Updated on 2025/03/12


OZAWA Madoka
Academic Assembly Institute of Medicine and Dentistry Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Community Disease Control Assistant Professor
Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
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  • 博士(医学) ( 2024.3   新潟大学 )

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Immunology  / リンパ節

Research History (researchmap)

  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences   Assistant Professor


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  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences

    2024.4 - 2024.9

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  • Niigata University   Specially Appointed Assistant

    2018.10 - 2024.3

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  • 関西医科大学 附属生命医学研究所   分子遺伝学部門   研究員

    2014.4 - 2016.1

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  • 関西医科大学 附属生命医学研究所   モデル動物部門   助教

    2009.4 - 2014.3

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Research History

  • Niigata University   Community Disease Control, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences   Assistant Professor


  • Niigata University   School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine   Assistant Professor


  • Niigata University   Institute of Medicine and Dentistry, Academic Assembly   Assistant Professor


  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences   Specially Appointed Assistant

    2018.10 - 2024.3



  • Endogenous CCL21-Ser deficiency reduces B16–F10 melanoma growth by enhanced antitumor immunity Reviewed

    Ryonosuke Fujie, Kaoru Kurowarabe, Yuki Yamada, Kakeru Fujiwara, Hayato Nakatani, Kenta Tsutsumi, Ryota Hayashi, Hinami Kawahata, Megumi Miyamoto, Madoka Ozawa, Tomoya Katakai, Yousuke Takahama, Izumi Ohigashi, Haruko Hayasaka

    Heliyon   9 ( 8 )   e19215 - e19215   2023.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19215


  • Tas2R signaling enhances mouse neutrophil migration via a ROCK-dependent pathway

    Daichi Kobayashi, Tomoya Watarai, Madoka Ozawa, Yasuhiro Kanda, Fumihiro Saika, Norikazu Kiguchi, Arata Takeuchi, Masahito Ikawa, Shinsuke Matsuzaki, Tomoya Katakai

    Frontiers in Immunology   13   2022.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Frontiers Media SA  

    Type-2 bitter taste receptors (Tas2Rs) are a large family of G protein-coupled receptors that are expressed in the oral cavity and serve to detect substances with bitter tastes in foods and medicines. Recent evidence suggests that Tas2Rs are also expressed extraorally, including in immune cells. However, the role of Tas2Rs in immune cells remains controversial. Here, we demonstrate that Tas2R126, Tas2R135, and Tas2R143 are expressed in mouse neutrophils, but not in other immune cells such as macrophages or T and B lymphocytes. Treatment of bone marrow-derived neutrophils from wild-type mice with the Tas2R126/143 agonists arbutin and d-salicin led to enhanced C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 2 (CXCL2)-stimulated migration in vitro, but this response was not observed in neutrophils from Tas2r126/135/143-deficient mice. Enhancement of CXCL2-stimulated migration by Tas2R agonists was accompanied by increased phosphorylation of myosin light chain 2 (MLC2) and was blocked by pretreatment of neutrophils with inhibitors of Rho-associated coiled-coil-containing protein kinase (ROCK), but not by inhibitors of the small GTPase RhoA. Taken together, these results demonstrate that mouse neutrophils express functional Tas2R126/143 and suggest a role for Tas2R126/143–ROCK–MLC2-dependent signaling in the regulation of neutrophil migration.

    DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.973880


  • Micro- and Macro-Anatomical Frameworks of Lymph Nodes Indispensable for the Lymphatic System Filtering Function. Reviewed International journal

    Madoka Ozawa, Shihori Nakajima, Daichi Kobayashi, Koichi Tomii, Nan-Jun Li, Tomoya Watarai, Ryo Suzuki, Satoshi Watanabe, Yasuhiro Kanda, Arata Takeuchi, Tomoya Katakai

    Frontiers in cell and developmental biology   10   902601 - 902601   2022

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In the lymphatic vascular system, lymph nodes (LNs) play a pivotal role in filtering and removing lymph-borne substances. The filtering function of LNs involves resident macrophages tightly associated with unique lymphatic sinus structures. Moreover, an intermittently arranged LN in the lymphatic pathway is considered to cooperatively prevent lymph-borne substances from entering blood circulation. However, the functional significance of tissue microarchitecture, cellular composition, and individual LNs in the "LN chain" system is not fully understood. To explore the mechanistic and histo-anatomical significance of LNs as lymph fluid filters, we subcutaneously injected fluorescent tracers into mice and examined the details of lymphatic transport to the LNs qualitatively and quantitatively. Lymph-borne tracers were selectively accumulated in the MARCO+ subcapsular-medullary sinus border (SMB) region of the LN, in which reticular lymphatic endothelial cells and CD169+F4/80+ medullary sinus macrophages construct a dense meshwork of the physical barrier, forming the main body to capture the tracers. We also demonstrated stepwise filtration via the LN chain in the lymphatic basin, which prevented tracer leakage into the blood. Furthermore, inflammatory responses that induce the remodeling of LN tissue as well as the lymphatic pathway reinforce the overall filtering capacity of the lymphatic basin. Taken together, specialized tissue infrastructure in the LNs and their systematic orchestration constitute an integrated filtering system for lymphatic recirculation.

    DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2022.902601



  • Arf1 and Arf6 Synergistically Maintain Survival of T Cells during Activation

    Mami Sumiyoshi, Yui Kotani, Yuki Ikuta, Kazutomo Suzue, Madoka Ozawa, Tomoya Katakai, Taketo Yamada, Takaya Abe, Kana Bando, Shigeo Koyasu, Yasunori Kanaho, Toshio Watanabe, Satoshi Matsuda

    The Journal of Immunology   206 ( 2 )   366 - 375   2021.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The American Association of Immunologists  

    DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.2000971


  • Lymph Node Stromal Cells: Diverse Meshwork Structures Weave Functionally Subdivided Niches. International journal

    Arata Takeuchi, Madoka Ozawa, Guangwei Cui, Koichi Ikuta, Tomoya Katakai

    Current topics in microbiology and immunology   434   103 - 121   2021

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Lymph nodes (LNs) are secondary lymphoid organs that function as the first line of defense against invasive foreign substances. Within the LNs, different types of immune cells are strategically localized to induce immune responses efficiently. Such a sophisticated tissue structure is a complex of functionally specialized niches, constructed by a variety of fibroblastic stromal cells. Elucidating the characteristics and functions of the niches and stromal cells will facilitate comprehension of the immune response induced in the LNs. Three recent studies offered novel insights into specialized stromal cells. In our discussion of these surprisingly diverse stromal cells, we will integrate information from these studies to improve knowledge about the structure and niches of LN.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86016-5_5



  • Transdermal entry of yeast components elicits transient B cell-associated responses in skin-draining lymph nodes. International journal

    Md Azizur Rahman, Yasuhiro Kanda, Madoka Ozawa, Toshihiko Kawamura, Arata Takeuchi, Tomoya Katakai

    Cellular immunology   355   104159 - 104159   2020.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Immune responses to non-pathogenic yeasts induced within the draining lymph node remain to be understood. In this study, we have investigated the changes in lymphocytes and their activity in skin-draining lymph nodes in response to transdermally injected zymosan (component of the yeast cell wall). Zymosan elicited the transient increase of B cell number and activation status without affecting the capacity for proliferation. The increased B cell content in the regional lymph nodes was likely due to the reduction of B cell egress from the tissue and in part the increase of homing from the circulation. Zymosan also upregulated the inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, and IFNγ, regulatory cytokines IL-10 and TGFβ, and lymphoid chemokine CXCL13. Among these, the expression of IL-12 and IL-10 was markedly high in B cells. Altogether, these findings demonstrate a unique B cell-associated response to non-pathogenic yeast component in the draining lymph nodes. This will provide insights into the clinical and healthcare applications of non-pathogenic beneficial microbes.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cellimm.2020.104159



  • Essential Role of Canonical NF-κB Activity in the Development of Stromal Cell Subsets in Secondary Lymphoid Organs. Reviewed International journal

    Bogdanova D, Takeuchi A, Ozawa M, Kanda Y, Rahman MA, Ludewig B, Kinashi T, Katakai T

    Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)   201 ( 12 )   3580 - 3586   2018.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Organized tissue structure in the secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs) tightly depends on the development of fibroblastic stromal cells (FSCs) of mesenchymal origin; however, the mechanisms of this relationship are poorly understood. In this study, we specifically inactivated the canonical NF-κB pathway in FSCs in vivo by conditionally inducing IκBα mutant in a Ccl19-IκBSR mouse system in which NF-κB activity is likely to be suppressed in fetal FSC progenitors. Given that NF-κB activation in fetal FSCs is essential for SLO development, the animals were expected to lack SLOs. However, all SLOs were preserved in Ccl19-IκBSR mice. Instead, the T cell area was severely disturbed by the lack of CCL21-expressing FSCs, whereas the follicles and associated FSC networks were formed. Fate mapping revealed that IκBSR-expressing cells constituted only a small fraction of stromal compartment outside the follicles. Taken together, our findings indicate an essential role of the canonical NF-κB pathway activity in the development of three FSC subsets common to SLOs and suggest transient or stochastic CCL19 expression in FSC progenitors and a compensatory differentiation program of follicular FSCs.

    DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1800539



  • Visualizing the Rapid and Dynamic Elimination of Allogeneic T Cells in Secondary Lymphoid Organs. Reviewed International journal

    Kanda Y, Takeuchi A, Ozawa M, Kurosawa Y, Kawamura T, Bogdanova D, Iioka H, Kondo E, Kitazawa Y, Ueta H, Matsuno K, Kinashi T, Katakai T

    Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)   201 ( 3 )   1062 - 1072   2018.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Allogeneic organ transplants are rejected by the recipient immune system within several days or weeks. However, the rejection process of allogeneic T (allo-T) cells is poorly understood. In this study, using fluorescence-based monitoring and two-photon live imaging in mouse adoptive transfer system, we visualized the fate of allo-T cells in the in vivo environment and showed rapid elimination in secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs). Although i.v. transferred allo-T cells efficiently entered host SLOs, including lymph nodes and the spleen, ∼70% of the cells had disappeared within 24 h. At early time points, allo-T cells robustly migrated in the T cell area, whereas after 8 h, the numbers of arrested cells and cell fragments were dramatically elevated. Apoptotic breakdown of allo-T cells released a large amount of cell debris, which was efficiently phagocytosed and cleared by CD8+ dendritic cells. Rapid elimination of allo-T cells was also observed in nu/nu recipients. Depletion of NK cells abrogated allo-T cell reduction only in a specific combination of donor and recipient genetic backgrounds. In addition, F1 hybrid transfer experiments showed that allo-T cell killing was independent of the missing-self signature typically recognized by NK cells. These suggest the presence of a unique and previously uncharacterized modality of allorecognition by the host immune system. Taken together, our findings reveal an extremely efficient and dynamic process of allogeneic lymphocyte elimination in SLOs, which could not be recapitulated in vitro and is distinct from the rejection of solid organ and bone marrow transplants.

    DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1700219



  • A Distinct Subset of Fibroblastic Stromal Cells Constitutes the Cortex-Medulla Boundary Subcompartment of the Lymph Node. Reviewed International journal

    Takeuchi A, Ozawa M, Kanda Y, Kozai M, Ohigashi I, Kurosawa Y, Rahman MA, Kawamura T, Shichida Y, Umemoto E, Miyasaka M, Ludewig B, Takahama Y, Nagasawa T, Katakai T

    Frontiers in immunology   9   2196 - 2196   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The spatiotemporal regulation of immune responses in the lymph node (LN) depends on its sophisticated tissue architecture, consisting of several subcompartments supported by distinct fibroblastic stromal cells (FSCs). However, the intricate details of stromal structures and associated FSC subsets are not fully understood. Using several gene reporter mice, we sought to discover unrecognized stromal structures and FSCs in the LN. The four previously identified FSC subsets in the cortex are clearly distinguished by the expression pattern of reporters including PDGFRβ, CCL21-ser, and CXCL12. Herein, we identified a unique FSC subset expressing both CCL21-ser and CXCL12 in the deep cortex periphery (DCP) that is characterized by preferential B cell localization. This subset was clearly different from CXCL12highLepRhigh FSCs in the medullary cord, which harbors plasma cells. B cell localization in the DCP was controlled chiefly by CCL21-ser and, to a lesser extent, CXCL12. Moreover, the optimal development of the DCP as well as medulla requires B cells. Together, our findings suggest the presence of a unique microenvironment in the cortex-medulla boundary and offer an advanced view of the multi-layered stromal framework constructed by distinct FSC subsets in the LN.

    DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02196



  • Extensively re-organized systemic lymph nodes provide a feasible environment for self-reactivity in lupus-prone NZB × NZW F1 mice Reviewed

    Yoichi Kurosawa, Madoka Ozawa, Yasuhiro Kanda, Arata Takeuchi, Toshihiko Kawamura, Ichiei Narita, Tomoya Katakai

    International Immunology   29 ( 12 )   567 - 579   2017.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press  

    Lymphadenopathy is a frequently observed symptom in systemic lupus erythematosus, although the immunological role of lymph nodes (LNs) in systemic autoimmunity remains largely unknown. Here, we performed comprehensive and systematic analyses of LNs in lupus-prone NZB × NZW F1 (BWF1) mice, demonstrating extensive tissue re-organization of the systemic LNs with follicular expansion, hyper germinal center (GC) formation, atrophy of the paracortical T-cell area and expansion of the medulla in aged BWF1 mice bearing glomerulonephritis. The proportion of B cells was significantly increased in these reactive LNs but not in the spleen, and lymphocyte subsets involved in antibody production, i.e. GC B cells, follicular helper T cells and plasma cells, were elevated. Draining LNs of the affected organs, such as the renal and cervical nodes, showed enhanced tissue re-organization and accumulation of effector lymphocytes, suggesting the presence of a positive feedback loop of regional responses. LN cells isolated from disease-bearing animals produced anti-DNA antibody, indicating activation of autoreactive lymphocytes in situ. The substantial development of disease and LN alterations in mice that received a splenectomy at a young age points to the importance of other secondary lymphoid organs, most likely LNs, for the progression of autoimmune responses independent of the spleen. Taken together, our findings highlight the value of taking LN alterations and activities into consideration for understanding the pathogenesis of systemic autoimmunity.

    DOI: 10.1093/intimm/dxx066




  • NDR1-Dependent Regulation of Kindlin-3 Controls High-Affinity LFA-1 Binding and Immune Synapse Organization Reviewed

    Naoyuki Kondo, Yoshihiro Ueda, Toshiyuki Kita, Madoka Ozawa, Takashi Tomiyama, Kaneki Yasuda, Dae-Sik Lim, Tatsuo Kinashi

    MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY   37 ( 8 )   2017.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    Antigen-specific adhesion between T cells and antigen-presenting cells (APC) during the formation of the immunological synapse (IS) is mediated by LFA-1 and ICAM-1. Here, LFA-1-ICAM-1 interactions were measured at the single-molecule level on supported lipid bilayers. High-affinity binding was detected at low frequencies in the inner peripheral supramolecular activation cluster (SMAC) zone that contained high levels of activated Rap1 and kindlin-3. Rap1 was essential for T cell attachment, whereas deficiencies of ste20-like kinases, Mst1/Mst2, diminished high-affinity binding and abrogated central SMAC (cSMAC) formation with mis-localized kindlin-3 and vesicle transport regulators involved in T cell receptor recycling/releasing machineries, resulting in impaired T cell-APC interactions. We found that NDR1 kinase, activated by the Rap1 signaling cascade through RAPL and Mst1/Mst2, associated with and recruited kindlin-3 to the IS, which was required for high-affinity LFA-1/ICAM-1 binding and cSMAC formation. Our findings reveal crucial roles for Rap1 signaling via NDR1 for recruitment of kindlin-3 and IS organization.

    DOI: 10.1128/MCB.00424-16

    Web of Science



  • Sema3e/Plexin D1 Modulates Immunological Synapse and Migration of Thymocytes by Rap1 Inhibition Reviewed

    Yoshihiro Ueda, Naoyuki Kondo, Madoka Ozawa, Kaneki Yasuda, Takashi Tomiyama, Tatsuo Kinashi

    JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY   196 ( 7 )   3019 - 3031   2016.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC IMMUNOLOGISTS  

    Regulation of thymocyte trafficking plays an important role during thymic selection, but our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes is limited. In this study, we demonstrated that class III semaphorin E (sema3e), a guidance molecule during neural and vascular development, directly inhibited Rap1 activation and LFA-1-dependent adhesion through the GTPase-activating protein activity of plexin D1. Sema3e inhibited Rap1 activation of thymocytes in response to chemokines and TCR stimulation, LFA-mediated adhesion, and T cell-APC interactions. Immunological synapse (IS) formation in mature thymocytes on supported lipid bilayers was also attenuated by sema3e. Impaired IS formation was associated with reduced Rap1 activation on the contact surface and cell periphery. Moreover, a significant increase of CD4(+) thymocytes was detected in the medulla of mice with T cell lineage-specific deletion of plexin D1. Two-photon live imaging of thymic explants and slices revealed enhanced Rap1 activation and migration of CD69(+) double-positive and single-positive cells with plexin D1 deficiency. Our results demonstrate that sema3e/plexin D1 modulates IS formation and Ag-scanning activities of thymocytes within thymic tissues.

    DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1502121

    Web of Science



  • Enhanced cytotoxic T-cell function and inhibition of tumor progression by Mst1 deficiency Reviewed

    Kaneki Yasuda, Yoshihiro Ueda, Madoka Ozawa, Tadashi Matsuda, Tatsuo Kinashi

    FEBS LETTERS   590 ( 1 )   68 - 75   2016.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Mammalian ste-20 like kinase Mst1 plays important roles during apoptosis, proliferation, cell polarity, and migration. Here, we report a novel role of Mst1 for cytotoxic T-cell responses and tumor suppression. The defect of Mst1 caused decreased levels of FoxO, and promoted cytotoxicity in vitro. Mst1(-/-) cytotoxic T cells also exhibited enhanced T-bet expression that was associated with elevated expression levels of IFN and granzyme B. Moreover, Mst1(-/-) cytotoxic T cells suppressed tumor growth in vivo. The data suggest that Mst1 inhibits cytotoxicity via T-bet suppression by FoxO1 and FoxO3a. Thus, Mst1 is a potential therapeutic target for tumor immunotherapy.

    DOI: 10.1002/1873-3468.12045

    Web of Science



  • Rab13 acts downstream of the kinase Mst1 to deliver the integrin LFA-1 to the cell surface for lymphocyte trafficking Reviewed

    Akihiko Nishikimi, Sayaka Ishihara, Madoka Ozawa, Kan Etoh, Mitsunori Fukuda, Tatsuo Kinashi, Koko Katagiri

    SCIENCE SIGNALING   7 ( 336 )   ra72   2014.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE  

    In lymphocytes, the kinase Mst1 is required for the proper organization of integrins in the plasma membrane at the leading edge of migrating cells, which is critical for lymphocyte trafficking. We found a functional link between the small G protein Rab13 and Mst1 in lymphocyte adhesion and migration. In response to stimulation of T lymphocytes with chemokine, Mst1 promoted phosphorylation of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor DENND1C (differentially expressed in normal and neoplastic cells domain 1C), which activated Rab13. Active Rab13 associated with Mst1 to facilitate the delivery of the integrin LFA-1 (lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1) to the leading edge of lymphocytes. Delivery of LFA-1 involved the recruitment of myosin Va along actin filaments, which extended as a result of the localization of the actin regulatory protein VASP to the cell periphery through phosphorylation of VASP at Ser(157) by Mst1. Inhibition of Rab13 function reduced the adhesion and migration of lymphocytes on ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion molecule-1), the ligand for LFA-1, and inhibited the formation of a ring-like arrangement of LFA-1 at the contact sites between T cells and antigen-presenting cells. The lymphoid tissues of Rab13-deficient mice had reduced numbers of lymphocytes because of the defective trafficking capability of these cells. These results suggest that Rab13 acts with Mst1 to regulate the spatial distribution of LFA-1 and the motility and trafficking of lymphocytes.

    DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.2005199

    Web of Science



  • Differentiation diversity of mouse parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells in chimeric mice Reviewed

    Yuta Onodera, Takeshi Teramura, Madoka Ozawa, Toshiyuki Takehara, Tasuku Mitani, Masayuki Anzai, Norimasa Sagawa, Chiaki Hamanishi, Yoshihiko Hosoi, Kanji Fukuda

    THERIOGENOLOGY   74 ( 1 )   135 - 145   2010.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Recent studies have illustrated multiple differentiation potentials of embryonic stem cells (ESCs), derived from parthenogenetic embryos, to various kinds of cells (all three embryonic germ layers). However, differentiation diversity of the parthenogenetic ESCs (PgESCs) in vivo remains to be elucidated. In the present study, we established mouse PgESC-lines and observed their contribution diversity in vivo by producing chimeric mice using embryos possessing single nucleotide polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as hosts. Based on southern blot analysis using specific probes to detect the SNPs on mtDNA, PgESC-derived mtDNA were contained in many organs such as brain, lung, and heart of the chimeric mouse. We concluded that PgESCs contributed to various internal organs in vivo, and that they were also stably maintained in adult animals. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2010.01.024

    Web of Science



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  • 免疫・炎症のリンパ学 獲得免疫応答におけるリンパ節ストローマ細胞サブセットの機能的役割

    片貝 智哉, 小澤 まどか, 中島 汐梨

    リンパ学   46 ( 2 )   82 - 84   2023.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本リンパ学会  


  • 免疫・アレルギー・炎症 リンパ節鎖システムによるリンパ液中異物の段階的な濾過と血液への漏出阻止

    片貝 智哉, 小澤 まどか, 中島 汐梨

    リンパ学   45 ( 2 )   93 - 95   2022.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本リンパ学会  


  • The defect in differentiation of germinal center B cells in Arf1-BKO mice.

    小谷唯, 小谷唯, 住吉麻実, 笹田萌未, 笹田萌未, 小澤まどか, 片貝智哉, 渡邊利雄, 松田達志

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   45th   2022

  • 免疫・アレルギー・炎症 リンパ節の辺縁-髄洞接続帯に限局した髄洞マクロファージによるリンパフィルター機能

    片貝 智哉, 小澤 まどか

    リンパ学   44 ( 2 )   70 - 72   2021.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本リンパ学会  


  • リンパ管、リンパ組織の動態に関与する免疫担当細胞の働き リンパ節のフィルター/免疫センサー機能を支える組織・細胞基盤

    片貝 智哉, 小澤 まどか

    リンパ学   44 ( 1 )   36 - 39   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本リンパ学会  


  • Bitter taste receptor signaling facilitates neutrophil migration

    Kobayashi Daichi, Tohda Atsumasa, Ozawa Madoka, Kanda Yasuhiro, Takeuchi Arata, Saika Fumihiro, Kiguchi Norikazu, Matsuzaki Shinsuke, Katakai Tomoya

    Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society   94   2-Y-G3-3   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Pharmacological Society  

    For a long time ago, people have believed that good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth; however, whether the bitter taste itself has therapeutic effects is less studied. Generally, bitter taste is recognized by Type-2 bitter-taste receptors (TAS2Rs) belonging to G-protein coupled receptors and TAS2Rs are localized on taste bud cells of the tongue. Growing evidence suggests that TAS2Rs are expressed not only in the taste bud cells but also in other cells including airway smooth muscle cells, intestinal tuft cells and immune cells. In this study, we show that bitter taste substance-TAS2R axis regulates neutrophil migration. By gene expression analysis, we found that neutrophils express TAS2R126, TAS2R135 and TAS2R143. Next, we observed the effect of TAS2R126/135/143 agonists on neutrophil migration. Although TAS2R135 agonists did not affect neutrophil migration, TAS2R126/143 agonists significantly enhanced CXCL2-induced neutrophil migration. The enhancing effects were not observed in a TAS2R126/143 deficient neutrophil-like cell line. In addition, TAS2R126/143 agonist also promotes neutrophil infiltration into zymosan-injected abdominal cavity. These results suggest that TAS2R126/143 signaling facilitates neutrophil-mediated immune responses and may be targets to promote host defense against infection.

    DOI: 10.1254/jpssuppl.94.0_2-y-g3-3

    CiNii Article


  • Enhanced cytotoxic T cell function and suppression of tumor development by Mst1 deficiency

    Yasuda Kaneki, Ueda Yoshihiro, Ozawa Madoka, Matsuda Tadashi, Kinashi Tatsuo

    The Journal of Kansai Medical University   68   9 - 15   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Medical Society of Kansai Medical University  

    Cytotoxic CD8 T lymphocytes are the major cells of the immune response to viral infection and tumor rejection. Differentiated CTLs have a large number of modified lysosomes including perforin and granzyme B.

    Mammalian ste-20 like kinase Mst1 is abundantly expressed on lymphocytes and plays important roles during apoptosis, proliferation, cell polarity, and migration.

    Here, we report the new role of Mst1 for cytotoxic T-cell responses and tumor reduction.

    <i>Mst1</i><sup>–/–</sup> cytotoxic T cells also showed enhanced T-bet expression associated with elevated expression levels of IFNγ and granzyme B.

    In addition, <i>Mst1</i><sup>–/–</sup> cytotoxic T cells suppressed tumor growth and prolonged overall survival of tumor bearing mice <i>in vivo</i>.<i></i>

    Thus, Mst1 is a potential therapeutic target for tumor immunotherapy.

    DOI: 10.5361/jkmu.68.9

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jkmu/68/0/68_9/_pdf

  • 抗原提示と輸送 Rap1欠乏はリンパ球および胸腺細胞選択のリンパ節ホーミング障害を起こした(Antigen presentation & trafficking Rap1-deficiency caused defective lymph node homing of lymphocytes and thymocyte-selection)

    Ueda Yoshihiro, Ozawa Madoka, Kamioka Yuji, Kondo Naoyuki, Kinashi Tatsuo

    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録   45 ( Proceedings )   179 - 179   2016.11

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    Language:English   Publisher:(NPO)日本免疫学会  


  • Rap1-deficiency caused defective lymph nodo homing of lymphocytes and thymocyte-selection.

    UEDA Yoshihiro, OZAWA Madoka, KAMIOKA Yuji, KONDO Naoyuki, KINASHI Tatsuo

    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録   45 ( Proceedings )   2016

  • T細胞シグナル伝達 高親和性LFA-1/ICAM-1結合と免疫シナプス形成の調節(T cell signaling Regulation of high-affinity LFA-1/ICAM-1 binding and immunological synapse formation)

    Kondo Naoyuki, Ueda Yoshihiro, Ozawa Madoka, Kinashi Tatsuo

    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録   44 ( Proceedings )   199 - 199   2015.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:(NPO)日本免疫学会  


  • 制御性T細胞 制御性T細胞産生のための胸腺器官培養システムの確立(Regulatory T cells Establishment of thymic organ culture system for regulatory T cell development)

    Ueda Yoshihiro, Kondo Naoyuki, Ozawa Madoka, Kinashi Tatsuo

    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録   44 ( Proceedings )   187 - 187   2015.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:(NPO)日本免疫学会  


  • 免疫細胞輸送 SEMA3E/Plexin D1軸はRap1シグナル伝達経路を調節することにより胸腺細胞の接着と分極を制御する(Immune cell trafficking SEMA3E/Plexin D1 axis controls thymocyte adhesion and polarization by modulating the Rap1 signaling pathway)

    Ueda Yoshihiro, Kondo Naoyuki, Ozawa Madoka, Katakai Tomoya, Kinashi Tatsuo

    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録   43 ( Proceedings )   56 - 56   2014.11

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    Language:English   Publisher:(NPO)日本免疫学会  


  • カニクイザル体細胞核とウサギ卵細胞質を用いた異種間核移植胚及び、ウサギ同種間核移植胚のOCT-4の発現確認とES細胞樹立の試み

    小澤 まどか, 竹原 俊幸, 矢持 隆之, 福永 直人, 宮本 有希, 伊藤 俊介, 掛川 亮, 竹之下 誠, 岸上 哲士, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 入谷 明, 細井 美彦

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development   54 ( Suppl. )   j132 - j132   2008.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本繁殖生物学会  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.101.0.580.0


  • Influence of ovarian surface epithelium in differentiation into germ cells from mouse embryonic stem cells

    福永 直人, 武内 大輝, 竹原 俊幸, 寺村 岳士, 伊藤 俊介, 小澤 まどか, 掛川 亮, 小野寺 勇太, 岸上 哲士, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 入谷 明, 佐川 典正, 細井 美彦

    Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University   ( 13 )   21 - 27   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:近畿大学先端技術総合研究所  

    マウス胚性幹細胞(mouse embryonic stem cell;mES 細胞)は、各系譜の細胞へと分化可能な分化多能性を有している(1)。この特徴を用いて、様々な分化誘導実験が行なわれてきた。生殖細胞の分化誘導もまた、発生メカニズムの解明に繋がるとして研究の対象となってきた。しかし、受精能を獲得した精子様の細胞は得られたが、同様な卵母細胞様の細胞は得られていない。そこで本実験では、卵巣表面に存在する卵巣上皮細胞(ovarian surface epithelium cells;OSECs)がmES細胞から生殖細胞への分化に関与するかどうか、分子生物学的手法及び免疫化学的手法を用いて未分化マーカー遺伝子であるOct4 遺伝子、生殖細胞関連遺伝子であるMouse vasa homolog(Mvh)、Stella、Fragilis 遺伝子について解析した。その結果、胚様体(Embryoid Body;EB)をOSECs の馴化培養液で接着培養を行った場合、通常の接着培養と比べ、Oct4 遺伝子の発現が維持された。今回の実験系より得られた結果から、OSECs の分泌する液性因子が、mES 細胞から生殖細胞への分化を助長する傾向にあることが示された。

    CiNii Article



  • Induction of three germ layer cells from parthenogenetic or androgenetic embryo origin embryonic stem cells in vitro

    小野寺 勇太, 寺村 岳士, 竹原 俊幸, 村上 秀樹, 小澤 まどか, 武内 大輝, 安齋 政幸, 加藤 博己, 三谷 匡, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 入谷 明, 佐川 典正, 細井 美彦

    Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University   ( 13 )   9 - 19   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:近畿大学先端技術総合研究所  

    胚性幹細胞(Embryonic Stem Cell ; ES 細胞)は自己複製能と様々な細胞へと分化することの出来る分化多能性を有している細胞である。近年、このES 細胞を用いた再生修復医療の可能性が注目されている。しかし、受精卵からES 細胞を作出するため、移植後に免疫拒絶反応を示すことが示唆されており、ES 細胞を用いた再生修復医療の1 つの課題となっている。そこで、片親性の雌性単為発生胚と雄性発生胚からES 細胞を樹立し、片親性ES 細胞の分化多能性を観察した。

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books



  • マウス卵巣表層上皮細胞がマウスES細胞由来胚様体の発生に与える影響の検討

    武内 大輝, 福永 直人, 伊藤 俊介, 掛川 亮, 小澤 まどか, 岸上 哲士, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 細井 美彦, 入谷 明

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development   53 ( Suppl. )   j195 - j195   2007.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本繁殖生物学会  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.100.0.20108.0

    CiNii Article


  • マウス卵巣表層上皮細胞の卵子形成能に関する検討

    武内 大輝, 寺村 岳士, 小野寺 勇太, 小澤 まどか, 掛川 亮, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 佐川 典正, 細井 美彦, 入谷 明

    日本生殖医学会雑誌   51 ( 4 )   371 - 371   2006.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本生殖医学会  



  • ウサギEG細胞の樹立

    掛川 亮, 竹原 俊幸, 寺村 岳士, 小澤 まどか, 安斎 政幸, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 佐川 典正, 細井 美彦

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development   52 ( Suppl. )   j123 - j123   2006.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本繁殖生物学会  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.

    CiNii Article


  • Tetraploid embryo complementation法による遺伝子改変マウスの作出法の確立

    小澤 まどか, 寺村 岳士, 掛川 亮, 武内 大輝, 三原 敏敬, 安斎 政幸, 松本 和也, 佐伯 和弘, 佐川 典正, 細井 美彦

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development   52 ( Suppl. )   j120 - j120   2006.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本繁殖生物学会  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.

    CiNii Article



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Research Projects

  • 二次リンパ組織におけるB細胞/T細胞区画化の免疫学的意義

    Grant number:20K16278

    2020.4 - 2023.3

    System name:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究

    Research category:若手研究

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    小澤 まどか

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )



  • Spatio-temporal regulation and tissue basis of functional innate-adaptive immune cooperation in the lymph node

    Grant number:16H05204

    2016.4 - 2019.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Katakai Tomoya, TAKEUCHI Arata, KANDA Yasuhiro, OZAWA Madoka

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    Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost:\3960000 )

    Lymph node is an important organ for immune responses. In this study, we focused on a tissue area, medulla-cortex transitional region (MCT), in which innate and adoptive immune cells are co-localized and unique stromal cells support the tissue. Three dimensional tissue structure, cell composition, molecular expression, and the motility/interaction of immune cells were investigated in detail. Consequently, we found previously less understood tissue subcompartments and unique stromal cell subsets, showing that at least 6 stromal cell subtypes are present in lymph node. These findings also suggest an innate-adoptive immune activation pathway through the medullary side. Moreover, transcription factor NFkB plays crucial role in the differentiation of multiple stromal cell types in the lymph node.
