Faculty of Education Living Sciences and Technology Professor
Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Human Developmental Studies Professor
Updated on 2025/02/11
博士(工学) ( 1999.7 東京理科大学 )
建築学 ( 1985.8 オクラホマ大学(アメリカ) )
Humanities & Social Sciences / Family and consumer sciences, and culture and living
Niigata University Faculty of Education Living Sciences and Technology Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Human Developmental Studies Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Contemporary Cultural Studies Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Education Associate Professor
2012.5 - 2015.5
Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Contemporary Cultural Studies Associate Professor
2012.5 - 2015.5
Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Human Developmental Studies Associate Professor
2012.5 - 2015.5
Guidelines for Sustainable Society-building in Home Economics Education Based on Actual Situations of Students: Analyzing from Three Viewpoints of Learning Contents, Learning Activities, and Fostering Students' Attitudes and Abilities in Elementary, Junior High, and High Schools Reviewed
Junko KAWABE, Yukari IINO, Kyoko TSUBOUCHI, Mihoko SAITO
67 ( 3 ) 71 - 82 2024.11
中学生を対象とした 1/10 組立 住宅模型を用いた建築教育 そ の3:熱環境に関する建築講座 の実践と効果の検証 Reviewed
広川智子, 二宮秀與, 後藤哲男, 飯野由香利
日本建築学会技術報告集 27 ( 67 ) 1568 - 1573 2021.10
日本家庭科教育学会、実践者の視点からの授業づくり -小学校における住環境に関する実験型ジグソー法による授業 Reviewed
伊深祥子, 金子京子, 小川裕子, 飯野由香利
日本家庭科教育学会 64 ( 1 ) 58 - 68 2021.5
中学校家庭科住生活授業における生徒同士の対話による学びの実態と課題―パフォーマンス課題と解答用紙として平面図を取り入れた、知識構成型ジグソー法による授業を通して― Reviewed
小川裕子, 伊深祥子, 飯野由香利, 金子京子, 堀池 美衣
日本家庭科教育学会 64 ( 1 ) 46 - 57 2021.5
中学校家庭科住生活における住空間の特徴把握と整え方に関する学びを深める授業実践 ―鳥瞰図及び知識構成型ジグソー法を取り入れた学習を通して― Reviewed
飯野由香利, 渡邉 彩子, 小川裕子, 伊深祥子, 金子京子
日本家庭科教育学会誌 64 ( 1 ) 34 - 45 2021.5
暑熱環境における変動風速が温熱環境評価に与える影響に関する研究 矩形変動の風速下における被験者実験 Reviewed
森上伸也, 西室優作, 水谷国男, 飯野由香利, 村瀬太基
日本建築学会環境系論文集 86 ( 780 ) 159 - 166 2021.2
小学校家庭科の住生活における知識構成型ジグソー法に実験を取り入れた科学的な理解を深める授業実践―室内環境の原理原則と児童の経験則を繋げる活動を通して― Reviewed
飯野由香利, 小川裕子, 伊深祥子, 金子京子
日本家庭科教育学会誌 63 ( 3 ) 122 - 133 2020.11
中学生を対象とした1/10組み立て住宅模型を用いた建築教育(その2):光環境に関する建築講座の実践と効果の検証 Reviewed
広川智子, 二宮秀與, 後藤哲男, 飯野由香利
日本建築学会技術報告集 26 ( 64 ) 1264 - 1269 2020.10
A study on the influence of environmental adjustment behavior of residents on the thermal environment performance of passivetown Reviewed
Sinwon Jeong, Takashi Kurabuchi, Yuna Umebara, Yukari Iino, Koichiro Saito, Shigekazu Yagi
25 - 30 2018.6
Yukari Iino, Masato Akutsu
Proceedings of the Grand Renewable Energy 2018 2018
Yukari Iino, Kenji Tsukamoto, Masaaki Ohba, Tomonobu Goto
The fifty International Conference on Human-Environment System ICHES2016 Nagoya 10 - 11 2016.10
Study on setting temperature of cooling systems and pupils’ thermal sensations in the elementary school Reviewed
Kanako Abe, Takashi Kurabuchi, Yukari Iino
ROOMVENT 2014 2014.10
Thermal environment and comfort features associated with cold air circulation and cold water circulation snow cooling systems Reviewed
Yukari Iino
Grand Renewable Energy 2014, P-He-22 2014.7
Manual for Indoor Air Environment and Ventilations in Schools Reviewed
Asako Hasegawa, Hiroshi Yoshino, Yukari Iino, Takashi Kurabuch, Tomonobu Goto, Hiroki Kitayama, Go Iwashita, Yasushi Kondo, Akihiro Nagata, Satoru Muramatsu, Satoru Nagasawa
ASHRAE IAQ 2013 Conference Collection: Environmental Health in Low Energy Buildings 261 - 266 2013.6
Regulations and standards for indoor air environment (IAE) in schools - An international review
Asako Hasegawa, Tomonobu Goto, Hiroshi Yoshino, Yukari Iino, Satoru Muramatsu
10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012 1 879 - 884 2012.12
Kozue Yuasa, Takashi Kurabuchi, Yukari Iino
10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012 3 2353 - 2354 2012.12
オフサイト避難所における生活環境の実態 Reviewed
飯野由香利、倉渕 隆、湯浅 梢
日本建築学会技術報告集 18 ( 40 ) 1009 - 1012 2012.10
関東圏域の公立小学校の冷房機器の設置や環境調節行為に関するアンケート調査研究 Reviewed
倉渕 隆、飯野由香利、本田知也
日本建築学会技術報告集 18 ( 40 ) 1001 - 1004 2012.10
Observation of Environmental Control Behaviour in Elementary School Classrooms Equipped with Air-Conditioning Systems and Ceiling Fans for Cooling Reviewed
Takashi Kurabuchi, Kumiko Tsuruta, Takeshi Ogasawara, Yukari Iino
Distributions of thermal and airflow environment their evaluations and input energy in room with ventilation loads under control of floor heating systems or convective heating systems Reviewed
Takashi Kurabuchi, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Kodai Hiruta, Shizuo Iwamoto, Ryoichi Kajiya, Koji Sakai, Yukari Iino, Aakeshi Ogasawart, Tomoyuki Endo, Tatsuo Nagai
Journal of Environmental Engineering 76 ( 661 ) 317 - 324 2011.3
温暖地域における冷房機器のある小学校普通教室の空気・温熱環境と温熱環境評価 Reviewed
倉渕 隆、飯野由香利、川瀬智文
日本建築学会環境系論文集 ( 641 ) 893 - 899 2009.7
公立小学校における暖冷房・換気設備の地域別整備状況および使用実態 Reviewed
吉野 博, 飯野 由香利, 瀧澤 のりえ
日本建築学会環境系論文集 ( 639 ) 643 - 650 2009.5
Thermal and Air Quality Environment in Elementary School Classrooms Equipped with Air-Conditioning System for Cooling Reviewed
Takashi Kurabuchi, Tomohumi Kawase, Yukari Iino
Proceeding of the 29th AIVC Conference in 2008 3 73 - 78 2008.10
Yukari Iino, Masaaki Ohba, Akinaru Iino, Tetsuo Annaka
IAQVEC 2007 Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings: Sustainable Built Environment 1 875 - 881 2007.12
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi, TAKAHASHI Jun, ENDO Tomoyuki
Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 70 ( 589 ) 9 - 14 2005.3
Y Iino, Y Igarashi, A Yamagishi
Environmental Ergonomics 3 231 - 237 2005
A Yamagishi, Y Igarashi, Y Iino
Environmental Ergonomics 3 239 - 244 2005
Aij Journal of TECHNOLOGY and Design 10 ( 19 ) 177 - 180 2004
IINO Akinaru, IINO Yukari, UCHIYAMA Tsuyoshi
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 68 ( 565 ) 91 - 98 2003.3
IINO Yukari, IINO Akinaru, UCHIYAMA Tsuyoshi
Aij Journal of TECHNOLOGY and Design 8 ( 15 ) 179 - 184 2002
IINO Yukari, IINO Akinaru, UCHIYAMA Tsuyoshi
Aij Journal of TECHNOLOGY and Design 8 ( 16 ) 197 - 202 2002
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 64 ( 520 ) 47 - 54 1999.6
STUDY ON THERMAL RADIATION DISTRIBUTIONS IN CLASSROOMS OCCUPIED BY STUDENTS : Development of numerical estimating method for classroom thermal environment Part 1
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi, HONDA Daisaku
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 62 ( 497 ) 23 - 31 1997
IINO Yukari, HOYANO Akira, YABE Tsunehiko
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 61 ( 486 ) 43 - 49 1996.8
.Distributions of sensory evaluations on thermal and cross- ventilation conditions in natural-ventilated temperate-climate classrooms Reviewed
Y. Iino, A. Hoyano
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 1 1031 - 1036 1996.7
Simulation of thermal radiation distributions in classrooms occupied by students Reviewed
Y. Iino, T. Kurabuchi, D. Honda
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2 595 - 600 1996.7
DOE Geunyoung, HOYANO Akira, ITO Naoaki, IINO Yukari
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 61 ( 482 ) 57 - 66 1996.4
SUGAWARA Masanori, HONMA Hirobumi, HOYANO Akira, IINO Yukari
Transactions of the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 20 ( 57 ) 117 - 127 1995
Proposal of a school building with direct heat gain system Reviewed
A. Hoyano, T. Hayashi, D. Geunyoun, Y. Iino
Proceeding of ISES Solar World Congress Budapest, Solar Architecture 7 301 - 303 1993.5
パッシブステムを取り入れた教室の熱環境に関する研究 Reviewed
梅干野 晁, 林 徹夫, 都 根永, 飯野由香利
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 ( 433 ) 11 - 14 1992.3
飯野由香利, 中村昌亮( Role: Joint author , 日本家庭科教育学会北陸地区会40周年記念誌の中の実践論文の1つ)
日本家庭科教育学会北陸地区会40周年記念誌編集委員会 2024.3 ( ISBN:9784783913238 )
飯野由香利( Role: Contributor , 「特集 終活における経済不安」の特集6に該当)
一般財団法人 ゆうちょ財団 2024.1
小川裕子, 伊深祥子, 飯野由香利, 金子京子( Role: Joint author)
ドメス出版 2022.4 ( ISBN:9784810708615 )
飯野由香利( Role: Contributor , 06-19福祉用具(pp.256-257))
丸善出版株式会社 2021.4
飯野由香利( Role: Contributor , 06-20福祉用具の安全な使用方法(pp.266-267))
丸善出版株式会社 2021.4
飯野由香利( Role: Contributor , 06-15家電の安全で省エネな使用方法(pp.256-257))
丸善出版株式会社 2021.4
技術・家庭学習指導書 家庭分野 内容編 B住生活
飯野由香利( Role: Contributor , 持続可能な住生活を目指して(pp.84-90))
開隆堂出版社 2021.4
東日本大震災合同調査報告書、建築編8 建築設備・建築環境
飯野由香利( Role: Contributor , 被災地外の避難所における生活環境の実態(148~153))
飯野由香利, 家庭科住領域における校舎を利用した体感実験の( Role: Joint author , pp.86~98)
日本家庭科教育学会北陸地区会30周年記念誌編集委員会編、信州教育出版社 2013.10
Investigation into constructive possibilities of paulownia wood floorings in a nursing facility
553 - 554 2024.8
Modification in junior high school students’ considerations and activities before and after disaster prevention learning including psychological biases and mutual helps
Yukari IINO
49 - 49 2024.7
Teaching practices at teacher training university that utilize the SDGS perspective and their evaluation - From the relationship between global warming and vending machines -
62 2024.7
齋藤 美保子, 川邊 淳子, 坪内 恭子, 飯野由香利
日本家庭科教育学会第67回大会研究発表要旨集 63 2024.7
飯野 由香利
日本家政学会第76回大会研究発表要旨集、3C-O8 100 2024.5
Verification of sustainable living classes in home economics based on Education for Sustainable Development practiced in a junior high school
1C03、p.33 2023.7
川邊 淳子, 秋山 玲奈, 飯野由香利, 齋藤 美保子, 坪内 恭子
日本家庭科教育学会第66回大会要旨集 1C02、p.32 2023.7
坪内 恭子, 飯野由香利, 川邊 淳子, 齋藤 美保子
日本家庭科教育学会第66回大会要旨集 1C04、p.34 2023.7
Practice and verification of housing classes concerning comfort/discomfort feelings of sounds in present/past houses and noise control methods in home economics at an elementary school
1C06、p.37 2023.7
Living educational practice concerning saving energy and effectiveness of educational methods for the elderly
94 2023.5
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北海道) 17 - 18 2022.9
青木賀津子, 小池孝子, 飯野由香利, 定行まり子
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北海道) 581 - 582 2022.9
齋藤 美保子, 坪内 恭子, 川邊 淳子, 飯野由香利
日本家庭科教育学会第65回大会要旨集 74 2022.7
飯野由香利, 川邊 淳子, 坪内 恭子, 齋藤 美保子
日本家庭科教育学会第65回大会要旨集 71 2022.7
川邊 淳子, 飯野由香利, 齋藤 美保子, 坪内 恭子
日本家庭科教育学会第65回大会要旨集 71 2022.7
坪内 恭子, 飯野由香利, 川邊 淳子, 齋藤 美保子
日本家庭科教育学会第65回大会要旨集 73 2022.7
飯野由香利, 定行まり子, 森由樹子, 阿部紗季
日本家政学会 第74回大会 研究発表要旨集 69 2022.5
飯野由香利, 田畑知美, 山川和子, 西山寛子
新潟大学教育学部教育研究集録 ( 3 ) 11 - 21 2022.3
Differences of thermal and air environment whether cooling systems are operative or inoperative in classrooms and in sport facilities of various long axis directions at a junior high school
Study on heat stroke by wearing a mask (Part 2) Influence of surgical mask wearing on task performance
Sihwan LEE, Motoki KONDO, Yukari IINO
通風環境における気持ちよさ評価に関する実験的研究 その5 風速の乱れの強さと温熱快適性の関係について
森上 伸也、水谷 国男、飯野 由香利
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東) 1121 - 1122 2021.9
日本家庭科教育学会2021年度大会(オンライン開催)研究発表要旨集PD1 2021.7
日本家政学会第73回大会研究発表要旨集 2021.5
主観的な学習での理解度 -中学校住生活における鳥瞰図を用いた知識構成型ジグソー法の授業実践-
飯野由香利, 渡邉 彩子, 小川裕子, 伊深祥子
日本家庭科教育学会2020年度大会(オンライン開催)研究発表要旨集PD1 2020.12
協働学習での理解度 -中学校住生活における鳥瞰図を用いた知識構成型ジグソー法の授業実践-
渡邉 彩子, 飯野由香利, 小川裕子, 伊深祥子
日本家庭科教育学会2020年度大会(オンライン開催)研究発表要旨集 11 - 13 2020.12
清水詩子, 飯野由香利
第23回日本腎不全看護学会学術集会・総会PD2 136 2020.11
飯野由香利, 阿部恵理子
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東) 889 - 890 2020.9
通風環境における気持ちよさ評価に関する実験的研究 その4 擬似自然風環境における寒暑感について
森上 伸也, 水谷 国男, 飯野 由香利, 西室 優作, 村瀬 太基
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東) 1121 - 1122 2020.9
日本建築学会北陸支部報告集 ( 62 ) 337 - 340 2020.7
飯野由香利, 布川千晶
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要, 人文社会科学編 12 ( 2 ) 199 - 205 2020.3
日本家庭科教育学会2019(令和元)年度例会要旨集 22 - 23 2019.12
小川裕子, 高木優子, 飯野由香利, 伊深祥子
日本家庭科教育学会2019(令和元)年度例会要旨集 24 - 25 2019.12
飯野由香利, 阿部桃子
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要, 人文社会科学編 12 ( 1 ) 43 - 48 2019.10
通風環境における気持ちよさ評価に関する実験的研究 その 3 擬似自然風環境における気持ちよさ評価について
森上 伸也, 水谷 国男, 飯野 由香利, 西室 優作, 村瀬 太基
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北陸) 607 - 608 2019.9
日本建築学会大会(学術講演梗概集北陸) 783 - 784 2019.9
風速変動が温熱快適性におよぼす影響に関する研究 その 2 風速の振幅を統一した変動風環境における被験者実験
西室 優作, 森上 伸也, 水谷 国男, 飯野 由香利, 村瀬 太基
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北陸 609 - 610 2019.9
日本建築学会北陸支部報告集 ( 62 ) 399 - 402 2019.7
飯野由香利, 小川裕子, 伊深祥子, 金子京子
日本家庭科教育学会第62回大会研究発表要旨集 B3-1 68 - 69 2019.6
金子京子, 伊深祥子, 飯野由香利, 小川裕子
日本家庭科教育学会第62回大会研究発表要旨集 B3-3 72 - 73 2019.6
伊深祥子, 金子京子, 飯野由香利, 小川裕子
日本家庭科教育学会第62回大会研究発表要旨集 B3-2 70 - 71 2019.6
日本家政学会第71回大会研究発表要旨集 3E-10 119 2019.5
飯野由香利, 広川智子
日本家庭科教育学会例会 26 - 27 2018.12
パッシブタウン黒部モデルにおける省エネルギー性・住環境評価 その3 全住戸における年間を通した環境調節方法と温熱環境評価の実態
鄭新源, 倉渕隆, 飯野由香利, 八木繁和, 齋藤孝一郎
日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集、pp.249~250 ( 61 ) 249 - 250 2018.9
パッシブタウンにおける集合住宅の省エネルギー性・住環境の研究 (第3報) 今日中者アンケート調査による温熱環境評価
鄭新源, 倉渕隆, 飯野由香利, 八木繁和, 齋藤孝一郎
空気調和・衛生工学会大会学術講演論文集 221 - 222 2018.9
村瀬太基, 飯野由香利, 森上伸也, 水谷国男
空気調和・衛生工学会大会学術講演論文集 97 - 100 2018.9
風速変動が温熱快適性におよぼす影響に関する研究 その1 風速の変動波形が異なる被験者実験の結果
西室優作, 森上伸也, 水谷国男, 飯野由香利
日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集 475 - 476 2018.9
通風環境における気持ちよさ評価に関する実験的研究 その2 風速の低下に伴う不快感および気持ち悪さについて
森上伸也, 水谷国男, 飯野由香利, 西室優作
日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集 473 - 474 2018.9
1/10組立模型を用いた音環境教育の実践-基礎教養における初期建築教育の方法に関する研究 その8-
広川智子, 飯野由香利, 後藤哲男
日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集 57 - 58 2018.9
パッシブタウン黒部モデルにおける省エネルギー性・住環境評価 その4 パッシブ的住まい方の可能性に関する研究
飯野由香利, 倉渕隆, 鄭新源, 八木繁和, 齋藤孝一郎
日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集 247 - 280 2018.9
Educational practice of the sound environment using the 1/10 assembling model for high school students : Research on the methods of initial architectural education as basic culture(Part 8)
広川 智子, 飯野 由香利, 後藤 哲男
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Hokuriku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan ( 61 ) 208 - 211 2018.7
Lesson study on risks in daily living life for Home Economics education
Iino Yukari, Nakamura Kazuyoshi, Yamaguchi Tomoko, Takagi Sachiko
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要 人文・社会科学編 10 ( 2 ) 447 - 453 2018.3
広川 智子, 飯野 由香利, 後藤 哲男
新潟の生活文化 : 新潟県生活文化研究会誌 ( 24 ) 18 - 20 2018
Considerations of Results and Problems on Learning to Think Deeply about Housing Life by Means of the Jigsaw Method:Learning to Think Deeply about Future Housing Life in Home Economics at High School
OGAWA Hiroko, FUJIWARA Eri, IBUKA Shoko, IINO Yukari
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 61 ( 0 ) 2018
teaching materials development of the junior high school home economics to learn by the jigsaw method:description anaiysis of the student of class of the house
KANEKO Kyoko, IBUKA Shoko, OGAWA Hiroko, IINO Yukari, FUJIWARA Eri
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 61 ( 0 ) 2018
Time change and functions of color impression evaluations in real spaces
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics 70 ( 0 ) 52 - 52 2018
Study on experimental Jigsaw methods for pupils at an elementary school in living environmental education
Iino Yukari, Ogawa Hiroko, Ibuka Shoko
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 61 ( 0 ) 2018
Study on the risk management for food life in home economics education
Yamaguchi Tomoko, Iino Yukari, Nakamura Kazuyoshi, Takagi Sachiko
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要 人文・社会科学編 10 ( 1 ) 157 - 165 2017.10
後藤 哲男, 広川 智子, 飯野 由香利
建築雑誌 ( 1701 ) 71 2017.8
13029 1/10組立模型を用いた中学生を対象とした採光と日射遮蔽の環境教育 基礎教養における初期建築教育の方法に関する研究 その7
後藤 哲男, 広川 智子, 飯野 由香利
教育 ( 2017 ) 57 - 58 2017.7
13028 1/10組立模型の採光と日射遮蔽実験の開発と環境教育の検討 基礎教養における初期建築教育の方法に関する研究 その6
広川 智子, 後藤 哲男, 飯野 由香利
教育 ( 2017 ) 55 - 56 2017.7
Architectural education concerning lighting and solar radiation shading for junior high school students by using 1/10 Assembly model
広川 智子, 後藤 哲男, 飯野 由香利
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Hokuriku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan ( 60 ) 264 - 271 2017.7
Actual conditions of comfort evaluations and thermal environment cooled by cold-water-circulation snow system and air-conditioning system
Iino Yukari, Akutsu Masato
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要 人文・社会科学編 9 ( 2 ) 261 - 267 2017.3
Study on the program to cultivate an ability of the subject instruction in the Home Economics teacher training
Takagi Sachiko, Nakamura Kazuyoshi, Iino Yukari, Yamaguchi Tomoko, Sugimura Momoko
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要 人文・社会科学編 9 ( 2 ) 283 - 292 2017.3
広川 智子, 飯野 由香利, 後藤 哲男
新潟の生活文化 : 新潟県生活文化研究会誌 ( 23 ) 18 - 20 2017
the lesson practice,using the assembly of the 1/10 sized house models for the sound environment in the housing life
Hirokawa Tomoko, Iino Yukari
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 60 ( 0 ) 2017
Study on effects of disaster prevention education from the points of learning contents and methods
Iino Yukari
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 60 ( 0 ) 2017
Actual conditions of winter living environment in university dormitories for students and proposals of improvable methods
IINO Yukari
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics 69 ( 0 ) 81 - 81 2017
Measurement of illumination in real space and experiment of solar radiation shading using sun's orbit systems
Iino Yukari, Hirokawa Tomoko
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 60 ( 0 ) 35 - 35 2017
Development of sun's orbit system using 1/10 assembly models and lighting experiment
Hirokawa Tomoko, Iino Yukari
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 60 ( 0 ) 34 - 34 2017
飯野 由香利, 広川 智子, 後藤 哲男
新潟の生活文化 : 新潟県生活文化研究会誌 ( 23 ) 21 - 23 2017
1/10組立模型の壁材の断熱実験の開発と環境教育の検討 基礎教養における初期建築教育の方法に関する研究 その3
広川 智子, 後藤 哲男, 飯野 由香利
教育 ( 2016 ) 49 - 50 2016.8
1/10組立模型を用いた中・高生を対象とした環境教育の実践 基礎教養における初期建築教育の方法に関する研究 その4
後藤 哲男, 広川 智子, 飯野 由香利
教育 ( 2016 ) 51 - 52 2016.8
Development of experiments in wall's insulations of 1/10 assembling model and study on environmental education : Research on the method of initial architectural education as basic culture(Part 3)
広川 智子, 後藤 哲男, 飯野 由香利
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Hokuriku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan ( 59 ) 409 - 412 2016.7
Practice of environmental education for junior high school and high school students using 1/10 assembly models : Research on the method of initial architectural education as basic culture(Part 4)
後藤 哲男, 広川 智子, 飯野 由香利
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Hokuriku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan ( 59 ) 413 - 416 2016.7
Study on Indoor Thermal and Air Environments and Residents' Living Ways in Niigata Prefectural Apartment Houses in Summer
Iino Yukari, Watanabe Mana, Yamazaki Ken
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要 人文・社会科学編 8 ( 2 ) 151 - 156 2016.3
Living environmental education methods for the elderly
Iino Yukari
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics 68 ( 0 ) 2016
飯野 由香利, 広川 智子, 後藤 哲男
新潟の生活文化 : 新潟県生活文化研究会誌 ( 22 ) 32 - 35 2016
広川 智子, 後藤 哲男, 飯野 由香利
新潟の生活文化 : 新潟県生活文化研究会誌 ( 22 ) 28 - 31 2016
Basic Study on Influences of Classroom Environment on Pupils' Learning Efficiency at Elementary School
平野 葵, 倉渕 隆, 飯野 由香利
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2016 ( 0 ) 397 - 400 2016
Devise of effective learning methods for obtaining high consciousness of living life - collaborative learning and lecture for comprehending living life from scientific points -
Noike chiemi, Iino Yukari
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 59 ( 0 ) 96 - 96 2016
Practices of lighting and sound lessons using familiar goods
Iino Yukari
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 59 ( 0 ) 33 - 33 2016
Proposal and inspection of active learning concerning safety houses in home economics lesson at high school
Hirokawa Tomoko, Iino Yukari
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 59 ( 0 ) 98 - 98 2016
Cross-sectional lessons conderning warmly living and environment (energy saving) - Insulating experiment using 1/10 assembly house models -
Iino Yukari, Hirokawa Tomoko
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 59 ( 0 ) 95 - 95 2016
40528 Effect of Experience Leaning Program on Built Environment in Primary School : Part 2 Influence on Thermal Environmental Control Behaviors at Home by Junior High School Students
TANAKA Ineko, SATO Haruka, TANIGUCHI Shin, IINO Yukari, KOGA Takaaki, MURAKAMI Minako
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015 ( 0 ) 1103 - 1104 2015.9
41446 Study on setting temperatures of cooling systems based on pupils' productivities
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015 ( 0 ) 929 - 930 2015.9
40527 Effect of Experience Leaning Program on Built Environment in Primary School : Part 1Influence on Junior High School Students' Knowledge of Residential Environment Related Eco-School.
SATO Haruka, TANAKA Ineko, TANIGUCHI Shin, IINO Yukari, KOGA Takaaki, MURAKAMI Minako
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015 ( 0 ) 1101 - 1102 2015.9
13026 Study on architectural education for junior high school students using 1/10 assembly models : Research on the method of initial architectural education as basic culture, Part 2
GOTO Tetsuo, HIROKAWA Tomoko, Iino Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015 ( 0 ) 51 - 52 2015.9
1/10 組立模型を用いた中学生を対象とした建築教育方法の検討 基礎教養における初期建築教育の方法に関する研究 その2
後藤 哲男, 広川 智子, 飯野 由香利
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 58 ) 411 2015.7
Study on Regional and Living Features of Raised Floor Type Houses in Niigata
Iino Yukari
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要. 人文・社会科学編 7 ( 2 ) 319 - 324 2015
Study on possibilities of usage of school buildings and effects of experiential lessons in living region of home economics education
Iino Yukari
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 58 ( 0 ) 12 - 12 2015
Long-term effects of experiential and living environmental education
Iino Yukari
Research abstracts on the annual meeting, regular meeting and seminar of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education 58 ( 0 ) 110 - 110 2015
Actual conditions of summer living environment in university dormitories for students
IINO Yukari
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics 67 ( 0 ) 82 - 82 2015
41275 Study on differences of environments in classrooms facing south and facing north and respective pupils' evaluations
IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2014 ( 0 ) 573 - 574 2014.9
41361 Study on setting temperature of cooling systems and indoor thermal comfort in the elementary school
ABE Kanako
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2014 ( 0 ) 745 - 746 2014.9
4-11 Study on differences of thermal and lighting environments and indoor air quality in classrooms facing south and north
IINO Yukari
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 57 ) 326 - 329 2014.7
P-42 Physiological load on soccer fields with the artificial grass and physical cooling methods
Goto Yasunori, Iino Yukari, Yasaka Takeshi
人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 38 233 - 236 2014
Study on setting temperature of cooling systems and pupils' indoor thermal comfort in elementary school
阿部 加奈子, 倉渕 隆, 飯野 由香利
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2014 ( 0 ) 193 - 196 2014
Development of the support-system in cooperation with Home Economics teachers
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics 66 ( 0 ) 2014
Study on living domain lessons associated with other daily domains in high school home economics
IINO Yukari
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics 66 ( 0 ) 2014
41369 Study on Actual Conditions of Controlling Various Air-conditioning and Ventilation Systems in Public Schools
Saitou Kousuke, KURABUCHI Takashi, IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2013 ( 0 ) 737 - 738 2013.8
41368 Manuals and Actual Conditions of Environmental Controls Using Cooling and Heating Systems at Public Schools in Tokyo
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi, SAITOU Kousuke
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2013 ( 0 ) 735 - 736 2013.8
IINO Yukari
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 56 ) 255 - 258 2013.5
Development of the support system in cooperation with Home Economics teachers
Takagi Sachiko, Yamaguchi Tomoko, Nakamura Kazuyoshi, Takahashi Keiko, Sugimura Momoko, Iino Yukari
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要. 人文・社会科学編 6 ( 1 ) 99 - 107 2013
Actual Conditions of Environmental Controls and Effects of Environmental Education in Public Schools Equipped with Cooling and Heating Systems and Variable Ventilation Systems
倉渕 隆, 飯野 由香利
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2013 ( 0 ) 65 - 68 2013
Actual conditions of house renovation for the elderly and improvement of thermal environment
SATO Nao, IINO Yukari
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics 65 ( 0 ) 67 - 67 2013
Actual Conditions of Daily Lives of Disabled Elderly and Indoor Thermal Environment during Winter at Heavy Snow Areas in Niigata
Iino Yukari
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要. 人文・社会科学編 6 ( 1 ) 75 - 82 2013
Thermal Environment and Comfortable Features under Operation of Snow Air-conditioning Systems for Cooling of Cold-water-circulation Type and/or Cold-air-circulation Type
飯野 由香利, 伊藤 親臣
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2013 ( 0 ) 345 - 348 2013
主観的な学習での理解度 -中学校住生活における鳥瞰図を用いた知識構成型ジグソー法の授業実践ー
飯野由香利, 渡邉 彩子, 小川裕子, 伊深祥子
日本家庭科教育学会2020年度大会(オンライン開催)研究発表要旨集 PD1 2012.12
Actual conditions of living environments in evacuative gymnasiums at off site
Yukari Iino, Takashi Kurabuchi, Takeshi Ogasawara, Kozue Yuasa
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design 18 ( 40 ) 1009 - 1012 2012.10
Takashi Kurabuchi, Yukari Iino, Tomoya Honda
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design 18 ( 40 ) 995 - 998 2012.10
41355 Study on teacher's recognition to equipments and the actual conditions of environmental control in classrooms at a public school with an air conditioning and ventilation equipment : Part2 Environmental control equipments and air environment in class
Yuasa Kozue
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2012 ( 0 ) 717 - 718 2012.9
41354 Study on teacher's recognition to equipments and the actual conditions of environmental control in classrooms at a public school with an air conditioning and ventilation equipment : Part1 Differences of thermal environments in classrooms caused by e
Iino Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2012 ( 0 ) 715 - 716 2012.9
Sato Shinya, Iino Yukari, Igarashi Yuriko
人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 36 195 - 196 2012
Study on Actual Conditions of Thermal Environment in Silver Housings for Elderly Residents in Niigata
Iino Yukari, Iino Akinaru
新潟大学教育学部研究紀要. 人文・社会科学編 5 ( 1 ) 59 - 65 2012
Study on teacher's recognition on function of equipments and the actual conditions of environmental control in a public school classrooms equipped with an air conditioning and ventilation equipment
YUASA Kozue, KURABUCHI Takashi, IINO Yukari
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2012 ( 0 ) 1499 - 1502 2012
Takashi Kurabuchi, Yukari Iino, Kumiko Tsuruta
12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011 3 2113 - 2114 2011.12
41383 Study on thermal and air environments in classrooms which cooling equipments are used at elementary school in urban area : Part2 Air environments and pupil's thermal environmental evaluations
Yuasa Kozue
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2011 773 - 774 2011.7
41385 Study on Air-Conditioning Equipment Installation of Public Elementary School Located in the Suburbs of 23 Wards of Tokyo and Environmental Control Behaviors by Questionnaire Survey
Honda Tomoya
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2011 777 - 778 2011.7
41382 Study on thermal and air environment in classrooms which cooling equipments are used at elementary school in urban area : Part1 Resultant of thermal and air environments caused by building elements and environmental control behaviors
Iino Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2011 771 - 772 2011.7
Takashi Kurabuchi, Kumiko Tsuruta, Takeshi Ogasawara, Yukari Iino
International Journal of Ventilation 10 ( 2 ) 125 - 132 2011
Questionnaire Survey on Cooling Equipment Installation and Environmental Control Behaviors of Public Elementary Schools Located in Cities of Kanto Areas
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2011 ( 0 ) 1495 - 1498 2011
Study on thermal and air environment in classrooms of an elementary school in urban area equipped with air-conditioning systems for heating and cooling
YUASA Kozue, KURABUCHI Takashi, IINO Yukari
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2011 ( 0 ) 991 - 994 2011
41369 Study on indoor environments, environmental controls and thermal sensations in elementary school classrooms equipped with air-conditioning systems for cooling and electric fans : Part 2 Actual conditions of thermal environment and characteristics of
Noda Yoshihiro
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2010 737 - 738 2010.7
41258 Subject experiment on evaporative heat loss and wind fluctuation using climate controllable wind tunnel : Part1 Skin surface temperature and skin wettedness on steady wind condition
OHBA Masaaki
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2010 515 - 516 2010.7
41259 Subject experiment on evaporative heat loss and wind fluctuation using climate controllable wind tunnel : Part2 Skin surface temperature and skin wettedness on fluctuating wind condition
Morikami Shinya
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2010 517 - 518 2010.7
41368 Study on indoor environments, environmental controls and thermal sensations in elementary school classrooms equipped with air-conditioning systems for cooling and electric fans : Part 1 Actual conditions of environmental controls and indoor physical
IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2010 735 - 736 2010.7
4-5 Study on indoor environments, environmental controls and thermal evaluations in elementary school classrooms equipped with air-conditioning systems for cooling and electric fans
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi, TSURUTA Kumiko, NODA Yoshihiro
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 53 ) 275 - 278 2010.7
4015 冷房導入による小学校教室内の温熱・空気環境と環境調節行為および温熱環境評価の相違(環境工学)
野田 圭弘, 倉渕 隆, 飯野 由香利, 鶴田 久美子
日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 80 ( 0 ) 57 - 60 2010.3
41156 Study on Thermal Comfort in Quasi-Cross-Ventilated Environment Using Climate Chamber : Part 2 Relation between sweat and wind velocity
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2009 323 - 324 2009.7
41084 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems (Part 11) : Estimate CFD Simulation Axially of a Indoor Thermal Comfort
KAJIYA Ryoichi, SAKAI Koji, KURABUCHI Takashi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, IINO Yukari, NAGAI Tatsuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KUBO Ryutaro, OGASAWARA Takeshi, KATSUMATA Hiroko, HIRUTA Kodai, SHIMIZU Hiroyuki, SATO Keiko, ONO Hiroki
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2009 179 - 180 2009.7
41085 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems (Part 12) : Examination of Indoor Thermal Environment and Supply Heat by CFD
HIRUTA Kodai, KAJIYA Ryoichi, SAKAI Koji, KURABUCHI Takashi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, IINO Yukari, NAGAI Tatsuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KUBO Ryutaro, OGASAWARA Takeshi, KATSUMATA Hiroko, SHIMIZU Hiroyuki, SATO Keiko, ONO Hiroki
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2009 181 - 182 2009.7
41082 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems : Part 9 Observation of Resultant Thermal Environment with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
SHIMIZU Hiroyuki
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2009 175 - 176 2009.7
41083 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems : Part 10 Evaluation of Thermal Environment Using Thermal Mannequin
SATO Keiko
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2009 177 - 178 2009.7
41157 Study on Thermal Comfort under Quasi-Cross-Ventilated Environmet in Climate Chamber : Part 3 Relation between skin surface temperature and air velocity
IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2009 325 - 326 2009.7
41155 Study on Thermal Comfort in Quasi-Cross-Ventilated Environment Using Climate Chamber : Part 1 Outline of climate chamber and thermal comfort experiment
OHBA Masaaki
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2009 321 - 322 2009.7
4-99 Thermal and air quality environment in elementary school classrooms equipped with heat-pump air-conditioning system for cooling and heating
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi, KAWASE Tomofumi
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 52 ) 323 - 326 2009.7
Takashi Kurabuchi, Yukari Iino, Tomofumi Kawase
Journal of Environmental Engineering 74 ( 641 ) 893 - 899 2009.7
Regional installing and operating conditions of Hvac systems in public elementary schools
Hiroshi Yoshino, Yukari Iino, Norie Takizawa, Go Iwashita, Kazukio Kumagai, Takashi Kurabuchi, Satoru Nagasawa, Akihiro Nagata, Asako Hasegawa, Satoru Muramatsu
Journal of Environmental Engineering 74 ( 639 ) 643 - 650 2009.5
E-65 Thermal and Air Quality Environments in Elementary School Classrooms Equipped with Heat-pump Air-conditioning Systems for Cooling and Heating
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2009 ( 0 ) 2043 - 2046 2009
F-24 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Heating Room : (Part. 7) Examination of indoor thermal comfort simulating method according to heat insulation property
HIRUTA Kodai, OGASAWARA Takeshi, KATSUMATA Hiroko, SHIMIZU Hiroyuki, SATO Keiko, ONO Hiroki, KAJIYA Ryoichi, SAKAI Koji, KURABUCHI Takashi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, IINO Yukari, NAGAI Tatsuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KUBO Ryutaro
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2009 ( 0 ) 1255 - 1258 2009
D-25 Study about Indoor Thermal Comfort by Airflow Distribution and Fluctuation : Part 1 Summary of Climate Chamber with Fluctuating Airflow by Multiple Fans
MIZUTANI Kunio, OHBA Masaaki, IINO Yukari, IINO Akinaru
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2009 ( 0 ) 1059 - 1062 2009
F-23 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Heating Room : Part.6 Evaluation of Thermal Environment Using Thermal Manikin.
OGASAWARA Takeshi, KATSUMATA Hiroko, HIRUTA Kodai, ONO Hiroki, SHIMIZU Hiroyuki, SATO Keiko, KURABUCHI Takashi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, KAJIYA Ryoichi, SAKAI Koji, IINO Yukari, NAGAI Tatsuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KUBO Ryutaro
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2009 ( 0 ) 1251 - 1254 2009
Iino Akinaru, Annaka Tetsuo, Iino Yukari, Ohba Masaaki
13 71 - 79 2008.12
Actual conditions of thermal and air quality environment and environmental evaluations in elementary school classrooms affected by air-conditioned system for cooling
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi, KAWASE Tomofumi, FUKADA Ken
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 51 ) 213 - 216 2008.7
41029 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems. Part5 : Observation of Resultant Thermal Environment and Input Energy for Heating of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
SHIMIZU Hiroyuki
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2008 57 - 58 2008.7
41336 Investigation of Thermal and Air Quality Environment and Opening Behavior of Windows in Elementary School Classrooms Affected by Air-Conditioned System for Cooling
KAWASE Tomofumi
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2008 671 - 672 2008.7
41032 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems (Part8) : Detail on Thermal and Air Distribution of a Room by CFD
HIRUTA Kodai, KAJIYA Ryoichi, SAKAI Koji, KURABUCHI Takashi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, IINO Yukari, NAGAI Tatsuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KUBO Ryutaro, SHIMIZU Hiroyuki, KISHIDA Takuya
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2008 63 - 64 2008.7
41031 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems (Part7) : Estimate CFD Simulation Axially of a Room
KAJIYA Ryoichi, SAKAI Koji, KURABUCHI Takashi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, IINO Yukari, NAGAI Tatsuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KUBO Ryutaro, SHIMIZU Hiroyuki, HIRUTA Kodai, KISHIDA Takuya
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2008 61 - 62 2008.7
41188 Visualization of sensible heat on thermal mannequin's surface by image analysis of infrared animation
IINO Akinaru, ANNAKA Tetsuo, IINO Yukari, OHBA Masaaki
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2008 375 - 376 2008.7
41030 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems Part 6 : Differences of Airflow Environments in Heating Systems and Various Types of Air Supply Openings
IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2008 59 - 60 2008.7
知っておきたい健康情報 寒いときこそ換気をしよう
飯野 由香利, 倉渕 隆
こころのオアシス 6 ( 1 ) 38 - 40 2008.1
F-14 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Heating Room : Part.3 Observation of Resultant Thermal Environment and Input Energy for Heating of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
SHIMIZU Hiroyuki, OGASAWARA Takeshi, HIRUTA Kodai, KISHIDA Takuya, KURABUCHI Takashi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, KAJIYA Ryoichi, SAKAI Koji, IINO Yukari, NAGAI Tatsuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KUBO Ryutaro
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2008 ( 0 ) 477 - 480 2008
F-15 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Heating Room : (Part.4) Examination of Detail on the Thermal Comfort of a Heating Room by the CFD analysis
HIRUTA Kodai, OGASAWARA Takeshi, SHIMIZU Hiroyuki, KISHIDA Takuya, KAJIYA Ryoichi, SAKAI Koji, KURABUCHI Takashi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, NAGAI Tatsuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, IINO Yukari, KUBO Ryutaro
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2008 ( 0 ) 481 - 484 2008
F-35 On Site Survey of Thermal and Air Quality Environment of Elementary School Classrooms Equipped with Air-Conditioning System for Cooling
KAWASE Tomofumi, KURABUCHI Takashi, IINO Yukari, FUKADA Ken
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2008 ( 0 ) 1193 - 1196 2008
H-31 Equipment and Control Conditions of Heating, Cooling and Ventilation Systems in Public Elementary Schools Based on National Wide Investigation : Part 1 Outlines of Investigation and Equipment of Systems
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2008 ( 0 ) 1385 - 1388 2008
41238 Actual conditions of thermal environmental evaluations under cross-ventilation and airflows from the air-conditioning Part 2 : Relation between airflow fluctuation and thermal environmental evaluations
IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2007 475 - 476 2007.7
41019 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, Part.4 : A CFD Analysis of Thermal Environment of Air Conditioning Living Room
MORITA Yuto, KAJIYA Ryoichi, SAKAI Koji, KURABUTI Takashi, IWAMOTO Sizuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KUBO Ryutaro, KONDO Takeshi, Iino Yukari, NAKAZAWA Masaru, OOSHIMA Kanako, MATIDA Keigo, KISHIDA Takuya
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2007 37 - 38 2007.7
41235 Thermal image analysis of power spectrum of skin temperature change of human body under cross ventilation and air condition : Part1 Study on characteristics of power spectrum of skin temperature change by cluster classification
IINO Akinaru, OHBA Masaaki, IINO Yukari, ANNAKA Tetsuo, KODERA Sadanori
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2007 469 - 470 2007.7
41236 Thermal image analysis of power spectrum of skin temperature change of human body under cross ventilation and air condition : Part2 Relations between power spectrum of skin temperature and wind velocity
ANNAKA Tetsuo, OHBA Masaaki, IINO Akinaru, IINO Yukari, KODERA Sadanori
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2007 471 - 472 2007.7
41237 Actual conditions of thermal environmental evaluations under airflows in cross-ventilated and air-conditioned rooms Part 1 : Characteristics of thermal environmental evaluations under respective airflow
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2007 473 - 474 2007.7
8108 Study on the Indoor Environment Factors and Countermeasures for "Winter Hospitalization"
IRIE Tatehisa, SUZUKI Akira, IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems 2007 1387 - 1388 2007.7
41016 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems. Part1 : Observation of Resultant Themal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems.
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2007 31 - 32 2007.7
41018 A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment of a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, Part.3 : A CFD Analysis of Thermal Environment of Floor Heating Living Room
NAKAZAWA Masaru, KAJIYA Ryoichi, SAKAI Koji, KURABUTI Takashi, IWAMOTO Sizuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KUBO Ryutaro, KONDO Takeshi, Iino Yukari, MORITA Yuto, OOSHIMA Kanako, MATIDA Keigo, KISHIDA Takuya
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2007 35 - 36 2007.7
Thermal image analysis of skin temperature of human body under cross ventilation and air condition
ANNAKA Tetsuo, IINO Akinaru, OHBA Masaaki, IINO Yukari, KODERA Sadanori
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 50 ) 209 - 212 2007.7
Characteristics of thermal environmental evaluations under airflows driven by wind force and an air conditioning system
IINO Yukari, OHBA Masaaki, IINO Akinaru, ANNAKA Tetsuo, KODERA Sadanori
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 50 ) 217 - 220 2007.7
F-7 Thermal Environment and Thermal Comfort in a Room with Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KONDO Takeshi, OHSHIMA Kanako, MACHIDA Keigo, KISHIDA Takuya
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2007 ( 0 ) 409 - 412 2007
41017 A Study on evaluations of thermal environment of a room with floor heating and air conditioning systems Part 2 : Thermal environment and airflow features from the view point of thermal comfort
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 33 - 34 2007
41265 Features of thermal environmental evaluations under three types of airflows driven by wind force, air-conditioning systems and electric fans : Part 3 Features of subjects' skin surface temperatures
IINO Akinaru, OHBA Masaaki, IINO Yukari, ANNAKA Tetsuo, SHIMOJI Kouei, KODERA Sadanori
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2006 547 - 548 2006.7
41264 Features of thermal environmental evaluations under three types of airflows driven by wind force, air-conditioning systems and electric fans : Part 2 Features of thermal environmental evaluations under respective airflows
ANNAKA Tetsuo, OHBA Masaaki, IINO Akinaru, IINO Yukari, SHIMOJI Kouei, KODERA Sadanori
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2006 545 - 546 2006.7
41263 Features of thermal environmental evaluations under three types of airflows driven by wind force, air-conditioning systems and electric fans : Part1 Features of airflows characteristics driven by wind force, air-conditioning systems and electric fan
IINO Yukari, OHBA Masaaki, IINO Akinaru, ANNAKA Tetsuo, SHIMOJI Kouei, KODERA Sadanori
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2006 543 - 544 2006.7
Characteristics of thermal environmental evaluations under three types of airflows driven by wind force, an air conditioning system or an electric fan : Part 2 Characteristics of thermal environmental evaluations under respective airflows
ANNAKA Tetsuo, OHBA Masaaki, IINO Akinaru, IINO Yukari, SIMOJI Kouei, KODERA Sadanori
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 49 ) 225 - 228 2006.7
Characteristics of thermal environmental evaluations under three types of airflows driven by wind force, an air-conditioning system or an electric fan : Part1 Characteristics of airflows driven by wind force , air-conditioning systems and electric fans
IINO Akinaru, OHBA Masaaki, IINO Yukari, ANNAKA Tetuso, SHIMOJI Kouei, KODERA sadanori
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 49 ) 221 - 224 2006.7
4037 通風時と空調時および扇風機使用時における温熱環境評価 : その1 被験者の温熱環境評価に見られる特徴(環境工学)
安中 哲夫, 下地 恒英, 大場 正昭, 飯野 秋成, 飯野 由香利, 小寺 定典
日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I ( 76 ) 505 - 508 2006.2
4038 通風時と空調時および扇風機使用時における温熱環境評価に関する研究 : その2 温熱環境評価の影響要因の検討(環境工学)
下地 恒英, 安中 哲夫, 大場 正昭, 飯野 秋成, 飯野 由香利, 小寺 定典
日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I ( 76 ) 509 - 512 2006.2
E-43 Influences of outdoor air supplied through openings of various heights and types on thermal environment in a floor heated room
IINO Yukari, IWAMOTO Shizuo, KURABUCHI Takashi, KONDO Takeshi, ENDO Tomoyuki
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2006 ( 0 ) 1185 - 1188 2006
G-17 The Influence of Indoor Thermal Environment by Outdoor Supply Air from Air Supply Opening : (Part4) Experiment by Difference of Kinds of Air Supply Opening and System
KONDO Takeshi, MACHIDA Keigo, IWAMOTO Shizuo, KURABUCHI Takashi, ENDO Tomoyuki, IINO Yukari
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2006 ( 0 ) 615 - 618 2006
G-50 Field observation of opening and closing behavior of windows and Resultant CO_2 concentration and Ventilation Rate
KURIBAYASHI Tomohiro, KURABUCHI Takashi, ENDO Tomoyuki, SUGIMOTO Yumiko, KUMAGAI Kazukiyo, IINO Yukari, YOSHINO Hiroshi
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2006 ( 0 ) 1429 - 1432 2006
G-16 The Influence of Indoor Thermal Environment by Outdoor Supply Air from Air Supply Opening : (Part3) Experiment by Difference of Height of Air Supply Opening
MACHIDA Keigo, KONDO Takeshi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, KURABUCHI Takashi, ENDO Tomoyuki, IINO Yukari
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2006 ( 0 ) 611 - 614 2006
41356 Field observation of opening and closing behavior of windows and Resulfant CO_2 concentration and Ventilation Rate
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 729 - 730 2006
Airflow characteristics of cross ventilation through different opening conditions Reviewed
Y Iino and M Ohba
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ( 2 ) 595 - 600 2005.9
41376 Airflow characteristics through different opening conditions at four points in a cross-ventilated room
IINO Yukari, OHBA Masaaki
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2005 781 - 782 2005.7
41077 Actual conditions of disabled elderlies' living environments during winter at heavy snow area in Niigata
IRIE Tatehisa, SUZUKI Akira, IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2005 183 - 184 2005.7
Actual conditions of disabled elderlies' daily lives and thermal environment during winter at heavy snow area in Niigata
IINO Yukari, IRIE Tatehisa, SUZUKI Akira
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 48 ) 257 - 260 2005.7
Airflow characteristics through different opening cpnditions in/out cross ventilated rooms Part 1 : Study on characteristics of airflows at the measuring points and blown through different kinds of lace curtains
IINO Yukari, Ohba Masaaki
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 48 ) 205 - 208 2005.7
Airflow characteristics through different opening conditions in/out cross ventilated rooms Part 2 : Study on airflow characteristics through different opening conditions at four points
IINO Yukari, Ohba Masaaki
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 48 ) 209 - 212 2005.7
4015 通風時における窓周り状況別にみた気流特性(環境工学)
飯野 由香利, 大場 正昭
日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I ( 75 ) 577 - 580 2005.2
E-17 Airflow characteristics in rooms heated by heat pump and floor heating systems
IINO Yukari, KURABUCHI Takashi, IWAMOTO Shizuo, ENDO Tomoyuki, KONDOU Takeshi, KISHIDA Takuya, TAKAHASHI Makoto
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2005 ( 0 ) 373 - 376 2005
41077 Actual conditions of thermal environment in silver-housings in Niigata
IINO Yukari, IINO Akinaru
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2004 153 - 154 2004.7
41068 Survey of thermal and air environment in classrooms which have different ceiling heights
KOYAMA Haruka, NAGATA Akihiro, IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services 2004 135 - 136 2004.7
Study on actual conditions of thermal environment in silver-housings for the eldery in Niigata prefecture
IINO Yukari, IINO Akinaru
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 47 ) 184 - 187 2004.7
IINO Yukari, IINO Akinaru, ONODERA Masayuki, UCHIYAMA Tsuyoshi
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment 2003 ( 2003 ) 945 - 946 2003.7
IINO Yukari, IINO Akinaru, ONODERA Masayuki, UCHIYAMA Tsuyoshi, TOMINAGA Yoshihide
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 46 ) 231 - 234 2003.7
設計上の工夫による快適な教室内環境の形成の可能性(<企画特集>教室の温熱環境を考える : 普通教室への空調設備導入はじまる)
飯野 秋成, 飯野 由香利
School Amenity=月刊スクールアメニティ 18 ( 5 ) 66 - 71 2003.5
Thermal Environment and Thermal Sensation in Old and Newly Rebuilt School Buildings Formed by Different Planning Factors : Part 1 Actual Conditions of Thermal Environment in Old and Newly Rebuilt Classrooms and Results of Thermal Sensation by Pupils
UCHIYAMA Tsuyoshi, IINO Akinaru, IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2002 251 - 252 2002.6
新潟県内における高齢者居住住宅の温熱環境に関する研究 その3 : 湿度環境と乾湿感の実態
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 45 ) 145 - 148 2002.6
Study on Relationship between Physical Environment and Planning Factors of School Buildings : Part 1 Actual Conditions of Thermal Environment of Diffrent Types of Classrooms and Results of Evaluation by Schoolchildren
IINO Akinaru, IINO Yukari, UCHIYAMA Tsuyoshi
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 45 ) 177 - 180 2002.6
UCHIYAMA Tsuyoshi, IINO Akinaru, IINO Yukari, ONODERA Masayuki
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 45 ) 181 - 184 2002.6
IINO Yukari, IINO Akinaru, UCHIYAMA Tsuyoshi, ONODERA Masayuki
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services 2002 ( 2 ) 253 - 254 2002.6
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services 2002 ( 2 ) 323 - 324 2002.6
Basic study on humidity environment in houses for the aged in Niigata
Iino Yukari, Igarashi Yuriko, Yamagishi Akihiro
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics 54 ( 0 ) 349 - 349 2002
Igarashi YURIKO, Yamagishi AKIHIRO, Iino YUKARI
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services 2001 ( 2001 ) 109 - 110 2001.7
41053 Relationship between the directions of rooms and their indoor thermal environment in a home for the aged : A fundamental study on the distribution of thermal environment in a home for the aged Part 1
Uchiyama Tsuyoshi, Iino Akinaru, Iino Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2001 105 - 106 2001.7
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services 2001 ( 2001 ) 111 - 112 2001.7
41054 Relation between the control of air conditioning and floor heating systems and the distribution of indoor thermal environment : A fundamental study on the spatial distribution of thermal environment in a home for the aged Part 2
Iino Yukari, Iino Akinaru, Uchiyama Tsuyoshi
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2001 107 - 108 2001.7
冷暖房の運転状況と室内温熱環境の空間分布との関係 : 高齢者居住施設における室内温熱環境の空間分布に関する基礎的研究 その2(環境系)
飯野 秋成, 飯野 由香利, 内山 剛志
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 44 ) 131 - 134 2001.7
居住環境からみた学校における問題な場所 : 新潟県長岡市における7小中学校の居住環境に関する調査研究 その1(環境系)
( 44 ) 151 - 154 2001.7
教室内における夏季と冬季の温熱環境の実態 : 新潟県長岡市における7小中学校の居住環境に関する調査研究 その2(環境系)
( 44 ) 155 - 158 2001.7
高齢者居住施設における居室の方位と温熱環境との関係の考察 : 高齢者居住施設における居室内温熱環境の空間分布に関する基礎的研究 その1(環境系)
飯野 秋成, 飯野 由香利, 内山 剛志
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 44 ) 127 - 130 2001.7
人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 25 23 - 26 2001
人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 25 27 - 30 2001
Thermal environment in Nursing Homes and Health Care Facilities for the Eldely from the Viewpoints of Buildings and Air Conditioning Systems : Study on Living Environment in Homes for the Eldely in and around Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture Part 1
IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 2000 211 - 212 2000.7
飯野 由香利
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 ( 43 ) 323 - 330 2000.7
飯野 由香利, 菊地 裕子, 長岡看護福祉専門学校看護学科, 期生一同
老年問題研究 20 23 - 31 2000
Analysis of students' SET distributions in cross ventilated classrooms by numerical simulation
Iino Yukari, Kurabuchi Takashi
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water 1999 1019 - 1020 1999.7
Study on Characteristics of Airflow in and around a Building in Cases of Various Opening Conditions and Approaching Flow Angles by Wind Tunnel Experiment and CFD : Part2 Analysis of Prediction and Evaluation Method of Indoor Airflow Distribution Caused by
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 1998 573 - 574 1998.7
Study on airflow characteristics in and around building induced by cross ventilation using wind tunnel experiment and CFD simulation Reviewed
Y. Iino, T. Kurabuchi, N. Kobayashi, A. Arashiguchi
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Air Distributions in Rooms 2 307 - 314 1998.6
36 風洞実験およびCFDによる開口条件の異なる建物内の通風性状に関する基礎的検討 : 通風時の室内気流空間分布の予測・評価手法に関する検討 その1(環境工学,計画系)
飯野 由香利, 倉渕 隆, 小林 信行, 嵐口 晃宏, 五十嵐 勝
日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 ( 68 ) 333 - 336 1998.2
Basic study on connective heat transfer coefficient distribution in a cross ventilated classroom
IINO Yukari
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 1998 ( 0 ) 685 - 688 1998
Experimental Study on Air Velocity Measurement Using Supersonic Anemometer and Thermal Anemometer.
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 625 - 626 1998
Basic Study on Air'flow Characteristics of Cross-Ventilated Apartment Houses
INOUE kentaro
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 1998 ( 0 ) 1085 - 1088 1998
Numerical Prediction of Thermal Environment in a Factory with Displacement Ventilation and Temperature-Stratified Air-Conditioning System Part 2 : Effect of Control Factors and Heat Load Distribution on Thermal Environment and Comfort
AOKI Ken, IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 1997 939 - 940 1997.7
6 CFDによる置換換気システムを取り入れた工場内の温熱環境の把握(その2) : 制御要素および熱負荷が気流・空気温度の空間分布に与える影響に関する検討(環境工学)
青木 健, 飯野 由香利, 倉渕 隆, 中谷 博, 福山 一博
研究報告集. 計画系 ( 67 ) 21 - 24 1997.2
5 CFDによる置換換気システムを取り入れた工場内の温熱環境の把握(その1) : 対流、放射、貫流熱簡易達成解析に基づく気流・空気温度の空間分布の計算結果の検討(環境工学)
飯野 由香利, 青木 健, 倉渕 隆, 中谷 博, 福山 一博
研究報告集. 計画系 ( 67 ) 17 - 20 1997.2
Wind erosion assesment and prediction using an integrated system
Proc. IEAS and IWGIS, 1997 936 - 950 1997
Thermal Raduation Environment in Various Types of Classrooms : Thermal Radiation Distributions in Classrooms Occupied by Students Part3
IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 1996 391 - 392 1996.7
View Factor calculaton and Mean Radiant Temperature due to Presence of Ovstructions : Thermal Radiation Distributions in Classrooms Occupied by Students Part2
Honda Daisaku
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality 1996 389 - 390 1996.7
28 児童の在室を想定した教室内放射環境の空間分布に関する基礎的検討(環境工学)
飯野 由香利, 倉渕 隆, 本田 大作
研究報告集. 計画系 ( 66 ) 109 - 112 1996.3
7 教師の評価を用いた冬季における教室の物理環境実態に関する研究(環境工学)
都 根永, 梅干野 晁, 飯野 由香利
研究報告集. 計画系 ( 65 ) 25 - 28 1995.2
Study on Classroom Environment in Winter through Evaluations by Pupils Part2
DOE Geun-young, HOYANO Akira, IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1994 1253 - 1254 1994.7
Study on discribution of evaluations of physical environment in classrooms : Distribution of evaluations about thermal environment and air flow in classrooms in summer Part3
IINO Yukari, HOYANO Akira, DOE Geunyoung
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1994 1249 - 1250 1994.7
36 児童の評価からみた冬季における教室の物理環境 その1(環境工学)
都 根永, 梅干野 晁, 飯野 由香利
研究報告集. 計画系 ( 64 ) 141 - 144 1994.2
The Effect of Ventilation and Draft on Evaluatin of Indoor Climate in Summer : Part 2 Investigation Based on the Actual Condition of the Way of Dwelling
Iino Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1993 581 - 582 1993.7
The Effect of Ventilation and Draft on Evaluation of Indoor Climate in Summer : Part 1 Investigation Based on Measurement
Sugawara Masanori
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1993 579 - 580 1993.7
17 集合住宅の平面型と夏季の通風時における住戸内熱環境との関係(環境工学)
菅原 正則, 梅干野 晁, 本間 博文, 飯野 由香利
研究報告集. 計画系 ( 63 ) 65 - 68 1993.2
Study on distribution of evaluations of physical environment in classrooms : Actual condition of evaluations of physical environment in locations of pupils' seats Part 2
KATO Tadayoshi
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1992 1125 - 1126 1992.8
Relationships between environmental evaluations of schools' surroundings and physical environment : Part 2 Relationships between environmental evaluations and actual conditions of vagetation
YABE Tsunehiko
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1992 1127 - 1128 1992.8
Study on distribution of eveluations of physical environment in classrooms : Outline of inquiry and relationship of evaluations between pupils and teachers Part 1
IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1992 1123 - 1124 1992.8
1 小学校の教室環境に関する調査研究 : その7 冬季の物理環境評価とその影響要因との関係(環境工学)
飯野 由香利, 梅干野 晁, 伊藤 直明
研究報告集. 計画系 ( 62 ) 1 - 4 1992.1
HOYANO Akira, HAYASHI Tetsuo, DOE Geun-Young, IINO Yukari
Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 433 ( 0 ) 11 - 19 1992
HOYANO Akira, Iino Yukari, Ito Naoaki
Symposium on Man-Thermal Environment System 91 311 - 314 1991.12
Relationships betwen Evaluations of Schools' Surroundings and Physical Environment
YABE Tsunehiko
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1991 1487 - 1488 1991.8
Study on Environment in North-facing Classrooms by Applying Passive system : Part-2 Investigation of Thermal Environment in Classrooms by Simuation
DOE Geunyoung
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1991 1413 - 1414 1991.8
Investigation of Classroom Environment at Elementary Schools : Part 6 Relationships between Planning Elements and Enaluations of Classroom Environment in Summer
IINO Yukari
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1991 1415 - 1416 1991.8
Study on Enviroment in North-facing Classrooms by Applying Passive system : Part-1 Review of South-facing Classrooms and Proposal of a North-facing Classroom
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering 1991 1411 - 1412 1991.8
2018.7 日本女子大学住居の会
Best Poster Presentation Award on area XI Energy Conservation & Heat Pump
Yukari Iino
he Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Prizes for Science and Technology
2018.4 the Minister of Education Public Understanding Promotion Category
2017.5 日本建築学会
後藤哲男, 広川智子, 飯野由香利
ゴールデン・キューブ賞2016/2017 (学校部門 特別賞)
2017.2 JIA
後藤哲男, 広川智子, 飯野由香利
Construction of living education systems for practice of sustainable living with encouragement of behavior modification
Grant number:23K01961
2023.4 - 2025.3
2022.4 - 2024.3
Awarding organization:桐建材(株)
有波 裕貴
Architecture and living education for transformation of life styles based on SDGs and ESD by using five senses
2021.8 - 2022.3
Yukari Iino
Authorship:Principal investigator
Proposal on Environmental Design Method and Building Service Operating Method for Preventing Heatstroke and Flu occurred in Schools
Grant number:19H02303
2019.4 - 2022.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Iwashita Go
Grant amount:\12220000 ( Direct Cost: \9400000 、 Indirect Cost:\2820000 )
Introducing air conditioners to school classrooms is proceeding for avoiding heatstroke. The introduction of air conditioner to school gymnasiums has started as well. The field measurements of thermal and air environment in schools were conducted in the area of Hokkaido, Tohoku, Hokuriku, Kanto and Kyushu. It was found that the risk of heatstroke in classrooms in Hokkaido area was observed.
The popularization of ventilation equipment to classrooms lags behind compared to the air conditioners. The ventilation equipment is useful for measures of flu and COVID-19. The field measurements were conducted both in classrooms with ventilation equipment and those without them. The ventilation rates after COVID-19 were increased compared to those before COVID-19.
Grant number:19K02316
2019.4 - 2022.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
飯野 由香利, 小川 裕子, 倉渕 隆
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )
Grant number:19K11163
2019.4 - 2022.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
清水 詩子, 飯野 由香利
Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )
2019年度は、高齢者施設および併設の透析施設の環境調査を3回(夏季、秋季、冬季)実施した。温・湿度および照度の測定は、T and D社 TR-74Uiを使用し、高齢者施設の入所者の居室(透析10名、非透析9名)と共用部分12か所、廊下7箇所で実施した。透析室では、同様の測定を、新棟8箇所、旧棟6箇所で実施した。環境に関する聞き取り調査は、居室の温・湿度および照度の測定を依頼した高齢者施設の入所者(透析10名、非透析9名)、高齢者施設の介護士の責任者1名および看護職1名、透析施設の看護責任者1名に実施した。
2018.7 - 2019.3
Awarding organization:永井エヌ・エフ知覚科学振興財団
Grant number:18K02984
2018.4 - 2021.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
後藤 哲男, 飯野 由香利
Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )
2017.7 - 2018.3
Research category:科学技術知識普及事業費助成
Awarding organization:内田エネルギー科学技術振興財団
The development of the class to aim at learner oneself approaching in essence of the house life and ability to be thereby brought up
Grant number:17K04767
2017.4 - 2021.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
OGAWA Hiroko
Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )
In this study, we prepared learning contents and learning methods that are thought to be able to approach the essence of living life, and practiced lessons at multiple elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools, and we were able to clarify the learning of the person. Classes will be practiced once or twice at two elementary schools, three junior high schools, and two high schools during the three years of 2017, 2018, and 2019. In 2020, from the learning process and achievements of children and students, we asked what is the ability of children to live independently in terms of "now" and "future" living life, and what kind of learning can be acquired.
Grant number:15K00925
2015.4 - 2018.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
GOTO Tetsuo, HIROKAWA Tomoko
Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )
The purpose of this research was to acquire the architectural knowledge about the seismic performance related to safety against disasters, and the basic education of energy conservation against the global warming faced by the earth. This course continued to junior high schools of N city for 10 years, also for high school and elementary school students.
The feature is in a hands-on curriculum that makes cross-sectional and comprehensive understanding of contents to be learned in architecture by using 1/10 assembled model. Here we are linking the scientific principles learned in school and the items in the architectural field where it is actually applied. We are trying active learning to experience various phenomena such as spatial recognition, earthquake resistant structure, damping structure, light, thermal, sound and air environment, etc. as a model. We aimed to reach a true understanding by intellectual understanding of lecture and experiential understanding by model.
Grant number:26350065
2014.4 - 2017.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Iino Yukari
Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )
(1)The differences of thermal, lighting and air environments according to site, directions and floor levels were clarified by measurements in classrooms at schools in Niigata and Tokyo. It is clarified that the air temperature when pupils could concentrate on study in the cooling environment was 26 ℃. The suitable factor of learning efficiency was “concentration” and the proper examining method was “Sudoku”.
(2)The educational methods students and teachers could experiment utilizing school building and tools used in home economics lessons were proposed and conducted. Their effects were verified in the points of progressing their comprehensions. The booklets were written including principles and proposed experiments and mailed to home economics teachers at junior high schools and high schools in Niigata and Nagaoka cities.
Proposal of evaluation method on naturally ventilated buildings based on evaluation of thermal comfort and energy saving
Grant number:20360265
2008 - 2010
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
OHBA Masaaki, MIZUTANI Kunio, KURABUCHI Takashi, IINO Akinari, IINO Yukari, ENDO Tomoyuki, KURABUCHI Takashi, IINO Akinari, IINO Yukari
Grant amount:\18850000 ( Direct Cost: \14500000 、 Indirect Cost:\4350000 )
The cooling effects by natural wind fluctuation and sweat evaporation are very important for evaluating the thermal comfort condition in cross-ventilated environment. It was found that the frequency of sweating rate had a high correlation with the frequency of sinusoid wave flow and the evaporation heat loss through sweating was promoted in longer frequency of wind velocity than in higher frequency. Through field measurement of naturally ventilated building, it was found that the 60% of office workers in the investigated room could not feel the movement of air in intermediate season because the naturally ventilated vents were located under the windows. A COMIS-LDSM model with a combination of TRNSYS thermal multizone building model was proposed. Furthermore the Predicted Mean Vote was incorporated into the TRNSYS network model and currently the verification of the network model is being undertaken.
Study on evaluation method for cross-ventilation environment taken account of steady ventilation flow rates and thermal comfort
Grant number:18360278
2006 - 2007
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
OHBA Masaaki, KURABUCHI Takashi, IINO Akinari, GOTO Tomonobu, IINO Yukari
Grant amount:\17000000 ( Direct Cost: \14900000 、 Indirect Cost:\2100000 )
The field experiments, wind tunnel experiments and image analysis have been carried out. The findings of the study can be summarized as follows.
(1) The local dynamic similarity model can predict discharge coefficients, which vary with wind direction and opening position, if some requirements are met. Four types of wind tunnel experiments were carried out in this study to investigate how strictly these requirements have to be met when the model is applied to inflow openings. There are no substantial problems in applying the model when the direction or profile of the tangential flow is changed or when there is a wall near the opening.
(2) The local dynamic similarity model was coupled with a COMIS network model. The prediction accuracy of ventilation flow rates was verified for one-zone and two-zone building models. The coupled model achieved better predictions of discharge coefficients and ventilation flow rates than the conventional orifice flow model.
(3) The airflow characteristics outside and inside a cross-ventilated room were measured by ultrasonic anemometers in summer 2006. The major contributions to the energy spectra of cross-ventilation are revealed in the frequency range less than 0.1Hz and that the energy spectra of cross-ventilation contain some region of wave numbers with an exponential decay of k-5/3.
(4) When the air velocity was more than 0.5m/s, various air velocity changes and airflow fluctuations in time and space made subjects feel more comfortable under cross-ventilation than under airflows from the air-conditioning system.
(5) The influence of air velocity fluctuations on surface temperature fluctuations of thermal mannequin was visualized in the experimental room under cross ventilated cases and under air conditioned cases. An image processing method to transfer the infrared animations to power spectrum images was proposed in order to clarify the frequency of surface temperature fluctuations.
(6) The influence of building coverage ratio on ventilation performance was small rather on roofs than on walls. A roof window was found to be a very effective tool for increasing ventilation flow rates especially in densely populated area.