Updated on 2024/10/27


GONDA Yutaka
Academic Assembly Institute of Science and Technology NOUGAKU KEIRETSU Professor
Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Professor
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The Best Research Achievement in Research Career


  • 博士(農学) ( 1998.4   東京大学 )

Research Interests

  • 砂防工学

  • 林学

  • Erosion Control Engineering


Research Areas

  • Life Science / Forest science

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Disaster prevention engineering  / 自然災害

Research History (researchmap)

  • Niigata University   Faculty of Agriculture   Professor


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  • Niigata University   Faculty of Agriculture   Associate Professor

    2004.9 - 2018.12

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  • Niigata University   Faculty of Agriculture

    2004.9 - 2007.3

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  • Niigata University   Faculty of Agriculture

    1998.6 - 2004.8

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  • 東京大学大学院   農学(特定)研究員

    1998.4 - 1998.5

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  • Research Fellow of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science

    1995.4 - 1998.3

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  • 日本学術振興会 特別奨励研究員

    1995.4 - 1998.3

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Research History

  • Niigata University   Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture   Professor


  • Niigata University   Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture   Associate Professor

    2017.4 - 2018.12

  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology   Associate Professor

    2010.4 - 2018.12

  • Niigata University   Faculty of Agriculture Department of Production and Environment Science   Associate Professor

    2004.9 - 2017.3

  • Niigata University   Research Assistant

    1998.6 - 2004.8


  • 東京大学大学院   農学・生命科学研究科   森林科学専攻

    1992.4 - 1998.4

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    Country: Japan


  • The University of Tokyo   農学部   林学科

    1990.4 - 1992.3

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    Country: Japan


Professional Memberships



  • The role of volcanic ash thickness on the hydraulic conductivity of the ground and the initiation of debris flows Reviewed

    Timur Ersöz, Kyoka Haneda, Yutaka Gonda

    Natural Hazards   2024.5

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-024-06654-6


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11069-024-06654-6/fulltext.html

  • 2022年と1967年に新潟県村上市で発生した豪雨による表層崩壊の比較 -山地崩壊に免疫性はあるのか- Reviewed

    笠原菜月, 権田 豊

    砂防学会誌   76 ( 6 )   42 - 48   2024.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Investigation of different lahar types with rainfall intensity duration curves in Arimura river basin of Sakurajima volcano

    ERSÖZ Timur, GONDA Yutaka

    International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering   17 ( 1 )   1 - 14   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  

    Abstract The topographical conditions of Sakurajima active volcano change due to accumulation of volcanic ash and erosion due to surficial flows. The accumulated water coming through precipitation and steep slopes of gullies initiates lahar carrying volcanic material which potentially causes serious problems in the near vicinity. The permeability of the ground surface changes within time due to accumulation and erosion of volcanic ash. In this study, rainfall intensity-duration (ID) curves which can be used as an early warning system were produced by considering the monthly ash fall thicknesses, lahar type, minimum inter-event time (MIT) and in terms of active crater years. In this regard, 62 lahars were investigated in the Arimura river basin of Sakurajima volcano in between 2015 and 2020. The rainfall data is gathered by X Band Multi-Parameter (XMP) radars to assess the precipitation in the catchment basin. Lahars are investigated by adopting kinematic wave method and categorized based on their waveforms. According to performance statistics by considering confusion matrices, the best possible ID thresholds are determined for different conditions. It is found that higher performance metrics are obtained when lahars are categorized by kinematic wave model. It is revealed that monthly ash fall thickness of 0.1 cm and above is the critical value when the ID thresholds dramatically decrease above this thickness. The best ID models result that the missed lahars are 9% and false alarms are 26%. Majority of the false alarms are observed only below 0.1 cm of monthly ash fall thickness indicating that the lahars occurred above this level can be estimated successfully by ID curves.

    DOI: 10.13101/ijece.17.1


  • 2022(令和4)年8月の大雨により新潟県村上市・関川村で発生した土砂災害—Sediment-related disaster occurred in Murakami and Sekikawa, Niigata Prefecture due to heavy rain in August 2022 Reviewed

    権田 豊, 宮田 秀介, 澤 陽之, 福山 泰治郎, 千葉 幹, 山田 拓, 佐野 泰志, 高橋 裕史, 上原 信司, 鈴木 和弘, 小野 和行, 北原 哲郎, 吉柳 岳志, 平松 晋也

    新砂防 = Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering : 砂防学会誌   76 ( 2 )   37 - 48   2023.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:砂防学会  

    CiNii Books


  • Temporal changes in lahar sediment run-off characteristics and run-off coefficients in the Arimura River basin of Sakurajima volcano, Japan Reviewed

    Timur Ersoz, Kyoka Haneda, Anna Kuribayashi, Yutaka Gonda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    The rapid flowing nature of lahars can cause serious hazards in the proximal to distal areas of volcanoes. The accumulation of ash can form an impermeable layer on the ground and prevent the infiltration of precipitation. The surface water thus formed erodes the ash layer and causes the surface permeability to rise again. Over time, this accumulation and erosion sequence changes the lahar risk. Large numbers of lahars are observed each year around Sakurajima, which is known as one of the most active volcanoes in Japan. In this study, the temporal change of lahar sediment run-off properties and run-off coefficients have been investigated between 2015 and 2020 in the Arimura River basin of Sakurajima volcano, Japan. X Band Multi-Parameter (XMP) radars are used to gather precipitation data in the basin. The sediment data have been obtained by Load, Vibration, Pressure (LVP) sensors, and a kinematic wave model is adopted to calculate surface run-off. Lahars are categorized as regular and irregular considering the correspondence of measured and calculated waveforms of the hydrographs based on the kinematic wave model. Analyses reveal that run-off coefficient changes depend on the volcanic activity and decreases after an irregular lahar compared with a previous regular lahar. LVP sensor analysis results show that sediment concentrations of the lahars change in time. It is found that irregular and regular lahars are distinct in terms of velocity and sediment concentrations. It is estimated that irregular lahars carry larger material than regular lahars based on the vibration data. This study underlines that the properties of lahars change over time under the influence of ash fall thickness, and these changes can be detected in detail with our kinematic wave model and LVP sensors.

    DOI: 10.1002/esp.5654

    Web of Science


  • 画像解析を用いた土砂濃度測定手法の基礎的検討—Basic study of a method for measuring sediment concentration by image analysis Reviewed

    佐藤 光平, 内田 太郎, 権田 豊, 里深 好文

    新砂防 = Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering : 砂防学会誌   75 ( 4 )   3 - 13   2022.11

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    CiNii Books


  • Quantitative Land-Use and Landslide Assessment: A Case Study in Rize, Turkey Reviewed

    Natsuki Kasahara, Yutaka Gonda, Nejan Huvaj

    Water (Switzerland)   14 ( 11 )   2022.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Currently, many studies have reported that many landslides occur in tea or rubber plantation areas. In these areas, it is important to make a landslide susceptibility map and to take necessary measures to mitigate landslide damage. However, since historical landslide distribution data and land use data are not available, quantitative landslide assessment measurements have not been made in many countries. Therefore, in this study, landslide distribution maps and land use maps are created with worldwide available satellite imagery and Google Earth imagery, and the relationship between landslides and land use is analyzed in Rize, Turkey. The results show that landslides are 1.75 to 5 times more likely to occur in tea gardens than in forests. It was also found that land use has the highest contribution to landslides among the landslide conditioning factors. The landslide assessment, using a simple landslide detection method and land use classification method with worldwide available data, enabled us to quantitatively reveal the characteristics of landslides. The results of this study reveal that quantitative landslide assessments can be applied in any location, where relatively high resolution satellite imagery and Google Earth imagery, or its alternatives, are available.

    DOI: 10.3390/w14111811



  • 2021(令和3)年8月の大雨により長野県岡谷市で発生した土砂災害—Sediment-related disaster occurred in Okaya, Nagano Prefecture due to heavy rain in August 2021 Reviewed

    平松 晋也, 権田 豊, 宮田 秀介, 古谷 元, 福山 泰治郎, 澤 陽之, 小野 和行, 山田 泰弘, 林 孝標, 林 利行, 高橋 裕史

    新砂防 = Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering : 砂防学会誌   74 ( 6 )   巻頭1p,64 - 69   2022.3

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    CiNii Books


  • Volcanic disasters due to lava flow and the direction of countermeasures : based on risk management of lava flow during the 2018 Kilauea Volcano eruption Reviewed

    KOI Takashi, GONDA Yutaka

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   73 ( 6 )   27 - 38   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  

    Lava flows from the 2018 Kı¯lauea eruption caused a volcanic disaster on the island of Hawaii. This study summarizes lava flow characteristics, and reviews past volcanic disasters and countermeasures. Based on an interview survey on the 2018 Kı¯lauea Volcano eruption, we discuss the direction of future countermeasures to be used against possible similar lava flows in Japan. Considering the high viscosity and low flow velocity, no significant damage to humans occurred or is expected, except for special cases. However, economic damage to buildings and other structures was significant. A large amount of basaltic lava erupted during the 2018 Kı¯lauea event, causing damage to homes, infrastructure, and farmland. The main eruptive activity began with the fissure eruption on the Lower East Rift Zone, followed by the summit explosion and collapse of the Halema‘uma‘u crater in the K¯ılauea Caldera. Although no structural measures against lava flows such as flow direction control or cooling to reduce the flow velocity were taken, warning information was issued two days before the eruption and a lava-flow hazard map was updated almost every day. To provide effective lava-flow hazard maps, it is important to obtain updated data continuously, including the information on the volcano effusion rate and the latest topographical data during the eruption. These can be utilized in developing and maintaining a lava flow simulation model. The 2018 Kı¯lauea eruption was the largest in the Hawaiian Islands in the last 200 years. Similarly, in Japan the possibility for volcanic eruptions with lava flow exists, even though no event has occurred in hundreds of years. Due to the steep and narrow topography in Japan, it would be difficult to implement structural measures effectively. Furthermore, an eruption involving a large amount of lava may isolate areas, cutting them off by slope failure associated with strong volcanic earthquakes. Therefore, risk management for volcanic lava flow events also necessitates formulating an evacuation plan that considers the occurrence of multiple hazard chains.

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo.73.6_27

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • サケの遡上数を自動計測するサケカウンター Reviewed

    布川 雅典, 権田 豊, 中村 繁人

    第64回(2020年度) 北海道開発技術研究発表会論文   205 - 208   2021.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • Sediment disasters caused by Typhoon Hagibis in Minami-Saku District, Nagano Prefecture Reviewed

    73 ( 1 )   50 - 57   2020.5

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  • Temporal changes in runoff characteristics of lahars after the 1984 eruption of Mt. Merapi, Indonesia Reviewed

    Yutaka Gonda, Shusuke Miyata, Masaharu Fujita, Djoko Legono, Daizo Tsutsumi

    Journal of Disaster Research   14 ( 1 )   61 - 68   2019.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    © 2019, Fuji Technology Press. All rights reserved. After a volcanic eruption, in situations where pyroclastic material generates thick ground cover, even small amounts of rainfall can trigger lahars; this effect sometimes continues for many years. For hazard mitigation against lahar disasters after an eruption, it is essential to evaluate the current risk of occurrence and estimate any possible temporal changes for the future. Putih River is one of the rivers where lahars occurred frequently after the 1984 eruption of Mt. Merapi. In this study, the characteristics of lahars and floods in the Putih River after the 1984 eruption and their change over the years were analyzed, focusing on the runoff characteristics of lahars. Irrelevant rainfall and discharge data for analyzing runoff characteristics of lahars were excluded in preprocessing. The magnitude and occurrences of lahars decreased annually during the four years following the eruption. The maximum runoff rate of lahars was approximately 12 during the 1984-1985 rainy season and decreased yearly after this. A judgement graph was employed to track the temporal changes of lahartriggering rainfall characteristics. For the 1984-1985 and 1985-1986 rainy seasons discriminant lines, which discriminate between rainfall events triggering lahar flow with peak discharge > 900 m3/s and other rainfall events, were drawn on the judgement graph.

    DOI: 10.20965/JDR.2019.P0061



  • Sediment disasters in Shikoku region in July, 2018 Reviewed

    SASAHARA Katsuo, FUJITA Masaharu, MIYATA Shusuke, MIWA Hiroshi, MURATA Ikuo, YAMANOI Kazuki, WADA Takashi, IKEDA Takahiro, IWAI Yuya, KAKUTA Koshi, KANAZAWA Akito, GONDA Yutaka, SAITOU Yuki, SHUIN Yasuhiro, TAGATA Satoshi

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   71 ( 5 )   図巻頭2p,43 - 53   2019.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  

    <p>A heavy rainfall event in July 2018, attributable to the influence of the baiu front activated by Typhoon Prapiroon, which was named the "Heavy Rain Event of July 2018" by the Japan Meteorological Agency, caused numerous disasters. Therefore, we conducted a field survey of sediment-related disasters around Uwajima City and Seiyo City in Ehime Prefecture and Otoyo-cho in Kochi Prefecture. The total rainfall amounts from July 5-9 observed at the Uwa AMeDAS (Seiyo City) and Uwajima AMeDAS stations were 539.5 mm and 381.5 mm, respectively. In the vicinity of Uwajima City and Seiyo City, many slope failures and debris flows occurred at dawn on July 7, 2018. Many of these slope failures/debris flows occurred on the south side of the mountain range forming the boundary area between Uwajima City and Seiyo City. This boundary area roughly overlaps the Butsuzo tectonic line, which geologically separates the Chichibu zone and Shimanto zone. Although many of the slope failures were shallow landslides with failure depths of about 1-5 m, relatively large slope failures also occurred in the area where the record for cumulative rainfall was updated by a large amount. In Otoyo-cho in Kochi Prefecture, a deep-seated landslide occurred at dawn on July 7, 2018. The total rainfall from July 5-8 observed in the proximity of the Tachikawa rain gauge station was about 1200 mm, and the maximum hourly rainfall, which occurred at 19 : 00 on July 6, was 111 mm/h. This deep-seated landslide in Otoyo-cho was topographically located in a landslide area, and scars of previous landslide movements were confirmed from a topographical survey performed using airborne LiDAR.</p>

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo.71.5_43

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Temporal changes of rainfall-runoff relationship after the 1984 eruption of Mt. Merapi, Indonesia Reviewed

    Yutaka Gonda, Shusuke Miyata, Masaharu Fujita, Djoko Legono, Daizo Tsutsumi

    Proceedings - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)-Asia Pacific Division (APD) Congress: Multi-Perspective Water for Sustainable Development, IAHR-APD 2018   2   1277 - 1283   2018.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    © Proceeding of the 21st LAHR-APD Congress 2018. All rights reserved. After an eruption of the volcanic mountain, in case the pyroclastic material covers the ground thickly, the situation that even small amount of rainfalls trigger lahars, continues for the long period. For the hazard mitigation against lahar disasters after the eruption, it is essential to determine the danger of occurrence of them and estimate its temporal change. Putih River is one of the rivers where lahars occurred frequently after the 1984 eruption of Mt. Merapi. In this study, the characteristics of lahar in the Putih River after the 1984 eruption and their change over the years were analyzed, focusing on runoff characteristics of lahar. Exclusion of inappropriate rainfall data and discharge data for runoff characteristics analysis was conducted as preprocessing. Magnitude and occurrence number of lahar decrease with years during four years after the eruption. Maximum runoff rate was approximately 12 during 1984-1985 rainy season and decreased with years. A few hypotheses that describe the mechanism that runoff rate became much greater than 1 were introduced. However, high spatial resolution and high accuracy rainfall data are necessary in order to Figure out its mechanism. In case of 1984-1985 and 1985-1986 rainy season, rainfall, which triggered lahar flow with peak discharge &gt; 900m3/s were discriminated on the judgement graph wherein maximum 10 minutes&#039; rainfall within a rainfall event is an abscissa axis and antecedent rainfall with half-life 24 hour at maximum 10 minutes&#039; rainfall is an ordinate axis.



  • Debris flow simulations occurring from landslide dam outburst at Mt.Sinabung Reviewed

    Kana Nakatani, Yoshifumi Satofuka, Yutaka Gonda, Kuniaki Miyamoto

    Proceedings - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)-Asia Pacific Division (APD) Congress: Multi-Perspective Water for Sustainable Development, IAHR-APD 2018   2   1325 - 1331   2018.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    © Proceeding of the 21st LAHR-APD Congress 2018. All rights reserved. Debris flow simulation is an effective method for understanding the behavior and influence of debris flows. This simulation allows for effective countermeasures such as sabo facilities and evacuation planning. This study focuses on the Mt. Sinabung volcanic region of North Sumatra, which has recently experienced increased eruptive activity. Given that a landslide dam was formed upstream of the main torrent at Mt. Sinabung, debris flow scenarios arising from the outburst need to be considered to predict and prevent damage in downstream regions. For the simulation, we applied KANAKO system with a 2 m resolution DEM for landform setting. To set the supplied discharge, we applied a rational formula using recorded rainfall data. We observed that the constituent material of the riverbed was relatively small-sized with regard to the field surveys. The larger portion of the sediment constituting approximately 35% of the riverbed ranged in particles sized from 0.05 to 0.3 m. The other 65% of the sediment was fine-grained smaller than 0.1 mm. Recent studies have indicated that the debris flows that contained a high concentration of fine particles had a higher flow-ability and larger fluid phase density than stony debris flows. Therefore, we considered scenarios involving fine materials that contributed toward a larger fluid phase density. We also considered scenarios without considering the effect of fine materials. Based on the results, the debris flow scenario considering the fine material effect appeared to flow down for a long distance and exhibited a higher risk at the downstream side.



  • The necessity of integrated monitoring and simulation in the water and sediment related disaster risk mitigation

    Djoko Legono, Rachmad Jayadi, Adam Pamudji Rahardjo, Roby Hambali, Ani Hairani, Yutaka Gonda, Radianta Triatmadja, Akhyar Musthofa

    Proceedings - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)-Asia Pacific Division (APD) Congress: Multi-Perspective Water for Sustainable Development, IAHR-APD 2018   1   35 - 41   2018.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In many cases of disaster risk mitigation program, the community preparedness often becomes the important aspect to support the success of the program. There are two modalities where the community is considered having sufficient preparedness, namely the availability of reliable prediction of the disaster characteristics and the familiarization of the real time process of the related trigger. The reliable prediction of disaster characteristics may be obtained through study on the previous disaster records or occurrences. One way to predict the disaster characteristics is carried out through hydraulics-related simulation or modeling. For cases where disaster characteristics are uncertain, the presentation of such predictions in the form of alternative scenarios is advisable. Less number of alternatives would be better, however, it may not accommodate full possibilities in mitigating the risk. In line with the rapid progress on the information and communication technology, real time monitoring of factors triggering the hazards occurrences has become valuable supports in mitigating the disaster risk. Such real time monitoring results may be easily and accurately identified by community with relatively affordable cost. This paper illustrates how the integration of the real time monitoring system with the disaster warning criteria may play an important role in the disaster risk mitigation. The snake line behavior obtained from the real time monitoring system of rainfall and its integration with the warning criteria at a certain scheme of debris flow disaster has shown a promising contribution to the community to make self-rescue. Advantages and disadvantages regarding such integration program are discussed and recommendation for further application is presented.



  • Study on the sensor unit for resistivity fish counter for small fish Reviewed

    KONDO Yasuyuki, GONDA Yutaka

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   70 ( 5 )   34 - 38   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo.70.5_34

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Estimation of potential areas affected by large-scale sediment movements and disaster mitigations for the large-scale sediment movements Reviewed

    今泉 文寿, 堤 大三, 中谷 加奈, 権田 豊, 逢坂 興宏, 福山 泰治郎, 宮田 秀介, 篠原 慶規, 水野 秀明, 原田 紹臣, 水野 正樹

    新砂防 = Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering : 砂防学会誌   70 ( 1 )   20 - 30   2017.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:砂防学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Slope failure and subsequent debris flow occurrence on May 2017 at Iiyama, Nagano, Japan Reviewed

    HIRAMATSU Shinya, MIIKE Tsutomu, MORISHITA Atsushi, YAJIMA Koichi, YAMADA Yasuhiro, ISHIDA Koji, KANAZAWA Akito, GONDA Yutaka, SAWA Yoji, TSUTSUMI Daizo, NAGAYAMA Takahiko, FUKUYAMA Taijiro, MANTOKU Masaaki

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   70 ( 3 )   41 - 50   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  

    <p>On 19 May 2017, slope failure occurred and a landslide dam formed at Idegawa watershed, Iiyama city, Nagano prefecture. After three days interval, debris flow occurred several times at Degawa River then partially reached Chikumagawa River. Although there were no loss of lives or property damage, an evacuation advisory has been issued on 20 May, then changed evacuation order on 22 May. After 23 June, this area is under evacuation advisory again. After the disaster, research team was immediately organized by The Shin-etsu Branch of Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering. In this report, we described the magnitude and the generation processes of landslide and subsequent debris flow occurrence based on a field survey, weather observation data and the airborne laser scanning and videos. Furthermore, we evaluated the effect of the sabo-related facilities and overviewed the monitoring system and emergency measures.</p>

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo.70.3_41

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Secondary sediment movements and secondary sediment disasters caused by rainfalls after the Kumamoto Earthquake in April 2016 Reviewed

    石川 芳治, 赤澤 史顕, 植 弘隆, 大野 宏之, 小山内 信智, 海堀 正博, 久保田 哲也, 古賀 省三, 権田 豊, 坂島 俊彦, 地頭薗 隆, 清水 収, 武士 俊也, 樽角 晃, 鳥田 英司, 中濃 耕司, 西 真佐人, 野呂 智之, 平川 泰之, 平松 晋也, 藤田 正治, 松尾 新二朗, 山田 孝

    新砂防 = Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering : 砂防学会誌   69 ( 4 )   25 - 36,図巻頭2p   2016.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:砂防学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Study on the date processing method algorithm for small fish with the resistivity fish counter Reviewed

    GONDA Yutaka, KONDO Yasuyuki, NAKAMURA Kaho

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   68 ( 4 )   37 - 42   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo.68.4_37

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books


  • Heavy-rainfall induced sediment disasters in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, from August 15-17, 2014 Reviewed

    GONDA Yutaka, MIZUNO Masaki, OOBA Shoichiro, FUJIWARA Kazuhiro

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   67 ( 5 )   55 - 62   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo.67.5_55

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  • The effect of calculation conditions on the results of the two-dimensional lahar simulation Reviewed

    権田 豊

    Journal of the Taiwan Disaster Prevention Society   7(1)   43 - 50   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Trials of resistivity fish counters for automatic counting of chum Oncorhynchus keta and masu O. masou salmon migrating in small rivers Reviewed

    7 ( 1 )   1 - 16   2014.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

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    Other Link: https://agriknowledge.affrc.go.jp/RN/2010873427

  • Heavy-rainfall induced sediment disasters in Nagaoka City and Izumozaki Town, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, from July 29-August 1, 2013 Reviewed

    Gonda, Y, Akiyama, K, Katsura, S, Hatada, K, Hata, M, Takahashi, Y, Kiryu, O, Sawa, Y, Ozone, K, Koizumi, Y, Kawabe, H

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   66 ( 6 )   60 - 67   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo.66.6_60


  • Debris flows and flash floods in the Putih River after the 2010 eruption of Mt. Merapi, Indonesia Reviewed

    GONDA Yutaka, LEGONO Djoko, SUKATJA Bambang, SANTOSA Untung Budi

    International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering   7 ( 2 )   63 - 68   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  

    After the 2010 eruption of Mt. Merapi in Indonesia, many instances of debris flows and flash floods occurred in the Putih River basin. The characteristics of debris flows and flash floods were analyzed using images of these events captured by an internet protocol (IP) camera installed near the PU-C11 sabo dam and rainfall records collected at the Gunung Maron observation station. The magnitude of debris flows and flash floods during the 2011–2012 rainy season was smaller than during the 2010–2011 rainy season. Additionally, the rainfall intensity that caused no debris flows or flash floods during the 2011–2012 rainy season was smaller than that observed during the early 1990s, when few debris flows and flash floods occurred. These results suggest that the hydrological regime of the catchment area was radically altered after the eruption.

    DOI: 10.13101/ijece.7.63

    CiNii Article


  • A Study of Automatic Counting of the Small Fish at a Fish Way Using a Resistivity Fish Counter with an Electrode Unit : Automatic counting small fish Reviewed

    KONDO Yasuyuki, GONDA Yutaka, NOMURA Ai

    Transactions of The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering   81 ( 4 )   301 - 308   2013.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering  

    We developed resistivity fish counter unit, which is a resistivity fish counter with rectangle frame type electrodes installed inside a polyvinyl chloride tube. In this study four resistivity fish counter units were assembled in the fish way at the Tone-ozeki weir at upstream period for small fish. We counted the number of small fish passing through each fish counter units. The each fish counter units was captured by a video camera from directly above, for 100 minutes. The number of fish was counted from the video analysis. The accuracy of the number of fish counted by using the fish counter was evaluated by comparing the result obtained from the fish counter with that obtained from the video analysis. The accuracy of the number of passing fish counted by using the fish counter was about 90% when number of fish, which pass through a fish counter unit, was less than 50/min. However the accuracy of the number of fish was about 60% when number of fish was more than 50/min because a number of fish pass through a fish counter unit together. The correction method using a correction formula was proposed to improve the counting accuracy by the resistivity fish counter in case number of fish is more than 50/min. It was shown that number of fish per 10 minutes can be counted with an accuracy of nearly 100% using the correction method.

    DOI: 10.11408/jsidre.81.301

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  • Visualization of Learning Outcomes using Curriculum Mapping(2) Reviewed

    Arita Hiroyuki, Aota Tadao, Ohashi Shintaro, Gonda Yutaka, Miguchi Hideo, Murakami Takuhito, Yamashita Saori, Ikuta Takashi, Gotoh Yasushi, Sato Yoshikazu

    新潟大学高等教育研究   1 ( 1 )   9 - 16   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学教育・学生支援機構  

    本研究では, カリキュラムマップを用いた成績評価に基づく学習成果の可視化において, 既に整備されている人材育成の枠組みを活用する力法と, その課題を明らかにするととを目的とする.既存のJABEE学習教育目標と主専攻プログラムの到達目標を整理する手法を用いた可視化を提案すると共に, 到達目標毎の配点のばらつきによる可視化された学習成果の見え方について議論した.

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    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10191/24045

  • Regeneration of a Coastal Pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) Forest 11 Years after Thinning, Niigata, Japan Reviewed

    Jiaojun Zhu, Yutaka Gonda, Lizhong Yu, Fengqin Li, Qiaoling Yan, Yirong Sun

    PLOS ONE   7 ( 10 )   2012.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    To examine the effects of thinning intensity on wind vulnerability and regeneration in a coastal pine (Pinus thunbergii) forest, thinning with intensities of 20%, 30% and 50% was conducted in December 1997; there was an unthinned treatment as the control (total 8 stands). We re-measured the permanent sites to assess the regeneration characteristics 11 years after thinning. In the 50% thinned stand, seedlings aged from 2 to 10 years exhibited the highest pine seedling density and growth. The age composition ranged from 1-3 years with densities of 9.9 and 5.1 seedlings m(-2) in 30% and 20% thinned stands; only 1-year-old seedlings with a density of 6.1 seedlings m(-2) in the unthinned stand. Similar trends were found for the regeneration of broadleaved species such as Robinia pseudoacacia and Prunus serrulata. We speculate that the canopy openness and moss coverage contributed to the regeneration success in the 50% thinned stand, while the higher litter depth and lack of soil moisture induced the regeneration failure in the unthinned stand. The stands thinned at 20% or 30% were less favourable for pine regeneration than the stands thinned at 50%. Therefore, thinning with less than 30% canopy openness (20% and 30% thinned stands) should be avoided, and thinning at higher than 30% canopy openness (50% thinned stand, approximately 1500 stems ha(-1) at ages 40-50 years) is suggested for increasing regeneration in the coastal pine forest. The implications of thinning-based silviculture in the coastal pine forest management are also discussed. The ongoing development of the broadleaved seedlings calls for further observations.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0047593

    Web of Science


  • Development of Automatic Counting System for Loaches Using Paddy Field Fishways Reviewed

    SAITO Keigo, MISAWA Shinichi, YOSHIKAWA Natsuki, SATO Takenobu, GONDA Yutaka, MIYAZU Susumu

    Transactions of The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering   80 ( 3 )   277 - 282   2012.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering  

    The objective of this study is to develop a system that can automatically count the number of loaches ascending corrugated-pipe paddy field fishways by adopting the counting principle of resistivity fish counter originally designed for salmon. As the results of laboratory and in situ experiments, the counting mechanism of the resistivity fish counter could be applied to counting loaches by modifying the sensor allocation and adjusting voltage level. Counting precision was evaluated to be 86% with video monitoring analyses. In addition, long-term automatic operation in situ without permanent power sources was successful using rechargeable batteries (capacity 115Ah) and high-resolution and large-capacity data logger (memory capacity 2GB). The system could operate as long as 79 hours with two batteries connected in parallel.

    DOI: 10.11408/jsidre.80.277

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  • Sediment disasters due to typhoon No. 12 at 2011, occurred in Kii peninsula Reviewed

    MATSUMURA Kazuki, FUJITA Masaharu, YAMADA Takashi, GONDA Yutaka, NUMAMOTO Shinya, TSUTSUMI Daizo, NAKATANI Kana, IMAIZUMI Fumitoshi, SHIMADA Toru, KAIBORI Masahiro, SUZUKI Koji, TOKUNAGA Hiroshi, KASHIWABARA Yoshiaki, NAGANO Eiji, YOKOYAMA Osamu, SUZUKI Takuro, TAKEZAWA Nagazumi, OONO Ryouichi, NAGAYAMA Takahiko, IKEJIMA Tuyoshi, TSUCHIYA Satoshi

    砂防学会誌 : 新砂防 = Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   64 ( 5 )   43 - 53   2012.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:砂防学会  

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo.64.5_43

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    KONDO Yasuyuki, GONDA Yutaka

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research)   68 ( 1 )   1 - 12   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    &nbsp;The resistivity fish counter is widely used in Europe to count Atlantic salmon that pass through in-river structures (e. g., a Crump weir). The use of the counter is known to be an accurate and economical way of counting fish. However, the counter is rarely used in Japan. This study aims to establish a method for counting fish that pass through a fish way in Japan by using the resistivity fish counter.<br>&nbsp;A platform equipped with the sensor component of the resistivity counter was assembled in the fishway at the headwork of the Tone-ozeki. We designed the platform in accordance with the requirements of a fish way for Atlantic salmon (i. e., with appropriate velocity and height of water flow). We counted the number of salmon passing through the fish way during the spawning season by using the resistivity fish counter on the platform.<br>&nbsp;The sensor component of the fish counter was captured by a video camera from directly above, for a total of 19 h. The number of fish was counted from the video analysis. The accuracy of the number of salmon determined by using the fish counter was evaluated by comparing the result obtained from the fish counter with that obtained from the video analysis.<br>&nbsp;The accuracy of the number of salmon counted by using the fish counter was found to be 96%. The factors that might decrease the accuracy of the counter, the method of designing the platform in accordance with the requirements of a fish way, and cost for this study were considered. Methods for improving the accuracy of the counter are discussed.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejer.68.1

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  • Sediment Disasters due to Mt. MERAPI Eruption 2010

    LEGONO Djoko, SULAIMAN Muhammad, FATHANI Faisal, IKHSAN Jazaul

    京都大学防災研究所年報   ( 55 )   171 - 180   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:京都大学防災研究所  

    Eruptions of Mt. Merapi, Yogyakarta, Indonesia produced a lot of pyroclastic flows in 2010. The pyroclastic flows directly killed more than three hundred people in south slope area and the topographical change due to the pyroclastic flows caused some severe floods in Opak River where little flood had occurred before the eruption. The widely deposited volcanic ash on south-west slope caused several large floods up to the end of rainy season in 2011. Particularly, the change in rainfall runoff process due to the deposition of volcanic ash seems to be one of the reasons why the large floods occurred frequently after the eruptions. As a result a lot of infrastructures such as roads, bridges and sabo structures were severely damaged in the tributaries of Progo River and Opak River.

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    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/161810

  • 中間アンケートを取り入れたリアルタイム授業改善(分科会報告、2.授業評価アンケートを基にした教育改善の取り組み・外国語教育、特集、平成21年度学習・教育研究フォーラム(第26回全学FD))

    大学教育研究年報   16 ( 16 )   125 - 129   2010.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

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  • The sediment-related disasters caused by successive occurrence of debris flows in Minamiosumi Town, Kagoshima Prefecture, July 2010 Reviewed

    SHIMOKAWA Etsuro, OSANAI Nobutomo, TAKEZAWA Nagazumi, JITOUSONO Takashi, TERAMOTO Yukiyoshi, GONDA Yutaka

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   63 ( 3 )   50 - 53   2010.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:砂防学会  

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  • Debris disasters caused by heavy rainfall around Hofu City in Yamaguchi Prefecture on July 21, 2009 Reviewed

    FURUKAWA Kohei, KAIBORI Masahiro, KUBOTA Tetsuya, JITOUSONO Takashi, GONDA Yutaka, SUGIHARA Shigemitsu, HAYASHI Shin-ichiro, IKEDA Akihiko, ARAKI Yoshinori, KASHIWABARA Yoshiaki

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   62 ( 3 )   62 - 73   2009.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 砂防学会  

    The deluge on July 21 2009 in Yamaguchi, with the area&#039;s exceptionally heavy rainfall of 297 mm, maximum intensity 72.5 mm/hr and countless traces of debris flow, resulted in tremendous damage and high number of causalities in the area. Hence, urgent field investigation and reconnaissance were conducted by the society to overview this sediment related disaster. Here, the various results and the information obtained through this investigation were reported, mentioning the damages, the meteorological condition featuring precipitation, geologic-geomorphologic features and hydraulic characteristics of the debris flows, vegetation effects, and the efficiency of Sabo facilities against the sediment runoff in this disaster.

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  • The time series analysis of the rain outflow process of forest basin and the grassland basin in the Niigata University practice forest

    Narita Masayuki, Nishitoh Takeshi, Kawabe Hiroshi, Gonda Yutaka

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University   61 ( 2 )   181 - 193   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学農学部  


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  • Function of a debris-flow brake Reviewed

    GONDA Yutaka

    International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering   2 ( 1 )   15 - 21   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 砂防学会  

    A debris-flow brake is an erosion control facility designed to stop debris flows. However, the mechanism of the debris-flow brake has not been explained. This study discusses the change in pore-water pressure near the deck of a debris flow brake which controls solid friction between the debris flow and the deck. A dynamic model that describes the behavior of debris flows at the debris-flow brake was built It incorporates not only the change in sediment concentration of the debris flow due to water draining through the debris-flow brake but also the resulting change in pore-water pressure. Numerical simulations and experiments examined the behavior of debris flows at a debris-flow brake. The simulation and experimental results agreed. The simulation results show that the change in pore-water pressure plays an important role in how a debris-flow brake stops debris flows.

    DOI: 10.13101/ijece.2.15

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  • Characteristics of step-pool morphology in the mountain streams of Japan

    Gonda Yutaka, Okazaki Tatsuya, Nishii Yohei, Kawabe Hiroshi

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University   61 ( 1 )   67 - 93   2008.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学農学部  

    本研究では、山地河川が本来有している特性を明らかにすることを目的に、河川環境の重要な構成要素であるStep-Pool構造に焦点をあて、流域特性・降雨特性の異なる, 新潟県および三重県の8つの山地河川、合計35調査プロットにおいて、Step-Poolの形状と河床勾配や流路幅といった河道条件の計測結果を行った。調査結果を用いて、実河川におけるStep-Pool構造の形状及び分布特性やStepの成因、形成流量について考察した。その結果、河床勾配、低水路幅、Step 構成礫の礫径の3つは、Step-Poolの形状や分布特性を特徴付ける重要なパラメータであることがわかった。今回の調査結果を基に、地形図などから容易に調べることが可能な流域面積や勾配を用いて、山地河川に存在するStep-Pool構造のスケールを表す関係式を構築した。In this study, the relationship between channel geometry and step-pool morphology are discussed. The channel geometry, i.e., the channel gradient, channel width, the step-pool dimensions, size and number of step particle, etc., were surveyed at 35 study reaches of eight small basins in Japan. The results show that the channel gradient, channel width, and particle size have various implications for the step-pool geometry. With regard to the longitudinal profile of a step, the relationship between the channel geometry, step wavelength and step-step drop differs from that reported by previous studies at high-gradient reaches (&gt; 0.15 gradientA). The channel width and particle size are important variables aff ecting the step wavelength and step-step drop. Step width, which is the transverse profile of a step, is about 6 times the mean size of the rocks that form the step, and it is probably controlled by the particle size and channel width. The pool geometry is likely to be related to the channel gradient, discharge, and particle size. The characteristics of the distribution and the geomAetry of the step-pool can be explained by three parameters (particle size, discharge, and channel gradient). Estimation formulae were developed, which estimate local average geometry of the step-pool with catchment area and channel gradient.

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  • Effects of flooding and artificial burning disturbances on plant species composition in a downstream riverside floodplain Reviewed

    Shinya Ishida, Tohru Nakashizuka, Yutaka Gonda, Tomohiko Kamitani

    ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH   23 ( 4 )   745 - 755   2008.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER TOKYO  

    Our objective was to detect environmental and disturbance factors that determine plant species composition in a downstream riverside floodplain of the Shinano River, where both natural flooding and artificial fire disturbances predominate. We classified the natural vegetation into five types by physiognomy, i.e., burnt field, intact (unburnt) field, early-successional forest, later-successional forest, and margin of channel. We deployed 14 transect belts containing 713 plots of 1 m x 1 m at these sites. In the plots, we determined plant occurrences and values of five environmental (soil moisture, soil texture, relative elevation above the river, horizontal distance from the river, and light conditions) and two disturbance factors (scouring of plants by flooding and fire). Plant species compositions and environmental and disturbance factors were different among the sites. Logistic regression analysis showed that burning stimulated the occurrences of herbaceous annuals and conversely constrained those of woody and fern species, suggesting that fire disturbance resets the succession. Scouring of plants by flooding also affected the occurrences of many species, and had a positive influence on that of herbaceous winter annuals in particular. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the distributional characteristics of the plant species in the riverside floodplain were influenced primarily by distance from the river, reflecting the magnitude of flood disturbance. We conclude that (1) magnitude of flood disturbance is the primary factor determining plant species composition, and (2) burning maintains early successional vegetation and simultaneously creates a unique plant species composition by stimulating the germination of buried viable seeds transported by flood.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11284-007-0434-4

    Web of Science


  • ミニ公開授業ならびに顧客満足度分析に基づく授業改善ポイントの定量化を導入した授業改善の取り組み Reviewed

    森井 俊広, 箕口 秀夫, 権田 豊

    大学教育研究年報   ( 12 )   29 - 34   2007.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学大学教育開発研究センター  

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  • Characteristics Analysis of Landslides and Slope Failure in the Imo River Basin Induced by the Mid Niigata Earthquake using GIS

    GONDA Yutaka, TOSAKA Yosuke, TANAKA Masanori, KAWABE Hiroshi

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University   59 ( 2 )   108 - 113   2007.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学  

    The Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake on October 23, 2004 caused much landslides and slope failures in the Chuetsu region of Niigata prefecture, particularly in the river basin of the Imo river, a tributary of the Uono river, which is itself a part of Shinano river system. Characteristics of landslides and slope failure caused by the earthquake were analyzed using GIS. Rate of slope failure or landslide by area in the Imo river basin is as high as that by 1923 Kanto earthquake and 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake. Number and total area of slope failures are greater than those of landslides. However, average area size of landslide is greater than that of slope failure. Slope failures were most common at slope inclinations in the range 30°-.Landslides were most common at slope inclinations in the range 20°- 30°. Rate of slope failure and landslide was higher in sandstone region and alternation of sandstone and mudstone region. Rate of slope failure and landslide inside landslide configuration was greater that outside landslide configuration. Especially, difference of landslide rate between inside and outside landslide configuration was great.

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  • Application of Wenner Configuration to Estimate Soil Water Content in Pine Plantations on Sandy Land Reviewed

    Jiao-Jun ZHU, Hong-Zhang KANG, Y. GONDA

    Pedosphere   17 ( 6 )   801 - 812   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Soil Science Society of China  

    To estimate the mean value of surface soil water content rapidly, accurately, and nonintrusively, field investigations on soil electrical resistivity (SER) with the Yokogawa 324400 earth resistivity meter and the surface (0-150 cm) soil water content (SWC) with time domain reflectometry (TDR), together with the abiotic factors including soil texture, structure, and salinity concentrations were conducted in the Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) plantations on a sandy land. The measurement of SER was based on the 4-probe Wenner configuration method. Relationships between the values of SWC and SER were obtained based on analysis of the abiotic factors of the research site, which play a key role in affecting the soil electrical resistivity. Results indicate that the SER meter could be used to estimate the mean value of SWC in the Mongolian pine plantations on the sandy land during the growing seasons. The bulky nature of the equipment simplified the cumbersome measurements of soil water content with the general methods. It must be noted that the Wenner configuration method could only provide the mean values of the SWC, and the soil texture, structure, temperature, and solute concentrations influenced the SER and further affected the estimation of the SWC by the SER meter. Therefore, the results of this study could be applied on a sandy land during the growing seasons only. However, the SWC of other soil types also may be obtained according to the individual soil types using the procedures of this study. © 2007 Soil Science Society of China.

    DOI: 10.1016/S1002-0160(07)60096-4



  • Characterics of Step-Pool Morphology in the Mountain Streams of Japan Reviewed

    Tatsuya Okazaki, Yutaka GONDA, Yohei NISHII, Hiroshi KAWABE

    Mirigation of Debris flows Slope Failure and Landslide   1   13 - 24   2006

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Topographical Change Due to Heavy Rainfall in the Chiu-Fen-Erh-Shan Landslide Triggered by the Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan Reviewed

    Kanji KONDO, S Hayashi, S Numamoto, H.Kawabe, Y GONDA, M KAIBORI, W. WANG

    Disaster Mirigation of Debris flows Slope Failure and Landslide   1   12 - 24   2006

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Factors affecting the snow and wind induced damage of a montane secondary forest in northeastern China Reviewed

    JJ Zhu, XF Li, ZG Liu, W Cao, Y Gonda, T Matsuzaki

    SILVA FENNICA   40 ( 1 )   37 - 51   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:FINNISH SOC FOREST SCIENCE-NATURAL RESOURCES INST FINLAND  

    In order to understand the processes of snow and wind induced damage in a natural montane, secondary forest in northeastern China, we examined the impacts of site conditions on the snow and wind damage; analyzed if the dominant tree species differed in their susceptibilities to the damage; and established the relationships between the characteristics of tree and stand and the damage. The results indicated that in regard to the topography factors, slope steepness and soil depth played a relatively important role for the damage. Damage ratios of all types combined were positively related with the composition of dominant tree species. The stand density was also important in determining resistance to the damage, i.e., the densely populated stand exhibited less overall damage ratios; however, the dominant tree species were commonly damaged easily by the snow and wind. Four damage modes found (uprooting, stem breakage, canopy damage and bending) were closely related to the stem taper (p &lt; 0.05), and they could be ranked in following order: bending (92.0) &gt; uprooting (85.3) &gt; stem breakage (80. 1) &gt; canopy damage (65.0). In regard to differences in tree species' susceptibilities to the damage, Betula costata exhibited the most uprooting, bending and overall damage ratios; while Quercus mongolica showed the highest breakage (both stem breakage and canopy damage) ratio, and Fraxinus mandshurica exhibited the least damage ratio (overall). The major six tree species could also be divided into two groups according to the overall damage ratios, i.e., more susceptible ones (B. costata, Ulmus laciniata and Q. mongolica), and less susceptible ones (F mandshurica, Acer mono and Juglans mandshurica) to the snow and wind damage.

    DOI: 10.14214/sf.351

    Web of Science


  • 災害報告 新潟県中越地震による土砂災害と融雪後の土砂移動状況の変化 Reviewed

    川邉 洋, 権田 豊, 丸井 英明

    新砂防   58 ( 3 )   44 - 50,図巻頭2p   2005.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:砂防学会  

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo1973.58.3_44

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  • Method for the measurement of soil resistivity in sandy woodland Reviewed

    Jiaojun Zhu, Dayong Xu, Hongzhang Kang, Gonda Yutaka, Matsuzak Takeshi

    Chinese Journal of Ecology   24 ( 2 )   222 - 227   2005.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The purposes and methods of soil resistivity measurement were introduced in this paper. Particularly, the theoretical background, field operating steps and data processing method of soil resistivity measurement using specific earth resistance tester (Yokogawa Type3244 Japan) were explained with the example measurement in sandy woodland. The results showed that 'method using the 3244 specific earth resistance tester, based on Wenner principle, to measure the sandy woodland soil resistivity was feasible. The measured results of soil resistivity have a certain application prospect in sandy soil delamination, soil water content prediction and the underground water table determination.



  • The sediment-related disasters caused by the mid Niigata prefecture earthquake in 2004 (prompt report) Reviewed

    KAWABE Hiroshi, GONDA Yutaka, MARUI Hideaki, WATANABE Naoki, TSUCHIYA Satoshi, KITAHARA Hikaru, OSANAI Nobutomo, SASAHARA Katsuo, NAKAMURA Yoshimitsu, INOUE Kimio, OGAWA Kiichiro, ONODA Satoshi

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   57 ( 5 )   39 - 46   2005.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:砂防学会  

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  • Sediment related disasters in summer rainy season 2004 in Taiwan (prompt report) Reviewed

    HAYASHI Setsuo, KONDO Kanji, NUMAMOTO Shinya, KAWABE Hiroshi, GONDA Yutaka

    Sabo Gakkaishi   57 ( 5 )   32 - 38   2005.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:砂防学会誌  

    Two strong typhoons in July and August 2004 caused the record heavy rainfall in Taiwan. Several floods and sediment disasters occurred in middle Taiwan, and 71 deaths and missings were recorded. Total damage was less than the former damage by the typhoons in 2001, however, the cumulative rainfall marked the maximum record at 2, 115mm, was bigger than typhoon Herb in 1996.

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo1973.57.5_32

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  • Debris disasters caused by local heavy rainfall in Niigata area in July 2004 (prompt report) Reviewed

    MARUI Hideaki, WATANABE Naoki, KAWABE Hiroshi, GONDA Yutaka, IRASAWA Michiya, SASAHARA Katsuo, NAKAMURA Yoshimitsu, YASUDA Yuji

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   57 ( 3 )   53 - 59   2004.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:砂防学会  

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  • Trial of Agricultural Information Support by the Group "Gaccomi" Reviewed

    Sasaki Yutaka, Oshu Mayako, Gonda Yutaka, Suzuki Masato, Ashida Ichiro, Nakata Karen, Yamashita Saori

    Agricultural Information Research   3・213-226 ( 3 )   213 - 225   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:農業情報学会  

    It is important to eliminate the delay of the computerization in the agricultural field.&lt;br&gt;In this research, the agricultural information support by the group &quot;Gaccomi&quot; was proposed paying attention to human ware. &quot;Gaccomi&quot; is a group which works for two purposes; 1.information support in the agricultural field, 2.information education and personnel training for university students. It is run by university students and staff. This name is the coined word which combined the student (school: Gakkou) and the community (communication).&lt;br&gt;In &quot;Gaccomi&quot;, university students study the information technology (how to operate a personal computer (PC), how to dispatch on the internet, etc.) by construction of a student portal site. This is useful website for university students, and it is mainly targeted at the students and the community around a university. After training the students, The &quot;Gaccomi&quot; group supports farmers and agricultural corporations that wish to construct their website, or to study the use of a PC, etc. In this paper, establishment and the activities of this group were performed. The following were evaluated: 1.the activity situation of group, 2. the result of a student portal site construction, 3.the support result for farmers and agricultural corporations, 4.award and mass media coverage achievements. The information support technique of the agricultural field used by this group is proven to be effective and serves also as information education and personnel training.

    DOI: 10.3173/air.13.213

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  • 学生ポータルサイト構築による大学生の学習.活性化支援 Reviewed

    教育システム情報学会誌   4・364-373 ( 4 )   364 - 373   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

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  • Wind profiles in and over trees. Reviewed

    Journal of Forestry Research   15(4) 305-312.   2004

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Review: effects of wind on trees Reviewed

    Zhu Jiao-jun, Liu Zu-gen, Li Xiu-fen, Takeshi Matsuzaki, Yutaka Gonda

    Journal of Forestry Research   15 ( 2 )   153 - 160   2004

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  • Effect of gap size created by thinning on seedling emergency, survival and establishment in a coastal pine forest Reviewed

    JJ Zhu, T Matsuzaki, FQ Lee, Y Gonda

    FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT   182 ( 1-3 )   339 - 354   2003.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    It is desirable and necessary to preserve the continuity of a coastal forest through reasonable management because it can provide many shelter benefits through altering the wind behavior along the shore. Thinning is an undoubtedly important measure for the continuity of forests as it provides suitable conditions for natural regeneration; however, thinning increases the risk of wind damage immediately after thinning in the coastal areas. Therefore, few thinning study related to regeneration in a coastal forest has been made. In order to test whether coastal forest of Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) requires a specific gap size created by thinning for regeneration and to compare seedling establishment among four thinning treatments, observations of emergence, survival and establishment of P. thunbergii seedlings, together with soil water content, litter, wind and light regime were made. The observations were conducted over four growing seasons in three sizes of circular gaps (the gap diameter to stand height ratios for the four gap sizes were 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 0.0, the control) corresponding to the four thinning treatments in Niigata shore, Japan. Results indicated that density of seedlings older than 1 year increased with gap size or canopy openness (OP). Seedling establishment was greater in 1.5 gap sizes than in any other gap sizes, while seedlings peaked near the west and north edges of the gaps but not in the gap centers exposed to direct solar radiation. Seedling growth in 1.5 gap sizes was also significantly higher than that in any others. A tendency of seedling height increasing from east to west edge and from south to north edge across the gap was observed. Only 1- or 2-year-old seedlings occurred in gap sizes of 0.0 and 0.5, therefore establishment in both gap sizes was considered as failing. The results imply that although P. thunbergii seeds can germinate in small gaps, even in under canopy, the seedlings are unable to survive. The seedlings apparently require a minimum gap size greater than or equal to 1.0, or OP &gt;30% in order to survive, and may require at least gap size greater than or equal to 1.5, or OP &gt;40% for further development into sapling. These results can be explained by the changes of microclimates, i.e. increase of light, soil water and airflow exchange, decrease of litter and canopy cover, and alleviation of the competitions for water in gaps created by thinning. Therefore, thinning strategy, especially patch-pattern thinning is potentially a viable silvicultural measure in management for the coastal pine forest. These results provide references for establishment and management of coastal P. thunbergii forests. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0378-1127(03)00094-X

    Web of Science


  • Optical stratification porosity as a measure of vertical canopy structure in a Japanese coastal forest Reviewed

    JJ Zhu, Matsuzaki, I, Y Gonda

    FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT   173 ( 1-3 )   89 - 104   2003.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Porosity of a forest stand is an important descriptor of vertical forest structure, although it is a difficult variable to define and measure because of its three-dimensional nature. Fortunately, studies on the effects of obstruction on irradiation in forest stands provide us with a method which uses a hemispherical photographic silhouette to estimate an alternative measure of porosity, here defined as optical stratification porosity (OSP). The differences between OSP and canopy closure, canopy cover and canopy gap, which are frequently used by ecologists and foresters, are discussed. The estimation of OSP of a forest stand using hemispherical photographic silhouettes is evaluated based on an analysis of stratification patterns in vertical forest structure. The OSP measured in a coastal pine forest having different thinning ratios is presented as an example to demonstrate the method. The results indicate that when the strata can be visually identified, the OSP can be obtained using hemispherical photographic silhouettes. Alternatively, if OSP is measured at various canopy heights in a forest stand continuously, the stratified vertical structure patterns of the forest stand can be determined. The predicted stratification of vertical forest structure based on the measurement of OSP can indicate the vertical strata more accurately than visual identification alone. Therefore, the estimation of OSP may be helpful in modeling wind profile, leaf area index, crown ratio and light inside a forest stand and may prove useful to those applications in which fine-scale vertical stratification is desirable. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0378-1127(01)00813-1

    Web of Science


  • Debris disasters in the eastern region of Korea caused by the 15th typhoon, Rusa in 2002 Reviewed

    SUZUKI Masakazu, GONDA Yutaka, SAKURAI Wataru, KOBAYASHI Hideaki, HASHINOKI Toshihiro

    Sabo Gakkaishi   55 ( 6 )   59 - 67   2003

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  

    The 15th typhoon named Rusa hit Korea during in August 31 to September 1. It caused serious damages particularly in the eastern region where the heavy rainfall concentrated, triggered debris flows, slope collapses and flood water inundations in major rivers. Many surface failures and debris flows occurred especially on the burned slope by forest fire, in addition, tremendous volume of sediment flowed into rivers and caused dangerous aggradations. Accordingly, it is imperative to control the discharged sediment by installing sabo dams.

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo1973.55.6_59

    CiNii Article


  • Assessment of effects of thinning on wind damage in Pinus thunbergii plantations, Proceedings of the International Conference Wind Effects on Trees Reviewed

    Zhu Jiaojun, Matsuzaki Takeshi, Li Fengqin, Gonda Yutaka

    Lab. Buil. Environ. Aerodyn., Inst. Hydro, University of Karlsruhe, Germany   pp 295-302   2003

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  • Effects of thinning on wind damage in Pinus thunbergii plantation. ―Based on theoretical derivation of risk-ratios for assessing wind damage Reviewed

    Journal of Forestry Research   14(1):1-8   2003

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Modeling relative wind speed by optical stratification porosity within the canopy of a coastal protective forest at different stem densities Reviewed

    JJ Zhu, Y Gonda, T Matsuzaki, M Yamamoto

    SILVA FENNICA   37 ( 2 )   189 - 204   2003

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:FINNISH SOC FOREST SCIENCE-NATURAL RESOURCES INST FINLAND  

    Wind speed and optical stratification porosity (OSP) were measured at various heights inside a coastal protective forest thinned to different stem densities to assess whether any characteristics of the wind profile in the coastal protective forest could be predicted from OSP. OSP was defined as vertical distribution of the proportion of sky hemisphere not obscured by tree elements inside a forest stand, and was determined for various heights using hemispherical photographic silhouettes on a computer processing system. The distribution of OSP in the coastal forest follows the Lambert-Beer s law with an extinction coefficient (nu). The relative wind speed within the canopy can be described using an exponential form with an attenuation coefficient (alpha). Variation in relative wind speed was very closely correlated with the distribution of OSP within the canopy. While below the canopy, i.e., in the trunk space, relative wind speed was little correlated with the distribution of OSP because the distribution of OSP was relatively constant there. Therefore, the linear relationships between relative wind speed and OSP and between the two coefficients nu and alpha were established within the canopy. The results suggest that OSP can be used to predict the wind profile in case of the application within the canopy of the coastal forest.

    DOI: 10.14214/sf.501

    Web of Science


  • Influence of thinning on regeneration in a coastal Pinus thunbergii forest Reviewed

    Jiaojun Zhu, Fengqin Li, Takeshi Matsuzaki, Yutaka Gonda

    Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology   13 ( 11 )   1361 - 1367   2002.11

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    Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A coastal forest planted nearby the sea can provide many shelter benefits for the coastal regions. It is ideally if the continuity of the shelter benefits could be preserved through reasonable management. Thinning and regeneration as the most important management techniques for plantations can help the continuity of the shelter benefits of the coastal forest. However, because of the peculiarities of coastal forest, i.e., the coastal plantation nearby the sea is vulnerable to disturbances (thinning as one kind of disturbance), the study on thinning and regeneration within a coastal forest is poorly understood. The purpose of this paper is to give a primary understanding in natural regeneration for the coastal Pinus thunbergii forest with different thinning rates after four growing seasons since thinning. The experiment was carried out at the middle of the shoreline along the Japan Sea, and the investigated sites consisted of four thinning treatments (control, 0% thinned, 20% thinned, 30% thinned and 50% thinned) in a coastal P. thunbergii forest. After thinning, the regenerated seedlings, soil water content, light condition (canopy openness or canopy density), wind regime, and litter depth and quantity were investigated for four growing seasons. The relationships between the regenerated seedlings and light condition, litter, wind profile and soil water content were examined. The results showed that thinning could improved the light condition on the forest floor, increase the exchange of airflow (wind speed) in the coastal forest stand, and ameliorate the water content of the forest soil. These factors accelerated the decomposition of litters, and provided necessary conditions for natural regeneration. The results of regeneration observation indicated that the most intensively thinned treatment (50% thinned with density of about 1500 stems'hm-2) could provide a better condition for regeneration during the four growing seasons. The density and growth of seedling (greater than 1 year) increased significantly with increasing thinning intensities, and the establishment of seedlings was obviously succeeded in the most intensively thinned treatment, but failed in less thinned treatments and understory. The thinned intensity of 50% did not induce wind damage to the coastal forest in the four years after thinning, and did not cause the loss of shelter functions of the coastal forest such as sand blocking, wind breaking and salt preventing etc.. On the contrary, it could provide the suitable conditions for natural regeneration of the pine coastal forest, or for the immigration of other species. Therefore, thinning as the silviculturally created openness is very important for the establishment of seedlings in the coastal forests, which provides a mechanism for the coastal forest from even aged stands dominated by P. thunbergii to stands containing multiple size classes and canopy layers.




  • Salt distribution in response to optical stratification porosity and relative windspeed in a coastal forest in Niigata, Japan Reviewed

    JJ Zhu, Y Gonda, T Matsuzaki, M Yamamoto

    AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS   56 ( 1 )   73 - 85   2002.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL  

    Wind velocity, vertical stand structure and sea-salt distribution were measured at various heights inside a plantation of coastal pine forest, with thinning and unthinning, to assess whether any relationships exist between the wind profile, stand structure and sea-salt distribution in the coastal pine forest. The vertical stand structure, i.e., optical stratification porosity (OSP), which is defined as vertical distribution of the proportion of sky hemisphere not obscured by tree elements inside a forest stand, was determined for each height by computer analysis of digital images taken with a hemispherical lens. The distribution of OSP in the coastal forest follows the Lambert-Beer's law with absorbency coefficient (v). The relative windspeed within canopy can be described using the exponential form with the attenuation coefficient (alpha). The sea-salt was collected using salt gauze (a surgical dressing of loosely woven cotton) both inside and outside the coastal forest, and the distribution of sea-salt within canopy was also in accordance with an exponential function. The relationships among windspeed, OSP and sea-salt indicate that the distributions of both sea-salt and windspeed within canopy were very closely correlated with the distribution of OSP. A linear relationship between OSP and sea-salt has been found. Additionally, linear regression between coefficients v and alpha has been obtained as well. Based on these relationships between OSP, wind and sea-salt in the coastal forest, the sea-salt distribution and wind profile within the canopy of the coastal forest can be predicted according to OSP. These results may therefore be useful in analyzing the effects of sea-salt on vegetation and evaluating the filter functions of coastal forests.

    DOI: 10.1023/A:1021174324616

    Web of Science


  • Characteristics of turbulence spectra within and above a coastal forest with thinning and unthinning

    ZHU Jiaojun, GONDA Yutaka, MATSUZAKI Takeshi

    Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture Niigata University   54 ( 2 )   185 - 196   2002.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学  

    CiNii Article

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  • Comparison of turbulence statistics within and above a coastal forest with thinning and unthinning

    ZHU Jiaojun, MATSUZAKI Takeshi, GONDA Yutaka

    Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture Niigata University   54 (2):169-183 ( 2 )   169 - 183   2002

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata University  

    CiNii Article

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  • Theoretical derivation of risk-ratios for assessing wind damage in a coastal forest Reviewed

    Journal of Forestry Research   13(4): 309-315   2002

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Wind profiles in a coastal forest of Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) with different thinning intensities Reviewed

    Jiaojun Zhu, Takeshi Matsuzaki, Yutaka Gonda

    Journal of Forest Research   6 ( 4 )   287 - 296   2001.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Forestry Society  

    Simultaneous measurements of windspeed were made outside and inside a pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) coastal forest with different thinning intensities. Synchronously, optical stratification porosity (OSP), which is defined as vertical distribution of the proportion of sky hemisphere not obscured by tree elements inside a forest stand, was estimated using hemispherical silhouettes in each treatment area. Based on the observations, the frequency distribution of velocity, turbulence intensity, wind profile, and the corresponding relationships of these respective parameters with the vertical forest structure (OSP) were examined and compared among the treatment areas. A normal distribution of wind velocity was observed at the lower zone of the forest stand in all treatment areas. The turbulence intensity, the highest value of which was found near the canopy, changed greatly with height, wind velocity, and treatment, and decreased with windspeed and increased with the thinning intensity. It was found that the exponential relationship between wind-speed and height could be used to describe the wind profiles within the canopy of the coastal forest. The results demonstrate that the attenuation coefficient of the wind profile corresponds to the grade of thinning intensities. The wind patterns in a coastal forest with different thinning intensities are related to the vertical forest structure, particularly, wind profiles within the canopy are closely correlated with the distribution of OSP. The results indicate that wind profiles can be estimated simply based on the measurement of OSP with a very high coefficient of determination. Reciprocally, the estimation of OSP can also be obtained from the measurement of wind profile.

    DOI: 10.1007/BF02762470



  • Wind Profiles within and above a Pine Coastal Forest with Thinningand Unthinning Treatments

    ZHU Jiaojun, MATSUZAKI Takeshi, GONDA Yutaka

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University   53 ( 2 )   159 - 177   2001.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学  

    CiNii Article

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  • Behavior of Debris Flow on the Bottom Screen to Stop a Flow

    HASEGAWA Yasusuke, YAMAMOTO Masashi, GONDA Yutaka

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University   53 ( 2 )   179 - 191   2001.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学  

    CiNii Article

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  • Extream wind over a pine coastal forest established for sand-control at Aoyama of Niigata in Japan Reviewed

    ZHU Jiaojun, MATSUZAKI Takeshi, GONDA Yutaka

    Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering   54 ( 1 )   12 - 20   2001

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo1973.54.12

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  • Photogrammetry to analyze the shape of tree(2) -Correcting method of coarse data with reference photographs Reviewed

    Research bulletin of the Niigata university forests   第34号,pp76-74   2001

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  • Estimation of Optical Stratification Porosity (OSP) in a PineCoastal Forest with Different Thinning Intensities Using HemisphericalPhotographic Silhouettes

    ZHU Jiaojun, MATSUZAKI Takeshi, GONDA Yutaka

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University   53 ( 1 )   55 - 70   2000.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学  

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  • Wind Speed in a Coastal Forest Belt of Japanese Black Pine(Pinus thunbergii Parl.)-Horizontal wind profile-

    朱 教君, 松崎 健, 権田 豊

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture Niigata University   52 ( 2 )   139 - 156   2000.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:新潟大学農学部  

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  • Basic Study of Diffusion Process of Particles with Higher Densityand Larger Volume than Fluid in Turbulent Fields

    Gonda Yutaka

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University   51 ( 2 )   51 - 87   1999.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:新潟大学  

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  • The Study of the Suspended-load on Fixed bed with Large Roughness Reviewed

    GONDA Yutaka, OHTA Takehiko, MIYAMOTO Kuniaki

    Sabo Gakkaishi   46 ( 2 )   3 - 9   1993

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  

    There are many studies of the mechanics of suspended load laden flow, and many theoretical formula to estimate the concentration of suspended load have been proposed so far. But all has common problems;<br>(1) The relation between the characteristics of the turbulence of flow and the behaviour of suspended load is not so much reflected on the formula.<br>(2) It's necessary to know a reference concentration at a reference level to evaluate the formula. The reference level has not been set up theoretically.<br>And there are few studies of the suspended load on the torrential bed condition, in comparison with that on the alluvial bed condition.<br>This study was made by using a steep channel with large roughness on its bed. The results were analyzed using the diffusion model in order to check the suitability. The results are;<br>(1) The similarity between the dispersion of suspended load and the momentum transfer of flow was not always shown.<br>(2) The concentration distribution below roughness height decrease with decreasing height in some cases.<br>(3) It's more reasonable that the reference level is set up at the point with the roughness height from the theoretical bed.<br>In order to figure out mechanics of suspended load laden flow, especially on the torrential bed condition, the structure of the turbulence of the flow, the behaviour of suspended load near the bed and the behaviour of suspended load there should be studied.

    DOI: 10.11475/sabo1973.46.3

    CiNii Article


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  • 砂防の観測の現場を訪ねて2 ~山地河川内の複雑な土砂の動きを知る~

    公益社団法人 砂防学会( Role: Contributor)

    公益社団法人 砂防学会  2023.1  ( ISBN:4990500024

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    Total pages:133p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books




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  • サケの遡上数を自動計測するサケカウンター

    布川雅典, 権田豊, 中村繁人

    第64回(2020年度)北海道開発技術研究発表会論文  2021.2 

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    Event date: 2021.2



  • サケカウンターによるサケ(Oncorhynchus keta) 移動数計測

    布川雅典, 権田豊, 中村繁人

    SALMON情報  2020.3 

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    Event date: 2020.3


  • The necessity of integrated monitoring and simulation in the water and sediment related disaster risk mitigation

    Djoko Legono, Rachmad Jayadi, Adam Pamudji Rahardjo, Roby Hambali, Ani Hairani, Yutaka Gonda, Radianta Triatmadja, Akhyar Musthofa

    Proceedings - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)-Asia Pacific Division (APD) Congress: Multi-Perspective Water for Sustainable Development, IAHR-APD 2018  2018.9 

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    Event date: 2018.9

    © Proceeding of the 21st LAHR-APD Congress 2018. All rights reserved. In many cases of disaster risk mitigation program, the community preparedness often becomes the important aspect to support the success of the program. There are two modalities where the community is considered having sufficient preparedness, namely the availability of reliable prediction of the disaster characteristics and the familiarization of the real time process of the related trigger. The reliable prediction of disaster characteristics may be obtained through study on the previous disaster records or occurrences. One way to predict the disaster characteristics is carried out through hydraulics-related simulation or modeling. For cases where disaster characteristics are uncertain, the presentation of such predictions in the form of alternative scenarios is advisable. Less number of alternatives would be better, however, it may not accommodate full possibilities in mitigating the risk. In line with the rapid progress on the information and communication technology, real time monitoring of factors triggering the hazards occurrences has become valuable supports in mitigating the disaster risk. Such real time monitoring results may be easily and accurately identified by community with relatively affordable cost. This paper illustrates how the integration of the real time monitoring system with the disaster warning criteria may play an important role in the disaster risk mitigation. The snake line behavior obtained from the real time monitoring system of rainfall and its integration with the warning criteria at a certain scheme of debris flow disaster has shown a promising contribution to the community to make self-rescue. Advantages and disadvantages regarding such integration program are discussed and recommendation for further application is presented.


  • Debris flow simulations occurring from landslide dam outburst at Mt.Sinabung

    Kana Nakatani, Yoshifumi Satofuka, Yutaka Gonda, Kuniaki Miyamoto

    Proceedings - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)-Asia Pacific Division (APD) Congress: Multi-Perspective Water for Sustainable Development, IAHR-APD 2018  2018.9 

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    Event date: 2018.9

    © Proceeding of the 21st LAHR-APD Congress 2018. All rights reserved. Debris flow simulation is an effective method for understanding the behavior and influence of debris flows. This simulation allows for effective countermeasures such as sabo facilities and evacuation planning. This study focuses on the Mt. Sinabung volcanic region of North Sumatra, which has recently experienced increased eruptive activity. Given that a landslide dam was formed upstream of the main torrent at Mt. Sinabung, debris flow scenarios arising from the outburst need to be considered to predict and prevent damage in downstream regions. For the simulation, we applied KANAKO system with a 2 m resolution DEM for landform setting. To set the supplied discharge, we applied a rational formula using recorded rainfall data. We observed that the constituent material of the riverbed was relatively small-sized with regard to the field surveys. The larger portion of the sediment constituting approximately 35% of the riverbed ranged in particles sized from 0.05 to 0.3 m. The other 65% of the sediment was fine-grained smaller than 0.1 mm. Recent studies have indicated that the debris flows that contained a high concentration of fine particles had a higher flow-ability and larger fluid phase density than stony debris flows. Therefore, we considered scenarios involving fine materials that contributed toward a larger fluid phase density. We also considered scenarios without considering the effect of fine materials. Based on the results, the debris flow scenario considering the fine material effect appeared to flow down for a long distance and exhibited a higher risk at the downstream side.


  • 2010年インドネシア・メラピ山噴火後のPUTIH川における土石流・洪水流

    権田 豊, 河野宏平, 堀田紀文, 山田 孝, 沼本晋也, 宮田秀介, Djoko Legono, Untung, Budi Santosa

    平成25年度(公社)砂防学会研究発表会  2013.5 

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    Event date: 2013.5


  • Aquatic environments after restoration of abandoned "tanada" paddy field at Kosado area (1):Seasonal changes in water properties

    Ogawa Daisuke, Gonda Yutaka, Nakata Makoto, Kwabe Hiroshi

    Proceedings of General Assembly of The Japanese Society of Limnology  2005  The Japanese Society of Limnology

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    Event date: 2005


  • 中間アンケートを取り入れたリアルタイム授業改善(分科会報告、2.授業評価アンケートを基にした教育改善の取り組み・外国語教育、特集、平成21年度学習・教育研究フォーラム(第26回全学FD))

    権田 豊

    大学教育研究年報  2010.10 

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  • Report on sediment disaster caused by Wenchuan Earthquake, Sichuan Province of China

    川邉 洋, 権田 豊

    Environment and disaster mitigation  2009.3 

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  • 大規模崩壊後の斜面の再不安定化-予察的研究ー

    川邉洋, 権田豊, 林 拙郎, 近藤観慈, 沼本晋也

    坡地地質災害検討会論文集  2004 

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  • 新潟県中越地震による山古志村の土砂災害の状況ー特に芋川流域の地すべりダムについてー

    渡辺直喜, 丸井英明, 川邉 洋, 権田 豊, 山岸 宏光, 稲葉一成

    平成16年新潟県中越地震被害調査報告会予稿集.  2004 

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  • 火砕流熱風部の運動機構に関する研究 : 平成7年度砂防学会ワークショップ成果概要報告

    権田 豊

    砂防学会誌 : 新砂防 = Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering  1996.9 

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  • Temporal Response of NDVI in the Upper Reach of a River to Frequency of Lahar Occurrence after 2010 Eruption of Mt. Merapi

    Yutaka GONDA, Shusuke MIYATA, Masaharu FUJITA, Djoko LEGONO, Daizo TSUTSUMI

    INTERPRAEVENT 2018 Toyama,Japan 

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  • The Evolution Characteristics of Debris Flow Disaster after Wenchuan Earthquake

    Guoqiang Ou, Yoshiharu Ishikawa, Huali Pan, Jun Wang, Shun Yang, Satoshi Tsuchiya, Yutaka Gonda, Takashi Jitousono

    INTERPRAEVENT 2018 Toyama,Japan 

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  • Landslides and Subsequent Debris Flows Occurrence on May 2017 at Iiyama, Nagano, Japan Invited

    Yutaka GONDA

    INTERPRAEVENT 2018 Toyama,Japan 

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  • Landslide Survey;Scale Estimate by DInSAR;GNSS an;Airborne Laser before L;dslide Failure;andslide Survey of;Mt. Inago

    Masaki MIZUNO, Chunxiang WANG, Yutaka GONDA, Hideaki MARUI, Daisuke NISHIKAWA, Ikushi HIRATA, Daisuke SANGO, Yasunari MORITA

    INTERPRAEVENT 2018 Toyama,Japan 

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  • 同一斜面で繰り返し発生する崩壊の素因形成と発生予測


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  • 1999年台湾集集大地震後の土砂災害の推移と地形変化


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  • 固液混相流の構成則と相似則に関する研究


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  • Study on constitutive equation of multiphase flow


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  • Study on effect of thinning on meteorological condition around coastal forest.


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  • 海岸防風林における間伐が林内および周辺の風環境におよぼす影響の研究


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  • Study on mechanics of Soufriere type of pyrocrastic flow.


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  • 火砕流熱風部の運動機構に関する研究


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Research Projects

  • 土砂・洪水氾濫による災害を防止・軽減するための汎用シミュレータの開発

    Grant number:21H01597

    2021.4 - 2024.3

    System name:科学研究費助成事業

    Research category:基盤研究(B)

    Awarding organization:日本学術振興会

    里深 好文, 権田 豊, 内田 太郎, 藤本 将光

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    Grant amount:\14690000 ( Direct Cost: \11300000 、 Indirect Cost:\3390000 )



  • Research and study on the heavy rainfall disaster due to the Kyushu-hokubu torrential rainfall in July 2017

    Grant number:17K20140

    2017.7 - 2018.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Special Purposes

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Akiyama Juichiro, ISHIKURA Ryohei, INOGUCHI Munenari, KASAMA Shionobu, KAWANO Tetsuya, GONDA Yutaka, SHIMIZU Shingo, SHIMOSE Kenichi, CHIGIRA Masahiro, SEINO Naoko, NISHII Ryoko, HAZARIKA Hemanta, HIROOKA Akihiko, YOSHIDA Mamoru

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    Grant amount:\29380000 ( Direct Cost: \22600000 、 Indirect Cost:\6780000 )

    Research and study on the heavy rainfall disaster due to the kyushu-hokubu torrential rainfall in July 2017 were carried out. The research and study pointed out the followings: (1) occurrence mechanisms of the torrential rainfall, weather model’s predictability of precipitation of a linear rainband and its challenges; (2) flood-inundation processes and flood risk of small and medium rivers, the factors of occurrence of driftwood, forestry conservation to prevent the occurrence of driftwood; (3) records of sediment disasters, sediment runoff mechanism, forecasting the occurrence of slope failure, damage mechanism of soil structure due to multiple simultaneous slope failure; (4) sediment movement distribution map, influence of multiple simultaneous slope failure on characteristics of debris flow; (5) the administrative and regional response to the disasters, the progress of support for victims and the impacts of the disaster on the agricultural damage.


  • Study on change in hydrological response of catchment to deposition of pyroclastics and occurence of sediment disaster after 2010 eruption of Mt. Merapi in Indonesia

    Grant number:24404010

    2012.4 - 2016.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    GONDA Yutaka, HOTTA Norifumi, YAMADA Takashi, NUMAMOTO Shinya, MIYATA Shusuke, MIYAMOTO Kuniaki, FUJITA Masaharu

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    Grant amount:\17680000 ( Direct Cost: \13600000 、 Indirect Cost:\4080000 )

    Field surveys were conducted around Mt. Merapi, where lahars occurred frequently after the 2010 eruption. Results of numerical simulation of lahar inundation conducted by changing combination of data set component and those of field survey were compared. As a result, it was confirmed that the resolution of the DEM is the most important factor to estimate inundation area by lahar simulation and that the peak discharge and total volume of lahar hydrograph at inflow point of numerical simulation is the second most important factor. It was observed that the rain fall intensity causing lahar and magnitude of lahar changes as time passed after the eruption. Therefore, to estimate appropriate magnitude lahar for the lahar inundation simulation, relationship between ground surface condition of the drainage area and runoff ratio of lahar to rainfall should be quantified


  • Hydrological observation of subsurface flow spouting from pipe exits in torrent bed material and its triggering rainfall condition for the prediction of debris flow generation

    Grant number:24310137

    2012.4 - 2015.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


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    Grant amount:\8190000 ( Direct Cost: \6300000 、 Indirect Cost:\1890000 )

    Several pipe exits were discovered in the torrent bed material in debris flow generation areas of the Nishinokaito River, Mount Fujiwara ,Mie prefecture, Japan. They were emplaced in a sand and gravel layer between 1.0 and 1.5 m below the surface of the torrent bed material. Gravel supported the internal walls of the pipe exits. Subsurface flows spouted when the rainfall intensity exceeded about 5 to 7 mm in 10 minutes and the soil water index exceeded about 110 mm. Hydrological processes such as subsurface flows spouting from pipe exits and its clogging, subsurface flows spouting at the new pipe exits during heavy rainfall may lead to debris flow generation. The critical rainfall thresholds for them were studied using radial basis function network (RBFN) method.


  • Mechanism of multi-modal compound disaster at Shaolin Village caused by typhoon No. 8 in 2009 and warning and evacuation strategy

    Grant number:23404006

    2011.4 - 2015.3

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    MIYAMOTO Kuniaki, GONDA Yutaka, TSUTSUMI Daizo, FUJITA Masaharu, HOTTA Norifumi, IMAIZUMI Fumitoshi, SHIEH Chjeng-Lun, LEE Shin-Ping, CHEN Yu-Shiu, TSAI Yuan-Jung

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    Grant amount:\19110000 ( Direct Cost: \14700000 、 Indirect Cost:\4410000 )

    The causes of the Shaolin Village disaster are the occurrence of a deep-seated landslide, of cause, and the loss of the No.8 Bridge to connect neighbor safe village at about 10 hours before the occurrence of the landslide. The loss of the bridge was caused by aggradation of riverbed. However, based on the field observation on hydrological characteristics of the basin the No.8 Bridge crossing and numerical simulations of sediment runoff and riverbed evolution in the basin, the rainfall during Typhoon No.8 could not cause the loss of No.8 Bridge and rainfalls before Typhoon No.8 might act important rule for aggradation of the riverbed. These results say that, when we discuss about the warning and evacuation strategy to avoid the disaster like Shaolin Village disaster, it is necessary to take into account not only the occurrence and moving of deep-seated landslide but riverbed evolution in the period of heavy rainfall to assess the allowable bed level and safe evacuation route and site.


  • 樹種の違いが崩壊の発生頻度に与える影響


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    Grant type:Competitive



  • The formation of causative factors and the prediction of outbreak for repeated landslides on the same slope

    Grant number:16380098

    2004 - 2007

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    KAWABE Hiroshi, GONDA Yutaka, HAYASHI Setsuo, NUMAMOTO Shinya

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    Grant amount:\16350000 ( Direct Cost: \15600000 、 Indirect Cost:\750000 )

    Changes in geographical features of a slope after failure and re-instabilization of the slope by those were investigated for two large-scale landslides -- the Chiu-fen-erh-shan and the Tsaoling -- triggered by the Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999 in Taiwan. Furthermore, the mid Niigata prefecture earthquake and the Noto-Hantou earthquake which occurred during the term of this project were targeted for this study, too.
    1. For the Tsaoling landslide which has the record of landslides in the past 150 years, the clear correlation between estimated maximum acceleration and occurrence of landslide wasn't admitted. The occurrence of landslide can't be explained only by earthquake, that is, the influence of causative factors is suggested.
    2. Trial calculations by a simple model show that there is a possibility of buckling fold by gravitational creep and the position of buckling fold is on the lower part of slope.
    3. The buckling fold and erosion on the lower slope of both the landslides progress year after year. The GPS survey at the Tsaoling landslide showed the horizontal displacement of about 5cm/year on the central part of slope and 1cm/year on the lower part of slope and the upheaval of 1-2cm/year. The slope is instabilizing gradually.
    4. Simple seismic exploration was carried out to investigate decrease in the ground strength by stress release. The tendency that an elastic wave speed was decreasing at the rate of 400-600m/s a year was found.
    5. The distribution of landslides caused by the mid Niigata prefecture earthquake was analyzed by GIS. The area rate of landslides which appeared in the landslide topography was 5.26% and that on the non-landslide topography was 0.16%. This result shows that the occurrence of landslide by an earthquake is strongly controlled by the history of the ground and a landslide by an earthquake doesn't happen easily in a slope where a landslide hasn't occurred yet. This phenomenon is thought to concern the re-instabilization of a slope from which upper load is removed


  • An empirical study of sediment disasters subsequent to earthquake damages

    Grant number:14360085

    2002 - 2005

    System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    HAYASHI Setsuo, KAWABE Hiroshi, GONDA Yutaka, KONDO Kanji, NUMAMOTO Shinya, KAIBORI Masahiro

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    Grant amount:\14700000 ( Direct Cost: \14700000 )

    This study consists of two parts that the research for subsequent sediment disasters after the Chi-chi earthquake in Taiwan 1999, and the research for the debris flows in Fujiwara town in Mie prefecture subsequent to an earthquake.
    1. Research in Taiwan
    a). Geomorphological change in slope failures after earthquake
    To clarify the change of property and form of the slope failure induced by the Chi-chi earthquake, we conduct the basic on site research in two typical damaged areas. In Chu-fen-erh-shan area, we found the spillway from the landslide dam was eroded and some check dams in the stream damaged seriously. In Tsaoling area, we illustrated the 20-meter fallback at the cliff top, which made by the Chi-chi earthquake. And we continued the seismic exploration on site in order to clarify the degradation of ground property after earthquake.
    b). Typhoon impact after the earthquake
    After the typhoon impact in the summer of 2004 in Taiwan, sediment disasters on mountainous slope expanded to the northern area of the damaged area by Chi-chi earthquake in 1999. We surveyed in the middle stream of Tachiachi river, and found the typical pattern of a disaster expansion that a debris flow occurs first, after that the main stream is fed by the sediment from tributaries, then the riverbed raises, the flood disaster occurs at last.
    2. Debris flows research in Fujiwara town in Mie prefecture
    Several debris flows occurred in Fujiwara town subsequent to an earthquake but the causal relationship is not clear. We clarified the main factor for recurrences of debris flows in Fujiwara town were the resumed flow of the sediment in riverbed supplied from upstream and eroded riverbank through the field research. Also, we found that a recurrence of debris flows can be predictable using 10 minutes rainfall data.


  • 底面水抜きスクリーン上での土石流の停止機構の研究


    System name:その他の研究制度

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    Grant type:Competitive



  • 渓流におけるSTEP&POOL構造を決定する環境要因について


    System name:その他の研究制度

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    Grant type:Competitive



  • 海岸防風林における部分的な間伐が林内の風速分布におよぼす影響

    System name:その他の研究制度

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Influence of different thinning intensities on distribution of wind speed in a coastal forest

    System name:0130 (Japanese Only)

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 単純な乱れ場における沈降性粒子の拡散過程の研究

    System name:その他の研究制度

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Study on Diffusion Process of Dense Particles at Simple Turbulent Field

    System name:0130 (Japanese Only)

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    Grant type:Competitive


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