Faculty of Law Research Assistant
Faculty of Law Research Assistant
修士(図書館情報学) ( 1995.3 図書館情報大学 )
Research History
Niigata University Faculty of Law Research Assistant
Research Projects
Grant number:16700237
2004 - 2005
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:若手研究(B)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
新井 洋子
Grant amount:\1000000 ( Direct Cost: \1000000 )
今回の歌謡曲の調査では、多数ある歌謡曲集から「歌謡曲大全集」(全音楽譜出版社)を対象とした。こちらの歌謡曲集は戦前から現在に至るまで発表された歌謡曲の中から人々によく聞かれている(ある程度商業的に成功している)曲が収録されている。この歌謡曲集に収録されている歌謡曲の中で戦後から現在までに発表された3,880曲を対象にした。それらの曲の中から、家族関係の中で、とくに夫婦関係に関する曲を取り上げた。キーワードとしては「夫」、「妻」や「夫婦」と共に「結婚」「離婚」などを設定し、そのキーワードを持つ曲の中から176曲を選んだ。これらの曲について、歌手、作詞家、歌詞の内容、時代背景などを調査した。 -
A Comparative Study on Domestic Violence under Globalization-Gender in the Japanese, Chinese and British Societies
Grant number:14594003
2002 - 2004
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
MINAMIKATA Satoshi, KUNIYA Satoshi, KASAI Yasunori, TAMAKI Teiko, OKA Ayako, ARAI Yoko
Grant amount:\2900000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 )
This study aims at the history, current situation and legal system on domestic violence in Japan, China and Britain particularly by paying attention at the gender roles in society. In Japan, the issues on domestic violence rarely attracted society's interests until the 1990s. Accordingly, few victims obtained the legal remedies and assistance from society which was still based on the doctrine of traditional gender roles. A first step was taken when the DV Act 2001 was implemented for protecting the victims by domestic violence but the legal scheme and other services are not yet sufficient for both victims and perpetrators involved in domestic violence cases. In addition, it could be said that the philosophy and individual actions for dealing with domestic violence cases seem to be strongly influenced by the views of traditional gender roles. In China, the views of traditional gender roles remains in every corner of society and legal protection and social supports of the victims by domestic violence are insufficient. It is not widely recognized in society that the issue of domestic violence includes exactly the issue of human fundamental right. At the same time, the social status of women-the great majority of the victims-in many respects are behind those of men. In Britain, various actions including implementation of a series of new laws against domestic violence have been taken seriously for more than thirty years by providing physical safety and securing accommodation for the victims. However, British society still witnesses domestic violence cases including child abuse and granny bashing and is struggling for improving not only the legal system but also other relevant schemes with promoting cooperation among the authorities and private organizations such as non profit groups interested in domestic violence issues.