Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Professor
Faculty of Dentistry Department of Dentistry Professor
Updated on 2025/03/14
博士(歯学) ( 1992.9 九州大学 )
Dentistry for Special Needs
Oral Health
Craniofacial Function
pediatric dentistry
Life Science / Developmental dentistry / pediatric dentistry
Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Division of Pediatric Dentistry Professor
Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Department of Pediatric Dentistry Associate Professor
2008.4 - 2010.3
Kyushu University Faculty of Dental Science Department of Pediatric Dentistry Lecturer
2003.4 - 2008.3
Department of Orthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A & M University System, Adjunct Assistant Professor
1997.10 - 1999.3
Kyushu University Research Assistant
1991.4 - 2003.3
Niigata University Faculty of Dentistry School of Dentistry Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Professor
Kyushu University Faculty of Dental Science Ph.D
1987.4 - 1991.3
Country: Japan
Kyushu University Faculty of Dentistry School of Dentistry
- 1987.3
Country: Japan
Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function
文部科学省 大学設置・学校法人審議会 歯学専門委員
2017.11 - 2018.10
Committee type:Government
日本歯科医学会 重点研究委員会
2017.4 - 2019.4
Committee type:Academic society
厚生労働省 歯科医師国家試験委員
2014.4 - 2017.3
Committee type:Government
日本障害者歯科学会 評議員
Committee type:Academic society
日本小児歯科学会 理事
Committee type:Academic society
日本顎口腔機能学会 評議員
Committee type:Academic society
日本小児歯科学会 専門医
日本小児歯科学会 指導医
日本障害者歯科学会 認定医
日本障害者歯科学会 指導医
Dental caries prevalence in children during temporary protective care according to type of abuse
Yuki Nakamura, Yukiko Nogami, Yoko Iwase, Mio Hozawa, Tetsuya Sotome, Issei Saitoh, Akitsugu Ohuchi, Haruaki Hayasaki
BMC Public Health 24 ( 1 ) 2024.5
Evaluation of oral function using a composite sensor during maximum lip closure and swallowing in normal children and adults. International journal
Mio Hozawa, Yuki Nakamura, Tetsuya Sotome, Tsutomu Nakajima, Mika Hanasaki, Yuki Sasakawa, Saeko Tsukuno, Yuki Yonemoto, Haruaki Hayasaki
Journal of oral rehabilitation 2024.4
中村 由紀, 野上 有紀子, 草塩 奈央, 笹川 祐輝, 岩瀬 陽子, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 62 ( 大会抄録号 ) 189 - 189 2024.4
築野 沙絵子, 齊藤 一誠, 中村 由紀, 清川 裕貴, 朴沢 美生, 五月女 哲也, 草塩 奈央, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 62 ( 大会抄録号 ) 211 - 211 2024.4
齊藤 一誠, 堀 百合彩, 黒澤 美絵, 清川 裕貴, 築野 沙絵子, 岩瀬 陽子, 海原 康孝, 坂東 亮, 中村 由紀, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 62 ( 大会抄録号 ) 222 - 222 2024.4
吉田 歩未, 中村 由紀, 大島 邦子, 中島 努, 笹川 祐輝, 濃野 要, 早崎 治明
口腔衛生学会雑誌 73 ( 4 ) 260 - 269 2023.10
中村 由紀, 朴沢 美生, 五月女 哲也, 中島 勉, 花崎 美華, 笹川 祐輝, 築野 沙絵子, 米本 裕貴, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 61 ( 大会抄録号 ) 149 - 149 2023.4
腰越 佐和子, 中島 努, 花崎 美華, 中村 由紀, 五月女 哲也, 米本 裕貴, 笹川 祐輝, 朴沢 美生, 築野 沙絵子, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 61 ( 大会抄録号 ) 117 - 117 2023.4
摂食先行期に関する研究 小児と成人における食具操作と開口動作
中島 努, 米本 裕貴, 花崎 美華, 五月女 哲也, 中村 由紀, 笹川 祐輝, 朴沢 美生, 築野 沙絵子, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 61 ( 大会抄録号 ) 122 - 122 2023.4
野上 有紀子, 中村 由紀, 五月女 哲也, 清川 裕貴, 朴沢 美生, 築野 沙絵子, 笹川 祐輝, 鈴木 絢子, 花崎 美華, 中島 努, 大島 邦子, 齊藤 一誠, 岩瀬 陽子, 早崎 治明
障害者歯科 44 ( 1 ) 10 - 18 2023.2
米本 裕貴, 中島 努, 中村 由紀, 花崎 美華, 笹川 祐輝, 五月女 哲也, 築野 沙絵子, 朴沢 美生, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 61 ( 地方会抄録号 ) 10 - 10 2023.2
中島 努, 花崎 美華, 中村 由紀, 五月女 哲也, 米本 裕貴, 笹川 祐輝, 築野 沙絵子, 朴沢 美生, 吉田 歩未, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 61 ( 地方会抄録号 ) 29 - 29 2023.2
花崎 美華, 中島 努, 中村 由紀, 五月女 哲也, 米本 裕貴, 笹川 祐輝, 築野 沙絵子, 朴沢 美生, 吉田 歩未, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 61 ( 地方会抄録号 ) 29 - 29 2023.2
築野 沙絵子, 中村 由紀, 中島 努, 花崎 美華, 笹川 祐輝, 朴沢 美生, 五月女 哲也, 米本 裕貴, 早崎 治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 52 ( 2 ) 100 - 100 2022.12
五月女 哲也, 中島 努, 中村 由紀, 花崎 美華, 笹川 祐輝, 築野 沙絵子, 朴沢 美生, 米本 裕貴, 早崎 治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 52 ( 2 ) 100 - 101 2022.12
清川 裕貴, 中村 由紀, 大島 邦子, 早崎 治明, 齊藤 一誠
新潟歯学会雑誌 52 ( 2 ) 95 - 95 2022.12
吉田 歩未, 中村 由紀, 大島 邦子, 中島 努, 笹川 祐輝, 早崎 治明
日本障害者歯科学会総会および学術大会プログラム・抄録集 39回 196 - 196 2022.10
大島 邦子, 坂本 裕里子, 筒井 亜香里, 近藤 淳子, 早崎 治明
日本障害者歯科学会総会および学術大会プログラム・抄録集 39回 149 - 149 2022.10
朴沢 美生, 中村 由紀, 中島 努, 花崎 美華, 笹川 祐輝, 築野 沙絵子, 五月女 哲也, 早崎 治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 52 ( 1 ) 37 - 37 2022.6
知的障害者福祉施設における障害支援区分に基づく口腔保健支援システムに向けた検討 障害支援区分と口腔保健支援および歯科疾患実態との関連性
吉田 歩未, 中村 由紀, 中島 努, 笹川 祐輝, 大島 邦子, 早崎 治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 52 ( 1 ) 38 - 39 2022.6
清川 裕貴, 稲田 絵美, 井葉野 夏実, 安村 真一, 岡野 哲, 岩瀬 陽子, 早崎 治明, 齊藤 一誠
小児歯科学雑誌 60 ( 大会抄録号 ) 224 - 224 2022.3
笹川 祐輝, 中村 由紀, 中島 努, 花崎 美華, 築野 沙絵子, 朴沢 美生, 五月女 哲也, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 60 ( 大会抄録号 ) 137 - 137 2022.3
近藤 亜子, 岡野 哲, 津金 裕子, 飯沼 光生, 犬塚 勝昭, 土岐 志麻, 石通 宏行, 岡 暁子, 倉重 圭史, 桑原 康生, 佐野 正之, 鈴木 淳司, 田中 晃伸, 仲野 和彦, 中村 由紀, 早崎 治明, 星野 倫範, 齊藤 正人, 木本 茂成, 牧 憲司, 日本小児歯科学会臨床研究推進委員会
小児歯科学雑誌 59 ( 3 ) 107 - 116 2021.11
The effects of reducing the root length by apicoectomy on dental pulp revascularization following tooth replantation in mice. International journal
Kuniko Nakakura-Ohshima, Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Hiroto Sano, Haruaki Hayasaki, Hayato Ohshima
Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology 37 ( 5 ) 677 - 690 2021.10
Oral Function and Feeding Management in a Child with Alpha Thalassemia X-Linked Intellectual Disability Syndrome. International journal
Yuki Nakamura, Mika Hanasaki, Tetsufumi Sano, Haruaki Hayasaki, Yoko Iwase, Issei Saitoh
Journal of dentistry for children (Chicago, Ill.) 88 ( 3 ) 206 - 209 2021.9
Lip-closing strength in children is enhanced by lip and facial muscle training. International journal
Yukiko Nogami, Issei Saitoh, Emi Inada, Daisuke Murakami, Yoko Iwase, Naoko Kubota, Yuki Nakamura, Kuniko Nakakura-Ohshima, Ayako Suzuki, Youichi Yamasaki, Haruaki Hayasaki, Yasutaka Kaihara
Clinical and experimental dental research 8 ( 1 ) 209 - 216 2021.9
Lip-closing pressure during food intake from a spoon in normal children. International journal
Yuki Sasakawa, Yuki Nakamura, Issei Saitoh, Tsutomu Nakajima, Saeko Tsukuno, Mio Hozawa, Tetsuya Sotome, Yukiko Nogami, Mie Kurosawa, Yoko Iwase, Toyohiko Hayashi, Haruaki Hayasaki
Journal of oral rehabilitation 48 ( 6 ) 711 - 719 2021.6
Prevalence of an incompetent lip seal during growth periods throughout Japan: a large-scale, survey-based, cross-sectional study. International journal
Yukiko Nogami, Issei Saitoh, Emi Inada, Daisuke Murakami, Yoko Iwase, Naoko Kubota, Yuki Nakamura, Masami Kimi, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki, Yasutaka Kaihara
Environmental health and preventive medicine 26 ( 1 ) 11 - 11 2021.1
笹川 祐輝, 中村 由紀, 中島 努, 築野 沙絵子, 朴沢 美生, 五月女 哲也, 岩瀬 陽子, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 50 ( 2 ) 111 - 112 2020.12
Drug-Induced Naïve iPS Cells Exhibit Better Performance than Primed iPS Cells with Respect to the Ability to Differentiate into Pancreatic β-Cell Lineage. International journal
Yuki Kiyokawa, Masahiro Sato, Hirofumi Noguchi, Emi Inada, Yoko Iwase, Naoko Kubota, Tadashi Sawami, Miho Terunuma, Takeyasu Maeda, Haruaki Hayasaki, Issei Saitoh
Journal of clinical medicine 9 ( 9 ) 2020.9
Development of microstructured fish scale collagen scaffolds to manufacture a tissue-engineered oral mucosa equivalent. Reviewed International journal
Ayako Suzuki, Hiroko Kato, Takahiro Kawakami, Yoshihiro Kodama, Mayuko Shiozawa, Hiroyuki Kuwae, Keito Miwa, Emi Hoshikawa, Kenta Haga, Aki Shiomi, Atsushi Uenoyama, Issei Saitoh, Haruaki Hayasaki, Jun Mizuno, Kenji Izumi
Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer edition 31 ( 5 ) 578 - 600 2020.1
Influence of food adhesivity and quantity in lip closing pressure. Reviewed International journal
Nakamura Y, Nakajima T, Sasakawa Y, Tsukuno S, Sakurai R, Kurosawa M, Iwase Y, Saitoh I, Hori K, Hayashi T, Hayasaki H
Physiology & behavior 214 112743 - 112743 2019.11
Comparison of dynamic occlusal contacts during chewing between children with primary dentition and normal adult females Reviewed
Iwase Y, Saitoh I, Okamoto A, Kurosawa M, Nakamura Y, Inada E, Iwasaki T, Yamasaki Y, Hayasaki H
Pediatric Dental Journal 29 ( 3 ) 116 - 122 2019.8
Study on effectiveness of tooth brushing instructions : Analysis from three-dimensional motions and plaque removal effects
丸山 直美, 大島 邦子, 村井 朋代, 野上 有紀子, 中島 努, 花﨑 美華, 早﨑 治明
日本歯科衛生学会雑誌 13 ( 2 ) 52 - 60 2019.2
Repeated human deciduous tooth-derived dental pulp cell reprogramming factor transfection yields multipotent intermediate cells with enhanced iPS cell formation capability. Reviewed International journal
Soda M, Saitoh I, Murakami T, Inada E, Iwase Y, Noguchi H, Shibasaki S, Kurosawa M, Sawami T, Terunuma M, Kubota N, Terao Y, Ohshima H, Hayasaki H, Sato M
Scientific Reports 9 ( 1 ) 1490 - 1490 2019.2
日本全国におけるエナメル質形成不全の有病率と地域差(Prevalence of molar incisor hypomineralization and regional differences throughout Japan) Reviewed International journal
Saitoh Masato, Nakamura Yuki, Hanasaki Mika, Saitoh Issei, Murai Yuji, Kurashige Yoshihito, Fukumoto Satoshi, Asaka Yukiko, Yamada Masaaki, Sekine Michikazu, Hayasaki Haruaki, Kimoto Shigenari
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 23 ( October ) 1 - 6 2018.10
Streptococcus pyogenes CAMP factor promotes calcium ion uptake in RAW264.7 cells. Reviewed International journal
Kurosawa M, Oda M, Domon H, Isono T, Nakamura Y, Saitoh I, Hayasaki H, Yamaguchi M, Kawabata S, Terao Y
Microbiology and Immunology 62 ( 10 ) 617 - 623 2018.9
An exploratory study of the factors related to mouth breathing syndrome in primary school children Reviewed International journal
Issei Saitoh, Emi Inada, Yasutaka Kaihara, Yukiko Nogami, Daisuke Murakami, Naoko Kubota, Kaoru Sakurai, Yoshito Shirazawa, Tadashi Sawami, Miyuki Goto, Maki Nosou, Katsuyuki Kozai, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki
Archives of Oral Biology 92 57 - 61 2018.8
A Case of Very Early-Onset Crohn's Disease Presenting With Intractable Stomatitis and Cheilitis as Its Major Signs Reviewed
Saitoh I, Kurosawa M, Nagai H, Fujii T, Aoyagi Y, Nakakura-Ohshima K, Iwase Y, Hayasaki H, Shirakawa T
Clinical Advances in Periodontics 8 ( 2 ) 67 - 71 2018.6
Gender difference of tooth brushing motion and force on self-brushing and caregivers' brushing in dental professionals Reviewed
Hanasaki M, Nakakura-Ohshima K, Nakajima T, Nogami Y, Hayasaki H
Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research 4 ( 4 ) 2018.3
A novel method to evaluate interproximal accessibility of caregivers’ tooth brushing by using “invisibility” eyeglasses Reviewed
Nakakura-Ohshima K, Hanasaki M, Nogami Y, Murakami N, Nakajima T, Hayasaki H
Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research 4 ( 4 ) 2018.1
Streptococcus pyogenes CAMP factor promotes bacterial adhesion and invasion in pharyngeal epithelial cells without serum via PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Reviewed International journal
Kurosawa M, Oda M, Domon H, Isono T, Nakamura Y, Saitoh I, Hayasaki H, Yamaguchi M, Kawabata S, Terao Y
Microbes and Infection 20 ( 1 ) 9 - 18 2018.1
Dental caries prevalence and treatment level of neglected children at two child guidance centers Reviewed
Yukiko Nogami, Yoko Iwase, Akiko Kagoshima, Issei Saitoh, Tsutomu Nakajima, Hideki Takahashi, Kanehito Nakagawa, Akihiro Yoshihara, Akitsugu Ohuchi, Tomiko Asahito, Haruaki Hayasaki
Pediatric Dental Journal 27 ( 3 ) 137 - 141 2017.12
Unilateral open-bite caused by an impacted primary molar with ankylosis: A case report Reviewed
Issei Saitoh, Satoshi Fukumoto, Yoko Iwase, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki
Pediatric Dental Journal 27 ( 3 ) 147 - 152 2017.12
横断研究で示された口唇閉鎖力の強さと関連因子との関連性(The relationship between lip-closing strength and the related factors in a cross-sectional study) Reviewed
Saitoh Issei, Inada Emi, Kaihara Yasutaka, Nogami Yukiko, Murakami Daisuke, Ishitani Norihito, Sawami Tadashi, Iwase Yoko, Nakajima Tsutomu, Kubota Naoko, Sakurai Kaoru, Tsujii Toshiya, Shirazawa Yoshito, Hanasaki Mika, Kurosawa Mie, Goto Miyuki, Nosou Maki, Kozai Katsuyuki, Yamasaki Youichi, Hayasaki Haruaki
Pediatric Dental Journal 27 ( 3 ) 115 - 120 2017.12
Comparison of dynamic occlusal contacts during chewing between working and balancing sides Reviewed
Kurosawa M, Saitoh I, Iwase Y, Inada E, Nogami Y, Murakami N, Shibasaki S, Murakami T, Iwasaki T, Matsueda K, Nakamura Y, Yamasaki Y, Hayasaki H
Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research 4 ( 2 ) 2017.11
Change in masticatory movement according to food size in young Japanese females. Reviewed
Kitte E, Nakamura Y, Nakajima T, Hanasaki M, Nogami Y, Sasakawa Y, Iwase Y, Kurosawa M, Oku T, Saitoh I, Hayasaki H
Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research 4 ( 2 ) 2017.10
Difference of toothbrushing motion between dental hygienists and mothers -Focusing on self-toothbrushing and caregivers’-toothbrushing Reviewed
Nakajima T, Nakakura-Ohshima K, Hanasaki M, Nogami Y, Murakami N, Nakamura Y, Saitoh I, Hayasaki H
Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research 4 ( 1 ) 2017.9
Isolation and characterization of lymphoid enhancer factor-1-positive deciduous dental pulp stem-like cells after transfection with a piggyBac vector containing LEF1 promoter-driven selection markers Reviewed International journal
Tomoya Murakami, Issei Saitoh, Masahiro Sato, Emi Inada, Miki Soda, Masataka Oda, Hisanori Domon, Yoko Iwase, Tadashi Sawami, Kazunari Matsueda, Yutaka Terao, Hayato Ohshima, Hirofumi Noguchi, Haruaki Hayasaki
ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY 81 110 - 120 2017.9
Reconsidering the treatment plan for traumatized teeth – A case of lateral luxation with severe displacement Reviewed
Tsutomu Nakajima, Yoko Iwase, Issei Saitoh, Yukiko Nogami, Kazunari Matsueda, Haruaki Hayasaki
Pediatric Dental Journal 27 ( 2 ) 109 - 113 2017.8
Oral feeding behavior during a whole meal Reviewed
Murakami N, Nakamura Y, Nakajima T, Sasakawa Y, Nakakura-Ohshima K, Murakami T, Kurosawa M, Iwase Y, Murakami D, Saitoh I, Inada E, Yamasaki Y, Hayasaki H
Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research 4 ( 1 ) 2017.1
Tissue-Specific Stem Cells Obtained by Reprogramming of Non-Obese Diabetic (NOD) Mouse-Derived Pancreatic Cells Confer Insulin Production in Response to Glucose Reviewed
Issei Saitoh, Masahiro Sato, Miki Soda, Emi Inada, Yoko Iwase, Tomoya Murakami, Hayato Ohshima, Haruaki Hayasaki, Hirofumi Noguchi
PLOS ONE 11 ( 9 ) e0163580 2016.9
知的障害者施設入所者における在所期間と口腔内状態および口腔に関連する支援状態の関連 Reviewed
石川 裕子, 米澤 大輔, 葭原 明弘, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
口腔衛生学会雑誌 66 ( 3 ) 338 - 343 2016.4
自己による歯磨きと養育者による歯磨きにおける歯ブラシの動きと強さの違いに関する性差(Gender Differences of Tooth Brushing Motion and Force in Self-Brushing and Caregiver's Brushing) Reviewed
Hanasaki Mika, Ohshima-Nakakura Kuniko, Nogami Yukiko, Nakajima Tsutomu, Kagoshima Akiko, Murakami Nozomi, Hayasaki Haruaki
小児歯科学雑誌 54 ( 2 ) 271 - 271 2016.4
Streptococcus pyogenes CAMP factor attenuates phagocytic activity of RAW 264.7 cells Reviewed International journal
Mie Kurosawa, Masataka Oda, Hisanori Domon, Issei Saitoh, Haruaki Hayasaki, Yutaka Terao
MICROBES AND INFECTION 18 ( 2 ) 118 - 127 2016.2
Choice of Feeders Is Important When First Establishing iPSCs Derived From Primarily Cultured Human Deciduous Tooth Dental Pulp Cells. Reviewed International journal
Saitoh I, Inada E, Iwase Y, Noguchi H, Murakami T, Soda M, Kubota N, Hasegawa H, Akasaka E, Matsumoto Y, Oka K, Yamasaki Y, Hayasaki H, Sato M
Cell Medicine 8 ( 1-2 ) 9 - 23 2015.12
Analysis of tooth brushing cycles Reviewed International journal
Yuki Tosaka, Kuniko Nakakura-Ohshima, Nozomi Murakami, Rikako Ishii, Issei Saitoh, Yoko Iwase, Akihiro Yoshihara, Akitsugu Ohuchi, Haruaki Hayasaki
CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS 18 ( 8 ) 2045 - 2053 2014.11
Relationship between nasal and skeletal landmarks on lateral cephalograms of adults Reviewed
Emi Inada, Issei Saitoh, Daisuke Murakami, Naoko Kubota, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Tomonori Iwasaki, Kuniko Nakakura-Ohshima, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki
Tooth brushing for oral prophylaxis Reviewed
Hayasaki H, Saitoh I, Nakakura-Ohshima K, Hanasaki M, Nogami Y, Nakajima T, Inada E, Iwasaki T, Iwase Y, Sawami T, Kawasaki K, Murakami N, Murakami T, Kurosawa M, Kimi M, Kagoshima A, Soda M, Yamasaki Y
Japanese Dental Science Review 50 ( 3 ) 69 - 77 2014.8
STO Feeder Cells Are Useful for Propagation of Primarily Cultured Human Deciduous Dental Pulp Cells by Eliminating Contaminating Bacteria and Promoting Cellular Outgrowth. Reviewed International journal
Murakami T, Saitoh I, Inada E, Kurosawa M, Iwase Y, Noguchi H, Terao Y, Yamasaki Y, Hayasaki H, Sato M
Cell medicine 6 ( 1-2 ) 75 - 81 2013.12
Smoothness of Molar Movement During Gum Chewing in Children with Primary Dentition Reviewed International journal
Chiaki Yamada-Ito, Issei Saitoh, Kohtaro Yashiro, Emi Inada, Tomoaki Maruyama, Kenji Takada, Tomonori Iwasaki, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki
Tongue posture improvement and pharyngeal airway enlargement as secondary effects of rapid maxillary expansion: A cone-beam computed tomography study Reviewed International journal
Tomonori Iwasaki, Issei Saitoh, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Emi Inada, Eriko Kakuno, Ryuzo Kanomi, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki
Analysis of upper airway obstruction in Class II children using fluid-mechanical simulation Reviewed
Youichi Yamasaki, Tomonori Iwasaki, Issei Saitoh, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Emi Inada, Eriko Kakuno, Ryuzo Kanomi, Haruaki Hayasaki
Proceeding of the 8th Biennial Conference of the Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia (PDAA) / The 5 finalists of Scientific competition in Research Poster Session 386 - 401 2012.5
E. Inada, I. Saitoh, K. Nakakura-Ohshima, T. Maruyama, T. Iwasaki, D. Murakami, M. Tanaka, H. Hayasaki, Y. Yamasaki
Archives of Oral Biology 57 307 - 313 2012.3
Improvement of nasal airway ventilation after rapid maxillary expansion evaluated with computational fluid dynamics Reviewed International journal
Tomonori Iwasaki, Issei Saitoh, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Emi Inada, Ryuzo Kanomi, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki
Evaluation of improvement of nasal airway ventilation following rapid maxillary expansion using computational fluid dynamics Reviewed
Tomonori Iwasaki, Issei Saitoh, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Emi Inada, Ryuzo Kanomi, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki
American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 141 ( 3 ) 269 - 278 2012.3
Comparison of Normal Permanent and Primary Dentition Sagittal Tooth-Crown Inclinations of Japanese Females Reviewed International journal
Emi Inada, Issei Saitoh, Haruaki Hayasaki, Yoko Iwase, Naoko Kubota, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Youichi Yamasaki
Do occlusal contact areas of maximum closing position during gum chewing and intercuspal position coincide? Reviewed International journal
Yoko Iwase, Issei Saitoh, Atsuyoshi Okamoto, Kuniko Nakakura-Ohshima, Emi Inada, Chiaki Yamada, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Youichi Yamasaki, Haruaki Hayasaki
ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY 56 ( 12 ) 1616 - 1623 2011.12
Evaluation of upper airway obstruction in Class II children with fluid-mechanical simulation Reviewed International journal
Tomonori Iwasaki, Issei Saitoh, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Emi Inada, Ryuzo Kanomi, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasakie
Head motion may help mouth opening in children Reviewed
K. Kuroda, I. Saitoh, E. Inada, Y. Takemoto, T. Iwasaki, Y. Iwase, C. Yamada, M. Shinkai, Y. Matsumoto, H. Hasegawa, Y. Yamasaki, H. Hayasaki
ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY 56 ( 1 ) 102 - 107 2011.1
Pharyngeal airway in children with prognathism and normal occlusion Reviewed International journal
Yoshihiko Takemoto, Issei Saitoh, Tomonori Iwasaki, Emi Inada, Chiaki Yamada, Yoko Iwase, Miyuki Shinkai, Ryuzo Kanomi, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki
ANGLE ORTHODONTIST 81 ( 1 ) 75 - 80 2011.1
Development of Labial-Closure Strength in Preschool Children. Reviewed
Fukami A, Saitoh I, Iwase Y, Oku T, Inada E, Takemoto Y, Yamada C, Iwasaki T, Hasegawa H, Kubota N, Murakami T, Harada K, Nishi M, Kinjo S, Igata N, Hayasaki H, Yamasaki Y
Journal of Craniomandibular Practice 28 ( 4 ) 232 - 237 2010.10
A Reproducibility Method to Test Lip-Closing Strength in Preschool Children Reviewed International journal
Atsushi Fukami, Issei Saitoh, Emi Inada, Takeshi Oku, Yoko Iwase, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Chiaki Yamada, Tomonori Iwasaki, Hiroko Hasegawa, Naoko Kubota, Tomoya Murakami, Kanami Harada, Megumi Nishi, Sachiko Kinjo, Noriko Igata, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki
Is the reverse cycle during chewing abnormal in children with primary dentition?
I. Saitoh, C. Yamada, H. Hayasaki, T. Maruyama, Y. Iwase, Y. Yamasaki
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 37 26 - 33 2010.1
Jaw Motion During Gum-Chewing in Children with Primary Dentition Reviewed International journal
Naoko Kubota, Haruaki Hayasaki, Issei Saitoh, Yoko Iwase, Tomoaki Maruyama, Emi Inada, Hiroko Hasegawa, Chiaki Yamada, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Yuko Matsumoto, Youichi Yamasaki
Mandibular Open-Close Motion in Children with Anterior Crossbite Occlusion Reviewed International journal
Junko Tokutomi, Haruaki Hayasaki, Issei Saitoh, Yoko Iwase, Atsushi Fukami, Chaiki Yamada, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Emi Inada, Youichi Yamasaki
Cephalometric Comparative Study of Pharyngeal Airway in Children with Prognathism and Normal Occlusion Reviewed
Yoshihiko Takemoto, Issei Saitoh, Tomonori Iwasaki, Emi Inada, Chiaki Yamada, Yoko Iwase, Miyuki Shinkai, Ryuzo Kanomi, Haruaki Hayasaki, Youichi Yamasaki
The Angle Orthodontist, June 19, 2010 (accepted).81(1):77-82, 2011 81 ( 1 ) 77 - 82 2010.1
Relationship of nasal and skeletal landmarks in lateral cephalograms of preschool children Reviewed International journal
Emi Inada, Issei Saitoh, Haruaki Hayasaki, Yoko Iwase, Naoko Kubota, Yoshihiko Tokemoto, Chiaki Yamada, Youichi Yamasaki
FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL 191 ( 1-3 ) 111 - 111 2009.10
The P561T polymorphism of the growth hormone receptor gene has an inhibitory effect on mandibular growth in young children Reviewed International journal
Yasunori Sasaki, Kyoko Satoh, Haruaki Hayasaki, Satoshi Fukumoto, Taku Fujiwara, Kazuaki Nonaka
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS 31 ( 5 ) 536 - 541 2009.10
Oropharyngeal airway in children with Class III malocclusion evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography Reviewed International journal
Tomonori Iwasaki, Haruaki Hayasaki, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Ryuzo Kanomi, Youichi Yamasaki
Dentigerous Cyst in Primary Dentition: Case Report of a 4-year-old Girl Reviewed
Haruaki Hayasaki, Mayuko Ishibashi, Seiji Nakamura, Satoshi Fukumoto, Kazuaki Nonaka
PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 31 ( 4 ) 294 - 297 2009.7
Overlap of the primary dentition in children Reviewed International journal
Issei Saitoh, Haruaki Hayasaki, Emi Inada, Tomoaki Maruyama, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Youichi Yamasaki
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 33 ( 3 ) 269 - 274 2009.4
A Cross-Sectional Study of Developing Resting Masseter Activity in Different Angle Classifications in Adolescence Reviewed International journal
Kishio Sabashi, Issei Saitoh, Haruaki Hayasaki, Yoko Iwase, Suguru Kondo, Emi Inada, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Chiaki Yamada, Youichi Yamasaki
Movement of the Instantaneous Center of Rotation and the Position of the Lateral Excursion Center During Lateral Excursion Reviewed International journal
Haruaki Hayasaki, Issei Saitoh, Yoko Iwase, Emi Inada, Hiroko Hasegawa, Junko Tokutorm, Yuko Matsumoto, Youichi Yamasaki
Four-dimensional analysis of stomatognathic function Reviewed International journal
Masahiko Terajima, Mizuki Endo, Yoshimitsu Aoki, Kyouko Yuuda, Haruaki Hayasaki, Tazuko K. Goto, Kenji Tokumori, Akihiko Nakasima
Cross-sectional growth changes in skeletal and soft tissue cephalometric landmarks of children Reviewed International journal
Emi Inada, Issei Saitoh, Haruaki Hayasaki, Chiaki Yamada, Yoko Iwase, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Yuko Matsumoto, Youichi Yamasaki
Four-dimensional visualization of mandibular movement using an individual's head model reconstructed from cephalograms Reviewed
Kyouko Yuuda, Masahiko Terajima, Yoshimitsu Aoki, Haruaki Hayasaki, Akihiko Nakasima
Orthodontic Waves 66 ( 4 ) 113 - 121 2007.12
I. Saitoh, J. Tokutomi, H. Hayasaki, Y. Iwase, H. Raoquig, Y. Yamasaki, K. Nonaka
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 34 800 - 806 2007.11
Correlations between incisor and condyle motion during protrusion in children with primary dentition Reviewed International journal
Issei Saitoh, Junko Tokutorni, Haruaki Hayasaki, Yoko Iwase, Huang Raoquig, Youichi Yamasaki, Kazuaki Nonaka
A new way of analyzing occlusion 3 dimensionally Reviewed International journal
H Hayasaki, RP Martins, LG Gandini, Saitoh, I, K Nonaka
Incisal paths during habitual mouth opening and closing movements of children with anterior reverse bite in the early mixed dentition Reviewed International journal
K Satoh, Y Yamasaki, H Hayasaki, M Nishi, M Nakata
Characteristics of the gum chewing occlusal phase in children with primary dentition
Saitoh, I, H Hayasaki, S Nakata, Y Iwase, M Nakata
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 31 ( 5 ) 406 - 411 2004.5
Masticatory motion after surgical or nonsurgical treatment for unilateral fractures of the mandibular condylar process Reviewed International journal
GS Throckmorton, E Ellis, H Hayasaki
Occlusal contact area of mandibular teeth during lateral excursion Reviewed
H Hayasaki, A Okamoto, Y Iwase, Y Yamasaki, M Nakata
Jaw kinematics during mastication after unilateral fractures of the mandibular condylar process Reviewed International journal
GS Throckmorton, E Ellis, H Hayasaki
Length of the occlusal glide during chewing in children with primary dentition
H Hayasaki, T Sawami, Saitoh, I, Y Iwase, S Nakata, M Nakata
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 30 ( 11 ) 1138 - 1141 2003.11
Occlusal phase of gum-chewing strokes Reviewed
H Hayasaki, Saitoh, I, GS Throckmorton, Y Iwase, S Nakata, M Nakata
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 30 ( 10 ) 1041 - 1046 2003.10
Alveolar bone loss associated with glucose tolerance in Japanese men Reviewed
T Marugame, H Hayasaki, K Lee, H Eguchi, S Matsumoto
DIABETIC MEDICINE 20 ( 9 ) 746 - 751 2003.9
Longitudinal observation of basic mandibular movements: Report of a case Reviewed
H. Hayasaki, A. Okamoto, S. Nakata, Y. Yamasaki, M. Nakata
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 27 ( 4 ) 333 - 337 2003
Length of the occlusal glide at the lower incisal point during chewing Reviewed
H Hayasaki, T Sawami, Saitoh, I, S Nakata, Y Yamasaki, M Nakata
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 29 ( 11 ) 1120 - 1125 2002.11
Position and Variability of Minimum Opening Position during Gum-chewing
Prosthodont Res. Pract. 1 ( 1 ) 66 - 73 2002.10
The effects of bolus hardness on masticatory kinematics Reviewed
K Anderson, GS Throckmorton, PH Buschang, H Hayasaki
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 29 ( 7 ) 689 - 696 2002.7
Condylar motion in children with primary dentition during lateral excursion Reviewed International journal
Y Yamasaki, H Hayasaki, M Nishi, S Nakata, M Nakata
Improvement in jaw motion following treatment of unilateral crossbite in a child with primary dentition: A case report Reviewed International journal
Saitoh, I, H Hayasaki, Y Iwase, M Nakata
M Nagata, Y Yamasaki, H Hayasaki, M Nakata
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 29 ( 1 ) 64 - 71 2002.1
Changes in the masticatory cycle following treatment of posterior unilateral crossbite in children Reviewed
GS Throckmorton, PH Buschang, H Hayasaki, AS Pinto
M Nagata, Y Yamasaki, H Hayasaki, M Nakata
The effects of chewing rates on mandibular kinematics Reviewed
GS Throckmorton, BH Buschang, H Hayasaki, T Phelan
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 28 ( 4 ) 328 - 334 2001.4
PH Buschang, GS Throkmorton, KH Travers, H Hayasaki
ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY 46 ( 1 ) 39 - 48 2001.1
Occlusal contacts during lateral excursions in children with primary dentition. Reviewed
Okamoto A, Hayasaki H, Nishijima N, Iwase Y, Yamasaki Y, Nakata M
J Dent Res 79 ( 11 ) 1138 - 1141 2000.11
Difference in tracks between habitual open and close mandibular movements at the condyle in children Reviewed
N Nishijima, H Hayasaki, A Okamoto, S Nakata, Y Yamasaki, M Nakata
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 27 ( 11 ) 999 - 1003 2000.11
Occlusal contacts during lateral excursions in children with primary dentition Reviewed
A Okamoto, H Hayasaki, N Nishijima, Y Iwase, Y Yamasaki, M Nakata
JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH 79 ( 11 ) 1890 - 1895 2000.11
Quantification of human chewing-cycle kinematics Reviewed
PH Buschang, H Hayasaki, GS Throckmorton
ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY 45 ( 6 ) 461 - 474 2000.6
KH Travers, PH Buschang, H Hayasaki, GS Throckmorton
ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY 45 ( 4 ) 267 - 275 2000.4
H Hayasaki, S Nakata, N Nishijima, A Okamoto, K Minematsu, Y Yamasaki, M Nakata
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 26 ( 3 ) 236 - 242 1999.3
H Hayasaki, S Nakata, N Nishijima, A Okamoto, K Minematsu, Y Yamasaki, M Nakata
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 25 ( 9 ) 672 - 676 1998.9
H Hayasaki, Y Yamasaki, N Nishijima, K Naruse, M Nakata
JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 25 ( 4 ) 311 - 320 1998.4
早崎治明, 山崎要一, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 29 ( 2 ) 379 - 388 1991
阿部和久, 山﨑要一, 田中武昌, 緒方哲朗, 早崎治明, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 29 ( 3 ) 569 - 575 1991
山崎桂子, 廣田和子, 山﨑要一, 野中和明, 早崎治明, 阿部和久, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 27 ( 2 ) 522 - 528 1989
築野沙絵子, 中村由紀, 中島努, 花崎美華, 笹川祐輝, 朴沢美生, 五月女哲也, 米本裕貴, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 62 2024
中島努, 中村由紀, 花崎美華, 笹川祐輝, 五月女哲也, 朴沢美生, 築野沙絵子, 早崎治明
日本食育学会総会・学術大会講演・学術報告要旨集 11th 2023
船山 ひろみ, 齊藤 桂子, 森川 和政, 仲野 和彦, 飯沼 光生, 清水 武彦, 下村 淳子[黒木], 馬場 篤子, 内川 喜盛, 島田 幸恵, 齊藤 正人, 倉重 圭史, 福田 敦史, 八若 保孝, 島村 和宏, 早崎 治明, 大島 邦子, 関本 恒夫, 大須賀 直人, 星野 倫範, 新谷 誠康, 辻野 啓一郎, 苅部 洋行, 白川 哲夫, 岩本 勉, 宮新 美智世, 船津 敬弘, 木本 茂成, 浅里 仁, 守安 克也, 長谷川 信乃, 大川 玲奈, 有田 憲司, 原田 京子, 香西 克之, 岩本 優子, 仲野 道代, 平野 慶子, 北村 尚正, 牧 憲司, 山座 治義, 尾崎 正雄, 藤原 卓, 山崎 要一, 村上 大輔, 朝田 芳信
小児歯科学雑誌 59 ( 2 ) 80 - 94 2021.6
朴沢 美生, 中村 由紀, 中島 努, 笹川 祐輝, 築野 沙絵子, 五月女 哲也, 岩瀬 陽子, 齋藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 59 ( 大会抄録(Web開催)号 ) 72 - 72 2021.5
笹川 祐輝, 中村 由紀, 中島 努, 築野 沙絵子, 朴沢 美生, 五月女 哲也, 岩瀬 陽子, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 50 ( 2 ) 111 - 112 2020.12
野上 有紀子, 齊藤 一誠, 岩瀬 陽子, 中村 由紀, 早崎 治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 50 ( 2 ) 105 - 106 2020.12
野上 有紀子, 中村 由紀, 築野 沙絵子, 鈴木 絢子, 笹川 祐輝, 五月女 哲也, 清川 裕貴, 朴沢 美生, 岩瀬 陽子, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
障害者歯科 41 ( 3 ) 197 - 197 2020.9
稲田 絵美, 齊藤 一誠, 清川 裕貴, 早崎 治明, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 58 ( 大会抄録(誌上開催)号 ) 134 - 134 2020.4
笹川 祐輝, 中村 由紀, 中島 努, 築野 沙絵子, 朴沢 美生, 五月女 哲也, 岩瀬 陽子, 齋藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 58 ( 大会抄録(誌上開催)号 ) 99 - 99 2020.4
有田 憲司, 阿部 洋子, 仲野 和彦, 齊藤 正人, 島村 和宏, 大須賀 直人, 清水 武彦, 尾崎 正雄, 石通 宏行, 松村 誠士, 石谷 徳人, 濱田 義彦, 渥美 信子, 小平 裕恵, 高風 亜由美, 長谷川 大子, 林 文子, 藤岡 万里, 茂木 瑞穂, 八若 保孝, 田中 光郎, 福本 敏, 早崎 治明, 関本 恒夫, 渡部 茂, 新谷 誠康, 井上 美津子, 白川 哲夫, 宮新 美智世, 苅部 洋行, 朝田 芳信, 木本 茂成, 福田 理, 飯沼 光生, 仲野 道代, 香西 克之, 岩本 勉, 野中 和明, 牧 憲司, 藤原 卓, 山崎 要一, 日本小児歯科学会
小児歯科臨床 25 ( 4 ) 6 - 21 2020.4
櫻井 隆佑, 林 豊彦, 中村 由紀, 中島 努, 早崎 治明
日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌 26 ( 2 ) 120 - 121 2020.3
小野寺 早紀, 岩瀬 陽子, 清川 裕貴, 五月女 哲也, 朴沢 美生, 笹川 祐輝, 中島 努, 中村 由紀, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 58 ( 地方会抄録号 ) 4 - 4 2020.2
鈴木 絢子, 干川 絵美, 羽賀 健太, 塩見 晶, 上野山 敦士, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明, 泉 健次
新潟歯学会雑誌 49 ( 2 ) 76 - 76 2019.12
平原 三貴子, 岩瀬 陽子, 村上 智哉, 黒澤 美絵, 野上 有紀子, 近藤 淳子, 倉田 行伸, 弦巻 立, 瀬尾 憲司, 早崎 治明
障害者歯科 40 ( 3 ) 349 - 349 2019.9
中村 由紀, 野上 有紀子, 森岡 沙耶香, 小野寺 早紀, 中島 努, 黒澤 美絵, 岩瀬 陽子, 大島 邦子, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
障害者歯科 40 ( 3 ) 303 - 303 2019.9
日本人小児における乳歯・永久歯の萠出時期に関する調査研究(その2) 永久歯について
有田 憲司, 阿部 洋子, 仲野 和彦, 齊藤 正人, 島村 和宏, 大須賀 直人, 清水 武彦, 尾崎 正雄, 石通 宏行, 松村 誠士, 石谷 徳人, 濱田 義彦, 渥美 信子, 小平 裕恵, 高風 亜由美, 長谷川 大子, 林 文子, 藤岡 万里, 茂木 瑞穂, 八若 保孝, 田中 光郎, 福本 敏, 早崎 治明, 関本 恒夫, 渡部 茂, 新谷 誠康, 井上 美津子, 白川 哲夫, 宮新 美智世, 苅部 洋行, 朝田 芳信, 木本 茂成, 福田 理, 飯沼 光生, 仲野 道代, 香西 克之, 岩本 勉, 野中 和明, 牧 憲司, 藤原 卓, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 57 ( 3 ) 363 - 373 2019.6
大島 邦子, 早崎 治明, 大島 勇人
小児歯科学雑誌 57 ( 2 ) 234 - 234 2019.5
稲田 絵美, 齊藤 一誠, 海原 康孝, 村上 大輔, 野上 有紀子, 窪田 直子, 白澤 良執, 奥 猛志, 早崎 治明, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 57 ( 2 ) 261 - 261 2019.5
齊藤 一誠, 稲田 絵美, 村上 智哉, 岩瀬 陽子, 黒澤 美絵, 清川 裕貴, 窪田 直子, 山崎 要一, 早崎 治明, 佐藤 正宏
小児歯科学雑誌 57 ( 2 ) 214 - 214 2019.5
海原 康孝, 齊藤 一誠, 稲田 絵美, 村上 大輔, 野上 有紀子, 窪田 直子, 早崎 治明, 山崎 要一, 石川 隆義
小児歯科学雑誌 57 ( 2 ) 313 - 313 2019.5
野上 有紀子, 齊藤 一誠, 稲田 絵美, 海原 康孝, 村上 大輔, 窪田 直子, 岩瀬 陽子, 黒澤 美絵, 中島 努, 山崎 要一, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 57 ( 2 ) 267 - 267 2019.5
黒澤 美絵, 齊藤 一誠, 中島 努, 野上 有紀子, 笹川 祐輝, 築野 沙絵子, 岩瀬 陽子, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 57 ( 2 ) 314 - 314 2019.5
笹川 祐輝, 中村 由紀, 中島 努, 築野 沙絵子, 齋藤 一誠, 早崎 治明, 櫻井 隆佑, 林 豊彦
小児歯科学雑誌 57 ( 1 ) 103 - 103 2019.2
日本人小児における乳歯・永久歯の萠出時期に関する調査研究II(その1.) 乳歯について
有田 憲司, 阿部 洋子, 仲野 和彦, 齊藤 正人, 島村 和宏, 大須賀 直人, 清水 武彦, 石通 宏行, 松村 誠士, 尾崎 正雄, 石谷 徳人, 濱田 義彦, 渥美 信子, 小平 裕恵, 高風 亜由美, 長谷川 大子, 林 文子, 藤岡 万里, 茂木 瑞穂, 八若 保孝, 田中 光郎, 福本 敏, 早崎 治明, 関本 恒夫, 渡部 茂, 新谷 誠康, 井上 美津子, 白川 哲夫, 宮新 美智世, 苅部 洋行, 朝田 芳信, 木本 茂成, 福田 理, 飯沼 光生, 仲野 道代, 香西 克之, 岩本 勉, 野中 和明, 牧 憲司, 藤原 卓, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 57 ( 1 ) 45 - 53 2019.2
松原 まなみ, 落合 聡, 中村 由紀, 早崎 治明
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 43 ( 3 ) 209 - 215 2018.10
介助磨きの姿勢は歯磨き運動に影響するか(第2報) 一般成人の動作解析
大島 邦子, 野上 有紀子, 村井 朋代, 丸山 直美, 中島 努, 花崎 美華, 早崎 治明
障害者歯科 39 ( 3 ) 308 - 308 2018.9
金丸 博子, 倉田 行伸, 岸本 直隆, 田中 裕, 弦巻 立, 中村 由紀, 早崎 治明, 瀬尾 憲司
障害者歯科 39 ( 3 ) 348 - 348 2018.9
日本小児歯科学会主催教育ワークショップの実施 大学間のバリエーションの把握
八若 保孝, 内川 喜盛, 香西 克之, 飯沼 光生, 早崎 治明, 清水 武彦, 佐藤 昌史, 中村 光一, 木本 茂成
日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 37回 126 - 126 2018.7
村井朋代, 村井朋代, 大島邦子, 野上有紀子, 花崎美華, 中島努, 丸山直美, 早崎治明
障害者歯科 39 ( 2 ) 110‐118 - 118 2018.6
稲田絵美, 齊藤一誠, 窪田直子, 村上智哉, 澤味規, 松枝一成, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 56 ( 2 ) 214 - 214 2018.4
齊藤一誠, 澤味規, 野上有紀子, 稲田絵美, 海原康孝, 村上大輔, 岩瀬陽子, 辻井利弥, 香西克之, 山崎要一, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 56 ( 2 ) 268 - 268 2018.4
Evidence Based Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry(9)卒乳について
中島努, 中村由紀, 平原三貴子, 笹川祐輝, 小野寺早紀, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 56 ( 1 ) 93 - 93 2018.2
近藤淳子, 森岡沙耶香, 野上有紀子, 大島邦子, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 56 ( 1 ) 101 - 101 2018.2
日本小児外科学会雑誌 54 ( 3 ) 527(J‐STAGE) - 527 2018
鈴木絢子, 鈴木絢子, 加藤寛子, 加藤寛子, 干川絵美, 塩見晶, 上野山敦士, 河上貴宏, 兒玉泰洋, 齋藤一誠, 早崎治明, 泉健次
日本再生医療学会総会(Web) 17th 2018
左右田美樹, 齊藤一誠, 村上智哉, 松枝一成, 岩瀬陽子, 澤味規, 大島勇人, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 47 ( 2 ) 122 - 122 2017.12
村井朋代, 村井朋代, 大島邦子, 野上有紀子, 花崎美華, 中島努, 丸山直美, 丸山直美, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 47 ( 2 ) 124 - 124 2017.12
Development of the evaluation system of occlusal plane in children
君雅水, 齊藤一誠, 澤味規, 野上有紀子, 岩瀬陽子, 黒澤美絵, 中村由紀, 中島努, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 47 ( 2 ) 81‐86 - 86 2017.12
中村太, 佐藤拓実, 早崎治明, 奥村暢旦, 藤井規孝, 藤井規孝
新潟歯学会雑誌 47 ( 2 ) 123 - 123 2017.12
丸山直美, 丸山直美, 大島邦子, 村上朋代, 村上朋代, 中島努, 花崎美華, 野上有紀子, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 47 ( 2 ) 115 - 115 2017.12
Dental Treatment for Persons with Disabilities at Pediatric Medical Center
鹿児島暁子, 中村由紀, 花崎美華, 村上望, 澤味規, 松枝一成, 鈴木絢子, 左右田美樹, 中島努, 野上有紀子, 君雅水, 村上智哉, 黒澤美絵, 岩瀬陽子, 大島邦子, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 55 ( 4 ) 442‐450 - 450 2017.11
鈴木絢子, 鈴木絢子, 加藤寛子, 加藤寛子, 干川絵美, 塩見晶, 河上貴宏, 兒玉泰洋, 齋藤一誠, 早崎治明, 泉健次
日本バイオマテリアル学会大会予稿集(Web) 39th 97 (WEB ONLY) - 97 2017.11
村井朋代, 村井朋代, 大島邦子, 野上有紀子, 花崎美華, 中島努, 丸山直美, 丸山直美, 近藤淳子, 森岡沙耶香, 早崎治明
障害者歯科 38 ( 3 ) 354 - 354 2017.9
岩瀬陽子, 早崎治明
月刊小児歯科臨床 22 ( 8 ) 27‐35 - 35 2017.8
中村太, 佐藤拓実, 林豊彦, 中島努, 早崎治明, 佐藤直子, 昆はるか, 奥村暢旦, 藤井規孝, 藤井規孝
日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 36th 116 - 116 2017.7
佐藤拓実, 中村太, 林豊彦, 中島努, 早崎治明, 佐藤直子, 昆はるか, 小野高裕, 奥村暢旦, 藤井規孝, 藤井規孝
日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 36th 117 - 117 2017.7
八若保孝, 内川喜盛, 香西克之, 早崎治明, 飯沼光生, 清水武彦, 佐藤昌史, 藤原卓, 新谷誠康, 中村光一, 高橋千尋, 木本茂成
日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 36th 151 - 151 2017.7
八若 保孝, 内川 喜盛, 香西 克之, 早崎 治明, 飯沼 光生, 清水 武彦, 佐藤 昌史, 藤原 卓, 新谷 誠康, 中村 光一, 高崎 千尋, 木本 茂成
日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 36回 151 - 151 2017.7
山崎要一, 岩崎智憲, 稲田絵美, 佐藤秀夫, 早崎治明, 齊藤一誠
成育歯科医療研究会会誌 13 ( 1 ) 5‐14 - 14 2017.6
小児の歯の外傷 小児歯科学雑誌の掲載報告と診療ガイドライン
中村 由紀, 齊藤 一誠, 倉重 圭史, 鈴木 淳司, 星野 倫範, 島村 和宏, 飯沼 光生, 早崎 治明, 齊藤 正人, 日本小児歯科学会臨床研究推進委員会
小児歯科学雑誌 55 ( 3 ) 331 - 344 2017.6
齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
Quintessence 36 ( 5 ) 0952‐0976 - 0976 2017.5
口腔機能,お口あそびからのアプローチ 現代っ子の口腔機能は大丈夫?
齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
月刊小児歯科臨床 22 ( 5 ) 6‐15 - 15 2017.5
【小児をとりまく最近の臨床トピックス】 (TOPIC 3)小児の食・口の機能とその異常
中村 由紀, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明
日本歯科評論 77 ( 5 ) 53 - 58 2017.5
齊藤一誠, 岩瀬陽子, 村上望, 村上智哉, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 55 ( 2 ) 275 - 275 2017.4
野上有紀子, 齊藤一誠, 稲田絵美, 海原康孝, 村上大輔, 窪田直子, 岩瀬陽子, 香西克之, 山崎要一, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 55 ( 2 ) 267 - 267 2017.4
稲田絵美, 齊藤一誠, 窪田直子, 村上智哉, 左右田美樹, 澤味規, 松枝一成, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 55 ( 2 ) 288 - 288 2017.4
岩瀬陽子, 鹿児島暁子, 野上有紀子, 大島邦子, 中村由紀, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 55 ( 2 ) 201 - 201 2017.4
中村由紀, 星野倫範, 星野倫範, 梶美奈子, 島村和宏, 島村和宏, 佐野正之, 佐野正之, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明, 齊藤正人, 齊藤正人
小児歯科学雑誌 55 ( 2 ) 252 - 252 2017.4
辻井利弥, 稲田絵美, 村上大輔, 齊藤一誠, 海原康孝, 野上有紀子, 窪田直子, 白澤良執, 香西克之, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 55 ( 2 ) 261 - 261 2017.4
皆木 省吾, 山崎 要一, 矢谷 博文, 志賀 博, 山口 泰彦, 服部 佳功, 吉田 教明, 石垣 尚一, 加藤 均, 三浦 宏之, 荒川 一郎, 岡本 和彦, 小野 高裕, 横山 正起, 岡田 和樹, 小川 徹, 菅沼 岳史, 藤澤 政紀, 沖 和広, 坂口 究, 重本 修伺, 瑞森 崇弘, 小見山 道, 田中 恭恵, 堀 一浩, 渡邉 明, 宮脇 正一, 山田 一尋, 斉藤 一誠, 長谷川 信乃, 早崎 治明, 井上 富雄, 井上 誠, 大川 周治, 川良 美佐雄, 祇園白 信仁, 小林 博, 古谷野 潔, 佐々木 啓一, 田中 昌博, 田村 康夫, 野村 修一, 藤村 哲也, 増田 裕次, 鱒見 進一, 倉持 淳子, 昆 はるか, 櫻井 直樹, 山本 早織, 日本顎口腔機能学会, 日本顎口腔機能学会ガイドライン統括委員会
日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌 23 ( 2 ) E37 - E109 2017.3
皆木 省吾, 山崎 要一, 矢谷 博文, 志賀 博, 山口 泰彦, 服部 佳功, 吉田 教明, 石垣 尚一, 加藤 均, 三浦 宏之, 荒川 一郎, 岡本 和彦, 小野 高裕, 横山 正起, 岡田 和樹, 小川 徹, 菅沼 岳史, 藤澤 政紀, 沖 和広, 坂口 究, 重本 修伺, 瑞森 崇弘, 小見山 道, 田中 恭恵, 堀 一浩, 渡邉 明, 宮脇 正一, 山田 一尋, 斉藤 一誠, 長谷川 信乃, 早崎 治明, 井上 富雄, 井上 誠, 大川 周治, 川良 美佐雄, 祇園白 信仁, 小林 博, 古谷野 潔, 佐々木 啓一, 田中 昌博, 田村 康夫, 野村 修一, 藤村 哲也, 増田 裕次, 鱒見 進一, 倉持 淳子, 昆 はるか, 櫻井 直樹, 山本 早織, 日本顎口腔機能学会, 日本顎口腔機能学会ガイドライン統括委員会
日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌 23 ( 2 ) E3 - E35 2017.3
Evidence Based Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry(8)外傷による乳歯完全脱臼への対応
鹿児島暁子, 大島邦子, 早崎治明, 中村由紀, 澤味規, 岩瀬陽子, 齊藤一誠, 近藤淳子
小児歯科学雑誌 55 ( 1 ) 77‐78 - 78 2017.2
辻井利弥, 稲田絵美, 村上大輔, 白澤良執, 窪田直子, 武元嘉彦, 森園健, 山崎要一, 齊藤一誠, 中島努, 野上有紀子, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 55 ( 1 ) 152‐153 - 153 2017.2
昆はるか, 佐藤直子, 林豊彦, 堀澤貴行, 佐藤拓実, 中村太, 早崎治明, 小野高裕
日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会学術大会抄録集(Web) 23rd S134 (WEB ONLY) 2017
中島努, 野上有紀子, 野上有紀子, 花崎美華, 大島邦子, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 46 ( 2 ) 106 - 106 2016.12
花崎美華, 中島努, 野上有紀子, 大島邦子, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 46 ( 2 ) 117 - 117 2016.12
野上有紀子, 岩瀬陽子, 葭原明弘, 大内章嗣, 高橋英樹, 中川兼人, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 46 ( 2 ) 116‐117 - 117 2016.12
君雅水, 齊藤一誠, 澤味規, 野上有紀子, 野上有紀子, 中島努, 岩瀬陽子, 中村由紀, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 46 ( 2 ) 117‐118 - 118 2016.12
村上望, 中村由紀, 中島努, 村上智哉, 岩瀬陽子, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 46 ( 2 ) 105‐106 - 106 2016.12
早崎治明, 中村由紀, 大島邦子, 岩瀬陽子, 澤味規, 鹿児島暁子, 黒澤美絵, 村上望, 君雅水, 中島努, 花崎美華, 左右田美樹, 鈴木絢子, 野上有紀子, 野上有紀子, 齊藤一誠
障害者歯科 37 ( 3 ) 278 - 278 2016.9
黒澤 美絵, 小田 真隆, 土門 久哲, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明, 寺尾 豊
Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement 2016 373 - 373 2016.9
佐藤 直子, 昆 はるか, 堀 一浩, 小野 高裕, 中島 努, 早崎 治明, 林 豊彦
老年歯科医学 31 ( 2 ) 175 - 176 2016.9
佐藤拓実, 中村太, 林豊彦, 中島努, 早崎治明, 佐藤直子, 昆はるか, 奥村暢旦, 藤井規孝, 藤井規孝
日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 35th 91 - 91 2016.7
中村太, 佐藤拓実, 林豊彦, 中島努, 早崎治明, 佐藤直子, 昆はるか, 奥村暢旦, 藤井規孝, 藤井規孝
日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 35th 82 - 82 2016.7
Morphological characteristics of facial soft tissue of mouth-breathing children.
Inada E, Saitoh I, Oku T, Murakami D, Kaihara Y, Takemoto Y, Morizono K, Kubota N, Hayasaki H, Yamasaki Y
PDAA 2016.5
Does lip-closing strength develop in parallel to age in children?
Nogami Y, Saitoh I, Inada E, Kaihara Y, Murakami D, Takemoto Y, Sawami T, Nosou M, Sakurai K, Matsumoto N, Soda M, Nakajima T, Kozai K, Yamasaki Y, Hayasaki H
PDAA 2016.5
Evidence Based Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry(7)Dental Home―これからの小児歯科の方向性―
鈴木絢子, 大島邦子, 村上智哉, 花崎美華, 左右田美樹, 早崎治明, 野上有紀子
小児歯科学雑誌 54 ( 1 ) 57 - 57 2016.2
西田佳世, 近藤好夫, 西俣はるか, 今村圭吾, 佐藤恭子, 日高聖, 釜崎陽子, 西口美由季, 星野倫範, 藤原卓, 齋藤幹, 山崎要一, 朝田芳信, 八若保孝, 苅部洋行, 新谷誠康, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 54 ( 1 ) 155 - 155 2016.2
佐藤直子, 昆はるか, 堀一浩, 小野高裕, 中島努, 早崎治明, 林豊彦
日本老年歯科医学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 27th 140 - 140 2016
黒澤美絵, 黒澤美絵, 小田真隆, 土門久哲, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明, 寺尾豊
Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement (Web) 2016 ROMBUNNO.P1‐103 (WEB ONLY) 2016
昆はるか, 五十嵐直子, 堀澤貴行, 林豊彦, 中島努, 早崎治明, 中村太, 佐藤拓実, 藤井規孝, 堀一浩, 小野高裕
日本顎口腔機能学会学術大会プログラム・事前抄録集 56th ( 1 ) 16‐17 - 31 2016
黒澤美絵, 黒澤美絵, 小田真隆, 土門久哲, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明, 寺尾豊
新潟歯学会雑誌 45 ( 2 ) 96‐97 - 97 2015.12
Lymphoid enhancer factor‐1promoterを用いた乳歯歯髄幹細胞様細胞の単離
村上智哉, 齊藤一誠, 左右田美樹, 澤味規, 鹿児島暁子, 寺尾豊, 大島勇人, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 45 ( 2 ) 105 - 105 2015.12
齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
デンタルエコー 182 18‐29 2015.11
Streptococcus pyogenes CAMP factorのRAW264.7細胞に対する空胞形成メカニズムの検討
黒澤 美絵, 小田 真隆, 土門 久哲, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明, 寺尾 豊
Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement 2015 328 - 328 2015.9
齊藤一誠, 稲田絵美, 海原康孝, 早崎治明
月刊小児歯科臨床 20 ( 7 ) 23 - 30 2015.7
機能性糖脂質のStreptococus mutansに対する影響
黒澤美絵, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 53 ( 2 ) 247 - 247 2015.4
稲田絵美, 佐藤正宏, 齊藤一誠, 窪田直子, 澤味規, 村上智哉, 左右田美樹, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 53 ( 2 ) 217 - 217 2015.4
君雅水, 齊藤一誠, 稲田絵美, 海原康孝, 村上大輔, 澤味規, 櫻井薫, 内藤朱実, 野宗万喜, 香西克之, 山崎要一, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 53 ( 2 ) 282 - 282 2015.4
中島努, 切手英理子, 岩瀬陽子, 齊藤一誠, 澤味規, 大島邦子, 奥猛志, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 53 ( 2 ) 286 - 286 2015.4
梅津英裕, 中島努, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 53 ( 1 ) 104 - 104 2015.2
Evidence Based Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry(6)乳歯のう蝕の評価と管理
鹿児島暁子, 岩瀬陽子, 大島邦子, 澤味規, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 53 ( 1 ) 101 - 102 2015.2
Dent Diam 40 ( 1 ) 38 - 42 2015.1
Streptococcus pyogenes CAMP factorのRAW264.7細胞に対する空胞形成メカニズムの検討
黒澤美絵, 黒澤美絵, 小田真隆, 土門久哲, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明, 寺尾豊
Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement (Web) 2015 ROMBUNNO.P1‐84 (WEB ONLY) 2015
切手英理子, 中島努, 花崎美華, 村上望, 野上有紀子, 左右田美樹, 大島邦子, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 44 ( 2 ) 129 - 130 2014.12
當摩紗衣, 大島邦子, 中島努, 野上有紀子, 早崎治明, 葭原明弘
新潟歯学会雑誌 44 ( 2 ) 129 - 129 2014.12
【口から育つこころと身体】むし歯(う蝕)にならないようにするには 口腔ケアの再検証!
早崎 治明
チャイルド ヘルス 17 ( 12 ) 831 - 834 2014.12
野上有紀子, 葭原明弘, 大内章嗣, 高橋英樹, 早崎治明
障害者歯科 35 ( 4 ) 608 - 615 2014.10
早崎治明, 大島邦子
新潟歯学会雑誌 44 ( 1 ) 1 - 11 2014.6
野上有紀子, 大島邦子, 花崎美華, 八木稔, 齋藤一誠, 岩瀬陽子, 澤味規, 鹿児島暁子, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 52 ( 2 ) 384 - 384 2014.4
岩崎智憲, 武元嘉彦, 稲田絵美, 齊藤一誠, 覚野恵梨子, 嘉ノ海龍三, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 52 ( 2 ) 255 - 255 2014.4
Evidence Based Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry(5)歯磨きについて
澤味規, 大島邦子, 齋藤一誠, 岩瀬陽子, 鹿児島暁子, 黒澤美絵, 村上智哉, 村上望, 君雅水, 中島努, 岩崎美華, 野上有紀子, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 52 ( 1 ) 114 - 115 2014.2
村山直子, 松山順子, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 43 ( 2 ) 148 - 148 2013.12
Comprehensive Long-term Management of Patient with Severe Dental Caries from Early Childhood
稲田絵美, 齊藤一誠, 村上大輔, 武元嘉彦, 森園健, 岩崎智憲, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 51 ( 4 ) 447 - 455 2013.11
石井里加子, 大島邦子, 澤味規, 齊藤一誠, 岩瀬陽子, 村上望, 早崎治明
障害者歯科 34 ( 4 ) 653 - 660 2013.10
大島邦子, 村上望, 中島努, 花崎美華, 野上有紀子, 黒澤美絵, 村上智哉, 君雅水, 澤味規, 早崎治明
障害者歯科 34 ( 3 ) 343 - 343 2013.9
Three-dimensional analyses of pharyngeal airway form and volume of soft tissue inside the jaw in children with different anteroposterior skeletal patterns
小児歯科学雑誌 51 ( 2 ) 221 - 221 2013.4
Choice of feeders is important for the preparation of iPS cells from primarily cultured human deciduous tooth dental pulp cells
小児歯科学雑誌 51 ( 2 ) 166 - 166 2013.4
A case of bilateral supernumerary teeth each residual ridge corner corresponding with bilateral cleft lip
小児歯科学雑誌 51 ( 2 ) 182 - 182 2013.4
大島邦子, 齊藤一誠, 岩瀬陽子, 中島努, 黒澤美絵, 村上智哉, 村上望, 君雅水, 早崎治明
成育歯科医療研究会会誌 12 ( 1 ) 144 - 144 2013.4
上気道流体シミュレーションの臨床応用 1.CBCTの上気道への応用
岩崎智憲, 嘉ノ海龍三, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
成育歯科医療研究会会誌 12 ( 1 ) 5 - 6 2013.4
Evidence Based Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry(4)全身麻酔
岩瀬陽子, 齊藤一誠, 大島邦子, 黒澤美絵, 村上智哉, 村上望, 君雅水, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 51 ( 1 ) 49 - 50 2013.3
【子どものお口のスペシャリストになろう】(第1章)小児患者のマネジメント 小児の成長と受容
大島 邦子, 早崎 治明
DHstyle 6 ( 10 ) 014 - 017 2012.9
奥 猛志, 田中 英一, 早﨑 治明
DH style 6 ( 10 ) 5 - 133 2012.9
岩崎智憲, 嘉ノ海龍三, 齊藤一誠, 覚野恵梨子, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
日本歯科医師会雑誌 65 ( 5 ) 604 - 604 2012.8
岩崎 智憲, 齊藤 一誠, 原田 みずえ, 宮下 圭一, 松根 彰志, 武元 嘉彦, 深水 篤, 佐藤 秀夫, 稲田 絵美, 長谷川 大子, 覚野 恵梨子, 嘉ノ海 龍三, 早崎 治明, 黒野 祐一, 山崎 要一
日本睡眠学会定期学術集会プログラム・抄録集 37回 255 - 255 2012.6
Evidence Based Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry
早崎治明, 大島邦子, 長谷川大子, 齊藤一誠, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 50 ( 1 ) 67 - 68 2012.3
長谷川大子, 齋藤一誠, 重田浩樹, 田中みゆき, 山崎要一, 大島邦子, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 50 ( 1 ) 142 - 143 2012.3
近藤俊, 今村基尊, 奥本隆行, 吉村陽子, 岩崎智憲, 早崎治明, 山崎要一, 嘉ノ海龍三
日本形成外科学会会誌 32 ( 2 ) 129 - 129 2012.2
子どもの顎関節症の背景と治療 1 子どもの顎関節―その発育と顎関節症
長谷川大子, 齊藤一誠, 山崎要一, 大島邦子, 早崎治明
歯界展望 119 ( 1 ) 86 - 93 2012.1
岩崎智憲, 嘉ノ海龍三, 武元嘉彦, 齊藤一誠, 覚野恵梨子, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 71st 118 - 118 2012
新潟歯学会雑誌 41 ( 2 ) 117 - 117 2011.12
石井里加子, 大島邦子, 佐野富子, 飯澤二葉子, 沼奈津子, 早崎治明
新潟歯学会雑誌 41 ( 2 ) 135 - 136 2011.12
早崎 治明, 山田 千晶, 大島 邦子, 稲田 絵美, 齊藤 一誠, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 49 ( 4 ) 396 - 396 2011.10
稲田 絵美, 齊藤 一誠, 大島 邦子, 大河原 綾子, 武元 嘉彦, 早崎 治明, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 49 ( 4 ) 392 - 392 2011.10
稲田 絵美, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明, 徳冨 順子, 佐藤 秀夫, 武元 嘉彦, 乃村 俊樹, 糀谷 淳, 齊藤 陽子, 椙山 加綱, 山崎 要一
障害者歯科 32 ( 3 ) 488 - 488 2011.9
早崎治明, 大島邦子
小児内科 43 ( 8 ) 1345 - 1349 2011.8
岩崎智憲, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
日本歯科医学会誌 30 81 - 81 2011.3
Evaluation of the 2010 Revision in the Payment for Dental Service by Certified Pediatric Dentists : Implementation and problems of "the periodontal tissue examination of the mixed-dentition"
SHINAGAWA Mitsuharu, TANAKA Mitsuro, INUZUKA Katsuaki, OOHARA Yutaka, KUNIMOTO Youji, SUZUKI Hiroyuki, HAYASAKI Haruaki, FUKUMOTO Satoshi, FUKUMOTO Satoshi
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 49 ( 1 ) 20 - 28 2011.3
品川光春, 田中光郎, 犬塚勝昭, 大原裕, 國本洋志, 鈴木広幸, 早崎治明, 福本敏
小児歯科学雑誌 49 ( 1 ) 20 - 28 2011.3
Evidence Based Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry(1)診療ガイドラインについて
早崎治明, 松山順子, 佐野富子, 林(坂井)幸子, 金城奈津子, 大島邦子
小児歯科学雑誌 49 ( 1 ) 66 - 66 2011.3
Evidence Based Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry(2)乳歯用既成冠
大島邦子, 三富智恵, 河野承子, 飯沢二葉子, 川崎勝盛, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 49 ( 1 ) 66 - 67 2011.3
新海みゆき, 稲田絵美, 齊藤一誠, 深水篤, 窪田直子, 武元嘉彦, 岩崎智憲, 長谷川大子, 徳冨順子, 佐藤秀夫, 山崎要一, 早崎治明
小児歯科学雑誌 49 ( 1 ) 134 - 134 2011.3
【乳歯冠を再考する】 乳歯冠の海外事情 審美性に配慮した乳歯冠を中心として
早崎 治明, 大島 邦子, 齊藤 一誠, 稲田 絵美, 山崎 要一
小児歯科臨床 16 ( 2 ) 41 - 44 2011.2
青年期自閉症者に対する歯磨き支援 : 視覚支援ツールの応用
當摩 紗衣, 大島 邦子, 早崎 治明, 富沢 美惠子
小児歯科学雑誌 48 ( 5 ) 2010.11
金城 奈津子, 大島 邦子, 織田 公光, 早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 48 ( 5 ) 576 - 576 2010.11
當摩紗衣, 大島邦子, 早崎治明, 富沢美惠子
小児歯科学雑誌 48 ( 5 ) 633 - 633 2010.11
山崎要一, 岩崎智憲, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明
小児科臨床 63 ( 11 ) 2253 - 2262 2010.11
河野承子, 河野芳朗, 三富智恵, 田口洋, 早崎治明, 前田健康
Journal of Oral Biosciences 52 ( Supplement ) 148 - 148 2010.9
三富智恵, 河野芳朗, 河野承子, 田口洋, 早崎治明, 前田健康
J Oral Biosci 52 ( Supplement ) 151 - 151 2010.9
小児の顎口腔機能評価のガイドライン 顎運動検査
志賀 博, 井上 富雄, 佐々木 啓一, 津賀 一弘, 矢谷 博文, 山口 泰彦, 吉田 教明, 山崎 要一, 早崎 治明, 日本顎口腔機能学会, 顎口腔機能評価検討委員会, 小児の顎口腔機能評価のガイドライン作成委員会
日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌 17 ( ガイドライン ) E172 - E193 2010.9
落合聡, 山田千晶, 森下格, 雑賀厚臣, 長谷川大子, 山本晋也, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 35 ( 2 ) 118 - 118 2010.4
徳冨 順子, 岩崎 智憲, 早崎 治明, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 48 ( 2 ) 2010.4
岩崎 智憲, 早崎 治明, 嘉ノ海 龍三, 武元 嘉彦, 齋藤 一誠, 松根 彰志, 黒野 祐一, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 48 ( 2 ) 244 - 244 2010.4
徳冨順子, 岩崎智憲, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 48 ( 2 ) 289 - 289 2010.4
長谷川大子, 重田浩樹, 松本祐子, 早崎治明, 山崎要一, 吉原俊博
小児歯科学雑誌 48 ( 1 ) 186 - 187 2010.3
Frequency of Congenitally Missing Permanent Teeth in Japanese Children
YAMASAKI Youich, IWASAKI Tomonori, HAYASAKI Haruaki, SAITOH Issei, TOKUTOMI Junko, YAWAKA Yasutaka, INOUE Mitsuko, ASADA Yoshinobu, TAMURA Yasuo, KANOMI Ryuzo, MAKI Kensi, YOSHIHARA Toshihiro, FUNATSU Takahiro, TESHIMA Yoko, UESATO Chika, YAMASHITA Kazue, IDE Masamichi, KURIYAMA Tihiro, KONDO Tsuguko, KATOH Mikio, WATANABE Kyoko, FUJITA Yuuko, HASEGAWA Hiroko, INADA Emi, ASADA Yoshinobu
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 48 ( 1 ) 29 - 39 2010.3
佐藤秀夫, 岩崎智憲, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 48 ( 1 ) 188 - 188 2010.3
奥猛志, 井形紀子, 禧久めぐみ, 大内山晶子, 弘野美紀, 四元みか, 佐藤秀夫, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 48 ( 1 ) 186 - 186 2010.3
岩崎智憲, 齊藤一誠, 武元嘉彦, 嘉ノ海龍三, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 69th 138 - 138 2010
Three-dimensional Analysis of Facial Surface Morphology in Japanese Infant : 2. Dimensional measurements
NISHIJIMA Naomi, FUKAMI Atsushi, IWASAKI Tomonori, TAKEMOTO Yoshihiko, KUBOTA Naoko, INADA Emi, IGATA Noriko, OKU Takeshi, SAITOH Issei, HAYASAKI Haruaki, YAMASAKI Youichi
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 47 ( 5 ) 726 - 731 2009.12
Three-dimensional Analysis of Facial Surface Morphology in Japanese Infant : 1. Establishing a standard coordinate system
NISHIJIMA Norihiro, FUKAMI Atsushi, INADA Emi, HASEGAWA Hiroko, IWASE Yoko, IGATA Noriko, OKU Takeshi, SAITOH Issei, HAYASAKI Haruaki, YAMASAKI Youichi
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 47 ( 5 ) 719 - 725 2009.12
山田千晶, 落合聡, 森下格, 長谷川大子, 山本晋也, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
障害者歯科 30 ( 3 ) 413 - 413 2009.9
口唇裂・口蓋裂児の Hotz 型人工口蓋床による早期治療効果の検討
山田 千晶, 落合 聡, 森下 格, 長谷川 大子, 山本 晋也, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明, 山崎 要一
障害者歯科 30 ( 3 ) 2009.9
Oropharyngeal airway in children with Class III malocclusion evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography
Tomonori Iwasaki, Haruaki Hayasaki, Yoshihiko Takemoto, Ryuzo Kanomi, Youichi Yamasaki
岩崎智憲, 早崎治明, 山崎要一, 嘉ノ海龍三
成育歯科医療研究会会誌 11 ( 1 ) 63 - 63 2009.8
岩崎智憲, 嘉ノ海龍三, 早崎治明, 武元嘉彦, 山崎要一
成育歯科医療研究会会誌 11 ( 1 ) DAI13KAI,24 - 24 2009.8
岩崎智憲, 嘉ノ海龍三, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
成育歯科医療研究会会誌 11 ( 1 ) 6 - 7 2009.8
咬合の育成と治療 小児の顎関節 その成長発育にともなう形態と機能
早崎 治明
日本顎関節学会雑誌 21 ( Suppl. ) 75 - 75 2009.7
稲田 絵美, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明, 窪田 直子, 武元 嘉彦, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 47 ( 2 ) 221 - 221 2009.4
小児における咀嚼運動の円滑性に関する研究 : Jerk cost による顎運動機能評価
山田 千晶, 齊藤 一誠, 社 浩太郎, 早崎 治明, 高田 健治, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 47 ( 2 ) 2009.4
小児における咀嚼運動の円滑性に関する研究―Jerk costによる顎運動機能評価―
山田千晶, 齊藤一誠, 社浩太郎, 早崎治明, 高田健治, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 47 ( 2 ) 360 - 360 2009.4
深水篤, 齊藤一誠, 稲田絵美, 武元嘉彦, 山田千晶, 早崎治明, 山崎要一, 奥猛志
小児歯科学雑誌 47 ( 1 ) 194 - 194 2009.3
Dentition and Occlusion Management in a Patient with an Impacted Supernumerary Tooth on the Nasal side of the Inversely Impacted Right Maxillary Central Incisor
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 47 ( 1 ) 111 - 118 2009.3
長谷川大子, 山本晋也, 稲田絵美, 早崎治明, 山崎要一, 稲田浩子, 森下格, 落合聡, 齊藤一誠
小児歯科学雑誌 47 ( 1 ) 192 - 192 2009.3
Effect of maxillary protrusion on upper airway obstruction in children by fluid-mechanical simulation
IWASAKI Tomonori, HAYASAKI Haruaki, KANOMI Ryuzo, SAITOH Issei, YAMASAKI Youichi
小児耳鼻咽喉科 30 ( 1 ) 5 - 9 2009.3
岩崎智憲, 早崎治明, 嘉ノ海龍三, 齊藤一誠, 山崎要一
小児耳鼻咽喉科 30 ( 1 ) 5 - 9 2009.3
早崎 治明
鹿児島大学歯学部紀要 29 57 - 65 2009.3
Measurement of Tongue Pressure during Swallowing Using Sensor Sheet System
Terajima Masahiko, Endo Mizuki, Aoki Yoshimitsu, Yuuda Kyouko, Hayasaki Haruaki, Goto Tazuko K, Tokumori Kenji, Nakashima Akihiko
The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 14 ( 2 ) 100 - 101 2008.2
流体シミュレーションからみた上気道通気障害が上顎前突に及ぼす影響―BrachyとDolicho typeの比較―
岩崎智憲, 嘉ノ海龍三, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 67th 127 - 127 2008
Four-dimensional analyzing system of the stomatognathic function
TERAJIMA Masahiko, ENDO Mizuki, AOKI Yoshimitsu, YUUDA Kyouko, HAYASAKI Haruaki, GOTO Tazuko K, TOKUMORI Kenji, NAKASIMA Akihiko
日本顎口腔機能学会学術大会 39 ( 39 ) 10 - 11 2007.10
下顎骨の成長とGHR P561T変異の関係についての分子遺伝学的研究
佐々木 康成, 佐藤 恭子, 早崎 治明, 福本 敏, 藤原 卓, 野中 和明
小児歯科学雑誌 44 ( 2 ) 162 - 162 2006.4
石橋 真由子, 早崎 治明, 福本 敏, 中村 誠司, 野中 和明
小児歯科学雑誌 44 ( 2 ) 191 - 191 2006.4
Four-dimensional analyzing system of the stomatognathic function : Application to the patients with jaw deformities
Terajima Masahiko, Endo Mizuki, Aoki Yoshimitsu, Yuuda Kyouko, Hayasaki Haruaki, Goto Tazuko, Tokumori Kenji, Nakashima Akihiko
The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 12 ( 2 ) 100 - 109 2006.2
寺嶋雅彦, 遠藤みずき, 青木義満, 祐田京子, 早崎治明, 後藤多津子, 徳森謙二, 中島昭彦
日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌 12 ( 2 ) 100 - 109 2006.2
Correlations between Incisor and Condyles during Protrusion in Anterior Crossbite Children with Primary Dentition
Tokutomi Junko, Saitoh Issei, Hayasaki Haruaki, Iwase Yoko, Yamasaki Youichi, Nonaka Kazuaki
The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 12 ( 1 ) 37 - 44 2005.10
早崎 治明, 明〓 征美, 藤瀬 多佳子, 緒方 哲朗, 福本 敏, 野中 和明
小児歯科学雑誌 43 ( 2 ) 347 - 347 2005.4
寺嶋 雅彦, 祐田 京子, 青木 義満, 早崎 治明, 徳森 謙二, 後藤 多津子, 樋口 惣, 中島 昭彦
日本顎関節学会雑誌 17 ( 1 ) 92 - 92 2005.4
寺嶋雅彦, 祐田京子, 青木義満, 早崎治明, 後藤多津子, 徳森謙二, 樋口惣, 中島昭彦
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 14 ( 3 ) 252 - 253 2004.12
Head movement cooperated with a series of mandibular movement in children
Kuroda Kuniyasu, Yamasaki Youichi, Hayasaki Haruaki, Nakata Minoru
The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 11 ( 1 ) 63 - 65 2004.11
Four-dimensional display system of mandibular movement for patients with jaw deformities
TERAJIMA Masahiko, YUUDA Kyouko, AOKI Yoshimitsu, HAYASAKI Haruaki, TOKUMORI Kenji, GOTO Tazuko, HIGUCHI Sou, NAKASIMA Akihiko
Orthod Waves-Jpn Ed 63 ( 3 ) 193 - 205 2004.10
青木義満, 寺嶋雅彦, 早崎治明, 中島昭彦
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 104 ( 88(PRMU2004 1-11) ) 1 - 6 2004.5
Jaw Structure and Function Visualization for Diagnosis/Using Head Model : 4D Jaw Movement Visualization System
AOKI Yoshimitsu, TERAJIMA Masahiko, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NAKASIMA Akihiko
IEICE technical report. Welfare Information technology 104 ( 92 ) 1 - 6 2004.5
Jaw Structure and Function Visualization for Diagnosis/Using Head Model : 4D Jaw Movement Visualization System
AOKI Yoshimitsu, TERAJIMA Masahiko, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NAKASIMA Akihiko
IEICE technical report. 104 ( 90 ) 1 - 6 2004.5
Jaw Structure and Function Visualization for Diagnosis/Using Head Model : 4D Jaw Movement Visualization System
AOKI Yoshimitsu, TERAJIMA Masahiko, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NAKASIMA Akihiko
Technical report of IEICE. PRMU 104 ( 88 ) 1 - 6 2004.5
斉藤一誠, 山崎要一, 早崎治明, 渡辺里香, 岩瀬陽子
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 2 ) 326 2004.4
佐藤恭子, 山崎要一, 早崎治明, 西めぐみ, 徳冨順子
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 2 ) 204 2004.4
三次元模型計測システムを用いた乳歯列解析 : システムおよび上下顎歯列の咬頭頂曲線
明〓 征美, 落合 聡, 齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明, 山崎 要一
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 2 ) 2004.4
石谷徳人, 山崎要一, 舛元康浩, 早崎治明, 明州征美
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 2 ) 318 2004.4
佐藤 恭子, 山崎 要一, 早崎 治明, 西 めぐみ, 徳冨 順子
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 2 ) 204 - 204 2004.4
明しゅう征美, 落合聡, 斉藤一誠, 早崎治明, 山崎要一
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 2 ) 248 - 248 2004.4
齊藤 一誠, 山崎 要一, 早崎 治明, 渡辺 里香, 岩瀬 陽子
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 2 ) 326 - 326 2004.4
石谷 徳人, 山崎 要一, 舛元 康浩, 早崎 治明, 明〓 征美
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 2 ) 318 - 318 2004.4
An Analysis of Head Movements during Habitual Mandibular Opening and Closing Movements in Children
KURODA Kuniyasu, YAMASAKI Youichi, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NAKATA Minoru
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 1 ) 27 - 35 2004.3
Development of a Measuring System for Sequential Occlusal Aspects
大谷周平, 早崎治明, 岩瀬陽子, 中田志保, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 1 ) 1 - 11 2004.3
Development of a Measuring System for Sequential Occlusal Aspects
OTANI Shuhei, HAYASAKI Haruaki, IWASE Yoko, NAKATA Shiho, NAKATA Minoru
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 1 ) 1 - 11 2004.3
Three-dimensional Areas of Curved Mesh Diagrams of Mandibular Excursion (CMDME) in Children with Primary Dentition
SAWAMI Tadashi, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NAKATA Shiho, NAKATA Minoru
小児歯科学雑誌 42 ( 1 ) 19 - 26 2004.3
祐田京子, 寺嶋雅彦, 青木義満, 早崎治明, 中島昭彦
日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 63rd 315 - 315 2004
Relationship between the Lower Incisal Point and Condylar Point during the Habitual Opening Movements of the Mandible in Children with Primary Dentition
HUANG Raoqing, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NAKATA Shiho, NAKATA Minoru
Jpn.j.Ped.Dent. 41 ( 3 ) 573 - 579 2003.6
RAOQING H, 早崎治明, 中田志保, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 41 ( 3 ) 573 - 579 2003.6
早崎治明, 落合聡
食生活科学・文化及び地球環境科学に関する研究助成研究紀要 16 47 - 53 2003.5
大谷 周平, 早崎 治明, 中田 志保, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 41 ( 2 ) 326 - 326 2003.4
大谷周平, 早崎治明, 中田志保, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 41 ( 2 ) 326 2003.4
The Change of the Main Occluding Area at Mastication by Dental Stage
小児歯科学雑誌 41 ( 1 ) 252 - 258 2003.3
The Change of the Main Occluding Area at Mastication by Dental Stage
中田志保, 渡辺里香, 早崎治明, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 41 ( 1 ) 252 - 258 2003.3
Masticatory movement during occlusal phase in children with primary dentition and women
Saitoh Issei, Hayasaki Haruaki, Nakata Shiho, Iwase Yoko, Nakata Minoru
The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 9 ( 1 ) 23 - 29 2002.11
黄 饒青, 早崎 治明, 中田 志保, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 40 ( 2 ) 2002.4
黄じょう青, 早崎治明, 中田志保, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 40 ( 2 ) 343 - 343 2002.4
Gum-chewing strokes around occlusal phase.
H Hayasaki, Saitoh, I, S Nakata, Y Iwase, M Nakata
Glucose intolerance and alveolar bone loss in Japanese men.
T Marugame, H Hayasaki, H Eguchi, S Matsumoto
Occlusal angles of working molars during gum-chewing in children.
Saitoh, I, H Hayasaki, Y Iwase, S Nakata, M Nakata
落合聡, 宮崎葉子, 山下伸子, 永田英子, 倉田可奈子, 鰐石清佳, 佐々木康成, 早崎治明, 中田稔
障害者歯科 22 ( 4 ) 354 - 354 2001.11
口唇裂口蓋裂児に対するHotz型人工口蓋床を用いた早期治療の効果 合併症を有する症例の体重変化について
落合聡, 佐々木康成, 柳田憲一, 武田康男, 早崎治明, 中田稔, 渡辺里香, 藤崎みずほ
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 26 ( 2 ) 177 2001.4
口唇裂口蓋裂児に対する Hotz 型人工口蓋床を用いた早期治療の効果 : 合併症を有する症例の体重変化について
落合 聡, 柳田 憲一, 早崎 治明, 渡辺 里香, 藤崎 みずほ, 佐々木 康成, 武田 康男, 中田 稔
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 26 ( 2 ) 177 - 177 2001.4
反対こう合を有する混合歯列期小児の習慣性開閉口運動について 切歯点運動路の検討
佐藤恭子, 山崎要一, 早崎治明, 西めぐみ, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 39 ( 2 ) 445 2001.4
乳歯列期小児におけるそしゃく運動の特徴 そしゃく終末位付近の経路の解析
斉藤一誠, 早崎治明, 中田志保, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 39 ( 2 ) 305 2001.4
小児の開閉口運動時の頭部運動について : 第2報 頭部運動の運動収束点の検索
黒田 國康, 山崎 要一, 早崎 治明, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 39 ( 2 ) 306 - 306 2001.4
乳歯列期小児における咀嚼運動の特微 : 咀嚼終末位付近の経路の解析
齊藤 一誠, 早崎 治明, 中田 志保, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 39 ( 2 ) 305 - 305 2001.4
澤味 規, 早崎 治明, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 39 ( 2 ) 304 - 304 2001.4
反対咬合を有する混合歯列期小児の習慣性開閉口運動について : 切歯点運動路の検討
佐藤 恭子, 山崎 要一, 早崎 治明, 西 めぐみ, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 39 ( 2 ) 445 - 445 2001.4
A Method to Divide Gum-chewing Mandibular Movement into its Component Cycles in Children
Jpn.j.Ped.Dent. 38 ( 5 ) 1025 - 1033 2000.12
A Method to Divide Gum-chewing Mandibular Movement into its Component Cycles in Children.
岩瀬陽子, 早崎治明, 中田志保, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 5 ) 1025 - 1033 2000.12
Masticatory movements of the mandible around the terminal position in children with primary dentition
Hayasaki Haruaki, Saitoh Issei, Nakata Shiho, Iwase Youko, Okamoto Atsuyoshi, Yamasaki Youichi, Nakata Minoru
The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 6 ( 2 ) 153 - 161 2000.8
Hotz 床が上顎歯槽部および口蓋形態に及ぼす変化について : 口蓋裂単独の場合
猪之鼻 美和, 渡辺 里香, 落合 聡, 二見 志保, 陣内 みさき, 緒方 哲朗, 早崎 治明, 中田 稔, 中村 典史, 窪田 泰孝, 武田 康男
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 25 ( 2 ) 211 - 211 2000.5
黒田国康, 山崎要一, 早崎治明, 田中稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 461 - 461 2000.4
斉藤一誠, 早崎治明, 中田志保, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 280 2000.4
乳歯列期小児のガムそしゃく運動の特徴について 新しいサイクル選択方法とMultilevel Model Analysisの応用
早崎治明, 中田志保, 岡本篤剛, 永田めぐみ, 岩瀬陽子, 山崎要一, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 279 - 279 2000.4
中田志保, 岩瀬陽子, 渡辺里香, 早崎治明, 岡本篤剛, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 402 2000.4
岩瀬陽子, 早崎治明, 岡本篤剛, 中田志保, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 281 2000.4
中田 志保, 岩瀬 陽子, 渡辺 里香, 早崎 治明, 岡本 篤剛, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 402 - 402 2000.4
斉藤 一誠, 早崎 治明, 中田 志保, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 280 - 280 2000.4
乳歯列期小児のガム咀嚼運動の特徴について : 新しいサイクル選択方法とMultilevel Model Analysisの応用
早崎 治明, 中田 志保, 岡本 篤剛, 永田 めぐみ, 岩瀬 陽子, 山崎 要一, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 2000.4
岩瀬 陽子, 早崎 治明, 岡本 篤剛, 中田 志保, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 281 - 281 2000.4
小児の開閉口運動と協調する頭部運動 : 成人との比較
黒田 國康, 山崎 要一, 早崎 治明, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 2000.4
澤味 規, 早崎 治明, 中田 志保, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 38 ( 2 ) 462 - 462 2000.4
早崎 治明
食生活科学・文化及び地球環境科学に関する研究助成研究紀要 16 47 - 53 2000
山崎要一, 渡辺里香, 永田めぐみ, 黒田國康, 佐藤恭子, 早崎治明, 中田稔
咬合誘導研究会会誌 4 ( 1 ) 21 - 24 2000
肥川員子, 渡辺里香, 早崎治明, 山崎要一, 丸亀知美, 永田めぐみ, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 37 ( 4 ) 716 - 725 1999.9
The Three-dimensional Changes of the Dental Arches and Occlusion in the Treatment of Anterior Crossbite with Primary Dentition
小児歯科学雑誌 37 ( 4 ) 716 - 725 1999.9
Development of a System for Analyzing Occlusal Contacts During Lateral Excursions in the Primary Dentition
OKAMOTO Atsuyoshi, HAYASAKI Haruaki, YAMASAKI Youichi, NAKATA Minoru
Jpn.j.Ped.Dent. 37 ( 3 ) 580 - 589 1999.6
A Study of the Effect of the Eruption and Transition of the First Permanent Molar on the Occlusion, Occlusal Contact Area and Occlusal Force : 2 The Longitudinal Data Analyses
MASUMOTO Yasuhiro, MORINUSHI Takanobu, OGURA Tadashi, NAGATA Megumi, YAMASAKI Youichi, MINEMATU Kiyohito, FUJISE Takako, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NAKATA Minoru, KUMASAKA Sumio, UCHIMURA Noboru, DOI Masanao, AKASAKA Morito, KARIBE Hiroyuki, OGATA Kiyokazu, KIKUCHI Susumu, NAKASHIMA Midori, MIYAZAWA Hiroo
Jpn.j.Ped.Dent. 37 ( 3 ) 475 - 481 1999.6
岡本篤剛, 早崎治明, 山崎要一, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 37 ( 3 ) 580 - 589 1999.6
聖マリア病院における Hotz 型人工口蓋床と口唇癒着術を併用した両側性唇顎口蓋裂症例に対する治療効果について
落合 聡, 吉川 厚重, 上村 哲司, 柳田 憲一, 江藤 順, 中嶋 敏子, 藤崎 みずほ, 渡辺 里香, 早崎 治明, 武田 康男, 中田 稔
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 24 ( 2 ) 186 - 186 1999.6
片側性交叉咬合治療前後の咀嚼運動変化 : 指示側咀嚼達成率の変化
早崎 治明, BUSCHANG Peter H, THROCKMORTON Gaylord S, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 37 ( 2 ) 311 - 311 1999.4
中田志保, 早崎治明, 岡本篤剛, 岩瀬陽子, 永田めぐみ, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 37 ( 2 ) 356 1999.4
食品の硬さが噛み始めから嚥下直前に至る咀嚼運動の変化に及ぼす影響 : 乳歯列期・混合歯列期・成人の比較
中田 志保, 早崎 治明, 岡本 篤剛, 岩瀬 陽子, 永田 めぐみ, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 37 ( 2 ) 356 - 356 1999.4
小児歯科学雑誌 37 ( 2 ) 311 1999.4
Application of Six-Degree-of-Freedom Jaw Movement Tracking Devices for Analysis of Stomatognathic Function in Children
Nihon Hotetsu Shika Gakkai Zasshi 42 ( 6 ) 921 - 927 1998.12
中田稔, 山崎要一, 早崎治明
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 42 ( 6 ) 921 - 927 1998.12
Clinical effects of Hotz plate on the patient of cleft lip and palate
永田 めぐみ, 山崎 要一, 早崎 治明, 岡本 篤剛, 中田 志保, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 36 ( 2 ) 1998.4
小児の口輪筋の強さについての研究 : 成人との比較
片渕 桂子, 石井 光治, 早崎 治明, 一村 智美, 渡辺 里香, 山崎 要一, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 36 ( 2 ) 1998.4
岩瀬 陽子, 早崎 治明, 山崎 要一, 中田 志保, 岡本 篤剛, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 36 ( 2 ) 1998.4
Bite Force and Occlusal Condition in Children Measured During Dental Checkups in Schools
OKUSHI Kanako, NISHIJIMA Norihiro, HAYASAKI Haruaki, INAMI Toru, NAKATA Minoru
小児歯科学雑誌 36 ( 1 ) 65 - 70 1998.3
Bite Force and Occlusal condition in Children Measured During Dental Checkups in Schools.
大串香奈子, 西嶋憲博, 早崎治明, 居波徹, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 36 ( 1 ) 65 - 70 1998.3
山崎要一, 早崎治明, 岡本篤剛, 中田志保, 永田めぐみ, 西嶋憲博, 中田 稔
咬合誘導研究会会誌 2 ( 1 ) 28 - 29 1998
Effect of food texture on masticatory movement in children
S Nakata, H Hayasaki, M Nakata
Excursive condylar kinematics of unilateral posterior crossbite patients.
PH Buschang, A Santos-Pinto, GS Throckmorton, H Hayasaki
JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH 77 1019 - 1019 1998
A Study on the Mandibular Movement During the Masticatory Process in Children
小児歯科学雑誌 35 ( 5 ) 783 - 789 1997.12
Three Dimensional Treatment Changes of the Maxillary and Palate on Deciduous Crossbite
Jpn J Ped Dent 35 ( 5 ) 790 - 798 1997.12
A Study on the Mandibular Movement During the Masticatory Process in Children.
中田志保, 早崎治明, 西嶋憲博, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 35 ( 5 ) 783 - 789 1997.12
Three Dimensional Treatment Changes of the Maxillary and Palate on Deciduous Crossbite.
丸亀知美, 早崎治明, 渡辺里香, 藤崎みずほ, 山崎要一, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 35 ( 5 ) 790 - 798 1997.12
早崎 治明
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 7 ( 2 ) 89 - 89 1997.12
A study on concordance between intercuspal position and terminal position of masticatory movement in children
Nakata Shiho, Hayasaki Haruaki, Nakata Minoru
The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 4 ( 1 ) 31 - 36 1997.8
A study on the reproducibility and stability of terminal position of masticatorty movement in children
Hayasaki Haruaki, Nakata Shiho, Nishijima Norihiro, Okamoto Atsuyoshi, Yamasaki Youichi, Nakata Minoru
The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 4 ( 1 ) 25 - 30 1997.8
YAMASAKI Youichi, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NISHIJIMA Norihiro, NAGATA Megumi, NAKATA Minoru
7 ( 1 ) 25 - 33 1997.7
大串 香奈子, 西嶋 憲博, 早崎 治明, 居波 徹, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 35 ( 2 ) 320 - 320 1997.4
岡本 篤剛, 早崎 治明, 西嶋 憲博, 中田 志保, 山崎 要一, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 35 ( 2 ) 201 - 201 1997.4
早崎 治明, 中田 志保, 西嶋 憲博, 岡本 篤剛, 山崎 要一, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 35 ( 2 ) 1997.4
中田 志保, 早崎 治明, 西嶋 憲博, 岡本 篤剛, 山崎 要一, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 35 ( 2 ) 202 - 202 1997.4
早崎治明, 中田志保, 西嶋憲博, 岡本篤剛, 山崎要一, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 35 ( 2 ) 203 - 203 1997.4
Changes in mandibular movement with progress of infantile mastication.
中田志保, 早崎治明, 西嶋憲博, 岡本篤剛, 山崎要一, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 35 ( 2 ) 202 - 202 1997.4
Survey results of bite force and occlusion contact conditions of infants in a group dental check up.
大串香奈子, 西嶋憲博, 早崎治明, 居波徹, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 35 ( 2 ) 320 - 320 1997.4
Investigation of the relationship between the curved mesh diagram of mandibular excursion and the occlusal phase of mastication
Hayasaki Haruaki, Nakata Shiho, Yamasaki Youichi, Nishijima Norihiro, Okamoto Atsuyoshi, Minematsu Kiyohito, Nakata Minoru
The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 3 ( 2 ) 147 - 152 1997.1
A Study of The Effect of The Eruption of The First Permanent Molar To Occlusion, Contact Area and Occlusal Force : 1 The Analysis of The First Examination
NAGATA Megumi, YAMASAKI Youichi, MINEMATU Kiyohito, FUJISE Takako, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NAKATA Minoru, TOYOSHIMA Syouzaburo, OGURA Tadashi, UCHIMURA Noboru, DOHI Masanao, AKASAKA Morito, KARIBE Hiroyuki, OGATA Kiyokazu, KIKUCHI Susumu, NAKASHIMA Midori, MIYAZAWA Hiroo
小児歯科学雑誌 34 ( 5 ) 1171 - 1180 1996.12
The crown diameter and dental arch size of primary dentition in Indonesian Javanese children
Pediat Dent J 6 ( 1 ) 9 - 17 1996.7
第一大臼歯の萌出、咬合推移と咬合接触面積および咬合力の変化 : 第1報 初回採得資料の分析結果について
永田 めぐみ, 山崎 要一, 峰松 清仁, 藤瀬 多佳子, 早崎 治明, 中田 稔, 豊島 正三郎, 小椋 正, 内村 登, 土肥 順尚, 赤坂 守人, 苅部 洋行, 小方 清和, 菊池 進, 中島 みどり, 宮沢 裕夫
小児歯科学雑誌 34 ( 2 ) 1996.4
口唇口蓋裂患児に対するHotz型人工口蓋床の効果 : 片側性唇顎口蓋裂に関して
江藤 順, 藤崎 みずほ, 早崎 治明, 平野 洋子, 武山 康男, 落合 聡, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 34 ( 2 ) 1996.4
小児の咀嚼筋活動と下顎運動の関連性に関する研究 : 第2報 乳歯列期小児の咀嚼パターンの相違と咀嚼筋活動の特徴について
石井 光治, 山崎 要一, 早崎 治明, 永田 めぐみ, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 34 ( 2 ) 1996.4
中田 志保, 早崎 治明, 西嶋 憲博, 岡本 篤剛, 山崎 要一, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 34 ( 2 ) 1996.4
岡本 篤剛, 西嶋 憲博, 早崎 治明, 中田 志保, 峰松 清仁, 山崎 要一, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 34 ( 2 ) 1996.4
A Study of Three-dimensional Condylar Movement in Children : In the Cases of Protrusive Mandibular Excursions
小児歯科学雑誌 33 ( 5 ) 985 - 994 1995.12
西嶋憲博, 早崎治明, 山崎要一, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 33 ( 5 ) 985 - 994 1995.12
Practical application of computer aided simulation in occlusal guidance.
中田稔, 早崎治明, 西嶋憲博, 峰松清仁, 山崎要一
Quintessence 14 ( 7 ) 1695 - 1702 1995.7
An Investigation on the Patients Records of the First Visit in Pediatric Dental Clinic of Kyushu University Dental Hospital
NAGATA Megumi, TANAKA Katsuaki, HAYASAKI Hasuaki, WATANABE Rika, YAMASAKI Youichi, NAKATA Minoru
Jpn.j.Ped.Dent. 33 ( 3 ) 543 - 551 1995.6
小児の顆頭部三次元動態に関する研究 : 第1報 下顎前方滑走運動時について
西嶋 憲博, 早崎 治明, 山崎 要一, 中田 稔
小児歯科学雑誌 33 ( 2 ) 1995.4
小児のか頭部三次元動態に関する研究 第1報 下顎前方滑走運動時について
西嶋憲博, 早崎治明, 山崎要一, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 33 ( 2 ) 269 1995.4
早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 30 ( 1 ) 270 - 270 1992.3
A research of relationship between protrusive excursion of mandible and the overlap of frontal teeth in children
Hayasaki Haruaki, Yamasaki Youichi, Naruse Katsuko, Ogata Tetsurou, Ishii Mitsuharu, Nakata Minoru
Proceeding of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 11 139 - 142 1992
The stomatognathic function in a case of hemifacial hypertrophy-Findings of mandibular movement.
山崎要一, 早崎治明, 緒方哲朗, 中田稔, 浜野良彦
小児歯科学雑誌 29 ( 1 ) 186 - 195 1991.3
A resarch of children's mandibular excursion : An analysis protusive excursion
Hayasaki Haruaki, Yamasaki Youithi, Nakata Minoru
Proceeding of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function 10 87 - 90 1991
小児の下顎運動に関する研究(第5報) 歯牙年齢2Aと3Aの滑走運動の比較
早崎 治明
小児歯科学雑誌 28 ( 3 ) 878 - 878 1990.9
竹中稔, 山崎要一, 緒方哲朗, 小田博, 早崎治明, 阿部和久, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 28 ( 2 ) 313 - 326 1990.6
小児の下顎運動に関する研究 (第4報) 乳歯列・永久歯列における側方滑走運動の比較
早崎治明, 山崎要一, 中田稔
小児歯科学雑誌 27 ( 3 ) 816 - 816 1989.9
Grant number:23K09411
2023.4 - 2026.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
大島 邦子, 大島 勇人, 早崎 治明, 佐野 拓人
Grant amount:\4810000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 、 Indirect Cost:\1110000 )
The mechanism of oral pressure formation in developmental process of feeding function after weaning
Grant number:22K10267
2022.4 - 2025.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )
Grant number:21K10901
2021.4 - 2025.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
松原 まなみ, 早崎 治明, 中村 由紀
Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct Cost: \3000000 、 Indirect Cost:\900000 )
本研究の目的は、早産児の『口腔機能発達支援プ ログラム』を作成し,有効性を検証することである。
『口腔機能発達支援プ ログラム』の作成に先立ち、1)早産児の口腔機能発達の実態調査として、2021 年度には、(1)質問紙調査による実態調査を予定していた。また、今年度の経費執行計画では、2年目以降に計画していた2)早産児の吸啜・咀嚼機能の運動生理学的分析で使用予定の(1)咀嚼運動の動作解析用機器、および、(2)吸啜運動の動画解析用の計測機器の購入を計画していた。しかしながら、協力施設がCOVID-19蔓延防止法/緊急事態宣言対象地域(福岡、東京)にあり、予備調査や打ち合わせができない状況が続いたこと、さらに、本研究の対象者である乳幼児にオミクロン株が流行したことから、調査協力の内諾は得られたにもかかわらず、調査開始の見通しがたたないまま、今日に至っている。このような状況下で、2021年度に予定していた計画は大幅に遅れ、2022年度も現地フィールドでのデータ収集実施の見通しが不透明なことから、2022年度以降に予定していた研究の内容を、研究目的の達成に必要な項目に厳選し、研究計画の見直しを行った。(研究計画の変更に関しては、「今後の研究の推進方策」で述べる。)
また、2023年度に計画していた(2)乳児の吸啜運動の動画解析(舌運動の超音波映像解析)に関して、 年度の科研で購入した機器を活用する予定であったが、前任地からの計測機器の移管ができない状況が判明した。そのため、2)早産児の吸啜・咀嚼機能の運動生理学的分析については、咀嚼機能の分析に焦点化し、吸啜運動の分析は、調査項目から除外することとした。
Grant number:20K10224
2020.4 - 2023.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
大島 邦子, 大島 勇人, 早崎 治明
Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )
Food intake motion affects tooth erupting timing.
Grant number:19K10379
2019.4 - 2022.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )
The background of this study is that the eruption time of primary teeth in Japan tends to be "earlier for anterior and later for molars", and this tendency is observed in developed countries such as the United States, but not in developing countries. It can be understood that tooth eruption timing is related to feeding behavior.
Continuous measurement in children could not be performed because of the spread of coronavirus infection, especially for children. We intend to continue measurements in children as soon as the epidemic is under control, thereby achieving the objective of this research project. In this study, we investigated the lip function, which is closely related to the tooth eruption of children, and found that the lip function of children during feeding was different from that of adults.
Exploring effective methods for reducing dental treatment loads during home visit dentistry.
Grant number:19K10223
2019.4 - 2022.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Kon Haruka
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )
This study investigates the postures of both patients in wheelchairs and dentists while performing at-home dental treatment with the aim to detect effective conditions in which both participants feel less load. We set several conditions during simulated dental treatment home visits. Postures were recorded using an optical 3D motion analysis device.
Patient backbend angles without a headrest were greater than with a headrest. Consequently, without the presence of a headrest, a patient’s head and neck muscles need to be constantly active. Therefore, patients’ head and neck muscle fatigue might be reduced by the use of headrests. Furthermore, while performing dental treatment for patients in wheelchairs, dentists’ forward bending angles of the trunk and upper arm elevation angles were greater in comparison to normal dental treatment conditions. Accordingly, for dentists, performing dental treatment on patients in wheelchairs is more difficult than in normal conditions.
Risk evaluation of food suffocation from feature analysis of food capturing and processing in children
Grant number:19K10402
2019.4 - 2022.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Nakamura Yuki
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )
Understanding the refinement of self-feeding skills is useful for the assessment of oral functional development in children. To determine normative data on lip closing during food intake in the development of independent spoon-feeding in normal children, we tested the hypothesis that lip-closing pressure and spoon operation differ depending on food type. Lip-closing force and spoon operation varied depending on food type in preschool and early elementary school children compared to adult. Our findings suggest the need to consider the importance of food diversity when assessing the development and maturation of lip function.
Elucidation of mechanisms maintaining the homeostasis of quiescent periodontal stem cells demonstrated by tooth germ transplantation
Grant number:17K11953
2017.4 - 2021.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Nakakura-Ohshima Kuniko
Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )
In order to search the dynamics of periodontal ligament stem cells, we conducted a tooth germ transplantation experiment using mice. Since periodontal ligament stem cells cannot be labeled by the BrdU labeling method, stem cells/progenitor cells were labeled by administering doxycycline to the pregnant mother on 14.5 days of embryonic period. As a result, 25.0% of the transplanted tooth germs were found to have both odontoblast differentiation and root formation, and some specimens were erupted and occluded. Strongly GFP-positive cells, which are considered to be static stem cells, were maintained in the center of the pulp or the sub-odontoblastic layer, and differentiate into odontoblasts, whereas strongly GFP-positive cells were not found in the periodontal ligament. These results suggest that GFP-positive periodontal ligament stem cells maintained during tooth development are affected by allogenic tooth germ transplantation.
2017.4 - 2020.3
System name:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
大島 邦子
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\360000 ( Direct Cost: \300000 、 Indirect Cost:\60000 )
Improvement of lip closure strength cures its masticatory motion
Grant number:16K11802
2016.4 - 2019.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Hayasaki Haruaki
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
T he improvement of the oral function was observed by performing training to improve the lip closure strength in children with deep overbite, anterior crossbite, crowding, open bite, and maxillary protrusion. However, anterior crossbite and open bite gave priority to improvement of the removal the oral habits, including the weak lip closure strength, it was effective to perform training of the lip closure strength at first. Consequently, the improvement of the lip closure strength normalized the chewing motion.
The results of our study provides basic information concerning oral health promotion during childhood.
Body posture influences the mandibular and head movements during feeding.
Grant number:15K11193
2015.4 - 2018.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Satoh Naoko
Grant type:Competitive
We analyzed the feeding movements of oral cavity using a motion capture, when subjects chewed food with various kinds of posture and when a meal was provided from various kinds of directions during assisted feeding. It was suggested that the posture of the body affects the chewing motion, and that the head posture and then the food-intake movement of mouth come under an influence of the direction of feeding assistance. We note that attention on food-intake and mastication is required during management of posture and an assistance method during feeding.
Grant number:26463111
2014.4 - 2018.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Nakakura-Ohshima Kuniko
Grant type:Competitive
This study aimed to analyze the effects of the enlarged apical foramina on the pulpal healing process using a model for tooth replantation/transplantation. After the extraction of ICR or GFP mouse teeth, the tooth roots from the experimental group were shortened before replantation/transplantation, whereas in the control group the teeth were immediately replanted. The occurrence of abundant tertiary dentin formation was observed in the resected teeth, whereas, divergent healing patterns including dentin, bone, and fibrous tissues were observed in the control group. Tooth transplantation using GFP or wild-type mice demonstrated that the root resection accelerated the revascularization and donor-derived odontoblast-like cell differentiation, resulting in the rapid pulpal healing. In conclusion, the root resection accelerates the dental pulp regeneration following tooth replantation/transplantation due to the better environment for revascularization in the replants.
Effect of taste stimulation into pharynx on swallowing in the developmental process
Grant number:26463108
2014.4 - 2017.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Nakamura Yuki
Grant type:Competitive
Chemical stimulation of the pharynx is effective in eliciting swallowing. We investigated the effect of taste solutions on the elicitation of swallowing in human. The results indicated that stimulation of the pharyngeal region with sour solutions facilitates swallowing, suggesting that the facilitation may be due to increases of sensory inputs. Moreover, we tested in anesthetized or unanethetized rats whether there were particular neuron activities in cortical area and brain stem during feeding by using multi-channel neural recordings and stimulation applications.
Grant number:26670889
2014.4 - 2016.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Yamasaki Youichi
Grant type:Competitive
This study examined the influence of the negative pressure of the airway on mandibular retraction during inspiration of children with nasal obstruction.
Sixty-two children were divided into Class I, II, and III groups. Airflow pressure was simulated using computational fluid dynamics to calculate nasal resistance and airway pressure during inspiration and expiration. Nasal resistance of the Class II group was significantly higher than that of the other two groups, and oropharyngeal airway inspiration pressure in the Class II (-247.64 Pa) group was larger than that in the Class I (-43.51 Pa) and Class III (-31.81 Pa) groups (P < 0.001). Airway inspiration-expiration pressure difference in the Class II (-27.38 Pa) group was larger than that in the Class I (-5.17 Pa) and Class III (0.68 Pa) groups (P = 0.006). Large negative inspiratory airway pressure due to nasal obstruction in children with Class II malocclusion may be related to their retrognathia.
Behavior management by Nitrous oxide inhalation and Dexmedetomidine-containing Lidocaine
Grant number:25463176
2013.4 - 2017.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Saitoh Yoko
Grant type:Competitive
We planned to use Nitrous oxide inhalation and Dexmedetomidine-containing Lidocaine in this research and to manage behavior by sedative effect thought as a side effect and a demerit. To secure safety was the absolute condition in this research. It was very important how to monitor vital signs such as subject's breathing and circulation. And to perform blood pressure measurements on continuous occasions was so difficult for special needs persons and noncooperative children. To secure safety was the dominate the agenda until induction of sedation and it was impossible to warranty of sure safety in a like way of healthy adults.
Motion Analysis of Food Intake during Weaning Period
Grant number:25463174
2013.4 - 2016.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Hayasaki Haruaki
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Food intake during weaning period has been paid little attention. However, this motion may be crucial for the development of oral morphology and function. Three-dimensional measurement and analysis of this motion was performed, however, children of this period were too young as subjective person to obtain the precise data. Their food intake motions consisted of the backward tilting motion of the head rather than the downward motion of the mandible.
Measurement of the motion of the mandible during mastication from female adults revealed that the weight of the subjective foods affected the entire cycle time and ranges along three orthogonal axes.
Grant number:25293420
2013.4 - 2016.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Yamasaki Youichi
Grant type:Competitive
When the mouth serves as not only the chewing but also the respiratory function and has a chronic nose disease, a large burden has both chewing and respiration, and the influence on chewing function is expected.
We evaluated airway ventilation condition, hyperplasia of palatine tonsil, lingual movement at deglutition to clarify the influence that an airway ventilation disorder and hyperplasia of palatine tonsil gave to chewing, the deglutition of children in this study.As a result, it was, and, as for the tongue, anteposition was able to clarify what lingual movement influenced by the amount at the deglutition of the water when a tongue became the low position when there was an airway ventilation disorder, and there was hyperplasia of palatine tonsil.
Grant number:25670878
2013.4 - 2015.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Iwasaki Tomonori
Grant type:Competitive
Introduction: The pharyngeal airway inspiration pressure may influence maxillofacial form. This study tested the null hypothesis that pharyngeal airway respiration pressures in children with malocclusion due to different anterior-posterior skeletal patterns do not differ. Methods: Sixty-two average-FMA-angle children were divided into Class I, Class II, and Class III malocclusion groups. Cone-beam computed tomography data was used to reconstruct 3-dimensional shapes of the nasal and pharyngeal airways. Airflow pressure was simulated using computational fluid dynamics to calculate the pharyngeal airway pressure during inspiration. Results: The pharyngeal airway inspiration pressure in the Class II (-247.64 Pa) group was larger than that in the Class I (-43.51 Pa) and Class III (-31.81 Pa) groups. Conclusion: The large negative inspiratory pharyngeal airway pressure due to nasal obstruction in Class II children is related to their retrognathia.
Establishment of effective sucking and oral function for cleft lip and palate infants
Grant number:24390502
2012.4 - 2017.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Matsubara Manami
Grant type:Competitive
Cleft lip and palate infants usually used Hotz plate to assist their sucking function. To provide effective sucking and development of mastication and swallowing function, we improved the Hotz plate, developed a special shaped feeding bottle, brought about new breastfeeding technique. We sat up a hypothesis that improved Hotz formed a small cavity (called sucking fossa) more activate sucking movement .The tongue movements of twelve infants were recorded under two conditions, with normal Hotz and with improved Hotz by an ultrasonic apparatus. The movements were processed by DIPP Motion Pro to draw as waveforms. Displacement were measured in all subjects. The displacement was 23.4±0.9 in improved Hotz while 24.7±2.27 in normal Hotz. It indicated the tongue movement in improved was significantly greater than normal. Since tongue movement was deeply related to lip, jaw movement and oral function, the result implied development of those functions as well as effective sucking.
Collection and Construction of database for physiological and physical support of children
Grant number:24390463
2012.4 - 2016.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Fujiwara Taku
Grant type:Competitive
The purpose of this study is to analyze the data of patients’ background using machine learning method and to develop an application that could output helpful information. We also tried to construct a new system that will enable to continuously collect and utilize these data using tablet. We included data collection system of dental trauma.
Data collection system was completed. We will continue data collection using this system.
We tried to make decision tree from questionnaire of the mother class using application Weka (Machine Learning Group at the University of Waikato, New Zealand) . Several decision trees were generated, but we could not obtain proper decision trees according with the conventional theory. Since the contents of the sheet were slightly different at each clinic, missing values were likely to influence the analysis. A unified questionnaires style would be necessary. In addition, selection of the objective variable should be more important.
Grant number:24659914
2012.4 - 2014.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Yamasaki Youichi
Grant type:Competitive
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in children is not rare and is a major health problem. Unfortunately, surgery's success rate is not always high because obstruction sites of the upper airway vary considerably. Morphological findings from computed-tomography (CT) do not always coincide precisely with the functional obstruction sites in the upper airway. Consequently, establishing a method to detect the specific obstruction sites of the whole upper airway is indispensable to successful treatment of OSAS. We examined the obstruction sites in an upper airway model of a OSAS child by fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis.
We established a new method combining an airway model with FSI analysis. This method can locate the obstruction sites and simulate the magnitude of air pressure and velocity, evaluating the ventilation condition more precisely than with a morphological evaluation alone.
Grant number:23593026
2011.4 - 2015.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Nakakura-Ohshima Kuniko
Grant type:Competitive
The goal of this study is to characterize the healing of allogenic tooth grafts in an animal model using GFP-labeled donor or host postnatal mice. In addition, the putative stem cells were labeled before transplantation with a pulse-chase paradigm. Transplanted molars formed cusps and roots and erupted into occlusion by 2 wk postoperatively. Donor label-retaining cells (LRCs) were maintained in the center of pulp tissue associating with blood vessels. Dual labeling showed that a proportion of LRCs were incorporated into the odontoblast layer. Host cells, including putative dendritic cells and the endothelium, also immigrated into the pulp tissue but did not contribute to the odontoblast layer. Therefore, LRCs or putative mesenchymal stem cells are retained in the transplanted pulps. Thus, the dynamic donor-host interaction occurred in the developing transplant, suggesting that these changes affect the characteristics of the dental pulp.
Effect of the antineoplastic agent busulfan on rat molar root development
2011.4 - 2014.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Mitomi Tomoe
Grant type:Competitive
Enrichment of the tooth constitution cell derived from human iPS cells using an original technique
2011.4 - 2014.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Hasegawa Hiroko
Grant type:Competitive
Effect of the antineoplastic agent busulfan on rat molar root development
Grant number:23593024
2011 - 2013
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
TOMOE MItomi, KAWANO Yoshiro, MAEDA Takeyasu, HAYASAKI Haruaki
Grant amount:\5070000 ( Direct Cost: \3900000 、 Indirect Cost:\1170000 )
The antineoplastic bifunctional-alkylating agent busulfan (Bu) induces developmental anomalies of the teeth. The aims of this study were to clarify the effect of the administering Bu at different stages of rat molar root development. The rats receiving Bu at an early stage showed osteodentin formation and complete destruction of the Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS). The root lengths in rats treated with an early stage were lower than that in the control rats. A narrowed apical foramen and an increased amount of osteodentin were also present, depending on the rat's age at the time of treatment. Busulfan treatment in rats resulted in abnormal root development, depending on the stage at which Bu was administered. The administration of Bu caused a shortage of HERS cells, which are required for normal root development. This disturbs root formation, resulting in osteodentin formation and a narrowed apex foramen.
Enrichment of the tooth constitution cell derived from human iPS cells using an original technique
Grant number:23593038
2011 - 2013
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
HASEGAWA Hiroko, SATO Masahiro, SAITOH Issei, YAMASAKI Youichi, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NOGUCHI Hirofumi
Grant amount:\5070000 ( Direct Cost: \3900000 、 Indirect Cost:\1170000 )
We obtained a primary culture of teratoma cells from a nude mouse that was transplanted with a pT-ARIP introduced in an iPS cell. We attempted to detect cells responsible for tooth development based on the expression of the fluorescent gene; however, the cells were not detected.. In the process in which a teratoma was formed, repression of gene expression likes gene silencing may have started the introduced gene. Hence, RT-PCR analysis of the primary teratoma cell culture obtained from iPS cells before transgenesis was conducted. The expression of OCT3/4, NANOG, NESTIN, OC (osteocalcin), DMP, DSPP, and BGP was observed. Moreover, the existence of AMELX was confirmed by immunohistological analysis.
Grant number:22592279
2010.4 - 2014.3
System name:基盤研究(C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Hayashi-Sakai Sachiko
Grant type:Competitive
The purpose of the present study was to examine the fracture toughness and Vickers microhardness number of permanent and primary human enamel using the indentation microfracture method. Crack resistance and a parameter indirectly related to fracture toughness were measured in 48 enamel specimens from 16 permanent teeth and 12 enamel specimens obtained from six primary teeth.
The Vickers microhardness number of the middle portion was greater than the upper portion in primary enamel. The fracture toughness was highest in the middle portion of permanent enamel, because fracture toughness greatly depends upon microstructure. These findings suggest that primary teeth are not miniature permanent teeth but have specific and characteristic mechanical properties.
Hypothesis: Feeding behavior is conjectured from occlusal condition.
2010.4 - 2013.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Hayasaki Haruaki
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:22592292
2010.4 - 2012.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Iwasaki Tomonori
Grant type:Competitive
The fluid mechinical simulation (FMS) was shown to be effectiveto detect a site of the upper airway obstruction. When we planned OSAS treatment, we proved efficacy of the combination of FMS and CBCT to diagnose the obstruction of the upper airway. And we evaluated the effect to nasal cavity ventilation, tongue posture, the pharynx airway volume of the maxillary rapid expansion (RME). RME enlarged pharynx airway with or without the improvement of the nasal cavity aeration state. This effectis effective for OSAS of children. We consider that the above-mentioned results help the construction of the future treatment predictive model.
Grant number:22390392
2010.4 - 2012.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Yamasaki Yoichi
Grant type:Competitive
The fluid simulation technique was able to evaluate a ventilation condition of the three-dimensional lumen airway. Specifically, we were shown to be effective in the detection of the ventilation obstruction site of the upper airway. Furthermore, the evaluation of the partial ventilation condition of the upper airway was possible, and this method was able to confirm the improvement situation of the nasal cavity ventilation condition by the maxillary rapid expansion. Also, we evaluated a ventilation condition of dolichofacial type and brachyfaicial type of Class II by this method, and upper respiratory tract aeration disorder was able to show that maxillofacial vertical growth and association were deep. We were able to show that a ventilation disorder of the upper airway was associated with maxillofacial vertical growth.
Hypothesis: Feeding behavior is conjectured from occlusal condition.
Grant number:22592291
2010 - 2012
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )
Because the chewing motion dramatically changes by the occlusal condition, the relationship may hold among three developmental factors: "feeding behavior ⇔ chewing motions ⇔ occlusal condition". From results of analyzing feeding behaviors and chewing motions, smaller within-individual variations, compared to between-individual variations, were observed in adults. On the other hand, it is well knownthat occlusal condition is dominated by lip closure pressure, tongue motion and masticatory muscles even in younger children. The establishment of stable motions with smaller within-individual variations is affected by these elements. Therefore it might be suggested that the occlusal condition also affectedfeeding behaviors.
Fluid mechanical study of the airway of the child and the maxillofacial form using CBCT
Grant number:19592360
2007.4 - 2009.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Iwasaki Tomonori
Grant type:Competitive
This study established a system of ventilation condition and the obstruction site specification from a nose to a throat using CT data. From the system, (1) The Class III malocclusion is associated with shape of the oropharyngeal airway. (2) Most dolichofacial children with a Class II malocclusion have an obstructed upper airway. (3) It was useful for a diagnosis and treatment of OSAS and the upper airway obstruction of the maxillofacial malformation person.
Protrusion and retrusion are dominant mandibular movements during nursing. How long do these movements continue
2007.4 - 2009.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Hayasaki Haruakai
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:19390532
2007.4 - 2008.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Yamasaki Youichi
Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:19592357
2007 - 2008
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )
Functional food physics by using multi-body system.
2005.4 - 2007.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Hayasaki Haruaki
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Functional food physics by using multi-body system.
Grant number:17592141
2005 - 2006
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\3700000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 )
Although "maintenance of the masticatory function" is hung up in "Healthy Japan 21" as one of the targets which should be attained, it is exactly a reason that this has high correlation in elderly people's digestion and the physical action of the whole body. It being required, when considering acquisition and recovery of a normal masticatory function and performing medical treatment and rehabilitation using food or an auxiliary implement is what kind of movement being performed for every food, and clarifying what kind of load (effort) being required. The child and elderly people of low age are especially asked for application of the "functional physical properties" of food. Although some standards exist in and outside the country about selection of subjective food, these are classified as mechanical physical properties of foods in many cases, and are not in agreement with the case where it actually digests after cooking, in many cases. Moreover, subjective foods were selected by using overseas literature to reference, in order to avoid food unique to Japan. However, the definition of "functional physical properties" is attained only after the functional data and masticatory efficiency which were acquired from these living bodies are connected organically. Moreover, it is indispensable for visualizing it to connect physical properties to a function (movement and line activity). Then, a multi-body system analysis and integrated IDL analysis were introduced. The special feature of this research grazes the load in the masticatory movement in fixed quantity functionally, and was clinical very interesting. Since it was enabled to acquire the diagnostic method and to carry out a simulation as a result of this research, the meaning of this research is large. While many results were obtained as follows, it is also a fact that many questions which should be solved from now on newly blew off, and the further development is desired that clinical application of the system and result which were obtained by this research from now on should be carried out more.
The development of the diagnostic system of the dynamic function in patients with jaw deformity by using three dimensional MRI.
2004.4 - 2007.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Goto Tazuko
Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:16659573
2004.4 - 2005.3
System name:萌芽研究
Research category:萌芽研究
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
中島 昭彦
Grant type:Competitive
外科矯正治療を必要とする患者に対しては、形態異常部位の特定やその程度を知ることを目的として通常の不正咬合者の検査と同じく頭部エックス線規格写真や歯列模型の検査が行われるが、それに加えて全身麻酔下での大掛かりな手術を受けることからComputed Tomography (CT)が撮影される。またこのような重症の顎顔面形態異常患者には種々の顎口腔機能異常が付随していることが考えられるため術前後の機能検査が必須となっているが、両者をまとめた形態と機能の総合的解析システムはまだ報告されてはいない。本研究は患者の顎顔面形態をコンピュータ画面上に三次元で表示し、それを機能検査データに基づいてアニメーションで動かす顎口腔機能の三次元解析システムを構築するとともに、その結果を患者へのインフォームドコンセントにおける分かり易いコミュニケーションツールとして利用することを目的として開始した。
平成17年度は、まず正・側方頭部エックス線規格写真の二次元画像から頭部形態の三次元画像を構築する方法とその画像に歯列画像を合体させる方法を報告した(文献1)。一方、口腔内に設置したセラミック真球を媒体として、立体構築したCT(3D-CT)に歯列三次元画像と咀嚼筋MRI画像や顔表面画像を組み入れる方法と、それらの顎変形症患者への応用について報告した(文献1)。現在、三次元頭部画像に顎運動および顎関節動態を表示するシステムについて日本顎変形症学会雑誌とAmer J Orthod & Orthopに投稿中であり、前者は採択が決定している。論文のほかにもここまでの成果は平成17年度に開催された日本矯正歯科学会と日本顎変形症学会にそれぞれ2題ずつ発表しており、前者の学会発表「顎変形症における顎顔面骨格および咀嚼筋形態の三次元的評価」には優秀発表賞が授与されている。
The development of the diagnostic system of the dynamic function in patients with jaw deformity by using three dimensional MRI.
Grant number:16591887
2004 - 2006
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\3500000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 )
1. Three-dimensional morphology.
(1) Jaw bone : We decided the most appropriate sequence of MRI for jaw bone. The accuracy of the 3D MRimages of dry mandible in vitro was similar to that from CT. We therefore perform the investigation of the jaw in vivo.
(2) Masticatory muscles : In patients, a comparison of deviated and non-deviated sides showed, in orientation, differences for masseter and medial pterygoid muscles, but in size, differences only for the masseter muscle. Nevertheless, muscle sizes in patients were much smaller than in controls. Lateral displacement of the mandible can explain the orientation differences, but not the smaller muscle size, in patients.
(3) Temporomandibular joint : The TMJ on the deviated side showed a smaller condyle.
2. Three dimensional function
(1) TMJ : The TMJ on the deviated side showed a higher incidence of disk displacement than the non- deviated side and those in the controls. However, the clinical symptoms showed no differences between the deviated and non-deviated sides, and no association with disk displacement.
(2) Occlusal force : There was no significant difference in the balance of the occlusal contact area and the occlusal force between the right and left sides in the controls, while the balance was shifted to the deviated side in the patients. It is therefore considered important to establish and maintain adequate occlusion through appropriate orthodontic treatment to improve the orthognathic function in patients.
3. We developed the diagnostic system of the dynamic function in patients with jaw deformity by combining the morphology data and functional data.
The functional analysis of mandibular movements and bite force using the dentofacial model of children
2003.4 - 2006.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Yamasaki Youichi
Grant type:Competitive
The functional analysis of mandibular movements and bite force using the dentofacial model of children
Grant number:15592168
2003 - 2005
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\3600000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 )
The analyzed parameters for the research of "The functional analysis of mandibular movements and bite force using the dentofacial model of children" were below,
1.A new way of analyzing occlusion three-dimensionally was developed.
2.Occlusal glide movements of the terminal phase during mastication were analyzed in detail.
3.Mandibular movements such as protrusion, habitual mouth opening and closing movements, and mastication of anterior reverse bite children were analyzed.
4.Biomechanical effects of changes in the mandibular morphology on the temporomandibular joint, Part 1. Condylar displacement, and Part 2. Disc displacement, were analyzed.
5.Many articles and books related to the subject of this research were presented.
The detailed results were described on the research articles which were inserted in the undermentioned list of references.
Grant number:15659494
2003 - 2004
System name:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
Research category:萌芽研究
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
佐々木 康成, 早崎 治明, 落合 聡
Grant amount:\3200000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 )
本研究の目的は、骨格性不正咬合の早期診断を可能にし、治療方針や予後を確かに推察するために、被検者に負担なく簡便にDNAを抽出する方法を確立し、さらに下顎骨の過成長に関与する遺伝子を明らかにすることである。そこで、昨年度に引き続き、(1)小児児歯科臨床において頭部X線規格写真より骨格性反対咬合と診断された患児とその家族について、家族歴の有無に分類し、対照として、咬合に異常のない個性正常咬合の患児を選出し、リストを作成した。(2)上記リストのうち、保護者から同意の得られた69名の患児およびその家族について、来院日において、それぞれ頬粘膜内側を、cytologyブラシ(Scientific Products, Romulus, MI)を用いて擦った。それよりDNAを抽出後、吸光度計を用いて核酸濃度を算出し、DNA増幅(PCR)に使用できることを確認した。今年度は特に、下顎枝の成長に影響を及ぼすことが示唆されている候補遺伝子の一つであるGHR(Growth Hormone Receptor)遺伝子のPro561Thr変異をもつExon10について、特異的プライマーを用いて増幅した。さらに、PCR RFLP法を用いて、Pro561Thrの変異の有無を調べた。そして、得られた遺伝子の変異の有無と、頭部X線規格写真の分析値、特に下顎骨の過成長との間の関連性について検索した。結果、69名の被験者のうち、9名にPro561Thrの変異が認められたが、反対咬合の有無や、下顎骨の大きさを表すパラメーターとの有意な統計学的関係は認められなかった。しかし、外胚葉異形成症を有する一患児の下顎枝長を含めた下顎骨の計測項目が標準値と比較して大きい原因を調べる目的で、GHRのPro561Thrの変異の有無を調べた。結果、変異は認められず、この患児の特異的な下顎骨の形態が、遺伝子型により裏づけられた。この症例については、ケースレポートとして、論文提出中である。
Research of the occlusal phase during the masticatory movement
2000.4 - 2003.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Hayasaki Haruaki
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Research of the occlusal phase during the masticatory movement
Grant number:12672004
2000 - 2002
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\3100000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 )
The purposes of this study were 1) to establish the system, which could observe the occlusal contacts and the length of the glide during functional masticatory movements, and 2) to investigate the characteristics of the occlusal phase during chewing movements. The system has been built and reported in 2000 (J Dent Res, 79: 1890-1895). Also several characteristics of chewing movements in children with primary dentition compare with adults with healthy permanent dentition has been reported in 2000, 2001 and 2002 by means of this system (J Jpn Soc Stomatognath Funct, 6: 153-161, 2000; Jpn J Ped Dent, 38, 1025-1033, 2000; J Oral Rehabil, 28, 328-334, 2001; J Oral Rehabil, 29, 64-71, 2002). To elucidate the characteristics of occlusal phase in children, 1) the length of occlusal glides, 2) the stability of this length, 3) the stability of the position of the minimum opening position, 4) the stability of the maximum intercuspal position, 5) the sagittal and frontal projected angles both on the closing and opening pathway of masticatory cycles, and 6) correlations between the opening and closing pathways were examined.
As results, 1) children with primary dentition had less variability on almost all variables, 2) chewing pattern was not the same between two groups, and 3) adults had relatively high correlations between the opening and closing pathway compared with children. These results might be caused by 1) relatively flat occlusal morphology including dentitions and TMJ, and 2) imprinted sucking behavior might exist even in children with primary dentition. Some finding suggested that these characteristics would be decreasing with their growth and development.
This study could provide good information for the characteristics of the occlusal phase in children with primary dentition. However, further investigation will be required to obtain the clues for the functional diagnosis of the mandible.
The research of the influence of mastication on general health from the view of brain function
1997.4 - 2001.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Nakata Minoru
Grant type:Competitive
The research of the influence of mastication on general health from the view of brain function
Grant number:09470473
1997 - 2000
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
NAKATA Minoru, HAYASAKI Haruaki, YAMASAKI Youichi, FUJISE Takako
Grant amount:\11500000 ( Direct Cost: \11500000 )
One of the main goals of dentistry is to achieve lifelong health of the masticatory function. Until very recently, however, the influence and significance of mastication on the global health of the human body have remained uncertain. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between mastication and general health.
In the basic study, it was indicated that brain histamine function activated by mastication began earlier in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus and later in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, the satiety center, due to a signal originating from the oral proprioceptors and initiated by chewing. And it was suggested the difference of oral proprioceptive sensation originated from food consistency and its signal procession in the hypothalamus caused the changes in energy balance that affects adiposity.
In the clinical study, the changes of chewing movement in the process of mastication of jelly with different texture were compared between children and adults. The new method was developed for easy visualization and diagnosis of mandibular movement measured by an opto-electonic movement analysis system. The measurement system that combined a tracking system for mandibular movements with a three-dimensioned digitizer for tooth shape was developed to record occlusal contacts during mandibular movement. Incisal and condylar paths during habitual mouth opening movement of children with anterior reverse bite in the primary dentition compared to those of children with normal dentition. These findings indicate that mastication is of great importance not only for the intake of food but also for the systemic and physical functions.
1995.4 - 1997.3
System name:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
中田 稔
Grant type:Competitive
The effect to masticatory development by mandibular movement and blood flow
1995.4 - 1997.3
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Hayasaki Haruaki, Yamasaki Youichi
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
1995.4 - 1996.3
System name:奨励研究(A)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
早崎 治明
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:07838024
1995 - 1996
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
NAKATA Minoru, FUJISE Takako, HAYASAKI Haruaki, NONAKA Kazuaki
Grant amount:\2600000 ( Direct Cost: \2600000 )
Latest studies have shown the relationship between mastication and general health. We previously reported brain histamine modulates satiation through the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and masticatory function through the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. To examine the involvement of mastication to general health, we measured the physiological feeding behavior of the WKA rats fed with pellets or liquid diet in the circadian analyzing box illuminated daily from 0800 to 2000 h (a 12 : 12-h light-dark cycle). The following parameters mentioned below were evaluated : a size of the meal with food and liquid diet, water intake, activity and caloric intake calculated from meal size in both light- and dark-period. The telemetry rats were surgically implanted with transmitters which measured activity, temperature and heart rate. Variables, temperature and heart rate, before and after a spontaneous feeding were compared between two groups. There were no difference of the increases of body weight between two groups during the experiment period. The caloric intake in light period increased in the rats fed liquid diet compared to that of the rats fed with pellets. The average temperature in the liquid diet group were higher than that in the pellet group in both light- and dark-period. While the temperature increased in the pellet group in 30 min after initiation of feeding, it once decreased in 15 mine and then increased in 30 min after initiation of feeding in the liquid diet group. The heart rate increased in 15 min after start of feeding in both groups.
These findings suggest that pellets and liquid diet which have the different food consistency suppose to induce different oral sensation at the mastication and have different effects on the digestive process and metabolism in rats.
The effect to masticatory development by mandibular movement and blood flow
Grant number:07838026
1995 - 1996
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\2300000 ( Direct Cost: \2300000 )
The research summary was as follows ;
(1) With use of a Selspot system, the protrusive and lateral excursions of nine children with the primary dentition and nine adults with the permanent dentition were measured and compared. It was found that the excursions of the primary dentition can move more horizontally and more forward with small descent compared with the permanent dentition. The underlying reason for these findings may be physiological growth, maturation, and adaptation of the occlusal function.
(2) The aim of this study was to estimate dynamic characteristics of passive and active muscle tensions, tensions in the oblique ligament of the TMJ and condylar forces during simulated midline jaw opening and closing in children. The simplified active tension curve for each muscle was modeled by a trigonometric function Y=A^<**>sin (2pi^<**> B^<**> (t-C) 2), in which A represented the EMG amplitude, B the cycle duration, and C the onset time. Midline jaw opening and closing (maximum interincisal distance 10mm, cycle duration 0.8s), were simulated according to jaw motion data from the same child. During the opening phase, tensions of 3N in the digastric muscle and 7N in the inferior head of lateral pterygoid muscle were necessary to open the jaw 10mm. In all mandibular elevator muscles during the closing phase, passive tensionsless than 3N occurred at the beginning of closing phase. There was no tension in the oblique ligament during function. The condylar force increased up to 7N at the end of jaw opening, decreasing to about 1N during jaw closing.
(3) The purpose of this study was to exactly estimate the volume changes of the proper oral cavity before and after treatment for Angle's Class II malocclusion using a bionator. The cephalometric analyzes revealed a decrease in the ANB angle, an increase in the SNP angle, a lingual inclination of the maxillary central incisor and a labial inclination of the mandibular central incisor after treatment. The dimensional analyzes of the study models showed that the inter-molar width increased while, in contrast, both the overbiteand overjet decreased. The volume of the proper oral cavity was measured by the non-contact three-dimensional measuring system. Both the maxillary part and the mandibular part of the proper oral cavity as well as the total volume of that increased by 20% after treatment.
Grant number:07772030
System name:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
Research category:奨励研究(A)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
早崎 治明
Grant amount:\900000 ( Direct Cost: \900000 )
(2)AVS(Application Visualizing System)とGL(SiliconGraphics Graphic Library)を利用して,下顎運動軌跡や咬合接触状態を表示することができ,現在外来患者の保護者等への治療の説明やインフォームド・コンセントを得るために使用している。この一部は論文として既に報告している(11.研究発表中)。
Institution name:新潟大学,九州大学
Institution name:新潟大学,九州大学,広島大学,鹿児島大学,九州歯科大学,岩手医科大学