Updated on 2024/07/03


Akihiko Yuki
Academic Assembly Institute of Medicine and Dentistry IGAKU KEIRETU Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Molecular and Cellular Medicine Cellular Function Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
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  • 博士(医学) ( 2019.9   新潟大学 )

Research Areas

  • Others / Others

Research History

  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Molecular and Cellular Medicine Cellular Function   Assistant Professor




  • Histiocytoid Sweet syndrome as a rare skin manifestation of relapsing polychondritis. International journal

    Kana Terao-Hirayama, Akito Hasegawa, Shingo Takei, Tatsuya Katsumi, Akihiko Yuki, Natsumi Hama, Eriko Hasegawa, Hiroe Sato, Daisuke Kobayashi, Riichiro Abe

    The Journal of dermatology   2023.2

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  • Sweet病様の皮疹が先行した再発性多発軟骨炎の1例

    寺尾 香菜, 長谷川 瑛人, 内田 梢太, 島田 奏, 筒井 由夏, 武居 慎吾, 横山 彩乃, 勝見 達也, 佐藤 亜美, 加畑 雄大, 結城 明彦, 藤本 篤, 濱 菜摘, 阿部 理一郎, 長谷川 絵理子, 佐藤 弘恵, 小林 大介

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   132 ( 6 )   1490 - 1490   2022.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • A case of cutaneous syncytial myoepithelioma with extensive adipocytic metaplasia: Usefulness of EWSR1-PBX3 gene fusion analysis. International journal

    Kanade Shimada, Osamu Ansai, Tatsuya Katsumi, Tokiko Deguchi, Ryota Hayashi, Akihiko Yuki, Mai Nakamura, Hajime Umezu, Takaya Fukumoto, Shin-Ichi Ansai, Riichiro Abe

    Journal of cutaneous pathology   49 ( 4 )   412 - 417   2022.4

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    Cutaneous syncytial myoepithelioma (CSM) is a recently recognized variant of myoepithelioma characterized by an intradermal syncytial proliferation of spindled, ovoid, and histiocytoid cells. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells usually show strong expression of S-100 protein and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA). Here we report a case of CSM in the thigh of a 51-year-old Japanese woman. Histopathological findings showed a sheet-like growth of ovoid cells and histiocytoid cells with an eosinophilic syncytial cytoplasm, and adipocytic metaplasia was widely observed in the tumor. Immunohistochemical staining revealed a diffuse, strong pattern for EMA, smooth muscle actin (SMA), and HHF35, and variable expression of S-100 protein and p63 in ovoid and histiocytoid cells without significant mitotic figures or pleomorphism. In addition, EWSR1-PBX3 gene fusion, which is characteristic of CSM, was observed in the tumor. Based on these findings, we diagnosed the patient as having CSM. Our case shows that CSM can exhibit extensive adipocytic metaplasia, which could make its histopathological diagnosis challenging.

    DOI: 10.1111/cup.14179



  • オピオイドで疼痛管理不良の放射線皮膚炎にリドカイン混合ワセリンが奏効した1例

    島田 泉, 工藤 範子, 外山 美央, 市川 紘将, 土田 裕子, 岩井 由樹, 鈴木 丈雄, 結城 明彦, 濱 菜摘, 外山 聡

    日本緩和医療薬学雑誌   15 ( 1 )   21 - 24   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本緩和医療薬学会  



  • Fumarate hydratase(FH)遺伝子変異が同定された多発性皮膚平滑筋腫の1例

    寺尾 香菜, 林 良太, 横山 令, 安齋 理, 結城 明彦, 濱 菜摘, 久保田 葉子, 阿部 理一郎

    臨床皮膚科   76 ( 3 )   235 - 239   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)医学書院  

    <文献概要>53歳,女性.多発性子宮筋腫により子宮全摘後.10年前から左下顎に弾性硬の紅色結節が多発し,53歳時に結節の増大を認めた.前医および当科で施行した生検組織では,真皮内の結節性病変内に平滑筋線維束が縦横に錯綜し,腫瘍細胞はデスミン,SMAが陽性であったことから,多発性皮膚平滑筋腫と診断した.さらに,遺伝子解析でフマル酸ヒドラターゼ(fumarate hydratase:FH)遺伝子のexon5に既知のミスセンス変異c.584T>C(p.Met195Thr)heterozygousを同定し,多発性皮膚平滑筋腫・子宮筋腫と診断した.FH遺伝子に変異を有する皮膚平滑筋腫患者の家系では,子宮筋腫や腎細胞癌の合併頻度が高く,腎細胞癌の合併は予後規定因子となるため,定期的な画像検索が必要である.特に子宮筋腫の合併のある患者,家系内に腎細胞癌患者やFH遺伝子変異の同定された患者がいる場合には,FH遺伝子変異の有無につき積極的に解析すべきと考える.


    Other Link: https://search-tp.jamas.or.jp/index.php?module=Default&action=Link&pub_year=2022&ichushi_jid=J01559&link_issn=&doc_id=20220325180011&doc_link_id=10.11477%2Fmf.1412206600&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.11477%2Fmf.1412206600&type=%88%E3%8F%91.jp_%83I%81%5B%83%8B%83A%83N%83Z%83X&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00024_2.gif

  • 家族性悪性黒色腫の1例

    加勢 夕季乃, 結城 明彦, 島田 奏, 筒井 由夏, 木村 春奈, 武居 慎吾, 勝見 達也, 安齋 理, 鈴木 丈雄, 結城 大介, 林 良太, 重原 庸哉, 松山 麻子, 阿部 理一郎

    Skin Cancer   36 ( 3 )   197 - 202   2022.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会  

    33歳,男性。母と母方従伯母,2人の再従姉に悪性黒色腫の家族歴がある。17歳時に腰部の黒色斑を,21歳時に左母指爪甲色素線条を切除され,それぞれ表在拡大型悪性黒色腫(SSM),末端黒子型悪性黒色腫と診断された。32歳時,背部と左下腿の黒色斑を切除され,いずれもSSM in situと診断された。これまで欧米では家族性悪性黒色腫の主要な原因遺伝子としてCDKN2A,CDK4の変異が報告されており,近年もBAP1,POT1,TERTなどの遺伝子変異が報告されている。我々が調べ得た限り本邦で過去に遺伝子解析を行った家系は2家系であるが,未だ遺伝子変異の同定はない。自験例でもwhole exome sequencingを行ったが,明らかな病的変異は認められなかった。今後さらに症例を集積し,本邦での家族性悪性黒色腫における遺伝子変異の有無や傾向を明らかにすることが望まれる。(著者抄録)


  • Late-onset Cutaneous Hydrophilic Polymer Embolism: A Case Occurring Two Years after Endovascular Procedures. International journal

    Yukino Kase, Ryota Hayashi, Izumi Takei, Osamu Ansai, Takeo Suzuki, Akihiko Yuki, Mitsuhiro Watanabe, Takao Yanagawa, Riichiro Abe

    Acta dermato-venereologica   101 ( 7 )   adv00511   2021.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2340/00015555-3881



  • 血管内カテーテル治療から2年後に皮膚親水性ポリマー塞栓症を生じた1例

    加勢 夕季乃, 林 良太, 武居 いづみ, 安齋 理, 鈴木 丈雄, 結城 明彦, 阿部 理一郎, 渡辺 光洋, 柳川 貴央

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   131 ( 8 )   1879 - 1879   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • 血管内カテーテル治療から2年後に皮膚親水性ポリマー塞栓症を生じた1例

    加勢 夕季乃, 林 良太, 武居 いづみ, 安齋 理, 鈴木 丈雄, 結城 明彦, 阿部 理一郎, 渡辺 光洋, 柳川 貴央

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   131 ( 8 )   1879 - 1879   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • 皮膚筋炎を合併した肺腺癌の放射線治療後に生じたpost-irradiation morpheaの1例

    木村 春奈, 濱 菜摘, 武居 慎吾, 岩井 由樹, 鈴木 丈雄, 結城 大介, 土田 裕子, 結城 明彦, 阿部 理一郎, 野嵜 幸一郎, 菊地 利明, 佐藤 弘恵, 海津 元樹

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   131 ( 8 )   1883 - 1883   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • Massive perianal skin ulcer due to long-standing amoebic infection in an HIV-negative, heterosexual man. International journal

    Jin Sasaki, Hiroki Fujikawa, Tatsuya Katsumi, Yuki Saito, Akihiko Yuki, Hitoshi Kameyama, Masato Nakano, Yoshifumi Shimada, Toshifumi Wakai, Riichiro Abe

    The Journal of dermatology   48 ( 4 )   e198-e200   2021.4

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  • Trigeminal trophic syndromeの2例

    中村 杏奈, 濱 菜摘, 結城 大介, 加畑 雄大, 結城 明彦, 藤本 篤, 阿部 理一郎, 倉田 行伸, 瀬尾 憲司, 佐々木 崇暢, 久保田 葉子

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   131 ( 1 )   135 - 136   2021.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • 放射線療法併用下でのニボルマブ投与により一定の進行抑制効果を得た小児meningeal malanomatosisの1例

    武居 慎吾, 結城 明彦, 阿部 理一郎, 太田 智慶, 棗田 学, 大石 誠, 柿田 明美

    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   36回   139 - 139   2020.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会  


  • 肺腺癌の放射線治療後に生じたpost-irradiation morpheaの1例

    木村 春奈, 濱 菜摘, 武居 慎吾, 岩井 由樹, 鈴木 丈雄, 結城 大介, 土田 裕子, 結城 明彦, 野嵜 幸一郎, 菊地 利明, 佐藤 弘恵, 海津 元樹, 阿部 理一郎

    日本皮膚免疫アレルギー学会総会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   50回   198 - 198   2020.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本皮膚免疫アレルギー学会  


  • 乾癬様皮疹を生じたErdheim-Chester病の1例

    勝海 洸司, 藤本 篤, 結城 明彦, 土田 裕子, 出口 登希子, 阿部 理一郎, 川島 寛之, 森山 雅人, 伊藤 崇子

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   130 ( 7 )   1663 - 1663   2020.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • 乾癬様皮疹を生じたErdheim-Chester病の1例

    勝海 洸司, 藤本 篤, 結城 明彦, 土田 裕子, 出口 登希子, 阿部 理一郎, 川島 寛之, 森山 雅人, 伊藤 崇子

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   130 ( 7 )   1663 - 1663   2020.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • Langerhans細胞組織球症(LCH)患者に生じた皮膚肥満細胞症の1例

    武居 慎吾, 濱 菜摘, 岩井 由樹, 結城 明彦, 阿部 理一郎, 長崎 啓祐, 米沢 穂高, 瀧澤 淳, 梅津 哉, 柿田 明美

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   130 ( 7 )   1662 - 1662   2020.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • 腹膜の切除を要した臍部隆起性皮膚線維肉腫の1例

    勝海 洸司, 結城 明彦, 中村 杏奈, 結城 大介, 阿部 理一郎, 曽束 洋平, 勝見 茉耶, 川島 寛之, 風間 健太郎

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   130 ( 7 )   1665 - 1665   2020.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • CADM1 expression of mast cells in mycosis fungoides. Reviewed International journal

    Akihiko Yuki, Osamu Ansai, Riichiro Abe

    Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology   82 ( 4 )   e143-e144   2020.4

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  • Refractory bullous pemphigoid improved by discontinuation of phenytoin as an CYP3A4 inducer. Reviewed International journal

    Rei Yokoyama, Ryota Hayashi, Yukie Umemori, Ami Arimatsu, Akihiko Yuki, Riichiro Abe

    Acta dermato-venereologica   2020.3

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  • Case of cutaneous botryomycosis in an 8-year-old immunocompetent boy with a review of the published work. Reviewed International journal

    Haruna Shimagaki, Akihiko Yuki, Kiyoto Kimura, Daisuke Yuki, Hiroki Fujikawa, Naoya Shimizu, Riichiro Abe

    The Journal of dermatology   2020.3

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    Botryomycosis is a rare chronic suppurative granulomatous infection caused by several genera of non-filamentous bacteria. The clinical and histopathological findings are similar to those of mycetoma caused by true fungi or aerobic actinomycetes. Botryomycosis is divided into cutaneous and visceral disease, with the cutaneous form being more common. Histopathology shows granules of etiologic bacteria called "sulfur granules". Botryomycosis occurs more commonly among immunocompromised patients, although some cases have also been reported in immunocompetent patients. We report the case of an 8-year-old immunocompetent boy who visited our hospital with a 4-mm diameter subcutaneous tumor with mild tenderness on his right heel for several months. We surgically removed the tumor with an initial diagnosis of epidermal cyst. Histopathology showed sulfur granules surrounded by an eosinophilic matrix, indicating the Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon. The granules consisted of Gram-positive cocci, leading to a diagnosis of botryomycosis. The patient was successfully treated by excision and oral trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (240 mg b.i.d.) for 2 weeks as adjuvant therapy. No recurrence was noted following treatment. The subcutaneous tumor in this case was smaller than the typical in botryomycosis infections. We reviewed the infection duration and tumor size in reported cases of botryomycosis in immunocompetent patients. Small tumor size may suggest that the case is in an early stage; therefore, it is important to remove and investigate these lesions proactively.

    DOI: 10.1111/1346-8138.15308



  • Langerhans細胞組織球症(LCH)患者に生じた皮膚肥満細胞症の1例

    武居 慎吾, 濱 菜摘, 岩井 由樹, 結城 明彦, 阿部 理一郎, 長崎 啓祐, 米沢 穂高, 瀧澤 淳, 梅津 哉, 柿田 明美

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   130 ( 3 )   419 - 419   2020.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • Galectin-7 as a potential biomarker of Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis: identification by targeted proteomics using causative drug-exposed peripheral blood cells. Reviewed

    Hama N, Nishimura K, Hasegawa A, Yuki A, Kume H, Adachi J, Kinoshita M, Ogawa Y, Nakajima S, Nomura T, Watanabe H, Mizukawa Y, Tomonaga T, Shimizu H, Abe R

    The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice   2019.5

  • CADM1 is a diagnostic marker in early-stage mycosis fungoides: Multicenter study of 58 cases. Reviewed International journal

    Akihiko Yuki, Satoru Shinkuma, Ryota Hayashi, Hiroki Fujikawa, Taisuke Kato, Erina Homma, Yohei Hamade, Osamu Onodera, Masao Matsuoka, Hiroshi Shimizu, Hiroaki Iwata, Riichiro Abe

    Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology   79 ( 6 )   1039 - 1046   2018.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Mycosis fungoides (MF) is the most common cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Early-stage MF patches or plaques often resemble inflammatory skin disorders (ISDs), including psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Cell adhesion molecule 1 gene (CADM1), which was initially identified as a tumor suppressor gene in human non-small cell lung cancer, has been reported as a diagnostic marker for adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. OBJECTIVE: We investigated CADM1 expression in MF neoplastic cells, especially during early stages, and evaluated its usefulness as a diagnostic marker for MF. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study by using immunohistochemical staining and confirmed the expression of CADM1 in MF. In addition, we compared CADM1 messenger RNA expression in microdissected MF samples and ISD samples. RESULTS: In the overall study period, 55 of 58 MF samples (94.8 %) stained positive for CADM1. None of the 50 ISD samples showed positive reactivity (P < .0001). We found CADM1 messenger RNA expression in the intradermal lymphocytes of patients with MF but not in those of patients with an ISD. LIMITATIONS: We did not conduct a validation study for MF cases in other institutions. CONCLUSIONS: CADM1-positive cells can be identified in early stages with fewer infiltrating cells and may be useful as a diagnostic marker for early-stage MF.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.06.025



  • Chondrolipomaの1例

    勝見達也, 藤川大基, 木村浄土, 萩原理沙, 結城明彦, 阿部理一郎, 下村裕

    皮膚科の臨床   60 ( 12 )   1952‐1953   2018.11

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  • A case of pure red cell aplasia during nivolumab therapy for cardiac metastatic melanoma Reviewed

    Akihiko Yuki, Tatsuya Takenouchi, Sumiko Takatsuka, Takuro Ishiguro

    MELANOMA RESEARCH   27 ( 6 )   635 - 637   2017.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    Nivolumab is an antibody against programmed cell death 1 and functions as an immune checkpoint inhibitor for various malignancies, including unresectable melanomas. Nivolumab causes several immune-related adverse events, which typically include skin rash, pneumonitis, thyroid dysfunction, hepatitis, and colitis; in rare cases, anemia may be present. There are several reports of autoimmune hemolytic anemia that has developed in response to nivolumab; however, there are few reports of pure red cell aplasia (PRCA). We describe a patient who developed PRCA during nivolumab administration. A 70-year-old Japanese woman received nivolumab for cardiac metastasis from malignant melanoma from an unknown site. Twenty-one months after nivolumab administration (31 courses), treatment was discontinued because she developed severe anemia. Blood test results indicated normocytic, normochromic anemia, and reticulocytopenia, but all other components were normal. Bone marrow aspiration showed increased megakaryocytes and decreased erythroblasts; these findings were consistent with PRCA. Anemia improved without recurrence after treatment with corticosteroids and blood transfusions. The steroid dosage was reduced gradually, and to date, the patient has not experienced recurrence of anemia. The tumor decreased in size and the patient has shown a continued response to treatment with decrease in disease for 3 years. Although it is unclear how nivolumab causes PRCA, hematological toxicities have been reported in patients treated with immunotherapy drugs. PRCA might be an unrecognized immune-mediated adverse event that did not manifest during the clinical trial phase. Copyright (C) 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1097/CMR.0000000000000392

    Web of Science



  • Investigating the use of tie-over dressing after skin grafting Reviewed

    Akihiko Yuki, Tatsuya Takenouchi, Sumiko Takatsuka, Hiroki Fujikawa, Riichiro Abe

    JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY   44 ( 11 )   1317 - 1319   2017.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    Tie-over bolster dressing after skin grafting can prolong operative time, and cause hematoma and seroma formation because of uneven pressure application. To describe the possibility of discontinuing the use of tie-over dressing, we carried out a retrospective comparative study of patients who underwent skin grafting at an institution between January 2009 and December 2014. We investigated and compared the take rate, healing period, wound infection rate and hematoma formation rate for the tie-over dressing group and the non-tie-over dressing group. Among 266 patients, 148 and 118 patients were included in the tie-over dressing group and non-tie-over dressing group, respectively. There were no significant differences between the take rate, healing period, wound infection rate and hematoma formation rate for the two groups. Multivariate analysis showed that the complete graft take rate was not significantly influenced by tie-over dressing, age, sex, graft site, graft procedure and skin graft diameter. Although the use of tie-over dressing might remain necessary on sites with a free margin, including the eyelids, lips or nostrils, because of the difficulty in using tape fixation, the present study showed that alternative dressing with polyurethane foam is also useful in most cases of skin grafting.

    DOI: 10.1111/1346-8138.13916

    Web of Science



  • 抗EGFR抗体による皮膚障害に対する予防的介入の効果についての検討

    結城 明彦, 高塚 純子, 竹之内 辰也, 森 香織, 植木 雄志, 佐藤 雄一郎, 野上 仁, 丸山 聡, 瀧井 康公

    県立がんセンター新潟病院医誌   54 ( 2 )   114 - 114   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟県立がんセンター新潟病院  


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  • 薬疹 原因薬剤添加末梢血単核球培養上清を用いたプロテオーム解析によるスティーブンス・ジョンソン症候群/中毒性表皮壊死症のバイオマーカーの同定

    濱 菜摘, 西村 慶子, 長谷川 瑛人, 結城 明彦, 久米 秀明, 足立 淳, 木下 真直, 小川 陽一, 中島 沙恵子, 野村 尚史, 渡辺 秀晃, 水川 良子, 朝長 毅, 清水 宏, 阿部 理一郎

    日本皮膚免疫アレルギー学会雑誌   3 ( 1 )   193 - 193   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本皮膚免疫アレルギー学会  


  • 薬疹 原因薬剤添加末梢血単核球培養上清を用いたプロテオーム解析によるスティーブンス・ジョンソン症候群/中毒性表皮壊死症のバイオマーカーの同定

    濱 菜摘, 西村 慶子, 長谷川 瑛人, 結城 明彦, 久米 秀明, 足立 淳, 木下 真直, 小川 陽一, 中島 沙恵子, 野村 尚史, 渡辺 秀晃, 水川 良子, 朝長 毅, 清水 宏, 阿部 理一郎

    日本皮膚免疫アレルギー学会雑誌   3 ( 1 )   193 - 193   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本皮膚免疫アレルギー学会  


  • 皮丘優位に褐色色素小点を認めたAshy dermatosisの1例

    富井 光一, 藤本 篤, 有松 亜美, 岩井 由樹, 横山 令, 片桐 芽衣子, 加畑 雄大, 林 良太, 結城 明彦, 重原 庸哉, 会沢 敦子, 濱 菜摘, 阿部 理一郎, 藤田 繁

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   129 ( 4 )   553 - 553   2019.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • A case of cutaneous leiomyosarcoma with suspected lymph node metastasis on PET-CT

    KATSUMI Tatsuya, FUJIKAWA Hiroki, YOKOYAMA Rei, YUKI Akihiko, OYAMATSU Hiroshi, ABE Riichiro

    Skin Cancer   34 ( 1 )   46 - 49   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Skin Cancer Society  

    &lt;p&gt;A 66-year-old man presented with a mass on the right side of the chest, which he had noticed 2 years before the first visit. Although he underwent resection, relapse was confirmed at the same site approximately after 1 year. Subsequently, a marginal excision of the tumor was performed ; however, cancer cells remained after the surgery. Histopathology of the excised tumor specimen indicated cutaneous leiomyosarcoma. A positron emission tomography-computed tomography scan revealed an accumulation of fluorine-18 deoxyglucose in the lymph node of the right axilla. We performed an enlarged resection, and a right axillary lymph node biopsy specimen was obtained. Histopathology revealed that the tumor cells infiltrated into the deep dermis of the primary tumor but were not present in the lymph node. This patient with cutaneous leiomyosarcoma can be considered as having a good prognosis ; however, because of the infiltration of tumor cells into dermal layers, a careful follow-up is necessary.[&lt;i&gt;Skin Cancer (Japan)&lt;/i&gt; 2019 ; 34 : 46-49]&lt;/p&gt;

    CiNii Article


  • Nasalalar reconstruction with nasolabial turnover flap in four cases of basal cell carcinoma

    鹿児山 浩, 結城 明彦, 酒井 あかり, 高塚 純子, 竹之内 辰也

    臨床皮膚科 = Japanese journal of clinical dermatology   72 ( 12 )   1011 - 1015   2018.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:医学書院  

    CiNii Article


  • 早期菌状息肉症(Stage I、II)におけるCell adhesion molecule1(CADM1)の発現解析

    結城 明彦, 藤川 大基, 林 良太, 阿部 理一郎, 本間 英里奈, 浜出 洋平, 清水 宏, 岩田 浩明, 松岡 雅雄

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   127 ( 4 )   635 - 635   2017.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  


  • CASE REPORTS : Rapidly Regressing Pigmented Macule of the Sole : Two Possible Cases Caused by Heteropterans

    結城 明彦, 高塚 純子, 竹之内 辰也

    皮膚科の臨床   58 ( 4 )   609 - 612   2016.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:金原出版  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • A Review of 6 Cases Developed Recall Reaction Caused by Anti-cancer Drugs

    Yuki Akihiko, Kagoyama Ko, Takatsuka Sumiko, Takenouchi Tatsuya

    The Japanese Journal of Dermatology   126 ( 8 )   1453 - 1457   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Dermatological Association  

    &lt;p&gt;In patients who have histories of extravasation with anticancer agents, recurrent inflammation at the site of extravasation sometimes occurs when the same drug is readministered at a different site. This reaction is referred to as &quot;recall&quot;. We treated 6 patients who developed recall reactions despite having no obvious history of extravasation. One of these patients had a skin ulcer and required long-term treatment until it healed. Although the exact mechanism underlying the onset of the recall reaction is unclear, it may involve latent tissue damage caused by microleakage of pharmaceuticals.&lt;/p&gt;

    DOI: 10.14924/dermatol.126.1453

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • A case of Buruli ulcer due to Mycobacterium ulcerans subsp. shinshuense

    結城 明彦, 浅野 幸恵, 伊藤 薫

    臨床皮膚科 = Japanese journal of clinical dermatology   69 ( 4 )   337 - 342   2015.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:医学書院  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • A case of oral allergy syndrome due to cherries

    結城 明彦, 大湖 健太郎, 塚本 清香

    臨床皮膚科 = Japanese journal of clinical dermatology   69 ( 1 )   25 - 28   2015.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:医学書院  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Clinical study of anaphylactoid purpura in Niigata University Hospital

    結城 明彦, 苅谷 直之, 伊藤 雅章

    臨床皮膚科 = Japanese journal of clinical dermatology   68 ( 6 )   465 - 468   2014.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:医学書院  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 全身性エリテマトーデスに伴う動脈性潰瘍に陰圧閉鎖療法(VAC)が効果的であった1例

    田中登希子, 結城明彦, 会沢敦子, 松尾淑江, 下村尚子, 藤原浩, 伊藤雅章

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌   123 ( 4 )   453 - 453   2013.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本皮膚科学会  



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