Graduate School of Science and Technology Advanced Materials Science and Technology Professor
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering Professor
Updated on 2025/03/13
博士(理学) ( 1992.3 東北大学 )
Natural Science / Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems
Niigata University Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Advanced Materials Science and Technology Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Engineering Department of Material Science and Technology Professor
2004.3 - 2017.3
Niigata University Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Advanced Materials Science and Technology Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Advanced Materials Science and Technology Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Engineering Department of Material Science and Technology Professor
2004.3 - 2017.3
2016.4 - 2018.3
2010 - 2011
2009.9 - 2011.8
2009.4 - 2011.3
2006.9 - 2010.8
Coexistence of distinct Ce 4f-electron states at inequivalent crystallographic sites: CePtGe2 case
Hayato Muto, Tomohito Nakano, Tatsuya Watanabe, Ryota Takahashi, Naoya Takeda, Jun Gouchi, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Michal Dušek, Jan Prokleška, Jiří Pospíšil, Vladimír Sechovský
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 613 172670 - 172670 2025.2
First-order transition under a magnetic ordered state in SmPtSi<sub>2</sub>
Tomohito Nakano, Eisuke Takahashi, Shuto Yamaguchi, Naoya Takeda, Klára Uhlířová, Jan Prokleška, Jiří Pospíšil, Vladimír Sechovský, Kazuyuki Matusbayashi, Hanming Ma, Yoshiya Uwatoko
Physica Scripta 99 ( 8 ) 085923 - 085923 2024.7
Hayato Muto, Shoma Onuma, Tatsuya Watanabe, Ryota Takahashi, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda, Jun Gouchi, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Klára Uhlířová, Jan Prokleška, Vladimír Sechovský
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29) 2023.5
La-Substitution Effects on Multisite Ce Compound CePtGe<inf>2</inf>
Hayato Muto, Shoma Onuma, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda, Jun Gouchi, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Klára Uhlířová, Jan Prokleška, Vladimír Sechovský
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 91 ( 7 ) 2022.7
Superconductivity of the ternary stannide Y5Co6Sn18
Naoki Kase, Taishi Anada, Yusuke Terui, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda
Coexistence of localized and heavy itinerant states in antiferromagnetic CePtGe2
Tomohito Nakano, Shoma Onuma, Naoya Takeda, Klara Uhlirova, Jan Proklesky, Vladimir Sechovsky, Jun Gouchi, Yoshiya Uwatoko
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100 ( 3 ) 2019.7
Physical properties of EuPdGe single crystal with monoclinic structure
Kambe M., Nagai K., Saito T., Yamauchi N., Hatakeyama A., Minakawa A., Nomoto T., Kase N., Nakano T., Takeda N.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 74.2 1928 - 1928 2019
Physical properties of the Antiferromagnetic Compound CePtGe<sub>2</sub> under pressure II
Gouchi J., Onuma S., Nakano T., Takeda N., Uwatoko Y.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 74.1 1978 - 1978 2019
Fundamental properties of a new samarium compound SmPtSi2 Reviewed
Shuto Yamaguchi, Eisuke Takahashi, Naoki Kase, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda, Kazuyuki Matsubayashi, Yoshiya Uwatoko
Physica B: Condensed Matter 536 297 - 299 2018.5
Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of clathrate compound Pr3Pd20Ge6 Reviewed
K.Matsumoto, Y.Sekiguchi, O.Iwakami, T.Ono, S.Abe, G.Ano, M.Akatsu, K.Mitsumoto, Y.Nemoto, T.Goto, N.Takeda, H.Kitazawa
J.Phys.:Conf. Series 969 012120-1 - 012120-6 2018.4
Superfluidity of 4He in dense aerogel studied using quartz tuning fork Reviewed
K Matsumoto, Y Sekiguchi, O Iwakami, T Ono, S Abe, G Ano, M Akatsu, K Mitsumoto, Y Nemoto, T Goto, N Takeda, H Kitazawa
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 969 12019 2018
Single-crystal growth of α-Mn and its physical properties under pressure
Tomaru A., Fukuhara K., Nakano T., Takeda N., Amakai Y., Murayama S.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73 ( 0 ) 541 - 541 2018
Thermoelectric properties of 1T-Ta(S<sub>1-x</sub>Se<sub>x</sub>)
Araki R., Matsumoto K., Nakano T., Takeda N.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73 ( 0 ) 1568 - 1568 2018
Physical properties of BaTSi (T = Pd, Pt) with non-centrosymmetric structure
Kimura Y., Hosomichi M., Nakano T., Takeda N.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73 ( 0 ) 1187 - 1187 2018
Anisotropic superconductivity of Lu<sub>5</sub>T<sub>6</sub>Sn<sub>18</sub>(T = Co, Ir) with cage structure
Watanabe K., Anada T., Nakano T., Takeda N.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73 ( 0 ) 1188 - 1188 2018
Measurement of the electrical resistivity of the Antiferromagnetic Compound CePtGe<sub>2</sub>
Gouchi J., Onuma S., Nakano T., Takeda N., Uwatoko Y.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73 ( 0 ) 1518 - 1518 2018
Single crystal growth of transition metal oxide BaIrO<sub>3</sub> and its properties
Domon Y., Kawai K., Nakano T., Takeda N.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73 ( 0 ) 609 - 609 2018
Sample preparation of SmPtSi<sub>2</sub>and its fundamental properties
Yamaguchi S., Takahashi E., Nakano T., Takeda N., Matsubayashi K., Uwatoko Y., Uhlirova K., Pronkleska J., Sechovsky V.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73 ( 0 ) 1714 - 1714 2018
Superconducting gap symmetry of the BiS2-based superconductor LaO0.5F0.5BiSSe elucidated through specific heat measurements Reviewed
Naoki Kase, Yusuke Terui, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 96 ( 21 ) 2017.12
Upper critical field of the single crystal La(O,F)BiSe2 Reviewed
Y.Terui, N.Kase, T.Nakano, N.Takeda
J.Phys.: Conf.Series 871 012005-1 - 012005-5 2017.7
Superconducting gap of the single crystal beta-PdBi2 Reviewed
H.Matsuzaki, K.Nagai, N.Kase, T.Nakano, N.Takeda
J.Phys. : Conf.Series 871 012001-1 - 012001-5 2017.7
Heavy-Fermion Compound of the ternary Phosphide Ce2Pt8P with a Non-Cencentrosymmetric Structure, Reviewed
N.Kase, Shoh Furukawa, T.Nakano, N.Takeda
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 86 ( 1 ) 014704-1 - 014704-4 2017.1
Sample preparation and basic fundamental propertie of CePtGe<sub>2</sub>
Ohnuma S., Yamaguchi S., Kase N., Nakano T., Takeda N., Uwatoko Y.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 72 ( 0 ) 2150 - 2150 2017
Superconductivity in Y6Tr4Al43 (Tr = Nb, Mo, Ta) with Peanut-Shaped Cage Structure Reviewed
Naoki Kase, Ryoh Satoh, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 85 ( 10 ) 105001-1 - 105001-2 2016.10
Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Caged Structural Superconductors Reviewed
H. Matsuzaki, K. Hida, N. Kase, T. Nakano, N. Takeda
PHYSICS PROCEDIA ( 81 ) 61 - 64 2016.5
Superconducting and Normal State Properties in the Ternary Silicide NbIrSi, TaIrSi, and NbPtSi Reviewed
H. Suzuki, N. Kase, T. Nakano, N. Takeda
PHYSICS PROCEDIA ( 81 ) 57 - 60 2016.5
Single crystal growth and superconducting properties of LaO0.5F0.5Bi(S0.8Se0.2)2 Reviewed
Y. Terui, K. Saitoh, N. Kase, T. Nakano, N. Takeda
PHYSICS PROCEDIA ( 81 ) 53 - 56 2016.5
Superconductivity in Ternary Pnictide SrPd2Sb2 Polymorphs Reviewed
Naoki Kase, Harufumi Suzuki, Takenori Tsukamoto, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 85 ( 4 ) 043701-1 - 043701-5 2016.4
Superconductivity in the ternary silicide TrIrSi (Tr = Ti, Zr, and Hf) Reviewed
Naoki Kase, Harufumi Suzuki, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda
Low temperature superconducting phase of the ternary pnictide SrPd2Sb2 with CaBe2Ge2-type structure Reviewed
N. Kase, H. Suzuki, T. Tsukamoto, T. Nakano, N. Takeda
Low temperature properties of ZrTr2Zn20 (Tr = transition metal) with a pyrochlore lattice Reviewed
S. Hasegawa, K. Morihiro, N. Kase, T. Nakano, N. Takeda
Low-temperature study of the Sm-based compound SmOs2Zn20 Reviewed
M. Tanahashi, K. Adachi, T. Sasahara, N. Kase, T. Nakano, N. Takeda
NMR studies on polyphosphide Ce6Ni6P17 Reviewed
T. Koyama, H. Yamada, K. Ueda, T. Mito, Y. Aoyama, T. Nakano, N. Takeda
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 683 ( 1 ) 12027 2016
Antiferromagnetic transition of the caged compound TmTi2Al20 Reviewed
Naoki Kase, Yasuyuki Shimura, Shunichiro Kittaka, Toshiro Sakakibara, Satoru Nakatsuji, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda, Jun Akimitsu
Magnetic ordering of hyperfine-coupled nuclear and 4f -electron moments in the clathrate compound Pr3Pd20Ge6. Reviewed
O. Iwakami, Y. Namisashi, S. Abe, K. Matsumoto, G. Ano, M. Akatsu, K. Mitsumoto, Y. Nemoto, N. Takeda, T. Goto, H. Kitazawa
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90 ( 10 ) 100402-1 - 100402-5 2014.9
Another phase transition beside superconductivity in skutterudite LaOs4P12
N.Takeda, N.Hoshi, S. Yodono, R.Takeda, N.Kurotaki, T.Nakano
JPS Conf.Proc. 3 017024-1 - 017024-5 2014.7
Vibrational dynamics of filled skutterudites LaT4X 12(T = Fe, Ru, Os, X = As, Sb) Reviewed
Michael Marek Koza, Devashibhai Adroja, Naoya Takeda, Zygmunt Henkie, Tomasz Cichorek
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82 ( 11 ) 114607/1 - 11 2013.11
Intermediate valence behavior of Yb2Ni12P7 studied by using 31P NMR Reviewed
T. Koyama, K. Sugiura, K. Ueda, T. Mito, T. Kohara, R. Satoh, K. Tsuchiya, T. Nakano, N. Takeda
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 63 ( 3 ) 416 - 419 2013.8
Low-temperature magnetic properties of RE2Ni21B 6 (RE = Er, Tm, Yb and Lu) Reviewed
J. Kitagawa, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 561 101 - 104 2013.6
Magnetic phase diagram of clathrate compound Ce3Pd20Si6 with quadrupolar ordering Reviewed
H. Ono, T. Nakano, N. Takeda, G. Ano, M. Akatsu, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, A. Doenni, H. Kitazawa
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 25 ( 12 ) 126003-1 - 4 2013.3
Magnetic Properties of Cubic compound Ce6Ni6P17 with geometric Frustration Reviewed
N.Takeda, K.Izumi, H.Ono, S.Yodono, T.Nakano
J.Phys.:Conf.Series 3991 012071-1 - 012071-2 2012.12
Magnetization, Resistivity and Specific Heat of Hexagonal R2Ni12P7 with Filled-Cr12P7 Structure Reviewed
Tomohito Nakano, Katsuhiko Tsuchiya, Atsumi Ohashi, Takashi Nashimoto, Hiroki Ono, Naoya Takeda, Naoki Shirakawa
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 81 ( 7 ) 074604-1 - 074604-8 2012.7
Quadrupole Ordering and Rattling Motions in Clathrate Compound Pr3Pd20Ge6 Reviewed
G.Ano, T.Yamaguchi, K.Araki, K.Matsuo, Y.Tachikawa, K.Mitsumoto, M.Akatsu, Y.Nemoto, T.Goto, N.Takeda, A.Donni, H.Kitazawa
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 81 034710-1 - 034710-11 2012.3
Pressure effect of transport properties of hexagonal Yb2Ni12P7 Reviewed
Tomohito Nakano, Ryohei Satoh, Katsuhiko Tsuchiya, Naoya Takeda, Kazuyuki Matsubayashi, Yoshiya Uwatoko
Specific heat of Ce3Pd20Si6 single crystal in magnetic fields Reviewed
H. Ono, T. Nakano, N. Takeda, G. Ano, M. Akatsu, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, H. Kitazawa
Physical properties of unfilled skutterudite NiP3 Reviewed
N. Takeda, T. Nakajo, H. Ono, K. Tatematsu, T. Nakano
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 SA035-1 - SA035-2 2011.7
The magnetic moment without magnetic phase transition in insulating RR'S3(R=La, Ce, Pr, Nd; R'=Yb, Lu) Reviewed
Hiroki Ono, Tatsuya Kuwahara, Tatsuya Furui, Kenji Tatematsu, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 SA079-1 - SA079- 2011.7
Low-temperature magnetic properties of Ho2Ni12P7 Reviewed
Katsuhiko Tsuchiya, Atsumi Ohashi, Takahumi Nashimoto, Hiroki Ono, Kenji Tatematsu, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 SA081-1 - SA081-2 2011.7
Electric field gradient fluctuations in filled skutterudite ReRu 4Sb12 (Re = La, Ce and Pr) probed by Sb-NQR Reviewed
Mamoru Yogi, Haruo Niki, Hitoshi Sugawara, Naoya Takeda, Hideyuki Sato
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 SA027-1 - SA027-3 2011.7
Seebeck coefficient for concentrated Kondo compound CePtSi2 under hydrostatic pressure Reviewed
T.Nakano, S.Yonamine, M.Hedo, T.Nakama, M.Ohashi, N.Takeda, G.Oomi
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 80 SA028-1 - SA028-2 2011.6
Quadrupole Ordering and Rattling in Clathrate Compound Pr3Pd20Ge6 Reviewed
G. Anol, K. Matsuo, K. Araki, Y. Tachikawa, K. Mitsumoto, M. Akatsu, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, N. Takeda, A. Kikkawa, A. Doenni, H. Kitazawa
Quadrupole Order in Clathrate Compound Pr3Pd20Si6 Reviewed
M. Akatsu, S. Tsuduku, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, I. Ishii, K. Mitsumoto, G. Ano, H. Kobayashi, N. Takeda, A. Doenni, H. Kitazawa
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM (ICM 2009) 200 012121-1 - 012121-4 2010
Ultrasonic investigation of off-center rattling in Pr0.55Nd0.45Os4Sb12 Reviewed
Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Taichi Mayama, Hiroyuki Hidaka, Hiroshi Amitsuka, Akio Yamaguchi, Koji Araki, Yuichi Nemoto, Terutaka Goto, Naoya Takeda, Pei-Chun Ho, M. Brian Maple
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404 ( 19 ) 3235 - 3237 2009.10
Quadrupole Ordering in Clathrate Compound Ce3Pd20Si6 Reviewed
Terutaka Goto, Tomyuki Watanabe, Seiji Tsuduku, Haruki Kobayashi, Yuichi Nemoto, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Genki Ano, Osamu Suzuki, Naoya Takeda, Andreas Donni, Hideaki Kitazawa
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 78 ( 2 ) 024716-1 - 024716-9 2009.2
Low temperature x-ray diffraction study on superconductivity Reviewed
Y. Xue, H. Kaneko, Q. Tao, Z. Xu, N. Takeda, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, H. Suzuki
25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT25), PT 5A 150 ( 5a ) 052284-1 - 052284-4 2009
Inelastic neutron scattering study of spin gap formation in heavy fermion compounds Reviewed
D. T. Adroja, K. A. Mcewen, J. -G. Park, A. D. Hillier, N. Takeda, P. S. Riseborough, T. Takabatake
NQR Study of Filled Skutterudite CeT4Sb12(T=Ru and Os) Reviewed
M.Yogi 他
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.,Supple.A 77 321 - 323 2008.6
Heavy Fermion Behaviors of Tm2Rh12P7 Reviewed
K.Tatematsu, N.Takeda 他
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.,Supple.A 77 353 - 355 2008.6
Guest Ion Motion in Cage Structure Crystals Investigated by Raman Scattering Reviewed
M.Udagawa, T.Hasegawa, Y.Takasu, N.Ogita, K.Suekuni, M.A.Avila, T.Takabatake, Y.Ishikawa, N.Takeda
J.Phys.Soc.Supple.A 77 142 - 147 2008.4
Ru-NQR studies on filled skutterudite compounds RRu4P12 (R = La, Nd, Sm) Reviewed
S. Masakia, T. Mito, M. Takemura, S. Wada, H. Harima, D. Kikuchi, H. Sato, H. Sugawara, N. Takeda, G. -q. Zheng
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 403 ( 5-9 ) 1630 - 1632 2008.4
NQR investigation on multipolar ordering systems Reviewed
T. Mito, S. Tomisawa, S. Masaki, M. Takemura, S. Wada, H. Harima, Y. Kato, M. Kosaka, D. Kikuchi, H. Sato, H. Sugawara, N. Takeda, G. -q. Zheng
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 403 ( 5-9 ) 1633 - 1635 2008.4
31P-NMR study in single crystal SmRu4P12 Reviewed
S.Masaki 他
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.;SuppleA. 77 206 - 208 2008.1
Rattling in Clathrate Compounds of ROs4Sb12 and R3Pd20Ge6 Reviewed
Y.Nemoto, T.Yanagisawa 他
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.Supple.A 77 153 - 158 2008.1
Elastic Quadrupole Effect in Clathrate Compound Pr3Pd20Si6 Reviewed
T.Yanagisawa 他
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.,SuppleA 77 263 - 265 2008.1
Raman Scattering Study of Filled Skutterudite Compounds Reviewed
N.Ogita 他
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.;Supple.A 77 251 - 253 2008.1
Metamagnetism of ferromagnetic Kondo compound SmFe4P 12 Reviewed
Naoya Takeda, Hiroyuki Mitamura, Koichi Kindo
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77 209 - 210 2008
Ultrasonic Study of Rattling and Tunneling in Clathrate Compounds R3Pd20X6 (R=La, Ce; X=Si, Ge). Reviewed
T.Watanabe, T.Yamaguchi, Y.Nemoto, T.Goto, N.Takeda, O.Suzuku, H.Kitazawa
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 948 - 950 2007.12
Antiferroquadrupolar ordering and anisotropic magnetic phase diagram of dysprosium palladium bronze, DyPd3S4 Reviewed
Eiichi Matsuoka, Takashi Tayama, Toshiro Sakakibara, Zenji Hiroi, Naoki Shirakawa, Naoya Takeda, Masayasu Ishikawa
Investigation of SmFe4P12 at pressures to 8 GPa Reviewed
K.Kurita, M.Hedo, Y.Uwatoko, N.Takeda, S.W.Tozer
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.,Supple.A 76 64 - 65 2007.6
Observation of symmetry lowering associated with the metal-insulator transition in SmRu4P12 by Ru-101-NQR Reviewed
Satoru Masaki, Takeshi Mito, Masayuki Takemura, Shinji Wada, Hisatomo Harima, Daisuke Kikuchi, Hideyuki Sato, Hitoshi Sugawara, Naoya Takeda, Guo-qing Zheng
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 76 ( 4 ) 043714-1 - 043714-4 2007.4
NMR study of the successive two phase transitions in SmRu4P12 Reviewed
Masaki Satoru, Mito Takeshi, Shinji Wada, Naoya Takeda, Daisuke Kikuchi, Hideyuki Sato, Hitoshi Sugawara, Guo-qing Zheng
Crystalline electric field effect and magnetic properties of CeRhSi3 single crystal Reviewed
Y. Muro, M. Ishikawa, K. Hirota, Z. Hiroi, N. Takeda, N. Kimura, H. Aoki
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 76 ( 3 ) 033706-1 - 033706-3 2007.3
Raman scattering study of the skutterudite compounds Reviewed
N. Ogita, R. Kojima, Y. Takasu, T. Hasegawa, T. Kondo, M. Udagawa, N. Takeda, T. Ikeno, K. Ishikawa, H. Sugawara, D. Kikuchi, H. Sato, C. Sekine, I. Shirotani
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 ( 2 ) 948 - 950 2007.3
Observation of two spin gap energies in the filled skutterudite compound CeOs(4)Sb(12) Reviewed
D. T. Adroja, J. -G. Park, E. A. Goremychkin, K. A. McEwen, N. Takeda, B. D. Rainford, K. S. Knight, J. W. Taylor, Jeongmi Park, H. C. Walker, R. Osborn, Peter S. Riseborough
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 ( 1 ) 014418(1) - 014418(8) 2007.1
Magnetic Instability around the Quantum Critical Point in CeCoGe1-xSix(0<x<3) Reviewed
D.Eom, N. Takeda, M.Ishikawa
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. vol.75,No.9 093706(1) - 093706(3) 2006.12
Rattling and tunneling of off-center local oscillator in clathrate compounds Reviewed
Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Takafumi Ueno, Tomoyuki Watanabe, Naoya Takeda, Osamu Suzuki, Hideaki Kitazawa, Hitoshi Sugawara, Hideyuki Sato
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 383 ( 1 ) 115 - 119 2006.8
Raman scattering investigation of skutterudite compounds Reviewed
N. Ogita, T. Kondo, T. Hasegawa, Y. Takasu, M. Udagawa, N. Takeda, K. Ishikawa, H. Sugawara, D. Kikuchi, H. Sato, C. Sekine, I. Shirotani
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 383 ( 1 ) 128 - 129 2006.8
Microscopic investigation of possible multipole ordering in SmRu4P12 by P-31-NMR Reviewed
Satoru Masaki, Takeshi Mito, Naomi Oki, Shinji Wada, Naoya Takeda
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 75 ( 5 ) 053708-1 - 053708-5 2006.5
Ultrasonic dispersion and off-center rattling in heavy fermion superconductor PrOS4Sb12 Reviewed
Yuichi Nemoto, Takafumi Ueno, Naoya Takeda, Takashi Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Terutaka Goto, Hitoshi Sugawara, Hideyuki Sato
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 378-80 184 - 186 2006.5
NMR study of unique properties in SmRu4P12 Reviewed
T Mito, S Masaki, N Oki, S Noguchi, S Wada, N Takeda, D Kikuchi, H Sato, H Sugawara, GQ Zheng
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 378-80 224 - 225 2006.5
Heavy fermion fluid in high magnetic fields: An infrared study of CeRu4Sb12 Reviewed
SV Dordevic, KSD Beach, N Takeda, YJ Wang, MB Maple, DN Basov
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 96 ( 1 ) 017403(1) - 017403(4) 2006.1
Probing the vortex state of PrRu4Sb12 through muon spin rotation and relaxation Reviewed
DT Adroja, AD Hillier, JG Park, EA Goremychkin, KA McEwen, N Takeda, R Osborn, BD Rainford, RM Ibberson
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72 ( 18 ) 184503(1) - 184503(7) 2005.11
Novel superconductivity coexisting with incipient electric-multipolar order in CePt3Si Reviewed
M Ishikawa, S Yamashita, Y Nakazawa, N Wada, N Takeda
NMR study of the new filled skutterudite superconductor YFe4P12 Reviewed
K Magishi, T Saito, K Koyama, Shirotani, I, Y Shimaya, K Kihou, C Sekine, N Takeda, M Ishikawa, T Yagi
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 359 883 - 885 2005.4
Influence of the crystal field potential on the superconducting properties of PrRU(4)Sb(12) Reviewed
DT Adroja, JG Park, EA Goremychkin, N Takeda, M Ishikawa, KA McEwen, R Osborn, AD Hillier, BD Rainford
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 359 983 - 985 2005.4
Nonmagnetic heavy-fermion superconductor, CePt3Si Reviewed
M Ishikawa, N Takeda
SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 133 ( 4 ) 249 - 251 2005.1
24pTA-15 Magnetism and superconductivity of CePt_3Si studied by specific heat
Ishikawa M., Yamashita S., Nakazawa Y., Wada N., Takeda N.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 497 - 497 2005
Anomalous magnetic properties and non-Fermi-liquid behaviour in single crystals of the Kondo lattice CeNiGe2-xSix Reviewed
DY Kim, DH Ryu, JB Hong, JG Park, YS Kwon, MA Jung, MH Jung, N Takeda, M Ishikawa, S Kimura
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 16 ( 46 ) 8323 - 8334 2004.11
Competition between Kondo effect and ferromagnetic interaction in skutterudite La1-xSmxFe4P12 Reviewed
N Takeda, M Ishikawa
Study of the hybridization gap in a heavy fermion compound: CeRu4Sb12 Reviewed
D. T. Adroja, J. -G. Park, K. A. McEwen, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa, J. -Y. So
Effect of pressure on the electrical resistivity of CeCu2Si2 Reviewed
Masahito Koeda, Masato Hedo, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Takehiko Matsumoto, Naoya Takeda, Masayasu Ishikawa
Spin gap formation in the heavy fermion skutterudite compound CeRu4Sb12 Reviewed
D. T. Adroja, J.-G. Park, K. A. McEwen, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa, J.-Y. So
Phys. Rev.B 68 094425(1) - 094425(6) 2003.12
Ferromagnetic Heavy Fermion System SmFe4P12 Reviewed
N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
PhysicaB 329-333 460 - 461 2003.12
Pairing Symmetry in two distinct superconducting states of CeCu2Si2 Reviewed
M. Ishikawa, N. Takeda, M. Koeda, M. Hedo, Y. Uwatoko
Phys. Rev.B 68 024522(1) - 024522(5) 2003.12
Structural, electrical, and magnetic properties of a series of molecular conductors based on BDT-TTP and lanthanoid nitrate complex anions (BDT-TTP=2,5-bis(1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene)-1,3,4,6-tetrathiapentalene) Reviewed
HB Cui, T Otsuka, A Kobayashi, N Takeda, M Ishikawa, Y Misaki, H Kobayashi
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 42 ( 19 ) 6114 - 6122 2003.9
Superconductivity of new filled skutterudite YFe4P12 prepared at high pressure Reviewed
I. Shirotani, Y. Shimaya, K. Kihou, C. Sekine, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa, T. Yagi
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 15 ( 28 ) S2201 - S2205 2003.7
Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in CeNiGe2-xSix single crystals Reviewed
SO Hong, ED Mun, N Takeda, M Ishikawa, YS Kwon
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 518 - 519 2003.5
The ferromagnetic Kondo-lattice compound SmFe4P12 Reviewed
Naoya Takeda, Masayasu Ishikawa
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 15 ( 14 ) L229 - L233 2003.4
Electronic structure of the filled skutterudite compound CeRu4Sb12 Reviewed
K. Kanai, N. Takeda, S. Nozawa, T. Yokoya, M. Ishikawa, S. Shin
Phys.Rev.B. 65 41105(1) - 41105(4) 2002.12
Ferromagnetic interaction and superconductivity of CeCu2Si2 Reviewed
M. Ishikawa, N. Takeda, P. Ahmet, Y. Karaki, H. Ishimoto, D. Huo, J. Sakurai
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 63 ( 6-8 ) 1165 - 1169 2002
Ultrahigh resolution photoemission study of CeRu4Sb12 Reviewed
K. Kanai, N. Takeda, S. Nozawa, T. Yokoya, M. Ishikawa, S. Shin
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 63 ( 6-8 ) 1175 - 1178 2002
Electronic structure of the filled skutterudite compound (formula presented)
K. Kanai, N. Takeda, S. Nozawa, T. Yokoya, M. Ishikawa, S. Shin
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 65 ( 4 ) 1 - 4 2002
Ferromagnetic exchange coupling of vanadium(IV) d pi spins across pyrimidine rings: Dinuclear complexes of oxovanadium(IV) bis(1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoropentane-2,4-dionate) bridged by pyrimidine derivatives Reviewed
T Ishida, S Mitsubori, T Nogami, N Takeda, M Ishikawa, H Iwamura
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 40 ( 27 ) 7059 - 7064 2001.12
The effect of La substitution and magnetic field on non-Fermi-liquid behaviour in CeRu4Sb12 Reviewed
N Takeda, M Ishikawa
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 13 ( 26 ) 5971 - 5980 2001.7
Magnetic Field effect on Non-Fermi Liquid Behaviors in CeRu4Sb12. Reviewed
N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
PhysicaB 281-282 388 - 390 2000.12
Superconductivity and Magnetic Properties of Filled Skutterudite Compounds RERu4Sb12 (RE=La, Ce, Pr, Nd and Eu). Reviewed
N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69 868 - 873 2000.12
J. Kitagawa, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa, M. Nakayama, N. Kimura, T. Komatsubara
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 3 ) 883 - 887 2000.3
Jahn-Teller-like phase transition of TmPd3S4 around 200 K Reviewed
J Kitagawa, E Matsuoka, N Takeda, M Ishikawa
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 60 ( 22 ) R15028 - R15030 1999.12
Anisotropic Magnetic Diagram of Ce<SUB>3</SUB>Pd<SUB>20</SUB>Ge<SUB>6</SUB> with Quadrupolar Ordering Reviewed
J. Kitagawa, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa, T. Yoshida, A. Ishiguro, N. Kimura, T. Komatsubara
Physica B 259-261 332 - 333 1999.1
Anomalous magnetic properties of CeRu4Sb12 Reviewed
N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
Physica B: Condensed Matter 259-261 92 - 93 1999
Contrasting Kondo-Lattice Behavior of CeTSi3 and CeTGe3 (T=Rh and Ir). Reviewed
Y. Muro, D. Eom, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67 3601 - 3604 1998.12
Anisotropic magnetic phase diagram of the Kondo-lattice compound Observation of antiferromagnetic and quadrupolar ordering Reviewed
J. Kitagawa, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa, T. Yoshida, A. Ishiguro, N. Kimura, T. Komatsubara
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 57 ( 13 ) 7450 - 7453 1998
Suppression of Antiferromagnetism by Kondo Effect and Quantum Critical Behavior in CeCoGe3-xSix (0 ≤ x ≤ 3) Reviewed
Duhwa Eom, Masayasu Ishikawa, Jiro Kitagawa, Naoya Takeda
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 7 ) 2495 - 2500 1998
Hydrogen-bonded organic ferromagnet Reviewed
Michio M. Matsushita, Akira Izuoka, Tadashi Sugawara, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Nobuo Wada, Naoya Takeda, Masayasu Ishikawa
Journal of the American Chemical Society 119 ( 19 ) 4369 - 4379 1997.5
Ferromagnetism of Organic Radical Crystals of TEMPO Derivatives. Reviewed
T. Nogami, T. Ishida, M. Yasui, F. Iwasaki, H. Iwamura, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 279 97 - 106 1996.12
Possible quadrupolar ordering in a Kondo-lattice compou Reviewed
Jiro Kitagawa, Naoya Takeda, Masayasu Ishikawa
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 53 ( 9 ) 5101 - 5103 1996
Ferromagnetism in Organic Radical Crystal of 4 - (p - Chlorobenzylideneamino) - 2, 2, 6, 6 - tetramethylpiperidin - 1 - oxyl. Reviewed
T. Nogami, T. Ishida, H. Tsuboi, H. Yoshikawa, H. Yamamoto, M. Yasui, F. Iwasaki, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
Chemistry Letters. 635 - 636 1995.12
Intra- and inter-molecular ferromagnetic interaction of transition metal complexes containing pyrimidine or pyrazine derivatives Reviewed
Takayuki Ishida, Shin-ichi Mitsubori, Takashi Nogami, Yoshimitsu Ishikawa, Masanori Yasui, Fujiko Iwasaki, Hiizu Iwamura, Naoya Takeda, Masayasu Ishikawa
Synthetic Metals 71 ( 1-3 ) 1791 - 1792 1995.4
New organic ferromagnets: 4-arylmethyleneamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl (aryl = phenyl, 4-biphenylyl, 4-chlorophenyl, and 4-phenoxyphenyl) Reviewed
Takashi Nogami, Kensuke Togashi, Hidenori Tsuboi, Takayuki Ishida, Hajime Yoshikawa, Masanori Yasui, Fujiko Iwasaki, Hiizu Iwamura, Naoya Takeda, Masayasu Ishikawa
Synthetic Metals 71 ( 1-3 ) 1813 - 1814 1995.4
New Heavy-Electron System Ce3Pd20Si6 Reviewed
Naoya Takeda, Jiro Kitagawa, Masayasu Ishikawa
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 2 ) 387 - 390 1995
Effect of Pressure on Specific Heat of Kondo Lattice System Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Hashiguchi T., Takeda N., Kitagawa J., Wada N., Takayanagi S., Ishikawa M., Mori N.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 1995 155 - 155 1995
An Organic Ferromagnet:alpha-Phase Crystal of 2 - (2', 5' - Dihydroxyphenyl) - 4, 4, 5, 5 - tetramethyl - 4, 5 - dihydro - 1H - imidazolyl - 1 - oxy - 3 - oxide (alpha- HQNN). Reviewed
T. Sugawara, M. M. Matsushita, A. Izuoka, N. Wada, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1723 1994.12
A New Organic Ferromagnet : 4 - Benzylideneamino - 2, 2, 6, 6 - tetramethylpiperidin - 1 - oxyl. Reviewed
T. Nogami, K. Tomioka, T. Ishida, H. Yoshiika, M. Yasui, F. Iwasaki, H. Iwamura, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
Chemistry Letters 29 - 32 1994.12
An Organic Ferromagnet with a Tc of 0.4K. 4-(p-Phenylbenzylideneamino)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl
T. Ishida, H. Tsuboi, T. Nogami, H. Yoshikawa, M. Yasui, F. Iwasaki, H. Iwamura, N. Takeda, M. Ishikawa
Chem. Lett. 1994 ( 5 ) 919 - 922 1994
Fermi surface and cyclotron mass of extremely low carrier system CeAs Reviewed
N. Takeda, Y. S. Kwon, Y. Haga, N. Sato, T. Suzuki, T. Komatsubara
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 186-188 ( C ) 153 - 155 1993.5
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 186-88 297 - 299 1993.5
Heavy-Electron Behavior in a Low-Carrier-Concentration Compound YbAs Reviewed
Takuo Sakon, Noriaki Sato, Akira Oyamada, Naoya Takeda, Takashi Suzuki, Takemi Komatsubara
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 7 ) 2209 - 2211 1992
Anisotropy in a Heavy Fermion Superconductor: UPd2Al3 Reviewed
Noriaki Sato, Takuo Sakon, Naoya Takeda, Takemi Komatsubara, Christoph Geibel, Frank Steglich
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 1 ) 32 - 34 1992
A New Mass-Enhanced Ferromagnet: U2PtSi3 Reviewed
Noriaki Sato, Masaki Kagawa, Katsunori Tanaka, Naoya Takeda, Takeo Satoh, Shinichi Sakatsume, Takemi Komatsubara
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 3 ) 757 - 759 1991
Preparation and Characterization of Multisite Ce Compound (Ce<sub>0.5</sub>Y<sub>0.5</sub>)PtGe<sub>2</sub> Single Crystal
武藤颯人, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 郷地順, 上床美也, MISEK Martin, DUSEK Michal, POSPISIL Jiri, UHLIROVA Klara, PROKLESKA Jan, SECHOVSKY Vladimir
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 79 ( 1 ) 2024
R-substitution Effect (R = La, Y) on Multisite Ce compound CePtGe<sub>2</sub> (III)
武藤颯人, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 郷地順, 上床美也, POSPISIL Jiri, UHLIROVA Klara, PROKLESKA Jan, SECHOVSKY Vladimir
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 2 ) 2023
R-substitution Effect (R=La, Y) on Multisite Ce compound CePtGe<sub>2</sub> (II)
武藤颯人, 大沼翔馬, 渡辺達也, 高橋涼太, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 郷地順, 上床美也, UHLIROVA Klara, PROKLESKA Jan, SECHOVSKY Vladimir
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 1 ) 2023
Fundamental properties of Ce<sub>3</sub>Ni<sub>3</sub>Si<sub>2</sub> with two inequivalent Ce sites
鈴木爽介, 武藤颯人, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 雨海有佑, PROVINO Alessia, DHAR Sudesh K., MANFRINETTI Pietro
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78 ( 2 ) 2023
Sample preparation and physical property of Ce<sub>2</sub>Ru<sub>3</sub>Ge<sub>5</sub>
皆川航, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 77 ( 2 ) 2022
Sample preparations of Valance fluctuating systems YbZn<sub>2</sub>X<sub>2</sub>(X=P,Sb)
根建夏来, 野本隆宏, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 2 ) 2021
Exploring Superconductor CaTX (T=Pt, Pd, X=Si, Ge) Without Spatial Inversion Symmetry
小林孝太, 鈴木康平, 木村優治, 野本隆宏, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 2 ) 2021
Metal-Inslator transition of (Eu<sub>X</sub>Sr<sub>1-X</sub>)In<sub>2</sub>P<sub>2</sub>
篠原貴法, 野本隆宏, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 2 ) 2021
Charge Density Wave and Superconductivity of Layered Material 1T-TaS<sub>2-x</sub>Se<sub>x</sub>
前田隆貴, 長谷部太駆也, 松本紘祐, 荒木遼太, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 76 ( 2 ) 2021
Exploration of Superconducting State in (Tm<sub>1-x</sub>Lu<sub>x</sub>)<sub>5</sub>Co<sub>6</sub>Sn<sub>18</sub>
高橋昌壱, 野本隆宏, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Sample preparation of YbAl<sub>2</sub>X<sub>2</sub> (X =Si, Ge)
吉田雄紀, 野本隆宏, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Preparation of EuIn<sub>2</sub>P<sub>2</sub> single crystals showing giant magnetoresistance
斉藤志貴, 野本隆弘, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Exploration of Quantum Critical Point in Ce<sub>3</sub>(RhRu)<sub>2</sub>Ge<sub>2</sub>
梨本英, 川崎博己, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 野本隆宏
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Noncentrosymmetric BaNiSn<sub>3</sub> and Synthesis of the Peripheral Substance
一条希貴, 武田直也, 中野智仁, 野本隆宏
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Preparation of EuIr<sub>2</sub>P<sub>2</sub> single crystals showing metamagnetic behavior
山田浩登, 渡邉泰輔, 武田直也, 中野智仁, 野本隆宏
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
Preparation of Sm-Pt-Si ternary compound and its transport properties
名坂直紀, 武藤颯人, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 ( 2 ) 2020
川崎博己, 野本隆弘, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 74 ( 2 ) 2019
川辺健士郎, 野本隆宏, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 74 ( 2 ) 2019
郷地順, 大沼翔馬, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 上床美也
高圧討論会講演要旨集 59th 2018
荒木遼太, 松本絋祐, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 73 ( 2 ) 2018
岩上欧史, 矢尾優丞, 関口祐太, 南条知則, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.22APS‐9 - 2111 2016.3
照井祐輔, 齋藤健太, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 1 ) 2016
福原慶, 寺島宗一郎, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 雨海有佑, 村山茂幸
高圧討論会講演要旨集 57th 2016
松本紘祐, 佐藤晴紀, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
高圧討論会講演要旨集 57th 2016
加瀬直樹, 照井祐輔, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 2 ) 2016
Kase N., Terui Y., Saito K., Nakano T., Takeda N.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71 ( 0 ) 2374 - 2374 2016
齋藤達也, 長谷川聖, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 71 ( 2 ) 2016
新井宏典, 上杉和哉, 佐藤亮平, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 大橋政司, 巨海玄道
高圧討論会講演要旨集 56th 2015
山田和弘, 佐藤晴紀, 松本絋祐, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 松林和幸, 上床美也
高圧討論会講演要旨集 56th 2015
照井祐輔, 齋藤健太, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) 2015
古田沙紀子, 増村昌三, 穴田泰士, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) 2015
小山岳秀, 岩崎聡, 山田陽彦, 上田光一, 水戸毅, 青山悠司, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) 2015
22aPS-94 Low temperature measurements of the anti-ferromagnetic compound SmT_2Zn_<20> (T=Rh, Ir)
Tanahashi M., Adachi K., Sasahara T., Kase N., Nakano T., Takeda N., Kono Y., Sakakibara T.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 2184 - 2184 2015
17aPS-64 Field-induced first-order transitions in caged compounds SmTr_2Zn_<20>(Tr = Rh, Ir)
Tanahashi M., Adachi K., Sasahara T., Kase N., Nakano T., Takeda N.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70 ( 0 ) 1858 - 1858 2015
カゴ状構造を有するY<sub>6</sub>Tr<sub>4</sub>Al<sub>43</sub>(Tr=Transition metal)の低温物性
佐藤凌, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) 2015
岩上欧史, 矢尾優丞, 関口祐太, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 70 ( 2 ) 2015
小山岳秀, 山田陽彦, 上田光一, 水戸毅, 小原孝夫, 青山悠司, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 2014
加瀬直樹, 塚本壮紀, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 2014
加瀬直樹, 照井祐輔, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 橘高俊一郎, 榊原俊郎, 秋光純
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 2014
安達季並, 棚橋正貴, 笹原拓也, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 2014
大屋七海, 小貫真太郎, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 松林和幸, 上床美也
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 2014
大塚一輝, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 椎名亮輔, THALMEIER Peter
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 2014
希土類カゴ状化合物Pr<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Ge<sub>6</sub>の熱膨張・磁気歪み測定 II
岩上欧史, 矢尾優丞, 関口祐太, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 2 ) 2014
岩上欧史, 浪指悠平, 矢尾優丞, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 69 ( 1 ) 2014
Introduction to Engineering Literacy in Department of Materials Science and Technology
TAKEDA Naoya, NAKANO Tomohito, ANADA Taishi
25 ( 61 ) 716 - 717 2013.8
青山悠司, 武田大地, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 2 ) 2013
武田大地, 佐藤凌, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 2 ) 2013
福崎翔晴, 黒瀧直也, 星徳仁, 武田遼太郎, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 2 ) 2013
武田直也, 大泉智聖, 佐藤亮平, 中野智仁
高圧討論会講演要旨集 54th 2013
大屋七海, 小貫真太郎, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
高圧討論会講演要旨集 54th 2013
大泉智聖, 丹保七海, 古田沙紀子, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 1 ) 2013
笹原拓也, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 1 ) 2013
穴田泰士, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 1 ) 2013
La<sub>1-x</sub>Ce<sub>x</sub>Os<sub>4</sub>P<sub>12</sub>の磁性と伝導 II
淀野晋, 大滝周, 武田遼太郎, 黒瀧直哉, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 1 ) 2013
八島光晴, 椋田秀和, 北岡良雄, 大泉智聖, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 2 ) 2013
金子美翔, 大泉智聖, 丹保七海, 古田沙紀子, 加瀬直樹, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 2 ) 2013
Yb<sub>2</sub>Ni<sub>12</sub>P<sub>7</sub>の圧力効果 III
佐藤亮平, 土屋勝彦, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 大橋政司, 巨海玄道, 松林和幸, 上床美也
日本物理学会講演概要集 68 ( 2 ) 2013
20aPSA-32 NQR study on CeRu_4X_<12> (X = As, Sb)
Yogi M., Niki H., Sekine C., Sugawara H., Takeda N., Sato H.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67 ( 2 ) 514 - 514 2012.8
大泉智聖, 佐藤亮平, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 2012
穴田泰士, 大泉智聖, 笹原拓也, 佐藤亮平, 淀野晋, 小野宏基, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 2012
超伝導体LaOs<sub>4</sub>P<sub>12</sub>の磁性不純物効果 II
淀野晋, 武田遼太郎, 佐藤亮平, 黒瀧直哉, 星徳仁, 小野宏基, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 2012
佐藤亮平, 星徳仁, 黒瀧直哉, 武田遼太郎, 淀野晋, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 2012
CePtSi<sub>2</sub>単結晶の圧力効果 II
中野智仁, 小貫真太郎, 佐藤亮平, 笹原拓也, 武田直也, 松林和幸, 上床美也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 2012
小山岳秀, 杉浦恭平, 上田光一, 水戸毅, 小原孝夫, 中野智仁, 土屋勝彦, 佐藤亮平, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 2012
大泉智聖, 笹原拓也, 佐藤亮平, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 2012
笹原拓也, 大泉智聖, 佐藤亮平, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 塩尻泰広, 雨海有佑, 村山茂幸
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 2012
淀野晋, 武田遼太郎, 黒瀧直哉, 星徳仁, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 2012
穴田泰士, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 2 ) 2012
武田直也, 泉健之亮, 小野宏基, 淀野晋, 中野智仁
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 2012
笹原拓也, 小野宏基, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 2012
岩上欧史, 浪指悠平, 阿部聡, 松本宏一, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 67 ( 1 ) 2012
24pGC-8 Specific heat in magnetic fields of R_3Pd_<20>Si_6 single crystal III
Ono H., Nakano T., Takeda N., Ano G., Akatsu M., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Kitazawa H.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 66 ( 2 ) 650 - 650 2011.8
中野智仁, 武田直也, 小貫真太郎, 佐藤亮平
高圧討論会講演要旨集 52nd 2011
中野智仁, 佐藤亮平, 土屋勝彦, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 2011
黒瀧直哉, 星徳仁, 小野宏基, 立松賢治, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 2011
穴田泰士, 小野宏基, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 2011
小貫真太郎, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 2011
時吉信太郎, 荒井祥伍, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 2011
笹原拓也, 小野宏基, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 2011
荒井祥伍, 時吉信太郎, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 2011
Yb<sub>2</sub>Ni<sub>12</sub>P<sub>7</sub>の圧力効果 II
佐藤亮平, 中野智仁, 土屋勝彦, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 2011
武田遼太郎, 淀野晋, 黒瀧直哉, 星徳仁, 小野宏基, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 2011
六方晶R<sub>2</sub>Ni<sub>12</sub>P<sub>7</sub>(R=Rare Earth)の低温物性(III)
中野智仁, 土屋勝彦, 大橋淳美, 梨本貴史, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 2011
中野智仁, 小貫真太郎, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 2011
武田直也, 中野智仁, 佐藤亮平, 淀野晋, 武田遼太郎
高圧討論会講演要旨集 52nd 2011
六方晶R<sub>2</sub>Ni<sub>12</sub>P<sub>7</sub>(R=Rare Earth)の低温物性(II)
土屋勝彦, 大橋淳美, 梨本貴史, 小野宏基, 立松賢治, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 1 ) 2011
希土類化合物Ce<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の近藤効果 II
阿野元貴, 藤田雅也, 三本啓輔, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 小野宏基, 武田直也, 酒井治, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 66 ( 2 ) 2011
21aPS-76 Study of Electric Quadrupolar Effects in Nd_3Pd_<20>Si_6 using Ultrasonic Measurements IV
Tachikawa Y., Ano G., Matsuo K., Akatsu M., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Takeda N., Kikkawa A., Donni Andress, Kitazawa H.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 1 ) 618 - 618 2010.3
21pGD-8 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadrupole Ordering in Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Ano G., Matsuo K., Araki K., Tachikawa Y., Akatsu M., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Takeda N., Kikkawa A., Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 1 ) 625 - 625 2010.3
20aGD-11 Low Temperature Properties of Tm_2Rh_<12>P_7
Tatematsu K, Nakano T, Takeda N, Nishimori M, Hasegawa H, Sasaki S
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 65 ( 0 ) 528 - 528 2010
超伝導体(La<sub>1-x</sub>R<sub>x</sub>)Os<sub>4</sub>P<sub>12</sub>(R:Rare Earth)の異常比熱
黒瀧直哉, 星徳仁, 小野宏基, 立松賢治, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 2010
土屋勝彦, 大橋淳美, 梨本貴史, 小野宏基, 立松賢治, 中野智仁, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 2010
中野智仁, 武田遼太郎, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 2010
中野智仁, 小貫真太郎, 武田直也
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 2010
中條敏宏, 小野宏基, 立松賢治, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 佐藤麻衣子, 原田修治
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 2010
立松賢治, 中野智仁, 武田直也, 西森将志, 長谷川広和, 佐々木進, 佐々木進
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 2010
北澤英明, 目時直人, 土屋佳則, 寺田典樹, 吉川明子, 河村幸彦, 酒井治, DOENNI Andreas, 松田雅昌, 金子耕士, 加倉井和久, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 武田直也, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 2010
超音波測定によるNd<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の電気四極子効果の研究 IV
立川喜章, 阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 吉川明子, DOENNI Andress, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 2010
阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 荒木幸治, 立川喜章, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 吉川明子, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 1 ) 2010
阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 荒木幸冶, 立川喜章, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 吉川明子, DOENNI ANDREAS, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 65 ( 2 ) 2010
26aRL-11 Ultrasonic Measurement of Ratting in Pr_<1-x>Nd_xOs_4Sb_<12>
Yanagisawa T, Saito H, Mayama T, Ikeda Y, Hidaka H, Amitsuka H, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Ho P. -C, Maple M. B
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 2 ) 475 - 475 2009.8
25aPS-71 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadropole Effect in Pr_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Ano G., Matsuo K., Tachikawa Y., Akatsu M., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Takeda N., Kikkawa A., Donni Andress, Kitazawa H.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 2 ) 432 - 432 2009.8
25aPS-73 Synthesis Condition and Magnetic Properties of Rare Earth Chalcogenides RR'S_3(R=Pr, Nd ; R'=Lu)
Kuwahara T., Ono H., Tatematsu K., Takeda n.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 2 ) 433 - 433 2009.8
26aRL-10 Ratting and Tunneling in The Filled Skutterudite (Pr_<1-x>La_x)Os_4Sb_<12>
Nemoto Y., Toyada T., Ano G., Araki K., Akatsu M., Ishii I., Takeda N., Ochiai A., Sugawara H., Sato H., Goto T.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 2 ) 475 - 475 2009.8
山口高央, 後藤沙織, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 柳澤達也
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 1 ) 532 2009.3
27aPS-3 Rattling and Superconductivity in the Filled Skutterudite (Pr_<1-x>La_x)Os_4Sb_<12>
Yamaguchi A, Goto S, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 1 ) 532 - 532 2009.3
29pTA-10 NMR of (Tm_XLu_<x-1>)_2Rh_<12>P_7
Tatematsu K., Takeda N., Kudou M., Nishimori M., Sasaki S.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 1 ) 629 - 629 2009.3
27pTL-4 Specific Heat of RYbQ_3 Chalcogenides, R=La, Ce Q=S, Se
Ono H., Kuwahara T., Tatematsu K., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 1 ) 562 - 562 2009.3
27aPS-12 Quadrupolar Ordering and Phase Diagram in Rare-Earth Clathrate Compound Pr_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Tsuduku S., Ano G., Tachikawa Y., Ishii I., Akatsu M., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Takeda N., Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 64 ( 1 ) 534 - 534 2009.3
都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 立川喜章, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DONNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 1 ) 2009
赤津光洋, 阿野元貴, 都竹星志, 三本啓輔, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 石井勲, DOENNI Andreas, 吉川明子, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 2009
根本祐一, 戸谷田貴志, 阿野元貴, 荒木幸治, 赤津光洋, 石井勲, 武田直也, 落合明, 菅原仁, 佐藤英行, 後藤輝孝
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 2009
超音波測定によるNd<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の電気四極子効果の研究 III
立川喜章, 阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 都竹星志, 小林陽樹, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 2009
阿野元貴, 松尾一穂, 立川喜孝, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, 吉川明子, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 64 ( 2 ) 2009
21aPS-13 Investigation of Rattling in The Filled Skutterudite (Pr_<1-x>La_x)Os_4Sb_<12>
Yamaguchi A, Goto S, Ishii I, Akatsu M, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 2 ) 496 - 496 2008.8
21aPS-11 Ultrasonic Dispersion in the Filled-Skutterudite Pr_<0.55>Nd<0.45>Os_4Sb_<12>
Yanagisawa T, Mayama T, Morishita A, Hidaka H, Amitsuka H, Yamaguchi A, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Ho Pei-Chun, Maple M. Brian
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 2 ) 495 - 495 2008.8
22pQC-13 Specific Heat of RR'Q_3 Chalcogenides, Q=S, Se
Ono H., Kuwahara T., Tatematsu K., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 2 ) 556 - 556 2008.8
23aQA-10 Specific Heat of (Tm_xLu_<x-1>)_2Rh_<12>P_7 in magnetic field
Tatematsu K., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 2 ) 566 - 566 2008.8
21aPS-6 Sb-NMR/NQR study on CeTx_4Sb_<12> II
Yogi M., Niki H., Mukuda H., Kitaoka Y., Sugawara H., Sato H., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 2 ) 494 - 494 2008.8
23pPSB-15 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadrupole Effect in Clathrate Compound Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Tsuduku S, Kobayashi H, Tachikawa Y, Suzuki O, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Donni Andress, Kitazawa H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 1 ) 549 - 549 2008.2
後藤輝孝, 小林陽樹, 都竹星志, 渡辺智行, 鈴木修, 柳沢達也, 根本祐一, 武田直也, DOENNI Andreas, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 1 ) 527 2008.2
23pWR-8 Ultrasonic Investigation of Electric Quadrupole Effect in Pr_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Kobayashi H, Tsuduku S, Suzuki O, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 1 ) 528 - 528 2008.2
23pWR-7 Ultrasonic Investigation of Quadrupole Ordering in Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Goto T, Kobayashi H, Tsuduku S, Watanabe T, Suzuki O, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Donni Andreas
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 1 ) 527 - 527 2008.2
23pPSB-16 Study of Electric Quadrupolar Effects in Nd_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Tachikawa Y, Kobayashi H, Tsuduku S, Ano G, Yanagisawa T, Nemoto Y, Goto T, Takeda N, Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 1 ) 549 - 549 2008.2
24aWR-11 Specific Heat of (Tm_xLu_<x-1>)_2Rh_<12>P_7
Tatematsu K., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 1 ) 567 - 567 2008.2
23pPSA-19 Specific heat of LaOs_4P_<12>
Hoshi N., Tatematsu K., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 1 ) 539 - 539 2008.2
23pPSB-33 Syntheses, Structure, and Magnetic properties of RR'Q_3 Chalcogenides, Q=S,Se,Te
Furui T., Ono H., Tatematsu K., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 63 ( 1 ) 553 - 553 2008.2
超音波測定によるCe<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の電気四極子効果の研究 II
都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 立川喜章, 石井勲, 赤津光洋, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andress, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 2008
超音波測定によるNd<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub>Si<sub>6</sub>の電気四極子効果の研究 II
立川喜章, 都竹星志, 阿野元貴, 赤津光洋, 石井勲, 根本祐一, 後藤輝孝, 武田直也, DOENNI Andress, 北澤英明
日本物理学会講演概要集 63 ( 2 ) 2008
21aXA-10 Rattling and Tunneling in Filled-skutterudite Compounds
Nemoto Y, Yasumoto Y, Yamaguchi A, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Takeda N, Ochiai A, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 2 ) 515 - 515 2007.8
21pPSB-30 Superconductivity in filled'type compounds
Hoshi N., Nashimoto T., Tatematsu K., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 2 ) 579 - 579 2007.8
21pPSA-4 Syntheses, Structure, and Magnetic properties of 'RR'Q_3 Chalcogenides, Q=S, Se, Te
Furui T., Ono H., Tatematsu K., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 2 ) 561 - 561 2007.8
21pPSB-32 Composition and low-temp properties of RE_2Rh_<12>P_7(RE=Ce, Dy, Yb)
Fujii K., Tatematsu K., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 2 ) 579 - 579 2007.8
21pPSA-71 Ultrasonic Study of Electric Quadrupolar Effect in Clathrate Compounds R_3Pd_<20>Si_6 (R = Ce, Pr)
Kobayashi H., Tsuduku S., Suzuki O., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Takeda N., Donni Andreas, Kitazawa H.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 2 ) 565 - 565 2007.8
18pPSA-45 Rattling and quantum effect of the Filled Skutterudite Pr(Os_<1-x>Ru_x)_4Sb_<12> and ROs_4Sb_<12>(R=La,Nd) by using Ultrasonic Measurements
Watanabe H, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Ochiai A, Yoshino K, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 ( 1 ) 523 - 523 2007.2
21aXA-12 Heavy Fermion State of Tm_2Rh_<12>P_7
Tatematsu K., Takabatake T., Yamada Y., Hukuda K., Takeda N., Araki Y., Nisioka T., Kodama K., Shimizu K., Matsushita T., Wada N., Narazu S.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 62 516 - 516 2007
23pPSA-8 Rattling of the filled skutterudite compound Pr(Os_<1-x>Ru_x)_4Sb_<12> and LaOs_4Sb_<12> by ultrasonic measurements
Watanabe H, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Ochiai A, Yoshino K, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 2 ) 408 - 408 2006.8
23pPSA-16 NMR study of the filled skutterudite compounds RRu_4P_<12> (R=La, Nd, Sm)
Masaki S., Mito T., Wada S., Kikuchi D., Sato H., Sugawara H., Takeda N., Zheng G.-q.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 2 ) 409 - 409 2006.8
28pPSA-17 Crystalline Electric Fields and rattling of the filled skutterudite compound Pr(Os_<1-x>Ru_x)_4Sb_<12> by ultrasonic measurements
Watanabe H, Ueno T, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 1 ) 601 - 601 2006.3
28aUF-9 Magneto-acoustic birefringence of filled skutterudite PrOs_4Sb_<12> with T_h symmetry
Ueno T, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 1 ) 578 - 578 2006.3
28pPSA-52 Crystalline-field Effect in Clathrate Compounds Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 by Ultrasonic Measurements
Watanabe T., Yamaguchi T., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Takeda N., Suzuki O., Kitazawa H.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 ( 1 ) 610 - 610 2006.3
25pYA-8 Anomalous Physical Properties of New Filled-Type Compound Tm_2Rh_<12>P_7
Tatematsu K., Hukuda K., Takeda N., Yamada Y., Shimizu K., Matsushita T., Wada N., Narazu S., Takabatake T.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 499 - 499 2006
28pPSA-23 Synthesis of New Filled-Type Compound
Tatematsu K., Wada N., Kobayashi Y., Takizawa T., Fujii K., Takeda N., Araki Y., Nishioka T., Komada K., Shimizu K.
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 61 603 - 603 2006
19aYG-9 Ultrasonic Dispersion and Rattling in Heavy Fermion Superconductor PrOs_4Sb_<12> and the diluted system Pr(Os_<1-x>Ru_x)_4Sb_<12>
Nemoto Y, Ueno T, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 2 ) 362 - 362 2005.8
19pPSA-17 Quadrupole effect and rattling of the filled skutterudite compound Pr(Os_<1-X>Ru_X)_4Sb_<12> by ultrasonic measurements
Ueno T, Nemoto Y, Takeda N, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Sugawara H, Sato H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 2 ) 397 - 397 2005.8
26pYS-1 Rattling and tunneling in clathrate compounds
Goto T, Yamaguchi T, Nemoto Y, Ueno T, Yanagisawa T, Takeda N, Suzuki O, Kitazawa H, Sugawara H, Satoh H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 1 ) 925 - 925 2005.3
25pTA-8 Ultrasonic Attenuation and Rattling in Heavy Fermion Superconductor PrOs_4Sb_<12>
Nemoto Y, Ueno T, Yamaguchi T, Yanagisawa T, Goto T, Takeda N, Sugawara H, Satoh H
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 1 ) 550 - 550 2005.3
25aPS-35 NMR studies on a Sm-baced filled-skutterudite
Oki N., Mito T., Noguchi S., Masaki S., Wada S., Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 60 ( 1 ) 530 - 530 2005.3
14pPSA-68 ^<31>P-NMR Measurement of Filled Skutterdite Compound SmRu_4P_12
Masaki S, Mito T., Oki N., Wada S., Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 2 ) 560 - 560 2004.8
13pRD-8 Comments on anomalous magnetism and superconductivity of CePt_3Si
Ishikawa M., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 2 ) 501 - 501 2004.8
29pXD-8 Effects of Ge/B substitution in the heavy-electron superconductor CePt_3Si
Ishikawa M., Takeda N.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59 ( 1 ) 628 - 628 2004.3
Quadrupole Susceptibility and Crystalline Electric Field in PrRu_4Sb_<12>
Onuki K., Sakai K., Nemoto Y., Goto T., Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 58 ( 2 ) 457 - 457 2003.8
31P-NMR study of SmFe4P12
Noguchi S., Koyama T., Mito T., Wada S., Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 2 ) 436 - 436 2002.8
Superconductivity of new filled skutterudite compound YFe4P12
Shirotani I., Shimaya Y., Kihou K., Sekine C., Takeda N., Ishikawa M., Yagi T.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 2 ) 436 - 436 2002.8
25pWB-8 Ultrahigh resolution photoemission study on filled-Sukutterudite compounds.
野澤 俊介, 金井 要, 武田 直也, 春名 貴雄, 石川 征靖, 辛 埴
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 57 ( 0 ) 553 - 553 2002
Magnetic properties of Y_3Rh_2Si_2-Type Compounds.
Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 56 ( 1 ) 499 - 499 2001.3
Pressure Effect on Transport Properties and Specific Heat of Kondo Compound Ce 3 Pd 20 Si 6 Reviewed
Tsuyoshi Hashiguchi, Naoya Takeda, Jiro Kitagawa, Nobuo Wada, Shigeru Takayanagi, Masayasu Ishikawa, Nobuo Mōri
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69 ( 3 ) 667 - 670 2000.3
Quadrupolar pair interactions in RPd<inf>3</inf> S<inf>4</inf> (R = rare earths) Reviewed
Abe, K., Kitagawa, J., Takeda, N., Ishikawa, M.
Physica B: Condensed Matter 281-282 597 2000
25aJ-7 Effects of Orbital Degeneracies in Rare-earth Palladium Bronzes RPd_3S_4
Ishikawa M, Abe K, Kitagawa J, Takeda N
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 54 ( 2 ) 491 - 491 1999.9
25pPSA-45 Crystalline-electric-field Effect and the Third-order Magnetic Susceptibility of Ce_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Kitagawa J, Takeda N, Ishikawa M, Yoshida T, Ishiguro A, Kimura N, Komatsubara T
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 54 ( 2 ) 532 - 532 1999.9
25pPSA-58 Magnetic and Quadrupolar Orderings in Rare-earth Palladium Bronzes RPd_3S_4
Kitagawa J, Abe K, Takeda N, Ishikawa M
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 54 ( 2 ) 535 - 535 1999.9
28a-D-10 Magnetic Properties of Filled Skutterdite Type Compounds
Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 54 ( 1 ) 371 - 371 1999.3
31a-H-5 Sample dependence of (RE)_3Pd_20Ge_6(RE=Ce and Nd)
Kitagawa J., Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 54 ( 1 ) 488 - 488 1999.3
Low temperature physical properties of compounds crystallizing into a structure of C_6Cr_<23> type
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 53 ( 2 ) 458 - 458 1998.9
Anisotropic magnetic phase diagram of the Kondo-lattice compound Ce3Pd20Ge6: Observation of antiferromagnetic and quadrupolar ordering
Phys. Rev. B 57 ( 13 ) 7450 - 7453 1998
6a-YK-8 Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of RERu_4Sb_<12>(RE=La, Ce, Pr)
Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 52 ( 2 ) 473 - 473 1997.9
5a-YG-5 Specific Heat of Ce_3Pd_<20>Ge_6 in Magnetic Field III
Kitagawa J., Takeda N., Ishikawa M., Yoshida T., Ishiguro A., Sato N., Komatsubara T.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 52 ( 2 ) 425 - 425 1997.9
31p-P-7 Specific Heat of Ce_3Pd_<20>Ge_6 in Magnetic Field II
Kitagawa J., Takeda N., Ishikawa M., Yoshida T., Ishiguro A., Sato N., Komatsubara T.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 52 ( 1 ) 515 - 515 1997.3
28p-PSB-38 Physical properties from the antiferromagnetic to the valence fluctuation state in the solid solution CeCoGe_<3-x>Si_x system
Eom D.H., Kitagawa J., Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 52 ( 1 ) 465 - 465 1997.3
28p-PSB-37 Low temperature physical properties of BaNiSn_3-type Ce intermetallic compounds
Muro Yuji, Takeda Naoya, Ishikawa Masayasu
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 52 ( 1 ) 465 - 465 1997.3
Low-temperature magnetic properties of (RE)<inf>3</inf>Pd<inf>20</inf>Si<inf>6</inf> (RE=La to Yb) Reviewed
Kitagawa, J., Takeda, N., Ishikawa, M.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 256 ( 1-2 ) 48 - 56 1997
Low-temperature specific heat of Ce<inf>3-x</inf>La<inf>x</inf>Pd<inf>20</inf>Si<inf>6</inf> Reviewed
Takeda, N., Kitagawa, J., Ishikawa, M.
Physica B: Condensed Matter 230-232 145 - 147 1997
Magnetic properties of CeTSb_2(T=Ni, Cu, Pd, Ag)
Muro Y., Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Abstracts of the meeting of the Physical Society of Japan. Sectional meeting 1996 ( 3 ) 154 - 154 1996.9
1a-YC-11 Magnetic and Transport Properties of La_<3-x>Ce_xPd_<20>Si_6 II
Takeda N., Kitagawa J., Ishikawa M.
Abstracts of the meeting of the Physical Society of Japan. Annual meeting 51 ( 3 ) 61 - 61 1996.3
Low temperature physical properties of Ce_3Pd_<20>Ge_6
Kitagawa J., Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Abstracts of the meeting of the Physical Society of Japan. Sectional meeting 1995 ( 3 ) 1 - 1 1995.9
Low temperature physical properties of RE_3Pd_<20>Si_6
Kitagawa J., Takeda N., Ishikawa M.
Abstracts of the meeting of the Physical Society of Japan. Annual meeting 50 ( 3 ) 153 - 153 1995.3
5a-Z-9 Low temperature physical properties of CePd_<3.8>Al_<7.2>
Kitagawa J, Takeda N, Ishikawa M
Abstracts of the meeting of the Physical Society of Japan. Sectional meeting 1994 ( 3 ) 158 - 158 1994.8
28a-PS-23 Matcrial research on Ce-Pd-Al ternary system
Kitagawa J, Takeda N, Sawa H, Ishikawa M
Abstracts of the meeting of the Physical Society of Japan. Annual meeting 49 ( 3 ) 30 - 30 1994.3
Fundamental properties of a new samarium compound SmPtSi2 International conference
S.Yamaguchi 他
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems2017 2017.7
Appearance of Kondo effect in geometric frustration system Ce6Ni6P17 International conference
N.Takeda 他
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2017 2017.7
Superconducting gap of the single crystal beta-PdBi2 International conference
H.Matsuzaki, K.Nagai, N.Kase, T.Nakano, N.Takeda
29th International Symposium on Superconductivity(ISS2016) 2016.12
Upper critical field of the single crystal La(O,F)BiSe2 International conference
Y.Terui, N.Kase, T.Nakano, N.Takeda
29th International Symposium on Superconductivity(ISS2016) 2016.12
NMR studies on Polyphosphide Ce6Ni6P17 International conference
T.Koyama, H.Yamada, K.Ueda, T.Mito, Y.Aoyama, T.Nakano, N.Takeda
TMU International Symposium2015 2015
Antiferromagnetic transition of the caged compound TmTi2Al20 International conference
Naoki Kase, Yasuyuki Shimura, Shunichiro Kittaka, Toshiro Sakakibara, Satoru Nakatsuji, Tomohito Nakano, Naoya Takeda, Jun Akimitsu
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2014 2014
Another phase transition beside superconductivity in skutterudite LaOs4P12 International conference
N.Takeda, N.Hoshi, S. Yodono, R.Takeda, N.Kurotaki, T.Nakano
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2013 2013.8
Magnetic properties of Ce6Ni6P17 with geomeric frustration International conference
N.Takeda et
SCES2011 2011.8
Pressure effect of transport properties of hexagonal Yb2Ni12P7 International conference
T.Nakano, R.Sato, K.Tsuchiya, N.Takeda
SCES2011 2011.8
Specific heat of Ce3Pd20Si6 single crystal in magnetic fields International conference
H.Ono, T.Nakano, N.Takeda e
SCES2011 2011.8
The magnetic moment without magnetic phase transition in insulating RR'S3 International conference
H.Ono etal
International Conference on Heavy Electrons 2010 2010.9
Physical Properties of Unfilled Skutterudite NiP3 International conference
N.Takeda, T.Nakajo, H.Ono, K.Tatematsu, T.Nakano
International Conference on Heavy Electrons 2010 2010.9
Low-temperature magnetic properties of Ho2Ni12P7 International conference
International Conference on Heavy Electrons 2010 2010.9
Seebeck coefficient for concentrated Kondo compound CePtSi2 under hydrostatic pressure International conference
International Conference on Heavy Electrons 2010 2010.9
Heavy Fermion Behaviors of Tm2Rh12P7 International conference
International Coference on "New Quantum Phenomena in Skutterudite and Related Systems" 2007.9
Metamagnetism of ferromagnetic Kondo compound SmFe4P12 International conference
N.Takeda, H.Mitamura
International Coference on "New Quantum Phenomena in Skutterudite and Related Systems" 2007.9
2007.4 日本物理学会
「S.Masaki」, T.Mito」, M.Takemura」, 「S.Wada」, 「H.Harima」, 「D.Kikuchi」, 「H.Sato」, 「H.Sugawara」, 「N.Takeda」, 「G-q. Zheng」
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\3500000 ( Direct Cost: \2450000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )
2008.4 - 2013.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:新学術領域研究
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\30300000 ( Direct Cost: \21210000 、 Indirect Cost:\9090000 )
Novel Magnetism and Superconductivity on Filled Skutterudite Compounds which Possess Rattling
Grant number:20740192
2008 - 2009
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
YANAGISAWA Tatsuya, GOTO Terutaka, TAKEDA Naoya, NEMOTO Yuichi, MAPLE M. Brian, E. BAUMBACH Ryan, HO Pei-Chun
Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )
Ultrasonic measurements on the Filled-Skutterudite compounds Pr_<1-x>NdxOs_4Sb_<12>(x=0.45, 0.25, 1.0)have been performed. Frequency dependences of elastic constant C11 were investigated with longitudinal ultrasonic frequencies varying between 34 to 245 MHz on these samples. A characteristic ultrasonic dispersion, which had also been observed in PrOs_4Sb_<12> (x=0) at around 30K, is also observed in the dilute systems and shifts gradually to higher temperature with increasing the Nd concentration x. On the other hand, the C11 of x=0.45 sample shows softening and levels off feature at T=0.25K. This result implies that the Nd3+ ion's degenerate CEF ground state is split due to some order even in the Pr^<3+> ion's contribution to SC. In addition, a magnetically robust elastic softening of C11 was found in the end material NdOs_4Sb_<12> (x=1.0) under magnetic field 2 T<H<10T at low temperature T<1K, which suggest a presence of the off-center tunneling as same as LaOs_4Sb_<12> and PrOs_4Sb_<12>. Above results imply that an origin of the heavy-fermion state of NdOs_4Sb_<12> could possibly be related to a degenerate quantum ground state due to the off-center degrees of freedom.
2006.4 - 2007.3
System name:受託研究(一般受託研究)
Awarding organization:財団法人 内田エネルギー科学振興財団
Strongly correlated quantum phase associated with charge fluctuation
Grant number:18002008
2006 - 2010
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
GOTO Terutaka, NEMOTO Yuichi, KITAZAWA Hideaki, SUZUKI Hiroyuki, KANETA Hiroshi, YANAGISAWA Tatsuya, IYETOMI Hiroshi, ONO Yoshiaki, TAKEDA Naoya, TSURUTA Kenji, SAKAI Osamu, AKATSU Mitsuhiro, ISHII Isamu, MITSUMOTO Keisuke
Grant amount:\284440000 ( Direct Cost: \218800000 、 Indirect Cost:\65640000 )
The ultrasonic strains have specified symmetries and couple to the electric quadrupoles of the electronic and ionic quantum states. The ultrasonic measurements of the elastic constants and attenuation coefficients, therefore, may determine the quadrupole susceptibility. In the present projects, using low-temperature ultrasonic phase difference measurement apparatus with a highly velocity resolution, we have carried out a study of non-Kramers doublet of localized 4f-electron in rare-earth compounds, rattling of local oscillator in clathrate compounds, vacancy orbital in boron-doped silicon crystal in pursuing strongly correlated quantum phases associated with charge fluctuation.
Ultrasonic Study of rattling in clathrate compounds
Grant number:17540318
2005 - 2006
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
NEMOTO Yuichi, TAKEDA Naoya, GOTO Terutaka
Grant amount:\3400000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 )
1)We previously observed ultrasonic disperSi_6n due to rattling in heavy-fermion superconductor PrOs_4Sb_<12>. Furthermore, elastic softening proportional to the 1/T was found below 4 K down to T_c=1.85 K, which is attributed to off-center tunneling of Pr ion in a cage. These results support that the strong correlation between rattling/tunneling and heavy-fermion and it's superconductivity in PrOs_4Sb_<12>.
2)We have made ultrasonic experiments of the Ru substitutional Pr(Os_<1-x>RuX)_4Sb_<12>. As a result, ultrasonic disperSi_6n becomes weak with more substitution of Ru concentration and completely disappears in BCS superconductor PrRu_4Sb_<12>. We proposed that the coupling between the off-center tunneling and conduction electrons will cause the heavy-fermion state and superconductivity in PrOs_4Sb_<12>.
3)We have examined LaOs_4Sb_<12> without 4f-electron in order to investigate the correlation between rattling and 4f electrons. Ultrasonic disperSi_6n in C_<11> was clearly observed, that means rattling appears without 4f-electron. We conclude that the coupling between off-center mode and surrounding conduction electrons is crucial for the rattling and tunneling.
4)We have measured elastic constants of NdOs_4Sb_<12> with three 4f electrons. Two distinct ultrasonic disperSi_6ns around 40 K and 15 K were observed in C_<11>. This result indicates that multiple structure of anharmonic potential is formed in a cage as it were, illustrated by two deferent activation energy E and characteristic time τ_0 of the rattling in NdOs_4Sb_<12>.
5)We have observed elastic softening of C_<11> and C_<44> proportional to the 1/T at low temperatures in NdOs_4Sb_<12>. According to the analysis using quadrupolar susceptibility, we confirmed that the ground state of the crystal field levels of 4f^3 electronic state is Γ_<67> quartet in NdOs_4Sb_<12>.
6)We have performed ultrasonic measurements of isomorphic compound La_3Pd_<20>Si_6 and Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 to study rattling and tunneling. As a result, no ultrasonic dispersions were found in La_3Pd_<20>Si_6 and Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6 contrary to our previous results of R_3Pd_<20>_Ge6. Here we report that the importance of the conduction bands as well as clathrate structure for the occurrence of rattling and tunneling.
7)We have observed elastic softening of (C_<11>-C_<12>)/2 and C_<44> proportional to the 1/T at low temperatures in Ce_3Pd_<20>Si_6. We obtained crystal field levels by use of quadrupolar susceptibility to be a Γ_8 quarter ground at 8c site and a Γ_7 doublet ground at 4a site, respectively. Furthermore, we revealed that the presence of antiferro-quadrupolar ordering phase in magnetic fields.
2003.4 - 2008.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:特定領域研究
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\19307000 ( Direct Cost: \19307000 )
Filled Skutterudite型化合物の研究
2000.4 - 2002.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\3300000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 )
Filled Skutterudite型化合物の研究をした
1994.4 - 1995.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:重点領域研究
study of multipole ordering
System name:Cooperative Research
Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:06218208
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:重点領域研究
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
石川 征靖, 武田 直也
Grant amount:\2000000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 )
1993.4 - 1994.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:重点領域研究
1993.4 - 1994.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:一般研究(C)
Study of filled skutterudite
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Grant type:Competitive
Organic Magnetism
1992.3 - 1996.10
System name:Cooperative Research
Grant type:Competitive
Materials Research in Heavy Fermion Systems
System name:The Other Research Programs
Grant type:Competitive
Study of Fermi Surface in Heavy Fermion Systems
1987.1 - 1992.3
System name:The Other Research Programs
Grant type:Competitive
物理学基礎A I
物理学基礎A I