Faculty of Education Mathematical and Natural Sciences Professor
Graduate School of Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology Earth Science Professor
Updated on 2025/03/11
【Papers】 Pillow lava and spasmodic submarine fire fountaining in the middle Miocene marginal basin, Sado Island, Japan 2014.12
【Papers】 Vesiculation and eruption processes of submarine effusive and explosive rocks from the middle miocene Ogi Basalt, Sado Island, Japan 2003
【Papers】 Spatial variation in the Sr and Nd isotope compositions of Cenozoic alkali basalts from the Chugoku district, SW Japan 1989.12
*Doctor (Science) ( 1990.3 Hokkaido University )
Natural Science / Solid earth sciences / 地質学, 海底火山活動, マグマ成因論
Humanities & Social Sciences / Science education / 地学教育
Graduate School of Science and technology, Niigata University Evironmental Science and Technology Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Education Mathematical and Natural Sciences Professor
Niigata University Graduate School of Education School Subjects Professor
2011.4 - 2016.3
Niigata University Faculty of Education Mathematical and Natural Sciences Associate Professor
1998.4 - 2011.3
Niigata University Faculty of Education Associate Professor (as old post name)
1992.4 - 1998.3
Niigata University Faculty of Education Assistant
1991.4 - 1992.3
Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology Earth Science Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Education Mathematical and Natural Sciences Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Education Mathematical and Natural Sciences Associate Professor
1998.4 - 2011.3
Niigata University Graduate School of Education School Subjects Professor
1992.4 - 2018.3
Niigata University Faculty of Education Associate Professor (as old post name)
1992.4 - 1998.3
Niigata University Faculty of Education Research Assistant
1991.4 - 1992.3
一般社団法人日本地質学会 理事
2009.5 - 2014.5
Committee type:Academic society
暫定統合国際深海掘削計画科学評価パネル 委員
2000.4 - 2002.3
Committee type:Other
Geochemical evidence for “cryptic amphibole fractionation” and lower crust melting for the generation of island arc tholeiitic rocks from northern Fossa Magna, central Japan Reviewed
M. Aizawa, R. Shinjo, S. Okamura, T. Takahashi, N. Fujibayashi
Lithos 386-387 106028 - 106028 2021.4
Petrology of volcanic rocks from Yoneyama Formation, central Japan: REE constraints on the magma process of the Northern Fossa Magna
Aizawa Masataka, Shinjo Ryuichi, Okamura Satoshi, Takahashi Toshiro, Fujibayashi Norie, Yoneyama Research Group
Fujibayashi Norie, Yamakami Haruna, Takahashi Yoko
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education (Natural Sciences), Niigata University 10 ( 1 ) 45 - 54 2017.10
Attitude Survey Regarding Science and Academic Records of Elementary Teacher Trainees in Japan. Reviewed
Sakai M, Hashimoto M, Suematsu K, Sakai T, Terata K, Aoki H, Masada H, Fujibayashi N, Muta A, Nakai H
The Journal of East Asian Educational Research 4 87 - 98 2017.7
Recent studies on submarine lava flows and explanation about jumbled sheet flows from Middle Miocene Ogi Basalts.
Fujibayashi N, Maruyama T
47 ( 2 ) 1 - 9 2017.3
Across-arc Variations in Geochemistry of Oligocene to Quaternary Basalts from the NE Japan Arc: Constraints on Source Composition, Mantle Melting and Slab Input Composition Reviewed
K. Shuto, R. Nohara-Imanaka, M. Sato, T. Takahashi, E. Takazawa, H. Kawabata, K. Takanashi, M. Ban, N. Watanabe, N. Fujibayashi
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY 56 ( 11 ) 2257 - 2294 2015.11
Gabbroic inclusions in the middle Miocene Ogi Basalt Member, Sado Island, Japan.
Ubuka Katagiri, Maiko Ogawa, Norie Fujibayashi
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education (Natural Sciences), NIIGATA UNIVERSITY 7 ( 2 ) 49 - 62 2015.3
Pillow lava and spasmodic submarine fire fountaining in the middle Miocene marginal basin, Sado Island, Japan Reviewed
Norie Fujibayashi, Kensuke Asakura, Takeshi Hattori, Sharon Allen
ISLAND ARC 23 ( 4 ) 344 - 364 2014.12
理科教育地学分野の課題と関連学会の取り組み(提言) Invited Reviewed
第四紀研究別冊 2011.3
Teaching on volcanisms, integrating physicochemical knowledges
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education Natural sciences 3 ( 1 ) 47 - 55 2010.10
Chishitsu news ( 669 ) 69 - 73 2010.5
郷土記録誌ふるさと三条 18 9 - 23 2010.3
小木半島の中期中新世海底火山ー小木玄武岩類・沢崎玄武岩の層相変化ー Invited
新潟県地学教育研究会地学教育研究会誌 ( 40 ) 49 - 64 2009.2
藤林 紀枝ほか
新潟大学教育人間科学部実践総合センター研究紀要教育実践総合研究 ( 7 ) 77 - 83 2008.6
結城義則, 藤林紀枝
新潟大学教育人間科学部附属教育実践総合センター研究紀要教育実践総合研究 ( 7 ) 85 - 110 2008.6
Back-arc basin basaltic volcanism: lithofacies and eruption style of the Middle Miocene Sawasaki pyroclastic rocks, Sado Island, japan. In edited by Kurita, H., and Miyashita, S., Proceedings and abstracts from 2006 Jap an-Korea Joint Symposium on Ocean
Fujibayashi, N, Asakuram K, Hattori, T
Proceedings and abstracts from 2006 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Ocean Drilling in Niigata, Nigata University 65 - 68 2007.12
Y. Yuki, N. Fujibayashi
第6号 (印刷中) - 46 2007.12
Petrology and mineral isochron age of ultramafic to mafic xenoliths fron the NE Japan Arc.
Fujibayashi, N, Kagami, H, Ishida, N, Kondo, H
International Mineralogical Conference 2006 2006.9
Facies change in submarine basaltic lava fountain deposits from the Middle Miocene Ogi Basalts, Sado Island, Japan.
17th International Sedimentological Congress 2006.8
Geochemical secular variation of magma source during Early to Middle Miocene time in the Niigata area, NE Japan: Asthenospheric mantle upwelling during back-arc basin opening Reviewed
K Shuto, H Ishimoto, Y Hirahara, M Sato, K Matsui, N Fujibayashi, E Takazawa, K Yabuki, M Sekine, M Kato, AI Rezanov
LITHOS 86 ( 1-2 ) 1 - 33 2006.1
新潟大学超域研究機構他報告書[日本海超深度掘削実現をめざして](宮下純夫・藤林紀枝・阿部なつ江編) 18 - 20 2005.12
平成16年度帝国石油奨励研究報告書 1 - 31 2005
信越堆積盆地における中期中新世火山岩類(いわゆるグリーンタフ)分布の規則性 - 新津丘陵地域の中期中新世火山岩類について -
(株)帝国石油平成15年度奨励研究報告書 1 - 31 2004.12
信越堆積盆地における中期中新世火山岩類(いわゆるグリーンタフ)分布の規則性 - 新津丘陵地域の中期中新世火山岩類について –
平成15年度帝国石油奨励研究報告書 1 - 31 2004
信越堆積盆地における中期中新世火山岩類(いわゆるグリーンタフ)分布の規則性 - 西山油帯北部延長域「間瀬弥彦地域」の火山岩類(グリーンタフ)について -
(株)帝国石油平成14年度奨励研究報告書 1 - 28 2003.12
Explosive fragmentation of basaltic magma focused on a variety in spatter sizes and particle size distributions from a submarine volcaniclastic sequence
Yamagishi, H., N, Fujibayashi, and K, Terasaki
XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and geophysics 2003 2003.6
Late Cenozoic volcanic activity in the Chugoku area, southwest Japan arc during back-arc basin opening and reinitiation of subduction Reviewed
Jun-Ichi Kimura, Tomoyuki Kunikiyo, Isaku Osaka, Takashi Nagao, Seiki Yamauchi, Susumu Kakubuchi, Shomei Okada, Norie Fujibayashi, Ryuhei Okada, Hisashi Murakami, Takashi Kusano, Koji Umeda, Shintaro Hayashi, Tsuneari Ishimaru, Atusi Ninomiya, Atsushi Tanase
Island Arc 12 ( 1 ) 22 - 45 2003.3
信越堆積盆地における中期中新世火山岩類(いわゆるグリーンタフ)分布の規則性 - 西山油帯北部延長域「間瀬—弥彦地域」の火山岩類(グリーンタフ)について –
平成14年度帝国石油奨励研究報告書 1 - 28 2003
Vesiculation and eruption processes of submarine effusive and explosive rocks from the middle miocene Ogi Basalt, Sado Island, Japan Invited Reviewed
Norie Fujibayashi, Umio Sakai
Geophysical Monograph Series 140 259 - 272 2003
小佐渡の椎泊地すべりと小木玄武岩質海底火山噴出物 Reviewed
菅野孝美, 田中舘宏橘, 藤林紀枝, 山岸宏光
日本地質学会第109年学術大会見学旅行案内書 153 - 168 2002.12
Subaqueous fire fountains of basaltic magma.
Fujibayashi, N, Sakai, U
The American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on Explosive subaqueous volcanism. 2002.1
Nagao Takashi, Kakubuchi Susumu, Fujibayashi Norie, Hase Yoshitaka, Nagamine Satoru
第8号 38 - 43 2000.12
富士火山放映放出物中の本質火砕物およびはんれい岩質集積岩に記録された玄武岩 - 安山岩,安山岩 - 流紋岩マグマ混合作用. Reviewed
藤林紀枝, 山本玄珠, 野村朋子, 加々美寛雄, 永尾隆志
地質学論集 第53号 135 - 155 1999.12
Data Report; Mineralogy and Sr- and Nd-isotopic composition of gabbroic oceanic crust drilled from Holes 923A and 921E in the MARK area. Reviewed
Fujibayashi, N, Kagami, H, Oishi, Y
Scientific Results of the proceedings of the Oceanic Drilling Program 153 471 - 490 1996.12
Initial report of Site 922, Kane Fracture Zone, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Shipboard Scientific Party
Proc. ODP, Init. Repts.(eds., Cannat M., Karson, J.A., Miller, D.J., et al.) 153 45 - 119 1995.12
Initial report of Site 921, Kane Fracture Zone, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Shipboard Scientific Party
Proc. ODP, Init. Repts.(eds., Cannat M., Karson, J.A., Miller, D.J., et al.) 153 45 - 119 1995.12
Initial report of Site 920, Kane Fracture Zone, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Shipboard Scientific Party
Proc. ODP, Init. Repts.(eds., Cannat M., Karson, J.A., Miller, D.J., et al.) 153 45 - 119 1995.12
西南日本,後期新生代玄部岩類の起源マントルの特徴 Reviewed
角縁進, 永尾隆志, 加々美寛雄, 藤林紀枝
地質学論集 44 321 - 335 1995.12
Fujibayashi Norie, Watanabe Yasushi, Kagami Hiroo, Kawano Yoshinobu
The Memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan. 44 ( 44 ) 181 - 195 1995.12
Cylindrical structures in a subaerial rhyolite lava dome in the Kutcharo Caldera, Hokkaido, Japan. Reviewed
Goto, Y, N. Fujibayashi
火山第2集 40 181 - 195 1995.12
Initial report of Site 924, Kane Fracture Zone, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Shipboard Scientific Party
Proc. ODP, Init. Repts.(eds., Cannat M., Karson, J.A., Miller, D.J., et al.) 153 45 - 119 1995.12
Initial report of Site 923, Kane Fracture Zone, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Shipboard Scientific Party
Proc. ODP, Init. Repts.(eds., Cannat M., Karson, J.A., Miller, D.J., et al.) 153 45 - 119 1995.12
北海道中央部馬追丘陵および夕張炭田地域の中新世前期火山岩類のK-Ar年代,層序対比および化学組成. Reviewed
渡辺寧, 藤林紀枝, 中川充, 加々美寛雄
岩鉱 88 295 - 306 1993.12
山本邦仁, 長瀬克也, 一色保典, 寺崎紘一, 藤林紀枝
地学団体研究会第47回新潟総会巡検案内書「新潟の地質」 112 - 149 1993.12
火成岩の同位体地球化学的研究 Reviewed
加々美寛雄, 藤林紀枝, 周藤賢治
日本の地質学100年 160 - 171 1993.5
ドレライト岩床の冷却節理を充填する砕屑岩脈 Reviewed
藤林紀枝, 牛木啓志
新潟大学理学部地鉱研究報告 7 76 - 84 1992.12
Sr-rich basalt and highly potassic lamprophyre in SW Japan: evidence for mantle metasomatism
Nagao, T, Fujibayashi,N, Kagami, H
29th International Geological Congress. 1992.8
Spinel in WPB-type alkali basalts from SW Japan.
Fujibayashi, N
29th International Geological Congress. 696 - 696 1992.8
加藤孝明, 木崎健治, 藤林紀枝
ジオサイエンス技術研究報告 3 33 - 53 1991.12
Mantle heterogeneity beneath the Eastern Asian continental margin, evidenced by the Sr and Nd isotope composition of the Cenozoic alkali basalts from SW Japan
Fujibayashi,N, Nagao, T, Kagami, H
Second China-Japan symposium on Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology 1991.1
Two types of the Cenozoic alkali basalts from the Chugoku district, SW Japan, and their source mantle. Reviewed
Fujibayashi, N
北海道大学博士学位論文 1 - 91 1990.12
中国山地,横田地域のSrに富む新生代アルカリ玄武岩の起源 Reviewed
永尾隆志, 藤林紀枝, 加々美寛雄, 田崎耕市, 高田小百合
地質学雑誌 96 795 - 803 1990.12
Petrology of the 1988 - 1989 essential ejecta and associated glassy rocks of Tokachi-dake volcano in central Hokkaido, Japan Reviewed
Ikeda, Y, Katsui, Y, Nakagawa, M, Kawachi, S, Watanabe, T, Fujibayashi, N, Shibata, T, Kagami, H
火山第2集 34 147 - 162 1990.12
Two types of the Cenozoic alkali basalts in SW Japan, and their source mantle Reviewed
Fujibayashi, N, Nagao, T, Kagami, H
Trans., American Geophys. Union (EOS) 71 965 - 965 1990.12
Across back-arc basin variation in the Sr and Nd isotopic composition of the Cenozoic alkali basalts from SWE Japan and eastern Asian continent.
Fujibayashi, N, Nagao, T, Kagami, H
7th International Conf, Geochronol. Cosmochronol. and Isotope Geol 1990.9
Two types of the Cenozoic alkali basalts from the Chugoku district, SW Japan, and their source mantle. Reviewed
Norie Fujibayashi
Two types of the Cenozoic alkali basalts in SW Japan, and their source mantle.
Fujibayashi, N, Nagao, T, Kagami, H
Trans., American Geophys. Union 965 - 965 1990
南部九州長島火山岩類の層序と放射年代 Reviewed
長谷義隆, 長峰智, 永尾隆志, 山元正継, 藤林紀枝, 阪口和之, 半田正敏
地質学論集 24 109 - 120 1989.12
Cr-rich and Al-rich spinels in the Kibi-Kogen alkali basalts, southwest Japan Reviewed
Fujibayashi N
Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.,Ser. IV 22 503 - 517 1989.12
Spatial variation in the Sr and Nd isotope compositions of Cenozoic alkali basalts from the Chugoku district, SW Japan Reviewed
Fujibayashi, N, Nagao, T, Kagami, H, Iwata, M, Tazaki, K
日本岩石鉱物鉱床学雑誌 84 429 - 443 1989.12
Highly potassic lamprophyre from the sera plateau in the Chugoku mountains, SW Japan. Reviewed
Nagao Takashi, Fujibayashi Norie
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 84 ( 8 ) 270 - 277 1989.12
29 予報 : 1988-89 年十勝岳火山噴出物の岩石学的特徴
池田 保夫, 勝井 義雄, 河内 晋平, 渡辺 暉夫, 藤林 紀枝, 前田 仁一郎, 柴田 知之, 後藤 芳彦, 大和田 正明, 山崎 哲良, 加々美 寛雄
日本火山学会講演予稿集 1989 30 - 30 1989
MAGMA ( 69号 ) 1 - 9 1983.11
坂井海男, 藤林紀枝
平成7年度科研費補助金(一般B)研究成果報告書「未固結堆積岩とマグマとの反応と組成移動」 1983.3
総合研究「九州の基盤と陥没構造」研究報告No.2 1983
鹿野和彦ほか編( Role: Sole author , 6)
地質調査所 2000.12
新版 地学辞典
藤林紀枝( Role: Sole author)
平凡社 1996.12
加々美寛雄, 藤林紀枝, 周藤賢治( Role: Joint author , 160-171)
日本地質学会編集・発行 1993.12
相澤正隆, 新城竜一, 岡村聡, 岡村聡, 藤林紀枝, 高橋俊郎
地学団体研究会総会講演要旨集 72nd 2018
日本火山学会1997年度秋季大会講演予稿集 29 1997
45A. Essential ejecta from 1988〜1989 Tokachi-dake activity and its implication for mechanism of eruption.(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Fall Meeting of the Society)
Nakagawa M., Katsui Y., Kawachi S., Ikeda Y., Fujibayashi N., Goto Y.
Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. Second series 34 ( 4 ) 341 - 341 1989.12
The nature of primitive magma of Cenozoic alkaline basalts in Kibikogen plateau and Yokota district, Chugoku province.
Fujibayashi N., Nagao T.
Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. Second series 32 ( 4 ) 374 - 374 1987.12
51B. The regional variation of the source material alkaline basalts, Chugoku province.(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Society)
Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. Second series 31 ( 2 ) 142 - 142 1986.7
50B. Nd, Sr isotopic compositions of the Yokota alkali basalts, southwest Japan : examination of upper-mantle heterogeneity.(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Society)
Nagao T., Fujibayashi N., Kagami H., Tazaki K.
Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. Second series 31 ( 2 ) 141 - 141 1986.7
1990.7 北海道大学理学部 Spatial variation in the Sr and Nd isotope compositions of Cenozoic alkali basalts from the Chugoku district, SW Japan.
Grant number:21K02458
2021.4 - 2024.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
藤林紀枝, 高清水康博
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct Cost: \3000000 、 Indirect Cost:\900000 )
本研究は,a) 防災教育の観点から小・中学校理科の地学分野「流水の働き」,「土地のつくり」,および「大地の変動」の学術的基盤の再整備を行い、その上で,b) GIGAスクール時代に最適化したオンラインでのリアルタイム自然情報または情報データベースの活用,c) 身近な自然素材の活用,およびd) 災害発生(水害,火山災害,地震災害)の危険予知と避難行動の4点からなる一連の防災教育プロセスの構築を目指している。本年度は、c)の自然素材の調査・研究を行なった。1つは新潟市南部の海岸沿いにある角田山を構成する中期中新世火山砕屑岩類の調査・研究で、地質調査の結果、海底火山の山体崩壊を起こした海底地辷りを発見し、上下の地層の岩石記載学的研究及び岩石試料のXRF分析から、その発生時期は、角閃石複輝石デイサイト及び安山岩の活動時期であったことを明らかにした。これは、一般的に粘性が高めと考えられるデイサイト質から安山岩質マグマの活動期に山体崩壊が起こりやすかったことを意味し、浅海域の火山で発生しやすいマグマ水蒸気爆発に伴う海底土石流の形成過程のモデルとなりうる。また、海底土石流から混濁流に遷移した結果、累重する粗粒層の間に剪断変形しやすい細粒層が含水条件の堆積物として形成されることが、海底地すべりの原因の1つであることがわかった。もう1つは、東北地方太平洋沿岸の福島県浪江町に分布する津波堆積物の調査・研究で、現地で合計6箇所のボーリングコアの採取を行い、その解析結果から、過去5000年の間の津波堆積物の層を4枚から5枚確認できた。この成果は、歴史時代に起きた津波を伴う地震の発生周期の検討にも繋がり、防災教育に果たす役割は大きい。
2015.4 - 2018.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2012.4 - 2015.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(C)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\3700000 ( Direct Cost: \2470000 、 Indirect Cost:\1230000 )
2011.4 - 2013.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:挑戦的萌芽研究
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\200000 ( Direct Cost: \200000 )
Comparison of gabbroic inclusions derived from lower crust beneath the northeast Japan Arc, their ragiogenic ages and petrological significances.
Grant number:09640540
1997.4 - 2001.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\3200000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 )
Ultramafic and mafic inclusions from the Northeast Japan Arc, Izu-Ogasawara Arc and Fossa Magna Region were studied. Based on their mineral chemistries, most of them are interpreted to be cumulates from arc tholeiite, formed in magma chambers at the depth near the crust-mantle boundary. Some amphibole-poor ultramafic and mafic xenoliths from the lchinomegata maar ejecta and the Miocene Ogi basalt, however, are the cumulates formed by crystallization of oceanic tholeiite. Clinopyroxenites from the lchinomegata maar and olivine gabbro from the Miocene Atsumi dolerite are crystallized from alkali basalt magmas. Gabbronorites from the Fuji volcano and the Yatsugatake volcano are cumulates from dacitic magmas mixed with basaltic magmas. Sr isotope ratios of the inclusions from the Pliocene volcanics in Sanogawa area are low (0.7031-33), and able to be characterized as the products of back-arc magmatism in the Ancient Izu-Shichitou Arc. Some gabbroic inclusions from the Yatsugatake volcano have low Sr isotopic ratios (<0.7040) significant of the Izu=ogasawara arc volcanoes, and the others show high ivalues (>0.7040) significant of frontal volcanos in the Northeast Japan Arc. Sr isotope r
High field strength element depletions in the mantle beneath island arc
Grant number:07404026
1995.4 - 1997.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\400000 ( Direct Cost: \400000 )
The results obtained from this research project are summarized as follows.
1) On the basis of Sr and Nd isotopic data for Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic rocks from the NE Japan arc, two isotopically different mantle sources have been proposed by the present workers. One is an undepleted sub-island arc upper mantle from which -35 Ma to -15 Ma basaltic magmas in the back-arc side and -21 Ma to the present basalts in the trench side and transitional zone were extracted. The other is depleted asthenosphere which upwelled and intruded the undepleted subisland arc upper mantle beneath the back-arc side of the NE Japan arc at around 15 Ma.
2) The temporal change in HFS element (high field strength element) character of two different parts of the mantle beneath the NE Japan arc was investigated using Nb, Ti, Y and Zr in 103 basaltic samples (MgO*5%, SiO2*53%) from the trench side (including some samples from the transitional zone) and 127 samples from the back-arc side. Systematic differences are observed in the HFS element contents of older basalts relative to younger ones. Basaltic rocks derived from the subisland arc upper mantle exhibit a gradual decrease in Zr/Y and a gradual incr
Interaction and compositional change between unsolidified sediments and magma
Grant number:06452092
1994.4 - 1996.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\300000 ( Direct Cost: \300000 )
The results obtained from this research project are summarized as follows. Two types were distinguished in the interaction between intruded sediments and basaltic magmas. The first type is diffusional one which appears in black shale intruded by dolerite sill, and the second is interaction when black shale and basaltic rocks are intrmingled . The first type occurs under higher temperature and lower water/rock ratio conditions than the second type. In the first type, black shales are silicified and enriched in SiO_2along the contact with dolerite sill, whereas they are completely depleted in K_2O and Rb, which are probably transferred into dolerites. On the other hand, SiO_2 contents of dolerite are constant. In contrast to K_2O and Rb, CaO are expelled from dolerite and slightly concentrated in black shale near the contact. However, the degree of concentration is not balanced with the expelled amount, suggesting that the CaO are removed outside of the system . In the second type, no silicification occurs in baked sediments, although the black shales became to whitish. The white color is due to abundant precipitation of calcite in the shale . However, K_2O and Rb are completely remo
1994.4 - 1995.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:奨励研究(A)
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\1200000 ( Direct Cost: \1200000 )
Temporal changes of isotopes in igneous rocks occurring in the ciucum Japan Sea regions
Grant number:05452086
1993.4 - 1995.4
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\300000 ( Direct Cost: \300000 )
The results obtained from this research project are summarized as follows.
(1) On the basis of Sr and Nd isotopic data for Tertiary to Quaternary volcanic rocks from the NE Japan arc, the mantle magma sources beneath the NE Japan arc can be divided into two regions ; one is the isotopically undepleted sub-island arc upper mantle and another is the depleted asthenosphere (called the depleted source) which was upwelled to the undepleted sub-island arc upper mantle at around 15 Ma.
Temporal change of HFS element (high field strength element) character two different mantle parts beneath the NE Japan arc, the undepleted and depleted sources, is investigated using four HFS elements Nb, Ti, Y and Zr in 103 basalitc samples (MgO*5%, SiO2*53%) from the trench side (including some samples from the transitional zone) and 127 ones from the back-arc side. Systematic differences are observed in HFS element composition of the older basalts relative to the younger ones. Basaltic rocks derived from the undepleted source exhibit a gradual decrease in Zr/Y ratio and a gradual increase in Ti/Zr and Zr/Nb ratios with decreasing age from -35 Ma to the present, whereas those from the depleted source sh
Study of World Ocean Floor by Drilling & Down hole Measurement
Grant number:04044045
1992.4 - 1993.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Study of World, Ocean Floor by Drilling, Down hole Measurement
Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\350000 ( Direct Cost: \350000 )
The research conducted this year includes the tectonics, sedimentation, petrology and paleoenvironments of the Atlantic Ocean. The mechanism of the breakup the Pangea and the birth of the Atlantic Ocean has been the one of the major objectives of the earth sciences. This program investigated the Greenland offshore penetrated an entire section of so-called seaward dipping reflector and found that the breakup was accompanied by dome uplift, emplacement of enormous basaltic magma which followed by rapid subsidence. This sequence of event suggests that the continental breakup and greenhouse earth was associated with mantle plume. This finding is a major break through in the earth science.
The program also made a major contribution in the field of paleooceanography. The deep seas drilling in the area of northern Atlantic showed that the initial development of the polar ice sheet started about 7.5 Ma and massive development about 2.5 Ma. The high frequency cold-warm signals with duration of several thousand years were detected as a change in sea surface temperature concordant with the results of the Greenland ice core data. This produced a truly new insight into the climatic behavior an