2025/03/14 更新


キスペ サルセド アンヘラ
KISUPE Sarusedo Anhera
教育研究院 医歯学系 歯学系列 助教
医歯学総合研究科 口腔生命科学専攻 顎顔面再建学 助教


  • 博士(歯学) ( 2014年9月   新潟大学 )


  • Pulp Biology

  • Oral Histology

  • Tissue Regeneration

  • Tooth Development

  • Oral Anatomy

  • Gross Anatomy

  • Craniofacial Developmental Biology

  • Hard tissue


  • ライフサイエンス / 解剖学

  • ライフサイエンス / 口腔再生医学、歯科医用工学

  • ライフサイエンス / 成長、発育系歯学

  • ライフサイエンス / 常態系口腔科学


  • Faculty of Dentistry, Niigata University – Niigata, Japan.   Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology of the Hard Tissue

    2022年3月 - 現在


  • Faculty of Dentistry, Niigata University - Niigata, Japan.   Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology of the Hard Tissue

    2021年5月 - 2022年2月


  • School of Dentistry, Niigata University - Niigata, Japan   Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology of the Hard Tissue   Visiting researcher



  • Científica del Sur University - Lima, Peru.   School of Stomatology   Adjunct faculty / Associated researcher

    2018年3月 - 2021年5月


  • Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich - Zurich, Switzerland.   Institute of Oral Biology   Visiting postdoctoral researcher

    2017年9月 - 2018年2月


  • New York University College of Dentistry - New York, USA.   Department of Basic Science and Craniofacial Biology   Postdoctoral associate

    2015年8月 - 2017年2月


  • School of Dentistry, University of Texas at Houston - Texas, USA.   Center for Craniofacial Biology   Postdoctoral researcher

    2015年4月 - 2015年7月


▶ 全件表示


  • 新潟大学   教育研究院 医歯学系 歯学系列   助教

    2022年3月 - 現在

  • 新潟大学   医歯学総合研究科 口腔生命科学専攻 顎顔面再建学   助教

    2022年3月 - 現在


  • 新潟大学   歯学部   PhD. in Oral Life Sciences

    2010年10月 - 2014年9月


    国名: 日本国


  • Los Andes Private University   School of Stomatology   Master of Science in Stomatology

    2008年4月 - 2010年3月


    国名: ペルー共和国


  • National University of San Marcos   Faculty of Dentistry   DDS

    2001年4月 - 2006年12月


    国名: ペルー共和国



  • International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT)

    2023年 - 現在


  • The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine

    2022年 - 現在


  • Japanese Association for Oral Biology (JAOB)

    2011年 - 現在


  • The Japanese Association of Anatomists (JAA)

    2011年 - 現在


  • International Association for Dental Research (IADR)

    2009年 - 現在




  • Effects of Synthetic Toll-Like Receptor 9 Ligand Molecules on Pulpal Immunomodulatory Response and Repair after Injuries. 国際誌

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Tomohiko Yamazaki, Hayato Ohshima

    Biomolecules   14 ( 8 )   2024年8月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) containing unmethylated cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) motifs (CpG-ODNs) are ligand molecules for Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), which is expressed by odontoblasts in vitro and dental pulp cells. This study determined the effects of CpG-ODNs on pulpal immunomodulatory response and repair following injury. Briefly, the upper right first molars of three-week-old mice were extracted, immersed in Type A (D35) or B (K3) CpG-ODN solutions (0.1 or 0.8 mM) for 30 min, and then replanted. Pulpal healing and immunomodulatory activity were assessed by hematoxylin-eosin and AZAN staining, as well as immunohistochemistry. One week following the operation, inflammatory reactions occurred in all of the experimental groups; however, re-revascularization and newly formed hard tissue deposition were observed in the pulp chamber of all groups at week 2. A positive trend in the expression of immune cell markers was observed toward the CpG-ODN groups at 0.1 mM. Our data suggest that synthetic CpG-ODN solutions at low concentrations may evoke a long-lasting macrophage-TLR9-mediated pro-inflammatory, rather than anti-inflammatory, response in the dental pulp to modulate the repair process and hard tissue formation. Further studies are needed to determine the effects of current immunomodulatory agents in vitro and in vivo and develop treatment strategies for dental tissue regeneration.

    DOI: 10.3390/biom14080931



  • Effects on dentin nanomechanical properties, cell viability and dentin wettability of a novel plant-derived biomodification monomer. 国際誌

    Mário A Moreira, Madiana M Moreira, Diego Lomonaco, Eduardo Cáceres, Lukasz Witek, Paulo G Coelho, Emi Shimizu, Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Victor P Feitosa

    Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials   2024年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of dentin biomodification agents (Proanthocyanidin (PAC), Cardol (CD) and Cardol-methacrylate (CDMA) on dentin hydrophilicity by contact angle measurement, viability of dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) and nanomechanical properties of the hybrid layer (HL). METHODS: CDMA monomer was synthesized from cardol through methacrylic acid esterification. Human extracted third molars were used for all experiments. For nanomechanical tests, specimens were divided in four groups according to the primer solutions (CD, CDMA, PAC and control) were applied before adhesive and composite coating. Nanomechanical properties of the HL were analyzed by nanoindentation test using a Berkovich probe in a nanoindenter. Wettability test was performed on dentin surfaces after 1 min biomodification and measured by contact angle analysis. Cytotoxicity was assessed by a MTT assay with DPSCs after 48 and 72 h. Data were analyzed with Student's t test or Two-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test (p < 0.05). RESULTS: CD and CDMA solutions achieved greater hydrophobicity and increased the water-surface contact angles when compared to PAC and control groups (p < 0.05). PAC group showed a greater reduction of elastic modulus in nanoindentation experiments when compared to CD and CDMA groups (p < 0.05) after 4 months of aging. CD inhibited cell proliferation compared to all further materials (p < 0.05), whilst CDMA and PAC indicated no cell cytotoxicity to human DPSCs. SIGNIFICANCE: Cardol-methacrylate provided significantly higher hydrophobicity to dentin and demonstrated remarkable potential as collagen crosslinking, attaining the lowest decrease of HL's mechanical properties. Furthermore, such monomer did not affect pulp cytotoxicity, thereby highlighting promising feasibility for clinical applications.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2024.07.010



  • Early revascularization activates quiescent dental pulp stem cells following tooth replantation in mice 国際誌

    Hiroto Sano, Kuniko Nakakura-Ohshima, Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Yasuo Okada, Takuichi Sato, Hayato Ohshima

    Regenerative Therapy   24   582 - 591   2023年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV  

    INTRODUCTION: The intentional perforation of the pulp chamber floor before tooth replantation promotes pulpal healing by facilitating the revascularization of the pulp cavity. This study aimed to elucidate the effects of this method on the dynamics of quiescent dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). METHODS: The right and left maxillary first molars of Crlj:CD1 mice and TetOP-histone 2B (H2B)-green fluorescent protein (GFP) mice were extracted. The left molars were immediately replanted as the control group (CG), whereas the pulp chamber floor of the right molars were perforated before the tooth was replanted as the experimental group (EG). Immunohistochemistry for Nestin and GFP, and quantitative RT-PCR for Nestin, Opn, CD11c, and Oct3/4 mRNA were performed. RESULTS: The rate of Nestin-positive perimeter along the pulp-dentin border in the EG tended to be higher than that of the CG at days 5 and 7 and was significantly increased between days 3 and 7. The rate of GFP-positive cells in the EG was significantly higher than that of the CG at days 5 and/or 7 in the mesial and middle coronal pulp. CD11c mRNA in the EG at day 5 was significantly higher than that of the CG and tended to be higher than that of the CG during the observation period. Oct3/4 mRNA expression in the EG was significantly higher than that of the CG at day 7. CONCLUSIONS: The current experimental model demonstrated the promotion of the survival of DPSCs and their differentiation into odontoblast-like cells (OBLCs). Thus, the use of this model is expected to clarify the crosstalk mechanism between immune cells, including macrophages and dendritic cells, and DPSCs with regards to pulpal healing after tooth replantation. It also provides insight into the differentiation process of DPSCs into OBLCs.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.reth.2023.10.004



  • Mujeres en ciencia: Los desafíos de las dentistas-científicas en Perú 招待

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Odontología Sanmarquina   26 ( 3 )   2023年9月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:スペイン語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    El rol de la mujer en la ciencia, especialmente en STEM (Ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas; por sus siglas en inglés) ha avanzado dramáticamente a través de los años, a pesar de todos los obstáculos característicos de cada siglo 1. La estructura social había considerado a la mujer como cuidadora de la casa y de los niños, además de ser consideradas inferiores en términos de intelecto y empleo 2. Áreas como medicina y la naciente odontología, que en el siglo diecinueve estaban dominadas por hombres, albergan ahora en las aulas universitarias grupos igualitarios de estudiantes de ambos géneros. Aun cuando el progreso es evidente en cuanto al acceso a la formación profesional en ciencias de la salud, el camino hacia la obtención de puestos de responsabilidad mayor, o toma de decisiones, sigue siendo desigual para las mujeres en estas áreas.


  • Explorando nuevos horizontes mediante la promoción de Programas de rotación de pregrado entre estudiantes de Odontología

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Revista Científica Odontológica   2023年3月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.21142/2523-2754-1101-2023-138


  • Perspectives on peer-review and editorial activities of Peruvian dental researchers. 国際誌

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Revista cientifica odontologica (Universidad Cientifica del Sur)   11 ( 4 )   e170   2023年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.21142/2523-2754-1104-2023-170



  • [Importance of intracardiac perfusion fixation technique for in vivo studies in dentistry]. 国際誌

    Mauricio Andre Zapata-Sifuentes, Kiyoko Suzuki-Barrera, Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Revista cientifica odontologica (Universidad Cientifica del Sur)   11 ( 1 )   e148   2023年


    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者   記述言語:スペイン語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    In vivo studies in dentistry require a high level of precision, since they involve the experimentation with a living organism, and further comprehensive histological analysis to validate the initial hypothesis. However, the process to obtained the histological slides to be studied is often wrongly minimized. In order to obtain high quality histological sections, which may be able to react favorably to more complex immunological techniques, it is necessary to preserve or "fix" the tissues of interest in an optimal manner. Intracardiac perfusion fixation has been described as a technique that offers superior results to other tissue fixation methods, allowing not only adequate sample stability, but also a deep cleansing and hardening of the tissues to allow further manipulation. Through a variation of the technique, it is possible to occlude the main arterial supply of the abdominal region to maintain direct perfusion of the fixator in the region of interest, such as the maxillofacial and thoracic region.

    DOI: 10.21142/2523-2754-1101-2023-148



  • Actividad inhibitoria del extracto etanólico del Cyperus Rotundus procedente de la región de Cajamarca (provincia de Contumazá) en una cepa estandarizada de Streptococcus mutans (ATCC®25175) 国際誌

    Rosita Belén Bazán Aliaga, Óscar Reátegui Arévalo, Luz Verónica Solórzano Espinoza, Juan Antonio Castro Arredondo, Víctor Elmo Miranda García, Elba Estefanía Martínez Cadillo, Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Revista Científica Odontológica   10 ( 1 )   e093   2022年4月


    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者   記述言語:スペイン語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Universidad Cientifica del Sur  

    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine in vitro the inhibitory activity of the ethanolic extract of Cyperus rotundus (Cajamarca - Contumazá) against a standardize strain of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC®25175™). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was an experimental in vitro study, which consisted of determining the inhibitory effect of three concentrations of the ethanolic extract of Cyperus rotundus: 250 mg/ml, 500 mg/ml, and 1000 mg/ml against a strains of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC®25175™). Ten tests were performed for each concentration, having 0.12% chlorhexidine as a positive control for Streptococcus mutans plates and 10% DMSO as a negative control. To evaluate the inhibitory effect, the disk diffusion method or Kirby-Bauer test was used, reading the results at 48 hours after initial sowing. RESULTS: None of the three concentrations of the ethanolic extract of Cyperus rotundus demosntrated inhibitory effects on the Streptococcus mutans strain; however, the positive control, chlorhexidine, clearly showed inhibition halos of 14.43 mm ± 1.23 mm after 48 hours of incubation. CONCLUSIONS: The ethanolic extract of Cyperus rotundus did not inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans. It is recommended to deepen the chemical analysis of the components of this plant and explore other extraction methods to verify its bacteriostatic action versus other oral and non-oral microorganisms.

    DOI: 10.21142/2523-2754-1001-2022-093



  • The Critical Role of MMP13 in Regulating Tooth Development and Reactionary Dentinogenesis Repair Through the Wnt Signaling Pathway 国際誌

    Henry F. Duncan, Yoshifumi Kobayashi, Yukako Yamauchi, Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Zhi Chao Feng, Jia Huang, Nicola C. Partridge, Teruyo Nakatani, Jeanine D’Armiento, Emi Shimizu

    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology   10   883266 - 883266   2022年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Matrix-metalloproteinase-13 (MMP13) is important for bone formation and remodeling; however, its role in tooth development remains unknown. To investigate this, MMP13-knockout (Mmp13−/−) mice were used to analyze phenotypic changes in the dentin–pulp complex, mineralization-associated marker-expression, and mechanistic interactions. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated high MMP13-expression in pulp-tissue, ameloblasts, odontoblasts, and dentin in developing WT-molars, which reduced in adults, with human-DPC cultures demonstrating a >2000-fold increase in Mmp13-expression during mineralization. Morphologically, Mmp13−/− molars displayed critical alterations in the dentin-phenotype, affecting dentin-tubule regularity, the odontoblast-palisade and predentin-definition with significantly reduced dentin volume (∼30% incisor; 13% molar), and enamel and dentin mineral-density. Reactionary-tertiary-dentin in response to injury was reduced at Mmp13−/− molar cusp-tips but with significantly more dystrophic pulpal mineralization in MMP13-null samples. Odontoblast differentiation-markers, nestin and DSP, reduced in expression after MMP13-loss in vivo, with reduced calcium deposition in MMP13-null DPC cultures. RNA-sequencing analysis of WT and Mmp13−/− pulp highlighted 5,020 transcripts to have significantly >2.0-fold change, with pathway-analysis indicating downregulation of the Wnt-signaling pathway, supported by reduced in vivo expression of the Wnt-responsive gene Axin2. Mmp13 interaction with Axin2 could be partly responsible for the loss of odontoblastic activity and alteration to the tooth phenotype and volume which is evident in this study. Overall, our novel findings indicate MMP13 as critical for tooth development and mineralization processes, highlighting mechanistic interaction with the Wnt-signaling pathway.

    DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2022.883266




  • Exploration of the role of the subodontoblastic layer in odontoblast-like cell differentiation after tooth drilling using Nestin-enhanced green fluorescent protein transgenic mice 国際誌

    Chihiro Imai, Hiroto Sano, Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Kotaro Saito, Mitsushiro Nakatomi, Hiroko Ida-Yonemochi, Hideyuki Okano, Hayato Ohshima

    Journal of Oral Biosciences   64 ( 1 )   77 - 84   2022年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Objectives: Original odontoblasts and regenerated odontoblast-like cells (OBLCs) may differently regulate Nestin expression. This study aimed to investigate the role of the subodontoblastic layer (SOBL) using green fluorescent protein (GFP) reactivity in the process of OBLC differentiation after tooth drilling in Nestin-enhanced GFP transgenic mice. Methods: A groove-shaped cavity was prepared on the mesial surface of the maxillary first molars of 5- or 6-week-old mice under deep anesthesia. Immunohistochemical staining for Nestin and GFP and Nestin in situ hybridization were conducted on the sections obtained at 1–14 days postoperative. Results: Odontoblasts showed intense endogenous Nestin protein and mRNA expression, whereas the coronal SOBL cells showed a Nestin-GFP–positive reaction in the control groups. The injured odontoblasts had significantly decreased Nestin immunoreactivity as well as decreased expression of Nestin mRNA 1–2 days after the injury; subsequently, newly differentiated OBLCs were arranged along the pulp–dentin border, with significantly increased Nestin expression as well as increased expression of Nestin mRNA on days 3–5 to form reparative dentin. Nestin-GFP–positive cells at the pulp–dentin border significantly increased in number on days 1 and 2. GFP(+)/Nestin(+) and GFP(−)/Nestin(+) cells were intermingled in the newly differentiated OBLCs. Conclusions: The commitment of Nestin-GFP–positive cells into Nestin-positive OBLCs suggests that the restriction of endogenous Nestin protein and mRNA expression in the static SOBL cells was removed by exogenous stimuli, resulting in their migration along the pulp–dentin border and their differentiation into OBLCs.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.job.2022.01.001




  • Grupos de investigación: juntos llegamos lejos

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Revista Científica Odontológica   2021年10月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.21142/2523-2754-0903-2021-066


  • The effects of reducing the root length by apicoectomy on dental pulp revascularization following tooth replantation in mice 国際誌

    Kuniko Nakakura-Ohshima, Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Hiroto Sano, Haruaki Hayasaki, Hayato Ohshima

    DENTAL TRAUMATOLOGY   37 ( 5 )   677 - 690   2021年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY  

    Background/Aim Root length is a critical factor for dental pulp regeneration following tooth replantation. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of reducing the root length by apicoectomy on the pulp healing process using a model for tooth replantation.Material and Methods After extraction of the upper first molars (M1) of 3-week-old mice, the roots from the experimental group (EG) were shortened to half to two-thirds of their length before replantation, whereas in the control group (CG) the extracted teeth were immediately repositioned into their alveolar sockets. To determine the effects of root resection on the survival of inherent pulp cells, this study included tooth transplantation with root resection using wild-type (WT) and green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic mice. The M1 of GFP transgenic mice were transplanted into the alveolar socket of the M1 of WT mice. The roots of the right M1 were shortened (EG), whereas the left M1 remained untreated (CG).Results Apoptotic cells in the EG significantly decreased in number compared with the CG at day 3. Cell proliferative activity in the EG was significantly higher than that in the CG in the root pulp during days 3-5, and nestin-positive odontoblast-like cells began to arrange themselves along the pulp-dentin border in the cusp area at day 5 in the EG but not in the CG. At week 2, tertiary dentin had formed throughout the pulp in the EG, whereas the combined tissue of dentin and bone occupied the pulp space in 60% of the CG. Root resection also positively affected the survival of inherent pulp cells to differentiate into odontoblast-like cells as demonstrated by transplantation using GFP transgenic mice.Conclusions Reducing the root length accelerated pulp regeneration following tooth replantation due to the better environment for revascularization.

    DOI: 10.1111/edt.12679

    Web of Science



  • Ezh2 knockout in mesenchymal cells causes enamel hyper- mineralization 国際誌

    Yoshifumi Kobayashi, Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Sanika Bodas, Satoko Matsumura, Erhao Li, Richard Johnson, Marwa Choudhury, Daniel H. Fine, Siva Nadimpalli, Henry F. Duncan, Amel Dudakovic, Andre J. van Wijnen, Emi Shimizu



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) is the catalytic core of polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), which primarily methylates lysine 27 on histone H3 (H2K27me3), generating transcriptionally suppressed heterochromatin. Since EZH2 suppresses expression of genes involved in dentin formation, we examined the role of EZH2 in tooth development. Intriguingly, microCT analysis of teeth from mice with conditional Ezh2 knockout in uncommitted mesenchymal cells showed hyper-mineralization of enamel, which is produced by the epithelial-lineage cells, ameloblasts. Scanning electron microscopy analysis and nano indentation of the incisor enamel from knockout mice revealed smaller inter-rod spaces and higher hardness compared to wild type enamel, respectively. Interestingly, expression of the calcium channel subunit gene, Orai2, was decreased compared to its competitor, Orai1, both in knockout mouse incisors and the ex vivo culture of ameloblasts with the surrounding tissues under EZH2 inhibition. Moreover, histological analysis of incisor from knockout mice showed decreased ameloblastin and expedited KLK4 expression in the ameloblasts. These observations suggest that EZH2 depletion in dental mesenchymal cells reduces enamel matrix formation and increases enamel protease activity from ameloblasts, resulting in enamel hyper-mineralization. This study demonstrates the significant role of the suppressive H3K27me3 mark for heterochromatin on enamel formation.& nbsp; (c) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.06.003

    Web of Science



  • The Role of Dendritic Cells during Physiological and Pathological Dentinogenesis 国際誌

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Hayato Ohshima

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   10 ( 15 )   2021年8月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MDPI  

    The dental pulp is a soft connective tissue of ectomesenchymal origin that harbors distinct cell populations, capable of interacting with each other to maintain the vitality of the tooth. After tooth injuries, a sequence of complex biological events takes place in the pulpal tissue to restore its homeostasis. The pulpal response begins with establishing an inflammatory reaction that leads to the formation of a matrix of reactionary or reparative dentin, according to the nature of the exogenous stimuli. Using several in vivo designs, antigen-presenting cells, including macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs), are identified in the pulpal tissue before tertiary dentin deposition under the afflicted area. However, the precise nature of this phenomenon and its relationship to inherent pulp cells are not yet clarified. This literature review aims to discuss the role of pulpal DCs and their relationship to progenitor/stem cells, odontoblasts or odontoblast-like cells, and other immunocompetent cells during physiological and pathological dentinogenesis. The concept of "dentin-pulp immunology" is proposed for understanding the crosstalk among these cell types after tooth injuries, and the possibility of immune-based therapies is introduced to accelerate pulpal healing after exogenous stimuli.

    DOI: 10.3390/jcm10153348

    Web of Science



  • [Research groups: together we reach further]. 国際誌

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Revista cientifica odontologica (Universidad Cientifica del Sur)   9 ( 3 )   e066   2021年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:スペイン語  

    DOI: 10.21142/2523-2754-0903-2021-066



  • [Basic dental sciences as the foundations for clinical practice]. 国際誌

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Revista cientifica odontologica (Universidad Cientifica del Sur)   9 ( 2 )   e053   2021年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:スペイン語  

    DOI: 10.21142/2523-2754-0902-2021-053



  • An overview of Peruvian dental research in time of COVID-19

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Revista Científica Odontológica   2020年12月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.21142/2523-2754-0803-2020-027


  • Responses of oral-microflora-exposed dental pulp to capping with a triple antibiotic paste or calcium hydroxide cement in mouse molars 国際誌

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Takuichi Sato, Junko Matsuyama, Hiroko Ida-Yonemochi, Hayato Ohshima

    REGENERATIVE THERAPY   15   216 - 225   2020年12月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER  

    Introduction: Responses of oral-microflora-exposed dental pulp to a triple antibiotic paste (TAP), a mixture of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline in ointment with macrogol and propylene glycol, remain to be fully clarified at the cellular level. This study aimed to elucidate responses of oral-microflora-exposed dental pulp to capping with TAP in mouse molars.Methods: A cavity was prepared on the first molars of 6-week-old mice to expose the dental pulp for 24 h. The exposed pulp was capped with TAP (TAP group) or calcium hydroxide cement (CH group), in addition to the combination of macrogol (M) and propylene glycol (P) (MP, control group), followed by a glass ionomer cement filling. The samples were collected at intervals of 1, 2, and 3 weeks, and immunohistochemistry for nestin and Ki-67 and deoxyuride-5'-triphosphate biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay were performed in addition to quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analyses.Results: The highest occurrence rate of pulp necrosis was found in the control group followed by the CH group at Weeks 2 and 3, whereas the highest occurrence rate of healed areas in the dental pulp was observed in the TAP group at each time point. Tertiary dentin formation was first observed in the dental pulp of the TAP group at Week 2. In contrast, bone-like and/or fibrous tissues were frequently observed in the CH group. qRT-PCR analyses clarified that TAP activated the stem and dendritic cells at Weeks 1 and 2, respectively.Conclusions: The use of TAP as a pulp-capping agent improved the healing process of oral-microfloraexposed dental pulp in mouse molars. (C) 2020, The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.reth.2020.10.001

    Web of Science



  • Promotion of education and research in dental basic science. A call for action

    Vilma Chuquihuaccha-Granda, Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Journal of Oral Research   9 ( 6 )   446 - 448   2020年11月


    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.17126/joralres.2020.100



  • COVID-19 y su impacto en la odontología peruana

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Revista Científica Odontológica   8 ( 1 )   1 - 2   2020年4月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Universidad Cientifica del Sur  

    DOI: 10.21142/2523-2754-0801-2020-001


  • Estudio in vitro del Efecto Antibacteriano de la Oleorresina de Copaifera reticulata y el Aceite Esencial de Origanum majoricum Frente a Streptococcus mutans y Enterococcus Faecalis Bacterias de Importancia en Patologías Orales

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    International journal of odontostomatology   2018年12月


    担当区分:最終著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.4067/s0718-381x2018000400355


  • La importancia de las ciencias básicas en la formación del cirujano dentista

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Odontología Sanmarquina   2018年9月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    <jats:p>Explicar la ciencia no es tarea sencilla. Desde una aproximación actual, la ciencia puede definirse como una descripción sistemática de un determinado fenómeno presente en la naturaleza 1; donde la observación y la interpretación se interrelacionan para dar lugar a un nuevo conocimiento que se estandariza mediante el uso del método científico. Dentro de este contexto, la ciencia puede ser dividida en básica y aplicada, teniendo cada una características y objetivos distintos.</jats:p>

    DOI: 10.15381/os.v21i3.15145


  • Nestin expression is differently regulated between odontoblasts and the subodontoblastic layer in mice 国際誌

    Mitsushiro Nakatomi, Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Masaka Sakaguchi, Hiroko Ida-Yonemochi, Hideyuki Okano, Hayato Ohshima

    HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY   149 ( 4 )   383 - 391   2018年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    The Nestin gene encodes type VI intermediate filament and is known to be expressed in undifferentiated cells during neurogenesis and myogenesis. To regulate Nestin expression, the first or second intron enhancer is activated in a tissue-dependent manner, for example, the former in mesodermal cells and the latter in neural stem cells. Although Nestin has also been used as a differentiation marker for odontoblasts during tooth development, how Nestin expression is regulated in odontoblasts remains unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the expression patterns of Nestin-GFP (green fluorescent protein) with that of endogenous Nestin in developing teeth of Nestin-EGFP (enhanced GFP) transgenic mice, in which the second intron enhancer is connected with the EGFP domain, at postnatal 7d, 3w, and 8w. Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization analyses revealed that endogenous Nestin protein and Nestin mRNA were intensely expressed in differentiated odontoblasts, while GFP immunoreactivity, which reflects the activity of Nestin second intron enhancer-mediated transcription, was mainly observed in the subodontoblastic layer. These results indicate that the first intron enhancer may be activated in differentiated odontoblasts. Intriguingly, Nestin-GFP expression in the subodontoblastic layer was found to be restricted to the coronal pulp of molars, which is susceptible to tooth injuries. Because the subodontoblastic layer serves as a reservoir of newly differentiated odontoblast-like cells upon exogenous stimuli to dentin, our findings suggest that the original odontoblasts and regenerated odontoblast-like cells may differently regulate Nestin expression.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00418-018-1651-3

    Web of Science



  • IGF-1 Mediates EphrinBl Activation in Regulating Tertiary Dentin Formation

    S. Matsumura, A. Quispe-Salcedo, C. M. Schiller, J. S. Shin, B. M. Locke, S. Yakar, E. Shimizu

    Journal of Dental Research   96 ( 10 )   1153 - 1161   2017年9月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Eph receptors belong to a subfamily of receptor tyrosine kinases that are activated by membrane-spanning ligands called ephrins. Previously, we demonstrated that the ephrinB1-EphB2 interaction regulates odontogenic/osteogenic differentiation from dental pulp cells (DPCs) in vitro. The goal of this study was to identify the molecular mechanisms regulated by the EphB2/ephrinB1 system that govern tertiary dentin formation in vitro and in vivo. During tooth development, ephrinB1, and EphB2 were expressed in preodontoblast and odontoblasts at postnatal day 4. EphrinB1 was continuously expressed in odontoblasts and odontoblastic processes until the completion of tooth eruption. In addition, ephrinB1 was expressed in odontoblastic processes 2 wk following tooth injury without pulp exposure, whereas EphB2 was expressed in the center of pulp niches but not odontoblasts. In a model of tooth injury with pulp exposure, ephrinB1 was strongly expressed in odontoblasts 4 wk postinjury. In vitro studies with human and mouse DPCs treated with calcium hydroxide (CH) or mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) showed an increased expression of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Experiments using several inhibitors of IGF-1 receptor signaling revealed that inhibiting the Ras/Raf-1/MAPK pathway inhibited EphB2 expression, and inhibiting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway specifically inhibited ephrinB1 gene expression. Tooth injury in mice with odontoblast-specific IGF-1 receptor ablation exhibited a reduced tertiary dentin volume, mineral density, and ephrinB1 expression 4 wk following injury. We conclude that the IGF-1/ephrinB1 axis plays significant roles in the early stages of tooth injury. Further research is needed to fully understand the potential of targeting ephrinB1 as a regenerative pulp therapy.

    DOI: 10.1177/0022034517708572




  • Intercellular Genetic Interaction Between Irf6 and Twist1 during Craniofacial Development 国際誌

    Walid D. Fakhouri, Kareem Metwalli, Ali Naji, Sarah Bakhiet, Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Larissa Nitschke, Youssef A. Kousa, Brian C. Schutte

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   7 ( 1 )   7129 - 7129   2017年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Interferon Regulatory Factor 6 (IRF6) and TWIST1 are transcription factors necessary for craniofacial development. Human genetic studies showed that mutations in IRF6 lead to cleft lip and palate and mandibular abnormalities. In the mouse, we found that loss of Irf6 causes craniosynostosis and mandibular hypoplasia. Similarly, mutations in TWIST1 cause craniosynostosis, mandibular hypoplasia and cleft palate. Based on this phenotypic overlap, we asked if Irf6 and Twist1 interact genetically during craniofacial formation. While single heterozygous mice are normal, double heterozygous embryos (Irf6(+/-); Twist1(+/-)) can have severe mandibular hypoplasia that leads to agnathia and cleft palate at birth. Analysis of spatiotemporal expression showed that Irf6 and Twist1 are found in different cell types. Consistent with the intercellular interaction, we found reduced expression of Endothelin1 (EDN1) in mandible and transcription factors that are critical for mandibular patterning including DLX5, DLX6 and HAND2, were also reduced in mesenchymal cells. Treatment of mandibular explants with exogenous EDN1 peptides partially rescued abnormalities in Meckel's cartilage. In addition, partial rescue was observed when double heterozygous embryos also carried a null allele of p53. Considering that variants in IRF6 and TWIST1 contribute to human craniofacial defects, this gene-gene interaction may have implications on craniofacial disorders.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-06310-z

    Web of Science



  • The effects of enzymatically synthesized glycogen on the pulpal healing process of extracted teeth following intentionally delayed replantation in mice

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Hiroko Ida-Yonemochi, Hayato Ohshima

    JOURNAL OF ORAL BIOSCIENCES   57 ( 2 )   124 - 130   2015年5月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER  

    Objectives: Glucose uptake plays a crucial role in early tooth morphogenesis and size determination. Recently, enzymatically synthesized glycogen (ESG), with the characteristics of natural glycogen (a major storage form of glucose), has been developed. This study aimed to elucidate the effectiveness of ESG on the pulpal healing process following intentionally delayed tooth replantation in mice.Methods: The upper first molar was extracted, immersed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or ESG (5000 kDa) solution (1 mg/mL) for 60 min, and then replanted. Immunohistochemistry (for nestin, osteopontin, and TUNEL assay, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction were performed at different time points.Results: Increased apoptosis occurred in the dental pulp of mice from both treatment groups at Day 7, followed by active cell proliferation at Day 14 and tertiary dentin and/or bone-like tissue deposition at Day 21, in the PBS group. In contrast, active cell proliferation and coronal immunoreaction for nestin occurred around Day 10, and hard tissue deposition were observed at Day 14, in the ESG group. The mRNA expression of genes encoding dentin sialophosphoprotein and nestin first reappeared in the ESG group at Day 5, while expression levels of alkaline phosphatase and osteopontin, as well as Crillc, tended to increase from Day 3 in both groups, and that of the stem cell marker, octamer-binding transcription factor Oct314, greatly enhanced at Day 1, particularly in the ESG group.Conclusions: ESG improved the pulpal healing process of extracted teeth following intentionally delayed replantation, although both ESG and PBS may induce the formation of bone-like tissue. (C) 2015 Japanese Association for Oral Biology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.job.2015.01.003

    Web of Science


  • Effects of a Triple Antibiotic Solution on Pulpal Dynamics after Intentionally Delayed Tooth Replantation in Mice 国際誌

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Hiroko Ida-Yonemochi, Hayato Ohshima

    JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS   40 ( 10 )   1566 - 1572   2014年10月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Introduction:. This study analyzed the detailed biological events underlying pulpal dynamics evoked by 3Mix (the mixture of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline) solution after intentionally delayed tooth replantation because 3Mix improves pulpal healing after tooth injuries. Methods: The maxillary first molars of 3-week-old mice were extracted and immersed in 3Mix solution for 30 minutes in comparison with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) alone. Cell proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation were assessed in extracted/replanted teeth during days 0-14 using immunohistochemistry, apoptosis assay, and reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Results: 3Mix solution accelerated odontoblast differentiation in the coronal pulp on day 7 and tertiary dentin formation on day 14, whereas the regenerative process was delayed in the PBS group. Cell proliferation and apoptosis occurred in the pulp of the 3Mix group during days 5-7 and subsequently decreased from days 7-14. On day 5, dentin sialophosphoprotein and nestin were first recovered in the 3Mix group, whereas expression levels for alkaline phosphatase, osteopontin, and osteocalcin increased in the PBS group. The expression levels for octamer-binding factor 3/4A and 3/4B reached the maximum level on day 1 and were sharply decreased on day 3 in both groups. High expression levels of Cd11c were first observed in the 3Mix group on day 1 and later at days 5 and 7. Conclusions: The results suggest that the application of 3Mix may suppress osteoblast differentiation by the migration of dendritic cells to the injury site and via the activation of stem/progenitor cells, resulting in the acceleration of odontoblastlike cell differentiation.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2014.05.005

    Web of Science



  • Use of a triple antibiotic solution affects the healing process of intentionally delayed replanted teeth in mice

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Hiroko Ida-Yonemochi, Hayato Ohshima

    JOURNAL OF ORAL BIOSCIENCES   55 ( 2 )   91 - 100   2013年5月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    <bold>Objective: </bold>A mixture of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline (3Mix) has been reported to be effective against oral bacteria from carious and endodontic lesions in vitro and in vivo. The objective of this study was to establish an animal model using mice for the application of 3Mix following intentionally delayed tooth replantation and to investigate the effects of 3Mix on the healing process of dental pulp and periodontal tissues. <bold> </bold>Methods<bold>: </bold>Upper first molars of ICR mice were extracted, immersed in 3Mix solution at different concentrations for 560 min with or without the use of a transfer solution (phosphate buffer solution (PBS)), in addition to transfer solution alone, and subsequently repositioned in the sockets. Immunohistochemistry for nestin and Ki-67, histochemistry for TRAP, and TUNEL assay were performed to assess pulpal healing during days 721. <bold> </bold>Results<bold>: </bold>Increased apoptosis was observed in the PBS group at week 1, followed by cell proliferation at week 2, and tertiary dentin and/or bone-like tissue formation at week 3. In contrast, nestin-positive, newly differentiated, odontoblast-like cells began to align along the pulpdentin border following the appearance of Ki-67- and TUNEL-positive cells during weeks 12 in the 3Mix groups, suggesting that pulpal healing was accelerated. Severe root ankylosis was observed exclusively in the 3Mix groups. Rinsing with PBS before replantation partially rescued the viability of the periodontal ligament, but pulpal healing was delayed. <bold> </bold>Conclusions<bold>:</bold>The application of 3Mix promotes pulpal regeneration of intentionally delayed replanted teeth; however, its use may induce severe damage to periodontal tissues. (C) 2013 Japanese Association for Oral Biology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.job.2013.03.001

    Web of Science


  • マウス象牙質形成間のネスチンとデンチンシアロ蛋白質発現パターン


    Biomedical Research   33 ( 2 )   119 - 132   2012年4月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語  

    DOI: 10.2220/biomedres.33.119

    Web of Science




▶ 全件表示


  • マウス上顎に埋入されたインプラントのオッセオインテグレーションに対する白血球多血小板血漿の効果

    ZAPATA-SIFUENTES Mauricio, QUISPE-SALCEDO Angela, 渡辺泰典, 川瀬知之, 大島勇人

    日本再生医療学会総会(Web)   23rd   2024年

  • マウス顎骨へのインプラント埋入後のオッセオインテグレーションへのリンパ球-多血小板血漿(L-PRP)の効果


    新潟歯学会雑誌   54 ( 1 )   2024年


  • マウスにおける歯再植後の歯髄治癒過程に対する白血球および多血小板血漿(L-PRP)の有効性


    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement (Web)   2023   2023年


  • マウス上顎骨へのインプラント埋入後のオッセオインテグレーションに対する白血球および多血小板血漿(l-prp)のプラス効果


    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement (Web)   2023   2023年


  • マウス臼歯再植後の早期血行回復は歯髄静的幹細胞を賦活化する

    佐野拓人, 大島邦子, QUISPE-SALCEDO Angela, 岡田康男, 佐藤拓一, 大島勇人

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement (Web)   2023   2023年


  • 重傷を負った歯髄の治癒過程に対する合成CpGオリゴデオキシヌクレオチドの影響

    ANGELA Quispe-Salcedo, ANGELA Quispe-Salcedo, 山崎智彦, 依田浩子, 大島勇人

    日本再生医療学会総会(Web)   22nd   2023年


  • 象牙芽細胞におけるNestin遺伝子の発現制御機構

    中富 満城, Quispe-Salcedo Angela, 依田 浩子, 大島 勇人, 岡野 栄之

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement   2016   471 - 471   2016年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)歯科基礎医学会  


  • 象牙芽細胞におけるNestin遺伝子の発現制御機構

    中富満城, QUISPE-SALCEDO Angela, 依田浩子, 大島勇人

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement (Web)   2016   2016年


  • 三種混合抗菌性薬剤と水酸化カルシウムセメント覆髄に対する感染歯髄の反応

    Quispe-Salcedo Angela, 大島 勇人, 武藤 徳子, 石井 信之

    神奈川歯学   50 ( 抄録集 )   72 - 72   2015年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:神奈川歯科大学学会  


  • 酵素合成グリコーゲンによる歯の再植後の歯髄治癒促進効果について

    大島勇人, QUISPE-SALCEDO Angela, 高田洋樹, 依田浩子

    再生医療   13   2014年


  • 根尖切除はマウスにおける歯牙再植後の歯髄再生を促進する


    日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会講演プログラム・抄録集   119th   2014年


  • マウスの意図的に遅延した歯の生え替わり後の治癒過程に対する酵素的に合成したグリコーゲン(ESG)の有効性(Effectiveness of Enzymatically Synthesized Glycogen (ESG) on the healing process following intentionally-delayed tooth replantation in mice)

    Quispe-Salcedo Angela, 依田 浩子, 大島 勇人

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement   2013   123 - 123   2013年9月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:(一社)歯科基礎医学会  


  • 離乳前後および成熟マウスの口腔内プラーク常在菌叢の網羅的解析

    松山 順子, 佐藤 拓一, Quispe-Salcedo Angela, 高橋 信博, 大島 勇人

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement   2013   223 - 223   2013年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)歯科基礎医学会  


  • 意図的に時間をおいて再植したマウスの歯の治癒過程に及ぼす酵素的合成グリコーゲン(ESG)の有効性

    QUISPE-SALCEDO Angela, IDA Hiroko, OSHIMA Hayato

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement (Web)   2013   2013年


  • 離乳前後および成熟マウスの口腔内プラーク常在菌叢の網羅的解析

    松山順子, 佐藤拓一, QUISPE-SALCEDO Angela, 高橋信博, 大島勇人

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement (Web)   2013   2013年


  • 意図的に遅延した歯の再植後の歯髄の治癒過程における抗菌薬の有効性(Effectiveness of antimicrobials in the pulpal healing process following intentionally delayed tooth replantation)

    Quispe-Salcedo Angela, 依田 浩子, 大島 勇人

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement   2012   85 - 85   2012年9月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:(一社)歯科基礎医学会  


  • マウス口腔内プラーク常在菌叢の網羅的解析

    松山 順子, 佐藤 拓一, Quispe-Salcedo Angela, 石田 直子, 高橋 信博, 大島 勇人

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement   2012   138 - 138   2012年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)歯科基礎医学会  


  • マウス口腔内プラーク常在菌叢の網羅的解析

    松山順子, 佐藤拓一, ANGELA Quispe-Salcedo, 石田直子, 石田直子, 高橋信博, 大島勇人

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement (Web)   2012   2012年


  • 意図的に遅延させた歯牙再移植後の歯髄治癒過程における抗菌剤の有効性

    QUISPE-SALCEDO Angela, IDA Hiroko, OSHIMA Hayato

    Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement (Web)   2012   2012年


▶ 全件表示


  • In vivo assessment of synthetic toll-like receptor 9 ligand molecules for the treatment of the afflicted dental pulp following tooth replantation in mice

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Tomohiko Yamazaki, Hayato Ohshima

    22nd World Congress on Dental Traumatology 2024, Tokyo, Japan  2024年7月 




  • Effects of synthetic toll-like receptor 9 ligand molecules on the pulpal immunomodulatory responses and repair after injuries

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo, 山崎智彦, 大島勇人

    129th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists, Okinawa, Japan  2024年3月 




  • Avances en la reacción de la pulpa dental

    Angela Quispe-Salcedo

    Congreso Internacional de la Facultad de Odontologia de laUniversidad Latina, Costa Rica (online)  2023年10月 




  • Effectiveness of Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Plasma (L-PRP) on the pulpal healing process following tooth replantation in mice.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Zapata-Sifuentes M, Watanabe T, Kawase T, Ohshima H

    The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Oral Biology. Tokyo, Japan.  2023年9月 




  • Effects of synthetic CpG oligodeoxynucleotides on the healing process of heavily injured tooth pulp.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Yamazaki T, Ohshima H

    22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine. Kyoto, Japan.  2023年3月 




  • The interaction between osteopontin and stem/progenitor cells determines the pulpal healing following tooth replantation in mice.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Suzuki-Barrera K, Nakatomi M, Ida-Yonemochi H, Ohshima H

    The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Oral Biology. Tokushima, Japan.  2022年9月 




  • Effectiveness of 3Mix-MP Paste as Pulp-Capping Agent in Murine Molars.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Sato T, Matsuyama J, Ida-Yonemochi H, Ohshima H

    IADR/ AADR / CADR General Session Washington DC, USA.  2020年 




  • Bases biológicas y evidencia científica del uso de la pasta triple antibiótica 3Mix en patologías pulpares.

    Quispe-Salcedo A

    VII Congreso de la Región Latinoamericana IADR. XIII Reunión Científica SUIO. Montevideo, Uruguay.  2018年8月 




  • Histone Methyltransferaase Ezh2 is Required for Enamel Maturation

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Matsumura S, Li E, Dudakovic A, van Wijnen AJ, Shimizu E

    IADR/ AADR / CADR General Session. San Francisco, California. USA.  2017年3月 




  • ephrinB1 ligand is a critical mediator for tertiary dentinogénesis.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Matsumura S, Schiller C, Yakar S, Shimizu E

    IADR Pulp biology and regeneration group symposium. Nagoya, Japon.  2016年6月 




  • Responses of infected dental pulp to capping with the mixture of three antibacterial drugs (3Mix) or calcium hydroxide cement in mouse molars.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Sato T, Matsuyama J, Ohshima H

    The 56th Annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Oral Biology. Fukuoka, Japan  2014年9月 




  • Root resection accelerates the dental pulp regeneration following tooth replantation in mice.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Ohshima H

    The 119th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists. Tochigi, Japan  2014年3月 




  • The resection of the root accelerates pulpal regeneration following tooth replantation in mice.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Ohshima H

    International Symposium Frontier Meeting. Niigata, Japan  2014年2月 




  • Effectiveness of enzymatically synthesized glycogen (ESG) on the healing process following intentionally-delayed tooth replantation in mice.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Ida-Yonemochi H, Ohshima H

    The 55th Annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Oral Biology. Okayama, Japan  2013年9月 




  • The use of antimicrobials accelerates the dental pulp regeneration following intentionally-delayed tooth replantation in mice.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Ida-Yonemochi H, Ohshima H

    11th International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation. La Londe les Maures, France  2013年6月 




  • Expression of GFP and nestin immunoreactivity during postnatal tooth development in nestin-EGFP transgenic mice.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Ida-Yonemochi H, Mitsushiro N, Nakagawa E, Saito K, Okano H, Ohshima H

    The 118th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists. Takamatsu, Japan  2013年3月 




  • The use of antimicrobials accelerates the pulpal healing process following intentionally-delayed tooth replantation in mice.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Ida-Yonemochi H, Ohshima H

    International Symposium Frontier Meeting: Development, Evolution, Taxonomy, and Genetics of Tooth Structure “Tooth Voyage, Up To Date”. Jeonju, South Korea  2013年2月 




  • Effectiveness of antimicrobials in the pulpal healing process following intentionally delayed tooth replantation.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Ida-Yonemochi H, Ohshima H

    The 54th annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Oral Biology. Koriyama, Japan  2012年9月 




  • The application of antimicrobials or glycogen accelerates the pulpal regeneration of replanted molars in mice. March 2012.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Ida-Yonemochi H, Ohshima H

    The 117th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists. Yamanashi, Japan  2012年3月 




  • Assessment of nestin and dentin sialoprotein expression patterns during dentinogenesis and aging.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Ida-Yonemochi H, Mitsushiro N, Ohshima H

    The 53th Annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Oral Biology. Gifu, Japan  2011年9月 




  • Assessment of intermediate filament nestin and dentin sialoprotein expression patterns in the process of odontoblast differentiation.

    Quispe-Salcedo A, Ida-Yonemochi H, Nakatomi M, Kenmotsu S, Ohshima H

    The 116th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists. Yokohama, Japan  2011年3月 




▶ 全件表示


  • Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan

    2021年   Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)  


  • Travel Grant for Young New Investigators. 98th IADR General Session – Washington DC. USA.

    2020年   International Association for Dental Research (IADR)  


  • STAR Network Academy Fellowship

    2019年   International Association for Dental Research (IADR)  


  • ravel Grant for Short-Term Research Stay in Niigata University, Japan

    2019年   National Fund for Scientific Development, Technology and Technology Innovation (FONDECYT) – Peru  


  • Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for postdoctoral studies

    2017年   Federal Commission for Scholarships (FCS)  


  • Best paper award in the Journal of Oral Biosciences - 2015

    2015年   Japanese Association for Oral Biology  


  • Japanese government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship for research students.

    2010年   Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  


▶ 全件表示


  • 樹状細胞・マクロファージ制御による歯髄静的幹細胞/前駆細胞の恒常性維持と活性化


    2023年4月 - 2026年3月




    大島 勇人, QuispeSalcedo Angela, 常木 雅之, 依田 浩子, 山崎 智彦


    配分額:18980000円 ( 直接経費:14600000円 、 間接経費:4380000円 )


  • Cross-talk among odontoblasts, dental pulp stem cells, and immune cells after exogenous injuries


    2022年8月 - 2024年3月

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


    配分額:2860000円 ( 直接経費:2200000円 、 間接経費:660000円 )


  • 外的侵襲後の歯髄治癒過程における象牙芽細胞、歯髄幹細胞、免疫細胞間クロストーク


    2021年7月 - 2022年3月






    配分額:2300000円 ( 直接経費:2300000円 )

    申請者は、合成CpG-ODN(非メチル化CG配列を含む一本鎖オリゴデオキシリボヌクレオチド)の歯髄組織における免疫調節効果を評価した。2週齢ICRマウス上顎第一臼歯を抜去後、CpG-ODN溶液に30分間浸漬後または即時に再植する。CpG-ODNとしてtype A(形質細胞様樹状細胞活性化作用)とtype B(B細胞活性化因子として、TNF-α、IL-6を誘導)を用い、溶媒としてDWまたはHanks溶液を使用し、CpG-ODN無添加群を対照群とした。これまでに下記の結果が明らかになっている。in vivoデータでは、type B CpG-ODN (K3, 0.63 mg/mL - 0.1 mM dissolved in DW) 低濃度溶液に30分浸漬すると、他のタイプおよび濃度の合成CpG-ODNと比較して、マウスにおける再植歯の歯髄再生が改善することを示した。また、type B CpG-ODN溶液は、2週目に高い割合で歯髄内硬組織形成を誘導した。2回目の実験では、Hanks溶液に溶解した低濃度のtype B CpG-ODNが、即時および遅延歯の再植後の歯髄の治癒を改善する傾向があることが確認された。したがって、低濃度のCpG-ODNによる処理は、歯髄において強力な免疫賦活反応を引き起こし、他の在住細胞集団との相互作用を促進する可能性がある。しかしながら、遅延再植に比し、即時再植で結果が明瞭に示せなかったのは、薬液の歯髄への浸透の問題があげられる。さらに、至適CpG-ODN濃度も確定していない。今後はまず、さらに低濃度のCpG-ODN処理と浸漬時間の延長実験を追加して、至適評価モデルの確立を図る予定である。加えて、再植歯髄の炎症・感染に対するCpG-ODNの治療効果を検証するため、in vitro実験も進める必要がある。


  • 外的侵襲後の歯髄治癒過程における象牙芽細胞、歯髄幹細胞、免疫細胞間クロストーク


    2021年4月 - 2023年3月






    配分額:2300000円 ( 直接経費:2300000円 )




  • 骨学実習



  • Gross Anatomy

    機関名:Niigata University, Faculty of Dentistry


  • General and Oral Embryology

    機関名:Cientifica del Sur University (Lima, Peru)


  • General and Oral Histology

    機関名:Cientifica del Sur University (Lima, Peru)



  • 人体解剖学I


  • 人体解剖学実習


  • 人体解剖学II




  • Vice-president


    International Association for Dental Research – Peruvian Division  2019年 - 2021年


  • Science Clubs Peru (Clubes de Ciencia Peru)


    2017年 - 現在



  • Associate Editor

    Revista Cientifica Odontologica (Lima)  2018年 - 現在




  • Review Editor


    Frontiers in Physiology  2017年 - 現在




  • Review Editor


    Frontiers in Dental Medicine 


