Updated on 2024/07/03


Academic Assembly Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences KYOIKUGAKU KEIRETU Associate Professor
Graduate School of Education School Education Associate Professor
Faculty of Education Sciences of Education Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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  • 教育学修士 ( 1999.3   筑波大学 )

Research Interests

  • 言語発達障害

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Special needs education

Research History (researchmap)

  • Niigata University   Faculty of Education Sciences of Education   Associate Professor


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  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Education School Education   Associate Professor


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  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Education School Education   Lecturer

    2011.1 - 2014.4

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  • Niigata University   Faculty of Education Sciences of Education   Lecturer

    2011.1 - 2014.4

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  • 新潟市民病院   言語聴覚士(非常勤)

    2005.1 - 2008.3

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  • Meirin Junior College, School of Dental Technology, Hygiene and Welfare   Lecturer

    2004.4 - 2009.12

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  • 医療法人愛仁会 亀田第一病院   言語聴覚士(非常勤)

    2002.4 - 2004.3

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  • 新潟リハビリテーション専門学校 言語聴覚学科   専任教員

    1999.4 - 2004.3

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Research History

  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Education School Education   Associate Professor


  • Niigata University   Faculty of Education Sciences of Education   Associate Professor


  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Education School Education   Lecturer

    2011.1 - 2014.4

  • Niigata University   Faculty of Education Sciences of Education   Lecturer

    2011.1 - 2014.4

Professional Memberships

  • The Japan association of english teaching in elementary school


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  • 日本言語聴覚学会

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  • 日本LD学会

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  • 日本コミュニケーション障害学会

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  • Support and reasonable accommodation for student with reading and writing difficulties.

    Yasuaki Kurihara, Maiko Iriyama

    12 ( 2 )   221 - 229   2020.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • Investtigating the effect of introducing Jolly Phonics on 5th and 6th graders:The case in Minamiuonuma City,Niigata Reviewed

    Kato Shigeo;Maiko Iriyama;Kayoko Yamashita, Sakura Watanabe

    JES Journal   20   272 - 287   2020.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Preliminary study on the usefulness of a reading support program for improving fluency of children with reading disabilities. Reviewed

    Mutsuko Sasaki, Maiko Iriyama

    Japanese Journal of Reading Disabilities   29 ( 1 )   57 - 70   2020.2

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  • Impact of Shor-term Synthetic Phonics Instruction on Japanese-L1 Lowarsecondary Level Learners of English Reviewed

    IRIYAMA Maiko, KATO Shigeo, WATANABE Sakura, YAMASHITA Kayoko

    Japanese Journal of Learning Disabilities   28 ( 2 )   262 - 272   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Usage status analysis of web-based versatile communication support system VCAN

    杉山 陽菜子, 林 豊彦, 入山 満恵子, 藤川 成康, 川辺 諭, 後藤 崇

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報   118 ( 78 )   21 - 26   2018.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:電子情報通信学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • ナラティブ「かえるさんどこいったの」を用いた言語評価・指導1:健常児データについて

    入山満恵子, 金屋麻衣, 田中裕美子

    コミュニケーション障害学   34 ( 3 )   147 - 147   2017.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本コミュニケーション障害学会  

    子どもの初語や2語文は、発達の遅れの有無を判断する重要な指標となるが、それ以降の文レベルの発話については現状、指導の手がかりを得るための分析手段が乏しい。標準化検査による知的レベル、言語項目のチェックは必須として、まとまった発話の評価する手段は十分ではない。ところで、文レベルの発話の評価材料にナラティブ(語り)が挙げられる。ナラティブは「時間的に連続した出来事を順序付けて言葉で表現する営み」で、幼児期からの音声言語とその後の書字言語をつなぐと考えられており(Paul,2007;Westby,1985)、近年では言語能力の測定や指導に用いられる等、その可能性が注目されている(Heilmann et al.,2010;Petersen et al.,2011,2012)。本稿ではナラティブ課題を臨床で使用可能な評価法として確立するため、健常児の結果を報告する。<br />
    【方法】”Frog,where are you?”(Meyer,1974)を簡略化した「かえるさん、どこいったの?」を用い、再生ナラティブの誘発課題を作成した。それを


  • 英語習得初期における効果的な指導法の検討ー統合的フォニックスの活用―

    入山満恵子, 加藤茂夫, 渡辺さくら, 山下桂世子

    コミュニケーション障害学   34 ( 3 )   136 - 136   2017.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本コミュニケーション障害学会  

    ベネッセの調査(2009)によると中学で英語を苦手とする生徒は6割以上とされている。その背景の一因に、英語の音韻体系が日本語に比べて微細かつ複雑で、文字と音の規則的な結びつき、つまり「読み書き」の習得が日本語以上に難しいにもかかわらず、現在の英語教育ではその点を重点的に扱っていないことが考えられる。そこで本研究では、英語の習得に躓きがみられた中学生を対象に、多感覚的に音と文字を結びつける指導法を用いてその効果検証を行った。<br />


  • Usage of Augmentative and Alternative Communication(AAC) Systems in Special Schools: Current Status

    Maiko Iriyama, Yuki Yamada

    10 ( 1 )   253 - 259   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    CiNii Article


  • 読み困難児への支援法の選択肢拡大を目指して-既存の民間教材の可能性について考える Reviewed

    入山満恵子, 成田あゆみ, 須藤孝行, 笹木睦子, 河野俊寛

    日本LD学会第26回大会研究論文集   26 ( 1 )   27 - 28   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:日本LD学会  

    DAISY などの音声読み上げ付き図書の利用など、近年読み困難児への有効な支援法は複数報告 されている。しかしながら、ニーズのある子供たちの中で、こうした支援にアクセスできる児童は まだ限られている。その要因の1つとして保護者や本人の、学校で他の子と違う対応(支援)を受 けることの抵抗感が考えられる。その結果、教師が支援の必要性に気づいても保護者や本人の意向 で支援に結びつかないことがある。このように学校での支援が難しい際は、民間教材を支援法の一 つとして考慮する価値があるのではないだろうか? 本シンポジウムでは、 読書の音声サポート教材として民間塾で取り入れられている「ことばの学 校」による介入が有効であった読み困難児の事例とともに、一般の児童・生徒を対象として開発さ れた民間教材の可能性について話題提供を行う。更に、指定討論では合理的配慮と補助代替支援も 含めて読み困難児の支援法の選択肢拡大を目指して議論を


  • 日本語を母語とする中学生への効果的な英語学習法の検討

    入山満恵子, 加藤茂夫, 渡辺さくら, 山下桂世子

    日本LD学会第26回大会研究論文集   26 ( 1 )   79 - 80   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)   Publisher:日本LD学会  



  • The difficulty in students who are deaf and hard hearing and educational support

    Chihiro Kamimura, Maiko Iriyama

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Education ,Humanities and Social Sciences.Niigata University   9 ( 1 )   167 - 172   2016.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata University  

    CiNii Article


  • An Extension of Evaluating Users' Communication Abilities Through a Log-date Analysis of Highly-Versatile VOCA Reviewed

    Karen Sasagawa, Toyohiko Hayashi, Shigehito Tanahashi, Maiko Iriyama, Satsuki Aoki

    Life Support   28 ( 4 )   139 - 146   2016.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Life Support Engineering  

    DOI: 10.5136/lifesupport.28.139

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 読み書きに困難さを持つLD児への学習支援


    新潟大学教育学部研究紀要   8 ( 2 )   193 - 201   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:人文・社会科学編  



  • Symbol presentation methods in augmented reality-based voice-output communication aid VCAN/AR

    大島 航太郎, 林 豊彦, 入山 満恵子

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報   115 ( 193 )   13 - 18   2015.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:電子情報通信学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • A trial evaluation of communication abilities using a log of versatile communication aid VCAN/3A

    SASAGAWA Karen, HAYASHI Toyohiko, IRIYAMA Maiko, AOKI Satsuki, INUI Hiroaki

    IEICE technical report. Welfare Information technology   114 ( 512 )   119 - 124   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    In order to support communication of children with communication disabilities, their language and communication abilities are evaluated repeatedly in clinic by using certain language tests. Such paper-based tests, however, have several problems, such as dependence on tester's analytical ability and a gap between test results and observations in daily life. In an attempt to solve such problems, we previously developed a computer-based support system for communication ability evaluation, by utilizing a sequential usage log of our voice-output communication aid, VCAN. This study aims at assessing the system's performance by applying it to three persons with communication disabilities. Subjects are two boys with autism and an adult with intellectual disabilities, whose communication abilities were assessed by using the S-S test developed by the National Rehabilitation Center of Japan for comparison. Empirical results suggested that the proposed log analysis might be effective for supplementing and/or verifying S-S test-based qualitative evaluations.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 読み書きに特異的な困難さを持つ子どもへの学習支援


    新潟大学教育学部研究紀要   7 ( 2 )   389 - 398   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学教育学部  



  • 読み困難児への指導の検討-従来の教科書とデジタル教科書の比較を通して- Reviewed

    入山満恵子, 田中裕美子

    LD研究   24 ( 1 )   97 - 110   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  



  • User's interests in augmented reality of voice-output communication aid VCAN/AR

    CHIKAMATSU Naohiro, HAYASHI Toyohiko, IRIYAMA Maiko, AOKI Satsuki, INUI Hiroaki

    IEICE technical report. Welfare Information technology   114 ( 357 )   35 - 40   2014.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Children with autism usually need communication support for developing their language abilities. Since they are difficult to share joint attention with his or her communication partner, they have a problem of having no interest in teaching materials. Then we applied augmented reality (AR) into voice-output communication aid (VOCA) in order to develop an attractice teaching material for them. In trial system VCAN/AR, when its user hides one of the AR markers depicting communication symbols by hand, the corresponding sound is output, subsequently a virtual object being added at the position of the marker on the display. In an attempt to verify children' interest in such AR, we carried out experiments using three children with autism and a child with intellectual disability. Consequently, two children with autism and a child with demonstrated an interest in a self-image presentation.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • コミュニケーション言語から学習言語への移行期にある3事例への実施 言語表出誘発課題の開発(II-3)

    青木 さつき, 入山 満恵子, 遠藤 俊介, 田中 裕美子

    コミュニケーション障害学   31 ( 3 )   194 - 194   2014.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本コミュニケーション障害学会  


  • Support for Learning Disabilities in regular classroom : from assessment to decision of intervention method

    6 ( 2 )   199 - 205   2014

  • Application of augmented reality to voice-output communication aid

    CHIKAMATSU Naohiro, HAYASHI Toyohiko, IRIYAMA Maiko, AOKI Satuki

    IEICE technical report. Speech   113 ( 76 )   31 - 36   2013.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Children with autism should acquire communication abilities as early as possible. Since they cannot easily acquire such abilities solely by using conventional methods, image-based learning is applied by using pictures and symbols for communication. Voice-output communication aid (VOCA) is one of the typical tools. Children with both autism and severe intellectual disability, however, tend not to be interested in such images. Then, we utilized two characteristics of human visual perception that we are interested in self mirror-images and unexpected sights. If an unexpected image is added to a self mirror-image, there is a possibility that the children become more interested in the images. To materialize such complex images, we applied augmented reality (AR) into VOCA. In a trial system named VCAN/AR, several cards with individual pictures are monitored on a computer display in real-time by using a Web camera. When one of the cards is hidden by user's hand, the corresponding sound is output, subsequently a 3D motion of a cube with the picture being virtually added at the position of the hidden card on the display. To access clinical efficiency of VCAN/AR, we interviewed speech-language-hearing therapists and teachers all being familiar with VOCA. Results suggested that it not only attracts children's attention in learning but also has a potential of creating innovative training methods.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Application of augmented reality to voice-output communication aid

    CHIKAMATSU Naohiro, HAYASHI Toyohiko, IRIYAMA Maiko, AOKI Satuki

    IEICE technical report. Welfare Information technology   113 ( 77 )   31 - 36   2013.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Children with autism should acquire communication abilities as early as possible. Since they cannot easily acquire such abilities solely by using conventional methods, image-based learning is applied by using pictures and symbols for communication. Voice-output communication aid (VOCA) is one of the typical tools. Children with both autism and severe intellectual disability, however, tend not to be interested in such images. Then, we utilized two characteristics of human visual perception that we are interested in self mirror-images and unexpected sights. If an unexpected image is added to a self mirror-image, there is a possibility that the children become more interested in the images. To materialize such complex images, we applied augmented reality (AR) into VOCA. In a trial system named VCAN/AR, several cards with individual pictures are monitored on a computer display in real-time by using a Web camera. When one of the cards is hidden by user's hand, the corresponding sound is output, subsequently a 3D motion of a cube with the picture being virtually added at the position of the hidden card on the display. To access clinical efficiency of VCAN/AR, we interviewed speech-language-hearing therapists and teachers all being familiar with VOCA. Results suggested that it not only attracts children's attention in learning but also has a potential of creating innovative training methods.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Development of versatile voice-output communication aid VCAN/2A and its customizing support system Reviewed

    Toyohiko Hayashi, Toshimitsu Yamaguch, Maiko Iriyama, Satsuki Aoki, Yukiko Aiba

    Assistive Technology Research Series   33   347 - 353   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We have been developing a versatile voice-output communication aid named VCAN and its customizing support system. VCAN has an innovative feature of being fully customizable in both page design and hierarchical page structure. It was verified to have high versatility in application through several case studies. Then we could apply VCAN effectively to children with a wide variety of intellectual and developmental disabilities. The customizing support system is also effective for middle users to easily design and update VCAN. © 2013 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-304-9-347



  • Appropriate selection of AAC (Augmentative Alternative Communication) according to disabilities : through practice

    5 ( 2 )   195 - 201   2013

  • Visualization system for a log of versatile communication aid "VCAN/1A"

    UENO Chihiro, HAYASHI Toyohiko, IRIYAMA Maiko, AOKI Satuki

    IEICE technical report. Welfare Information technology   112 ( 223 )   39 - 44   2012.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Language ability of children with communication disabilities is usually assessed by means of language tests.These clinical tests,however,have several limitations,such as l)dependence on physical and mental conditions of the day and 2) difficulty in assessing abilities of daily communication. Then,we focused on a sequential communication record of acommunication aid,VOCA,possibly including useful information compensating for results of conventional language tests.First,we decided analysis parameters extractable from the log of VCAN/1A developed in our laboratory by referring to "S-Stest" developed by the National Rehabilitation Center of Japan. Then,we developed a visualization system of extracted information on communication,such as 1)the number of use of each button as well as each category of button,2) operationhistory within every communication unit extracted and 3) all sequential records aniving at every communication button used.Empirical results using a VCAN/1A log of a male child with autism suggested that our support system could be efficient for evaluating his daily communication abilities.

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Cooperation with various professions in use of Voice Output Commuinication Aid (VOCA) : Communication support for Autistic child with intellectual disabilities : from Speech-Language-Hearing Therapist

    Maiko IRIYAMA Toyohiko HAYASHI

    4 ( 2 )   239 - 244   2012

  • 特別支援教育における連携の重要性-発達障害事例を通して考察する― Reviewed

    入山満恵子, 渡辺時生

    新潟医療福祉学会誌   10 ( 2 )   36 - 42   2010.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • 染色体異常に伴う知的障害児のコミュニケーション手段を広げる試み Reviewed

    青木さつき, 入山満恵子

    明倫歯科保健技工学雑誌   10 ( 1 )   31 - 37   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • ことばのしくみとその障害-言語聴覚士の仕事-


    明倫歯科保健技工学雑誌   9 ( 1 )   52 - 55   2006.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • ロールプレイを用いた医療面接技術向上への取り組み―ST養成の場で求められること- Reviewed

    入山満恵子, 松田崇 他

    明倫歯科保健技工学雑誌   9 ( 1 )   15 - 26   2006.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


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  • 子供が学びを深める授業

    入山 満恵子( Role: Joint author ,  コラム:医療機関と繋がる、ということ)

    ジアース教育新社  2018.11 

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  • 特別支援教育の中の「コミュニケーション支援」(特別支援教育 意欲を育む授業)

    編著 新潟大学教育学部附属特別支援学校( Role: Contributor)

    ジアース教育社  2013.10 

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    Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


  • ここまでわかった言語発達障害-理論から実践まで-

    田中裕美子, 入山満恵子( Role: Joint author ,  2章、6章)

    医歯薬出版株式会社  2010.3 

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    Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book



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  • Comparative inspection of a Japanese task and an English task in synthetic phonics intervention.

    Maiko Iriyama, Shigeo Kato, Sakura Watanabe, Kayoko Yamashita

    The 45th Meeting of Japanese Association of Communication Disorders  2019.5 

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    Event date: 2019.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Web-based customization and management of a versatile VOCA International conference

    Toyohiko Hayashi

    30th Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference  2015.3  Center on Disabilities

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:California State University, Northridge  



  • コミュニケーション言語から学習言語への移行期におけるナラティブの発達

    入山満恵子, 木伏結, 遠藤俊介, 田中裕美子

    第40回日本コミュニケーション障害学会学術講演会  2014.5  日本コミュニケーション障害学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:金沢大学 宝町キャンパス  



  • 表出言語の発達を評価する課題の開発Ⅰ-2:表出語彙と他の能力との関係 International conference

    入山満恵子, 田中裕美子, 青木さつき, 安村由希子, 畦上恭彦

    第39回日本コミュニケーション障害学会学術講演会  2013.7  日本コミュニケーション障害学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  




  • デジタル教科書と従来の教科書の比較を通じた読み指導法の検討Ⅱ

    入山満恵子, 田中裕美子

    第38回日本コミュニケーション障害学会学術講演会  2012.5  日本コミュニケーション障害学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  




  • 読み書き習得を予測するプレリテラシースキルの検討 International conference

    田中裕美子, 入山満恵子, 浦由希子, 菊地義信

    日本LD学会 第20会大会  2011.9  社団法人 日本LD学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  



  • 話しことばと書きことばの関係に関する研究Ⅰ:聴覚的理解と読解

    田中裕美子, 入山満恵子, 浦由希子, 菊地義信

    第37回日本コミュニケーション障害学会学術講演会  2011.5  日本コミュニケーション障害学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  




  • 読み困難児へのDAISY教科書を用いた指導法(Top-down Structured Reading Intervention using DAISY)の検討:個別事例から

    田中裕美子, 入山満恵子

    日本LD学会 第19会大会  2010.10  一般社団法人 日本LD学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  




  • 日本語SLIの臨床像2:複数の事例比較から

    入山満恵子, 青木さつき, 田中裕美子

    日本言語聴覚学会  2010.6  日本言語聴覚士協会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  




  • 言語学習障害を幼児期に発見する方法の検討(3)

    田中裕美子, 入山満恵子

    第36回日本コミュニケーション障害学会  2010.5  日本コミュニケーション障害学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  




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  • Practical Encouragement Award

    2021.12   Japan Academy of Learning Disabilities  

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  • 優秀賞

    2020.8   公益財団法人博報堂教育財団   ナラティブを用いた学習言語の評価と指導法の開発

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  • ヒューマンコミュニケーション賞

    2017.12   一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会 ヒューマンコミュニケーショングループ   汎用コミュニケーションエイドVCAN/3Aのログデータを用いた利用者のコミュニケーション能力評価

    笹川佳蓮, 林豊彦, 棚橋重仁, 青木さつき

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Research Projects

  • Developing methods for assessment and intervention of learned language using narratives

    Grant number:22K02782

    2022.4 - 2026.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )


  • Development of Methods for Assessment and Intervention of Learned Language Using Narratives II

    2020.8 - 2022.3

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • ナラティブを用いた学習言語の評価と指導法の開発:思考・学習のための言語習得に躓いている子どもの早期発見と支援のために

    2019.4 - 2020.3

    System name:2019年度 第14回児童教育実践についての研究助成

    Research category:実践研究

    Awarding organization:公益財団法人 博報児童教育振興会

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 認知特性の偏りを包括した学童期英語指導の体系化に関する研究

    2017.4 - 2019.3

    System name:科学研究費助成事業

    Research category:基盤研究(C)

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    入山満恵子, 岡田祥平, 加藤茂夫, 有川宏幸

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\3100000 ( Direct Cost: \2170000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )



  • 合理的配慮の提供に活かす就学前後の支援情報の機能的翻訳に関する研究

    2014.4 - 2016.3

    System name:科学研究費助成事業

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    入山 満恵子

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\4872


  • デジタル教科書で用いる音声種の違いによる学習効果の検証

    2012.5 - 2013.3

    System name:民間組織・支援技術を活用した特別支援教育研究事業

    Awarding organization:文部科学省


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    Grant type:Competitive



  • 読み障害に対応したデジタル教科書の特性分析と、読み支援ツールの開発

    2011.6 - 2012.3

    System name:民間組織・支援技術を活用した特別支援教育研究事業

    Awarding organization:文部科学省

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\6000000 ( Direct Cost: \5500000 、 Indirect Cost:\500000 )



  • ことばの遅れか障害かを文法習得の躓きで判定する方法に関する研究

    2006.4 - 2008.3

    System name:科学研究費助成事業

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    田中 裕美子

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\3400


  • 学習障害児早期発見スクリーニング法開発のための縦断研究

    2005.4 - 2008.3

    System name:科学研究費助成事業

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    田中 裕美子

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\14200



  • 特別支援教育における医療・教育の効率的連携の実現

    2005.4 - 2006.3

    System name:新潟県大学「地域貢献機能活用」支援事業

    Awarding organization:地方自治体

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1000000 ( Direct Cost: \900000 、 Indirect Cost:\100000 )



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Teaching Experience (researchmap)

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Teaching Experience

  • 発達障害心理学

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児者コミュニケーション支援研究

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 特別支援教育における教科指導の理論と実践

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児指導学演習I

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • スタディ・スキルズC

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児指導学特論III

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児指導学特論

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児言語学特論

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 発達障害心理学

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児言語課題研究IV

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児言語課題研究III

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 特別支援教育事例研究

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児指導論

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 発達障害学総合演習

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 言語障害心理学

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 卒業研究

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児指導学演習III

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児言語学演習

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児指導法演習

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 聴覚障害言語指導

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児言語課題研究II

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児言語課題研究I

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 障害児指導学演習

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 肢体不自由指導論

    Institution name:新潟大学

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