Graduate School of Science and Technology Life and Food Sciences Assistant Professor
Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Assistant Professor
Updated on 2025/03/13
Ph. D. in Agricultural Science ( 2021.3 Kobe University )
Master of Agriculture ( 2018.3 Kobe University )
Bachelor of Agriculture ( 2016.3 Kobe University )
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Assistant Professor
University of Zurich Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies Postdoc researcher
2022.7 - 2023.9
Yokohama City University Kihara Institute for Biological Research Project Assistant Professor.
2022.4 - 2023.3
Kobe University Graduate School of Agricultural Science JSPS research fellow
2021.4 - 2022.3
Kobe University Graduate School of Agricultural Science JSPS research fellow JSPS research fellow
2020.4 - 2021.3
Niigata University Life and Food Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Technology Assistant Professor
Niigata University Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture Assistant Professor
Niigata University Environmental Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, Academic Assembly Assistant Professor
Yokohama City University Kihara Institute for Biological Research Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
2022.4 - 2023.3
Kobe University Graduate School of Agricultural Science Special researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2020.4 - 2022.3
Kobe University Graduate School of Agricultural Science Department of Agrobioscience
2018.4 - 2021.3
University of Zurich Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies (IEU)
2019.11 - 2020.10
Kobe University Graduate School of Agricultural Science Department of Agrobioscience
2016.4 - 2018.3
Kobe University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agrobioscience
2012.4 - 2016.3
Country: Japan
Genetics Society of Japan
International Association of Sexual Plant Reproduction
Japanese Society of Breeding
University of Zurich Postdoctral researcher
2022.7 - 2023.9
University of Zurich Invited Visiting Student
2019.11 - 2020.10
Discrepancy of flowering time between genetically close sublineages of Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk. Reviewed
In Son, Nozomi Kasazumi, Moeko Okada, Shigeo Takumi, Kentaro Yoshida
Scientific Reports 14 ( 1 ) 2024.3
A low-coverage 3' RNA-seq to detect homeolog expression in polyploid wheat. Reviewed International journal
Jianqiang Sun, Moeko Okada, Toshiaki Tameshige, Rie Shimizu-Inatsugi, Reiko Akiyama, Atsushi J Nagano, Jun Sese, Kentaro K Shimizu
NAR genomics and bioinformatics 5 ( 3 ) lqad067 2023.9
Asami Michikawa, Moeko Okada, Tatsuya M. Ikeda, Kiyotaka Nagaki, Kentaro Yoshida, Shigeo Takumi
PLOS ONE 18 ( 4 ) e0284408 - e0284408 2023.4
<i>De Novo</i> Genome Assembly of the Japanese Wheat Cultivar Norin 61 Highlights Functional Variation in Flowering Time and <i>Fusarium</i>-Resistant Genes in East Asian Genotypes. Reviewed
Kentaro K Shimizu, Dario Copetti, Moeko Okada, Thomas Wicker, Toshiaki Tameshige, Masaomi Hatakeyama, Rie Shimizu-Inatsugi, Catharine Aquino, Kazusa Nishimura, Fuminori Kobayashi, Kazuki Murata, Tony Kuo, Emily Delorean, Jesse Poland, Georg Haberer, Manuel Spannagl, Klaus F X Mayer, Juan Gutierrez-Gonzalez, Gary J Muehlbauer, Cecile Monat, Axel Himmelbach, Sudharsan Padmarasu, Martin Mascher, Sean Walkowiak, Tetsuya Nakazaki, Tomohiro Ban, Kanako Kawaura, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Curtis Pozniak, Nils Stein, Jun Sese, Shuhei Nasuda, Hirokazu Handa
Plant & cell physiology 62 ( 1 ) 8 - 27 2021.3
Phenotypic effects of the U-genome variation in nascent synthetic hexaploids derived from interspecific crosses between durum wheat and its diploid relative <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Reviewed
Moeko Okada, Asami Michikawa, Kentaro Yoshida, Kiyotaka Nagaki, Tatsuya M. Ikeda, Shigeo Takumi
PLoS ONE 15 ( e0231129 ) 2020.4
Genome-wide polymorphisms from RNA sequencing assembly of leaf transcripts facilitate phylogenetic analysis and molecular marker development in wild einkorn wheat. Reviewed International journal
Asami Michikawa, Kentaro Yoshida, Moeko Okada, Kazuhiro Sato, Shigeo Takumi
Molecular genetics and genomics : MGG 294 ( 5 ) 1327 - 1341 2019.10
RNA-seq analysis reveals considerable genetic diversity and provides genetic markers saturating all chromosomes in the diploid wild wheat relative Aegilops umbellulata. Reviewed International journal
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Ryo Nishijima, Asami Michikawa, Yuka Motoi, Kazuhiro Sato, Shigeo Takumi
BMC plant biology 18 ( 1 ) 271 - 271 2018.11
Effect of the U genome on grain hardness in nascent synthetic hexaploids derived from interspecific hybrids between durum wheat and <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Reviewed
Moeko Okada, Tatsuya M. Ikeda, Kentaro Yoshida, Shigeo Takumi
Journal of Cereal Science 83 153 - 161 2018.9
Hybrid incompatibilities in interspecific crosses between tetraploid wheat and its wild diploid relative Aegilops umbellulata Reviewed
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Shigeo Takumi
PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 95 ( 6 ) 625 - 645 2017.12
Detection of splicing variants in the leaf and spike transcripts of wild diploid wheat Aegilops tauschii and transmission of the splicing patterns to synthetic hexaploid wheat Reviewed
Julio C.M. Iehisa, Moeko Okada, Kazuhiro Sato, Shigeo Takumi
Plant Gene 9 6 - 12 2017.3
Phylogeographic History of Plants and Animals Coexisting with Humans in Asia. Reviewed International journal
M. Okada, K.K. Shimizu( Role: Contributor , Wheat: Recent Advances in Genomics to Explore the History of Domestication and Polyploidization.)
Springer 2024.10 ( ISBN:9789819768868 )
誰でも再現できるNGS「前」サンプル調製プロトコール : 生物種別DNA、RNA、クロマチン、シングルセル調製の極意
岡田萌子( Role: Contributor , 第3章「DNA調整プロトコール11. コムギ」)
羊土社 2024.7 ( ISBN:9784758122726 )
梨木 聡人, 山森 晃一, 古村 翔也, 工藤 葵, 桒田 理恵子, 竹内 亜美, 清水 浩晶, 小川 泰生, 岡田 萌子
育種学研究 = Breeding research : 日本育種学会和文誌 / 日本育種学会 編 26 ( 1 ) 73 - 77 2024.6
The latest on study and research abroad during mid- and post-COVID-19 periods
Hiroyuki Kakui, Mai Minamikawa, Moeko Okada, Shun Sakuma, Mashiro Okada, Kanae Masuda, Takao Komatsuda
Breeding Research 2024
Discovery of new interests by young scientists ~What is the future of agricultural science~
Akito Nashiki, Koichi Yamamori, Shoya Komura, Aoi Kudoh, Rieko Kuwada, Ami Takeuchi, Hiroaki Shimizu, Taiki Ogawa, Moeko Okada
Breeding Research 2024
Yoshiki Tokuyama, Moeko Okada, Ken Kuroki, Shoya Komura, Moeko Sato, Akito Nashiki, Kanae Masuda, Hiroki Matsuo, Koichi Yamamori, Xiaotong Ji
Breeding Research 25 ( 1 ) 73 - 77 2023.6
Hiroki Matsuo, Moeko Okada, Koichi Yamamori, Moeko Sato, Erina Yanagi, Ko Motoki, Kanae Masuda
Breeding Research 24 ( 1 ) 64 - 69 2022
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Shigeo Takumi
Wheat Information Service 126 ( eWIS126.1 ) 2018.10
High-quality RNA isolation from wheat immature grains Reviewed
Shigeo Takumi, Moeko Okada, Asami Michikawa, Yuka Miki, Ryoko Ohno, Kentaro Yoshida
Wheat Information Service 124 ( eWIS124.2 ) 2017.8
Genome Assembly and Population Genomics in *Aegilops umbellulata* Zhuk. Invited
Moeko Okada, I. Son, N. Kasazumi, S. Takumi, K.K. Shimizu, K. Yoshida
The 32nd Plant and Animal Genome Conference 2025.1
Comparative analysis of grain hardness in synthetic hexaploid wheat lines from interspecific crosses between tetraploid wheat and <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>.
Moeko Okada, Tatsuya M. Ikeda, Kentaro Yoshida, Shigeo Takumi
The 132nd Meeting of Japanese Society of Breeding 2017.10
Application of genome wide polymorphism of <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> for mapping
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Kazuhiro Sato, Shigeo Takumi
Gene expression profiling of intraspecific hybrids with growth abnormalities between tetraploid wheat and wild wheat relative <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>.
The 130th Meeting of Japanese Society of Breeding 2016.9
Genome-wide survey of polymorphisms in a wheat relative <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> revealed by RNA-seq analysis
M. Okada, K. Yoshida, R. Nishijima, K. Sato, S. Takumi
The 129th Meeting of Japanese Society of Breeding 2016.3
Natural variations of <i>Puroindoline</i> gene in<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>
M. Okada, K. Yoshida, S. Takumi
Natural variations in crossing ability and hybrid incompatibility with tetraploid wheat in <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Shigeo Takumi
The 128th Meeting of Japanese Society of Breeding 2015.9
Alteration of Homoeologous Gene Expression by Allopolyploidization: an Example of Cold Response
Moeko Okada, Jianquiang Sun, Toshiaki Tameshige, Masaomi Hatakeyama, Rie Shimizu-Inatsugi, Shigeo Takumi†, Jun Sese, Kentaro K. Shimizu
The 3ed International Wheat Congress 2024.9
Population structure of <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Zhuk. shown by genome-wide genotype data analysis
In Son, Nozomi Kasazumi, Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Yoshihiro Matsuoka
The 3ed International Wheat Congress 2024.9
Introgressions of <i>Aegilops</i> chromosome fragments into common wheat using a <i>pairing homoeologous 2</i> mutant
Masahiro Tabuchi, Adam Izzuddin Nasir, Shoya Komura, Moeko Okada, Asami Michikawa, Yoshihiro Inoue, Kazusa Nishimura, Shigeo Takumi, Nobuyuki Mizuno, Fuminori Kobayashi, Kentaro Yoshida
The 3ed International Wheat Congress 2024.9
Effects of Allopolyploidization on Homoeologous Gene Expression under Cold Treatment in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat Invited
Moeko Okada, Jianqiang Sun, Toshiaki Tameshige, Masaomi Hatakeyama, Rie Shimizu-Inatsugi, Shigeo Takumi, Jun Sese, Kentaro K. Shimizu
KAAB International Symposium 2024 2024.3
フットワークは軽くてなんぼ! Invited
第41回 植物生理若手の会(共催 日本光合成学会若手の会) 2024.3
コムギ近縁野生種の育種利用に向けて Invited
第18回東北育種研究集会 2023.12
AABBUU合成倍数体と<i>pairing homoeologous 2</i>欠失変異体の交雑後代における塩ストレス耐性の評価
田渕雅啓, 古村翔也, 岡田萌子, 道川麻美, 井上喜博, 村和紗, 吉田健太郎
第18回ムギ類研究会 2023.12
岡田萌子, 孫建強, 爲重才覚, 畠山剛臣, 清水(稲継)理恵, 宅見薫雄, 瀬々潤, 清水健太郎
第18回ムギ類研究会 2023.12
地中海東部地域に自生するイネ科植物<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Zhuk.の系統地理学的研究
孫櫻, 笠澄望, 岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎, 松岡由浩
第55回種生物学シンポジウム 2023.12
核および葉緑体DNA多型に基づくコムギ近縁野生種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Zhuk.の多様性解析
孫櫻, 笠澄望, 岡田萌子, 松岡由浩, 吉田健太郎
第18回ムギ類研究会 2023.12
A consensus map of the hexaploidy wheat nested association mapping (NAM) population with 13-RIL subfamilies with GRAS-Di markers
Jilu Nie, Miyuki Nitta, Shotaro Takenaka, Moeko Okada, Kentaro K. Shimizu, Shuhei Nasuda
第18回麦類研究会 2023.12
A high-throughput phenotyping by UAVs of a wheat NAM population and exploration of effective traits for predicting yield components
Shunsuke Yoshioka, Ken kuroki, Miyuki Nitta, Jilu Nie, Masahiro Ishii, Hiroyuki Kakui, Moeko Okada, Shotaro Takenaka, Kentaro K. Shimizu, Hiroyoshi Iwata, Wei Guo, Shuhei Nasuda
KEPLR meeting 2023.11
Unravelling the genetic architecture of male reproductive traits in Asian bread wheat (<i>Triticum aestivum</I> L.)
Naoto-Benjamin Hamaya, Hiroyuki Kakui, Moeko Okada, Katharina Jung, Jilu Nie, Thomas Wicker, Beat Keller, Shuhei Nasuda, Kentaro K. Shimizu
KEPLR meeting 2023.11
Identify a post-invasive resistance locus against powdery mildew in the wild relative Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk.
R. Kawamura, M. Okada, S. Komura, K. K. Shimizu, K. Nishimura, Y. Inoue, K. Yoshida
The 144th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Breeding 2023.9
A high-throughput phenotyping of the hexaploid wheat NAM population during tillering stage by UAVs and their correlation with yield-related traits.
S Yoshioka, K. Kuroki, M. Nitta, J. Nie, M. Ishii, H. Kakui, M. Okada, S. Takenaka, K.K. Shimizu, H. Iwata, G. Wei, S. Nasuda
The 144th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Breeding 2023.9
與田悠人, 野口微風子, 古村翔也, 村田和樹, 岡田萌子, 水野信之, 小林史典, 西村和紗, 井上喜博, 那須田周平, 松岡由浩, 吉田健太郎
日本育種学会第144回講演会 2023.9
コロナ渦中, ポストコロナでのチューリッヒ留学 Invited
日本育種学会第144回講演会 ワークショップ 2023.9
プレブリーディング集団作出に向けたコムギ近縁野生種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Zhuk. 33系統とパンコムギの交雑
孫櫻, 笠澄望, 岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎, 松岡由浩
日本育種学会第144回講演会 2023.9
<i>Pairing homoeologous 2</i>欠失変異体を利用したパンコムギへの異種染色体断片導入
田渕雅啓, 岡田萌子, 道川麻美, 井上喜博, 西村和紗, 水野信之, 清水健太郎, 小林史典, 宅見薫雄, 吉田健太郎
日本育種学会第144回講演会 2023.9
Effects of allopolyploidization on homoeologous gene expression in synthetic hexaploids
Moeko Okada
Polyploid evolutionary genomics: challenges and opportunities 2023.7
Evolution of male gamete number in bread wheat (_Triticum aestivum_ L.) International coauthorship International conference
Naoto B. Hamaya, Hiroyuki Kakui, Jilu Nie, Moeko Okada, Thomas Wicker, Beat Keller, Shuhei Nasuda, Kentaro K. Shimizu
International Conference of URPP EVolutino in Action, Monté Verita, Switzerland。 2023.6
Co-evolution of Cultivation Syndrome and the Human Agricultural Systems in Bread Wheat. International coauthorship International conference
Moeko Okada, Deepak Tanwar, Naoto B. Hamaya, Thomas Wicker, Jun Sese, Shuhei Nasuda, Kentaro K. Shimizu
International Conference of URPP EVolutino in Action 2023.6
Effects of allopolyploidization on homoeologous gene expression changes and environmental response in hexaploid wheat.
Moeko Okada, Jianqiang Sun, Toshiaki Tameshige, Masaomi Hatakeyama, Rie Shimizu-Inatsugi, Shigeo Takumi, Jun Sese, Kentaro K. Shimizu
Plant and Animal Genome Conference 30 2023.1
Unravelling the genetic architecture of male reproductive traits in Asian bread wheat (<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.)
Naoto B. Hamaya, Hiroyuki Kakui, Jilu Nie, Moeko Okada, Thomas Wicker, Beat Keller, Shuhei Nasuda, Kentaro K. Shimizu
Plant and Animal Genome Conference 30 2023.1
パンコムギのnested association mapping (NAM)集団のGRAS-Diマーカーによるコンセンサスマップの構築
聶紀魯, 新田みゆき, 竹中祥太朗, 岡田萌子, 清水健太郎, 那須田周平
第17回ムギ類研究会 2022.12
人工交雑と胚救出を用いた栽培二粒系コムギLangdonと<i>Aegilops triuncialis</i> (L.) Á. Löveの雑種作出
井上雄介, 岡田萌子, 松岡由浩
第17回ムギ類研究会 2022.12
中野咲良, 道川麻美, 岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎
第17回ムギ類研究会 2022.12
コムギ近縁野生種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Zhuk.の形質分化と遺伝的分化の関係
孫櫻, 笠澄望, 岡田萌子, 松岡由浩, 吉田健太郎
第17回ムギ類研究会 2022.12
野口微風子, 岡田萌子, 松岡由浩, 吉田健太郎
第17回ムギ類研究会 2022.12
<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Zhuk. で観察されたうどんこ病菌に対する侵入後抵抗性の遺伝解析
河村凌, 岡田萌子, 古村翔也, 清水健太郎, 井上喜博, 吉田健太郎
第17回ムギ類研究会 2022.12
Allopolyploid Evolution in Wheat and its Relatives Revealed by <i>De Novo</i> Genome Assemblies
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Kentaro K. Shimizu
The 10th Annual Retreat of URPP Evolution in Action 2022.9
コムギ近縁野生種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Zhuk.の系統地理学的研究
孫櫻, 笠澄望, 岡田萌子, 松岡由浩, 吉田健太郎
日本育種学会第141回講演会 2022.3
二粒系コムギと2倍体コムギ近縁野生種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Zhuk.の間の3倍体雑種に見られる異常分げつ矮性原因遺伝子同定に向けて.
岡田萌子, 孫櫻, 笠澄望, 佐藤和広, 清水健太郎, 吉田健太郎
第16回ムギ類研究会 2021.12
<i>Pairing homoeologous 2</i>欠失変異体を利用したパンコムギへの異種染色体断片導入
田渕雅啓, 岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎
第16回ムギ類研究会 2021.12
AABBA<sup>m</sup>A<sup>m</sup>合成 6 倍体で見られる雑種矮性原因遺伝子の探索
中野咲良, 道川麻美, 岡田萌子, 岡本昌憲, 吉田健太郎
第16回ムギ類研究会 2021.12
コムギ近縁野生種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Zhuk.の系統地理学的研究
孫櫻, 笠澄望, 岡田萌子, 松岡由浩, 吉田健太郎
第16回ムギ類研究会 2021.12
野口微風子, 岡田萌子, 松岡由浩, 吉田健太郎
第16回ムギ類研究会 2021.12
コムギ野生近縁種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> Zhuk.の組換え自殖系統群におけるGRAS-Di共顕性マーカーを用いたコムギうどんこ病抵抗性のQTL解析.
河村凌, 岡田萌子, 孫櫻, 清水健太郎, 松岡由浩, 吉田健太郎
第16回ムギ類研究会 2021.12
二粒系コムギと2倍体コムギ近縁野生種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>の間の3倍体雑種に見られる異常分げつ矮性
岡田萌子, 笠澄望, 佐藤和広, 清水健太郎, 吉田健太郎
日本遺伝学会第93回大会 2021.9
Homoeologous gene expression analysis of wheat cultivars and synthetic hexaploid wheats as an example of cold response International coauthorship
M. Okada, J. Sun, T. Tameshige, M. Hatakeyama, R. Shimizu-Inatsugi, S. Takumi, J. Sese, K.K. Shimizu
The 139th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Breeding 2021.3
野生コムギ近縁種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>の形質分化と遺伝的分化との関連.
孫櫻, 笠澄望, 岡田萌子, 宅見薫雄, 吉田健太郎
日本育種学会第139回講演会 2021.3
農林61号のゲノムから見えるもの Invited International coauthorship
岡田萌子, 清水健太, Dario Cope, Thomas Wicke, 爲重才, 畠山剛, 清水, Catharine Aquin, 西村和紗, 小林史典, 村田和樹, Tony Kuo, Emily Delore, Jesse Pola, Georg Habere, Manuel Spannag, Klaus F.X. May, Juan Gutierrez-Gonzalez, Gary J. Muehlbaue, Cecile Mona, Axel Himmelbach, Sudharsan Padmaras, Martin Masche, Sean Walkowi, 中崎鉄也, 川浦香奈, 辻寛之, Curtis Poznia, Nils Stei, 那須田周, 半田裕一
第15回ムギ類研究会 2020.12
コムギ10+ゲノムプロジェクトと農林61号ゲノム Invited International coauthorship
清水健太郎, 岡田萌子, D. Copetti, T. Wicker, 爲重才覚, 畠山剛臣, 清水(稲継)理恵, C. Aquino, 西村和紗, 小林史典, 村田和樹, Tony Kuo, E. Delorean, J. Poland, G. Haberer, M. Spannag, K.F.X. Mayer, J. Gutierrez-Gonzalez, G.J. Muehlbauer, C. Mona, A. Himmelbach, S. Padmarasu, M. Mascher, S. Walkowiak, 中崎, 板, 川浦香奈子, 辻寛之, C. Pozniak, N. Stein, 瀬々潤, 那須田周平, 半田裕和
第15回麦類研究会 2020.12
Hybrid incompatibility between tetraploid wheat and wild diploid wheat relative, <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>. International coauthorship International conference
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Kentaro K. Shimizu, Shigeo Takumi
PSC symposium 2019.12
岡田萌子, 松中仁, 小林史典, 吉田健太郎, 宅見薫雄
日本育種学会第136回講演会 2019.9
Genome-wide association study of wild diploid wheat <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> using RNA-seq-based genotyping data
Nozomi Kasazumi, Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Shigeo Takumi
The 136th Meeting of Japanese Society of Breeding 2019.9
研究者としての私の夢 Invited
日本育種学会第135回講演会 男女共同参画推進委員会 特別企画 ランチョンセミナー 2019.9
岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎, 佐藤和広, 宅見薫雄
第2回植物インフォマティクス研究会 2019.9
Genome-wide marker development based on RNA sequencing of leaf transcripts in wild einkorn wheat. International conference
Asami Michikawa, Kentaro Yoshida, Moeko Okada, Kazuhiro Sato, Shigeo Takumi
The 1st International Wheat Congress 2019.7
Phenotypic variation and RNA-seq-based genome-wide polymorphisms in wild diploid wheat relative <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>. International conference
Nozomi Kasazumi, Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Shigeo Takumi
The 1st International Wheat Congress 2019.7
Production and phenotypic analysis of synthetic allohexaploid lines having durum wheat and wild diploid relative genomes International conference
Shigeo Takumi, Asami Michikawa, Yuka Miki, Sayaka Tanaka, Moeko Okada, Kiyotaka Nagaki, Kazuhiro Sato, Tatsuya M. Ikeda, Kentaro Yoshida, Yoshihiro Matsuoka
The 1st International Wheat Congress 2019.7
RNA-seq-based bulked segregant analysis of the causal U-genome gene for grass-clump dwarfism in interspecific hybrids between tetraploid wheat and wild wheat relative <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> International conference
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Kazuhiro Sato, Shigeo Takumi
The 1st International Wheat Congress 2019.7
コムギ近縁種Aegilops umbellulataがもつ二粒系コムギとの間の雑種矮性原因遺伝子の遺伝解析
岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎, 佐藤和広, 宅見薫雄
日本育種学会第135回講演会 2019.3
Evaluation of natural variation in grain texture of <i>Aegilops tauschii</i> using synthetic hexaploid wheat
Yuka Miki, Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Tatsuya M. Ikeda, Shigeo Takumi
The 135th Meeting of Japanese Society of Breeding 2019.3
RNA-seq BSA reveals the target region of hybrid incompatibility between tetraploid wheat and wild diploid wheat relative <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>. International conference
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Kazuhiro Sato, Shigeo Takumi
Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII 2019.1
道川麻美, 吉田健太郎, 岡田萌子, 佐藤和広, 宅見薫雄
第13回ムギ類研究会 2018.12
三木祐香, 岡田萌子, 池田達哉, 吉田健太郎, 宅見薫雄
第13回ムギ類研究会 2018.12
二粒系コムギと<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>の雑種に由来する合成6倍体の表現型へのUゲノムの影響.
岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎, 宅見薫雄
第13回ムギ類研究会 2018.12
RNA-seq解析による2倍体コムギ近縁野生種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>のゲノムワイド多型検出と遺伝的多様性解析
岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎, 西嶋遼, 道川麻美, 佐藤和広, 宅見薫雄
第1回植物インフォマティクス研 2018.9
Transmission of phenotypic diversity in the wild diploid wheat relative <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> to synthetic allohexaploids
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Shigeo Takumi
二粒系コムギと<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>の雑種に由来する合成6倍体の表現型の多様性. Invited
岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎, 宅見薫雄
第12回ムギ類研究会 2017.12
RNA sequencing reveals genome-wide polymorphisms applicable to develop genetic markers in <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>. International conference
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Ryo Nishijima, Kazuhiro Sato, Shigeo Takumi
The 13th International Wheat Genetics Symposium 2017.4
Award for exellent presentation
2019.9 Japanese Society of Breeding Genetic analysis of the grass-clump dwarf-causal gene in wheat relative <i>Aegilops umbellulata</i> revealed in interspecific hybrids with tetraploid wheat
Moeko Okada, Kentaro Yoshida, Kazuhiro Sato, Shigeo Takumi
2019.9 第2回植物インフォマティクス研究会 コムギ近縁野生種のサブゲノムを区別した解析手法の確立に向けて
岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎, 佐藤和広, 宅見薫雄
The 14th L’Oréal-Unesco for women in Science Japan Encouragement Award in Life Science
2019.7 L'Oréal Fundation
Moeko Okada
2018.9 第1回植物インフォマティクス研究会 RNA-seq解析による2倍体コムギ近縁野生種<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>のゲノムワイド多型検出と遺伝的多様性解析
岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎、西嶋遼、道川麻美、佐藤和広、宅見薫雄
2017.12 第12回ムギ類研究会 二粒系コムギと<i>Aegilops umbellulata</i>の雑種に由来する合成6倍体の表現型の多様性.
岡田萌子, 吉田健太郎、宅見薫雄
2016.3 神戸大学農学部
Analyses of reproduction traits in wild wheat Aegilops tauschii
Grant number:JP22H02307
2022.4 - 2027.3
System name:KAKENHI
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Hiroyuki Kakui, Yoshihiro Matsuoka, Moeko Okada
Elucidation of genomic stability mechanism involved in the establishment of allopolyploid species.
Grant number:22K15161
2022.4 - 2025.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )
Generation of wheat acquires apomixis and clonal embryo formation and identification of related genes.
Grant number:19H02935
2022.4 - 2024.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\16770000 ( Direct Cost: \12900000 、 Indirect Cost:\3870000 )
Grant number:20J11239
2020.4 - 2022.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:特別研究員奨励費
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
岡田 萌子
Grant amount:\2300000 ( Direct Cost: \2300000 )
1.Aegilopsumbellulataゲノムの新規解読: まず、PacBioSequelIIシステムによるAe.umbellulataのリングリードシーケンスデータからHiFiリードを取得し、denovoアセンブリの結果、N50が7.2Mbp、総塩基数4.28Gbpのコンティグ配列を取得した。続いて、染色体スケールのゲノム配列取得に向けて、Hi-C解析を試みた。ドイツIPKが公開しているプロトコルを参考に、日本から購入可能な試薬を用いたライブラリ調整のための条件検討を行った。さらに、「先進ゲノム支援」からの支援を受けて、Ae.umbellulataのさまざまな組織から取得したRNAを、PacBioSequelIIシステムによるロングリードシーケンシングに供試した。得られたデータから遺伝子アノテーションファイルを取得できた。アノテーション情報つきのAe.umbellulataコンティグ配列の取得は世界初の成果である。
Plant Genetics
"RNA-seq analysis using subgenome classification methods" in Polyploid summer school
Institution name:University of Fribourg
学問の扉 知と方法の最前線