Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Community Disease Control Assistant Professor
Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine Assistant Professor
Updated on 2025/03/12
博士(医学) ( 2024.3 新潟大学 )
Life Science / Immunology / リンパ節
Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Assistant Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
2024.4 - 2024.9
Niigata University Specially Appointed Assistant
2018.10 - 2024.3
関西医科大学 附属生命医学研究所 分子遺伝学部門 研究員
2014.4 - 2016.1
関西医科大学 附属生命医学研究所 モデル動物部門 助教
2009.4 - 2014.3
Niigata University Community Disease Control, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Assistant Professor
Niigata University School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Assistant Professor
Niigata University Institute of Medicine and Dentistry, Academic Assembly Assistant Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Specially Appointed Assistant
2018.10 - 2024.3
Endogenous CCL21-Ser deficiency reduces B16–F10 melanoma growth by enhanced antitumor immunity Reviewed
Ryonosuke Fujie, Kaoru Kurowarabe, Yuki Yamada, Kakeru Fujiwara, Hayato Nakatani, Kenta Tsutsumi, Ryota Hayashi, Hinami Kawahata, Megumi Miyamoto, Madoka Ozawa, Tomoya Katakai, Yousuke Takahama, Izumi Ohigashi, Haruko Hayasaka
Heliyon 9 ( 8 ) e19215 - e19215 2023.8
Tas2R signaling enhances mouse neutrophil migration via a ROCK-dependent pathway
Daichi Kobayashi, Tomoya Watarai, Madoka Ozawa, Yasuhiro Kanda, Fumihiro Saika, Norikazu Kiguchi, Arata Takeuchi, Masahito Ikawa, Shinsuke Matsuzaki, Tomoya Katakai
Frontiers in Immunology 13 2022.8
Micro- and Macro-Anatomical Frameworks of Lymph Nodes Indispensable for the Lymphatic System Filtering Function. Reviewed International journal
Madoka Ozawa, Shihori Nakajima, Daichi Kobayashi, Koichi Tomii, Nan-Jun Li, Tomoya Watarai, Ryo Suzuki, Satoshi Watanabe, Yasuhiro Kanda, Arata Takeuchi, Tomoya Katakai
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 10 902601 - 902601 2022
Arf1 and Arf6 Synergistically Maintain Survival of T Cells during Activation
Mami Sumiyoshi, Yui Kotani, Yuki Ikuta, Kazutomo Suzue, Madoka Ozawa, Tomoya Katakai, Taketo Yamada, Takaya Abe, Kana Bando, Shigeo Koyasu, Yasunori Kanaho, Toshio Watanabe, Satoshi Matsuda
The Journal of Immunology 206 ( 2 ) 366 - 375 2021.1
Lymph Node Stromal Cells: Diverse Meshwork Structures Weave Functionally Subdivided Niches. International journal
Arata Takeuchi, Madoka Ozawa, Guangwei Cui, Koichi Ikuta, Tomoya Katakai
Current topics in microbiology and immunology 434 103 - 121 2021
Transdermal entry of yeast components elicits transient B cell-associated responses in skin-draining lymph nodes. International journal
Md Azizur Rahman, Yasuhiro Kanda, Madoka Ozawa, Toshihiko Kawamura, Arata Takeuchi, Tomoya Katakai
Cellular immunology 355 104159 - 104159 2020.9
Essential Role of Canonical NF-κB Activity in the Development of Stromal Cell Subsets in Secondary Lymphoid Organs. Reviewed International journal
Bogdanova D, Takeuchi A, Ozawa M, Kanda Y, Rahman MA, Ludewig B, Kinashi T, Katakai T
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 201 ( 12 ) 3580 - 3586 2018.12
Visualizing the Rapid and Dynamic Elimination of Allogeneic T Cells in Secondary Lymphoid Organs. Reviewed International journal
Kanda Y, Takeuchi A, Ozawa M, Kurosawa Y, Kawamura T, Bogdanova D, Iioka H, Kondo E, Kitazawa Y, Ueta H, Matsuno K, Kinashi T, Katakai T
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 201 ( 3 ) 1062 - 1072 2018.8
A Distinct Subset of Fibroblastic Stromal Cells Constitutes the Cortex-Medulla Boundary Subcompartment of the Lymph Node. Reviewed International journal
Takeuchi A, Ozawa M, Kanda Y, Kozai M, Ohigashi I, Kurosawa Y, Rahman MA, Kawamura T, Shichida Y, Umemoto E, Miyasaka M, Ludewig B, Takahama Y, Nagasawa T, Katakai T
Frontiers in immunology 9 2196 - 2196 2018
Extensively re-organized systemic lymph nodes provide a feasible environment for self-reactivity in lupus-prone NZB × NZW F1 mice Reviewed
Yoichi Kurosawa, Madoka Ozawa, Yasuhiro Kanda, Arata Takeuchi, Toshihiko Kawamura, Ichiei Narita, Tomoya Katakai
International Immunology 29 ( 12 ) 567 - 579 2017.12
NDR1-Dependent Regulation of Kindlin-3 Controls High-Affinity LFA-1 Binding and Immune Synapse Organization Reviewed
Naoyuki Kondo, Yoshihiro Ueda, Toshiyuki Kita, Madoka Ozawa, Takashi Tomiyama, Kaneki Yasuda, Dae-Sik Lim, Tatsuo Kinashi
Sema3e/Plexin D1 Modulates Immunological Synapse and Migration of Thymocytes by Rap1 Inhibition Reviewed
Yoshihiro Ueda, Naoyuki Kondo, Madoka Ozawa, Kaneki Yasuda, Takashi Tomiyama, Tatsuo Kinashi
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 196 ( 7 ) 3019 - 3031 2016.4
Enhanced cytotoxic T-cell function and inhibition of tumor progression by Mst1 deficiency Reviewed
Kaneki Yasuda, Yoshihiro Ueda, Madoka Ozawa, Tadashi Matsuda, Tatsuo Kinashi
FEBS LETTERS 590 ( 1 ) 68 - 75 2016.1
Rab13 acts downstream of the kinase Mst1 to deliver the integrin LFA-1 to the cell surface for lymphocyte trafficking Reviewed
Akihiko Nishikimi, Sayaka Ishihara, Madoka Ozawa, Kan Etoh, Mitsunori Fukuda, Tatsuo Kinashi, Koko Katagiri
SCIENCE SIGNALING 7 ( 336 ) ra72 2014.7
Differentiation diversity of mouse parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells in chimeric mice Reviewed
Yuta Onodera, Takeshi Teramura, Madoka Ozawa, Toshiyuki Takehara, Tasuku Mitani, Masayuki Anzai, Norimasa Sagawa, Chiaki Hamanishi, Yoshihiko Hosoi, Kanji Fukuda
THERIOGENOLOGY 74 ( 1 ) 135 - 145 2010.7
免疫・炎症のリンパ学 獲得免疫応答におけるリンパ節ストローマ細胞サブセットの機能的役割
片貝 智哉, 小澤 まどか, 中島 汐梨
リンパ学 46 ( 2 ) 82 - 84 2023.12
免疫・アレルギー・炎症 リンパ節鎖システムによるリンパ液中異物の段階的な濾過と血液への漏出阻止
片貝 智哉, 小澤 まどか, 中島 汐梨
リンパ学 45 ( 2 ) 93 - 95 2022.12
The defect in differentiation of germinal center B cells in Arf1-BKO mice.
小谷唯, 小谷唯, 住吉麻実, 笹田萌未, 笹田萌未, 小澤まどか, 片貝智哉, 渡邊利雄, 松田達志
日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 45th 2022
免疫・アレルギー・炎症 リンパ節の辺縁-髄洞接続帯に限局した髄洞マクロファージによるリンパフィルター機能
片貝 智哉, 小澤 まどか
リンパ学 44 ( 2 ) 70 - 72 2021.12
リンパ管、リンパ組織の動態に関与する免疫担当細胞の働き リンパ節のフィルター/免疫センサー機能を支える組織・細胞基盤
片貝 智哉, 小澤 まどか
リンパ学 44 ( 1 ) 36 - 39 2021.7
Bitter taste receptor signaling facilitates neutrophil migration
Kobayashi Daichi, Tohda Atsumasa, Ozawa Madoka, Kanda Yasuhiro, Takeuchi Arata, Saika Fumihiro, Kiguchi Norikazu, Matsuzaki Shinsuke, Katakai Tomoya
Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society 94 2-Y-G3-3 2021
Enhanced cytotoxic T cell function and suppression of tumor development by Mst1 deficiency
Yasuda Kaneki, Ueda Yoshihiro, Ozawa Madoka, Matsuda Tadashi, Kinashi Tatsuo
The Journal of Kansai Medical University 68 9 - 15 2017
抗原提示と輸送 Rap1欠乏はリンパ球および胸腺細胞選択のリンパ節ホーミング障害を起こした(Antigen presentation & trafficking Rap1-deficiency caused defective lymph node homing of lymphocytes and thymocyte-selection)
Ueda Yoshihiro, Ozawa Madoka, Kamioka Yuji, Kondo Naoyuki, Kinashi Tatsuo
日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 45 ( Proceedings ) 179 - 179 2016.11
Rap1-deficiency caused defective lymph nodo homing of lymphocytes and thymocyte-selection.
UEDA Yoshihiro, OZAWA Madoka, KAMIOKA Yuji, KONDO Naoyuki, KINASHI Tatsuo
日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 45 ( Proceedings ) 2016
T細胞シグナル伝達 高親和性LFA-1/ICAM-1結合と免疫シナプス形成の調節(T cell signaling Regulation of high-affinity LFA-1/ICAM-1 binding and immunological synapse formation)
Kondo Naoyuki, Ueda Yoshihiro, Ozawa Madoka, Kinashi Tatsuo
日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 44 ( Proceedings ) 199 - 199 2015.10
制御性T細胞 制御性T細胞産生のための胸腺器官培養システムの確立(Regulatory T cells Establishment of thymic organ culture system for regulatory T cell development)
Ueda Yoshihiro, Kondo Naoyuki, Ozawa Madoka, Kinashi Tatsuo
日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 44 ( Proceedings ) 187 - 187 2015.10
免疫細胞輸送 SEMA3E/Plexin D1軸はRap1シグナル伝達経路を調節することにより胸腺細胞の接着と分極を制御する(Immune cell trafficking SEMA3E/Plexin D1 axis controls thymocyte adhesion and polarization by modulating the Rap1 signaling pathway)
Ueda Yoshihiro, Kondo Naoyuki, Ozawa Madoka, Katakai Tomoya, Kinashi Tatsuo
日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 43 ( Proceedings ) 56 - 56 2014.11
小澤 まどか, 竹原 俊幸, 矢持 隆之, 福永 直人, 宮本 有希, 伊藤 俊介, 掛川 亮, 竹之下 誠, 岸上 哲士, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 入谷 明, 細井 美彦
The Journal of Reproduction and Development 54 ( Suppl. ) j132 - j132 2008.8
Influence of ovarian surface epithelium in differentiation into germ cells from mouse embryonic stem cells
福永 直人, 武内 大輝, 竹原 俊幸, 寺村 岳士, 伊藤 俊介, 小澤 まどか, 掛川 亮, 小野寺 勇太, 岸上 哲士, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 入谷 明, 佐川 典正, 細井 美彦
Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University ( 13 ) 21 - 27 2008.3
小野寺 勇太, 寺村 岳士, 竹原 俊幸, 村上 秀樹, 小澤 まどか, 武内 大輝, 安齋 政幸, 加藤 博己, 三谷 匡, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 入谷 明, 佐川 典正, 細井 美彦
Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University ( 13 ) 9 - 19 2008.3
武内 大輝, 福永 直人, 伊藤 俊介, 掛川 亮, 小澤 まどか, 岸上 哲士, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 細井 美彦, 入谷 明
The Journal of Reproduction and Development 53 ( Suppl. ) j195 - j195 2007.9
武内 大輝, 寺村 岳士, 小野寺 勇太, 小澤 まどか, 掛川 亮, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 佐川 典正, 細井 美彦, 入谷 明
日本生殖医学会雑誌 51 ( 4 ) 371 - 371 2006.10
掛川 亮, 竹原 俊幸, 寺村 岳士, 小澤 まどか, 安斎 政幸, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 佐川 典正, 細井 美彦
The Journal of Reproduction and Development 52 ( Suppl. ) j123 - j123 2006.8
Tetraploid embryo complementation法による遺伝子改変マウスの作出法の確立
小澤 まどか, 寺村 岳士, 掛川 亮, 武内 大輝, 三原 敏敬, 安斎 政幸, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 佐川 典正, 細井 美彦
The Journal of Reproduction and Development 52 ( Suppl. ) j120 - j120 2006.8
Grant number:20K16278
2020.4 - 2023.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究
Research category:若手研究
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
小澤 まどか
Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )
Grant number:16H05204
2016.4 - 2019.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Katakai Tomoya, TAKEUCHI Arata, KANDA Yasuhiro, OZAWA Madoka
Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost:\3960000 )
Lymph node is an important organ for immune responses. In this study, we focused on a tissue area, medulla-cortex transitional region (MCT), in which innate and adoptive immune cells are co-localized and unique stromal cells support the tissue. Three dimensional tissue structure, cell composition, molecular expression, and the motility/interaction of immune cells were investigated in detail. Consequently, we found previously less understood tissue subcompartments and unique stromal cell subsets, showing that at least 6 stromal cell subtypes are present in lymph node. These findings also suggest an innate-adoptive immune activation pathway through the medullary side. Moreover, transcription factor NFkB plays crucial role in the differentiation of multiple stromal cell types in the lymph node.