Updated on 2025/03/13


Academic Assembly Institute of Medicine and Dentistry IGAKU KEIRETU Associate Professor
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Molecular and Cellular Medicine Molecular Genetics Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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  • 博士(医学) ( 2011.3   新潟大学 )

Research Interests

  • 婦人科腫瘍学

  • 子宮内膜症

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Obstetrics and gynecology

Research History (researchmap)

  • Niigata University   Associate Professor


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  • Niigata University   Specially Appointed Associate Professor

    2022.4 - 2023.12

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  • Niigata University   Medical and Dental Hospital Perinatal Intensive Care Center   Assistant Professor

    2014.7 - 2022.3

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  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Course for Molecular and Cellular Medicine   Assistant Professor

    2012.4 - 2014.6

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  • Niigata University   Medical and Dental Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology   Specially Appointed Assistant Professor

    2011.4 - 2012.3

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Research History

  • Niigata University   Molecular Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Medicine, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences   Associate Professor


  • Niigata University   Institute of Medicine and Dentistry, Academic Assembly   Associate Professor


  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences   Specially Appointed Associate Professor

    2022.4 - 2023.12

  • Niigata University   University Medical and Dental Hospital Perinatal Intensive Care Center   Assistant Professor

    2014.7 - 2022.3

  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Molecular and Cellular Medicine Molecular Genetics   Assistant Professor

    2012.4 - 2014.6

  • Niigata University   University Medical and Dental Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology   Specially Appointed Assistant Professor

    2011.4 - 2012.3

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Professional Memberships

  • 臨床遺伝専門医制度 臨床遺伝専門医

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  • 日本臨床細胞学会 細胞診専門医・教育研修指導医

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  • 日本婦人科腫瘍学会 婦人科腫瘍専門医・指導医

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  • 日本がん治療認定医機構 がん治療認定医

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  • 日本産科婦人科学会 産婦人科専門医・指導医

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  • 日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会 技術認定医(腹腔鏡)

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  • 日本内視鏡外科学会 技術認定医(産科婦人科)

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Committee Memberships

  • 一般社団法人日本遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌総合診療制度機構   ガイドライン作成委員  


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  • 日本産科婦人科学会   産科婦人科用語集・用語解説集委員会 編集委員  


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  • Intraperitoneal Carboplatin for Ovarian Cancer — A Phase 2/3 Trial

    Shoji Nagao, Keiichi Fujiwara, Kouji Yamamoto, Hiroshi Tanabe, Aikou Okamoto, Kazuhiro Takehara, Motoaki Saito, Hiroyuki Fujiwara, David S.P. Tan, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Sosuke Adachi, Akira Kikuchi, Takeshi Hirasawa, Takeshi Yokoi, Tomonori Nagai, Toyomi Sato, Shoji Kamiura, Akira Fujishita, Wong Wai Loong, Karen Chan, Peter Syks, Alexsander Olawaye, Sang-Young Ryu, Hiroyuki Shigeta, Eiji Kondo, Yoshihito Yokoyama, Takashi Matsumoto, Kosei Hasegawa, Takayuki Enomoto

    NEJM Evidence   2 ( 5 )   2023.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Massachusetts Medical Society  

    DOI: 10.1056/evidoa2200225


  • The genetic basis of endometriosis and comorbidity with other pain and inflammatory conditions. International journal

    Nilufer Rahmioglu, Sally Mortlock, Marzieh Ghiasi, Peter L Møller, Lilja Stefansdottir, Geneviève Galarneau, Constance Turman, Rebecca Danning, Matthew H Law, Yadav Sapkota, Paraskevi Christofidou, Sini Skarp, Ayush Giri, Karina Banasik, Michal Krassowski, Maarja Lepamets, Błażej Marciniak, Margit Nõukas, Danielle Perro, Eeva Sliz, Marta Sobalska-Kwapis, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Nura F Topbas-Selcuki, Allison Vitonis, David Westergaard, Ragnheidur Arnadottir, Kristoffer S Burgdorf, Archie Campbell, Cecilia S K Cheuk, Caterina Clementi, James Cook, Immaculata De Vivo, Amy DiVasta, O Dorien, Jacqueline F Donoghue, Todd Edwards, Pierre Fontanillas, Jenny N Fung, Reynir T Geirsson, Jane E Girling, Paivi Harkki, Holly R Harris, Martin Healey, Oskari Heikinheimo, Sarah Holdsworth-Carson, Isabel C Hostettler, Henry Houlden, Sahar Houshdaran, Juan C Irwin, Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin, Yoichiro Kamatani, Stephen H Kennedy, Ewa Kepka, Johannes Kettunen, Michiaki Kubo, Bartosz Kulig, Venla Kurra, Hannele Laivuori, Marc R Laufer, Cecilia M Lindgren, Stuart MacGregor, Massimo Mangino, Nicholas G Martin, Charoula Matalliotaki, Michail Matalliotakis, Alison D Murray, Anne Ndungu, Camran Nezhat, Catherine M Olsen, Jessica Opoku-Anane, Sandosh Padmanabhan, Manish Paranjpe, Maire Peters, Grzegorz Polak, David J Porteous, Joseph Rabban, Kathyrn M Rexrode, Hanna Romanowicz, Merli Saare, Liisu Saavalainen, Andrew J Schork, Sushmita Sen, Amy L Shafrir, Anna Siewierska-Górska, Marcin Słomka, Blair H Smith, Beata Smolarz, Tomasz Szaflik, Krzysztof Szyłło, Atsushi Takahashi, Kathryn L Terry, Carla Tomassetti, Susan A Treloar, Arne Vanhie, Katy Vincent, Kim C Vo, David J Werring, Eleftheria Zeggini, Maria I Zervou, Sosuke Adachi, Julie E Buring, Paul M Ridker, Thomas D'Hooghe, George N Goulielmos, Dharani K Hapangama, Caroline Hayward, Andrew W Horne, Siew-Kee Low, Hannu Martikainen, Daniel I Chasman, Peter A W Rogers, Philippa T Saunders, Marina Sirota, Tim Spector, Dominik Strapagiel, Joyce Y Tung, David C Whiteman, Linda C Giudice, Digna R Velez-Edwards, Outi Uimari, Peter Kraft, Andres Salumets, Dale R Nyholt, Reedik Mägi, Kari Stefansson, Christian M Becker, Piraye Yurttas-Beim, Valgerdur Steinthorsdottir, Mette Nyegaard, Stacey A Missmer, Grant W Montgomery, Andrew P Morris, Krina T Zondervan

    Nature genetics   55 ( 3 )   423 - 436   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Endometriosis is a common condition associated with debilitating pelvic pain and infertility. A genome-wide association study meta-analysis, including 60,674 cases and 701,926 controls of European and East Asian descent, identified 42 genome-wide significant loci comprising 49 distinct association signals. Effect sizes were largest for stage 3/4 disease, driven by ovarian endometriosis. Identified signals explained up to 5.01% of disease variance and regulated expression or methylation of genes in endometrium and blood, many of which were associated with pain perception/maintenance (SRP14/BMF, GDAP1, MLLT10, BSN and NGF). We observed significant genetic correlations between endometriosis and 11 pain conditions, including migraine, back and multisite chronic pain (MCP), as well as inflammatory conditions, including asthma and osteoarthritis. Multitrait genetic analyses identified substantial sharing of variants associated with endometriosis and MCP/migraine. Targeted investigations of genetically regulated mechanisms shared between endometriosis and other pain conditions are needed to aid the development of new treatments and facilitate early symptomatic intervention.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41588-023-01323-z



  • Meta-analysis identifies five novel loci associated with endometriosis highlighting key genes involved in hormone metabolism Reviewed

    Yadav Sapkota, Valgerdur Steinthorsdottir, Andrew P. Morris, Amelie Fassbender, Nilufer Rahmioglu, Immaculata De Vivo, Julie E. Buring, Futao Zhang, Todd L. Edwards, Sarah Jones, O. Dorien, Danielle Peterse, Kathryn M. Rexrode, Paul M. Ridker, Andrew J. Schork, Stuart MacGregor, Nicholas G. Martin, Christian M. Becker, Sosuke Adachi, Kosuke Yoshihara, Takayuki Enomoto, Atsushi Takahashi, Yoichiro Kamatani, Koichi Matsuda, Michiaki Kubo, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Reynir T. Geirsson, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir, Leanne M. Wallace, Jian Yang, Digna R. Velez Edwards, Mette Nyegaard, Siew-Kee Low, Krina T. Zondervan, Stacey A. Missmer, Thomas D'Hooghe, Grant W. Montgomery, Daniel I. Chasman, Kari Stefansson, Joyce Y. Tung, Dale R. Nyholt


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Endometriosis is a heritable hormone-dependent gynecological disorder, associated with severe pelvic pain and reduced fertility; however, its molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Here we perform a meta-analysis of 11 genome-wide association case-control data sets, totalling 17,045 endometriosis cases and 191,596 controls. In addition to replicating previously reported loci, we identify five novel loci significantly associated with endometriosis risk (P<5 x 10(-8)), implicating genes involved in sex steroid hormone pathways (FN1, CCDC170, ESR1, SYNE1 and FSHB). Conditional analysis identified five secondary association signals, including two at the ESR1 locus, resulting in 19 independent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) robustly associated with endometriosis, which together explain up to 5.19% of variance in endometriosis. These results highlight novel variants in or near specific genes with important roles in sex steroid hormone signalling and function, and offer unique opportunities for more targeted functional research efforts.

    DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15539

    Web of Science


  • Novel kinase fusion transcripts found in endometrial cancer

    Ryo Tamura, Kosuke Yoshihara, Kaoru Yamawaki, Kazuaki Suda, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Sosuke Adachi, Shujiro Okuda, Ituro Inoue, Roel G. W. Verhaak, Takayuki Enomoto

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   5   2015.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Recent advances in RNA-sequencing technology have enabled the discovery of gene fusion transcripts in the transcriptome of cancer cells. However, it remains difficult to differentiate the therapeutically targetable fusions from passenger events. We have analyzed RNA-sequencing data and DNA copy number data from 25 endometrial cancer cell lines to identify potential therapeutically targetable fusion transcripts, and have identified 124 high-confidence fusion transcripts, of which 69% are associated with gene amplifications. As targetable fusion candidates, we focused on three in-frame kinase fusion transcripts that retain a kinase domain (CPQ-PRKDC, CAPZA2-MET, and VGLL4-PRKG1). We detected only CPQ-PRKDC fusion transcript in three of 122 primary endometrial cancer tissues. Cell proliferation of the fusion-positive cell line was inhibited by knocking down the expression of wild-type PRKDC but not by blocking the CPQ-PRKDC fusion transcript expression. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR demonstrated that the expression of the CPQ-PRKDC fusion transcript was significantly lower than that of wild-type PRKDC, corresponding to a low transcript allele fraction of this fusion, based on RNA-sequencing read counts. In endometrial cancers, the CPQ-PRKDC fusion transcript may be a passenger aberration related to gene amplification. Our findings suggest that transcript allele fraction is a useful predictor to find bona-fide therapeutic-targetable fusion transcripts.

    DOI: 10.1038/srep18657

    Web of Science


  • Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies new endometriosis risk loci. International journal

    Dale R Nyholt, Siew-Kee Low, Carl A Anderson, Jodie N Painter, Satoko Uno, Andrew P Morris, Stuart MacGregor, Scott D Gordon, Anjali K Henders, Nicholas G Martin, John Attia, Elizabeth G Holliday, Mark McEvoy, Rodney J Scott, Stephen H Kennedy, Susan A Treloar, Stacey A Missmer, Sosuke Adachi, Kenichi Tanaka, Yusuke Nakamura, Krina T Zondervan, Hitoshi Zembutsu, Grant W Montgomery

    Nature genetics   44 ( 12 )   1355 - 9   2012.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    We conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of 4,604 endometriosis cases and 9,393 controls of Japanese and European ancestry. We show that rs12700667 on chromosome 7p15.2, previously found to associate with disease in Europeans, replicates in Japanese (P = 3.6 × 10(-3)), and we confirm association of rs7521902 at 1p36.12 near WNT4. In addition, we establish an association of rs13394619 in GREB1 at 2p25.1 with endometriosis and identify a newly associated locus at 12q22 near VEZT (rs10859871). Excluding cases of European ancestry of minimal or unknown severity, we identified additional previously unknown loci at 2p14 (rs4141819), 6p22.3 (rs7739264) and 9p21.3 (rs1537377). All seven SNP effects were replicated in an independent cohort and associated at P <5 × 10(-8) in a combined analysis. Finally, we found a significant overlap in polygenic risk for endometriosis between the genome-wide association cohorts of European and Japanese descent (P = 8.8 × 10(-11)), indicating that many weakly associated SNPs represent true endometriosis risk loci and that risk prediction and future targeted disease therapy may be transferred across these populations.

    DOI: 10.1038/ng.2445



  • HPV関連中咽頭癌・婦人科癌 積極的勧奨中止後のHPV16/18型感染率の上昇

    黒澤 めぐみ, 工藤 梨沙, 山口 真奈子, 安達 聡介, 上田 豊, 宮城 悦子, 池田 さやか, 八木 麻未, 吉原 弘祐, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集   62回   OSY13 - 4   2024.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本癌治療学会  


  • Clonal origin and genomic diversity in Lynch syndrome‐associated endometrial cancer with multiple synchronous tumors: Identification of the pathogenicity of <scp><i>MLH1</i></scp> p.<scp>L582H</scp>

    Kotaro Takahashi, Nozomi Yachida, Ryo Tamura, Sosuke Adachi, Shuhei Kondo, Tatsuya Abé, Hajime Umezu, Hiromi Nyuzuki, Shujiro Okuda, Hirofumi Nakaoka, Kosuke Yoshihara

    Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer   63 ( 3 )   2024.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  


    Lynch syndrome‐associated endometrial cancer patients often present multiple synchronous tumors and this assessment can affect treatment strategies. We present a case of a 27‐year‐old woman with tumors in the uterine corpus, cervix, and ovaries who was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and exhibited cervical invasion and ovarian metastasis. Her family history suggested Lynch syndrome, and genetic testing identified a variant of uncertain significance, MLH1 p.L582H. We conducted immunohistochemical staining, microsatellite instability analysis, and Sanger sequencing for Lynch syndrome‐associated cancers in three generations of the family and identified consistent MLH1 loss. Whole‐exome sequencing for the corpus, cervical, and ovarian tumors of the proband identified a copy‐neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH) occurring at the MLH1 position in all tumors. This indicated that the germline variant and the copy‐neutral LOH led to biallelic loss of MLH1 and was the cause of cancer initiation. All tumors shared a portion of somatic mutations with high mutant allele frequencies, suggesting a common clonal origin. There were no mutations shared only between the cervix and ovary samples. The profiles of mutant allele frequencies shared between the corpus and cervix or ovary indicated that two different subclones originating from the corpus independently metastasized to the cervix or ovary. Additionally, all tumors presented unique mutations in endometrial cancer‐associated genes such as ARID1A and PIK3CA. In conclusion, we demonstrated clonal origin and genomic diversity in a Lynch syndrome‐associated endometrial cancer, suggesting the importance of evaluating multiple sites in Lynch syndrome patients with synchronous tumors.

    DOI: 10.1002/gcc.23231


  • Endometrial Cancer with and without Endometriosis: Clinicopathological Differences

    Takahiro Minamikawa, Nozomi Yachida, Kotaro Takahashi, Kyota Saito, Tomoyuki Sekizuka, Hidehiko Akashi, Miho Suzuki, Yutaro Mori, Kaoru Yamawaki, Kazuaki Suda, Ryo Tamura, Sosuke Adachi, Kosuke Yoshihara

    Cancers   15 ( 23 )   5635 - 5635   2023.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    Endometriosis is known to be associated with an increased risk of endometrioid and clear cell ovarian cancer. However, the association between endometriosis and endometrial cancer is controversial. Therefore, we retrospectively analyzed the medical records of women with endometrial cancer who had undergone surgery at our institution to evaluate the clinicopathological relationship between endometrial cancer and endometriosis. The study included 720 women pathologically diagnosed with endometrial cancer at our hospital between 2000 and 2020. The participants were allocated to two groups of patients with endometrial cancer: patients with endometriosis (n = 101) and patients without endometriosis (n = 619). Endometrial cancer patients with endometriosis were significantly younger (median age 54.0 vs. 58.0; p = 0.002). In addition, endometrial cancer patients with endometriosis had fewer pregnancies and deliveries (median pregnancy 1.58 vs. 1.99; p = 0.019, median delivery 1.25 vs. 1.56; p = 0.012). The percentage of patients classified as stage IA was significantly higher in those with endometrial cancer with endometriosis (68.3% vs. 56.4%; p = 0.029). In the analysis of synchronous ovarian cancer, the percentage of dual primary cancer was higher in patients with endometriosis (14.9% vs. 1.6%; p &lt; 0.001). The association of young-onset early-stage endometrial cancer with endometriosis is an important finding that cannot be ignored clinically.

    DOI: 10.3390/cancers15235635


  • 日本人若年女性におけるHPVワクチン接種歴の自己申告と自治体接種記録との乖離

    黒澤 めぐみ, 関根 正幸, 山口 真奈子, 工藤 梨沙, 安達 聡介, Hanley Sharon, 上田 豊, 八木 麻未, 宮城 悦子, 池田 さやか, 榎本 隆之

    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集   61回   O69 - 1   2023.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本癌治療学会  


  • SLFN11 is a BRCA independent biomarker for the response to platinum-based chemotherapy in high-grade serous ovarian cancer and clear cell ovarian carcinoma. International journal

    Hidehiko Akashi, Nozomi Yachida, Haruka Ueda, Manako Yamaguchi, Kaoru Yamawaki, Ryo Tamura, Kazuaki Suda, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Sosuke Adachi, Yoshikazu Nagase, Yutaka Ueda, Masashi Ueda, Kaoru Abiko, Masahiro Kagabu, Tsukasa Baba, Hirofumi Nakaoka, Takayuki Enomoto, Junko Murai, Kosuke Yoshihara

    Molecular cancer therapeutics   2023.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BRCA1/2 mutations are robust biomarkers for platinum-based chemotherapy in epithelial ovarian cancers. However, BRCA1/2 mutations in clear cell ovarian carcinoma (CCC) are less frequent compared to high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC). The discovery of biomarkers that can be applied to CCC is an unmet need in chemotherapy. Schlafen 11 (SLFN11) has attracted attention as a novel sensitizer for DNA-damaging agents including platinum. In this study, we investigated the utility of SLFN11 in HGSC and CCC for platinum-based chemotherapy. SLFN11 expression was analyzed retrospectively by immunohistochemistry across 326 ovarian cancer samples. The clinicopathologic significance of SLFN11 expression was analyzed across 57 advanced HGSC as a discovery set, 96 advanced HGSC as a validation set, and 57 advanced CCC cases, all of whom received platinum-based chemotherapy. BRCA1/2 mutation was analyzed using targeted-gene sequencing. In the HGSC cohort, the SLFN11-positive and BRCA mutation group showed significantly longer while the SLFN11-negative and BRCA wild-type group showed significantly shorter progression-free survival and overall survival. Moreover, SLFN11-positive HGSC shrunk significantly better than SLFN11-negative HGSC after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Comparable results were obtained with CCC but without consideration of BRCA1/2 mutation due to a small population. Multivariate analysis identified SLFN11 as an independent factor for better survival in HGSC and CCC. The SLFN11-dependent sensitivity to platinum and PARP inhibitors were validated with genetically modified non-HGSC ovarian cancer cell lines. Our study reveals that SLFN11 predicts platinum sensitivity in HGSC and CCC independently of BRCA1/2 mutation status, indicating that SLFN11 assessment can guide treatment selection in HGSC and CCC.

    DOI: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-23-0257



  • RRSOはじめました(第2報) 当院31例の報告

    西野 幸治, 安達 聡介, 北上 はるか, 山田 大輔, 櫛谷 直寿, 長谷川 順紀, 黒澤 めぐみ, 明石 絵里菜, 谷地田 希, 鈴木 美保, 工藤 梨沙, 須田 一暁, 石黒 竜也, 磯部 真倫, 小林 暁子, 関根 正幸, 吉原 弘祐, 土田 純子, 諸 和樹, 利川 千絵, 若井 俊文, 小山 諭, 藤田 沙織里, 栗山 洋子, 入月 浩美, 池内 健

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   118 ( 1 )   50 - 50   2023.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • インドシアニングリーンを用いた子宮摘出時の卵巣温存可否の判断

    北上 はるか, 西野 幸治, 櫛谷 直寿, 長谷川 順紀, 黒澤 めぐみ, 明石 絵里菜, 谷地田 希, 鈴木 美保, 工藤 梨沙, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 小林 暁子, 磯部 真倫, 関根 正幸, 吉原 弘祐

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   118 ( 1 )   25 - 28   2023.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  

    インドシアニングリーン(ICG;Indocyanine green)は,(1)肝機能検査,(2)循環機能検査,血管及び組織の血流評価,(4)センチネルリンパ節の同定,という4項目で保険適応を得ている試薬である。近赤外光に対し蛍光発光する特徴を持っており,対応の腹腔鏡システムであれば,手元のスイッチ操作で容易に赤外光観察モードに変更してその蛍光発光を観察することができる。付属の溶解液に溶解して経静脈内投与すると,投与後30秒から1分程度で蛍光の観察が可能となり,半減期も3-4分と短いことから反復投与も可能である。また,ヨードアレルギー患者には禁忌であるが,大きな有害事象の報告もなく,汎用性・安全性の高い試薬とされている。今回,卵巣温存予定の腹腔鏡下子宮全摘術の際に,左骨盤漏斗靱帯の一部損傷と左卵巣の血流不全を疑う場面が生じた。肉眼的には卵巣は正常色調であったが,ICGの保険適応の1つである「(3)血管及び組織の血流評価」に基づいてICGによる左卵巣の血流評価を行ったところ,周囲臓器が明瞭に蛍光発光する中で左卵巣のみ発光が認められなかったため,血流途絶あるいは極度の血流低下と判断し,左卵巣を摘出した。ICGの投与により,比較的簡便に,客観的な血流評価並びに卵巣温存の可否が判断可能であった症例を経験したため報告する。(著者抄録)


  • 上皮性卵巣腫瘍を背景に発生したと思われる閉経後卵黄嚢腫瘍の一例

    島 英里, 西野 幸治, 谷地田 希, 黒澤 めぐみ, 田村 亮, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 関根 正幸, 梅津 哉, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   41 ( 2 )   242 - 249   2023.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  

    卵黄嚢腫瘍(YST)は稀に閉経後にも発生し,多くは上皮性腫瘍と混在し,組織学的に類似した明細胞癌との鑑別も重要となる.今回,組織学的診断に苦慮した症例を経験したため報告する.症例は67歳,突然の腹痛を伴う15cm大の多房性卵巣腫瘍で一部に充実部分を認め,血性腹水の出現とAFP,CA125,CA19-9の上昇を伴うことから,卵巣悪性腫瘍の破裂と診断して,緊急手術を行った.IC2期のYSTと診断し,速やかにBEP療法を開始し,1サイクル終了時にはAFPが陰性化した.閉経後のYSTであり,上皮性腫瘍由来の可能性を考慮して再検討を行った.腫瘍の主体となる粘液性腫瘍にはCDX2,p53が陽性で腸型粘液産生を認め,YSTを認めた充実部分では,AFP,SALL4,CDX2,p53が陽性でCK7,EMA,ARID1Aが陰性という所見であり,体細胞を起源として発生したYSTと診断した.BEP療法による重篤な骨髄抑制が出現し,2サイクル目以降はレジメンをTC療法に変更して治療を行い,術後17カ月時点において無再発で経過中である.近年,閉経後YSTは体細胞腫瘍が発生由来とされており,本症例も免疫組織化学の結果からsomatic YSTであることが推察された.閉経後のYSTでは,上皮性腫瘍との関連性を考慮した診断ならびに治療法選択が必要である.(著者抄録)


  • Wharton法による腟形成術および腹腔鏡下子宮腟吻合を行った機能性子宮を有する先天性腟欠損症4例の術後経過

    谷地田 希, 小林 暁子, 黒澤 めぐみ, 明石 絵里菜, 工藤 梨沙, 鈴木 美保, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 関根 正幸, 吉原 弘祐

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   75 ( 臨増 )   S - 515   2023.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • Challenges for clinical application of “TRACEBACK” study: testing of historical Tubo-Ovarian cancer patients for hereditary risk genes

    Masayuki Sekine, Masanori Isobe, Koji Nishino, Sosuke Adachi, Kazuaki Suda, Kosuke Yoshihara

    Annals of Translational Medicine   2023.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AME Publishing Company  

    DOI: 10.21037/atm-23-352


  • HPVワクチンの現在と今後 HPVワクチンの有効性

    工藤 梨沙, 関根 正幸, 黒澤 めぐみ, 山口 真奈子, 安達 聡介, 榎本 隆之

    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集   60回   OWS34 - 2   2022.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本癌治療学会  


  • A randomized phase 3 trial of intraperitoneal versus intravenous carboplatin with dose-dense weekly paclitaxel in patients with ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal carcinoma (a GOTIC-001/JGOG-3019/GCIG, iPocc Trial)

    Keiichi Fujiwara, Shoji Nagao, Kouji Yamamoto, Hiroshi Tanabe, Aikou Okamoto, Kazuhiro Takehara, Motoaki Saito, Hiroyuki Fujiwara, David Tan, Sosuke Adachi, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Akira Kikuchi, Takeshi Hirasawa, Takeshi Yokoi, Tomonori Nagai, Toyomi Satoh, Shoji Kamiura, Akira Fujishita, Takeshi Hirasawa, Takeshi Yokoi, Tomonori Nagai, Toyomi Satoh, Shoji Kamiura, Akira Fujishita, Karen Chan, Peter Sykes, Alexander Olawaiye, Sang-Young Ryu, Wai Loong Wong, Takashi Matsumoto, Kosei Hasegawa, Takayuki Enomoto

    GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY   166   S49 - S50   2022.8

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    Language:English   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Web of Science


  • Problems with catch-up HPV vaccination after resumption of proactive recommendations

    Masayuki Sekine, Manako Yamaguchi, Risa Kudo, Sharon J B Hanley, Yutaka Ueda, Megumi Kurosawa, Sosuke Adachi, Etsuko Miyagi, Megumi Hara, Takayuki Enomoto

    The Lancet Oncology   23 ( 8 )   972 - 973   2022.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/s1470-2045(22)00259-5


  • 当院における子宮頸癌術後再発に関する検討

    鈴木 美保, 西川 伸道, 霜鳥 真, 明石 絵里菜, 工藤 梨沙, 南川 高廣, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 小林 暁子, 西野 幸治, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会学術講演会プログラム・抄録集   64回   232 - 232   2022.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • ペグフィルグラスチムによる大動脈炎を来した一例

    菖野 悠里子, 西野 幸治, 登内 恵里子, 霜鳥 真, 黒澤 めぐみ, 明石 絵里菜, 斎藤 宏美, 谷地田 希, 鈴木 美保, 工藤 梨沙, 南川 高廣, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 小林 暁子, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会学術講演会プログラム・抄録集   64回   294 - 294   2022.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • Effectiveness of human papillomavirus vaccine against cervical precancer in Japan: Multivariate analyses adjusted for sexual activity. International journal

    Risa Kudo, Masayuki Sekine, Manako Yamaguchi, Megumi Hara, Sharon J B Hanley, Megumi Kurosawa, Sosuke Adachi, Yutaka Ueda, Etsuko Miyagi, Sayaka Ikeda, Asami Yagi, Takayuki Enomoto

    Cancer science   113 ( 9 )   3211 - 3220   2022.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Japanese girls aged 12-16 years are offered free human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and cervical cancer screening is conducted with cytology and not HPV testing from the age of 20 years. So far, no study has analyzed the effect of HPV vaccination against cervical precancers considering HPV infection status and sexual activity. We aimed to analyze the vaccine effectiveness (VE) against HPV infection and cytological abnormalities, adjusted for sexual activity. This study comprised women aged 20-26 years who underwent cervical screening in Niigata. We obtained HPV vaccination status from municipal records and a questionnaire along with information concerning sexual activity. Of 5194 women registered for this study, final analyses included 3167 women in the vaccinated group (2821 vaccinated women prior to sexual debut) and 1386 women in the unvaccinated group. HPV 16/18 (0.2% vs 3.5%), 31/45/52 (3.4% vs 6.6%), and 31/33/45/52/58 (5.0% vs 9.3%) positive rates were significantly lower in the vaccinated group (P < 0.001). No women vaccinated before sexual debut had HPV 16/18-related cytological abnormalities. VE for HPV 16/18 infection and high-grade cytological abnormalities in women vaccinated prior to sexual debut were 95.8% (95% CI 81.9-99.0%; P < 0.001) and 78.3% (95% CI 11.3-94.7%; P = 0.033), respectively, in multivariate analyses adjusted for age and number of sexual partners. However, analyses of all vaccinated women did not show significant effectiveness against cytological abnormalities. Our results showed the effectiveness of HPV vaccine against high-grade cervical cytological abnormalities and the importance of the vaccination before sexual debut.

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.15471



  • Long-term effectiveness of HPV vaccination against HPV infection in young Japanese women: Real-world data. International journal

    Megumi Kurosawa, Masayuki Sekine, Manako Yamaguchi, Risa Kudo, Sharon J B Hanley, Megumi Hara, Sosuke Adachi, Yutaka Ueda, Etsuko Miyagi, Sayaka Ikeda, Asami Yagi, Takayuki Enomoto

    Cancer science   113 ( 4 )   1435 - 1440   2022.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In Japan, public funding for HPV vaccination began in 2010 for girls aged 13-16 years (birth cohort years 1994-1997) and women born in 1994 who turned 25 in 2019. We aimed to verify the long-term effectiveness of the bivalent HPV vaccine in women aged 25 years. Subjects were women aged 25-26 years who underwent cervical cancer screening and HPV testing in Niigata from 2019 to 2020 (birth cohort years 1993-1994). Information on vaccination status and sexual behavior was obtained from a questionnaire and municipal records. We compared the HPV infection rates of the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. Of the 429 registrants, 150 (35.0%) and 279 (65.0%) were vaccinated and unvaccinated, respectively. The average period from HPV vaccination to HPV testing was 102.7 months (8.6 years), with a median of 103 months (range 92-109 months). The HPV high-risk infection rate was 21.3% (32/150) in the vaccinated group and 23.7% (66/279) in the unvaccinated group (P = 0.63). The HPV16/18 infection rate was 0% (0/150) in the vaccinated group and 5.4% (15/279) in the unvaccinated group, showing a significant difference (P = 0.0018), and the vaccine effectiveness was 100%. The cross-protective type HPV31/45/52 infection rate in the vaccinated group was significantly lower than that in the unvaccinated group (3.3% vs. 10.0%, P = 0.013). There was no significant difference in the mean age at sexual debut and the number of previous sexual partners between the two groups. We have demonstrated the long-term 9-year effectiveness of the bivalent vaccine against HPV infection for the first time in Japan.

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.15282



  • Long-Term Effects of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Clinical Trials and Real-World Data: A Systematic Review. International journal

    Megumi Kurosawa, Masayuki Sekine, Manako Yamaguchi, Risa Kudo, Sharon J B Hanley, Megumi Hara, Sosuke Adachi, Yutaka Ueda, Etsuko Miyagi, Sayaka Ikeda, Asami Yagi, Takayuki Enomoto

    Vaccines   10 ( 2 )   2022.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The preventive effect of HPV vaccines against anogenital and oropharyngeal cancers has been proven in both clinical trials and real-world data. We reviewed the published evidence about the long-term efficacy and effectiveness of the HPV vaccine in available papers of clinical trials and real-world data. As far as we searched, the longest period of preventive effect for the bivalent, 4-valent, and 9-valent vaccine were 11 years in the Costa Rica trial, 14 years in the FUTURE II, and 8 years in the LTFU extension study of V503-002 and the Scandinavian study, respectively. The sustained clinical effect during the observation period was longest for the 4-valent vaccine. In real-world data, the longest observation period of the vaccine effectiveness was 12 years in an Australian study for the 4-valent vaccine. On the other hand, the longest period of long-term persistence of HPV vaccine-induced seropositivity was 14 years in FUTURE II for the 4-valent vaccine. For the bivalent vaccine, additional long-term follow-up studies may not have been planned due to the launch of the 4-valent and 9-valent vaccines. In some studies of the 9-valent vaccine, the results have not yet been published because of the short observation period. The additional results are expected in the future. In a national immunization program, most girls and boys are inoculated with HPV vaccine by the time puberty begins; thus, it is important to monitor the vaccine effect at least until the sexually active period in their 20s and 30s.

    DOI: 10.3390/vaccines10020256



  • Cervical Cancer Protection in Japan: Where Are We? International journal

    Asami Yagi, Yutaka Ueda, Mamoru Kakuda, Satoshi Nakagawa, Kosuke Hiramatsu, Ai Miyoshi, Eiji Kobayashi, Toshihiro Kimura, Megumi Kurosawa, Manako Yamaguchi, Sosuke Adachi, Risa Kudo, Masayuki Sekine, Yukio Suzuki, Akiko Sukegawa, Sayaka Ikeda, Etsuko Miyagi, Takayuki Enomoto, Tadashi Kimura

    Vaccines   9 ( 11 )   2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In Japan, government subsidies for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination of girls aged 13-16 commenced in 2010. By early 2013, vaccination had become a widely accepted national immunization program. However, in June of 2013, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW), the government's lead agency, suspended its recommendation for vaccination in response to reports of adverse vaccine events. The rate of HPV vaccination quickly dropped from 70% to almost zero, where it has lingered for eight years. In 2020, a new 9-valent HPV vaccine was licensed in Japan. The momentum seemed to be building for the resumption of HPV vaccinations, yet Japanese mothers remain widely hesitant about vaccinating their daughters, despite the well-proven safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccines. The Japanese government and our educational and medical institutions must work harder as a team to inform our parents and their children about the life-saving benefits of the HPV vaccine, and at the same time, we must respond to all their concerns and questions. The vaccine hesitancy of unvaccinated women born in 2000 and thereafter is a natural consequence of the suspension of the government's recommendation. We must also take every possible measure to reduce the significant risk for cervical cancer these women have.

    DOI: 10.3390/vaccines9111263



  • Suspension of proactive recommendations for HPV vaccination has led to a significant increase in HPV infection rates in young Japanese women: real-world data

    Masayuki Sekine, Manako Yamaguchi, Risa Kudo, Sharon J.B. Hanley, Yutaka Ueda, Sosuke Adachi, Megumi Kurosawa, Etsuko Miyagi, Megumi Hara, Takayuki Enomoto

    The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific   16   100300 - 100300   2021.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2021.100300


  • PET/MR imaging for the evaluation of cervical cancer during pregnancy. International journal

    Tatsuya Ishiguro, Nobumichi Nishikawa, Shiro Ishii, Kosuke Yoshihara, Kazufumi Haino, Masayuki Yamaguchi, Sosuke Adachi, Takafumi Watanabe, Shu Soeda, Takayuki Enomoto

    BMC pregnancy and childbirth   21 ( 1 )   288 - 288   2021.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Malignancy during pregnancy is increasing, and the most common type of malignancy is uterine cervical cancer. When planning the treatment of cervical cancer, it is important to look for signs of metastasis before surgery, especially metastasis to the lymph nodes. In this report, we assessed the diagnostic value of positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MRI) for evaluating cervical cancer propagation before surgery, with a focus on pregnant women. CASE PRESENTATION: 18F Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET/MRI was performed in seven pregnant cervical cancer patients (28-34 years old) at 9-18 gestational weeks. In case #5, a second PET/MRI was performed at 24 gestational weeks. Of seven FDG-PET/MRI examination series in six cases (cases #1-6), FDG-PET/MR imaging could detect cervical tumors with abnormal FDG accumulation; these tumors were confirmed with a standardized uptake value max (SUV max) titer of 4.5-16. A second PET/MRI examination in case #5 revealed the same SUV max titer as the first examination. In these six imaging series (cases #1-5), there were no signs of cancer metastasis to the parametrium and lymph nodes. However, in case #6, abnormal FDG accumulation in the left parametrial lymph nodes was also detectable. Pathological examination showed lymph node metastasis in case #6. In case #7, PET/MRI could not detect any abnormal FDG accumulation in the cervix and other sites. Cone biopsy demonstrated only micro-invasive squamous cell carcinoma. After treatment for cervical cancer, all seven patients have had no recurrence of disease within the follow-up period (2.8-5.6 years), and their children have developed appropriately. CONCLUSION: PET/MRI is an effective imaging tool to evaluate cervical cancer progression in pregnancy.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12884-021-03766-w



  • Risk factors for HPV infection and high-grade cervical disease in sexually active Japanese women. International journal

    Manako Yamaguchi, Masayuki Sekine, Sharon J B Hanley, Risa Kudo, Megumi Hara, Sosuke Adachi, Yutaka Ueda, Etsuko Miyagi, Takayuki Enomoto

    Scientific reports   11 ( 1 )   2898 - 2898   2021.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In Japan, recommendations for HPV vaccines were suspended in 2013 due to unfounded safety fears. Although vaccine opponents claim modifying sexual behavior can prevent cervical cancer, no comprehensive data exist on sexual behavior and the risk of high-grade cervical disease in a Japanese population. This study investigates sexual behavior and the risk of HPV infection and cervical disease in 3968 women aged 20-41 yrs undergoing cervical screening between April 2014 and March 2016. Mean age at first intercourse was 18.4 yrs ± 2.8 and 32% of women reported ≥ 6 lifetime sexual partners. In regression analyses, number of partners was a significant risk factor for HPV infection. However, for high-grade disease (CIN2+), when HPV genotype was adjusted for, number of partners was not statistically significant. The greatest risk factor was an HPV16/18 infection (adjusted odds ratio 113.7, 95% CI: 40.8-316.9). In conclusion, we found that having an HPV16/18 infection and not sexual behavior was the most significant risk factor for high grade cervical disease in young Japanese women. These infections can be prevented by a highly effective vaccine and we recommend that the Japanese government resume proactive recommendations for the HPV vaccine immediately.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-82354-6



  • Internet Survey of Awareness and Behavior Related to HPV Vaccination in Japan. International journal

    Risa Kudo, Masayuki Sekine, Manako Yamaguchi, Megumi Hara, Sharon J B Hanley, Yutaka Ueda, Asami Yagi, Sosuke Adachi, Megumi Kurosawa, Etsuko Miyagi, Takayuki Enomoto

    Vaccines   9 ( 2 )   2021.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Recommendations for HPV vaccines were suspended in 2013 due to unfounded safety fears in Japan. We aimed to clarify the differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated females in their awareness, knowledge, and behaviors toward cervical cancer, HPV vaccination and sex. Questionnaires were administered online to women aged 16 to 20. We conducted investigations for the following: awareness, knowledge, and actions for cervical cancer, HPV vaccination, and sexual activity, as well as items related to participants' social background. The survey in 828 girls revealed three points. The first is that more than half of the surveyed Japanese girls had poor knowledge about cervical cancer screening, HPV, or HPV vaccines. The second is that those in the unvaccinated group had a particularly poor knowledge of the subject and tended to have higher sexual activity. The final is that only 0.5% of the girls experienced changes in awareness about sexual activity after vaccination. In conclusion, this is the first large-scale survey analyzing the association between HPV vaccination and sexual activity in Japanese girls. Not only do unvaccinated girls not benefit from vaccines, but they also tend to engage in high-risk sexual behavior, and thus it is even more important to provide information on the effectiveness of vaccines and the usefulness of cancer screening.

    DOI: 10.3390/vaccines9020087



  • Epidemiologic Profile of Type-Specific Human Papillomavirus Infection after Initiation of HPV Vaccination. International journal

    Masayuki Sekine, Manako Yamaguchi, Risa Kudo, Sharon J B Hanley, Megumi Hara, Sosuke Adachi, Yutaka Ueda, Etsuko Miyagi, Sayaka Ikeda, Asami Yagi, Takayuki Enomoto

    Vaccines   8 ( 3 )   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Organized human papillomavirus vaccination (OHPV) in Japan was introduced in 2010 for girls aged 12-16 years who were born in 1994 or later. The rate of OHPV coverage was 70-80%. However, after suspension of the government vaccination recommendation, the coverage dramatically decreased. We aim to investigate the change in prevalence of HPV infection after the initiation of HPV vaccination. We recruited females aged 20-21 years attending public cervical cancer screening from 2014 to 2017 fiscal years (April 2014 to March 2018). Residual Pap test specimens were collected for HPV testing. We compared the prevalence of HPV type-specific infection between women registered in 2014 (born in 1993-1994, including the pre-OHPV generation) and registered in 2015-2017 (born in 1994-1997, the OHPV generation). We collected 2379 specimens. The vaccination coverage figures were 30.7%, 86.6%, 88.4% and 93.7% (p < 0.01) from 2014 to 2017, respectively. The prevalence of HPV16/18 infection significantly decreased from 1.3% in 2014 to 0% in 2017 (p = 0.02). The three most prevalent types were HPV52, 16 and 56 in 2014, and HPV52, 58 and 56 in 2015-2017, respectively. HPV16 and 33 infection rates decreased. On the other hand, the HPV58 infection rate was obviously increased after OHPV from 0.3% to 2.1%. Our study demonstrates that the prevalence of HPV16/18 infection dramatically decreased and the profile of type-specific HPV infection was changed after OHPV.

    DOI: 10.3390/vaccines8030425



  • Japan's Ongoing Crisis on HPV Vaccination. International journal

    Masayuki Sekine, Risa Kudo, Manako Yamaguchi, Sharon J B Hanley, Megumi Hara, Sosuke Adachi, Yutaka Ueda, Etsuko Miyagi, Sayaka Ikeda, Asami Yagi, Takayuki Enomoto

    Vaccines   8 ( 3 )   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    : The Japanese government suspended proactive recommendations for the HPV vaccine in June 2013. The suspension is now in its seventh year, despite all the data pointing to the safety of the HPV vaccine. We reported a high vaccine effectiveness in the group of women vaccinated before their first intercourse (93.9%). The prevalence of cross-protected types of HPV 31/45/52 was also lower in the vaccinated group, and the vaccine effectiveness was 67.7%. Furthermore, prevalence of HPV16, 31 and 52 infection rates in the vaccinated group were obviously lower than that in the unvaccinated group, and no one had HPV18 or 45 infection in the vaccinated group. The addition of a cross-protective effect toward HPV types 31/45/52 to HPV types 16/18, which is the direct target of the bivalent HPV vaccine, may possibly prevent around 82% of invasive cervical cancer cases in Japan. With regard to the preventive effect of histological abnormalities, we also reported significant reduction in incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)3 or worse. Thus, the efficacy of the vaccine has been demonstrated for precancerous disease, and the diverse symptoms after HPV vaccination are likely functional somatic. For the future of Japanese girls, there is a need to resume the proactive recommendation of HPV vaccination and for immediate action to be taken by the Japanese government.

    DOI: 10.3390/vaccines8030362



  • 卵巣卵黄嚢腫瘍に対する妊孕性温存治療後、残存卵巣に発症した成熟嚢胞性奇形腫摘出術前に卵子凍結を施行した1例(A case of mature teratoma in the residual ovary after fertility-sparing therapy for ovarian yolk sac tumor managed with oocyte cryopreservation followed by cystectomy)

    茅原 誠, 安達 聡介, 鈴木 久美子, 石黒 竜也, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 荒井 勇樹, 木下 義晶, 榎本 隆之

    Journal of Mammalian Ova Research   37 ( 1 )   43 - 49   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本卵子学会  



  • Germline and somatic mutations of homologous recombination-associated genes in Japanese ovarian cancer patients. Reviewed International journal

    Kentaro Sugino, Ryo Tamura, Hirofumi Nakaoka, Nozomi Yachida, Manako Yamaguchi, Yutaro Mori, Kaoru Yamawaki, Kazuaki Suda, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Sosuke Adachi, Masanori Isobe, Masayuki Yamaguchi, Katsunori Kashima, Teiichi Motoyama, Ituro Inoue, Kosuke Yoshihara, Takayuki Enomoto

    Scientific reports   9 ( 1 )   17808 - 17808   2019.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    We explored the frequency of germline and somatic mutations in homologous recombination (HR)-associated genes in major histological types of ovarian cancer. We performed targeted sequencing to assess germline and somatic mutations of 16 HR-associated genes and 4 mismatch repair (MMR) genes among 207 ovarian cancer patients (50 high-grade serous carcinomas (HGSC), 99 clear cell carcinomas (CCC), 39 endometrioid carcinomas (EC), 13 mucinous carcinomas (MC), and 6 low-grade serous carcinomas (LGSC)). Germline or somatic mutations of HR-associated genes were detected in 44% of HGSC, 28% of CCC, 23% of EC, 16% of MC, and 17% of LGSC patients. The profile of HR-associated gene mutations was remarkably different among each histological type. Germline BRCA1/2 mutations were frequently detected in HGSC and were rarely observed in CCC, EC, and MC patients. ATM somatic mutation was more frequently detected in CCC (9%) and EC patients (18%) than in HGSC patients (4%). There was a positive correlation between MMR gene mutations and HR-associated gene mutations (p = 0.0072). Our findings might be useful in selection of ovarian cancer patients that should be treated with PARP inhibitors.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-54116-y



  • Different mutation profiles between epithelium and stroma in endometriosis and normal endometrium. Reviewed International journal

    Kazuaki Suda, Hirofumi Nakaoka, Kosuke Yoshihara, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Sosuke Adachi, Hiroaki Kase, Teiichi Motoyama, Ituro Inoue, Takayuki Enomoto

    Human reproduction (Oxford, England)   34 ( 10 )   1899 - 1905   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    STUDY QUESTION: Are there common mutation profiles between epithelial and stromal cells in ovarian endometriotic tissue and the normal endometrium? SUMMARY ANSWER: Our study revealed no common mutations between epithelial and stromal cells in ovarian endometriotic tissue and the normal endometrium. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Epithelial cells in both ovarian endometriotic tissue and the normal endometrium harbor somatic mutations in cancer-associated genes such as phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha (PIK3CA) and KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase (KRAS). STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: We performed a retrospective study to identify the mutation profiles of stromal cells in endometriotic tissue and the normal endometrium. We collected 11 endometriotic stroma samples and 10 normal endometrial stroma samples between 2013 and 2017 at a tertiary care center. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: The laser microdissection method was used to obtain stromal cells in ovarian endometriotic and normal endometrial tissues from patients with ovarian endometriosis and/or other non-invasive gynecological diseases. Target gene sequencing was performed to assess and compare the mutation profiles of stromal cells with those of epithelial cells obtained in our previous study. For target gene sequencing, 76 genes were selected based on previous genomic analyses for ovarian endometriosis, normal endometrium, endometriosis-related ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: Stromal samples in ovarian endometrioma and normal endometrium harbor somatic mutations (18 mutations in 11 endometriosis samples and 16 mutations in 10 normal endometrial samples) but did not share any mutations with paired epithelial samples. The mutant allele frequency of stromal samples was significantly lower than that of epithelial samples in ovarian endometrioma (P = 6.0 × 10-11) and normal endometrium (P = 1.4 × 10-7). LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: The number of genes evaluated in the mutational analysis was limited. Additionally, the functional roles of somatic mutations in stromal cells remain unclear. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: Different mutation profiles between paired epithelial and stromal cells in both ovarian endometrioma and normal endometrium suggest that origins of epithelial and stromal cells would be independent of each other in both normal endometrium and ovarian endometrioma; however, the theory of epithelial-mesenchymal transition is proposed in ovarian endometrioma. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S): This work was supported in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI grant number JP15H02373 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A for I.I.), JP16H06267 (Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists A for K.Y.), JP17K08688 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C for H.N.) and JP16H06279 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas-Platforms for Advanced Technologies and Research Resources for H.N. and K.Y). There are no conflicts of interest to declare. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Not applicable.

    DOI: 10.1093/humrep/dez155



  • Recurrence, death, and secondary malignancy after ovarian conservation for young women with early-stage low-grade endometrial cancer. International journal

    Koji Matsuo, James C Cripe, Katherine C Kurnit, Michiko Kaneda, Audrey S Garneau, Gretchen E Glaser, Aaron Nizam, Rachel M Schillinger, Michelle L Kuznicki, Akira Yabuno, Shiori Yanai, Denise M Garofalo, Jiro Suzuki, Jessica D St Laurent, Ting-Tai Yen, Annie Y Liu, Masako Shida, Mamoru Kakuda, Tetsuro Oishi, Shin Nishio, Jenna Z Marcus, Sosuke Adachi, Tetsuji Kurokawa, Malcolm S Ross, Max P Horowitz, Marian S Johnson, Min K Kim, Alexander Melamed, Karime K Machado, Kosuke Yoshihara, Yoshio Yoshida, Takayuki Enomoto, Kimio Ushijima, Shinya Satoh, Yutaka Ueda, Mikio Mikami, Bobbie J Rimel, Rebecca L Stone, Whitfield B Growdon, Aikou Okamoto, Saketh R Guntupalli, Kosei Hasegawa, Mian M K Shahzad, Dwight D Im, Marina Frimer, Bobbie S Gostout, Frederick R Ueland, Shoji Nagao, Pamela T Soliman, Premal H Thaker, Jason D Wright, Lynda D Roman

    Gynecologic oncology   155 ( 1 )   39 - 50   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between ovarian conservation and oncologic outcome in surgically-treated young women with early-stage, low-grade endometrial cancer. METHODS: This multicenter retrospective study examined women aged <50 with stage I grade 1-2 endometrioid endometrial cancer who underwent primary surgery with hysterectomy from 2000 to 2014 (US cohort n = 1196, and Japan cohort n = 495). Recurrence patterns, survival, and the presence of a metachronous secondary malignancy were assessed based on ovarian conservation versus oophorectomy. RESULTS: During the study period, the ovarian conservation rate significantly increased in the US cohort from 5.4% to 16.4% (P = 0.020) whereas the rate was unchanged in the Japan cohort (6.3-8.7%, P = 0.787). In the US cohort, ovarian conservation was not associated with disease-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] 0.829, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.188-3.663, P = 0.805), overall survival (HR not estimated, P = 0.981), or metachronous secondary malignancy (HR 1.787, 95% CI 0.603-5.295, P = 0.295). In the Japan cohort, ovarian conservation was associated with decreased disease-free survival (HR 5.214, 95% CI 1.557-17.464, P = 0.007) and an increased risk of a metachronous secondary malignancy, particularly ovarian cancer (HR 7.119, 95% CI 1.349-37.554, P = 0.021), but was not associated with overall survival (HR not estimated, P = 0.987). Ovarian recurrence or metachronous secondary ovarian cancer occurred after a median time of 5.9 years, and all cases were salvaged. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that adoption of ovarian conservation in young women with early-stage low-grade endometrial cancer varies by population. Ovarian conservation for young women with early-stage, low-grade endometrial cancer may be potentially associated with increased risks of ovarian recurrence or metachronous secondary ovarian cancer in certain populations; nevertheless, ovarian conservation did not negatively impact overall survival.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2019.08.007



  • Tumor characteristics and outcome of uterine carcinosarcoma in women aged ≥80 years. Reviewed International journal

    Koji Matsuo, Malcolm S Ross, Mayu Yunokawa, Marian S Johnson, Hiroko Machida, Kohei Omatsu, Merieme M Klobocista, Dwight D Im, Shinya Satoh, Tsukasa Baba, Yuji Ikeda, Stephen H Bush, Kosei Hasegawa, Erin A Blake, Munetaka Takekuma, Masako Shida, Masato Nishimura, Sosuke Adachi, Tanja Pejovic, Satoshi Takeuchi, Takuhei Yokoyama, Yutaka Ueda, Keita Iwasaki, Takahito M Miyake, Shiori Yanai, Tadayoshi Nagano, Tadao Takano, Mian Mk Shahzad, Frederick R Ueland, Joseph L Kelley, Lynda D Roman

    Surgical oncology   29   25 - 32   2019.6

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine clinico-pathological characteristics and outcomes of uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS) in women aged ≥80 years. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of a previous multicenter retrospective study examining 906 women with stage I-IV UCS who underwent primary hysterectomy. Patient demographics, treatment types, tumor characteristics, and survival were examined across aged ≥80 (n = 82 [9.1%]), aged 60-79, (n = 526 [58.1%]), and aged <60 (n = 298 [32.9%]). RESULTS: Women in the aged ≥80 group were more likely to be Caucasian, undergo simple hysterectomy without lymphadenectomy, and receive no postoperative therapy (all, P < 0.05). Tumors in the aged ≥80 group were more likely to have high-grade carcinoma, heterologous sarcoma, and sarcoma dominance but less likely to have lympho-vascular space invasion (all, P < 0.05). Lymphadenectomy did not improve survival in the aged ≥80 group (P > 0.05), whereas lymphadenectomy was protective for survival in the younger groups (both, P < 0.05). Postoperative chemotherapy was associated with improved progression-free survival (PFS) in the aged ≥80 group (hazard ratio [HR] 0.44, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.22-0.89, P = 0.021). With chemotherapy treatment, women in the aged ≥80 group had PFS similar to those in the aged 60-79 group (HR 0.97, 95%CI 0.51-1.83, P = 0.92). In contrast, without chemotherapy treatment, women in the aged ≥80 group had significantly decreased PFS compared to the aged 60-79 group (HR 1.62, 95%CI 1.09-2.40, P = 0.016). Similar associations were observed for postoperative radiotherapy. CONCLUSION: Nearly 10% of women with UCS are aged ≥80 that are characterized by aggressive tumor factors. Postoperative therapy but not extensive surgery may improve survival in this age group.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.suronc.2019.02.002



  • Association of statins, aspirin, and venous thromboembolism in women with endometrial cancer. Reviewed International journal

    Koji Matsuo, Marianne S Hom, Akira Yabuno, Masako Shida, Mamoru Kakuda, Sosuke Adachi, Rachel S Mandelbaum, Yutaka Ueda, Kosei Hasegawa, Takayuki Enomoto, Mikio Mikami, Lynda D Roman

    Gynecologic oncology   152 ( 3 )   605 - 611   2019.3

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    OBJECTIVE: The anti-thrombogenic effects of statins and aspirin have been reported in various malignancies but have not been well examined in endometrial cancer. This study examined the association between statin and/or aspirin use and venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk in endometrial cancer. METHODS: This is a multi-center retrospective study examining 2527 women with endometrial cancer between 2000 and 2015. Statin and aspirin use at diagnosis was correlated to VTE risk during follow-up on multivariable analysis. RESULTS: There were 132 VTE events with a 5-year cumulative incidence rate of 6.1%. There were 392 (15.5%) statin users and 219 (8.7%) aspirin users, respectively. On multivariable analysis, statin use was associated with an approximately 60% decreased risk of VTE when compared to non-users (5-year cumulative rates 2.5% versus 6.7%, adjusted-hazard ratio [HR] 0.42, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.19-0.92, P = 0.030) whereas aspirin did not demonstrate statistical significance (2.0% versus 6.5%, adjusted-HR 0.54, 95%CI 0.19-1.51, P = 0.24). There was a trend of joint effect between statin and aspirin although it did not demonstrate statistical significance: VTE risks for dual statin/aspirin user (adjusted-HR 0.27, 95%CI 0.04-2.07), statin alone (adjusted-HR 0.40, 95%CI 0.18-0.93), and aspirin alone (adjusted-HR 0.51, 95%CI 0.16-1.64) compared to non-use after adjusting for patient characteristics, tumor factors, treatment types, and survival events (P-interaction = 0.090). When stratified by statin type, simvastatin demonstrated the largest reduction of VTE risk (5-year cumulative rates 1.1% versus 6.7%, adjusted-HR 0.17, 95%CI 0.02-1.30, P = 0.088). Obesity, absence of diabetes mellitus, type II histology, and recurrent disease were the factors associated with decreased VTE risk with statin use (all, P-interaction<0.05). CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that statin use may be associated with decreased risk of VTE in women with endometrial cancer.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2018.12.020



  • Ectopic pregnancy following oral levonorgestrel emergency contraception use. Reviewed International journal

    Yohei Kitani, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Akiko Kobayashi, Ryo Tamura, Haruka Ueda, Sosuke Adachi, Nobumichi Nishikawa, Masayuki Sekine, Takayuki Enomoto

    The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research   45 ( 2 )   473 - 476   2019.2

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    Levonorgestrel is used worldwide as an emergency oral contraceptive. There have been occasional reports of ectopic pregnancy after oral levonorgestrel use. We present a case of ectopic tubal pregnancy after the use of oral levonorgestrel as an emergency contraceptive in a 37-year-old woman with a history of treatment for Chlamydia trachomatis infection. She conceived after sexual intercourse on menstrual day 14 of the first menstrual cycle following a normal delivery. After salpingectomy for this right tubal pregnancy, her following pregnancy was an ectopic pregnancy in the contralateral tube, which was treated with laparoscopic salpingectomy. Histopathological examination revealed endometriosis. We should be aware of ectopic pregnancy even after emergency contraceptive use, especially in patients with risk factors, such as Chlamydia infection and endometriosis. Because the efficacy of levonorgestrel decreases after ovulation, we should check the stage of the cycle before prescription.

    DOI: 10.1111/jog.13815



  • Bivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Effectiveness in a Japanese Population: High Vaccine-Type-Specific Effectiveness and Evidence of Cross-Protection. Reviewed International journal

    Risa Kudo, Manako Yamaguchi, Masayuki Sekine, Sosuke Adachi, Yutaka Ueda, Etsuko Miyagi, Megumi Hara, Sharon J B Hanley, Takayuki Enomoto

    The Journal of infectious diseases   219 ( 3 )   382 - 390   2019.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: Proactive recommendations for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines in Japan have been suspended for 5 years because of safety concerns. While no scientific evidence exists to substantiate these concerns, one reason given for not reinstating recommendations is the lack of reliable vaccine effectiveness (VE) data in a Japanese population. This study reports the VE of the bivalent HPV vaccine in Japanese women aged 20-22 years. Methods: During cervical screening between 2014 and 2016, women had Papanicolaou smears and HPV tests performed and provided data about their sexual history. Estimates of VE for vaccine-targeted HPV type 16 (HPV16) and 18 and cross-protection against other types were calculated. Results: Overall, 2197 women were tested, and 1814 were included in the analysis. Of these, 1355 (74.6%) were vaccinated, and 1295 (95.5%) completed the 3-dose schedule. In women sexually naive at vaccination, the pooled VEs against HPV16 and 18 and for HPV31, 45, and 52 were 95.5% (P < .01) and 71.9% (P < .01), respectively. When adjusted for number of sex partners and birth year, pooled VEs were 93.9% (P = .01) and 67.7% (P = .01) for HPV16 and 18 and HPV31, 45, and 52, respectively. Conclusions: The bivalent HPV vaccine is highly effective against HPV16 and 18. Furthermore, significant cross-protection against HPV31, 45, and 52 was demonstrated and sustained up to 6 years after vaccination. These findings should reassure politicians about the VE of bivalent HPV vaccine in a Japanese population.

    DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiy516



  • Proposal for a Risk-Based Categorization of Uterine Carcinosarcoma. Reviewed International journal

    Koji Matsuo, Yutaka Takazawa, Malcolm S Ross, Esther Elishaev, Mayu Yunokawa, Todd B Sheridan, Stephen H Bush, Merieme M Klobocista, Erin A Blake, Tadao Takano, Tsukasa Baba, Shinya Satoh, Masako Shida, Yuji Ikeda, Sosuke Adachi, Takuhei Yokoyama, Munetaka Takekuma, Shiori Yanai, Satoshi Takeuchi, Masato Nishimura, Keita Iwasaki, Marian S Johnson, Masayuki Yoshida, Ardeshir Hakam, Hiroko Machida, Paulette Mhawech-Fauceglia, Yutaka Ueda, Kiyoshi Yoshino, Hiroshi Kajiwara, Kosei Hasegawa, Masanori Yasuda, Takahito M Miyake, Takuya Moriya, Yoshiaki Yuba, Terry Morgan, Tomoyuki Fukagawa, Tanja Pejovic, Tadayoshi Nagano, Takeshi Sasaki, Abby M Richmond, Miriam D Post, Mian M K Shahzad, Dwight D Im, Hiroshi Yoshida, Takayuki Enomoto, Kohei Omatsu, Frederick R Ueland, Joseph L Kelley, Rouzan G Karabakhtsian, Lynda D Roman

    Annals of surgical oncology   25 ( 12 )   3676 - 3684   2018.11

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    PURPOSE: To propose a categorization model of uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS) based on tumor cell types (carcinoma and sarcoma) and sarcoma dominance. METHODS: This secondary analysis of a prior multicenter retrospective study examined 889 cases of UCS with available histologic evaluation. Based on survival outcome, cases were clustered into three groups: low-grade carcinoma with nondominant homologous sarcoma [type A, n = 96 (10.8%)], (1) low-grade carcinoma with heterologous sarcoma or any sarcoma dominance and (2) high-grade carcinoma with nondominant homologous sarcoma [type B, n = 412 (46.3%)], and high-grade carcinoma with heterologous sarcoma or any sarcoma dominance [type C, n = 381 (42.9%)]. Tumor characteristics and outcome were examined based on the categorization. RESULTS: Women in type C category were more likely to be older, obese, and Caucasian, whereas those in type A category were younger, less obese, Asian, and nulligravid (all P < 0.01). Type C tumors were more likely to have metastatic implants, large tumor size, lymphovascular space invasion with sarcoma cells, and higher lymph node ratio, whereas type A tumors were more likely to be early-stage disease and small (all P < 0.05). On multivariate analysis, tumor categorization was independently associated with progression-free survival (5-year rates: 70.1% for type A, 48.3% for type B, and 35.9% for type C, adjusted P < 0.01) and cause-specific survival (5-year rates: 82.8% for type A, 63.0% for type B, and 47.1% for type C, adjusted P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Characteristic differences in clinicopathological factors and outcomes in UCS imply that different underlying etiologies and biological behaviors may be present, supporting a new classification system.

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-018-6695-z



  • Clinical utility of CA-125 in the management of uterine carcinosarcoma. International journal

    Matsuo K, Ross MS, Yunokawa M, Johnson MS, Machida H, Omatsu K, Klobocista MM, Im DD, Satoh S, Baba T, Ikeda Y, Bush SH, Hasegawa K, Blake EA, Takekuma M, Shida M, Nishimura M, Adachi S, Pejovic T, Takeuchi S, Yokoyama T, Ueda Y, Iwasaki K, Miyake TM, Yanai S, Nagano T, Takano T, Shahzad MM, Ueland FR, Kelley JL, Roman LD

    J Gynecol Oncol.   29 ( 6 )   e88   2018.11

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    DOI: 10.3802/jgo.2018.29.e88



  • Significance of Lymphovascular Space Invasion by the Sarcomatous Component in Uterine Carcinosarcoma. Reviewed International journal

    Koji Matsuo, Yutaka Takazawa, Malcolm S Ross, Esther Elishaev, Mayu Yunokawa, Todd B Sheridan, Stephen H Bush, Merieme M Klobocista, Erin A Blake, Tadao Takano, Tsukasa Baba, Shinya Satoh, Masako Shida, Yuji Ikeda, Sosuke Adachi, Takuhei Yokoyama, Munetaka Takekuma, Shiori Yanai, Satoshi Takeuchi, Masato Nishimura, Keita Iwasaki, Marian S Johnson, Masayuki Yoshida, Ardeshir Hakam, Hiroko Machida, Paulette Mhawech-Fauceglia, Yutaka Ueda, Kiyoshi Yoshino, Hiroshi Kajiwara, Kosei Hasegawa, Masanori Yasuda, Takahito M Miyake, Takuya Moriya, Yoshiaki Yuba, Terry Morgan, Tomoyuki Fukagawa, Tanja Pejovic, Tadayoshi Nagano, Takeshi Sasaki, Abby M Richmond, Miriam D Post, Mian M K Shahzad, Dwight D Im, Hiroshi Yoshida, Takayuki Enomoto, Kohei Omatsu, Frederick R Ueland, Joseph L Kelley, Rouzan G Karabakhtsian, Lynda D Roman

    Annals of surgical oncology   25 ( 9 )   2756 - 2766   2018.9

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the significance of lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI) with a sarcomatous component on the tumor characteristics and clinical outcomes of women with uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS). METHODS: This was a secondary analysis of a prior multicenter retrospective study that examined women with stage I-IV UCS who underwent primary hysterectomy. Archived histopathology slides were reviewed and LVSI was scored as follows: LVSI with a carcinomatous component alone (LVSI-carcinoma; n = 375, 76.8%) or LVSI containing a sarcomatous component with or without a carcinomatous component (LVSI-sarcoma; n = 113, 23.2%). Qualitative metrics of LVSI were correlated to clinicopathological factors and survival outcome. RESULTS: Tumors in the LVSI-sarcoma group were more likely to have sarcoma dominance (82.1 vs. 26.4%) heterologous sarcomatous component (51.3 vs. 37.9%), low-grade carcinoma (42.5 vs. 22.4%), and large tumor size (81.0 vs. 70.2%) in the primary tumor site compared with tumors in the LVSI-carcinoma group (all p < 0.05). On multivariate analysis, LVSI-sarcoma was independently associated with decreased progression-free survival (5-year rates: 34.9 vs. 40.8%, adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1.84, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.36-2.50, p < 0.001), and cause-specific survival (5-year rates: 41.8 vs. 55.9%, adjusted HR 1.95, 95% CI 1.39-2.75, p < 0.001) compared with LVSI-carcinoma. Postoperative radiotherapy for women with LVSI-sarcoma had a higher reduction rate of recurrence/progression of disease (54% reduction, p = 0.04) compared with postoperative radiotherapy for women with LVSI-carcinoma (26% reduction, p = 0.08). CONCLUSION: In UCS, the presence of a sarcomatous component in LVSI is particularly prevalent when a tumor has sarcoma dominance. Our study suggests that LVSI containing a sarcomatous component may be a predictor of decreased survival for women with UCS.

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-018-6547-x



  • Characterizing sarcoma dominance pattern in uterine carcinosarcoma: Homologous versus heterologous element. Reviewed International journal

    Koji Matsuo, Yutaka Takazawa, Malcolm S Ross, Esther Elishaev, Mayu Yunokawa, Todd B Sheridan, Stephen H Bush, Merieme M Klobocista, Erin A Blake, Tadao Takano, Tsukasa Baba, Shinya Satoh, Masako Shida, Yuji Ikeda, Sosuke Adachi, Takuhei Yokoyama, Munetaka Takekuma, Shiori Yanai, Satoshi Takeuchi, Masato Nishimura, Keita Iwasaki, Marian S Johnson, Masayuki Yoshida, Ardeshir Hakam, Hiroko Machida, Paulette Mhawech-Fauceglia, Yutaka Ueda, Kiyoshi Yoshino, Hiroshi Kajiwara, Kosei Hasegawa, Masanori Yasuda, Takahito M Miyake, Takuya Moriya, Yoshiaki Yuba, Terry Morgan, Tomoyuki Fukagawa, Tanja Pejovic, Tadayoshi Nagano, Takeshi Sasaki, Abby M Richmond, Miriam D Post, Mian M K Shahzad, Dwight D Im, Hiroshi Yoshida, Kohei Omatsu, Frederick R Ueland, Joseph L Kelley, Rouzan G Karabakhtsian, Lynda D Roman

    Surgical oncology   27 ( 3 )   433 - 440   2018.9

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine significance of sarcoma dominance (SD) patterns in uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS). METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of multicenter retrospective study examining women with stages I-IV UCS who underwent primary surgery. SD was defined as >50% of sarcoma component in uterine tumor. SD patterns were grouped as homologous sarcoma without SD (homo/non-dominance, n = 351), heterologous sarcoma without SD (hetero/non-dominance, n = 174), homologous sarcoma with SD (homo/dominance, n = 175), and heterologous sarcoma with SD (hetero/dominance, n = 189), and correlated to tumor characteristics and survival. RESULTS: SD patterns were significantly associated with age, body habitus, carcinoma type, tumor size, depth of myometrial invasion, and nodal metastasis (all, P < 0.05). On univariate analysis, SD was associated with decreased progression-free survival (PFS) and cause-specific survival (CSS) in homologous cases (both, P < 0.05) but not in heterologous cases. On multivariate models, both homologous and heterologous SD patterns remained independent prognostic factors for decreased PFS (adjusted-hazard ratio [HR] ranges: homo/dominance 1.35-1.69, and hetero/dominance 1.47-1.64) and CSS (adjusted-HR ranges: 1.52-1.84 and 1.66-1.81, respectively) compared to homo/non-dominance (all, P < 0.05). Among stage I-III disease, when tumors had SD, adding radiotherapy to chemotherapy was significantly associated with improved PFS (adjusted-HR: homo/dominance 0.49, and hetero/dominance 0.45) and CSS (0.36 and 0.31, respectively) compared to chemotherapy alone (all, P < 0.05); contrary, this association was not observed with absence of SD (all, P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: In UCS, SD impacts survival in homologous but not in heterologous type. Regardless of sarcoma types, SD was associated with decreased survival in UCS; adding radiotherapy to chemotherapy may be an effective postoperative strategy.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.suronc.2018.05.017



  • Clonal Expansion and Diversification of Cancer-Associated Mutations in Endometriosis and Normal Endometrium. Reviewed International journal

    Kazuaki Suda, Hirofumi Nakaoka, Kosuke Yoshihara, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Ryo Tamura, Yutaro Mori, Kaoru Yamawaki, Sosuke Adachi, Tomoko Takahashi, Hiroaki Kase, Kenichi Tanaka, Tadashi Yamamoto, Teiichi Motoyama, Ituro Inoue, Takayuki Enomoto

    Cell reports   24 ( 7 )   1777 - 1789   2018.8

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    Endometriosis is characterized by ectopic endometrial-like epithelium and stroma, of which molecular characteristics remain to be fully elucidated. We sequenced 107 ovarian endometriotic and 82 normal uterine endometrial epithelium samples isolated by laser microdissection. In both endometriotic and normal epithelium samples, numerous somatic mutations were identified within genes frequently mutated in endometriosis-associated ovarian cancers. KRAS is frequently mutated in endometriotic epithelium, with a higher mutant allele frequency (MAF) accompanied by arm-level allelic imbalances. Analyses of MAF, combined with multiregional sequencing, illuminated spatiotemporal evolution of the endometriosis and uterine endometrium genomes. We sequenced 109 single endometrial glands and found that each gland carried distinct cancer-associated mutations, demonstrating the heterogeneity of the genomic architecture of endometrial epithelium. Remarkable increases in MAF of mutations in cancer-associated genes in endometriotic epithelium suggest retrograde flow of endometrial cells already harboring cancer-associated mutations, with selective advantages at ectopic sites, leading to the development of endometriosis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.07.037



  • Significance of abnormal peritoneal cytology on survival of women with stage I–II endometrioid endometrial cancer Reviewed

    Koji Matsuo, Akira Yabuno, Marianne S. Hom, Masako Shida, Mamoru Kakuda, Sosuke Adachi, Rachel S. Mandelbaum, Yutaka Ueda, Kosei Hasegawa, Takayuki Enomoto, Mikio Mikami, Lynda D. Roman

    Gynecologic Oncology   149 ( 2 )   301 - 309   2018.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Academic Press Inc.  

    Objective: To examine survival of women with stage I–II endometrioid endometrial cancer whose peritoneal cytology showed malignant or atypical cells (abnormal peritoneal cytology). Methods: This is a multi-center retrospective study examining 1668 women with stage I–II endometrioid endometrial cancer who underwent primary hysterectomy with available peritoneal cytology results between 2000 and 2015. Abnormal peritoneal cytology was correlated to clinico-pathological characteristics and oncological outcome. Results: Malignant and atypical cells were seen in 125 (7.5%) and 58 (3.5%) cases, respectively. On multivariate analysis, non-obesity, non-diabetes mellitus, cigarette use, and lympho-vascular space invasion were independently associated with abnormal peritoneal cytology (all, P &lt
    0.05). Abnormal peritoneal cytology was independently associated with decreased disease-free survival (hazard ratio 3.07, P &lt
    0.001) and cause-specific survival (hazard ratio 3.42, P = 0.008) on multivariate analysis. Abnormal peritoneal cytology was significantly associated with increased risks of distant-recurrence (5-year rates: 8.8% versus 3.6%, P = 0.001) but not local-recurrence (5.2% versus 3.0%, P = 0.32) compared to negative cytology. Among women with stage I disease, abnormal peritoneal cytology was significantly associated with an increased risk of distant-recurrence in the low risk group (5-year rates: 5.5% versus 1.0%, P &lt
    0.001) but not in the high-intermediate risk group (13.3% versus 10.8% P = 0.60). Among 183 women who had abnormal peritoneal cytology, postoperative chemotherapy significantly reduced the rate of peritoneal recurrence (5-year rates: 1.3% versus 9.2%, P = 0.039) whereas postoperative radiotherapy did not (7.1% versus 5.5%, P = 0.63). Conclusion: Our study suggests that abnormal peritoneal cytology may be a prognostic factor for decreased survival in women with stage I–II endometrioid endometrial cancer, particularly for low-risk group.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2018.02.012



  • The Safety and Effectiveness of Abdominal Radical Trachelectomy for Early-Stage Cervical Cancer During Pregnancy Reviewed

    Kosuke Yoshihara, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Makoto Chihara, Eiri Shima, Sosuke Adachi, Masanori Isobe, Kazufumi Haino, Masayuki Yamaguchi, Masayuki Sekine, Katsunori Kashima, Koichi Takakuwa, Nobumichi Nishikawa, Takayuki Enomoto

    International Journal of Gynecological Cancer   28 ( 4 )   782 - 787   2018.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Lippincott Williams and Wilkins  

    Objectives: Cervical cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers in pregnancy. Our aim was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of abdominal radical trachelectomy (ART) for pregnant women with early-stage cervical cancer who strongly desire to preserve their pregnancies. Methods/Materials: A retrospective observational study was performed for stage IB1 cervical cancer patients who underwent ART or radical hysterectomy (RH) at our hospital between February 2013 and June 2017. We compared differences in perioperative findings and oncologic outcomes among ART during pregnancy (ART-DP), ART, and RH groups. Results: A total of 38 patients were included in this analysis. Six, 10, and 22 patients were assigned to the ART-DP, ART, and RH groups, respectively. There were no significant differences in the distribution of pathological TNM classifications, histology, tumor size, stromal invasion, and lymph-vascular space invasion among the 3 groups. The patients in the ART-DP group were younger than those in the RH group (P = 0.014). The ART-DP group was associated with more blood loss and prolonged surgery compared with the RH group (P = 0.017 and P = 0.014). The number of total lymph nodes in the ART-DP group was lower than that in the RH group (P = 0.036). However, there were no significant differences in age, surgical time, blood loss, or lymph node count between the ART-DP and ART groups. There were no significant differences in progression-free and overall survival times among the 3 groups, and no recurrence was observed in the ART-DP group. Conclusions: Abdominal radical trachelectomy may be a tolerable treatment option for pregnant women with early-stage cervical cancer who strongly desire a baby.

    DOI: 10.1097/IGC.0000000000001218



  • Differential misclassification between self-reported status and official HPV vaccination records in Japan: Implications for evaluating vaccine safety and effectiveness. Reviewed

    Yamaguchi M, Sekine M, Kudo R, Adachi S, Ueda Y, Miyagi E, Hara M, Hanley SJB, Enomoto T

    Papillomavirus Res.   2018.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Survival outcome of women with stage IV uterine carcinosarcoma who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery Reviewed

    Koji Matsuo, Marian S. Johnson, Dwight D. Im, Malcolm S. Ross, Stephen H. Bush, Mayu Yunokawa, Erin A. Blake, Tadao Takano, Merieme M. Klobocista, Kosei Hasegawa, Yutaka Ueda, Masako Shida, Tsukasa Baba, Shinya Satoh, Takuhei Yokoyama, Hiroko Machida, Yuji Ikeda, Sosuke Adachi, Takahito M. Miyake, Keita Iwasaki, Shiori Yanai, Satoshi Takeuchi, Masato Nishimura, Tadayoshi Nagano, Munetaka Takekuma, Mian M. K. Shahzad, Tanja Pejovic, Kohei Omatsu, Joseph L. Kelley, Frederick R. Ueland, Lynda D. Roman

    Journal of Surgical Oncology   117 ( 3 )   488 - 496   2018.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:John Wiley and Sons Inc.  

    Background and Objectives: To examine survival of women with stage IV uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS) who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by hysterectomy. Methods: This is a nested case-control study within a retrospective cohort of 1192 UCS cases. Women who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by hysterectomy based-surgery for stage IV UCS (n = 26) were compared to those who had primary hysterectomy-based surgery without neoadjuvant chemotherapy for stage IV UCS (n = 120). Progression-free survival (PFS) and cause-specific survival (CSS) were examined. Results: The most common regimen for neoadjuvant chemotherapy was carboplatin/paclitaxel (53.8%). Median number of neoadjuvant chemotherapy cycles was 4. PFS was similar between the neoadjuvant chemotherapy group and the primary surgery group (unadjusted-hazard ratio [HR] 1.19, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.75-1.89, P = 0.45). Similarly, CSS was comparable between the two groups (unadjusted-HR 1.13, 95%CI 0.68-1.90, P = 0.64). When the types of neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimens were compared, women who received a carboplatin/paclitaxel regimen had better survival outcomes compared to those who received other regimens: PFS, unadjusted-HR 0.38, 95%CI 0.15-0.93, P = 0.027
    and CSS, unadjusted-HR 0.21, 95%CI 0.07-0.61, P = 0.002. Conclusion: Our study found that there is no statistically significant difference in survival between women with stage IV UCS who are tolerated neoadjuvant chemotherapy and those who undergo primary surgery.

    DOI: 10.1002/jso.24861




  • Significance of venous thromboembolism in women with uterine carcinosarcoma Reviewed

    Koji Matsuo, Malcolm S. Ross, Dwight D. Im, Merieme M. Klobocista, Stephen H. Bush, Marian S. Johnson, Tadao Takano, Erin A. Blake, Yuji Ikeda, Masato Nishimura, Yutaka Ueda, Masako Shida, Kosei Hasegawa, Tsukasa Baba, Sosuke Adachi, Takuhei Yokoyama, Shinya Satoh, Hiroko Machida, Shiori Yanai, Keita Iwasaki, Takahito M. Miyake, Satoshi Takeuchi, Munetaka Takekuma, Tadayoshi Nagano, Mayu Yunokawa, Tanja Pejovic, Kohei Omatsu, Mian M.K. Shahzad, Joseph L. Kelley, Frederick R. Ueland, Lynda D. Roman

    Gynecologic Oncology   148 ( 2 )   267 - 274   2018.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Academic Press Inc.  

    Objective: To identify risk factors for venous thromboembolism (VTE) and to examine the association of VTE and survival in women with uterine carcinosarcoma. Methods: This multicenter retrospective study examined 906 women who underwent primary surgical treatment for stage I-IV uterine carcinosarcoma. Time-dependent analyses were performed for cumulative incidence of VTE after surgery on multivariate models. Results: There were 72 (7.9%) women who developed VTE after surgery with 1-, 2-, and 5-year cumulative incidences being 5.1%, 7.3%, and 10.2%, respectively. On multivariate analysis, older age (hazard ratio [HR] per year 1.03, P = 0.012), non-Asian race (HR 6.28, P &lt
    0.001), large body habitus (HR per kg/m2 1.04, P = 0.014), residual disease at surgery (HR 3.04, P = 0.003), tumor size ≥ 5 cm (HR 2.73, P = 0.003), and stage IV disease (HR 2.12, P = 0.025) were independently associated with increased risk of developing VTE. A risk pattern analysis identified that obese Non-Asian women with large tumors (13.7% of population) had the highest incidence of VTE (2-year cumulative rate, 26.1%) whereas Asian women with no residual disease (47.1% of population) had the lowest (2-year cumulative rate, 1.6%) (P &lt
    0.001). Presence of carcinoma/sarcoma in metastatic sites was significantly associated with increased risk of VTE compared to carcinoma alone (2-year rates, 31.2% versus 8.4%, P = 0.049). VTE was independently associated with decreased progression-free survival on multivariate models (5-year rates, 24.9% versus 47.2%, HR 1.46, 95%CI 1.05–2.04, P = 0.026). Conclusion: Our study suggests that VTE represents a surrogate marker of aggressive tumor behavior and diminished patient condition in uterine carcinosarcoma
    obese Non-Asian women with large tumors carry a disproportionally high risk of VTE, suggesting that long-term prophylaxis may benefit this population.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2017.11.036




  • Salvage chemotherapy with taxane and platinum for women with recurrent uterine carcinosarcoma Reviewed

    Koji Matsuo, Malcolm S. Ross, Mayu Yunokawa, Marian S. Johnson, Hiroko Machida, Kohei Omatsu, Merieme M. Klobocista, Dwight D. Im, Shinya Satoh, Tsukasa Baba, Yuji Ikeda, Stephen H. Bush, Kosei Hasegawa, Erin A. Blake, Munetaka Takekuma, Masako Shida, Masako Nishimura, Sosuke Adachi, Tanja Pejovic, Satoshi Takeuchi, Takuhei Yokoyama, Yutaka Ueda, Keita Iwasaki, Takahito M. Miyake, Shiori Yanai, Tadayoshi Nagano, Tadao Takano, Mian M. K. Shahzad, Frederick R. Ueland, Joseph L. Kelley, Lynda D. Roman

    GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY   147 ( 3 )   565 - 571   2017.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Objective. To examine survival after recurrence (SAR) among women with recurrent uterine carcinosarcoma who received a taxane/platinum doublet as the first-line salvage chemotherapy.
    Methods. We retrospectively examined 148 women with recurrent uterine carcinosarcoma who received salvage chemotherapy within a cohort of 906 uterine carcinosarcomas. An independent association of salvage chemotherapy type and SAR was examined with multivariate analysis.
    Results. There were 71 (48.0%) women who received a taxane/platinum regimen. On univariate analysis, women who received a taxane/platinum doublet had a higher 2-year SAR rate compared to women who received non-taxane/platinum regimens (55.5% versus 34.8%, P &lt; 0.001). On multivariate analysis, use of taxane/platinum regimen was independently associated with improved SAR compared to the non-taxane/platinum regimens (adjusted-hazard ratio [HR] 0.56, 95% confidence interval [CI] 035 to 0.91, P = 0.02). When stratified by disease-free interval, women with a disease-free interval &gt;= 6 months who received a taxane/platinum doublet had a higher 2-year SAR rate compared to those who received non-taxane/platinum regimens (61.9% versus 40.0%, HR 0.46, 95% CI 028 to 0.75, P = 0.002); conversely, in women with a disease-free interval &lt;6 months, 2-year SAR rates were similar between the two groups (20.5% versus 18.4%, HR 0.80, 95% CI 033 to 1.90, P = 0.61). Among women who received a taxane/platinum doublet as adjuvant chemotherapy, re-treatment with taxane/platinum doublet as salvage chemotherapy remained beneficial (2-year SAR rate, 62.1% versus 39.7%, HR 0.40, 95% CI 0.18 to 0.86, P = 0.019).
    Conclusion. Our study suggests that taxane/platinum doublet may be a more effective chemotherapy regimen compared to other regimens among women with recurrent uterine carcinosarcoma, especially for those who had a disease-free interval of &gt;= 6 months. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2017.10.008

    Web of Science


  • Impact of adjuvant therapy on recurrence patterns in stage I uterine carcinosarcoma Reviewed

    Koji Matsuo, Kohei Omatsu, Malcolm S. Ross, Marian S. Johnson, Mayu Yunokawa, Merieme M. Klobocista, Dwight D. Im, Stephen H. Bush, Yutaka Ueda, Tadao Takano, Erin A. Blake, Kosei Hasegawa, Tsukasa Baba, Masako Shida, Shinya Satoh, Takuhei Yokoyama, Hiroko Machida, Sosuke Adachi, Yuji Ikeda, Keita Iwasaki, Takahito M. Miyake, Shiori Yanai, Masato Nishimura, Tadayoshi Nagano, Munetaka Takekuma, Satoshi Takeuchi, Tanja Pejovic, Mian Mk Shahzad, Frederick R. Ueland, Joseph L. Kelley, Lynda D. Roman

    GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY   145 ( 1 )   78 - 87   2017.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Background. To examine recurrence patterns in women with stage I uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS) stratified by adjuvant therapy pattern.
    Methods. We examined 443 cases of stage I UCS derived from a retrospective cohort of 1192 UCS cases from 26 institutions. Adjuvant therapy patterns after primary hysterectomy-based surgery were correlated to recurrence patterns.
    Results. The most common adjuvant therapy was chemotherapy alone (41.5%) followed by chemotherapy/radiotherapy (15.8%) and radiotherapy alone (8.4%). Distant-recurrence was the most common recurrence pattern (5-year cumulative rate, 28.1%) followed by local-recurrence (13.3%). On multivariate analysis, chemotherapy but not radiotherapy remained an independent prognostic factor for decreased risk of local-recurrence (5-year cumulative rates 8.7% versus 19.8%, adjusted-hazard ratio [HR] 0.46, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.25-0.83, P = 0.01) and distant-recurrence (21.2% versus 38.0%, adjusted-HR 0.41, 95%Cl 027-0.62, P &lt; 0.001). The chemotherapy/radiotherapy group had a lower 5-year cumulative local-recurrence rate compared to the chemotherapy alone group but it did not reach statistical significance (5.1% versus 10.1%, adjusted-HR 0.46, 95%Cl 0.13-1.58, P = 022). Radiotherapy significantly decreased local-recurrence when tumors had high-grade carcinoma, sarcoma component dominance, and deep myometrial tumor invasion (all, P &lt; 0.05); and combining radiotherapy with chemotherapy was significantly associated with decreased local-recurrence compared to chemotherapy alone in the presence of multiple risk factors (5-year cumulative rates, 2.5% versus 21.8%, HR 0.12, 95%CI 0.02-0.90; P = 0.013) but not in none/single factor (P = 0.36).
    Conclusion. Adjuvant chemotherapy appears to be effective to control both local- and distant-recurrences in stage I UCS; adding radiotherapy to chemotherapy may be effective to control local-recurrence when the tumor exhibits multiple risk factors. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2017.02.001

    Web of Science


  • Tumor characteristics and survival outcomes of women with tamoxifen-related uterine carcinosarcoma Reviewed

    Koji Matsuo, Malcolm S. Ross, Stephen H. Bush, Mayu Yunokawa, Erin A. Blake, Tadao Takano, Yutaka Ueda, Tsukasa Baba, Shinya Satoh, Masako Shida, Yuji Ikeda, Sosuke Adachi, Takuhei Yokoyama, Munetaka Takekuma, Satoshi Takeuchi, Masato Nishimura, Keita Iwasaki, Shiori Yanai, Merieme M. Klobocista, Marian S. Johnson, Hiroko Machida, Kosei Hasegawa, Takahito M. Miyake, Tadayoshi Nagano, Tanja Pejovic, Mian M. K. Shahzad, Dwight D. Im, Kohei Omatsu, Frederick R. Ueland, Joseph L. Kelley, Lynda D. Roman

    GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY   144 ( 2 )   329 - 335   2017.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Objective. To examine tumor characteristics and survival outcome of women with uterine carcinosarcoma who had a history of tamoxifen use.
    Methods. This is a multicenter retrospective study examining stage I-IV uterine carcinosarcoma cases based on history of tamoxifen use. Patient demographics, tumor characteristics, treatment pattern, and survival outcomes were compared between tamoxifen users and non-users.
    Results. Sixty-six cases of tamoxifen-related uterine carcinosarcoma were compared to 1009 cases with no history of tamoxifen use. Tamoxifen users were more likely to be older (mean age, 69 versus 64, P &lt; 0.001) and had a past history of malignancy (100% versus 12.7%, P &lt; 0.001). Tamoxifen-related uterine carcinosarcoma was significantly associated with a higher proportion of stage IA disease (48.4% versus 29.9%) and a lower risk of stage IVB disease (7.8% versus 16.0%) compared to tamoxifen-unrelated carcinosarcoma (P = 0.034). Deep myometrial tumor invasion was less common in uterine carcinosarcoma related to tamoxifen use (28.3% versus 48.8%, P = 0.002). On univariate analysis, tamoxifen use was not associated with progression-free survival (5-year rates 44.5% versus 46.8%, P = 0.48) and disease-specific survival (64.0% versus 59.1%, P = 0.39). After adjusting for age, past history of malignancy, stage, residual disease status at surgery, and postoperative treatment patterns, tamoxifen use was not associated with progression-free survival (adjusted-hazard ratio 0.86, 95% confidence interval 0.50 to 1.50, P = 0.60) and disease-specific survival (adjusted-hazard ratio 0.68, 95% confidence interval 0.36 to 1.29, P = 0.24).
    Conclusion. Our study suggests that tamoxifen-related uterine carcinosarcoma may have favorable tumor characteristics but have comparable stage-specific survival outcomes compared to tamoxifen-unrelated uterine carcinosarcoma. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2016.11.042

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  • Realistic fear of cervical cancer risk in Japan depending on birth year Reviewed

    Asami Yagi, Yutaka Ueda, Tomomi Egawa-Takata, Yusuke Tanaka, Ruriko Nakae, Akiko Morimoto, Yoshito Terai, Masahide Ohmichi, Tomoyuki Ichimura, Toshiyuki Sumi, Hiromi Murata, Hidetaka Okada, Hidekatsu Nakai, Masaki Mandai, Shinya Matsuzaki, Eiji Kobayashi, Kiyoshi Yoshino, Tadashi Kimura, Junko Saito, Yumiko Hori, Eiichi Morii, Tomio Nakayama, Yukio Suzuki, Yoko Motoki, Akiko Sukegawa, Mikiko Asai-Sato, Etsuko Miyagi, Manako Yamaguchi, Risa Kudo, Sosuke Adachi, Masayuki Sekine, Takayuki Enomoto, Yorihiko Horikoshi, Tetsu Takagi, Kentaro Shimura

    HUMAN VACCINES & IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS   13 ( 7 )   1700 - 1704   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC  

    Objective: In Japan, the possible adverse events upon HPV vaccination was widely reported in the media. MHLW announced the suspension of aggressively encouraging HPV vaccination in 2013, and inoculation rate has sharply declined. The aim of the present study was estimation of future cervical cancer risk.
    Methods: The latest data on vaccination rate at each age in Sakai City were first investigated. The rate of experiencing sexual intercourse at the age of 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and throughout lifetime is assumed to be 0%, 1%, 2%, 5%, 15%, 25%, and 85% respectively. The cervical cancer risk was regarded to be proportional to the relative risk of HPV infection over the lifetime. The risk in those born in 1993 whom HPV vaccination was not available yet for was defined to be 1.0000.
    Results: The cumulative vaccination rates were 65.8% in those born in 1994, 72.7% in 1995, 72.8% in 1996, 75.7% in 1997, 75.0% in 1998, 66.8% in 1999, 4.1% in 2000, 1.5% in 2001, 0.1% in 2002, and 0.1% in 2003. The relative cervical cancer risk in those born in 1994-1999 was reduced to 0.56-0.70, however, the rate in those born in 2000-2003 was 0.98-1.0, almost the same risk as before introduction of the vaccine.
    Discussion: The cumulative initial vaccination rates were different by the year of birth. It is confirmed that the risk of future cervical cancer differs in accordance with the year of birth. For these females, cervical cancer screening should be recommended more strongly.

    DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2017.1292190

    Web of Science


  • Project conducted in Hirakata to improve cervical cancer screening rates in 20-year-old Japanese: Influencing parents to recommend that their daughters undergo cervical cancer screening Reviewed

    Asami Yagi, Yutaka Ueda, Tomomi Egawa-Takata, Yusuke Tanaka, Yoshito Terai, Masahide Ohmichi, Tomoyuki Ichimura, Toshiyuki Sumi, Hiromi Murata, Hidetaka Okada, Hidekatsu Nakai, Masaki Mandai, Shinya Matsuzaki, Eiji Kobayashi, Kiyoshi Yoshino, Tadashi Kimura, Junko Saito, Yumiko Hori, Eiichi Morii, Tomio Nakayama, Yukio Suzuki, Yoko Motoki, Akiko Sukegawa, Mikiko Asai-Sato, Etsuko Miyagi, Manako Yamaguchi, Risa Kudo, Sosuke Adachi, Masayuki Sekine, Takayuki Enomoto, Yorihiko Horikoshi, Tetsu Takagi, Kentaro Shimura

    JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY RESEARCH   42 ( 12 )   1802 - 1807   2016.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Aim: In Japan, the rate of routine cervical cancer screening is quite low, and the incidence of cervical cancer has recently been increasing. Our objective was to investigate ways to effectively influence parental willingness to recommend that their 20-year-old daughters undergo cervical cancer screening.
    Methods: We targeted parents whose 20-year-old daughters were living with them. In fiscal year 2013, as usual, the daughter received a reminder postcard several months after they had received a free coupon for cervical cancer screening. In fiscal year 2014, the targeted parents received a cervical cancer information leaflet, as well as a cartoon about cervical cancer to show to their daughters, with a request that they recommend to their daughter that she undergo cervical cancer screening. The subsequent screening rates for fiscal years 2013 and 2014 were compared.
    Results: The cervical cancer screening rate of 20-year-old women whose parents received the information packet in fiscal year 2014 was significantly higher than for the women who, in fiscal year 2013, received only a simple reminder postcard (P &lt; 0.001). As a result, the total screening rate for 20-year-old women for the whole of the 2014 fiscal year was significantly increased over 2013 (P &lt; 0.001).
    Conclusion: For the first time, we have shown that the parents of 20-year-old daughters can be motivated to recommend that their daughters receive their first cervical cancer screening. This was achieved by sending a cervical cancer information leaflet and a cartoon about cervical cancer for these parents to show to their daughters. This method was significantly effective for improving cervical cancer screening rates.

    DOI: 10.1111/jog.13122

    Web of Science


  • Association of Low-Dose Aspirin and Survival of Women With Endometrial Cancer Reviewed

    Koji Matsuo, Sigita S. Cahoon, Kosuke Yoshihara, Masako Shida, Mamoru Kakuda, Sosuke Adachi, Aida Moeini, Hiroko Machida, Jocelyn Garcia-Sayre, Yutaka Ueda, Takayuki Enomoto, Mikio Mikami, Lynda D. Roman, Anil K. Sood

    OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY   128 ( 1 )   127 - 137   2016.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    OBJECTIVE: To examine the survival outcomes in women with endometrial cancer who were taking low-dose aspirin (81-100 mg/d).
    METHODS: A multicenter retrospective study was conducted examining patients with stage I-IV endometrial cancer who underwent hysterectomy-based surgical staging between January 2000 and December 2013 (N=1,687). Patient demographics, medical comorbidities, medication types, tumor characteristics, and treatment patterns were correlated to survival outcomes. A Cox proportional hazard regression model was used to estimate adjusted hazard ratio for disease-free and disease-specific overall survival.
    RESULTS: One hundred fifty-eight patients (9.4%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 8.8-11.9) were taking low-dose aspirin. Median follow-up time for the study cohort was 31.5 months. One hundred twenty-seven patients (7.5%) died of endometrial cancer. Low-dose aspirin use was significantly correlated with concurrent obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hypercholesterolemia (all P&lt;.001). Low-dose aspirin users were more likely to take other antihypertensive, antiglycemic, and anticholesterol agents (all P&lt;.05). Low-dose aspirin use was not associated with histologic subtype, tumor grade, nodal metastasis, or cancer stage (all P&gt;.05). On multivariable analysis, low-dose aspirin use remained an independent prognostic factor associated with an improved 5-year disease-free survival rate (90.6% compared with 80.9%, adjusted hazard ratio 0.46, 95% CI 0.25-0.86, P=.014) and disease-specific overall survival rate (96.4% compared with 87.3%, adjusted hazard ratio 0.23, 95% CI 0.08-0.64, P=.005). The increased survival effect noted with low-dose aspirin use was greatest in patients whose age was younger than 60 years (5-year disease-free survival rates, 93.9% compared with 84.0%, P=.013), body mass index was 30 or greater (92.2% compared with 81.4%, P=.027), who had type I cancer (96.5% compared with 88.6%, P=.029), and who received postoperative whole pelvic radiotherapy (88.2% compared with 61.5%, P=.014). These four factors remained significant for disease-specific overall survival (all P&lt;.05).
    CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that low-dose aspirin use is associated with improved survival outcomes in women with endometrial cancer, especially in those who are young, obese, with low-grade disease, and who receive postoperative radiotherapy.

    DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000001491

    Web of Science


  • Significance of histologic pattern of carcinoma and sarcoma components on survival outcomes of uterine carcinosarcoma. Reviewed

    Matsuo K, Takazawa Y, Ross MS, Elishaev E, Podzielinski I, Yunokawa M, Sheridan TB, Bush SH, Klobocista MM, Blake EA, Takano T, Matsuzaki S, Baba T, Satoh S, Shida M, Nishikawa T, Ikeda Y, Adachi S, Yokoyama T, Takekuma M, Fujiwara K, Hazama Y, Kadogami D, Moffitt MN, Takeuchi S, Nishimura M, Iwasaki K, Ushioda N, Johnson MS, Yoshida M, Hakam A, Li SW, Richmond AM, Machida H, Mhawech-Fauceglia P, Ueda Y, Yoshino K, Yamaguchi K, Oishi T, Kajiwara H, Hasegawa K, Yasuda M, Kawana K, Suda K, Miyake TM, Moriya T, Yuba Y, Morgan T, Fukagawa T, Wakatsuki A, Sugiyama T, Pejovic T, Nagano T, Shimoya K, Andoh M, Shiki Y, Enomoto T, Sasaki T, Fujiwara K, Mikami M, Shimada M, Konishi I, Kimura T, Post MD, Shahzad MM, Im DD, Yoshida H, Omatsu K, Ueland FR, Kelley JL, Karabakhtsian RG, Roman LD

    Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology   27 ( 7 )   1257 - 1266   2016.7

  • Japanese crisis of HPV vaccination Reviewed

    Masayuki Sekine, Risa Kudo, Sosuke Adachi, Manako Yamaguchi, Yutaka Ueda, Tomomi Takata, Akiko Morimoto, Yusuke Tanaka, Asami Yagi, Etsuko Miyagi, Takayuki Enomoto

    Int J Pathol Clin Res   2 ( 039s )   2016.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Tumor Characteristics and Survival Outcome of Endometrial Cancer Arising in Adenomyosis: An Exploratory Analysis Reviewed

    Koji Matsuo, Aida Moeini, Hiroko Machida, Christopher A. Scannell, Jennifer K. Casabar, Mamoru Kakuda, Sosuke Adachi, Jocelyn Garcia-Sayre, Yutaka Ueda, Lynda D. Roman

    ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY   23 ( 3 )   959 - 967   2016.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Background. Endometrial cancer arising in adenomyosis (EC-AIA) is a rare entity of endometrial cancer, and its clinical significance has not been well studied. This study aimed to examine the tumor characteristics and survival outcomes of EC-AIA.
    Methods. An exploratory analysis was performed to compare EC-AIA and historical control cases. For this study, EC-AIA cases were identified via a systematic literature search using PubMed/MEDLINE with entry keywords "endometrial cancer OR uterine cancer'' AND "adenomyosis'' (n = 46). The control group comprised consecutive non-EC-AIA cases from four institutions that had hysterectomy-based surgical staging (n = 1294). Patient demographics, pathology results, and survival outcomes were evaluated between the two groups.
    Results. The EC-AIA group was significantly older than the control group (58.9 vs. 55.3 years; P = 0.032). In terms of tumor characteristics, 56.5 % of the EC-AIA cases showed tumor within the myometrium without endometrial extension, and the EC-AIA group was significantly more likely to have tumors with more than 50 % myometrial invasion (51.6 vs. 26.6 %; P = 0.002) and serous/clear cell histology (22.2 vs. 8.2 %, P = 0.002) while less likely to express estrogen receptor (14.3 vs. 84.6 %; P &lt; 0.001). Grade and stage distributions were similar (P &gt; 0.05). In the univariate analysis, the EC-AIA group had a significantly poorer disease-free survival than the control group (5-year rate: 71.4 vs. 80.6 %; P = 0.014). In the multi-variate analysis, with control for age, ethnicity, histology, grade, and stage, EA-CIC remained an independent prognostic factor for decreased disease-free survival (adjusted hazard ratio, 3.07; 95 % confidence interval 1.55-6.08; P = 0.001).
    Conclusions. The study suggested that endometrial cancer arising in adenomyosis may be an aggressive variant of endometrial cancer.

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-015-4952-y

    Web of Science


  • 日本の産婦人科医のHPVワクチン接種に対する姿勢と彼らの娘のワクチン接種状況(Attitudes among Japanese Obstetrician/Gynecologists toward HPV vaccination, and the vaccination status of their daughters)

    Takata Tomomi, Ueda Yutaka, Morimoto Akiko, Tanaka Yusuke, Matsuzaki Shinya, Kobayashi Eiji, Yoshino Kiyoshi, Kudo Risa, Adachi Sosuke, Sekine Masayuki, Enomoto Takayuki, Kimura Tadashi

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   68 ( 2 )   582 - 582   2016.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • Association of NR3C1/Glucocorticoid Receptor gene SNP with azoospermia in Japanese men Reviewed

    Makoto Chihara, Kosuke Yoshihara, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Sosuke Adachi, Hiroyuki Okada, Katsunori Kashima, Takaaki Sato, Atsushi Tanaka, Kenichi Tanaka, Takayuki Enomoto


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    AimThe molecular pathogenesis of non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) is unclear. Our aim was to identify the genetic susceptibility for NOA in Japanese men by using a combination of transcriptome network analysis and SNP genotyping.
    Material and MethodsWe searched for candidate genes using RNA transcriptome network analysis of 2611 NOA-related genes that we had previously reported. We analyzed candidate genes for disease linkage with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the genomes of 335 Japanese men with NOA and 410 healthy controls using SNP-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction TaqMan assays.
    ResultsThree candidate genes (NR3C1, YBX2, and BCL2) were identified by the transcriptome network analysis, each with three SNP. Allele frequency analysis of the nine SNP indicated a significantly higher frequency of the NR3C1 rs852977 G allele in NOA cases compared with controls (corrected P = 5.7e-15; odds ratio = 3.20; 95% confidence interval, 2.40-4.26). The other eight candidate polymorphisms showed no significant association.
    ConclusionThe NR3C1 rs852977 polymorphism is a potential marker for genetic susceptibility to NOA in Japanese men. Further studies are necessary to clarify the association between the NR3C1 polymorphism and alterations of glucocorticoid signaling pathway leading to male infertility.

    DOI: 10.1111/jog.12877

    Web of Science


  • 腹腔鏡下手術中、皮下気腫を生じた一例

    浅野 堅策, 山口 真奈子, 山岸 葉子, 磯部 真倫, 安達 聡介

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   110 ( 2 )   64 - 66   2015.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  



  • Susceptibility to male infertility: replication study in Japanese men looking for an association with four GWAS-derived loci identified in European men Reviewed

    Makoto Chihara, Kosuke Yoshihara, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Yuki Yokota, Sosuke Adachi, Hiroyuki Okada, Katsunori Kashima, Takaaki Sato, Atsushi Tanaka, Kenichi Tanaka, Takayuki Enomoto

    JOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS   32 ( 6 )   903 - 908   2015.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS  

    A previous genome-wide association study in European men identified four single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci associated with male infertility. Our aim was to replicate, if possible, the association of these SNPs with Japanese male infertility.
    We genotyped four SNPs (rs5911500, rs10246939, rs2059807, and rs11204546) in 517 Japanese patients with male infertility and 369 fertile controls using SNP-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction TaqMan assays. Subsequently, we divided patients with male infertility into azoospermia (n = 417) and oligospermia subgroups (n = 70).
    The four SNPs previously identified in European men showed no significant association with collective male infertility in our Japanese cohort. However, allele frequency analysis did indicate a significantly higher frequency of the rs11204546 C allele of the OR2W3 gene in the oligospermia subset of infertility patients compared with controls (p = 0.0037; odds ratio = 1.74; 95 % confidence interval, 1.21-2.53).
    Although this study was somewhat limited by overall sample size, the OR2W3 gene polymorphism rs11204546 was significantly associated with oligospermia in Japanese men, suggesting that OR2W3 might be involved in genetic susceptibility to Japanese male infertility as well as in European males.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10815-015-0468-4

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  • Survival outcome of stage I ovarian clear cell carcinoma with lympho-vascular space invasion Reviewed

    Koji Matsuo, Kiyoshi Yoshino, Kosei Hasegawa, Ryusuke Murakami, Yuji Ikeda, Sosuke Adachi, Kosuke Hiramatsu, Takuhei Yokoyama, Masato Nishimura, Todd B. Sheridan, Takayuki Enomoto, Keiichi Fujiwara, Noriomi Matsumura, Ikuo Konishi, Christina Fotopoulou, Lynda D. Roman, Anil K. Sood

    GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY   136 ( 2 )   198 - 204   2015.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Background. The clinical impact of lympho-vascular space invasion (LVSI) in early-stage ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) is not well understood. Given the distinct tumor biology and survival patterns of OCCC, the significance of LVSI on survival outcome and treatment response was examined in OCCC.
    Methods. A multicenter study was conducted to examine stage IA-IC3 OCCC cases that underwent primary surgical staging including lymphadenectomy. LVSI status was determined from archived histopathology slides, correlated with clinico-pathological results, chemotherapy patterns, and survival outcomes.
    Results. LVSI was observed in 47 (20.3%) among 232 cases. In univariate analysis, LVSI was associated with older age (p = 0.042), large tumor size (p = 0.048), and stage IC (p = 0.035). In survival analysis, LVSI was associated with decreased disease-free survival (DFS, 5-year rate, 70.6% versus 92.1%, p = 0.0004) and overall survival (OS, 78.8% versus 93.3%, p = 0.008) on univariate analysis. After controlling for age, tumor size, stage, and chemotherapy use, LVSI remained an,independent prognostic factor for decreased survival outcomes (DFS, hazard ratio [HR] 4.35, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.73-10.9, p = 0.002; and OS, HR 4.73, 95%CI 1.60-14.0, p = 0.015). Among 210 cases who received postoperative chemotherapy, while regimen type did not impact survival outcome regardless of LVSI status (DFS, p = 0.63), the number of administered cycles showed a survival benefit towards cycles for patients with LVSI-positive tumors (DFS, p = 0.009; and OS, p = 0.016).
    Conclusion. LVSI is an important marker to predict survival outcome of stage I OCCC. Regardless of chemotherapy type, patients with stage I OCCC showing LVSI may benefit from receiving postoperative chemotherapy. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2014.12.006

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  • Identification of novel exonic mobile element insertions in epithelial ovarian cancers. Reviewed International journal

    Takahide Hayano, Shiro Yamada, Kazuyoshi Hosomichi, Hirofumi Nakaoka, Kosuke Yoshihara, Sosuke Adachi, Katsunori Kashima, Kenichi Tanaka, Takayuki Enomoto, Ituro Inoue

    Human genome variation   2   15030 - 15030   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Mobile elements comprise about half of the human genome. Three active mobile element families (L1, Alu, and SVA) possibly cause diseases such as cancer. We conducted mobile element insertion (MEI) profiling of 44 epithelial ovarian cancers using exome-sequencing data. We identified a total of 106 MEIs using the Mobster program, 8 of which were novel exonic MEIs.

    DOI: 10.1038/hgv.2015.30



  • Molecular characterization of an intact p53 pathway subtype in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Reviewed International journal

    Takahide Hayano, Yuki Yokota, Kazuyoshi Hosomichi, Hirofumi Nakaoka, Kosuke Yoshihara, Sosuke Adachi, Katsunori Kashima, Hitoshi Tsuda, Takuya Moriya, Kenichi Tanaka, Takayuki Enomoto, Ituro Inoue

    PloS one   9 ( 12 )   e114491   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) is the most aggressive histological type of epithelial ovarian cancer, which is characterized by a high frequency of somatic TP53 mutations. We performed exome analyses of tumors and matched normal tissues of 34 Japanese patients with HGSOC and observed a substantial number of patients without TP53 mutation (24%, 8/34). Combined with the results of copy number variation analyses, we subdivided the 34 patients with HGSOC into subtypes designated ST1 and ST2. ST1 showed intact p53 pathway and was characterized by fewer somatic mutations and copy number alterations. In contrast, the p53 pathway was impaired in ST2, which is characterized by abundant somatic mutations and copy number alterations. Gene expression profiles combined with analyses using the Gene Ontology resource indicate the involvement of specific biological processes (mitosis and DNA helicase) that are relevant to genomic stability and cancer etiology. In particular we demonstrate the presence of a novel subtype of patients with HGSOC that is characterized by an intact p53 pathway, with limited genomic alterations and specific gene expression profiles.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114491



  • A nonsynonymous variant of IL1A is associated with endometriosis in Japanese population. Reviewed International journal

    Yuki Hata, Hirofumi Nakaoka, Kosuke Yoshihara, Sosuke Adachi, Kazufumi Haino, Masayuki Yamaguchi, Nobumichi Nishikawa, Katsunori Kashima, Tetsuro Yahata, Atsushi Tajima, Atsushi Watanabe, Shigeo Akira, Kazuyoshi Hosomichi, Ituro Inoue, Kenichi Tanaka

    Journal of human genetics   58 ( 8 )   517 - 20   2013.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Our previous genome-wide association study has demonstrated that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in intronic and downstream regions of IL1A (interleukin 1α) were associated with the risk of endometriosis. These SNPs on the genome-wide association study platform could be only surrogates for the true causal variant. Thus, we resequenced all the exons of IL1A in 377 patients with endometriosis and 457 healthy controls. We detected seven rare variants (minor allele frequency <0.01) and four common variants. All the rare variants were not associated with endometriosis. The four common variants (rs17561, rs1304037, rs2856836 and rs3783553) in IL1A were significantly associated with endometriosis (P=0.0024, 0.0024, 0.0014 and 0.0061, respectively). All the four SNPs were within a linkage disequilibrium block. Among them, only rs17561 was nonsynonymous (p.A114S), which has been reported to be associated with susceptibility to ovarian cancer. Taken together, we examined association between rs17561 and endometriosis in an independent validation data set (524 patients and 533 healthy controls) replicating significant association (P=4.0 × 10(-5); odds ratio (OR), 1.91; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.41-2.61). Meta-analysis by combining results from the two stages strengthened the evidence of association (P=2.5 × 10(-7); OR, 1.90; 95% CI, 1.49-2.43). Our findings demonstrated that the nonsynonymous variant of IL1A might confer genetic susceptibility to endometriosis in Japanese population.

    DOI: 10.1038/jhg.2013.32



  • Molecular biology of endometriosis

    Sosuke Adachi, Takayuki Enomoto

    Endometriosis: Risk Factors, Symptoms and Management   269 - 274   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:Nova Science Publishers, Inc.  

    Endometriosis is considered a common yet complex disease, with many factors, including genetic and environmental, involved in its development. Evidence for an underlying genetic cause comes from the observation that the incidence in relatives of affected women is more common than in women without a family history of endometriosis. Although many genetic approaches, such as linkage analysis and candidate-gene-based case-control studies have been performed looking for this genetic link, none have yet been successful in identifying a replicable genetic factor for endometriosis. Like other common complex diseases, the hazard ratio of genetic factors contributing to endometriosis is estimated to be low. Recently, high throughput genome-wide association (GWA) analysis using high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays has been performed to identify genetic susceptibility to a number of complex diseases, leading to many genetic markers for those diseases being identified. In this chapter, we review the many genetic factors contributing to endometriosis risk based on the findings of the very latest reports, and present an outline summary of GWA analyses conducted for endometriosis. © 2013 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Possible involvement of the E-cadherin gene in genetic susceptibility to endometriosis Reviewed

    Kunihiko Yoshida, Kosuke Yoshihara, Sosuke Adachi, Kazufumi Haino, Koji Nishino, Masayuki Yamaguchi, Nobumichi Nishikawa, Katsunori Kashima, Tetsuro Yahata, Hideaki Masuzaki, Hidetaka Katabuchi, Kenichiro Ikuma, Hiroshi Suginami, Kenichi Tanaka

    HUMAN REPRODUCTION   27 ( 6 )   1685 - 1689   2012.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Endometriotic cells display invasive characteristics, despite their benign histological appearance. Recently, the epithelialmesenchymal transition, in which epithelial cells acquire mesenchymal and migratory properties, has attracted attention as a mechanism of tumor invasion. We aimed to investigate the association between endometriosis and polymorphisms of the E-cadherin gene, a central player in the epithelialmesenchymal transition, in Japanese women.
    Twelve single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the E-cadherin gene were identified by real-time polymerase chain reaction using a TaqMan assay in 511 women with endometriosis (the majority in Stages III and IV) and 498 healthy controls.
    Allele frequency analysis indicated that there was a marginally higher frequency of the rs4783689 C allele in women with endometriosis compared with controls (corrected P 0.007; odds ratio 1.37; 95 confidence interval, 1.141.64). No significant associations with endometriosis were found for the other 11 SNPs.
    Although this study was limited by sample size, the E-cadherin gene polymorphism rs4783689 was marginally associated with endometriosis in the Japanese population, suggesting that E-cadherin might be involved in genetic susceptibility to endometriosis.

    DOI: 10.1093/humrep/des080

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  • Germline Copy Number Variations in BRCA1-Associated Ovarian Cancer Patients Reviewed

    Kosuke Yoshihara, Atsushi Tajima, Sosuke Adachi, Jinhua Quan, Masayuki Sekine, Hiroaki Kase, Tetsuro Yahata, Ituro Inoue, Kenichi Tanaka

    GENES CHROMOSOMES & CANCER   50 ( 3 )   167 - 177   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-LISS  

    We investigated characteristics of germline copy number variations (CNV) in BRCA1-associated ovarian cancer patients by comparing them to CNVs present in sporadic ovarian cancer patients. Germline CNVs in 51 BRCA1-associated, 33 sporadic ovarian cancer patients, and 47 healthy women were analyzed by both signal intensity and genotyping data using the Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0. The total number of CNVs per genome was greater in the sporadic group (median 26, range 12-34) than in the BRCA1 group (median 21, range 11-35; post hoc P &lt; 0.05) or normal group (median 20, range 7-32; post hoc P &lt; 0.05). While the number of amplifications per genome was higher in the sporadic group (median 13, range 7-26) than in the BRCA1 group (median 8, range 3-23; post hoc P &lt; 0.001), the number of deletions per genome was higher in the BRCA1 group (median 12, range 6-24) than in the sporadic group (median 9, range 3 17; post hoc P &lt; 0.01). In addition, 31 previously unknown CNV regions were present specifically in the BRCA1 group. When we performed pathway analysis on the 241 overlapping genes mapped to these novel CNV regions, the &apos;purine metabolism&apos; and &apos;14-3-3-mediated signaling&apos; pathways were over-represented (Fisher&apos;s exact test, P &lt; 0.01). Our study shows that there are qualitative differences in genomic CNV profiles between BRCA1-associated and sporadic ovarian cancer patients. Further studies are necessary to clarify the significance of the genomic CNV profile unique to BRCA1-associated ovarian cancer patients. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/gcc.20841

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  • Identification of Receptor Tyrosine Kinase, Discoidin Domain Receptor 1 (DDR1), as a Potential Biomarker for Serous Ovarian Cancer Reviewed

    Jinhua Quan, Tetsuro Yahata, Sosuke Adachi, Kosuke Yoshihara, Kenichi Tanaka

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES   12 ( 2 )   971 - 982   2011.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    Ovarian cancer, one of the most common gynecological malignancies, has an aggressive phenotype. It is necessary to develop novel and more effective treatment strategies against advanced disease. Protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) play an important role in the signal transduction pathways involved in tumorigenesis, and represent potential targets for anticancer therapies. In this study, we performed cDNA subtraction following polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using degenerate oligonucleotide primers to identify specifically overexpressed PTKs in ovarian cancer. Three PTKs, janus kinase 1, insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor, and discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1), were identified and only DDR1 was overexpressed in all ovarian cancer tissues examined for the validation by quantitative real-time PCR. The DDR1 protein was expressed in 63% (42/67) of serous ovarian cancer tissue, whereas it was undetectable in normal ovarian surface epithelium. DDR1 was expressed significantly more frequently in high-grade (79%) and advanced stage (77%) tumors compared to low-grade (50%) and early stage (43%) tumors. The expression of the DDR1 protein significantly correlated with poor disease-free survival. Although its functional role and clinical utility remain to be examined in future studies, our results suggest that the expression of DDR1 may serve as both a potential biomarker and a molecular target for advanced ovarian cancer.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms12020971

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  • Meta-analysis of genome-wide association scans for genetic susceptibility to endometriosis in Japanese population Reviewed

    Sosuke Adachi, Atsushi Tajima, Jinhua Quan, Kazufumi Haino, Kosuke Yoshihara, Hideaki Masuzaki, Hidetaka Katabuchi, Kenichiro Ikuma, Hiroshi Suginami, Nao Nishida, Ryozo Kuwano, Yuji Okazaki, Yoshiya Kawamura, Tsukasa Sasaki, Katsushi Tokunaga, Ituro Inoue, Kenichi Tanaka

    JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS   55 ( 12 )   816 - 821   2010.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    To identify susceptibility genes for endometriosis in Japanese women, genome-wide association (GWA) analysis was performed using two case-control cohorts genotyped with the Affymetrix Mapping 500K Array or Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0. In each of the two array cohorts, stringent quality control (QC) filters were applied to newly obtained genotype data, together with previously analyzed data from the Japanese Integrated Database Project. After QC-based filtering of samples and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in each cohort, 282 838 SNPs in both genotyping platforms were tested for association with endometriosis using a meta-analysis of the two GWA studies with 696 patients with endometriosis and 825 controls. The meta-analysis revealed that a common susceptibility locus conferring a large effect on the disease risk was unlikely. On the other hand, an excess of SNPs with P-values &lt;10(-4) (36 vs 28 SNPs expected by chance) was observed in the meta-analysis. Of note, four of the top five SNPs with P-values &lt;10(-5) were located in and around IL1A (interleukin 1 alpha), which might be a functional candidate gene for endometriosis. Further studies with larger case-control cohorts will be necessary to elucidate the genetic risk factors. Journal of Human Genetics (2010) 55, 816-821; doi:10.1038/jhg.2010.118; published online 16 September 2010

    DOI: 10.1038/jhg.2010.118

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  • Serum leptin-adiponectin ratio and endometrial cancer risk in postmenopausal female subjects Reviewed

    Naohiro Ashizawa, Tetsuro Yahata, Jinhua Quan, Sosuke Adachi, Kosuke Yoshihara, Kenichi Tanaka

    GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY   119 ( 1 )   65 - 69   2010.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Objective. Obesity is a well-known risk factor for the development of endometrial cancer. Elevated endogenous estrogen and insulin resistance are recognized to be major factors that link obesity and cancer development. However, there is increasing evidence that the adipokines adiponectin and leptin, which are directly produced in adipose tissue, impact several obesity-related cancers. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the relationships of the concentration of leptin, adiponectin, and the leptin-to-adiponectin ratio (L/A ratio) with the endometrial cancer risk in postmenopausal female subjects.
    Methods. A case-control study was performed in 146 postmenopausal female subjects with endometrial cancer and 150 control subjects with no history of cancer. The serum levels of the adipokines leptin and adiponectin were measured, and the associations of these adipokines and the L/A ratios with the endometrial cancer risk were analyzed.
    Results. The leptin levels and the L/A ratios were significantly higher in the incident cases of endometrial cancer (8.2 +/- 0.5, 2.05 +/- 1.08 ng/ml) than in the controls subjects (4.5 +/- 0.5, 0.98 +/- 0.18, P&lt;0.0001), whereas the adiponectin levels were significantly lower in the incident cases (6.2 +/- 0.4 mu g/ml) than in the control subjects (9.0 +/- 0.4 mu g/ml, P&lt;0.0001). For the incident cases, the serum levels of the adipokines were significantly correlated with the patient body mass index (BMI) (P&lt;0.001 for leptin, P&lt;0.05 for adiponectin), and the leptin levels and the L/A ratios were significantly correlated with the homeostasis model assessment ratio (HOMA-R) and the fasting insulin levels (P&lt;.001). Higher L/A ratios were found to be significantly associated with an increased risk of endometrial cancer [OR (95% Cl) for the top vs. the bottom tertile of the L/A ratio was 6.0 (3.2-11.9), P-value&lt;0.0001]. Moreover, the ORs of the L/A ratios were higher than those of leptin or adiponectin alone. The association of the L/A ratios with endometrial cancer risk remained after adjusting for the obesity indices, hypertension, and presence of diabetes mellitus.
    Conclusion. The present results suggested that the L/A ratio was independently associated with an increased risk for endometrial cancer development. Additional research will elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which these adipokines are associated with the development of endometrial cancer. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2010.07.007

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  • HPVワクチン 積極的勧奨再開までの道のりと今後の課題

    関根 正幸, 黒澤 めぐみ, 山口 真奈子, 工藤 梨沙, 安達 聡介, 榎本 隆之

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   62 ( Suppl.1 )   122 - 122   2023.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 【乳腺-産婦人科医が知っておくべき必須知識】乳がんの治療と管理 乳がんから発見されたHBOCの産婦人科検診・治療

    西野 幸治, 安達 聡介, 榎本 隆之

    臨床婦人科産科   77 ( 3 )   363 - 369   2023.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)医学書院  



  • Wharton法による腟形成術および腹腔鏡下子宮腟吻合を行った機能性子宮を有する先天性腟欠損症4例の術後経過

    谷地田 希, 小林 暁子, 黒澤 めぐみ, 明石 絵里菜, 工藤 梨沙, 鈴木 美保, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 関根 正幸, 吉原 弘祐

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   75 ( 臨増 )   S - 515   2023.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • HPV関連癌(子宮頸癌および中咽頭癌)における診療の現状と予防への展望 子宮頸癌予防におけるHPVワクチン有効性の実証

    関根 正幸, 黒澤 めぐみ, 山口 真奈子, 工藤 梨沙, 安達 聡介, 榎本 隆之

    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集   59回   SSY4 - 3   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本癌治療学会  


  • 卵黄嚢腫瘍に酷似する組織所見を呈した卵巣明細胞癌の一例

    島 英里, 西野 幸治, 黒澤 めぐみ, 田村 亮, 磯部 真倫, 安達 聡介, 安田 麻友, 齋藤 宏美, 工藤 梨沙, 鈴木 美保, 石黒 竜也, 吉原 弘祐, 小林 暁子, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会学術講演会プログラム・抄録集   63回   223 - 223   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 当院における腹腔鏡下仙骨腟固定術の検討

    島 英里, 小林 暁子, 黒澤 めぐみ, 明石 英彦, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 山口 雅幸, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   73 ( 臨増 )   S - 554   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • HPV16型感染が確認されながらp16免疫染色が陰性であったVIN3の若年症例

    櫛谷 直寿, 小林 暁子, 工藤 梨沙, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 山口 雅幸, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   73 ( 臨増 )   S - 295   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 当院における子宮頸癌IからII期の治療方針に関する検討

    鈴木 美保, 西川 伸道, 山口 真奈子, 新井 龍寿, 明石 絵里菜, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 小林 暁子, 西野 幸治, 山口 雅幸, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   73 ( 臨増 )   S - 307   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 当院における卵巣癌・卵管癌・腹膜癌に対するBevacizumabの使用経験と有害事象に関する検討

    新井 龍寿, 明石 絵里菜, 鈴木 美保, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   73 ( 臨増 )   S - 327   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 日本人女性における性的活動性とHPV感染、子宮頸部組織診異常との関係

    山口 真奈子, 関根 正幸, 工藤 梨沙, 安達 聡介, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   115 ( 1 )   37 - 37   2021.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • 日本人若年女性におけるHPV9価ワクチン導入効果の予測

    山口 真奈子, 関根 正幸, 工藤 梨沙, 安達 聡介, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   39 ( 1 )   277 - 277   2021.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 当院における腹腔鏡下仙骨腟固定術の手術成績および骨盤臓器脱患者における手術術式選択の検討

    小林 暁子, 磯部 真倫, 明石 英彦, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   114 ( 2 )   74 - 74   2020.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • マイクロサテライト不安定性の同定にliquid biopsyが有用であった再発子宮体癌の1例

    明石 英彦, 吉原 弘祐, 安達 聡介, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集   57回   P92 - 7   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本癌治療学会  


  • 多診療科・多職種による小児泌尿生殖器疾患チーム~cloaca board~発足と婦人科の役割

    小林 暁子, 西川 伸道, 春谷 千智, 山口 真奈子, 安達 聡介, 西野 幸治, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本女性医学学会雑誌   27 ( 1 )   156 - 156   2019.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本女性医学学会  


  • NILM判定後1年半で子宮頸癌IIB期となった骨盤臓器脱の一例

    小林 暁子, 西野 幸治, 谷地田 希, 工藤 梨沙, 安達 聡介, 榎本 隆之

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   58 ( Suppl.2 )   699 - 699   2019.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 10歳時の右付属器摘出後、左側卵巣に発生した腫瘍摘出術前に妊孕能温存目的に卵子凍結を行った1例

    茅原 誠, 安達 聡介, 関塚 智之, 鈴木 久美子, 石黒 竜也, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之, 高桑 好一, 荒井 勇樹, 木下 義晶, 窪田 正幸

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   113 ( 2 )   95 - 95   2019.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • HPVワクチン公費接種の導入による若年世代のHPV感染プロファイルの変化

    山口 真奈子, 関根 正幸, 工藤 梨沙, 安達 聡介, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   113 ( 2 )   85 - 85   2019.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • 女性の家族性がん 新潟県におけるHBOC診療体制の確立に向けての取り組み

    西野 幸治, 須田 一暁, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之, 五十嵐 真由子, 土田 純子, 中島 真人, 永橋 昌幸, 田澤 立之, 栗山 洋子, 藤田 沙織里, 小山 諭, 菊池 朗, 佐藤 信昭, 金子 耕司, 田村 恵美子, 三富 亜希, 後藤 清恵

    人間ドック   33 ( 2 )   232 - 232   2018.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本人間ドック学会  


  • 機能性子宮体部を持つ先天性腟・頸管欠損症に対する腹腔鏡下広汎頸部摘出術を応用した腹腔鏡下形成手術

    小林 暁子, 磯部 真倫, 上田 遥香, 工藤 梨沙, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   34 ( Suppl.I )   399 - 399   2018.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 腹腔鏡による迅速な診断が可能であった悪性リンパ腫の一例

    西野 幸治, 安達 聡介, 明石 英彦, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 小林 暁子, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   34 ( Suppl.I )   202 - 202   2018.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 機能性単角子宮を伴う先天性腟閉鎖に対する腹腔鏡下頸管形成造腟術を施行した1例

    小林 暁子, 磯部 真倫, 上田 遥香, 工藤 梨沙, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    産婦人科手術   ( 29 )   165 - 165   2018.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)メジカルビュー社  


  • 新潟県におけるHBOC診療の取り組み

    西野 幸治, 須田 一暁, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之, 菊池 朗

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   70 ( 2 )   685 - 685   2018.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 2歳女児の腟内異物の一症例

    上田 遥香, 茅原 誠, 磯部 真倫, 山口 真奈子, 小木 幹奈, 工藤 梨沙, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 小林 暁子, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   112 ( 2 )   99 - 99   2017.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • 当院における前回帝王切開症例の膀胱挙上、癒着に対する剥離の工夫

    小林 暁子, 磯部 真倫, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   33 ( Suppl.I )   1501 - 1501   2017.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 当科で経験した腹腔鏡手術中における器具破損・紛失症例について

    安達 聡介, 磯部 真倫, 上田 遥香, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 郷戸 千賀子, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   112 ( 1 )   48 - 48   2017.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • 先進医療「腹腔鏡下広汎子宮全摘術」施設認定の報告

    磯部 真倫, 上田 遥香, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 小林 暁子, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   112 ( 1 )   43 - 43   2017.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • 癌性腹膜炎との鑑別に腹腔鏡下生検が有用であった結核性腹膜炎の2例

    上田 遥香, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 郷戸 千賀子, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 小林 暁子, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   33 ( Suppl.I )   1460 - 1460   2017.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 当科で経験した腹腔鏡手術中における器具破損・紛失症例について

    安達 聡介, 磯部 真倫, 上田 遥香, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 吉原 弘祐, 小林 暁子, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   33 ( Suppl.I )   1153 - 1153   2017.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 深化 TLHこんな時どうする 教育、普及する側から見たTLH難症例への対応

    磯部 真倫, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   33 ( Suppl.I )   358 - 358   2017.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 卵巣癌に対するベバシズマブ投与後の手術は安全に施行可能か?

    西野 幸治, 上田 遥香, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 郷戸 千賀子, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 小林 暁子, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   35 ( 3 )   634 - 634   2017.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 癌性腹膜炎が疑われた結核性腹膜炎の2症例

    安達 聡介, 上田 遥香, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 郷戸 千賀子, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 小林 暁子, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   35 ( 3 )   614 - 614   2017.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 腹腔鏡下付属器手術後に境界悪性あるいは悪性卵巣腫瘍と診断された9例の検討

    小林 暁子, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 郷戸 千賀子, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   35 ( 3 )   596 - 596   2017.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 進行卵巣癌に対する腹腔鏡生検の意義

    谷地田 希, 西野 幸治, 安達 聡介, 上田 遥香, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 郷戸 千賀子, 吉原 弘祐, 小林 暁子, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   35 ( 3 )   553 - 553   2017.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 完全型アンドロゲン不応症に対し腹腔鏡下性腺摘出術を施行した症例の検討

    茅原 誠, 安達 聡介, 谷地田 希, 田村 亮, 石黒 竜也, 吉田 邦彦, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   111 ( 2 )   84 - 88   2016.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 子宮頸癌と結腸癌の重複傍大動脈リンパ節転移を呈した1例

    杉野 健太郎, 関根 正幸, 工藤 梨沙, 島 英里, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 榎本 隆之

    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集   54回   P17 - 4   2016.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本癌治療学会  


  • 卵巣 卵巣がんに対する抗がん剤治療 卵巣癌に対するベバシズマブの投与状況 著効例の提示と今後の課題

    西野 幸治, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 郷戸 千賀子, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集   54回   WS55 - 5   2016.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本癌治療学会  


  • 当科における胞状奇胎症例の後方視的検討

    森 裕太郎, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    北日本産科婦人科学会総会・学術講演会プログラム・抄録集   64回   158 - 158   2016.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:東北連合産科婦人科学会・北日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 医師の人材育成における「メンター制度」の有効性 新潟県における腹腔鏡手術の教育から得たもの

    磯部 真倫, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    北日本産科婦人科学会総会・学術講演会プログラム・抄録集   64回   147 - 147   2016.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:東北連合産科婦人科学会・北日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 腹腔鏡下卵巣腫瘍摘出術術後血腫感染に対して腹腔鏡下ドレナージを施行した1例

    杉野 健太郎, 磯部 真倫, 工藤 梨沙, 島 英里, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   32 ( Suppl.I )   216 - 216   2016.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 腹腔鏡下に腫大リンパ節を摘出後、迅速診断でリンパ節転移陽性と診断し、開腹による根治術を施行したMPA療法後子宮体癌の一例

    茅原 誠, 西野 幸治, 磯部 真倫, 島 英里, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   32 ( Suppl.I )   206 - 206   2016.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 骨盤腹腔鏡手術の若手教育 地方における腹腔鏡手術の教育、普及をいかに行うか? 腹腔鏡に関連した地域全体での「メンター制度」の有効性

    磯部 真倫, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   32 ( Suppl.I )   118 - 118   2016.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 腹腔鏡下リンパ節生検が診断に有用であった原発不明癌の一例

    吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   32 ( Suppl.I )   304 - 304   2016.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • BMI40以上の高度肥満3症例に対する腹腔鏡手術の経験

    西野 幸治, 磯部 真倫, 工藤 梨沙, 島 英里, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 郷戸 千賀子, 吉原 弘祐, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   32 ( Suppl.I )   241 - 241   2016.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • Identification of novel kinase fusion transcripts in endometrial cancer

    Ryo Tamura, Kosuke Yoshihara, Kazuaki Suda, Kaoru Yamawaki, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Sosuke Adachi, Takayuki Enomoto

    CANCER RESEARCH   76   2016.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH  

    DOI: 10.1158/1538-7445.AM2016-1504

    Web of Science


  • 当科における腹腔鏡下準広汎子宮全摘術の工夫

    磯部 真倫, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   111 ( 1 )   51 - 51   2016.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • 腹腔鏡下卵巣腫瘍摘出術 術後血腫感染に対して腹腔鏡下ドレナージを施行した1例

    杉野 健太郎, 磯部 真倫, 工藤 梨沙, 島 英里, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   111 ( 1 )   48 - 48   2016.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • 新潟大学と関連病院における腹腔鏡手術教育の現況(その2) 関連病院全体での安全な手術の普及を目指して

    磯部 真倫, 杉野 健太郎, 山口 真奈子, 島 英里, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   111 ( 1 )   37 - 37   2016.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • 婦人科悪性腫瘍手術の周術期予防的抗菌薬投与について

    西川 伸道, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   111 ( 1 )   26 - 28   2016.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


    CiNii Article

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    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2016398677

  • 卵巣成熟奇形腫内の呼吸上皮の腸上皮化生から発生した粘液性癌の一例

    工藤 梨沙, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 谷地田 希, 島 英里, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 磯部 真倫, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   34 ( 3 )   526 - 526   2016.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 肝細胞癌あるいは肝様癌との鑑別に苦慮した再発を繰り返す卵巣未分化癌の一例

    市川 希, 石黒 竜也, 西野 幸治, 工藤 梨沙, 島 英里, 茅原 誠, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   34 ( 3 )   525 - 525   2016.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 腹腔鏡下に摘出した卵巣Sertoli-Leydig cell tumorの2症例

    磯部 真倫, 山口 真奈子, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   34 ( 3 )   517 - 517   2016.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 当院における卵巣癌に対するベバシズマブの使用状況 著効例の提示と今後の課題を踏まえて

    西野 幸治, 谷地田 希, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   34 ( 3 )   441 - 441   2016.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 当科の過去9年間で治療した子宮頸癌I・II期の治療成績について

    西川 伸道, 吉原 弘祐, 島 英里, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   34 ( 3 )   435 - 435   2016.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 子宮頸癌に対する広汎子宮全摘後の腸閉塞と術後補助放射線療法についての検討

    西野 幸治, 山口 真奈子, 杉野 健太郎, 工藤 梨沙, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 五日市 美奈, 磯部 真倫, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   68 ( 2 )   696 - 696   2016.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 腹腔鏡下付属器手術後に境界悪性あるいは悪性卵巣腫瘍と診断された9例の検討

    茅原 誠, 関根 正幸, 石黒 竜也, 森 裕太郎, 吉田 邦彦, 安達 聡介, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 榎本 隆之

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   111 ( 2 )   89 - 93   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会 ; 2011-  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 難症例に対する腹腔鏡下子宮全摘術 剥離層にこだわる

    磯部 真倫, 杉野 健太郎, 山口 真奈子, 森 裕太郎, 工藤 梨沙, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 五日市 美奈, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之, 南川 高廣

    新潟産科婦人科学会会誌   110 ( 2 )   96 - 96   2015.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟産科婦人科学会  


  • 新潟大学における腹腔鏡手術教育の現況(その2) 関連病院全体での安全な腹腔鏡手術の普及を目指して

    磯部 真倫, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 藤原 和子, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    北日本産科婦人科学会総会・学術講演会プログラム・抄録集   63回   111 - 111   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:東北連合産科婦人科学会・北日本産科婦人科学会  


  • BMI40の高度肥満を合併するダグラス窩閉鎖子宮内膜症に腹腔鏡手術が有用であった一例

    西野 幸治, 磯部 真倫, 森 裕太郎, 工藤 梨沙, 茅原 誠, 吉田 邦彦, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   31 ( Suppl.I )   164 - 164   2015.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 当院における腹腔鏡下子宮体癌手術の成績 開腹手術との比較検討

    磯部 真倫, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   31 ( Suppl.I )   247 - 247   2015.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 新潟大学とその関連病院における腹腔鏡手術教育の現況 関連病院全体での安全な腹腔鏡手術の普及を目指して

    磯部 真倫, 高木 偉博, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 藤原 和子, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌   31 ( Suppl.I )   207 - 207   2015.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会  


  • 当院における腹腔鏡下子宮体癌手術の成績 開腹手術との比較検討

    磯部 真倫, 茅原 誠, 石黒 竜也, 吉田 邦彦, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 芹川 武大, 関根 正幸, 加嶋 克則, 榎本 隆之

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   33 ( 3 )   599 - 599   2015.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 妊娠を契機に診断されたUpshaw-Schulman症候群症例における第二子妊娠の周産期管理

    森山 雅人, 玉木 悦子, 松本 雅則, 石西 綾美, 松本 吉史, 冨永 麻理恵, 工藤 理沙, 安達 聡介, 生野 寿史, 高桑 好一, 宮腰 淑子, 小堺 貴司, 小林 弘典, 牛木 隆志, 柴崎 康彦, 増子 正義, 瀧澤 淳, 成田 美和子, 曽根 博仁, 西條 康夫

    日本血栓止血学会誌   26 ( 2 )   193 - 193   2015.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本血栓止血学会  


  • 子宮体癌における卵巣転移のリスク因子に関する検討

    戸田 紀夫, 加嶋 克則, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 芹川 武大, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   67 ( 2 )   680 - 680   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 当院における腹腔鏡下子宮体癌手術の成績 開腹手術との比較検討

    磯部 真倫, 吉田 邦彦, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 関根 正幸, 芹川 武大, 加嶋 克則, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   67 ( 2 )   842 - 842   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • P2-11-6 子宮体癌における卵巣転移のリスク因子に関する検討(Group52 子宮体部腫瘍 予後,一般演題,公益社団法人日本産科婦人科学会第67回学術講演会)

    戸田 紀夫, 加嶋 克則, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 磯部 真倫, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 芹川 武大, 関根 正幸, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科學會雜誌   67 ( 2 )   680 - 680   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本産科婦人科学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://projects.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=454407

  • P3-47-3 子宮筋腫核出術の妊娠・分娩への影響について(Group 149 合併症妊娠12,一般演題,公益社団法人日本産科婦人科学会第67回学術講演会)

    安達 聡介, 能 伸太郎, 冨永 麻理恵, 工藤 梨沙, 松本 賢典, 佐藤 ひとみ, 能仲 智加, 生野 寿史, 山口 雅幸, 高桑 好一, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科學會雜誌   67 ( 2 )   944 - 944   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本産科婦人科学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://projects.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=455199

  • P3-47-7 既往子宮手術による子宮筋層欠損を伴った3妊娠症例(Group 149 合併症妊娠12,一般演題,公益社団法人日本産科婦人科学会第67回学術講演会)

    山口 雅幸, 冨永 麻理恵, 工藤 梨沙, 松本 賢典, 能仲 智加, 佐藤 ひとみ, 安達 聡介, 能仲 太郎, 榎本 隆之, 生野 寿史, 高桑 好一

    日本産科婦人科學會雜誌   67 ( 2 )   945 - 945   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本産科婦人科学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://projects.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=455203

  • ISP-4-1 Integrated analysis of high-grade serous ovarian cancer revealed two subtypes related to p53 signaling pathway(Group 4 Oncology 4,IS Poster,International Session) :

    Suda Kazuaki, Yokota Yuki, Yoshihara Kosuke, Adachi Sosuke, Kashima Katsunori, Tanaka Kenichi, Enomoto Takayuki

    67 ( 2 )   1012 - 1012   2015


    M. Sekine, K. Nishino, T. Serikawa, K. Kashima, M. Kato, S. Adachi, S. Kodama, T. Maruhashi, T. Enomoto

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER   24 ( 9 )   829 - 829   2014.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    Web of Science


  • 動静脈瘻との鑑別が困難であった絨毛癌

    関塚智之, 芹川武大, 安達聡介, 磯部真倫, 関根正幸, 加嶋克則, 榎本隆之

    北日本産科婦人科学会総会・学術講演会プログラム・抄録集(Web)   62nd   2014

  • P2-11-7 血性帯下を契機に診断された腟原発ブドウ状肉腫の1例(Group49 腟・外陰癌,一般演題,公益社団法人日本産科婦人科学会第66回学術講演会)

    山岸 葉子, 横田 有紀, 南川 高廣, 安達 聡介, 関根 正幸, 八幡 哲郎, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科學會雜誌   66 ( 2 )   614 - 614   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本産科婦人科学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://projects.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=452390

  • P3-11-8 後腹膜リンパ節郭清を含む卵巣癌の術後に,腎動脈血栓症による腎梗塞を発症した1例(Group 116 卵巣腫瘍・診断・治療(症例)1,一般演題,公益社団法人日本産科婦人科学会第65回学術講演会)

    島 英里, 南川 高廣, 須田 一暁, 安達 聡介, 西野 幸治, 西川 伸道, 加嶋 克則, 八幡 哲郎, 榎本 隆之

    日本産科婦人科學會雜誌   65 ( 2 )   887 - 887   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本産科婦人科学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://projects.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=450994

  • 子宮内膜症の遺伝的関与 子宮内膜症疾患感受性遺伝子の同定

    安達 聡介, 畑 有紀, 吉原 弘祐, 田中 憲一

    日本エンドメトリオーシス学会会誌   33   102 - 102   2012.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本エンドメトリオーシス学会  


  • 無精子症と遺伝子多型との関連解析

    茅原 誠, 吉原 弘祐, 安達 聡介, 田中 憲一

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   64 ( 2 )   582 - 582   2012.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://projects.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=448379

  • P1-13-3 婦人科悪性腫瘍患者における化学療法後の悪心・嘔吐に対するパロノセトロンの有用性の検討(Group13 婦人科腫瘍全般・症例5,一般演題,第64回日本産科婦人科学会学術講演会)

    安達 聡介, 萬歳 千秋, 西野 幸治, 山口 雅幸, 西川 伸道, 加嶋 克則, 藤田 和之, 八幡 哲郎, 田中 憲一

    日本産科婦人科學會雜誌   64 ( 2 )   458 - 458   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本産科婦人科学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://projects.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=448007

  • 子宮体癌の発癌・進展機構 血清レプチン/アディポネクチン比と子宮体癌発症リスク

    芦澤 直浩, 八幡 哲郎, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 田中 憲一

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   29 ( 3 )   498 - 498   2011.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • 上皮性卵巣癌組織におけるCopy Neutral LOH領域の解析

    安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 田中 憲一

    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌   29 ( 3 )   551 - 551   2011.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本婦人科腫瘍学会  


  • BRCA1変異陽性卵巣癌患者における胚細胞性コピー数多型プロファイル

    吉原 弘祐, 安達 聡介, 関根 正幸, 加勢 宏明, 八幡 哲郎, 田中 憲一

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   63 ( 2 )   443 - 443   2011.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://projects.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=445864

  • E-cadherin遺伝子多型と子宮内膜症の発症リスクとの関連

    吉田 邦彦, 吉原 弘祐, 安達 聡介, 生野 寿史, 加嶋 克則, 藤田 和之, 八幡 哲郎, 増崎 英明, 片渕 秀隆, 伊熊 健一郎, 杉並 洋, 田中 憲一

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   63 ( 2 )   906 - 906   2011.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 子宮内膜症の全ゲノム関連解析による疾患感受性SNPの探索

    安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 生野 寿史, 八幡 哲郎, 伊熊 健一郎, 杉並 洋, 片渕 秀隆, 増崎 英明, 田中 憲一

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   63 ( 2 )   904 - 904   2011.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 子宮体癌症例におけるレプチンおよびレプチン受容体の組織内発現に関する検討

    芦澤 直浩, 安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 八幡 哲郎, 田中 憲一

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   62 ( 2 )   527 - 527   2010.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • Gene expression profile identified novel subclasses in advanced-stage serous ovarian cancers and revealed ZEB2 expression as the prognostic marker

    Kosuke Yoshihara, Atsushi Tajima, Sosuke Adachi, Dai Komata, Tadashi Yamamoto, Shoji Kodama, Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Mitsuaki Suzuki, Yoshitaka Onishi, Masayuki Hatae, Kazunobu Sueyoshi, Hisaya Fujiwara, Yoshiki Kudo, Ituro Inoue, Kenichi Tanaka

    CANCER RESEARCH   69   2009.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH  

    Web of Science


  • 子宮内胎児発育遅延の病態解明を目的とした胎盤血管での発現遺伝子群の解析

    吉原 弘祐, 山口 雅幸, 安達 聡介, 田中 憲一

    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌   61 ( 2 )   648 - 648   2009.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本産科婦人科学会  


  • 子宮脱合併妊娠の2例

    安達 聡介, 横尾 朋和, 加勢 宏明

    周産期医学   38 ( 2 )   235 - 237   2008.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京医学社  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2008162833

  • 診療 性器脱の子宮温存術式--子宮固定法とTVM法(tension-free vaginal mesh法)の比較

    加勢 宏明, 安達 聡介, 横尾 朋和

    産婦人科の実際   56 ( 13 )   2175 - 2180   2007.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:金原出版  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2008062933

  • 子宮脱矯正リングペッサリー挿入前後における尿失禁症状と各種検査所見の変化

    加勢 宏明, 安達 聡介, 横尾 朋和

    臨床婦人科産科   61 ( 12 )   1519 - 1524   2007.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:医学書院  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2008076752

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Research Projects

  • 子宮内膜オルガノイドを用いた子宮内膜症の病態解明

    Grant number:24K12524

    2024.4 - 2027.3

    System name:科学研究費助成事業

    Research category:基盤研究(C)

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 田村 亮

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    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )


  • Identification of pathogenesis of ovarian clear cell carcinoma by topographic single cell sequencing

    Grant number:20K21647

    2020.7 - 2022.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Enomoto Takayuki

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    Grant amount:\6500000 ( Direct Cost: \5000000 、 Indirect Cost:\1500000 )

    We aimed to identify genomic and epigenomic alterations from endometriosis to ovarian cancers. Single-cell sequencing analysis will reveal the genomic and epigenomic abnormalities that accumulate during the transition from endometriosis to ovarian clear cell carcinoma and elucidate the pathogenic mechanism of ovarian clear cell carcinoma. To this end, we sampled normal endometrium, endometriosis, and ovarian clear cell carcinoma, and performed whole-exome sequencing for normal endometrium, endometriosis, atypical endometriosis, and carcinoma. In addition, we isolated single glands from normal endometrium tissue by laser microdissection, and conducted whole genome sequencing for them. We confirmed that we could extract DNA from cells after laser microdissection and perform whole genome sequencing.


  • Elucidation of pathogenesis of endometriosis and endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer based on genomic analyses for normal endometrium

    Grant number:20H03821

    2020.4 - 2023.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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    Grant amount:\17940000 ( Direct Cost: \13800000 、 Indirect Cost:\4140000 )


  • 単一細胞シークエンスを用いた卵巣類内膜癌の発症機序の解明

    Grant number:20K09638

    2020.4 - 2023.3

    System name:科学研究費助成事業

    Research category:基盤研究(C)

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    安達 聡介, 吉原 弘祐, 田村 亮

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )



  • Significance of IL1A variants in endometriosis

    Grant number:17K16837

    2017.4 - 2020.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Adachi Sosuke

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    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )

    We had previously clarified that IL1A was one of endometriosis susceptibility gene. In this study, we focused on IL1A to elucidate the pathogenesis of endometriosis. We performed whole exome sequencing for 13 endometriosis and 11 normal uterine endometrium samples. We did not find any somatic variants of IL1A in neither endometriosis nor normal uterine endometrium. However, we found frequently cancer-associated gene mutations such as PIK3CA or KRAS in both endometrioisis and normal uterine endometrium. As a result, we clarified that IL1A was endometriosis susceptibility gene but not driver gene in endometriosis.


  • Identification of the pathogenesis from the origin to uterine carcinosarcoma based on evolutional theory

    Grant number:17H04336

    2017.4 - 2020.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Enomoto Takayuki

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    Grant amount:\16770000 ( Direct Cost: \12900000 、 Indirect Cost:\3870000 )

    The origin of carcinosarcoma is cancer stem cell derived from endometrium. We focused on spheroid cells which had a potential of cancer stem cell and examined biological characteristics of spheroid cells derived from uterine endometrial cancera. ALDH activity was associated with cancer stem cell characteristics in the spheroid cells. High ALDH activity was also related to paclitaxel resistance and combination therapy of paclitaxel and ALDH inhibitor demonstratred the synergistic effect for ALDH-high spheroid cells. Our cultivation method of spheroid cells may be useful for screening of clinical cases with high ALDH activity and respond to anti-ALDH therapy in combination with paclitaxel.


  • Identification of molecular characteristics in serous carcinoma of Mullerian origin

    Grant number:25293338

    2013.4 - 2016.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    ENOMOTO Takayuki, INOUE Iturou, NAKA Tetuji, YOSHINO Kiyoshi, UEDA Yutaka, SEKINE Masayuki, ADACHI Sousuke

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    Grant amount:\18070000 ( Direct Cost: \13900000 、 Indirect Cost:\4170000 )

    Our aim is to clarify the similarity of molecular characteristics in both ovarian and uterine endometrial serous carcinoma. We performed protein expression profiling on 14 cases of serous carcinomas (7 ovarian and 7 endometrial) and 18 endometrioid carcinomas (9 ovarian and 9 endometrial) using iTRAQ. Hierarchical clustering showed the similarity of protein expression profiles between ovarian and endometrial serous carcinomas. Using 45 statistically highly expressed proteins in serous carcinomas, protein ontology analysis detected two enriched terms and proteins composing each term: IMP2 and MCM2. Immunohistochemical analyses confirmed the higher expression of IMP2 and MCM2 in ovarian and endometrial serous carcinomas The knockdown of either IMP2 or MCM2 by siRNA interference significantly decreased the proliferation rate of ovarian serous carcinoma cell line. We suggest that increased IMP2 and MCM2 expression may underlie some of the rapid serous carcinoma growth observed clinically.


  • genetic susceptibility to endometriosis

    Grant number:25861477

    2013.4 - 2015.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


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    Grant amount:\3380000 ( Direct Cost: \2600000 、 Indirect Cost:\780000 )

    We conducted an association study of 537 endometriosis cases and 528 controls of Japanese people. We confirmed that 3 SNPs that were previously reported to associate with endometriosis in genome-wide association study were associated with endometriosis in this replication study.


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Teaching Experience

  • 産科婦人科疾病治療概論

    Institution name:新潟大学