Faculty of Humanities Department of Humanities Professor
Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Multicultural Studies Professor
Updated on 2025/03/14
博士(文学) ( 2000.9 新潟大学 )
文学修士 ( 1988.3 筑波大学 )
Mongol empire
Chinggis khan
Humanities & Social Sciences / Archaeology
Niigata University Professor
Niigata University Center for Transdisciplinary Research Professor
2006.4 - 2013.9
Niigata University Faculty of Humanities Associate Professor (as old post name)
1999.11 - 2006.3
モンゴル科学アカデミー 歴史研究所 客員研究員(日本学術振興会海外特別研究員)
1997.4 - 1999.3
Niigata University Faculty of Humanities Research Assistant
1994.5 - 1999.10
Niigata University Asian Link Research Center Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Humanities Department of Humanities Professor
Niigata University Faculty of Humanities Course of Culture and Civilization Associate Professor (as old post name)
1999.11 - 2006.3
日本モンゴル学会 副会長
日本モンゴル学会 理事
Committee type:Academic society
モンゴル科学アカデミー歴史研究所 客員研究員(日本学術振興会海外特別研究員)
1997.4 - 1999.3
Noriyuki Shiraishi, Tsogtbaatar Batmunkh, Ishtseren Lochin, Lkhundev Guunii, Amarbold Erdene-Ochir, Angaragdulguun Gantumur, Burentugs Lkhagvasuren, Tuvshin Erdenebileg
Studia Archaeologica 44 ( 1 ) 179 - 191 2024.7
Medieval genomes from eastern Mongolia share a stable genetic profile over a millennium Reviewed
Juhyeon Lee, Takehiro Sato, Atsushi Tajima, Tsend Amgalantugs, Batmunkh Tsogtbaatar, Shigeki Nakagome, Toshihiko Miyake, Noriyuki Shiraishi, Choongwon Jeong, Takashi Gakuhari
Human Population Genetics and Genomics 4 ( 1 ) 1 - 11 2024.3
The origins of saddles and riding technology in East Asia: discoveries from the Mongolian Altai Reviewed
Jamsranjav Bayarsaikhan, Tsagaan Turbat, Chinbold Bayandelger, Tumurbaatar Tuvshinjargal, Juan Wang, Igor Chechushkov, Manabu Uetsuki, Naoto Isahaya, Mark Hudson, Noriyuki Shiraishi, Yue Li, Chengrui Zhang, Gelegdorj Eregzen, Gino Caspari, Paula López-Calle, Joshua L. Conver, Gaëtan Tressières, Lorelei Chauvey, Julie Birgel, Nasan-Ochir Erdene-Ochir, Jan Bemmann, Gregory Hodgins, Kristine K. Richter, Ludovic Orlando, Christina Warinner, William Timothy Treal Taylor
Antiquity 98 ( 397 ) 102 - 118 2023.12
沙漠研究 33 ( 1 ) 3 - 8 2023.6
The Shao Fan ritual in the Mongol Empire Reviewed
N. Shiraishi
Toyoshi-Kenkyu (Journal of Oriental Researches) 80 ( 1 ) 69 - 103 2021.6
Аваргын балгасаас шинээр олдсон дархны зуух Reviewed
Б.Цогтбаатар, Л.Ишцэрэн, Т.Миякэ, Т.Сасада, Г.Батболд, Х.Обата, Н.Шираиши
Археологийн судлал ( 36 ) 299 - 308 2017.5
白石 典之, B.ツォグトバータル
13-14世紀モンゴル史研究 ( 2 ) 45 - 54 2017.3
斡里札河之戦金軍的進軍路線(翻訳) Reviewed
白石 典之
寧夏社会科学 2017 ( 2 ) 202 - 212 2017
Route of Jin army in the Battle of the River <i>Ulz</i> Reviewed
INNER ASIAN STUDIES 31 ( 31 ) 27 - 48 2016.3
白石 典之
13-14世紀モンゴル史研究 ( 1 ) 79 - 84 2016.3
蒙古国戈壁沙漠地区的契丹系文化遺存(翻訳) Reviewed
白石 典之
草原文物 2015 ( 2 ) 115 - 121 2015
Reconsideration of the Location of Lake Yu er po in the Early Mongol-Yuan Period Reviewed
( 42 ) 23 - 38 2012.3
Нүүдэлчдийн төр улс үүсэн бий болоход төмөр нөлөөлсөн нь: Их Монгол улсын үеийн нийгэм улс төр төмөрлөгийн асуудалд. Invited Reviewed
Acta Historica ( 13 ) 53 - 65 2012
Shiraishi Noriyuki, Sohma Hidehiro, Kato Yuzo
Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology. 33 ( 4 ) 599 - 638 2009.3
A Preliminary Report on the Japan-Mongolia Joint Archaeological Expedition at Avraga Site: the Great Ordu of Chinggis Khan. Invited
Noriyuki Shiraishi, Butmunkh Tsogtbaatar
Bonn Contribution to Asian Archaeology (Mongolia). 4 551 - 564 2009
ヘルレン河流域における遼(契丹)時代の城郭遺跡 Reviewed
白石 典之
遼金西夏研究の現在 ( 1 ) 1 - 21 2008.6
和林興元閣新考 Reviewed
白石典之, D.ツェヴェーンドルジ
資料学研究 4号 1 - 14 2007.12
チンギス=ハーン廟の源流 Reviewed
東洋史研究 63 ( 4 ) 1 - 20 2005.12
チンギス=カンの墓はどこか? Invited
龍谷史壇 121号 1 - 19 2004.12
Seasonal Migrations of the Mongol Emperors and the Peri-Urban Area of Kharakhorum. Invited Reviewed
Noriyuki Shiraishi
Studia Archaeologica no.22 252 - 266 2004.12
Seasonal migrations of the Mongol emperors and the peri-urban area of Kharakhorum Reviewed
International Journal of Asian Studies 1 ( 1 ) 105 - 119 2004.1
9世紀後半から12世紀のモンゴル高原 Reviewed
東洋学報 82 ( 4 ) 1 - 30 2001.12
カラコルム都市遺跡における市街地の変遷 Reviewed
白石 典之
内陸アジア史研究 ( 13 ) 55 - 70 1998.3
The study of cultural science 86 ( 86 ) 27 - 51 1994.12
遊牧王朝興亡史 モンゴル高原の5000年
白石典之( Role: Sole author)
講談社 2025.1 ( ISBN:9784065383209 )
白石典之( Role: Sole author)
中央公論新社 2024.5 ( ISBN:9784121028044 )
The Cambridge History of the Mongol Empire.
Noriyuki Shiraishi, Michal Biran, Hodong Kim, et al.( Role: Contributor , vol.2, pp.397-435)
Cambridge University Press 2023.6 ( ISBN:1107116481 )
馬・車馬・騎馬の考古学 : 東方ユーラシアの馬文化
白石典之, 編者, 諫早直人, 向井佑介( Role: Contributor , モンゴル帝国の祭祀とウマ犠牲(59-90頁))
臨川書店 2023.3 ( ISBN:9784653045397 )
白石典之( Role: Sole author)
同成社 2022.12 ( ISBN:9784886219053 )
白石 典之( Role: Sole author)
講談社 2017.6 ( ISBN:9784062586559 )
白石典之, 相馬秀廣( Role: Edit)
勉誠出版 2015.9 ( ISBN:9784585221272 )
井上充幸, 加藤雄三, 森谷一樹, 白石典之ほ( Role: Contributor , 利用「尺度考古学」再探額済納史)
中国人民大学出版社 2013.12 ( ISBN:9787300186245 )
白石典之( Role: Sole author)
くもん出版 2010.12 ( ISBN:9784774319100 )
菊池俊彦, 白石典之ほか( Role: Contributor , イェケ=モンゴル=ウルスの成立過程)
北海道大学出版会 2010.12 ( ISBN:9784832967342 )
聶鴻音, 孫伯君, 白石典之( Role: Contributor , 在蒙古国的遼代遺址研究現状)
社会科学文献出版社 2010.5 ( ISBN:9787509713372 )
白石典之, 篠田雅人( Role: Edit)
同成社 2010.2 ( ISBN:9784886215109 )
天野哲也, 池田栄史, 臼杵勲編, 白石典之ほ( Role: Contributor , モンゴル帝国における都市の形成と交通路)
同成社 2009.11 ( ISBN:9784886215055 )
宇田川洋, 越田賢一郎編, 白石典之ほ( Role: Contributor , カラコルム遺跡における「レンガ編年」の再検討)
北海道出版企画センター 2009.6 ( ISBN:9784832809086 )
Genghis khan and the Mongol empire
Fitzhugh,W, M.Rossabi, W.Honeychurch, N.Shiraishi( Role: Contributor)
Smithsonian Institution 2009 ( ISBN:9780295989570 )
井上充幸, 加藤雄三, 森谷一樹, 白石典之ほ( Role: Contributor , 「ものさし考古学」によるエチナ史再考)
松香堂 2007 ( ISBN:9784879746054 )
白石典之( Role: Sole author)
中央公論新社 2006.12 ( ISBN:4121018281 )
Beyond the Legacy of Genghis Khan.
Komaroff,L, D.DeWeese, D.P.Little, M.Kramarovsky, R.Kauz, B.G.Fragner, N.Shiraishi, D.Huff, J.M.Smith,Jr, C.Melville, S.S.Blair, R.Hillenbrand, M.S.Simpson, E.Wright, E.Sims, J.M.Bloom, D.Kouymjinan, O.Watson, B.O’Kane, G.Saliba, J.Pfeiffer, T.Fitzherbert, A.Soudavar, D.Morgan( Role: Contributor , Avraga site: The Great Ordu of Genghis Khan)
Brill 2006.12 ( ISBN:9789004150836 )
ジョン・マン著, 白石典之( Role: Contributor , ゴルバン・ゴル調査について)
東京書籍 2006.7 ( ISBN:4487800811 )
矢部裕一, 今枝由郎, 中島木祖也, 白石典之, 沢木耕太郎, 井上隆史( Role: Contributor , 西夏のゆくえ)
日本放送出版協会 2005.12 ( ISBN:4140810165 )
Avraga 1: Occasional Paper on the Excavations of the Palace of Genghis Khan
Kato S, N. Shiraishi, D. Tseveendorj, B. Tsogtbaatar, T. Miyake, T. Kanou, T. Furuya, M. Osawa( Role: Joint editor , 7-14)
同成社 2005.12 ( ISBN:4886213200 )
西幸隆, 右代啓視編, 佐藤隆広, 白石典之ほ( Role: Contributor , チンギス=カンと鉄)
北海道出版企画センター 2004.9 ( ISBN:483280409X )
前川要編, 白石典之ほ( Role: Contributor , モンゴル考古学と日本中世史)
新人物往来社 2003.3 ( ISBN:4404031262 )
白石典之( Role: Sole author , 1-420)
同成社 2002.12 ( ISBN:4886212433 )
白石典之( Role: Sole author , 1-234)
同成社 2001.12 ( ISBN:4886212158 )
白石典之, 三宅俊彦, 笹田朋孝, G.Lkhundev, G.Batbold, B.Tsogtbaatar
第22回北アジア調査研究報告会(発表要旨集) 37 - 40 2023.2
モンゴル高原からみたモンゴル襲来 Invited
白石典之, 編集福永将大, 監修宮本一夫
箱崎キャンパス地区元寇防塁調査総括報告書 163 - 179 2022.3
Problems concerning the construction age of stone wall at Uglugchiin Kherem Reviewed
Shiraishi, N, S.Ulziibayar, B.Tsogtbaatar, G.Lkhudev, L.Ishtseren
Bulletin of Japan Association for Mongolian Studies ( 51 ) 65 - 72 2021.3
白石典之, 三宅俊彦, 覚張隆史, B.Tsogtobaatar, G.Batbold, Ts.Amgalantugs, E.Amarbold, L.Burentugs
第21回北アジア調査研究報告会 58 - 61 2020.2
モンゴル国ハンザト遺跡の調査 Invited
2019年度シルクロード研究会資料集 65 - 70 2020.1
モンゴルの考古学事情 Invited
白石 典之
考古学ジャーナル ( 731 ) 25 - 28 2019.10
Genomic analysis of ancient human remains from the eastern Mongol before the Mongol empire Reviewed
Sato,T, T.Gakuhari, A.Tajima, Ts.Amgalantugs, B.Tsogtbaatar, T.Miyake, N.Shiraishi
Anthropological Science 127 ( 3 ) 169 2019
On the lower enclosing wall of Eedene zuu monastery
International conference on ten years of the world heritage site - Orkhon valley cultural landscape: past and present 83 - 87 2015.3
白石 典之
アジア遊学 ( 160 ) 194 - 204 2013.1
白石 典之
文物天地 2003 ( 10 ) 4 - 9 2003.10
白石 典之
考古 1999 ( 8 ) 1999.8
A preliminaly report of Archaeological survey at the Kharakhorum Site,Mongolia
The Japan-Sea Rim studies annual report 4 110 - 119 1997.3
Chronology of Middle in North Asia
The Studies in comparative history of Circum-Japan-Sea areas 5 1 - 21 1996.6
A preliminaly report of Archaeological survey at the Kharakhorum site,Mongolia
The Japan-Sea Rim studies annual report 3 125 - 131 1996.3
白石 典之
考古学と遺跡の保護 343 - 360 1996.2
Mousterian Stone Implements from East Monogolia Reviewed
Journal of the Archaeological Society of Nippon 80 ( 3 ) 41 - 63 1995
An Analysis of the Angle between the Striking Platform and the Flaking Surface of the Microblade-Core Reviewed
Cultura antiqua 46 ( 10 ) 1 - 14,61 1994
Microblade industries in Northeast Asia : Time-space changes analyzed by techno-typological viewpoints and those backgrounds
Shiraishi Noriyuki
4 1 - 29 1993.3
A History of the Stone Age Studies in Mongolia Reviewed
Cultura antiqua 45 ( 6 ) 41 - 48 1993
The Order of Polar Star
2023.8 President of Mongolia
2014.10 新潟日報社
2014.6 モンゴル科学アカデミー考古学研究所
2003.7 モンゴル国大統領府
Grant number:24H00097
2024.4 - 2029.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(A)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
白石典之, 舩田善之, 覚張隆史, 板橋悠, 三宅俊彦, 笹田朋孝
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\44200000 ( Direct Cost: \34000000 、 Indirect Cost:\10200000 )
2024.4 - 2025.3
Awarding organization:平和中島財団
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant number:23H00680
2023.4 - 2026.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(B)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
村岡 倫, 鈴木 宏節, 白石 典之, 藤原 崇人, 松川 節, 中田 裕子
Grant amount:\18590000 ( Direct Cost: \14300000 、 Indirect Cost:\4290000 )
2022.10 - 2024.9
System name:人文科学研究助成
Awarding organization:三菱財団
Authorship:Principal investigator
Studies on the Historiography and Cultural Property of the World Heirtage Site of Great Burkhan Khaldun Mountain in Mongolia
Grant number:19H01327
2019.4 - 2022.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\15080000 ( Direct Cost: \11600000 、 Indirect Cost:\3480000 )
Grant number:18H00726
2018.4 - 2021.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(B)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
村岡 倫, 鈴木 宏節, 白石 典之, 藤原 崇人, 松川 節, 中田 裕子
Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost:\3960000 )
2017.4 - 2022.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業・基盤研究(A)一般
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
白石典之, 鈴木宏節, 篠田雅人, 覚張隆史, 三宅俊彦
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
The Integrated Research on the Mongolian World Heritage "Great Burkhan Khaldun Mountain".
Grant number:16H03491
2016.4 - 2019.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\18070000 ( Direct Cost: \13900000 、 Indirect Cost:\4170000 )
The research work has been aimed for (1) estblishing the academic knowledge base of the heritage of "the Great Burkhan Khaldun Mountain and its surrounding sacred landscape," (2) doing the comparative studies with that of Mt. Fuji, and (3) investigating surrounding monastery Bereeven and the site Rashaan Khad in order to give effective proposal for their registration as a World Heritage, based on the resulting new findings, in order to reconstruct Mongolian religious history.
As a result, (1) we published the collection of Mongolian ancient documents on the Great Burhkan Khardun Ritual, (2) we made an effective proposal for preparing the "Preservation Status Report" submitted to the UNESCO by the Mongolian government in December 2018, (3) we published the papers of the international symposium held in Ulaanbaatar in September 2018.
Archaeological research aimed at elucidating the foundation of the formation of the Mongol empire
Grant number:15H02607
2015.4 - 2020.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Shiraishi Noriyuki
Grant amount:\31980000 ( Direct Cost: \24600000 、 Indirect Cost:\7380000 )
How was the Mongol empire (1206-1388 AD) established in the cold and dry environment of the Mongolian Plateau? This is a major research topic in world history. In this research, we urged the elucidation of this problem not from historical materials but from archeology. As the main research method, the materials excavated from the Avraga site where the first base of the Mongol empire was located were analyzed. As a result, we were able to clarify the early period of the Mongol empire, making good use of the natural environment and local resources.
Archaeological and Historical researches on the newly discovered Ancient Turkic inscriptions and the conservation of the belonging site from the Eastern Mongolia
Grant number:26257008
2014.4 - 2018.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
OSAWA Takashi, SHIMIZU Natsuki, SASADA Tomotaka, KIYAMA Katsuhiko
Grant amount:\42900000 ( Direct Cost: \33000000 、 Indirect Cost:\9900000 )
As the international joint project with the Mongolian Historical and Archaeological Institute of Mongolian Academy of Science, during the periods from 2015 to 2017, we excavated the Dongoin Shiree site in the Tevshinshiree county, Suchbaatar province of Eastern Mongolia.
As the result of this project, we could find 14 inscriptions and several archaeological materials such as fragments of several animal bones and vessels at the center and surroundings of the mound of this site.
From the research of the inscriptions, at this present we can say that this is built for the prince titled Yabgu, later Tolis Shad of the governor of the Eastern Mongolia in the reign of the Bilge Qaghan (716-735) of the Second Old Turkic Qaghanate.
The reconstruction of the history of the Mongolian plateau during 13th and 14th centuries
Grant number:26284112
2014.4 - 2017.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Matsuda Koichi, OCHIR Ayudai
Grant amount:\14690000 ( Direct Cost: \11300000 、 Indirect Cost:\3390000 )
This research aims to elaborate on the overlooked history of the Mongolian Plateau during the Mongolian empire (1206-1259) and the Yuan dynasty (1260-1388) based on archaeological materials collected in Mongolia since 1994 as well as on other sources. We clarified the bureaucratic structure of the regional government of the Mongolian plateau of the Yuan dynasty in 1347 from inscriptions. And based on a Carbon 14 radiocarbon analysis of archaeological materials from the site of the Khalzan shireg fortress in Gobi Altai province, we confirmed that the fortress date from the 13th and 14th century to conclude that the ruins are remnants of the Chinqai Balgasun of that time period. The study provide a comprehensive reconstruction of the political, economic, and other aspects of the history of the Mongolian Plateau during the 13th and 14th Centuries by utilizing these new primary source materials recovered in Mongolia and Chinese, Mongolian, Uyghur, Persian and other written records.
A Reconstruction of 13th to 17th Century North Asian History Based on a Synthesis of Newly Unearthed Buddhist Artifacts and Textual Historical Sources
Grant number:24320144
2012.4 - 2015.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
MATSUKAWA Takashi, MIYAKE Shin'ichiro, FUTAGAMI Yoko, SHIRAISHI Noriyuki, INOUE Osamu, ARAKAWA Shintaro, FUJIWARA Takato, BAO Muping, SHIMIZU Natsuki, OCHIR Ayudai, ERDENEBAT Ulambayar
Grant amount:\17290000 ( Direct Cost: \13300000 、 Indirect Cost:\3990000 )
As a result of having performed the excavation in the remains of Kharakhorum Ruins for the seeking to make clear the consistency between and possibilities for synthesis of newly discovered 13th to 17th century Buddhist remains / written sources and older philological historical research, we came to the conclusion that the Buddhist temple Xingyuange興元閣 was erected as a buddhist one from the start, and not a palace remains of Ogodei Khaan, and that the palace remains would be elsewhere in deiffrent place, probably inside of current Erdene-Zuu Monastery aera.
As a result of the above-mentioned study, we have held International Conference on Ten Years of the World Heritage Site - Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape: Past and Present in Kharkhorin, and have published the book for the papers of the Conference, and the third volume of the journal The Heritage of Orkhon Valley, respectively.
Grant number:23251019
2011 - 2012
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(A)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
相馬 秀廣, 高田 将志, 舘野 和己, 小方 登, 伊藤 俊雄, 白石 典之
Grant amount:\15730000 ( Direct Cost: \12100000 、 Indirect Cost:\3630000 )
本研究は、QuickBird, Coronaなどの高解像度衛星画像をベースとして,地理学・歴史学・考古学・第四紀学などが連携した文理融合的研究を通して,点から線さらに面への空間的視点,および,過去から現在あるいは現在から過去への時間的視点の両側面から,囲郭・集落(居住拠点跡),耕地・耕地跡(生産活動),水利用(灌漑水路跡),それらの空間的関係(施設配置,シルクロード,交通路),さらに放棄後の景観変化などを例として,中央アジアから中国,モンゴルにかけての乾燥・半乾燥地域を主な対象として,遺跡立地と景観復元に関わる方法論,衛星考古地理学的研究法を確立することを目的とした.
An environmental archaeological study on the establishment of the Mongol empire
Grant number:22242025
2010.4 - 2015.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
SHIRAISHI Noriyuki, HONGO Hitomi, SHINODA Masato, MURAKAMI Yasuyuki, SASAKI Naoko, OBATA Hiroki, SOHMA Hidehiro, KATO Yuzo, MATSUDA Koichi, MIYAKE Toshihiko, SASADA Tomotaka, UCHIDA Hiromi
Grant amount:\37180000 ( Direct Cost: \28600000 、 Indirect Cost:\8580000 )
Our aim is to clarify the background to the growth of the Mongol empire. The view that aspects of the environment such as climate are related to the rises of dynasties has existed for quite some time. There is also a possibility that the climate in the beginning of the 13th century was largely involved in the sudden rise to power of the Mongol empire. A prominent hypothesis in research to date was that Chinggis Khan unified the Mongolian people, amassed power, and set out for world conquest during a period of cooling after the Medieval Warm Epoch, in which there was warming on a global scale. We examined the hypothesis by using the paleo-environmental methods. Our results indicate that the regional climate during the rise of Chinggis khan was cold and dry, and during the conquests was warm and wet. We think that the reason for the Mongol empire's expansion may be hidden in the Mongolian Plateau's successful farming and stock raising due to its tendency toward warming and humidity.
2010.4 - 2011.3
Awarding organization:平和中島財団
白石 典之
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2009.4 - 2011.3
Awarding organization:文化財保護芸術助成財団
白石 典之
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
The Comprehensive Research on the Monastery Erdene-Zuu, UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage Site : From the Restoration of the Past to the Preservation for the Future
Grant number:21242022
2009 - 2011
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
MATSUKAWA Takashi, MIYAKE Shinichiro, KONAGAYA Yuki, FUTAKI Hiroshi, INOUE Osamu, FUTAGAMI Yoko, NAKAMURA Kazuyuki, SHIRAISHI Noriyuki, MURAOKA Hitoshi, ONODA Shunzo, BAI Al, YAMADA Makoto
Grant amount:\32370000 ( Direct Cost: \24900000 、 Indirect Cost:\7470000 )
A joint Japanese-Mongolian project has been comprehensively surveying and reseraching the Monastery Erdene-Zuu, UNESCO's World cultural heritage site, from the restration of the past to the preservation for the future. As a result, 1) we discovered one inscription of the 14th century and one ink-wrinting of the 16th century, 2) we found a 1 meter deep garbage hole in the south west part of the monastery, and also found multi-sutatum from 8th to 2oth centuries.
2008.12 - 2009.11
Awarding organization:JFE21世紀財団
白石 典之
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2008.10 - 2010.9
System name:人文科学研究助成
Awarding organization:三菱財団
白石 典之
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
A multiple study of the basic society in ancient China through databases of excavated relics
Grant number:20242019
2008 - 2011
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
SEKIO Shiro, MACHIDA Takayoshi, ITO Toshio, OGI Mitsuo, TSURUTA Kazuo, FUKUHARA Akio, KOBAYASHI Satoshi, SHIRAISHI Noriyuki, SAGAWA Eiji, KOJIMA Shigetoshi, TAKAHASDHI Hideki, IWAMOTO Atsushi, ABE Yukinobu, ABE Soichiro, NAKABAYASHI Takayuki, TAKAMURA Takeyuki, SATO Takayasu, KUBOZOE Yoshihumi, WATABE Takeshi
Grant amount:\39390000 ( Direct Cost: \30300000 、 Indirect Cost:\9090000 )
At first we make and supplement databases of wooden manuscripts, entombed bottles, and brick & wall paintings of tombs. And we study the local and basic society in ancient China from 2nd for 3rd century multiplely. We can understand that an order of Hu(戸) was in process of constitution through the database of wooden manuscripts, and burial type and conviction differed notably every district named Jun(郡) through databases of entombed bottles and brick & wall paintings of tombs.
Archaeological Studies of Medieval sites in North-East Asia
Grant number:19900115
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
USUKI Isao, TSURUMARU Toshiaki, OBATA Hiroki, SHIRAISHI Noriyuki
In this study, the following databases and GIS of medieval sites and artifacts in the Russian Far East, the China northeast, and Mongolia were created. : The medieval castle sites database and GIS, the survey map collection of medieval castle sites, the database of the Kitai era epitaphs, the database of the medieval official seals in North East Asia: Official seals database was exhibited by Gloval base.
As the research of medieval productions, The ruins of iron metallurgy was excavated in Mongolia and the elucidation of the iron production by sample analysis was performed. In Russia, medieval livestock breeding and farming were studied by identification of animal bones and seed samples.
Moreover, the improvement in accuracy of a survey of large-scale sites and the increase in efficiency of survey work were performed.
Restoration by CG of Shaiga castle site was advanced. Presumed houses, large-sized buildings, defence institutions, and person's depiction were incorporated in CG.
In the general meeting, each study participant's result was announced and the argument was made about many problems about the medieval city sites. Simultaneously, the resume of meeting data was published.
In the report, the introduction of the CG, the outline of this study, the research of the surveying method, the study of medieval traffic routes by GIS, the space analysis inside the castle sites, the collections of Kitai epitaph, fortress survey maps and photographs were published. Moreover the outline of the above fruits of work was exhibited in HP.
2006.4 - 2007.3
System name:FS研究
Awarding organization:総合地球環境学研究所
白石 典之
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Environmental Archaeological Researches on the Rise and Fall of the Mongol Empire
Grant number:18202024
2006 - 2009
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
SHIRAISHI Noriyuki, OBATA Hiroki, KATO Yuzo, SHINODA Masato, SOHMA Hidehiro, HONGO Hitomi, MATSUDA Koichi, MURAKAMI Yasuyuki
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\32500000 ( Direct Cost: \25000000 、 Indirect Cost:\7500000 )
The Study on Trading Structure of Ceramics in Innermost Asia
Grant number:18401030
2006 - 2009
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
KAMEI Akinori, OKAUTI Mitsuzane, NINOMIYA Shuji, SHIRAISI Noriyuki, YANAGISAWA Akira
Grant amount:\16190000 ( Direct Cost: \13100000 、 Indirect Cost:\3090000 )
We have studied for the purpose of clarify the actual situation of the trade ceramics with the area in Central Asia and in the former Southern Song dynasty. We set the investigation ground the Kharkhorum site which was a capital of Mongolia, and we reexamined ceramics which Russia Science Academy team excavated once and took pictures and the making of the drawings of the fragments, and published the two reports which attached English summary. Furthermore, we investigated Yuan blue and white porcelains discovered in Southeast Asia.
Grant number:18251011
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:基盤研究(A)
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
前川 要, 白石 典之, 林 俊雄, 亀井 明徳, 臼杵 勲, 千田 嘉博
Grant amount:\11570000 ( Direct Cost: \8900000 、 Indirect Cost:\2670000 )
2005.4 - 2006.3
System name:IS研究
Awarding organization:総合地球環境学研究所
白石 典之
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Research on Urbanization and Traffic in Mongolia Based on Inner Asian Sources
Grant number:17320113
2005 - 2007
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
MATSUDA Koichi, TAKAO Moriyasu, UNO Nobuhiro, MURAOKA Hitoshi, SHIRAISHI Noriyuki, OSAWA Takashi
Grant amount:\11700000 ( Direct Cost: \10800000 、 Indirect Cost:\900000 )
This research project is concerned with the development of the Urbanization and Traffic in Mongolia between 6th and 14th century, based on the inscriptions and documents written in Old Turkic, Mongol, Arabic, Persian, and Chinese languages, and the archaeological researches. Some achievements of the research had been published in the Newsletter 1, 2, and 3. This report contains 10 articles completed by the investigators of the project Contents of 10 articles are as below ;
The head of this research project, Matsuda reconstructed the process of the development of the urbanization and traffic in the Area from B.C. 2nd C. It is a general introduction to the recognition of the other 9 articles. It was 8^th century that, in Mongolia, walled cities were begun to constructed in 8th century. Increasing silk trade from China proper under the Tang needed a store site there. The trade through Mongolia became prevalent step by step and reached climax in 14th century under the Mogol-Yuan rule.
Osawa researched the period before the appearance of walled cities, by reading inscriptions written in Runic scripts of the Old Turkic.
Moriyasu investigated the Sine-usu inscription to recognized the construction of the first city of the Uighur Empire, Bay-baliq, by SoGdian and Chinese.
Uno, comparing the descriptions of the Secret History of the Mongols (SH) and Jami' Tawarikh, made it clear that SH contains false statements. His research presented a stable base for our researches of the period.
Muraoka investigated the Inscriptions of San-huang-miao三皇廟, Three-Medical-Saints Shrine in Qara-qorum city and the Descendants of Mongke Qa'an possessing the fief around the city.
Matsukawa researched a Mongolian Inscription of a Buddhist temple called the Xingyuan ge 興元閣 in Qara-qorum.
Matsui and Nakamura had published the researches of Chinese inscriptions from Qara-qorum in the Newsletter 01, and Matsui the Uighur Inscriptions in the Yulin Caves 楡林窟. Nakamura investigated the title and annual visiting course of National and Imperial Preceptors 国師/帝師 in the Mongol Period. Yajima and Isogai had presenting Persian and Mongolian Inscription from Qaraqorum on the other journal and Yajima deciphered an Arabic epitaph discovered to south-east from Qara-qorum.
Those researches totally reconstructed the prosperity of the Qara-qorum in 14th century under the Yuan dynasty rule. Shiraishi presented his analysis result of the ceramic fragments from Ruined Sites of Sharga.
Research on Inscriptions of Jin Dynasty in Mongolia.
Grant number:16520460
2004.4 - 2006.3
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\3700000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 )
The research carried out at Serven Khaalga, Eastern Mongolia. There are two stone inscriptions at Serven Khaalga mountain. These inscriptions were engraved by the Jurchen and the Chinese characters into two adjacent native rocks of granite. Both inscriptions are called as the nine peak cliff monuments which were written down the distinguished military service of a fight of Ulja River that happened in 1196. The inscriptions are very important for studying on the background of the growth of Genghis Khan. However the weathering gets worse under inferior environment and the collapse of inscriptions makes rapid progress. Protection measures are necessary as soon as possible.
The Jurchen inscription was introduced by a Mongolian linguist during 1980s. However, the writings had not been deciphered. The Chinese inscription was discovered by us in 1991. We made rubbed copies of the Jurchen inscriptions in 2001, and then, of the Chinese copies in 2004.
The Tatars betrayed the Jin. Genghis khan promptly decided to side with the Jin. The Jin secured victory due to the actions of Genghis Khan. This battle is the first evidence of Genghis khan that can be confirmed by documents in both the west and the east, and was later call the fight of Ulja River. Unfortunately, neither of these inscriptions mentions Genghis Khan. According to historical documents, however, by contributing to this victory, Genghis Khan was honored with the leader of 100 soldiers.
Depending on the researcher, the year that the battle happened is stated differently as 1194, 1195, 1196 and so on. By our investigations, it was finally clarified that the battle happened in 1196. The victory at the Ulja River led to a critical turning in Genghis Khan's life. It was the beginning of a prelude to the establishment of the Mongol empire in 1206.
Grant number:15068212
2003 - 2007
System name:科学研究費助成事業
Research category:特定領域研究
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
臼杵 勲, 鶴丸 俊明, 小畑 弘己, 白石 典之
Grant amount:\38600000 ( Direct Cost: \38600000 )
2002.4 - 2004.3
Awarding organization:トヨタ財団
白石 典之
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
The Historical Research on the Plural Religious Lives in Eurasia races, by using the Historical Materials in the Archives at St.Petersburg.
Grant number:14401002
2002 - 2004
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant amount:\6500000 ( Direct Cost: \6500000 )
The aim of this project is to investigate historical materials related to the religious lives in Eurasia. Especially, we had used the materials that have been kept in the Archives at St.Petersburg, Russia. In the Eurasian continent a lot of different religions have been believed in various nations. These plural religions in Eurasian influenced not only the life styles but also taxation and transport systems. In present times, where globalization is very common and disputes are frequent, studying the history of religions in Eurasia could be a very significant help to us. The scientific aim of this project is to clarify the background to the growth of the religions. Our investigation clarified the life style of Eurasia during the ancient and medieval period. For example we could clarify the background of the prosperity of the Mongol Empire. It is still only partially investigated, but this study, which is based on historical materials, could provide new, positive results that differ from those obtained from the former studies, which include many legendary stories that cannot be verified. Further researches of the archives will be effective in unraveling the structure of the plural religious lives and the background of race formation in Eurasia.
2001.4 - 2002.3
System name:科学研究費・研究成果公開促進費
Awarding organization:日本学術振興会
白石 典之
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2000.10 - 2002.9
System name:人文科学研究助成
Awarding organization:三菱財団
白石 典之
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
1995.4 - 1996.3
System name:科学研究費助成事業・奨励研究(A)
白石 典之
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
International Research on the Origin of pottery in East Asia
Grant number:07044010
1995 - 1997
System name:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Research category:Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
Awarding organization:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
KOBAYASHI Tatsuo, FUJIMOTO Tsuyoshi, TANAKA Migaku, YUAN Jing, TANG Chug, E.V Shakuvnov
Grant amount:\10600000 ( Direct Cost: \10600000 )
About the origin of pottery in East Asia, we have promoted an active interchange among Japanese, Chinese and Russian archaeologists tounderstand the trend of archaeological investugation and to collect materials. As a consequence of our stydy, we realized that three were various chance of poterry making in the biginning of Neolithic East Asia and we had toevaluate it from various point of view.
1, In the far eastern district of Russia, it was clear that Osipovka culture, have been considered to be a microblade industry with points in final paleolithic, had pottery. Carbon-14 dating suggestedthat the date of Gontyaruka site in Khabarovsk city go back over 10,000B.P..
2, Tang Chug, he is a investigators of this project, gave a presentation on pottery that were found with microblades in the northern China which were decorated with nail-impressd patterns, and he figured out that those resemble incipient-Jomon pottery in the western Japan. We comfirmed that the date of sherds from Kotouryou site were over 10,000B.P.by thermoluminescence dating.
3, We saw artifacts from Xian Ren Dong cave and other many sites in south China, and we could clear that the clusters of lithic artifacts in those sites were unfixed-form flake industries, and the majority were piece esquillees. those pottery in period of emergence had thick wall and large quartz temper, and it is much defferent from incipient-Jomon pottery. About the manufacturing technique of pottery, we could not agree to "small slabs pasting method", we think both pottery in Japan and China were formed by "ring building method".
4, We can figure out that unfixed-form flake industries from final paleolithic to the beginning of Neolithic in south China were similar to industries in Japan, especially the southwestern islands and south Kyusyu. and we saw stone tools from Xuon Chai site in Vietnam, and we understood those was much defferent from Hoa-Binh culture.
フィールド スタディーズ