Faculty of Economic Sciences Department of Interdisciplinary Economic Studies Professor
Updated on 2025/02/10
【Books etc】 Japan's Cold War Policy and China: Two Perceptions of Order, 1960-1972 2020
【Books etc】 The Dismantling of Japan's Empire in East Asia: Deimperialization, Postwar Legitimation and Imperial Afterlife 2017
Ph.D. in International Relations ( 2010.12 The University of Tokyo )
修士(学術) ( 2003.3 東京大学 )
学士(文学) ( 2001.3 東京大学 )
Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese history / Modern Japanese History
Humanities & Social Sciences / International relations / Japanese Political History, Japanese Diplomatic History, International History
Niigata University Faculty of Law / Faculty of Economic Sciences / Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Professor
Visiting Scholar (Fulbright Scholar), Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University
2019 - 2020
The Toyo Bunko Researcher
華東師範大学歴史学系 短期訪問外国専門家
Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge
Niigata University Faculty of Law / Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Associate Professor
2013 - 2020
Niigata University Associate Professor
2013 - 2017
Waseda University Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies
2012 - 2014
The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences
2012 - 2013
University of Tsukuba
Waseda University Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies Research Assistant
2011 - 2013
The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences
The Open University of Japan
2007 - 2014
Fox International Fellow, Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University
2004 - 2005
Niigata University Faculty of Economic Sciences Department of Interdisciplinary Economic Studies Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Economic Sciences Department of Interdisciplinary Economic Studies Associate Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Multisocial Studies Associate Professor
2014.5 - 2020.3
Niigata University Faculty of Law Department of Law Law and Politics in Global Society Associate Professor
2014.5 - 2020.3
Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Multisocial Studies Associate Professor
2013.4 - 2014.4
Niigata University Faculty of Law Department of Law Associate Professor
2013.4 - 2014.4
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Graduate Department of Advanced Social and International Studies
2001 - 2010
Country: Japan
The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters History
1997 - 2001
Country: Japan
法政理論 56 ( 3 ) 47 - 97 2024.3
岸派・清和会の政治的系譜と対中・対ソ外交 : 岸信介・椎名悦三郎・福田赳夫・安倍晋太郎を中心に—特集 日中国交正常化50周年 : 日中関係の総点検と今後の展望
神田 豊隆
現代中国 = Modern China : 研究年報 / 日本現代中国学会 編 ( 97 ) 59 - 72 2023
国際政治 ( 209 ) 17 - 32 2023
Competing Conservative Visions: Japan’s Cold War Relations with Its Communist Neighbors Invited Reviewed
Kanda Yutaka
Rivista italiana di storia internazionale ( 2 ) 241 - 280 2022
神田 豊隆
法政理論 49 ( 1 ) 2016
19 ( 19 ) 53 - 69 2013
56 ( 56 ) 3 - 16 2009
"A free world nation" and "the United Nations": the logic of the Ikeda administration's China policy
International relations 152 ( 152 ) 83 - 97 2008
国際関係論研究 21 ( 21 ) 25 - 50 2004
中村元哉, 村田雄二郎, 山口早苗 (編)( Role: Contributor , 神田豊隆「戦後アジアにおける社会民主主義ネットワークの構築とその限界―1950年代のアジア社会党会議と日本社会党」(第9章))
東洋文庫 2024.9
大平正芳の中国・東アジア外交 経済から環太平洋連帯構想まで
宮城大蔵, 鈴木宏尚, 大庭三枝, 金恩貞, 杉浦康之, 鹿雪瑩, 横山雄大, 若月秀和, 神田豊隆, 徐顕芬, 李彦銘, 川島真, 井上正也( Role: Contributor , 神田豊隆「大平政権の環太平洋連帯構想における中国・ソ連――デタント・新冷戦のなかの含意」(第11章))
PHPエディターズ・グループ 2024.3 ( ISBN:4910739505 )
Leftist Internationalisms: A Transnational Political History
Michele Di Donato and Mathieu Fulla, eds.( Role: Contributor , Yutaka Kanda, "Social democracy and anti-communism in Cold War Asia: The Japan Socialist Party's role in the Asian Socialist Conference in the 1950s" (Chapter 3))
Bloomsbury 2023.2 ( ISBN:135024791X )
和解学叢書3(政治・外交) 国家間和解の揺らぎと深化――講和体制から深い和解へ
波多野澄雄(編)( Role: Contributor , 神田豊隆「第2章 日本社会党と戦後和解――村山談話の『社会党らしさ』」)
明石書店 2022
Japan’s Cold War Policy and China: Two Perceptions of Order, 1960-1972
Yutaka Kanda, Translated by Yoneyuki Sugita( Role: Sole author)
Routledge 2020 ( ISBN:9781138744394 )
The Dismantling of Japan's Empire in East Asia: Deimperialization, Postwar Legitimation and Imperial Afterlife
Barak Kushner, Sherzod Muminov( Role: Contributor , Kanda Yutaka, “The transformation of a Manchukuo imperial bureaucrat to postwar supporter of the Yoshida Doctrine: the case of Shiina Etsusaburō” (Chapter 10))
Routledge 2017
黄自進( Role: Contributor , 神田豊隆(陳進盛・黄自進訳)「『親臺灣派』所推進的對蘇外交:1960年代的日本外交與岸信介、椎名悦三郎及福田赳夫」)
中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心 2015
神田豊隆( Role: Sole author)
岩波書店 2012
アジア外交 動と静―― 元中国大使中江要介オーラルヒストリー
中江要介( Role: Joint editor)
蒼天社出版 2010
《書評》Kyoko Hatakeyama, Japan's Evolving Security Policy: Militarisation within a Pacifist Tradition
グローバル・ガバナンス ( 9 ) 74 - 76 2023.3
書評 宮川徹志著『佐藤栄作 最後の密使』 Invited
図書新聞 ( 3480 ) 2021
New Discoveries and Implications from the Records of the Historic Sino-Japanese Meetings in 1972 Invited Reviewed
Yutaka Kanda
Sources and Methods: A blog of the History and Public Policy Program, February 27, 2017, The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 2017.2
More Friends than Foes: Sino-Japanese Relations in 1984
Charles Kraus, Sergey Radchenko, Yutaka Kanda
Cold War International History Project e-Dossier, The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars ( 48 ) 2014.3
Between Anti-Communism and Progressive Identity: Japanese Rightist Socialists’ Policy on the Question of China
Yutaka Kanda
American Historical Association 138th Annual Meeting 2025.1
日本国際政治学会2024年度研究大会 2024.11
Internationalizing rightist-leftist dispute in Japanese Socialists: the social democratic Cold War policy in Japan, Europe and Asia
Yutaka Kanda
‘Re–examining Japan’s Cold War’ Conference, University of East Anglia 2024.8
Playing a role behind the scenes: the Nakasone Administration and the "Pacific Cooperation," 1982-87
Yutaka Kanda
International Workshop, “The Reconsideration of the International Order of Asia in the 1980s,” Japan Studies Program, the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington 2024.3
日本現代中国学会第72回全国学術大会 2022.10
東洋文庫現代中国班「国際関係・文化」グループ主催、国際シンポジウム「冷戦下における日本と中華圏の人物交流史(第2回)」 2022.8
東洋文庫超域アジア部門現代中国班国際関係・文化グループ2021年度第5回研究会 2022.3
The Japan Socialist Party, Anti-Communism, and International Networks of Social Democracy in the 1950s
Yutaka Kanda
2021 Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies 2021.10
The Murayama Statement as Socialist Policy?: The Japan Socialist Party and Postwar Reconciliation
Yutaka Kanda
The KAKENHI Project of the Creation of the Reconciliation Studies and the Center for the Reconciliation Studies in Waseda University, under the Support from International Association for Reconciliation Studies (IARS), an International Workshop, “the Development of Reconciliation Studies in East Asia,” Zoom Webinar 2021.3
The Sea of Japan Region in the <i>Longue Durée</i>: Geopolitics, Transnational Networks, and the Future of Regional Cooperation International conference
Yutaka Kanda
International Symposium 2020, "Regional Order in East Asia: Emergence, Development, and Future" 2020.1 Faculty of Law, Niigata University
神田 豊隆
科学研究費・新学術領域研究「和解学の創成~正義ある和解を求めて~」夏合宿 2019.8
冷戦期アジアにおける社会民主主義的地域秩序の試み――1950年代 International conference
神田 豊隆
新潟大学法学部東アジア地域研究プロジェクト・淡江大学日本政経研究所 日台国際ワークショップ「東アジアの地域ガバナンスと日本――20世紀国際関係史の視点」 2019.3
Connecting Internationalists and Nationalists: Japan Socialist Party's Effort to Bridge the Socialist International and the Asian Socialist Conference in the 1950s International conference
Yutaka Kanda
Les gauches et l'international/The Left and the international arena, Centre d'Histoire de Sciences Po 2018.5
Networking Non-Communist Socialists in Asia: The Socialist International, Asian Socialist Conference and Japan Socialist Party in the 1950s Invited International conference
KANDA Yutaka
神田 豊隆
グローバル・ガバナンス学会第10回研究大会 2017.5
Adapting to International Changes: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan's Observation Regarding the Sino-Soviet Split (1957-1971) Invited International conference
KANDA Yutaka
International Conference on China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries during the Cold War: New Sources and New Perspectives 2017.3 Institute for Studies of China’s Neighboring Countries and Regions, East China Normal University (co-sponsored by the History and Public Policy Program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars)
神田 豊隆
早稲田大学・20世紀メディア研究所 第110回研究会 2017.3
戦后日本政治家譜系及対中蘇外交 International conference
神田 豊隆
華東師範大学人文社会科学・2016年百場校級学術講座第73場 2016.9
神田 豊隆
グローバル・ガバナンス学会第8回研究大会 2016.5
‘Japan-US-China’ or ‘Japan-US-China-USSR’: Two different goals in postwar Japanese conservatives Invited International conference
KANDA Yutaka
International Relations Seminar at Osaka University 2016.1
Driving the Wedge or Approaching Both? Yoshida and Kishi Factions’ Rival Policies towards the Sino-Soviet Alliance Invited International conference
神田 豊隆
Guest Lecture presented at European Research Council Project, The Dissolution of the Japanese Empire and the Struggle for Legitimacy in Postwar East Asia, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge 2015.10
日ソ関係のロー・ポリティクス――日ソ通商条約の締結と戦後日ソ関係の始動 Invited International conference
KANDA Yutaka
華東師範大学歴史学系・早稲田大学現代中国研究所広域史研究会主催、日中共同ワークショップ「戦後アジア広域史(1950-70年代):多層的秩序への視点」 2015.3
椎名悦三郎の外交構想の変遷――「岸的」路線から現実主義者との共鳴へ Invited International conference
KANDA Yutaka
"Breakdown of the Japanese Empire and the Search for Legitimacy" Conference, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge 2014.9
The Cold War in the 1980s and the Two Outlooks of International Order in Japan's Diplomacy: Focusing on the Nakasone Administration's Diplomacy toward China International conference
Sino-Japanese Relations Research Network 2014 Conference, University of Leeds 2014.7
1960年代における冷戦変容と日本外交指導者の国際情勢認識 Invited
東京大学大学院情報学環現代韓国研究センター2013年度第3回研究会 2014.1
The "Three Pillars of the Free World" and Trade Liberalization Negotiations: the Case of Japan in the 1960s International conference
The 4th Joint International Seminar, Faculty of Law, Niigata University 2014.1
The Sino-Soviet Split and Japan's China Policy in the 1960s International conference
The International Conference of China's Relations with Neighboring Countries during the Cold War, Center for Cold War International History Studies, East China Normal University (co-sponsored by the History and Public Policy Program of the Woodrow Wilson 2013.10
第14回早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター(WIAPS)研究会 2013
Japanese Leaders’ Perceptions on Sino-Soviet Relations and Japan’s China policy in the 1960s
The 2nd Annual Sino-Japanese Relations Postgraduate Network Conference, University of Leeds 2012
Japan’s ‘Grand Designs’ for International Order: Policies of Ikeda and Sato Administrations toward Mao’s China during the Period of the Transforming Cold War Structure, 1960-1972
Conference on “Mao's China, Non-Communist Asia, and the Global Setting, 1949-1976,” University of Hong Kong (co-sponsored by the Cold War International History Project of the Woodrow Wilson Center and Cornell University) 2012
Japan’s ‘Grand Designs’ for International Order: Policies of Ikeda and Sato Administrations toward Mao’s China during the Period of the Transforming Cold War Structure, 1960-1972
Conference on “Mao's China, Non-Communist Asia, and the Global Setting, 1949-1976,” University of Hong Kong (co-sponsored by the Cold War International History Project of the Woodrow Wilson Center and Cornell University) 2012
笹川日中友好基金第2回日中若手歴史研究者セミナー 2012
日本国際政治学会2012年度研究大会 2012
Japanese Leaders' Perceptions on Sino-Soviet Relations and Japan's China Policy in the 1960s
The 2nd Annual Sino-Japanese Relations Postgraduate Network Conference, University of Leeds 2012
台湾中央研究院人文社会科学研究中心亜太区域研究専題中心、日本政府的両岸政策・国際学術研討会 2011
第3回早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター(WIAPS)研究会 2011
笹川日中友好基金第1回日中若手歴史研究者セミナー 2011
戦後東アジア国際政治研究会主催ワークショップ・シンポジウム 2009
Japan’s China Policy in the 1960s: A Study Based on Japanese and American Archives
Japanese Materials Workshop, Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University 2008
Japan’s China Policy in the 1960s: A Study Based on Japanese and American Archives
Japanese Materials Workshop, Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University 2008
日本国際政治学会2007年度研究大会 2007
占領・戦後史研究会2007年第3回研究会 2007
A Historical Analysis of Japan's China Policy in the Period 1960 to 1972
Fox International Seminar, Yale University 2005
A Historical Analysis of Japan's China Policy in the Period 1960 to 1972
Fox International Seminar, Yale University 2005
Energy Crisis and International Order of Asia in the 1980s---Focusing on the Formation of the Asia-Pacific Economy
Grant number:23H00016
2023.4 - 2028.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\46540000 ( Direct Cost: \35800000 、 Indirect Cost:\10740000 )
Grant number:20K01522
2020.4 - 2023.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
神田 豊隆
Grant amount:\3380000 ( Direct Cost: \2600000 、 Indirect Cost:\780000 )
Re-examination of Intergovernmental Reconciliation in Postwar Japan from the Viewpoint of Comparison of Decolonization
Grant number:17H06335
2017.6 - 2022.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\36920000 ( Direct Cost: \28400000 、 Indirect Cost:\8520000 )
Postwar-Japan and other Asian countries would have achieved "intergovernmental reconciliation"(IGR) through the normalization of diplomatic relations, respectively, and resolved various problems arising from war and colonial rule. Overall, IGR with Southeast Asian countries had some effect on promoting reconciliation at the social level, but IGR with China and Korea did not lead to reconciliation at the social level. The conditions for establishing reconciliation at the government level at the social level (democratization, economic development, international relations, religion, etc.) were revealed. On the other hand, it is necessary to overcome the problem of "national sentiment" and "collective memory "that hinders the deepening of reconciliation.Since the "post-war compensation problem" that emerged in the 1990s targets relief for individual victims, it is difficult to deal with it within the framework of IGR, and a new framework for resolution is necessary.
Life and international thought of Sone Eki: A historical study on the foreign policy line of the rightist socialists in postwar Japan
Grant number:17K13685
2017.4 - 2021.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Kanda Yutaka
Grant amount:\3120000 ( Direct Cost: \2400000 、 Indirect Cost:\720000 )
This project aims to complete an biographical study of Sone Eki, a politician and foreign policy expert who was in foreign service until 1945 and was one of the leaders of the rightist socialists in postwar Japan. Focusing on his thoughts on international affairs, it particularly discussed the following points. 1) Sone's policy position at the wartime Foreign Ministry. 2) Sone's role in the politics under the US occupation, especially in the Katayama Administration. 3) The goals of the rightist socialists in the "Peace Treaty debate." 4) Bridging the foreign policy divide at the time of unification of socialists in 1955. 5) Constructing the foreign policy line of the Democratic Socialist Party. 6) Factional conflicts and foreign policy debates within the DSP. The significance of this project lies in analyzing the continuity of foreign policy of the postwar left from prewar era, as well as shedding light on the foreign policy of the rightist socialists, which has rarely been discussed.
Postwar Japan's Diplomacy toward China and the Soviet Union and its Leaders' Perceptions on the Sino-Soviet Relations: Focusing on the 1950s
Grant number:25780118
2013.4 - 2017.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Kanda Yutaka
Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )
Focusing not only on the bilateral relations between Japan and the United States but on Japan's broad response to the trilateral power politics among the United States, the Soviet Union and China, this project proposes a new framework to understand the foreign policy lines of the "Conservative Mainstream" and the "Anti-Yoshida" groups in Japanese political leaders. Namely, the "Conservative Mainstream" sought the "Japan-US-China" partnership against the Soviet Union, attaching importance on the "pro-China, anti-Soviet" tradition of Japanese diplomacy, whereas the "Anti-Yoshida" groups pursued the goal of the "Japan-US-China-USSR," accepting the international order centered by Washington and Moscow and attempting to approach both China and the Soviet Union. These two respective goals continued for a long time, from the prewar period through the entire Cold War era. Depending on which faction was ruling, there was a clear difference in Japan's diplomacy toward China and the Soviet Union.
Grant number:04J10507
2004 - 2005
System name:科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
Research category:特別研究員奨励費
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
神田 豊隆
Grant amount:\1900000 ( Direct Cost: \1900000 )
領域関連特殊講義(Politics in Contemporary Japan, Basic)
Politics in Contemporary Japan, Basic
Japan’s International Relations
Politics in Contemporary Japan
領域関連特殊講義(Japan's International Relations, Basic)
Introduction to Interdisciplinary Japanese Studies
領域関連特殊講義(Politics in Contemporary Japan, Basic)
領域関連特殊講義(Japan's International Relations, Basic)
Politics in Contemporary Japan
特殊講義(Japan's International Relations, Basic)
特殊講義(Japan’s International Relations,Basic)
Japan’s International Relations
リーガル・スタディ I
特殊講義(Japan’s Intl Relations,Basic)
SP Lecture(JPN’s Intl Relations,Basic)