Graduate School of Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology Assistant Professor
Faculty of Science Department of Science Assistant Professor
Updated on 2025/03/11
Doctor of Science ( 2020.3 Tohoku University )
Extreme events
Ocean Mixed Layer
Air-Sea Interactions
Marine Heat Waves
Natural Science / Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences
Niigata University Faculty of Science Assistant Professor
University of Hawaii at Manoa International Pacific Research Center Postdoctoral Researcher
2020.10 - 2024.3
Country:United States
Tohoku University Graduate School of Science Researcher
2020.4 - 2020.9
Niigata University Department of Science, Faculty of Science Assistant Professor
Niigata University Environmental Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science and Technology Assistant Professor
Niigata University Institute of Science and Technology, Academic Assembly Assistant Professor
Tohoku University Graduate School of Science Department of Geophysics
2015.4 - 2020.3
Country: Japan
Tohoku University Faculty of Science Department of Astronomy and Geophysics
2011.4 - 2015.3
American Geophysical Union
Observed Relative Contributions of Anomalous Heat Fluxes and Effective Heat Capacity to Sea Surface Temperature Variability Reviewed
Naoya Takahashi, Kelvin J. Richards, Niklas Schneider, Malte F. Stuecker, Hariharasubramanian Annamalai, Masami Nonaka
Geophysical Research Letters 2023.9
Disentangling the North Pacific Meridional Mode from tropical Pacific variability Reviewed
Ingo Richter, Malte F. Stuecker, Naoya Takahashi, Niklas Schneider
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2022.11
Formation Mechanism of Warm SST Anomalies in 2010s Around Hawaii Reviewed
Naoya Takahashi, Kelvin J. Richards, Niklas Schneider, H. Annamalai, Wei‐Ching Hsu, Masami Nonaka
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 126 ( 11 ) 2021.11
Observed response of marine boundary layer cloud to the interannual variations of summertime Oyashio extension SST front Reviewed
Naoya Takahashi, Tadahiro Hayasaka, Bo Qiu, Ryohei Yamaguchi
Climate Dynamics 56 ( 11-12 ) 3511 - 3526 2021.6
Takahashi, Naoya, Hayasaka, Tadahiro
Journal of Climate 33 ( 21 ) 9195 - 9212 2020.11
Takahashi, Naoya, Hayasaka, Tadahiro, M, a, Atsuyoshi, Schneider, Niklas
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125 ( 17 ) 2020.9
Characteristics of Diurnal Pulses Observed in Typhoon Atsani Using Retrieved Cloud Property Data Reviewed
Xinyue Wang, Hironobu Iwabuchi, Naoya Takahashi
SOLA 15 137 - 142 2019
Ice cloud microphysical properties in tropical Pacific regions derived from CloudSat and CALIPSO measurements Reviewed
Naoya Takahashi, Tadahiro Hayasaka, Hajime Okamoto
AIP Conference Proceedings 1810 2017.2
Takahashi, Naoya, Hayasaka, Tadahiro, Okamoto, Hajime
SOLA 12 91 - 95 2016
Relative Contributions Of Anomalous Heat Fluxes And Effective Heat Capacity To Sea Surface Temperature Variability In The Extra-tropics
Naoya Takahashi, Kelvin Richards, Niklas Schneider, H. Annamalai, Malte Stuecker, Masami Nonaka
Ocean Science Meeting 2024 2024.2
Role of Ocean Mixed Layer Processes in the SST Anomalies Around Hawaii
Naoya Takahashi, Kelvin Richards, Niklas Schneider, Malte Stuecker, H. Annamalai, Masami Nonaka
The 2nd international workshop of Hotspot2 2023.6
Role of Mixed Layer Processes in the Formation of Recent SST Anomalies Around Hawaii
Naoya Takahashi, Kelvin Richards, Niklas Schneider, Malte Stuecker, H. Annamalai, Masami Nonaka
IRRC-KIST-IPRC Workshop 2023.1
Role of Oceanic Processes in the Formation Mechanism of Warm SST Anomalies in 2010s Around Hawaii Invited
Naoya Takahashi, Kelvin Richards, Niklas Schneider, H. Annamalai, Wei-Ching Hsu, Masami Nonaka
JpGU meeting 2022 2022.5
Formation Mechanism of Warm SST Anomalies in 2010s Around Hawaii
Naoya Takahashi, Kelvin Richards, Niklas Schneider, H. Annamalai, Wei-Ching Hsu, Masami Nonaka
Ocean Science Meeting 2022 2022.2
夏季北太平洋における下層雲と海面水温の相互作用に関する研究 Invited
日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会 2021.12
Intra-Seasonal Variability of Oceanic Low-level Cloud Cover in Summertime North Pacific and its Interaction with Sea Surface Temperature
Naoya Takahashi, Tadahiro Hayasaka
AGU Fall Meeting 2019 2019.12
高橋直也, 早坂忠裕, 万田敦昌, Niklas Schneider
日本気象学会2019年度秋季大会 2019.10
Intra-Seasonal Variability of Oceanic Low-level Cloud Cover in Summertime North Pacific and its Interaction with Sea Surface Temperature Invited
Naoya Takahashi, Tadahiro Hayasaka
JpGU Meeting 2019 2019.5
Seasonality and Co-variability of Sea Surface Temperature Front and South Boundary of Low-Cloud Cover in the Mid-latitude North Pacific
Naoya Takahashi, Tadahiro Hayasaka, Bo Qiu, Toshio Suga, Ryohei Yamaguchi
AGU Fall meeting 2018 2018.12
高橋直也, 早坂忠裕
日本気象学会2018年度秋季大会 2018.10
高橋直也, 早坂忠裕
日本海洋学会2018年度秋季大会 2018.9
高橋直也, 早坂忠裕
日本気象学会2018年度春季大会 2018.5
高橋直也, 早坂忠裕
日本気象学会2017年度秋季大会 2017.10
Studies on horizontal scale, vertical scale, and microphysical properties of convective cloud in tropical Pacific by using Cloud Object analysis method
Naoya Takahashi, Tadahiro Hayasaka
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017.5
Cloud Object解析手法を用いた熱帯域の雲特性と環境場の関係の解明
高橋直也, 早坂忠裕
日本気象学会2016年度秋季大会 2016.10
高橋直也, 早坂忠裕
日本気象学会2016年度春季大会 2016.5
Cloud microphysical properties in tropical Pacific regions derived from CloudSat and CALIPSO
Naoya Takahashi, Tadahiro Hayasaka, Hajime Okamoto
International Radiation Symposium 2016.4
高橋直也, 早坂忠裕, 岡本創
日本気象学会2015年度秋季大会 2015.10
The Difference of Cloud Microphysics in the West-East Tropical Pacific
Naoya Takahashi, Tadahiro Hayasaka, Hajime Okamoto
Tropical Meteorology Workshop 2015.9
Yamamoto Award
2021.12 The Meteorological Society of Japan Interaction between low-level cloud and sea surface temperature in the North Pacific during summertime
Naoya Takahashi
Grant number:24K22899
2024.7 - 2026.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:研究活動スタート支援
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
高橋 直也
Grant amount:\2730000 ( Direct Cost: \2100000 、 Indirect Cost:\630000 )
Heavy rainfall and heavy snowfall associated with rapid warming of the ocean front around Japan
Grant number:24H02222
2024.4 - 2029.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\164970000 ( Direct Cost: \126900000 、 Indirect Cost:\38070000 )
Study on three dimensional cloud structure and cloud microphysical process using satellite-based passive and active sensors
Grant number:18J10606
2018.4 - 2020.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\1500000 ( Direct Cost: \1500000 )