Graduate School of Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology Assistant Professor
Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Assistant Professor

Updated on 2025/03/14
博士(農学) ( 1995.3 新潟大学 )
Soil Physics
Material Circulation
Basin Ecosystems
Harmonization of Food Production and Biodiversity Preservation
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Rural environmental engineering and planning / Unsaturated Soil Water Movement, Plant Growth
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental impact assessment / Biodiversity; Material Circulation; Soil Environment
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Assistant Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology Assistant Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology Assistant Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Production and Environment Science Assistant Professor
2007.4 - 2017.3
Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Production and Environment Science Research Assistant
2004.4 - 2007.3
Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands Department of Water Resources
1991.4 - 1992.8
Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
Japanese Society of Soil Physics
Japanese Society of Hydrology and Water Resources
Environmentally Sound Rural Development New Technology Advisers Board Member of Advisers Board
Committee type:Municipal
Japanese Society of Regional and Agricultural Development Member
Committee type:Academic society
Council for the Promotion of Nutrition Education and Agricultural Development, Sanjyo City, Niigata, Japan Chairperson
Committee type:Municipal
Japanese Society of Environment secretary
2007.6 - 2011.6
Committee type:Academic society
Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Member
Committee type:Academic society
Japanese Society of Hydrology and Water Resources Member
Committee type:Academic society
Physical definition of residual water content in unsaturated soils
Unsaturated Soils for Asia 2000
Physical definition of residual water content in unsaturated soils
Unsaturated Soils for Asia 2000
アジアの不飽和土壌 2000
Water in Soils
IKARASI Taro, Editorial Board of the Soil( Role: Joint author)
Love Letters form Soil 1997.11
Evaluation of Soil Physical Properties in Paddy Fields on Reclaimed Land in Hachirogata
AODA Tadao
Reports of Joint Research 1 - 32 2021.3
Improvement of Drainage by using vertical holes Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Modern Agriculture 2021 ( 3 ) 58 - 63 2021.3
Development of the Subsurface Irrigation System applied on Rice Cultivation under the High Temperature Condition Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Journal of Agricultural Development Studies 31 ( 2 ) 69 - 76 2020.7
Studies on the Vegetation Growth at the Slopes
AODA Tadao
Report on the Joint Research 1 - 36 2020.3
Disaster and Restoration of the Land Consolidation at Tanne-Hirota Landslide Area Reviewed
INABA Kazunari, OKITA Satoru, KANZO Naoki, MINEMURA Masaomi, DENPOYA Hideaki, AODA Tadao, SUZUKI Tetsuya
Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 85 ( 12 ) 19 - 22 2017.12
Subsurface Irrigation to Vitalize Rice Growth
AODA Tadao
Proceedings of Soil Moisture Workshop 2016 26 - 30 2017.2
Vitalization of Clay Drain Pipes by using Epoch-making Management Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 84 ( 12 ) 49 - 52 2016.12
Rice Cultivation without any Fertilizer Reviewed
SUGIYAMA Shu-ichi, AODA Tadao, KASUBUCHI Tatsuaki
Natural Cultivation 8 34 - 41 2016.9
Development of Multi-tasked Rice Cultivation System Enable to Direct Seeding with the Subsurface Irrigation
AODA Tadao
Proceedings of Soil Moisture Workshop 2015 2016 41 - 44 2016.2
Perspective of the Kenya's Paddy Fields from a Land Reclamation Site in Japan Reviewed
AODA Tadao
水土の知 83 ( 7 ) 19 - 22 2015.7
Analysis of Slope Stability of JIgokuyama Landslide used Observed Groundwater Level Reviewed
INABA Kazunari, KOYAMA Misaki, HONGO Toru, AODA Tadao
Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 67 ( 2 ) 107 - 110 2015.6
Encouragement to be the Young Soil Scientists Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Water, Land Environmental Engineering 83 ( 5 ) 25 - 28 2015.5
Environmental Assessments on Eco-friendly Rice Production Applied Biomass - Investigation of Red Dragonflies as an Citizen Science - Invited Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Transactions of Environmental Studies of Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 10 19 - 24 2015.4
Diagnosis of Water Serviceability in Irrigation and Drainage Systems using Field Survey Reviewed
SUZUKI Tetsuya, TARUYA Hiroyuki, AODA Tadao, NAKADA Toru, FUJIYAMA So, NAKA Tatsuo
Water, Land Environmental Engineering 83 ( 4 ) 11 - 14 2015.4
Investigation of rice yield and quality in paddy fields using a water management system, and evaluation of effective use of agricultural water
AODA Tadao
Report of the Joint Research 1 - 10 2015.3
Report of International Meeting of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering 2014 Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Water, Land Environmental Engineering 83 ( 1 ) 68 - 69 2015.3
Development of a Soil Water Management System Using Ceramic Culverts for Environmentally Friendly Production of High Quality Rice
AODA Tadao
Report of Joint Research 1 - 95 2014.3
Development on the Construction, Utilization and Regeneration Technologies for Agricultural Infrastructure Based on Society-Academia Collaboration in Niigata Reviewed
SUZUKI Tetsuya, YOSHIKAWA Natsuki, AODA Tadao
Water, Land Environmental Engineering 82 ( 6 ) 19 - 22 2014.1
Spreadsheet Soil Moisture Dynamics Reviewed
Tadao Aoda, Kosuke Noborio, Eiko Inao
Procedia Environmental Sciences 19 465 - 473 2013.6
Assessment of Paddy Environment using Emergence Husks of Red-dragonflies with Civic Participation
AODA Tadao, KATANO Kai, TOYAMA Kazunari, JINGUJI Hiroshi
Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University 65 ( 2 ) 131 - 135 2013.6
Development of an Effective Soil Water Management System for Low-Humidity Paddy Fields Using a Ceramic Pipe Culvert
AODA Tadao
Report of the Joint Research 1 - 65 2013.3
Visualization of Study Achievement based on the Curriculum Map Reviewed
ARITA Hiroyuki, AODA Tadao, OHASHI Shin-taro, GONDA Yutaka, MIGUCHI Hideo, MURAKAMI Takuhiko, YAMASHITA Saori, IKUTA Koji, GOTO Yasushi, SATO Kiichi
Bulletin of Higher Education, Niigata University 1 ( 1 ) 9 - 16 2013.1
Modeling of Soil Water Dynamics Using a Spreadsheet Reviewed
AODA Tadao, NOBORIO Kosuke
Water, Land Environmental Engineering 80 ( 9 ) 15 - 18 2012.9
Functional Evaluation Report of Soil Water Management System Using Ceramic Pipe Culvert in Yamadera Area, Agano City, Japan
AODA Tadao
Report on the Joint Research 1 - 48 2012.3
Development of Soil Moisture Simulation Models using Spreadsheet
AODA Tadao, OZAWA Naoki, YASUDA Hiroshi, KAKAR Qudratullah
Proceedings of Soil Moisture Workshop 2011 7-1 - 7-4 2012.3
Water Retention, Physicochemical Properties and Cadmium Transport in Paddy Soils
Proceedings of Soil Moisture Workshop 2010 93 - 96 2011.3
Soil in the Environment -Crucible of Terrestrial Life- Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Journal of Soil Physics 115 61 - 61 2010.7
Organic Rice Paddies had Low Cadmium Levels. Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Modern Agriculture 2010 ( 1 ) 145 - 148 2010.1
Biota and soil physicality in organic paddy fields, analysis of paddy field characteristics that enhance biodiversity, and strategic layout considering spatial scale
AODA Tadao
Report on the Research Results of Scientific Research Grants and Basic Research (B) [General, 18380144] 63 - 72 2009.3
The Reduction Technique of Cadmium Uptake by Rice using Flood-water Management-Assessment of mid-drainage and organic fertilizer- Reviewed
AODA Tadao, KOBAYASHI Yuka, INABA Kazunari
Transactions of Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 243 9 - 13 2006.6
Winter-flooded Rice Field, No-tillage Farming Reviewed
MINETA Takuya, AODA Tadao, IWABUCHI Shigeki
Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 73巻 ( 9 ) 34 - 34 2005.9
Soil Physical Studies onthe Deep-water Management for Cd Extraction Control of Rice Cultivars Reviewed
Transactions of Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 233 131 - 132 2004.10
Hyun-Kyung Kang, OHKURO Toshiya, NIKKUNI Seiko, AODA Tadao, ARITA Hiroyuki
Journal of Rural Planning 23 ( 1 ) 63 - 70 2004.6
Studies on Water Retention and its Movement in Film Stage of Coarse Porous Media Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Transactions of Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 229 ( 1 ) 55 - 61 2004.2
Studies on the Change of Water Pressure at Film Stage in Porous Media Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Transactions of Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 229 ( 1 ) 115 - 116 2004.2
Modern Japanese Agriculture
AODA Tadao
Book Review Journal 25 2 - 14 2003.10
Phase transition of water in film stage of unsaturated soils
AODA Tadao, HOMMA Hiroshi
Unsaturated Soils 81 - 84 2003.4
Non-continuous water movement at film stage in porous media
AODA Tadao
Proceedings of Japanese Society of Soil Physics pp.66-67 66 - 67 2002
Physical Definition of Residual Water Content in Unsaturated Soils
AODA Tadao
Unsaturated Soils in Asia 91 - 93 2000.5
Pressure continuity of capillary water in unsaturated porous media
AODA Tadao
News Letter European Geophysical Society 74 131 2000.4
A Memorable Time in the Netherlands
AODA Tadao
Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 68 ( 4 ) 331 - 332 2000
Participation in the 28th Grain Simulation Conference Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 66 ( 9 ) 66 - 67 1998.7
Water in Soils Reviewed
AODA Tadao
Love Letters from Soils -Dispatch from Niigata- 87 - 94 1997.3
Simulation model for soil water movement in soil-plant-atmosphere continuum considering hysteresis Reviewed
Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology and water Resources 8 ( 3 ) 322 - 334 1995.3
A simulation model for the soil water movement in the fields
AODA Taoda
Niigata University, Doctoral dissertation 1 - 84 1995
The methodology of the simulatin of water storage and crop production
AODA Tadao, Van Dam, J, Feddes,R.A, Yoshida, S
Proceedings of the International Corference on Environmentally Sound Water Resource Utilization 3 51 - 58 1993.6
Fundamental studies on rain infiltration into sandy soil with consideration given hysteresis Reviewed
AODA Tadao, YOSHIDA Shoji, NAKANO Toshiro, YAMADA Akio
Transaction of The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 157 35 - 44 1992.2
Soil improvement to reduce cadmium uptake by rice
Studies on hydraulic continuity of unsaturated soil water
Education Appreciation
2015.9 Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
SUZUKI Tetsuya, TARUYA Hiroyuki, AODA Tadao, NAKATA Toru, FUJIYAMA So, NAKA Tatsuo
Grant number:23405045
2011.4 - 2015.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
YASUDA hironori, KASUBUCHI Tatsuaki, SAWADA Hiroichi, NAMAI Tsuneo, ANDO Ho, FUJII Hiroshi, IIDA Toshiaki, HASE Shu, SATO Satoru, SASAKI Yuka, CHENG Weiguo
Grant amount:\19110000 ( Direct Cost: \14700000 、 Indirect Cost:\4410000 )
In order to understand the pattern and mechanism of high yield due to System of Rice Intensification (SRI) factorial experiments with number of seedlings transplanted, density of seedlings, water management were carried out at four countries like Japan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Results showed that SRI methods did not always have high yield through the countries examined. This study suggested that environmental friendly rice production without any chemicals would be possible by using the aquatic organisms like snails.
Development of education system for animal rearing, plant cultivation and information science combined with environmental engineering in agriculture and technology education
Grant number:23580345
2011.4 - 2015.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\5460000 ( Direct Cost: \4200000 、 Indirect Cost:\1260000 )
In this study, we developed an education system for animal rearing, plant cultivation, information science, and energy and environmental combined with environmental engineering in agriculture and technology education. The system was integrated open source e-Learning system “Moodle”. Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments. This system is a unique approach in the field of environmental engineering in agriculture and technology education.
Study for Strategical Arrangement Based on the Analysis of the Characteristics and Spatial Scale of Paddy-fields improving Bio-diversity
Grant number:18380144
2006 - 2008
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
ISHIDA Kenji, MINETA Takuya, AODA Tadao, TAMURA Takahiro, HIDAKA Kazumasa, TANIMOTO Takeshi, KOIZUMI Noriyuki, WAKASUGI Kousuke, KURITA Hideharu, ASHIDA Toshifumi
Grant amount:\10320000 ( Direct Cost: \9000000 、 Indirect Cost:\1320000 )
2003 - 2008
System name:官民連帯共同研究
Grant type:Competitive
Development of the low cost management technique for farmland resources conservation
Grant number:14360141
2002 - 2005
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
ARITA Hiroyuki, ENDO Kazuko, AOUDA Tadao, OHKURO Toshiya
Grant amount:\11200000 ( Direct Cost: \11200000 )
(1)Vegetation changes in abandoned paddy fields : We surveyed vegetation changes in abandoned paddy fields and clarified that the following three factors affect successional patterns as well as fallow durations ; geomorphological and hydrological conditions, vegetation types surrounding paddy fields and management regime such as plowing and irrigation. Based on those results and estimation of vegetation changes on a regional scale, we suggested the importance of developing management guidelines for conservation of both biodiversity and agricultural land resources
(2)Change of soil physical properties of abandoned paddy fields : We studied on change of soil physical properties of abandoned paddy fields in Oshima village, Niigata prefecture as the years roll on. We conclude that the abandoned paddy fields 1)return to soil condition before reclamation, 2)have similar bearing capacity of hard pan of wet type them. Moreover micro-geography affects water content of cultivation layer. Hence temporal management, i.e., cultivation, would be useful to sustain soil physical condition of plow layer/hard pan at the abandoned paddies, particularly in wet type.
(3)Rational restoration system of abandoned paddy fields ; We considered about the relation between the vegetation of abandoned paddy fields into which trees invaded and the secular change of restoration cost of abandoned paddy field. Trees' invasion forms differed greatly between the wet farm land and the dry farm land. It was admitted that conditions, such as a disturbance, stress, and competition, had compounded the form of invasion. Moreover, restoration cost of abandoned paddy field was presumed based on the measurement experiment of the work concerning trees' felling, taking out, and processing. Moreover, the total cost was calculated based on aging of restoration cost of abandoned paddy field, and it was shown that annual continuous weeding management is the most economical for maintaining the producing function of abandoned paddy field.
(4)Management system of abandoned or fallow paddy fields : We examined the generating mechanism of degrated farmland in former Higashi-kubiki-Gun Niigata Pref., and it was shown clearly that mechanical factors acted in early stages and the incitant factors acted strongly after the 1970s. Furthermore, desolationized advance was predicted paying attention to the labor force, and it was shown that 50 to 60% of farmland may be abandoned over the next 20 years. Moreover, the simple land suitability classification technique was developed based on the relation between management subject formation of farmland resources and resource state. In addition, the management survey of the fallow paddy field was performed and the conditions of the summer fallow cultivation enforcement which leads to reduction of extensive chemical herbicides use were examined. Moreover, the infrastructure improvement system corresponding to deep flooding management effective for weeding out and the control-of-maintenance system by pasturage of a cultivation abandonment rice field were examined.
Design and development of a simple and easy-to-measure in-situ permeability test to determine hydraulic conductivity of soil.
Grant number:12556036
2000 - 2002
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
MORII Toshihiro, AODA Tadao, TAKESHITA Yuji, INOUE Mitsuhiro
Grant amount:\8500000 ( Direct Cost: \8500000 )
It is well recognized that in-situ measurements of saturated and unsaturated moisture properties of soil are essential for accurate prediction of contaminant transport as well as water movement in soil such as agricultural field, compacted soil, natural slope and landfill. In the Research Project field and laboratory investigations are conducted to develop an in-situ permeability test that has a superior feature that an equipment to measure data as well as a procedure to determine the soil permeability is quite simple. The in-situ permeability test investigated consists of a Guelph pressure infiltrometer (GPI) method combined with a Guelph well permeameter (GWP) method, both of which have been proposed by the researchers of Guelph University, Canada. The GPI and GWP methods determine a field-saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil Kfs based on a measurement of constant-head steady infiltration into a soil from a single ring inserted a small depth into the soil and from a well bored a small depth into the soil, respectively. Kfs can describe well water movement in soil because many natural and man-made infiltration processes result in significant air entrapment within the soil.
In the first and second years of the Research Project, a practical accuracy and an applicability of the GPI and the GWP methods were examined by a field investigation, a laboratory soil bin test and a numerical analysis. If is found out that the GPI and the GWP methods determine accurately and effectively Kfs in plane and along depth of soil, respectively. Also is found that a statistical property of the soil permeability can be determined,effectively by the GPI method because it does not require a tedious time to determine Kfs at a site. The in-situ permeability test investigated was applied to sand sediment soil formed by a debris flow of soil. From the test results and a permeability test of the sand sediment soil additionally conducted in the laboratory, an integrated procedure is effectively proposed to determine the hydraulic permeability of the sand sediment which is characterized by a inclusion of large gravel and cobbles into the sand soil. In the last year of the Research Project, the in-situ permeability test was extended so that it was able to determine unsat urated moisture properties of soil as well as the hydraulic conductivity of soil. Both an infiltration rate from the GPI ring or the GWP well and a moisture content of soil were measured during the constant-head infiltration with time, and were numerically back-calculated to estimate soil parameters which defined optimally unique relationships between moisture content, negative pressure head and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of soil.
Grant number:10460106
1998 - 2000
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
NAKANO Toshirou, YOSHUDA Syouji, AODA Tadao
Grant amount:\5400000 ( Direct Cost: \5400000 )
Vane test which can be measured from settlement and slip ratio is suitable for measuring bearing capacity of soil of paddy field where the plant remains of the intactness piles up deeply. In the time which cuts down the rice plant, plow layer dried. The shear resistance force of the soil increases, because the soil structure is reconstituted by fiber component in the plant remains, when it consists so. It was proven that the friction resistance component excelled for the mowing stage in the silty cohesive soil, though the shear resistance force was almost fixed. In the way which connected one of two underdrains in lateral drain, the soil water tension is largely in the drying tendency, and especially, there is largely the drying of the plowsole layer than the plow layer in the connected hot day in August. It is based on the effect of the transpiration from the rice plant, since there is the root group area in the plowsole layer.
Grant number:10896008
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
矢野 友久, 粟生田 忠雄, 籾井 和朗, 小葉田 亨, 西山 壮一, 北村 義信
Grant amount:\3100000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 )
Grant type:Competitive
Grant type:Competitive
Grant type:Competitive
Grant type:Competitive
Grant type:Competitive
スタディ・スキルズA c
平和を考える in 新潟
Coordinator of Citizens' college, Niigata
Role(s): Planner, Organizing member, Report writing
Lifelong Education Division, Niigata City Citizens' college course "Producing the region through agriculture and food" 2018.6 - 2019.1
University Section of Niigata Basketball Association
Role(s): Advisor
Japan Basketball Association 2017.4