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カワシマ ヒロユキ
川島 寛之
教育研究院 医歯学系 医学系列 教授
医歯学総合研究科 生体機能調節医学専攻 機能再建医学 教授


  • 医学博士 ( 2003年3月   新潟大学 )


  • 分子生物学

  • 緩和医療

  • 骨・軟部肉腫


  • ライフサイエンス / 腫瘍生物学


  • 新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科   機能再建医学講座整形外科学分野   教授

    2020年7月 - 現在


  • 新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科   整形外科学分野   准教授

    2019年9月 - 現在


  • 新潟大学   整形外科学分野   講師

    2014年7月 - 2019年8月


  • 新潟大学   整形外科学分野   助教

    2006年1月 - 2014年6月


  • テキサス大学MDアンダーソンがんセンター   胸部心臓血管外科   博士研究員

    2003年12月 - 2005年12月


  • 新潟大学医学部附属病院   整形外科   助手

    2003年5月 - 2005年11月


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  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合研究科 生体機能調節医学専攻 機能再建医学   教授

    2020年7月 - 現在

  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合研究科 生体機能調節医学専攻 機能再建医学   准教授

    2019年9月 - 2020年6月

  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合研究科 生体機能調節医学専攻 機能再建医学   講師

    2014年7月 - 2019年8月

  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合研究科 生体機能調節医学専攻   助教

    2007年4月 - 2014年6月

  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合研究科 生体機能調節医学専攻   助手

    2006年1月 - 2007年3月

  • 新潟大学   医学部附属病院   助手

    2003年5月 - 2005年11月

  • 新潟大学   医学部附属病院   医員


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  • 新潟大学   医学研究科

    1999年4月 - 2003年3月


  • 新潟大学   医学部   医学科

    1990年4月 - 1996年3月



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  • 日本整形外科学会   代議員  

    2019年4月 - 現在   




  • 東日本整形災害外科学会   評議員  

    2018年4月 - 現在   




  • 社会保険診療報酬支払基金   審査委員  

    2012年5月 - 2015年10月   






  • Association between three-dimensional gait kinematics and joint-line inclination in osteoarthritic knees compared with normal knees: An epidemiological study. 国際誌

    Fangzhou Chi, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Hiroshi Koga, Go Omori, Katsutoshi Nishino, Shigeru Takagi, Yoshio Koga, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of experimental orthopaedics   11 ( 3 )   e12040   2024年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: No report has proven how tibial and femoral joint-line inclinations affect thigh and shank motion, respectively, according to Kellgren-Lawrence grade in motion analysis with a sufficient sample size. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the motion of the thigh and shank individually from the ground and the relative motion between bones in a large-sample motion analysis to determine the differences between normal and osteoarthritic knees and examine the effects of tibial and femoral joint-line inclination on motion according to osteoarthritis (OA) grade. METHODS: Of 459 participants with healthy knees and varus knee OA undergoing three-dimensional gait analysis, 383 (218 females and 165 males) with an average age of 68 ± 13 years were selected. Gait analysis was performed using a motion-capture system. The six degrees of freedom motion parameters of the knee in the Grood and world coordinate systems and the joint-line inclination in the standing radiographs were measured. RESULTS: Osteoarthritic knees demonstrated a relative motion different from that of normal knees, with responsibility for the thigh in the sagittal and rotational planes and the thigh and shank in the coronal plane. The involvement of joint-line inclination in motion was mainly on the tibial side, and the effect was minimal in normal knees. CONCLUSIONS: The details of the relative motion of both the thigh and shank can be clarified by analysing individual motions to determine the responsible part. The tibial joint-line affected knee motion: however, the effect was minimal in normal knees. This finding implies that if physical ability can be improved, the negative effects of deformity in osteoarthritic knees may be compensated for. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level Ⅱ.

    DOI: 10.1002/jeo2.12040



  • Medial cortical bone thickness of the tibial diaphysis in osteoarthritis is related to lower extremity alignment and tibial morphology. 国際誌

    Keisuke Maeda, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Osamu Tanifuji, Ryota Katsumi, Koichi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research   19 ( 1 )   355 - 355   2024年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to clarify (1) the differences in cortical bone thickness (CBT) of the tibial diaphysis between healthy and osteoarthritic knees and (2) the influences of the femorotibial angle (FTA) and inclination of the medial compartment of the proximal tibia (MCT) on tibial CBT. METHODS: The study assessed 60 subjects with varus knee osteoarthritis (OA) (22 males and 38 females; mean age, 74 ± 7 years) and 53 healthy elderly subjects (28 males and 25 females; mean age, 70 ± 6 years). Three-dimensional estimated CBT of the tibial diaphysis was automatically calculated for 2752-11,296 points using high-resolution measurements from CT. The standardized CBT was assessed in 24 regions by combining six heights and four areas. Additionally, the association between the CBT, each FTA, and MCT inclination was investigated. RESULTS: The OA group showed a thicker CBT in the medial areas than in the lateral areas of the proximal tibia, while the healthy group had a thicker lateral CBT. The medial-to-lateral ratio of the proximal tibia was significantly higher in the OA group than in the healthy group. The proximal-medial CBT correlated with FTA and MCT inclinations in the OA group. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that varus osteoarthritic knees showed a different trend of proximal-medial CBT with associations in FTA and MCT inclination from healthy knees, possibly due to medial load concentration.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13018-024-04849-y



  • Primary adenocarcinoma arising from rectal implantation cyst after low anterior resection for rectal cancer 31 years previously.

    Yoshifumi Shimada, Akio Matsumoto, Kaoru Abe, Yosuke Tajima, Mae Nakano, Takashi Ariizumi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Yusuke Tani, Riuko Ohashi, Toshifumi Wakai

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   2024年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Rectal implantation cysts can occur at anastomotic sites after low anterior resection (LAR) for rectal cancer. Herein, we report a case of primary adenocarcinoma arising from a rectal implantation cyst after LAR for rectal cancer. A 70-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for diagnosis and treatment of a growing cystic lesion. She had LAR performed for rectal cancer 29 years previously and had a rectal implantation cyst detected 13 years previously. On the first visit to our hospital, serum CEA and CA19-9 levels were elevated, and computed tomography (CT) scans revealed a cystic lesion near the anastomosis. CT-guided biopsy revealed no cancer tissue in the cystic lesion. After that, the cystic lesion naturally shrank, and serum CEA and CA19-9 levels became normal. Follow-up included 3 monthly serum CEA and CA19-9 testing and 6 monthly CT scans. Two years later, serum CEA and CA19-9 levels were elevated again. Colonoscopy revealed an ulcerative lesion at the anastomotic site, in which adenocarcinoma was confirmed. Abdominoperineal resection with sacral resection was performed, and postoperative histopathological examination revealed a primary adenocarcinoma with mucinous component at the implantation cyst. Since rectal implantation cysts can become malignant after extended periods, clinicians need to be aware of this disease.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12328-024-02002-0



  • Accuracy of a portable lower-limb muscle strength measuring device with a training function.

    Atsushi Nawata, Hiroshi Koga, Rieko Sasaki, Hiroshi Watanabe, Go Omori, Yoshio Koga, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of physical therapy science   36 ( 6 )   343 - 351   2024年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    [Purpose] Quadriceps muscle strength is essential for daily living activities. Therefore, we developed a compact and simple lower limb muscle strength measuring device (LocomoScan [LCS]). This study aimed to compare LCS with other instruments to analyze its simplicity, reproducibility, and accuracy. [Participants and Methods] One hundred and four healthy university students (56 males and 48 females) were included in the study. The knee extension force was measured using LCS, and the knee extension torque was measured using other devices (Cybex). In addition, lower leg muscle mass was measured using a body composition meter. The reproducibility of LCS and the correlation between the knee extension torque and lower leg muscle mass were evaluated. [Results] The measurement reproducibility of LCS was significantly higher. The knee extension force confirmed the proportional relative reliability of Cybex with knee extension torque. A relationship between knee extension force and lower limb muscle mass was also observed, indicating that muscle mass cannot be estimated as muscle strength. [Conclusion] The high reproducibility of the knee extension force measurement using LCS demonstrates its potential as a portable alternative instrument for muscle strength measurement in clinical practice. Therefore, LCS device is a simple and effective tool for assessing muscle strength.

    DOI: 10.1589/jpts.36.343



  • Cataract Surgery and Chronic Kidney Disease: A Hospital-based Prospective Cohort Study.

    Minako Wakasugi, Akio Yokoseki, Masakazu Wada, Takaiko Yoshino, Takeshi Momotsu, Kenji Sato, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Kazutoshi Nakamura, Takeo Fukuchi, Osamu Onodera, Ichiei Narita

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   63 ( 9 )   1207 - 1216   2024年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Objective Cataract and chronic kidney disease (CKD) occur with increasing frequency with age and share common risk factors including smoking, diabetes, and hypertension. We evaluated the risk of incident cataract surgery in patients with non-dialysis-dependent CKD and dialysis-dependent CKD compared to non-CKD patients, while taking into account the competing risk of death. Methods The participants included 1,839 patients from Sado General Hospital enrolled in the Project in Sado for Total Health (PROST) between June 2008 and December 2016 (54% men; mean age, 69 years). Among these patients, 50%, 44%, and 6% had non-CKD, non-dialysis-dependent CKD, and dialysis-dependent CKD, respectively. Results During a median follow-up of 5.6 years (interquartile range, 4.7-7.1), 193 participants underwent cataract surgery [18.7 (95% confidence interval (CI), 16.2-21.5)/1,000 person-years] and 425 participants died without undergoing cataract surgery [41.0 (95% CI, 37.4-45.2)/1,000 person-years]. The cumulative incidence of cataract surgery was the highest in the dialysis-dependent CKD group, followed by the non-dialysis-dependent CKD and non-CKD groups (log-rank p=0.002). After adjusting for potential confounding factors, the dialysis-dependent CKD group [hazard ratio (HR) 2.48; 95% CI 1.43-4.31], but not the non-dialysis-dependent CKD group (HR, 1.01; 95% CI 0.74-1.38), had a higher risk of cataract surgery than the non-CKD group. However, this association was no longer significant according to a competing risk analysis (sub-hazard ratio, 1.67; 95% CI 0.93-3.03). Conclusion Dialysis-dependent CKD patients were found to have an increased risk of cataract surgery; however, the association was attenuated and no longer significant when death was considered a competing risk.

    DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.2176-23



  • Mobile medial pivot (lateral slide)-type total knee arthroplasty exhibited different motion patterns between under anaesthesia and weight-bearing condition. 国際誌

    Osamu Tanifuji, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Takashi Sato, Satoshi Watanabe, Go Omori, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA   32 ( 5 )   1298 - 1307   2024年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: Total knee arthroplasty (TKA), which has medial pivot and mobile-bearing mechanisms, has been developed and clinically used. However, the in vivo dynamic kinematics of the mobile medial pivot-type TKA (MMPTKA) is unclear. This study analysed the in vivo kinematics of MMPTKA in weight-bearing and nonweight-bearing conditions. METHODS: The study included 10 knees that underwent primary TKA using MMPTKA. After TKA, lateral view radiographs of the knee in full extension, 90° of flexion and passive full flexion were taken under general anaesthesia in the nonweight-bearing condition. At least 6 months postoperatively, knee motion during squatting from a weight-bearing standing position was observed using a flat-panel detector and analysed using the three-dimensional-to-two-dimensional image registration technique. RESULTS: Under anaesthesia: in passive full flexion, the anteroposterior (AP) locations of the femoral component's medial and lateral distal points were 10.2 and 16.0 mm posterior, and the rotational angles of the femoral component's X-axis (FCX) and insert were 8.1° external rotation and 18.5° internal rotation to full extension, respectively. Squatting: the AP translations of the femoral component's medial and lateral most distal points were 2.2 and 6.4 mm, and the rotational angles of the FCX and insert were 5.7° and 1.6° external rotation, respectively. Significant differences were observed in the AP translation of the femoral component's medial and lateral most distal points and changes in the insert's rotational angle when comparing under anaesthesia and squatting. CONCLUSIONS: The kinematics of the insert in MMPTKA was significantly influenced by loading and muscle contraction. The femoral component exhibited substantial external rotation and posterior translation under anaesthesia, which may contribute to achieving an optimal range of motion. The insert remained relatively stable during squatting and minimal rotation was observed, indicating good stability. MMPTKA was expected to demonstrate rational kinematics by incorporating mobile and medial pivot mechanisms. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, prospective biomechanical case series study.

    DOI: 10.1002/ksa.12147



  • The Three-Dimensional Criteria of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Using the Functional Pelvic Plane Is More Useful Than That Using the Anterior Pelvic Plane. 国際誌

    Shinya Ibuchi, Norio Imai, Yoji Horigome, Hayato Suzuki, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of clinical medicine   13 ( 9 )   2024年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background: This retrospective cross-sectional study investigated the cutoff values (COVs) for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) using a three-dimensional (3D) pelvic model reconstructed using computed tomography (CT). We included 107 healthy Japanese participants and 73 patients who had undergone curved periacetabular osteotomy (CPO) for DDH between 2012 and 2017. Methods: The hip CT images were adjusted to the anterior pelvic plane (APP), functional pelvic plane (FPP), sagittal anterior center-edge angle (ACEA), and sagittal posterior center-edge angle (PCEA). The lateral center-edge angle (LCEA), acetabular roof obliquity (ARO), anterior acetabular sector angle (AASA), and posterior acetabular sector angle (PASA) were measured. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to calculate the COVs, and the association between the parameters was analyzed using multiple logistic regression. Results: The ARO (≥10.2°) and LCEA (≤22.2°) were independent influencing factors for the APP, whereas the AASA (≤53.1°) and LCEA (≤24.5°) were independent influencing factors for the FPP. Conclusions: The 3D criteria for the diagnosis of DDH in Japanese individuals can identify DDH with insufficient anterior coverage, which anteroposterior plain radiographs cannot visualize, and can help determine indications for acetabular osteotomy.

    DOI: 10.3390/jcm13092536



  • Delayed paraparesis after posterior spinal fusion for congenital scoliosis: a case report. 国際誌

    Shuhei Ohtsubo, Masayuki Ohashi, Toru Hirano, Hideki Tashi, Tatsuo Makino, Keitaro Minato, Yusuke Mitsuma, Hiroyuki Deguchi, Rintaro Hoshino, Nobuko Ohashi, Kenta Furutani, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Kei Watanabe

    Spinal cord series and cases   10 ( 1 )   24 - 24   2024年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    INTRODUCTION: Although multimodal intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM), which has high sensitivity and specificity, is typically performed during spinal deformity surgery, neurological status may deteriorate with delay after surgical maneuvers. Here, we report a rare case of delayed postoperative neurological deficit (DPND) that was not detected by IONM during posterior spinal fusion (PSF) for congenital scoliosis. CASE PRESENTATION: A 14-year-old male presented with congenital scoliosis associated with T3 and T10 hemivertebrae. Preoperative Cobb angle of proximal thoracic (PT) and main thoracic (MT) curves were 50° and 41°, respectively. PSF (T1-L1) without hemivertebrectomy was performed, and the curves were corrected to 31° and 21° in the PT and MT curves, respectively, without any abnormal findings in IONM, blood pressure, or hemoglobin level. However, postoperative neurological examination revealed complete loss of motor function. A revision surgery, release of the curve correction by removing the rods, was immediately performed and muscle strength completely recovered on the first postoperative day. Five days postoperatively, PSF was achieved with less curve correction (36° in the PT curve and 26° in the MT curve), without postoperative neurological deficits. DISCUSSION: Possible mechanisms of DPND in our patient are spinal cord ischemia due to spinal cord traction caused by scoliosis correction and spinal cord kinking by the pedicle at the concave side. Understanding the possible mechanisms of intra- and postoperative neural injury is essential for appropriate intervention in each situation. Additionally, IONM should be continued to at least skin closure to detect DPND observed in our patient.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41394-024-00639-0



  • Neck and shoulder pain in thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 10 years after posterior spinal fusion. 国際誌

    Masayuki Ohashi, Kei Watanabe, Toru Hirano, Kazuhiro Hasegawa, Hideki Tashi, Tatsuo Makino, Keitaro Minato, Masayuki Sato, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society   2024年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: We aimed to determine the clinical significance of neck and shoulder pain (NSP) 10 years after posterior spinal fusion (PSF) for thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and the relationship between radiographic parameters and NSP. METHODS: Of 72 patients who underwent PSF for thoracic AIS (Lenke 1 or 2) between 2000 and 2013, we included 52 (46 females; Lenke type 1 in 34 patients and type 2 in 18; mean age, 25.6 years) who underwent NSP evaluation using visual analog scale (VAS, 10 cm) 10 years postoperatively (follow-up rate, 72.2%). Correlation analyses were performed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (r). RESULTS: The VAS for NSP was 2.6 cm in median and 3.4 cm in mean at 10 years. The VAS had significant negative correlations with several SRS-22 domain scores (rs = - 0.348 for pain, - 0.347 for function,  -  0.308 for mental health, and - 0.372 for total) (p < 0.05). In addition, the VAS score was significantly correlated with cervical lordosis (CL) (rs = 0.296), lumbar lordosis (rs = - 0.299), and sacral slope (rs = 0.362) (p < 0.05). Furthermore, at the 10-year follow-up, CL was significantly negatively correlated with T1 slope (rs = - 0.763) and thoracic kyphosis (TK) (- 0.554 for T1-12 and - 0.344 for T5-12) (p < 0.02). CONCLUSION: NSP was associated with deterioration in SRS-22 scores, indicating that NSP is a clinically significant long-term issue in PSF for thoracic AIS. Restoring or maintaining the TK and T1 slopes, which are controllable factors during PSF, may improve cervical lordosis and alleviate NSP at 10-year follow-up.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00586-024-08233-6



  • Mixed Reality-Based Navigation for Pedicle Screw Placement: A Preliminary Study Using a 3D-Printed Spine Model. 国際誌

    Masayuki Ohashi, Masayuki Sato, Hideki Tashi, Keitaro Minato, Tatsuo Makino, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Cureus   16 ( 4 )   e59240   2024年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and objectives Mixed reality (MR) is one of the image processing technologies that allows the user to manipulate three-dimensional (3D) virtual images (hologram). The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of MR-based pedicle screw (PS) placement using 3D spine models. Materials and methods Using the preoperative CT data of a patient with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) who had undergone posterior spinal fusion in our hospital, a 3D-printed spine model was created. On the other hand, a 3D hologram of the same patient was automatically created using the preoperative CT data uploaded to the Holoeyes MD service website (Holoeyes Inc., Tokyo, Japan). Using a Magic Leap One® headset (Magic Leap Inc., Plantation, FL), the 3D hologram with lines of predetermined PS trajectories was superimposed onto the 3D-printed spine model and PS were inserted bilaterally along with the trajectory lines from T5 to L3. As a control, we used a readymade 3D spine model of AIS and inserted PS bilaterally with a freehand technique from T4 to L3. The rate of pedicle violation was compared between the MR-based and freehand techniques. Results A total of 22 and 24 PS were placed into the 3D-printed spine model of our patient and the readymade 3D spine model, respectively. The rate of pedicle violation was 4.5% (1/22 screws) in the MR-based technique and 29.2% (7/24 screws) in the freehand technique (P = 0.049). Conclusions We demonstrated a significantly lower rate of PS misplacement in the MR-based technique than in the freehand technique. Therefore, an MR-assisted system is a promising tool for PS placement in terms of feasibility, safety, and accuracy, warranting further studies including cadaveric and clinical studies.

    DOI: 10.7759/cureus.59240



  • Hip Fractures in Elderly Individuals Did Not Decrease during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: Insights from the 2015 and 2020 Niigata Prefecture Fragility Hip Fracture Surveys. 国際誌

    Asami Nozaki, Norio Imai, Yugo Shobugawa, Yoji Horigome, Hayato Suzuki, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)   60 ( 4 )   2024年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and Objectives: The incidence of osteoporotic hip fractures in Niigata Prefecture, Japan, has been studied approximately every 5 years since 1985. In 2020, as in previous surveys, a prefecture-wide survey was initiated as planned; however, the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) began simultaneously. This study aimed to compare the results of the 2015 and 2020 Niigata Prefecture Fragility Hip Fracture Surveys to determine whether the COVID-19 pandemic affected the occurrence and treatment of proximal femoral fractures throughout Niigata Prefecture. Materials and Methods: In this study, data from the 2015 and 2020 Niigata Prefecture Fragility Hip Fracture Surveys were used. Data were obtained from registration forms returned by hospitals and clinics in Niigata Prefecture for patients living therein who were diagnosed with osteoporotic hip fractures over a 1-year period in 2015 and 2020. Results: In Niigata Prefecture, the total annual number of fractures increased from 3181 in 2015 to 3369 in 2020, whereas the age-adjusted fracture rate decreased. Regarding the location of the fractures, the proportion of outdoor fractures was lower than that of indoor fractures. The proportion of outdoor fractures decreased over the year as a whole, but in particular, the proportion of outdoor fractures decreased significantly under the issued emergency declarations. The most common reasons for delayed surgery related to COVID-19 were "waiting for PCR results" and "quarantine for fever," accounting for approximately 1.9% of all causes. Conclusions: In Niigata Prefecture, Japan, the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the number and rate of fractures was minuscule. The proportion of indoor fractures to outdoor fractures increased during the emergency declaration period. Considering that the number of fragility fractures remains the same during an infectious disease pandemic such as COVID-19, it is necessary to ensure that healthcare resources are available to deal with them.

    DOI: 10.3390/medicina60040573



  • The Sum of the Leg Length Discrepancy and the Difference in Global Femoral Offset Is Equal to That of the Contralateral Intact Side and Improves Postoperative Outcomes after Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Three-Dimensional Analysis. 国際誌

    Norio Imai, Yuki Hirano, Yuki Endo, Yoji Horigome, Hayato Suzuki, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of clinical medicine   13 ( 6 )   2024年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background/Objectives: Global femoral offset (GFO) and leg length discrepancy (LLD) affect outcomes after total hip arthroplasty (THA). Moreover, the sum of the difference in GFO between the THA and non-surgical sides and LLD (SGL) reportedly affects the outcomes in a two-dimensional evaluation. We examined the association of the GFO, LLD, and SGL with the Harris Hip Score (HHS) using a three-dimensional (3D) evaluation. Methods: We retrospectively surveyed 172 patients with hemilateral hip osteoarthritis who underwent THA. The GFO, LLD, and SGL were measured using the 3D pelvis and femur models; these models were adjusted for the pelvis and femur, and the coordinate systems were parallelized. Furthermore, their relationship with the modified HHS (mHHS) 1 year after THA was determined. Results: Significant correlations were found among mHHS, GFO, and SGL in the binomial group, whereas LLD was not significantly correlated. The optimal values of GFO and SGL were 1.01 mm and 0.18 mm/100 cm body height, respectively, which were considered optimal when the SGL values were approximately equal to those of the non-operative side. The optimal ranges for GFO and SGL were -1.65 to 3.67 mm and -4.78 to 5.14 mm/100 cm, respectively. Conclusions: Our findings were obtained after adjusting the pelvis and femur to a unified coordinate system. Therefore, the results of this study can be directly applied to 3D planning.

    DOI: 10.3390/jcm13061698



  • Histomorphometric analysis of patients with femoral neck fracture and 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency: a cross-sectional study.

    Go Okumura, Noriaki Yamamoto, Hayato Suzuki, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Yuki Hirano, Yoshiaki Tei, Yasuyuki Tomiyama, Taketoshi Shimakura, Hideaki E Takahashi, Norio Imai, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of bone and mineral metabolism   42 ( 2 )   214 - 222   2024年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    INTRODUCTION: Vitamin D deficiency causes osteoporosis, bone mineralization disorders, and osteomalacia. Osteomalacia is diagnosed using blood biochemical tests, clinical symptoms, and imaging; however, accurate detection of mineralization disorders requires tissue observation. We investigated the prevalence of bone mineralization disorders and their relationship with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) levels in patients with untreated osteoporosis with femoral neck fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A non-demineralized specimen was prepared from the femoral head removed during surgery in 65 patients. Bone histomorphometry of cancerous bone in the femoral head center was conducted. Osteoid volume per bone volume (OV/BV) and osteoid thickness (O.Th) were measured as indicators of mineralization disorder. RESULTS: The mean serum 25OHD level (11.9 ± 5.7 ng/mL) was in the deficiency range (< 12 ng/mL). There were no clinically diagnosed cases of osteomalacia (OV/BV > 10% and O.Th > 12.5 µm); however, one case of mineralization disorder, considered histologically pre-osteomalacia (OV/BV > 5% and O.Th < 12.5 µm), was observed (OB/BV, 17.6%; O.Th, 12.3 µm). Excluding this case, those with severe (25OHD < 12 ng/mL, at risk of osteomalacia; n = 39) and non-severe deficiency (25OHD ≥ 12 ng/mL; n = 25) did not significantly differ in OV/BV (%; 0.77 ± 0.54 vs. 0.69 ± 0.38, p = 0.484) or O.Th (µm; 5.32 ± 1.04 vs. 5.13 ± 0.78, p = 0.410). Further, 25OHD and OV/BV were not significantly correlated (R = - 0.124, p = 0.327). CONCLUSION: This is the first study in the twenty-first century to examine serum 25OHD concentrations and bone mineralization disorders in Japanese patients with osteoporosis. The results indicate that vitamin D deficiency does not necessarily cause bone mineralization disorders and rarely leads to osteomalacia.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00774-024-01495-6



  • The Long-Term Efficacy of Computed Tomography-Navigated Total Hip Arthroplasty: An 18-Year Follow-Up Study. 国際誌

    Norio Imai, Dai Miyasaka, Shinya Ibuchi, Keishi Kimura, Yuki Hirano, Yoji Horigome, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of clinical medicine   13 ( 5 )   2024年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    UNLABELLED: Backgroumd: There have been few reports on the long-term survival of computed tomography (CT)-navigated total hip arthroplasty (THA), which should lead to a lower incidence of dislocation and loosening. In this study, we examined survivorship, dislocation, and loosening incidence using plain radiographs over a minimum 15-year follow-up after CT-navigated THA. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 145 consecutive CT-navigated THAs for >15 years. We surveyed the angles placed in both the acetabular and femoral components, survivorship, the occurrence of dislocation, the revision rate, and the fixation grade of the acetabular component. RESULTS: The mean follow-up duration was 18.4 years. Overall, 73.8% of THAs were within the safe zone of Lewinnek. There were four dislocations (2.8%), with three occurring within 1 month after surgery and the other within 7 years after surgery. Revision THA was performed in one case (0.69%); consequently, the survival rate was 99.3%. The fixation grade was evaluated in 144 hips, and those were evaluated as having "no loosening". CONCLUSIONS: CT-navigated THA was speculated to contribute to long-term survivorship, with a low rate of loosening, even after 18 years of follow-up. It was speculated that the acetabular component was placed at an acceptable insertion angle and a suitable position for stable initial fixation.

    DOI: 10.3390/jcm13051374



  • A case of juvenile-onset ankylosing spondylitis effectively treated with tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor agents. 国際誌

    Akira Sakaguchi, Naoki Kondo, Rika Kakutani, Eiji Kinoshita, Yasufumi Kijima, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Modern rheumatology case reports   2024年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    A 15-year-old girl had experienced hip pain at 11 years of age. At 15 years of age, the patient complained of persistent generalised pain. Her rheumatoid factor and serum matrix metalloproteinase-3 levels were below standard values; there were no inflammatory responses, and the human leukocyte antigen test was negative for B27 and positive for B52 and B62. The bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index (BASDAI) value was 8.0 at the time of induction and 3.1 at 6 months after the introduction of adalimumab (at a dose of 40 mg). The BASDAI value improved with an increase in the dose of adalimumab to 80 mg at 8 months after the initial introduction of adalimumab (at 40 mg), although it remained at 4.8 at 16 months after the dose increase. The BASDAI value was 2.6 at 6 months, 2.7 at 1 year, and 1.8 at 1.5 years after the introduction of infliximab, indicating that the patient had progressed well without any adverse events. Based on this case, juvenile ankylosing spondylitis is a differential diagnosis for low back pain and generalised pain since childhood. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors were promptly introduced in this case, although it took 4 years from the initial presentation. TNF inhibitors were effective in treating juvenile ankylosing spondylitis in the present case without any adverse events. This case is notable because juvenile onset ankylosing spondylitis is one of the reasons for severe lumbago since childhood and because TNF inhibitors were administered promptly after diagnosis.

    DOI: 10.1093/mrcr/rxae006



  • 【動静脈奇形症例集[3]-躯幹-】周囲二重結紮法で外科的治療した胸壁動静脈奇形の1例

    生越 章, 川島 寛之

    形成外科   67 ( 2 )   131 - 136   2024年2月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:克誠堂出版(株)  



    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2024&ichushi_jid=J00398&link_issn=&doc_id=20240209080006&doc_link_id=10.18916%2Fkeisei.2024020006&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.18916%2Fkeisei.2024020006&type=%E5%8C%BB%E6%9B%B8.jp_%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BB%E3%82%B9&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00024_2.gif

  • Deep dermatophytosis caused by Trichophyton rubrum in an elderly patient with CARD9 deficiency: A case report and literature review. 国際誌

    Osamu Ansai, Ryota Hayashi, Anna Nakamura, Jin Sasaki, Akito Hasegawa, Tokiko Deguchi, Akihiko Yuki, Naoki Oike, Takashi Ariizumi, Masahiro Abe, Yoshitsugu Miyazaki, Tatsuya Takenouchi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Riichiro Abe

    The Journal of dermatology   51 ( 2 )   294 - 300   2024年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Deep dermatophytosis is an invasive and sometimes life-threatening fungal infection mainly reported in immunocompromised patients. However, a caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 9 (CARD9) deficiency has recently been reported to cause deep dermatophytosis. Herein, we report the first Japanese case of deep dermatophytosis associated with CARD9 deficiency. An 80-year-old Japanese man with tinea corporis presented with subcutaneous nodules on his left sole. Histopathological findings revealed marked epithelioid cell granulomas with filamentous fungal structures in the deep dermis and subcutis, and the patient was diagnosed with deep dermatophytosis. Despite antifungal therapy, the subcutaneous nodule on his left sole gradually enlarged, his left calcaneal bone was invaded, and the patient finally underwent amputation of his left leg. Genetic analysis revealed a homozygous CARD9 c.586 A > G (p. Lys196Glu) variant, suggesting a CARD9 deficiency. Here, we discuss the clinical features of CARD9 deficiency-associated deep dermatophytosis with a case report and review of the literature.

    DOI: 10.1111/1346-8138.16995



  • Varus/valgus stability in imageless robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty applying three-dimensional assessment of varus/valgus stress X-rays. 国際誌

    Hiroki Hijikata, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Keisuku Maeda, Osamu Tanifuji, Go Omori, Noriaki Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Bio-medical materials and engineering   35 ( 2 )   179 - 189   2024年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The postoperative varus/valgus stability assessment in stress X-rays has been established as an evaluation index. However, it is performed by the two-dimensional (2D) method rather than the three-dimensional (3D) method. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify the precision and reproducibility of measuring varus/valgus stress X-rays three-dimensionally and to examine varus/valgus stability under anesthesia in imageless robotic assisted total knee arthroplasty (rTKA). METHODS: This prospective study analyzed 52 consecutive rTKAs (five males, 67 ± 5.3 years; 47 females, 74 ± 5.9 years). Postoperative varus/valgus stress X-rays in knee extension under anesthesia at manual maximum stress were three-dimensionally assessed by 2D-3D image matching technique using the 3D bone and component models. Varus/valgus angle between components (VV angle) in no stress, valgus stress, varus stress, medial joint opening (MJO), and lateral joint opening (LJO) were evaluated, clarifying this method's precision and reproducibility and valgus/varus stability. RESULTS: All parameters' precision and reproducibility had <1° mean differences and high intra- and inter-class correlation coefficients. Bland-Altman plots showed no fixed and proportional bias. Non-stress VV angle, valgus VV angle, varus VV angle, MJO, and LJO were 3.6 ± 1.2°, 1.0 ± 1.4°, 7.1 ± 1.9°, 1.5 ± 1.0 mm, and 2.8 ± 2.7 mm, respectively. CONCLUSION: This prospective study demonstrated that (1) the three-dimensional measurement method provided sufficient precision and reproducibility, and (2) the rTKAs could achieve good postoperative varus/valgus stability with a small standard deviation.

    DOI: 10.3233/BME-230146



  • Comparison of Intravenous Acetaminophen and Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia Fentanyl after Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. 国際誌

    Yoshinori Sakai, Norio Imai, Dai Miyasaka, Hayato Suzuki, Yoji Horigome, Yasuhito Takahashi, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of clinical medicine   12 ( 23 )   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Opioids often need to be discontinued because they cause nausea, whereas the administration of intravenous acetaminophen (APAP) causes less nausea and vomiting. This study aimed to compare the effects of fentanyl-based intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV-PCA) and intravenous APAP on pain and nausea after total hip arthroplasty (THA). METHODS: We prospectively investigated primary THA patients who underwent the anterolateral supine approach at four centers between October 2021 and October 2022. The patients (n = 178) were divided randomly into IV-PCA (n = 88) and APAP groups (n = 90). Rest pain, motion pain, and nausea were assessed using NRS scores. RESULTS: Compared with the APAP group, the IV-PCA group experienced significantly greater resting pain and nausea on postoperative day 1. A correlation was found between preoperative and postoperative pain. Postoperative nausea at 8 h was significantly correlated with pain at rest at 4 h (r = 0.193), 8 h (r = 0.194), day 1 (r = 0.245), and day 2 (r = 0.188) after surgery. Early postoperative pain and nausea correlated with subsequent pain and nausea. CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous APAP is associated with less pain and nausea and is superior to IV-PCA.

    DOI: 10.3390/jcm12237445



  • Gait Analysis by the Severity of Gait Disturbance in Patients with Compressive Cervical Myelopathy.

    Tatsuo Makino, Kei Watanabe, Tatsuki Mizouchi, Takaaki Urakawa, Masayuki Ohashi, Hideki Tashi, Keitaro Minato, Yuki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Spine surgery and related research   7 ( 6 )   488 - 495   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    INTRODUCTION: Gait disturbance due to compressive cervical myelopathy has been previously described. However, data on how gait disturbance varies with the degree of lower extremity motor impairment are limited. Therefore, we investigated the characteristics of gait analysis based on severity and determined how gait disturbance progresses in compressive cervical myelopathy. METHODS: We enrolled 44 patients (32 men and 12 women; mean age, 65.0 years) out of 108 consecutive patients with compressive cervical myelopathy who underwent spinal cord decompression surgery in our hospital. The exclusion criteria were inability to gait and complications affecting gait. Twenty-two patients with Japanese Orthopaedic Association scores 1 or 2 for lower extremity motor functions were assigned to the severe group, and 22 patients who scored 3 or 4 were assigned to the moderate group. Gait analysis was performed preoperatively using a long thin-type sensor sheet, and 25 healthy volunteers were assigned to the control group. RESULTS: Stride length, swing phase, and gait speed decreased whereas step angle, stance phase, and double support duration increased as myelopathy progressed. Step width was significantly larger in the severe group than in the moderate and control groups. The cutoff values based on severe myelopathy with the inability to ascend or descend stairs without support were 60% for the stride length percentage of body height and 100 cm/s for gait speed. CONCLUSIONS: Decreases in stride length, swing phase, and gait speed and increases in step angle, stance phase, and double support duration are compensatory changes as cervical myelopathy progresses. Step width is a compensatory change that is not significantly altered in moderate myelopathy but increases when gait becomes affected, such that the patient cannot ascend or descend stairs without support.

    DOI: 10.22603/ssrr.2023-0104



  • The morphology of the femoral posterior condyle affects the external rotation of the femur. 国際誌

    Hiroki Hijikata, Osamu Tanifuji, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Takashi Sato, Satoshi Watanabe, Ryota Katsumi, Sho Hokari, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of experimental orthopaedics   10 ( 1 )   122 - 122   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to the external rotation of the femur during knee flexion. METHODS: Three-dimensional (3D) digital models of the femur and tibia were reconstructed from computed tomography images of 41 healthy Japanese subjects. Thirteen parameters related to femoral and tibial morphology and alignment of the lower extremities were evaluated, including the inclination angle of the posterior lateral and medial femoral condyles, the ratio of the medial and lateral posterior condyle radii approximated as spheres, the spherical condylar angle, the posterior condylar angle, the medial and lateral posterior tibial slope, the difference of medial and lateral posterior tibial slope, the tibiofemoral rotation angle, the 3D femorotibial angle, the 3D hip-knee-ankle angle, and the passing point of the weight-bearing line (medial-lateral and anterior-posterior). The rotation angle of the femur relative to the tibia during squatting was investigated using a 3D to 2D image matching technique and the relationships with the13 parameters were determined. RESULTS: The femur externally rotated substantially up to 20° of knee flexion (9.2° ± 3.7°) and gently rotated after 20° of knee flexion (12.8° ± 6.2°). The external rotation angle at 20°-120° of knee flexion correlated with the spherical condylar angle, the tibiofemoral rotation angle and the inclination angle of the posterior medial condyles (correlation coefficient; 0.506, 0.364, 0.337, respectively). CONCLUSION: The parameter that was most related to the external rotation of the femur during knee flexion was the spherical condylar angle. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: IV.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40634-023-00686-w



  • Thinner femoral cortical thickness in patients with destructive rheumatoid arthritis of the knee. 国際誌

    Rika Kakutani, Naoki Kondo, Go Yamako, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Keiichiro Someya, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research   18 ( 1 )   850 - 850   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The examination of femoral cortical bone thickness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been notably limited in prior research. We aimed to compare femoral cortical thickness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and healthy controls and to investigate the association between femoral cortical thickness and clinical parameters within the RA group. METHODS: Forty-four patients (58 limbs) with RA who underwent total knee arthroplasty were enrolled. Preoperative computed tomography images of the lower limbs were analyzed. The femoral cortex was divided into the proximal, central, and distal diaphysis regions and further into the anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral regions. The divisions were measured using Stradwin® software and standardized by femoral length. Femoral cortical thickness was compared between RA and healthy control (n = 25) groups. Correlation analyses between standardized cortical thickness and disease parameters were performed in the RA group. RESULTS: The RA group had significantly lower standardized femoral cortical thickness at the anterior and medial distal diaphysis than healthy controls. Standardized proximal lateral and central lateral in the RA group were significantly larger than those in the healthy control groups. Standardized femoral cortical thickness was significantly correlated with bone mineral density (BMD) in 11 areas, except the posterior central diaphysis, and with body mass index in 8 areas, except the central posterior, distal lateral, distal anterior, and distal medial diaphysis. CONCLUSIONS: Femoral cortical thinning was noted in patients with RA complicated with destructive knee, particularly at the anterior and medial distal diaphysis. Femoral cortical thickness was significantly correlated with BMD and body mass index (BMI); thus, patients with RA and low BMD and BMI should be cared for to prevent fragility fractures.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13018-023-04340-0



  • What Are the Complications, Function, and Survival of Tumor-devitalized Autografts Used in Patients With Limb-sparing Surgery for Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors? A Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group Multi-institutional Study. 国際誌

    Akihiko Takeuchi, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya, Nokitaka Setsu, Tabu Gokita, Yasunori Tome, Naofumi Asano, Yusuke Minami, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Suguru Fukushima, Satoshi Takenaka, Hidetatsu Outani, Tomoki Nakamura, Satoshi Tsukushi, Teruya Kawamoto, Teruki Kidani, Munehisa Kito, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Takeshi Morii, Toru Akiyama, Tomoaki Torigoe, Koji Hiraoka, Akihito Nagano, Shigeki Kakunaga, Kazuhiko Hashimoto, Makoto Emori, Hisaki Aiba, Yoshikazu Tanzawa, Takafumi Ueda, Hirotaka Kawano

    Clinical orthopaedics and related research   481 ( 11 )   2110 - 2124   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Tumor-devitalized autografts treated with deep freezing, pasteurization, and irradiation are biological reconstruction methods after tumor excision for aggressive or malignant bone or soft tissue tumors that involve a major long bone. Tumor-devitalized autografts do not require a bone bank, they carry no risk of viral or bacterial disease transmission, they are associated with a smaller immunologic response, and they have a better shape and size match to the site in which they are implanted. However, they are associated with disadvantages as well; it is not possible to assess margins and tumor necrosis, the devitalized bone is not normal and has limited healing potential, and the biomechanical strength is decreased owing to processing and tumor-related bone loss. Because this technique is not used in many countries, there are few reports on the results of this procedure such as complications, graft survival, and limb function. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: (1) What was the rate of complications such as fracture, nonunion, infection, or recurrence in a tumor-devitalized autograft treated with deep freezing, pasteurization, and irradiation, and what factors were associated with the complication? (2) What were the 5-year and 10-year grafted bone survival (free from graft bone removal) of the three methods used to devitalize a tumor-containing autograft, and what factors were associated with grafted bone survival? (3) What was the proportion of patients with union of the tumor-devitalized autograft and what factors were associated with union of the graft-host bone junction? (4) What was the limb function after the tumor-devitalized autograft, and what factors were related to favorable limb function? METHODS: This was a retrospective, multicenter, observational study that included data from 26 tertiary sarcoma centers affiliated with the Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group. From January 1993 to December 2018, 494 patients with benign or malignant tumors of the long bones were treated with tumor-devitalized autografts (using deep freezing, pasteurization, or irradiation techniques). Patients who were treated with intercalary or composite (an osteoarticular autograft with a total joint arthroplasty) tumor-devitalized autografts and followed for at least 2 years were considered eligible for inclusion. Accordingly, 7% (37 of 494) of the patients were excluded because they died within 2 years; in 19% (96), an osteoarticular graft was used, and another 10% (51) were lost to follow-up or had incomplete datasets. We did not collect information on those who died or were lost to follow-up. Considering this, 63% of the patients (310 of 494) were included in the analysis. The median follow-up was 92 months (range 24 to 348 months), the median age was 27 years (range 4 to 84), and 48% (148 of 310) were female; freezing was performed for 47% (147) of patients, pasteurization for 29% (89), and irradiation for 24% (74). The primary endpoints of this study were the cumulative incidence rate of complications and the cumulative survival of grafted bone, assessed by the Kaplan-Meier method. We used the classification of complications and graft failures proposed by the International Society of Limb Salvage. Factors relating to complications and grafted autograft removal were analyzed. The secondary endpoints were the proportion of bony union and better limb function, evaluated by the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society score. Factors relating to bony union and limb function were also analyzed. Data were investigated in each center by a record review and transferred to Kanazawa University. RESULTS: The cumulative incidence rate of any complication was 42% at 5 years and 51% at 10 years. The most frequent complications were nonunion in 36 patients and infection in 34 patients. Long resection (≥ 15 cm) was associated with an increased risk of any complication based on the multivariate analyses (RR 1.8 [95% CI 1.3 to 2.5]; p < 0.01). There was no difference in the rate of complications among the three devitalizing methods. The cumulative graft survival rates were 87% at 5 years and 81% at 10 years. After controlling for potential confounding variables including sex, resection length, reconstruction type, procedure type, and chemotherapy, we found that long resection (≥ 15 cm) and composite reconstruction were associated with an increased risk of grafted autograft removal (RR 2.5 [95% CI 1.4 to 4.5]; p < 0.01 and RR 2.3 [95% CI 1.3 to 4.1]; p < 0.01). The pedicle freezing procedure showed better graft survival than the extracorporeal devitalizing procedures (94% versus 85% in 5 years; RR 3.1 [95% CI 1.1 to 9.0]; p = 0.03). No difference was observed in graft survival among the three devitalizing methods. Further, 78% (156 of 200 patients) of patients in the intercalary group and 87% (39 of 45 patients) of those in the composite group achieved primary union within 2 years. Male sex and the use of nonvascularized grafts were associated with an increased risk of nonunion (RR 2.8 [95% CI 1.3 to 6.1]; p < 0.01 and 0.28 [95% CI 0.1 to 1.0]; p = 0.04, respectively) in the intercalary group after controlling for confounding variables, including sex, site, chemotherapy, resection length, graft type, operation time, and fixation type. The median Musculoskeletal Tumor Society score was 83% (range 12% to 100%). After controlling for confounding variables including age, site, resection length, event occurrence, and graft removal, age younger than 40 years (RR 2.0 [95% CI 1.1 to 3.7]; p = 0.03), tibia (RR 6.9 [95% CI 2.7 to 17.5]; p < 0.01), femur (RR 4.8 [95% CI 1.9 to 11.7]; p < 0.01), no event (RR 2.2 [95% CI 1.1 to 4.5]; p = 0.03), and no graft removal (RR 2.9 [95% CI 1.2 to 7.3]; p = 0.03) were associated with an increased limb function. The composite graft was associated with decreased limb function (RR 0.4 [95% CI 0.2 to 0.7]; p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: This multicenter study revealed that frozen, irradiated, and pasteurized tumor-bearing autografts had similar rates of complications and graft survival and all resulted in similar limb function. The recurrence rate was 10%; however, no tumor recurred with the devitalized autograft. The pedicle freezing procedure reduces the osteotomy site, which may contribute to better graft survival. Furthermore, tumor-devitalized autografts had reasonable survival and favorable limb function, which are comparable to findings reported for bone allografts. Overall, tumor-devitalized autografts are a useful option for biological reconstruction and are suitable for osteoblastic tumors or osteolytic tumors without severe loss of mechanical bone strength. Tumor-devitalized autografts could be considered when obtaining allografts is difficult and when a patient is unwilling to have a tumor prosthesis and allograft for various reasons such as cost or socioreligious reasons. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level III, therapeutic study.

    DOI: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000002720



  • The Matsudai Knee Osteoarthritis Survey showed the longitudinal changes of knee phenotypes in alignment and structure during 23-28 years. 国際誌

    Yasuyuki Tomiyama, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Hiroshi Koga, Go Omori, Yoshio Koga, Osamu Tanifuji, Katsutoshi Nishino, Kazuo Endo, Naoto Endo, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA   31 ( 11 )   5034 - 5047   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: The longitudinal changes in alignment and structure, including the joint line and cortical bone thickness (CBT) of the femur and tibia, and knee phenotype in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) remain unknown. The aim of this retrospective study was to clarify the longitudinal changes in matched healthy subjects. METHODS: The follow-up Matsudai Knee Osteoarthritis Survey was administered between 23 and 28 years. This study included 285 healthy knees from 235 females with an average age of 53 ± 6 years at baseline. The non-OA individuals, with an average age of 79 ± 4 years, were divided into three groups at baseline according to their follow-up radiographic results [the non-OA (n = 52), early OA (n = 131), and advanced OA groups (n = 102)]. Changes in alignment, joint line, CBT, and knee phenotype were assessed at baseline and at follow-up using standing anteroposterior radiographs. RESULTS: This study showed significant varus changes in the alignment (p < 0.001) and tibial and femoral joint line parameters (p < 0.05) in the OA group. Decreased CBT and increased mediolateral CBT ratios were observed in all groups (p < 0.001). The knee phenotypes in the OA groups were changed to varus angles, especially in the alignment and tibial joint line. CONCLUSIONS: The longitudinal changes of knee phenotypes in alignment and structure (CBT and joint line) from baseline to follow-up were shown in the OA groups. In addition, alignment and tibial structural factors at baseline are useful in predicting the incidence of knee OA in daily practice. LEVELS OF EVIDENCE: III.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00167-023-07554-1



  • Usefulness and limitations of intraoperative pathological diagnosis using frozen sections for spinal cord tumors.

    Yuki Tanaka, Toru Hirano, Masayuki Ohashi, Hideki Tashi, Tatsuo Makino, Keitaro Minato, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akiyoshi Kakita, Kazuhiro Hasegawa, Kei Watanabe

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   2023年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Intraoperative pathological diagnosis has a major influence on the intra- and postoperative management of spinal cord tumors. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the reliability of intraoperative pathological diagnosis for spinal cord lesions by comparing it with the final pathological diagnosis and to determine its usefulness and limitations. METHOD: Three-hundred and three consecutive patients (mean age, 53.9 years) with neoplastic spinal cord lesions who underwent initial surgery between 2000 and 2021 were included. The anatomical locations of the spinal cord tumors and the implementation rate of intraoperative pathological diagnosis in each tumor type were evaluated. As the primary outcome, we determined the concordance rates between the intraoperative pathological diagnosis and the final diagnosis. When the intraoperative pathological diagnosis and final diagnosis were the same, the diagnosis was defined as a "match." Otherwise, the diagnosis was defined as a "mismatch." RESULTS: The overall implementation rate of intraoperative pathological diagnosis was 53%, with implementation rates of 71%, 45%, 47%, and 50% for intramedullary, intradural extramedullary, extradural, and dumbbell tumors, respectively. The overall concordance rate was 87.6%, with concordance rates of 80%, 95%, 75%, and 90% for intramedullary, intradural extramedullary, extradural, and dumbbell tumors, respectively (p < 0.05). The diagnoses of ependymomas, low-grade astrocytomas, and high-grade astrocytomas was occasionally difficult among intramedullary tumors. Among intradural extramedullary tumors, differentiation between grade 1 meningioma and high-grade meningioma was difficult using intraoperative pathological diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Surgeons must recognize the lower accuracy of intraoperative pathological diagnosis for intramedullary and extradural lesions and make a final decision by considering the intraoperative gross findings, preoperative clinical course, and imaging.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.08.011



  • Impact of spinal sagittal malalignment on locomotive syndrome and physical function in community-dwelling middle aged and older women. 国際誌

    Mio Yahata, Kei Watanabe, Hideki Tashi, Masayuki Ohashi, Takuya Yoda, Atsushi Nawata, Kazutoshi Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    BMC musculoskeletal disorders   24 ( 1 )   620 - 620   2023年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Adult spinal deformity has a substantially debilitating effect on older people's physical and mental health. However, the impact of sagittal malalignment on locomotive syndrome (LS), sarcopenia, and physical function in community-dwelling older women has not yet been clarified. This study aimed to investigate the association between these factors in community-dwelling middle aged and older women. METHODS: A total of 361 women were recruited from participants performing aquatic exercises in a rural area of Japan. The body mass index, skeletal muscle mass index, trunk muscle mass, spinal inclination angle (SIA), grip strength, timed up-and-go test (TUG), maximum stride of the participants, and one-leg standing time were measured. Low back pain (LBP)- and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) were evaluated using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and the Short-Form 8 questionnaire. Associations between the global sagittal alignment using SIA and investigating parameters were analyzed. RESULTS: The prevalence of sarcopenia was 3.6%. The prevalence of LS (stages 1, 2, and 3) was 43.8% (158 of 361), and the number of participants in each LS stage was 203 (stage 0), 95 (stage 1), 28 (stage 2), and 35 (stage 3). The SIA was significantly correlated with the 25-question geriatric locomotive function scale (r' = 0.292, p < 0.001), ODI (r' = 0.267, p < 0.001), and TUG (r' = 0.453, p < 0.001) after adjusting for age. In the receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis, the cutoff values of SIA for LS ≥ stage 2 and ODI ≥ 20% were 5°. CONCLUSIONS: LBP-related QOL and physical performance were significantly associated with global sagittal alignment. Global sagittal alignment was correlated with the three-stage category of LS. The spinal inclination of 5° was a cutoff value to predict exacerbation of mobility function and HRQOL status.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12891-023-06686-2



  • Increased incidence among the very elderly in the 2020 Niigata Prefecture Osteoporotic Hip Fracture Study.

    Asami Nozaki, Norio Imai, Yugo Shobugawa, Hayato Suzuki, Yoji Horigome, Naoto Endo, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of bone and mineral metabolism   41 ( 4 )   533 - 541   2023年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    INTRODUCTION: A 2015 study showed a decreasing trend in the incidence of osteoporotic hip fractures in Niigata Prefecture, Japan, which had been increasing. This study aimed to investigate the incidence of osteoporotic hip fractures in 2020, determine the long-term change in the incidence of hip fractures from 1985 to 2020, and assess whether the decline in fracture incidence since 2010 has continued. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We obtained data from the registration forms submitted by hospitals and clinics of patients who lived in Niigata Prefecture and were diagnosed with osteoporotic hip fracture through a survey conducted from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. RESULTS: In 2020, 3,369 hip fractures were recorded in Niigata Prefecture. Although the overall incidence of age-specific hip fractures decreased, it increased in patients aged ≥ 90 years, regardless of sex. The proportion of patients receiving anti-osteoporosis drugs prior to hip fracture increased from 7.6% in 2004 to 17.3% in 2020. Notably, surgical treatment should be performed as early as possible, and the preoperative waiting time was 2.9 days, which was mainly due to holidays. CONCLUSION: The incidence of hip fractures in Niigata Prefecture has gradually increased over the past 35 years, with an increasing change observed in the very elderly recently in 2020. Although the treatment of osteoporotic hip fractures in Niigata Prefecture is adequate, improvements may include increasing the rate of adoption of osteoporosis treatment further and decreasing the number of days of preoperative waiting.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00774-023-01421-2



  • Vegetable and Fruit Intake Frequency and Mortality in Patients With and Without Chronic Kidney Disease: A Hospital-Based Cohort Study. 国際誌

    Minako Wakasugi, Akio Yokoseki, Masakazu Wada, Takeshi Momotsu, Kenji Sato, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Kazutoshi Nakamura, Osamu Onodera, Ichiei Narita

    Journal of renal nutrition : the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation   33 ( 4 )   566 - 574   2023年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    OBJECTIVE: Patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) are generally discouraged from consuming high amounts of vegetables and fruits given the potential risk of hyperkalemia. In the general population, however, lower vegetable and fruit intake is associated with higher mortality. This Japanese hospital-based prospective cohort study including non-CKD and CKD participants examined whether the frequency of vegetable and fruit intake is associated with mortality, and whether the presence of CKD modifies this association. METHODS: Participants were 2,006 patients who visited the outpatient department of a general hospital between June 2008 and December 2016 (55% men; mean age, 69 years). Among these participants, 902 (45%) and 131 (7%) were non-dialysis-dependent patients with CKD and hemodialysis patients, respectively. The frequency of vegetable and fruit intake was determined by a self-report questionnaire using an ordinal scale, "never or rarely," "sometimes," and "every day." Multivariable Cox proportional hazards analysis was conducted, adjusting for potential confounders. RESULTS: Vegetable and fruit intake frequency decreased with worsening CKD stage (P for trend < .001). Baseline serum potassium levels stratified by CKD stage were similar across the three vegetable and fruit intake frequency groups. During a median follow-up of 5.7 years, 561 participants died (47.1/1,000 person-years). Adjusted hazard ratios relative to the "every day" group were 1.25 (95% confidence interval, 1.04-1.52) and 1.60 (95% confidence interval, 1.23-2.08) for the "sometimes" and "never or rarely" groups, respectively, after adjusting for demographic factors, comorbidities, and CKD status. When stratified by CKD status, a similar, albeit non-significant, dose-dependent relationship was observed between vegetable and fruit intake frequency and all-cause mortality irrespective of CKD status, with no effect modification by CKD status (Pinteraction = .69). CONCLUSION: A lower frequency of vegetable and fruit intake is significantly associated with a higher risk of death regardless of CKD status.

    DOI: 10.1053/j.jrn.2023.01.011



  • Dynamics of surgical smoke in the operating room during spinal surgery: Comparison of particulate matter 2.5-air concentration between the electric scalpel with and without a smoke evacuation pencil: A cross-sectional study.

    Yuki Tanaka, Kimihiko Sawakami, Hirokazu Shoji, Hiroyuki Segawa, Seiichi Ishikawa, Hitoshi Kameyama, Masayuki Ohashi, Kei Watanabe, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   28 ( 4 )   740 - 744   2023年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Surgical smoke is a vaporous by-product generated during tissue incision and cauterization with an electric scalpel. This smoke contains tissue- and blood/vascular-derived substances, bacteria, viruses, and chemical substances. Among them, it contains many fine particles called particulate matter (PM) 2.5, which are harmful and hazardous to the human body. We aimed to investigate the occurrence of PM2.5 in surgical smoke produced during spinal surgery and to evaluate the efficacy of an electric scalpel with a smoke evacuation pencil. METHODS: In this retrospective observational study, 89 patients who underwent spinal surgery between June 2019 and May 2021 were included. A dust monitor was installed in the operating room to measure the PM2.5 air concentration during the surgery. During each surgery, the total amount of PM2.5, the maximum PM2.5 air concentration, the exposure time to PM2.5, and the average value of PM2.5 air concentration from the start to the end of the surgery were calculated. RESULTS: We found that in 29 of the 89 cases (32.6%), the air concentration of PM2.5 increased to a level that could cause health damage during the surgery. Twelve cases (13.4%) reached the level that could cause serious health damage, and 8 cases (9%) reached an emergency warning level. The total amount and the maximum and average levels of PM2.5 were significantly suppressed in the surgery with a smoke evacuation pencil group than in the surgery without a smoke evacuation pencil group. CONCLUSION: We detected hazardous levels of PM2.5 in the air during spinal surgery, highlighting the importance of considering smoke control or reduction during spinal surgery. We recommend using an electric scalpel with a smoke evacuation pencil for regulating PM2.5 levels in the operating room.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.04.010



  • 腎癌脊椎転移に対する姑息的手術後の生命予後に影響する因子の検討

    宮崎 友宏, 大橋 正幸, 田仕 英希, 渋谷 洋平, 畠野 宏史, 渡辺 慶, 川島 寛之

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   66 ( 1 )   1 - 4   2023年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  



  • Determining factors that maintain physical function or increase frailty using the Kihon checklist among community-dwelling older adults: a six-year longitudinal study in Agano, Japan. 国際誌

    Norio Imai, Takuya Yoda, Yoji Horigome, Reiko Murakami, Masashi Wakasugi, Toshihide Fujii, Masayuki Ohashi, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    BMC geriatrics   23 ( 1 )   336 - 336   2023年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: A significant increase in the older adult population in Japan will significantly increase healthcare costs. This study aimed to examine the risk factors contributing to robustness transitioning to frailty in older residents. METHODS: Participants were aged 70 in 2016 and 76 in 2022. Participants were evaluated using the Kihon Checklist (KCL). RESULTS: Participants for this longitudinal study included 444 older persons who completed the KCL surveys in 2016 and 2022. The follow-up rate was 80.6%; therefore, 358 participants were included in the analysis. The median KCL score increased significantly from 2 to 2016 to 3 in 2022 (p < 0.001). The prevalence of robustness significantly decreased from 60.9 to 48.6% (p = 0.042). In a stepwise logistic regression analysis, robustness was independently associated with regular continuous walks for 15 min and a body mass index of above 18.5%. The following variables were associated with the transition to prefrailty: experiencing a fall in the past year and not going out at least once a week. For the transition to frailty, the variables were turned to family or friends for advice, experienced a fall in the past year, and felt helpless in the last two weeks. The independent factor for the transition from prefrailty to frailty was having a BMI of less than 18.5. In contrast, the independent factor for improving from frailty to robustness or prefrailty was going out at least once a week. CONCLUSIONS: We recommend maintaining continuous walking for more than 15 min, maintaining a BMI of at least 18.5, and going out more than once a week to improve being house-bounded and depressive mood, not only to prevent the transition to prefrailty or frailty but also to improve frailty.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-04055-1



  • Accuracy of ZedView, the Software for Three-Dimensional Measurement and Preoperative Planning: A Basic Study. 国際誌

    Asami Nozaki, Norio Imai, Kazuhisa Funayama, Yoji Horigome, Hayato Suzuki, Izumi Minato, Koichi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)   59 ( 6 )   2023年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and Objectives: In the field of orthopedic surgery, novel techniques of three-dimensional shape modeling using two-dimensional tomographic images are used for bone-shape measurements, preoperative planning in joint-replacement surgery, and postoperative evaluation. ZedView® (three-dimensional measurement instrument and preoperative-planning software) had previously been developed. Our group is also using ZedView® for preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation for more accurate implant placement and osteotomy. This study aimed to evaluate the measurement error in this software in comparison to a three-dimensional measuring instrument (3DMI) using human bones. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted using three bones from cadavers: the pelvic bone, femur, and tibia. Three markers were attached to each bone. Study 1: The bones with markers were fixed on the 3DMI. For each bone, the coordinates of the center point of the markers were measured, and the distances and angles between these three points were calculated and defined as "true values." Study 2: The posterior surface of the femur was placed face down on the 3DMI, and the distances from the table to the center of each marker were measured and defined as "true values." In each study, the same bone was imaged using computed tomography, measured with this software, and the measurement error from the corresponding "true values" was calculated. Results: Study 1: The mean diameter of the same marker using the 3DMI was 23.951 ± 0.055 mm. Comparisons between measurements using the 3DMI and this software revealed that the mean error in length was <0.3 mm, and the error in angle was <0.25°. Study 2: In the bones adjusted to the retrocondylar plane with the 3DMI and this software, the average error in the distance from the planes to each marker was 0.43 (0.32-0.58) mm. Conclusion: This surgical planning software could measure the distance and angle between the centers of the markers with high accuracy; therefore, this is very useful for pre- and postoperative evaluation.

    DOI: 10.3390/medicina59061030



  • Low back pain significantly influences locomotive syndrome in older people: Evaluation using the 3-stage categories.

    Hideki Tashi, Kei Watanabe, Mio Yahata, Masayuki Ohashi, Takuya Yoda, Norio Imai, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Atsushi Nawata, Kazutoshi Nakamura

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   28 ( 3 )   662 - 668   2023年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) introduced the concept of locomotive syndrome (LS), which indicates a decline in mobility function by musculoskeletal disorders with new 3-staged category. Additionally, sarcopenia indicates a decline in the quantity and/or quality of skeletal muscle. However, the relationship between low back pain (LBP) and LS or sarcopenia in older people has not been sufficiently understood. This study aimed to investigate the association between them through a cross-sectional locomotorium survey. METHODS: A total of 302 participants were drawn from the aquatic exercise participants in a rural area of Japan. The body mass index, body fat percentage, skeletal muscle mass index (SMI), spinal inclination angle (SIA), grip strength, timed up-and-go test (TUG), and maximum stride of the participants were measured. LBP and LBP-related quality of life (QOL) were evaluated using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), visual analogue scale (VAS) of LBP, and the Short-Form 8 (SF-8). Associations between the investigating parameters and sarcopenia or LS were analyzed. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in the findings except grip strength between the non-sarcopenia and sarcopenia groups. However, the LS group showed significantly larger SIA, higher ODI, higher VAS of LBP, lower physical component score (PCS) of the SF-8, longer time in TUG, and lower value in maximum stride than the non-LS group. In addition, the ODI and PCS of the SF-8 significantly deteriorated as the LS stage progressed, and the GLFS-25 score was significantly correlated with ODI (r = 0.706, p < 0.001) and PCS (r = -0.643, p < 0.001) scores. CONCLUSIONS: LBP, LBP-related QOL, and physical performance were found to be significantly associated with LS, not sarcopenia, with LBP-related QOL and physical function being closely correlated with 3-stage categories of LS. Thus, these results suggested that LBP is a key factor for LS prevalence.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.03.004



  • Marriage and childbirth of patients who were surgically and non-surgically treated for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a survey at the age of 30 years or older. 国際誌

    Masayuki Ohashi, Kei Watanabe, Toru Hirano, Kazuhiro Hasegawa, Keiichi Katsumi, Hideki Tashi, Yohei Shibuya, Tatsuo Makino, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Spine deformity   11 ( 3 )   597 - 603   2023年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: We aimed to investigate the marital status and childbirth in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients. METHODS: This study included women who were treated surgically or non-surgically for AIS with a scoliosis magnitude ≥ 30° before surgery or at skeletal maturity and were followed up until age 30 years or older. Patients were divided into surgically treated (S-AIS, n = 55) and non-surgically treated AIS groups (N-AIS, n = 86). Data from the national fertility survey were used as control values. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in age at the final follow-up between the S- (40.7 years) and N-AIS (42.1 years) groups. The unmarried rate among all women and the nulliparous rate among married women in the S-AIS group (29.1% and 18.4%, respectively) were similar to those in the N-AIS group (26.7% and 16.1%, respectively). The mean number of children per married woman also did not differ between the S- and N-AIS groups (1.5 vs 1.4). Compared to the control group, after adjusting for age, the common odds ratio in the AIS group was 1.56 (p = 0.031) for unmarried status and 1.88 (p = 0.026) for nulliparity among married women. Moreover, the mean number of children per married woman was significantly lower in the AIS group than in the control group (1.3 vs 1.7, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Surgically and non-surgically treated women with AIS had a similar status with regard to marriage and childbirth, while women with AIS were more likely to be unmarried and nulliparous and to have fewer children compared to the nationwide population.

    DOI: 10.1007/s43390-023-00648-3



  • Predictive biomarkers of ossification progression and bone metabolism dynamics in patients with cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. 国際誌

    Keiichi Katsumi, Kei Watanabe, Akiyoshi Yamazaki, Toru Hirano, Masayuki Ohashi, Tatsuki Mizouchi, Masayuki Sato, Hiroyuki Sekimoto, Tomohiro Izumi, Yohei Shibuya, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society   32 ( 4 )   1282 - 1290   2023年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: This study aimed to establish biomarkers to predict the progression of ossification by examining ossification volume and bone metabolism dynamics in patients with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL). METHODS: We assessed OPLL progression using computed tomography-based three-dimensional (3D) image analysis and examined bone metabolism dynamics in 107 patients with OPLL (men, 72; women, 35; mean age, 63.6 years). The volume of OPLL was calculated twice during the follow-up period, and OPLL progression was evaluated by the annual rate of ossification increase. Bone metabolism dynamics were assessed by routine blood tests and analysis of various serum biomarkers (including 25-hydroxyvitamin D, intact parathyroid hormone, fibroblast growth factor 23, intact N-terminal propeptide of type 1, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b, sclerostin, and Dickkopf-1) and bone mineral density (BMD). Patients were classified into the progression (P) or non-progression (NP) group according to the annual rate of increase in previous 3D image analyses, and associated factors between these groups were compared. RESULTS: The P and NP groups consisted of 29 patients (23 men and 6 women) and 78 patients (49 men and 29 women), respectively. Univariate analysis revealed significant differences in terms of age, body mass index, serum phosphorus, serum sclerostin, and BMD. In multivariate analysis, age, serum phosphorus, and serum sclerostin were identified as independent factors associated with OPLL progression. CONCLUSION: Younger age, hypophosphatemia, and high serum sclerostin are risk factors for OPLL progression. Serum phosphorus and sclerostin could serve as important biomarkers for predicting ossification progression.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00586-023-07565-z



  • Variability of functional knee phenotype for coronal alignment in advanced varus knee osteoarthritis in the Japanese population. 国際誌

    Wang Huan, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Osamu Tanifuji, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA   31 ( 4 )   1451 - 1461   2023年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: New concept of functional knee phenotypes in Caucasians demonstrated the variability of coronal alignment in knee osteoarthritis (OA), but it remains unclear in Japanese. This study aims to analyze the knee phenotype in advanced varus knee OA for Japanese. In addition, the ethnical difference is discussed. METHODS: This study analyzed 879 knees involving 186 males (74 years) and 693 females (74 years). The knee phenotypes were assessed by the definition in Hirschmann's group. The hip-knee-ankle angle (HKA), femoral mechanical angle (FMA) and tibial mechanical angle (TMA) were assessed in CT data according to the coordinate system. The neutral angle was 180° in HKA, 93° in FMA and 87° in TMA. The smaller angle means larger varus angles. RESULTS: The average angle (males, females) of the HKA (170.9 ± 4.3°, 169.4 ± 5.0°), FMA (91.5 ± 2.7°, 90.6 ± 3.0°), and TMA (82.4 ± 3.6°, 82.7 ± 3.7°) demonstrated varus angles with the sex difference (HKA, p < 0.001; FMA, p = 0.001). The phenotypes were 73 types in males and 150 types in females with a mild correlation between the HKA and the FMA or TMA. In 61.3% of males and 52.2% of females, the TMA was greater than the FMA, while the FMA was greater in 16.7% of males and 23.1% of females. CONCLUSION: There were many functional knee phenotypes with sex differences for advanced varus knee OA in Japanese, showing ethnical differences of larger varus angles compared to those for Caucasians in the previous report. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: IV.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00167-022-07248-0



  • 脊髄腫瘍摘出術における病理診断 術中迅速診断の有用性に注目して

    渡邊 慶, 大橋 正幸, 田仕 英希, 牧野 達夫, 湊 圭太郎, 田中 裕貴, 川島 寛之, 平野 徹

    Journal of Spine Research   14 ( 3 )   452 - 452   2023年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本脊椎脊髄病学会  


  • ロコモティブシンドロームと転倒歴,運動機能の関連

    依田 拓也, 田仕 英希, 渡辺 慶, 川島 寛之

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   97 ( 3 )   S1211 - S1211   2023年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 3D Whiteside's Line計測 健常膝と変形性膝関節症膝の検討

    谷藤 理, 望月 友晴, 小林 公一, 佐藤 卓, 渡辺 聡, 前田 圭祐, 川島 寛之

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   97 ( 3 )   S853 - S853   2023年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • Deep genomic analysis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor cell lines challenges current malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor diagnosis. 国際誌

    Miriam Magallón-Lorenz, Ernest Terribas, Sara Ortega-Bertran, Edgar Creus-Bachiller, Marco Fernández, Gerard Requena, Inma Rosas, Helena Mazuelas, Itziar Uriarte-Arrazola, Alex Negro, Tereza Lausová, Elisabeth Castellanos, Ignacio Blanco, George DeVries, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Eric Legius, Hilde Brems, Viktor Mautner, Lan Kluwe, Nancy Ratner, Margaret Wallace, Juana Fernández-Rodriguez, Conxi Lázaro, Jonathan A Fletcher, David Reuss, Meritxell Carrió, Bernat Gel, Eduard Serra

    iScience   26 ( 2 )   106096 - 106096   2023年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) are soft-tissue sarcomas of the peripheral nervous system that develop either sporadically or in the context of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). MPNST diagnosis can be challenging and treatment outcomes are poor. We present here a resource consisting of the genomic characterization of 9 widely used human MPNST cell lines for their use in translational research. NF1-related cell lines recapitulated primary MPNST copy number profiles, exhibited NF1, CDKN2A, and SUZ12/EED tumor suppressor gene (TSG) inactivation, and presented no gain-of-function mutations. In contrast, sporadic cell lines collectively displayed different TSG inactivation patterns and presented kinase-activating mutations, fusion genes, altered mutational frequencies and COSMIC signatures, and different methylome-based classifications. Cell lines re-classified as melanomas and other sarcomas exhibited a different drug-treatment response. Deep genomic analysis, methylome-based classification, and cell-identity marker expression, challenged the identity of common MPNST cell lines, opening an opportunity to revise MPNST differential diagnosis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106096



  • 叢状神経線維腫により両側股関節脱臼をきたした神経線維腫症の1例

    大池 直樹, 生越 章, 有泉 高志, 村山 雄大, 川島 寛之

    日本レックリングハウゼン病学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   14回   29 - 29   2023年2月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本レックリングハウゼン病学会  


  • The association of postoperative global femoral offset with total hip arthroplasty outcomes. 国際誌

    Yuki Hirano, Norio Imai, Asami Nozaki, Yoji Horigome, Hayato Suzuki, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Scientific reports   13 ( 1 )   1621 - 1621   2023年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Global femoral offset (GFO) and femoral offset (FO) reportedly affect outcomes following total hip arthroplasty (THA). However, FO assessed using plain radiography is affected by internal and external rotations of the hip joint. We investigated the relationship between leg length discrepancy and Harris hip score (HHS), and their influence on acetabular offset (AO), FO, GFO, anterior femoral offset, and outcomes after THA. We retrospectively evaluated 140 patients with hip osteoarthritis who underwent THA. A three-dimensional (3D) pelvis and femur model created from computed tomography (data using ZedHip software was used to investigate these parameters. The modified (m)HHS scores were significantly improved from 49.0 to 88.8 in total mHHS, 20.0-44.5 in pain, and 28.9-44.4 points in function. Significant correlations were found between the differences in AO, FO, GFO, and pain score in binominal, with maximum values of - 1.24, + 1.54, and + 0.90 mm/100 cm body height, respectively. The maximum value of GFO and mHHS in binominal was + 1.17 mm/100 cm body height (BH). The optimal range of difference of GFO was - 1.75 to 4.09 mm/100 cm BH. This is the first report using a 3D method for assessing FO. Preoperative planning using the system could improve postoperative function.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-28863-y



  • Modified Boyes' procedure for the multiple finger extensor tendon ruptures in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A report of two cases. 国際誌

    Naoki Kondo, Tomotake Kanai, Kazuya Yamada, Yusuke Sakazume, Satoshi Tabata, Fumie Ikarashi, Mayuko Takano, Takahiro Watanabe, Rika Kakutani, Yasufumi Kijima, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Hajime Ishikawa

    Modern rheumatology case reports   7 ( 1 )   28 - 33   2023年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Multiple subcutaneous extensor tendon ruptures in more than the ulnar three fingers sometimes occur in patients with rheumatoid arthritis accompanied by wrist deformity. In these situations, the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon of the middle finger (the FDS3 tendon) and that of the ring finger (the FDS4 tendon) are used for the transferred tendon (modified Boyes' procedure). Here, we treated two patients with rheumatoid arthritis, whose extensor tendons of more than three fingers were ruptured, using the modified Boyes' procedure. Case 1 had ruptures in four fingers (index through little), and Case 2 had ruptures in three fingers (middle through little). The FDS3 and FDS4 tendons were passed subcutaneously around the radial side of the wrist to the extensor sides and interlaced with the distal stump of the ruptured tendons. Switching of the finger movement was achieved smoothly in both cases. The post-operative evaluation showed an extension lag of -15° for the index finger 0° for the middle through the little fingers in Case 1, and 0° for the middle finger and -5° for the ring and little fingers in Case 2. The average post-operative extension lag was -3.5°. However, median nerve palsy occurred in both cases, and it gradually recovered. Stretching of the nerve by the correction of the wrist deformity and increased pressure in the carpal tunnel were supposed to be causes of this palsy. Modified Boyes' procedure is a useful method for more than three ulnar finger extensor tendon ruptures; however, post-operative median nerve palsy should be considered.

    DOI: 10.1093/mrcr/rxac050



  • Biomechanical effect of fibular osteotomy on the knee joint in high tibial osteotomy: A cadaveric study. 国際誌

    Osamu Tanifuji, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Yoshio Koga, Yuji Tanabe, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Bio-medical materials and engineering   34 ( 2 )   123 - 131   2023年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Closed-wedge high tibial osteotomy (CWHTO) with a fibular osteotomy (FO) causes medial joint space widening in the knee. However, the effect of FO on the joint space width remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the effect of FO on the knee in HTO. METHODS: A compression load test was performed on two amputated human limbs under four conditions: (1) normal (without any osteotomy), (2) open-wedge HTO (OWHTO), (3) OWHTO with FO, and (4) CWHTO. The contact area of the femoral and tibial cartilages and the medial and lateral joint space widths in each condition were evaluated using a motion capture system with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. RESULTS: The contact area increased on the lateral side after OWHTO, which increased more on the lateral side with a concomitant decrease on the medial side in both subjects when FO was added to OWHTO. An increase in the medial joint space width and a decrease on the lateral side were seen in both OWHTO with FO and CWHTO. CONCLUSIONS: The contact area and joint space widths are affected by the FO, and the effect is more pronounced than the way of HTO (OWHTO or CWHTO).

    DOI: 10.3233/BME-221395



  • Normal coronal kinematics of dynamic alignment and bony positions relative to the ground in three-dimensional motion analysis during gait: A preliminary study. 国際誌

    Yasuyuki Tomiyama, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Osamu Tanifuji, Katsutoshi Nishino, Masaei Tanaka, Go Omori, Noriaki Yamamoto, Hiroshi Koga, Yoshio Koga, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Bio-medical materials and engineering   34 ( 1 )   37 - 49   2023年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: During gait, healthy knee coronal kinematics of each bony axis and lower extremity alignment are important because they could be useful as reference data for several surgeries and provide clarification of the etiology of diseases around the knee in healthy participants; however, it remains unknown. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to clarify the kinematics of lower extremity alignment and the bony axes relative to the ground during gait, focused on the coronal plane, in healthy individuals by applying our unique three-dimensional (3D) motion analysis. METHODS: The study included 21 healthy individuals, including 9 healthy females and 12 healthy males with an average age of 36 ± 17 years. Knee kinematics were calculated in a gait analysis by combining the data from a motion-capture system and a 3D lower-extremity alignment assessment system on biplanar long-leg radiographs by using a 3D-2D registration technique. The main kinematic parameters were the dynamic position change relative to the ground, applying the femoral anatomical axis (FAA), tibial anatomical axis (TAA), and dynamic alignment in the coronal plane during the stance phase of gait. RESULTS: The average changes in FAA, TAA, and dynamic varus alignment were 3.7° ± 1.2°, 3.5° ± 0.8°, and 3.0° ± 1.2°, respectively. The TAA tilted laterally during the loading response and a plateau area appeared afterwards; the FAA gradually inclined laterally until the terminal stance phase, and the dynamic alignment showed varus angular change during the loading response. CONCLUSIONS: The tibia and femur were found to change approximately 2-5° of the position of the bony axes relative to the ground. In terms of clinical relevance, our findings can be used to clarify the etiology of diseases around the knee joint and as reference data for surgeries.

    DOI: 10.3233/BME-211383



  • Mobile medial pivot (lateral slide) type total knee arthroplasty exhibits a medial pivot pattern: three-dimensional motion analysis using cadaveric knees. 国際誌

    Osamu Tanifuji, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Takashi Sato, Satoshi Watanabe, Go Omori, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of experimental orthopaedics   9 ( 1 )   122 - 122   2022年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyze the dynamic kinematics of the mobile medial pivot-type total knee arthroplasty (MMPTKA) using the three-dimensional (3D)-to-2D registration technique. METHODS: Cadaveric knees from five humans were used. Computed tomography of the lower limb and preoperative 3D planning for MMPTKA were performed. After performing TKA, passive motion of the knee was observed from a fully extended position to maximum flexion using a flat panel detector. The following parameters were determined: (1) anteroposterior (AP) translations of the medial and lateral most distal points (estimated contact point) of the femoral component, (2) rotational femoral component's X-axis (FCX) angle, and (3) rotational insert angle. Paired t-tests were used to analyze differences in the AP translation between the medial and lateral most distal points of the femoral component as well as differences in the changes in the rotational angle between the FCX and X-axis of the insert on the tibial component's axial plane. RESULTS: The AP translations of the femoral component's medial and lateral most distal points were 8.4 ± 2.5 and 13.6 ± 3.3 mm, respectively (p = 0.001). The rotational angles of the FCX and insert were 10.7° ± 4.9° external rotation and 8.9° ± 4.1° internal rotation, respectively (p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: The posterior translation of the lateral side of the femoral component was greater than that of the medial in all cases. Hence, a medial pivot pattern was identified. The femoral component exhibited external rotation throughout knee flexion in all subjects, whereas the mobile insert exhibited internal rotation (opposite pattern relative to the femoral component). This study provides valuable kinematical information of MMPTKA that has not been clear yet.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40634-022-00558-9



  • 特発性側彎症に対する後方矯正固定術における術後理学療法の効果

    山田 和矢, 大橋 正幸, 渡辺 慶, 田仕 英希, 澁谷 洋平, 牧野 達夫, 村上 玲子, 木村 慎二, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   38 ( 1 )   5 - 10   2022年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • ロモソズマブ投与後にリウマチ性多発筋痛症を呈した一例

    今井 教雄, 坂上 敦, 鈴木 勇人, 堀米 洋二, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   38 ( 1 )   53 - 55   2022年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • The coronal inclination of the medial tibial plateau affects coronal gait kinematics for varus osteoarthritic knees. 国際誌

    Tomoharu Mochizuki, Osamu Tanifuji, Go Omori, Katsutoshi Nishino, Masaei Tanaka, Hiroshi Koga, Takahiro Mori, Yoshio Koga, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA   30 ( 12 )   4162 - 4172   2022年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: This study aims to (1) measure the kinematics of lower extremity alignment and the bony position relative to the ground during walking, focusing on the coronal plane, and (2) determine the correlation between the kinematics and coronal inclination of the medial tibial plateau (coronal inclination) for healthy and varus knee osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS: In this study, 43 women (non-OA, 9 knees; early OA, 13 knees; advanced OA, 21 knees; mean age 58 ± 17 years) were examined. The knee phenotypes in varus knee OA were varied. Three-dimensional (3D) knee kinematics were calculated in gait analysis by combining the motion capture system and the 3D lower extremity alignment assessment system via biplanar long-leg X-rays, applying the 3D-2D registration technique. The main parameters were the kinematics of the bony axes relative to the ground in the coronal plane during the stance phase of the gait. The differences in overall kinematics were assessed using repeated measures ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test. The association between kinematic parameters and coronal inclination was evaluated by multiple linear regression after univariate analysis. RESULTS: The tibia tilted laterally during the loading response, and a plateau area subsequently appeared until the terminal stance phase, whereas the femur slowly tilted laterally until the terminal stance phase. The dynamic alignment showed a relatively large varus angular change during the loading response in all groups. The trend of motion was similar among all groups (p = n.s.), although to varying degrees. The coronal inclination was the more dominant factor than the Kellgren-Lawrence (K-L) grades (β =  - 0.423, p = 0.005) when the change in dynamic alignment was determined. CONCLUSIONS: The TAA plateau area after the loading response implies that the tibial articular surface may become horizontal. The femur slowly tilted laterally until the terminal stance phase in response to the tibial motion. Consequently, the dynamic alignment showed a varus angular change, in which coronal MCT was more involved than K-L grades.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00167-022-07019-x



  • NKp44-based chimeric antigen receptor effectively redirects primary T cells against synovial sarcoma. 国際誌

    Yudai Murayama, Yasushi Kasahara, Nobuhiro Kubo, Chansu Shin, Masaru Imamura, Naoki Oike, Takashi Ariizumi, Akihiko Saitoh, Minori Baba, Tomohiro Miyazaki, Yuko Suzuki, Yiwei Ling, Shujiro Okuda, Keichiro Mihara, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Chihaya Imai

    Translational oncology   25   101521 - 101521   2022年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV  

    BACKGROUND: T-cell receptor-engineered T-cell therapies have achieved promising response rates against synovial sarcoma in clinical trials, but their applicability is limited owing to the HLA matching requirement. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) can redirect primary T cells to tumor-associated antigens without requiring HLA matching. However, various obstacles, including the paucity of targetable antigens, must be addressed for synovial sarcoma. Ligands for natural killer (NK) cell-activating receptors are highly expressed by tumor cells. METHODS: The surface expression of ligands for NK cell-activating receptors in synovial sarcoma cell lines was analyzed. We analyzed RNA sequencing data deposited in a public database to evaluate NKp44-ligand expression. Primary T cells retrovirally transduced with CAR targeting NKp44 ligands were evaluated for their functions in synovial sarcoma cells. Alterations induced by various stimuli, including a histone deacetylase inhibitor, a hypomethylating agent, inflammatory cytokines, and ionizing radiation, in the expression levels of NKp44 ligands were investigated. RESULTS: Ligands for NKp44 and NKp30 were expressed in all cell lines. NKG2D ligands were barely expressed in a single cell line. None of the cell lines expressed NKp46 ligand. Primary synovial sarcoma cells expressed the mRNA of the truncated isoform of MLL5, a known cellular ligand for NKp44. NKp44-based CAR T cells specifically recognize synovial sarcoma cells, secrete interferon-γ, and exert suppressive effects on tumor cell growth. No stimulus altered the expression of NKp44 ligands. CONCLUSION: NKp44-based CAR T cells can redirect primary human T cells to synovial sarcoma cells. CAR-based cell therapies may be an option for treating synovial sarcomas.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tranon.2022.101521



  • Perioperative Adriamycin plus ifosfamide vs. gemcitabine plus docetaxel for high-risk soft tissue sarcomas: randomised, phase II/III study JCOG1306. 国際誌

    Kazuhiro Tanaka, Ryunosuke Machida, Akira Kawai, Robert Nakayama, Satoshi Tsukushi, Kunihiro Asanuma, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hiraga, Koji Hiraoka, Munenori Watanuki, Tsukasa Yonemoto, Satoshi Abe, Hirohisa Katagiri, Yoshihiro Nishida, Akihito Nagano, Yoshiyuki Suehara, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Masanori Kawano, Takeshi Morii, Hiroshi Hatano, Junya Toguchida, Tomotake Okuma, Masanobu Takeyama, Satoshi Takenaka, Toshihiro Akisue, Taisuke Furuta, Makoto Emori, Toru Hiruma, Hidetatsu Outani, Tetsuji Yamamoto, Tomoko Kataoka, Haruhiko Fukuda, Toshifumi Ozaki, Yukihide Iwamoto

    British journal of cancer   127 ( 8 )   1487 - 1496   2022年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: This randomised phase II/III trial aimed to determine whether perioperative chemotherapy with gemcitabine plus docetaxel (GD) is non-inferior to the standard Adriamycin plus ifosfamide (AI) in terms of overall survival (OS) in patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS). METHODS: Patients with localised high-risk STS in the extremities or trunk were randomised to receive AI or GD. The treatments were repeated for three preoperative and two postoperative courses. The primary endpoint was OS. RESULTS: Among 143 enrolled patients who received AI (70 patients) compared to GD (73 patients), the estimated 3-year OS was 91.4% for AI and 79.2% for GD (hazard ratio 2.55, 95% confidence interval: 0.80-8.14, P = 0.78), exceeding the prespecified non-inferiority margin in the second interim analysis. The estimated 3-year progression-free survival was 79.1% for AI and 59.1% for GD. The most common Grade 3-4 adverse events in the preoperative period were neutropenia (88.4%), anaemia (49.3%), and febrile neutropenia (36.2%) for AI and neutropenia (79.5%) and febrile neutropenia (17.8%) for GD. CONCLUSIONS: Although GD had relatively mild toxicity, the regimen-as administered in this study-should not be considered a standard treatment of perioperative chemotherapy for high-risk STS in the extremities and trunk. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: jRCTs031180003.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41416-022-01912-5



  • Dedifferentiation in low-grade osteosarcoma: a Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group (JMOG) study.

    Toshihide Hirai, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Eisuke Kobayashi, Masanori Saito, Toru Akiyama, Kazutaka Kikuta, Takaaki Nakai, Makoto Endo, Shinji Tsukamoto, Michiyuki Hakozaki, Satoshi Takenaka, Shunji Nishimura, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Yoshikazu Tanzawa, Hirotaka Kawano, Sakae Tanaka

    International journal of clinical oncology   27 ( 11 )   1758 - 1766   2022年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Low-grade osteosarcomas, namely parosteal osteosarcoma (POS) and low-grade central osteosarcoma (LGCOS), occasionally dedifferentiate into high-grade malignancy, referred to as dedifferentiation in low-grade osteosarcoma (DLOS). This study aimed to elucidate the clinicopathologic features of DLOS, which are poorly described to date due to the extreme rarity of the disease. METHODS: A total of 33 patients with DLOS were included. Clinical characteristics, including the diagnostic accuracy of tumor biopsy, multimodal treatments, and clinical course, were retrospectively reviewed. Univariate analysis was performed to identify prognostic factors associated with overall survival (OS) and metastasis-free survival (MFS). RESULTS: The tumor subtypes comprised 10 cases (30.3%) of LGCOS and 23 cases (69.7%) of POS. The timing of dedifferentiation was synchronous in 25 (75.8%) and metachronous in 8 (24.2%) patients. The rates of preoperative diagnosis of DLOS were 40.0% and 65.4% for core needle biopsy and incisional biopsy, respectively. All patients underwent surgery and 25 patients received perioperative chemotherapy. Of the 13 patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, 11 exhibited a poor histological response. The 5-year OS and MFS rates were 88.1% and 77.7%, respectively. Univariate analysis revealed that local recurrence was associated with poor OS (P < 0.01) and MFS (P < 0.01). Perioperative chemotherapy did not affect OS or MFS. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnostic accuracy of tumor biopsy for DLOS was lower than that for bone sarcomas, as reported previously. In contrast to conventional osteosarcomas with high chemosensitivity, both histological responses and survival analysis revealed low efficacy of chemotherapy for DLOS.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10147-022-02223-8



  • 経験と考察 CT-based navigationを用いて設置したセメントカップの設置角度精度

    鈴木 勇人, 今井 教雄, 野崎 あさみ, 堀米 洋二, 川島 寛之

    整形外科   73 ( 11 )   1139 - 1143   2022年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)南江堂  

    当院で人工股関節置換術(THA)を行った患者のうち、CT-based navigation下にセメントカップを設置した28例28関節(男性7例、女性21例、平均年齢69.2±12.4歳)のカップ設置角精度について検討した。その結果、セメントカップの絶対値誤差はRI 2.6±2.4°、RA 2.9±2.3°であった。また、BMIと誤差に相関はなく、初回THAと再置換、Paprosky分類において誤差に有意差はみられなかった。本法の結果はCT-based navigationを使用して設置したセメンレスカップに近い設置精度であることが示唆された。


    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2022&ichushi_jid=J00764&link_issn=&doc_id=20221111070004&doc_link_id=issn%3D0030-5901%26volume%3D73%26issue%3D11%26spage%3D1139&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pieronline.jp%2Fopenurl%3Fissn%3D0030-5901%26volume%3D73%26issue%3D11%26spage%3D1139&type=PierOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00005_2.gif

  • 【上肢疾患の診断と治療の進歩(新鮮外傷を除く)】疾患各論 関節リウマチ:リウマチ手 関節リウマチ手関節病変および手指伸筋腱断裂に対しての治療方針と診療の実際

    近藤 直樹, 川島 寛之

    別冊整形外科   ( 82 )   128 - 132   2022年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)南江堂  

    <文献概要>関節リウマチ(RA)は原因不明の滑膜炎症が体内に生じ,全身の関節,骨を破壊しさらに日常生活動作障害をきたす自己免疫性疾患である.診療ガイドラインが整備され,最新のものは2020年であるが,まずは薬物治療が提示される.メトトレキサートが第一選択薬であり,phase 2以降でbiological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs(bDMARDs)やtargeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs(tsDMARDs)が使用される.このように関節リウマチの薬物治療は進歩しているが,手指や手関節病変は70%もの患者でみられ,進行する関節破壊は時に生じ,手術にいたるような手関節病変は依然として存在する.特に伸筋腱皮下断裂を合併するような場合は手術適応となる.小指,環指の順に腱断裂が生じやすく,中指あるいは示指まで皮下断裂が及ぶような症例では腱の再建に難渋する.本稿では,関節リウマチの手関節病変および手指伸筋腱断裂に対する当科が行ってきた治療方針を概説する.多数指伸筋腱断裂に対する治療法としてmodified Boyes法があげられるが,本術式についても述べる.


    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2022&ichushi_jid=J04037&link_issn=&doc_id=20221027340025&doc_link_id=10.15106%2Fj_besei82_128&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.15106%2Fj_besei82_128&type=%E5%8C%BB%E6%9B%B8.jp_%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BB%E3%82%B9&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00024_2.gif

  • Significantly earlier ambulation and reduced risk of near-falls with continuous infusion nerve blocks: a retrospective pilot study of adductor canal block compared to femoral nerve block in total knee arthroplasty. 国際誌

    Yutaka Fujita, Hisashi Mera, Tatsunori Watanabe, Kenta Furutani, Haruna O Kondo, Takao Wakai, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose

    BMC musculoskeletal disorders   23 ( 1 )   768 - 768   2022年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Near-falls should be detected to prevent falls related to the earlier ambulation after Total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The quadriceps weakness with femoral nerve block (FNB) has led to a focus on adductor canal block (ACB). We purposed to examine the risk of falls and the earlier ambulation in each continuous infusion nerve block. METHODS: Continuous infusion nerve block (FNB or ACB) was performed until postoperative day (POD) 2 or 3. Pain levels and falls/near-falls with knee-buckling were monitored from POD 1 to POD 3. The score on the manual muscle test, MMT (0 to 5, 5 being normal), of the patients who could ambulate on POD 1, was investigated. RESULTS: A total of 73 TKA cases, 36 FNB and 37 ACB, met the inclusion criteria. No falls were noted. But episodes of near-falls with knee-buckling were witnessed in 14 (39%) cases in the FNB group and in 4 (11%) in the ACB group (p = 0.0068). In the ACB group, 81.1% of patients could ambulate with parallel bars on POD 1, while only 44.4% of FNB patients could do so (p = 0.0019). The quadriceps MMT values in the ACB group was 2.82, significantly higher than 1.97 in the FNB group (p = 0.0035). There were no significant differences in pain as measured with a numerical rating scale (NRS) and rescue analgesia through POD 3. CONCLUSION: ACB was associated with significantly less knee-buckling and earlier ambulation post-TKA, with better quadriceps strength. Our study indicated the incidence of falls and near-falls with continuous infusion nerve blocks, and support the use of ACB to reduce the risk of falls after TKA. It is suggested that a certain number of the patients even with continuous ACB infusion should be considered with the effect of motor branch to prevent falls.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12891-022-05735-6



  • Diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology and core needle biopsy in bone and soft tissue tumor: A comparative study of the image-guided and blindly performed procedure. 国際誌

    Takashi Ariizumi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tetsuro Yamagishi, Naoki Oike, Yudai Murayama, Hajime Umezu, Naoto Endo, Akira Ogose

    Annals of diagnostic pathology   59   151936 - 151936   2022年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV  

    INTRODUCTION: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and core needle biopsy (CNB) can provide tissue samples for the diagnoses of bone and soft tissue tumors. We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC and CNB, the usefulness of the image-guided needle procedures, and assessed whether a discordance can influence the prognosis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively examined the accuracy rates of FNAC and CNB procedures by analyzing results of 405 specimens of 389 patients. We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC and CNB, compared the clinical effectiveness between the image-guided procedures and the blind procedures, and also compared survival rates between the true positive and the false negative cases for patients with high-grade malignant tumors. RESULTS: The accuracy rates of FNAC were 86.6% and 93.8% for CNB. In cases with non-palpable masses, there were significantly low sampling error rates in the image-guided procedure. There were no significant differences in progression-free-survival and overall survival rates in patients between the false negative and true positive cases. CONCLUSION: Both FNAC and CNB procedures had high accuracy rates. Limited to cases with no palpable masses, the image-guided procedure had a low sampling error rate and was an effective method for obtaining tissue samples.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.anndiagpath.2022.151936



  • 持続発展可能なリエゾンサービス 新潟からの挑戦 集まれ!骨粗鬆症サポーター

    今井 教雄, 山本 智章, 田邉 春美, 星野 美和, 村山 拓也, 高野 義隆, 高橋 榮明, 遠藤 直人, 川島 寛之, 新潟県骨粗鬆症骨折対策事業連絡協議会

    日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌   8 ( 3 )   449 - 453   2022年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本骨粗鬆症学会  


  • Stroke incidence and chronic kidney disease: A hospital-based prospective cohort study. 国際誌

    Minako Wakasugi, Akio Yokoseki, Masakazu Wada, Kazuhiro Sanpei, Takeshi Momotsu, Kenji Sato, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Kazutoshi Nakamura, Osamu Onodera, Ichiei Narita

    Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.)   27 ( 7 )   577 - 587   2022年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    AIM: This prospective cohort study aimed to (i) examine stroke incidence and stroke subtypes by chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage, (ii) examine whether CKD patients with or without proteinuria have a high risk of stroke independent of traditional cardiovascular risk factors, and (iii) determine precise estimates of stroke risk by CKD stage while accounting for competing mortality risk. METHODS: Participants were 2023 patients enrolled in the Project in Sado for Total Health between June 2008 and December 2016 (55% men; mean age, 69 years), of whom 52% had CKD (stage 1-2, 10%; G3a, 48%; G3b, 17%; G4-5, 11% and G5D, 14%). RESULTS: During a median follow-up of 5.7 years, 157 participants developed stroke and 448 died without developing stroke. Most stroke cases were ischaemic among non-dialysis-dependent CKD participants, but the relative frequency of ischaemic stroke was near that of intracerebral haemorrhage among dialysis-dependent CKD participants. After adjustment, stage 1-2 (hazard ratio [HR], 2.97; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.60-5.51) and stage G3-5 participants with proteinuria (HR, 2.50; 95% CI, 1.56-4.02), but not stage G3-5 participants without proteinuria (HR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.38-1.08), had a higher stroke risk compared to non-CKD participants. In competing risk analyses, the association was attenuated but remained significant. CONCLUSION: Although the distribution of stroke subtypes differed, CKD participants with proteinuria and those with CKD stage 5D had a 2- and 4-times higher risk of stroke, respectively, than that of non-CKD participants, after accounting for competing mortality risk and traditional risk factors.

    DOI: 10.1111/nep.14049



  • Clinical features and treatment outcomes of dedifferentiated and grade 3 chondrosarcoma: A multi-institutional study. 国際誌

    Eiji Kozawa, Yoshihiro Nishida, Akira Kawai, Keiko Hayakawa, Nokitaka Setsu, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Shintaro Iwata, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya, Satoshi Tsukushi, Satoshi Takenaka, Jungo Imanishi, Ichiro Baba, Akihito Nagano, Takeshi Morii, Toshiharu Shirai, Koki Shimizu, Hirotaka Kawano

    Cancer science   113 ( 7 )   2397 - 2408   2022年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Chondrosarcoma is the second most common primary malignant bone tumor. In this multicenter study, we sought to evaluate the disease-specific survival (DSS) and disease-free survival (DFS), and prognostic factors in patients with dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma (DDCS) or grade 3 chondrosarcoma (G3CS) in Japan. We retrospectively investigated the treatment outcomes and prognostic factors in 62 patients with DDCS and 19 patients with G3CS at 15 institutions participating in the Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group. We also clarified significant clinicopathological factors for oncological outcomes. In surgery for primary lesions aimed at cure, a histologically negative margin (R0) was obtained in 93% (14/15) of patients with G3CS and 100% (49/49) of patients with DDCS. The 5-year DSS was 18.5% in patients with DDCS and 41.7% in patients with G3CS (p = 0.13). Local control was obtained in 80% (12/15) and 79.6% (39/49) of patients with G3CS and DDCS in the primary lesion after surgery with a wide surgical margin, respectively. In multivariate analysis, stage and no treatment/palliative treatment for the primary lesion were independent prognostic factors for DSS of DDCS, and age and no treatment/palliative treatment for DSS of G3CS. The 5-year DFS rate was 22.8% in 26 patients with DDCS who did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy, and 21.4% in 14 patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy. The prognosis of DDCS remains poor, although R0 resection was carried out in most cases. Effective and/or intensive chemotherapeutic regimens or agents should be considered or developed for patients with high-grade chondrosarcoma, particularly for those with DDCS.

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.15382



  • Clinical Outcome of Patients with Pelvic and Retroperitoneal Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Retrospective Multicenter Study in Japan. 国際誌

    Toshiyuki Takemori, Teruya Kawamoto, Hitomi Hara, Naomasa Fukase, Shuichi Fujiwara, Ikuo Fujita, Takuya Fujimoto, Masayuki Morishita, Kazumichi Kitayama, Shunsuke Yahiro, Tomohiro Miyamoto, Masanori Saito, Jun Sugaya, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tomoaki Torigoe, Tomoki Nakamura, Hiroya Kondo, Toru Wakamatsu, Munenori Watanuki, Munehisa Kito, Satoshi Tsukushi, Akihito Nagano, Hidetatsu Outani, Shunichi Toki, Shunji Nishimura, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Itsuo Watanabe, Yusuke Demizu, Ryohei Sasaki, Takumi Fukumoto, Takahiro Niikura, Ryosuke Kuroda, Toshihiro Akisue

    Cancers   14 ( 12 )   3023 - 3023   2022年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MDPI AG  

    This study aimed to retrospectively analyze the clinical outcomes of patients with pelvic and retroperitoneal bone and soft tissue sarcoma (BSTS). Overall, 187 patients with BSTS in the pelvis and retroperitoneal region treated at 19 specialized sarcoma centers in Japan were included. The prognostic factors related to overall survival (OS), local control (LC), and progression-free survival (PFS) were evaluated. The 3-year OS and LC rates in the 187 patients were 71.7% and 79.1%, respectively. The 3-year PFS in 166 patients without any distant metastases at the time of primary tumor diagnosis was 48.6%. Osteosarcoma showed significantly worse OS and PFS than other sarcomas of the pelvis and retroperitoneum. In the univariate analyses, larger primary tumor size, soft tissue tumor, distant metastasis at the time of primary tumor diagnosis, P2 location, chemotherapy, and osteosarcoma were poor prognostic factors correlated with OS. Larger primary tumor size, higher age, soft tissue tumor, chemotherapy, and osteosarcoma were poor prognostic factors correlated with PFS in patients without any metastasis at the initial presentation. Larger primary tumor size was the only poor prognostic factor correlation with LC. This study has clarified the epidemiology and prognosis of patients with pelvic and retroperitoneal BSTS in Japan.

    DOI: 10.3390/cancers14123023



  • 大腿骨頭軟骨芽細胞腫治療後の機能障害 JMOG多施設共同研究

    今西 淳悟, 王谷 英達, 西須 孝, 小林 寛, 生田 国大, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 誠, 阿江 啓介, 森井 健司, 中川 亮, 佐藤 健二, 上田 孝文, 河野 博隆, 矢澤 康男, 鳥越 知明

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   96 ( 6 )   S1380 - S1380   2022年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • Effect of adjuvant therapy with teriparatide in patients with thoracolumbar osteoporotic vertebral fractures who underwent vertebroplasty with posterior spinal fusion. 国際誌

    Yohei Shibuya, Keiichi Katsumi, Masayuki Ohashi, Hideki Tashi, Tatsuo Makino, Akiyoshi Yamazaki, Toru Hirano, Kimihiko Sawakami, Ren Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Kei Watanabe

    Scientific reports   12 ( 1 )   8854 - 8854   2022年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Teriparatide (TPTD) administration has a potent osteogenic action and promotes the healing of osteoporotic vertebral fractures (OVFs). We aimed to investigate the outcomes of vertebroplasty with posterior spinal fusion (VP + PSF) and determine the impact of perioperative TPTD administration. We included 73 patients (18 male and 55 female patients; mean age: 78 years) with thoracolumbar OVFs who underwent VP + PSF and were followed-up for at least 2 years. Twenty-three patients who received TPTD perioperatively for > 3 months were included in the TPTD group, and the remaining 50 patients were included in the non-TPTD group. Radiographic findings regarding sagittal alignment and clinical outcomes in both groups were compared. The mean duration of TPTD administration was 17.5 ± 5.0 months (range 4-24 months). The mean loss of correction of local kyphosis angle in the TPTD group (4.0°) was lesser than that in the non-TPTD group (7.5°; p < 0.05); however, no significant differences were observed between the groups regarding global sagittal alignment, the occurrence of subsequent vertebral fractures, pedicle screw loosening and treatment-efficacy rates of clinical outcomes. Local kyphosis correction in patients who underwent VP + PSF for OVFs could be maintained through perioperative TPTD administration; however, TPTD administration had little effect on clinical outcomes.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-12655-x



  • Authors' reply.

    Minako Wakasugi, Akio Yokoseki, Masakazu Wada, Takeshi Momotsu, Kenji Sato, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Kazutoshi Nakamura, Osamu Onodera, Ichiei Narita

    Journal of bone and mineral metabolism   40 ( 3 )   537 - 538   2022年5月


  • Correction of rheumatoid swan-neck deformity of the finger using the modified Thompson-Littler method. 国際誌

    Rika Kakutani, Hajime Ishikawa, Asami Abe, Kei Funamura, Masanori Sudo, Shunsuke Sakai, Hiroshi Otani, Satoshi Ito, Kiyoshi Nakazono, Akira Murasawa, Naoki Kondo, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Modern rheumatology   32 ( 3 )   541 - 545   2022年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the outcomes of the modified Thompson-Littler (m-TL) method, a corrective surgical method utilising a dynamic tenodesis, in patients with rheumatoid swan-neck deformity. METHODS: Twenty-seven fingers in 10 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) underwent surgical correction. The mean age at the time of surgery was 60.3 (45-77) years, the mean duration of RA was 19.3 (4-34) years, and the mean postoperative follow-up period was 2.4 (0.5-6) years. RESULTS: The deformity was corrected and the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint pain disappeared in all operated fingers. The mean pinch power between the thumb and the operated finger increased. The active extension decreased, the active flexion increased, and the total arc of motion decreased. Comparing the range of motion by Nalebuff's type classification, the postoperative arc of motion decreased as the type advanced. CONCLUSIONS: The m-TL method provided a favourable outcome in cases of Type ≤III rheumatoid swan-neck deformity without severe joint deterioration at the PIP joint. Aesthetic and functional improvements were observed and the patients were satisfied with the operation.

    DOI: 10.1093/mr/roab015



  • Neoadjuvant teriparatide therapy targeting the osteoporotic spine: influence of administration period from the perspective of bone histomorphometry. 国際誌

    Kimihiko Sawakami, Kei Watanabe, Kazuhiro Hasegawa, Noriaki Yamamoto, Taketoshi Shimakura, Masayuki Ohashi, Hirokazu Shoji, Tatsuki Mizouchi, Yuki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Segawa, Seiichi Ishikawa, Toru Hirano, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Naoto Endo, Hideaki E Takahashi

    Journal of neurosurgery. Spine   36 ( 3 )   429 - 439   2022年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    OBJECTIVE: Teriparatide (TPTD) is a potent promoter of early-stage osteogenesis and may be a useful adjuvant therapy to reduce complications related to bone fragility in spinal surgery patients with osteoporosis. However, effective neoadjuvant TPTD therapy regimens remain poorly understood. This study aimed to examine the effect of preoperative TPTD administration on cancellous bone with bone histomorphometry and to clarify the timing of preoperative TPTD administration for patients with spinal fusion and osteoporosis. METHODS: In this longitudinal multicenter study, 57 patients with spinal fusion and osteoporosis, who consented to undergo iliac biopsy, were allocated to the following treatment groups: neoadjuvant TPTD therapy group (n = 42) and no neoadjuvant therapy (NTC) group (n = 15). Patients in the TPTD group were categorized into subgroups on the basis of duration of preoperative TPTD administration, as follows: 1 month (n = 9), 2 months (n = 8), 3 months (n = 9), 4 months (n = 7), and 6 months (n = 9). All patient samples were preoperatively double labeled with tetracycline, and iliac biopsies were performed during spinal fusion surgery. Histomorphometric analyses were performed on nondecalcified, thin-sliced specimens. Specimens were classified on the basis of TPTD administration duration and subsequently compared with those of the NTC group. Postoperative complications and Oswestry Disability Index scores were evaluated at 1 and 2 years after surgery. RESULTS: There were no demographic differences between groups. Mineralizing surface/bone surface, a key parameter of dynamic bone formation, started to increase after 1 month of TPTD administration; this increase became significant after 3 months of administration and peaked at 4 months, with a 6-fold increase relative to that of the NTC group. The patients who received preoperative TPTD for 3 months or more had superior clinical results in terms of the osteoporotic complication rate and Oswestry Disability Index scores, except for bisphosphonate-pretreated patients. CONCLUSIONS: When considering neoadjuvant TPTD therapy, the authors recommend at least 3 months of preoperative administration to provide a more substantial anabolic effect from the early postoperative stage.

    DOI: 10.3171/2021.5.SPINE202003



  • 仰臥位アプローチで行う人工股関節置換術における術中ステム前捻角の評価

    鈴木 勇人, 今井 教雄, 野崎 あさみ, 堀米 洋二, 川島 寛之

    東日本整形災害外科学会雑誌   34 ( 1 )   33 - 36   2022年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東日本整形災害外科学会  



    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2022&ichushi_jid=J03098&link_issn=&doc_id=20220425530007&doc_link_id=%2Fdx3eastj%2F2022%2F003401%2F008%2F0033-0036%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fdx3eastj%2F2022%2F003401%2F008%2F0033-0036%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • 臨床室 Trousseau症候群を呈した多形型平滑筋肉腫の1例

    村山 雄大, 有泉 高志, 生越 章, 川島 寛之

    整形外科   73 ( 2 )   141 - 143   2022年2月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)南江堂  



    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2022&ichushi_jid=J00764&link_issn=&doc_id=20220131230013&doc_link_id=issn%3D0030-5901%26volume%3D73%26issue%3D2%26spage%3D141&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pieronline.jp%2Fopenurl%3Fissn%3D0030-5901%26volume%3D73%26issue%3D2%26spage%3D141&type=PierOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00005_2.gif

  • The medial inclination of the proximal tibia is associated with the external knee adduction moment in advanced varus knee osteoarthritis. 国際誌

    Tomoharu Mochizuki, Go Omori, Katsutoshi Nishino, Masaei Tanaka, Osamu Tanifuji, Hiroshi Koga, Takahiro Mori, Yoshio Koga, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA   30 ( 2 )   574 - 583   2022年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: Whether the inclined articular surface on the medial proximal tibia and the external knee adduction moment (KAM) correlate remains unclear. The hypothesis was that a steeper inclined articular surface correlated with a larger KAM in advanced knee osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS: A total of 44 females (non-OA, 9 knees; early OA, 14 knees; advanced OA, 21 knees; mean age, 58 ± 16 years) were examined. Three-dimensional (3D) assessment was used on biplanar long-leg radiographs and 3D bone models using a 3D to 2D image registration technique. The approximation plane in the proximal tibia was determined using the least-square method. The joint moments were mathematically calculated in a gait analysis, applying a motion capture system and force plates. The main evaluation parameters were the femorotibial angle (FTA), the coronal inclination of the approximation plane in the medial proximal tibia (coronal inclination), and internal knee joint moments. The KAM means the external moments balanced with the internal knee abduction moments. RESULTS: The advanced OA showed a larger internal abduction moment (p = 0.017) at the loading response than the other groups. The larger FTA and steeper coronal inclination correlated with the larger internal abduction moment (FTA, p < 0.001; coronal inclination, p = 0.003) at the loading response. CONCLUSIONS: As the clinical relevance, the association among the coronal inclination of the medial proximal tibia, lower extremity alignment, and KAM is one of the key factors to help better understand the etiology of knee OA. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: III.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00167-020-06323-8



  • Ankle arthrodesis using a retrograde intramedullary rod with fins for highly destructive joints in elderly patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A report of two cases. 国際誌

    Shun Takahashi, Naoki Kondo, Yasufumi Kijima, Rika Kakutani, Hajime Ishikawa, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Clinical case reports   10 ( 2 )   e05348   2022年2月



    Herein, we present two cases of older adult patients with highly destructive changes in ankle joints (Larsen grade IV) who underwent retrograde intramedullary ankle nail fixation with fins. In both patients, bony union was achieved, and full weight-bearing was attained at 3 months after surgery.

    DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.5348



  • Standardization of evaluation method and prognostic significance of histological response to preoperative chemotherapy in high-grade non-round cell soft tissue sarcomas. 国際誌

    Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Tanaka, Takanori Hirose, Tadashi Hasegawa, Nobuyuki Hiruta, Masanori Hisaoka, Masato Yoshimoto, Hiroshi Otsuka, Hirofumi Bekki, Takeaki Ishii, Makoto Endo, Toshiyuki Kunisada, Toru Hiruma, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya, Hirohisa Katagiri, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Akira Kawai, Robert Nakayama, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Satoshi Takenaka, Makoto Emori, Munenori Watanuki, Yukihiro Yoshida, Takeshi Okamoto, Junki Mizusawa, Haruhiko Fukuda, Toshifumi Ozaki, Yukihide Iwamoto, Takayuki Nojima

    BMC cancer   22 ( 1 )   94 - 94   2022年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Preoperative chemotherapy is widely applied to high-grade localized soft tissue sarcomas (STSs); however, the prognostic significance of histological response to chemotherapy remains controversial. This study aimed to standardize evaluation method of histological response to chemotherapy with high agreement score among pathologists, and to establish a cut-off value closely related to prognosis. METHODS: Using data and specimens from the patients who had registered in the Japan Clinical Oncology Group study, JCOG0304, a phase II trial evaluating the efficacy of perioperative chemotherapy with doxorubicin (DOX) and ifosfamide (IFO), we evaluated histological response to preoperative chemotherapy at the central review board. RESULTS: A total of 64 patients were eligible for this study. The percentage of viable tumor area ranged from 0.1% to 97.0%, with median value of 35.7%. Regarding concordance proportion between pathologists, the weighted kappa coefficient (κ) score in all patients was 0.71, indicating that the established evaluation method achieved substantial agreement score. When the cut-off value of the percentage of the residual tumor area was set as 25%, the p-value for the difference in overall survival showed the minimum value. Hazard ratio of the non-responder with percentage of the residual tumor < 25%, to the responder was 4.029 (95% confidence interval 0.893-18.188, p = 0.070). CONCLUSION: The standardized evaluation method of pathological response to preoperative chemotherapy showed a substantial agreement in the weighted κ score. The evaluation method established here was useful for estimating of the prognosis in STS patients who were administered perioperative chemotherapy with DOX and IFO. TRIAL REGISTRATION: UMIN Clinical Trials Registry C000000096. Registered 30 August, 2005 (retrospectively registered).

    DOI: 10.1186/s12885-022-09195-y



  • Polypharmacy, chronic kidney disease, and incident fragility fracture: a prospective cohort study.

    Minako Wakasugi, Akio Yokoseki, Masakazu Wada, Takeshi Momotsu, Kenji Sato, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Kazutoshi Nakamura, Osamu Onodera, Ichiei Narita

    Journal of bone and mineral metabolism   40 ( 1 )   157 - 166   2022年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    INTRODUCTION: Polypharmacy is associated with an increased risk of fracture in aging populations, but no study has accounted for the impact of kidney function on this association. This study aimed to examine the association between polypharmacy and incident fragility fracture based on chronic kidney disease (CKD) status. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Participants were 2023 patients (55% men; mean age, 69 years) of Sado General Hospital enrolled in the Project in Sado for Total Health (PROST) between June 2008 and December 2016. Among these, 65%, 28%, and 7% had non-CKD, non-dialysis-dependent CKD, and dialysis-dependent CKD, respectively. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards analysis was conducted with adjustments for potential confounders. RESULTS: Prevalences of polypharmacy (≥ 5 medications) and hyperpolypharmacy (≥ 10 medications) among participants were 43% and 9% for non-CKD, 62% and 23% for non-dialysis-dependent CKD, and 85% and 34% for dialysis-dependent CKD, respectively. During a median follow-up of 5.6 years, 256 fractures occurred. More medications were associated with a higher risk of fractures. Specifically, compared to participants without polypharmacy, adjusted hazard ratios were 1.32 (95% CI 0.96-1.79) and 1.99 (1.35-2.92) for those with polypharmacy and hyperpolypharmacy, respectively, after adjusting for osteoporosis risk factors, CKD status, and comorbidities. No effect modification by CKD status was observed (interaction P = 0.51). Population-attributable fractions of hyperpolypharmacy for fracture were 9.9% in the total cohort and 42.1% in dialysis-dependent CKD patients. CONCLUSION: Hyperpolypharmacy is associated with an increased risk of fragility fracture regardless of CKD status, and has a strong impact on incident fragility fractures in dialysis-dependent CKD patients.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00774-021-01272-9



  • Impact of the flexibility of the spinal deformity on low back pain and disc degeneration in adult patients nonoperatively treated for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with thoracolumbar or lumbar curves. 国際誌

    Masayuki Ohashi, Kei Watanabe, Toru Hirano, Kazuhiro Hasegawa, Keiichi Katsumi, Hideki Tashi, Yohei Shibuya, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Spine deformity   10 ( 1 )   133 - 140   2022年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: To evaluate the impact of the flexibility of thoracolumbar or lumbar (TL/L) curves on low back pain (LBP) and disc degeneration in adult patients nonoperatively treated for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). METHODS: Forty-seven adult patients (46 women; mean age, 40.5 years) nonoperatively treated for AIS with TL/L curves were included. The patients completed radiological examinations, magnetic resonance imaging, and a questionnaire survey for LBP evaluation. The flexibility of the spinal deformity was evaluated using supine side-bending radiographs. Radiographic measurements were correlated with scores for LBP and disc degeneration. RESULTS: The average magnitude and flexibility of the TL/L curve were 49.0° and 56%, respectively. The magnitudes of the TL/L curve and disc wedging were significantly correlated with LBP (|r|= 0.3-0.4). The flexibility of the TL/L curve and disc wedging, and the lumbar lateral range of motion (ROM) were significantly correlated with LBP and disc degeneration (|r|= 0.3-0.5). After controlling for the magnitudes of the TL/L curve and disc wedging, the flexibility of L4/5 disc wedging and the lumbar lateral ROM remained significantly correlated with the Scoliosis Research Society-22 pain score (partial correlation coefficient [r'] = 0.5 and 0.3), Oswestry Disability Index (- 0.3 and - 0.3), and disc degeneration (- 0.4 and 0.3). CONCLUSION: In AIS patients with TL/L curves, the flexibility of L4/5 disc wedging and the lumbar lateral ROM were significantly correlated with LBP and disc degeneration, independent of the magnitudes of the coronal deformities. Our findings indicate that maintaining or improving lumbar flexibility may be beneficial for preventing or treating LBP.

    DOI: 10.1007/s43390-021-00402-7



  • 特発性側彎症における椎体変形の3次元的評価法の確立と骨代謝動態からみた機序解明

    大橋 正幸, 渡辺 慶, 荒引 剛, 平野 徹, 川島 寛之

    新潟県医師会報   ( 862 )   8 - 9   2022年1月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟県医師会  


  • Human leukocyte antigen I is significantly downregulated in patients with myxoid liposarcomas. 国際誌

    Naoki Oike, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Hiroshi Hatano, Takashi Ariizumi, Tetsuro Yamagishi, Yudai Murayama, Hajime Umezu, Chihaya Imai, Masanori Hayashi, Naoto Endo

    Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII   70 ( 12 )   3489 - 3499   2021年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The characteristics of the tumor immune microenvironment remains unclear in liposarcomas, and here we aimed to determine the prognostic impact of the tumor immune microenvironment across separate liposarcomas subtypes. A total of 70 liposarcoma patients with three subtypes: myxoid liposarcoma (n = 45), dedifferentiated liposarcoma (n = 17), and pleomorphic liposarcoma (n = 8) were enrolled. The presence of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (CD4+ , CD8+ , FOXP3+ lymphocytes) and CD163+ macrophages and expression of HLA class I and PD-L1 were assessed by immunohistochemistry in the diagnostic samples; overall survival and progression-free survival were estimated from outcome data. For infiltrating lymphocytes and macrophages, dedifferentiated liposarcoma and pleomorphic liposarcoma patients had a significantly higher number than myxoid liposarcoma patients. While myxoid liposarcoma patients with a high number of macrophages were associated with worse overall and progression-free survival, dedifferentiated liposarcoma patients with high macrophage numbers showed a trend toward favorable prognosis. Expression of HLA class I was negative in 35 of 45 (77.8%) myxoid liposarcoma tumors, whereas all dedifferentiated liposarcoma and pleomorphic liposarcoma tumors expressed HLA class I. The subset of myxoid liposarcoma patients with high HLA class I expression had significantly poor overall and progression-free survival, while dedifferentiated liposarcoma patients with high HLA class I expression tended to have favorable outcomes. Only four of 17 (23.5%) dedifferentiated liposarcomas, two of eight (25%) pleomorphic liposarcomas, and no myxoid liposarcoma tumors expressed PD-L1. Our results demonstrate the unique immune microenvironment of myxoid liposarcomas compared to other subtypes of liposarcomas, suggesting that the approach for immunotherapy in liposarcomas should be based on subtype.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00262-021-02928-1



  • Effectiveness of 4-1BB-costimulated HER2-targeted chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy for synovial sarcoma. 国際誌

    Yudai Murayama, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Nobuhiro Kubo, Chansu Shin, Yasushi Kasahara, Masaru Imamura, Naoki Oike, Takashi Ariizumi, Akihiko Saitoh, Keichiro Mihara, Hajime Umezu, Akira Ogose, Chihaya Imai

    Translational oncology   14 ( 12 )   101227 - 101227   2021年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Synovial sarcoma is a rare malignant soft-tissue tumor that is prevalent in adolescents and young adults, and poor prognosis has been reported in patients with metastatic lesions. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is an emerging novel therapy for solid tumors; however, its application in synovial sarcoma has not yet been explored. METHODS: A novel human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-targeted CAR containing scFv-FRP5, CD8α hinge and transmembrane domains as well as 4-1BB costimulatory and CD3ζ signaling domains was developed. Three synovial sarcoma cell lines that expressed the fusion transcript SS18-SSX1/2/4 were used in the study. Cytokine secretion assay, cytotoxicity assay, and real-time cell analysis experiments were conducted to confirm the function of T cells transduced with the CAR gene. RESULTS: High cell-surface expression of HER2 was observed in all the cell lines. HER2-targeted/4-1BB-costimulated CAR T cells specifically recognized the synovial sarcoma cells, secreted interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha, and exerted cytotoxic effects in these cells. CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to indicate that HER2-targeted CAR T cells are directly effective against molecularly defined synovial sarcoma cells. Furthermore, our findings might set the basis for developing improved CAR T cell-based therapies for chemo-refractory or relapsed synovial sarcoma.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tranon.2021.101227



  • 関節リウマチ症例におけるアバタセプトの臨床成績

    木島 靖文, 荒井 勝光, 近藤 直樹, 藤澤 純一, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   37 ( 1 )   39 - 43   2021年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • The three-dimensional quadriceps vector is most parallel to the spherical axis in Japanese varus osteoarthritic knees. 国際誌

    Tomoharu Mochizuki, John David Blaha, Osamu Tanifuji, Hiroshi Yamagiwa, Shin Kai, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    The Knee   33   200 - 209   2021年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The quadriceps femoris may be a reliable reference to proper alignment in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). We previously showed the quadriceps vector (QV) to be the most parallel to the spherical axis (SA-center hip to center medial condyle) for healthy knees. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the QV is the most parallel to the SA in knees with varus osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS: CT imaging for 35 varus OA and 40 healthy Japanese knees was used to construct 3D models of the femur, patella and each quadriceps component for each subject. The QV was calculated using principal component analysis for direction and was compared with the relationship of the QV to the measurement axes of the lower extremity, including the anatomical, mechanical and spherical axes. RESULTS: The direction of the QV for the OA knee group was different from that for the healthy knee group in 3D space (medio-lateral direction: women, p = 0.532, men, p = 0.540; antero-posterior direction: women, p = 0.141, men, p < 0.001). However, the angle of the QV in relation to measurement axes in the coronal plane was closest to the SA in both groups (around 1°), with no difference between the groups (women, p = 0.382, men, p = 0.943). CONCLUSION: In the coronal plane, the SA most closely approximates the QV for both healthy and OA knees. The more posterior QV position in the 3D space may affect the patellofemoral joint.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2021.09.002



  • 人工股関節全置換術後5年までにおける骨盤傾斜および腰椎矢状面アライメントの変化

    野崎 あさみ, 今井 教雄, 鈴木 勇人, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   37 ( 1 )   15 - 20   2021年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • 弾性包帯を用いた人工股関節全置換術周術期静脈血栓塞栓症対策の短期成績

    今井 教雄, 野崎 あさみ, 堀米 洋二, 鈴木 勇人, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   37 ( 1 )   35 - 38   2021年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • Measurement of Lateral Transmission of Force in the Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscle of Young and Old Mice. 国際誌

    Keitaro Minato, Yuki Yoshimoto, Tamaki Kurosawa, Kei Watanabe, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Madoka Ikemoto-Uezumi, Akiyoshi Uezumi

    International journal of molecular sciences   22 ( 22 )   2021年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The main function of skeletal muscles is to generate force. The force developed by myofiber contraction is transmitted to the tendon. There are two pathways of force transmission from myofibers to tendons: longitudinal transmission that depends on tension elicited via the myotendinous junction and lateral transmission that depends on shear elicited via the interface between the myofiber surface and surrounding connective tissue. Experiments using animal muscle and mathematical models indicated that lateral transmission is the dominant pathway in muscle force transmission. Studies using rat muscle showed that the efficiency of lateral force transmission declines with age. Here, the lateral transmission of force was measured using the extensor digitorum longus muscle from young and old mice. Dependence on longitudinal transmission increased in the old muscle, and there was a trend for lower efficiency of lateral force transmission in the old muscle compared to the young muscle. There was a noticeable increase in the connective tissue volume in the old muscle; however, there was no significant change in the expression of dystrophin, a critical molecule for the link between the myofiber cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix. This study demonstrates the measurement of lateral force transmission in mouse muscles and that alteration in force transmission property may underlie age-related muscle weakness.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms222212356



  • Detailed features and prognostic factors of twenty-three patients with drop finger caused by cervical radiculopathy: a retrospective multicentre study. 国際誌

    Tatsuo Makino, Keiichi Katsumi, Akiyoshi Yamazaki, Tomohiro Izumi, Yoichi Yajiri, Kazuo Takahashi, Toru Hirano, Kei Watanabe, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    International orthopaedics   45 ( 11 )   2909 - 2916   2021年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: It has been reported that C7 and C8 nerve root impairment can cause drop finger; however, the clinical characteristics of each injured nerve root and post-operative outcomes remain unclear. This study aimed to investigate the detailed features and surgery-related prognostic factors of drop finger caused by cervical radiculopathy. METHODS: We retrospectively investigated the clinical characteristics, paralysis patterns and surgery-related prognostic factors of 23 patients with drop finger caused by cervical radiculopathy who underwent posterior cervical foraminotomy. We classified paralysis into three patterns based on the fingers predominantly exhibiting extensor digitorum communis (EDC) muscle weakness: index finger side-dominant, middle and ring fingers-dominant and little finger side-dominant. RESULTS: The aetiologies were cervical disc hernia (CDH) in ten patients, cervical spondylotic radiculopathy (CSR) in eight and both CDH and CSR in five. The levels of the decompressed root were C7 in one patient, C8 in 11 and both C7 and C8 in 11. Scapular pain was frequently observed as the initial symptom (78%), especially in patients with only C8 nerve root disorder (91%). Drop finger recovered to a score of ≥ 3 on manual muscle testing in 17 patients; patients with the little finger side-dominant pattern tended to have poor recoveries. Patients with CDH improved significantly than those with CSR or both CDH and CSR (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Good surgical recovery of drop finger can be expected in patients with CDH and in those with index fingers-dominant and middle and ring fingers-dominant patterns.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00264-021-05197-w



  • Clinical characteristics and treatment status of pustulotic arthro-osteitis: A single-center study involving 51 cases. 国際誌

    Naoki Kondo, Yohei Sakai, Rika Kakutani, Takahiro Netsu, Yasufumi Kijima, Naoko Kudo, Naoto Endo, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    The Journal of dermatology   48 ( 11 )   1724 - 1730   2021年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Pustulotic arthro-osteitis (PAO) is a major complication of palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP). In orthopedic surgery outpatient clinics, PPP patients with osteoarticular symptoms are seen frequently, but PAO's clinical features remain not well known. To determine Japanese patients' clinical features and treatment status with PAO, we conducted a single-center retrospective epidemiologic survey. Clinical features, including gender, age, smoking habit, the onset pattern, interval between skin manifestation and osteoarticular symptoms, and the incidence of sternoclavicular joint lesions, axial and peripheral joint lesions, were examined. The association between physical status and image findings by X-ray, computed tomography, bone scintigraphy with Technetium99 , or magnetic resonance imaging was evaluated. The distribution pattern of peripheral joint lesions and the treatment status were evaluated. We identified 51 patients, 10 men and 41 women, with PAO. The average age was 48 years and 59% were smokers. The frequency of onset patterns was skin-leading type (63%), simultaneous onset (18%), and osteoarticular leading type (16%). The average interval between skin involvement and osteoarticular involvement in skin-leading type was significantly longer than that in osteoarticular leading type (7.1 years vs. 2.0 years). A sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) lesion was detected in 65% cases, and the physical findings of SCJ were significantly related to the image findings. Axial and peripheral joint lesions were detected in the same ratio (23 cases, 45%). In the peripheral joints, the finger joint was the most common (26%), followed by the shoulder joint (21%). Patients were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (76%), followed by conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) (29%) and biological DMARDs (9.8%). Tonsillectomy was performed in 11 cases. In conclusion, PAO more frequently involves SCJ in middle-aged women who smoke. Given that osteoarticular leading type was detected in 16% cases, seronegative oligoarthritis patients should be monitored for PPP, leading to a diagnosis of PAO.

    DOI: 10.1111/1346-8138.16107



  • クリニカルトピックス 骨・軟部腫瘍における免疫環境と免疫治療

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 大池 直樹, 村山 雄大, 今井 千速

    BIO Clinica   36 ( 12 )   1179 - 1181   2021年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)北隆館  

    骨軟部腫瘍における免疫環境の研究は未開拓分野である。筆者らは肉腫の一部に自然寛解がみられることより、骨軟部腫瘍においても免疫環境が予後に影響を持つものと考え研究を続けている。これまでHLA class Iの腫瘍細胞おける発現、CD8陽性リンパ球、CD163陽性マクロファージ浸潤を解析してきたが、組織型ごとに特徴や予後に関する影響も異なっていた。今後はCAR-T細胞を用いた細胞療法等が新たな治療戦略になることを期待し研究を続けている。(著者抄録)


  • 一般総合病院の整形外科におけるがん診療の実態調査 がんとロコモティブシンドロームの実際

    生越 章, 平野 徹, 目良 恒, 白旗 正幸, 植木 将人, 佐野 博繁, 荒引 剛, 鄭 賢晧, 五十嵐 哲也, 松本 一則, 川島 寛之

    臨床整形外科   56 ( 11 )   1387 - 1393   2021年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)医学書院  



    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2021&ichushi_jid=J01554&link_issn=&doc_id=20211028060018&doc_link_id=10.11477%2Fmf.1408202188&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.11477%2Fmf.1408202188&type=%E5%8C%BB%E6%9B%B8.jp_%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BB%E3%82%B9&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00024_2.gif

  • 投球リリースポイントのばらつきには踏み出し脚の膝・股関節・骨盤の運動が関係する

    栗原 豊明, 望月 友晴, 西野 勝敏, 木村 慎二, 谷藤 理, 川島 寛之

    臨床バイオメカニクス   42   1 - 7   2021年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会  



    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2021&ichushi_jid=J05471&link_issn=&doc_id=20211007090001&doc_link_id=%2Fcx9biomc%2F2021%2F004200%2F002%2F0001-0007%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fcx9biomc%2F2021%2F004200%2F002%2F0001-0007%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • A randomized phase II trial of second-line treatment for advanced soft tissue sarcoma comparing trabectedin, eribulin and pazopanib (2ND-STEP, JCOG1802).

    Makoto Endo, Kazuhiro Tanaka, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hiraga, Shintaro Iwata, Satoshi Tsukushi, Munenori Watanuki, Toru Akiyama, Tsukasa Yonemoto, Robert Nakayama, Keisuke Ae, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya, Hirohisa Katagiri, Akihito Nagano, Satoshi Takenaka, Tomoko Kataoka, Ryunosuke Machida, Haruhiko Fukuda, Toshifumi Ozaki

    Journal of Clinical Oncology   39 ( 15_suppl )   TPS11580 - TPS11580   2021年5月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)  


    Background: Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are a rare type of malignancy, which comprises of a variety of histologies. Chemotherapy is the standard treatment for patients with advanced STS. Doxorubicin alone or in combination with ifosfamide is widely accepted as the first-line chemotherapy for advanced STS. While a combination with gemcitabine and docetaxel is regarded as a standard regimen of the second-line chemotherapy after failure of doxorubicin-based first-line regimen, the efficacy is not sufficient. Trabectedin, eribulin, and pazopanib are the candidates of the second-line chemotherapy for advanced STS, although there is no clear evidence showing which is better among those agents. The purpose of this clinical trial conducted by Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Study Group of Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG) is to determine the most promising regimen among trabectedin, eribulin and pazopanib as the test arm regimen in the future phase III trial of the second-line treatment for patients with advanced STS. Methods: The study, JCOG1802, is a multicenter, selection design, randomized phase II trial comparing trabectedin (1.2 mg/m<sup>2</sup> IV, every 3 weeks), eribulin (1.4 mg/m<sup>2</sup> IV, days 1 and 8, every 3 weeks) and pazopanib (800 mg PO, everyday) for patients with unresectable or metastatic STS refractory to doxorubicin-based first-line chemotherapy. Eligibility criteria include 16 year-old or older, unresectable and/or metastatic STS, an exacerbation within 6 months prior to registration, histological diagnosis of STS other than Ewing sarcoma, well-differentiated liposarcoma and myxoid liposarcoma, a history of chemotherapy for STS other than doxorubicin-based regimen, ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) performance status 0 to 2, and sufficient organ function. Primary endpoint is progression-free survival (PFS), and secondary endpoints include overall survival, disease-control rate, response rate, and adverse events. To select the most promising regimen in median PFS (3 months in the worst regimen and 4 months in the best regimen) with a probability of at least 80%, a total of 120 patients will be enrolled from 37 institutions in Japan. After JCOG1802, a subsequent phase III trial comparing the winner of this study and a combination of gemcitabine and docetaxel will be planned. The study was activated at December 5, 2019 and 22 of planned 120 patients have been enrolled as of February 15, 2021. Clinical trial information: jRCTs031190152.

    DOI: 10.1200/jco.2021.39.15_suppl.tps11580

    Web of Science


  • Successful resuscitation from cardiac arrest due to histologically revealed tumor embolism following bilateral intramedullary nailing of metastatic femoral lesions. 査読

    Yutaka Fujita, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Takashi Ariizumi, Yo Watanabe, Kenji Aoki, Hidekazu Imai, Hajime Umezu, Naoto Endo

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   26 ( 3 )   510 - 513   2021年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2018.09.009



  • Minimally Invasive Spinal Stabilization with Denosumab before Total Spondylectomy for a Collapsing Lower Lumbar Spinal Giant Cell Tumor.

    Keitaro Minato, Toru Hirano, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tetsuro Yamagishi, Kei Watanabe, Masayuki Ohashi, Akira Ogose, Naoto Endo

    Acta medica Okayama   75 ( 1 )   95 - 101   2021年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    A 21-year-old man consulted our hospital for treatment of a spinal giant cell tumor (GCT) of Enneking stage III. Lower lumbar-spine tumors and severe spinal canal stenosis are associated with high risk for surgical mor-bidity. Stability was temporarily secured with a percutaneous pedicle screw fixation in combination with deno-sumab, which shrank the tumor. Total en bloc spondylectomy was then performed 6 months after initiation of denosumab, and the patient was followed for 3 years. There was no local recurrence, and bony fusion was obtained. Minimally invasive surgery and denosumab allowed safer and easier treatment of a collapsing lower lumbar extra-compartmental GCT.

    DOI: 10.18926/AMO/61442



  • Influence of posterior tibial slope on three-dimensional femorotibial alignment under weight-bearing conditions in healthy Japanese elderly people. 国際誌

    Ryota Katsumi, Takashi Sato, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Satoshi Watanabe, Osamu Tanifuji, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Bio-medical materials and engineering   32 ( 3 )   183 - 194   2021年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Assessment of three-dimensional (3D) femorotibial alignment is essential for successful knee osteoarthritis treatment in the elderly. The complex morphology of the posterior tibial slope (PTS) might have an influence on sagittal and rotational alignment and the positional relationship between the femur and tibia in the anterior-posterior (AP) direction under weight-bearing conditions. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to clarify the association between the PTS and 3D femorotibial alignment under weight-bearing conditions in healthy Japanese elderly individuals. METHODS: We investigated the 3D femorotibial alignment of 110 lower extremities of 55 healthy individuals (26 women, 29 men, mean age: 70 ± 6 years). Using our previously reported 3D-to-2D image registration technique, we evaluated the 3D hip-knee-ankle angle (3DHKA) in the sagittal plane, rotational alignment, and the distance between the femoral and tibial origins in the AP direction (tibial AP position) as femorotibial alignment parameters under weight-bearing conditions. We assessed the medial and lateral PTS and their angular difference (PTS difference) as PTS parameters. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was performed using PTS parameters and other possible confounders (age, sex, height, and weight) as the independent variables and femorotibial alignment parameters as the dependent variable. RESULTS: Weight (𝛽 = 0.393, p < 0.001) and lateral PTS (𝛽 = 0.298, p < 0.001) were the predictors associated with 3DHKA in the sagittal plane. Lateral PTS (𝛽 = 0.304, p = 0.001) was the only predictor associated with the tibial AP position. Sex (𝛽 = -0.282, p = 0.002) and PTS difference (𝛽 = -0.231, p = 0.012) were associated with rotational alignment. CONCLUSIONS: We found that a steeper lateral PTS resulted in a more flexed knee and anterior tibia. The PTS difference was positively correlated with tibial external rotation. Our data could be used as the standard reference for realignment surgery to ensure PTS is appropriately maintained.

    DOI: 10.3233/BME-201209



  • 新潟県内の骨粗鬆症性椎体骨折手術症例における術前骨粗鬆症薬物治療の現状 多施設研究

    島垣 朔歩, 大橋 正幸, 渡辺 慶, 田仕 英希, 澁谷 洋平, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   36 ( 2 )   111 - 114   2020年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 特発性側彎症に対する後方矯正固定術の周術期疼痛管理と術後回復過程の検討

    大橋 正幸, 渡辺 慶, 平野 徹, 田仕 英希, 澁谷 洋平, 牧野 達夫, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   36 ( 2 )   93 - 97   2020年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • What Factors Are Associated with Treatment Outcomes of Japanese Patients with Clear Cell Chondrosarcoma? 国際誌

    Robert Nakayama, Keiko Hayakawa, Eisuke Kobayashi, Makoto Endo, Naofumi Asano, Tsukasa Yonemoto, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Kenichiro Hamada, Itsuo Watanabe, Hiroyuki Futani, Takahiro Goto, Yoshihiro Nishida, Toshifumi Ozaki

    Clinical orthopaedics and related research   478 ( 11 )   2537 - 2547   2020年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Clear cell chondrosarcoma is an extremely rare chondrosarcoma subtype; thus, its treatment outcomes and associated factors have not been widely studied. Knowing more about it is potentially important because clear cell chondrosarcomas are often misdiagnosed as other benign lesions and subsequently treated and followed inappropriately. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: (1) What are the patient- and tumor-related characteristics of clear cell chondrosarcoma? (2) What proportion of patients with clear cell chondrosarcoma initially had a misdiagnosis or a misleading initial biopsy result? (3) What is the survivorship of patients with clear cell chondrosarcoma free from death, local recurrence, and distant metastasis, and what factors are associated with greater survivorship or a reduced risk of local recurrence? METHODS: Between 1985 and 2018, 12 Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group (JMOG) hospitals treated 42 patients with a diagnosis of clear cell chondrosarcoma. All 42 patients had complete medical records at a minimum of 1 year or death, and were included in this multicenter, retrospective, observational study. No patients were lost to follow-up within 5 years of treatment but four were lost to follow-up greater than 5 years after treatment because their physicians thought their follow-up was sufficient. Clinical data were collected by chart review. The median (range) follow-up period was 69 months (2 to 392). In general, when a possibly malignant bone tumor was found on imaging studies, the histological diagnosis was made by biopsy before initiating treatment. Once the diagnosis had been made, the patients were treated by surgery only, complete resection if technically possible, because chondrosarcomas are known to be resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Unresectable tumors were treated with particle-beam radiation therapy. When patients with chondrosarcoma were referred after unplanned surgical procedures with inadequate surgical margins, immediate additional wide resection was considered before local recurrence developed. This diagnostic and treatment strategy is common to all JMOG hospitals and did not change during the study period. Primary wide resection was performed in 79% (33 of 42) patients, additional wide resection after initial inadequate surgery in 12% (five of 42), curettage and bone grafting in 5% (two of 42) patients, and radiotherapy was administered to 5% (two of 42). Surgical margins among the 40 patients who underwent surgery at JMOG hospitals were no residual tumor in 93% (37 of 42) of patients, microscopic residual tumor in 2% (one of 42), and macroscopic residual tumor or state after curettage or intralesional excision in 5% (two of 42). The oncological endpoints of interest were 5- and 10- year overall survival, disease-free survival, survival free of local recurrence, and survival free of distant metastases; these were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method and compared using the log-rank test. Risk ratios with their respective 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated in a Cox regression model. The Bonferroni adjustment was used for multiple testing correction. RESULTS: The sex distribution was 74% men and 26% women (31 and 11 of 42, respectively), with a mean age of 47 ± 17 years. Eighty one percent (34 of 42) of tumors occurred at the ends of long bones, and the proximal femur was the most common site accounting for 60% (25 of 42). The mean size of the primary tumors was 6.3 ± 2.7 cm. Definite pathologic fractures were present in 26% (10 of 42) and another 26% (10 of 42) had extraskeletal involvement. None had metastases at presentation. Twenty four percent (six of 25) tumors in the proximal femur were misdiagnosed as benign lesions and treated inadequately without biopsy. Twenty nine percent (10 of 35) patients had initial misdiagnoses by biopsy and core needle biopsies had a greater risk of resulting in inaccurate histological diagnoses. The study patients' 5- and 10-year overall survival rates were 89% (95% CI 74 to 96) and 89% (95% CI 74 to 96), respectively; 5- and 10- year disease-free survival rates 77% (95% CI 58 to 89) and 57% (95% CI 36 to 75), respectively; 5- and 10-year local recurrence-free survival rates 86% (95% CI 68 to 95) and 71% (95% CI 49 to 86), respectively; and 5- and 10-year distant metastasis-free survival rates 84% (95% CI 67 to 93) and 74% (95% CI 53 to 88), respectively. Notably, bone metastases (17%, seven of 42) were as common as pulmonary metastases (14%, six of 42); four patients developed both bone and pulmonary metastases. The difference between 10-year overall survival rates and 10-year disease-free survival indicated very late recurrence more than 5 years after the initial treatment. After controlling for multiple comparisons, the only factor we found that was associated with local recurrence-free survival was initial treatment (positive margin versus primary wide resection) (risk ratio 8.83 [95% CI 1.47 to 53.1]; p = 0.022 after the Bonferroni adjustment). Additional wide resection reduced the risk of local recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: The femoral head was the most common location of clear cell chondrosarcoma and had a high risk of misdiagnosis as common benign lesions that resulted in initial inadequate surgery and a consequent high risk of local recurrence. Immediate additional wide resection should be considered in patients who had initial inadequate surgery to reduce the risk of local recurrence. Because clear cell chondrosarcoma can recur locally or distantly in the bones and lungs in the long term, patients should be informed of the risk of very late recurrence and the necessity of decades-long with surveillance for local recurrence and lung and bone metastases. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, therapeutic study.

    DOI: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000001266



  • Effectiveness of doxorubicin-based and liposomal doxorubicin chemotherapies for patients with extra-abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis: a systematic review. 国際誌

    Koki Shimizu, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Kawai, Masahiro Yoshida, Yoshihiro Nishida

    Japanese journal of clinical oncology   50 ( 11 )   1274 - 1281   2020年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    OBJECTIVE: The treatment modality for desmoid-type fibromatosis has shifted from surgery to conservative treatment. The guideline committee for clinical care of extra-abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis in Japan conducted a systematic review of treatment with doxorubicin-based chemotherapy for desmoid-type fibromatosis. METHODS: We searched the pertinent literature. Two reviewers evaluated and screened it independently for eligibility and extracted data. They rated each report according to the grading of recommendations development and evaluation methodology. Based on the 'body of evidence', which the reviewers created, the clinical guideline committee decided a recommendation for the clinical question, 'Is doxorubicin-based chemotherapy effective for patients with extra-abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis?' RESULTS: Fifty-three articles were extracted by the literature search, and one from hand search. After the first and second screenings, five articles were subjected to the final evaluation. There were no randomized controlled trials. According to response evaluation criteria in solid tumors criteria, the response rates of doxorubicin-based regimens and liposomal doxorubicin were 44% (28.6-54) and 33.3% (0-75) on average, respectively. In two reports, the response rates of doxorubicin-based regimens were higher than those of non-doxorubicin-based ones; 54% vs 12%, 40% vs 11%, respectively. The rates of G3 or G4 complications according to common terminology criteria for adverse events were 28% and 13% with doxorubicin-based and liposomal doxorubicin chemotherapy, respectively, including neutropenia or cardiac dysfunction. None of the reports addressed the issue of QOL. CONCLUSION: Although the evidence level was low in the evaluated studies, doxorubicin-based and liposomal doxorubicin chemotherapy was observed to be effective. However, doxorubicin-based chemotherapy is associated with non-ignorable adverse events, and is not covered by insurance in Japan. We weakly recommend doxorubicin-based chemotherapy for patients with extra-abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis in cases resistant to other treatments.

    DOI: 10.1093/jjco/hyaa125



  • Cortical thickness of the tibial diaphysis reveals age- and sex-related characteristics between non-obese healthy young and elderly subjects depending on the tibial regions. 国際誌

    Keisuke Maeda, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Koichi Kobayashi, Osamu Tanifuji, Keiichiro Someya, Sho Hokari, Ryota Katsumi, Yusuke Morise, Hiroshi Koga, Makoto Sakamoto, Yoshio Koga, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    Journal of experimental orthopaedics   7 ( 1 )   78 - 78   2020年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: This study aimed to evaluate the age- and sex-related characteristics in cortical thickness of the tibial diaphysis between non-obese healthy young and elderly subjects as reference data. METHODS: The study investigated 31 young subjects (12 men and 19 women; mean age, 25 ± 8 years) and 54 elderly subjects (29 men and 25 women; mean age, 70 ± 6 years). Three-dimensional estimated cortical thickness of the tibial diaphysis was automatically calculated for 5000-9000 measurement points using the high-resolution cortical thickness measurement from clinical computed tomography data. In 12 assessment regions created by combining three heights (proximal, central, and distal diaphysis) and four areas of the axial plane at 90° (medial, anterior, lateral, and posterior areas) in the tibial coordinate system, the standardized thickness was assessed using the tibial length. RESULTS: As structural characteristics, there were no differences in the medial and lateral thicknesses, while the anterior thickness was greater than the posterior thickness in all groups. The sex-related difference was not shown. As an age-related difference, elderly subjects showed greater or lesser cortical thickness than the young subjects, depending on the regions of the tibia. CONCLUSIONS: Cortical thickness was different depending on sex, age, and regions in the tibia. The results of this study are of clinical relevance as reference points to clarify the causes of various pathological conditions for diseases. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level 3.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40634-020-00297-9



  • Aortic mural leiomyosarcoma with spinal involvement. 査読 国際誌

    Hiroyuki Kawashima, Takashi Ariizumi, Akira Ogose, Hajime Umezu, Takeshi Okamoto, Naoki Oike, Naoto Endo

    The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery   159 ( 4 )   e249-e254   2020年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2019.04.015



  • The JNK pathway represents a novel target in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis through the suppression of MMP-3. 査読 国際誌

    Tomotake Kanai, Naoki Kondo, Masayasu Okada, Hiroshige Sano, Go Okumura, Yasufumi Kijima, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Naoto Endo

    Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research   15 ( 1 )   87 - 87   2020年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND AND AIM: The pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by excess production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) by neutrophils and macrophages in synovium. Additionally, these cytokines promote the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and increased production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), including MMP-3, in synoviocytes that result in joint destruction. There is limited information on how proteolytic enzymes such as MMP-3 can be regulated. We evaluated the effect of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on RA and identified the relationship between the c-Jun N terminal kinase (JNK) pathway and MMP-3. We hypothesized that elucidating this relationship would lead to novel therapeutic approaches to RA treatment and management. METHODS: We investigated the effect of administering a low dose (1000 μM or less) of an antioxidant (NAC) to human rheumatoid fibroblast-like synoviocytes (MH7A cells). We also investigated the response of antioxidant genes such as nuclear factor erythroid -derived 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) and Sequestosome 1 (p62). The influence of MMP-3 expression on the JNK pathway leading to joint destruction and the mechanisms underlying this relationship were investigated through primary dispersion culture cells collected from the synovial membranes of RA patients, consisting of rheumatoid arthritis-fibroblast-like synoviocytes (RA-FLS). RESULTS: Low-dose NAC (1000 μM) increased the expression of Nrf2 and phospho-p62 in MH7A cells, activating antioxidant genes, suppressing the expression of MMP-3, and inhibiting the phosphorylation of JNK. ROS, MMP-3 expression, and IL-6 was suppressed by administering 30 μM of SP600125 (a JNK inhibitor) in MH7A cells. Furthermore, the administration of SP600125 (30 μM) to RA-FLS suppressed MMP-3. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated the existence of an MMP-3 suppression mechanism that utilizes the JNK pathway in RA-FLS. We consider that the JNK pathway could be a target for future RA therapies.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13018-020-01595-9



  • Osteosarcoma in patients over 50 years of age: Multi-institutional retrospective analysis of 104 patients. 査読

    Akihito Nagano, Seiichi Matsumoto, Akira Kawai, Tomotake Okuma, Hiroaki Hiraga, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Nishida, Tsukasa Yonemoto, Masami Hosaka, Mitsuru Takahashi, Hideki Yoshikawa, Toshiyuki Kunisada, Kunihiro Asanuma, Norifumi Naka, Makoto Emori, Tadahiko Kubo, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Teruya Kawamoto, Ryohei Yokoyama, Satoshi Tsukushi, Kenji Sato, Takeshi Okamoto, Koji Hiraoka, Hideo Morioka, Kazuhiro Tanaka, Tatsuya Takagi, Yukihide Iwamoto, Toshifumi Ozaki

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   25 ( 2 )   319 - 323   2020年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Primary osteosarcoma in elderly patients are rare malignant tumors. Its optimal treatment has not yet been determined. METHODS: This retrospective study included 104 patients aged >50 years with resectable, non-metastatic osteosarcoma treated by the members of the Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Study Group of the Japan Clinical Oncology Group. The effects of adjuvant chemotherapy were estimated by comparing outcomes in patients who received surgery plus chemotherapy with those who underwent surgery alone. RESULTS: Median age at presentation was 59 years. Neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy was administered to 83 (79.8%) patients. Patients who underwent surgery plus chemotherapy and those who underwent surgery alone had 5-year overall survival (OS) rates of 68.6% and 71.7%, respectively (p = 0.780), and 5-year relapse free survival (RFS) rates of 48.2% and 43.6%, respectively (p = 0.64). Univariate analysis showed that resection with wide margins was significantly correlated with better prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of chemotherapy to surgery did not improve OS or RFS in patients aged >50 years with resectable, non-metastatic osteosarcoma. Surgery with wide margins was only significantly prognostic of improved survival. The effect of chemotherapy in elderly osteosarcoma patients was unclear.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2019.04.008



  • Stanniocalcin-1 mRNA expression in soft-tissue tumors

    Tetsuro Yamagishi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Naoki Oike, Taro Sasaki, Hiroshi Hatano, Naoto Endo

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   82 ( 1 )   85 - 92   2020年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:NAGOYA UNIV, SCH MED  

    Stanniocalcin-1 (STC1) is a glycoprotein that was originally identified as a calcium-regulating hormone in bony fish, and that has been shown to also critically mediate cell growth, proliferation and differentiation, etc. in humans. Increased STC1 expression levels have been previously detected in different human cancer samples, such as those isolated from lung, breast, ovary, colon, pancreas. and liver tumors; thus, the present study evaluated STC1 expression in various soft-tissue tumors. STC1 mRNA isolated from 16 cell lines and 186 clinical soft-tissue tumor specimens were analyzed via quantitative real-time PCR, and the calculated expression levels were normalized to those exhibited by STC1-expressing MDA-MB-231 cells. The results of these analyses did not reveal any specific histological tumor types that displayed significantly increased STC1 expression; however, they did not indicate that STC1 expression was significantly higher in malignant compared to benign soft-tissue tumors. Furthermore, in adipocytic tumors, STC1 expression in dedifferentiated liposarcomas was found to be highest and lowest in lipoma tissues, respectively, suggesting that adipocytic tumors may express increasely high levels of STC1 mRNA as they become histologically more advanced. STC1 expression correlates with the malignancy grade in soft-tissue tumors.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.82.1.85

    Web of Science


  • <Editors' Choice> Stanniocalcin-1 mRNA expression in soft-tissue tumors.

    Tetsuro Yamagishi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Naoki Oike, Taro Sasaki, Hiroshi Hatano, Naoto Endo

    Nagoya journal of medical science   82 ( 1 )   85 - 92   2020年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Stanniocalcin-1 (STC1) is a glycoprotein that was originally identified as a calcium-regulating hormone in bony fish, and that has been shown to also critically mediate cell growth, proliferation and differentiation, etc. in humans. Increased STC1 expression levels have been previously detected in different human cancer samples, such as those isolated from lung, breast, ovary, colon, pancreas, and liver tumors; thus, the present study evaluated STC1 expression in various soft-tissue tumors. STC1 mRNA isolated from 16 cell lines and 186 clinical soft-tissue tumor specimens were analyzed via quantitative real-time PCR, and the calculated expression levels were normalized to those exhibited by STC1-expressing MDA-MB-231 cells. The results of these analyses did not reveal any specific histological tumor types that displayed significantly increased STC1 expression; however, they did not indicate that STC1 expression was significantly higher in malignant compared to benign soft-tissue tumors. Furthermore, in adipocytic tumors, STC1 expression in dedifferentiated liposarcomas was found to be highest and lowest in lipoma tissues, respectively, suggesting that adipocytic tumors may express increasely high levels of STC1 mRNA as they become histologically more advanced. STC1 expression correlates with the malignancy grade in soft-tissue tumors.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.82.1.85



  • Reconstruction of knee extensor with patellar tendon autograft following intraoperative radiotherapy. 国際誌

    Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Tetsuro Yamagishi, Naoki Oike, Hidefumi Aoyama, Hiroshi Hatano, Naoto Endo

    The Knee   27 ( 1 )   257 - 262   2020年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Patellar tendon autograft after intraoperative extracorporeal radiotherapy has been used for reconstruction of the extensor mechanism following limb-sparing wide tumor resection around the knee. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical outcome of this reconstruction technique. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed six consecutive patients with peripatellar tendon and proximal tibial sarcoma who underwent reconstruction of the knee extensor mechanism. The resection area was planned to be contained with the patellar tendon in order to obtain a wide margin. First, the patella was osteotomized at the midline, and the inferior half of patella, patellar tendon, and tibial tuberosity were excised en bloc. The resected segments were devitalized with intraoperative extracorporeal radiotherapy and reimplanted into the original site. A follow-up evaluation included an assessment of the range of motion, extensor lag, the International Society of Limb Salvage score, and complications. RESULTS: Six patients were followed up for 121-270 months. One patient underwent an additional reconstruction with total knee arthroplasty due to a collapse of the tibial subchondral bone. A supracondylar fracture of the femur occurred in two patients, and a delayed union of the osteosynthesis site of the tibial shaft was observed in one patient. At the latest follow up, extensor lag had a median of five degrees, and International Society of Limb Salvage scores had a median of 83%. No local recurrence or rupture of the patellar tendon was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Reconstruction of the knee extensor mechanism using a patellar tendon treated with intraoperative radiotherapy is a reliable and successful method.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2019.10.008



  • Standard Treatment Remains the Recommended Approach for Patients with Bone Sarcoma Who Underwent Unplanned Surgery: Report from the Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group. 国際誌

    Tomoki Nakamura, Jun Sugaya, Norifumi Naka, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Tomotake Okuma, Toshiyuki Kunisada, Kunihiro Asanuma, Hedetatsu Outani, Shunji Nishimura, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Toru Akiyama, Taketoshi Yasuda, Shinji Miwa, Akihiro Sudo, Takafumi Ueda

    Cancer management and research   12   10017 - 10022   2020年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The outcomes of unplanned surgery for bone sarcomas have not been frequently discussed. However, it is important to recognize patterns, treatment, and clinical outcomes of unplanned surgeries for patients with bone sarcomas. This multicenter study aimed to characterize the clinical outcomes of patients with bone sarcomas who underwent unplanned surgeries. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data of 43 patients with bone sarcomas who underwent unplanned surgery between 2006 and 2017 were obtained from 23 hospitals in Japan. These included 18 cases of osteosarcoma, 9 of Ewing sarcoma, 8 of chondrosarcoma, and 6 of undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma. The study included 28 men and 15 women, with a mean age of 46 years. The mean follow-up duration was 59 months. RESULTS: The main primary tumor sites were the femur (n = 19), spine (n = 6), pelvis (n = 5), tibia (n = 3), and humerus (n = 3). The primary diagnoses were benign bone tumor (n = 24), trauma (n = 7), bone metastasis (n = 5), osteomyelitis (n = 4), degeneration (n=2), and unknown (n = 1). As unplanned surgeries, curettage, with or without bone graft, was performed in 26 patients; internal fixation was performed in 7; spinal surgery in 5; arthroplasty in 4; and arthroscopy in one. Thirty-eight patients received additional standard treatments. Thirty-four of these patients underwent surgical tumor resections, including amputation (n = 10), and the remaining 4 received radiotherapy or carbon ion radiotherapy as additional standard treatments. The 5-year disease-specific survival (DSS) rates in patients with osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, and chondrosarcoma were 65.5%, 58.3%, and 72.9%, respectively. Twelve (27.9%) patients developed local recurrences (LR); among the total 43 patients studied, the 5-year DSS rates were significantly worse for those who developed LR compared to those who did not (p = 0.03). The 5-year DSS rates in patients with and without LR were 44% and 73.8%, respectively. CONCLUSION: We recommend that patients who have undergone unplanned surgery be administered standard treatment, including the option of amputation because herein, LR was shown to be a risk factor for decreased DSS.

    DOI: 10.2147/CMAR.S270178



  • Experimental arthritis and Porphyromonas gingivalis administration synergistically decrease bone regeneration in femoral cortical defects. 査読 国際誌

    Go Okumura, Naoki Kondo, Keisuke Sato, Kazuhisa Yamazaki, Hayato Ohshima, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Naoto Endo

    Scientific reports   9 ( 1 )   20031 - 20031   2019年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Porphyromonas gingivalis infection can lead to periodontitis and dysbiosis, which are known risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We investigated whether P. gingivalis administration affected bone regeneration in mice with or without arthritis. We administered P. gingivalis to male DBA/1 J mice that were or were not sensitised to type II collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). All mice underwent drilling of bilateral femurs. We histologically evaluated new bone regeneration (bone volume of the defect [BVd]/tissue volume of the defect [TVd]) using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), osteoclast number/bone area, and active osteoblast surface/bone surface (Ob.S/BS). We measured serum cytokine levels and bone mineral density of the proximal tibia using micro-CT. CIA resulted in significantly reduced bone regeneration (BVd/TVd) at all time-points, whereas P. gingivalis administration showed similar effects at 2 weeks postoperatively. CIA resulted in higher osteoclast number/bone area and lower Ob.S/BS at 2 and 3 weeks postoperatively, respectively. However, P. gingivalis administration resulted in lower Ob.S/BS only at 2 weeks postoperatively. During later-stage bone regeneration, CIA and P. gingivalis administration synergistically decreased BVd/TVd, increased serum tumour necrosis factor-α, and resulted in the lowest bone mineral density. Therefore, RA and dysbiosis could be risk factors for prolonged fracture healing.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-56265-6



  • X線診断Q&A

    川島 寛之

    整形外科   70 ( 13 )   1385 - 1386   2019年12月

  • Symptom Burden and End-of-Life Palliative Treatments during the Last Two Weeks of Life in Patients with Advanced Musculoskeletal Sarcoma. 査読 国際誌

    Hiroyuki Kawashima, Takashi Ariizumi, Tetsuro Yamagishi, Akira Ogose, Miho Ikoma, Tetsuo Hotta, Naoto Endo

    Journal of palliative medicine   22 ( 8 )   908 - 914   2019年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background: Musculoskeletal sarcomas (MSSs) are rare cancers and often aggressive tumors that originate from mesenchymal tissue. Patients with advanced MSS often report difficulties with symptom burden, which can reduce their health-related quality-of-life. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the patterns of the physical symptoms of MSS patients in the palliative setting and to detail the palliative treatment used in the last two weeks of life. Design: Retrospective study using the electronic patient records from a single institution. Setting/Subjects: A retrospective study was carried out in a sample of 46 consecutive MSS patients with locally advanced/metastatic disease, who were hospitalized and died in our department. The median age of these patients was 56 years at death. Measurements: Symptom burden and medical intervention during the last two weeks of life were collected. Results: The most frequent physical symptoms were pain and dyspnea in 93% and 78% of patients, respectively, while only 17% of patients suffered from nausea. A total of 98% of patients required opioids, and most patients were treated with morphine through either subcutaneous or intravenous continuous injection. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and acetaminophen were administered to 79% of patients. Corticosteroids were administered for the relief of dyspnea to 83% of patients. Of the patients, 46% received palliative chemotherapy within the last two weeks of life, and the oral treatment was continued until a median of 5.6 days before death. In addition, 39% of patients received a sedative treatment during the last two weeks of life for uncontrolled refractory symptoms. Conclusions: The symptom burden experienced by advanced MSS patients is profound at the end of life for all palliative approaches. Therefore, palliative medicine is an important and even crucial component of the continuum of care, allowing for aggressive symptom management with a variety of medical interventions, including palliative sedation.

    DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2018.0415



  • Expression Profiling of Receptor-Activator of Nuclear Factor-Kappa B Ligand in Soft Tissue Tumors. 査読

    Tetsuro Yamagishi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Naoki Oike, Taro Sasaki, Hiroshi Hatano, Riuko Ohashi, Hajime Umezu, Yoichi Ajioka, Naoto Endo

    The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine   248 ( 2 )   87 - 97   2019年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Tohoku University Medical Press  

    Bone and soft tissue tumors are derived from mesenchymal cells, and they are hard to treat. Receptor-activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL) is an essential cytokine for osteoclast differentiation and activation and is expressed on the surface of osteoblasts or stromal cells. In this study, to explore the potential of denosumab treatment for soft tissue tumors, we analyzed the expression profiles of RANKL mRNA in 425 tumor specimens of 33 histological types by real-time RT-PCR. Denosumab is a monoclonal antibody that prevents the binding of RANKL to receptor-activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK). For comparison, the relative expression levels of RANK and osteoprotegerin (OPG) mRNAs were also measured. OPG functions as a soluble decoy receptor for RANKL. Higher expression levels of RANKL mRNA were detected in calcifying aponeurotic fibroma, fibrosarcoma, calcifying epithelioma, myositis ossificans, heterotopic calcification, giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS), and pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS), compared with the levels of other tumor types. Moreover, the expression levels of RANK mRNA were highest in GCTTS, followed by myositis ossificans and PVNS, whereas the expression levels of OPG mRNA were greatly varied among these histological types. We then analyzed RANKL protein expression by immunohistochemistry in 57 tumor specimens with higher expression levels of RANKL mRNA. RANKL-positive cells were detected in GCTTS, PVNS, myositis ossificans, heterotopic calcification, and calcifying aponeurotic fibroma. In conclusion, RANKL is expressed in subsets of soft tissue tumors with calcification, and denosumab is a potential therapeutic option for soft tissue tumors expressing RANKL.

    DOI: 10.1620/tjem.248.87



  • 診療技術の向上と多職種協働による"良質な環境"作り

    川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫

    日本手術医学会誌   40 ( 2 )   123 - 126   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本手術医学会  


  • 多発性線維性骨異形成症に伴う大腿骨近位部の内反変形に対して手術治療を行った3例

    須田 義裕, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 生越 章, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   35 ( 1 )   55 - 58   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  

    症例1は14歳女性で、左大腿骨転子下骨折を繰り返し、10歳時に大腿骨の矯正外反骨切り術とプレート固定術を施行した。13歳時にプレートを抜去したが2週間で同部骨折を生じ、矯正外反骨切り術と髄内釘固定を行った。術後4ヵ月で遠位横止めスクリューを抜去して骨癒合が得られた。症例2は30歳女性で、12歳時に右大腿骨転子下矯正外反骨切り術とA-O condylar angle plate固定を行った。13歳時からパミドロン酸3日間連続点滴投与を半年に一度2年間継続し、その後は内反変形の進行なく自立歩行可能である。症例3は87歳女性で、38歳時にMcLanghling nail固定と遊離腓骨柱移植で内固定を行い、術後32年でMcLanghling nail固定を抜去し、A-O dynamic condylar screw plate固定を行った。71歳時より疼痛コントロール目的にアレドロン酸の連日内服を開始し、軽度内反進行は認めるが掴まり歩行にて自宅で生活している。


  • The natural history of incidental retroperitoneal schwannomas. 査読 国際誌

    Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Hiroshi Hatano, Takashi Ariizumi, Taro Sasaki, Tetsuro Yamagishi, Naoki Oike, Syoichi Inagawa, Naoto Endo

    PloS one   14 ( 4 )   e0215336   2019年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The natural history of asymptomatic retroperitoneal schwannomas is poorly understood. This study aimed at investigating the natural history of incidental retroperitoneal schwannomas. The medical charts and imaging studies of 22 asymptomatic patients under observation for at least 12 months for retroperitoneal schwannomas were reviewed. The duration of follow-up ranged between 13 and 176 months (mean 48 months). In the 22 patients managed by the "wait and see" approach, the average tumor size at initial presentation was 51 mm, which increased to 57 mm at final follow-up. During the final follow-up, 2 patients required surgical treatment for tumor enlargement, while the remaining patients remained asymptomatic without surgery. The average growth rate of the tumors was 1.9 mm/year (range: -1.9 to 8.7 mm/year). The majority of asymptomatic retroperitoneal schwannomas demonstrate minimal growth and may be suitable for management with the "wait and see" approach.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215336



  • Prolonged Myelosuppression due to Progressive Bone Marrow Fibrosis in a Patient with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. 査読 国際誌

    Yuta Inagawa, Yukiko Komeno, Satoshi Saito, Yuji Maenohara, Tetsuro Yamagishi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Taku Saito, Keiko Abe, Kuniko Iihara, Yasumasa Hatada, Tomiko Ryu

    Case reports in hematology   2019   1616237 - 1616237   2019年



    A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia. Chemotherapy was administered following the JALSG APL204 protocol. Induction therapy with all-trans retinoic acid resulted in complete remission on day 49. She developed coccygeal pain from day 18, which spread to the spine and cheekbones and lasted 5 weeks. She had similar bone pain on days 7-10 of the first consolidation therapy and on days 4-12 of the second consolidation therapy. Oral loxoprofen was prescribed for pain relief. On day 33 of the third consolidation, white blood cell and neutrophil counts were 320/μL and 20/μL, respectively. After she developed epigastralgia and hematemesis, she developed septic shock. Gastroendoscopy revealed markedly thickened folds and diffusely damaged mucosa with blood oozing. Computed tomography revealed thickened walls of the antrum and the pylorus. Despite emergency treatments, she died. Bacterial culture of the gastric fluid yielded Enterobacter cloacae and enterococci growth. Collectively, she was diagnosed with phlegmonous gastritis. Retrospective examination of serial bone marrow biopsy specimens demonstrated progressive bone marrow fibrosis, which may have caused prolonged myelosuppression. Thus, evaluation of bone marrow fibrosis by bone marrow biopsy after each treatment cycle might serve as a predictor of persistent myelosuppression induced by chemotherapy.

    DOI: 10.1155/2019/1616237



  • Prognostic factors of Erdheim-Chester disease: a nationwide survey in Japan. 査読 国際誌

    Takashi Toya, Mizuki Ogura, Kazuhiro Toyama, Akihide Yoshimi, Aya Shinozaki-Ushiku, Akira Honda, Kenjiro Honda, Noriko Hosoya, Yukako Murakami, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Yasuhito Nannya, Shunya Arai, Fumihiko Nakamura, Yusuke Shinoda, Masaomi Nangaku, Kiyoshi Miyagawa, Masashi Fukayama, Akiko Moriya-Saito, Ichiro Katayama, Takashi Ogura, Mineo Kurokawa

    Haematologica   103 ( 11 )   1815 - 1824   2018年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Erdheim-Chester disease is a rare histiocytosis with insufficient clinical data. To clarify the clinical features and prognostic factors of Erdheim-Chester disease, we conducted a nationwide survey to collect the detailed data of 44 patients with Erdheim-Chester disease in Japan. The median age of onset of the participants was 51 (range: 23-76) years, and the median number of involved organs per patient was 4 (range: 1-11). The existence of central nervous system disease was correlated with older age (P=0.033), the presence of cardiovascular lesions (P=0.015), and an increased number of involved organs (P=0.0042). The median survival from the onset was 10.4 years, and >3.0 mg/dL C-reactive protein level at onset was associated with worse outcome (median survival, 14.6 vs. 7.4 years; P=0.0016). In a multivariate analysis, age >60 years (hazard ratio, 25.9; 95% confidence interval, 2.82-237; P=0.0040) and the presence of digestive organ involvement (hazard ratio, 4.74; 95% confidence interval, 1.05-21.4; P=0.043) were correlated with worse survival. Fourteen patients had available histological samples of Erdheim- Chester disease lesions. BRAFV600E mutation was detected in 11 patients (78%) by Sanger sequencing. A correlation between BRAF mutation status and clinical factors was not observed. Our study revealed that age and digestive organ involvement influence the outcome of Erdheim-Chester disease patients, and an inflammatory marker, such as C-reactive protein, might reflect the activity of this inflammatory myeloid neoplasm.

    DOI: 10.3324/haematol.2018.190728



  • Prognostic impact of the tumor immune microenvironment in synovial sarcoma. 査読 国際誌

    Oike N, Kawashima H, Ogose A, Hotta T, Hatano H, Ariizumi T, Sasaki T, Yamagishi T, Umezu H, Endo N

    Cancer science   109 ( 10 )   3043 - 3054   2018年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.13769



  • The Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Hematological and Chemical Abnormalities in Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Comparative Study in Patients with Benign and Malignant Soft Tissue Tumors. 査読

    Ariizumi T, Kawashima H, Ogose A, Sasaki T, Hotta T, Hatano H, Morita T, Endo N

    Annals of clinical and laboratory science   48 ( 1 )   11 - 17   2018年1月


  • Denosumab as a potential therapeutic option for leiomyosarcoma with osteoclast-like giant cells: A case report. 査読 国際誌

    Sasaki T, Kawashima H, Ariizumi T, Yamagishi T, Oike N, Umezu H, Inagawa S, Hotta T, Endo N, Ogose A

    Molecular and clinical oncology   8 ( 1 )   30 - 33   2018年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3892/mco.2017.1489



  • Successful treatment of histiocytic sarcoma with cladribine and high-dose cytosine arabinoside in a child 査読

    Haruko Iwabuchi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Hajime Umezu, Takayuki Takachi, Masaru Imamura, Akihiko Saitoh, Akira Ogose, Chihaya Imai

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY   106 ( 2 )   299 - 303   2017年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

    Histiocytic sarcoma, a rare hematopoietic neoplasm with evidence of histiocytic differentiation, is often refractory to conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and its prognosis is generally dismal. The optimal management of this malignancy has not been established. We report a case of 8-year-old girl with histiocytic sarcoma involving the left femur. The tumor rapidly responded to a combination of cladribine and high-dose cytosine arabinoside, an aggressive salvage regimen for refractory Langerhans cell histiocytosis, and became impalpable during the first cycle. The patient has remained in complete remission more than 7 years from diagnosis.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12185-017-2202-8

    Web of Science



  • がん診療の常識への挑戦 骨・軟部腫瘍における時間学 骨・軟部肉腫は先天性か

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 堀田 哲夫, 大池 直樹, 山岸 哲郎, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 大塚 寛, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   91 ( 7 )   417 - 422   2017年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2017355781

  • Extensor reconstruction of the knee using the fibular transposition technique after proximal tibial resection 査読

    Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Takashi Ariizumi, Tetsuro Yamagishi, Naoto Endo

    KNEE   24 ( 3 )   657 - 662   2017年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Background: Reconstruction of the extensor mechanism after resection of the proximal tibia is challenging, and several surgical procedures are available. The purpose of this study was to determine the outcome of the fibular transposition technique for reconstruction of the extensor mechanism of the knee after proximal tibial resection.
    Methods: We retrospectively reviewed five consecutive patients who underwent resection of the proximal tibia with prosthetic reconstruction and reconstruction of the extensor using fibular transposition between 1997 and 2011. There were two female and three male patients with a mean age of 50 years (range, 27 to 76 years). A follow-up evaluation included both passive and active range of motion, extensor lag, the MSTS score and complications.
    Results: Patients were followed up for 93 months (range, 44 to 160 months). The mean extensor lag and active flexion were four degrees (range, 0 to 10 degrees) and 103 degrees (range, 85 to 110 degrees), respectively. The mean MSTS score was 80% (range, 73 to 90%). All patients were able to ambulate without crutches at the latest follow-up.
    Conclusions: The utilization of the fibular transposition technique is a simple, reliable, and successful procedure for extensor reconstruction after proximal tibial resection. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2016.11.005

    Web of Science



  • 軟部組織病変を呈し特異な臨床経過を示したランゲルハンス細胞組織球症の1例

    古寺 一樹, 今村 勝, 高地 貴行, 申 将守, 笠原 靖史, 岩渕 晴子, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 梅津 哉, 齋藤 昭彦, 今井 千速

    日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌   54 ( 2 )   157 - 160   2017年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本小児血液・がん学会  



    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2017&ichushi_jid=J06030&link_issn=&doc_id=20170907100013&doc_link_id=%2Fex9syoga%2F2017%2F005402%2F013%2F0157-0160%26dl%3D0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fex9syoga%2F2017%2F005402%2F013%2F0157-0160%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  • 小児骨肉腫治療後の二次がん発生状況とその特徴

    大池 直樹, 畠野 宏史, 川島 寛之, 小林 宏人, 佐々木 太郎, 堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   60 ( 1 )   50 - 55   2017年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  



  • A malignant solitary fibrous tumour arising from the first lumbar vertebra and mimicking an osteosarcoma: a case report 査読

    Naoki Oike, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Toru Hirano, Takashi Ariizumi, Tetsuro Yamagishi, Hajime Umezu, Shoichi Inagawa, Naoto Endo

    WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY   15 ( 1 )   100   2017年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Background: A solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) is an unusual neoplasm typically found in soft tissues. Although SFTs can arise in the bones, they very rarely arise in the vertebral arch. Here, we describe a case of a SFT that arose in the vertebral arch of the first lumbar (L1) spinal vertebrae and mimicked osteosarcoma.
    Case presentation: A 49-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of lower back pain and a lumbar region mass. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a heterogeneously enhanced mass in the L1 vertebral arch. The patient received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, followed by a surgical procedure comprising an anterior spinal fusion and en bloc resection. Histologically, our initial diagnosis was osteosarcoma. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient received adjuvant chemotherapy. However, the tumour metastasised to the lung 5 years after the first surgery, and a second surgery was performed for lung tumour resection. The histology of the metastatic lung tumour appeared similar to that of the malignant SFT, and the specimen from the first surgery was re-examined. Immunohistochemically, the tumour was positive for STAT6. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction revealed a NAB2-STAT6 fusion gene, thus confirming our final diagnosis of malignant SFT. The patient died of disease progression 8 years after the first surgery; however, there was no evidence of local recurrence.
    Conclusions: Malignant SFT in the vertebral arch is extremely rare and very difficult to distinguish histologically an osteoid from lace-like collagen. STAT6 immunostaining is useful for distinguishing malignant SFTs from other neoplasms. Although it is difficult to completely resect a SFT arising from the spine, we demonstrated the feasibility of an en bloc resection of spinal tumours arising from posterior elements, without local recurrence.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12957-017-1161-0

    Web of Science



  • Frequent expression of human leukocyte antigen class I and the status of intratumoral immune cells in alveolar soft part sarcoma 査読

    Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tetsuo Hotta, Takashi Ariizumi, Tetsuro Yamagishi, Naoki Oike, Taro Sasaki, Hiroshi Hatano, Hajime Umezu, Naoto Endo

    ONCOLOGY LETTERS   13 ( 4 )   2169 - 2176   2017年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD  

    The prognosis of alveolar soft part sarcoma is poor, despite the slow growth of the tumor. A number of cases with spontaneous regression of this rare tumor have been reported. Although the mechanisms underlying spontaneous regression remain uncertain, local immune reaction may be a possible contributing factor. Immunohistochemical expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I, cluster of differentiation (CD) 3, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD45, CD56, CD68, CD138 and CD163 were assessed in a series of 10 alveolar soft part sarcomas, and the expression profiles were associated with patients' clinicopathological parameters. Expression of HLA class I was observed in almost all the tumor cells of all cases. CD8(+) cells were identified in all tumors with varying densities. Moderate infiltration of CD8(+) cells was detected in three patients; one of these patients survived with long-term tumor remission. Infiltration of CD10(+), CD20(+), CD56(+) or CD138(+) cells was not revealed in all tumors. Moderate-diffuse infiltration of CD163(+) cells was observed in all tumors. To the best of our knowledge, the present study represents the first report of intratumoral immune cells in alveolar soft part sarcoma. Frequent expression of HLA class I in tumor cells was observed. CD8(+) cells were identified at various densi-sarcoma. Moderate infiltration of CD8(+) cells in patients with a good prognosis may indicate the antitumor effects of immune cells in alveolar soft part sarcoma.

    DOI: 10.3892/ol.2017.5696

    Web of Science



  • Intravertebral cleft in pathological vertebral collapse resulting from cancer metastasis: report of three cases 査読

    Hiroshi Hatano, Naoki Oike, Takashi Ariizumi, Taro Sasaki, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    SKELETAL RADIOLOGY   45 ( 12 )   1747 - 1750   2016年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    Intravertebral cleft (IVC) is a common finding in osteoporotic compression fracture. However, since the vertebral collapse attributable to cancer metastasis is rarely associated with IVC, the phenomenon is generally considered as a sign of a benign lesion. In this study, we retrospectively reviewed the radiographs, computed tomography scans, and magnetic resonance images of 111 patients with spinal metastasis. Three cases (2.7 %) had IVC in the collapsed thoracic vertebral bodies (T7, T8, and T11) attributable to cancer metastasis. IVC alone is not necessarily an indicator of a benign vertebral collapse.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00256-016-2505-5

    Web of Science



  • Atypical and malignant granular cell tumors in Japan: a Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group (JMOG) study (vol 21, pg 808, 2016) 査読

    Jungo Imanishi, Yasuo Yazawa, Tsuyoshi Saito, Michio Shimizu, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Keisuke Ae, Akihiko Matsumine, Tomoaki Torigoe, Hideshi Sugiura, Susumu Joyama

    International Journal of Clinical Oncology   21 ( 6 )   1198 - 1198   2016年12月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10147-016-1051-4

    Web of Science



  • Chromosomal rearrangements in myoepithelial carcinoma of the breast that presented as metachronic double cancer with invasive ductal carcinoma in the ipsilateral breast 査読

    Hiroyuki Kawashima, Takashi Ariizumi, Yasuo Saijo, Masato Moriyama, Hajime Umezu, Yoshiyuki Ikeda, Akira Ogose, Naoto Endo

    CANCER GENETICS   209 ( 11 )   501 - 505   2016年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Myoepithelial carcinoma of the breast is an extremely rare tumor composed entirely of malignant spindle cells with myoepithelial differentiation. The majority of previously reported cases have mainly described the clinicopathological features of the disease, and few have presented cytogenetic data. We herein present the case of a 48-year-old woman who was admitted with a left sided breast lump in the inner upper quadrant that was initially diagnosed as a myoepithelioma with potentially malignant disorder. At 12 months after resection, she complained about a newly developed solid mass in the subareolar region of the ipsilateral breast that was diagnosed as an invasive ductal carcinoma. In addition, 16 months after the initial admission, a re-growing remnant lesion recurred in the inner upper quadrant and was ultimately diagnosed as a myoepithelial carcinoma. Lymph node metastasis of the myoepithelial carcinoma was also observed in her left axillary region 11 months after local recurrence. A cytogenetic analysis showed recurring specific chromosomal alterations both in the locally recurrent and in the lymph-node metastatic lesion: 48, XX, t(5;18)(q13;q23),del(6)(q?),+14. + marl. To our knowledge, this is the first published report of clonal chromosomal rearrangements in myoepithelial carcinoma of the breast that presented as metachronic double cancer with invasive ductal carcinoma in the ipsilateral breast.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cancergen.2016.10.005

    Web of Science



  • 人工関節の長期成績 20年以上経過した下肢腫瘍用人工関節置換術後の下肢機能および就業状況

    畠野 宏史, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 佐々木 太郎, 小林 宏人, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 11 )   932 - 938   2016年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Atypical and malignant granular cell tumors in Japan: a Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group (JMOG) study 査読

    Jungo Imanishi, Yasuo Yazawa, Tsuyoshi Saito, Michio Shimizu, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Keisuke Ae, Akihiko Matsumine, Tomoaki Torigoe, Hideshi Sugiura, Susumu Joyama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY   21 ( 4 )   808 - 816   2016年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

    Malignant granular cell tumors (MGCTs) are extremely rare neoplasms with only a limited number of studies published to date. The aim of this study is to elucidate the clinicopathological characteristics and prognostic factors of MGCTs.
    This is a multi-institutional retrospective study of MGCTs with a central pathological review. A total of 18 cases were retrieved. Specimens were blindly reviewed by two pathologists based on the diagnostic criteria by Fanburg-Smith et al. Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities were calculated, and risk factors for poor prognosis were evaluated.
    Three and fifteen cases were diagnosed as atypical GCTs (AGCTs) and mGCTs according to the Fanburg-Smith et al. classification, respectively. Four (one atypical and three malignant) cases had metastasis at the first presentation, including lymph node metastasis. Three out of ten cases treated with wide resection developed local recurrence. Although prolonged static disease periods of a parts per thousand yen1 year were observed in four cases receiving chemotherapy, all cases with local recurrence or metastasis, including two atypical cases, eventually died of disease. The 5- and 10-year overall survival rates for localized MGCTs were 69.2 and 34.6 %, respectively. The presence of necrosis was revealed as a risk factor associated with adverse clinical outcomes.
    MGCTs have high rates of recurrence and metastasis including lymph node metastasis. As histologically atypical cases also have metastatic potential, close attention should be paid to AGCTs. The combination of histological evaluation and tumor size may lead to more accurate diagnosis of this rare neoplasm.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10147-016-0949-1

    Web of Science



  • Disrupted Bone Metabolism in Long-Term Bedridden Patients 査読

    Keiko Eimori, Naoto Endo, Seiji Uchiyama, Yoshinori Takahashi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Kei Watanabe

    PLOS ONE   11 ( 6 )   e0156991   2016年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Bedridden patients are at risk of osteoporosis and fractures, although the long-term bone metabolic processes in these patients are poorly understood. Therefore, we aimed to determine how long-term bed confinement affects bone metabolism.
    This study included 36 patients who had been bedridden from birth due to severe immobility. Bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers were compared to the bedridden period in all study patients. Changes in the bone metabolism markers during a follow-up of 12 years were studied in 17 patients aged &lt;30 years at baseline.
    The bone mineral density was reduced (0.58 +/- 0.19g/cm(3)), and the osteocalcin (13.9 +/- 12.4 ng/mL) and urine N-terminal telopeptide (NTX) levels (146.9 +/- 134.0 mM BCE/mM creatinine) were greater than the cutoff value for predicting fracture. Among the bone metabolism markers studied, osteocalcin and NTX were negatively associated with the bedridden period. During the follow-up, osteocalcin and parathyroid hormone were decreased, and the 25(OH) vitamin D was increased. NTX at baseline was negatively associated with bone mineral density after 12 years.
    Unique bone metabolic abnormalities were found in patients who had been bedridden for long periods, and these metabolic abnormalities were altered by further bed confinement. Appropriate treatment based on the unique bone metabolic changes may be important in long-term bedridden patients.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156991

    Web of Science



  • 骨芽細胞様細胞Saos-2、NOS-1におけるIL-6によるRANKL発現誘導

    松田 康彦, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 佐々木 太郎, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   59 ( 1 )   58 - 61   2016年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  



  • Receptor-Activator of Nuclear KappaB Ligand Expression as a New Therapeutic Target in Primary Bone Tumors 査読

    Tetsuro Yamagishi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Taro Sasaki, Hiroshi Hatano, Tetsuo Hotta, Naoto Endo

    PLOS ONE   11 ( 5 )   e0154680   2016年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    The receptor-activator of nuclear kappaB ligand (RANKL) signaling pathway plays an important role in the regulation of bone growth and mediates the formation and activation of osteoclasts. Osteoclasts are involved in significant bone resorption and destruction. Denosumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody against RANKL that specifically inhibits osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. It has been approved for use for multiple myeloma and bone metastases, as well as for giant cell tumor of bone. However, there is no previous report quantitatively, comparing RANKL expression in histologically varied bone tumors. Therefore, we analyzed the mRNA level of various bone tumors and investigated the possibility of these tumors as a new therapeutic target for denosumab. We examined RANKL mRNA expression in 135 clinical specimens of primary and metastatic bone tumors using real-time PCR. The relative quantification of mRNA expression levels was performed via normalization with RPMI8226, a human multiple myeloma cell line that is recognized to express RANKL. Of 135 cases, 64 were also evaluated for RANKL expression by using immunohistochemistry. Among all of the tumors investigated, RANKL expression and the RANKL/osteoprotegerin ratio were highest in giant cell tumor of bone. High RANKL mRNA expression was observed in cases of aneurysmal bone cyst, fibrous dysplasia, osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and enchondroma, as compared to cases of multiple myeloma and bone lesions from metastatic carcinoma. RANKL-positive stromal cells were detected in six cases: five cases of GCTB and one case of fibrous dysplasia. The current study findings indicate that some primary bone tumors present new therapeutic targets for denosumab, particularly those tumors expressing RANKL and those involving bone resorption by osteoclasts.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154680

    Web of Science



  • Activation of the Akt-mTOR and MAPK pathways in dedifferentiated liposarcomas 査読

    Takeaki Ishii, Kenichi Kohashi, Kunio Iura, Akira Maekawa, Hirofumi Bekki, Yuichi Yamada, Hidetaka Yamamoto, Kazuki Nabeshima, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Yukihide Iwamoto, Yoshinao Oda

    TUMOR BIOLOGY   37 ( 4 )   4767 - 4776   2016年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    The Akt/mTOR and MAPK pathways play important roles in modulating cellular function in response to extracellular signals, and they are known to be activated in certain kinds of sarcomas. Few investigations have examined these pathways in dedifferentiated liposarcoma (DDLS), in relation to clinicopathological features. Clinicopathological and immunohistochemical analyses were conducted using 99 DDLS specimens. An in vitro study was also conducted to examine the antitumor effects of an mTOR inhibitor and a MEK inhibitor on two DDLS cell lines. The clinicopathological analyses revealed that the AJCC staging was a significant prognostic factor for overall survival and that the tumor size, depth, and location were significant prognostic factors for event-free survival. Phosphorylated Akt (pAkt), pmTOR, pS6RP, p4E-BP1, pMEK, and pERK expressions were positive in 57.4, 52.4, 71.4, 57.1, 84.1, and 50.8 % of the dedifferentiated component of the 63 primary DDLSs. Positive staining for pmTOR was significantly more frequent in the dedifferentiated component than the well-differentiated component. A univariate prognostic analysis revealed that pmTOR expression was associated with poor prognosis in the tumors in the retroperitoneum/ventral body cavity. The mTOR and MEK inhibitors dose-dependently inhibited the cell proliferation of both DDLS cell lines and decreased the expression of downstream pS6RP and pERK, respectively. The combined use of the two inhibitors enhanced antiproliferative activity. In conclusion, the Akt/mTOR and MAPK pathways were activated in DDLS specimens, and the inhibition of these pathways decreased cell proliferation in DDLS cell lines. Our findings suggest that these pathways could be a therapeutic target for patients with DDLS.

    DOI: 10.1007/s13277-015-4232-2

    Web of Science



  • Disappearance of giant cells and presence of newly formed bone in the pulmonary metastasis of a sacral giant-cell tumor following denosumab treatment: A case report 査読

    Tetsuro Yamagishi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Taro Sasaki, Tetsuo Hotta, Shoichi Inagawa, Hajeme Umezu, Naoto Endo

    ONCOLOGY LETTERS   11 ( 1 )   243 - 246   2016年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD  

    A giant-cell tumor of the bone (GCTB) is a benign but locally aggressive bone tumor. Recently, the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B (RANK) ligand inhibitor, denosumab, has demonstrated activity against giant-cell tumors. The current study reports a case of a sacral GCTB with lung metastasis. A 19-year-old male patient presented with right buttock pain and right lower leg pain, and a sacral GCTB was diagnosed based on the histological analysis of a biopsy specimen. The patient was successfully treated with neoadjuvant denosumab therapy, which allowed curettage. In addition, the pulmonary nodule reduced in size following denosumab administration, and surgical resection was performed. Since the operation, the patient has been managed with the continued use of denosumab with no sign of recurrence. Microscopic findings from the surgical specimen following denosumab treatment revealed that the giant cells had disappeared and woven bone had formed. The specimen from the pulmonary nodule exhibited similar findings to the surgical specimen. It was reported that denosumab treatment was able to reduce the number of giant cells and RANK-positive stromal cells, and cause the formation of new bone in the primary lesion. The present study reports the first case to demonstrate the efficiency of denosumab in treating pulmonary metastasis of GCTB.

    DOI: 10.3892/ol.2015.3858

    Web of Science



  • Effect of temozolomide on the viability of musculoskeletal sarcoma cells 査読

    Yuta Kusabe, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Taro Sasaki, Takashi Ariizumi, Tetsuo Hotta, Naoto Endo

    ONCOLOGY LETTERS   10 ( 4 )   2511 - 2518   2015年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD  

    Musculoskeletal sarcomas (MSS) are a heterogeneous group of malignancies with relatively high mortality rates. The prognosis for patients with MSS is poor, with few drugs inducing measurable activity. Alkylating agents, namely ifosfamide and dacarbazine, which act nonspecifically on proliferating cells, are the typical therapy prescribed for advanced MSS. A novel alkylating agent, temozolomide (TMZ), has several advantages over existing alkylating agents. TMZ induces the formation of O-6-methylguanine in DNA, thereby inducing mismatches during DNA replication and the subsequent activation of apoptotic pathways. However, due to conflicting data in the literature, the mechanism of TMZ action has remained elusive. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate apoptosis in MSS cells treated with TMZ, and to evaluate the correlation between TMZ action and survival pathways, including the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. Cell proliferation was evaluated by performing an XTT (sodium 3'-[1-(phenylaminocarbony1)-3,4-tetrazolium] -bis (4-methoxy-6-nitro) benzene sulfonic acid hydrate) assay. Apoptotic morphological changes, for example chromatin condensation, were evaluated by fluorescence confocal microscopy. The expression of the apoptosis-associated proteins caspase-3, poly adenosine diphosphate ribose polymerase (PARP), Akt and ERK1/2, was determined by western blotting. The results of the present study indicated that, in certain MSS cells, the IC50 value was lower than that in TMZ-sensitive U-87 MG cells. Furthermore, TMZ treatment was associated with apoptotic morphological changes and the expression levels of pro-apoptotic cleaved caspase-3 and PARP were also increased in TMZ-treated MSS cells. In addition, the result indicated that PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 MAPK were constitutively phosphorylated in MSS cells, and phosphorylation of PI3K/Akt was suppressed in certain cells, and maintained in other cells, by TMZ. These observations emphasized the plasticity of MSS cells, and suggested that this plasticity may contribute to the variance in cell sensitivity to TMZ and TMZ-resistance in MSS.

    DOI: 10.3892/ol.2015.3506

    Web of Science



  • 人工骨移植の現状と展望 連通多孔体β-リン酸3カルシウム(β-TCP)人工骨移植

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 近藤 直樹, 山岸 哲郎, 渡辺 慶, 平野 徹, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 小林 宏人, 守田 哲郎

    臨床整形外科   50 ( 10 )   935 - 942   2015年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)医学書院  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2015404646

  • Secondary osteosarcoma arising from osteochondroma following autologous stem cell transplantation with total-body irradiation for neuroblastoma: A case report 査読

    Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Chihaya Imai, Masaharu Imamura, Naoto Endo

    ONCOLOGY LETTERS   10 ( 2 )   1026 - 1030   2015年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD  

    The present study reports the first case of malignant transformation to osteosarcoma arising from osteochondroma following childhood total-body irradiation (TBI). The association between TBI and later development of osteochondroma is well-known; however, malignant degeneration arising from radiation-induced osteochondroma is rare. The current study describes the case of a 17-year-old boy with osteosarcoma arising from osteochondroma of the left distal humerus, which developed following TBI. TBI was administered as part of a conditioning regimen received prior to autologous peripheral hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) at the age of 6 years, following an initial diagnosis of neuroblastoma at the age of 5 years. The patient subsequently underwent preoperative chemotherapy followed by wide local excision and reconstruction with an extracorporeally irradiated autograft. Postoperative chemotherapy was administered, and the patient demonstrated no clinical or radiographic evidence of recurrence after 40 months of follow-up. To the best of our knowledge, this is only the second reported case of malignant degeneration of osteochondroma following childhood TBI, and the first reported case of transformation to osteosarcoma. The current case highlights the importance of close observation for secondary malignancies in this patient population.

    DOI: 10.3892/ol.2015.3257

    Web of Science



  • 著明な関節液貯留を伴った大腿骨近位部類骨骨腫の1例

    中臺 雅人, 生越 章, 山岸 哲郎, 佐々木 太郎, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   31 ( 1 )   23 - 26   2015年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • Exogenous Restoration of TUSC2 Expression Induces Responsiveness to Erlotinib in Wildtype Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Lung Cancer Cells through Context Specific Pathways Resulting in Enhanced Therapeutic Efficacy 査読

    Bingbing Dai, Shaoyu Yan, Humberto Lara-Guerra, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Ryo Sakai, Gitanjali Jayachandran, Mourad Majidi, Reza Mehran, Jing Wang, B. Nebiyou Bekele, Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani, Suk-Young Yoo, Ying Wang, Jun Ying, Feng Meng, Lin Ji, Jack A. Roth

    PLOS ONE   10 ( 6 )   e0123967   2015年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Expression of the tumor suppressor gene TUSC2 is reduced or absent in most lung cancers and is associated with worse overall survival. In this study, we restored TUSC2 gene expression in several wild type EGFR non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines resistant to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor erlotinib and analyzed their sensitivity to erlotinib in vitro and in vivo. A significant inhibition of cell growth and colony formation was observed with TUSC2 transient and stable expression. TUSC2-erlotinib cooperativity in vitro could be reproduced in vivo in subcutaneous tumor growth and lung metastasis formation lung cancer xenograft mouse models. Combination treatment with intravenous TUSC2 nanovesicles and erlotinib synergistically inhibited tumor growth and metastasis, and increased apoptotic activity. High-throughput qRT-PCR array analysis enabling multi-parallel expression profile analysis of eighty six receptor and non-receptor tyrosine kinase genes revealed a significant decrease of FGFR2 expression level, suggesting a potential role of FGFR2 in TUSC2-enhanced sensitivity to erlotinib. Western blots showed inhibition of FGFR2 by TUSC2 transient transfection, and marked increase of PARP, an apoptotic marker, cleavage level after TUSC2-erlotinb combined treatment. Suppression of FGFR2 by AZD4547 or gene knockdown enhanced sensitivity to erlotinib in some but not all tested cell lines. TUSC2 inhibits mTOR activation and the latter cell lines were responsive to the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin combined with erlotinib. These results suggest that TUSC2 restoration in wild type EGFR NSCLC may overcome erlotinib resistance, and identify FGFR2 and mTOR as critical regulators of this activity in varying cellular contexts. The therapeutic activity of TUSC2 could extend the use of erlotinib to lung cancer patients with wildtype EGFR.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123967

    Web of Science



  • Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma arising in the femoral vein: a case report 査読

    Naoki Oike, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Hajime Umezu, Shoichi Inagawa

    SKELETAL RADIOLOGY   43 ( 10 )   1465 - 1469   2014年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    Soft tissue tumors arising in deep veins of the extremities are uncommon, although a few cases of synovial sarcoma or leiomyosarcoma arising in the femoral vein have been documented. However, to the best of our knowledge, an extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma (EMC) arising in the femoral vein has not been reported in the English literature. We report a case of EMC arising in the femoral vein of a 70-year-old man who presented with right leg edema and was diagnosed with a deep venous thrombosis (DVT) by computed tomography (CT). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a mass in the right proximal thigh that was diagnosed as myxomatous sarcoma by aspiration cytology, and anticoagulant therapy was initiated. The mass was surgically resected en bloc, including the femoral vein and surrounding soft tissue, and the femoral artery was preserved. The femoral vein was not reconstructed. The histologic diagnosis was an extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma. The patient received postoperative local radiation treatment, with a total dose of 60 Gy, and is currently doing well with no evidence of local recurrence or metastasis at 8 months after surgery. In summary, this case report shows that EMC can arise in the femoral vein, and that reconstruction of the femoral vein is not always necessary during surgery for soft tissue tumors.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00256-014-1897-3

    Web of Science



  • Teaching NeuroImages: Recurrence of a sural intraneural ganglion cyst after sural nerve resection 査読

    Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Hiroshi Yamagiwa, Naoto Endo, Hajime Umezu

    NEUROLOGY   83 ( 8 )   E95 - E96   2014年8月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000000714

    Web of Science



  • Malignant transformation of fibrous dysplasia: A case report 査読

    Hiroshi Hatano, Tetsuro Morita, Takashi Ariizumi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose

    ONCOLOGY LETTERS   8 ( 1 )   384 - 386   2014年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD  

    Secondary osteosarcoma from fibrous dysplasia (FD) is very rare. The etiology of FD is linked to activating missense mutations of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-subunit (GNAS) gene, which encodes the stimulatory alpha subunit of the G protein (G(s)alpha) and is located at chromosome 20q13. These mutations are central to the pathogenesis of FD; however, it is not known whether G(s)alpha mutations are retained following malignant transformation in FD. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, no studies have been performed on chromosomal analysis of secondary osteosarcoma from FD. The present study presents a case of secondary osteosarcoma arising from polyostotic FD in a 72-year-old male. Chromosomal analysis showed 44, X, -Y, add(4)(p11), add(5)(p15), der(11)add(11)(p15) t(1;11)(q21;q23), add(12)(q11), -13, der(22)t(12;22)(q11;p12). Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis demonstrated the presence of a G(s)alpha mutation in both the primary tumor cells and secondary osteosarcoma cells. There was no alteration in this mutation in the region of malignant transformation, which suggests that this mutation may be a useful clinical marker for distinguishing de novo osteosarcoma (primary osteosarcoma) from secondary osteosarcoma arising from FD.

    DOI: 10.3892/ol.2014.2082

    Web of Science



  • 骨腫瘍との鑑別を要した骨髄炎の臨床的特徴

    牧野 達夫, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   30 ( 1 )   19 - 24   2014年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of MDM2 and CDK4 expression using total RNA from core-needle biopsies is useful for diagnosing adipocytic tumors 査読

    Taro Sasaki, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tetsuo Hotta, Hiroshi Hatano, Takashi Ariizumi, Hajime Umezu, Riuko Ohashi, Tsuyoshi Tohyama, Naohito Tanabe, Naoto Endo

    BMC CANCER   14   468   2014年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Background: Diagnosing adipocytic tumors can be challenging because it is often difficult to morphologically distinguish between benign, intermediate and malignant adipocytic tumors, and other sarcomas that are histologically similar. Recently, a number of tumor-specific chromosome translocations and associated fusion genes have been identified in adipocytic tumors and atypical lipomatous tumors/well-differentiated liposarcomas (ALT/WDL), which have a supernumerary ring and/or giant chromosome marker with amplified sequences of the MDM2 and CDK4 genes. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) could be used to amplify MDM2 and CDK4 from total RNA samples obtained from core-needle biopsy sections for the diagnosis of ALT/WDL.
    Methods: A series of lipoma (n = 124) and ALT/WDL (n = 44) cases were analyzed for cytogenetic analysis and lipoma fusion genes, as well as for MDM2 and CDK4 expression by real-time PCR. Moreover, the expression of MDM2 and CDK4 in whole tissue sections was compared with that in core-needle biopsy sections of the same tumor in order to determine whether real-time PCR could be used to distinguish ALT/WDL from lipoma at the preoperative stage.
    Results: In whole tissue sections, the medians for MDM2 and CDK4 expression in ALT/WDL were higher than those in the lipomas (P &lt; 0.05). Moreover, karyotype subdivisions with rings and/or giant chromosomes had higher MDM2 and CDK4 expression levels compared to karyotypes with 12q13-15 rearrangements, other abnormal karyotypes, and normal karyotypes (P &lt; 0.05). On the other hand, MDM2 and CDK4 expression levels in core-needle biopsy sections were similar to those in whole-tissue sections (MDM2: P = 0.6, CDK4: P = 0.8, Wilcoxon signed-rank test).
    Conclusion: Quantitative real-time PCR of total RNA can be used to evaluate the MDM2 and CDK4 expression levels in core-needle biopsies and may be useful for distinguishing ALT/WDL from adipocytic tumors. Thus, total RNA from core-needle biopsy sections may have potential as a routine diagnostic tool for other tumors where gene overexpression is a feature of the tumor.

    DOI: 10.1186/1471-2407-14-468

    Web of Science



  • 腫瘍用人工膝関節(HMRS)のステム折損が診断困難であった2例

    土屋 潤平, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 佐々木 太郎, 山岸 哲郎, 鈴木 一瑛, 遠藤 直人, 大塚 寛

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   88 ( 6 )   S1291 - S1291   2014年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 悪性末梢神経鞘腫瘍を発症した神経線維腫症1型症例における化学療法の効果と予後

    生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 佐々木 太郎, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人, 守田 哲郎, 有泉 高志, 畠野 宏史

    日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌   5 ( 1 )   64 - 68   2014年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本レックリングハウゼン病学会  


    CiNii Article


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2014244734

  • Telomelysin shows potent antitumor activity through apoptotic and non-apoptotic cell death in soft tissue sarcoma cells 査読

    Gui-Dong Li, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Tetsuo Hotta, Ryozo Kuwano, Yasuo Urata, Toshiyoshi Fujiwara, Naoto Endo

    Cancer Science   104 ( 9 )   1178 - 1188   2013年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    This study investigated the pathway underlying the antitumor activity of telomelysin, a telomerase-dependent, replication-selective oncolytic adenovirus, in soft tissue sarcoma cells. Treatment with telomelysin alone resulted in simultaneous induction of apoptosis and autophagy, whereas cotreatment with telomelysin and 3-methyladenine significantly reduced cell viability and increased apoptosis and the cellular ATP level compared to treatment with telomelysin alone, indicating that telomelysin-mediated autophagy is a death-protective but not death-promoting process. Cotreatment with Z-Val-Ala-Asp-CH2F significantly increased cellular ATP depletion compared to telomelysin-alone treatment while inhibiting telomelysin-induced apoptosis and having no significant effect on cell viability, indicating that it promotes transition from apoptotic to necrotic cell death. © 2013 Japanese Cancer Association.

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.12208




  • 拘縮を生じた筋肉内血管腫の2例

    庄司 寛和, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   56 ( 1 )   87 - 91   2013年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  



  • 腹直筋皮弁、大腿直筋・大腿筋膜張筋弁により再建した左鼠径部から側腹部臀部の軟部肉腫の1例

    齋藤 利香, 坂村 律生, 飛澤 泰友, 高野 敏郎, 柴田 実, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   29 ( 1 )   47 - 51   2013年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • 軟部肉腫の治療成績はどこまで改善したか 類上皮肉腫および胞巣状軟部肉腫の診断と治療成績

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 堀田 真喜子, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 守田 哲郎, 畠野 宏史, 大塚 寛

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   86 ( 9 )   665 - 674   2012年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2012372566

  • Mohs軟膏による腫瘍硬化療法と放射線化学療法を併用した頭部Ewing肉腫の1例

    増井 由紀子, 田中 英一郎, 土屋 和夫, 藤原 浩, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 伊藤 雅章

    Skin Cancer   26 ( 3 )   311 - 315   2012年2月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会  


    DOI: 10.5227/skincancer.26.311

    CiNii Article


  • 仙骨脊索腫の外科療法と重粒子線治療の長期成績(5-10年未満と10年以上) 仙骨脊索腫に対する手術療法の治療成績

    堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 遠藤 直人, 守田 哲郎, 畠野 宏史, 井上 善也, 斎藤 英彦

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   86 ( 1 )   4 - 8   2012年1月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2012161645

  • Long-term efficacy of oral alendronate therapy in an elderly patient with polyostotic fibrous dysplasia: A case report 査読

    Gui-Dong Li, Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Takashi Ariizumi, Yongjun Xu, Naoto Endo

    ONCOLOGY LETTERS   2 ( 6 )   1239 - 1242   2011年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD  

    Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (PFD) is a high-turnover bone disease that frequently entails chronic bone pain, pathological fractures and severe deformities. Recently, bisphosphonates have shown effective antiresorptive properties in the treatment of children or adults with PFD. We report on a 79-year-old female with PR), who had severe lower limb deformity and chronic bone pain in multiple sites of her extremities for more than 55 years. The patient experienced significant decrease in bone pain and bone turnover markers following long-term (8.5 years) treatment with a low-dose oral alendronate treatment (5 mg/day). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a long-term follow-up of a postmenopausal elderly patient with long-standing symptomatic PFD following continuous low-dose oral alendronate therapy. This case report indicates that long-term daily administration of low-dose alendronate alone is a potential treatment option for elderly patients with PFD, particularly those with long-standing bone pain.

    DOI: 10.3892/ol.2011.369

    Web of Science



  • Establishment and characterization of a novel dedifferentiated liposarcoma cell line, NDDLS-1 査読

    Takashi Ariizumi, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tetsuo Hotta, Guidong Li, Yongjun Xu, Takanori Hirose, Naoto Endo

    PATHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL   61 ( 8 )   461 - 468   2011年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    We established a dedifferentiated liposarcoma cell line (NDDLS-1) that produces interleukin-6 (IL-6) and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). The parental tumor showed high leukemoid reactions. The NDDLS-1 cell line was established from a pleural effusion associated with a lung metastasis. Pleomorphic tumor cells arranged in a haphazard growth pattern were seen in xenograft tumors. Numerous inflammatory cells including neutrophils or eosinophils were present throughout the tumor cells. This finding resembled the dedifferentiated area of the parental tumor. The mice bearing NDDLS-1 showed marked leukocytosis. In addition, the NDDLS-1 cells expressed IL-6 and G-CSF at both the mRNA and protein levels, while the NDDLS-1 cells produced near normal levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). In the cytogenetic analysis, both the parental tumor and the NDDLS-1 cells showed a ring or giant marker chromosomes. The NDDLS-1 cell line demonstrated the amplification and expression of both MDM2 and CDK4 by fluorescence in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analysis. The NDDLS-1 cell line is consistent with the parental dedifferentiated liposarcoma, and it should therefore be useful for further investigations of human dedifferentiated liposarcomas.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1827.2011.02683.x

    Web of Science



  • Efficient virotherapy for osteosarcoma by telomerase-specific oncolytic adenovirus 査読

    Guidong Li, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Yongjun Xu, Tetsuo Hotta, Yasuo Urata, Toshiyoshi Fujiwara, Naoto Endo

    JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY   137 ( 6 )   1037 - 1051   2011年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    A telomerase-specific oncolytic adenovirus, Telomelysin, can selectively kill cancer cells, and be attenuated in normal cells. We herein describe the oncolytic effect of Telomelysin on human osteosarcoma both in vitro and in vivo.
    The anti-tumor effects of Telomelysin were evaluated on human osteosarcoma cell lines in vitro and in a mouse xenograft model of human osteosarcoma in vivo. The replication efficiencies of Telomelysin in human osteosarcoma cell lines and normal cell lines and in osteosarcoma xenografts were determined by the expression levels of E1 mRNA and E1A protein using real-time quantitative PCR, Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. The in vitro telomerase-specific replication and the viral infection rate were also confirmed by TelomeScan (Telomelysin-GFP), using fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry, respectively. The cell viabilities were examined by XTT assay, and the tumor volumes were measured every 2 days. The induction of apoptosis was assessed by Western blot analysis, as well as by TUNEL assay.
    TelomeScan and Telomelysin were efficiently replicated in human osteosarcoma cell lines and led to a dose- and time-dependent expression of GFP, E1 mRNA and E1A protein. Telomelysin infection induced marked cytolysis and apoptosis in osteosarcoma cell lines in vitro. Neither cytotoxicity nor apoptosis were induced in normal human cell lines. In the human osteosarcoma cell xenograft model, intratumoral injection of Telomelysin resulted in increased viral replication, significant tumor growth suppression and distinct apoptotic cell death.
    This study indicated that virotherapy with Telomelysin may provide a promising strategy for the treatment of human osteosarcoma.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00432-010-0969-6

    Web of Science



  • 膝関節部に発生した骨巨細胞腫の再建法による術後成績の検討

    權 斎増, 生越 章, 畠野 宏史, 守田 哲郎, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   55 ( 1 )   40 - 44   2011年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  

    膝関節荷重部に発生した骨巨細胞腫26例(男13例・女13例・平均38歳)の治療成績を検討した。初回手術として腫瘍切除または掻爬後に再建術を行い、再発などに対する追加手術を含め最終手術は人工骨充填術13例、セメント充填術8例、固定術3例、腫瘍型人工関節置換術2例であった。観察期間2〜280ヵ月で、再建術後の新たなX線学的関節症性変化の出現は人工骨群1例、セメント群3例に認めた。International Society of Limb Salvage(ISOLS)患肢機能評価で平均点が他の群より低かったのは、painではセメント群4点、functionでは人工関節群3点、emotional acceptanceでは関節固定群1.3点、supportでは人工関節群4点、walkingでは人工関節群3.5点、gaitでは人工関節群3点であった。ISOLS患肢機能評価の総合平均は89%で、人工骨群97%、セメント群85%、関節固定群71%、人工関節群73%であった。人工骨群では、12例中10例が総合100%と良好であった。


  • 骨軟部腫瘍に対する鎖骨切除術の成績

    大江 慎, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 山村 倉一郎

    東日本整形災害外科学会雑誌   23 ( 2 )   245 - 248   2011年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東日本整形災害外科学会  



  • High-level expression of podoplanin in benign and malignant soft tissue tumors: Immunohistochemical and quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis 査読

    Yongjun Xu, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tetsuo Hotta, Takashi Ariizumi, Guidong Li, Hajime Umezu, Naoto Endo

    ONCOLOGY REPORTS   25 ( 3 )   599 - 607   2011年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD  

    Podoplanin is a 38 kDa mucin-type transmembrane glycoprotein that was first identified in rat glomerular epithelial cells (podocytes). It is expressed in normal lymphatic endothelium, but is absent from vascular endothelial cells. D2-40 is a commercially available mouse monoclonal antibody which binds to an epitope on human podoplanin. D2-40 immunoreactivity is therefore highly sensitive and specific for lymphatic endothelium. Recent investigations have shown widespread applications of immunohistochemical staining with D2-40 in evaluating podoplanin expression as an immunohistochemical marker for diagnosis and prognosis in various tumors. To determine whether the podoplanin (D2-40) antibody may be useful for the diagnosis of soft tissue tumors, 125 cases, including 4 kinds of benign tumors, 15 kinds of malignant tumors and 3 kinds of tumor-like lesions were immunostained using the D2-40 antibody. Total RNA was extracted from frozen tumor tissue obtained from 41 corresponding soft tissue tumor patients and 12 kinds of soft tissue tumor cell lines. Quantitative real-time PCR reactions were performed. Immunohistochemical and quantitative real-time RT-PCR analyses demonstrated the expression of the podoplanin protein and mRNA in the majority of benign and malignant soft tissue tumors and tumor-like lesions examined, with the exception of alveolar soft part sarcoma, embryonal and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, extraskeletal Ewing&apos;s sarcoma/peripheral primitive neuro-ectodermal tumor and lipoma, which were completely negative for podoplanin. Since it is widely and highly expressed in nearly all kinds of soft tissue tumors, especially in spindle cell sarcoma, myxoid type soft tissue tumors and soft tissue tumors of the nervous system, podoplanin is considered to have little value in the differential diagnosis of soft tissue tumors.

    DOI: 10.3892/or.2011.1141

    Web of Science



  • Gastric Ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor: A case report 査読

    Makoto Inoue, Toshifumi Wakai, Pavel V. Korita, Jun Sakata, Ryo Kurosaki, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Yoshio Shirai, Yoichi Ajioka, Katsuyoshi Hatakeyama

    ONCOLOGY LETTERS   2 ( 2 )   207 - 210   2011年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD  

    Ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumors (ES/PNETs) may arise in bone or soft tissue; however, these tumors rarely originate in the stomach. To the best of our knowledge, only four cases have previously been reported in the English-language literature. A 41-year-old Japanese woman was admitted with abdominal pain and underwent gastrectomy to remove the primary tumor. Immunohistochemistry, chromosomal karyotype and molecular analysis using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction were performed in the tumor specimens obtained. Tumor cells showed positive immunoreactivity for CD99, vimentin, CD117 (c-kit), S100, chromogranin A and synaptophysin. The tumor was a gastric ES/PNET with the EWS-FLII fusion gene translocation t(11;22)(q24;q12). Multiple repeat metastasectomies, as well as multi-agent chemotherapy and radiotherapy were performed for recurrent disease. Despite treatment, the patient succumbed due to progressive disease 110 months after the initial surgery for gastric ES/PNET. A review of the reported cases suggests that patients with gastric ES/PNETs have an unfavorable prognosis following resection due to the high propensity of these tumors to metastasize. Thus, multimodal treatment approaches including surgery, as well as multi-agent chemotherapy and radiotherapy may provide a survival benefit for patients with gastric ES/PNETs.

    DOI: 10.3892/ol.2011.246

    Web of Science


  • Frequent Absence of Tumor Suppressor FUS1 Protein Expression in Human Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas 査読

    Guidong Li, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Lin Ji, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Hajime Umezu, Yongjun Xu, Tetsuo Hotta, Naoto Endo

    ANTICANCER RESEARCH   31 ( 1 )   11 - 21   2011年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:INT INST ANTICANCER RESEARCH  

    Background: FUS1 is a tumor suppressor gene located on human chromosome 3p21.3. Frequent loss of FUS1 protein expression is associated with lung cancer development. This study examined FUS1 expression and its possible tumor-suppressive role in bone and soft tissue sarcomas. Materials and Methods: The expressions of FUS1 mRNA and FUS1 protein were assessed in sarcoma cell lines, sarcoma tissues, benign bone and soft-tissue tumor (BST) tissues, and healthy tissues. Exogenous FUS1 gene transfection was performed on sarcoma cell lines. Results: FUS1 mRNA expression was detected in all sarcoma cell lines, all benign BSTs and healthy tissues, and almost all sarcoma tissues. In contrast, FUS1 protein expression was frequently lost in sarcoma cells and sarcoma tissues. The exogenous PUS1 gene delivery induced strong FUS1 protein expression, inhibition of cell viability and apoptosis in sarcoma cells. Conclusion: PUS1 may act as a tumor suppressor in bone and soft-tissue sarcomas.

    Web of Science



  • Lipoma-like lipoblastoma arising from the femoral vein 査読

    Yongjun Xu, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tetsuo Hotta, Guidong Li, Hajime Umezu, Naoto Endo

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   16 ( 1 )   114 - 118   2011年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER TOKYO  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00776-010-0001-7

    Web of Science



  • Symptomatic elastofibroma in young baseball pitchers: Report of three cases 査読

    Hiroshi Hatano, Tetsuro Morita, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta

    JOURNAL OF SHOULDER AND ELBOW SURGERY   19 ( 8 )   E7 - E10   2010年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MOSBY-ELSEVIER  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jse.2010.05.017

    Web of Science



  • 骨・軟部腫瘍の病理診断の問題点 骨・軟部腫瘍に対する針生検の有用性

    堀田 哲夫, 梅津 哉, 須貝 美佳, 高橋 加奈絵, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   84 ( 12 )   1103 - 1107   2010年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  



  • 診断に長期間を要した有痛性筋肉内血管腫の2例

    藤川 隆太, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   26 ( 1 )   1 - 4   2010年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • Serum CA 125 expression as a tumor marker for diagnosis and monitoring the clinical course of epithelioid sarcoma 査読

    Makiko Hoshino, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Naoko Kudo, Takashi Ariizumi, Tetsuo Hotta, Hajime Umezu, Hiroshi Hatano, Tetsuro Morita, Jyun Nishio, Hiroshi Iwasaki, Naoto Endo

    JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY   136 ( 3 )   457 - 464   2010年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    We report here, our experience of seven patients with epithelioid sarcomas and their serum CA 125 levels, as well as the results of an in vitro and in vivo study of CA 125 expression in epithelioid sarcoma cells and xenografts using three epithelioid sarcoma cell lines.
    In the clinical study, the serum CA 125 levels of seven epithelioid sarcoma patients were examined at multiple time points. Expression of the MUC16 gene that encodes the CA 125 sequence was examined using RT-PCR methods in three epithelioid sarcoma cell lines, FU-EPS-1, SFT-8606 and NEPS, and the CA 125 protein in each cell lysate was examined by Western blot using anti-CA 125 clone OC125 antibody. The concentration of CA 125 in the conditioned medium of each cell line was also measured.
    In five of the seven epithelioid sarcoma patients, CA 125 levels reflected regression and progression of their disease. The CA 125 concentrations in the conditioned medium of FU-EPS-1, SFT-8606 and NEPS cells were 259, 252, and 6 U/ml, respectively. Strong expression of MUC16 mRNA was shown in FU-EPS-1 and SFT-8606 cells: correspondingly, a thick band was observed by Western blot analysis in only FU-EPS-1 and SFT-8606 cells.
    We concluded that epithelioid sarcoma cells produce and secrete CA 125 into the blood serum and that the elevation of serum CA 125 correlates with disease progression. Therefore, measuring the serum CA 125 level should provide an useful index for diagnosing and monitoring the course of epithelioid sarcoma.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00432-009-0678-1

    Web of Science



  • Expression of podoplanin in human bone and bone tumors: New marker of osteogenic and chondrogenic bone tumors 査読

    Takashi Ariizumi, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tetsuo Hotta, Guidong Li, Yongjun Xu, Hajime Umezu, Mika Sugai, Naoto Endo

    PATHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL   60 ( 3 )   193 - 202   2010年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC  

    Podoplanin is known as a lymphatic marker because its expression is detected in lymphatic but not vascular endothelium. Podoplanin is also expressed in several normal tissues including osteocytes or osteoblasts. A systematic examination of the podoplanin expression was conducted in normal skeletal tissues and some bone tumor cell lines, and the diagnostic value determined in primary bone tumors. Podoplanin mRNA was expressed at a high level in bone marrow tissue and cartilage, and was upregulated with differentiation to osteoblasts in bone marrow cells. Strong podoplanin expression was seen in osteocytes, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts on immunohistochemistry. Podoplanin mRNA was expressed at a high level in several osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma cell lines, whereas podoplanin was expressed at a low level in a Ewing&apos;s/primitive neuroectodermal tumor cell line. In the clinical samples, osteosarcomas (22/26) expressed podoplanin at various levels. In small cell osteosarcomas (2/2), podoplanin was expressed strongly, although the tissue samples included few diagnostic osteoids. Chondrosarcomas (10/10) expressed podoplanin strongly, and chondroblastomas (5/5) expressed podoplanin moderately, while podoplanin was absent or expressed at low levels in Ewing&apos;s sarcomas (0/5), chordomas (0/6) and giant cell tumors of bone (1/7). Therefore, podoplanin may be a sensitive immunohistochemical marker of osteogenic and chondrogenic bone tumors.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1827.2009.02510.x

    Web of Science



  • Combined use of free vascularised fibula graft and extracorporeally irradiated osteochondral graft for osteosarcoma of the proximal ulna 査読

    Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Minoru Shibata, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Naoto Endo

    ONCOLOGY LETTERS   1 ( 1 )   133 - 135   2010年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD  

    The elbow is an uncommon site for malignant bone tumors Surgical options for the reconstruction of the elbow Joint are limited and technically challenging In this study, we describe a patient with osteosarcoma of the proximal ulna treated by wide resection and reconstruction with a combined use of free vascularised fibula graft and extracorporeally irradiated osteochondral graft Ten years after the surgery, the patient is alive, without disease and is able to play golf with no lateral instability or pain of the elbow joint A vascularised fibula, combined with extracorporeally irradiated osteochondral graft with ligamentous repair is one of the options for the treatment of malignant bone tumor of the proximal ulna

    DOI: 10.3892/ol_00000024

    Web of Science



  • 悪性顆粒細胞腫に対する化学療法を施行した2症例の経験

    今尾 貫太, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    東日本整形災害外科学会雑誌   21 ( 4 )   577 - 582   2009年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東日本整形災害外科学会  



  • 下肢骨の骨端部に及ぶ良性骨腫瘍に対する掻爬とβリン酸三カルシウム移植による治療経験

    生越 章, 有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    Orthopaedic Ceramic Implants   28   27 - 31   2009年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:整形外科バイオマテリアル研究会  



  • マクログロブリン血症に合併したアミロイド沈着による右大腿骨頸部病的骨折の一例

    山岸 健太郎, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 上村 一成, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   25 ( 1 )   17 - 19   2009年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  

    歩行中に右股関節痛が出現した44歳女性症例について検討した。26歳時にIgM型骨髄腫、41歳時にマクログロブリン血症とそれに伴うアミロイドーシスの既往歴があった。単純X線像では右大腿骨頸部骨折および両側大腿骨頸部骨透亮像を認めた。MRI T1強調像では、両側大腿骨頸部および周囲筋内の低信号病変を認めた。画像所見、既往歴からアミロイド沈着による病的骨折の可能性が疑われ、両側大腿骨に人工骨頭置換術、経皮的ピンニング術を行った。摘出標本はアミロイド沈着陽性であった。M蛋白血症を合併する全身性アミロイドーシス患者の骨折は、アミロイド沈着による病的骨折の可能性を考慮すべきであると思われた。

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Cytogenetic and real-time quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analyses in pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma 査読

    Guidong Li, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Hajime Umezu, Tetsuo Hotta, Tsuyoshi Tohyama, Takashi Ariizumi, Naoto Endo

    CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS   192 ( 1 )   1 - 9   2009年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma (PRMS) is a rare variant of rhabdomyosarcoma that occurs mostly in adults. A few cytogenetic studies of PRMS have been reported, but no consistent specific chromosome aberrations were detected. We herein report a cytogenetic study of three cases of pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma using a conventional G-banded karyotyping analysis. The three cases appeared to exhibit an extremely complex karyotype with numeric and structural rearrangements. Although the three cases displayed several common aberrations, including -2, -4, -9, -13, -14, -15, -19, -2 1, add(X)(p11), add(1)(q11), add(7)(p11), and add(13)(p11), no recurrent characteristic chromosomal aberrations could be detected. In addition, among these cases and seven other cases of previously reported PRMS, the most frequent chromosomal alterations were -2, -13, -14, -15, -16, and -19. No obviously consistent structural alterations can be found in these 10 PRMS cases, however, thereby suggesting that it is difficult to confirm whether these complex karyotypes correlated with the diagnosis or clinical outcome in PRMS. In this study, we detected MyoDt and myogenin gene transcripts at the mRNA level in four cases of PRMS together with other soft-tissue sarcomas, including seven cases of malignant fibrous hitiocytoma, five cases of liposacroma, and three cases of leiomyosacroma using a real-time quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. High-level expressions of MyoD1 and myogenin gene transcripts were determined in all cases of PRMS. In contrast, the other non-PRMS sarcomas showed either no expression or extremely weak expressions for both genes. Our findings suggest that the detections of MyoD1 and myogenin transcripts using real-time quantitative RT-PCR, combined with immunohistochemical stains, are extremely sensitive and useful for the diagnosis of PRMS. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cancergencyto.2009.02.011

    Web of Science



  • Expression of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Giant Cell Tumor of Bone 査読

    Naoko Kudo, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tetsuo Hotta, Hiroshi Hatano, Tetsuro Morita, Masaki Nagata, Yukie Siki, Akira Kawai, Yuko Hotta, Makiko Hoshino, Naoto Endo

    ANTICANCER RESEARCH   29 ( 6 )   2219 - 2225   2009年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:INT INST ANTICANCER RESEARCH  

    Background: A giant cell tumor (GCT) of bone is a locally aggressive tumor with a propensity for local recurrence. A characteristic pattern of peripheral bone formation has been described in GCT recurrence in soft tissue, and in some pulmonary metastases from benign GCT. Although the bone formation in GCT in supposedly due to bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), the expression pattern of BMPs in GCT has not been well investigated. Materials and Methods: The expression of BMPs in GCT tissues, cultured stromal cells from GCT and osteoclast-like giant cells harvested by laser microdissection (LM), as well as from control osteosarcoma (NOS-1) cells was analyzed using reverse transcriptional-semiquantitative PCR. Results: BMP 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were expressed in the GCT tissue. The cultured GCT cells expressed BMP 2, 4, 5 and 6. The osteoclast-like giant cells expressed BMP 2, 3, 5 and 6 and BMP 5 was expressed at the highest level. Conclusion: Both stromal cells and osteoclast-like cells in GCT expressed several kinds of BMPs.

    Web of Science



  • Chondromodulin-1 directly suppresses growth of human cancer cells 査読

    Hisashi Mera, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tatsuya Yoshizawa, Osamu Ishibashi, Md Moksed Ali, Tadashi Hayami, Hiroshi Kitahara, Hiroshi Yamagiwa, Naoki Kondo, Akira Ogose, Naoto Endo, Hiroyuki Kawashima

    BMC CANCER   9   166   2009年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Background: Chondromodulin-1 (ChM1), an endogenous anti-angiogenic factor expressed in cartilage, has been suggested to inhibit invasion of endothelial cells into cartilage. In addition, the ectopic administration of ChM1 has been reported to suppress tumorigenesis in vivo. However, it is unclear whether the anti-tumor effect is due to not only the anti-vascularization effect of ChM1, but also its direct action against oncocytes. In the present study, we sought to determine whether ChM1 has a direct action on tumor cells.
    Methods: BrdU incorporation assay was performed on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDFs), HepG2 cells and HeLa cells in the presence or absence of recombinant human ChM1 (rhChM1). An adenovirus that expresses ChM1, Ad-ChM1, was established and applied to the tumor xenografted in vivo, and to in vitro tumor cells cultured on plates or in soft agar. Cell cycle-related proteins and the phosphorylation of Erk, Akt, and GSK3 beta, the downstream molecules of the extracellular matrix-integrin signaling pathways, in HepG2 cells treated with or without Ad-ChM1 were detected by western blot analysis. Luciferase reporter assays of STAT, GAS, and ISRE, which participate in another cytokine signaling pathway, ware performed in HepG2, HeLa, and HUVEC cells.
    Results: ChM1 suppressed BrdU incorporation in HUVECs and in HepG2 cells dose-dependently, but did not suppress BrdU incorporation in NHDFs and HeLa cells cultured on plates. In soft agar, however, ChM1 suppressed the growth of HeLa cells, as well as HepG2 cells. Western blot analyses demonstrated that ChM1 decreased the levels of cyclin D1, cyclin D3, and cdk6 and increased those of p21(cip1) without affecting the phosphorylation levels of Erk, Akt, and GSK3 beta in HepG2 cells. The luciferase reporter assay demonstrated that ChM1 suppressed the transcriptional activities of STAT and GAS but not of ISRE.
    Conclusion: ChM1 directly suppressed the proliferation of tumor cells in an anchorage- independent manner. However, ChM1 did not alter the phosphorylation of downstream molecules, at which the signaling pathways through growth factor and cytokine receptors converge with the anchorage-dependent pathway. Our results show that ChM1 has a direct anti-tumor effect; moreover, this effect occurs by inhibiting the STAT signaling pathway.

    DOI: 10.1186/1471-2407-9-166

    Web of Science



  • Molecular analyses of cell origin and detection of circulating tumor cells in the peripheral blood in alveolar soft part sarcoma 査読

    Makiko Hoshino, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tomohiro Izumi, Tetsuo Hotta, Hiroshi Hatano, Tetsuro Morita, Hiroshi Otsuka, Hajime Umezu, Shunsuke Yanoma, Mamoru Tsukuda, Naoto Endo

    CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS   190 ( 2 )   75 - 80   2009年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS) is a distinct, rare soft tissue tumor with an unknown histogenesis and a tendency for late widespread metastases to lung, bone, and brain. It is now clear that they are caused by a specific unbalanced translocation, der(17)t(X;17)(p11;q25), which results in the formation of all ASPSCR1-TFE3 (alias ASPL-TFE3) fusion gene. The rearrangement results; ill the expression of chimeric transcripts, which can be identified by means of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). We investigated the histogenesis of ASPS and attempted to detect Circulating ASPS tumor cells in peripheral blood. The immunohistochemical and genetic details of four cases and one cell title of ASPS were examined. An immunohistochemical analysis and RT-PCR did not detect myogenic differentiation gene MYOD1. The sensitivity of nested RT-PCR for detection of circulating ASPS cells was assessed by demonstrating that the tumor cell-associated gene translocation could be detected in 50 tumor cells/2 mL of blood. Clinically, it was detectable in a peripheral blood sample (2 mL) of ASPS patient with distant metastases. The findings suggest that ASPS is not of skeletal muscle origin. ASPS tumor cells in the peripheral blood could be monitored by RT-PCR. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cancergencyto.2008.11.014

    Web of Science



  • Multinucleation followed by an acytokinetic cell division in myxofibrosarcoma with giant cell proliferation 査読

    Takashi Ariizumi, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Tetsuo Hotta, Hajime Umezu, Naoto Endo



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Background: Multinucleated cells are frequently seen in association with a malignant neoplasm. Some of these multinucleated cells are considered to be neoplastic. The mechanism of neoplastic multinucleation remains unknown, but is considered to be induced by either cell-cell fusion or acytokinetic cell division. Myxofibrosarcoma consists of spindled and pleomorphic tumor cells and bizarre multinucleated giant cells. Some of these multinucleated cells are considered to be neoplastic.
    Methods: We studied the mitotic activity of the multinucleated cells by Ki-67 immunohistochemistry, and the dynamics and differentiation by live-cell video microscopy in the two myxofibrosarcoma cell lines to determine whether the mechanism of multinucleation is cell-cell fusion or acytokinetic cell division
    Results: A Ki-67 immunohistochemical analysis revealed a high positive rate of multinucleated cells, as well as mononuclear cells, and mitotic ability was shown in the multinucleated cells. In live-cell video microscopy, most of the multinucleated cells were induced via the process of acytokinetic cell division.
    Conclusion: The current study indicates that a vulnerability of the cytoskeleton components, such as the contractile ring, causes multinucleation to occur from the telophase to the cytokinesis of the cell cycle.

    DOI: 10.1186/1756-9966-28-44

    Web of Science


  • Multinucleation followed by an acytokinetic cell division in myxofibrosarcoma with giant cell proliferation. 査読

    Ariizumi T, Ogose A, Kawashima H, Hotta T, Umezu H, Endo N

    Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR   28   44   2009年3月

  • 制圧への治療戦略 再発性骨・軟部悪性腫瘍 進行期骨・軟部腫瘍に対する外来化学療法

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 星野 真喜子, 李 貴東

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   83 ( 1 )   33 - 37   2009年1月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  



  • 脊髄損傷患者に生じた臀部褥創に発生した悪性腫瘍

    村山 敬之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   24 ( 2 )   53 - 57   2008年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  

    症例1:49歳男。18歳時に第5頸髄を損傷し、完全四肢麻痺、不全呼吸麻痺となり、気管切開され人工呼吸器管理となった。受傷直後より仙骨部褥瘡を認めており、3年前に褥瘡部に隆起性腫瘤が出現し、徐々に増大した。入院時、仙骨部褥瘡に径約20cmの隆起した腫瘤があり、大量の排膿があった。CTにて右臀部から腸骨、仙骨まで浸潤する腫瘍、両肺に転移巣を認めた。右鼠径リンパ節の吸引細胞診にてリンパ節転移と診断され、腫瘍切除および右股関節離断、右大腿部筋皮弁を用いた欠損部再建を行った。病理診断は扁平上皮癌であった。術後肺転移が増大、呼吸状態悪化し、術後35日に死亡した。症例2:55歳男。21歳時に第4胸髄を損傷し、完全対麻痺となった。受傷直後より仙骨部褥瘡があり、約2年前に褥瘡内左半分に腫瘤性病変を認め、fibrous polyposisの診断で腫瘤切除された。その後、再び褥瘡内に腫瘤が出現し、急激に増大し、CTにて右臀部から骨盤内にかけて巨大な腫瘍性病変を認めた。入院時、仙骨部の褥瘡内部に易出血性の腫瘤があり、大量出血と排膿があった。生検で卵円形、紡錘形の細胞を認め、悪性線維性組織球腫と診断され、腫瘍切除および右半骨盤切除を施行し、大腿部筋皮弁を用いて再建した。術後1ヵ月に肺転移、局所再発を認め、化学療法を行ったが腫瘍は皮膚へ浸潤し、全身状態が悪化して術後56日に死亡した。

    CiNii Article

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  • 特異的遺伝子転座を認めず胞巣状構造を呈した横紋筋肉腫の1例

    李 貴東, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人, 梅津 哉, 今井 千速, 窪田 正幸, 奥山 直樹, 平山 裕, 小川 淳, 浅見 恵子, 岩渕 晴子

    臨床整形外科   43 ( 8 )   833 - 837   2008年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)医学書院  


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    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2008306918

  • 仙骨脊索腫切除後の膀胱直腸障害

    植木 将人, 堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   52 ( 1 )   1 - 4   2008年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


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  • Cystic teratoma of the diaphragm which mimicked soft tissue lipoma 査読

    Takashi Ariizumi, Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Syuntarou Kawachi, Takeshi Kamura, Masashi Suzuki, Naoto Endo

    SKELETAL RADIOLOGY   36 ( 10 )   991 - 994   2007年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    We report a case of cystic teratoma of the diaphragm that was considered to be a soft tissue lipoma by the preoperative examination. A magnetic resonance imaging revealed an 8x8 cm well-demarcated, homogeneous mass. On T1- and T2-weighted imaging, the mass was isointense to fat. On the fat-suppressed imaging, the signal from the mass was reduced to the same degree as subcutaneous fat. We performed marginal excision. The tumor contained a large number of hairs and oily liquid; and it was connected to the diaphragm.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00256-007-0318-2

    Web of Science



  • Establishment of novel human dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma cell line with osteoblastic differentiation 査読

    Naoko Kudo, Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Wenguang Gu, Hajime Umezu, Tsuyoshi Toyama, Naoto Endo

    VIRCHOWS ARCHIV   451 ( 3 )   691 - 699   2007年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma is a rare, highly malignant variant of chondrosarcoma in which a high-grade sarcoma coexists with a low-grade chondroid tumor. We herein review a case of dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma with an osteosarcoma omit component that occurred in the distal femur of a 38-year-old man. We established the cell line (NDCS-1) from a pleural effusion of the metastatic lung tumor. The cell line was characterized by a the G-banded karyotype, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis, spectral karyotyping, and reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). The tumor exhibited complex karyotypes and a high frequency of chromosomal amplication with p53 mutation. This tumor revealed an osteoblastic and chondroblastic character in vitro and in severe combined immunodeficiency mice. The expression and phosphorylation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta, which seemed to play a major role in the malignant phenotype of chondrosarcoma, was confirmed by RT-PCR and Western blotting. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the establishment of a human dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00428-007-0426-3

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  • Malignant solitary fibrous tumor of the soft tissue: a cytogenetic study 査読

    Makiko Hoshino, Akira Ogose, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Naoko Kudo, Tetsuo Hotta, Hajime Umezu, Tsuyoshi Tohyama, Kazuhiro Nakade, Hiroki Beppu, Naoto Endo

    CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS   177 ( 1 )   55 - 58   2007年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    We report on a case of a solitary fibrous tumor that developed in the thigh of an 82-year-old woman. The tumor was composed of areas of high-grade sarcoma and typical solitary fibrous tumor. Its karyotype was: 70,XXX, +X [4],+1 [2],add(1) (p3 6) [4], add( 1) [2],+2 [4],-3 [4],+ 6 [4], add(6) (p11) x 2[4],+7[4],+9[3],-11[4],-12[4],-13[4],add(13)(p11)x2[4],-14[4],+15[4],-16[3],-17[4],-19[4],+ 20,[4],+21[4],+22 [2], +mar 1x2[4][cp4]. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cancergencyto.2007.04.016

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  • A painful large ganglion cyst of the ankle treated by the injection of OK-432 査読

    Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Naoto Endo

    Modern Rheumatology   17 ( 4 )   341 - 343   2007年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Despite its benign nature, a ganglion can be problematic. We successfully treated a patient with large painful ganglion in his ankle by OK-432 (lyophilized incubation mixture of group A Streptococcus pyogenes of human origin) injection. OK-432 injection seems to be a safe, convenient, and effective alternative to surgical treatment for either symptomatic or recurrent ganglia. © Japan College of Rheumatology 2007.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10165-007-0597-4




  • Ossifying fibromyxoid tumor of soft parts with clonal chromosomal aberrations 査読

    Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Hajime Umezu, Tetsuo Hotta, Tsuyoshi Tohyama, Masahiko Tsuchiya, Naoto Endo

    CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS   176 ( 2 )   156 - 160   2007年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Ossifying fibromyxoid tumor (OFMT) is a rare but morphologically distinctive soft-tissue tumor. The histologic origin of this tumor is not clearly known, but its various features suggest a schwannian, neuronal, or chondroid origin. We herein report a case of a typical OFMT that occurred in the shoulder of a 65-year-old man. The karyotype exhibited the following complex numeric and structural aberrations: 42 similar to 46, XY, -Y, add(1)(q42),add(6) (p21),t(10;18)(q26;q11),der(11)t(11; 15) (q23;q15),add(12)(q13),ins(14;?)(q13;?),-15, +mar. Combined with several previously reported studies, these aberrations could not identify a common cytogenetic, abnormality in OFMT. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cancergencyto.2007.04.009

    Web of Science



  • 生検にて診断した骨斑紋症(オステオポイキローシス)の1例

    庄司 寛和, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   23 ( 1 )   5 - 8   2007年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


    CiNii Article

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  • The 3p21.3 tumor suppressor NPRL2 plays an important role in cisplatin-induced resistance in human non-small-cell lung cancer cells 査読

    Kentaro Ueda, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Shoichiro Ohtani, Wu-Guo Deng, Murali Ravoori, Jim Bankson, Boning Gao, Luc Girard, John D. Nfirma, Jack A. Roth, Vikas Kundra, Lin Ji

    CANCER RESEARCH   66 ( 19 )   9682 - 9690   2006年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH  

    NPRL2 is one of the novel candidate tumor suppressor genes identified in the human chromosome 3p21.3 region. The NPRL2 has shown potent tumor suppression activity in vitro and in vivo and has been suggested to he involved in DNA mismatch repair, cell cycle checkpoint signaling, and regulation of the apoptotic pathway. In this study, we analyzed the endogenous expression of the NPRL2 protein and the cellular response to cisplatin in 40 non-small-cell lung cancer cell lines and found that expression of NPRL2 was significantly and reciprocally correlated to cisplatin sensitivity, with a Spearman correlation coefficient of -0.677 (P &lt; 0.00001). Exogenously introduced expression of NPRL2 by N-[1-(2,3-dioleoyloxyl)propyl]-NNN-trimethylammoniummethyl sulfate: cholesterol nanoparticle-mediated gene transfer significantly resensitized the response to cisplatin, yielding a 40% greater inhibition of tumor cell viability and resulting in a 2- to 3-fold increase in induction of apoptosis by activation of multiple caspases in NPRL2-transfected cells compared with untransfected cells at an equal dose of cisplatin. Furthermore, a systemic treatment with a combination of NPRL2 nano-particles and cisplatin in a human H322 lung cancer orthotopic mouse model significantly enhanced the therapeutic efficacy of cisplatin and overcame cisplatin-induced resistance (P &lt; 0.005). These findings implicate the potential of NPRL2 as a biomarker for predicting cisplatin response in lung cancer patients and as a molecular therapeutic agent for enhancing response and resensitizing nonresponders to cisplatin treatment.

    DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-06-1483

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  • 術後QOL・装具 下肢骨腫瘍術後における長下肢装具の有用性 査読

    勝見 敬一, 堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   80 ( 6 )   S677 - S677   2006年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • Activating Gs alpha mutation rarely occurs in musculoskeletal tumors other than fibrous dysplasia 査読

    WG Gu, A Ogose, A Matsuba, H Kawashima, T Hotta, N Kudo, M Hoshino, N Kondo, H Mera, N Endo

    ANTICANCER RESEARCH   26 ( 2B )   1611 - 1614   2006年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:INT INST ANTICANCER RESEARCH  

    Background: Activating Gs a mutations have been identified in most instances of fibrous dysplasia (FD). This mutation leads to consistently elevated intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels, with various biological consequences. The development of secondary sarcoma in FD is a rare but well-established phenomenon. This finding raised the possibility that a common gene mutation exists in these tumors. Materials and Methods: The expression of the Gs a mutation was examined in 16 cell lines and 173 musculoskeletal tumor tissues, including 13 cases of FD, via RT-PCR and sequence analysis. Results: No expression of a Gs a mutation was detected in any cell line or clinical tissue sample, excluding FD tissues. Direct sequence analysis demonstrated results identical to those of RT-PCR. Conclusion: Activating Gs a mutation rarely occurs in musculoskeletal tumors other than FD. The occurrence of most sarcomas displays no correlation with Gs a mutations.

    Web of Science



  • Histological assessment in grafts of highly purified beta-tricalcium phosphate (OSferion (R)) in human bones 査読

    A Ogose, N Kondo, H Umezu, T Hotta, H Kawashima, K Tokunaga, T Ito, N Kudo, M Hoshino, WG Gu, N Endo

    BIOMATERIALS   27 ( 8 )   1542 - 1549   2006年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Prominent osteoconductive activity and the biodegradable nature of commercially available beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP, OSferion (R)) have been documented in animal experiments. We analyzed four cases of involving grafted OSferion (R) in human bone with respect to histological features by routine hematoxylin and eosin staining, silver impregnation, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. OSferion (R) affords early bioresorption by osteoclasts, vascular invasion of macropores and osteoblastic cell attachment on the surface on the ceramic surface 14 days after grafting. Prominent bone formation and direct bone connection between preexisting bone and OSferion (R) were evident 28 days after grafting. Nearly the entire TCP surface was covered by lamellar bone; additionally, active osteoblastic lining and attachment of the osteoclast-like giant cells were not observed 72 weeks after grafting. Silver impregnation revealed the presence of collagen fibrils within probable micropores of OSferion (R). (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2005.08.034

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  • Effect of incadronate on proliferation of mesenchymal tumor cells with or without activated Ras mutation 査読

    H Kawashima, A Ogose, T Hotta, T Ito, N Endo, H Kawashima, K Tamura, K Nakano

    JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH   24 ( 4 )   617 - 624   2005年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:APSIT ASSOC PROM STUD IMMUNOL TUMOR  

    The present investigation examined the effect of bisphosphonates on six mesenchymal tumor cell lines and the mechanisms of inhibition of tumor cell proliferation. HT-1080, a fibrosarcoma cell line that exhibits increased Ras activity due to a mutation of the Ras gene, demonstrated significantly reduced tumor cell proliferation upon treatment with incadronate. The other cell lines, however, which lack mutation of the Ras gene, showed no influence upon treatment with incadronate. Autoradiography demonstrated no difference in the uptake of 3 H-labelled incadronate between susceptible and unaffected cells. The anti-proliferation of HT-1080 was reversed by the addition of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate. Etidronate exhibited no influence on all tested cell lines. On the basis of these data, we hypothesized that incadronate inhibits the mevalonate pathway and blocks oncogenic Ras signaling. In an effort to confirm this hypothesis, the influence of incadronate on an oncogenic Ras transfected BALB/3T3 cell line (Bhas 42) and a parental BALB/3T3 cell line were compared. The parental BALB/3T3 cells showed slight inhibition upon treatment with incadronate, however, the proliferation of Bhas 42 cells was significantly reduced. These results suggest that incadronate suppresses oncogenic Ras-activated mesenchymal tumors through the inhibition of Ras signaling pathways.

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  • Ischial weight-bearing brace after the infection of megaprosthesis - A salvage method for resection arthroplasty 査読

    A Ogose, T Hotta, H Kawashima, Y Kawaji, N Endo

    JOURNAL OF ARTHROPLASTY   20 ( 7 )   954 - 956   2005年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE INC MEDICAL PUBLISHERS  

    We report a case of successful control of the infection of megaprosthesis in the distal femur. Deep infection occurred 5 years after the resection of the osteosarcoma and reconstruction with cernentless megaprosthesis. Multiple debridement and intravenous administration of antibiotics did not eradicate the infection. He developed aortitis syndrome (Takayasu's arteritis) and needed to undergo steroid therapy. Total removal of the prosthesis achieved good control of the infection, and the patient had started prednisolone therapy. The patient can walk alone with an ischial weight-bearing brace. Removal of the endoprosthesis and application of ischial weight-bearing brace may be a possible option for the treatment of infected megaprosthesis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2005.07.004

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  • Congenital dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with fibrosarcomatous and myxoid change 査読

    W Gu, A Ogose, H Kawashima, H Umezu, N Kudo, T Hotta, N Endo

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY   58 ( 9 )   984 - 986   2005年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:B M J PUBLISHING GROUP  

    This report describes a case of congenital dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) with fibrosarcomatous (FS) and myxoid areas. Immunohistochemical results showed that tumour cells in ordinary DFSP areas were diffusely positive for CD34, whereas in the FS and myxoid areas, few tumour cells were positive for this antigen. Ki-67 positive tumour cell numbers were greater in the FS (11.8%) and myxoid areas (19.8%) relative to ordinary DFSP areas (2.2%). Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and sequence analysis showed the presence of an identical COL1A1-PDGFB fusion transcript in ordinary DFSP ( plaque-like area), FS, and myxoid areas of DFSP. These results indicate that the three components of DFSP have a common histogenesis. This study documents the first application of gene analysis involving the myxoid area of DFSP.

    DOI: 10.1136/jcp.2004.024430

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  • Establishment and characterization of a novel myxofibrosarcoma cell line 査読

    H Kawashima, A Ogose, WG Gu, J Nishio, N Kudo, N Kondo, T Hotta, H Umezu, T Tohyama, H Nishijima, H Iwasaki, N Endo

    CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS   161 ( 1 )   28 - 35   2005年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    We established a novel human myxofibrosarcoma cell line NMFH-1 and analyzed it with spectral karyotyping and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). NMFH-1 cells are composed of two different types of cells, small, spindle-shaped mononuclear cells and bizarre multinucleated giant cells, which were maintained in vitro over 200 passages. Xenografted tumor showed typical features of myxofibrosarcoma, which included bizarre multinucleated giant cells. Cytogenetic analyses revealed complex abnormalities, including a t(17;22)(q2?2;q13), which has been found in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. Subsequent reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction revealed that the cell line did not have the COL1A1-PDGFB gene fusion. Significant gains of the 1q12 similar to q23 and 8q13-qter regions and loss of the 9p21-pter and 13q12 regions often found in MFH were observed by CGH analysis. We investigated the origin of multinucleated giant cells in xenografted tumor through DNA in situ hybridization. In this system, the human-specific Alu sequence and the mouse L1 sequence were used as specific cell markers of identity. In situ hybridization revealed neoplastic proliferation of the multinucleated giant cells of human origin. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cancergencyto.2005.02.003

    Web of Science



  • 骨外性Ewing肉腫の4例

    菊地 廉, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 目良 恒, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   49 ( 1 )   108 - 112   2005年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


    CiNii Article

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  • Case 3. Primary synovial lymphoma with osteociast-like giant cells presenting as a tenosynovial giant-cell tumor 査読

    A Ogose, H Kawashima, T Hotta, N Endo, H Umezu, N Nomoto

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY   23 ( 16 )   3847 - 3848   2005年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY  

    DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2005.05.042

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  • 細胞診が有用であった悪性リンパ腫に伴う膝関節水腫 査読

    生越章, 堀田哲夫, 川島寛之, 須貝美佳, 梅津哉, 遠藤直人

    整形外科   第56巻 ( 5号 )   580 - 581   2005年5月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


  • Methylation status of EXT1 and EXT2 promoters and two mutations of EXT2 in chondrosarcoma 査読

    T Tsuchiya, T Osanai, A Ogose, G Tamura, T Chano, Y Kaneko, A Ishikawa, H Orui, T Wada, T Ikeda, M Namba, M Takigawa, H Kawashima, T Hotta, A Tsuchiya, T Ogino, T Motoyama

    CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS   158 ( 2 )   148 - 155   2005年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Germline mutation and functional loss of EXT1 or EXT2 are commonly found in multiple osteochondrornas and predispose to the development of chondrosarcoma. Mutations of EXT1 and EXT2 have rarely been detected in sporadic secondary chondrosarcomas from osteochondrorna; these frequently display loss of heterozygosity at the EXT1 and EXT2 loci, but primary chondrosarcomas typically do not. To evaluate promoter methylation (which is an epigenetic gene silencing mechanism) of EXT1 and EXT2, we performed methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for 20 chondrosarcoma cases (12 primary, 3 secondary to osteochondroma, 2 secondary to enchondromatosis, 2 extraskeletal ordinary. and I clear cell) and in five cell lines. In addition, mutation analysis of the EXT1 and EXT2 coding regions was performed using PCR-single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequencing analysis for 12 of the 20 chondrosarcoma cases (8 primary, I secondary to enchondromatosis, I secondary to osteochondroma, and 2 extraskeletal ordinary) and five cell lines. Promoter methylation of EXT1 and EXT2 was not detected in any of the cases, and both EXT1 and EXT2 were expressed in all cell lines. Two missense mutations in EXT2 (D227E and R299H) were detected among the chondrosarcoma cases. When considering tumor development in primary chondrosarcoma, we should include mutations in EXT2, along with the status of other members of the EXT gene family. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cancergentyto.2004.08.031

    Web of Science



  • Treatment of pathological fracture of the femur due to diffuse haemangioma in the lower limb - A report of two cases 査読

    K Eimori, A Ogose, T Hotta, H Kawashima, G Omori, N Endo

    JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY-BRITISH VOLUME   87B ( 3 )   412 - 414   2005年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:BRITISH EDITORIAL SOC BONE JOINT SURGERY  

    We describe two patients with a diffuse haemangioma of the lower limb complicated by pathological fracture of the femoral shaft, one of whom was treated by a bone graft and immobilisation in a cast, and the other by external fixation and injection of bone marrow. A review of the literature identified difficulty in control of bleeding and obtaining bony union.

    DOI: 10.1302/0301-620X.87B3

    Web of Science


  • Comparison of hydroxyapatite and beta tricalcium phosphate as bone substitutes after excision of bone tumors 査読

    Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Naoki Kondo, Wenguang Gu, Takeshi Kamura, Naoto Endo

    Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials   72 ( 1 )   94 - 101   2005年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Long-term results are reported in 23 patients and short-term results in 30 patients presenting with bone tumors treated by curettage or resection followed by implantation of hydroxyapatite (HA) or highly purified beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), respectively. Mean follow-up was 97 and 26 months in cases involving HA implantation and β-TCP implantation, respectively. Radiographs revealed HA incorporation into host bone in all but two cases
    moreover, no obvious evidence of HA biodegradation was observed. A single patient exhibited late deformity following implantation of HA. All grafted β-TCP was, at least partially, absorbed and replaced by newly formed bone. The mean period required for the disappearance of radiolucent zones between the ceramics and host bone was 17 weeks in HA and 9.7 weeks in β-TCP. Highly purified β-TCP appears to be advantageous relative to HA for surgical intervention in bone tumors consequent to the nature of remodeling and superior osteoconductivity. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.30136




  • Comparison of hydroxyapatite and beta tricalcium phosphate as bone substitutes after excision of bone tumors 査読

    A Ogose, T Hotta, H Kawashima, N Kondo, WG Gu, T Kamura, N Endo



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-LISS  

    Long-term results are reported in 23 patients and short-term results in 30 patients presenting with bone tumors treated by curettage or resection followed by implantation of hydroxyapatite (HA) or highly purified beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP), respectively. Mean follow-up was 97 and 26 months in cases involving HA implantation and beta-TCP implantation, respectively. Radiographs revealed HA incorporation into host bone in all but two cases; moreover, no obvious evidence of HA biodegradation was observed. A single patient exhibited late deformity following implantation of HA. All grafted beta-TCP was, at least partially, absorbed and replaced by newly formed bone. The mean period required for the disappearance of radiolucent zones between the ceramics and host bone was 17 weeks in HA and 9.7 weeks in beta-TCP. Highly purified beta-TCP appears to be advantageous relative to HA for surgical intervention in bone tumors consequent to the nature of remodeling and superior osteoconductivity. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.30136

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  • Successful surgical treatment of angiosarcoma of the spine - A case report 査読

    H Kawashima, S Ishikawa, M Fukase, A Ogose, T Hotta

    SPINE   29 ( 13 )   E280 - E283   2004年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    Study Design. Case report.
    Objectives. To report primary angiosarcoma of the T8 vertebra, which was successfully managed with en bloc spondylectomy and postoperative chemotherapy.
    Summary of Background Data. To the best of our knowledge, the present case is the first documented example of successful treatment of angiosarcoma of the spine.
    Methods. Angiosarcoma of the eighth thoracic vertebra was diagnosed in a 48-year-old man with impending neurologic deficit. Imaging findings revealed a nonspecific high-grade lesion. A total spondylectomy of T8 by en bloc resection was performed. The defect of the vertebral body was reconstructed with a apatite-wollastonite glass ceramic prosthesis; moreover, the T6 - T10 vertebrae were instrumented by the pedicle screw, hook and rod system. The histologic diagnosis of the excised specimen was high-grade angiosarcoma. Postoperative chemotherapy was implemented to prevent local recurrence and distant metastasis.
    Results. No sign of local recurrence or metastasis was evident 5 years after surgery.
    Conclusion. This case is the first documented example of successful treatment of angiosarcoma of the thoracic spine. Radiologic findings were nonspecific; consequently, correct diagnosis was established by pathologic examination. Immediate, aggressive operative treatment and postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy afforded a satisfactory outcome.

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  • Diagnosis of peripheral nerve sheath tumors around the pelvis 査読

    A Ogose, T Hotta, T Morita, T Higuchi, H Umezu, S Imaizumi, H Hatano, H Kawashima, W Gu, N Endo

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY   34 ( 7 )   405 - 413   2004年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Objective: To distinguish between benign and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors around the pelvis.
    Methods: A retrospective study of 30 patients with benign and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors located around the pelvis was performed. Clinical, imaging and histological features of 19 benign and 11 malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors around the pelvis were reviewed retrospectively.
    Results: Nearly all patients exhibited pain at presentation in cases involving both benign and malignant tumors. Although tumor size, duration of symptoms and presence of sensory disturbance possessed little value in differential diagnosis, severe motor weakness was observed exclusively in patients presenting with malignant tumors. On CT or MRI, central enhancement was apparent in 11 of the 19 benign tumors; in contrast, central enhancement was evident in one of the 11 malignant tumors. Fine needle aspiration cytology was performed in 11 tumors; correct diagnosis was achieved in four tumors. Core needle biopsy was performed in five tumors, all of which were correctly diagnosed with no neurological deficits. Immunohistochemically, all benign tumors were diffusely positive for S-100 protein, whereas malignant tumors were negative or focally positive for S-100 protein. Ki-67 index was less than 4% in all benign tumors; additionally, this index was 7-36% in malignant tumors.
    Conclusion: Central enhancement pattern on imaging studies strongly suggests a benign tumor; in contrast, severe motor weakness suggests malignant lesions. Core needle biopsy was reliable with respect to preoperative diagnosis.

    DOI: 10.1093/jjco/hyh072

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  • Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma with der(10)t(10;17)(p11;q11) 査読

    A Ogose, H Kawashima, H Umezu, T Hotta, WG Gu, H Yamagiwa, T Ito, T Tohyama, H Nishijima, N Endo

    CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS   152 ( 2 )   136 - 140   2004年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma is a recently described, rare mesenchymal neoplasm. We report a case of sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma that occurred in the lower leg of a 48-year-old man. The karyotype of the tumor exhibited der(1)t(1; 10)(p31; p11), der(10)t(10; 17)(p11; q11), and der(17) t(11; 17)(?; q11). Rearrangement of 10p11 was also found in one previous reported case of this uncommon tumor. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cancergenyto.2003.11.007

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  • 骨髄細胞移植を併用して治療した下肢血管腫に合併した大腿骨病的骨折

    榮森 景子, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 宮尾 益尚, 山本 康行

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   20 ( 1 )   29 - 32   2004年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


    CiNii Article

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  • 前腕に発生したPlexiform schwannomaの1例 査読

    勝見 敬一, 生越 章, 畠野 宏史, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   48 ( 1 )   95 - 95   2004年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • High-level expression of the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor messenger RNA in osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, and benign neurogenic tumors among musculoskeletal tumors 査読

    WG Gu, A Ogose, H Kawashima, M Ito, T Ito, A Matsuba, H Kitahara, T Hotta, K Tokunaga, H Hatano, T Morita, S Urakawa, T Yoshizawa, H Kawashima, R Kuwano, N Endo

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH   10 ( 11 )   3831 - 3838   2004年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH  

    Purpose: The sensitivity of human tumor tissues to infection with recombinant adenoviruses correlates with the expression of the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR). CAR has been shown to function as the primary receptor for adenoviruses and to play a critical role in adenovirus entry into host cells. It is important for clinical gene therapy to determine the expression level of CAR in tumor tissues.
    Experimental Design: We analyzed the expression of CAR mRNA in 154 musculoskeletal tumor tissues from 154 patients and, 10 normal mesenchymal tissues from 3 patients using reverse transcription-PCR and real-time quantitative PCR. An adenovirus infection assay was performed in two cell lines that were established from CAR-positive osteosarcoma tissue and CAR-negative malignant fibrous histiocytoma tissue.
    Results: Ninety-nine of 154 tumors were detected as CAR positive by reverse transcription-PCR. We found that the expression levels of CAR mRNA varied markedly between different tumors as determined by real-time quantitative PCR. CAR mRNA was expressed at high levels in osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, neurofibroma, and schwannoma; at intermediate levels in exostosis, giant cell tumor, liposarcoma, synovial sarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, and hemangioma; and at low levels in alveolar soft part sarcoma and desmoid. Whereas the osteosarcoma cell line that expressed a high level of CAR mRNA, like its parent tumor, had a high efficiency of adenovirus infection, the malignant fibrous histiocytoma cell line with. almost undetectable expression of CAR mRNA, like its parent tumor, had a low efficiency of infection.
    Conclusions: Our data showed the great variations in CAR mRNA expression among human musculoskeletal tumors and mesenchymal tissues and implicated the potential usefulness of adenoviral vectors in gene therapy for osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, neurofibroma, and schwannoma. Efficient transduction with adenovirus for gene therapy could be realized in appropriate, sensitive tumor types.

    DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-03-0345

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  • Homeobox protein Msx2 acts as a molecular defense mechanism for preventing ossification in ligament fibroblasts 査読

    T Yoshizawa, F Takizawa, F Iizawa, O Ishibashi, H Kawashima, A Matsuda, N Endo, H Kawashima

    MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY   24 ( 8 )   3460 - 3472   2004年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    Ligaments and tendons are comprised of tough yet flexible connective tissue. Little is known, however, about the precise characteristics of the cells in ligaments and tendons due to the absence of specific markers and cell lines. We recently reported a periodontal ligament cell line, PDL-L2, with suppressed Runx2/Osf2 transcriptional activity and an inability to form mineralized nodules. The present study demonstrates that the homeobox protein Msx2 is a key factor in suppressing those two functions. Msx2 colocalizes with Runx2/Osf2 and suppresses its activity cooperatively, acting with another corepressor, TLE1, as a complex to recruit histone deacetylase 1 activity. Reverse transcription-PCR and in situ hybridization demonstrated that Msx2 expression is higher in periodontal ligament and tendon cells than in osteoblasts. Stable reduction of Msx2 expression in PDL-L2 cells induces osteoblastic differentiation, thereby causing matrix mineralization. Conversely, stable, forced Msx2 expression in MC3T3-E1 cells prevented osteoblast differentiation and matrix mineralization. Msx2-induced suppression of osteoblast differentiation was repressed by bone morphogenetic protein 2. In addition, Msx2 was downregulated in a symptom- and calcification-dependent manner at the affected region in patients with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Our findings indicate that Msx2 plays a central role in preventing ligaments and tendons from mineralizing.

    DOI: 10.1128/MCB.24.8.3460-3472.2004

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  • Plexiform schwannoma of the forearm 査読

    K Katsumi, A Ogose, T Hotta, H Hatano, H Kawashima, H Umezu, N Endo

    SKELETAL RADIOLOGY   32 ( 12 )   719 - 723   2003年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    We report a case of plexiform schwannoma located in the flexor muscles of the forearm in the absence of other signs of neurofibromatosis or schwannomatosis. Magnetic resonance examination revealed a multinodular irregular inhomogeneous mass. Some nodules displayed a peripheral, high intensity rim and a central low intensity (target sign) on T2-weighted images. Pre-operative diagnosis of the rare plexiform schwannoma may be possible with careful imaging examination for the target sign.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00256-003-0701-6

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  • Activating GS alpha mutation at the Arg(201) codon in liposcierosing myxofibrous tumor 査読

    A Matsuba, A Ogose, K Tokunaga, H Kawashima, T Hotta, S Urakawa, H Umezu, T Higuchi, N Endo

    HUMAN PATHOLOGY   34 ( 11 )   1204 - 1209   2003年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:W B SAUNDERS CO  

    Liposclerosing myxofibrous tumor (LSMFT) is a benign fibroosseous lesion that is characterized by mixture of histologic elements including lipoma, fibroxanthoma, myxoma, ischemic ossification, and fibrous dysplasia (FD)-like features. These tissue components are seen in the original reports of FD; however, the relationship between LSMFT and FD is not clear. Point mutation of the a subunit of G protein (Gs alpha), which increases cyclic adenosine monophosphate formation, has been recognized as the cause of McCune-Albright syndrome as well as polyostotic and monostotic FD of bone. Gs alpha mutation at the Arg(201) codon in 2 patients of LSMFT was demonstrated in the present study. Although direct sequencing analysis using the fresh-frozen materials could not detect the mutation, the polymerase chain reaction fragmentation length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) disclosed the missense point mutation Gs a at the Arg201 codon in 2 cases involving LSMFT. This result strongly suggests that a subset of LSMFT is a variant form of FD. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0046-8177(03)00430-1

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  • 同一神経に多発した神経鞘腫の2例

    勝見 敬一, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   19 ( 1 )   34 - 37   2003年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  

    症例1:51歳男.主訴は右腋窩部腫瘤.MRIでは尺骨神経と思われる部位にT1強調で筋肉と比し等〜高輝度,T2強調で辺縁が著明に高輝度で,内部がやや低輝度ないわゆるTarget signを呈する多房性の腫瘤が認められた.多発性神経鞘腫を疑い腫瘍核出術を施行した.大小6個の黄白色を呈する腫瘤が摘出され,病理組織診断は良性神経鞘腫であった.腫瘍は紡錘形細胞が密に存在し,充実性のAntoni Aと細胞密度が疎で粘液状のAntoni Bが混在してみられた.症例2:37歳女.主訴は左上肢腫瘤,疼痛.左前腕部のMRIではT1強調で筋肉に比し低輝度,T2強調でTarget sign陽性,T1〜Gdにてよく造影される多房性の腫瘤がみられた.多発性神経鞘腫を疑い腫瘍核出術を施行した.大小6個の黄白色を呈する腫瘤が摘出され,病理組織診断は神経鞘腫であった.本例もAntoni AとAntoni Bが混在してみられた.術後,橈骨神経領域にMMT1〜3程度の筋力低下が出現した.術後1年半経過した現在,筋力はほぼ回復しADL上不自由なくなっている


  • キメラ遺伝子解析が確定診断に有効であった軟部腫瘍の2例

    木下 義晶, 窪田 正幸, 八木 実, 金田 聡, 奥山 直樹, 山崎 哲, 浅見 恵子, 小川 淳, 渡辺 輝浩, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 恒吉 正澄, 山元 英崇, 高橋 由紀子

    小児がん   40 ( 3 )   407 - 407   2003年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(NPO)日本小児がん学会  


  • Presacral multiple cellular schwannomas 査読

    A Ogose, T Hotta, H Hatano, H Kawashima, H Umezu, T Higuchi, N Endo

    SPINE   28 ( 20 )   E426 - E429   2003年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    Study Design. Case report. The authors documented a patient presenting with multiple cellular schwannomas along the sciatic nerve. The patient had no stigmas of neurofibromatosis. Thirteen tumors were resected via both anterior and posterior approaches.
    Objectives. To point out that presacral cellular schwannoma can display multiple occurrences.
    Summary of Background Data. Cellular schwannoma, which is a well-recognized variant of benign schwannoma, is often misdiagnosed as sarcoma. The tumor is usually a solitary lesion.
    Materials and Methods. Medical history, physical findings, imaging features, and histologic findings were reviewed in a case of multiple cellular schwannomas in the presacral regions.
    Results. A 39-year-old woman without any evidence of neurofibromatosis underwent removal of presacral multiple tumors along the sacral nerve root. Nineteen years after the surgery, the tumors recurred with multiple fashion. Thirteen tumors were resected via both anterior and posterior approaches. Immunohistochemical analysis of S-100 protein and Ki-67 were beneficial with respect to differentiation of cellular schwannoma from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
    Conclusions. The present case illustrated that multiple cellular schwannomas can develop in nonneurofibromatosis patients.

    DOI: 10.1097/01.BRS.0000092344.14376.D9

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  • Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR)-positive immature osteoblasts as targets of adenovirus-mediated gene transfer for fracture healing 査読

    T Ito, K Tokunaga, H Maruyama, H Kawashima, H Kitahara, T Horikoshi, A Ogose, Y Hotta, R Kuwano, H Katagiri, N Endo

    GENE THERAPY   10 ( 18 )   1623 - 1628   2003年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Adenovirus vectors are expected to be a powerful tool for gene therapy to treat severe fractures. Adenovirus invades cells through binding to the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR) on the cell membrane. CAR expression is low in normal adult animals, but it is induced on regenerating cells in some experimental models. We made a rib fracture model in mice and evaluated the histological changes and CAR mRNA expression by RT-PCR 1, 5,10,14, and 21 days after the fracture. CAR mRNA was expressed exclusively in the fractured ribs at each time point, but not in the normal ribs. We detected the CAR protein immunohistochemically in fibroblast-like cells in the fracture callus on days 10 and 14 after fracture. In situ hybridization showed that these fibroblast-like cells expressed mRNA of type I collagen and osteppontin, but not osteocalcin, defining the cells as immature osteoblasts. We then transferred small doses (10(4)-10(8) PFU) of lacZ-expressing adenovirus vector into immature osteoblasts on day 14. beta-galactosidase was detected only on the immature osteoblasts at every dose. Immature osteoblasts play an important role in the matrix replacement step in fracture healing. CAR-mediated gene transfer into immature osteoblasts can be reasonable for adenovirus-mediated treatment of fracture healing.

    DOI: 10.1038/sj.gt.3302060

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  • Treatment of myxoid liposarcoma by marginal or intralesional resection combined with radiotherapy 査読

    H Hatano, A Ogose, T Hotta, H Kawashima, T Sugita, R Sasamoto, N Endo

    ANTICANCER RESEARCH   23 ( 3C )   3045 - 3049   2003年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:INT INST ANTICANCER RESEARCH  

    Local recurrence free survival rate for myxoid liposarcoma (MLS) is related to negative surgical margins. The goal of surgery in the treatment of MLS is to obtain tumor free surgical margins. When a tumor is adjacent to critical structures, wider resection, which can result in amputation, would be selected for local control. While recognizing that marginal or intralesional resection is associated with high risk of recurrence, circumstances occur that lead surgeons to conduct conservative surgery. To determine whether marginal or intralesional resection combined with radiotherapy can achieve local control, 10 cases (12 tumors) were reviewed involving MLS treated with marginal (8 tumors) or intralesional resection (4 tumors) followed by postoperative radiotherapy (50-70 Gy, average 59.2 Gy). No recurrences of MLS were observed locally at the mean follow-up of 58.1 months. The development of severe radiation-related complications was not detected. This medium follow-up study suggested that this method can achieve a high rate of local control.

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  • Increase in serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and hypercalcaemia in a patient with inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour 査読

    A Ogose, H Kawashima, O Morita, T Hotta, H Umezu, N Endo

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY   56 ( 4 )   310 - 312   2003年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:BRITISH MED JOURNAL PUBL GROUP  

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  • Expression of the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor in musculoskeletal tumors and mesenchymal tissues: efficacy of adenoviral gene therapy for osteosarcoma 査読

    H Kawashima, A Ogose, T Yoshizawa, R Kuwano, Y Hotta, T Hotta, H Hatano, H Kawashima, N Endo

    CANCER SCIENCE   94 ( 1 )   70 - 75   2003年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Recombinant adenovirus is used as a competent vector in a wide spectrum of cancer gene therapies. Adenovirus infection depends on coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR)-mediated virus attachment to the cell surface. However, the expression levels of CAR and the efficiency of adenoviral gene transduction in musculoskeletal tumors have not been systematically investigated. To study the feasibility of gene therapy in musculoskeletal tumors, the expression levels of CAR and the antiproliferative effect of an adenovirally transduced wild-type p53 tumor suppressor gene were examined in 15 distinct musculoskeletal tumor cell lines, 19 tumor tissue samples, and the corresponding pathologically unremarkable mesenchymal tissues. The expression levels of the CAR gene were significantly higher in six of seven osteosarcoma cell lines and two of five osteosarcoma tissue samples than in the other cell lines, musculoskeletal tumors, and mesenchymal tissues. CAR expression levels were closely correlated with adenoviral gene transduction efficiency and the antiproliferative effect of a transduced adenoviral p53 gene in the tested cell lines. In addition, an immunocytochemical study confirmed that transfected green fluorescent protein (GFP) borne by Ad-CAG-GFP was expressed at the cell surface of CAR-positive cells. These results indicate that CAR expression is a critical determinant of transduction efficiency in adenovirus-based gene therapy. Most osteosarcomas appeared to express high levels of CAR, and thus adenovirus-mediated p53 gene therapy is likely to be suitable for the treatment of such tumors.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2003.tb01354.x

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  • Effect of dexamethasone on growth inhibition and chondrogenic maturation of human chondrosarcoma 査読

    Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Tadashi Hayami, Hiroshi Yamagiwa, Hiroshi Hatano, Tetsuo Hotta, Naoto Endo

    Journal of Orthopaedic Science   8 ( 3 )   341 - 345   2003年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Springer Japan  

    The effect of dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, on in vitro and in vivo growth and differentiation of the human chondrosarcoma cell line (OUMS-27) was studied. Cells were treated with various doses of dexamethasone, and increasing doses produced an inhibitory effect on OUMS-27 tumor cell proliferation and induced maturation. Cell counts for OUMS-27 on day 9 ranged from 59% of the control at 10-8 M to 45% of the control at 10-5 M dexamethasone. Northern blot analysis revealed that the type II collagen mRNA level in cells given dexamethasone was lower than that in the controls, and the type X collagen mRNA level was higher than that in the controls. Phase-contrast microscopy revealed that cells grown in control medium formed monolayers consisting of small, polygonal cells, whereas dexamethasone-treated cells became larger and more irregular in shape. In the in vivo study the growth rate of masses in nude mice indused by inoculating OUMS-27 cells was also reduced in a dosedependent manner with dexamethasone administration. These results suggest that dexamethasone caused growth inhibition and induced chondrogenic maturation of human chondrosarcoma cells.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10776-003-0650-y




  • Alveolar soft part sarcoma in Japan: Multi-institutional study of 57 patients from the Japanese musculoskeletal oncology group 査読

    A Ogose, Y Yazawa, T Ueda, T Hotta, H Kawashima, H Hatano, T Morita

    ONCOLOGY   65 ( 1 )   7 - 13   2003年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:KARGER  

    Objective: The clinical features and the management of alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS) are not well known. The efficacy of chemotherapy for soft tissue sarcoma, including high-dose ifosfamide and cisplatin, has not been established yet. Some reports suggest ASPS may occur primarily in bone. Methods: We report on a series of 57 patients with ASPS over 20 years. Their ages ranged from 7 to 75 years (mean 25). Results:There were 37 females and 20 males. Thirteen lesions (23%) showed bone involvement at the primary site, and 6 of them were diagnosed as bone tumors at presentation. Thirty-seven patients had distant metastases at presentation. Tumor size, bone involvement at the primary site and the presence of metastases at presentation were prognostic indicators (p &lt; 0.05). Marginal exicision with radiotherapy or wide excision without radiotherapy achieved good local control. Chemotherapy was performed in 47 patients with different regimens. Two patients treated with intraarterial chemotherapy regimens responded partially, but intravenous chemotherapy with high-dose ifosfamide or cisplatin failed. Conclusions: ASPS can present primarily as a bone tumor. No advantage of chemotherapy with high-dose ifosfamide or cisplatin could be demonstrated. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.

    DOI: 10.1159/000071199

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  • 上肢悪性腫瘍に対する三角筋筋膜皮弁を用いた肩甲帯離断術

    生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 畠野 宏史, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科紀要   46 ( 2 )   172 - 175   2002年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 足部に原発し悪性化した多発性内軟骨腫症の2例

    勝見 尚子, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之

    東北整形災害外科紀要   46 ( 2 )   168 - 171   2002年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Tumoral nature of intrathoracic meningocele in neurofibromatosis 1 査読

    A Ogose, T Hirano, K Hasegawa, H Kawashima, T Hotta, H Umezu, N Endo

    NEUROLOGY   59 ( 9 )   1467 - 1468   2002年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    Web of Science


  • Histological examination of beta-tricalcium phosphate graft in human femur 査読

    A Ogose, T Hotta, H Hatano, H Kawashima, K Tokunaga, N Endo, H Umezu

    JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH   63 ( 5 )   601 - 604   2002年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC  

    Prominent osteoconductive activity and the biodegradable nature of beta tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP) for bone grafts in animal experiments has been reported. A new type of beta-TCP has been manufactured at extraordinarily high purity and has been available as potent bone grafting substitute for clinical use. The histological features of grafted beta-TCP in human bone have been analyzed. A 33-year-old female with a bone tumor of the proximal femur underwent curettage and beta-TCP graft under the diagnosis of probable benign fibrous dysplasia. Four weeks later, the proximal femur, including the grafted beta-TCP was resected because of the final diagnosis of the curettaged materials was osteosarcoma. The resected specimen revealed abundant direct new bone apposition on beta-TCP. There was no cartilaginous tissue or enchondral ossification. Bone formation was more prominent in the periphery of the grafted area than in the center. There was a considerable number of osteoclast-like giant cells surrounding the beta-TCP. This case illustrated that highly purified beta-TCP had prominent osteoconductive activity and biodegradable nature in human bone. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/jbm.10380

    Web of Science



  • 低出生体重児に発生した先天性線維肉腫の1例

    谷藤 理, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 河内 俊太郎, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科紀要   46 ( 1 )   95 - 97   2002年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 滑膜肉腫の1例

    浅田 一幸, 野本 重敏, 山田 聰, 佐々木 嘉広, 伊藤 雅章, 善財 慶治, 生越 章, 川島 寛之

    Skin Cancer   17 ( 1 )   70 - 74   2002年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会  



  • Elevation of serum alkaline phosphatase in clear cell chondrosarcoma of bone 査読

    A Ogose, T Hotta, H Kawashima, H Hatano, H Umezu, Y Inoue, N Endo

    ANTICANCER RESEARCH   21 ( 1B )   649 - 655   2001年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:INT INST ANTICANCER RESEARCH  

    Background: Clear cell chondrosarcoma is a rate bone tumor, which is sometimes misdiagnosed as a different bone neoplasm. Materials and Methods: The files of 6 patients with clear cell chondrosarcomas were reviewed. Histological slides, radiographic studies, and pre- and post-operative serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels were evaluated. Molecular and histochemical analyses of ALP were documented in one case of clear cell chondrosarcoma. Results: Pre-operative serum ALP levels were elevated in 3 patients, and were normal in another 3 patients. After removal of the tumors, the enzyme levels decreased in all patients and returned to normal in 3 patients, who had pre-operative high ALP levels. Enzyme histochemical and molecular analyses demonstrated that the tumor produced ALP. Conclusion: Clear cell chondrosarcoma produces ALP, which can be used as a tumor marker in diagnosis and follow-up.

    Web of Science


  • A PCR-ELISA assay for the detection of disseminated osteosarcoma cells in a mouse metastatic model 査読

    Hiroshi Hatano, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Ogose, Tetsuo Hotta, Naoto Endo

    Journal of Orthopaedic Science   6 ( 3 )   269 - 275   2001年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Springer Japan  

    Circulating tumor cells in the blood play a central role in the metastatic process. There have been no reports describing the relationship between lung metastasis and circulating osteosarcoma cells. We developed a system with a polymerase chain reaction assay based on an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PCR-ELISA) to detect circulating osteosarcoma cells in a mouse metastatic model. Osf2/Cbfal, hereafter called Osf2, a member of the runt family of transcription factors, was used as a target gene. One splicing variant of Osf2 mRNA was identified and its expression was restricted to the bones and osteosarcomas. The amount of the splicing variant of Osf2 mRNA was significantly higher in the blood of mice with metastasis than in the blood of the control group. The PCR-ELISA using Osf2 mRNA is a potential method to detect circulating osteosarcoma cells in peripheral blood.

    DOI: 10.1007/s007760100046




  • 診断に難渋した多発性骨内脂肪壊死の1例

    森田 修, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 星野 真喜子, 鈴木 健司

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   16 ( 2 )   101 - 104   2000年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  

    症例は76歳の男性で主訴は多関節痛,両下腿紅斑,腫脹である.入院時,MRI所見は左膝T1強調像では脛骨で虫食い状の高低輝度混在,T2強調像でも同様で,一部低輝度に変化した部分が認められた.また右手のMRI T1強調像では,中指,環指,小指に低輝度陰影がみられた.入院時,アミラーゼ,リパーゼが異常高値で非定型的膵炎と考えメチル酸ガベキサート(FOY)を投与し,関節痛は膵炎合併骨内脂肪壊死と判断した.その後FOYによる膵炎治療の結果徐徐に疼痛が軽減し,アミラーゼ,リパーゼの正常化と共に疼痛消滅,独歩可能となった

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 胸椎部に大きな髄膜嚢腫を合併した神経線維腫症の一例

    湯本 聡, 石川 誠一, 野本 努, 大川 豊, 由野 和則, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   16 ( 1 )   9 - 13   2000年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 恥坐骨に発生した骨腫瘍の治療経験

    堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 勝見 尚子

    東北整形災害外科紀要   44 ( 1 )   53 - 57   2000年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 片麻痺を合併した大腿骨頸部骨折症例の検討

    由野 和則, 石川 誠一, 野本 努, 大川 豊, 湯本 聡, 川島 寛之

    東北整形災害外科紀要   43 ( 1 )   81 - 85   1999年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  

    1)片麻痺を合併した大腿骨頸部骨折症例について検討した. 2)臨床像としては,麻痺側の骨折率は80%と高く,性別では健常群に比べ男性の割合が高いという特徴があった. 3)麻痺合併症例は入院日数が長期化する傾向があり,退院時歩行再獲得率も低いことから,リハビリ病院等の中間施設の整備の必要性が示唆された

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 骨折後の偽関節に対する手術法の検討

    川島 寛之, 石川 誠一, 野本 努, 由野 和則, 矢澤 隆, 傳田 博司, 柴田 実

    東北整形災害外科紀要   43 ( 1 )   4 - 8   1999年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  

    1)外傷性骨折後偽関節に対し,手術治療を行った20例を検討した. 2)初回偽関節手術で骨癒合が得られたのは,人工骨頭置換術2例を除く18例中15例. 3)偽関節手術として,骨移植+圧迫プレート法は,確実性のある術式である. 4)感染を伴わない難治性の偽関節に対しては,血管柄付き腓骨移植を行うことにより,ほぼ良好な経過を得た

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Pilon骨折に対する手術的治療の経験

    湯本 聡, 石川 誠一, 野本 努, 大川 豊, 由野 和則, 川島 寛之

    東北整形災害外科紀要   43 ( 1 )   153 - 154   1999年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • 片麻痺を合併した大腿骨頸部骨折症例の検討

    由野 和則, 石川 誠一, 野本 努, 大川 豊, 湯本 聡, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   14 ( 2 )   91 - 93   1998年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  

    1)性別では麻痺側群は男性の割合が高いのに対し,健側群は全例女性であり有意差を認めた.この要因の一つとして,それぞれ麻痺側の易骨折性の関与,骨粗鬆症の関与が考えられた. 2)麻痺側群は歩行能力再獲得率に差はないものの,入院日数が長期化する傾向があった.これは麻痺と同一側に骨折が加わることにより,歩行機能を回復する迄に長い期間を要したためと考えられた

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


▶ 全件表示


▶ 全件表示


  • 立位X線前後像における膝関節面傾斜に下肢アライメントの三次元的要素が与える影響 膝OAと健常高齢者との比較による検討

    大渓 一孝, 佐藤 卓, 渡邉 聡, 谷藤 理, 望月 友晴, 川島 寛之

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   96 ( 8 )   S1807 - S1807   2022年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 日本人の健常膝と内反型変形性膝関節症の三次元大腿四頭筋ベクトルは冠状面でspherical axisに近似できる

    望月 友晴, 谷藤 理, 佐藤 卓, 川島 寛之

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   96 ( 8 )   S1574 - S1574   2022年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • しゃがみこみ運動時の大腿骨外旋運動量を規定する因子の検討

    土方 啓生, 谷藤 理, 勝見 亮太, 望月 友晴, 渡邉 聡, 佐藤 卓, 川島 寛之

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   96 ( 8 )   S1789 - S1789   2022年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨盤発生悪性骨・軟部腫瘍の治療成績と予後因子の検討

    竹森 俊幸, 河本 旭哉, 原 仁美, 深瀬 直政, 藤原 周一, 齊藤 正徳, 岩田 慎太郎, 林 克洋, 川島 寛之, 黒田 良祐, 秋末 敏宏

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   96 ( 6 )   S1348 - S1348   2022年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 関節リウマチ患者の大腿骨皮質骨幅は、遠位前方と遠位内側方で有意に狭く疾患活動性と負の相関を示す

    角谷 梨花, 近藤 直樹, 望月 友晴, 木島 靖文, 川島 寛之

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   96 ( 2 )   S145 - S145   2022年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 関節リウマチ患者の大腿骨皮質骨幅は、遠位前方と遠位内側方で有意に狭く疾患活動性と負の相関を示す

    角谷 梨花, 近藤 直樹, 望月 友晴, 木島 靖文, 川島 寛之

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   96 ( 2 )   S145 - S145   2022年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 立位下肢全長X線前後像において膝は撮影方向に正対しているか 進行期変形性膝関節症と高齢健常者における比較検討

    大渓 一孝, 佐藤 卓, 渡邉 聡, 谷藤 理, 望月 友晴, 川島 寛之

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   96 ( 3 )   S951 - S951   2022年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 立位下肢全長X線前後像において膝は撮影方向に正対しているか 進行期変形性膝関節症と高齢健常者における比較検討

    大渓 一孝, 佐藤 卓, 渡邉 聡, 谷藤 理, 望月 友晴, 川島 寛之

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   96 ( 3 )   S951 - S951   2022年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • Vocabulary HER2

    村山 雄大, 川島 寛之

    整形外科   73 ( 1 )   56 - 56   2022年1月

  • 成長期外側円板状半月板術後の外側半月板中節逸脱に影響を及ぼす因子の検討 多施設共同研究

    望月 友晴, 谷藤 理, 添野 竜也, 土方 啓生, 川島 寛之, 古賀 寛

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   37 ( 1 )   57 - 57   2021年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 人工膝関節全置換術後1年における中間屈曲位での前後動揺性の評価

    坂爪 佑輔, 津吉 秀樹, 白野 誠, 竹内 峻, 谷藤 理, 望月 友晴, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   37 ( 1 )   54 - 54   2021年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 本県における自家培養軟骨移植術(JACC)の治療経験

    谷藤 理, 望月 友晴, 古賀 寛, 添野 竜也, 土方 啓生, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   37 ( 1 )   55 - 55   2021年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 反復性膝蓋骨脱臼における三次元大腿骨四頭筋ベクトル評価

    高木 繁, 佐藤 卓, 渡邉 聡, 大森 豪, 谷藤 理, 望月 友晴, 川島 寛之

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   37 ( 1 )   56 - 56   2021年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • APS(autologous protein solution)投与の実際と短期成績

    添野 竜也, 望月 友晴, 谷藤 理, 土方 啓生, 川島 寛之, 古賀 寛

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   37 ( 1 )   56 - 56   2021年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 三次元歩行解析と三次元アライメント測定システムを用いた変形性膝関節症の歩行時動的骨軸変化

    望月 友晴, 谷藤 理, 大森 豪, 川島 寛之

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   95 ( 8 )   S1797 - S1797   2021年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 抗真菌薬の徐放挙動 骨ペーストと骨セメントの比較

    土方 啓生, 望月 友晴, 添野 竜也, 谷藤 理, 川島 寛之

    東日本整形災害外科学会雑誌   33 ( 3 )   451 - 451   2021年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東日本整形災害外科学会  


  • 脱分化型およびGrade 3軟骨肉腫の特徴と治療成績 JMOG多施設共同研究

    小澤 英史, 西田 佳弘, 岩田 慎太郎, 早川 景子, 薛 宇孝, 川島 寛之, 石井 猛, 土屋 弘行, 筑紫 聡, 濱田 健一郎, 矢澤 康男, 馬場 一郎, 永野 昭仁, 森井 健司, 白井 寿治, 今西 淳悟, 河野 博隆

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   95 ( 6 )   S1265 - S1265   2021年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 中高齢者原発性悪性骨腫瘍に対する化学療法のdose intensityが予後に与える影響

    永野昭仁, 川井章, 菅谷潤, 河本旭哉, 小林寛, 王谷英達, 安藤嘉朗, 菊田一貴, 馬場一郎, 平賀博明, 米本司, 岩田慎太郎, 角永茂樹, 西田佳弘, 藤田郁夫, 川島寛之, 中紀文, 濱田哲矢, 相馬有, 上田孝文

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   95 ( 6 )   S1269 - S1269   2021年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  



  • 人工膝関節全置換術症例における入院中自主訓練実施頻度の違いが、術後身体機能やQOLに及ぼす影響

    加藤 諄一, 谷藤 理, 望月 友晴, 木村 慎二, 栗原 豊明, 上路 拓美, 川島 寛之

    Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Research   12 ( 4 )   S96 - S96   2020年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本運動器疼痛学会  


  • 乾癬様皮疹を生じたErdheim-Chester病の1例

    勝海 洸司, 藤本 篤, 結城 明彦, 土田 裕子, 出口 登希子, 阿部 理一郎, 川島 寛之, 森山 雅人, 伊藤 崇子

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   130 ( 7 )   1663 - 1663   2020年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • 乾癬様皮疹を生じたErdheim-Chester病の1例

    勝海 洸司, 藤本 篤, 結城 明彦, 土田 裕子, 出口 登希子, 阿部 理一郎, 川島 寛之, 森山 雅人, 伊藤 崇子

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   130 ( 7 )   1663 - 1663   2020年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • 歯周病菌P.gingivalis投与とコラーゲン誘発関節炎は相乗的に骨新生を減少させる

    奥村 剛, 近藤 直樹, 佐藤 圭祐, 山崎 和久, 大島 勇人, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   93 ( 8 )   S1757 - S1757   2019年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 多骨性線維性骨異形成に伴う大腿骨近位部の内反変形に対して手術治療を行った3例

    須田 義裕, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 生越 章, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   35 ( 1 )   62 - 62   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 乳児に発生した上腕骨骨膜性軟骨腫の一例

    大池 直樹, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人, 畠野 宏史

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   62 ( 1 )   179 - 180   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • 骨軟部肉腫におけるPD-L1の発現

    大河原 舜太, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   62 ( 1 )   142 - 143   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • 新潟大学における骨肉腫治療の変遷

    山岸 哲郎, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 生越 章, 大池 直樹, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   35 ( 1 )   64 - 64   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 多発骨転移後も20年以上の長期生存をしている悪性褐色細胞腫の1例

    大池 直樹, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   35 ( 1 )   63 - 63   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 骨・軟部腫瘍に対する穿刺吸引細胞診ならびに針生検の正確性の検討

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   93 ( 6 )   S1492 - S1492   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 脂肪腫と異型脂肪腫様腫瘍の自然史の解析

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   93 ( 6 )   S1469 - S1469   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 軟部肉腫患者に対する新規抗がん剤治療による予後の変化

    川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   93 ( 6 )   S1396 - S1396   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 乳児に発生した上腕骨骨膜性軟骨腫の一例

    大池 直樹, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人, 畠野 宏史

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   62 ( 1 )   179 - 180   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • 骨軟部肉腫におけるPD-L1の発現

    大河原 舜太, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   62 ( 1 )   142 - 143   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • 健康診断でみつかった肺原発滑膜肉腫の3例

    前田 圭祐, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   93 ( 6 )   S1510 - S1510   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨・軟部腫瘍の針生検検体による遺伝子診断の有用性

    山岸 哲郎, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 有泉 高志, 大池 直樹, 佐々木 太郎, 畠野 宏史, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   93 ( 6 )   S1492 - S1492   2019年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 【子どもの運動器障害-学校検診から日常診療まで】小児において運動器障害を示す全身疾患 小児の腫瘍と腫瘍類似疾患

    川島 寛之

    整形外科   70 ( 6 )   692 - 696   2019年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)南江堂  

    <文献概要>はじめに 運動器に発生する腫瘍は,一般に骨・軟部腫瘍と称され,骨腫瘍は骨から発生し,軟部腫瘍は軟部組織から発生する腫瘍の総称である.全身のあらゆる部位に発生し,骨・軟骨・皮下・筋肉・脂肪・血管・腱・滑膜などに由来する間葉系腫瘍に末梢神経系腫瘍を加えたものと考えることができる.しかし,由来細胞がはっきりしない腫瘍も含まれ,これらの病理組織学的な分類は非常に多岐にわたる.腫瘍性疾患の診断は最終的には病理診断に頼ることになるが,診断する多くの病理医にとっても経験することが少ない疾患が多く,整形外科医との協働は重要である.そこで本稿では,小児の運動器に発生し,日常診療で遭遇する頻度の高い疾患を対象として解説する.


  • 術中CTを用いた骨・軟部腫瘍領域の手術例の検討

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   93 ( 3 )   S948 - S948   2019年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨・軟部肉腫患者の専門医療機関に初診するまでの経緯と予後

    川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   93 ( 2 )   S284 - S284   2019年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 脂肪系腫瘍の鑑別における微量検体からのRNAを用いたreal-time PCRによる遺伝子発現評価の有用性

    山岸 哲郎, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 大池 直樹, 生越 章, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   93 ( 3 )   S948 - S948   2019年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 周囲二重結紮法を用いたびまん性神経線維腫に対する手術治療

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹

    日本レックリングハウゼン病学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   10回   31 - 31   2019年2月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本レックリングハウゼン病学会  


  • 腫瘍:良悪性境界病変に対する治療戦略 デスモイド以外の中間性軟部腫瘍に対する分子細胞遺伝学的診断

    川島 寛之, 生越 章, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 佐々木 太郎, 畠野 宏史

    東日本整形災害外科学会雑誌   30 ( 3 )   290 - 290   2018年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東日本整形災害外科学会  


  • 軟部肉腫における腫瘍免疫環境の検討

    大池 直樹, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 畠野 宏史, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 8 )   S1734 - S1734   2018年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 中高齢者原発性悪性骨腫瘍に対する補助化学療法の検討―JCOG骨軟部腫瘍グループアンケート結果より―

    永野昭仁, 松本誠一, 川井章, 大隈知威, 平賀博明, 松本嘉寛, 西田佳弘, 米本司, 保坂正美, 高橋満, 吉川秀樹, 尾崎敏文, 淺沼邦洋, 中紀文, 江森誠人, 久保忠彦, 川島寛之, 河本旭哉, 横山良平, 筑紫聡

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 6 )   S1408 - S1408   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  



  • 中高齢者原発性悪性骨腫瘍に対する補助化学療法の検討 JCOG骨軟部腫瘍グループアンケート結果より

    永野 昭仁, 松本 誠一, 川井 章, 大隈 知威, 平賀 博明, 松本 嘉寛, 西田 佳弘, 米本 司, 保坂 正美, 高橋 満, 吉川 秀樹, 尾崎 敏文, 淺沼 邦洋, 中 紀文, 江森 誠人, 久保 忠彦, 川島 寛之, 河本 旭哉, 横山 良平, 筑紫 聡

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 6 )   S1408 - S1408   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨・軟部肉腫におけるPD-L1の発現と予後の関連

    大池 直樹, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 畠野 宏史, 有泉 高志, 佐々木 太郎, 山岸 哲郎, 梅津 哉, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 6 )   S1540 - S1540   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • AYA世代骨・軟部肉腫患者の受診状況と予後

    川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 堀田 哲夫, 大塚 寛, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 6 )   S1484 - S1484   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 四肢および体幹表面に発生した脱分化型脂肪肉腫の検討

    山岸 哲郎, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 大池 直樹, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 6 )   S1476 - S1476   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • アレル特異的PCRによるH3F3A遺伝子変異の検出

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 6 )   S1458 - S1458   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨・軟部腫瘍における術中体外照射骨を用いた骨再建の長期成績

    大池 直樹, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 大塚 寛, 畠野 宏史, 有泉 高志, 佐々木 太郎, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 6 )   S1401 - S1401   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • AYA世代骨・軟部肉腫患者に対する終末期医療

    川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 6 )   S1392 - S1392   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 腫瘍治療に潜む医療事故のリスクと安全対策

    堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 6 )   S1382 - S1382   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨腫瘍と鑑別を要した足部慢性再発性多発性骨髄炎の一例

    大池 直樹, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   61 ( 1 )   192 - 192   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • 骨発生乳頭状リンパ管内内皮腫の一例

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   61 ( 1 )   190 - 190   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • 大動脈、肺動脈原発の平滑筋肉腫

    川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   61 ( 1 )   188 - 189   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • AYA世代骨軟部肉腫患者の予後と終末期医療

    川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    Palliative Care Research   13 ( Suppl. )   S440 - S440   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(NPO)日本緩和医療学会  


  • 後腹膜神経鞘腫の自然史の解析

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 堀田 哲夫, 大池 直樹, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 6 )   S1544 - S1544   2018年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 軟部肉腫術後合併症と栄養評価指標との関連に対する検討

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 大池 直樹, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 2 )   S95 - S95   2018年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 巨細胞腫における免疫担当細胞の浸潤状況

    大池 直樹, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 畠野 宏史, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 3 )   S910 - S910   2018年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 高齢者の骨転移にどう向き合うか-積極的治療と緩和医療- 高齢者骨転移に対する整形外科医の係わり 在宅療養を目指して

    川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 海津 元樹, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   92 ( 2 )   S483 - S483   2018年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 腓骨神経麻痺をきたした多発性軟骨性外骨腫症の1例

    坂爪 佑輔, 有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 捧 陽介, 生越 章, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   33 ( 2 )   77 - 81   2017年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  



  • 【ポイント解説 整形外科診断の基本知識】 骨軟部腫瘍 良性軟部腫瘍の診断

    川島 寛之

    Orthopaedics   30 ( 10 )   277 - 283   2017年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)全日本病院出版会  



  • 隆起性皮膚線維肉腫における免疫担当細胞の浸潤およびHLA class 1の発現解析

    大池 直樹, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 畠野 宏史, 有泉 高志, 佐々木 太郎, 山岸 哲郎, 梅津 哉, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   91 ( 8 )   S1530 - S1530   2017年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨・軟部腫瘍におけるスタニオカルシン-1の発現

    山岸 哲郎, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 生越 章, 大池 直樹, 佐々木 太郎, 畠野 宏史, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   91 ( 8 )   S1529 - S1529   2017年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 傍脊柱筋発生軟部肉腫の臨床的検討

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   91 ( 6 )   S1283 - S1283   2017年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨転移に対する緩和的外科治療と放射線治療の現況

    川島 寛之, 生越 章, 有泉 高志, 遠藤 直人, 生駒 美穂, 大塚 寛

    Palliative Care Research   12 ( Suppl. )   S326 - S326   2017年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(NPO)日本緩和医療学会  


  • 右大腿骨遠位部悪性骨巨細胞腫の1例

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   60 ( 1 )   228 - 228   2017年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • 小児骨肉腫治療後に発生した二次癌の4例

    大池 直樹, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 小林 宏人, 堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   60 ( 1 )   225 - 226   2017年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • 脂肪系腫瘍の鑑別における微量検体からのRNAを用いたreal-time PCRによる遺伝子発現の有用性

    山岸 哲郎, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 有泉 高志, 大池 直樹, 佐々木 太郎, 畠野 宏史, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   91 ( 6 )   S1395 - S1395   2017年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 滑膜肉腫における免疫担当細胞の浸潤と予後に関する検討

    大池 直樹, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 畠野 宏史, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   91 ( 6 )   S1356 - S1356   2017年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨・軟部肉腫に対する患肢温存のあゆみ

    川島 寛之, 守田 哲郎, 井上 善也, 堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 畠野 宏史, 有泉 高志, 佐々木 太郎, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   91 ( 6 )   S1293 - S1293   2017年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 【整形外科外来における他科疾患を見逃さないコツ】 膝痛をきたす他科疾患

    畠野 宏史, 川島 寛之

    Orthopaedics   30 ( 3 )   45 - 53   2017年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)全日本病院出版会  



  • 転移性骨腫瘍例における原発巣別デノスマブの効果

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   91 ( 2 )   S603 - S603   2017年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • がん骨転移に対する集学的治療法の推移

    川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 遠藤 直人, 大塚 寛

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   91 ( 2 )   S601 - S601   2017年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 日常よく見かける骨・軟部腫瘍に対するアプローチ 末梢に発生する神経鞘腫の診断と治療

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 堀田 哲夫, 大塚 寛, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   91 ( 2 )   S404 - S404   2017年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨軟部腫瘍における術中CTの有用性

    荒引 剛, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 生越 章, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   32 ( 2 )   123 - 123   2016年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 針生検における超音波ガイドの有用性

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章, 畠野 宏史

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   32 ( 2 )   123 - 123   2016年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 腓骨神経麻痺をきたした外骨腫の1例

    坂爪 佑輔, 有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 捧 陽介, 生越 章, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   32 ( 2 )   120 - 120   2016年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 骨・軟部腫瘍におけるスタニオカルシン-1の発現

    川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 有泉 高志, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 8 )   S1622 - S1622   2016年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 股関節周囲の骨悪性腫瘍切除術後にGAP Cupによる再建を行った3例

    川島 寛之, 宮坂 大, 有泉 高志, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章, 畠野 宏史

    東日本整形災害外科学会雑誌   28 ( 3 )   301 - 301   2016年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東日本整形災害外科学会  


  • 骨腫瘍に対するdenosumab使用前後の画像学的および組織学的変化

    山岸 哲郎, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 生越 章, 佐々木 太郎, 畠野 宏史, 梅津 哉, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 6 )   S1385 - S1385   2016年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 紡錘形細胞脂肪腫の臨床像と免疫組織化学所見の検討

    大池 直樹, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 小林 宏人, 堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 6 )   S1362 - S1362   2016年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 針生検での微量検体RNAを用いたreal-time PCRによる遺伝子解析 脂肪腫と高分化型脂肪肉腫の比較

    佐々木 太郎, 畠野 宏史, 大池 直樹, 小林 宏人, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 6 )   S1356 - S1356   2016年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 未分化円形細胞肉腫の治療成績 Ewing肉腫との比較検討

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 6 )   S1328 - S1328   2016年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 骨転移症例のリハビリ・緩和・在宅 骨転移症例に対する整形外科の係わりと退院先の現況

    川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 6 )   S1292 - S1292   2016年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • がん診療の常識への挑戦 骨・軟部腫瘍の時間学的解析 骨・軟部腫瘍は先天性か

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 大池 直樹, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 6 )   S1187 - S1187   2016年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • Hip transposition法を施行した骨盤軟骨肉腫の2例

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人, 堀田 哲夫, 大塚 寛

    東北整形災害外科学会雑誌   59 ( 1 )   220 - 220   2016年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:東北整形災害外科学会  


  • 骨軟部肉腫の終末期の特徴と緩和ケア

    川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章, 園部 里美

    Palliative Care Research   11 ( Suppl. )   S295 - S295   2016年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(NPO)日本緩和医療学会  


  • 高分化型脂肪肉腫におけるp16、CDK4の制御経路異常と補助診断としての有用性

    畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 小林 宏人, 山岸 哲郎, 有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 3 )   S612 - S612   2016年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • デノスマブ使用転移性骨腫瘍例における臨床像

    有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人, 畠野 宏史, 佐々木 太郎, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 3 )   S1067 - S1067   2016年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 周囲二重結紮法を用いた易出血性良性腫瘍に対する手術療法

    生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人, 白旗 正幸

    日本整形外科学会雑誌   90 ( 3 )   S846 - S846   2016年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本整形外科学会  


  • 3 慢性拡張性血腫の画像と臨床像(Ⅰ.一般演題, 第69回新潟画像医学研究会)

    山岸 哲郎, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 佐々木 太郎, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    新潟医学会雑誌   129 ( 9 )   552 - 552   2015年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟医学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2016151272

  • 【放っておいてはいけない『しこり・こぶ・腫れ』】 軟部腫瘤診療における臨床所見と血液生化学データの解釈

    川島 寛之

    Orthopaedics   28 ( 6 )   13 - 20   2015年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)全日本病院出版会  



  • 【骨腫瘍の診断と治療】 放射線療法

    堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 佐々木 太郎, 山岸 哲郎, 遠藤 直人

    関節外科   34 ( 4 )   392 - 397   2015年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)メジカルビュー社  


  • 進行期骨軟部肉腫患者に対するQOLを重視した外来通院化学療法

    川島 寛之, 生越 章, 佐々木 太郎, 山岸 哲郎, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    新潟整形外科研究会会誌   30 ( 2 )   166 - 166   2014年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟整形外科研究会  


  • 【人工関節置換術-最新の知見】 特殊な疾患、高度の変形を伴う例に対する人工関節 腫瘍 腫瘍用人工膝関節全置換術後の膝蓋骨の位置異常と患肢機能

    畠野 宏史, 守田 哲郎, 有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫

    別冊整形外科   ( 65 )   214 - 217   2014年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)南江堂  



  • 【外来で見逃さない軟部腫瘍】 軟部腫瘍放射線治療における整形外科医の役割

    生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 佐々木 太郎, 遠藤 直人, 青山 英史

    関節外科   32 ( 6 )   678 - 685   2013年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)メジカルビュー社  


  • 分子レベルからみた整形外科疾患(シリーズIX) ヒト骨芽細胞様細胞と人工骨のハイブリッドによる新規人工骨

    有泉 高志, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 近藤 直樹, 遠藤 直人

    整形・災害外科   56 ( 2 )   114 - 115   2013年2月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:金原出版(株)  


  • 緩和医療と地域連携 新潟大学医歯学総合病院における緩和医療と地域連携

    川島 寛之

    新潟医学会雑誌   126 ( 12 )   655 - 658   2012年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟医学会  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://hdl.handle.net/10191/35481

  • モスペースト腫瘍硬化療法と放射線化学療法を併用した頭部ユーイング肉腫の1例

    田中 英一郎, 土屋 和夫, 増井 由紀子, 藤原 浩, 伊藤 雅章, 川島 寛之, 生越 章

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   122 ( 2 )   415 - 415   2012年2月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • モスペースト腫瘍硬化療法と放射線化学療法を併用した頭部ユーイング肉腫の1例

    田中英一郎, 土屋和夫, 増井由紀子, 藤原浩, 伊藤雅章, 川島寛之, 生越章

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   122 ( 1 )   103 - 103   2012年1月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  



  • モスペーストによる腫瘍硬化療法と放射線化学療法を併用した頭部Ewing肉腫の1例

    増井由紀子, 土屋和夫, 田中英一郎, 藤原浩, 川島寛之, 生越章

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   122 ( 1 )   85 - 85   2012年1月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  



  • 培養ヒト骨髄細胞添加β-リン酸三カルシウムのSCIDマウス移植における骨形成細胞の起源の解析 ヒト細胞はマウス骨形成細胞を誘導する

    工藤 尚子, 生越 章, 有泉 高志, 近藤 直樹, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人

    整形外科   62 ( 2 )   172 - 173   2011年2月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)南江堂  

    インフォームド・コンセントの得られた骨移植を必要とする2例から2mlの骨髄を腸骨から採取し、高純度β-リン酸三カルシウム(β-TCP)ディスク上に培養した。これを7〜9週齢のsevere combined immune deficiency(SCID)マウスの背部筋層内に移植し、9週後にディスクを採取して4%パラホルムアルデヒドにより固定し、EDTA脱灰を行った後にパラフィン包埋切片を用いて組織解析を行った。更に、以前に報告した方法に準じて連続切片を用いてヒト特異的Aluプローブとマウス特異的L1プローブを用いてDNA in situ hybridizationを行った。その結果、移植後9週で2例ともβ-TCP上に直接骨形成を認めた。ヒト特異的Aluプローブ陽性細胞はβ-TCP新生骨の境界部にのみ僅かに認め、マウス特異的L1は陰性であった。また、骨内に存在する骨細胞は、マウス特異的L1プローブに陽性かつAlu陰性であった。その他、骨周囲の血管内皮細胞や線維芽細胞の紡錘型細胞は全てL1陽性、Alu陰性で、マウス由来細胞と考えられた。一方、対照として細胞を添加しなかったβ-TCPには骨形成は認めなかった。


  • 【骨・軟部腫瘍 先端的研究と臨床の現況】 診断 生検 骨・軟部腫瘍に対する穿刺吸引細胞診の有用性

    堀田 哲夫, 梅津 哉, 須貝 美佳, 高橋 加奈絵, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志, 遠藤 直人

    整形外科   61 ( 8 )   783 - 786   2010年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)南江堂  

    骨・軟部腫瘍に対する穿刺吸引細胞診の有用性について検討した。骨腫瘍は178例の穿刺例のうち細胞が採取できなかった不適切材料が21例で、穿刺のみで最終診断がなされなかったもの48例にみられた。通常型の骨肉腫、Ewing肉腫、癌転移、リンパ腫では100%正診であった。感度、特異度偽陽性率、偽陰性率はそれぞれ95.5%、100%、0%、4.5%で、正診率は97.2%であった。誤診例は非定型的骨肉腫1例とgrade Iの軟骨肉腫が2例で、良性と判定された。軟部腫瘍は826例に対して穿刺が行われたが、不適切材料が109例あり、穿刺のみで最終診断がなされなかったものが394例にみられた。感度、特異度、偽陽性率、偽陰性率はそれぞれ85.5%、96、9%、2.5%、14.5%であり、正診率は91.3%であった。MFH、粘液型脂肪肉腫、横紋筋肉腫、リンパ腫、癌転移などはほぼ100%正診であった。


  • 骨軟部肉腫に対する鎖骨切除後の成績

    大江慎, 生越章, 依田拓也, 有泉高志, 川島寛之, 堀田哲夫, 遠藤直人, 山村倉一郎

    東日本整形災害外科学会雑誌   22 ( 3 )   2010年


  • Frequent Iss of tumor suppressor FUS1 protein expression in benign and malignant human mesenchymal tumors

    Guidong Li, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Lin Ji, Akira Ogose, Takashi Ariizumi, Tetsuo Hotta, Naoto Endo

    CANCER RESEARCH   69   2009年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH  

    Web of Science


  • 【すぐに役立つ日常整形外科診療に対する私の工夫】 腫瘍 筋肉内血管腫の新しい手術手技

    堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 有海 明央, 川島 寛之, 有泉 高志

    Orthopaedics   22 ( 5 )   169 - 174   2009年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)全日本病院出版会  

    血管腫の血管は壁に筋層を持たない毛細血管の構造のため、剥離操作で損傷されやすく、電気凝固に対しても抵抗性である。したがって、電気メスでは十分な止血が得られず、特に部分切除(腫瘍内切除)では大出血をきたす場合があった。我々は筋肉内血管腫に対する新しい手術手技を開発し、周囲二重結紮法(circumferential parallel ligation method;CPL法)と名づけた。CPL法は切除線の両側を針糸を用いて平行に結紮した後、結紮部の間を切開する方法である。針糸結紮は盲目的に行い、深部に向かって結紮を繰り返すことで、最終的に血管腫を腫瘍内で切除できる。従来法とCPL法で比較したところ、CPL法で有意に出血量が少なく、CPL法では全例輸血を必要としなかった。CPL法は筋肉内血管腫の切除において確実に出血がコントロールできる有用な方法である。(著者抄録)


  • モスペーストによる腫瘍硬化療法と放射線化学療法を併用した頭部Ewing肉腫の1例

    増井 由紀子, 土屋 和夫, 田中 英一郎, 藤原 浩, 伊藤 雅章, 川島 寛之, 生越 章

    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   25回   221 - 221   2009年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会  


  • 整形外科における人工骨移植の現状と展望 人工骨による骨腫瘍治療

    生越 章, 有泉 高志, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    臨床整形外科   44 ( 1 )   17 - 24   2009年1月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)医学書院  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2009101618

  • β-リン酸三カルシウムのマイクロポア内におけるI型コラーゲンの形成

    生越 章, 近藤 直樹, 有泉 高志, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人, 梅津 哉, 入江 洋之, 井上 晃, 大石 誠

    Orthopaedic Ceramic Implants   26   25 - 30   2007年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:整形外科バイオマテリアル研究会  



  • 【良性骨軟部腫瘍に対する手術治療のpitfall】 神経性腫瘍

    生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 守田 哲郎, 畠野 宏史

    整形・災害外科   50 ( 6 )   679 - 686   2007年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:金原出版(株)  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 犬背筋内移植βリン酸三カルシウム(βTCP)の骨誘導におけるミクロポアの意義と骨髄液添加の有用性

    有泉 高志, 生越 章, 近藤 直樹, 工藤 尚子, 星野 真喜子, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人

    日本骨形態計測学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Bone Morphometry   16 ( 2 )   S68   2006年7月


  • 【骨・軟骨移植 最近の知見】 人工骨 臨床成績 骨腫瘍手術における高純度β-リン酸三カルシウム(β-TCP)の有用性 臨床的および組織学的解析

    生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 近藤 直樹, 伊藤 知之, 工藤 尚子, 谷 文光, 遠藤 直人, 今泉 聡

    別冊整形外科   47 ( 47 )   165 - 171   2005年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)南江堂  


    CiNii Article


  • Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor expression on primary osteosarcoma specimens and implications for gene therapy with recombinant adenoviruses - Response

    A Ogose, W Gu, H Kawashima, T Hotta

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH   11 ( 6 )   2447 - 2448   2005年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:速報,短報,研究ノート等(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH  

    Web of Science


  • 4 骨肉腫,難治性骨折を併発したRothmund-Thompson症候群(I.一般演題,第72回膠原病研究会)

    生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 川島 寛之, 善財 慶治, 柴田 実

    新潟医学会雑誌   118 ( 9 )   486 - 486   2004年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟大学  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2005034670

  • Msx2は靭帯繊維芽細胞の石灰化を防ぐ分子防御メカニズムとして働く

    吉澤 達也, 滝沢 史夫, 飯沢 双葉子, 石橋 宰, 川島 寛之, 松田 明生, 遠藤 直人, 川島 博行

    Journal of oral biosciences   46 ( 5 )   379 - 379   2004年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:歯科基礎医学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 悪性骨軟部腫瘍に対する自家照射骨を用いた患肢温存手術

    堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 畠野 宏史, 川島 寛之

    骨・関節・靱帯   17 ( 9 )   1049 - 1055   2004年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)アークメディア  


    CiNii Article


  • 【骨転移の診断と最新治療】 血管新生とがん

    生越 章, 川島 寛之, 堀田 哲夫, 速水 正, 遠藤 直人

    骨・関節・靱帯   17 ( 4 )   355 - 362   2004年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)アークメディア  


  • 骨軟部肉腫の転移様式

    生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 畠野 宏史, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人, 守田 哲郎, 今泉 聡, 小林 宏人

    臨床整形外科   38 ( 6 )   773 - 778   2003年6月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)医学書院  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2004006258

  • Homeobox protein MSX2 is a key regulator inhibiting matrix mineralization in ligament

    T Yoshizawa, F Takizawa, F Iizawa, O Ishibashi, H Kawashima, N Endo, H Kawashima

    BONE   32 ( 5 )   S133 - S133   2003年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Web of Science


  • Effect of incadronate on proliferation of mesenchymal tumor cells with or without activated Ras mutation

    H Kawashima, A Ogose, T Hotta, K Tamura, K Nakano, H Kawashima, N Endo

    BONE   32 ( 5 )   S130 - S130   2003年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Web of Science


  • 骨・軟部腫瘍の診断と治療 21世紀への展開 診断 針生検の適応と診断率 骨・軟部腫瘍に対する穿刺細胞診の有用性とその限界

    堀田 哲夫, 江村 巌, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 渡邊 徹, 須貝 美佳, 斎藤 英彦, 井上 善也

    別冊整形外科   ( 43 )   65 - 69   2003年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)南江堂  



  • Pathological fractures due to intraosseous fat necrosis associated with pancreatitis

    O Morita, A Ogose, T Hotta, H Kawashima, T Higuchi, K Suzuki, N Endo

    RHEUMATOLOGY   42 ( 2 )   394 - 396   2003年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:速報,短報,研究ノート等(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    DOI: 10.1093/rheumatology/keg086

    Web of Science


  • Msx2 suppress Runx2 activity, thereby inhibiting matrix mineralization in ligament fibroblasts

    T Yoshizawa, F Takizawa, F Iizawa, O Ishibashi, H Kawashima, N Endo, H Kawashima

    MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL   13   104A - 104A   2002年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:AMER SOC CELL BIOLOGY  

    Web of Science


  • 骨肉腫におけるアデノウイルスレセプターの発現とp53アデノウイルスベクターによる遺伝子治療

    川島 寛之

    新潟県医師会報   ( 631 )   2 - 3   2002年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:新潟県医師会  



  • 縮小手術への挑戦 縮小手術はどこまで可能か 術後照射を併用した軟部肉腫縮小手術

    堀田 哲夫, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 遠藤 直人, 守田 哲郎, 今泉 聡

    臨床整形外科   37 ( 5 )   571 - 576   2002年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)医学書院  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2002229607

  • 多発性末梢神経鞘腫瘍の分類と悪性末梢神経鞘腫瘍の発生

    生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 畠野 宏史, 川島 寛之, 長谷川 和宏, 今泉 聡, 守田 哲郎, 小林 宏人, 遠藤 直人

    臨床整形外科   36 ( 8 )   915 - 922   2001年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)医学書院  

    多発性神経鞘腫瘍の分類における鑑別点と,悪性末梢神経鞘腫瘍(MPNST)の発生について検討した.過去30年間の多発性神経鞘腫瘍115例のうち,National Institutes of Healthの診断基準によると,neurofibromatosis(NF)1が78例,NF2が7例,その他schwannomatosisが15例,segmental NFが2例,データ不足で分類不能が13例であり,各々の混合型はみられなかった.MPNSTはNF1例のみに14例発生していた.鑑別点としては,腋窩小色素斑,虹彩過誤腫がNF1に特異的で重要であり,カフェオレ斑はNF1以外の病型にもしばしばみられる.NF1以外にはMPNSTはほとんど発生しないこから,これらの病型を臨床的に判別する事は重要である

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2002022271

  • マウス骨肉腫肺転移モデルにおける末梢血中の骨肉腫細胞の検出 : PCR ELISA による検討

    畠野 宏史, 川島 寛之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科學會雜誌   75 ( 7 )   339 - 339   2001年7月


  • デキサメサゾンによる軟骨肉腫の増殖抑制と分化誘導

    川島 寛之, 生越 章, 山際 浩史, 速水 正, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科學會雜誌   74 ( 8 )   S1421   2000年8月


  • 上肢の悪性腫瘍に対する患肢温存手術の現況と今後の展望

    堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人, 生越 章, 川島 寛之, 守田 哲郎, 斎藤 英彦, 井上 善也

    日本整形外科學會雜誌   74 ( 6 )   S1181   2000年6月


  • 第8胸椎腫瘍

    川島 寛之, 石川 誠一, 深瀬 真之, 生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科學會雜誌   74 ( 6 )   S1173 - S1174   2000年6月


  • 悪性末梢神経鞘腫瘍の診断と治療

    生越 章, 堀田 哲夫, 守田 哲郎, 今泉 聡, 大塚 寛, 山村 倉一郎, 畠野 宏史, 川島 寛之, 小林 宏人, 平田 泰治, 遠藤 直人

    日本整形外科學會雜誌   74 ( 6 )   S1209   2000年6月


▶ 全件表示


  • 神経線維腫症患者における悪性末梢神経鞘腫の発症を疑う臨床所見の探索

    大池 直樹, 生越 章, 有泉 高志, 村山 雄大, 宮崎 友宏, 川島 寛之

    日本レックリングハウゼン病学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集  2024年2月  日本レックリングハウゼン病学会


    開催年月日: 2024年2月



  • 多職種・多診療科によるNF1の包括的診療 大学病院整形外科における神経線維腫症1型患者診療の実情解析 フォローアップと他科併診について

    生越 章, 有泉 高志, 村山 雄大, 宮崎 友宏, 大池 直樹, 川島 寛之

    日本レックリングハウゼン病学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集  2024年2月  日本レックリングハウゼン病学会


    開催年月日: 2024年2月



  • 反復性脱臼に伴った変形性股関節症に対して人工股関節置換術で治療した神経線維腫症1型の1例

    鈴木 勇人, 今井 教雄, 坂上 敦, 堀米 洋二, 川島 寛之

    日本人工関節学会誌  2023年12月  (一社)日本人工関節学会


    開催年月日: 2023年12月




  • 血友病性関節症に対する人工膝関節置換術の治療経験

    谷藤 理, 望月 友晴, 古賀 寛, 前田 圭祐, 川島 寛之

    日本人工関節学会誌  2023年12月  (一社)日本人工関節学会


    開催年月日: 2023年12月


    人工膝関節置換術(TKA)を行った末期血友病性関節症膝6名7膝(全例男性、平均年齢44.9歳、平均経過観察期間9.5年)の術後成績として、膝関節可動域、出血、合併症について調査した。可動域の改善度は膝伸展角度20.7°、膝屈曲角度8.6°、range 29.3°と概ね良好に改善していたが、術前可動域の影響が大きく、改善には限界があることが示唆された。平均術中出血量は228.7mLで、手術時間の長い例で多く、手術時にトラネキサム酸を静注した例で少ない傾向を示した。術前Hb値は15.1g/dLと高く、全例術後1週目でHb値が最低値を示したが、2週目には全例回復に転じており、輸血は予防的輸血が1例であった。1例で高度関節内血腫を生じたが、再手術を要する合併症は認めず、凝固因子製剤補充療法下のTKAは比較的安全かつ良好な成績が得られると考えられた。


  • 乳児3~4ヵ月児健診における発育性股関節形成不全の検査形式と問題点 全国調査

    古賀 寛, 村上 玲子, 川島 寛之

    日本小児整形外科学会雑誌  2023年11月  (一社)日本小児整形外科学会


    開催年月日: 2023年11月



  • フレイルの側からみためまい対策

    今井 教雄, 川島 寛之

    Equilibrium Research  2023年10月  (一社)日本めまい平衡医学会


    開催年月日: 2023年10月



  • 基本チェックリストの項目で健常状態維持のために特に重要な5項目 阿賀野市一般住民に対する縦断的調査より

    今井 教雄, 依田 拓也, 堀米 洋二, 村上 玲子, 若杉 正嗣, 藤井 俊英, 藤森 勝也, 大橋 正幸, 川島 寛之

    日本サルコペニア・フレイル学会雑誌  2023年10月  (一社)日本サルコペニア・フレイル学会


    開催年月日: 2023年10月



  • 新型コロナウイルスパンデミックが学童骨折発生に与えた影響2020

    古賀 寛, 大森 豪, 川島 寛之

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌  2023年10月  (一社)日本臨床スポーツ医学会


    開催年月日: 2023年10月



  • ロモソズマブ投与後2年までの骨密度変化の推移

    今井 教雄, 堀米 洋二, 川島 寛之

    日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌  2023年9月  (一社)日本骨粗鬆症学会


    開催年月日: 2023年9月



  • 染色体異常を有する脂肪芽腫の3例

    村山 雄大, 有泉 高志, 大池 直樹, 宮崎 友宏, 生越 章, 川島 寛之
