QCD is also
    suggested. It is shown that the sign of the Higgs coupling to fermions is
    opposite from perturbative models due to an operator including bosonic fields
    in the denominator and a constructive contribution to the diphoton decay
    amplitude can be easily obtained in this kind of model.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.12.049




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1207.5102v3

  • Phenomenology of SUSY SU(5) GUT with neutrinophilic Higgs

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Yasuhiro Shimizu

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   86 ( 1 )   2012年4月



    Among three typical energy scales, a neutrino mass scale ($m_\nu\sim$ 0.1
    eV), a GUT scale ($M_{GUT}\sim 10^{16}$ GeV), and a TeV-scale ($M_{NP}\sim$ 1
    TeV), there is a fascinating relation of $M_{NP}\simeq \sqrt{m_\nu\cdot
    M_{GUT } }$.The TeV-scale, $M_{NP}$, is a new physics scale beyond the standard
    model which is regarded as "supersymmetry" (SUSY) in this letter. We
    investigate phenomenology of SUSY SU(5) GUT with neutrinophilic Higgs, which
    realizes the above relation dynamically as well as the suitable magnitude of
    Dirac mass, $m_\nu$, through a tiny vacuum expectation value of neutrinophilic
    Higgs. As a remarkable feature of this model, accurate gauge coupling
    unification can be achieved as keeping with a proton stability. We also
    evaluate flavor changing processes in quark/lepton sectors.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.015019




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.4254v1

  • A simple method of calculating effective operators

    Haba, N., Kaneta, K., Matsumoto, S., Nabeshima, T.

    Acta Physica Polonica B   43 ( 3 )   2012年



    DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolB.43.405



  • Phenomenology of neutrinophilic Higgs GUT 査読

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Yasuhiro Shimizu

    GUT2012   1467   247 - 250   2012年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

    Among three typical energy scales, a neutrino mass scale (m nu similar to 0.1 eV), a GUT scale (M-GUT similar to 10(16) GeV), and a TeV-scale (M-NP similar to 1 TeV), there is a fascinating relation of M-NP similar or equal to root m nu . M-GUT. The TeV-scale, M-NP, is a new physics scale beyond the standard model which is regarded as "supersymmetry" (SUSY) in this letter. We investigate phenomenology of SUSY SU(5) GUT with neutrinophilic Higgs, which realizes the above relation dynamically as well as the suitable magnitude of Dirac mass, m., through a tiny vacuum expectation value of neutrinophilic Higgs. As a remarkable feature of this model, accurate gauge coupling unification can be achieved as keeping with a proton stability. We also evaluate flavor changing processes in quark/ lepton sectors.

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4742109

    Web of Science


  • TeV-scale seesaw with non-negligible left-right neutrino mixings

    Naoyuki Haba, Tomohiro Horita, Kunio Kaneta, Yukihiro Mimura



    We suggest natural TeV-scale seesaw with non-negligible left-right neutrino
    mixings as preserving tiny neutrino masses. Our analysis is exhibited, without
    loss of generality, by taking a basis of the neutrino matrices, in which the
    condition to obtain the left-right mixings is clear. We also suggest a flavor
    symmetry as an underlying theory, which naturally realizes our setup to
    preserve tiny neutrino masses. Our setup can predict a magnitude of sin
    theta_13 in a region of 0.10 to 0.20, depending on the deviation from maximal
    atmospheric neutrino mixing and CP phase. We also investigate experimental
    constraints and phenomenology in our setup.



    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1110.2252v1

  • QCD Parity violation in a quarkonium via SUSY

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Tetsuya Onogi

    Acta Physica Polonica B   44 ( 4 )   2011年9月



    Supersymmetric standard model has a parity violation in QCD through chiral
    quark-squark-gluino interactions with non-degenerate masses between left-handed
    and right-handed squarks. Since experiments have not show any parity violations
    in QCD yet, a bound for the mass degeneracy between left-handed and
    right-handed squarks should exist. In this paper we try to obtain this bound
    for each squark. At first, we investigate a non-degeneracy bound between
    $m_{\tilde{c}_L}$ and $m_{\tilde{c}_R}$ from experimental data of charmonium
    decay. Next, we estimate the non-degeneracy bounds for $\tilde{u}$ and
    $\tilde{d}$ from nucleon-meson scattering data, and comment on other squarks.

    DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolB.44.733




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1109.5442v2

  • Parity Violation in QCD Process

    Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Shigeki Matsumoto, Takehiro Nabeshima, Soshi Tsuno

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   85 ( 1 )   2011年9月



    Parity violation in QCD process is studied using helicity dependent top quark
    pair productions at Large Hadron Collider experiment. Though no violation can
    be found in the standard model (SM), new physics beyond the SM predicts the
    violation in general. In order to evaluate the violation, we utilize an
    effective operator analysis in a case that new particles predicted by the new
    physics are too heavy to be directly detected. By using this method, we try to
    discriminate supersymmetric SM from universal extra-dimension model via an
    asymmetry measurement of the top quark pair production. We also discuss the
    asymmetry from the SM electroweak top pair production process and that from the
    little Higgs model.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.014007




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1109.5082v2

  • Fermion Mass Hierarchy in Lifshitz Type Gauge Theory

    Kunio Kaneta, Yoshiharu Kawamura

    Modern Physics Letters A   25 ( 19 )   2009年9月



    We study the origin of fermion mass hierarchy and flavor mixing in a Lifshitz
    type extension of the standard model including an extra scalar field. We show
    that the hierarchical structure can originate from renormalizable interactions.
    In contrast to the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism, the higher the dimension of
    associated operators, the heavier the fermion masses. Tiny masses for
    left-handed neutrinos are obtained without introducing right-handed neutrinos.

    DOI: 10.1142/S021773231003327X




    その他リンク: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0909.2920v2

▶ 全件表示


  • TeV領域および低エネルギー領域における標準模型を超える物理の探索


    2012年 - 2013年




    金田 邦雄


    配分額:1800000円 ( 直接経費:1800000円 )

    本研究の動機となる重要な問題は、「Large Hadron Collider (LHC)で超対称粒子が発見されない程重い場合、どのように超対称性の痕跡を見つけるか」である。この問題を解決する鍵として着目するのは"QCD過程におけるパリティの破れ"である。標準模型では弱い相互作用のみがパリティの破れを引き起こすが、超対称性が存在すると、通常はパリティを破らないQCDでもパリティが破れる可能性がある。このパリティの破れを調べることで、超対称性について間接的に手がかりを得ることができる。今年度に実施した研究の成果として、まず、前年度に行ったメソンの崩壊におけるパリティの破れの寄与に関する解析を、さらに精密に実施した。以前の解析では、束縛状態を形成するグルーオンの長距離力を、簡単のためクーロンポテンシャルで近似していた。しかし、QCDにおいては閉じ込めの効果も、崩壊率の評価に関係するため、実験からフィットした線形項をポテンシャルに含めて解析を行うことで、精度の向上を図った。その結果をまとめたものが、Acta Physica Polonica Bに掲載された。また、前年度の研究により、余剰次元を持つ模型においても、QCDでパリティを破る可能性があることを指摘できたため、本年度では更に詳細な解析を行い、その結果、warpした余剰次元を持つ模型においては、LHCでも観測可能なパリティの破れが起こり得ることを明らかにした。同様のパリティの破れが、超対称性だけでなく、他の新物理においても起こり得ることを調べることは、標準模型を超える物理の判別のためには重要である。その研究成果は、Physical Review Dに掲載された。




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