Faculty of Science Associate Professor
Graduate School of Science and Technology Fundamental Sciences Associate Professor
Updated on 2025/03/11
博士(理学) ( 1998.3 東北大学 )
Ultrasound measurements
Strongly correlated electron systems
Electric quadrupoles
Solid state physics
Charge orderings
Rare-earth compounds
Iron-based superconductors
Low-temperature physics
Elastic constants
Surface acoustic waves
Orbital orderings
Natural Science / Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems
Natural Science / Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics
Niigata University Faculty of Science Department of Physics Associate Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Fundamental Sciences Associate Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Fundamental Sciences Associate Professor
2004.4 - 2010.3
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Associate Professor (as old post name)
2004.2 - 2004.3
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Assistant
1998.6 - 2004.1
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Specialized Course Fundamental Sciences Associate Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Fundamental Sciences Associate Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Science Department of Physics Associate Professor
2010.4 - 2017.3
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Fundamental Sciences Associate Professor
2004.4 - 2010.3
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Associate Professor (as old post name)
2004.2 - 2004.3
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Research Assistant
1998.6 - 2004.1
Person in Charge of High-pressure Gas Production Security (chemical machinery and frozen machine)
Magnetic Bragg peak enhancement under ultrasound injection Reviewed
Shin-ichi Shamoto, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Masato Matsuura, Seiko Ohira-Kawamura, Kazuya Harii, Masao Ono, Lieh-Jeng Chang, Takashi U. Ito, Yuichi Nemoto, Jun'ichi Ieda
Physical Review Research 4 ( 1 ) 2022.3
Multiople Fluctuation of Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe_1-x_Co_x_)_2_As_2_ Reviewed
Haruyasu Sato, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Ryosuke Kurihara, Keisuke Mitsumoto, Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Masatoshi Sato
Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2019) ( 30 ) 011052-1 - 0-11052-6 2020.3
Critical Slowing Down of Quadrupole and Hexadecapole Orderings in Iron Pnictide Superconductor Reviewed
Ryosuke Kurihara, Keisuke Mitsumoto, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Masatoshi Sato
Surface acoustic wave diagnosis of vacancy orbital with electric quadrupoles in silicon Reviewed
T. Goto, K. Mitsumoto, M. Akatsu, S. Baba, K. Okabe, R. Takasu, Y. Nemoto, H. Yamada-Kaneta, Y. Furumura, H. Saito, K. Kashima, Y. Saito
Magneto-Elastic Effects in Tb3Ga5O12 Reviewed
Ute Loew, Sergei Zherlitsyn, Koji Araki, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Uli Zeitler, Bruno Luethi
Elastic Softening of Surface Acoustic Wave Caused by Vacancy Orbital in Silicon Wafer Reviewed
Keisuke Mitsumoto, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Shotaro Baba, Rie Takasu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Yuji Furumura, Hiroyuki Saito, Kazuhiko Kashima, Yoshihiko Saito
Role of Hyperfine Coupling in Magnetic and Quadrupolar Ordering of Pr3Pd20Si6 Reviewed
L. Steinke, K. Mitsumoto, C. F. Miclea, F. Weickert, A. Doenni, M. Akatsu, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, H. Kitazawa, P. Thalmeier, M. Brando
Quadrupole Ordering and Rattling Motion of Clathrate Compound Pr3Pd20Ge6 Reviewed
Genki Ano, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Koji Araki, Kazuo Matsuo, Yoshiaki Tachikawa, Keisuke Mitsumoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Naoya Takeda, Andreas Doenni, Hideaki Kitazawa
Dissipation in Non-Kramers Doublet of PrMg3 Reviewed
Koji Araki, Terutaka Goto, Keisuke Mitsumoto, Yuichi Nemoto, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Hiroyuki S. Suzuki, Hiroshi Tanida, Shigeru Takagi, Shadi Yasin, Sergei Zherlitsyn, Joachim Wosnitza
Quadrupole Effects of Vacancy Orbital in Boron-Doped Silicon Reviewed
Shotaro Baba, Terutaka Goto, Yuta Nagai, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Hajime Watanabe, Keisuke Mitsumoto, Takafumi Ogawa, Yuichi Nemoto, Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta
Multipole effects of Gamma(3) doublet-Gamma(4) triplet states in PrMg3 Reviewed
Koji Araki, Yuichi Nemoto, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Shinya Jumonji, Terutaka Goto, Hiroyuki S. Suzuki, Hiroshi Tanida, Shigeru Takagi
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84 ( 4 ) 2011.7
Rattling in Clathrate Compounds of ROs4Sb12 and R3Pd20Ge6 Reviewed
Yuichi Nemoto, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Yuri Yasumoto, Haruki Kobayashi, Akio Yamaguchi, Seiji Tsuduku, Terutaka Goto, Naoya Takeda, Akira Ochiai, Hitoshi Sugawara, Hideyuki Sato, Hideaki Kitazawa
Ultrasonic dispersion and off-center rattling in heavy fermion superconductor PrOS4Sb12 Reviewed
Yuichi Nemoto, Takafumi Ueno, Naoya Takeda, Takashi Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Terutaka Goto, Hitoshi Sugawara, Hideyuki Sato
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 378-80 184 - 186 2006.5
Tunneling and rattling in clathrate crystal Reviewed
T Goto, Y Nemoto, T Yamaguchi, M Akatsu, T Yanagisawa, O Suzuki, H Kitazawa
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70 ( 18 ) 2004.11
Quadrupolar effect and rattling motion in the heavy-fermion superconductor PrOs4Sb12 Reviewed
T Goto, Y Nemoto, K Sakai, T Yamaguchi, M Akatsu, T Yanagisawa, H Hazama, K Onuki, H Sugawara, H Sato
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69 ( 18 ) 2004.5
Ferroquadrupole ordering and Gamma(5) rattling motion in the clathrate compound Ce3Pd20Ge6 Reviewed
Y Nemoto, T Yamaguchi, T Horino, M Akatsu, T Yanagisawa, T Goto, O Suzuki, A Donni, T Komatsubara
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 68 ( 18 ) 2003.11
Ultrasonic investigations of Ferroquadrupolar Ordering at 8c Site in Ce3Pd20Ge6 Reviewed
Yuichi Nemoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Terutaka Goto, Osamu Suzuki, Takenobu Horino, Andreas Donni, Takemi Komatsubara
Quadrupolar effect in the perovskite manganite La1-xSrxMnO3 Reviewed
H Hazama, T Goto, Y Nemoto, Y Tomioka, A Asamitsu, Y Tokura
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 62 ( 22 ) 15012 - 15020 2000.12
Elastic soft mode and charge ordering of Yb4As3 Reviewed
T Goto, Y Nemoto, A Ochiai, T Suzuki
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 59 ( 1 ) 269 - 276 1999.1
Shamoto Shinichi, Akatsu Mitsuhiro*, Chang L.-J.*, Nemoto Yuichi*, Ieda Junichi
Applied Physics Letters 124 ( 11 ) 112402\_1 - 112402\_5 2024.3
Observation of Ferro-Quadrupole Quantum Criticality in Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2
Haruyasu Sato, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Ryosuke Kurihara, Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Yuichi Nemoto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023.12
Ultralow-energy magnon anomaly in yttrium iron garnet
Shin-ichi Shamoto, Yukio Yasui, Masato Matsuura, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Yuichi Nemoto, Jun'ichi Ieda
Physical Review Research 2 ( 3 ) 2020.8
Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of clathrate compound Pr3Pd20Ge6 Reviewed
K. Matsumoto, Y. Sekiguchi, O. Iwakami, T. Ono, S. Abe, G. Ano, M. Akatsu, K. Mitsumoto, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, N. Takeda, H. Kitazawa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 969 ( 1 ) 2018.4
Neutron scattering study of yttrium iron garnet Reviewed
Shin-Ichi Shamoto, Takashi U. Ito, Hiroaki Onishi, Hiroki Yamauchi, Yasuhiro Inamura, Masato Matsuura, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Katsuaki Kodama, Akiko Nakao, Taketo Moyoshi, Koji Munakata, Takashi Ohhara, Mitsutaka Nakamura, Seiko Ohira-Kawamura, Yuichi Nemoto, Kaoru Shibata
Physical Review B 97 ( 5 ) 2018.2
Superfluidity of 4He in dense aerogel studied using quartz tuning fork Reviewed
K Matsumoto, Y Sekiguchi, O Iwakami, T Ono, S Abe, G Ano, M Akatsu, K Mitsumoto, Y Nemoto, T Goto, N Takeda, H Kitazawa
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 969 12019 2018
O. Iwakami, Y. Namisashi, S. Abe, K. Matsumoto, G. Ano, M. Akatsu, K. Mitsumoto, Y. Nemoto, N. Takeda, T. Goto, H. Kitazawa
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90 ( 10 ) 2014.9
H. Yamada-Kaneta, K. Okabe, M. Akatsu, S. Baba, K. Mitsumoto, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, H. Saito, K. Kashima, Y. Saito
ECS Transactions 64 ( 11 ) 13 - 18 2014
Strong Quadrupole-Strain Interaction of Vacancy Orbital in Boron-Doped Czochralski Silicon Reviewed
Kazuki Okabe, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Shotaro Baba, Keisuke Mitsumoto, Yuichi Nemoto, Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Terutaka Goto, Hiroyuki Saito, Kazuhiko Kashima, Yoshihiko Saito
Low-temperature softening due to vacancy orbital with Λ8 quartet ground state in boron-doped floating zone silicon Reviewed
Shotaro Baba, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Keisuke Mitsumoto, Satoru Komatsu, Kunihiko Horie, Yuichi Nemoto, Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Terutaka Goto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82 ( 8 ) 2013.8
Quadrupole effects in tetragonal crystals PrCu2Si2 and DyCu2Si2 Reviewed
Keisuke Mitsumoto, Saori Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Terutaka Goto, Nguyen D. Dung, Tatsuma D. Matsuda, Yoshinori Haga, Tetsuya Takeuchi, Kiyohiro Sugiyama, Rikio Settai, Yoshichika Onuki
Antiferroquadrupolar ordering and magnetic-field-induced phase transition in the cage compound PrRh2Zn20 Reviewed
Isao Ishii, Hitoshi Muneshige, Shuhei Kamikawa, Takahiro K. Fujita, Takahiro Onimaru, Naohiro Nagasawa, Toshiro Takabatake, Takashi Suzuki, Genki Ano, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87 ( 20 ) 2013.5
Coexistence of Ising and XY Spin Systems on a Single Tb Atom in TbCoGa5 Reviewed
Naoyuki Sanada, Yuta Amou, Ryuta Watanuki, Kazuya Suzuki, Isao Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Mitamura, Toshiro Sakakibara, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Magnetic phase diagram of clathrate compound Ce3Pd20Si6 with quadrupolar ordering
H. Ono, T. Nakano, N. Takeda, G. Ano, M. Akatsu, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, A. Doenni, H. Kitazawa
Effect of Nitrogen Doping on Vacancy State in Silicon Crystals Observed by Low-Temperature Ultrasonic Measurements Reviewed
Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Satoru Komatsu, Shotaro Baba, Yuta Nagai, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Specific heat of Ce3Pd20Si6 single crystal in magnetic fields
H. Ono, T. Nakano, N. Takeda, G. Ano, M. Akatsu, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, H. Kitazawa
Antiferro-Quadrupolar Ordering at the Lowest Temperature and Anisotropic Magnetic Field-Temperature Phase Diagram in the Cage Compound PrIr2Zn20 Reviewed
Isao Ishii, Hitoshi Muneshige, Yasuhiko Suetomi, Takahiro K. Fujita, Takahiro Onimaru, Keisuke T. Matsumoto, Toshiro Takabatake, Koji Araki, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Takashi Suzuki
Quadrupole Effects of Layered Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe0.9Co0.1)(2)As-2 Reviewed
Terutaka Goto, Ryosuke Kurihara, Koji Araki, Keisuke Mitsumoto, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Shunichi Tatematsu, Masatoshi Sato
Ultrasonic Measurements on the Cage-Structured Clathrate Compound U3Pd20Si6 Reviewed
Yanagisawa, Tatsuya, Tateiwa, Naoyuki, Mayama, Taichi, Saito, Hitoshi, Hidaka, Hiroyuki, Amitsuka, Hiroshi, Haga, Yoshinori, Nemoto, Yuichi, Goto, Terutaka
Elastic properties of TbCoGa5 under magnetic field Reviewed
Naoyuki Sanada, Ryuta Watanuki, Kazuya Suzuki, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Crystal Field Level Diagrams at the Pr Sites (8c) and (4a) in the Clathrate Compound Pr3Pd20Si6 Reviewed
Andreas Doenni, Hideaki Kitazawa, Thierry Straessle, Lukas Keller, Masaaki Matsuda, Kazuhisa Kakurai, Genki Ano, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Magnetic-Field-Independent Ultrasonic Dispersions in the Magnetically Robust Heavy Fermion System SmOs4Sb12 Reviewed
Yanagisawa, Tatsuya, Ikeda, Yoichi, Saito, Hitoshi, Hidaka, Hiroyuki, Amitsuka, Hiroshi, Araki, Koji, Akatsu, Mitsuhiro, Nemoto, Yuichi, Goto, Terutaka, Ho, Pei-Chun, Baumbach, Ryan E., Maple, M. Brian
Quadrupole Ordering and Rattling in Clathrate Compound Pr3Pd20Ge6
G. Anol, K. Matsuo, K. Araki, Y. Tachikawa, K. Mitsumoto, M. Akatsu, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, N. Takeda, A. Kikkawa, A. Doenni, H. Kitazawa
Low-Temperature Elastic Properties of Non-Kramers Doublet Compound PrMg(3)
K. Araki, K. Mitsumoto, M. Akatsu, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, H. S. Suzuki, H. Tanida, S. Takagi, S. Yasin, S. Zherlitsyn, J. Wosnitza
Magnetic and Thermal Properties of Cubic Single-Crystal PrCu4Ag Reviewed
Shuai Zhang, Yosikazu Isikawa, Takashi Tayama, Tomohiko Kuwai, Toshio Mizushima, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Low Temperature Magnetic Properties of Ce3Pd20Si6 Reviewed
Hiroyuki Mitamura, Takashi Tayama, Toshiro Sakakibara, Seiji Tsuduku, Genki Ano, Isao Ishii, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Akiko Kikkawa, Hideaki Kitazawa
Magnetic Properties of Ce3Pd20Si6 at Very Low Temperatures
H. Mitamura, T. Sakuraba, T. Tayama, T. Sakakibara, S. Tsuduku, G. Ano, I. Ishii, M. Akatsu, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, A. Kikkawa, H. Kitazawa
Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Shotaro Baba, Yuta Nagai, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Keisuke Mitsumoto, Takashi Yanase, Kazuki Okabe, Yasushi Ono, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
ECS Transactions 33 ( 11 ) 63 - 72 2010
Quadrupole Order in Clathrate Compound Pr3Pd20Si6
M. Akatsu, S. Tsuduku, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, I. Ishii, K. Mitsumoto, G. Ano, H. Kobayashi, N. Takeda, A. Doenni, H. Kitazawa
Multipole effects in non-Kramers doublet system PrMg3
K. Araki, T. Yoshikawa, M. Akatsu, I. Ishii, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, H. S. Suzuki, H. Tanida, S. Takagi, B. Luethi
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404 ( 19 ) 3187 - 3190 2009.10
Ultrasonic investigation of off-center rattling in Pr0.55Nd0.45Os4Sb12 Reviewed
Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Taichi Mayama, Hiroyuki Hidaka, Hiroshi Amitsuka, Akio Yamaguchi, Koji Araki, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Naoya Takeda, Pei-Chun Ho, M. Brian Maple
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404 ( 19 ) 3235 - 3237 2009.10
Quadrupole Ordering in Clathrate Compound Ce3Pd20Si6 Reviewed
Terutaka Goto, Tomyuki Watanabe, Seiji Tsuduku, Haruki Kobayashi, Yuichi Nemoto, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Genki Ano, Osamu Suzuki, Naoya Takeda, Andreas Donni, Hideaki Kitazawa
Low temperature x-ray diffraction study on superconductivity
Y. Xue, H. Kaneko, Q. Tao, Z. Xu, N. Takeda, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, H. Suzuki
Low-temperature elastic softening due to vacancies in boron-doped FZ silicon crystals
Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Hajime Watanabe, Yuta Nagai, Shotaro Baba, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Solid State Phenomena 156-158 135 - 138 2009
Ultrasonic Dispersion in the Filled Skutterudite CeFe4Sb12
I. Ishii, T. Suzuki, T. Fujita, I. Mori, H. Sugawara, M. Yoshizawa, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto
Ultrasonic Study of Vacancy in Single Crystal Silicon at Low Temperatures
M. Akatsu, T. Goto, H. Y-Kaneta, H. Watanabe, Y. Nemoto, K. Mitsumoto, S. Baba, Y. Nagai, S. Nakamura
Vacancies in as-grown CZ silicon crystals observed by low-temperature ultrasonic measurements Reviewed
Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Koji Sato, Masatoshi Hikin, Yasuhiro Saito, Shintaro Nakamura
Ultrasonic investigation of off-center rattling in filled skutterudite compound NdOs4Sb12 Reviewed
Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Pei-Chun Ho, William M. Yuhasz, M. Brian Maple, Yuri Yasumoto, Hiromu Watanabe, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Thermodynamic and transport studies of the ferromagnetic filled skutterudite compound PrFe4As12 Reviewed
T. A. Sayles, W. M. Yuhasz, J. Paglione, T. Yanagisawa, J. R. Jeffries, M. B. Maple, Z. Henkie, A. Pietraszko, T. Cichorek, R. Wawryk, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 ( 14 ) 2008.4
Guest Ion Motion in Cage Structure Crystals Investigated by Raman Scattering Reviewed
Masayuki Udagawa, Takumi Hasegawa, Yuichi Takasu, Norio Ogita, Koichiro Suekuni, Marcos A. Avila, Toshiro Takabatake, Yoshikazu Ishikawa, Naoya Takeda, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Hitoshi Sugawara, Daisuke Kikuchi, Hideyuki Sato, Chihiro Sekine, Ichimin Shirotani, Jun-Ichi Yamaura, Yohei Nagao, Zenji Hiroi
Quadrupole Susceptibility of Gamma(3) Pseudo-Doublet Ground State in Rare-Earth Garnet Tb3Ga5O12 Reviewed
Kouji Araki, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Bruno Luethi
Electric Quadrupole Effect in Clathrate Compound Pr3Pd20Si6 Reviewed
Haruki Kobayashi, Seiji Tsuduku, Osamu Suzuki, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Andreas Doenni, Hideaki Kitazawa, Naoya Takeda
Off-center Rattling and Tunneling in Filled Skutterudite LaOs4Sb12 Reviewed
Yuri Yasumoto, Akio Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Akira Ochiai
Vacancies in growth-rate-varied CZ silicon crystal observed by low-temperature ultrasonic measurements Reviewed
Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Koji Sato, Masatoshi Hikin, Yasuhiro Saito, Shintaro Nakamura
Vacancies in CZ silicon crystals observed by low-temperature ultrasonic measurements Reviewed
Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Koji Sato, Masatoshi Hikin, Yasuhiro Salto, Shintaro Nakamura
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 401 138 - 143 2007.12
Observation of vacancy in crystalline silicon using low-temperature ultrasonic measurements Reviewed
Terutaka Goto, Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Koji Sato, Masatoshi Hikin, Yuichi Nemoto, Shintaro Nakamura
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 401 109 - 114 2007.12
Vacancy distribution in growth-rate-varied CZ silicon crystal observed by low-temperature ultrasonic measurements
H. Yamada-Kaneta, M. Hikin, T. Goto, Y. Nemoto, K. Sato, Y. Saito, S. Nakamura
Proceeding of the forum on the science and technology of silicon materials 2007 135 - 140 2007.11
Observation of vacancy in silicon using low-temperature ultrasonic measurements
T. Goto, H. yamada-Kaneta, M. Hikin, H. Watanabe, K. Sato, Y. Nemoto, T. Yanagisawa, S. Nakamura
Proceeding of the science and technology of silicon materials 2007 69 - 74 2007.11
Piezoelectric ZnO sputtering on crystalline silicon for low-temperature ultrasonic measurements
H. Watanabe, T. Goto, H. Yamada-Kaneta, Y. Nemoto, M. Hikin, T. Yanagisawa, S. Nakamura
Proceeding of the forum on the science and technology of silicon materials 2007 141 - 142 2007.11
Ultrasonic investigations of antiferro-quadrupole ordering in Pr1-xLaxPb3 (x=0,0.02) Reviewed
Motoi Fukuura, Shinya Jumonji, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Hiroyuki. S. Suzuki, Toshiro Sakakibara
Magnetic phase diagrams of CexLa1-xB6 in high magnetic fields Reviewed
Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Nanako Kazama, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Osamu Suzuki, Giyuu Kido, Satoru Kunii
Quadrupolar susceptibility of NdOs4Sb12 Reviewed
Tatsuya Yanagisawa, William M. Yuhasz, Pei-Chun Ho, M. Brian Maple, Hiromu Watanabe, Takafumi Ueno, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Ultrasonic study of rattling and tunneling in clathrate compounds R3Pd20X6 (R = La, Ce; X = Si, Ge) Reviewed
Tomoyuki Watanabe, Takashi Yamaguchi, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Naoya Takeda, Osamu Suzuki, Hideaki Kitazawa
Shu L, MacLaughlin D. E, Aoki Y, Tunashima Y, Yonezawa Y, Sanada S, Kikuchi D, Sato H, Heffner R. H, Higemoto W, Ohishi K, Ito T. U, Bernal O. O, Hillier A. D, Kadono R, Koda A, Ishida K, Sugawara H, Frederick N. A, Yuhasz W. M, Sayles T. A, Yanagisawa T, Maple M. B
Physical Review B 76 ( 1 ) 2007
Direct observation of vacancy in silicon using sub-Kelvin ultrasonic measurements Reviewed
Terutaka Goto, Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Yasuhiro Saito, Yuichi Nemoto, Koji Sato, Koichi Kakimoto, Shintaro Nakamura
Vacancies in defect-free zone of point-defect-controlled CZ silicon observed by low-temperature ultrasonic measurements Reviewed
Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Terutaka Goto, Yasuhiro Saito, Yuichi Nemoto, Koji Sato, Koichi Kakimoto, Shintaro Nakamura
Rattling and tunneling of off-center local oscillator in clathrate compounds Reviewed
Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Takafumi Ueno, Tomoyuki Watanabe, Naoya Takeda, Osamu Suzuki, Hideaki Kitazawa, Hitoshi Sugawara, Hideyuki Sato
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 383 ( 1 ) 115 - 119 2006.8
Multiple ordered phases in the filled skutterudite compound Pr Os4 As12 Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Yuhasz, W.M., Butch, N.P., Sayles, T.A., Ho, P.-C., Jeffries, J.R., Yanagisawa, T., Frederick, N.A., Maple, M.B., Henkie, Z., Pietraszko, A., McCall, S.K., McElfresh, M.W., Fluss, M.J.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 ( 14 ) 2006.4
Magnetic phase diagram of antiferroquadrupole ordering in HoB2C2 Reviewed
T Yanagisawa, T Goto, Y Nemoto, R Watanuki, K Suzuki, O Suzuki, G Kido
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71 ( 10 ) 2005.3
Ultrasonic investigation of quadrupole ordering in HoB2C2 Reviewed
T Yanagisawa, T Goto, Y Nemoto, S Miyata, R Watanuki, K Suzuki
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 67 ( 11 ) 2003.3
Ultrasonic investigation of antiferroquadrupole orderings in HoB2C2 and DyB2C2 Reviewed
T Goto, T Yanagisawa, K Hyodo, Y Nemoto, S Miyata, R Watanuki, K Suzuki
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 34 ( 2 ) 1173 - 1176 2003.2
Thermal Expansion Measurements on Ce0.75La0.25B6 Reviewed
Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Osamu Suzuki, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Shintaro Nakamura, Satoru Kunii
Ultrasonic Investigation of Metarnagnetic Transition in CeRu2Si2 Reviewed
Yanagisawa, Tatsuya, Nemoto, Yuichi, Goto, Terutaka, Onuki, Yoshichika
Magnetic Field Dependence of Elastic Constants in Pr1-xCaxMnO3 Reviewed
Hirofumi Hazama, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Yasuhide Tomioka, Atsushi Asamitsu, Yoshinori Tokura
Coulombic Insight into Charge Ordering in Yb4As3 and Sm3Te4 Reviewed
Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hideto Higashi, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Quadrupole Susceptibility of HoB2C2 Reviewed
Terutaka Goto, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Yuichi Nemoto, Shingo Miyata, Ryuta Watanuki, Kazuya Suzuki
Anisotropy in the Magnetic Phase Diagrams of CexLa1-xB6 Reviewed
Shintaro Nakamura, Osamu Suzuki, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Satoru Kunii
Ultrasonic investigation of perovskite manganese compounds La1-xSrxMnO3 Reviewed
T Goto, Y Nemoto, H Hazama, Y Tomioka, A Asamitsu, Y Tokura
Static and dynamic properties of multipoles in the iron arsenide superconductor Ba(Fe<sub>1-x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>)<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub> studied by ultrasonic measurements under hydrostatic pressure
三浦彰太, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 小林義明
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 79 ( 1 ) 2024
Multipole properties in Au-Al-Yb quasicrystal and approximant studied by ultrasonic measurements under hydrostatic pressures
小林裕真, 藤田騎也, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 横尾恭真, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 79 ( 1 ) 2024
Study of the Elastic Response on the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor (U,Th)Be<sub>13</sub>
日比野瑠央, 稲垣宏幸, 柳澤達也, 日高宏之, 網塚浩, 清水悠晴, ZHERLITSYN Sergei, WOSNITZA Joachim, WOSNITZA Joachim, YAZICI Duygu, MAPLE M. Brian
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 2 ) 2023
Elastic properties of structural phase transition of superconductor Nb-doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub> under hydrostatic pressures
赤津光洋, 大隅響, 林祥子, 佐藤晴耕, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 2 ) 2023
Static and dynamic properties of multipoles in the iron arsenide superconductor Ba(Fe<sub>1-x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>)<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub> studied by ultrasonic measurements
三浦彰太, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 小林義明
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 2 ) 2023
Ultrasonic Study of electronic state of vacancy in as-grown crystals of P-doped CZ silicon
本井茉実, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 1 ) 2023
Elastic and lattice properties in Au-Al-Yb quasicrystals and 1/1 approximants by using ultrasonic measurements
小林裕真, 高田俊太郎, 藤田騎也, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 横尾恭真, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 2 ) 2023
Ultrasonic Study of structural phase transition in Nb-doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub> under hydrostatic pressures II
大隅響, 林祥子, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 1 ) 2023
Elastic properties of Au-Al-Lu nonmagnetic quasicrystal and 1/1 approximant
高田俊太郎, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 横尾恭真, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 1 ) 2023
Elastic Properties of Au-Al-RE (RE=Yb, Lu) Quasicrystals and Approximant Crystals at Low Temperatures
小林裕真, 高田俊太郎, 藤田騎也, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 横尾恭真, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 2 ) 2023
Ultrasonic Study of Structural Phase Transition Induced by d-p Hybridization in 1T-TiSe<sub>2</sub>
佐藤晴耕, 山石開人, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 山本裕介, 小林義明, 伊藤正行
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 77 ( 2 ) 2022
高田俊太郎, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 平野由真, 岡本稔彦, 米山祐樹, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 77 ( 2 ) 2022
Two electron bound state in the quantum critical region of iron pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe<sub>1-x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>)<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub>
佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 栗原綾佑, 小林義明
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 77 ( 1 ) 2022
Observation of quantum criticality associated with quadrupole and hexadecapole using ultrasonic measurements in Ba(Fe<sub>1-x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>)<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub>
根本祐一, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 栗原綾佑, 小林義明
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 77 ( 2 ) 2022
Ultrasonic Study of structural phase transition in Nb-doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub> under hydrostatic pressures
赤津光洋, 大隅響, 林祥子, 佐藤晴耕, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 77 ( 2 ) 2022
Ultrasonic study of the quadrupole effects in the structural phase transition of Nb-doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub>: III
林祥子, 赤津光洋, 佐藤晴耕, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 1 ) 2021
Ultrasonic study of ground state of valence fluctuation compound SmS under hydrostatic pressures: II
笛木勇真, 渡部聡, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 井村敬一郎, 佐藤憲昭, 鈴木博之
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 1 ) 2021
Dynamical critical behavior of ultrasonic attenuation near the quantum critical point in iron pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe<sub>1-x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>)<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub>
佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 2 ) 2021
Ultrasound injection effect on neutron scattering of Y<sub>3</sub>Fe<sub>5</sub>O<sub>12</sub>
社本真一, 社本真一, 社本真一, 社本真一, 赤津光洋, 松浦直人, 安井幸夫, CHANG L.-J., 根本祐一, 家田淳一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 2 ) 2021
High-E resolution neutron scattering on YIG under ultrasound irradiation
社本真一, 社本真一, 社本真一, 社本真一, 赤津光洋, 松浦直人, 安井幸夫, 伊藤孝, 根本祐一, 家田淳一
量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web) 2020 2021
Pressure dependences of longitudinal elastic constants in heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn<sub>5</sub>
徳永淳志, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 横山淳
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 1 ) 2021
Temperature and magnetic field dependences of elastic constants in approximant Au<sub>51</sub>Al<sub>35</sub>Yb<sub>14</sub>
根本祐一, 岩瀬智也, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 平野由真, 岡本稔彦, 米山祐樹, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 1 ) 2021
Temperature and Magnetic field dependences of Elastic Constants in Quasicrystal Au<sub>51</sub>Al<sub>34</sub>Yb<sub>15</sub>
岩瀬智也, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 平野由真, 岡本稔彦, 米山祐樹, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 1 ) 2021
Ultrasonic Study of lattice instability in 1T-TiSe<sub>2</sub>
赤津光洋, 佐藤晴耕, 山石開人, 根本祐一, 山本裕介, 小林義明, 伊藤正行
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 1 ) 2021
Observation of Vacancy Orbital in Phosphorus-Doped Silicon by Ultrasonic Measurements
小日向智仁, 村上ちひろ, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 1 ) 2021
Quantum Critical Phenomena of Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe<sub>1-x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>)<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub> Induced by Multipole Fluctuation
佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 1 ) 2021
Ultrasonic Study of Structural Phase Transition in 1T-TiSe<sub>2</sub>
赤津光洋, 佐藤晴耕, 根本祐一, 山本裕介, 小林義明, 伊藤正行
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 1 ) 2020
Observation of Vacancy Orbital in Phosphorus-Doped Czochralski Silicon by Ultrasonic Measurements
小日向智仁, 村上ちひろ, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Ultrasonic study of the elastic constant under hydrostatic pressures in heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn<sub>5</sub>
徳永淳志, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 横山淳
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Ultrasonic study of the quadrupole effects in the structural phase transition of Nb-doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub>: II
林祥子, 赤津光洋, 佐藤晴耕, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Ultrasonic study of ground state of valence fluctuation compound SmS under hydrostatic pressures.
笛木勇真, 渡部聡, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 井村敬一郎, 佐藤憲昭, 鈴木博之
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Elastic softening in Au-Al-Yb quasicrystal and approximant crystal
赤津光洋, 岩瀬智也, 佐藤晴耕, 根本祐一, 平野由真, 岡本稔彦, 米山祐樹, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Ultrasonic study of the quadrupole effects in the structural phase transition of Nb-doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub>
林祥子, 赤津光洋, 佐藤晴耕, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 1 ) 2020
Ultrasound Measurements of Elastic Constants in Quasicrystal and Approximants Au-Al-Yb Systems
岩瀬智也, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 平野由真, 岡本稔彦, 米山祐樹, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 1 ) 2020
Quadrupole Effects of Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe<sub>1-x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>)<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub> Around the Quantum Critical Point
佐藤晴耕, 根本祐一, 赤津光洋, 後藤輝孝, 栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 1 ) 2020
Anomalous properties of Y<sub>3</sub>Fe<sub>5</sub>O<sub>12</sub> and magnetic inelastic neutron scattering
社本真一, 安井幸夫, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 家田淳一, 針井一哉, 小野正雄, 山本慧, 伊藤孝, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 1 ) 2020
Ultrasound measurements of elastic constants in Au-Al-Yb quasicrystal
根本祐一, 岩瀬智也, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 平野由真, 岡本稔彦, 米山祐樹, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 1 ) 2020
Quadrupole Effects of Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe<sub>1-x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>)<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub> Around the Quantum Critical Point
佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Ultrasound Measurements of Elastic Constants in Quasicrystal and Approximants Au-Al-Yb Systems
岩瀬智也, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 平野由真, 岡本稔彦, 米山祐樹, 出口和彦, 佐藤憲昭
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Ultrasounic measurements of elastic constants in 1T-TiSe<sub>2</sub>
根本祐一, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 山本裕介, 小林義明, 伊藤正行
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Neutron scattering study on Y<sub>3</sub>Fe<sub>5</sub>O<sub>12</sub> under ultrasound irradiation
社本真一, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 安井幸夫, 伊藤孝, 家田淳一, 遠藤仁, 小田達郎, チャン リージェン, 根本祐一, 柴田薫
量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web) 2018 2019
社本真一, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 伊藤孝, 家田淳一, 遠藤仁, 小田達郎, チャン リージェン, 根本祐一, 柴田薫
日本原子力研究開発機構JAEA-Review(Web) ( 2018-024 ) 2019
社本真一, 赤津光洋, 松浦直人, 家田淳一, 安井幸夫, 針井一哉, 小野正雄, 山本慧, 伊藤孝, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 74 ( 2 ) 2019
赤津光洋, 上原啓史, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 三本啓輔, 土塔寛, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 74 ( 1 ) 2019
社本真一, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 安井幸夫, 伊藤孝, 家田淳一, 遠藤仁, 小田達郎, CHANG L.-J., 根本祐一, 柴田薫
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 74 ( 1 ) 2019
三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 73 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.10aPS‐81 2018.9
根本祐一, 佐藤晴耕, 赤津光洋, 後藤輝孝, 栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 73 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.10pPSB‐6 2018.9
超音波による重い電子系化合物UPd<sub>2</sub>Cd<sub>20</sub>の量子状態の研究 II
赤津光洋, 上原啓史, 武石夏祈, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 三本啓輔, 土塔寛, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生, 本多史憲, 青木大
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 73 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.10pPSB‐67 2018.9
今井里保, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 土塔寛, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 73 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.11pPSB‐9 2018.9
三本啓輔, 坂井隼人, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 73 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.22aPS‐28 2018.3
栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 徳永将史, 三宅厚志, 秋葉和人
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 73 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.22aPS‐3 2018.3
赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 土塔寛, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生, 本多史憲, 青木大
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 73 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.23aPS‐114 2018.3
社本真一, 伊藤孝, 大西弘明, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 中村充孝, 稲村泰弘, 樹神克明, 河村聖子, 根本祐一, 柴田薫
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 73 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.23pK304‐3 2018.3
金田寛, 根本祐一, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔
応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 65th ROMBUNNO.18p‐D103‐14 2018.3
社本真一, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 伊藤孝, 家田淳一, 遠藤仁, 小田達郎, CHANG L.-J., 根本祐一, 柴田薫
日本中性子科学会年会講演概要集 18th 2018
栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.21aC10‐7 2017.9
赤津光洋, 栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 後藤輝孝, YASIN Shadi, ZHERLITSYN Sergei, WOSNITZA Joachim, 小林義明, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.23aPS‐18 2017.9
三本啓輔, 栗原綾佑, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.23aPS‐19 2017.9
社本真一, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 伊藤孝, 根本祐一, 柴田薫
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.23aE20‐10 2017.9
坂井隼人, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.23aPS‐112 2017.9
根本祐一, 坂井隼人, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.23aPS‐111 2017.9
低温領域における希土類カゴ状化合物Pr<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Ge<sub>6</sub>の磁場中熱膨張測定 III
関口祐太, 峯岸光如, 小野拓哉, 宮本惇也, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.17pK‐PS‐37 2017.3
赤津光洋, 瓦井有香, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 井村敬一郎, 佐藤憲昭, 鈴木博之
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.20aC‐PS‐18 2017.3
鉄ヒ素超伝導体の十六極子秩序による超音波吸収と超伝導状態 II
栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.18aK‐PS‐14 2017.3
根本祐一, 藤原万里子, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 後藤輝孝, 土塔寛, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.17pK‐PS‐38 2017.3
石川諒, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 佐瀬芳行, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.18aS‐PS‐19 2017.3
三本啓輔, 高野恵理, 栗原綾佑, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 後藤輝孝, 豊田真幸, 小林義明, 小林義明, 伊藤正行, 伊藤正行, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.18aK‐PS‐15 2017.3
三原佳祐, 坂井隼人, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.18pS‐PS‐30 2017.3
社本真一, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 伊藤孝, 森道康, 梶本亮一, 中村充孝, 河村聖子, 柴田薫, 根本祐一, 前川禎通
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 72 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.20aC24‐6 2017.3
社本真一, 伊藤孝, 大西弘明, 森道康, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 中村充孝, 稲村泰弘, 山内宏樹, 中尾朗子, 大原高志, 茂吉武人, 宗像孝司, 樹神克明, 河村聖子, 根本祐一, 柴田薫, 前川禎通
日本中性子科学会年会講演概要集 17th 54 2017
三本啓輔, 栗原綾佑, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.14aPS‐61 - 1897 2016.9
栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.13pJA‐16 - 1779 2016.9
超音波によるカゴ状化合物PrPt<sub>2</sub>Cd<sub>20</sub>の弾性定数測定 II
藤原万里子, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 土塔寛, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.15aPS‐43 - 2109 2016.9
後藤輝孝, 後藤輝孝, 栗原綾佑, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 根本祐一, 小林義明, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.13pJA‐15 - 1778 2016.9
関口祐太, 岩上欧史, 峯岸光如, 上野敬介, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.15aPS‐45 - 2111 2016.9
社本真一, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 伊藤孝, 森道康, 梶本亮一, 河村聖子, 柴田薫, 根本祐一, 前川禎通
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.14pAA‐12 - 933 2016.9
岩上欧史, 矢尾優丞, 関口祐太, 南条知則, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.22APS‐9 - 2403 2016.3
藤原万里子, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 土塔寛, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.22APS‐6 - 2109 2016.3
三本啓輔, 池照弘樹, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 左右田稔, 益田隆嗣
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.22AAU‐4 - 1281 2016.3
根本祐一, 藤原万里子, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 後藤輝孝, 土塔寛, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.19PBL‐10 2016.3
赤津光洋, 伊藤基樹, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.20PPSB‐3 - 2108 2016.3
低温領域における希土類カゴ状化合物Pr<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Ge<sub>6</sub>の磁場中熱膨張測定 II
関口祐太, 峯岸光如, 小野拓哉, 宮本惇也, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会講演予稿集 2016 18 2016
22aPS-6 Elastic constants of cage-structured compound PrPt_2Cd_<20>
Fujiwara M, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Doto H, Hirose Y, Settai R
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71 ( 0 ) 2400 - 2400 2016
22aPS-9 Thermal Expansion Measurements in Clathrate Compound R_3Pd_<20>Ge_6 (R = La, Pr)at millikelvin temperatures
Iwakami O, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Kitazawa H, Yao Y, Sekiguchi Y, Nanjyo T, Abe S, Matsumoto K, Ano G, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71 ( 0 ) 2403 - 2403 2016
19pBL-10 Ultrasonic study of caged compound PrPt_2Cd_<20>
Nemoto Y, Fujiwara M, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Goto T, Doto H, Hirose Y, Settai R
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71 ( 0 ) 2014 - 2014 2016
20pPSB-3 Ultrasonic study of pressure-induced superconductor CeRhIn_5 under hydrostatic pressures
Akatsu M, Ito M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Hirose Y, Settai R
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71 ( 0 ) 2108 - 2108 2016
22aAU-4 Elastic Softening due to Quadrupole-Strain Interaction in Ba_2CoGe_2O_7
Mitsumoto K, Ikesho H, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Soda M, Masuda T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71 ( 0 ) 1281 - 1281 2016
社本真一, 伊藤孝, 森道康, 前川禎通, 梶本亮一, 稲村泰弘, 中村充孝, 河村聖子, 柴田薫, 松浦直人, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一
日本中性子科学会年会講演概要集 16th 60 2016
赤津光洋, 栗原綾佑, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 中村慎太郎, ZHERLITSYN Sergei
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.16APS-122 - 796 2015.9
伊藤基樹, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.17APS-10 - 1808 2015.9
三本啓輔, 池照弘樹, 瓦井有香, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.16APS-48 - 753 2015.9
岩上欧史, 矢尾優丞, 関口祐太, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.17APS-52 - 1847 2015.9
栗原綾佑, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 佐藤正俊, 摂待力生, 金子浩, 鈴木治彦, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.19APS-41 - 2135 2015.9
池照弘樹, 瓦井有香, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 左右田稔, 益田隆嗣
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) ROMBUNNO.16APS-47 - 752 2015.9
中村慎太郎, 赤津光洋, 栗原綾佑, 根本祐一, 野島勉, 淡路智
東北大学金属材料研究所強磁場超伝導材料研究センター年次報告 2014 113 - 116 2015.7
赤津光洋, 小木田拓巳, 早坂千明, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 黒江晴彦, 関根智幸, 長谷正司, 岡邦彦, 伊藤利充, 永崎洋
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.21PPSA-45 - 1117 2015.3
三本啓輔, 谷藤祐太, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木博之
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.22APS-121 - 2210 2015.3
根本祐一, 星野和也, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 後藤輝孝, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.22APS-59 2015.3
摂待力生, 広瀬雄介, 太田俊平, 倉橋秀平, 都丸駿, 土塔寛, 佐瀬芳行, 藤原万里子, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 本多史憲, 本間佳哉, 李徳新, 青木大
東北大学金属材料研究所附属量子エネルギー材料科学国際研究センター共同利用研究経過報告書(CD-ROM) 2014 93 - 94 2015
16aPS-122 Precision Ultrasonic Measurement System Using a 12-bit DSO
Akatsu M, Kurihara R, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Nakamura S, Zherlitsyn S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 796 - 796 2015
摂待力生, 広瀬雄介, 土塔寛, 河野琢馬, 佐瀬芳行, 角田竜馬, 藤原万里子, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 本多史憲, 仲村愛, 本間佳哉, 李徳新, 青木大
東北大学金属材料研究所附属量子エネルギー材料科学国際研究センター共同利用研究経過報告書(CD-ROM) 32 103‐104 2015
矢尾優丞, 岩上欧史, 関口祐太, 南条知則, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会講演予稿集 2015 24 2015
21pPSA-45 Ultrasonic Study of Low Dimensional Antiferromagnet Cu_3Mo_2O_9 in Magnetic Fields
Akatsu M, Oka K, Ito T, Eisaki H, Kogita T, Hayasaka C, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kuroe H, Sekine T, Hase M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 1117 - 1117 2015
19aPS-41 Electric Quadrupole Effect in Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe_<1-x>Co_x)_2As_2 and A15 superconductor V_3Si
Kurihara R, Suzuki H, Onuki Y, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kobayashi Y, Sato M, Settai R, Kaneko H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 2135 - 2135 2015
16aPS-47 Ultrasonic Study of Two-Dimensional System Ba2CoGe2O7 in Magnetic Fields
Ikesho H, Kawarai Y, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Soda M, Masuda T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 752 - 752 2015
17aPS-10 Ultrasonic measurements of elastic constants under hydrostatic pressure in CeRhIn_5
Ito M, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Hirose Y, Settai R
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 1808 - 1808 2015
17aPS-52 Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction Measurements in Clathrate Compound R_3Pd_<20>Ge_6 (R = La, Pr)
Iwakami O, Goto T, Takeda N, Kitazawa H, Yao Y, Sekiguchi Y, Abe S, Matsumoto K, Ano G, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 1847 - 1847 2015
22aPS-121 Ultrasonic Study of LuAg_2In due to Quadrupole-Strain Interaction
Mitsumoto K, Tanifuji Y, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H. S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 2210 - 2210 2015
16aPS-48 Elastic Softening due to Quadrupole-Strain Interaction in Ba2Co2Ge2O7
Mitsumoto K, Ikesho H, Kawarai Y, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 753 - 753 2015
22aPS-59 Ultrasonic study of hydrostatic pressure effects in YbCo_2Zn_<20>
Nemoto Y, Hoshino K, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Goto T, Hirose Y, Settai R, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 2151 - 2151 2015
超音波による重い電子カゴ状化合物YbCo<sub>2</sub>Zn<sub>20</sub>の静水圧効果 II
星野和也, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 375 2014.8
希土類カゴ状化合物Pr<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Ge<sub>6</sub>の熱膨張・磁気歪み測定 II
岩上欧史, 矢尾優丞, 関口祐太, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 359 2014.8
超音波による低次元反強磁性体Cu<sub>3</sub>Mo<sub>2</sub>O<sub>9</sub>の弾性特性研究 II
赤津光洋, 小木田拓巳, 早坂千明, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 黒江晴彦, 関根智幸, 長谷正司, 岡邦彦, 伊藤利充, 永崎洋
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 294 - 294 2014.8
鉄ヒ素超伝導体Ba(Fe<sub>1-x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>)<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub>における電気四極子揺らぎの緩和現象 II
栗原綾佑, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 429 - 429 2014.8
三本啓輔, 木村駿生, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 705 - 705 2014.8
小木田拓巳, 赤津光洋, 早坂千明, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 黒江晴彦, 関根智幸, 長谷正司, 岡邦彦, 伊藤利充, 永崎洋
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 260 2014.8
岩上欧史, 浪指悠平, 矢尾優丞, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 613 2014.3
栗原綾佑, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 572 - 572 2014.3
大塚一輝, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 椎名亮輔, THALMEIER Peter
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 555 - 555 2014.3
野澤公義, 栗原綾佑, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 摂待力生, 金子浩, 鈴木治彦, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 576 - 576 2014.3
石井勲, 上川修平, 野口慈仁, 後藤弘季, 藤田貴弘, 鬼丸孝博, 松本圭介, 高畠敏郎, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木孝至
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 556 - 556 2014.3
PrAg<sub>2</sub>In純良単結晶における極低温比熱・磁化測定 II
佐藤由昌, 古谷圭一, 諸富大樹, 河江達也, 鈴木博之, 大塚一輝, 根本祐一
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 549 - 549 2014.3
矢尾板俊輔, 栗原綾佑, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 吉田良行
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 619 - 619 2014.3
根本祐一, 星野和也, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 後藤輝孝, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 659 2014.3
赤津光洋, 小木田拓巳, 早坂千明, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 黒江晴彦, 関根智幸, 長谷正司, 岡邦彦, 伊藤利充, 永崎洋
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 513 - 513 2014.3
高須理栄, 馬場正太郎, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 古村雄二, 斉藤広幸, 鹿島一日兒, 斉藤芳彦
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 579 - 579 2014.3
冠木悠太郎, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 伏屋雄紀
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 715 - 715 2014.3
岩上欧史, 矢尾優丞, 関口祐太, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会講演予稿集 2014 37 2014
27pBE-8 Ultrasonic Study of Hyperfine Interaction on Filled Skutterudite PrRu_4P_<12>
Otsuka K, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Shiina R, Thalmeier Peter
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 555 - 555 2014
27pBE-13 Phase boundary of the magnetic-field-induced phase transition in PrT_2Zn_<20>(T=Ir, Rh)
Ishii I, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki T, Kamikawa S, Noguchi Y, Goto H, Fujita T. K, Onimaru T, Matsumoto K. T, Takabatake T, Akatsu M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 556 - 556 2014
27pPSA-41 Relaxation Phenomena of Electric Quadrupole Fluctuation in Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe_<1-x>Co_x)_2As_2
Kurihara R, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kobayashi Y, Sato M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 572 - 572 2014
28aAY-5 Ultrasonic Study of Elastic Properties of Low Dimensional Antiferromagnet Cu_3Mo_2O_9
Akatsu M, Oka K, Ito T, Eisaki H, Kogita T, Hayasaka C, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kuroe H, Sekine T, Hase M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 513 - 513 2014
28aPS-73 Ultrasonic Investigation of Rattling in Caged Compounds RRu_2Zn_<20> (R=La, Sm)
Takahashi M., Akatsu M., Mitsumoto K., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Sasahara T., Nakano T., Takeda N., Ishii I.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 610 - 610 2014
8aPS-10 Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction Measurements of Clathrate Compound Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Iwakami O, Goto T, Takeda N, Kitazawa H, Yao Y, Sekiguchi Y, Abe S, Matsumoto K, Ano G, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 359 - 359 2014
27pPSA-58 Ultrasonic Study of Quadrupole Effect in A15 Superconductor V_3Si
Nozawa Masayoshi, Onuki Yoshichika, Kurihara Ryousuke, Akatsu Mitsuhiro, Mitsumoto Keisuke, Nemoto Yuichi, Goto Terutaka, Settai Rikio, Kaneko Hiroshi, Suzuki Haruhiko
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 576 - 576 2014
7aPS-123 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadrupole Effects in Low-Dimensional Antiferromagnet Cu_3Mo_2O_9
Kogita T, Oka K, Ito T, Eisaki H, Akatsu M, Hayasaka C, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kuroe H, Sekine T, Hase M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 260 - 260 2014
8pBC-5 Ultrasonic Study of Elastic Properties of Low Dimensional Antiferromagnet Cu_3Mo_2O_9 II
Akatsu M, Oka K, Ito T, Eisaki H, Kogita T, Hayasaka C, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kuroe H, Sekine T, Hase M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 294 - 294 2014
28pPSA-12 Acoustic de Haas-van Alphen Effect in a Semimetal Bismuth
Kabuki Y, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Fuseya Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 715 - 715 2014
10aAE-2 Spontaneous distortion and critical concentration due to strong quadrupole-strain interaction of vacancy orbital in silicon crystal
Mitsumoto K, Kimura T, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 705 - 705 2014
28aPS-115 Electric Quadrupole Effect of Ruthenate Superconductor Sr_2RuO_4
Yaoita S, Kurihara R, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Yoshida Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 619 - 619 2014
29pCM-1 Ultrasonic study of hydrostatic pressure effects in YbCo_2Zn_<20>
Nemoto Y, Hoshino K, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Goto T, Hirose Y, Settai R, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 659 - 659 2014
27pPSA-72 Observation of Vacancy Orbital in Boron-Doped CZ Silicon by Using Surface Acoustic Wave
Takasu Rie, Kashima Kazuhiko, Saito Yoshihiko, Baba Shotaro, Mitsumoto Keisuke, Akatsu Mitsuhiro, Nemoto Yuichi, Goto Terutaka, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Furumura Yuuji, Saito Hiroyuki
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 579 - 579 2014
28aPS-88 Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction Measurements of Clathrate Compound Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Iwakami O, Goto T, Takeda N, Kitazawa H, Namisashi Y, Yao Y, Abe S, Matsumoto K, Ano G, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 613 - 613 2014
28aPS-73 Ultrasonic Investigation of Rattling in Caged Compounds RRu_2Zn_<20> (R=La, Sm)
Takahashi M., Akatsu M., Mitsumoto K., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Sasahara T., Nakano T., Takeda N., Ishii I.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 610 - 610 2014
9aPS-114 Relaxation Phenomena of Electric Quadrupole Fluctuation in Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe_<1-x>Co_x)_2As_2 II
Kurihara R, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kobayashi Y, Sato M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 429 - 429 2014
8aPS-79 Ultrasonic Study of Hydrostatic Pressure Effects in YbCo_2Zn_<20> II
Hoshino K, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Hirose Y, Settai R, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 0 ) 375 - 375 2014
Strong Quadrupole-Strain Interaction of Vacancy Orbital in Boron-Doped Czochralski Silicon
Kazuki Okabe, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Shotaro Baba, Keisuke Mitsumoto, Yuichi Nemoto, Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Terutaka Goto, Hiroyuki Saito, Kazuhiko Kashima, Yoshihiko Saito
星野和也, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 赤津光洋, 広瀬雄介, 摂待力生, 大貫惇睦
高圧討論会講演要旨集 54th 190 2013.10
斎藤広幸, 岡部和樹, 鹿島一日兒, 金田寛, 斉藤芳彦, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 74th ROMBUNNO.16P-B2-4 2013.8
金田寛, 斎藤広幸, 岡部和樹, 鹿島一日兒, 斉藤芳彦, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 74th ROMBUNNO.16P-B2-6 2013.8
岡部和樹, 斎藤広幸, 鹿島一日兒, 金田寛, 斉藤芳彦, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 74th ROMBUNNO.16P-B2-5 2013.8
後藤輝孝, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 馬場正太郎, 高須理恵, 岡部和樹, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 斎藤広幸, 鹿島一日兒, 斉藤芳彦
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 2 ) 444 - 444 2013.8
赤津光洋, 早坂千明, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, YASIN Shadi, ZHERLITSYN Sergei, WOSNITZA Joachim, Zeitler Uli, 大村公美子, 山口博則, 木村尚次郎, 萩原政幸
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 2 ) 432 - 432 2013.8
栗原綾佑, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 2 ) 574 - 574 2013.8
根本祐一, 西方丈智, 大塚一輝, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木博之, 椎名亮輔, THALMEIER P
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 2 ) 443 - 443 2013.8
石井勲, 宗重仁士, 上川修平, 野口慈仁, 藤田貴弘, 鬼丸孝博, 松本圭介, 長澤直裕, 高畠敏郎, 阿野元貴, 大塚一輝, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木孝至
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 1 ) 585 2013.3
Elastic Properties of Quasi One Dimensional System BaCo_2V_2O_8 under High Magnetic Field
Akatsu M, Omura K, Yamaguchi H, Kimura S, Hagiwara M, Hayasaka C, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Yasin Shadi, Zherlitsyn Sergei, Wosnitza Joachim, Zeitler Uli
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 68 ( 0 ) 432 - 432 2013
26pXT-9 Elastic anomalies at the magnetic-field-induced phase transition in PrIr_2Zn_<20>
Ishii I, Ano G, Otsuka K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki T, Muneshige H, Kamikawa S, Noguchi Y, Fujita T. K, Onimaru T, Matsumoto K. T, Nagasawa N, Takabatake T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 68 ( 0 ) 585 - 585 2013
Ultrasonic study of quadrupole hyperfine interaction in Pr based compounds
Nemoto Y, Nishikata T, Otsuka K, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Goto T, Suzuki H.S, Shiina R, Thalmeier P
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 68 ( 0 ) 443 - 443 2013
Critical Slowing Down of Electric Quadrupole Fluctuation in Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe_<1-x>Co_x)_2As_2
Kurihara R, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kobayashi Y, Sato M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 68 ( 0 ) 574 - 574 2013
希土類カゴ状化合物Pr<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Ge<sub>6</sub>の交流帯磁率測定 II
岩上欧史, 浪指悠平, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会講演予稿集 2013 44 2013
根本祐一, 池田佳生, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 阿野元貴, 荒木幸治, 後藤輝孝, 黒瀧直哉, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 493 2012.8
岩上欧史, 浪指悠平, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田真也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 747 2012.8
西方丈智, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 摂待力生, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 526 - 526 2012.8
大井友貴, 三本啓輔, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 摂待力生, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 579 2012.8
荒木幸治, 榊原俊郎, 志村恭通, 後藤輝孝, 根本祐一, 赤津光洋, 三木啓輔, 三木啓輔, 鈴木博之, 谷田博司, 高木滋, YASIN Shadi, ZHERLITSYN Sergei, WOSNITZA Joachim
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 523 - 523 2012.8
宗重仁士, 石井勲, 上川修平, 末富靖彦, 藤田貴弘, 鬼丸孝博, 長澤直裕, 高畠敏郎, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木孝至
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 521 2012.8
栗原綾佑, 荒木幸治, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 559 - 559 2012.8
荒木幸治, 後藤輝孝, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 赤津光洋, 鈴木博之, 谷田博司, 高木滋, YASIN Shadi, ZHERLITSYN Sergei, WOSNITZA Joachim
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 653 - 653 2012.3
三本啓輔, 大井友貴, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 摂待力生, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 680 2012.3
赤津光洋, 早坂千明, 三本啓輔, 荒木幸治, 根本祐一, 奥西巧一, 後藤輝孝, 大村公美子, 山口博則, 木村尚次郎, 萩原政幸
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 491 2012.3
石井勲, 宗重仁士, 上川修平, 末冨靖彦, 藤田貴弘, 鬼丸孝博, 長澤直裕, 高畠敏郎, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木孝至
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 663 2012.3
栗原綾佑, 荒木幸治, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 小林義明, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 557 - 557 2012.3
岩上欧史, 浪指悠平, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 655 2012.3
柳澤達也, 門別翔太, 日高宏之, 網塚浩, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, YASHIN S, ZHERLITSYN S, WOSNITZA J
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 559 2012.3
門別翔太, 柳澤達也, 日高宏之, 網塚浩, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, YASHIN S, ZHERLITSYN S, WOSNITZA J
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 649 2012.3
25pPSB-37 Dissipative Quantum State due to Coupling of Non-Kramers Doublet to Lattice Vibrations in PrMg
Araki K, Zherlitsyn Sergei, Wosnitza Joachim, Goto T, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Akatsu M, Suzuki H. S, Tanida H, Takagi S, Yasin Shadi
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 653 - 653 2012
21aFH-7 Multipole Effects of YbCo_2Zn_<20> Using Ultrasonic Measurements
Oi Y, Mitsumoto K, Ano G, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Settai R, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 579 - 579 2012
21aAD-8 Temperature dependence of AC susceptibility of clathrate compound Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Iwakami O, Takeda N, Kitazawa H, Namisashi Y, Abe S, Matsumoto K, Ano G, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 747 - 747 2012
20pPSB-13 Quadrupole Effect in Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe_<1-x>Co_x)_2As_2 Using Ultrasonic Methods
Kurihara R, Araki K, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kobayashi Y, Sato M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 559 - 559 2012
20aPSA-70 Low-Temperature Magnetization of PrMg_3 with Non-Kramers Doublet Ground State
Araki K, Takagi S, Yasin Shadi, Zherlitsyn Sergei, Wosnitza Joachim, Sakakibara T, Shimura Y, Goto T, Nemoto Y, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Suzuki H. S, Tanida H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 523 - 523 2012
20aPSB-10 Study of Valence Fluctuation State of the Tetragonal Compound YbCu_2Si_2 Using Ultrasonic Measurements
Nishikata T, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Setai R, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 526 - 526 2012
19pHC-11 Ultrasonic Investigation of Crystal Field Levels and Multipolar Ordering in PrFe_4P_<12>
Nemoto Y., Takeda N., Ikeda Y., Mitsumoto K., Akatsu M., Ano G., Araki K., Goto T., Kurotaki N., Nakano T.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 493 - 493 2012
20aPSA-62 Elastic Moduli under magnetic fields in the Cage Compound PrRh_2Zn_<20>
Muneshige H, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki T, Ishii I, Kamikawa S, Suetomi Y, Fujita T. K, Onimaru T, Nagasawa N, Takabatake T, Ano G
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 521 - 521 2012
26pYA-8 Elastic moluli of PrRh_2Zn_<20>
Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki T, Muneshige H, Kamikawa S, Suetomi Y, Fujita T.K, Onimaru T, Nagasawa N, Takabatake T, Ano G
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 663 - 663 2012
27aYB-3 Elastic Softening due to Quadrupole Effects in YbCo_2Zn_<20>
Mitsumoto K, Oi Y, Ano G, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Settai R, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 680 - 680 2012
25pPSB-19 Ultrasonic Measurement of SmOs_4Sb_<12> with Pulse Magnetic Field
Mombetsu S, Wosnitza J, Yanagisawa T, Hidaka H, Amitsuka H, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Yashin S, Zherlitsyn S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 649 - 649 2012
25pPSB-47 Temperature dependence of AC susceptibility of clathrate compound Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Iwakami O, Takeda N, Kitazawa H, Namisashi Y, Abe S, Matumoto K, Ano G, Akatu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 655 - 655 2012
24pYB-6 Elastic Response of SmOs_4Sb_<12> under High Magnetic Field
Yanagisawa T, Wosnitza J, Mombetsu S, Hidaka H, Amitsuka H, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Yashin S, Zherlitsyn S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 559 - 559 2012
24aPS-69 Elastic Softening on Quasi One Dimensional System BaCo_2V_2O_8
Akatsu M, Kimura S, Hagiwara M, Hayasaka C, Mitsumoto K, Araki K, Nemoto Y, Okunishi K, Goto T, Omura K, Yamaguchi H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 491 - 491 2012
24pYA-11 Quadrupole fluctuation in iron pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe_<1-x>Co_x)_2As_2
Kurihara R, Araki K, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kobayashi Y, Sato. M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 0 ) 557 - 557 2012
天満屋拓美, 浪指悠平, 岩上欧史, 松本宏一, 阿部聡, 赤津光洋, 馬場正太郎, 三本啓輔, 金田寛, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会講演予稿集 2012 14 2012
三本啓輔, 小池達哉, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 繁岡透
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 477 - 477 2011.8
希土類六放課物Ce<sub>x</sub>La<sub>1-x</sub>B<sub>6</sub>の一軸圧四極子効果 II
赤津光洋, 倉上慶大, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 国井暁
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 477 2011.8
馬場正太郎, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 小松悟, 堀江邦彦, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 980 2011.8
柳澤達也, 門別翔太, 日高宏之, 網塚浩, 赤津光洋, 荒木幸治, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, HO Pei‐Chun, BAUMBACH Ryan E, MAPLE M. Brian
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 596 2011.8
希土類化合物Ce<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の近藤効果 II
阿野元貴, 藤田雅也, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 小野宏基, 武田直也, 酒井治, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 650 2011.8
石井勲, 宗重仁士, 末冨靖彦, 藤田貴弘, 鬼丸孝博, 松本圭介, 高畠敏郎, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木孝至
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 648 2011.8
栗原綾佑, 後藤輝孝, 荒木幸治, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 立松峻一, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 562 2011.8
中性子非弾性散乱法によるカゴ状化合物Pr<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の結晶場準位の決定 II
北澤英明, DOENNI Andreas, STRAESSLE Thierry, KELLER Lukas, 松田雅昌, 加倉井和久, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 649 - 649 2011.8
三本啓輔, 栗原綾祐, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 立松峻一, 佐藤正俊
物性研究 96 ( 5 ) 572 - 572 2011.8
倉上慶太, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 国井暁
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 539 2011.3
小池達哉, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 繁岡透
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 539 - 539 2011.3
ZHANG S, 石川義和, 赤津光洋, 高橋直紀, 荒木幸治, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 678 - 678 2011.3
阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 藤田雅也, 荒木幸治, 立川喜章, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 酒井治, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 550 2011.3
北澤英明, DOENNI Andreas, STRAESSLE Thierry, KELLER Lukas, 松田雅昌, 加倉井和久, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 379 2011.3
藤田雅也, 松尾一穂, 阿野元貴, 立川喜章, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 540 2011.3
小松悟, 馬場正太郎, 堀江邦彦, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 小川貴史, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 628 - 628 2011.3
馬場正太郎, 赤津光洋, 小松悟, 堀江邦彦, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 555 2011.3
松尾一穂, 藤田雅也, 阿野元貴, 荒木幸治, 立川喜章, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 酒井治, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 540 2011.3
後藤輝孝, 栗原綾佑, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 立松峻一, 佐藤正俊
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 589 2011.3
小川貴史, 鶴田健二, 家富洋, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 979 - 979 2011.3
谷野龍慈, 荒木幸治, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木博之, 高木滋
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 541 - 541 2011.3
赤津光洋, 倉上慶大, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 国井暁
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 660 2011.3
森田憲吾, 細矢信吾, 橋尾範, 田巻明, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木博之, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 542 2011.3
三本啓輔, 小池達哉, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 繁岡透
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 678 - 678 2011.3
戸谷田貴志, 阿野元貴, 荒木幸治, 立川喜章, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 540 2011.3
高橋直樹, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 松岡英一, 綿引正倫, 谷垣勝己, 小野寺秀也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 542 2011.3
池田佳生, 西方丈智, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 黒瀧直哉, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 653 2011.3
岩上欧史, 浪指悠平, 松本宏一, 阿部聡, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会講演予稿集 2011 27 2011
浪指悠平, 岩上欧史, 松本宏一, 阿部聡, 赤津光洋, 馬場正太郎, 三本啓輔, 金田寛, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会講演予稿集 2011 27 2011
24aGL-13 Electric Quadrupole of Iron Pnictide Superconductor by Means of Ultrasonic Measurements
Goto T, Kurihara R, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Araki K, Nemoto Y, Tatematsu S, Sato M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 646 - 646 2011
24pGC-7 Determination of crystal-field diagrams for clathrate compound Pr_3Pd_<20>Si_6 by inelastic neutron scattering measurements II
Kitazawa H, Goto T, Donni Andreas, Strassle Thierry, Keller Lukas, Matsuda M, Kakurai K, Ano G, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 649 - 649 2011
24pGC-9 Kondo Effect in Rare-earth Compound Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 II
Ano G, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H, Fujita M, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Ono H, Takeda N, Sakai O
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 650 - 650 2011
21pGC-10 Quadrupole Effects of Rare-Earth Tetragonal Compound HoRh_2Si_2 in Magnetic Fields Using Ultrasonic Measurements
Mitsumoto K, Koike T, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Sigeoka T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 477 - 477 2011
22pPSA-32 Quadrupole effect in iron pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe_<0.9>Co_<0.1>)_2As_2 using ultrasound measurements
Kurihara R, Goto T, Araki K, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Tatematsu S, Sato M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 562 - 562 2011
27pTJ-10 Analyses on spin-orbit coupling effects of a silicon single vacancy via DFT calculations
Ogawa Takafumi, Tsuruta Kenji, Iyetomi Hiroshi, Nemoto Yuichi, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Goto Terutaka
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 979 - 979 2011
21pGC-9 Quadrupole Effect on Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 under Uniaxial Pressure II
Akatsu M, Kurakami K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 477 - 477 2011
28pEC-5 Determination of crystal-field diagrams for clathrate compound Pr_3Pd_<20>Si_6 by inelastic neutron scattering measurements
Kitazawa H, Goto T, Donni Andreas, Strassle Thierry, Keller Lukas, Matsuda M, Kakurai K, Ano G, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 679 - 679 2011
28pEC-2 Ultrasonic measurement on cubic PrCu_4Ag in magnetic field
Zhang S, Isikawa Y, Akatsu M, Takahashi N, Araki K, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 678 - 678 2011
28pEC-3 Quadropole Effect in Rare Earth Tetragonal Compound HoRh_2Si_2
Mitsumoto K, Koike T, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Sigeoka T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 678 - 678 2011
27pPSB-15 Ultrasonic study of Quadrupole Effect in Filled PeFe_4P_<12>
Ikeda Y, Nishikata T, Ano G, Akatu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kurotaki N, Takeda N
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 653 - 653 2011
28aEC-6 Quadrupole Effect on Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 under Uniaxial Pressure
Akatsu M, Kurakami K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 660 - 660 2011
26aEE-11 Ultrasonic investigation on iron pnictide superconductar Ba(Fe_<0.9>Co_<0.1>)_2As_2
Goto T, Kurihara R, Araki K, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Tatematsu S, Sato M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 589 - 589 2011
26pPSA-46 Study of vacancy of orbital in B-doped FZ Silicon using by transverse wave ultrasonic measurements
Komatsu Satoru, Baba Shotaro, Akatsu Mitsuhiro, Mitsumoto Keisuke, Ogawa Takafumi, Nemoto Yuichi, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Goto Terutaka
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 628 - 628 2011
25aPS-122 Elastic properties of Sm_<1-x>La_xSn_3
Morita K, Hosoya S, Hashio S, Tamaki A, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 542 - 542 2011
25pEC-6 Kondo Effect in Rare-earth Compound Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Ano G, Takeda N, Sakai O, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H, Matsuo K, Fujita M, Araki K, Tachikawa Y, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 550 - 550 2011
25aPS-120 Quadrupolar Ordering of CePd_3S_4
Takahashi N, Araki K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Matsuoka E, Watahiki M, Tanigaki K, Onodera H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 542 - 542 2011
25pED-13 Vacancy orbital and magnetic field dependence of transverse elastic constant C_<44> in boron-doped silicon
Baba Shotaro, Akatsu Mitsuhiro, Komatsu Satoru, Horie Kunihiko, Mitsumoto Keisuke, Nemoto Yuichi, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Goto Terutaka
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 555 - 555 2011
22aGQ-7 Vacancy orbital and anisotropic magnetic field dependence of transverse elastic constant C_<44> in boron-doped silicon
Baba Shotaro, Akatsu Mitsuhiro, Mitsumoto Keisuke, Komatsu Satoru, Horie Kunihiko, Nemoto Yuichi, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Goto Terutaka
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 980 - 980 2011
25aPS-115 Specific heat in magnetic fields of R_3Pd_<20>Si_6 single crystal
Ono H., Nakano T., Takeda N., Ano G., Akatsu M., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Kitazawa H.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 540 - 540 2011
24pGC-8 Specific heat in magnetic fields of R_3Pd_<20>Si_6 single crystal III
Ono H., Nakano T., Takeda N., Ano G., Akatsu M., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Kitazawa H.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 650 - 650 2011
24pGC-8 Specific heat in magnetic fields of R_3Pd_<20>Si_6 single crystal III
Ono H., Nakano T., Takeda N., Ano G., Akatsu M., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Kitazawa H.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 650 - 650 2011
25aPS-115 Specific heat in magnetic fields of R_3Pd_<20>Si_6 single crystal
Ono H., Nakano T., Takeda N., Ano G., Akatsu M., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Kitazawa H.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 540 - 540 2011
25aPS-111 Quadropole Effect in Rare Earth Tetragonal Compound HoRh_2Si_2
Koike T, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Shigeoka T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 539 - 539 2011
25aPS-114 Investigation of Quadrupole Effect and Off Center Rattling in Nd_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Toyada Takashi, Ano Genki, Araki Koji, Tachikawa Yoshiaki, Akatsu Mitsuhiro, Nemoto Yuichi, Goto Terutaka, Kitazawa Hideaki
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 540 - 540 2011
25aPS-116 Ultrasonic Study of Quadrupole Effect in TmAg_2In
Tanino R, Araki K, Mitumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H.S, Takagi S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 541 - 541 2011
25aPS-112 Ultrasonic study of Kondo Effect in Clathrate Compound Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Matsuo K, Takeda N, Sakai O, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H, Fujita M, Ano G, Araki K, Tachikawa Y, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 540 - 540 2011
23aPS-84 Acoustic de Haas-van Alphen Effect of SmOs_4Sb_<12>
Yanagisawa T, Baumbach Ryan E, Maple M. Brian, Monbetsu S, Hidaka H, Amitsuka H, Akatsu M, Araki K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Ho Pei-Chun
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 596 - 596 2011
24pGC-1 Antiferro-quadrupolar ordering in PrIr_2Zn_<20>
Ishii I, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki T, Muneshige H, Suetomi Y, Fujita T. K, Onimaru T, Matsumoto K. T, Takabatake T, Araki K, Akatsu M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 648 - 648 2011
25aPS-113 Study of Quadrupolar Effect in Clathrate Compound Ho_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Fujita M, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H, Matsuo K, Ano G, Tachikawa Y, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 540 - 540 2011
25aPS-108 Ultrasonic Study of Quadrupole Effect in Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 under Uniaxial Pressures
Kurakami K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 0 ) 539 - 539 2011
小川貴史, 鶴田健二, 家富洋, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
分子シミュレーション討論会講演要旨集 24th 264 - 265 2010.11
岡部和樹, 三本啓輔, 柳瀬隆志, 赤津光洋, 馬場正太郎, 小松悟, 小野恭史, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 71st ROMBUNNO.16A-ZT-1 2010.8
小川貴史, 鶴田健二, 家富洋, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 71st ROMBUNNO.16A-ZT-2 2010.8
ZHANG S, 石川義和, 田山孝, 桑井智彦, 水島俊雄, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 460 - 460 2010.8
赤津光洋, 阿野元貴, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 吉川明子, 鈴木博之, 土屋佳則, DOENNI ANDREAS, 酒井治, 北澤英明, 目時直人
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 520 2010.8
北澤英明, 目時直人, 土屋佳則, 寺田典樹, 吉川明子, 河村幸彦, 酒井治, DOENNI Andreas, 松田雅昌, 金子耕士, 加倉井和久, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 武田直也, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 584 2010.8
高橋直紀, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 松岡英一, 綿引正倫, 谷垣勝己, 小野寺秀也
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 522 - 522 2010.8
鈴木博之, 吉川明子, 荒木幸治, 高橋直紀, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 459 - 459 2010.8
小野宏基, 立松賢治, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 521 2010.8
柳澤達也, 齋藤旬, 日高宏之, 網塚浩, 赤津光洋, 荒木幸治, 高橋直紀, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, HO Pei‐Chun, BAUMBACH Ryan E, MAPLE M. Brian
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 585 2010.8
松尾一穂, 藤田雅也, 阿野元貴, 立川喜章, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 吉川明子, DOENNI ANDREAS, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 521 2010.8
荒木幸治, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木博之, 谷田博司, 高木滋, YASIN Shadi, ZHERHLITSYN Sergei, WOSNITZA Joachim
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 459 - 459 2010.8
小川貴史, 鶴田健二, 家富洋, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 928 - 928 2010.8
阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 荒木幸冶, 立川喜章, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 吉川明子, DOENNI ANDREAS, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 520 2010.8
馬場正太郎, 永井勇太, 赤津光洋, 小松悟, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 57th ROMBUNNO.20A-TW-2 2010.3
シリコン原子空孔評価:P(VDF/TrFE)圧電薄膜を用いたシリコン単結晶の超音波測定 II
三本啓輔, 岡部和樹, 柳瀬隆志, 赤津光洋, 馬場正太郎, 永井勇太, 小松悟, 小野恭史, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 57th ROMBUNNO.20A-TW-3 2010.3
超音波計測によるDyPd<sub>3</sub>S<sub>4</sub>の多極子秩序の研究 II
吉川拓摩, 高橋直紀, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 松岡英一, 綿引正倫, 谷垣勝己, 小野寺秀也
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 619 - 619 2010.3
阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 荒木幸治, 立川喜章, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 吉川明子, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 625 2010.3
根本祐一, 吉川拓摩, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 松岡英一, 綿引正倫, 谷垣勝己, 小野寺秀也, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 624 - 624 2010.3
後藤沙織, 三本啓輔, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, DUNG Nguyen Duc, 松田達磨, 芳賀芳範, 太田有基, 杉山清寛, 摂待力生, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 618 - 618 2010.3
永井勇太, 馬場正太郎, 赤津光洋, 小松悟, 三本啓輔, 小川貴史, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 547 - 547 2010.3
超音波測定によるNd<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の電気四極子効果の研究 IV
立川喜章, 阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 吉川明子, DOENNI Andress, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 618 2010.3
北澤英明, DOENNI Andreas, STRAESSLE Thierry, KELLER Lukas, 松田雅昌, 加倉井和久, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本中性子科学会年会講演概要集 10th 61 2010
20aPS-116 Quadrupole Effect of Vacancy Orbital in Boron-Doped FZ Silicon II
Nagai Y, Baba S, Akatsu M, Komatsu S, Mitsumoto K, Ogawa T, Nemoto Y, Yamada-Kaneta H, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 547 - 547 2010
25aWJ-7 Ultrasonic Dispersions of Filted-Skutterudite SmOs_4Sb_<12>
Yanagisawa T, Ho Pei-Chun, Baumbach Ryan E, Maple M. Brian, Saito H, Hidaka H, Amitsuka H, Akatsu M, Araki K, Takahashi N, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 585 - 585 2010
26aWZ-12 Analyses localized electron orbitals around a silicon single vacallcy via DFT calculations
Ogawa Takafumi, Tsuruta Kenji, Iyetomi Hiroshi, Nemoto Yuichi, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Goto Terutaka
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 928 - 928 2010
23pPSA-49 Ultrasonic Study of Quadrupolar effect of CePd_3S_4
Takahashi N, Araki K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Matsuoka E, Watahiki M, Tanigaki K, Onodera H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 522 - 522 2010
25aWJ-5 Low-energy excitation of rare-earth clathrate compounds Ce_3Pd_<20>(Si_<1-x>G_x)_6
Kitazawa H, Kaneko K, Kakurai K, Ano G, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Goto T, Metoki N, Tsuchiya Y, Terada N, Kikkawa A, Kawamura Y, Sakai O, Donni Andreas, Matsuda M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 584 - 584 2010
23pPSA-43 Specific heat in the magnetic field of Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 single crystal
Ono H., Tatematsu K., Nakano T., Takeda N., Ano G., Akatsu M., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Kitazawa H.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 521 - 521 2010
23pPSA-41 Rattling in Clathrate Compound Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Ano G, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H, Matsuo K, Araki K, Tachikawa Y, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Kikkawa A
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 520 - 520 2010
23pPSA-42 Rattling in Clathrate Compound Ce_3Pd_<20> (Si_XGe_<1-X>)_6
Matsuo K, Kikkawa A, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H, Fujita M, Ano G, Tachikawa Y, Akatsu M, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 521 - 521 2010
23aXP-12 Anomalous behavior observed on a cubic single crystal PrCu_4Ag at low temperatures
Zhang S, Isikwa Y, Tayama T, Kuwai T, Mizushima T, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 460 - 460 2010
23pPSA-40 Quadrupole Ordering on Pr_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Akatsu M, Donni Andreas, Sakai O, Kitazawa H, Metoki N, Ano G, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Kikkawa A, Suzuki H, Tuchiya Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 520 - 520 2010
23aXP-8 Magnetic phase diagram of PrPd_3 II
Suzuki H. S, Kikkawa A, Araki K, Takahashi N, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 459 - 459 2010
23aXP-10 Ultrasonic Dispersion in Non-Kramers Doublet System PrMg_3 at Low Temperatures
Araki K, Zherlitsyn Sergei, Wosnitza Joachim, Mitsumoto K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H. S, Tanida H, Takagi S, Yasin Shadi
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 459 - 459 2010
21pGD-5 Ultrasonic Study of Quadrupole Ordering in RPd_3S_4
Nemoto Y, Yoshikawa T, Araki K, Akatsu M, Matsuoka E, Watahiki M, Tanigaki K, Onodera H, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 624 - 624 2010
21pGD-8 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadrupole Ordering in Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Ano G, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H, Matsuo K, Araki K, Tachikawa Y, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Kikkawa A
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 625 - 625 2010
21aPS-79 Ultrasonic Study of Multipole Ordering in DyPd_3S_4 II
Yoshikawa T, Onodera H, Takahashi N, Araki K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Matsuoka E, Watahiki M, Tanigaki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 619 - 619 2010
21aPS-75 Study of Quadrupole Effect in Tetragonal RCu_2Si_2(R=Pr,Dy)
Goto S, Ota Y, Sugiyama K, Settai R, Onuki Y, Mitsumoto K, Araki K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, DUNG Nguyen Duc, Matsuda T. D, Haga Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 618 - 618 2010
21aPS-76 Study of Electric Quadrupolar Effects in Nd_3Pd_<20>Si_6 using Ultrasonic Measurements IV
Tachikawa Y, Kitazawa H, Ano G, Matsuo K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Kikkawa A, Donni Andress
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 618 - 618 2010
岡部和樹, 三本啓輔, 柳瀬隆志, 赤津光洋, 小野恭史, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 70th ( 1 ) 400 2009.9
永井勇太, 馬場正太郎, 赤津光洋, 小松悟, 渡邊肇, 三本啓輔, 小川貴史, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 70th ( 1 ) 399 2009.9
三本啓輔, 岡部和樹, 柳瀬隆志, 赤津光洋, 馬場正太郎, 永井勇太, 小松悟, 小野恭史, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 70th ( 1 ) 400 2009.9
眞田直幸, 綿貫章太, 鈴木和也, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 435 - 435 2009.8
北澤英明, 寺田典樹, 土屋佳則, 河村幸彦, 吉川明子, 鈴木博之, DOENNI Andreas, 酒井治, 松田雅昌, 加倉井和久, 阿野元貴, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 474 2009.8
馬場正太郎, 永井勇太, 赤津光洋, 小松悟, 渡邊肇, 三本啓輔, 小川貴史, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 863 - 863 2009.8
超音波測定によるNd<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の電気四極子効果の研究 III
立川喜章, 阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 都竹星志, 小林陽樹, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 433 2009.8
三本啓輔, 後藤沙織, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, DUNG Nguyen Duc, 松田達磨, 芳賀芳範, 太田有基, 杉山清寛, 摂待力生, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 524 - 524 2009.8
吉川拓摩, 高橋直紀, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 石井勲, 綿引正倫, 松岡英一, 谷垣勝己, 小野寺秀也
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 435 - 435 2009.8
柳澤達也, 齋藤旬, 真山太一, 池田陽一, 日高宏之, 網塚浩, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, HO P.‐C, MAPLE M. B
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 475 2009.8
荒木幸治, 吉川拓摩, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木博之, 谷田博司, 高木滋
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 432 - 432 2009.8
永井勇太, 馬場正太郎, 赤津光洋, 小松悟, 渡邊肇, 三本啓輔, 小川貴史, 根本祐一, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 446 - 446 2009.8
超音波による正方晶化合物PrCu<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>2</sub>の四極子効果 II
後藤沙織, 三本啓輔, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, DUNG Nguyen Duc, 松田達磨, 芳賀芳範, 太田有基, 杉山清寛, 摂待力生, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 431 - 431 2009.8
根本祐一, 戸谷田貴志, 阿野元貴, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 石井勲, 武田直也, 落合明, 菅原仁, 佐藤英行, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 475 2009.8
Ce<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の極低温磁化 II
三田村裕幸, 桜庭孝明, 田山孝, 榊原俊郎, 都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 吉川明子, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 427 2009.8
阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 立川喜孝, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 吉川明子, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 432 2009.8
赤津光洋, 阿野元貴, 都竹星志, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 石井勲, DOENNI Andreas, 吉川明子, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 474 - 474 2009.8
Single Crystal Growth and Electronic States in RCu2Sb2
DUNG Nguyen Duc, 大貫惇睦, 武田勇司, 太田有基, 石倉達朗, 杉山清寛, 摂待力生, 松田達磨, 芳賀芳範, 竹内徹也, 播磨尚朝, 後藤沙織, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
固体物理 44 ( 7 ) 433 - 449 2009.7
荒木幸治, 吉川拓摩, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, LUETHI Bruno
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 1 ) 550 2009.3
渡邊肇, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 永井勇太, 馬場正太郎, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝, 根本祐一, 石井勲, 中村慎太郎
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 1 ) 932 - 932 2009.3
山口高央, 後藤沙織, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 柳澤達也
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 1 ) 532 2009.3
都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 立川喜章, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DONNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 1 ) 534 2009.3
吉川拓摩, 荒木幸治, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 松岡英一, 小野寺秀也
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 1 ) 549 - 549 2009.3
後藤沙織, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 石井勲, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, DUNG Nguyen Duc, 松田達磨, 芳賀芳範, 太田有基, 杉山清寛, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 1 ) 549 - 549 2009.3
27aRB-11 Strain field and elastic properties of vacancy in silicon : Classical and tight-binding molecular dynamics simulations
Ogawa T., Tsuruta K., Iyetomi H., Goto T., Yamada-Kaneta H.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 1 ) 932 - 932 2009.3
27aPS-12 Quadrupolar Ordering and Phase Diagram in Rare-Earth Clathrate Compound Pr_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Tsuduku S, Kitazawa H, Ano G, Tachikawa Y, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Donni Andreas
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 534 - 534 2009
北澤英明, 寺田典樹, 土屋佳則, 河村幸彦, 吉川明子, DOENNI Andreas, 酒井治, 松田雅昌, 加倉井和久, 阿野元貴, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本中性子科学会年会講演概要集 9th 113 2009
27aPS-80 Ultrasonic Investigation of the Quadrupole Effect in Tetragonal PrCu_2Si_2
Goto S, Ota Y, Sugiyama K, Onuki Y, Araki K, Akatsu M, Ishii I, Nemoto Y, Goto T, DUNG Nguyen Duc, Matsuda T. D, Haga Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 549 - 549 2009
25pYK-9 Anisotropic Magnetic Field Dependence of Elastic Constant in Boron-doped Silicon Crystal
Baba S, Goto T, Nagai Y, Akatsu M, Komatsu S, Watanabe H, Mitsumoto K, Ogawa T, Nemoto Y, Kaneta H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 863 - 863 2009
26aRL-11 Ultrasonic Measurement of Ratting in Pr_<1-x>Nd_xOs_4Sb_<12>
Yanagisawa T, Ho P. -C, Maple M. B, Saito H, Mayama T, Ikeda Y, Hidaka H, Amitsuka H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 475 - 475 2009
26pTJ-13 Study of quadrupole effect in RCu_2Si_2 using low-temperature ultrasonic measurements
Mitsumoto K, Ota Y, Sugiyama K, Settai R, Onuki Y, Goto S, Araki K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Dung Nguyen Duc, Matsuda T, Haga Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 524 - 524 2009
26aRL-6 Ultrasonic Study of Quadrupole Ordering on R_3Pd_<20>Si_6(R=Ce, Pr) at Low Temperatures
Akatsu M, Kikkawa A, Kitazawa H, Ano G, Tsuduku S, Mitsumoto K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Ishii I, Donni Andreas
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 474 - 474 2009
26aRL-10 Ratting and Tunneling in The Filled Skutterudite (Pr_<1-x>La_x)Os_4Sb_<12>
Nemoto Y, Sato H, Goto T, Toyada T, Ano G, Araki K, Akatsu M, Ishii I, Takeda N, Ochiai A, Sugawara H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 475 - 475 2009
25aPS-132 The Quadrupole Effect of Vacancy Orbital in Boron-Doped FZ Silicon
Nagai Y, Goto T, Baba S, Akatsu M, Komatsu S, Watanabe H, Mitsumoto K, Ogawa T, Nemoto Y, Yamada-Kaneta H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 446 - 446 2009
26aRL-5 Crystal field of rare-earth clathrate compounds Ce_3Pd_<20>(Si_<1-x>Ge_x)_6
Kitazawa H, Kakurai K, Ano G, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Terada N, Tsuchiya Y, Kawamura Y, Kikkawa A, Suzuki H. S, Donni Andreas, Sakai O, Matsuda M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 474 - 474 2009
25aPS-75 Study of Electric Quadrupolar Effects in Nd_3Pd_<20>Si_6 using Ultrasonic Measurements III
Tachikawa Y, Donni Andress, Kitazawa H, Ano G, Matsuo K, Tsuduku S, Kobayashi H, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 433 - 433 2009
25aPS-83 Elastic constants of TbCoGa_5 under the magnetic field and very low temperature
Sanada Naoyuki, Watanuki Ryuta, Suzuki Kazuya, Akatsu Mitsuhiro, Nemoto Yuichi, Goto Terutaka
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 435 - 435 2009
25aPS-70 Ultrasonic Study of Quantum Phase in PrMg_3 at Low Temperatures
Araki K, Yoshikawa T, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H. S, Tanida H, Takagi S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 432 - 432 2009
25aPS-71 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadropole Effect in Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Ano G, Kitazawa H, Matsuo K, Tachikawa Y, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Kikkawa A, Donni Andress
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 432 - 432 2009
25aPS-48 Magnetization of Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 at low temperatures II
Mitamura H, Goto T, Kikkawa A, Kitazawa H, Sakuraba T, Tayama T, Sakakibara T, Tsuduku S, Ano G, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 427 - 427 2009
25aPS-66 Ultrasonic Investigation of the Quadrupole Effect in Tetragonal PrCu_2Si_2
Goto S, Ota Y, Sugiyama K, Settai R, Onuki Y, Mitsumoto K, Araki K, Akatsu M, Nemoto i. Y, Goto T, DUNG Nguyen Duc, Matsuda T. D, Haga Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 431 - 431 2009
27aPS-82 Elastic Anomaly of Rare-Earth Garnet Tb_3Ga_5O_<12> under Magnetic Fields
Araki K, Takuma Y, Ishii I, Akatu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Luthi Bruno
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 550 - 550 2009
27aRB-8 Ultrasonic Measurements of Elastic Constants under Magnetic fields in B-doped Silicon Crystal grown by FZ method
Watanabe Hajime, Nakamura Shintaro, Akatsu Mitsuhiro, Mitsumoto Keisuke, Nagai Yuta, Baba Shotaro, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Goto Terutaka, Nemoto Yuichi, Ishii Isao
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 932 - 932 2009
25aPS-84 Ultrasonic Study of Multipole Ordering in DyPd_3S_4
Yoshikawa T, Tanigaki K, Onodera H, Takahashi N, Araki K, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Ishii I, Watahiki M, Matsuoka E
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 435 - 435 2009
27aPS-3 Rattling and Superconductivity in the Filled Skutterudite (Pr_<1-x>La_x)Os_4Sb_<12>
Yamaguchi A, Goto S, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 532 - 532 2009
27aPS-79 Ultrasonic Study of Quadrupole Effect in DyPd_3S_4
Yoshikawa T, Araki K, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Matsuoka E, Onodera H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 0 ) 549 - 549 2009
柳澤達也, 真山太一, 森下明, 日高宏之, 網塚浩, 山口高央, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, HO Pei‐Chun, MAPLE M.Brian
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 495 2008.8
石井勲, 山口高央, 後藤沙織, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 藤田貴弘, 森育子, 菅原仁, 吉澤正人, 鈴木孝至
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 495 2008.8
鈴木博之, 吉川明子, 河村幸彦, 北澤英明, 荒木幸治, 吉川拓摩, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 403 - 403 2008.8
塩原大輔, 立松賢治, 都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 505 2008.8
渡邊肇, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 馬場正太郎, 永井勇太, 金田寛, 後藤輝孝, 根本祐一, 石井勲, 中村慎太郎
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 867 - 867 2008.8
超音波測定によるNd<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の電気四極子効果の研究 II
立川喜章, 都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 石井勲, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andress, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 506 2008.8
北沢英明, DUENNI Andreas, MIHALIK Matus, 柳町治, 松田雅昌, 金子耕士, 目時直人, 加倉井和久, 都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 528 - 528 2008.8
荒木幸治, 吉川拓摩, 赤津光洋, 石井勲, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木博之, 谷田博司, 高木滋
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 528 - 528 2008.8
吉川明子, 鈴木博之, 河村幸彦, 今中康貴, 北澤英明, 荒木幸治, 吉川拓摩, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 402 2008.8
山口高央, 後藤沙織, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 柳澤達也
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 496 2008.8
三田村裕幸, 桜庭孝明, 田山孝, 榊原俊郎, 都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 505 2008.8
後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 渡辺肇, 永井勇太, 馬場正太郎, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 石井勳, 三本啓介, 中村慎太郎
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 874 - 874 2008.8
超音波測定によるCe<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の電気四極子効果の研究 II
都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 立川喜章, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andress, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 506 2008.8
21aRB-10 Revisit to the Ground State for a Single Vacancy in Crystal Silicon
Ogawa T., Tsuruta K., Iyetomi H., Goto T., Kaneta H. Y.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 2 ) 868 - 868 2008.8
Thermodynamic and transport studies of the ferromagnetic filled skutterudite compound PrFe4 As12
T. A. Sayles, W. M. Yuhasz, J. Paglione, T. Yanagisawa, J. R. Jeffries, M. B. Maple, Z. Henkie, A. Pietraszko, T. Cichorek, R. Wawryk, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 ( 14 ) 2008.4
Ultrasonic dispersion due to off-center rattling in NdOs4Sb12
T. Yanagisawa, W. M. Yuhasz, P-C. Ho, M. B. Maple, H. Watanabe, Y. Yasumoto, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 403 ( 5-9 ) 735 - 738 2008.4
Magnetic ordering in PrFe4As12
T. A. Sayles, W. M. Yuhasz, J. Paglione, T. Yanagisawa, J. R. Jeffries, M. B. Maple, Z. Henkie, A. Pietraszko, T. Cichorek, R. Wawryk, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 403 ( 5-9 ) 869 - 870 2008.4
渡邊肇, 後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 根本祐一, 昆金正敏, 柳澤達也, 中村慎太郎
応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 55th ( 2 ) 816 2008.3
金田寛, 渡辺肇, 後藤輝孝, 根本祐一, 昆金正敏, 柳澤達也, 中村慎太郎
応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 55th ( 1 ) 447 2008.3
T. Yanagisawa, W. M. Yuhasz, T. A. Sayles, P. -C. Ho, M. B. Maple, H. Watanabe, Y. Yasumoto, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 ( 9 ) 2008.3
渡邊肇, 後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 根本祐一, 昆金正敏, 柳澤達也, 中村慎太郎
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 936 - 936 2008.2
立川喜章, 小林陽樹, 都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 柳澤達也, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 549 2008.2
荒木幸治, 後藤輝孝, 根本祐一, 柳澤達也, LUETHI Bruno
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 549 2008.2
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 538 2008.2
クラスレート化合物,La<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>T<sub>6</sub>(T=Si and Ge)のケージ副構造とサイト占有率
松下能孝, 佐藤晃, 小林陽樹, DOENNI A, 北澤英明, 泉富士夫, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 金子雅一, 佐々木進, 岸本直樹
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 442 - 442 2008.2
充填スクッテルダイトLaOs<sub>4</sub>Sb<sub>12</sub>のラットリングおよびトンネリングの研究 II
安本百合, 山口高央, 柳澤達也, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 落合明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 567 - 567 2008.2
赤津光洋, 三田村裕幸, 森江孝明, 榊原俊郎, 金道浩一, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 中村慎太郎, 国井暁
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 542 2008.2
後藤輝孝, 小林陽樹, 都竹星志, 渡辺智行, 鈴木修, 柳沢達也, 根本祐一, 武田直也, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 527 2008.2
金田寛, 渡辺肇, 昆金正敏, 後藤輝孝, 根本祐一, 柳澤達也, 中村慎太郎
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 936 - 936 2008.2
中性子非弾性散乱法によるカゴ状物質R<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>(R=Ce,Pr)の結晶場励起 II
北澤英明, DOENNI Andreas, MIHALIK Matus, 松田雅昌, 金子耕士, 目時直人, 加倉井和久, 小林陽樹, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 545 - 545 2008.2
小林陽樹, 都竹星志, 鈴木修, 柳沢達也, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 528 2008.2
都竹星志, 小林陽樹, 立川喜章, 鈴木修, 柳澤達也, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andress, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 549 2008.2
Magneto-elastic properties of Tb3Ga5O12 (TGG)
K. Araki, T. Goto, Y. Nemoto, T. Yanagisawa, B. Luethi
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 61 ( 3 ) 257 - 259 2008.2
Quadrupole Effect in the Filled Skutterudite Compound PrOs4As12
T. Yanagisawa, Y. Yasumoto, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, W. M. Yuhasz, P-C. Ho, M. B. Maple, Z. Henkie, A. Pietraszko
21aPS-13 Investigation of Rattling in The Filled Skutterudite (Pr_<1-x>La_x)Os_4Sb_<12>
Yamaguchi A, Goto S, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 496 - 496 2008
21pPSB-3 Crystal field ground state of cubic compounds PrM_3B_x(M=Pd,Rh)
Suzuki H. S, Goto T, Kikkawa A, Kawamura Y, Kitazawa H, Araki K, Yoshikawa T, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 403 - 403 2008
21aPS-53 Magnetization of Ce_3Pd_20Si_6 at low temperatures
Mitamura H, Goto T, Kitazawa H, Sakuraba T, Tayama T, Sakakibara T, Tsuduku S, Ano G, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 505 - 505 2008
21aPS-54 Specific heat in the magnetic field of Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 single crystal
Shiobara D, Kitazawa H, Tatematsu K, Tsuduku S, Ano G, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 505 - 505 2008
21aPS-8 Elastic properties of filled skutterudite CeFe_4Sb_<12>
Ishii I, Suzuki T, Yamaguchi A, Goto S, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Fujita T, Mori B, Sugawara H, Yoshizawa M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 495 - 495 2008
21aPS-11 Ultrasonic Dispersion in the Filled-Skutterudite Pr_<0.55>Nd<0.45>Os_4Sb_<12>
Yanagisawa T, Ho Pei-Chun, Maple M. Brian, Mayama T, Morishita A, Hidaka H, Amitsuka H, Yamaguchi A, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 495 - 495 2008
21pPSB-2 Magnetic properties of PrM_3O_9 (M=Nb,Ta) single crystal
Kikkawa A, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H.S, Kawamura Y, Imanaka Y, Kitazawa H, Araki K, Yoshikawa T, Ishii I, Akatsu M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 402 - 402 2008
21aPS-55 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadrupole Effect in Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 II
Tsuduku S, Kitazawa H, Ano G, Tachikawa Y, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Donni Andress
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 506 - 506 2008
23pPSB-15 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadrupole Effect in Clathrate Compound Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Tsuduku S, Kitazawa H, Kobayashi H, Tachikawa Y, Suzuki O, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Donni Andress
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 549 - 549 2008
23aPS-74 Cage Substructures and Site Occupancies in Clathrate Compounds, La_3Pd_<20>T_6(T=Si and Ge)
Matsushita Y, Sasaki S, Kishimoto N, Sato A, Kobayashi H, Donni A, Kitazawa H, Izumi F, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kaneko M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 442 - 442 2008
23pPSB-16 Study of Electric Quadrupolar Effects in Nd_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Tachikawa Y, Kitazawa H, Kobayashi H, Tsuduku S, Ano G, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Donni Andreas
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 549 - 549 2008
23pWR-7 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadrupole Ordering in Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Goto T, Kobayashi H, Tsuduku S, Watanabe T, Suzuki O, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Donni Andreas
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 527 - 527 2008
23pPSA-15 Ultrasonic Measurements of Filled-skutterudite PrFe_4As_<12>
Yanagisawa T, Maple M.B, Henkie Z, Pietraszko A, Cichorek T, Wawryk R, Yasumoto Y, Yamaguchi A, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Sayles T.A, Yuhasz W.M, Paglione J, Jeffries J.R
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 538 - 538 2008
23pWR-8 Ultrasonic Investigation of Electric Quadrupole Effect in Pr_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Kobayashi H, Tsuduku S, Suzuki O, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 528 - 528 2008
23pPSA-42 Crystalline-electric field excitations in the clathrate compound R_3Pd_<20>Si_6(R=Ce,Pr) studied by inelastic neutron scattering II
Kitazawa H, Goto T, Donni Andreas, Mihalik Matus, Matsuda M, Kaneko K, Metoki N, Kakurai K, Kobayashi H, Nemoto Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 545 - 545 2008
23pPSA-29 Ultrasonic Study of Antiferro Quadrupole Ordering on Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 in Pulsed Magnetic Fields
Akatsu M, Mitamura H, Morie T, Sakakibara T, Kindo K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Nakamura S, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 542 - 542 2008
21aPS-56 Study of Electric Quadrupolar Effects in Nd_3Pd_<20>Si_6 using Ultrasonic Measurements II
Tachikawa Y, Kitazawa H, Tsuduku S, Ano G, Akatsu M, Ishii I, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Donni Andress
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 506 - 506 2008
21pQB-6 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadrupolar Effect for Non-Kramers Γ_3 Doublet in PrMg_3
Araki K, Yoshikawa T, Akatsu M, Ishii I, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H. S, Tanida H, Takagi S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 528 - 528 2008
24aWR-10 Neutron scattering study of phonon dynamics on La_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Lee C.H, Yoshizawa H, Kihou K, Hase I, Nemoto Y, Kaneko K, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 567 - 567 2008
24aWR-8 Investigation of Rattling and Tunneling in The Filled Skutterudite LaOs_4Sb_<12> II
Yasumoto Y, Yamaguchi A, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Ochiai A
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 567 - 567 2008
24pYF-2 Low-temperature elastic softening due to vacancies in floating-zone-grown silicon crystals : Effect of high-temperature oxidation
Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Watanabe Hajime, Hikin Masatoshi, Goto Terutaka, Nemoto Yuichi, Yanagisawa Tatsuya, Nakamura Shintaro
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 936 - 936 2008
24pYF-3 The Observation of Vacancy in O_2 annealed Silicon Crystal Using Ultrasonic Measurements at Low Temperature
Watanabe Hajime, Goto Terutaka, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Nemoto Yuichi, Hikin Masatoshi, Yanagisawa Tatsuya, Nakamura Shintaro
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 936 - 936 2008
21pRB-1 Study on silicon vacancy by low-temperature ultrasonic measurements and its application to industry
Goto Terutaka, Nakamura Shintaro, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Watanabe Hajime, Nagai Yuta, Baba Shotaro, Akatsu Mitsuhiro, Nemoto Yuichi, Ishi Isao, Mitsumoto Keisuke
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 874 - 874 2008
23pPSB-14 Ultrasonic Study of Quadrupolar Effect in Rare-Earth Garnet Tb_3Ga_5O_<12>
Araki K, Goto T, Nemoto Y, Yanagisawa T, Luthi Bruno
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 549 - 549 2008
21pQB-9 Inelastic neutron scattering and high-field magnetization of the clathrate compounds R_3Pd_<20>Si_6 (R=Ce, Pr)
Kitazawa H, Ano G, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Donni Andreas, Mihalik Matus, Yanagimachi O, Matsuda M, Kaneko K, Metoki N, Kakurai K, Tsuduku S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 528 - 528 2008
21aRB-7 The Observation of Vacancy in Silicon Crystal by Using Ultrasonic Measurements at Low Temperature
Watanabe Hajime, Nakamura Shintaro, Akatsu Mitsuhiro, Mitsumoto Keisuke, Baba Shotaro, Nagai Yuta, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Goto Terutaka, Nemoto Yuichi, Ishii Isao
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 0 ) 867 - 867 2008
昆金正敏, 後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 根本祐一, 渡邉肇, 柳澤達也, 中村慎太郎
応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 68th ( 1 ) 433 2007.9
後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 昆金正敏, 根本祐一, 中村慎太郎
応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 68th ( 0 ) 41 2007.9
赤津光洋, 森江孝明, 榊原俊郎, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 国井暁
日本物理学会講演概要集 62 ( 2 ) 566 2007.8
昆金正敏, 後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 根本祐一, 渡邊肇, 柳澤達也, 中村慎太郎
日本物理学会講演概要集 62 ( 2 ) 994 - 994 2007.8
安本百合, 渡邊彦睦, 柳澤達也, 山口高央, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 落合明
日本物理学会講演概要集 62 ( 2 ) 576 2007.8
小林陽樹, 都竹星志, 鈴木修, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 62 ( 2 ) 565 2007.8
根本祐一, 安本百合, 山口高央, 柳澤達也, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 落合明, 菅原仁, 佐藤英行
日本物理学会講演概要集 62 ( 2 ) 515 - 515 2007.8
後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 昆金正敏, 根本祐一, 渡邊肇, 柳澤達也, 中村慎太郎
日本物理学会講演概要集 62 ( 2 ) 993 - 993 2007.8
柳澤達也, 安本百合, 山口高央, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, YUHASZ William M, HO Pei‐Chun, MAPLE M. Brian
日本物理学会講演概要集 62 ( 2 ) 515 2007.8
佐々木進, HASSAN N, 佐藤真哉, 金子雅一, 工藤将倫, 小林陽樹, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 松下能孝, DOENNI A, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 62 ( 2 ) 516 - 516 2007.8
DOENNI A, 北澤英明, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, ZAHARKO Okusana, KELLER Lukas
日本物理学会講演概要集 62 ( 2 ) 580 2007.8
領域10,8「カゴに内包された原子の局所振動 : ラットリングと量子効果」(2007年春季大会シンポジウムの報告)
後藤 輝孝
日本物理學會誌 62 ( 7 ) 546 - 547 2007.7
佐藤幸治, 昆金正敏, 金田寛, 根本祐一, 鈴木修, 中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 54th ( 1 ) 450 2007.3
金田寛, 佐藤幸治, 昆金正敏, 根本祐一, 鈴木修, 中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝
応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 54th ( 1 ) 450 2007.3
Raman scattering on La3Pd20X6 (X = Si, Ge)
T. Hasegawa, Y. Takasu, T. Kondou, N. Ogita, M. Udagawa, T. Yamaguchi, T. Watanabe, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto
18pXA-1 Symposium : Local oscillator of guest atom filled in cage- Rattling and quantum effect
Goto Terutaka
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 1 ) 511 - 511 2007.2
Novel ultrasonic tool for vacancy observation in crystalline silicon
Terutaka Goto, Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Masatoshi Hikin, Koji Sato, Yuichi Nemoto, Shintaro Nakamura
ECS Transactions 11 ( 3 ) 187 - 194 2007
18pPSA-56 Ultrasonic investigation of quadrupolar effect for Non-Kramers Γ_3 doublet in PrMg_3
Jumonji S, Fukuura M, Suzuki O, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H. S, Tanida H, Takagi S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 525 - 525 2007
18pPSA-47 Neutron scattering experiments on R_3Pd_<20>X_6(X=Ge,Si) compounds
Donni A, Kitazawa H, Goto T, Nemoto Y, Keller Lukas
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 523 - 523 2007
20aWP-1 Ultrasonic Dispersion due to Rattling in Filled-skutterudite ROs_4Sb_<12>
Nemoto Y, Watanabe H, Yasumoto Y, Goto T, Yanagisawa T, Takeda N, Ochiai A, Susawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 613 - 613 2007
18pPSA-51 Study of Quadrupolar Ordering and Quadrupole Kondo Effect in PrPb_3 and Pr_<0.98>La_<0.02>Pb_3 by Ultrasonic measurements
Fukuura M, Jumonji S, Suzuki O, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H. S, Sakakibara T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 524 - 524 2007
19aPS-134 Ultrasonic Study of Vacancy Concentration in Silicon Crystal
Sato Koji, Goto Terutaka, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Nemoto Yuichi, Suzuki Osamu, Hikin Masatoshi, Kakimoto Koichi, Nakamura Shintaro
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 587 - 587 2007
20aWP-12 Ultrasonic In vestigation of Quadrupolar Ordering in Clathrate Compound Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Watanabe T, Kobayashi H, Suzuki O, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Doenni Andreas, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 615 - 615 2007
21pPSA-76 Ultrasonic Study of Phase IV on Ce_<0.75>La_<0.25>B_6 under Uniaxial Pressures
Akatsu M, Morie T, Sakakibara T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 566 - 566 2007
18pPSA-32 Study of Quadrupolar Ordering in Filled Sukutterudite PrOs_4As_<12> and PrFe_4As_<12>
Yasumoto Y, Henkie Z, Pietraszko A, Watanabe H, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Yuhasz W. M, Sales T. A, Ho P.-C, Maple M. B
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 520 - 520 2007
22pTD-8 Electronic Orbital and Electric Quadrupole of Vacancy in Silicon
Goto Terutaka, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Hikin Masatoshi, Nemoto Yuichi, Watanabe Hajime, Yanagisawa Tatsuya, Nakamura Shintaro
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 993 - 993 2007
19pXB-5 Ultrasonic observation of vacancy with electric quadrupole in crystalline silicon
Goto Terutaka, Nakamura Shintaro, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Sato Koji, Hikin Masatoshi, Nemoto Yuichi, Suzuki Osamu, Tsuruta Kenji, Iyetomi Hiroshi, Kakimoto Koichi
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 957 - 957 2007
19pXB-4 Vacancy distribution in pulling-rate-varied CZ silicon crystal measured by low-temperature ultrasonic metod
Yamada-Kaneta H, Nakamura S, Goto T, Sato K, Hikin M, Nemoto Y, Suzuki O, Tsuruta K, Iyetomi H, Kakimoto K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 957 - 957 2007
22pTD-14 Distribution of vacancy concentration in device-oriented commercial-base silicon crystal observed by low-temperature ultrasonic measurements
Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Goto Terutaka, Hikin Masatoshi, Nemoto Yuichi, Nakamura Snintaro
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 995 - 995 2007
22pTD-9 The Study of Vacancy Concentration in CZ Silicon Crystal Using Ultrasonic Measurements
Hikin Masatoshi, Goto Terutaka, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Nemoto Yuichi, Watanabe Hajime, Yanagisawa Tatsuya, Nakamura Shintaro
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 994 - 994 2007
21pPSB-33 Low-temperature magnetic phase diagram of Ce_3Pd_<20>Ge_6 studied by single crystal neutron diffraction
Donni A, Kitazawa H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Zaharko Oksana, Keller Lukas
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 580 - 580 2007
21pPSB-15 Ultrasonic Study of Off-center Rattling and Tunneling in The Filled Skutterudite LaOs_4Sb_<12>
Yasumoto Y, Watanabe H, Yanagisawa T, Yamaguchi A, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Ochiai A
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 576 - 576 2007
21aXA-11 Ultrasonic Dispersion Due to Rattling in NdOs_4Sb_<12>
Yanagisawa T, Yasumoto Y, Yamaguchi A, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Yuhasz William M, Ho Pei-Chun, Maple M.Brian
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 515 - 515 2007
21aXA-10 Rattling and Tunneling in Filled-skutterudite Compounds
Nemoto Y, Yasumoto Y, Yamaguchi A, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Takeda N, Ochiai A, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 515 - 515 2007
21pPSA-71 Ultrasonic Study of Electric Quadrupolar Effect in Clathrate Compounds R_3Pd_<20>Si_6 (R = Ce, Pr)
Kobayashi H, Tsuduku S, Suzuki O, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 565 - 565 2007
21aXA-13 NMR anomalies of 4a-site La in La_3Pd_<20>X_6(X=Ge, Si)
Sasaki S, Doenni A, Kitazawa H, Hassan N, Sato S, Kaneko M, Kudo M, Kobayashi H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Matsushita Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 516 - 516 2007
18pPSA-45 Rattling and quantum effect of the Filled Skutterudite Pr(Os_<1-x>Ru_x)_4Sb_<12> and ROs_4Sb_<12>(R=La,Nd) by using Ultrasonic Measurements
Watanabe H, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Ochiai A, Yoshino K, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 0 ) 523 - 523 2007
金田寛, 後藤輝孝, 佐藤幸治, 齋藤康治, 根本祐一, 柿本浩一, 中村慎太郎
応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 67th ( 1 ) 387 2006.8
後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 佐藤幸治, 齋藤康裕, 根本祐一, 昆金正敏, 柿本浩一, 中村慎太郎
応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 67th ( 1 ) 387 2006.8
Ultrasonic Investigation on Charge Fluctuation of Valence Fluctuation and Rattling Systems
GOTO Terutaka, NEMOTO Yuichi
Butsuri 61 ( 6 ) 408 - 415 2006.6
Ultrasonic Investigation on Charge Fluctuation of Valence Fluctuation and Rattling Systems
後藤輝孝, 根本祐一
日本物理学会誌 61 ( 6 ) 408 - 415 2006.6
Observation of low-temperature elastic softening due to vacancy in crystalline silicon
T Goto, H Yamada-Kanetai, Y Saito, Y Nemoto, K Sato, K Kakimoto, S Nakamura
金田寛, 後藤輝孝, 斎藤康裕, 根本祐一, 佐藤幸治, 柿本浩一, 中村慎太郎
応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 53rd ( 1 ) 434 2006.3
後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 斎藤康裕, 根本祐一, 佐藤幸治, 柿本浩一, 中村慎太郎
応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 53rd ( 1 ) 434 2006.3
28pPSA-48 Quadrupolar Kondo effect in non-Kramers doublet system PrInAg_2
Suzuki O., Suzuki H.S., Kitazawa H., Kido G., Ueno T., Yamaguchi T., Nemoto Y., Goto T.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 1 ) 609 - 609 2006.3
Magnetic properties of clathrate-like compound Pr3Pd20Ge6
O Suzuki, H Kitazawa, G Kido, T Yamaguchi, Y Nemoto, T Goto
Quadrupolar Kondo effect in non-Kramers doublet system PrInAg2
O Suzuki, HS Suzuki, H Kitazawa, G Kido, T Ueno, T Yamaguchi, Y Nemoto, T Goto
Quadrupolar Kondo effect in non-Kramers doublet system PrInAg2
O Suzuki, HS Suzuki, H Kitazawa, G Kido, T Ueno, T Yamaguchi, Y Nemoto, T Goto
27pSC-1 Physical properties of some rare earth compounds having the Shastry-Sutherland lattice
Suzuki K, Ishihara M, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Ohyama K, Yamaguchi Y, Duijn J.Van, Attfield J.P, Sato G, Mizuhashi T, Hataya T, Hara M, Watanuki R, Tamura H, Sakakibara T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 429 - 429 2006
23pPSA-48 Ultrasonic Study of Rattling in Clathrate Compounds R_3Pd_<20> X_6 (X=Si, Ge)
Watanabe T, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 417 - 417 2006
24aPS-98 Elastic Softening Associated with Single Vacancy in Crystalline Silicon
Sato Koji, Goto Terutaka, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Saito Yasuhiro, Nemoto Yuichi, Kakimoto Koichi, Nakamura Shintaro
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 463 - 463 2006
27aUE-11 Direct observation of vacancies in commercial-base silicon crystals using low-temperature ultrasonic measurement
Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Goto Terutaka, Saito Yasuhiro, Nemoto Yuichi, Sato Koji, Kakimoto Koichi, Nakamura Shintaro
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 2006
25pYA-10 NMR study on clathrate compound La_3Pd_<20>Ge_6 II
Harada J, Kaneko M, S. Shinya, Watanabe S, Sasaki S, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 499 - 499 2006
28pPSA-47 Ultrasonic measurements of heavy fermion superconductivity CeIrIn_5
Ito H, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 609 - 609 2006
28aUF-9 Magneto-acoustic birefringence of filled skutterudite PrOs_4Sb_<12> with T_h symmetry
Ueno T, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 578 - 578 2006
28pPSA-50 Ultrasonic investigation of antiferro-quadrupolar ordering in PrPb_3
Jumonji S, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onimaru T, Sakakibara T, Suzuki H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 610 - 610 2006
28pPSA-49 Ultrasonic investigation of quadrupolar ordering and quadrupolar Kondo effect in La-diluted system Pr_<1-x>La_xPb_3(x=0.02)
Fukuura M, Jyumonji S, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H, Sakakibara T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 609 - 609 2006
27aUE-12 Observation of Jahn-Teller effect due to vacancy in crystalline silicon using ultrasonic low-temperature measurements
Goto Terutaka, Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi, Saito Yasuhiro, Nemoto Yuichi, Sato Koji, Kakimoto Koichi, Nakamura Shintaro
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 517 - 517 2006
25pYA-9 High-resolution Raman scattering measurement on La_3Pd_<20>X_6(X=Si,Ge)
Hasegawa T, Takasu Y, Kondo T, Ogita N, Udagawa M, Yamaguchi T, Watanabe T, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 499 - 499 2006
28pPSA-17 Crystalline Electric Fields and rattling of the filled skutterudite compound Pr(Os_<1-x>Ru_x)_4Sb_<12> by ultrasonic measurements
Watanabe H, Ueno T, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 601 - 601 2006
23pPSA-47 The study of quadrupolar effect on Pr_<1-x>La_xPb_3 using ultrasonic measurements
Fukuura M, Jumonji S, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H.S, Sakakibara T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 417 - 417 2006
27aPS-89 Ultrasonic measurements of charge states associated with vacancy in crystalline silicon
Saito Y, Goto T, Nemoto Y, Sato K, Yamada-Kaneta H, Kakimoto K, Nakamura S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 541 - 541 2006
28pPSA-51 Magnetic Phase Diagram of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 in High Magnetic Fields
Kazama N, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Akatsu M, Suzuki O, Kido G, Nakamura S, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 610 - 610 2006
27aUB-9 Raman scattering on La_3Pd_<20>X_6(X=Si,Ge)
Hasegawa T, Takasu Y, Kondo T, Ogita N, Udagawa M, Yamaguchi T, Watanabe T, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 513 - 513 2006
27pSC-2 Geometrical Quadrupolar Frustration in DyB_4
Watanuki R, Ohoyama K, Yamaguchi Y, Mitamura H, Sakakibara T, Sato G, Suzuki K, Ishihara M, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 429 - 429 2006
Observation of vacancy in high purity silicon crystal using low-temperature ultrasonic measurements
Terutaka Goto, Hiroshi Yamada-Kaneta, Yasuhiro Saito, Yuichi Nemoto, Koji Sato, Koichi Kakimoto, Shintaro Nakamura
ECS Transactions 3 ( 4 ) 375 - 385 2006
Raman scattering study of the guest ion motion in caged crystals
Y. Takasu, T. Hasegawa, N. Ogita, M. Udagawa, M. A. Avila, K. Suekuni, T. Takabatake, T. Yamaguchi, T. Watanabe, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, Z. Hiroi
27pSC-3 Ultrasonic Study of Multipole Effect in DyB_4 and HoB_4
Nemoto Y, Ishihara M, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Watanuki R, Suzuki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 430 - 430 2006
23pPSA-8 Rattling of the filled skutterudite compound Pr(Os_<1-x>Ru_x)_4Sb_<12> and LaOs_4Sb_<12> by ultrasonic measurements
Watanabe H, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Ochiai A, Yoshino K, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 408 - 408 2006
長谷川巧, 高須雄一, 近藤歳久, 荻田典男, 宇田川眞行, 山口隆, 渡辺智行, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝
NSL News Letter ( 2006-2 ) 17 2006
DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明, 後藤輝孝, 根本祐一, KELLER Lukas
日本中性子科学会年会講演概要集 6th 79 2006
根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 金田寛, 斎藤康裕, 佐藤幸治, 柿本浩一, 中村慎太郎
NSL News Lett ( 2006-2 ) 5 2006
23pPSA-46 Ultrasonic investigation of quadrupolar effect in PrX_3 (X=Pb, Mg)
Jumonji S, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki H.S, Tanida H, Onimaru T, Sakakibara T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 417 - 417 2006
25aYA-5 Elastic Constant of Filled Skutterudite PrOs_4As_<12>
Yuhasz W.M, Maple M.Brian, Henkie Z, Pietraszko A
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 483 - 483 2006
28pPSA-52 Crystalline-field Effect in Clathrate Compounds Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 by Ultrasonic Measurements
Watanabe T, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 0 ) 610 - 610 2006
Geometrical quadrupolar frustration in DyB$_4$
Ryuta Watanuki, Gou Sato, Kazuya Suzuki, Masaki Ishihara, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 74 2169 - 2172 2005.6
Dilatometric measurements and multipole ordering in DyB2C2 and HoB2C2
T Yanagisawa, T Moriwaki, Y Nemoto, T Goto, R Watanuki, K Suzuki
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 74 ( 6 ) 1666 - 1669 2005.6
Quadrupole fluctuation and off-center rattling motion in heavy fermion superconductor PrOs4Sb12
T Goto, Y Nemoto, K Sakai, K Onuki, T Yamaguchi, M Akatsu, T Yanagisawa, H Sugawara, H Sato
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 359 822 - 826 2005.4
Magnetic anisotropy of antiferro-quadrupole ordering in tetragonal HoB2C2
T Yanagisawa, T Goto, Y Nemoto, R Watanuki, K Suzuki, O Suzuki, G Kido
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 359 959 - 961 2005.4
Lattice distortion and spontaneous Gamma(5g) ferro-quadrupole moment in phase IV of CexLa1-xB6
Y Nemoto, M Akatsu, T Goto, O Suzuki, S Nakamura, S Kunii
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 359 956 - 958 2005.4
Tunneling and rattling of clathrate crystals Ce3Pd20Ge6 and La3Pd20Ge6
T Yamaguchi, Y Nemotoa, T Goto, M Akatsu, T Yanagisawa, O Suzuki, H Kitazawa, T Komatsubara
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 359 296 - 298 2005.4
Antiferro-quadrupole ordering of CexLa1-xB6 under high magnetic fields
M Akatsu, O Suzuki, Y Nemoto, T Goto, S Nakamura, S Kunii, G Kido
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 359 962 - 964 2005.4
Elastic properties and magnetic phase diagrams of dense Kondo compound Ce0.75La0.2B6
O Suzuki, S Nakamura, M Akatsu, Y Nemoto, T Goto, S Kunii
Magnetic phase diagram of antiferroquadrupole ordering in HoB2C2
Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Ryuta Watanuki, Kazuya Suzuki, Osamu Suzuki, Giyuu Kido
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 2005.1
T Goto, Y Nemoto, K Onuki, K Sakai, T Yamaguchi, M Akatsu, T Yanagisawa, H Sugawara, H Sato
19pPSA-17 Quadrupole effect and rattling of the filled skutterudite compound Pr(Os_<1-X>Ru_X)_4Sb_<12> by ultrasonic measurements
Ueno T, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 397 - 397 2005
21aYG-9 dHvA effect and physical properties at low temperatures in PrInAg_2
Suzuki H. S, Suzuki O, Konoike T, Enomoto K, Yamaguchi T, Terashima T, Uji S, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 474 - 474 2005
19pPSA-83 Ultrasonic attenuation of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 in phase IV
Kazama N, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Akatsu M, Suzuki O, Nakamura S, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 413 - 413 2005
19pPSA-84 Ultrasonic measurements of antiferro-quadrupolar ordering in PrPb_3
Jumonji S, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onimaru T, Sakakibara T, Suzuki H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 414 - 414 2005
19pPSA-37 Raman scattering on La_3Pd_<20>Ge_<6>
Hasegawa T, Takasu Y, Kondo T, Ogita N, Udagawa M, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 402 - 402 2005
19pPSA-51 Ultrasonic measurements of heavy fermion superconductivity CeIrIn_5
Ito H, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 405 - 405 2005
19aYG-10 Ultrasonic Dispersion Due to the Ratling Motion in the Filled Skutterudite La(Os_<0.5>Ru_<0.5>)_4Sb_<12>
Yanagisawa T, Yuhasz W. M, Maple M. B, Ueno T, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 363 - 363 2005
25aPS-45 Quadrupole effect and rattling of the filled skutterudite compound PrOs_4Sb_<12> by ultrasonic measurements
上野 高文, 山口 隆, 根本 祐一, 後藤 輝孝, 武田 直也, 菅原 仁, 佐藤 英行
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 532 - 532 2005
25aPS-53 Ultrasonic measurements of exotic magnetic ordering in RRh_3B_2
Funaki T, Saito Y, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Obiraki Y, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 534 - 534 2005
25aPS-84 Quadrupole Ordering in RB_4(R=Dy, Ho)
Ishihara M, Jumonji S, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Watanuki R, Sakakibara T, Suzuki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 542 - 542 2005
25aPS-46 The study of off-center rattling and tunneling in rare-earth clathrate compound R_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Yamaguchi T, Ueno T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H, Takeda N, Ishikawa M, Karaki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 532 - 532 2005
24pWE-11 Observation of disappearance of orbital degeneracy in PrInAg_2 at low temperature by utirasonic measurements
Suzuki O, Suzuki H, Ueno T, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kitazawa H, Kido G
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 503 - 503 2005
25aPS-86 Elastic constant of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 in High Magnetic Fields
Kazama N, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Akatsu M, Suzuki O, Kido G, Nakamura S, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 542 - 542 2005
Y. Nakazono, H. Abe, H. Murakami, N. Koyabu, Y. Isaka, Y. Nemoto, S. Murata, Y. Tsutsumi, H. Ohtani, Y. Sawada
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 43 ( 4 ) 163 - 171 2005
19aYG-9 Ultrasonic Dispersion and Rattling in Heavy Fermion Superconductor PrOs_4Sb_<12> and the diluted system Pr(Os_<1-x>Ru_x)_4Sb_<12>
Nemoto Y, Ueno T, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 362 - 362 2005
26pYS-1 Rattling and tunneling in clathrate compounds
Goto T, Satoh H, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Ueno T, Yanagisawa T, Takeda N, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H, Sugawara H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 2005
26pYS-1 Rattling and tunneling in clathrate compounds
Goto T, Satoh H, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Ueno T, Yanagisawa T, Takeda N, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H, Sugawara H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 925 - 925 2005
25pTA-8 Ultrasonic Attenuation and Rattling in Heavy Fermion Superconductor PrOs_4Sb_<12>
Nemoto Y, Ueno T, Yamaguchi T, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Takeda N, Sugawara H, Satoh H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 550 - 550 2005
25pPSA-78 Ultrasonic measurements of superconductivity in rare earth hexaboride YB_6
Ito H, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Akatsu M, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 579 - 579 2005
25aPS-85 Elastic anomalyf of antiferro-quadrupolar ordering in PrPb_3
Jumonji S, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onimaru T, Sakakibara T, Suzuki H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 0 ) 542 - 542 2005
Magnetic anisotropy of the antiferroquadrupole phase in Ce0.50La0.50B6
M Akatsu, T Goto, O Suzuki, Y Nemoto, S Nakamura, S Kunii, G Kido
Tunneling and rattling in clathrate crystal
Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Osamu Suzuki, Hideaki Kitazawa
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 1 - 5 2004.9
Quadrupolar effect and rattling motion in heavy fermion superconductor PrOs_4Sb_{12}
Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Kazuhiro Sakai, Takashi Yamaguchi, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Hirofumi Hazama, Kei Onuki, Hitoshi Sugawara, Hideyuki Sato
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 69 2004.4
Hirofumi Hazama, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Yasuhide Tomioka, Atsushi Asamitsu, Yoshinori Tokura, Yoshinori Tokura
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 69 644061 - 644069 2004.2
Lattice effects of orbital and charge orderings in the perovskite manganite Pr1-xCaxMnO3
H Hazama, T Goto, Y Nemoto, Y Tomioka, A Asamitsu, Y Tokura
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69 ( 6 ) 2004.2
28aPS-100 Ultrasonic measurements of Rare earth hexaborides YB_6
Ito H, Akatu M, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 578 - 578 2004
30aXE-4 Magnetic field dependence of the elastic constant and rattling in PrOs_4Sb_<12>
Nemoto Y, Sakai K, Onuki K, Yamaguchi T, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 645 - 645 2004
30pXD-4 Magnetic Properties and Quadrupolar ordering of DyB_4.
Watanuki R, Sato G, Suzuki K, Ohoyama K, Yamaguchi Y, Ishihara M, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 651 - 651 2004
28pPSA-56 Ultrasonic absorption of rattling in clathrate compound La_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Akatsu M, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H, Kido G
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 615 - 615 2004
30aXD-9 Magnetic anisotropy of AFQ ordering phase on tetragonal DyB_2C_2 and HoB_2C_2
Yanagisawa T, Moriwaki T, Goto T, Nemoto Y, Watanuki R, Suzuki K, Suzuki O, Kido G
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 644 - 644 2004
28pPSA-36 Magnetic field dependence(C_<11>-C_<12>)/2 and crystal field in heavy fermion superconductor PrOs_4Sb_<12>
Goto T, Onuki K, Sakai K, Nemoto Y, Yamaguchi T, AKatu M, Yanagisawa T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 610 - 610 2004
28pPSA-51 Large elastic anomaly of tetragonal DyB_4 due to antiferro-magnetic ordering
Ishihara M, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Watanuki R, Satou G, Mizuhashi T, Suzuki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 614 - 614 2004
14pPSA-55 Quadrupole effect of the filled skutterudite compound CeRu_4Sb_<12> and PrOs_4Sb_<12> by ultrasonic measurements
Ueno T, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 557 - 557 2004
14aRC-12 Ultrasonic attenuation and anomalous properties at low temperature due to off-center motion in clathrate compound R_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Yamaguchi T, Ueno T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H, Takeda N, Ishikawa M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 522 - 522 2004
12aRC-11 Order Parameter in the AFQ ordering system, PrPb_3
Onimaru T, Suzuki H, Jumonji N, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Sakakibara T, Tayama T, Aoki D, Onuki Y, Kitai T, Kawae T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 423 - 423 2004
13aPS-119 Ultrasonic measurements of superconductivity in rare earth hexaboride YB_6
Ito H, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Akatsu M, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 488 - 488 2004
12aRC-1 Magnetic Phase Diagram of Antiferro-quadrupole Ordering of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 in High Magnetic Fields
Akatsu M, Suzuki O, Kazama N, Nemoto N, Goto T, Nakamura S, Kunii S, Kido G
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 420 - 420 2004
12aRC-10 Spontaneous Strain and Multipoler Ordering in Phase IV of HoB_2C_2
Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Nemoto Y, Watanuki R, Suzuki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 423 - 423 2004
14pPSB-21 NMR study on clathrate compound La_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Sasaki S, Ono T, Hoshino T, Watanabe S, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 568 - 568 2004
14pPSB-24 Elastic anomaly of tetragonal RB_4(R=Dy, Ho) due to antiferro-magnetic ordering
Ishihara M, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Watanuki R, Sakakibara T, Suzuki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 568 - 568 2004
14pPSA-26 Ultrasonic measurements of exotic ferromagnetic ordering in CeRh_3B_2
Funaki T, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 550 - 550 2004
14pPSA-78 Elastic anomaly of antiferro-quadrupolar ordering in PrPb_3
Jumonji S, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onimaru T, Sakakibara T, Suzuki H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 562 - 562 2004
14aRC-11 Magnetic and ground state properties of Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Suzuki O, Suzuki H, Kido G, Ueno T, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 0 ) 522 - 522 2004
Ferroquadrupole ordering and Gamma_5 rattling motion in clathrate compound Ce_3Pd_20Ge_6
Yuichi Nemoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Takenobu Horino, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Terutaka Goto, Osamu Suzuki, Andreas Donni, Takemi Komatsubara
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 68 2003.10
Quadrupole and lattice effects of orbitally degenerate 4f-electron systems
T Goto, M Akatsu, T Yanagisawa, T Yamaguchi, Y Nemoto, O Suzuki, S Nakamura, S Kunii, R Watanuki, K Suzuki
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 15 ( 28 ) S2101 - S2107 2003.7
Elastic constants of antiferro-quadrupole ordering system DyB2C2
Y Nemoto, T Yanagisawa, K Hyodo, T Goto, S Miyata, R Watanuki, K Suzuki
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 641 - 642 2003.5
Thermal expansion and ultrasonic measurements of ferroquadrupole ordering in HoB6
T Yamaguchi, M Akatsu, Y Nakano, T Washizawa, Y Nemoto, T Goto, A Donni, S Nakamura, S Kunii
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 622 - 623 2003.5
Elastic properties of the Kondo compounds CexLa1-xB6 (x=0.75 and 0.70)
M Akatsu, Y Nemoto, T Goto, O Suzuki, S Nakamura, S Kunii
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 626 - 627 2003.5
柳澤 達也, 根本 祐一, 後藤 輝孝, 綿貫 竜太, 鈴木 和也
物性研究 79 ( 6 ) 1024 - 1025 2003.3
Ultrasonic investigation of quadrupole ordering in HoB<inf>2</inf>C<inf>2</inf>
Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Shingo Miyata, Ryuta Watanuki, Kazuya Suzuki
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 67 1151291 - 1151298 2003.3
M Akatsu, T Goto, Y Nemoto, O Suzuki, S Nakamura, S Kunii
Ultrasonic investigation of quadrupole ordering in (formula presented)
Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Shingo Miyata, Ryuta Watanuki, Kazuya Suzuki
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 67 ( 11 ) 8 2003
Quadrupolar sysceptibility and superconductivity of PrOs_4Sb_<12>
Goto T, Sato H, Nemoto Y, Sakai K, Yamaguchi T, Akatsu M, Yanagisawa T, Hazama H, Onuki K, Sugawara H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 499 - 499 2003
Ultrasonic study of antiferro-quadrupole ordering in HoB2C 2
Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Shingo Miyata, Ryuta Watanuki, Kazuya Suzuki
Physica B: Condensed Matter 329-333 ( II ) 624 - 625 2003
Elastic constants of YbAs at low temperature
Morita K, Udagawa T, Tamaki A, Oyamada A, Suzuki T, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 468 - 468 2003
Elastic constant of Ho_<1-x>Y_xB_2C_2
Kishi E, Tobo A, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Yamauchi H, Ohoyama K, Onodera H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 489 - 489 2003
20pPSA-27 超音波による HoB_2C_2 の AFQ 磁気相図
柳澤 達也, 森脇 達也, 後藤 輝孝, 根本 祐一, 綿貫 竜太, 鈴木 和也, 鈴木 修, 木戸 義勇
日本物理学会講演概要集 58 ( 0 ) 463 - 463 2003
Ultrasonic Measurements of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 in High Magnetic Fields
Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki O, Nakamura S, Kunii S, Kido G
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 556 - 556 2003
Study of phase IV of HoB_2C_2 by thermal expansion with capacitance method
Yanagisawa T, Kimura K, Goto T, Nemoto Y, Watanuki R, Suzuki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 553 - 553 2003
Anomalous magnetic phase (phase IV) in Ho_<1-x>Y_xB_2C_2
Kishi E, Onodera H, Yamaguchi Y, Tobo A, Onimaru T, Sakakibara T, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Yamauchi H, Ohoyama K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 554 - 554 2003
Study of Charge Ordering in Nd_<1-x>Sr_xMnO_3 by Thermal Expansion Measurements
Hayashi K, Okano S, Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kuwahara H, Tokura Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 528 - 528 2003
Rattling Motion, Quadrupolar Effect and Superconductivity in PrOs_4Sb_<12>
Nemoto Y, Sakai K, Onuki K, Yamaguchi T, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 549 - 549 2003
Ultrasonic measurements of rattling mode and two-level system in clathrate compound La_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Akatsu M, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 490 - 490 2003
Quadrupole Susceptibility and Crystalline Electric Field in PrRu_4Sb_<12>
Onuki K, Sakai K, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Ishikawa M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 457 - 457 2003
Magnetic field dependence of the elastic constant due to antiferroquadrupoler ordering in TbB_2C_2
Ozeki F, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kaneko K, Onodera H, Yamaguchi Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 462 - 462 2003
Antiferro quadrupolar ordering of DyB_2C_2 studied by thermal expansion measurements
Moriwaki T, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Watanuki R, Suzuki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 462 - 462 2003
Quadrupolar Effect and Rattling motion in Heavy hermion Superconductor PrOs_4Sb_<12>
Sakai K, Onuki K, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 0 ) 456 - 456 2003
根本 祐一, 間 広文, 坂井 一浩, 後藤 輝孝, 菅原 仁, 佐藤 英行
物性研究 79 ( 6 ) 936 - 936 2003
Anisotropy in the magnetic phase diagrams of Ce<inf>x</inf>Lai<inf>1-x</inf>B<inf>6</inf>
Shintaro Nakamura, Osamu Suzuki, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Satoru Kunii
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71 112 - 114 2002.12
Thermal expansion measurements on Ce<inf>0.75</inf>La<inf>o.25</inf>B<inf>6</inf>
Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Osamu Suzuki, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Shintaro Nakamura, Satoru Kunii
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71 115 - 117 2002.12
Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hideto Hlgashi, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71 306 - 308 2002.12
Quadrupole susceptibility of HoB<inf>2</inf>C<inf>2</inf>
Terutaka Goto, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Yuichi Nemoto, Shingo Miyata, Ryuta Watanuki, Kazuya Suzuki
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71 88 - 90 2002.12
Yuichi Nemoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Terutaka Goto, Osamu Suzuki, Takenobu Horino, Andreas Dönni, Takemi Komatsubara
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71 121 - 123 2002.12
Ultrasonic investigation of metamagnetic transition in CeRu<inf>2</inf>Si<inf>2</inf>
Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Yoshichika Onuki
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71 267 - 269 2002.12
Magnetic field dependence of elastic constants in Pr<inf>1-x</inf>Ca<inf>x</inf>MnO<inf>3</inf>
Hirofumi Hazama, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Yasuhide Tomioka, Atsushi Asamitsu, Yoshinori Tokura, Yoshinori Tokura
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71 139 - 141 2002.12
Y Nakanishi, M Yoshizawa, T Yamaguchi, H Hazama, Y Nemoto, T Goto, TD Matsuda, H Sugawara, H Sato
Ultrasonic investigation of the heavy fermion compound CeRu2Si2
T Yanagisawa, Y Nemoto, T Goto, Y Onuki
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 312 271 - 273 2002.3
Ultrasonic study of orbital and charge fluctuation in Pr1-xCaxMnO3
H Hazama, Y Nemoto, T Goto, Y Tomioka, A Asamitsu, Y Tokura
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 312 757 - 759 2002.3
Ferroquadrupole ordering of the ternary intermetallic compound Ce3Pd20Ge6
T Goto, T Horino, Y Nemoto, T Yamaguchi, A Donni, O Suzuki, T Komatsubara
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 312 492 - 494 2002.3
Low-temperature behavior of the elastic constant C-44 in CexLa1-xB6
Y Nemoto, M Akatsu, T Goto, O Suzuki, S Nakamura, S Kunii
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 312 191 - 193 2002.3
Energy level crossing and high-field magnetization in HoVO4
O Suzuki, H Kitazawa, H Abe, N Tsujii, G Kido, T Washizawa, Y Nemoto, T Goto
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 312 780 - 782 2002.3
Measurement of thermal expansion in HoB2C2 and DyB2C2
Kimura K, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Miyata S, Watanuki R, Suzuki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 442 - 442 2002
Thermal Expansion Measurements of Ferroquadrupole Ordering in Rare-Earth Compound HoB6
Yamaguchi T, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Donni A, Goto T, Nakamura S, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 513 - 513 2002
Ultrasonic measurement on (Dy,Ho)B2C2
Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Nemoto Y, M Shingo, Watanuki R, Suzuki K, Kaneko K, Onodera H, Yamaguchi Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 522 - 522 2002
24aPS-83 Elastic properties of CeRn_4Sb_<12>
Nakanishi Y, Yamaguchi T, Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Matsuda T. D, Sugawara H, Sato H, Yoshizawa M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 492 - 492 2002
24pPSB-3 Ultrasonic study of orbital and charge orderings in Ndi_<1-x>Sr_xMnO_3
Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kuwahara H, Tomioka Y, Asamitsu A, Tokura Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 521 - 521 2002
24aPS-29 Elastic anomalies due to quadrupole ordering in HoB2C2
Nemoto Y, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Miyata S, Watanuki R, Suzuki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 480 - 480 2002
24aPS-30 Elastic anomalies of DyB2C2 around quadrupolar transition
Hyodo K, Yamaguchi Y, Nemoto Y, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Miyata S, Watanuki R, Suzuki K, Kaneko K, Onodera H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 480 - 480 2002
Study of Lattice Anomaly in CexLa1-xB6(x=0.75,0.70) by Thermal Expansion Measurements
Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki O, Nakamura S, Kunji S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 512 - 512 2002
Ultrasonic Study of Elastic Anomalies in Single Crystal PrPtBi
Sakai K, Yamaguchi T, Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Yoshimura K, Kasaya M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 444 - 444 2002
Study of Charge and Orbital Orderings in Pr1-xCaxMnO3 by Thermal Expansion Measurements
Okano S, Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Tomioka Y, Asamitsu A, Tokura Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 450 - 450 2002
4f instability and elastic properties in the metal system TmS in high magnetic fields
Yoshiki Nakanishi, Yoshiki Nakanishi, Sakon Takuo, Mitsuhiro Motokawa, Takeshi Matsumura, Yuichi Nemoto, Hirofumi Hazama, Terutaka Goto, Takashi Suzuki
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 64 1844341 - 1844347 2001.11
Magnetic properties of TmS in high magnetic fields
Y Nakanishi, F Takahashi, T Sakon, T Matsumura, Y Nemoto, H Hazama, T Goto, T Suzuki, M Motokawa
PHYSICA B 294 153 - 155 2001.1
Ultrasonic measurements on TmS
Y. Nakanishi, T. Sakon, T. Matsumura, Y. Nemoto, H. Hazama, T. Goto, T. Suzuki, M. Motokawa
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 226-230 ( I ) 164 - 166 2001
Anisotropy in the magnetic Phase diagrams of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6, and low-T properties
Nakamura S, Suzuki O, Akatsu M, Goto T, Nemoto Y, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 400 - 400 2001
Quadrupolar effect in rare-earth compounds HOB_6 by thermal expansion measurement
Yamaguchi T, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Donni A, Nakamura S, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 472 - 472 2001
The study of metastable and stable phase in TbPdAl
Mitsunobu H, Nemoto Y, Donni A, Tsuchiya Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 313 - 313 2001
Monte Carlo Simulation Study on the Verwey Transion in Rare-Earth Compounds
Iyetomi H, Higashi H, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 382 - 382 2001
Yoshiki Nakanishi, Sakon Takuo, Mitsuhiro Motokawa, Takeshi Matsumura, Yuichi Nemoto, Hirofumi Hazama, Terutaka Goto, Takashi Suzuki
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 64 ( 18 ) 2001
Unconventional elastic softening behavior of PrFe_4P_<12> in magnetic fields
Nakanishi Y, Yamaguchi T, Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Matsuda T. D, Sugawara H, Sato H, Yoshizawa M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 497 - 497 2001
Energy level crossing and high-field magnetization in HoVO_4
Suzuki O, Kitazawa H, Kido G, Washizawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 457 - 457 2001
Elastic anomaly around the transition at 6.4 K in PrFe_4P_<12>
Nakanishi Y, Yamaguchi T, Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Matsuda D, Sugawara H, Sato H, Yoshizawa M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 576 - 576 2001
Field induced crystal-field level crossing in HoVO_4
Washizawa T, Goto T, Nemoto Y, Kitazawa H, Suzuki O, Harumi H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 499 - 499 2001
The elastic anomalies due to the charge fluctuation in perovskite manganite Pr_<1-x>Ca_xMnO_3
Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Tomioka Y, Asamitsu A, Tokura Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 514 - 514 2001
Ultrasonic measurement of CeRu_2Si_2
Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 493 - 493 2001
Elastic anomalies of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 at low temperatures part II
Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Nakamura S, Kunii S, Suzuki O
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 494 - 494 2001
Elastic anomalies around the metamagnetic transition of CeRu_2Si_2
Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 0 ) 472 - 472 2001
Quadrupolar effect in the perovskite manganite La1-xSrxMnO3
Hirofumi Hazama, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Yasuhide Tomioka, Atsushi Asamitsu, Yoshinori Tokura
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 62 ( 22 ) 15012 - 15020 2000.12
Quadrupolar effect of HoB6 and DyB6
T Goto, Y Nemoto, Y Nakano, S Nakamura, T Kajitani, S Kunii
PHYSICA B 281 586 - 587 2000.6
Ultrasonic study of perovskite manganites La1-xSrxMnO3
H Hazama, Y Nemoto, T Goto, A Asamitsu, Y Tokura
PHYSICA B 281 487 - 488 2000.6
Y Nemoto, T Goto, A Ochiai, T Suzuki
PHYSICA B 281 136 - 138 2000.6
Elstic anomalies due to the orbital and charge fluctuation in R_<1-x>A_xMnO_3(R=La, Pr, Nd, A=Ca, Sr)
Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Tomioka Y, Kuwahara H, Asamitsu A, Tokura Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 428 - 428 2000
Magnetic properties of the tetragonal compounds CeB2C2 and PrB2C2
Hideya Onodera, Koji Kaneko, Takahiro Onimaru, Kenji Ohoyama, Yasuo Yamaguchi, Hisao Kobayashi, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 221 ( 3 ) 293 - 300 2000
The separation of orbital and charge degrees of freedom by ultrasonic measurement in Pr_<1-x>Ca_xMnO_3
Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Tomioka Y, Asamitsu A, Tokura Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 496 - 496 2000
Ultrasonic Study of Metamagnetic Transition in CeRu_2Si_2
Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 523 - 523 2000
Level crossing of HoVO_4 by low-temperature ultrasonic measurement
Washizawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H, Unoki H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 453 - 453 2000
Elastic anomalies of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 at low temperatures
Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Kunii S, Nakamura S, Suzuki O
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 459 - 459 2000
Quadrupolar effect in Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6 at low temperatures
Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Donni A, Goto T, Suzuki O, Nakayama M, Kimura N, Aoki H, Komatsubara T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 452 - 452 2000
Classical Approach to Charge-Ordered States in Rare Earth Compounds (Yb_4As_3,Sm_3Te_4) II : Finite Temperature Effects
Higashi H, Iyetomi H, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 439 - 439 2000
Elastic properties of Ce_3Pd_<20>Ge_6 by low-temperature ultrasonic measurements
Nemoto Y, Yamaguchi T, Donni A, Goto T, Suzuki O, Kimura N, Aoki H, Komatsubara T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 452 - 452 2000
Resarch for elastic property of R_3Pd_<20>Ge_6(R=Ce, Pr, Nd)
堀野 武信, 鈴木 修, 根本 祐一, 後藤 輝孝, アンドレアス ドンニ, 中山 昌彦, 木村 憲彰, 青木 晴善, 小松原 武美
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 508 - 508 2000
Ultrasonic Study of Level Crossing in HoVO_4
Ushiro A, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Nakamura S, Tamaki A, Unoki H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 518 - 518 2000
Classical Approach to Charge-Ordered States in Rare Earth Compounds(Yb_4As_3, Sm_3Te_4)
Higashi H, Iyetomi H, Nemoto Y, Goto T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 467 - 467 2000
Metamagnetlc transition and acoustic dHvA effect of CeRu_2Si_2 in high magnetic fields at low temperatures
Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Onuki Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 505 - 505 2000
Elastic constant measurment on the localized 5f electrons system U_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Tateiwa N, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Matsumura T, hirota K, Kimura N, Aoki H, Komatsubara T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 445 - 445 2000
Magnetization of TmSe in High Magnetic Field
Nakanishi Y, Nemoto Y, Hazama H, Matsumura T, Suzuki T, Goto T, Motakawa M
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 466 - 466 2000
Low-temperature properties and magnetic phase digrams of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6
Nakamura S, Goto T, Kunii S, Suzuki O, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 55 ( 0 ) 444 - 444 2000
Ultrasonic study of the charge-fluctuation compound
Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Akira Ochiai
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 61 ( 18 ) 12050 - 12058 2000
Quadrupolar effect of R3Pd20Ge6 (R =Ce, Pr, Nd)
T. Horino, O. Suzuki, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, A. Dönni, M. Nakayama, N. Kimura, N. Tateiwa, H. Aoki, T. Komatsubara
Physica B: Condensed Matter 281-282 576 - 578 2000
根本祐一, 中野佳幸, 後藤輝孝, 中村慎太郎, 梶谷剛, 国井暁
日本物理学会講演概要集 54 ( 2 ) 543 - 543 1999.9
鈴木修, 後藤輝孝, 中村慎太郎, 根本祐一, 国井暁
日本物理学会講演概要集 54 ( 1 ) 370 1999.3
堀野武信, 鈴木修, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, DOENNI A, 中山昌彦, 木村憲彰, 立岩尚之, 小松原武美
日本物理学会講演概要集 54 ( 1 ) 445 1999.3
間広文, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 朝光敦, 十倉好紀
日本物理学会講演概要集 54 ( 1 ) 392 1999.3
Quadrupolar ordering of Ce3Pd20Ge6
O Suzuki, T Horino, Y Nemoto, T Goto, A Donni, T Komatsubara, M Ishikawa
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 259-61 334 - 335 1999.1
Charge fluctuation in Yb-4(As1-xSbx)(3)
Y Nemoto, H Aoki, T Goto, A Ochiai, T Suzuki
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 259-61 275 - 276 1999.1
Magnetic phase diagram and low-temperature properties of Ce0.5La0.5B6
S Nakamura, S Sakatsume, O Suzuki, T Goto, Y Nemoto, T Horino, T Matsumura, S Kunii
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 259-61 36 - 37 1999.1
26aJ-12 Field Dependence of Quadrupolar Effect in HoB_6 and DyB_6
Nemoto Y, Nakano Y, Goto T, Nakamura S, Kajitani T, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 54 ( 0 ) 543 - 543 1999
29p-PSA-35 Quadrupolar Effect and Elastic Anomaly in R_3Pd_<20>Ge_6(R=La, Ce, Pr, Nd)
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 54 ( 0 ) 445 - 445 1999
28a-D-7 Quadrupolar Response and Magnetic Phase Diagram of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6
Suzuki O, Goto T, Nakamura S, Nemoto Y, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 54 ( 0 ) 370 - 370 1999
28a-PS-64 Elastic Constants of La_<1-x>Sr_xMnO_3
Hazama H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Asamitsu A, Tokura Y
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 54 ( 0 ) 392 - 392 1999
Elastic soft mode and charge ordering of (formula presented)
Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Akira Ochiai, Takashi Suzuki
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 59 ( 1 ) 269 - 276 1999
Ultrasonic Study for the Charge Ordering of Yb_4As_3 :
NEMOTO Yuichi, GOTO Terutaka, OCHIAI Akira, SUZUKI Takashi
JJAP series 11 120 - 122 1999
根本祐一, 青木英和, 後藤輝孝, 落合明
日本物理学会講演概要集 53 ( 2 ) 485 - 485 1998.9
Ce<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Ge<sub>6</sub>の弾性定数と四重極子転移 II
鈴木修, 堀野武信, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 小松原武美, 石川征靖, DOENNI A
日本物理学会講演概要集 53 ( 2 ) 442 - 442 1998.9
Ultrasonic physics in the system with degree of freedom of track and charge.
後藤輝孝, 鈴木修, 根本祐一, 間広文, 落合明, 中村慎太郎
物性研だより 37 ( 6 ) 44 - 45 1998.3
Quadrupole order at TmxYb1-xTe.
松村武, 宮内大, 鈴木孝, 根本祐一, 鈴木修, 後藤輝孝
物性研だより 37 ( 6 ) 39 - 41 1998.3
Elastic Properties of La1-xSrxMnO3(x=0.165).
間広文, 根本祐一, 鈴木修, 後藤輝孝, 朝光敦, 十倉好紀
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会) 53 ( 1 ) 381 1998.3
Valence Fluctuation and Charge Ordering in Low Carrier Systems.
根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 落合明, 中村慎太郎, 鈴木孝
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会) 53 ( 1 ) 420 1998.3
Elastic Constants and Quadrupolar Transition in Ce_3Pd_<20>Ge_6 II
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 53 ( 0 ) 442 - 442 1998
Physcial Properties of U_3Pd_<20>Si_6 I
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 53 ( 0 ) 573 - 573 1998
Charge glass state and two-level-system of 4f electron in Sm_3Te_4
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 53 ( 0 ) 485 - 485 1998
Charge fluctuation in valence-fluctuating material Yb4As3. (Ministry of Education.S)
根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 落合明, 中村慎太郎, 鈴木孝
強相関伝導系の物理4 平成9年度 No.06244102 85 - 89 1998
Valence Fluctuation and Charge Ordering in Low Carrier Systems
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 53 ( 0 ) 420 - 420 1998
Physcial Properties of U_3Pd_<20>Si_6 II
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 53 ( 0 ) 573 - 573 1998
Elastic Properties of La _<1-x>Sr_xMnO_3(x=0.165)
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 53 ( 0 ) 381 - 381 1998
Quadrupolar Effect in Strongly Correlated Systems
T. Goto, S. Nakamura, Y. Nemoto, O. Suzuki, A. Ochiai, S. Kunii, T. Suzuki
Review of High Pressure Science and Technology/Koatsuryoku No Kagaku To Gijutsu 7 419 - 424 1998
Quadrupole and Charge Fluctuation in Yb4(As1-xSbx)3 and Sm3Te4.
根本祐一, 中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝, 落合明, 鈴木孝
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会) 1997 411 1997.9
Elastic Anomalies with Charge Ordering in Yb4(As1-xSbx)3.
根本祐一, 中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝, 落合明
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会) 52 ( 1 Pt 3 ) 474 1997.3
Magnetic Phase Diagram of CexLa1-xB6.
中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木修, 根本祐一, 森田憲吾, 国井暁, 坂爪新一
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会) 52 ( 1 Pt 3 ) 515 1997.3
5a-YF-18 Quadrupole and Charge Fluctuation in Yb_4(As_<1-x>Sb_x)_3 and Sm_3Te_4
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 52 ( 0 ) 411 - 411 1997
29a-P-8 Elastic Anomalies with Charge Ordering in Yb_4(As_<1-x>Sb_x)_3
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 52 ( 0 ) 474 - 474 1997
31p-P-6 Magnetic Phase Diagram of Ce_xLa_<l-x>B_6
Nakamura S, Goto T, suzuki, Nemoto Y, Morita K, Kunii S, Sakatsume S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 52 ( 0 ) 515 - 515 1997
Elastic anomalies of charge ordering in Yb4As3
T. Goto, Y. Nemoto, S. Nakamura, A. Ochiai, T. Suzuki
Physica B: Condensed Matter 230-232 702 - 704 1997
Non-Kramer’s Doublet Ground State in PrPtBi
Hiroyuki Suzuki, Mitsuo Kasaya, Takashi Miyazaki, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 9 ) 2566 - 2568 1997
Ultrasonic investigation of Fermi surface
T Goto, K Morita, S Nakamura, Y Nemoto, O Suzuki, M Kataoka, S Sakatsume
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 219-20 86 - 88 1996.4
Quadrupolar Response of Kondo Compound CePd<inf>2</inf>Al<inf>3</inf>
Yuichi Nemoto, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Terutaka Goto, Shintaro Nakamura, Shintaro Nakamura, Hideaki Kitazawa
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 8 ) 2571 - 2576 1996.1
Research on strong-correlated electron system by ultrasonic wave. ( Ministry of Education S ).
後藤輝孝, 中村慎太郎, 森田憲吾, 根本祐一, 鈴木修, 国井暁
強相関伝導系の物理 平成7年度 No.06244102 47 - 48 1996
Elastic Anomalies with Superconducting Transitions of UPt3.
根本祐一, 中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝, 大貫惇睦
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会) 1995 ( Autumn Pt 3 ) 83 1995.9
Quadrupolar Response in CexLa1-xB6 at Low Temperature. IV.
鈴木修, 根本祐一, 森田憲吾, 中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝, 国井暁
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会) 1995 ( Autumn Pt 3 ) 180 1995.9
Research of a quadrupole response in Ce compounds.
物性研究 64 ( 3 ) 308 - 355 1995.6
Elastic Properties of CePd2Al3. II.
根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 中村慎太郎, 北沢英明
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会) 50th ( 3 ) 149 1995.3
Research Institute for Scientific Measurements.
中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝, 森田憲吾, 根本祐一, 鈴木修, 国井暁, 坂爪新一
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会) 50th ( 3 ) 145 1995.3
T. Matsumura, Y. Haga, Y. Nemoto, S. Nakamura, T. Goto, T. Suzuki
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 206 380 - 382 1995.2
Elastic Anomalies with Superconducting Transitions of UPt_3
Nemoto Y, Nakamura S, Goto T, Onuki K
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 1995 ( 0 ) 83 - 83 1995
Elastic Properties of CePd_2Al_3II
Nemoto Y, Goto T, Nakamura S, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 50 ( 0 ) 149 - 149 1995
Quadrupolar Response in Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 at Low Temperature IV
Suzuki O, Nemoto Y, Morita K, Nakamura S, Goto T, Kunii S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 1995 ( 0 ) 180 - 180 1995
30p-PSB-12 Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6の極低温における四重極応答III
中村 慎太郎, 後藤 輝孝, 森田 憲吾, 根本 祐一, 鈴木 修, 国井 曉, 坂爪 新一
日本物理学会講演概要集 50 ( 0 ) 145 - 145 1995
Quadrupolar response in CexLa1-xB6 at low temperatures. II.
中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝, 森田憲吾, 根本祐一, 国井暁, 坂爪新一
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会) 1994 ( Autumn Pt 3 ) 123 1994.9
Elastic properties of CePd2Al3.
根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 中村慎太郎, 北沢英明
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会) 1994 ( Autumn Pt 3 ) 125 1994.9
Quadrupolar Response in CexLa1-xB6 at low temperatures.
中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝, 松井広志, 森田憲吾, 根本祐一, 国井暁, 坂爪新一
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会) 49th ( 3 ) 122 1994.3
The magnetism and transport properties of USb and UTe. II.
堀田英輔, 落合明, 芳賀芳範, 鈴木孝, 根本祐一, 中村慎太郎
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会) 49th ( 3 ) 5 1994.3
Magnetic and Transport Properties of TmTe.
松村武, 芳賀芳範, 根本祐一, 中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝, 鈴木孝, LI D X
日本物理学会講演概要集(年会) 49th ( 3 ) 62 1994.3
4a-Z-4 Quadrupolar response in Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 at low temperatures II
Nakamura S, Goto T, Morita K, Nemoto Y, Kunii S, Sakatsume S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 1994 ( 0 ) 123 - 123 1994
30p-YN-15 Quadrupolar Response in Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 at low temperatures
Nakamura S, Goto T, Matsui H, Morita K, Nemoto Y, Kunii S, Sakatsume S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 49 ( 0 ) 122 - 122 1994
29a-YN-12 Magnetic and Transport Properties of TmTe
Matsumura T, Li D.X, Haga Y, Nemoto Y, Nakamura S, Goto T, Suzuki T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 49 ( 0 ) 62 - 62 1994
4a-Z-8 Elastic properties of CePd_2Al_3
Nemoto Y, Goto T, Nakamura S, Kitazawa H
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 1994 ( 0 ) 125 - 125 1994
28a-YN-10 The magnetism and transport properties of USb and UTe II
Hotta E, Ochiai A, Haga Y, Suzuki T, Nemoto Y, Nakamura S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 49 ( 0 ) 5 - 5 1994
Ultrasonic Attenuation of Yb4As3.
根本祐一, 中村慎太郎, 後藤輝孝, 落合明, 田巻明, 鈴木孝
日本物理学会講演概要集(分科会) 1993 ( Autumn Pt 3 ) 143 1993.9
14a-PS-19 Ultrasonic Attenuation of Yb_4As_3
Nemoto Y, Nakamura S, Goto T, Ochiai A, Tamaki A, Suzuki T
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 1993 ( 0 ) 143 - 143 1993
Observation and evaluation of vacancy in silicon wafers using ultrasound method
Yuichi Nemoto
Symmetry breaking with multipoles coupled to strain and rotation in iron pnictide superconductors Invited
超音波によるシリコン原子空孔の量子状態解明と産業応用への展望 Invited
根本 祐一
日本学術振興会第239回研究会,材料の微細組織と機能性第133委員会 2018.1
Observation of vacancy orbital in silicon crystals using low-temperature ultrasonic measurements Invited International conference
29th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors 2017.7
根本 祐一
電子ジャーナル誌主催セミナー 2014.10
超音波で観る量子力学の世界 Invited
根本 祐一
日本物理学会北陸支部特別学術講演会 2014.7
後藤 輝孝, 根本 祐一, 金田 寛, 赤津 光洋, 三本 啓輔, 鹿島 一日兒
後藤 輝孝, 根本 祐一, 金田 寛, 赤津 光洋, 三本 啓輔
後藤 輝孝, 根本 祐一, 金田 寛, 赤津 光洋, 三本 啓輔, 鹿島 一日兒
後藤 輝孝, 根本 祐一, 金田 寛, 赤津 光洋, 三本 啓輔
後藤 輝孝, 金田 寛, 根本 祐一, 赤津 光洋
後藤 輝孝, 金田 寛, 根本 祐一, 赤津 光洋
後藤 輝孝, 金田 寛, 根本 祐一
後藤 輝孝, 金田 寛, 根本 祐一
後藤 輝孝, 根本 祐一, 金田 寛, 宝耒 正隆
後藤 輝孝, 根本 祐一, 金田 寛, 宝耒 正隆
後藤 輝孝, 根本 祐一, 金田 寛, 宝耒 正隆
後藤 輝孝, 根本 祐一, 金田 寛, 宝耒 正隆
Grant number:22H04586
2022.4 - 2024.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
Research category:新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
根本 祐一
Grant amount:\8450000 ( Direct Cost: \6500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1950000 )
Grant number:15K13518
2015.4 - 2018.3
System name:KAKENHI
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for The Promotion of Science
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Observation of vacancy in silicon crystal and elucidation of its electronic state is a challenging issue in both solid-state physics and application technologies. We successfully observe vacancy orbital through elastic softening with decreasing temperature by using ultrasound measurements. Extended vacancy orbital leads to extremely strong quadrupole-strain interaction, which allows us to observe elastic softening at low temperatures even in dilute vacancy below 1 ppb. Especially, evaluation of vacancy concentration in a surface region of highly qualified silicon wafers is desirable for control of micro defects, that originates in vacancy, about nanometer in size. A benchmark of the achievement of surface acoustic wave with high frequency measurements will be a powerful evaluating method in rapidly advancing semiconductor industry.
Surface acoustic wave investigation of vacancy orbital in silicon wafer
Grant number:26247059
2014.6 - 2017.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
GOTO Terutaka, AKATSU Mitsuhiro, MITSUMOTO Keisuke, KURIHARA Ryosuke, KASHIMA Kazuhiko, SAITO Hiroyuki, FURUMURA Yuji, SAITO Yoshihiko
Grant amount:\40560000 ( Direct Cost: \31200000 、 Indirect Cost:\9360000 )
Ultrasonic investigation on the vacancy in silicon wafers currently used in semiconductor device fabrications is an important issue for both solid-state physics and technological applications. The electron orbital bounded around the vacancy exhibiting largely extended radius possesses the strong quadrupole-strain interaction. This provides us the sizable softening in the elastic constants caused by the vacancies existing in extremely small concentration of a vacancy per 10E10 Si atoms. In the present research, we have employed the surface acoustic wave (SAW) device to generate the Rayleigh wave propagating on the surface of the silicon wafer. We have observed the softening of the Rayleigh wave and its magnetic field dependence. We have found the interaction Hamiltonian for the vacancy orbital and the Rayleigh wave and analyzed the softening by the quadrupole susceptibility. We will develop the vacancy evaluation as a new semiconductor technology in near future.
Grant number:23654116
2011.4 - 2013.3
System name:KAKENHI
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for The Promotion of Science
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
We usually use a variety of piezoelectric transducers for generation and detecting of ultrasound signals in low-temperature measurements of elastic constants and ultrasonic attenuation coefficients. In this work, we tried to make high-frequency transducers developed by using processing technology. At first, basic process is involved in manufacturing inverted mesa-type crystals. The thickness of limited central area of conventional AT-cut quarts crystal is etched down to 5 μm for desired frequency over 150 MHz with fundamental mode. We successfully made devices with fundamental frequency of 260 MHz with blanks and applied to measure the elasticconstant C44 in Ce_3Pd_20Ge_6 with inverted mesa-type AT-cut quarts transducer. On the other hand, we found it is difficult to etch practically the LiNbO_3 and LiTaO_3 in thesame process with quarts crystal. The advanced technique using nano-particle fluid is nowdeveloped utilizing for inverted mesa-type tips made of LiNbO_3.
2010.4 - 2013.3
System name:頭脳循環を加速する若手研究者海外派遣プログラム
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
後藤 輝孝, 実施担当者, 根本 祐一
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Study of rattling and electron-phonon interaction in cage-structured compounds
Grant number:21340097
2009.4 - 2013.3
System name:KAKENHI
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for The Promotion of Science
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
We have performed systematic ultrasonic measurement on 3-20-6 type clathrate compounds and filled-skutterudite compounds to elucidate rattling and tunneling with cage-like nano-space. In the R_3Pd_20Ge_6 multi-structured ultrasonic dispersions in the elastic constant C_44 were observed. On the other hand, we revealed rattling does not emerge in the R_3Pd_20Si_6. These results evidences that conduction bands participate in the formation of anharmonic vibration with Γ_5-type charge fluctuation using the path of electron-phonon interaction. In addition, we found antiferro-type qoadrupole ordering of 8c site at 250 mK and successively of 4a site at 60 mK in Pr_3Pd_20Ge_6.
Strongly correlated quantum phase associated with charge fluctuation
Grant number:18002008
2006 - 2010
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
GOTO Terutaka, NEMOTO Yuichi, KITAZAWA Hideaki, SUZUKI Hiroyuki, KANETA Hiroshi, YANAGISAWA Tatsuya, IYETOMI Hiroshi, ONO Yoshiaki, TAKEDA Naoya, TSURUTA Kenji, SAKAI Osamu, AKATSU Mitsuhiro, ISHII Isamu, MITSUMOTO Keisuke
Grant amount:\284440000 ( Direct Cost: \218800000 、 Indirect Cost:\65640000 )
The ultrasonic strains have specified symmetries and couple to the electric quadrupoles of the electronic and ionic quantum states. The ultrasonic measurements of the elastic constants and attenuation coefficients, therefore, may determine the quadrupole susceptibility. In the present projects, using low-temperature ultrasonic phase difference measurement apparatus with a highly velocity resolution, we have carried out a study of non-Kramers doublet of localized 4f-electron in rare-earth compounds, rattling of local oscillator in clathrate compounds, vacancy orbital in boron-doped silicon crystal in pursuing strongly correlated quantum phases associated with charge fluctuation.
Ultrasonic Study of rattling in clathrate compounds
Grant number:17540318
2005.4 - 2007.3
System name:KAKENHI
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for The Promotion of Science
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
1)We previously observed ultrasonic disperSi_6n due to rattling in heavy-fermion superconductor PrOs_4Sb_<12>. Furthermore, elastic softening proportional to the 1/T was found below 4 K down to T_c=1.85 K, which is attributed to off-center tunneling of Pr ion in a cage. These results support that the strong correlation between rattling/tunneling and heavy-fermion and it's superconductivity in PrOs_4Sb_<12>.
2)We have made ultrasonic experiments of the Ru substitutional Pr(Os_<1-x>RuX)_4Sb_<12>. As a result, ultrasonic disperSi_6n becomes weak with more substitution of Ru concentration and completely disappears in BCS superconductor PrRu_4Sb_<12>. We proposed that the coupling between the off-center tunneling and conduction electrons will cause the heavy-fermion state and superconductivity in PrOs_4Sb_<12>.
3)We have examined LaOs_4Sb_<12> without 4f-electron in order to investigate the correlation between rattling and 4f electrons. Ultrasonic disperSi_6n in C_<11> was clearly observed, that means rattling appears without 4f-electron. We conclude that the coupling between off-center mode and surrounding conduction electrons is crucial for the rattling and tunneling.
4)We have measured elastic constants of NdOs_4Sb_<12> with three 4f electrons. Two distinct ultrasonic disperSi_6ns around 40 K and 15 K were observed in C_<11>. This result indicates that multiple structure of anharmonic potential is formed in a cage as it were, illustrated by two deferent activation energy E and characteristic time τ_0 of the rattling in NdOs_4Sb_<12>.
5)We have observed elastic softening of C_<11> and C_<44> proportional to the 1/T at low temperatures in NdOs_4Sb_<12>. According to the analysis using quadrupolar susceptibility, we confirmed that the ground state of the crystal field levels of 4f^3 electronic state is Γ_<67> quartet in NdOs_4Sb_<12>.
6)We have performed ultrasonic measurements of isomorphic compound La_3Pd_<20>Si_6 and Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 to study rattling and tunneling. As a result, no ultrasonic dispersions were found in La_3Pd_<20>Si_6 and Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 contrary to our previous results of R_3Pd_<20>_Ge6. Here we report that the importance of the conduction bands as well as clathrate structure for the occurrence of rattling and tunneling.
7)We have observed elastic softening of (C_<11>-C_<12>)/2 and C_<44> proportional to the 1/T at low temperatures in Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6. We obtained crystal field levels by use of quadrupolar susceptibility to be a Γ_8 quarter ground at 8c site and a Γ_7 doublet ground at 4a site, respectively. Furthermore, we revealed that the presence of antiferro-quadrupolar ordering phase in magnetic fields.
Grant number:15072202
2003 - 2007
System name:科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究
Research category:特定領域研究
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
吉澤 正人, 大野 義章, 鈴木 孝至, 根本 祐一, 松川 倫明, 中西 良樹, 後藤 輝孝
Grant amount:\118900000 ( Direct Cost: \118900000 )
Lattice and ultrasonic effects of orbital ordering and fluctuation
Grant number:11220205
1999 - 2001
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
GOTO Terutaka, KUSAKABE Koichi, HASEGAWA Akira, NEMOTO Yuichi, IYETOMI Hiroshi
Grant amount:\42700000 ( Direct Cost: \42700000 )
In the present project we have investigated on orbital orderings and fluctuations by use of the coupling of the elastic strain of sound waves to the quadrupole of the orbital degrees of freedom. By the ultrasonic measurements, we have investigated the magnetic phase diagram of Ce_xLa_<1-x>B_6 with ヲ」_8 ground state. In the compound x=0.75 the ordered phase IV changes into the antiferro-magnetic phase III. In more diluted compounds x=0.70 and 0.65, however, the phase IV is stable down to absolute zero. The ultrasonic measurements show significant difference in low-temperature limit of C_<44>ofx=0.70, 0.65 and that of x=0.60, 0.50. We have deduced, therefore, that the compounds x=0.60 and 0.50 falls into a non-magnetic ground state showing no distinct phase transition. This is consistent with the previous specific heat measurements by Nakamura et al. In order to examine the order parameter of the phase IV, we have made thermal expansion measurements showing an expansion along the (001) direction and a shrink along the(111) direction in phase IV. This result is a proof for a trigonal distortion in phase IV indicating a quadrupole ordering O_<yz>=O_<zx>=O_<xy>。・.
We。。have。。found that tetragonal ternary compounds HoB_2C_2 and DyB_2C_2 exhibit softenings in (C_<11>-C_<12>)/2, C_<44>, C_<66>. These results indicate a pseudo-triplet model consisting of E-doublet and B or A singlet is responsible for HoB_2C_2 and a pseudo-quartet model with E_<1/2> doublet and E_<3/2> doublet is for DyB_2C_2. We have also performed ultrasonic investigation on La_<1-x>Sr_xMnO_3 and Pr_xCa_<1-x>MnO_3 to investigate their orbital orderings. We have commonly observed the softening in (C_<11>-C_<12>)/2, in para-phase, where the Jahn-Teller coupling of quadrupoles O^0_2 and O^2_2 of E_g doublet is responsible. We obtained the energy gain 10。チ100K, which is considerable smaller than that in Mills' theory. The elastic softening in C_<44> due to charge ordering in Pr_xCa_<1-x>MnO_3 with x=0.50 has been found. We have successfully applied the Landau theory to explain the charge ordering of the system associated with the softening of C_<44>.
Ultrasonic study of quadrupole-strain coupling of silicon vacancy
Grant number:15K17704
2015.4 - 2019.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
MITSUMOTO Keisuke, NEMOTO Yuichi, AKATSU Mitsuhiro, GOTO Terutaka
Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )
Observation of vacancies in crystalline silicon and elucidation of its electronic state are important issues in terms of basic and applied researches. There are rare vacancies in the crystalline silicon currently used in semiconductor industry, and the electronic state of the vacancy has cubic symmetry. We elucidated a mechanism for coupling electric quadrupoles of the vacancy and ultrasonic strains by measuring of pressure dependence of the softening of elastic constant and analyzing them with electric quadrupole susceptibilities. When concentration of the vacancy is above a critical concentration, the vacancy deforms from cubic to lower symmetry due to development of the quadrupole-strain coupling. This is consistent with previous and famous studies of the electron spin resonance.
Grant number:26390055
2014.4 - 2018.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Kaneta Hiroshi, NEMOTO Yuichi, GOTO Terutaka
Grant amount:\4940000 ( Direct Cost: \3800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1140000 )
The silicon wafers were annealed at high-temperatures, to successfully realize the thermal equilibrium of defects in the silicon wafers. The wafers were then quenched. The concentrations of the quenched-in vacancies were determined by means of the low-temperature ultrasonic measurement for the softening of the elastic constant C44. By applying our theory of low-temperature elastic softening to the measured softening, we determined the concentration of quenched-in vacancies. Using these values, we evaluated the formation energy of the vacancy. The obtained value for the formation energy was smaller than expected from the conventional knowledge. We however clarified the reason for the disagreement: imperfect quenching with insufficient cooling rate and neglect of the out-diffusion of the vacancies. We conclude that our experimental approach will allow us to derive the accurate value of the vacancy’s formation energy, if these inappropriate procedures in the experiment will be corrected.
Grant number:21540356
2009 - 2011
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
ISIKAWA Yosikazu, KUWAI Tomohiko, MIZUSHIMA Toshio, PASCAL LEJAY Neel institut
Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )
Interested in the praseodymium compounds showing the heavy-fermion-like behavior, we considered the origin of this property reflects the quadrupole moments. In this study we carried out the experiments of specific heat, thermo electric power, and magnetization of cubic rare-earth compounds with integer quantum number of rare earths. Anomalous properties of these compounds are analyzed taking into account of the coexistence of magnetic and quadrupole moments.
Grant number:21560012
2009 - 2011
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
KANETA Hiroshi, GOTO Terutaka, NEMOTO Yuichi
Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )
Regarding the sample preparation in this study performed by the annealing furnace in the laboratory of university-level cleanness, we have found the following two problems :(1) The cleanness of the laboratory is totally inadequate in order to anneal well-cleaned samples in the contamination-free ambient.(2) The cooling(quenching) speed is insufficient to freeze the vacancies which are in thermal equilibrium in the annealing. We have found that the best way to resolve these problems is to prepare the samples by using the apparatuses and facilities in silicon wafer manufacturing company. The level of the cleanness of the apparatus and the clean room is far higher than that of those in the university. The quenching with sufficiently high speed can also be realized by the rapid thermal annealer(RAT) adopted in silicon wafer manufacturing. In this case however, we have to deal with the silicon wafers of surface orientation<001> and the thickness thinner than 0. 8 mm, instead of the block-shaped samples we first considered for the experiment. In this case, we also have to totally change the regular condition of the ultrasonic measurement into a special one, where we measure the elastic constantC11 by using the longitudinal sound wave propagating along<001> direction through the very thin sample(wafer). We have shown that this method of measurement for the elastic softening is possible. Sample preparation using the RTA in silicon wafer manufacturer is now in progress.
Spectroscopic studies on novel electronic phase due to large amplitude atomic oscillations
Grant number:20102005
2008 - 2012
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
TOU Hideki, SUZUKI Takashi, UDAGAWA Masayuki, IWASA Kazuaki, LEE Chul-ho, TSUTSUI Satoshi, NEMOTO Yuichi, ALFRED Baron, URUGA Tomoya
Grant amount:\167440000 ( Direct Cost: \128800000 、 Indirect Cost:\38640000 )
NMR, ultrasonic, Raman scattering, X-ray scattering, and inelastic neutron scattering experiments were carried out to clarify the properties of the ground state in caged compounds. (1) The rattling motions of guest atoms in type -I clathrates correspond to the characteristic temperature scale of 20-30 K, and strongly interact with conduction electron states. Significant electron-local phonon coupling leads to enhancement of various physical quantities. (2) The heavy fermion behavior in ROs4Sb12 is attributed to the correlation between the conduction electrons and the lowest energy excitation, either rattling state or crystal electric field (CEF) state. (3) The primary order parameter of SmRu_4P_<12> is found to be an octupole T^α, or T^β. (4) Phonon anomalies in GdB_6 and DyB_6 are expected to be caused by strong electron-phonon interaction. (5) The structural phase transition observed in RT_2Xn_<20> is attributed to rattling transition due to the strong electro-phonon coupling. In PrIr_2Zn_<20>, the rattling transition is suppressed and the antiferroquadrupolar ordering occurs at T_Q.
Novel Magnetism and Superconductivity on Filled Skutterudite Compounds which Possess Rattling
Grant number:20740192
2008 - 2009
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
YANAGISAWA Tatsuya, GOTO Terutaka, TAKEDA Naoya, NEMOTO Yuichi, MAPLE M. Brian, E. BAUMBACH Ryan, HO Pei-Chun
Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )
Ultrasonic measurements on the Filled-Skutterudite compounds Pr_<1-x>NdxOs_4Sb_<12>(x=0.45, 0.25, 1.0)have been performed. Frequency dependences of elastic constant C11 were investigated with longitudinal ultrasonic frequencies varying between 34 to 245 MHz on these samples. A characteristic ultrasonic dispersion, which had also been observed in PrOs_4Sb_<12> (x=0) at around 30K, is also observed in the dilute systems and shifts gradually to higher temperature with increasing the Nd concentration x. On the other hand, the C11 of x=0.45 sample shows softening and levels off feature at T=0.25K. This result implies that the Nd3+ ion's degenerate CEF ground state is split due to some order even in the Pr^<3+> ion's contribution to SC. In addition, a magnetically robust elastic softening of C11 was found in the end material NdOs_4Sb_<12> (x=1.0) under magnetic field 2 T<H<10T at low temperature T<1K, which suggest a presence of the off-center tunneling as same as LaOs_4Sb_<12> and PrOs_4Sb_<12>. Above results imply that an origin of the heavy-fermion state of NdOs_4Sb_<12> could possibly be related to a degenerate quantum ground state due to the off-center degrees of freedom.
The study on enhancement effect of photocatalytsis under visible light irradiation with the oxide photocatalysts
Grant number:14350341
2002 - 2004
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
YAMADA Yuh, KUBO Syugo, MATSUSHITA Akiyuki, YE Jinhua, GOTO Terutaka, NEMOTO Yuichi
Grant amount:\13500000 ( Direct Cost: \13500000 )
Since photo-induced decomposition of water on TiO_2 electrodes was discovered, semiconductor-based photocatalysis has attracted extensive interest. Most of the investigations have focused on TiO_2, which shows relatively high activity and chemical stability under UV light irradiation. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new types of photocatalysts that can yield high activity under visible light irradiation, because the attempt is aimed at producing hydrogen of clean-energy from water utilizing solar energy. We have investigated the electric and crystal structural changes on the oxide photocatalysts, resulting in a change in photocatalytLc property. The results are explained in the following.
1.In addition to the reported InTaO_4 and InNbO_4 photocatalysts, 3d transition metal V compound InVO_4 was found to be a visible light driven photocatalyst for H_2 evolution from pure water. Then, we have also investigated the substitute system MVO_4 under high pressure. We found the phase transition in CeVO_4 up to 6 GPa.
2.We have demonstrated efficiently photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye over the oxide photocatalyst R_2BaCuO_5(R=lanthanoid) under visible light irradiation. Nd_2BaCuO_5 oxide was found the high activity under visible light irradiation.
3.We have found superconductivity in the Pr_2Ba_4Cu_7O_<15-δ> possessing metallic double chains when the oxide photocatalysts were searched.
Study of the acoustic de Haas effect by the ultrasonic measurements
Grant number:09304039
1997 - 1999
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
GOTO Terutaka, DONNI Andreas, OCHIAI Akira, HASEGAWA Akira, KATAOKA Mitsuo, NEMOTO Yuichi
Grant amount:\41200000 ( Direct Cost: \41200000 )
The de Haas effect of the oscillatory magnetization is a method to observe the Fermi surface of metallic compounds. The acoustic de Haas effect by the measurement of the sound velocity and attenuation coefficient is a unique method to determine the electron-lattice interaction in the itinerant electron system. In the present project, we focus on the precise measurement of the sound velocity as a function of the magnetic field at low temperatures. In the case of the heavy Fermion system, the measurements in the extreme condition with low temperature and high magnetic field is required to detect the quantum oscillation due to the Landau state in field. In the last three years, we have developed an low-temperature ultrasonic system with a superconducting magnet up to 180kOe and a dilution refrigerator down to 10mK. The top-loading probe of the dilution refrigerator is equipped by a gonio meter for sample rotation and coaxial lines for high frequency measurement. For the first cooling, we measured a typical example of the heavy Fermion systems CeRuィイD22ィエD2SiィイD22ィエD2, which has been grown by Prof. Onuki. Above the metamagetic transition of 80kOe, the quantum oscillation of the longitudinal CィイD211ィエD2 mode has been clearly detected below 600mK down to 20mK. The effective mass of the branch is 3.5m0. The ultrasonic measurement system in low temperature and high magnetic field in Niigata University is the most excellent apparatus for the investigation of the Fermi surface of the heavy Fermion system, the quadrupolar effect of 4f- and 3d-elecron compounds and the charge fluctuation effect in the mixed valence compounds. Our ultrasonic system is opened for cooperative works with many scientist in the world.
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