Updated on 2025/03/13


Academic Assembly Institute of Medicine and Dentistry IGAKU KEIRETU Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Biological Functions and Medical Control Sensory and Integrative Medicine Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
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  • 博士(理学) ( 2012.2   東京大学 )

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Cognitive and brain science

Research History (researchmap)

  • Niigata University School of Medicine   Department of Physiology   Assistant Professor


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  • The University of Tokyo School of Medicine   Department of Physiology,   Assistant Professor

    2012 - 2015

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  • The University of Tokyo School of Medicine   Department of Physiology   Project Assistant Professor

    2007 - 2012

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  • JSPS   Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1)

    2004 - 2007

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Research History

  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Biological Functions and Medical Control Sensory and Integrative Medicine   Assistant Professor


  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Biological Functions and Medical Control Sensory and Integrative Medicine   Assistant Professor

    2015.2 - 2015.7


  • The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Science   Department of Physics

    2004 - 2007

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  • The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Science   Department of Physics

    2002 - 2004

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  • The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Science   Department of Physics

    2000 - 2002

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  • The role of dual-step linguistic structuring in self-paced reading rhythms. Reviewed

    Ryutaro Kasedo, Atsuhiko Iijima, Kiyoshi Nakahara, Yusuke Adachi, Fumitaka Homae, Ryu-ichiro Hashimoto, Isao Hasegawa

    Advanced Biomedical Engineering   in press   2024

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 皮質脳波(ECoG)法とfMRIによるサル・ヒトの前頭葉・側頭葉の神経生理学的検証

    飯島 淳彦, 劉 南希, 加世堂 竜太郎, 渡辺 卓爾, 中野 広輝, 松尾 健, 川嵜 圭祐, 足立 雄哉, 田中 慎吾, 中原 潔, 長谷川 功

    生体医工学   Annual60 ( Abstract )   111_1 - 111_1   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会  


    DOI: 10.11239/jsmbe.annual60.111_1


  • Development of a Self-paced Sequential Letterstring Reading Task to Capture the Temporal Dynamics of Reading a Natural Language Reviewed

    Ryutaro Kasedo, Atsuhiko Iijima, Kiyoshi Nakahara, Yusuke Adachi, Isao Hasegawa

    Advanced Biomedical Engineering   10   26 - 31   2021

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering  

    DOI: 10.14326/abe.10.26


  • マカクザル及びヒトの質的・量的な因果構造理解に基づく自己に関わる出来事の原因帰属行動

    阿部 湧, 足立 雄哉, 田村 滉樹, 齊藤 孝臣, 飯島 淳彦, 長谷川 功

    日本生理学雑誌   82 ( 1 )   11 - 11   2020.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本生理学会  


  • 1文字連続呈示課題を用いた文理解中の2重構造化処理に寄与する神経基盤の解明

    加世堂 竜太郎, 飯島 淳彦, 中原 潔, 足立 雄哉, 長谷川 功

    日本生理学雑誌   82 ( 1 )   12 - 12   2020.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本生理学会  


  • Dynamic laminar rerouting of inter-areal mnemonic signal by cognitive operations in primate temporal cortex. Reviewed International journal

    Masaki Takeda, Toshiyuki Hirabayashi, Yusuke Adachi, Yasushi Miyashita

    Nature communications   9 ( 1 )   4629 - 4629   2018.11

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    Execution of cognitive functions is orchestrated by a brain-wide network comprising multiple regions. However, it remains elusive whether the cortical laminar pattern of inter-areal interactions exhibits dynamic routings, depending on cognitive operations. We address this issue by simultaneously recording neuronal activities from area 36 and area TE of the temporal cortex while monkeys performed a visual cued-recall task. We identify dynamic laminar routing of the inter-areal interaction: during visual processing of a presented cue, spiking activities of area 36 neurons are preferentially coherent with local field potentials at the supragranular layer of area TE, while the signal from the same neurons switches to target the infragranular layer of area TE during memory retrieval. This layer-dependent signal represents the to-be-recalled object, and has an impact on the local processing at the supragranular layer in both cognitive operations. Thus, cortical layers form a key structural basis for dynamic switching of cognitive operations.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07007-1



    Other Link: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8697-994X

  • Causal neural network of metamemory for retrospection in primates Reviewed

    Kentaro Miyamoto, Takahiro Osada, Rieko Setsuie, Masaki Takeda, Keita Tamura, Yusuke Adachi, Yasushi Miyashita

    SCIENCE   355 ( 6321 )   188 - 193   2017.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE  

    We know how confidently we know: Metacognitive self-monitoring of memory states, so-called "metamemory," enables strategic and efficient information collection based on past experiences. However, it is unknown how metamemory is implemented in the brain. We explored causal neural mechanism of metamemory in macaque monkeys performing metacognitive confidence judgments on memory. By whole-brain searches via functional magnetic resonance imaging, we discovered a neural correlate of metamemory for temporally remote events in prefrontal area 9 (or 9/46d), along with that for recent events within area 6. Reversible inactivation of each of these identified loci induced doubly dissociated selective impairments in metacognitive judgment performance on remote or recent memory, without impairing recognition performance itself. The findings reveal that parallel metamemory streams supervise recognition networks for remote and recent memory, without contributing to recognition itself.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.aal0162

    Web of Science


  • Dynamically Allocated Hub in Task-Evoked Network Predicts the Vulnerable Prefrontal Locus for Contextual Memory Retrieval in Macaques Reviewed

    Takahiro Osada, Yusuke Adachi, Kentaro Miyamoto, Koji Jimura, Rieko Setsuie, Yasushi Miyashita

    PLOS BIOLOGY   13 ( 6 )   2015.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Neuroimaging and neurophysiology have revealed that multiple areas in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) are activated in a specific memory task, but severity of impairment after PFC lesions is largely different depending on which activated area is damaged. The critical relationship between lesion sites and impairments has not yet been given a clear mechanistic explanation. Although recent works proposed that a whole-brain network contains hubs that play integrative roles in cortical information processing, this framework relying on an anatomy-based structural network cannot account for the vulnerable locus for a specific task, lesioning of which would bring impairment. Here, we hypothesized that (i) activated PFC areas dynamically form an ordered network centered at a task-specific "functional hub" and (ii) the lesion-effective site corresponds to the "functional hub," but not to a task-invariant "structural hub." To test these hypotheses, we conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments in macaques performing a temporal contextual memory task. We found that the activated areas formed a hierarchical hub-centric network based on task-evoked directed connectivity, differently from the anatomical network reflecting axonal projection patterns. Using a novel simulated-lesion method based on support vector machine, we estimated severity of impairment after lesioning of each area, which accorded well with a known dissociation in contextual memory impairment in macaques (impairment after lesioning in area 9/46d, but not in area 8Ad). The predicted severity of impairment was proportional to the network "hubness" of the virtually lesioned area in the task-evoked directed connectivity network, rather than in the anatomical network known from tracer studies. Our results suggest that PFC areas dynamically and cooperatively shape a functional hub-centric network to reallocate the lesion-effective site depending on the cognitive processes, apart from static anatomical hubs. These findings will be a foundation for precise prediction of behavioral impacts of damage or surgical intervention in human brains.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002177

    Web of Science


  • Top-Down Regulation of Laminar Circuit via Inter-Area Signal for Successful Object Memory Recall in Monkey Temporal Cortex Reviewed

    Masaki Takeda, Kenji W. Koyano, Toshiyuki Hirabayashi, Yusuke Adachi, Yasushi Miyashita

    NEURON   86 ( 3 )   840 - 852   2015.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CELL PRESS  

    Memory retrieval in primates is orchestrated by a brain-wide neuronal circuit. To elucidate the operation of this circuit, it is imperative to comprehend neuronal mechanisms of coordination between area-to-area interaction and information processing within individual areas. By simultaneous recording from area 36 (A36) and area TE (TE) of the temporal cortex while monkeys performed a pair-association memory task, we found two distinct inter-area signal flows during memory retrieval: A36 spiking activity exhibited coherence with low-frequency field activity in either the supragranular or infragranular layer of TE. Of these two flows, only signal flow targeting the infragranular layer of TE was further translaminarly coupled with gamma activity in the supragranular layer of TE. Moreover, this coupling was observed when monkeys succeeded in the retrieval of the sought object but not when they failed. The results suggest that local translaminar processing can be recruited via a layer-specific inter-area network for memory retrieval.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.03.047

    Web of Science


  • Remapping of memory encoding and retrieval networks: Insights from neuroimaging in primates Reviewed

    Kentaro Miyamoto, Takahiro Osada, Yusuke Adachi

    BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH   275   53 - 61   2014.12

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    Language:English   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Advancements in neuroimaging techniques have allowed for the investigation of the neural correlates of memory functions in the whole human brain. Thus, the involvement of various cortical regions, including the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC), has been repeatedly reported in the human memory processes of encoding and retrieval. However, the functional roles of these sites could be more fully characterized utilizing nonhuman primate models, which afford the potential for well-controlled, finer-scale experimental procedures that are inapplicable to humans, including electrophysiology, histology, genetics, and lesion approaches. Yet, the presence and localization of the functional counterparts of these human memory-related sites in the macaque monkey MTL or PPC were previously unknown. Therefore, to bridge the inter-species gap, experiments were required in monkeys using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the same methodology adopted in human studies. Here, we briefly review the history of experimentation on memory systems using a nonhuman primate model and our recent fMRI studies examining memory processing in monkeys performing recognition memory tasks. We will discuss the memory systems common to monkeys and humans and future directions of finer cell-level characterization of memory-related processes using electrophysiological recording and genetic manipulation approaches. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2014.08.046

    Web of Science


  • Dissociable Memory Traces within the Macaque Medial Temporal Lobe Predict Subsequent Recognition Performance Reviewed

    Kentaro Miyamoto, Yusuke Adachi, Takahiro Osada, Takamitsu Watanabe, Hiroko M. Kimura, Rieko Setsuie, Yasushi Miyashita

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE   34 ( 5 )   1988 - 1997   2014.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC NEUROSCIENCE  

    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have revealed that activity in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) predicts subsequent memory performance in humans. Because of limited knowledge on cytoarchitecture and axonal projections of the human MTL, precise localization and characterization of the areas that can predict subsequent memory performance are benefited by the use of nonhuman primates in which integrated approach of the MRI- and cytoarchiture-based boundary delineation is available. However, neural correlates of this subsequent memory effect have not yet been identified in monkeys. Here, we used fMRI to examine activity in the MTL during memory encoding of events that monkeys later remembered or forgot. Application of both multivoxel pattern analysis and conventional univariate analysis to high-resolution fMRI data allowed us to identify memory traces within the caudal entorhinal cortex (cERC) and perirhinal cortex (PRC), as well as within the hippocampus proper. Furthermore, activity in the cERC and the hippocampus, which are directly connected, was responsible for encoding the initial items of sequentially presented pictures, which may reflect recollection-like recognition, whereas activity in the PRC was not. These results suggest that two qualitatively distinct encoding processes work in the monkey MTL and that recollection-based memory is formed by the interplay of the hippocampus with the cERC, a focal cortical area anatomically closer to the hippocampus and hierarchically higher than previously believed. These findings will advance the understanding of common memory system between humans and monkeys and accelerate fine electrophysiological characterization of these dissociable memory traces in the monkey MTL.

    DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4048-13.2014

    Web of Science


  • A design strategy for small molecule-based targeted MRI contrast agents: their application for detection of atherosclerotic plaques Reviewed

    Shimpei Iwaki, Kazuya Hokamura, Mikako Ogawa, Yasuo Takehara, Yasuaki Muramatsu, Takehiro Yamane, Kazuhisa Hirabayashi, Yuji Morimoto, Kohsuke Hagisawa, Kazuhide Nakahara, Tomoko Mineno, Takuya Terai, Toru Komatsu, Tasuku Ueno, Keita Tamura, Yusuke Adachi, Yasunobu Hirata, Makoto Arita, Hiroyuki Arai, Kazuo Umemura, Tetsuo Nagano, Kenjiro Hanaoka

    ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY   12 ( 43 )   8611 - 8618   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

    Gadolinium(III) ion (Gd3+) complexes are widely used as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and many attempts have been made to couple them to sensor moieties in order to visualize biological phenomena of interest inside the body. However, the low sensitivity of MRI has made it difficult to develop practical MRI contrast agents for in vivo imaging. We hypothesized that practical MRI contrast agents could be designed by targeting a specific biological environment, rather than a specific protein such as a receptor. To test this idea, we designed and synthesized a Gd3+-based MRI contrast agent, 2BDP3Gd, for visualizing atherosclerotic plaques by linking the Gd3+-complex to the lipophilic fluorophore BODIPY to stain lipid-rich environments. We found that 2BDP3Gd was selectively accumulated into lipid droplets of adipocytes at the cellular level. Atherosclerotic plaques in the aorta of Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (WHHL) rabbits were clearly visualized in T-1-weighted MR images after intravenous injection of 2BDP3Gd in vivo.

    DOI: 10.1039/c4ob01270d

    Web of Science


  • Functional Differentiation of Memory Retrieval Network in Macaque Posterior Parietal Cortex Reviewed

    Kentaro Miyamoto, Takahiro Osada, Yusuke Adachi, Teppei Matsui, Hiroko M. Kimura, Yasushi Miyashita

    NEURON   77 ( 4 )   787 - 799   2013.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CELL PRESS  

    Human fMRI studies revealed involvement of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) during memory retrieval. However, corresponding memory-related regions in macaque PPC have not been established. In this monkey fMRI study, comparisons of cortical activity during correct recognition of previously seen items and rejection of unseen items revealed two major PPC activation sites that were differentially characterized by a serial probe recognition paradigm: area PG/PGOp in inferior parietal lobule, along with the hippocampus, was more active for initial item retrieval, while area PEa/DIP in intraparietal sulcus was for the last item. Effective connectivity analyses revealed that connectivity from hippocampus to PG/PGOp, but not to PEa/DIP, increased during initial item retrieval. The two parietal areas with differential serial probe recognition profiles were embedded in two different subnetworks of the brain-wide retrieval-related regions. These functional dissociations in the macaque PPC imply the functional correspondence of retrieval-related PPC networks in macaques and humans.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.12.019

    Web of Science


  • fMRI Activity in the Macaque Cerebellum Evoked by Intracortical Microstimulation of the Primary Somatosensory Cortex: Evidence for Polysynaptic Propagation Reviewed

    Teppei Matsui, Kenji W. Koyano, Keita Tamura, Takahiro Osada, Yusuke Adachi, Kentaro Miyamoto, Junichi Chikazoe, Tsukasa Kamigaki, Yasushi Miyashita

    PLOS ONE   7 ( 10 )   2012.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Simultaneous electrical microstimulation (EM) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a useful tool for probing connectivity across brain areas in vivo. However, it is not clear whether intracortical EM can evoke blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) signal in areas connected polysynaptically to the stimulated site. To test for the presence of the BOLD activity evoked by polysynaptic propagation of the EM signal, we conducted simultaneous fMRI and EM in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) of macaque monkeys. We in fact observed BOLD activations in the contralateral cerebellum which is connected to the stimulation site (i.e. S1) only through polysynaptic pathways. Furthermore, the magnitude of cerebellar activations was dependent on the current amplitude of the EM, confirming the EM is the cause of the cerebellar activations. These results suggest the importance of considering polysynaptic signal propagation, particularly via pathways including subcortical structures, for correctly interpreting 'functional connectivity' as assessed by simultaneous EM and fMRI.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0047515

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  • Functional Connectivity between Anatomically Unconnected Areas Is Shaped by Collective Network-Level Effects in the Macaque Cortex Reviewed

    Yusuke Adachi, Takahiro Osada, Olaf Sporns, Takamitsu Watanabe, Teppei Matsui, Kentaro Miyamoto, Yasushi Miyashita

    CEREBRAL CORTEX   22 ( 7 )   1586 - 1592   2012.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC  

    Coherent spontaneous blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) fluctuations have been intensely investigated as a measure of functional connectivity (FC) in the primate neocortex. BOLD-FC is commonly assumed to be constrained by the underlying anatomical connectivity (AC); however, cortical area pairs with no direct AC can also have strong BOLD-FC. On the mechanism generating FC in the absence of direct AC, there are 2 possibilities: 1) FC is determined by signal flows via short connection patterns, such as serial relays and common afferents mediated by a third area; 2) FC is shaped by collective effects governed by network properties of the cortex. In this study, we conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging in anesthetized macaque monkeys and found that BOLD-FC between unconnected areas depends less on serial relays through a third area than on common afferents and, unexpectedly, common efferents, which does not match the first possibility. By utilizing a computational model for interareal BOLD-FC network, we show that the empirically detected AC-FC relationships reflect the configuration of network building blocks (motifs) in the cortical anatomical network, which supports the second possibility. Our findings indicate that FC is not determined solely by interareal short connection patterns but instead is substantially influenced by the network-level cortical architecture.

    DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhr234

    Web of Science



  • Method for Enhancing Cell Penetration of Gd3+-based MRI Contrast Agents by Conjugation with Hydrophobic Fluorescent Dyes Reviewed

    Takehiro Yamane, Kenjiro Hanaoka, Yasuaki Muramatsu, Keita Tamura, Yusuke Adachi, Yasushi Miyashita, Yasunobu Hirata, Tetsuo Nagano

    BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY   22 ( 11 )   2227 - 2236   2011.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Gadolinium ion (Gd3+) complexes are commonly used as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents to enhance signals in T-1-weighted MR images. Recently, several methods to achieve cell-permeation of Gd3+ complexes have been reported, but more general and efficient methodology is needed. In this report, we describe a novel method to achieve cell permeation of Gd3+ complexes by using hydrophobic fluorescent dyes as a cell-permeability-enhancing unit. We synthesized Gd3+ complexes conjugated with boron dipyrromethene (BDP-Gd) and Cy7 dye (Cy7-Gd), and showed that these conjugates can be introduced efficiently into cells. To examine the relationship between cell permeability and dye structure, we further synthesized a series of Cy7-Gd derivatives. On the basis of MR imaging, flow cytometry, and ICP-MS analysis of cells loaded with Cy7-Gd derivatives, highly hydrophobic and nonanionic dyes were effective for enhancing cell permeation of Gd3+ complexes. Furthermore, the behavior of these Cy7-Gd derivatives was examined in mice. Thus, conjugation of hydrophobic fluorescent dyes appears to be an effective approach to improve the cell permeability of Gd3+ complexes, and should be applicable for further development of Gd3+-based MRI contrast agents.

    DOI: 10.1021/bc200127t

    Web of Science


  • Direct Comparison of Spontaneous Functional Connectivity and Effective Connectivity Measured by Intracortical Microstimulation: An fMRI Study in Macaque Monkeys Reviewed

    Teppei Matsui, Keita Tamura, Kenji W. Koyano, Daigo Takeuchi, Yusuke Adachi, Takahiro Osada, Yasushi Miyashita

    CEREBRAL CORTEX   21 ( 10 )   2348 - 2356   2011.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC  

    Correlated spontaneous activity in the resting brain is increasingly recognized as a useful index for inferring underlying functional-anatomic architecture. However, despite efforts for comparison with anatomical connectivity, neuronal origin of intrinsic functional connectivity (inFC) remains unclear. Conceptually, the source of inFC could be decomposed into causal components that reflect the efficacy of synaptic interactions and other components mediated by collective network dynamics (e.g., synchronization). To dissociate these components, it is useful to introduce another connectivity measure such as effective connectivity, which is a quantitative measure of causal interactions. Here, we present a direct comparison of inFC against emEC (effective connectivity probed with electrical microstimulation [EM]) in the somatosensory system of macaque monkeys. Simultaneous EM and functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed strong emEC in several brain regions in a manner consistent with the anatomy of somatosensory system. Direct comparison of inFC and emEC revealed colocalization and overall positive correlation within the stimulated hemisphere. Interestingly, we found characteristic differences between inFC and emEC in their interhemispheric patterns. Our results suggest that intrahemispheric inFC reflects the efficacy of causal interactions, whereas interhemispheric inFC may arise from interactions akin to network-level synchronization that is not captured by emEC.

    DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhr019

    Web of Science


  • Intrasulcal ECoG approach to cortico-cortical connectivity using electrical stimulation-induced evoked potentials in macaques Reviewed

    Takahiro Osada, Antoine J. Molcard, Takeshi Matsuo, Keisuke Kawasaki, Yusuke Adachi, Kentaro Miyamoto, Tomomi Watanabe, Isao Hasegawa, Yasushi Miyashita

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   71   E97 - E97   2011

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    Language:English   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2011.07.415

    Web of Science


  • Role of directionality of axonal projections in shaping functional connectivity between macaque cortical areas Reviewed

    Yusuke Adachi, Takahiro Osada, Olaf Sporns, Takamitsu Watanabe, Teppei Matsui, Kentaro Miyamoto, Tomomi Watanabe, Yasushi Miyashita

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   71   E57 - E58   2011

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    Language:English   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2011.07.243

    Web of Science


  • Polysynaptic neuronal connectivity of S1 cortex revealed by simultaneous electrical microstimulation and fMRI in anesthetized macaque monkeys Reviewed

    Teppei Matsui, Keita Tamura, Kenji Koyano, Daigo Takeuchi, Tomomi Watanabe, Yusuke Adachi, Takahiro Osada, Yasushi Miyashita


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    Language:English   Publisher:SPRINGER TOKYO  

    Web of Science


  • Towards understanding of the cortical network underlying associative memory Reviewed

    Takahiro Osada, Yusuke Adachi, Hiroko M. Kimura, Yasushi Miyashita


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ROYAL SOC  

    Declarative knowledge and experiences are represented in the association cortex and are recalled by reactivation of the neural representation. Electrophysiological experiments have revealed that associations between semantically linked visual objects are formed in neural representations in the temporal and limbic cortices. Memory traces are created by the reorganization of neural circuits. These regions are reactivated during retrieval and contribute to the contents of a memory. Two different types of retrieval signals are suggested as follows: automatic and active. One flows backward from the medial temporal lobe during the automatic retrieval process, whereas the other is conveyed as a top-down signal from the prefrontal cortex to the temporal cortex during the active retrieval process. By sending the top-down signal, the prefrontal cortex manipulates and organizes to-be-remembered information, devises strategies for retrieval and monitors the outcome. To further understand the neural mechanism of memory, the following two complementary views are needed: how the multiple cortical areas in the brain-wide network interact to orchestrate cognitive functions and how the properties of single neurons and their synaptic connections with neighbouring neurons combine to form local circuits and to exhibit the function of each cortical area. We will discuss some new methodological innovations that tackle these challenges.

    DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2008.2271

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  • Exploring the neural basis of cognition: multi-modal links between human fMRl and macaque neurophysiology Reviewed

    Kiyoshi Nakahara, Yusuke Adachi, Takahiro Osada, Yasushi Miyashita

    TRENDS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES   11 ( 2 )   84 - 92   2007.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE LONDON  

    Although functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with sophisticated behavioral paradigms has enabled the investigation of increasingly higher-level cognitive functions in humans, these studies seem to lose touch with neurophysiological studies in macaque monkeys. The application of fMRI and other MRI-based techniques to macaque brains allows studies in the two species to be linked. fMRI in human and macaque subjects using equivalent cognitive tasks enables direct comparisons of the functional brain architecture, even for high-level cognitive functions. Combinations of functional or structural MRI and microelectrode techniques provide ways to explore functional brain networks at multiple spatiotemporal scales. These approaches would illuminate the neurophysiological underpinnings of human cognitive functions by integrating human functional neuroimaging with macaque single-unit recordings.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2006.11.006

    Web of Science


  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging of macaque monkeys performing visually guided saccade tasks: Comparison of cortical eye fields with humans Reviewed

    M Koyama, Hasegawa, I, T Osada, Y Adachi, K Nakahara, Y Miyashita

    NEURON   41 ( 5 )   795 - 807   2004.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CELL PRESS  

    The frontal and parietal eye fields serve as functional landmarks of the primate brain, although their correspondences between humans and macaque monkeys remain unclear. We conducted fMRI at 4.7 T in monkeys performing visually-guided saccade tasks and compared brain activations with those in humans using identical paradigms. Among multiple parietal activations, the dorsal lateral intraparietal area in monkeys and an area in the posterior superior parietal lobule in humans exhibited the highest selectivity to saccade directions. In the frontal cortex, the selectivity was highest at the junction of the precentral and superior frontal sulci in humans and in the frontal eye field (FEF) in monkeys. BOLD activation peaks were also found in premotor areas (BA6) in monkeys, which suggests that the apparent discrepancy in location between putative human FEF (BA6, suggested by imaging studies) and monkey FEF (BA8, identified by microstimulation studies) partly arose from methodological differences.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00047-9

    Web of Science


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  • Similarities and differences of functional connectivity as measured by spontaneous correlation of fMRI signals and effective connectivity as measured by simultaneous intracortical microstimulation and fMRI

    Teppei Matsui, Kenji W. Koyano, Keita Tamura, Tomomi Watanabe, Daigo Takeuchi, Yusuke Adachi, Takahiro Osada, Yasushi Miyashita

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   71   E88 - E88   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2011.07.377

    Web of Science


Research Projects

  • Investigation of multiscale cortical organization for causal attribution of macaques in social situations

    Grant number:22K07323

    2022.4 - 2025.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )


  • Brain organization for theory-of-mind and letter recognition-like behaviors in macaques—comparing homology with humans

    Grant number:19H01038

    2019.4 - 2023.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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    Grant amount:\45370000 ( Direct Cost: \34900000 、 Indirect Cost:\10470000 )


  • 霊長類大脳皮質ネットワーク機能不全による自己への原因帰属の障害:化学遺伝学的研究

    Grant number:19K07800

    2019 - 2023

    System name:KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Yusuke ADACHI

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 大脳皮質大域的ネット ワークの時空構造操作による自己-外界間因果の主観的判断の改変

    2016 - 2018

    System name:科研費 若手研究(B)

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    足立 雄哉

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 急速眼球運動における サル大脳半球間競合を担う神経経路の同定:光遺伝学的 fMRI

    2013 - 2015

    System name:科研費 若手研究(B)

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    足立 雄哉

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • fMRI による 大脳領野間有効結合推定法の実験的検証 : 局所的皮質不活性化による研究

    2004 - 2006

    System name:特別研究員奨励費(DC1)

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    足立 雄哉

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


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Teaching Experience

  • 生理学実習

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 人体の構造と機能I(生理学)

    Institution name:新潟大学