Graduate School of Science and Technology Life and Food Sciences Professor
Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Professor
Updated on 2025/02/07
Ph.D. ( 1992.3 The University of Tokyo )
M.S. in Agricultural Science ( 1989.3 Mie University )
B.A. in Economics ( 1983.2 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics(China) )
Regional Science
Agricultural Economics
Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies
Humanities & Social Sciences / Agricultural and food economics
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Vice Dean
2017.4 - 2020.3
上海大学 経済学院 兼任教授
Niigata University Senior Advisor for Scientific Research
2015.4 - 2018.3
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Vice Dean
2015.4 - 2017.3
French National Institute for Agricultural Research Professor
2010.7 - 2011.9
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Life and Food Sciences Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agrobiology Professor
2008.7 - 2017.3
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agrobiology Associate Professor
2007.4 - 2008.7
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Associate Professor (as old post name)
2002.3 - 2007.3
Cornell University, Department of Applied Economics and Management Visiting Scholar
2001.1 - 2001.12
Ryukoku University, Faculty of Intercultural Communication Associate Professor (as old post name)
1996.4 - 2002.2
Cornell University, Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Visiting Scholar
1995.7 - 1996.3
University of Tsukuba Assistant
1995.4 - 1996.3
University of Tsukuba, Institute of Social Sciences Research Associate
1993.4 - 1995.3
Shanghai Bureau of Quality and Technological Conduction Professional Specialist on Standardization
1983.2 - 1987.2
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Vice Dean
2017.4 - 2019.3
Niigata University Senior Advisor for Scientific Research
2015.4 - 2018.3
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Vice Dean
2015.4 - 2017.3
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Life and Food Sciences Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agrobiology Professor
2008.7 - 2017.3
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agrobiology Associate Professor
2007.4 - 2008.7
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Associate Professor (as old post name)
2002.3 - 2007.3
The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science
- 1992.3
Country: Japan
Mie University Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science
- 1989.3
Country: Japan
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics School of Industrial Economics
- 1983.2
Country: China
Regional Science Association International
The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International
Farm Management Society of Japan
Agricultural Economics Society of Japan
The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International Vice President
Committee type:Academic society
Regional Science Association International Council Member (PRSCO representative)
2018.1 - 2023.12
Committee type:Academic society
国際地域学会(Regional Science Association International) 理事(太平洋地域代表)
2018 - 2023
Committee type:Academic society
Agricultural Economics Society of Japan Director
2022.4 - 2024.3
Committee type:Academic society
国際地域学会(Regional Science Association International) the Scientific Committee of the 2020 RSAI World Congress
2019.4 - 2021.6
Committee type:Academic society
平成30年度農林水産政策科学研究委託事業研究課題 事前評価外部委員
2018.8 - 2018.10
Committee type:Government
日本学術振興会科学研究費委員会 専門委員
日本地域学会 第53回日本地域学会年次大会実行委員長(2016)
2016.10 - 2018.10
Committee type:Academic society
日本農業経済学会 理事
2016.4 - 2018.5
Committee type:Academic society
日本学術振興会特別研究員等審査会専門委員及び国際事業委員会 書面審査員・書面評価員
2015.8 - 2016.7
日本地域学会 New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives (, Managing Editor
Committee type:Academic society
日本農業経済学会 常務理事
2014.4 - 2016.3
Committee type:Academic society
日本学術振興会科学研究費委員会 専門委員
2013.6 - 2013.11
Committee type:Academic society
農林水産省OECDの戦略的活用に係る検討会 委員
2012.7 - 2014.3
Committee type:Government
Agricultural Economics Society of Japan Editorial Board Member(Special Issue: Journal of Rural Economics)
2012.4 - 2014.3
Committee type:Academic society
日本農業経済学会 日本農業経済学会論文集・編集委員会
2012.4 - 2014.3
Committee type:Academic society
日本農業技術検定協会試験問題検討委員会(1級) 委員
聖籠町魅力ある農業調査研究委員会 委員長
2009.9 - 2011.9
Committee type:Municipal
日本学術振興会特別研究員等審査会専門委員及び国際事業委員会 書面審査委員
2009.8 - 2011.7
Farm Management Society of Japan 14th Board of Directors
2008.9 - 2010.9
Committee type:Academic society
日本農業経営学会 理事
2008.9 - 2010.9
Committee type:Academic society
新潟県農地・水・環境保全向上対策第三者委員会 委員
2007.7 - 2012.3
Committee type:Municipal
The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International Director
Committee type:Academic society
加治川地域農業水利施設検討調査委員会委員 委員
2005.11 - 2006.3
Committee type:Municipal
新潟県土地利用審査会 委員
2005.10 - 2011.10
Committee type:Municipal
新潟県建築審査会 委員
2005.9 - 2009.12
Committee type:Municipal
新潟県環境審議会 委員
2005.6 - 2015.5
Committee type:Municipal
日本地域学会 編集委員会委員
Committee type:Academic society
The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International Member of Editorial Board (2005-)
Committee type:Academic society
新潟市「食と花の世界フォーラム」実行委員会・食の国際シンポジウム部会小委員会 委員
2005 - 2007
Committee type:Municipal
新潟県農林水産審議会 委員
2004.10 - 2014.10
Committee type:Municipal
新潟県農業農村整備事業環境情報協議会 委員
2004.10 - 2010.3
Committee type:Municipal
JA生活活動活性化研究会 委員
2003.10 - 2004.2
新潟県開発審査会 委員
2003.9 - 2014.8
Committee type:Municipal
新潟県新農業農村整備長期計画策定に関わる専門委員会 委員
2003.7 - 2004.3
水土里ネット西蒲原推進委員会 委員
2003.4 - 2004.12
新潟県卸売市場審議会 委員
2003.2 - 2011.3
Committee type:Municipal
日本地域学会 日本地域学会第38回年次大会実行委員
2001.10 - 2002.10
Committee type:Academic society
The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International Executive Committee, 38th Annual Meeting
Committee type:Academic society
Diploma: Leadership Academy(FASID: Foundation of Advanced Studies on International Development)(March 1998)
The Role of Creative Classes in Community Restructuring through Urban Agriculture: Case Study from Shanghai, China Reviewed
Yingjie Ge, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi, Furuzawa
Studies in Regional Science 53 ( 2 ) 93 - 118 2024.2
Analysis of the Formation Process of Consumers' Intension on Food Waste Reduction: Focusing on the Impact of COVID-19 Reviewed
Masashi Hirota, Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily, Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 53 ( 2 ) 133 - 154 2024.2
Effects of educational games for junior high school students: Focus on organisation learning for food wast reduction Reviewed
Kosuke Saito, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
Studies in Regional Science 53 ( 2 ) 119 - 132 2024.2
Role of creative classes in sustainable agricultural development: focusing on creating shared value in rural Japan Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
Factors influencing livelihood conditions of farmers in Bangladesh: empirical study introducing structural equation modeling analysis Reviewed
Md. Masud Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science 6 ( 3 ) 931 - 960 2022.10
Formation Factors and Effects of Inter-organization Network in Social Enterprises: Analysis of Two Regions under the Early Diffusion Phase in Japan Reviewed
Studies in Regional Science 52 ( 1 ) 21 - 40 2022.8
A Study on the Reduction of Post Harvest Loss of Satoimo: Focusing on Gosen City, Niigata Prefecture Reviewed
Saito Kosuke, KIMINAMI Lily
Journal of Rural Economics 94 ( 1 ) 37 - 42 2022.6
Exploring the possibilities of creating shared value in Japan's urban agriculture: using a mixed methods approach Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
Ikeda, Taketo, Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi
Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture Niigata University 74 1 - 9 2022.2
Study on the Impact of Entrepreneurship on New Firm Formation in Japan: A Panel Data Analysis using Prefectural Data Reviewed
Studies in Regional Science 51 ( 2 ) 337 - 351 2022.2
Study on the Possibility and Tasks of Innovation in the Local Food Industry: Focusing on Niigata area Reviewed
Studies in Regional Science 51 ( 2 ) 255 - 282 2022.2
Empirical Study on Innovation Policy in Japan’s Rice Industry: Focusing on consumers’ cognition and behavior toward rice Reviewed
Studies in Regional Science 51 ( 2 ) 211 - 233 2022.2
Perception and behavior of residents towards community gardens and satisfaction of local life: empirical analysis on the case of Shanghai, China Reviewed
Yingjie Ge, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
New Firm Formation and Entrepreneurship in Japanese Agriculture
Studies in Regional Science 52 ( 2 ) 197 - 213 2022
Rice policies for long-tail market-creating innovations: empirical study on consumers' cognition and behavior in Japan
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
Analysis on the Innovativeness of Social Enterprises in Japan: Focusing on Start-ups Reviewed
Studies in Regional Science 51 ( 1 ) 101 - 113 2021.8
Issues on Forstering Social Entrepreneurs in Japanese Agriculture
Chihiro Hosoki, Lily Kiminami
Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 73 29 - 38 2021.2
Studies in Regional Science 51 ( 1 ) 145 - 155 2021
Transformation of Japan’s rice policy toward innovation creation for a sustainable development Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science 2020.10
Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science 4 ( 3 ) 737 - 757 2020.10
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science 4 ( 2 ) 521 - 552 2020.6
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
Studies in Regional Science 49 ( 2 ) 199 - 230 2020.2
Akira Kiminami, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
72 51 - 58 2020.2
Recent Changes in Food Consumption Behavior in China: Focusing on the Rice Retail Market Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 50 ( 2 ) 345 - 369 2020.2
Multi-functionality of Urban Agriculture and Social Business in Japan: Focusing on Niigata City
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
Bulletin of the Facullty of Agriculture, Niigata University 72 35 - 50 2020.2
KIMINAMI, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Akira
Studies in Regional Science 50 ( 1 ) 74 - 95 2020
Sustainable Development of Cities and Creative Classes in Japan: Focusing on the Tolerance and the Diversity Reviewed
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
Studies in Regional Science 49 ( 2 ) 231 - 252 2020
Cultural Diversity and Gender Inequality in Creative Classes: Case Study from Major Cities in Japan
Furuzawa Shinichi, Kiminami Lily, Kiminami Akira
71 17 - 23 2019.2
Kiminami Akira, Kiminami Lily, Furuzawa Shinichi
71 9 - 16 2019.2
Impacts of multi-functionality of urban agriculture on the creative classes in global mega city: focusing on Shanghai in China Reviewed
KIMINAMI Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Akira
Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science Online First ( 2 ) 487 - 515 2019
Study on the relationships between rural and agricultural development and human resource development in Russian Federation since 2000s Reviewed
Baldanov, Anrey, Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 12 ( 2 ) 87 - 100 2019
Impacts of multi-functionality of urban agriculture on the CCs in Japan Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science 2 ( 2 ) 507 - 527 2018.3
Changes in the International Specialization of Food Manufacturing Industry in East Asia Reviewed
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami
Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science 1 ( 2 ) 359 - 378 2017.5
Dynamic Changes in International Specialization of Food Manufacturing Industry
Furuzawa Shinichi, Kiminami Lily
69 ( 1 ) 7 - 20 2017.2
Consumer Cooperatives and Agro-food Saftety: Experience and Lessons from Japan
Lyu, Zhuxiuan, Kimnami, Lily
新潟大学農学部研究報告 69 ( 1 ) 1 - 6 2017.2
Job candidate motivation to work for agricultural corporations: Approach from human resource management Reviewed
Satoshi Nagai, Lily Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 45 ( 3 ) 257 - 269 2016.3
Resident consciousness towards participation in common-agricultural resources management: Focusing on collective action in Niigata Prefecture Reviewed
Yaru Chen, Lily Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 45 ( 4 ) 471 - 491 2016.3
A Basic Analysis on the Possibility of Niigata-Produced Rice Export to China
Kawauchi Aimi, Kiminami Lily
68 ( 1 ) 1 - 9 2016.2
Agricultural industry clusters in China Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
Food Security and Industrial Clustering in Northeast Asia 6 129 - 139 2015.9
Food and health-related industry clustering in niigata prefecture: Empirical analysis on the cognitive aspects of corporations Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
Food Security and Industrial Clustering in Northeast Asia 6 111 - 127 2015.9
Changes in China's Food System and Its Impact on the East Asia
Kiminami, L, Furuzawa, S
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 67 ( 2 ) 91 - 106 2015.3
Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi
Studies in Regional Science 44 ( 4 ) 495 - 515 2015.3
Studies on the Effectiveness of Farm Internship Program in Japan
Kiminami, A, Kiminami,L
新潟大学農学部研究報告 67 ( 1 ) 51 - 58 2014.9
Kiminami, L, Furuzawa, S
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 67 ( 1 ) 1 - 26 2014.9
Characteristics and Effects of Farm Internship in Japan Reviewed
Kiminami, A, Kiminami, L
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 52 ( 1-2 ) 43 - 48 2014.7
Analysis on the Human Resource Management in Chinese Agricultural Sector:Case Study from State-owned Farms in Heilongjiang Province Reviewed
Cao, W, Kiminami, L
Journal of US-China Public Administration 11 ( 4 ) 293 - 303 2014.4
Oda, M, Kiminami, L
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 66 ( 2 ) 85 - 104 2014.3
Analyses on the Factors Affecting Consumer's Consciousness Related to Aquatic Resources and Products
Kiminami, L, Furuzawa, S
新潟大学農学部研究報告 66 ( 2 ) 71 - 84 2014.3
Dynamic changes in China’s food system Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
Studies in Regional Science 44 ( 1 ) 41 - 62 2014
Analyses on the Factors Affecting Consumer's Consciousness Related to Aquatic Resources and Products Reviewed
Kiminami, L.. Furuzawa, S. Kuwabara, K
Journal of Rural Economics (Special Issue) 250 - 257 2013.12
Nagai, S, Kiminami, L, Furuzawa, S
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 62 ( 1 ) 25 - 32 2013.9
Study on the Possibility of Agriculture-Related Community Business in Niigata City
Kiminami, L, Kiminami , A, Furuzawa, S
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 66 ( 1 ) 33 - 47 2013.9
Study on the Possibility of Agriculture-Related Community Business in Niigata City
Furuzawa, S, Kiminami, L, Kiminami, A
新潟大学農学部研究報告 65 ( 2 ) 99 - 106 2013.3
Kiminami, L
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 65 ( 2 ) 99 - 106 2013.3
Factors of attractiveness in strategic regional agricultural development: Case study from Seiro-Machi, Japan Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami, Shinichi Fliruzawa
Studies in Regional Science 43 ( 2 ) 241 - 257 2013
Knowledge creation through international cooperation in agriculture Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
Studies in Regional Science 43 ( 1 ) 79 - 87 2013
Cao, W, Kiminami, L, Kiminami, A
農業経済研究別冊:2012年度日本農業経済学会論文集 53 - 60 2012.12
I-Turn Promotion in Rural Areas: Case Study from Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture
Takagishi, M, Kiminami, L
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 65 ( 1 ) 1 - 14 2012.9
Validity of the Rice Bag in the Sales Strategy
The Bulletin of, Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 65 ( 1 ) 15 - 22 2012.9
Analysis of Retention Process of Newly Employed Farmers Reviewed
Kiminami, A. Kiminami, L
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 50 ( 1 ) 58 - 63 2012.6
Yuhana, A, Kiminami, L
新潟大学農学部研究報告 64 ( 2 ) 127 - 133 2012.3
Potential and Issues in International Agriculture Cooperation: From the Viewpoint of International Food System Invited Reviewed
Kiminami, L
Journal of International Cooperation for Agricultural Development 12 ( 12 ) 8 - 19 2012.3
Study on the formation of young people's consideration about employment in agriculture
Wada, T, Kiminami, L
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 64 ( 2 ) 93 - 99 2012.3
Possibility for agriculture related community business: Analyses from a residents' consciousness survey in Niigata city Reviewed
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 42 ( 2 ) 317 - 336 2012
Ishii, Y, Kiminami, L
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 64 ( 1 ) 27 - 35 2011.9
Kiminami, A, Kiminami, L, Furuzawa, S
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 49 ( 1 ) 13 - 21 2011.6
Factors and Effects of the Introduction of Environment-friendly Farming in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Furuzawa, S, Kiminami, L
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 63 ( 2 ) 41 - 53 2011.3
Analysis of network structure of a food sub-cluster: Case study of the health-related industry clustering in niigata prefecture, Japan Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 41 ( 4 ) 1055 - 1074 2011
Knowledge management in agricultural succession Reviewed
Toshinari Souma, Lily Kminami
Studies in Regional Science 41 ( 4 ) 943 - 955 2011
Food Security of Urban Poor in China: A Case Study from Yinchuan City Reviewed
Ichikawa, T, Furuzawa, S, Kiminami, L
Papers in the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan 2010 578 - 585 2010.12
Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Yinchuan City of China
Ichikawa, Takashi, Kiminami, Lily
新潟大学農学部研究報告 63 ( 1 ) 9 - 18 2010.8
Lily Kiminami
ERINA REPORT 93 56 - 58 2010.5
Agricultural Trade within Northeast Asia: The Prospects from Japan Reviewed
Lily Kiminami
Journal of US-China Public Administration 7 ( 5 ) 17 - 29 2010.5
Residents' Participation in Common-pool Resources and Accumulation of Social Capital
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University (Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture and the Environment in Asia) 45 - 52 2010.2
Research on an International Marketing Strategy for Japanese Rice Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 4 ( 1 ) 8 - 20 2010.2
Policy for Activities to Manage Common-Pool Resources in Niigata Prefecture Reviewed
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 40 ( 1 ) 173 - 187 2010
Analysis of the Business Alliance in Food-related Industries: International Comparison between Niigata Prefecture of Japan and Heilongjiang Province of China Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Toshihiko Nakamura, Yonghao Zhu
Studies in Regional Science 40 ( 2 ) 449 - 471 2010
Analyses on the Management of Common-Pool Resource in Rural Area: Application of the Analytical Framework Taking Multifunctionality of Agriculture into Consideration Reviewed
Furuzawa, S, Kiminami, L
Papers in the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan 2009 409 - 416 2009.12
Analysis on Consumer Behavior for Japanese Rice in China Reviewed
Kiminami, L, Furuzawa, S, Kiminami, A
Papers in the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan 2009 2009 279 - 286 2009.12
Study on Collective Management of Rural Common-pool Resources and Social Capital Reviewed
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
Journal of Rural Planning 28 ( 3 ) 121 - 127 2009.12
Analysis on Pricing Factors for Branded Rice in Japan Reviewed
Kiminami, A, Kiminami, L, Furuzawa, S
Papers in the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan 2009 2009 182 - 188 2009.12
Regional and Place Branding of Agricultural Products
Suzuki, Satoru, Kiminami, Lily
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 62 ( 1 ) 1 - 7 2009.9
87 53 - 56 2009.5
Kato, Tomohisa, Kiminami, Lily Y
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 61 ( 2 ) 135 - 143 2009.3
Rural Development through Industrial Clustering: A Case Study from China Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
China-USA Business Review 8 ( 1 ) 25 - 33 2009.1
Economic Growth and Food Policy in Urban China Reviewed
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies 2 ( 1 ) 18 - 30 2009.1
Comparative Analysis for the Assessment of Urban Agriculture by Urban Residents: Shanghai City and Harbin City of China as Research Targets Reviewed
Meihua Zhu, Lily Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 39 ( 4 ) 1027 - 1040 2009
Promotion of dairy farming and poverty reduction in Inner Mongolia, China Reviewed
Dagula, Lily Kiminami
Residents' Consciousness toward Urban Development and Urban Functions Reviewed
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 39 ( 3 ) 783 - 797 2009
Sustainability of Urban Agriculture in Harbin, China Reviewed
Zhu, Meihua, Kiminami, Lily Y
Papers in the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan 2008 455 - 462 2008.12
Business Succession of Dairy Farming Management: Case Study on F Farm
Souma, Toshinari, Kiminami, Lily Y
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 61 ( 1 ) 17 - 26 2008.9
Kiminami, Lily Y
ERINA REORT 81 57 - 65 2008.5
Residents' Consideration Concerning Wise-use of Sakata Lagoon
Sato, Hirotaka, Kiminami, Lily Y
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 60 ( 2 ) 97 - 103 2008.3
Economic Development and Food Policy in East Asia Invited
Kiminami, Lily Y
ERINA REPORT 70 18 - 26 2008.3
Food consumption and food policy under the economic development of China Reviewed
Lily Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 38 ( 4 ) 921 - 938 2008
Consensus Formation on the Economic Partnerships in East Asian Agriculture Reviewed
Kiminami, Lily Y, Kiminami, Akira
Papers in the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan 2007 382 - 389 2007.12
Nakajima, Keiko, Kiminami, Lily Y
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 60 ( 1 ) 17 - 26 2007.8
Furuzawa,Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily Y
新潟大学農学部研究報告 59 ( 2 ) 72 - 81 2007.3
Sustainability of urban agriculture : A comparative analysis of tokyo and shanghai
Lily Y. Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 37 ( 2 ) 585 - 597 2007
Structure of Resident Consciousness about Urban Planning : A Case Study of the Master Plan for the New Niigata City, Japan Reviewed
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Y. Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 37 ( 4 ) 1109 - 1126 2007
Counter-Poverty Policy in Shanghai: A Case Study of Food Assistance System
Watanabe, Chika, Kiminami, Lily, Y
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 59 ( 1 ) 11 - 19 2006.8
A Study on the Economic Effects of the Land Infrastructure Improvement in Niigata Prefecture, Japan Reviewed
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily Y
Journal of Rural Economics: Special Issue 2005 97 - 104 2006.3
Possibilities and Tasks of Economic Partnerships in East Asian Agriculture
Kiminami, Lily Y, Kiminami, Akira
新潟大学農学部研究報告 58 ( 2 ) 85 - 95 2006.3
Perception Formation and Choice of Farm Households About Land Improvement Projects Reviewed
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 36 ( 4 ) 839 - 852 2006
Sustainability of Agriculture and Urban Quality of Life in Japan: Economic Efficiency, Sociality and Environment Protection Invited Reviewed
Lily Y. Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 36 ( 2 ) 305 - 321 2006
Sustainability of Urban Agriculture in Shanghai, China Reviewed
Lily Y. Kiminami, Akira Kiminami, Meihua Zhu
Studies in Regional Science 36 ( 3 ) 725 - 739 2006
Current Situation of the Production Bases of Export Vegetables in Shanghai Area
Murayama, Takanori, Kiminami, Lily Y
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata 58 ( 1 ) 17 - 27 2005.8
Panel Data Analysis on Economic Effects of Land Improvement Reviewed
Akira Kminami, Lily Y. Kimmami
Studies in Regional Science 35 ( 2 ) 415 - 425 2005
Competitiveness of Japanese and Chinese vegetables: Price vs. safety?
LY Kiminami, Y Mizouchi, A Kiminami
Food Safety: Consumer, Trade, and Regulation Issues 58 ( 1 ) 78 - 84 2005
Impacts of Resident's Consciousness on Rural Infrastructure Reviewed
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily Y
Journal of Rural Economics: Special Issue 2003 302 - 307 2004.11
Effects of Rural Environment on Children's Consciousnesses of Future Profession Reviewed
Kiminami, Lily Y, Kiminami, Akira
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 42 ( 2 ) 83 - 87 2004.9
Kiminami,Lily Y, Furuzawa,Shinichi
新潟大学農学部研究報告 57 ( 1 ) 1 - 8 2004.8
An Analysis of Business Alliance in Agriculture and Food Industry Reviewed
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 42 ( 1 ) 113 - 116 2004.6
Correspondence and the Subject of the Welsh Onion Planting Areas in Japan after the Implementation of 'Provisional Safeguard Measure' Reviewed
農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2003 172 - 177 2003.11
Economic Analysis of Sealed Bid Dealing Systems for Domestic Unrefined Sugar Reviewed
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Journal of Rural Economics: Special Issue 2003 282 - 287 2003.11
An Analysis of Pricing Mechanism of the Voluntarily Marketed Rice Reviewed
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 41 ( 2 ) 41 - 45 2003.9
Kiminami, Lily Y, Kiminami, Akira
The Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 55 ( 2 ) 75 - 80 2003.3
Kiminami, Lily Y, Bills, Nelson L
The Bulletin of Socio-Cultural Research Institute 5 ( 5 ) 29 - 36 2003.3
Application of Multi-Criteria Evaluation Methods for Stake Holder's Participation in Environmental Conservation Planning of Wetlands Reviewed
Lily Y. Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 34 ( 1 ) 173 - 184 2003
Study on Gender and Development in China and India Reviewed
Kiminami, Lily Y
Journal of Rural Economics: Special Issue 2002 332 - 337 2002.11
International Trade of Processed Food in East Asia since 1980s Reviewed
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Journal of Rural Economics: Special Issue 2002 2002 302 - 307 2002.11
Rural Development and Gender in China Reviewed
Kiminami, Lily Y
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 40 ( 1 ) 142 - 147 2002.6
China's food system after its accession to WTO Reviewed
Lily Y. Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 33 ( 1 ) 87 - 98 2002
Strategy for Regional Development in China
Kiminami,Lily Y, Simpson, James R
国際文化研究 ( 5 ) 47 - 54 2001.3
Lily Kiminami
Journal of the Socio-Cultural Research Institute, Ryukoku University 3 289 - 300 2001.2
International Specialization of Food Industry in East Asia Reviewed
Kiminami,Lily Y, Kiminami,Akira
The Japanese Journal of Rural Economics Vol.2 14 - 24 2000.12
Kiminami Lily Y.
Journal of the Socio-Cultural Research Institute,Ryukoku University : society and culture 2 141 - 165 2000.11
Economic Crisis and International Specialization in East Asia
Intercultural studies = Etudes interculturelles = Internationale Kultureforschungen = Исследование международной культуры 3 78 - 86 2000.3
Women and Economic Reform in China
Kiminami, Lily Y
Journal of Intercultural Communication ( 4 ) 24 - 34 2000.3
Intra-Asia trade and foreign direct investment Reviewed
LY Kiminami, A Kiminami
PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 78 ( 3 ) 229 - 242 1999.7
A Basic Analysis of the Poverty Problem in China Reviewed
Kiminami,Lily Y
IDRI Occasional Paper(FASID) No.13 1 - 35 1999.3
Poverty Issues and Poverty Alleviation in China: Comparative Study on Urban and Rural Areas Reviewed
Kiminami, Lily Y, Kiminami, Akira
Journal of Rural Economics: Special Issue 1998 332 - 337 1998.12
Regional Agreements as Conflict Solution for Environmental Pollution from Livestock Industry Reviewed
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, LilyY
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 36 ( 1 ) 115 - 118 1998.6
Poverty Issues in China: States and Measures
Kiminami, Lily Y
Journal of Intercultural Communication ( 2 ) 99 - 122 1998.5
Regional Conflict Solution to Environmental Pollutionk Reviewed
Akira Kiminami, Lily Y. Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 29 ( 3 ) 249 - 262 1998
Pattern of Intraregional Trade in Asia: Intraindustry, Intrafirm Trade and Foreign Direct Investment
Kiminami,Lily Y
国際文化研究 1 ( 1 ) 95 - 112 1997.5
The Structure of Trade and International Specialization in Asia: A Case Study on Japanese Food Industry Reviewed
Lily Y. Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
Studies in Regional Science 28 ( 1 ) 257 - 267 1997
Risk Management in Sales of Cereal Reviewed
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily, Y
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 34 ( 3 ) 91 - 95 1996.12
Marketing Structure of Cereal and Futures Markets: Comparative Study on Japan, US and China
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Journal of Commodity Futures 2 ( 3 ) 57 - 73 1996.12
Study on China's Agricultural Commodity Futures
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Shanghai Zonghe Jingji 1996.8 23 - 25 1996.8
Socio-Economic Study on Development and Environmental Problem in Pudong Area of Shanghai in China
Ishida, Masaaki, Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y, Tao, Shuji
Asia Watch in Nature and Societies,Mie University-UNCRD International Joint Research Project on Environmental Management and Regional Development ( 3 ) 14 - 17 1996.6
Regional Integration in Asia
Kiminami, Lily Y, Kiminami, Akira
Shanghai Reform 1996.1 42 - 44 1996.1
地域統合と国際分業—〔日本経済政策学会第52回全国大会〕本年度〔1995年〕共通論題『国際化時代の経済ルール』 ; 自由論題
木南 莉莉, 木南 章
日本経済政策学会年報 / 日本経済政策学会 編 ( 44 ) 125 - 128 1996
Function and Management of Group Farming in Reference to Regional Agriculture Reviewed
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 33 ( 1 ) 21 - 29 1995.6
Study on Futures Markets of Agricultural Products in China
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Journal of Commodity Futures 1 ( 1 ) 41 - 50 1995.6
Regional Integration and Specialization
Kiminami, Lily Y, Kiminami, Akira
The Annual of Japanese Economic Policy Association ( 44 ) 125 - 128 1995.3
Eating-Out Industry in Chubu Area of Japan
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Issues in Agriculture and Food in Chubu Area of Japan 77 - 79 1995.3
Technological Change and Labor Absorption in China Reviewed
Kiminami, Lily Y
Japanese Journal of Farm Management 31 ( 3 ) 49 - 55 1993.12
An Empirical Study on Labour Migration in China Reviewed
Lily Yao
Economic Growth and Labor Force in China Reviewed
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Journal of Rural and Food Economics ( 38 ) 49 - 55 1992.3
Economic Development in China under Surplus Labor Reviewed
Lily Yao
International Account Standardization
Kiminami, Lily Y
China Standardization 1987.6 20 - 21 1987.6
Development of Standardization of Energy in Shanghai
Kiminami, Lily Y
Shanghai Standardization 1986.1 23 - 25 1986.1
Standardization in Shanghai 5th Steel Industry
Kiminami, Lily Y
Shanghai Standardization 1984.3 4 - 6 1984.3
The Creative Class Revisited: New Analytical Advances (Amitrajeet A. Batabyal , Peter Nijkamp eds.)
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami( Role: Contributor , Chapter 10 "A New Perspective on Rural Creative Classes in Japan: Creating Shared Value for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development")
Wold Scientific 2023.4 ( ISBN:9789811267642 )
New Frontiers of Policy Evaluation in Regional Science (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, 52
Yoshiro Higano, Lily Kiminami, Kenichi Ishibashi( Role: Joint editor)
2022.6 ( ISBN:9811645000 )
Social Entrepreneurship, Social Business and the Multi-functionality of Urban Agriculture: Mixed Methods Research on Japan and China (SpringerBriefs in Economics)
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami( Role: Joint author)
2022.4 ( ISBN:9811917612 )
Entrepreneurship and social innovation for sustainability : focusing on a Haor region of Bangladesh
Rana, Sohel, 木南, 莉莉, 古澤, 慎一
Springer 2022 ( ISBN:9789811971143 )
Agriculture and rural development in Russia since the 2000s : focusing on human capital
Baldanov, Andrey, Lily Kiminami, Furuzawa, Shinichi( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2020.6 ( ISBN:9789811546648 )
Socioeconomic Environmental Policies and Evaluations in Regional Science: Essays in Honor of Yoshiro higano
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami in H, Sakurai, K, Mizunoya, T, Uchida, S. eds( Role: Joint author , Agriculture Development in Regional Science)
Springer 2017
Food Security and Industrial Clustering in Northeast Asia
Lily Kiminami, Toshihiko Nakamura eds( Role: Joint editor)
Springer 2015.9 ( ISBN:9784431552819 )
International Food System: Revised Edition
Lily Kiminami( Role: Sole author)
Agriculture and Forestry Statistics Publishing Inc. 2015.8 ( ISBN:9784897323282 )
The Progress and Perspectives of Regional Science in Japan: The Golden 50th Anniversary
JSRSAI, ed( Role: Joint author)
Sasaki Printing and Publishing 2012.9 ( ISBN:9784915948671 )
Кластеризация мировой экономики: мифы и реальность(『世界経済のクラスタリング:神話と現実』)
Людмила Воронина( Role: Joint author , pp.71-100“Сельскохозяйственные кластеры в Китае”(中国の農業クラスター))
Saarbrücken, Germany, Lambart Academic Publishing 2011.10
Food Security and Industrial Cluster in Northeast Asia
Kiminami, L, Nakamura, T( Role: Joint editor)
Agriculture and Forestry Statistics Publishing Inc. 2011.3 ( ISBN:9784897322131 )
Agriculture and Rural Development through Cluster-based Strategy in China
Lily Kiminami( Role: Sole author)
Agriculture and Forestry Statistics Publishing Inc. 2010.2 ( ISBN:9784897321875 )
Clusters: Politics, Management, Good Clustering Practices in the World
Ewa Bojar( Role: Joint author , pp.295-321 (Agricultural Clusters in China))
TNOiK 2009.12
International Food System
Lily Kiminami( Role: Sole author)
Agriculture and Forestry Statistics Publishing Inc. 2009.10 ( ISBN:9784897321790 )
双喜編( Role: Joint author , pp.155-172(内モンゴルにおける“企業参入型”、“複合経営型“酪農の現状と問題))
内蒙古科学技術出版社 2009.7 ( ISBN:7810748874 )
Proceedings of the Third Afrasian International Symposium(Resources under Stress: Sustainability of the Local Community in Asia and Africa)
Kawamura, Yoshio, Nakamura, Hisashi, Sato, Shiro, Uyar, Aysun, Ishizaka, Shinya( Role: Joint author , 183-205)
Afrasian Centre for Peace and Development Studies, Ryukoku University 2008.12
Economic Interdependence and Agriculture in North East Asia: Competition and Cooperation under the Formation of Regional Economic Zone
Yagi, Hironori( Role: Joint author)
University of Tokyo Press 2008.1 ( ISBN:9784130760270 )
Public Facilities Planning(Classics in Planning Series)
Kiminami, Lily Y, Button, Kenneth, Nijkamp, Peter. eds( Role: Joint editor)
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd 2006.11 ( ISBN:1845420268 )
八木宏典監修, 木南章, 木南莉莉編( Role: Joint editor)
農林漁業金融公庫 2006.3
Shipin Xitong Yanjiu
Saito, Osamu. and An, Y.F eds( Role: Joint author)
China Agriculture Press 2005.11 ( ISBN:7109104559 )
The Environmentally Rriendly Agriculture and Recycle in Northern China
J. Enkhee, Erdenebukh, Shuangxi, Nakagawa, Mitsuhiro eds( Role: Joint author)
Inner Mongolia University Press 2005.11 ( ISBN:7810748874 )
"Reality of Chinese Agriculture", Trend of Niigata's Koshihikari under China's Strategy for Rice Industry
( Role: Joint author)
TR-Kikaku-Shuppan 2003.12
Proceedings of International Conference on the Development of Agricultural and Rural Economy of Northeast Asia
Guo,Xiangyu eds( Role: Joint author , 63-71)
China Agriculture Press 2002.12 ( ISBN:7109078280 )
Theory of Food System Research
Takahashi, M, Saito O. eds( Role: Joint author)
Norin-Tokei-Kyokai 2002.4 ( ISBN:4541029448 )
Policies of Regional Competition
Friedrich,P, Jutila,S. eds( Role: Joint author , 307-323)
Nomos 2001.12 ( ISBN:3789070270 )
Economic Reform and Automobile Industry of China
Kawamura, Yoshio eds( Role: Joint author)
Showa-Do 2001.1 ( ISBN:4812200229 )
Varieties of Regional Integration
Iwasaki Mikiko. eds( Role: Joint author , 92-116)
LIT VERLAG 1995.1 ( ISBN:3825822249 )
Study on Development Strategy of North East Asia
Li, Shaogeng eds( Role: Joint author)
Jilin Renmin Press 1994.10 ( ISBN:7206020380 )
ブックガイド インドの農業・食料セクターを知るきかっけに! 下渡敏治・上原秀樹編著 インドのフードシステム : 経済発展とグローバル化の影響
木南 莉莉
農業と経済 81 ( 3 ) 104 - 104 2015.3
Astuti Y., 木南 莉莉
新潟大学農学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 64 ( 2 ) 127 - 133 2012.3
Rural Development through Cluster Strategies in China Invited
Kiminami, Lily
Grant-In-Aid for Scienctific Research (C) 1 - 122 2009.3
Study on Food Policy: A Comparative Analysis between Japan and China Invited
Lily Kiminami
Research Report of The Nisshin Seifun Foundation:2008 1 - 72 2009.3
Research on an International Marketing Strategy for Niigata Koshihikari
Lily Kiminami
Research Report of Assistance Project for Application of Regional Contribution Functions of University, The Niigata Prefectural Government 1 - 25 2009.3
Study on Food Security in Northeast Asia (1) Report: ERINA/ Niigata University/ University of Tokyo Cooperative Research Invited
Lily Kiminami, Hironori Yagi, Toshihiko Nakamura, Yonghao Zhu etc
Research Report 2008.3
中国における米の消費動向とブランド選択要因 Invited
科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書:米産業の競争構造とマーケティング対応型産地再編戦略に関する研究(研究代表者:佐藤了) 96 - 112 2007.3
中国にける都市近郊野菜産地の成長と産地戦略 Invited
木南莉莉, 村山貴規
科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(A))研究成果報告書:地域貿易協定進展下における東アジア農業の競争と協調条件の解明(研究代表者:八木宏典) 236 - 273 2006.3
コメの消費・購買行動に関わる日・中・韓比較 Invited
木下幸雄, 木南莉莉, 高福男
科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(A))研究成果報告書:地域貿易協定進展下における東アジア農業の競争と協調条件の解明(研究代表者:八木宏典) 200 - 210 2006.3
International Food System Analysis on Livestock Products Labeled "Green Food Invited
Kiminami, Lily Y, Kiminami, Akira
Final Reports for Research Grants for Meat and Meat Products 22 281 - 285 2004.12
Study on Measure for Environmental Management of Wetland in Chongming Island of China Invited
Kiminami, Lily Y, Nie, Y Y
Mishima Foundation Research Report ( 41 ) 69 - 72 2004.12
Cao Wenlu, Kiminami Lily
Journal of US-China Public Administration 11 ( 4 ) 293 - 303 2004.4
Study on Promotion of Environmental Conservation and Wise-use of Sakata Lagoon Invited
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Sakata Academic Research Grant Report 1 - 17 2003.12
Gender and Rural Industrialization: Comparative Analysis of India and China Invited
Kiminami, Lily Y
Research Report of Structural Change and Network in South Asia, A Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Special Field Research A2 1 - 78 2003.3
Social-Economic Imbalance in the Process of Economic Development : The Case Study of China
Kiminami Lily Y.
Journal of the Socio-Cultural Research Institute,Ryukoku University : society and culture 3 289 - 300 2001.2
Kiminami Lily Y.
Journal of the Socio-Cultural Research Institute,Ryukoku University : society and culture 2 141 - 165 2000.11
Economic Crisis and International Specialization in East Asia
Intercultural studies = Etudes interculturelles = Internationale Kultureforschungen = Исследование международной культуры 3 78 - 86 2000.3
地域統合と国際分業 (〔日本経済政策学会第52回全国大会〕本年度〔1995年〕共通論題『国際化時代の経済ル-ル』) -- (自由論題)
木南 莉莉, 木南 章
日本経済政策学会年報 ( 44 ) 125 - 128 1996
Study on Urban Small Business in China under the Market Oriented Economy Invited
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily Y
Mishima Foundation Research Report 32 124 - 126 1995.11
古澤慎一, 木南莉莉, 木南章
第11回アジア農業経済学会国際大会(青山学院大学) 2023.3
Empirical study on rice flour market and business in Japan: Introducing structural equation modeling (SEM) and cognitive map International conference
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
The 11th ASAE International Conference(Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) 2023.3
Social protection for reducing food insecurity and poverty under the COVID-19 pandemic in Myanmar International conference
Su Hlaing Tint, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
The 11th ASAE International Conference(Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) 2023.3
木南章, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第11回アジア農業経済学会国際大会(青山学院大学) 2023.3
葛英傑, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第59回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(麗澤大学) 2022.10
古澤慎一, 木南莉莉, 木南章
第59回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(麗澤大学) 2022.10
木南莉莉, 古澤慎一, 木南章
第59回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(麗澤大学) 2022.10
廣田昌史, 古澤慎一, 木南莉莉
第59回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(麗澤大学) 2022.10
木南章, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第59回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(麗澤大学) 2022.10
齊藤光佑, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第59回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(麗澤大学) 2022.10
Role of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation for Regional Development in the Rural Haor Region of Bangladesh International conference
Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
27th PRSCO 2022 Conference (Kyoto origin, Online) 2022.8
Exploratory Case Analysis of Creating Shared Value for Agricultural and Rural Development in Japan International conference
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
27th PRSCO 2022 Conference (Kyoto origin, Online) 2022.8
The Rise of the Rural Creative Class in Japan International conference
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
27th PRSCO 2022 Conference (Kyoto origin, Online) 2022.8
Entrepreneurship for New Firm Formation and Business Diversification in Japanese Agriculture International conference
Akira Kiminami, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
27th PRSCO 2022 Conference (Kyoto origin, Online) 2022.8
Factors Affecting People's Concerns about Food Insecurity and Poverty in Myanmar: Introducing SEM to the results of COVID-19 high frequency phone survey 2020-2021 International conference
Su Hiaing Tint, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
27th PRSCO 2022 Conference (Kyoto origin, Online) 2022.8
Perception and Behavior of Residents towards Community Gardens and Satisfaction of Local Life: Empirical analysis on the case of Shanghai, China International conference
Yingjie Ge, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture and the Environment (Niigata University, Online) 2021.12
Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior toward Food Waste Reduction in Japan: Focusing on the same generation as students International conference
Masashi Hirota, Shinicihi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami
7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture and the Environment (Niigata University, Online) 2021.12
Socio-cultural Changes through Entrepreneurship towards Sustainable Regional Development: Case studies from a hoar region of Bangladesh International conference
Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture and the Environment (Niigata University, Online) 2021.12
Formation Factors and Effects of Inter-organizational Network in Social Enterprises in Japan: Focusing on two regions under the early diffusion phase International conference
Shinicihi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture and the Environment (Niigata University, Online) 2021.12
Sustainable Development of Urban Agriculture in Japan: Creating shared value (CSV) with residents International conference
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture and the Environment (Niigata University, Online) 2021.12
齊藤光佑, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(オンライン開催) 2021.10
木南莉莉, 古澤慎一, 木南章
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(オンライン開催) 2021.10
木南章, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(オンライン開催) 2021.10
侯博偉, 古澤慎一, 木南莉莉
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(オンライン開催) 2021.10
古澤慎一, 木南莉莉
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(オンライン開催) 2021.10
都市の屋上農園の多面的機能に関する研究: 東京都を中心として
李靖儀, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(オンライン開催) 2021.10
葛英傑, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 高知大学(オンライン開催) 2021.10
廣田昌史, 古澤慎一, 木南莉莉
2021年度日本農業経営学会年次大会, 鹿児島大学(オンライン開催) 2021.9
Creating Shared Value for Sustainable Development: Empirical study on social entrepreneurship in Japan's urban agriculture International conference
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
The 17th Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization Summer Institute (Vietnam, Online) 2021.8
Cognitive Innovation and Sustainable Development: Focusing on the Food Manufacturing in Niigata Prefecture, Japan International conference
Shinicihi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami
The 17th Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization Summer Institute (Vietnam, Online) 2021.8
Role of Entrepreneurship in Regional Development in A Haor Region of Bangladesh: A Trajectory Equifinality Model Analysis on Local Entrepreneurs International conference
Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
The 17th Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization Summer Institute (Vietnam, Online) 2021.8
Study on the Issues of Innovation in Japan's Rice Industry: Focusing on the strategy of market-creating innovation International conference
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
13th World Congress of the RSAI (Virtual Conference) 2021.5
Community Gardens and Urban Residents' Quality of Life (QOL): A case study from Shanghai, China International conference
Yingjie Ge, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
13th World Congress of the RSAI (Virtual Conference) 2021.5
Effects of Inter-Organizational Network on Social Enterprises: Analysis at organizational level in Japan International conference
Shinicihi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
13th World Congress of the RSAI (Virtual Conference) 2021.5
Determinants of New Firm Formation in Japan: New methods for the analysis of entrepreneurship International conference
Akira Kiminami, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
13th World Congress of the RSAI (Virtual Conference) 2021.5
齊藤光佑, 木南莉莉
2021年度日本農業経済学会年次大会, 茨城大学(オンライン開催) 2021.3
木南莉莉, 古澤慎一, 木南章
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 東洋大学(オンライン開催) 2020.12
侯博偉, 古澤慎一, 木南莉莉
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 東洋大学(オンライン開催) 2020.12
池田健人, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 東洋大学(オンライン開催) 2020.12
百合岡雅博, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 東洋大学(オンライン開催) 2020.12
Social Innovation for Women’s Empowerment in Disaster Risk Governance: Focusing on CIG in a Haor Region of Bangladesh
Sohel Rana, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 東洋大学(オンライン開催) 2020.12
古澤慎一, 木南莉莉, 木南章
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 東洋大学(オンライン開催) 2020.12
木南章, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第58回日本地域学会年次大会, 東洋大学(オンライン開催) 2020.12
Determinant Factors of Diversification in Japanese Farm Business : Focusing on regional differences in internal and external conditions and entrepreneurship Invited International conference
Kiminami Akira, Kiminami Lily, Furuzawa Shinichi
Regional Sustainable Development Forum 2019 2019.10
Creative Class, Multi-functionality of Urban Agriculture and Social Business Invited International conference
KIMINAMI Lily, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
Regional Sustainable Development Forum 2019 2019.10
Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in a Haor Area of Bangladesh: Focusing on the Household Level
Rana Sohel, Lily Kiminami, Shincihi Furuzawa
中国における近年の食料消費行動の変化 ―米のブランドが価格形成に与える影響―
木南 莉莉, 古澤慎一, 木南章
日本地域学会第56回年次大会 2019.9
日本における社会的企業の革新性に関する分析:新規開業企業を 対象として
古澤慎一, 木南莉莉, 木南章
日本地域学会第56回年次大会 2019.9
木南章, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
日本地域学会第56回年次大会 2019.9
Long Distance and Neighborhood Relationship: Sustainable Development of Cities and Multi-functionality of Agriculture Invited International conference
The Regional Science Academy (TRSA) 2019.8
Determinant Factors of On-farm Processing in Japanese Farm Business: Focusing on Regional Differences in Natural and Socioeconomic Conditions and Entrepreneurship International conference
Akira Kiminami, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
The 59th ERSA Congress 2019.8
Impacts of Multi-functionality of Urban Agriculture on the Creative Classes in Japan: Focusing on Niigata City International conference
KIMINAMI Lily, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
The 59th ERSA Congress 2019.8
Socio-Economic Factors Affecting the Innovativeness of Start-ups in Japan: Comparative Analysis between Social Enterprises and Commercial Enterprises International conference
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
The 59th ERSA Congress 2019.8
Regional Dimensions of Agricultural Development and Human Resource Development in Russia Since 2010
Baldanov, Andrey, Kiminami Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi
古澤慎一, 木南莉莉, 木南章
第55回日本地域学会年次大会 2018.10
木南莉莉, 古澤慎一, 木南章
第55回日本地域学会年次大会 2018.10
木南章, 木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
第55回日本地域学会年次大会 2018.10
Study on Entrepreneurship and Social Capital as Determinants of New Firm Formation in Japan International conference
Akira Kiminami, Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa
The 12th World Congress of the RSAI 2018.5
Study on the Determinants of Creative Classes and Its impacts on Regional Economic Growth: Case study from Major Cities in Japan International conference
Shinicihi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
The 12th World Congress of the RSAI 2018.5
Impacts of Multi-functionality of Urban Agriculture on the Creative Classes in Global Mega Cities : Focusing on the cities of Shanghai and Tokyo International conference
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
The 12th World Congress of the RSA 2018.5
Efficiency of Agriculture and Diversity of Rural Economy in the Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation : Focusing on the Role of Human Resources Development International conference
The 12th World Congress of the RSAI 2018.5
Study on the Human Resource Management of Agro-food Industry in Russian Federation: Focusing on the Siberian Federal District
第54回日本地域学会年次大会 2017.10
古澤慎一, 木南莉莉
日本地域学会第54回年次大会 2017.10
自由貿易の意義とEPAの役割〜の海外販路開拓と地域振興のために〜(主催 外務省) 2017.8
Consumer Cooperatives and Quality-Enhancing Innovation of Food in Japan International conference
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami
The 25th Pacific Conference of the RSAI 2017.5
Critical Issues on the Creative Class and Policy for Regional Development: Case Study from Japan International conference
Akira Kiminami, Lily Kiminami
The 25th Pacific Conference of the RSAI 2017.5
Which 2 or 3 regional scientists and their publication has been of greatest influence on my research career, and why? Invited International conference
Lily Kiminami
Special Academic Sessions(SASs) of the 25th Pacific Conference of the RSAI 2017.5
小田幸, 木南莉莉
第53回日本地域学会年次大会 2016.10
Changes in the International Specialization of Food Manufacturing Industry in East Asia International conference
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
PRSCO 2016, The 14th Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization Summer Institute 2016.6
Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Development of Cities International conference
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily
PRSCO 2016, The 14th Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization Summer Institute 2016.6
Consumer Co-operative and Food Safety: Experience and Lessons from Japan International conference
Lyu, Zhixuan, Kiminami, Lily
PRSCO 2016, The 14th Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization Summer Institute 2016.6
Global Trends and Dynamic Changes in China's Food System: Toward food security and collaborative advantage Invited International conference
Lily Kiminami
China's Economic Development and Transformation Summit Forum 2015.12 上海大学経済学院
Rural and Agriculture Development in Regional Science: Perspectives from Japan
Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
日本地域学会年度大会 2015.10 日本地域学会
日本農業経済学会年次大会 2015.3
小田幸, 木南莉莉
日本地域学会年次大会 2014.10 日本地域学会
永井慧, 木南莉莉
日本地域学会年次大会 2014.10 日本地域学会
陳亜茹, 木南莉莉
日本地域学会年次大会 2014.10 日本地域学会
日本地域学会年次大会 2014.10
地域イノベーション政策の実態と課題-新潟県「健康ビジネス連峰」を事例として- International conference
木南莉莉, 古澤慎一
日本地域学会年次大会 2013.10 日本地域学会
木南章, 木南莉莉
日本農業経営学会年次大会 2013.9 日本農業経営学会
Study on the consciousness of career intention of the job candidates to agricultural corporation in Japan International conference
Nagai, Satoshi, Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi
The 23rd Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) 2013.7 PRSCO
Analyses on the Factors Affecting Consumer's Consciousness Related to Aquatic Resources and Products International conference
Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi
The 23rd Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) 2013.7 PRSCO
木南莉莉, 古澤慎一, 桑原考史
日本農業経済学会年次大会 2013.3 日本農業経済学会
Dynamic Changes in China's Food System and Its Global Implication
Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi
日本地域学会年次大会 2012.10 日本地域学会
Analysis on the Human Resource Management in Chinese Agricultural Sector: A Case Study of Heilongjiang Agriculture and Reclamation Bureau, China
Cao, Wenlu, Kiminami, Lily
日本地域学会年次大会 2012.10 日本地域学会
永井慧, 木南莉莉, 木南章
日本農業経営学会大会 2012.9 日本農業経営学会
Study on the Possibility of Agriculture-Related Community Business in Niigata City International conference
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
The 4th Asian Conference on Modern Agriculture and Rural Economic Development 2012.6
Analysis on the attitude of Japanese Employed Farmers: from the Viewpoint of Human Resource Management
Cao, Wenlu, Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
日本農業経済学会年次大会 2012.3 日本農業経済学会
Potential of International Agricultural Cooperation Invited
Kiminami, Lily
Seminar of Food and Resource Economics, JSPS Invitation Program for Young Researchers from Southeast Asia 2011.12
Intra-Regional Trade in East Asia: An Empirical Study on Intra-Industry Trade of Food Industry and Foreign Direct Investment
Yuhana, Astuti, Kiminami, Lily
Seminar of Food and Resource Economics, JSPS Invitation Program for Young Researchers from Southeast Asia 2011.12
古澤慎一, 木南莉莉
日本地域学会年次大会 2011.10 日本地域学会
International Rice Market International conference
Lily Kiminami
International Rice Market 2011.9 ESA, Angers
木南章, 木南莉莉
日本農業経営学会大会 2011.9 日本農業経営学会
Theoretical and Policy Examinations Concerning industrial Cluster in Japan International conference
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
ERSA2011 2011.8 ERSA
Agri-environmental Policy in Japan: Factors and Effects of Introduction of Environment-friendly Farming in Niigata Prefecture International conference
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
PRSCO 2011 2011.7 PRSCO
Potential and Issues in International Agriculture Cooperation International conference
Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi
PRSCO 2011 2011.7 PRSCO
Theoretical and Policy Examinations Concerning industrial Cluster in Japan
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Economic Society of Japan 2011.6 The Agricultural Economic Society of Japan
『農学国際協力-新たな学問の創出に向けた知の集積-(ICCAE第11回オープンフォーラム)』 2010.10 名古屋大学農学国際協力研究センター(ICCAE)、文部科学省
A Study on Residents' Quality of Life in Rural Area:Multi-functionality of Agriculture, Collective Management of Common-pool Resources, Social Capital
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
木南莉莉, 古澤慎一, 木南章
日本地域学会年次大会 2010.10 日本地域学会
相馬寿成, 木南莉莉
日本地域学会年次大会 2010.10 日本地域学会
Formation of International Food Industrial Cluster: Possibilities and Challenges for Northeast Asia International conference
Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Akira
ERSA2010(European Congress of the Regional Science Association) 2010.8
International Food Clusters in Northeast Asia Invited International conference
Kiminami, Lily
Dynamics of Clusters in Japan and in France: Towards New Mutual Contributions? 2010.7 Law Economics Management UFR, Angers University
International Food Clusters in Northeast Asia International conference
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
PRSCO 2010 Summer Institute 2010.6 PRSCO
Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Yinchuan City of China International conference
Takashi Ichikawa, Lily Kiminami
PRSCO 2010 Summer Institute 2010.6 PRSCO
市川聖, 古澤慎一, 木南莉莉
日本農業経済学会年次大会 2010.3 日本農業経済学会
Formation of an International Food-Industry Cluster and the Potential of Niigata Invited International conference
Lily Kiminami
Regional Development and Quality of Life: Perspective of New Relationship between Urban and Rural Areas International conference
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
ERSA2010(European Congress of the Regional Science Association) 2009.8
Sustainability and Competitiveness of Japanese Agricultural Sector: From the Aspect of Human Resource Management International conference
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi
ERSA2010(European Congress of the Regional Science Association) 2009.8
Agricultural Trade within Northeast Asia: The Prospects from Japan(Globalization and Regional Integration of Northeast Asian Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges(Mini Symposium)) International conference
Kiminami, Lily
IAAE 2009 (The XXVII International Conference of Agricultural Economists) 2009.8 IAAE
Agricultural Clusters in China International conference
Kiminami,Lily, Kiminami,Akira
IAAE 2009 (The XXVII International Conference of Agricultural Economists) 2009.8 IAAE
Collective Activities for the Management of Rural Common-Pool Resources: A Case Study of Irrigation System from Niigata Prefecture, Japan International conference
Furuzawa,Shinichi, Kiminami,Lily, Kiminami,Akira
IAAE 2009 (The XXVII International Conference of Agricultural Economists) 2009.8 IAAE
Common-Pool Resources and Externality of Agricultural Irrigation Systems: Focusing on Accumulation of Social Capital International conference
Furuzawa,Shinichi, Kiminami,Lily
PRSCO 2009 (21st Conference for the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organisation) 2009.7 PRSCO
Research on an International Marketing Strategy for Japanese Rice International conference
Kiminami,Lily, Kiminami,Akira, Furuzawa,Shinichi
PRSCO 2009(21st Conference for the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organisation) 2009.7 PRSCO
Analyses on the Management of Common-Pool Resource in Rural Area: Application of the Analytical Framework Taking Multiple Functions of Agriculture into Consideration
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
Analysis on Pricing Factors for Branded Rice in Japan
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi
Analysis on Consumer Behavior for Japanese Rice in China
Kiminami, Lily, Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Akira
International Linkages and Cooperation in China's Rural Development and Food Industry by Means of a Cluster Strategy Invited International conference
Kiminami, Lily
A Study on Strategic Creation of Industrial Cluster for Rural Development in China
Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
A Study on the Policy for the Activity to Manage Common-Pool Resources
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
A Comparative Analysis on the Assessments towards Urban Agriculture by Urban Residents:
Zhu, Meihua, Kiminami, Lily
牛世峰, 木南莉莉
日本農業経営学会 2008.9
酪農経営の多角的事業展開と無形資産の継承問題-Fファームを事例として- International conference
相馬寿成, 木南莉莉
日本農業経営学会 2008.9
Rural Development through Industrial Clustering: A Case Study from China International conference
Lily Kiminami
48th Congress of ERSA(European Regional Science Association) 2008.8 ERSA
Measures to Fight Poverty through Promotion of Dairy Farming in Inner Mongolia, China International conference
Dagula, Lily Kiminami
10th PRSCO(Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization) Summer Institute 2008 2008.5 PRSCO
Sustainability of Urban Agriculture in Harbin, China
Zhu, Meihua, Kiminami, Lily
Management of Common-Pool Resources and Collective Activities: Case Study from Niigata Prefecture, Japan International conference
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
8th RSAI(Regional Science Association International) World Congress 2008 2008.3
New Technology, Local Resources snd Industrial Cluster Invited International conference
Lily Kiminami
Third AFC International Symposium on Resources under Stress: Sustainability of the Local Community in Asia and Africa 2008.2
Formation of Food Industrial Cluster in Northeast Asia Invited International conference
Kiminami, Lily
Impacts of Economic Growth on Food Consumption
Kiminami, Lily
Residents' Consciousness toward Urband Development and Urban Functions
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
Food Policy in East Asia Invited International conference
Lily Kiminami
The 2nd Inernational Symposium on Food Security, Agricultural Development and Environmental Conservation in Southeast and East Asia 2007.9
Impacts of the Economic Growth on Food Consumption in China: From Quantity to Quality and Safety ? International conference
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
20th PRSCO(Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization) 2007.5
Intra and Inter Generation Gaps of Residents' Consciousness about Urban Development: A Case Study from Niigata City, Japan International conference
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami
20th PRSCO(Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization) 2007.5
Consensus Formation on the Economic Partnerships in East Asian Agriculture
Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
The Present State of International Trade between Japan and China in Agricultural Products and the Issues
Murayama, Takanori, Kiminami, Lily
Consumer's Behavior and Factors for Brand Selection towards Rice Consumption in China International conference
Lily Kiminami
1st BRSA(Bangladesh Regional Science Association) Annual Conference 2007.3
Structure of Residents' Consciousness toward Urban Planning: A Case Study on the Master Plan of New Niigata City, Japan
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
Current Situation and Problems of Dairy Farming Promotion in Inner Mongolia of China: Corporate-participating Dairy Farming and Conventional Multiple Dairy Farming Invited International conference
Dagula, Kiminami, Lily
Perception Formation of Farm Households about Land Improvement Projects: A Case Study from Nishi-Kanbara, Niigata Prefecture, Japan International conference
Shinichi Furuzawa, Lily Kiminami
The 9th PRSCO (Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization) Summer Institute 2006.7
Sustainability of Urban Agriculture: Comparative Analysis of Tokyo and Shanghai Invited International conference
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
The 9th PRSCO (Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization) Summer Institute 2006.7
Possibilities and Tasks of Economic Partnerships in East Asian Agriculture
Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
Issues in Dairy Farming Management Caused by the "Ecological Migration" Policy
Dagula, Kiminami, Lily
Evaluation of Economic Effects on Land Infrastructure Improvement and Tasks of Regional Consensus Building: An Empirical Study from Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
Sustainability of Urban Agriculture in Shanghai, China
Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira, Zhu, Meihua
Sustainability of Urban Agricultural System in Japan: Economic Efficiency, Sociality and Environmental Protection, Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization International conference
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization 2005.7
Possibilities and Tasks of Economic Partnerships in East Asian Agriculture International conference
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization 2005.7
Comparative Study on Rice Consumption Behavior in China and Korea: the result of common questionnaire survey
Kinoshita, Y, Kiminami, L, Koh, B
A Study on the Economic Effects of the Land Infrastructure Improvement in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
Current Situation and Problems of Dairy Farming Promotion in Inner Mongolia of China
Dagula, Kiminami, Lily
Panel Data Analysis on Economic Effects of Land Improvement
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily
Environment Friendly Agriculture by Introducing ISO14001 Invited International conference
Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira, Dagula
Socioeconomic Effects of Rural Infrastructure Improvement: Case Study in Niigata Prefecture, Japan International conference
Lily Kiminami, Shinichi Furuzawa, Akira Kiminami
World Conference of Regional Science Association International 2004.4
Impacts of Resident's Consciousness on Rural Infrastructure
Furuzawa, Shinichi, Kiminami, Lily
Participatory Planning and Multi-Criteria Evaluation Approach for Environmental Coservation of Wetlands
Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
Competitiveness of Japanese and Chinese Vegetables: Price vs. Safety ? Invited International conference
Lily Kiminami
International Symposium on Food Safety: Consumer, Trade and Regulation Issues 2003.10
An Analysis of Business Alliance in Agriculture and Food Industry
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily, Ito, Ryoji
Effects of Rural Environment on Children's Consciousnesses of Future Profession
Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
Application of Concordance Analysis on Participatory Planning for the Conservation of Wetland: A Case Study of Sakata Lagoon International conference
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami, Yasuo Sato
The 18th PRSCO(Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization) 2003.7
Participatory Planning for Wise-use of Wetlands
Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
Economic Analysis of Institutional Reform and Sealed Bid Dealing Systems of Japanese Rice Market
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily
Problems and Resolutions of Japanese Welsh Onion Cropping Area after Its Provisional Exercise of the Safeguard Measure
Mizouchi, Yuichi, Kiminami, Lily, Ito, Ryoji
Economic Analysis of Sealed Bid Dealing Systems for Domestic Unrefined Sugar
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily
Comment: Where Association of Theoretical Economics and Agriculture Goes? Invited
Kiminami, Lily
An Analysis of Pricing Mechanism of the Voluntarily Marketed Rice
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily
Food System in China after its Accession to WTO
Kiminami, Lily, Kiminami, Akira
Problems and Possibilities of China's Food and Agricultural Sector:Structural Adjustment in China and the United States Invited International conference
Lily Kiminami, Nelson Bills
International Conference on Agricultural and Rural Economy of Northeast Asia 2002.8
Structural Reforms of Vegetable Production after the Implementation of Provisional Safeguard Measure: Production of Welsh Onion in Japan International conference
Akira Kiminami, Lily Kiminami
China-Japan-Korea Symposium on the WTO and Agricultural Development 2002.8
Structural Changes in International Food System in East Asia International conference
Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami
China-Japan-Korea Symposium on the WTO and Agricultural Development 2002.8
Intra-regional Trade of Processed Food in East Asia since the 1980's International conference
Akira Kiminami, Lily Kiminami
The 7th PRSCO(Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization) Summer Institute 2002.6
Gender and Rural Industrialization in China International conference
Lily Kiminami
The 7th PRSCO(Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization) Summer Institute 2002.6
Study on Gender and Development in China and India
Kiminami, Akira, Kiminami, Lily
International Trade of Processed Food in East Asia since 1980s
Kiminami, Lily
山崎朗編著『地域産業のイノベーションシステムー集積と連携が生む都市の経済ー』学芸出版社、2019年」『地域学研究』第49巻第1号, pp.115-117, 2019.8.31
木南 莉莉
木南莉莉「田島ら編著『アズキと東アジア:日中韓台の域内市場と通商問題』御茶の水書房、2016年」『農業経済研究』第88巻第3号, pp. 352-353, 2016.12
木南莉莉「日本地域学会第53回年次大会の概要」『高速道路と自動車』公益財団法人 高速道路調査会、第59巻第12号、pp.62-65、2016.12
"Re-examination of the Uniqueness and Universality of Rural Economy in Asia" ('A New Institutional Economics on Rural Economy:Asia and Japan', Atsuyuki Asami, Niipon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2015)Nogyo to Keizai, Showa-do, 82(1), p.134, 2016.1
Taking It as An Opportunity to Learn from India's Food and Agricultural Sector" ('Food System in India: Impacts of Globalization and Economic Development' Edited by Toshiharu Shimowatari and Hideki Uehara, Tsukuba-Shobo, 2014,Nogyo to Keizai, Showa-do, 81
()"Chien, H.(ed): Where China's Agriculture is Heading: A survey-based Study on China's Agriculture and Social Economy by JIRCAS", Japanese Journal of Farm Management, Vol. 50(1)pp.150, 2012
"Akune, Y.: An Empirical Anaysis of Agglomeration and Location Choice in Food Industry (Tsukuba-Shobo, 2009) "Journal of Food System Research, Vol.16(3), pp.138-140, 2009
Bojar, Ewa and Olesiński, Zbigniew (Eds): The Emergence and Development of Cluster in Poland(Warszawa, Poland: Difin, 2007)Studies in Rgional Science, Vol.38(2), pp.543-545, 2008
"Moran TH, Graham ED, Blomström M (Eds): Does foreign direct investment promote development?(Washington, DC, US: Institute for International Economics / Center for Global Development, 2005)"The Annals of Regional Science, Vol.41(2), pp.487-489, 2007
"Tsujii, H., Matsuda, Y. and Asami, A.(eds): Equality and Efficiency of Chinese Farmers(Taga Shuppan, 2005)"Japanese Journal of Farm Management, Vol.43(4), pp.86-87, 2006 (in Japanese)
"Comment on White Paper: From the Viewpoint of International Food System"Nokyo to Keizai, Showa-do, 70(11)(Sep. 2004, Additional Volume)), p.17, 2004
Yan, S.: Agriculture, Peasant, and State in China (The University of Nagoya Press, 2002), Journal of Rural Economics, 75(1), pp.20-21, 2003
"Treating Food Industry as 'Food System'"(Nakajima, Masamichi: Economic Analysis of Food Industry, Nihonkeizai-hyoronsha, 1997) Nogyo to Keizai, Fuminkyoukai and Mainicni-shinbunsha, 63(9)(Aug. 1997), p.96, 1997
Prize for Best Book of the Japan Section of the RSAI
2018.10 The Japan Section of RSAI Food Security and Industrial Clustering in Northeast Asia
Lily Kiminami
Prize for Best Book of the Japan Section of the RSAI (2016)
2016.10 The Japan Section of the RSAI International Food System: Revised Edtion
Lily Kiminami
Prize for Best Book of the Japan Section of the RSAI
2013.10 JSRSAI(Japan Section of Regional Science Association International Food Security and Industrial Cluster in Northeast Asia
Kiminami, L, Nakamura, T
Prize for Best Article of the Japan Section of the RSAI
Lily Kiminami
Outstanding Journal Article, Agricultural Economics Society of Japan
Development of Theories and Strategies for Sustainable Development by Balancing Economic and Social Values in Agricultural Corporations
Grant number:24K01864
2024.4 - 2027.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\9100000 ( Direct Cost: \7000000 、 Indirect Cost:\2100000 )
Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship in Urban Agriculture: Creating Shared Value through Social Business
Grant number:20K06256
2020.4 - 2024.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )
Comprehensive study on structure and process of entrepreneurship in agriculture and rural sector
Grant number:20H03089
2020.4 - 2024.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\8190000 ( Direct Cost: \6300000 、 Indirect Cost:\1890000 )
2017.4 - 2021.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Study on the entrepreneurship of social business in rural and agricultural sector
Grant number:15K18750
2015.4 - 2019.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Furuzawa Shinichi, Kiminami Lily
Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )
Social innovation that can solve regional social problems is essential for the sustainability of economic and social activities in the region. In order to clarify the issues of agricultural and rural development contributing to the induction of social innovation through comparative analysis on social entrepreneurship, we conducted following two analyses: (1) role of consumer cooperatives in the development of food system, (2) roles of social businesses and the multi-functionality of agriculture in the sustainable development of regions.
As a result of research, it is clarified that (1) consumer cooperatives are required to have governance innovation as social business in order to induce social innovation in modern food system in Japan, and (2) mechanism of virtuous circle in which accumulation of social capital and social businesses are promoted through the enhancement of multi-functionality of agriculture.
Empirical Studies on the Dynamism of International Food System: Comparative Analysis between Japan and China
2013.4 - 2017.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Lily Kiminami
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
System name:受託研究(一般受託研究)
Awarding organization:2011年度三井物産環境基金一般助成
Grant type:Competitive
2011.4 - 2012.3
System name:受託研究
Awarding organization:平成23年度新潟大学自然再生センター長裁量経費
2010.4 - 2013.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\2800000 ( Direct Cost: \2470000 、 Indirect Cost:\330000 )
CPER 2007-2013(France)
2010.4 - 2012.3
System name:Joint Research(International Collaboration)
Grant type:Competitive
Sustainable regional environmental resource management and habitat conservation of Japanese Crested Ibis by stakeholder participation
2010.4 - 2011.3
System name:Consigned Research
Grant type:Competitive
Study on Food Security in Northeast Asia(Cooperative Research: Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia(ERINA))
2009.4 - 2010.3
System name:Joint Research(Collaboration in Japan)
Grant type:Competitive
2009.4 - 2010.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:研究成果公開促進費・学術図書
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
Economic Policies for Risk Reduction and Trade in East Asia under International Asymmetric Information in the Case of Food
Grant number:21243023
2009 - 2012
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
TAWADA Makoto, TOKUNAGA Suminori, SAKAI Yasuhiro, OGAWA Hikaru, SATO Hiroyasu, YABUUCHI Shigemi, KIMINAMI Riri, MAEDA Yasunobu
Grant amount:\41730000 ( Direct Cost: \32100000 、 Indirect Cost:\9630000 )
The globalization of the world economy increases the risk generated by the asymmetric information among trading countries. We investigated how we cope with this kind of risk by the cooperation of trading countries. In the aspect of international trade of food, we investigate the various policies such as imported food inspection and enforcement of fine to false food in order to protect from health damage. We also investigated the food supply system in the East Asian region from the viewpoint of food security and concluded that it is important for trading countries to cooperate together to foster healthy industrial clusters of food industries. Concerning the risk management, we developed information system and risk path finder system to support the detection of risk event scenarios.
Research on an International Marketing Strategy for Niigata Koshihikari Rice
2008.7 - 2009.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Study on Food Security in Northeast Asia(2)(Cooperative Research: Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia(ERINA))
2008.4 - 2009.3
System name:Joint Research(Collaboration in Japan)
Grant type:Competitive
Study on Food Policy: A Comparative Analysis between Japan and China
2008.4 - 2009.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Research on the Food Security in Northeast Asia
System name:Cooperative Research
Grant type:Competitive
Research on the International Food System
System name:Ordinary Research
Grant type:Competitive
Study on Food Security in Northeast Asia(Cooperative Research: Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia(ERINA))
2007.4 - 2008.3
System name:Joint Research(Collaboration in Japan)
Grant type:Competitive
Research on the Agriculture and Rural Development through Industrial Cluster Strategy
System name:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Grant type:Competitive
2005.4 - 2008.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\2800000 ( Direct Cost: \2530000 、 Indirect Cost:\270000 )
Grant number:16638004
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
木南 章, 八木 宏典, 木南 莉莉, 李 哉ひょん, 木下 幸雄
Grant amount:\3000000 ( Direct Cost: \3000000 )
Study on Environmental Management in Mountainous Area of Sado Island for Freeing Crested Ibis into Wilderness
2003.4 - 2005.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Master Plan of Nishi-kanbara Land Improvement Division
2003.4 - 2004.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
International Food System Analysis on Livestock Products Labeled 'Green Food'
2003.4 - 2004.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Regional Agreement and Incentive System for Wise-use of Sakata Lagoon
2003.4 - 2004.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Study on Measure for Environmental Management of Wetland in Chongming Island of China
2003.4 - 2004.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Urban River Management by Public Holding of Farmland
2003.3 - 2004.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Study on the Conditions of Competition and Cooperation in East Asian Agriculture under the Developing of Regional Trade Agreements
Grant number:15208020
2003 - 2005
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
YAGI Hironori, KAI Satashi, FUJISHIMA Hiroji, SAITO Osamu, KIMINAMI Riri, KIMINAMI Akira
Grant amount:\28080000 ( Direct Cost: \21600000 、 Indirect Cost:\6480000 )
Firstly, we clarified a development course of interdependence relations and agriculture in East Asia.
For Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, we collected data from statistics of agriculture, economy, and trade, made the database of duty of farm products, trade of food, food security systems and clarified a basic structure of East Asian agriculture and food economy. In addition, through analysis of a document about each agro-politics, we clarified a switch process of agro-politics and discussed relations with economic development of East Asia.
Secondly, we clarified the issue of structure of East Asia agriculture based on research. We carried out field work research in Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan. In investigation in Korea, I held a research meeting for the study and carried out investigation analysis of vegetables export company and a model area of an agriculture cluster. Research topics of each member are the formation of an agriculture cluster, product differentiation and brand of agricultural products, evaluation of rice by a consumer, possibility of farm products export, economic effect of FTA, urban agriculture, a less favored area policy, food safety, environment-friendly agriculture, circulation system reform.
Finally, we elucidated a competitive condition and a Cooperative condition around East Asian agriculture. Based on a result by fact-finding analysis, we showed these conditions. As for competitive condition, importance of competitive advantage to be based on competitive strategy is pointed out with a comparative advantage based on the factor endowment condition that is the source of a competitive power. It was made in particular clear that a role of competitive advantage by the cluster formation such as induction of innovation by industrial accumulation became significant. As for cooperative condition, the importance of mutual supplement-relationship was clarified. Furthermore, we clarified a rule factor of a sustainability of agriculture in each country.
Study on Economic Incentives for Environmental Conservation of Wetland
2002.4 - 2003.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Study on Promotion of Environmental Conservation and Wise-use of Sakata Lagoon
2002.4 - 2003.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Environment Friendly Agriculture by Introducing ISO14001
2002.4 - 2003.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Research on the Environmental Problems
Grant type:Competitive
Research on the International Trade of Agricultural Products
Grant type:Competitive
Comparative Analysis of Change in the Structure of Farm Businesses in Japan, China, and the United States
2001.4 - 2002.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Family and Women in Asia
2001.4 - 2002.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Economic and Cultural Problems of Livestock Farms in China
2000.4 - 2002.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
2000.4 - 2001.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:特定領域研究
Awarding organization:文部科学省
Grant type:Competitive
1999.4 - 2000.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:特定領域研究
Awarding organization:文部科学省
Grant type:Competitive
China's Economic Reform and Women
1999.4 - 2000.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Poverty Problems in Rural China
1998.4 - 1999.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Risk Management of Rice Distribution under the Law for Stabilization of Supply, Demand and Price of Staple Food
1997.4 - 1998.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Poverty Reduction in China
1997.4 - 1998.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Research on the Poverty Problems
Grant type:Competitive
International Comparative Research on the Gender Issues
Grant type:Competitive
Study on Labor Supply of Agricultural Households in China
1994.4 - 1995.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Development of Regional Community-Based Enterprises under the Process of Market Economy in China
1994.4 - 1995.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
International Comparative Studies on Grain Production, Distribution and Futures Market among Japan, The United States and China
1994.4 - 1995.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Studies on Futures Market of Agricultural Products in China
1993.4 - 1994.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Empirical Studies on Labor Migration in China
1991.4 - 1992.3
System name:Consigned Research(General Consignment Study)
Grant type:Competitive
Research on the Labor Migration in China
Grant type:Competitive
Food Trade and Industrialization for Rural Development in Globalizing Economy
International Agriculture and Resources Development
Institution name:新潟農業技術学院
Institution name:新潟県農業大学校
International Agriculture and Resources Development
International Agriculture and Resources Development
スタディ・スキルズA c
Role(s): Lecturer
Role(s): Lecturer
Role(s): Lecturer