Updated on 2024/07/03


Academic Assembly Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences KEIZAIGAKU KEIRETU Associate Professor
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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  • 博士(政策・メディア) ( 2017.2   慶應義塾大学 )

  • 修士(マネジメント) ( 2002.3   広島大学 )

  • 学士(経営学) ( 1997.3   東京理科大学 )

Research Interests

  • システム思考

  • エコシステム

  • 公共経営

  • 行政評価

  • 科学技術政策

  • 技術経営

  • 科学技術・学術政策

  • 計量書誌学

  • 評価

  • イノベーション

  • 公共政策

  • グローバル化

  • Higher Education

  • 経営学

  • 社会イノベーション

  • 科学計量学

  • イノベーション政策

  • 政策評価

  • 産学連携

  • アントレプレナーシップ

  • 社会起業

  • Civictech

  • 産業技術政策

  • 高等教育政策

  • 科学技術予測

  • foresight

  • 技術ロードマップ

  • 地域イノベーション

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Tertiary education  / 政策、学術研究、地域連携貢献、国際化、大学経営

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Politics  / Public Management

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics  / Bibliometrics

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration  / Technology and Innovation Management

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Social systems engineering  / 政策科学

Research History (researchmap)

  • Niigata University   Associate Professor


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  • National Institute of Science and Technology Policy   Science and Technology Foresight Center   Senior Research Fellow

    2017.1 - 2020.9

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  • National Institute of Science and Technology Policy   Science and Technology Foresight Center   Senior Research Fellow

    2008.9 - 2013.8

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  • Niigata University


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  • NEDO   Chief Officer

    2016.5 - 2016.12

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  • New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization   Researcher

    2014.4 - 2016.4

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  • New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization

    2013.11 - 2014.3

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  • Keio University

    2013.9 - 2015.3

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  • 公立大学法人 県立広島大学   本部 財務課   主任主事

    2007.4 - 2008.8

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  • Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology

    2002.4 - 2004.3

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  • 広島県職員(事務(吏員))

    1998.4 - 2008.8

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Research History

  • Niigata University   Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering   Associate Professor



  • Keio University   大学院政策・メディア研究科   後期博士課程 単位取得退学

    2012.4 - 2015.3

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  • Hiroshima University   Graduate School of Social Sciences   Department of Management Studies

    2000.4 - 2002.3

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  • Tokyo University of Science   School of Management   Management

    1994.4 - 1998.3

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Professional Memberships


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  • International Society for Professional Innovation Management

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  • Academy of Management

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  • 日本MOT学会

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Committee Memberships

  • 研究・イノベーション学会   監事  


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  • 一般社団法人 コード・フォー・ジャパン   フェロー  


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  • 特定非営利活動法人 21世紀構想研究会   監事  

    2019.8 - 2023.6   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 研究・イノベーション学会   広報担当理事  

    2017.10 - 2020.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 一般社団法人 コード・フォー・ジャパン   理事  

    2013.10 - 2016.12   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 日本評価学会   理事  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  •   日本評価学会 企画委員会 副委員長  


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  • 研究・イノベーション学会   業務委員  

    2016.2 - 2022.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society


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  • 行政管理・経営から公共セクターイノベーションへの変革 ―事前評価としての未来洞察と先見的イノベーションガバナンス― Invited

    白川 展之

    季刊 評価クォータリー   ( 67 )   2 - 32   2023.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 多様な研究評価の方法論と科学技術政策の評価ー科学技術政策の特質と政策過程の孕む評価のアポリアー Invited Reviewed


    日本評価研究   21 ( 1 )   5 - 16   2021.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • The Convergence of Technology Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship; A Case of Formulation of the Civic Tech Community in Japan Reviewed

    Nobuyuki Shirakawa

    2020 International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship - Virtual (ICTE-V)   2020.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    DOI: 10.1109/icte-v50708.2020.9114370


  • システム思考の科学技術イノベーション(STI)政策(後編)システム思考の政策分析による論点整理の方法 : 第5期科学技術基本計画を素材として

    鳥谷 真佐子, 白川 展之, 小泉 周, 調 麻佐志

    STI horizon = STIホライズン : イノベーションの新地平を拓く   6 ( 3 )   33 - 37   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術学術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • システム思考の科学技術イノベーション(STI)政策(前編)第5期科学技術基本計画の俯瞰・構造分析から見えるSTI政策の課題

    鳥谷 真佐子, 白川 展之, 小泉 周, 調 麻佐志

    STI horizon = STIホライズン : イノベーションの新地平を拓く   6 ( 2 )   44 - 49   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術学術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Science, Technology and Innovation PolicyMaking System and Processes in Japan:The Status Quo and Suggestions for Development Invited

    IJICHI Tomohiro, TAKAYA Toru, SHIRAKAWA Nobuyuki, NAKATSU Kenshi

    The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management   34 ( 3 )   216 - 237   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management  

    <p>This paper reviews existing papers and materials, and overviews features of the status quo and issues regarding the science, technology and innovation (STI) policy making system and processes in Japan in a few decades, as well as those regarding the whole institution related to policies in Japan beyond STI policies, based on the characteristics of STI policies <i>per se</i> and recent fundamental trends in research, technology, and innovation. Following the findings, this paper provides suggestions for development that are intended to contribute to the formulation of the sixth Science and Technology Basic Plan and so on.</p>

    DOI: 10.20801/jsrpim.34.3_216

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • ほらいずん 米国における根拠に基づく政策(EBPM)推進に果たす非営利組織の役割とソーシャルインパクト : 米国連邦・地方政府へのデータ利活用の能力開発・支援活動を行う米国非営利組織Results for America

    白川 展之

    STI horizon = STIホライズン : イノベーションの新地平を拓く   5 ( 2 )   29 - 34   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術学術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 日本におけるシビックテック・コミュニティの発展 ―国内外のネットワーク形成とCode-for-Japan― Invited

    白川 展之

    経営情報学会誌   27 ( 3 )   208 - 220   2018.12

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    File: nopass_disp_file.pdf


  • 全米科学振興協会(AAAS)科学技術政策フォーラム2018報告 -不透明な連邦科学技術予算の中で多様性と 社会的包摂を志向する米国科学コミュニティ-

    白川 展之

    STI horizon = STIホライズン : イノベーションの新地平を拓く   4 ( 4 )   27 - 31   2018.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術学術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    DOI: 10.15108/stih.00151

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Mathmatical Theoritical Analysis for Science and Technology Foresight Surveys: A virtual subject experiment with agent-based simulations within Delphi surveys and real-time Delphi methods Reviewed

    SHIRAKAWA Nobuyuki, KOSHIBA Hitoshi

    The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management   33 ( 2 )   170 - 183   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management  

    <p>The "Delphi" related methods fostered the development of multiple survey practices. However, their mathematical theoretical validity and prediction accuracy have not been investigated in depth, especially from the perspective of mathematical or qualitative method.</p><p>In this paper, we run virtual subject experiment with agent-based simulations to verify the validity of the information obtained from two methods: a Delphi survey for a repeated questionnaire and a real-time Delphi method aimed to present the response status when a systematic information feedback is implemented according to predefined conditions /protocols.</p><p>In the results, the Delphi method emerges as a way to consolidate opinions and make them converge. On the contrary, the degree of consolidation/convergence ensured by the real-time Delphi method varies greatly across multiple simulations, even within the same respondents' group. Moreover, this method cannot be validated theoretically with respect to the statistical group response, as the basic Delphi principle is not satisfied.</p>

    DOI: 10.20801/jsrpim.33.2_170

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • ほらいずん Society5.0を具現化する上で世界的な課題となるデータとその価値に関するイマージング・イシューの抽出の試み : 英国を拠点に国際的な未来洞察予測活動を行う非営利プログラムFuture Agendaとの国際ワークショップ「データの価値の未来 "Future Value of Data"」開催報告

    七丈 直弘, 白川 展之

    STI horizon = STIホライズン : イノベーションの新地平を拓く   4 ( 3 )   16 - 21   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術学術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Developing evaluation methods for research trends analysis : situation awareness in science, technology and innovation policy


    Keio Univ.   2017.2

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    CiNii Article


  • ほらいずん "ポストトゥルース"時代のエビデンスと科学コミュニケーション : 米国科学振興協会(AAAS)年次総会及び科学技術政策フォーラムにおける科学への理解増進と社会への働きかけに関する議論

    白川 展之, 矢野 幸子

    STI horizon = STIホライズン : イノベーションの新地平を拓く   3 ( 3 )   40 - 46   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術学術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 中小・大学発ベンチャー企業のHorizon(後編)行政施策と地域エコシステムの醸成

    新村 和久, 白川 展之

    STI horizon = STIホライズン : イノベーションの新地平を拓く   3 ( 4 )   37 - 42   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術学術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • ほらいずん ロシアの科学技術予測情報の発信「トレンドレター」

    栗林 美紀, 白川 展之, 矢野 幸子

    STI horizon = STIホライズン : イノベーションの新地平を拓く   3 ( 2 )   25 - 31   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術学術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    DOI: 10.15108/stih.00080

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • ほらいずん 米国トランプ政権における科学技術政策と在ワシントンの関係者の認識

    白川 展之

    STI horizon = STIホライズン : イノベーションの新地平を拓く   3 ( 2 )   36 - 39   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術学術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • ハッカソンとアイデアソンと地域課題解決 : Code-for-Japanと福島県浪江町の「タブレットを利用したきずな再生・強化事業」を通じて (特集 アイデアソン/ハッカソン) Invited

    白川 展之

    Estrela   ( 271 )   2 - 8   2016.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:統計情報研究開発センター  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Full Economic Costing in the United Kingdom's Higher Education : Its Explicit Objectives and Implicit Outcomes Reviewed

    水田 健輔, 白川 展之

    大学論集   49   177 - 192   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:広島大学高等教育研究開発センター  

    The concept of "Full Economic Cost (fEC)" for research activities of the United Kingdom higher education institutions (HEIs) was created in the late 1990s; afterwards, in 2005 it was implemented. The whole costing system has been called the Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC), and it has also been applied to education activities since 2008. All HEIs in the United Kingdom have to submit the annual TRAC returns to their funding agencies.The fEC is not only attributed to research costs based on the expenses measured by their financial accounting, but also includes the costs associated with their physical assets consumed in real terms and the necessary surplus for their future development. Its explicit objective was to secure a sustainable amount of public research money for their projects; however, there was the other implicit objective of concentrating the money on the limited number of research intensive institutions. Therefore, education-centered institutions have recognized this costing practice has been just an addition of paperwork from which they had not benefited. Although the funding agencies and their branched expert groups devoted much effort to promote several kinds of effective uses of the data produced by the TRAC in institutional management control, it has not been successful.According to analysis based on the HESA Finance Plus data, both explicit and implicit objectives above have been successfully achieved. Regarding the explicit objective to secure a sustainable amount of public research money, the analysis found that it had been increasing by more than the price index hike after TRAC was adopted. On the other hand, Gini-coefficient of pubic research income distributed to the UK HEIs had been increasing during the same period; which means the disparity between research intensive institutions and others had been widening. It fits the implicit objective.It can be concluded that this kind of costing practice is effective to make persuasive evidences in order to secure public research money; however, it is difficult to effectively use the cost data for institutional management control. It could be an important implication for Japan if similar costing practice were introduced.

    DOI: 10.15027/42971

    CiNii Article

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    Other Link: http://ir.lib.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/00042971

  • Four Quadrants of Social Innovation Invited

    SHIRAKAWA Nobuyuki

    北海学園大学経済論集   62 ( 4 )   81 - 99   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:北海学園大学経済学会  

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    Other Link: http://hokuga.hgu.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/2800

  • Identifying the evolutionary process of emerging technologies: A chronological network analysis of World Wide Web conference sessions Reviewed

    Takao Furukawa, Kaoru Mori, Kazuma Arino, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Nobuyuki Shirakawa

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change   91   280 - 294   2015.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    The significance of a computer-based approach in roadmapping processes will increase in accordance with the ever-larger number of scientific publications and enhanced computing technologies. This article proposes a method to analyse chronological changes in research topics as observed from proceedings papers and conference sessions using a text-mining technique, which enables us to detect, identify, and analyse the evolutionary process of emerging technologies in the many rapidly growing research fields. Chronological networks of conference sessions from World Wide Web conferences between 2002 and 2011 are used to visualize the scientific and technical streams formed by the session sequences. The chronological networks demonstrate the evolutionary process of 'Social Networks', 'Monetization' and 'Semantic Analysis' studies. In the evolutionary process of emerging web-based technology, the convergent session nodes that recapitulate past research topics and the divergent session nodes in the networks play significant roles in promoting dynamic interactions among research topics. The proposed method is distinctive in that it is prospective: the session titles reflect future perspectives, including researchers' expectations for pioneering new research fields within a scientific community. This article also discusses the characteristics of a textual method for scientific publication analysis in terms from the aspect coverage, data, links and stability.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2014.03.013

    Web of Science



  • Double-loop bench marking methods in the era of data deluge: An empirical scientometric study and assessment of Japan's Galapagos syndrome in scientific research activities Reviewed

    Nobuyuki Shirakawa, Takao Furukawa, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Masatoshi Tamamura

    PICMET 2014 - Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, Proceedings: Infrastructure and Service Integration   2799 - 2806   2014.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper addresses the need for reliable measurement guidelines for organizations or entities in the turbulent environment of our era of data deluge. Based upon conceptual and empirical research in bibliometrics, we suggest an analytical approach to benchmarking the technology management of surprising and potentially damaging phenomena. In order to do so, we propose a method called 'double-loop benchmarking,' which consists of two steps: (1) structural benchmarking, based upon social relationships between actors and actants, and (2) projecting transaction data accumulated through daily business processes as benchmark indicators based upon the social relationships empirically measured in the first step. This paper can be seen as part of a broader agenda for how to manage during continuous but unpredictable change in circumstances of open ignorance. As an empirical study in bibliometrics, we propose a methodological improvement in scientometrics using data repurposing and triangulations. An international comparative analysis reveals empirical evidence that Japan's dynamic technology portfolio on research activities in the fields of electrics, electronics, information, and communications has consistently deviated from that in global trends since the 1990s. This phenomenon, which may be described as the 'Galapagos Syndrome,' is a strategic pitfall under the dynamic technology paradigm change.

    Web of Science



  • Invisible College Ranking: An Empirical Study of How Chinese Graduate Student Mobility Underpins Research Universities Reviewed

    Nobuuyki Shirakawa, Takao Furukawa

    Proceedings of the science and technology indicators conference 2014 Leiden   575 - 593   2014.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Public Choice for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Invited


    Public Choice Studies   ( 62 )   29 - 49   2014

  • 科学技術動向研究 科学研究の投資効果測定を目指す米国のSTAR METRICS事業の現状と今後の見通し

    白川 展之

    科学技術動向 = Science & technology trends   ( 136 )   11 - 16   2013.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    CiNii Article


  • An empirical study of graduate student mobility underpinning research universities Reviewed

    Takao Furukawa, Nobuyuki Shirakawa, Kumi Okuwada

    Higher Education   66 ( 1 )   17 - 37   2013.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    The issue of international student mobility has had a profound effect on policy decision-making in the higher education system of essentially every country; however, the statistical data on this subject are insufficient, especially for graduate students. The purposes of this study are to substantiate the state of international mobility among talented graduate students in the sciences and engineering who will publish scholarly research in their future career and to present the mechanism of their moves between institutions. This paper quantitatively analyzes the trajectories of more than 7,000 scientists and engineers beginning at graduate school, obtained from the biographical notes attached to journal articles for authors in the fields of computer vision, robotics, and electron devices. The results suggest that mobility in various engineering fields at world-class research universities is subject to varied pull and push factors. In the fields of computer vision and robotics, a high world university ranking is a significant pull factor in the global mobility of graduate students, which may promote a US-dominated stratification between institutions of higher education, since the institutions at the top end of these rankings are generally in the United States. In contrast, in the field of electron devices, employment for highly skilled workers in domestic industries seems to act as an alternative pull factor for talented graduate students. This article also sheds light on the status of the universities that underpin first-tier research universities by providing undergraduate students to them, an important role that tends to be concealed in the world university rankings. Furthermore, this article suggests the existence of complementary relationships between the globally top-ranked research universities and the exporting top national research universities in various countries, a relationship that is key to the shape of the current global higher education system. © 2012 The Author(s).

    DOI: 10.1007/s10734-012-9586-4

    Web of Science



    Other Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10734-012-9586-4

  • Global competition and technological transition in electrical, electronic, information and communication engineering: Quantitative analysis of periodicals and conference proceedings of the IEEE Reviewed

    Nobuyuki Shirakawa, Takao Furukawa, Minoru Nomura, Kumi Okuwada

    Scientometrics   91 ( 3 )   895 - 910   2012.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    This study analysed the technical and publication activities of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), the most influential academic publisher in engineering. We first constructed an original comprehensive database of periodicals (journal and magazine) and conference proceedings published by the IEEE between 1980 and 2008, which comprised approximately 0.36 million periodical articles and 1.14 million conference articles. We analysed the transitions in technical innovations from two perspectives: trends within (1) individual countries and (2) specialized fields represented in IEEE societies. The number of published periodical articles increased fourfold between 1980 and 2008, while that of published conference articles increased nearly 20-fold in the same period. In particular, the number of conference articles published by China increased dramatically from 2002, exceeding even the number published by the US in 2008. The IEEE has increasingly shifted away from its US-centred origins to literally becoming the 'electrical and electronics association of the world'. The proportion of articles published by authors in North America, Europe and East Asia has increasingly balanced, thus leading to the formation of a tri-polar structure of IEEE technological activities. This comprehensive analysis of IEEE publications over a period of almost 30 years revealed that with the emergence of more active international competition, 'glocalisation' is occurring among publications and research activities of the IEEE. Consequently, quantitative analysis revealed structural changes in global competition and technological transition characterized by five phases. © 2011 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11192-011-0566-8

    Web of Science



  • Bibliometric Analysis of Research in Electric, Electronic, Information and Communications : Japan's Deviation from the Trends of the World Reviewed

    Japan MOT Society   ( 544 )   50 - 60   2012.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:科学技術と経済の会  

    CiNii Article

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  • International mobility of researchers in robotics, computer vision and electron devices: A quantitative and comparative analysis Reviewed

    Takao Furukawa, Nobuyuki Shirakawa, Kumi Okuwada, Kazuya Sasaki

    Scientometrics   91 ( 1 )   185 - 202   2012.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    We investigated author information in scientific articles by approximately 7,000 researchers for a quantitative analysis of researchers' international mobility. From top journals, we traced the movements of more than 2,200 researchers in the research domains of robotics, computer vision and electron devices. We categorized countries' characteristics for the balance between the inflow and the outflow of researchers moving internationally. Flow patterns of international mobility confirm that the United States, China and India exhibit the greatest global flows of researchers, with Singapore and Hong Kong attracting remarkable numbers of researchers from other countries. International mobility focusing on institutions reveals that universities in Singapore receive as many foreign researchers as do research universities in the United States. Furthermore, firms and international collaborative research institutes act as alternative receivers to the universities in the electron devices research domain. © 2011 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11192-011-0545-0

    Web of Science



  • Quantitative analysis of collaborative and mobility networks Reviewed

    Takao Furukawa, Nobuyuki Shirakawa, Kumi Okuwada

    Scientometrics   87 ( 3 )   451 - 466   2011.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    This study proposes a quantitative analysis of researcher mobility (i.e. transfer from one institution to another) and collaborative networks on the basis of author background data extracted from biographical notes in scientific articles to identify connections that are not revealed via simple co-authorship analysis. Using a top-ranked journal in the field of computer vision, we create a layered network that describes various aspects of author backgrounds, demonstrating a geographical distribution of institutions. We classify networks according to various dimensions including authors, institutions and countries. The results of the quantitative analysis indicate that mobility networks extend beyond the typical collaborative networks describing institutional and international relationships. We also discuss sectoral collaboration considering the mobility networks. Our findings indicate a limitation of collaborative analysis based on bibliometric data and the importance of tracing researcher mobility within potential networks to identify the true nature of scientific collaboration. © 2011 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11192-011-0360-7

    Web of Science



  • ICT利用で世界的にオープン化が進む高等教育--先進的なeラーニングとオープンエデュケーショナルリソース

    古川 貴雄, 白川 展之

    科学技術動向   0 ( 119 )   8 - 19   2011.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    CiNii Article


  • Quantitative analysis of international mobility of robotics researchers and characteristics of domestic robotics research Reviewed

    Takao Furukawa, Nobuyuki Shirakawa, Kumi Okuwada, Kazuya Sasaki

    IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management   462 - 466   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    The international mobility of robotics researchers is quantitatively evaluated by analyzing biographical notes accompanying journal papers. Mobility patterns illustrate that the United States, Canada, and Singapore attract robotics researchers from abroad as IQ magnets. Canada can be considered as an alternative to the United States for hosting Iranian robotics researchers. The relationship between the number of authors and bachelor's degree holders categorizes countries as hosts or sources of researchers. The characteristics of active topics of robotics research in major countries are also mentioned. © 2011 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2011.6117960

    Web of Science



  • Changes in Research Activities in the Fields of Electronics and Information & Communications in Japan

    白川 展之, 野村 稔, Science & Technology Foresight Center

    Science & Technology Trends Quarterly Review2011 April = Science & Technology Trends   ( 39 )   77 - 86   2011

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science & Technology Foresight Center(NISTEP)  

    CiNii Article


  • ICT Use and Increasing Openness in Higher Education - Advanced e-learning and Open Educational Resources -

    古川 貴雄, 白川 展之, Science & Technology Foresight Center

    Science & Technology Trends Quarterly Review2011 July = Science & Technology Trends   ( 40 )   58 - 69   2011

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    Language:English   Publisher:Science & Technology Foresight Center(NISTEP)  

    CiNii Article


  • On global diffusion of electrical and electronics engineering research - An extensive quantitative analysis of IEEE publications (1980-2008) Reviewed

    Nobuyuki Shirakawa, Takao Furukawa, Minoru Nomura, Kumi Okuwada

    Proceedings of the 1st International Technology Management Conference, ITMC 2011   165 - 172   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    To provide further insight into globalization of research and development (R&D) activities, this study examines the nature of electrical and electronics (E&E) and information communication technology (ICT) research, and identifies the global shifts that have occurred in publication activities under the assumption of a definite correlation between research activities and publication activities. This study analyzed the technical and publication activities of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), the largest professional engineering association and the most influential academic publisher in engineering. We first constructed an original comprehensive database of periodical (journal and magazine) articles and conference proceedings published by IEEE between 1980 and 2008, which comprised approximately 355,000 periodical articles and 1.14 million conference proceedings. We analyzed the transitions in technical innovations from two perspectives: (1) trends within individual countries, specifically those within the country represented by the first author listed in each IEEE publication, and (2) trends within specialized fields represented in IEEE societies and technical councils. The number of published periodical articles increased fourfold between 1980 and 2008, while that of published conference proceedings increased more than tenfold since 1988. In particular, the number of conference proceedings published by China has increased dramatically since 2002, even exceeding the number published by the U.S. in 2008. As technologically emerging countries have increasingly contributed to article production, IEEE has increasingly moved away from its U.S.-centered origins to literally become the "electrical and electronics association of the world." The proportion of articles published by authors in North America, Europe, and East Asia has become increasingly balanced, leading to the formation of a tri-polar structure of IEEE technological activities. Within this structure, North America focuses on the field of ICT, Europe focuses on the fields of ICT and E&E, and East Asia focuses on the field of E&E. This comprehensive analysis of IEEE publications over a period of almost 30 years revealed that with the emergence of more active international competition, glocalization is occurring among the publications and research activities of IEEE, and that the nature of E&E and ICT research is under a system in which the U.S. sets an agenda for technical innovation that stimulates research activities in each country. © 2011 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/ITMC.2011.5995942



  • 日本の電気電子・情報通信分野における研究活動の変化

    白川 展之, 野村 稔

    科学技術動向   0 ( 115 )   21 - 29   2010.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:文部科学省科学技術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  

    CiNii Article


  • Global trends and the rapid growth of East Asia in IEEE publications Reviewed

    N. Shirakawa, M. Nomura, K. Okuwada, T. Furukawa

    IEEM2010 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management   1061 - 1065   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    We organized a database of IEEE Periodicals from a period of over 15 years for quantitative and collective analysis. We found that the IEEE experienced globalization and more active international competition. East Asian countries and regions have grown dramatically and become major players in the IEEE during globalization over the last decade, and: 1) East Asia surpassed North America in research related to electrical and electronics fields; 2) China has the most balanced and rapidly increasing number of articles in all fields; 3) Taiwan specializes in circuits, systems, and electronic devices; 4) South Korea specializes in consumer electronics, broadcasting, and communications; and 5) Singapore owes much to the existence of two research universities. ©2010 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2010.5674244



  • Structural analysis of the competitive environment of universities in Japan Reviewed

    Shirakawa Shiho, Doi Yoshiharu, Shirakawa Noriyuki

    Research in higher education   40 ( 0 )   283 - 297   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Hiroshima University  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Service mission and new public management for the academic profession at the Japanese national university corporations: interviews with ninety faculty members at Hiroshima University after its incorporation Reviewed

    Shirakawa Shiho, Shirakawa Nobuyuki

    Research in higher education   38 ( 0 )   221 - 237[含 英語文要旨]   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Hiroshima University  

    The purpose of this paper is threefold: (i) to promote partnership and outreach at Hiroshima University; (ii) to describe the awareness and response of faculty at the Japanese national university corporations with regard to the transformation of national universities as university corporations; and (iii) to analyze the research and development of the service mission of Japanese universities from the perspective of governing institutions of higher education. The analysis was conducted based on the experiences of the two authors as practitioners: one is a faculty member in charge of outreach at a national university corporation who has also worked at MITI (equivalent to the current Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry), a professional service firm, and a start-up company;the other is a practitioner in the fields of public management, regional science, and technology policy. Ninety faculty members at a major national university corporation were interviewed immediately after its incorporation in April 2004. The authors analyzed their awareness about the academic profession and the challenges in organizational management of the national university corporations based on the comparison with private professional organizations. It was found that the response toward the transformation of universities into an" entrepreneurial university,"as termed by B. R. Clark, has potential at the individual faculty level. However, at the organizational level,a major managerial challenge was suggested: Japanese national universities have transformed systems through" tough management" such as an introduction of a system to hire academic professionals based on a certain term. On the other hand, they have maintained a traditional management style based on Japanese organizational practices, including the seniority system. The specific concern was that the extent to which ayoung faculty member will contribute responsibly to the management of a university corporation is uncertain and that their motivation toward a good education as well as morale might be lowered.In conclusion, it is impetrative for national university corporations to plan career designs such that they are appealing to academic professionals as career paths and to implement organizational decentralization based ona strategic plan. In other words, a management reform exemplified by New Public Management is necessary to facilitate the entrepreneurship of the academic profession. The views expressed in this paper do not reflect the opinions authorized by the above organizations that the authors belong to.

    DOI: 10.15027/19803

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://ir.lib.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/00019803

  • 地方自治体における「行政評価」の導入による組織変革と地方分権時代における「地域」の経営戦略に関する研究 <平成13年度(2002年3月)修士論文要旨>

    白川 展之

    広島大学マネジメント研究   2 ( 2 )   56 - 56   2002.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:広島大学マネジメント学会  

    「行政評価」は, 日本の自治体において1990年代末の5年間に急速に普及しつつある制度であり, 行政評価手法などの研究自体も急速に増加している。しかし, 近年の行政評価をめぐる議論は論者によって多様であり, 行政評価の手法の理論に関する研究と実務現場における実務者の認識との間には隔たりが大きい。地方自治体の行政実務の現場における「事務事業評価」などを端緒とする行政評価制度の導入の意義と革新性は, 自治体の組織変革の過程において, 既存の行政組織にフィットした簡便で実用的なツールとして, マネジメント改革の梃子としての作用しえた点にある。本稿では, 民間企業における経営理念・手法, 成功事例などを行政現場に導入を通じて行政部門の効率化・活性化を図るニュー・パブリック・マネジメントを基本に, オズボーンの言うReinvention(政府の再発明)という観点から, 地方自治体の「組織変革」に行政評価の果たした役割の分析を通じ, 自治体という組織の改革に必要な条件を明らかにしている。行政評価とは, アメリカ流のパフォーマンス・メジャーメント, パフォーマンス・モニタリング(業績測定・監視)が, 政策科学や経営学の素地が不十分であった日本の地方自治体において, 「事務事業評価」等という日本独自の形に変形・制度化され, 実務のなかで確立されてきた概念である。行政評価制度は, 官僚制組織のなかに, 予算・事務・事業といった既存の行政組織の基本的スキーマを用いて, 業務の継続的改善と成果志向のマネジメントを, 事後的に埋め込み, 組織の根源的な仮定として働いてきた組織文化の見直しを迫るツールとして作用しうる。しかし, 単に評価制度を導入しても行広島大学大学院社会科学研究科マネジメント専攻平成13年度(2002年3月)修士論文要旨

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • 「行政評価」の導入を通してみる新たな地方行財政改革の方向性--ニュー・パブリック・マネジメントの視点から Invited

    村岡 政明, 白川 展之

    季刊中国総研   5 ( 3 )   37 - 47   2001

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  • 先見的ガバナンスの政策学 ――未来洞察による公共政策イノベーション

    白川 展之( Role: Sole translator)

    明石書店  2023.3  ( ISBN:4750355305

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    Total pages:248  



  • Science for Social Innovation

    SHIRAKAWA NOBUYUKI( Role: Joint author)

    2014.12  ( ISBN:4326602716

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    Total pages:200   Responsible for pages:3-20   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


  • IEEE Recent Advances in Technology and Innovation Management Vol. 1

    Nobuyuki Shirakawa, Takao Furukawa, Minoru Nomura, Kumi Okuwada( Role: Contributor ,  On Global Diffusion of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research ---An Extensive Quantitative Analysis of IEEE Publications (1980-2008))

    The Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the Technology Management Council, IEEE  2012.12 

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    Responsible for pages:169-188  


  • 港区史 現代 中

    第, 章 都市整備とまちづくり, 環境の整備( Role: Joint author)


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  • COE

    白川 展之( Role: Contributor ,  大学事典)

    平凡社  2018.6 

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    Responsible for pages:465  


  • 学術成果の還元

    白川 展之( Role: Contributor ,  大学事典)

    平凡社  2018.6 

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    Total pages:944   Responsible for pages:274-275   Language:Japanese Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia


  • 組織的研究

    白川 展之( Role: Contributor ,  大学事典)

    平凡社  2018.6 

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    Responsible for pages:570-571   Language:Japanese


  • 行政人材革命―"プロ"を育てる研修・大学院の戦略

    白川 展之( Role: Contributor ,  広島大学社会科学研究科マネジメント専攻)

    ぎょうせい  2003.9 

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    Responsible for pages:194-198   Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction


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  • "“The Inflows and Outflows of Human Resources Into The Public Sector and New Software Service Development Patterns Across The Public And Private Sectors in The Case Of Digital Public Administration in Japan”"

    Shirakawa, Nobuyuki

    IIAS-SEAPP Doha Conference 2023  2023.2 

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    Event date: 2023.2

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 日本評価学会科学技術評価分科会が目指すもの


    日本評価学会第23回全国大会  2022.12 

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    Event date: 2022.12


  • ELSI(Ethical, Legal and Social Issues)と責任ある研究イノベーション (RRI)推進ための公共政策と学際研究:新潟大学 ELSI センター(仮称)のアクション

    白川展之, 渡辺豊, 根津洸希

    公共選択学会第 26 回大会  2022.12 

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    Event date: 2022.12


  • 先見的ガバナンスに 未来洞察の果たす機能 ―OECD-OPSIの議論からー

    日本計画行政学会第45回全国大会  2022.9 

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    Event date: 2022.9


  • 科学技術・イノベーションの評価に日本の評価学が求められる貢献


    日本評価学会第22回全国大会  2021.12 

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    Event date: 2021.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


  • 科学技術政策とその政策の評価:内包するパラドックス Invited


    日本評価学会第21回全国大会  2020.11 

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    Event date: 2020.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • システムデザインの技法を用いた科学技術イノベーション政策の可視化と共創-事例分析

    調麻佐志, 鳥谷真佐子, 白川展之, 小泉周

    研究・イノベーション学会年次学術大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2020 

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    Event date: 2020


  • システムデザインの技法を用いた科学技術イノベーション政策の可視化と共創-理論的検討

    鳥谷真佐子, 調麻佐志, 白川展之, 小泉周

    研究・イノベーション学会年次学術大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2020 

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    Event date: 2020


  • ハッカソンとアイデアソンと地域課題解決 : 福島県浪江町「タブレットを利用したきずな再生・強化事業」の事例を通じて

    白川 展之

    年次学術大会講演要旨集  2016.11  研究・イノベーション学会

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    Event date: 2016.11




  • 実務と研究を架橋する「研究インテグリティ」学術研究を目指して

    原田隆, 明谷早映子, 白川展之

    研究イノベーション学会第37回年次学術大会  2022.10 

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  • 根拠に基づく政策におけるエビデンスとは何か:国際的動向と日本の現実 Invited

    白川 展之

    広島大学高等教育研究開発センター第8回公開研究会  2019.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 世界の未来洞察・予測関連機関とフューチャー・デザインの方法論的考察

    白川 展之

    第114回 東京財団政策研究所フォーラム「フューチャー・デザイン・ワークショップ 2019」  2019.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • シビックテックの実践とオープンサイエンスの公共政策 Invited

    白川 展之

    東京大学政策ビジョン研究センターシビックテックからみたオープンな科学技術とデータのあり方  2018.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • 未来洞察と計画行政 -日本における技術予測の欧州への伝播とガバナンスへの影響-

    白川 展之

    日本計画行政学会第 41 回全国大会  2018.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • マルチハザート社会における未来洞察-リスクアセスメントと戦略計画のための予測手法- Invited

    白川 展之

    日本公共政策学会第 22 回研究大会  2018.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 米国高等教育に対する州政府予算の規定要因分析 : リーマンショックを含む期間を対象として

    白川 展之, 水田 健輔, 渡部 芳栄, 山本清, 島一則

    日本高等教育学会第20回大会  2018.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 予測の方法論の変遷,予測モデルの活用の際に生じる課題 Invited

    白川 展之, 奥和田 久美

    科学技術社会論学会第16回年次研究大会  2017.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • “ポストトゥ ルース”時代の 科学コミュニ ケーションと オープンサイエ ンス

    白川 展之, 矢野 幸子

    研究・イノベーション学会  2017.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 米国州政府における高等教育政策と予算編成過程

    白川 展之

    日本高等教育学会第20回大会  2017.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Re-building Japan’s ICT Innovation Ecosystem with Civic Technology; from Fukushima International conference


    2017 ISPIM Innovation Forum  2017.3 

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  • 英国高等教育における fEC 計測の取り組み、活用とその成果


    nshiraka  2016.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 行政改革3.0 :市民参加とシビックテック


    nshiraka  2016.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • CODE FOR JAPAN SHOWCASE: A Fellowship in Namie, Fukushima,Re-designing Public ICT Procurementand Civic-Tech in Japan International conference


    nshiraka  2015.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • マーケティングデータに基づく自然科学・生命科学系学術誌に関する威信構造の分析 -ディシプリン・研究領域別の比較とその特徴-


    The 17th AnnualMeeting JAHER  2015.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Methodological Triangulation and its Framework for Social Impact Assessment in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: Quantifying and Visualizing Social Needs for Science and Technology Projects in Japan International conference


    28th Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association  2014.10 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ChemicalAbstractsに着目した化学の動向分析に関する考察


    研究・技術計画学会年次学術大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2014.10 

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  • Development of a simple visualization application for abductive reasoning toward an evidence-based innovation policy: Reflections on Japan's public-funded research portfolio and strategy under the Second and Third Basic Plan International conference


    28th Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association  2014.10 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Code for Japan Invited


    AIGID設立記念シンポジウム「社会基盤情報のサステイナブルな実運用に向けて」  2014.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 科学技術・イノベーションと行政研究-東日本大震災時における情報技術の活用事例にみるシビックテクノロジーによる共創型行政サービスの可能性


    日本行政学会 災害と科学技術研究部会 第3回研究会  2014.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 科学技術の予測と評価~事前評価としての予測と社会インパクト評価 ~


    日本評価学会第14回全国大会  2013.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 科学技術の社会的期待に対する統合評価モデル


    日本評価学会第14回全国大会  2013.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Chinese Graduate Student Mobility Underpinning World Class Research Universities: Empirical Evidence from the Fields of Engineering International conference


    第6回日中高等教育フォーラム グローバル化時代の大学 大学教育・管理運営・国際化  2013.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


  • 日本の電気電子・情報通信研究の世界トレンドからの乖離に関する計量書誌分析 Invited


    日本MOT学会 第5回研究討論会  2013.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 日本の電気電子・情報通信研究の世界トレンドからの乖離に関する計量書誌分析 Invited


    研究・技術計画学会 国際問題分科会 例会  2012.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 日本の大学の情報通信・電気電子系研究活動の変化要因の考察

    白川展之, 奥和田久美

    研究・技術計画学会年次学術大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2012.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Science and technology forecast. Expectations and results of passed rounds in Japan, Invited International conference


    Republic conference “Foresight As a Way To Make Future Forecast” in INNOVATIVE KAZAKHSTAN - PROSPECTION AFTER 20 YERS OF INDEPENDENT WAY, Palace of Independence, Astana city.  2011.12 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • Foresight-related activities at NISTEP Invited International conference


    Mutual Learning Workshop: Strategic Intelligence for Extended Regional Coherence (UNIDO Eurasian Virtual Center for Foresight 2.0), Romania, Bucharest,  2011.8 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • Reginal Foresight Activities International conference

    Dr. Cuhls, Dr. Golob, Mr. Li, Dr. Nares, 地域ワークショップ参加者, ほか

    The 4th International Foresight Conforence  2011.3 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • 電気電子領域の研究活動の東アジアシフト

    白川展之, 野村稔, 古川貴雄, 奥和田久美

    研究・技術計画学会年次学術大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2010.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 電気電子・情報通信分野の研究開発における日本の変化とその内訳分析

    野村稔, 白川展之, 奥和田久美

    研究・技術計画学会年次学術大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2010.10 

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  • 研究者の流動性に注目したロボティクス研究の国際比較

    古川貴雄, 白川展之, 奥和田久美

    研究・技術計画学会年次学術大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2010.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • IEEEにおいて特徴的な推移を示す国々の分析

    野村稔, 白川展之, 奥和田久美

    研究・技術計画学会年次学術大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2009.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • パターン認識分野における研究者流動性の定量分析

    古川貴雄, 白川展之, 奥和田久美

    研究・技術計画学会年次学術大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2009.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 有効競争レビューによる日本の大学間の競争構造の評価


    日本評価学会春季第6回全国大会  2009.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 地域における科学・技術システムの構造と地域イノベーションシステムのための地域科学技術のガバナンスの再構築(地域科学技術研究(1),一般講演,第22回年次学術大会)

    白川 展之, 白川 志保

    研究・技術計画学会年次学術大会  2007.10 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 大学におけるサービス・ラーニングの現状と課題 ―日米事例調査より―

    西出裕子, 西出順郎, 白川志保, 白川展之

    The 10th AnnualMeeting JAHER  2007.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 地域振興と産学官連携:大学の地域貢献・連携の課題と論点~日米事例比較とSocial Capitalの視点から~

    白川志保, 白川展之, 西出順郎, 西出優子

    日本知財学会年次学術研究発表会講演要旨集  2006.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 国立大学の産学連携、地域・社会貢献とアカデミックプロフェッションのための組織マネジメント:民間プロフェッショナル組織のマネジメントとの比較等の視点から


    The 9th AnnualMeeting JAHER  2006.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 文系の産学連携におけるビジネスモデリングと日本版LLPの活用

    白川志保, 白川展之

    日本知財学会年次学術研究発表会講演要旨集  2005.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 地方自治体における知的財産と公設試験研究機関の改革の現状と方向性

    白川展之, 澤昭裕, 白川志保

    日本知財学会年次学術研究発表会講演要旨集  2005.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 地域科学技術振興施策とイノベーション型地域クラスター形成~広島地域を例として~

    白川展之, 林幹浩, 白川志保

    日本知財学会年次学術研究発表会講演要旨集  2005.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 産学官連携から社会連携へ~大学発コンテンツ・ビジネスの可能性~

    白川志保, 白川展之, 片岡宏一郎

    日本知財学会年次学術研究発表会講演要旨集  2004.7 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 政策分析シリーズ:「自治体行政評価--これまでの成果と課題」 Invited

    梅田次郎, 大住莊四郎さん, 後房雄, 城山英明, 星野芳昭, 伊関友伸, 白川展之, 上山信一

    「自治体行政評価-これまでの成果と課題」  2001.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • 行政評価の導入とその目指すもの Performance measurement and Public Management in Japan Invited


    nshiraka  2001.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


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  • 新潟大学学術出版奨励賞

    2023.8   新潟大学  

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  • 東京理科大学理事長賞

    1997.11   東京理科大学  

    白川 展之

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Research Projects

  • 大学評価への計量書誌指標の導入のもたらす人文社会科学研究への逆機能性に関する研究

    Grant number:23K02501

    2023.4 - 2027.3

    System name:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Research category:基盤研究(C)

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    白川 展之

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )


  • Empirical Research with Public Finance Data on Shifts in Public Higher Education Policies

    Grant number:22H01028

    2022.4 - 2025.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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    Grant amount:\10010000 ( Direct Cost: \7700000 、 Indirect Cost:\2310000 )


  • Research on the construction of systematic evaluation at the National Research and Development Agency

    Grant number:22K01318

    2022.4 - 2025.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )


  • A Comparative Study in the Roles and Contributions of Foreign Faculty and Researchers in Japan

    Grant number:19H01640

    2019.4 - 2023.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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    Grant amount:\14950000 ( Direct Cost: \11500000 、 Indirect Cost:\3450000 )


  • 大学評価への計量書誌指標の導入のもたらす社会科学研究への逆機能性に関する研究

    Grant number:19K14279

    2019.4 - 2023.3

    System name:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究

    Research category:若手研究

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    白川 展之

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )

    本研究では、社会科学研究とその業績評価(専門領域の研究者のピアレビュー及び所属大学における昇進・業績評価)を分析対象とし、定量調査と国内外の大学経営層と現役の社会科学研究者への定性調査を組み合わせ、高等教育学、科学計量学、公共政策の評価論の融合的な視点から研究を行うことで、国内外の研究大学を対象に、大学組織における業績評価と研究者個人の専門家間における評価・評判との関係の分野別の実態・構造について解明することを目指す。 本研究は、国内外の研究大学を調査対象に、国内外の研究大学における研究業績評価と昇進の実態構造を分析していくことで、大学評価で計量書誌指標を焦点化した際の予想される社会科学研究への逆機能性について論じるものである。
    当課題の2年目の研究では、論文データベース(Web of Science: Social Sciences Citation Index)を用いて、社会科学の論文動向の分析を試み、試行的分析について結果をとりまとめた。これら結果をもとに、研究分野別の有識者ヒアリングを行い、社会科学系の論文指標とその公表の在り方について検討を行った。 また、国際的な情報収集をすすめるため、The Network for Advancing and Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science (AESIS Network) の会員となり、初めて米国で行われたカンファレンスに出席し、欧米の人文社会科学系の業績評価の在り方についての調査を行った。


  • The Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Turning Points of Higher Education Policy

    Grant number:19H01691

    2019.4 - 2022.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Mizuta Kensuke

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    Grant amount:\8580000 ( Direct Cost: \6600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1980000 )

    The Objective of this study was to explain why and how certain higher education policy shifts have taken place since late 1980s by using a variety of theoretical models of policy process. As the outcomes of this study, we have done the followings. (1) We thoroughly reviewed precedent policy process studies in higher education field. (2) We studied the applicability of theoretical models of policy process to the following events in the United States: a) the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, b) state governments' decision-making to implement their performance-based funding in higher education, c) Department of Education's financial responsibility standards to regulate federal student support. (3) Additionally, we studied the applicability of theoretical models of policy process to Japanese local public universities' expansion since 1990s and corporatization since 2004.


  • The Empirical Study on How the Business-Cycle Affect the HIgher Education Policy Making

    Grant number:16H03782

    2016.4 - 2019.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Mizuta Kensuke

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    Grant amount:\10530000 ( Direct Cost: \8100000 、 Indirect Cost:\2430000 )

    We got a lot of qualitative outcomes from our conducted comprehensive study on six US states’ historical transition of policy directions, interest groups’ ecology, budgeting processes, and public finance in higher education arena over the past two decades. We also had successful outcomes from the empirical study on factors affected state appropriations for public colleges among all 50 states. In addition to these, we conducted a dynamic common factor analysis in order to specify common factors affected the quantitative changes in state appropriations to public colleges, and successfully categorized the US states into several groups based on which factor was the most influential. That’s another outcome of this project.


  • Quantitative analysis of evolutionary process for emerging research fields from the aspect of open innovation

    Grant number:26330375

    2014.4 - 2017.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Furukawa Takao

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

    This study discussed a method to analyze the evolutionary process of emerging research for aiming to apply science technology load mapping. Co-citation analysis as a representative bibliometric technique and text analysis were compared from the aspect of basic data structure, relationship among scientific articles, stability of analysis, coverage of information retrieval, required time for creating basic data. The text analysis that can process fuzzy data was feasible for extracting knowledge in advanced disciplines. This study proposed a method using time-series networks visualizing the evolutionary process of research fields, by using relationships between conference sessions and abstracts of proceeding papers.


  • Development of quantitative evaluation method of social return on investment under joint production of multiple public goods

    Grant number:25518017

    2013.4 - 2019.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\5200000 ( Direct Cost: \4000000 、 Indirect Cost:\1200000 )

    In this research, we tried to develop quantitative evaluation method of social return on investment under joint production of multiple public goods. Based on social return on investment (SROI) analysis, the framework for measuring societal impacts relating to science, technology and innovation was developed.
    The framework developed has been applied to cost-benefit-analysis of regional healthcare systems.


  • Research on the Strategic Use of Financial Information in Universities

    Grant number:25285236

    2013.4 - 2016.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Mizuta Kensuke, YAMAMOTO Kiyoshi, SHIMA Kazunori, WATANABE Yoshiei, SHIRAKAWA Nobuyuki

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\13000000 ( Direct Cost: \10000000 、 Indirect Cost:\3000000 )

    As the results of this study, we found the following implications for Japanese higher education sector. 1. It is important to implement a uniformed and compulsory costing system related to public financing. 2. It is useful to understand to what extent public funds are sufficient to real instructional costs for better policy making. 3. It is difficult to secure publicly financed instructional costs by accumulating real instructional costs especially during economic downturns. 4. It is useful to know how different the costs of various academic disciplines. 5. Cost Benchmarking practice is one of the best uses of cost data from the institutional viewpoint. 6. In order to secure the ample amount of research money, it is beneficial to understand each institution's indirect cost rate based on the real cost data. 7. Small and medium sized institutions should be allowed to waive the burdensome costing practices.


  • 科学技術への社会的期待の可視化・定量化手法の開発

    2011.10 - 2014.10

    System name:戦略的創造研究推進事業

    Awarding organization:JST


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • A Study on Searching Method for Emerging Research Field

    Grant number:22500875

    2010.4 - 2013.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    FURUKAWA Takao, SHIRAKAWA Nobuyuki, SASAKI Kazuya

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )

    In this report, we propose a method to analyse chronological changes in research topics as observed from papers and conference sessions, which enables us to detect, identify, and analyse the evolutionary process of emerging technologies in the many rapidly growing research fields. Chronological networks of conference sessions from World Wide Web conferences between 2002 and 2011 are used to visualize the scientific and technical streams formed by the session sequences. In the evolutionary process of emerging web-based technology, the convergent session nodes that recapitulate past research topics and the divergent session nodes in the networks play significant roles in promoting interactions among research topics.


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Teaching Experience (researchmap)

  • 組織マネジメント基礎


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  • 技術経営論

    Institution name:事業創造大学院大学

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  • 協創経営概論


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  • リーダーシップ基礎


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  • パブリック・マネジメント

    Institution name:九州大学大学院経済学府産業マネジメント専攻

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  • 大学経営政策各論(4)(科学技術政策と大学)

    Institution name:東京大学大学院教育学研究科大学・経営政策コース

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  • マネジメント特講(ビジネス起業の実務)

    Institution name:広島大学大学院社会科学研究科

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Teaching Experience

  • デザイン思考入門

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • エンジニアのためのデータサイエンス入門(融合領域分野)

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 工学リテラシー入門(融合領域分野)

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 技術経営特論

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 技術経営演習

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 技術経営戦略特論

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 技術英語

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • ディベート

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 技術経営研究

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 課題解決インターンシップII

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 課題解決インターンシップIII

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • ディベートIII

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • リーダーシップ基礎

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 協創経営概論

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • アントレプレナーシップII

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • キャリアデザイン・インターンシップII

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • ディベートII

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • リサーチデザイン演習

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 技術者としてのキャリア形成入門演習

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • 課題解決インターンシップI

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • ディベートI

    Institution name:新潟大学

  • キャリアデザイン・インターンシップI

    Institution name:新潟大学

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