Faculty of Education Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Professor
Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Contemporary Cultural Studies Professor
Updated on 2025/03/13
教育学修士 ( 1991.3 東京大学 )
public health・health science
educational Science
sports science
Humanities & Social Sciences / Childhood and nursery/pre-school education
Humanities & Social Sciences / Education
Humanities & Social Sciences / Family and consumer sciences, and culture and living
Life Science / Sports sciences
Niigata University Faculty of Education Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Contemporary Cultural Studies Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Education Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Associate Professor
2004.4 - 2014.3
The University of Tokyo 教育学研究科
- 1991
Country: Japan
University of Tsukuba School of Health and Physical Education
- 1984
University of Tsukuba School of Health and Physical Education
- 1984
Country: Japan
Japanese Association of School Health
新潟県学校保健学会 常任幹事
2000 - 2004
Japanese Association of School Health councilman
2000 - 2004
日本学校保健学会 評議員
2000 - 2004
「社会創造科」における協働型学習の効果分析 : 附属長岡校園研究開発の取り組み Reviewed
9 ( 1 ) 33 - 41 2016.10
【子どもの健康と生活〜30年間の変化〜】食生活の変化30年 Reviewed
笠井 直美
子どもと発育発達 10 ( 1 ) 11 - 14 2012.4
タイ王国・ミャンマー連邦に居住する8民族の身長発育曲線の検討 Reviewed
國土 将平, 中野 貴博, 佐川 哲也, 笠井 直美, 小磯 透, 鈴木 和弘, 下田 敦子, 大澤 清二
発育発達研究 ( 46 ) 11 - 26 2010.3
Journal of Chinese language and literature 21 1 - 21 2009
中野 貴博, 大澤 清二, 下田 敦子, 佐川 哲也, 國土 将平, 笠井 直美, 鈴木 和宏, 小磯 透
発育発達研究 83 - 83 2008
中野 貴博, 大澤 清二, 佐川 哲也, 笠井 直美, 國土 将平, 小磯 透, 下田 敦子
発育発達研究 68 - 68 2007
國土 将平, 大澤 清二, 下田 敦子, 佐川 哲也, 笠井 直美, 西嶋 尚彦
発育発達研究 41 - 41 2007
Digital Text of Chinese Vernacular Literature : Part 1, Za ju (Northern Drama)
18 85 - 104 2006.3
國土 将平, 大澤 清二, 下田 敦子, 笠井 直美, 西嶋 尚彦, 中野 貴博
発育発達研究 57 - 57 2006
KOISO Tohru, KOYAMA Hiroshi, NAKAMURA Naomi, SUZUKI Kazuhiro, OHSAWA Seiji, KASAI Naomi, ISHIKAWA Tetsuya, KATSUNO Shingo, YOSHIDA Katsumi, WATANABE Masaki
Japanese journal of school health 44 ( 5 ) 456 - 467 2002.12
Bordering "Us" : Nation and Ethnos in Plays and Stories of Yue Fei (1)
Kasai Naomi
Studies in language and culture 23 ( 2 ) 13 - 48 2002
Bordering "Us" : Nation and Ethnos in Plays and Stories of Yue Fei (2)
Kasai Naomi
Studies in language and culture 24 ( 1 ) 35 - 76 2002
Study on School Health Education Curriculum and AIDS Education in Thailand Reviewed
Japanese journal of school health 41 ( 2 ) 138 - 152 1999.6
KASAI Naomi, OHSAWA Seiji, IEDA Shigeharu, KOKUDO Shohei, SAGAWA Tetsuya, OKOUN Katasilp
Japanese journal of school health 40 ( 3 ) 269 - 281 1998.8
北タイにおける児童生徒のエイズ知識とその評価 Reviewed
笠井 直美
民族衛生 63 ( 付録 ) 80 - 81 1997.11
Journal of Home Economics of Japan 48 ( 5 ) 371 - 382 1997.5
Age at menarche and comparison of the growth and performance of pre- and post-menarcheal girls in China. Reviewed International journal
Seiji Ohsawa, Cheng-Ye Ji, Naomi Kasai
American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council 9 ( 2 ) 205 - 212 1997
OHSAWA Seiji, JI Cheng-ye, KASAI Naomi
Japanese journal of school health 38 ( 4 ) 370 - 380 1996.10
Secular changes in the stature, weight, and age at maximum growth increments of urban Chinese girls from the 1950s to 1985. Reviewed International journal
Cheng-Ye Ji, Seiji Ohsawa, Naomi Kasai
American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council 7 ( 4 ) 473 - 484 1995
運動刺激の発育に及ぼす影響に関する統計的研究 Reviewed
笠井 直美, 大沢 清二, 東郷 正美
学校保健研究 34 ( 4 ) p169 - 173 1992.4
Multivariate Statistical Observation on Growth Velocity with Special Reference to Swimmers and Non-athletic Children Reviewed
Japanese journal of school health 34 ( 4 ) 169 - 173 1992
教員養成系大学保健協議会( Role: Joint editor)
ぎょうせい 2019.4 ( ISBN:9784324105771 )
松浦, 賢長, 笠井, 直美, 渡辺, 多恵子
講談社 2017 ( ISBN:9784061563209 )
教員養成系大学保健協議会( Role: Joint editor)
ぎょうせい 2014.9 ( ISBN:9784324098004 )
荒堀, 憲二, 松浦, 賢長( Role: Contributor)
朝倉書店 2012.4 ( ISBN:9784254640397 )
山縣, 然太朗, 松浦, 賢長, 山崎, 嘉久( Role: Contributor)
少年写真新聞社 2011.7 ( ISBN:9784879813879 )
日本学校保健会( Role: Joint editor)
日本学校保健会出版部,丸善出版 (発売) 2011.3 ( ISBN:9784903076034 )
笠井, 直美
[笠井直美] 2006
健学社 1999
エイズ教育と伝統的価値体系 : 北部タイ農村のフィールドワークから
大澤, 清二, 笠井, 直美, 綾部, 真雄
健学社 1999 ( ISBN:4906310303 )
財団法人日本体育協会 1997
Comparative Study on the Growth of Thai and Japanese Children(共著)
International Medical Foundation of Japan 1995
Ubon Child Health Status Survey(共著)
Fuji Technology Press 1994
日本体育・学校健康センター 1993
Ubon Child Motor Development Study (共著)
Fuji Technology Press Ltd. 1993
日本体育・学校健康センター 1992
日本体育・学校健康センター 1990
猪俣史織, 笠井直美
日本思春期学会総会・学術集会抄録集 35th 2016
学校が変わる子どもを変える HQC 第6回 HQCによる食生活の改善と指導
健康教室 63 ( 11 ) 2012
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 EPDSによる産後うつ頻度の把握に関する研究
樋口善之, 原田直樹, 渡辺多恵子, 鈴木茜, 若松美貴代, 中野貴博, 笠井直美, 市川香織, 玉腰浩司, 松浦賢長, 山縣然太朗
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 平成21-23年度 総合研究報告書 2012
学校が変わる 子どもを変える HQC 第7回 HQCによる保健室の改善
健康教室 63 ( 12 ) 2012
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 思春期やせ症の発生頻度に関する研究
中野貴博, 樋口善之, 原田直樹, 森慶恵, 阿部真理子, 豊田菜穂子, 福島由美子, 土井智子, 三並めぐる, 香田由美, 内田育美, せん松真紀子, 渡辺多恵子, 北村喜一郎, 鈴木茜, 磯田宏子, 三國和美, 丸岡里香, 笠井直美, 松浦賢長, 山縣然太朗
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 平成21-23年度 総合研究報告書 2012
Kasamaki Junichi, Kasai Naomi, Sugimoto Hideo
4 ( 1 ) 89 - 101 2011
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 思春期やせ症の発生頻度に関する研究
中野貴博, 樋口善之, 原田直樹, 森慶恵, 阿部真理子, 豊田菜穂子, 福島由美子, 土井智子, 三並めぐる, 香田由美, 内田育美, あべ松真紀子, 渡辺多恵子, 北村喜一郎, 鈴木茜, 磯田宏子, 三國和美, 丸岡里香, 笠井直美, 松浦賢長, 山縣然太朗
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 平成21年度 総括・分担研究報告書 2010
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 EPDSによる産後うつ頻度の把握に関する研究
樋口善之, 原田直樹, 渡辺多恵子, 鈴木茜, 若松美貴代, 中野貴博, 笠井直美, 市川香織, 玉腰浩司, 松浦賢長, 山縣然太朗
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 平成21年度 総括・分担研究報告書 2010
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 妊娠中の妻を持つ夫の喫煙行動に関する研究
樋口善之, 原田直樹, 内田美智子, 内田克彦, 岩田美紀, 黒木透, 羽賀田千晶, 青儀早耶, 中村優希, 神戸乃梨子, 山田祐里江, 涌嶋嘉子, 野間裕子, 増本綾子, 倉本孝子, 渡辺多恵子, 鈴木茜, 中野貴博, 笠井直美, 原田正平, 松浦賢長, 山縣然太朗
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 平成21年度 総括・分担研究報告書 2010
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 3・4ケ月健診時の母親における次子の希望に影響を与える因子に関する研究
樋口善之, 原田直樹, 渡辺多恵子, 鈴木茜, 中野貴博, 笠井直美, 荒木田美香子, 松浦賢長, 山縣然太朗
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用に関する研究 平成21年度 総括・分担研究報告書 2010
樋口善之, 仁木雪子, 笠井直美, 丸岡里香, 加藤千恵子, 小林八重子, 佛圓和子, 光本朱實, 濱龍彦, 米光真由美, 内田美智子, 渡辺多恵子, 鈴木茜, 山田七重, 松浦賢長, 山縣然太朗
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用および思春期やせ症防止のための学校保健との連携によるシステム構築に関する研究 平成19-20年度 総合研究報告書 2009
樋口善之, 仁木雪子, 笠井直美, 丸岡里香, 加藤千恵子, 小林八重子, 佛圓和子, 光本朱實, 濱龍彦, 米光真由美, 内田美智子, 渡辺多恵子, 鈴木茜, 山田七重, 松浦賢長, 山縣然太朗
健やか親子21を推進するための母子保健情報の利活用および思春期やせ症防止のための学校保健との連携によるシステム構築に関する研究 平成19年度 総括・分担研究報告書 2008
笠井 直美, Kasai Naomi
笠井 直美
家庭科教育 79 ( 3 ) 28 - 32 2005.3
大修館書店 2004
新潟県高等学校教育研究会保健体育部会養護教員部、新潟県養護教員研究協議会高等学校部 99 2004
日本学校保健会 2003
児童生徒の健康状態サーベイランス調査(1) : 生活習慣病リスクファクターの正常値の検討
大澤 清二, 森光 敬子, 國土 将平, 竹内 一夫, 笠井 直美, 村田 光範, 平山 宗宏
日本学校保健学会講演集 49 324 - 325 2002.9
児童生徒の健康状態サーベイランス調査(3) : アレルギー様症状に関する調査
竹内 一夫, 國土 将平, 笠井 直美, 村田 光範, 平山 宗宏, 森光 敬子, 大澤 清二
日本学校保健学会講演集 49 328 - 329 2002.9
児童生徒の健康状態サーベイランス調査(2) : ライフスタイル調査
國土 将平, 大澤 清二, 笠井 直美, 竹内 一夫, 村田 光範, 平山 宗広, 森光 敬子
日本学校保健学会講演集 49 326 - 327 2002.9
北タイにおける中高校生のAIDSと健康行動に対する意識調査 : (1)超自然的医療観について
笠井 直美, 大澤 清二, 下田 敦子, 綾部 真雄
日本学校保健学会講演集 49 144 - 145 2002.9
中学校保健授業におけるマルチメディアによる薬物乱用防止教育の実践 III
小磯 透, 小山 浩, 中村 なおみ, 内田 匡輔, 鈴木 和弘, 高石 昌弘, 大澤 清二, 齋藤 実, 松本 健治, 國土 将平, 笠井 直美
日本学校保健学会講演集 49 358 - 359 2002.9
Drug Education and Drug Awareness Among Students in North Thailand
Japanese Journal of School Health 42 ( Supplement ) 41 - 43 2001
学校保健研究 42 ( Supplement ) 41 - 43 2001
KOISO Tohru, SUZUKI Kazuhiro, OHSAWA Seiji, KASAI Naomi, ISHIKAWA Tetsuya, KATSUNO Shingo, WATANABE Masaki, YOSHIDA Katsumi
Japanese journal of school health 41 ( 2 ) 153 - 167 1999.6
現代の子どものライフスタイル (特集 変貌する現代の子どもたち)
大沢 清二, 笠井 直美
体育の科学 49 ( 1 ) 20 - 24 1999.1
笠井 直美, 大沢 清二
家庭科教育 72 ( 4 ) 16 - 20 1998.4
Cultural Cluster for Attributes of Men's Footwear of Ethnic Group in China
SHIMODA Atsuko, OHSAWA Seiji, KASAI Naomi, KONDO Shiro
Journal of home economics of Japan 49 ( 4 ) 397 - 408 1998
Kasai Naomi
Studies in language and culture 19 ( 2 ) 53 - 74 1998
笠井 直美, 大澤 清二, 家田 重晴, 國土 将平, 佐川 哲也
学校保健研究 39 238 - 239 1997.10
タイ国北部山岳少数民族の形態発育について(第二報) : リス族・ラフ族の形態発育
國土 将平, 大澤 清二, 笠井 直美, 佐川 哲也, 西嶋 尚彦, 家田 重晴, 綾部 真雄
学校保健研究 39 264 - 265 1997.10
下田 敦子, 笠井 直美
家庭科教育 71 ( 5 ) 48 - 53 1997.5
Children's Houseworks in Thailand
Sagawa Tetsuya, Kokudo Shohei, Kasai Naomi, Osawa Seiji
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kanazawa University. The humanities and social science 46 147 - 164 1997.2
平成8年度日本体育協会スポーツ医・科学研究報告 (]G0061[)VIIジュニア期のスポーツライフに関する研究-第3報-
財団法人日本体育協会 125 1997
平成7年度日本体育協会スポーツ医・科学研究報告 (]G0061[)VIジュニア期のスポーツライフに関する研究-第2報-
財団法人日本体育協会 125 1996
平成6年度日本体育協会スポーツ医・科学研究報告 No.VI ジュニア期のスポーツライフに関する研究-第1報-(共著)
財団法人日本体育協会 347 1995
メヂカルフレンド社 1994
発育と運動研究最近10年間の動向 (〔日本学校保健〕学会共同研究「発育発達」発育文献研究班,中間報告)
笠井 直美, 日比野 朔郎
学校保健研究 35 ( 4 ) p164 - 167 1993.4
Ohsawa Seiji, Kasai Naomi, Sagawa Tetsuya
Otsuma Women's University, bulletin Home economics 29 ( 29 ) p271 - 281 1993.3
Recent Advances in Growth Study in Japan (1980-91) (2)Growth and Physical Training
Japanese Journal of school Health ( 35 ) 164 - 167 1993
"Research Report on Health" -through guestionnaires to amateurs of sports in area for health education
National Stadium and School Health Center of Japan 1993
Research Report on Health -research on the actual health condition in area for health education-
National Stadium and School Health Center of Japan 1992
"The second Research Report on Health" -through questionnaires to 3,000 amateurs of sports-
National Stadium and School Health Center of Japan 1990
Drug Use and Drug Education of Children in Thailand
Growth and Lifestyle of Hilltribe Children in Northern Thailand
AIDS Knowledge of Hilltribe Children in Northern Thailand
The third Scientific Survey of Child health Status in North Thailand
Growth and Lifestyle of Hilltribe Children in Northern Thailand
The 11th Scientific Survey of Child health status in Northeastern Thailand
The 10th Scientific Survey of Child motor development in Northeastern Thailand
Grant number:18K02039
2018.4 - 2022.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
高橋 桂子, 倉元 綾子, 笠井 直美
Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )
Grant number:26381256
2014.4 - 2017.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Kasai Naomi, INOMATA Shiori, CUI Xu
Grant amount:\3380000 ( Direct Cost: \2600000 、 Indirect Cost:\780000 )
The National Police Agency began providing emergency contraception (EC) officially as a form of medical assistance to victims of sexual crimes in 2006. In 2011, EC was approved for general use in Japan. School curricula for sex education must provide both information on EC and bioethics related guidance to students. In order to elucidate the most suitable time to learn about EC, we administered a questionnaire about which years of students request learning of EC on high school students. However, conforming to the specifics of sexual education described in governmental guidelines for health and physical education curricula in junior high schools was found to increase the educators’ difficulty in discussing about EC in health studies. Based on these findings, it was concluded that the first important step is to include specific and basic information on EC, when they are necessary, in sex education manuals used by educators and ensure the extensive dissemination of this information.
Grant number:25350837
2013.4 - 2017.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\4940000 ( Direct Cost: \3800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1140000 )
Using a screening method combining brief self-administered questionnaires for schoolchildren with short checklists for school teachers, and a simple early intervention afterwards, a new suicide prevention program was carried out in children and adolescents at school. The subjects were 357 junior high school students and 85 senior high school students in Gunma, Saitama, and Oita prefectures. Total of 37 students were identified to be ‘depressive’ at the first time screening held in the spring, as 7.8% in junior high schools and 10.6% in senior high schools. Among the 17 students of them who had been tested in three times continuously within one year, after early interventions, seven (41.2%) were still depressive at the second time in the fall and three (17.6%) at the third time in the winter. It seems that this program for decreasing depressive students works well practically and beneficially at school in this study, even though more empirical investigations are still needed.
Grant number:20590635
2008 - 2010
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
TAKEUCHI Kazuo, SEKI Yukiko, KASAI Naomi
Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )
With brief self-administered questionnaires for schoolchildren (Brief Mood Control Index for Children) and short checklists for school teachers (Brief Checklist of Depressive Symptoms among Children for Teachers), a new screening program was carried out to find out depressive children and adolescents in school. The agreement between the two measures was quite low (kappa= .095) and sensitivity of both measures to screen depression in the subjects were not high. However, after adopting a new criteria of 'being positive in at least one of the two', the total sensitivity increases slightly (.529). Now this program is available at school.
Grant number:18200046
2006 - 2009
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\42770000 ( Direct Cost: \32900000 、 Indirect Cost:\9870000 )
We have standard to evaluate the growth and nutritional condition of the child in many developed nations. On the other hand, there are no references standard of child growth and nutrition in most of developing countries.
Therefore the children's health status are not able to evaluate appropriately.
To solve this serious problem, we executed large-scale growth and nutritional survey of eight ethnic groups ; Thai, Karen, Hmong, Akha, Lahu, Lisu, Burmese and Mon in Thailand and Myanmar from 2005 to 2009.
We measured 23,375 children's physiques and collected the data that related in their family's information, child's health histories and daily life.
The growth data from 5 to 18 years old were processed by using the LMS model. As a result, the standardized growth charts were obtained according to each ethnic group ,and fruitful health information to be utilize for health guidance were extracted.
Grant number:17402044
2005 - 2008
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
KASAI Naomi, OSAWA Seiji, AYABE Masao
Grant amount:\7460000 ( Direct Cost: \6500000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )
Effects of lifestyle on mood control among school students
Grant number:17590554
2005 - 2006
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\2200000 ( Direct Cost: \2200000 )
The purpose of this study is to certify the reliability and validity of a newly developed scale of mood control for school students and to investigate associations between the scale and the various variables on their lifestyle. In the pilot studies for 476 male and female junior high school students (7-9^<th> grade) and 76 female senior high school students (10^<th> grade), the coefficients of reliability (Cronbach's alpha) are rather high and the correlation coefficients (by Fisher's exact test) are also quite high with other mood-related scales such as the DSD (the DSM scale for depression) and EAT-26(the Eating Attitudes Test). Thus, the reliability and validity of the mood control scale are sufficient for general use. In the main studies for 523 male and female senior high school students who go to flex-type schools, the positive rate (with problematic symptoms) are higher among the subjects who go to bed after 12:00 p.m., get up around 7:00 a.m., have poor feelings when they awake, and feel shortage of total sleep. Also, in the control group of 1060 preliminary school children (4-6^<th> grade), 1092 junior high school students (7-9^<th> grade), and 749 senior high school students (10-11^<th> grade), a strong association between the mood control scale and the dependency of TV watching and internet using is found. We can conclude that certain strong associations between mood control and several basic variables of school students' lifestyle exist.
Behavioral epidemiological study on AIDS orphans, drug abuse and juvenile delinquency focusing on the role and function of families
Grant number:14380039
2002 - 2005
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\13100000 ( Direct Cost: \13100000 )
We have inquired into the education for drug abuse and AIDS prevention. Its investigations are based on the behavioral studies. They are basically motivated to pursue the effective method to prevent AIDS by the surveillance of Northern Thailand, Okinawa and Saitama.
The subjects are about 1,000 students and their parents in primary and secondary schools of Thailand. The Japanese are about 10,000 subjects that consist of the students and their parents. Their knowledge, attitude and behavior toward AIDS and drugs had been scrutinized. As a result, we summarize the following five arguments and findings.
1.The spread of AIDS in Thailand and its background
2.Education for condom and present condition of health instruction
3.The influence of traditional sense of values and attitude toward AIDS prevention
4.The interrelationship between drug abuse and AIDS and the related health education system
5.Multivariate factor structure on AIDS knowledge, attitude and behavior
These arguments elucidates that Thai adults' behaviors, which are related with AIDS and drug abuse, are highly influenced by local custom and traditional sense of values. Hence, the short term education run in public health is expected to bring about and actually brought about least improvement in this sphere. In contrast, the school health education enabled to raise the adult condom usage rate from 0% range to 10%. However, no sooner had the school health education weakened because of the declining tendency of AIDS epidemic than the condom usage rate fell to almost 0%. This phenomenon endorses the importance of the continuous school health education. School instruction of drug abuse is also effective. These problems are also related with juvenile delinquency. This study explicates that knowledge, attitude and way of thinking underlies these problems by using the multivariate analysis and the Item Response Theory.
Study of the Actual Conditions and Theory of Student Substance Abusers and Analysis of Drug Abuse Prevention
Grant number:13571045
2001 - 2004
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
KASAI Naomi, OSAWA Seiji, AYABE Masao
Grant amount:\7400000 ( Direct Cost: \7400000 )
The abuse of the stimulant (ATS) which is called yaabaa in Thailand is a serious problem related to the fate of the country. Moreover, it is clear that it is very closely related to drug abuse and HIV infection. In addition, it has become a social issue with a dramatic increase in the number of children and youth substance abusers. Consequently, the Department of Education of Thailand has executed the "White school" plan for the eradication of such addictive drugs, offensive media coverage, and violence in the schools and help through the systematic activities of teachers, student's leaders, guardians, the police, and the leader in the region, etc. in promoting effective drug abuse prevention programs on a nationwide scale since the year 2000. In this research, the school in the Chiang Mai area where the "White school" plan has been promoted including the initiation of a urine test was mainly surveyed, and the following aspects were clarified ; 1. The students have much information about the drug ATS from association with their classes. 2. Because the number of drug abuse positive students has declined in the last seven years, the effect of the "White school" plan including the urine test is clearly positive. 3. Of the students, 14.3 percent experienced abuse of ATS. 4. The reasons for abuse of ATS were "Wanting to experiment with it" and "Influence of friends". 5. The causes of the abuse of the drug ATS for students who had experienced drug abuse were : "Recommendation by friends, companions, older, and younger peers" chiefly, "The dangers and harmful effects of drugs were unclear to the student", and "The drugs can be easily obtained". 6. The methods for preventing drug abuse which the students who abused ATS thought were important were "Becoming more absorbed in their hobbies", "Keeping a regular schedule". As for the causes of drug abuse, obtaining the drugs is easy because their friend's abuse drugs and the drug dealers are always near at hand and education concerning drugs is insufficient becomes clear from the interview records. The Prime Minister of Thailand is trying hard to control, prevent, treat, and rehabilitate people. Intervention for drug abuse also had a synergic effect in the "White school" plan of execution.
Grant number:11780082
1999 - 2000
System name:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
Research category:奨励研究(A)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
笠井 直美
Grant amount:\2000000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 )
Structure Analysis on Unidentified Syndrome and Lifestyle at Puerility and Adolescence and Correlation of Mothers and Children
Grant number:10680125
1998 - 2001
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\2400000 ( Direct Cost: \2400000 )
1. In recent years Japanese children lifestyle are progressing toward pattern of midnight lifestyle rapidly. In the junior high school students compared with 1955's their bedtime slows for about as many as two hours.
2. From 3,422 mother and child paired data, correlation coefficients between parents and child's lifestyle variables are statistically significant as follows to habits of going to bed, bathing method, awaking state, sleep time, getting up time, defecation and exercise. Mother and child lifestyle depends each other, and influences each other.
3. Correlation of the mother and child at point of view from frequency of having of unidentified symptoms are statistically significant.
4. The orthostatic dysregulation (schoolchildren who has the doubt of OD) was a few, but in the junior high school students, male were 18.2%, and girls were 29.7%. It is in the increasing tendency compared with the 1990s surveillance.
5. When time to have done the personal computer and video games exceeds 90 minutes, prevalence rates of the cerebral anemia and dizziness on standing position increased.
6. The OD symptoms deteriorates when time to have watched the television and the video exceeds four hours.
7. There is a tendency that the schoolchildren with short moving time are not easy to get up in the morning, and boys who exercises only by two hours or less a week tends to appeal for the tiredness feeling.
8. For the student with a little movement time, briskness in daily life is a low tendency.
Socio-ecological Analysis of Effect of Electrification towards Life and Family Relation Structures of Local People in North Thailand
Grant number:10680126
1998 - 2000
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\2700000 ( Direct Cost: \2700000 )
Since 1992, an ongoing research on the effects of electrification towards life and family-relation structures of local people has been held in a small village of North Thailand. After electrification at the end of 1996, a massive amount of external information flowed into the village through TV.Since then the villagers' consciousness, behavior, and values have been changing dynamically. During 1998-2000 FY, this research was supported by the Monbusho Grant-in-aid for scientific research. All the data collected by field surveys have been statistically analyzed and cleared interaction among the influential factors and its dynamism.
Effected by the social information development and the commodity of economical advancement, people and the community have been dramatically transfiguring. For the purpose of increasing their incomes, the villagers change working forms, such as going to urban areas, extra-work under electrified lights, etc. In the meantime, they have deepened their awareness of higher education. Consumer interest and higher education have caused the rapid mobility of villagers and the small-sized or dispersed families. According to the survey in October 2001, approximately 21.5 % of the villagers were out of their community for working or studying.
The results of the analysis have been published in academic journals, announced at scientific and educational meetings held both in Japan and Thailand, and submitted to both administrative and educational agents of the Thai Government.
Child Development and Ecology of Hilltribes in Thailand
Grant number:09045085
1997 - 1999
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C).
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C).
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\2300000 ( Direct Cost: \2300000 )
1. We have conducted to the field survey on the growth and nutritional status by age and sex of the Karen children who live at Tungloi village, Omkoi district, and the Hmong children who live at Chaomaeruang village, Maelim district, in Chiangmai province in Northern Thailand, and the Lao children who live at Nahkrasaem village, Det-Udon district in Ubonratchathani province, in Northeastern Thailand.
Their anthropometric dimension, physique and somatotypes, were measured and evaluated for about 3.000 chidldren, 7-18 years of age in the context of age and ethnic differences in distributions during childhood and adolescence.
In this present field survey, we have calculated these data with special reference to Lao's anthropometric mcsurements on 69 items, 7 to 18 years of age, and should publish the article on titled, Changes in Somatotype during Growth in Lao Children 7-18 Years of Age' in the next physcal year.
2. We have administered the interview and the questionnaire survey regarding the attitude toward HIV/AIDS in the same as above regions and ethnic groups.
Grant number:08780018
System name:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
Research category:奨励研究(A)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
笠井 直美
Grant amount:\1000000 ( Direct Cost: \1000000 )
Socioecological approach on mechanism of generating OD children
Grant number:07680040
1995 - 1997
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\2500000 ( Direct Cost: \2500000 )
Recently we can observe many children suffering from Orthostatic Disregulation Syndrom with unidentified subjective symptoms. From our long range and wide scope observation on Japanese and Thai children, we have estimated the prevalence of OD by means of its screening test. The subjects were above 50,000 elementary and secondary school children in Japan and Thailand. The main findings of the survey were as follows.
1. we found out that frequency of OD increased more than that of 20 years ago. The prevalence rate of OD was 3.0% in the elementary school and 11%-17% in secondary school students, and there were vast regiomal differences of OD positive rate. It may be supposed that this highly OD positive rate has quite a little influence on their life-style.
2. According to the results, children's life-style made the great contribution to the OD positive rate.
3.40% of subjects have shown some autonomic signs and symptoms in morning hours.
4. Children's life-style has been incline to mid-night pattern of life-style and it accelerated their posittive OD rate.
Grant number:07300003
1995 - 1997
System name:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
Research category:基盤研究(A)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
大澤 清二, 松本 健治, 笠井 直美, 渡邊 正樹, 勝野 真吾, 國土 将平, 中川 正宣, 吉田 勝美
Grant number:07780012
System name:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
Research category:奨励研究(A)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
笠井 直美
Grant amount:\900000 ( Direct Cost: \900000 )
Child Development and Ecology of Minority Races in China
Grant number:06045052
1994 - 1996
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
OHSAWA Seiji, KASAI Naomi, JI Cheng-ye
Grant amount:\4200000 ( Direct Cost: \4200000 )
In 1994,1995 and 1996, the Japan-China cooperative study team have sent from Japan to the field site of China, We have conducted a field-survey on the development and growth of children who live in mainland China, and collected a lot of data by minority ethnic groups and urban rural area as following items.
1. growth status (height, weight, chest circumference, sitting height, biacromal breadth, bicristal breadth), 2. nutritional status (skinfold fat), 3. motor performance (running, throwing, jumping), 4. physical fitness (vital capacity, muscle strength, blood pressure), 5. climate and ecological indexes. We have contributed five articles to scientific journals of United Nation and Japan.
According to these results, 1. An overall increasing secular trend during past four decade is apparent for body size of chinese children. 2. Wide variations of body size could be seen not only chinese children, but also minority ethnic groups in Yunnan province, and their body size correlated with ecological condition of temperature, precipitation, as well as altitude and longitude.
Because of the relative closed living environment and the inbreeding habit, the growth and developmental status of minority ethnic children were significantly inferior to those of the Han groups.
Grant type:Competitive
Grant type:Competitive
A study of health education in Asia
Grant type:Competitive
Socioecological Study on Symptom of Children's OD
Grant number:04680084
1992 - 1994
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\2100000 ( Direct Cost: \2100000 )
We have studied to estimate a positive rate of OD children of Japan and Thailand and proved a reliability of OD screening test (using the canonical discriminant function analysis) , and discussed an influence of socioecological condition on OD prevalence.
1. Total prevalence rates of OD of Thai children are 18.8% in boys and 25.9% in girls. The heighest rates are 40.9% from 12 years in boys and 40.0% from 15 years in girls. Japanese children's prevalence rates are lower than those of Thai children.
2. We found out that the prevalence rate of OD increased more than that of 20 years ago.
3. According to the advance of school grade, the prevalence rates tend to increase highly.
4. The results of canonical discriminant function analysis proved that the OD screening test is reliable.
5. Children's lifestyle in urban area have been tending toward a "Night oriented behavior" and its lifestyle cause a high prevalence rate of OD to children of Japan and in urban area of Thailand.
Child development and ecology of minority races in Southeast Asia
Grant type:Competitive